I finished the Main Campaign this evening... after like 1 or 2 weeks. I suppose - since I did a 3 player assault and they all played like that - you all play running around like mad men and going forward to the point with not an afterthought.
I scout the areas, get vantage points, then when enemies start to arrive I snipe them, one by one, with care and without losing cover (aside few runs).
Then check the area, go forward, look for treasures, enjoy the cutscenes... I guess I won't ever understand what's the point of making speed runs without living the game and the story.
The Tower, the new unlocked area, makes sense story wise but it's annoying to navigate just to go from one NPC to another... feels like a useless chore.
Oh well, I may finish few adventures and see what else is to be done in it and check if there's any story campaign in the expansions (Are there any?).
I've below zero interest in any PvP battles.