Started playing the PS4 exclusive Days Gone, largely at my wife's behest. I bought it because it looked like something she'd enjoy, which she did, apart from the early bugs.

I'm finding it to be a rather... adequate game. Good, but not great. SIE/Sony have been pretty aggressive about patching since release, and I have yet to encounter any of the more annoying bugs that my wife did like falling through the ground or getting stuck in terrain.

I like well done open world games, but I'm not really a survival horror game fan, so I find the survival mechanics a bit tedious at times. Your motorcycle guzzles gas pretty quickly, you can't carry that much inventory or ammo without some high-level perks, and your melee weapons degrade quickly.

My wife, being more of a fan of survival horror than I, played through it about as quickly as one with an infant and a toddler could. So, if you like the genre, you can get Days Gone feeling safe that the bugs have been patched.