Being a full-time studio artist can be really great. Be your own boss. No deadlines to hit. No working for the man. Make your own hours. Be creative in new and exciting ways. Freedom to explore new ideas.

It can also really suck. COVID-19 has really put a damper on my progress. Everything has been cancelled this year. Business has really slowed because of it. At the end of last year, I was doing really well and had awesome momentum. This year has just really sucked. I had a few commission and sales, but certainly not enough to make a living at it. My Instagram following exploded in 2019, but came to a screeching halt in 2020. I can't help but feel they are intentionally stymieing me. Really frustrating.

Not really a point to this. I am just ranting. I am proud of the work I am doing and I still get lots of love for the things I make. Getting fans to open their wallets is the toughest part. I understand that people have other priorities and responsibilities. I am the same. I would love to buy things from artists I follow, but I am pretty much broke. I am lucky to have a wonderful wife that has a good job and supports us.

I recently reached out to a fellow woodturner who has been very successful on YouTube and makes similar videos. I asked him his strategy and the only thing he offered was that he got lucky. I had several people wonder how I do not have more subscribers. I have 7,500 subscribers, but less than 10% of those subs regularly watch my videos. I have a whole lot of disengaged followers.

That's it for now, I guess.