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  • FaultyMario's Avatar
    Today, 08:34 AM
    FaultyMario replied to a thread Politics in The Pit Stop
    I like how Francesca Fiorentini put it on her podcast: "Saying «political violence has no place in our politics» is like saying «money has no place...
    25140 replies | 6632715 view(s)
  • Tom Servo's Avatar
    Today, 07:45 AM
    Tom Servo replied to a thread Politics in The Pit Stop
    As usual, someone else on the internet put it better than I did. Right now the GOP is succeeding by basically saying "You complaining about me...
    25140 replies | 6632715 view(s)
  • Crazed_Insanity's Avatar
    Today, 07:32 AM
    Crazed_Insanity replied to a thread Politics in The Pit Stop
    Regardless of the motive, imagine what'd happen if we have a dead Trump? Surely our nation will descend into a chaos and we'll possibly end up with...
    25140 replies | 6632715 view(s)
  • Tom Servo's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:22 PM
    Tom Servo replied to a thread Politics in The Pit Stop
    Maybe it is. What I'm seeing right now is that the party calling for "second amendment solutions" and executing their opponents are somehow...
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  • MR2 Fan's Avatar
    Yesterday, 07:57 PM
    MR2 Fan replied to a thread Politics in The Pit Stop
    I agree but I think it's better to wait a few weeks...people also have short attention spans...once the democratic convention starts they can hammer...
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  • Tom Servo's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:31 PM
    Tom Servo replied to a thread Politics in The Pit Stop
    Democrats need to start hammering on Project 2025 and the way that he's stacked the courts to the point of basically lawlessness. We need to be...
    25140 replies | 6632715 view(s)
  • XHawkeye's Avatar
    Yesterday, 06:00 PM
    XHawkeye replied to a thread in The Paddock
    Ayrton Senna / Riccardo Patrese / GP Hockenheim 1992. <--- Open for video
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  • XHawkeye's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:57 PM
    XHawkeye replied to a thread in The Paddock
    Rainy days in Adelaide - the downpour and race stoppage of 1991. #F1 #Adelaide Pierre de Thoisy / Jean-Pierre Jarier and Sébastien Bourdais,...
    9318 replies | 7815489 view(s)
  • Crazed_Insanity's Avatar
    Yesterday, 05:20 PM
    Hey, life is hard enough already, no need to be so hard on yourself, it’s okay to say thanks to a nutcase like Billi you know? :p Also, no need to...
    6866 replies | 1496715 view(s)
  • MR2 Fan's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:29 PM
    MR2 Fan replied to a thread Politics in The Pit Stop
    While I am concerned about the election, I DO still have hope that most voters can see through the b.s. and not give Trump a pass due to the recent...
    25140 replies | 6632715 view(s)
  • speedpimp's Avatar
    Yesterday, 03:17 PM
    I never, ever thought I'd say this, but Billy/i/e, thanks. I'm pretending I'm a doctor and having some patience.
    6866 replies | 1496715 view(s)
  • Crazed_Insanity's Avatar
    Yesterday, 01:23 PM
    Crazed_Insanity replied to a thread Politics in The Pit Stop
    At least he didn't call for more violence... just Vance. His VP pick is a surprise to me... because I've never heard of the guy. I suppose Trump...
    25140 replies | 6632715 view(s)
  • Kchrpm's Avatar
    Yesterday, 12:28 PM
    Kchrpm replied to a thread Politics in The Pit Stop
    He's just trying to energize his base so much that they come out in better percentages than those who oppose him. He doesn't need or want to appeal...
    25140 replies | 6632715 view(s)
  • MR2 Fan's Avatar
    Yesterday, 11:25 AM
    MR2 Fan replied to a thread Politics in The Pit Stop
    So Trump chose JD Vance as his running-mate? lol awesome. (yes, I am watching a little bit of the news) So instead of choosing someone who might...
    25140 replies | 6632715 view(s)
  • Crazed_Insanity's Avatar
    Yesterday, 09:21 AM
    Crazed_Insanity replied to a thread Religion in The Pit Stop
    This is probably one of the most amazing conspiracy theories ever told in advance! If this is truly from God, let's get prepared for a great...
    1777 replies | 416327 view(s)
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