Surprised to see that we have no GH/RB thread, so starting up a new one.

Harmonix had been making little rumblings about the return of the series, but now it's official, RB4 is coming to XBox One and PS4.

From what I gather, they plan to have existing controllers work with the new one (which I imagine will be easier on the XBox with wired ones, the PS3 used a USB dongle so that should just port over). Pro mode for Guitar and Bass and the keyboard are out, but Pro Drums will remain (keeping fingers crossed that the wired MIDI adapter will continue to work so I can use my actual drum kit).

They're saying that the plan is to try to focus on the three things they think made the series successful: The competitive angle for the hardcore players (I'm assuming improved leaderboards and incentives for competing on those leaderboards), the party angle for players who just want to get together, get drunk, and make noise (so presumably no-fail modes and the like, things that don't punish you for not being perfect), and the campaign mode (which surprises me, I've always considered that part superfluous, but my wife I think really enjoyed that part of the game and seemed to miss it in RB3).

They're also saying that they plan to make all your old DLC still work, though that's obviously subject to licensing. I'm hearing they expect about 95% of it to carry over. On the downside, it does sound like they don't expect it to all be available at game launch but added in as they get the licensing sorted.

I am very, very excited about this.