I'm not sure gun control at this point would really do any good. Firearms have been very good for a very long time, and low prices means that anyone who wants a gun has one. Probably many. If tomorrow guns were outlawed the only people who would be giving up their guns are the people that probably weren't a concern in the first place. The criminals and the nutjobs (same thing?) would still have lots and lots and lots of guns. Such a law might prevent a newborn wacko from taking out a shopping mail in 2035 or something, but there are such huge inventories in the underworld I seriously question whether that person would really have a hard time getting one. I mean, look at drugs. There more and better drugs available every day despite being illegal. If someone wants drugs, they get drugs. Guns would be no different, and arguably more difficult to control. People with serious drug problems ultimately take themselves out of the equation anyway. People with serious gun problems likely won't until it's too late.

It may sound defeatist and maybe it is. Don't try because you'll never win. Well, I'd like folks to take a strong look at the fallout from a potential war on guns and look at what every other war on [blank] has yielded. NOTHING. The problem isn't the thing. It isn't drugs, it isn't poverty, it isn't guns. It's people. People are the problem. Teach people how to be responsible, help people take care of themselves and others, and get people the assistance they need when they break down. Taking the remote control away from your kid doesn't teach him not to sit in front of the TV. Why would taking guns (or drugs, or prostitutes, or anything else) be any more effective?

People tend to act destructively and self destructively when the environment around them is so inhospitable there is no better alternative. Yeah, plenty of them are just flat out crazy and any rational definition of hospitable is meaningless and that's certainly a difficulty. But nobody in a loving family (biological or otherwise), with a job they adore, and opportunities galore in front of them acts out in crazy ways. Identifying people who at risk of unsurmountable depression and getting them help is how you solve a society's problems, not taking toys away. If folks have good things to live for, they're going to do the best they can to protect those possible futures.