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Thread: Take This Job And Love It

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2014

    Take This Job And Love It

    This is a counterpart to Nate's thread. What do you really like/love about your job?

    Mine are pretty simple:
    1. I have a great deal of freedom and don't have to worry about someone watching over my shoulder.

    2. I've learned more about food in the nearly three years I've been doing this job that I never knew was possible.

    3. It keeps me active. Up and down a ramp all day with a loaded cart could count as exercise.

    4. It feels good to be outside and being able to soak up the sunshine(and sometimes the snowshine and rainshine).

  2. #2
    Administrator dodint's Avatar
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    I have a very wide range of responsibilities and so I can craft my operational tempo so that I'm not living every day the same. The best analogy is that I am a technology policeman for our enterprise computer system; installing preventative controls as well as investigating various kinds of incidents.

    I get to travel fairly often, and I have a pretty good say in when I go.

    I work in downtown Pittsburgh which is the realization of a life goal for me.

    I work with basically no supervision and have a lot of leeway in how I structure my day, including flexible arrival/departure times.

    Benefits and organizational structure is very solid.

    I'm well compensated for this stage of my life.

  3. #3
    Jedi Cam's Avatar
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    Alexandria, VA
    Working from home is great, but lonely sometimes. It's also more difficult to focus on work. Animation certainly a skilled job and my supervisors like my work, but the pay sucks. It's pretty cool to work on projects that will air in numerous countries around the world and be seen by millions. Directors are fickle though, and can sometimes be difficult. My job is an artistic endeavour, but I actually rarely do any drawing. I basically push paper dolls around the computer screen. It has its ups and downs. It's a tough career to be in. I know many former animators that have changed careers.

  4. #4
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    I like my job, although its only kind of a job. Some of the actual classes I have to take aren't that interesting, but the research I do is very interesting. My co-workers are incredible, and all lunatics. The digging portions are about the most fun you can have with you pants on. The teaching is weirdly fun, though it can be frustrating some times.
    I only wish it paid better.
    -Formerly Stabulator

  5. #5
    Administrator dodint's Avatar
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    I want to teach eventually. Nothing major, just adjunct work for online programs. Who knows when, though. I'm not going to do it while I'm in law school (at least not as a 1L, fuck that), and I don't know if I'm going to leave my IT job to pursue law as a full time career when I finish school so who knows what I'll end up doing regarding teaching.

    I've talked to Keith about this a good bit, but I'm 34 and approaching the event horizon of not giving a shit about striving for major leaps of career progression. I need to draw the line at some point and enjoy what I've worked for. I'll be ~37 when I pass the bar. If I don't switch to a law career by 40 I'm going to settle into my federal IT job and just coast to retirement. I'm a fairly driven individual but I'm tired and need to reap the reward of all this before I'm too old to enjoy it.

  6. #6
    Senior Member
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    Lots of things.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
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    Sydney, Australia
    Hmmm.. current job, beach volleyball coach.
    I love it.
    Meet people who are keen to enjoy volleyball. Keen enough to pay to do it. And they smile and come back.
    Learning new stuff.
    Other coaches/boss are really supportive, considering I'm the worst player out of the coaches (most are playing elite level, I'm old and schmuck player). I'm also the only coach who is still a paying student at the company!
    And well, come on, I'm at the beach, having fun, with fun people and it's all glorious!

    Ok the pay is poor. i can do one days computer work and it gets me the same amount as about 3 weeks of coaching at 5 hours a week (yes it's a part time job)

    Another plus, when people ask me, "what do you do?" Instead of saying I'm not working I get to I'm a beach volleyball coach! Usually they ask if I get paid to do it as it doesn't sound like a job more like a hobby.

  8. #8
    Senior Member
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    I sometimes get frustrated with work but it doesn't hurt to sit back and take stock of what it gives me

    I do for the most part enjoy what I do. Like every job there are sucky bits but they are rare
    I am paid pretty well. It's not outrageous but I don't really have to think about money while still being able to travel a lot and buy cool stuff so I can't complain
    I can come an go as I please, whether thats starting early/late or working from home I can pretty much do what I want without asking anyones permission
    Extension of this now is I want to work 4-6 months a year in Bangkok, 2ish in europe and the remainder in aus so they're working with me so we can make this happen. Thats pretty generous/understanding
    The people I work with are awesome. Truth be told I don't really care about the company itself but I do care very much about the people I work with.

  9. #9
    Bubbles :D M4FFU's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Herts, UK.
    I'm paid quite well, do interesting and challenging work which varies widely, am given responsibility to work how/when/where I want to when applicable, and ultimately effect how most people in the UK go about their daily lives.

    Tis fun.

  10. #10

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