I don't really enjoy my current job. I work at a Hyundai dealership as the Financial Services Manager. I get people financed, sell them loan insurance, extended warranties and rust protection products. Other than the money I make, there's nothing about it that makes me say "I love my job". The hours are long and the stress is pretty crazy most of the time. Although there are days where its just smooth sailing, for the most part its pressure, pressure and more pressure. Upper management are jerks who care about nothing except the bottom line and saving their own asses. Back in the fall, I actually thought I was going to get fired (they sent me home because I was late for a sales meeting....that alone should give you an idea of the jerks I have to work for). I took the day they sent me home to fill out job applications and send out resumes. Nothing ever came of it and things sort of smoothed themselves out at work so I kept working, made it look like I was putting in 'extra effort', yada yada yada.

Last week, I got a call from one of the banks for an interview. The position is entry level (two steps above being a teller) and it'd pay roughly half of what I'm making now. HOWEVER, its within a bank so there are a lot of opportunities to move up the ladder. So...would you take a 50% cut in pay for a 50% better job?? And would you stick with the devil you know (a job you pretty much hate) versus going with the devil you don't(a new job that could be way better or far worse)?