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Thread: Overwatch

  1. #21
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2014
    I'm done with this fucking game.

  2. #22
    Corvette Enthusiast Kchrpm's Avatar
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    Cincinnati, OH
    I've been lamenting the lack of a healing tank in the game for a while, and then Blizzard introduces Brigitte and I'm just... she's fantastic.

    Not only is she a healing tank, she has a toned down version of several characters.

    - She grabs the most from Reinhardt, which makes sense as she is his squire. She even has some skins that are similar to his armor. She has smaller versions of his shield (just slightly larger than her body), a similar melee-only weapon (less damage and range), and rockets on the back of her armor which she uses for an offensive move, the shield bash, which is very short range but keeps her shield up and has no delay

    - From Torbjorn, her father, she gets the ability to provide armor for teammates, but in a totally different way: you get a target reticule over a teammate and throw a homing projectile that heals and/or provides armor depending on their current health. It has a 5(?) second cooldown, but it's great for armoring someone up before a fight and topping them off afterwards. It's like a combination of Mercy, Torbjorn, and Ana.

    - Her other healing ability is like Lucio's, in that it has a circular area of effect and can be used to self-heal, but it is only activated when you are dealing damage with your melee weapon

    - The aforementioned shield bash doesn't just do damage, it also stuns the enemy very briefly. The stun time and effective area are smaller than McCree's stun, but still very effective. Combined with the wide range of the melee attack and the strength of the shield, you can successfully one-on-one most heroes by stunning them, then circling erratically, bringing up the shield of they line you up and then bash/stun again. It takes long enough for a second enemy to easily down you, but you should hopefully have support of your own nearby.

    - Back to Lucio, she also has her own booping attack, but it is a slower moving, straight ahead projectile, like Roadhog's hook.

    - Her ultimate is like her dad's, boosting her speed and ability, but in her case it boosts her area-of-effect health/armor ability, giving stronger effect without needing to be meleeing anything.

    I have been having a great time playing as her. She can get eaten alive in big, wide open spaces, where she can't shield from more than one direction, but in tighter or funneled areas, and with support, she can take on almost every role.

  3. #23
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2014
    A lot of people are saying she is op right now.

    I feel like Zarya is utterly useless now.

  4. #24
    Corvette Enthusiast Kchrpm's Avatar
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    Cincinnati, OH
    Zarya has been useless outside of Total Mayhem for, like, ever.
    Get that weak shit off my track

  5. #25
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2014
    I downloaded this again, enjoyed it for about 3 weeks, and I remember why I fucking hate it so much.

    There is no skill based match making. When it is possibly an even setup, you are stuck hoping the opponents don't have a Smurf on their team. It's exhausting. Each time I play it, I end the night frustrated, even after a win. It never feels rewarding. You never get anything worthwhile for your time invested into he game.

    It's the same thing, over and over, hoping a shitstain with a fake account isn't going to completely annihilate you and your team.

  6. #26
    Corvette Enthusiast Kchrpm's Avatar
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    Cincinnati, OH
    My experience (on XBox and Switch, PC may be different) is that there are times when there are lots of high level/smurf/whatever accounts roaming around and taking my lunch money, and other times where I can get in a number of really fun, competitive matches. As for not getting anything worthwhile, I have an emote for Brigitte where a big fluffy cat shows up and Brig gives it a big squeeze, so you are incorrect.
    Get that weak shit off my track

  7. #27
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    I'm deathly allergic to cats.

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