View Full Version : Y no Min3craf+ topic?

December 20th, 2014, 05:09 PM
Am i the only one here who owns Minecraft, and is addicted to it? Bought it cheap a couple months back for PS4, and played for a wee bit with monsters on easy - built a stone castle house, and added a few other things, then tidied up the entrance and tunnels in my stone/iron/diamond mine, then turned monsters off and went in for more tidying up and exploring.

Then i went back to creator mode and started my city. I don't see any possible end to this city any time soon. :s
So far it has:
- five (?) skyscrapers (some with detailed interiors, although haven't finished them yet)
- a wee platform/deck thing from shore onto the ocean
- a land level bridge heading to a small island with a giant moo cow statue (and a speech bubble above its head)
- an underwater aquarium (fully glass enclosed)
- Streets with street lights
- a McDonalds (not finished)
- a couple of road tunnels through tiny hills (looked better than removing the hills)
- an FBI building (copied GTA and called it FIB) which i created over a large canyon, and it is full of secret rooms, corridors, hidden doors, a missile/rocket launching pad hidden in the middle of the building (extends all the way to the top) and a fortification fence around the outside. It isn't finished by a long shot, but have been working with redstone and paintings to hide doorways, and still have heaps of floors to finish and detail, then its onto finishing the below ground stuff. Missile is already built though.
- Just finished (?) building a suspension type bridge from near the FIB building to a flat piece of land nearby which is going to be for houses.

I may be some time... Will try get some pics soon, maybe see if the Share button works.

But yeah. So many ideas, so little time.

Stupid game. :lol:

December 20th, 2014, 07:19 PM
Because last sentence of your post.

December 20th, 2014, 08:13 PM
Our 7-yr-old son is obsessed with it. He's playing in Creator mode on Mapper's phone, and we have to limit his time pretty strictly. :)

December 21st, 2014, 02:32 PM
You played it YW?

Hows the battery life on it Random. ;)

I think i'm hooked on it because it's kinda like SimCity, but with a lot more control over what you can create.

December 21st, 2014, 03:37 PM
No. Not into "creation" games.

Freude am Fahren
December 21st, 2014, 04:41 PM
The creator of Minecraft sold the company to Microsoft and just recently bought the most expensive house in Beverly Hills for $70 million. That's all I know about the game.

December 21st, 2014, 07:55 PM
WTF? If I could afford a house worth $70 million, I sure as hell wouldn't live in Los Angeles. :? I think I would live in a small town with a favourable climate.

Back on topic, I've played Minecraft quite a bit. I have three saved worlds, with various things built. My first world has a network of roads, a space needle, a Roman coliseum, several residences, a high-rise building, a Parthenon, a large treehouse, etc. all built in survival mode. I later started it in creative mode and built an an airport, a high-rise condo complex and a hockey arena. I can barely remember my second world, but it was survival mode. I built several art structures, a network of roads, a Shaolin temple on a mountain, etc. My third world I started just recently in peaceful mode, I dug a network of tunnels, built a network of roads and I started building a structure, but that's as far as I got. I just went spelunking and collected a ton of resources.

December 21st, 2014, 08:24 PM
Hows the battery life on it Random. ;)

Variable. ;)

December 22nd, 2014, 08:40 AM
WTF? If I could afford a house worth $70 million, I sure as hell wouldn't live in Los Angeles. :? I think I would live in a small town with a favourable climate.

There was a great interview with him a few months ago in some magazine. He is an odd guy - and BH seems like exactly the sort of place a person with his issues because it's a total non-sequitur.

December 22nd, 2014, 10:35 AM
My kids play it on the Kindle Fire and phone. Keeps them busy.

I don't have the time myself. :lol:

August 13th, 2019, 06:31 PM

Even though it wasn't coming to PS4 cos Sony don't like consoles playing together, this is still a bit sucky.

Maybe time for Minecraft 2?

August 14th, 2019, 03:19 AM
Meanwhile with Java Edition I can play with Optifine HD mod and Chocapic13 incredible shaders... Mojang go home, you are mediocre.

I own all of the 3 editions of Minecraft: Java, Pocket Edition on my Android phone and Win 10 Edition on my PC and laptop.
Java one is the best, extremely moddable, but for one point: no controller option. Sucks big time. (The Pocket Edition is unplayable with touchscreen and I bought a wireless joypad precisely to do mobile play).
ALL of the Minecraft edition lack an important feature which is unforgivable in 2019: cloud saves for your own single player world (Fuck Realms already). Everytime I've to go dig the save/export it manually, put it in a usb drive or in Google Drive and then import or put the file in the proper folder by myself.
They should be ashamed.

August 20th, 2019, 04:22 AM
This post only to say that the Java Edition 1.14.4 is unplayable on PC: lag, lag, lag. Sigh.

August 20th, 2019, 04:53 PM
Begone, thread for Millennials!!!

December 23rd, 2020, 03:47 PM
Bruno recently used some of his money to buy a Java Edition ticket, but I think his game is stuck in demo mode as it won't launch a multiplayer, now he has a microsoft account and a Xbox gamertag, but it seems that you used to need a Mojang Account in order to play MC, but I mojang accounts have been migrated to microsoft ones.

This is fucking bullshit, specially for a young kid who was eager to play the legal version instead of the generic clones. Does anybody know how to fix this loop?

Rare White Ape
December 23rd, 2020, 04:29 PM
I wouldn't have a clue, but I'd say that Microsoft support might be your best bet, maybe even get a refund in exchange for the full beans PC version if that works for you?

December 23rd, 2020, 05:03 PM
Full beans PC version is Win10. Lil dude's box is Debian.

MS support says it's an issue with the family group config. I did not know we had setup such a thing.

December 23rd, 2020, 11:14 PM
I was discussing this with my friend over lunch as both of his kids (and the kids of another friend) play it and wanted a new setup.

https://www.logicalincrements.com/games/minecraft Is this about right for specs?

February 9th, 2021, 02:50 PM
Full beans PC version is Win10. Lil dude's box is Debian.

MS support says it's an issue with the family group config. I did not know we had setup such a thing.

Holy setup loopholes, batman!

Turns out the kiddo needed to create a MS family group in order to access the settings page for his interactions within and outside of Xbox network. (on linux, whatever!)
He's now able to play the full java edition.

New question: Do you need to pay somebody (either MSXBL or some other host) to play multiplayer? Does getting a minecraft realms membership grant the player the ability to host her own "server" or only play in "the realm"?

February 9th, 2021, 03:09 PM
You can still play without getting Realms, but I think you need it to keep a persistent server that anyone (or just your friends) can join anytime.

The way I understand it:
Realms=World stored in the cloud and runs all the time.
Not Realms=World stored and hosted by your system and only runs when you turn it on. You can invite friends (or anyone) to play.

I am sure there is more to it than that, but I am simplifying it here.

February 9th, 2021, 03:28 PM
Thanks, Cam.

I've relayed your answer to B. He's still not clear about how it works. We'll see. Though I don't think he will pay for Realms, he's saving up for a Nintendo Switch.

February 15th, 2021, 11:40 AM
After many discussion about "premium users", the lil' dude has discovered free servers.

He's getting his ass handed to him.

February 15th, 2021, 12:16 PM
Oof. There are servers where you cannot hurt other players, if that is the goal. Rules depend on who created the game. Some servers are free-for-all. Some are creative only, where you cannot attack other players. Others are somewhere in between. I am pretty sure you can check that info before joining. I have never joined another game that was not hosted by myself or a friend.

February 15th, 2021, 12:19 PM
I didn't know Minecraft had PvP at all.

February 15th, 2021, 01:35 PM
i think he wanted to play survival, but was not prepared for script-aided players.

July 20th, 2022, 09:56 PM
thank you Mojang.

Each of these uses of NFTs and other blockchain technologies creates digital ownership based on scarcity and exclusion, which does not align with Minecraft values of creative inclusion and playing together. NFTs are not inclusive of all our community and create a scenario of the haves and the have-nots. The speculative pricing and investment mentality around NFTs takes the focus away from playing the game and encourages profiteering, which we think is inconsistent with the long-term joy and success of our players.

Tom Servo
July 20th, 2022, 10:32 PM
Bwahah, I've already minted an NFT of that official statement!

Rare White Ape
July 21st, 2022, 01:37 AM
I was literally just reading the emotional outbursts in the Kotaku comment section about this. Shit is hilarious and will make your day.

July 21st, 2022, 02:09 AM

Everyone seems positive about the ban in this article's comments.
Or is there some other articles and/or comment list?

Rare White Ape
July 21st, 2022, 06:11 AM
Ah sorry, I was on their Facebook page, during a 10 minute work break. Seemed funny at the time in what little time I had to flick through.