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December 30th, 2019, 12:17 PM
And you do get what you pay for. The cheaper dash cams are cheap for a reason. Low quality recording (despite saying they are full HD etc), dodgy/wobbly mounts, system errors etc - we've had countless problems with cheap ones.
If you can afford it, get a Full HD (or 2k/4k) dashcam with 60fps recording, as with most 30fps ones you can barely read any number plates while moving/when cars are passing you etc.

Some dashcams use suction cups, which can easily and quickly be transferred to another vehicle.

All of them plug into the cigarette lighter slot.

Good info; thanks. Definitely want one that temporarily mounts with suction or velcro and do not want it hard-wired into the car. A lighter plug-in is good, as is rechargeable. Was thinking I could mount one with a small spot of velcro on the dashboard for quick removal when leaving the vehicle parked in public. I'd want to do the same at the rear window too, as I'm more concerned about being rear-ended by people who are looking down at their phones while driving than anything else.

I will start researching these seriously once I'm ready to spend the money.

I wished I had one the other day when I was sitting at a three-way stop at a "T" intersection on my way to work in the morning. I was at the top of the vertical line of the T (facing north, if you follow me), having already come to a full stop. I was about to turn left/west when I saw a white Ford Super Duty pickup truck approaching from the right/east. He had a stop sign and I had the right of way but I hesitated when it looked like he wasn't slowing down at all.

He ran the stop sign without slowing. As he went by, I could see the truck was a well-marked county truck. I turned left and followed him and would have recorded not only the county logo on the side door but also the license plate number and what I assume was the truck number on the tailgate in vinyl letters.

My first thought was if I'd had video, I could have sent it to the county and gotten the guy at least in a little bit of trouble, if not a lot.

My second thought was the guy might come looking for retaliation if I identified myself. I guess I could have made a throwaway email account to send it in, but they might not take an anonymous complaint as seriously as someone who has been a homeowner and taxpayer in that county for many years now. But then again, if it's on video, who cares about the source? These are things I never thought much about before dashcams and doorbell cams started intruding upon our anonymity in public.

My third thought was that I don't think I would be comfortable being a snitch/narc/squealer in this situation. If he'd hit me, that would have been different, of course, but upon later reflection, I realized the guy knew he was driving a well-marked vehicle and would not have intentionally run a stop sign in front of an obvious witness. And I'm neither a cop nor a wanna-be.

Yes, I'm trying hard to give him the benefit of the doubt here, even though he was probably texting while driving or reading his next job assignment or whatever via email and very well might have hit me if I hadn't waited to see what he was going to do. Other that running the stop sign, he didn't seem to be speeding or otherwise being reckless. I think he might not have known the neighborhood and just didn't expect a sign there and didn't see it. I've seen others do the same thing at that intersection, which is one I drive through often (hence my hesitation before pulling out in front of him).

Mostly I figured I didn't need to complicate my life with such things and put it out of my mind (until now).

A pointless story to many, I'm sure, but it made me think about some "what-ifs" that I hadn't before.

December 30th, 2019, 10:48 PM
To be honest, i understand where you're coming from. But i just try to put all that to the back of my mind and if the situation is bad enough then the authorities will be glad to have footage of it. I always try remain anonymous, like when i supplied footage to the Police earlier this year i asked for anonymity which they said they'd do.

December 31st, 2019, 10:34 AM

What you drive when your dad is handy with a hammer/wrench.

January 7th, 2020, 05:38 AM




January 7th, 2020, 12:51 PM
Is the head just behind the passenger-side front wheel-well an almost-young David Hobbs? Or just someone (presumably more famous) who looks like him?

January 7th, 2020, 12:57 PM
Looks like Hobbs from the days when he was running the BMW 3.0csl


January 8th, 2020, 07:04 AM
For someone who is just looking at seat time and not necessarily trying to win anything, which TNiA/HPDE car would provide the greatest value in terms of learning car control and general on-track profeciency:

211hp/2535lbs with an e-diff.
174hp/2535lbs with a mechanical diff.
Both cars are FWD 6-speed manual turbos of the same model, just different trim.

Given the relatively low weight of the car I'm wondering if the 37hp is worth giving up the mechanical diff. I'm told the e-diff isn't great and the mechanical diff is a big improvement over cars that do not have one. Would get some low level auto-x use and the aforementioned occasional TNiA/HPDE/TTNT use.

January 8th, 2020, 01:20 PM
Toyota GT 86 with a flesh wound.

https://twitter.com/GazTankMotors/status/1214148419624804353 <--- Open for video

January 8th, 2020, 02:28 PM
That'll buff right out.

January 8th, 2020, 02:47 PM
Was thinking its not too bad - but then realised its LHD!

January 9th, 2020, 12:37 PM
Just noticed Graham Hill on the driver's side door of that pickup.

And in the midst of the passenger side, there appears to be a picture of Stirling Moss--looking somewhat "prettified".

January 13th, 2020, 02:37 PM

Ferrari / 2CV smashup (https://twitter.com/MarkHaydock5/status/1216426699241508869)

January 13th, 2020, 02:38 PM
https://twitter.com/TruckDriversUSA/status/1216095391311069192 <--- Open for trucker dash cam

January 13th, 2020, 04:02 PM
Yup. Nope. Damn neat shit myself just watching that.

January 16th, 2020, 01:34 PM

January 16th, 2020, 02:09 PM
For someone who is just looking at seat time and not necessarily trying to win anything, which TNiA/HPDE car would provide the greatest value in terms of learning car control and general on-track profeciency:

211hp/2535lbs with an e-diff.
174hp/2535lbs with a mechanical diff.
Both cars are FWD 6-speed manual turbos of the same model, just different trim.

Given the relatively low weight of the car I'm wondering if the 37hp is worth giving up the mechanical diff. I'm told the e-diff isn't great and the mechanical diff is a big improvement over cars that do not have one. Would get some low level auto-x use and the aforementioned occasional TNiA/HPDE/TTNT use.
If the e-diff is the type that operates the inboard brake to limit wheelspin, and not an "electrically smart/assisted mechanical LSD" for lack of a better term, you'll be better off with the lower HP car with the real diff. Particularly for autox.

January 16th, 2020, 03:58 PM
Crazy. Just last night I took all of the Cooper S's off of my CG list and configured a JCW search :lol:. I might autocross with it to gain some experience in that discipline, but this car would see most competition use in Time Trials.

I'm wholly undecided and just window shopping, so accepting all feedback. Thanks!

January 25th, 2020, 12:06 AM
Random comment ... how's the reliability of the MINI's?

I really love the Clubman S like circa 2010 where they pretend to be Mini Estate. But I've read such utter horror stories of massive engine failures on the turbo engines, that I ran screaming.

Pity it looks like they didn't do the Clubman S with the supercharged engine (which also sounds like a dog, but less spectacular a dog).

As an old school Mini geek (I've owned 5 of the little shitboxes), it still confuses me they went for the Clubman name. Because the Clubman was a square nose variant, and nothing to do with it being a van/estate. Sigh.

January 25th, 2020, 02:41 AM
You're dead to me.

January 25th, 2020, 08:53 AM
Our R56 MINI is NA, it's a strict commuter and I wanted the least amount of hassle. We've owned it for about 45k miles (from 50k to 95k) and the only failure it ever had was when it lost some injectors. Fixed those up and it has been fine ever since. There was certain years of the R56 where the turbo MINIs had issues, I think early in the run but I can't remember what the point of failure was. I've kind of moved on from the idea of buying a JCW because despite the fantastic feel of the car, it lags behind every other car on my list in power/weight ratio. Truthfully if I end up buying anything with a sub-1.0 pwr/wt it will be a Dodge SRT-4. *ducks, runs* Ford Focus ST is also in the hunt but having competed in one I have an appreciation for them but I'm not sure it's right for me.

I friend of mine races R53/R56 MINIs if you have specific questions I can pass long.

January 26th, 2020, 05:32 PM

Go to 3:10 to see a pull with the weight box in gear and next pull will be without the weight box in gear.

January 27th, 2020, 03:29 AM
Full pull,y'all!

January 27th, 2020, 05:27 AM

January 27th, 2020, 05:28 AM

January 28th, 2020, 01:35 PM

January 31st, 2020, 04:38 AM


MR2 Fan
February 3rd, 2020, 07:19 AM
The Hyundai Smart Park idea that was played in the Super Bowl commercial with Chris Evans.....is a BAD idea. (It's basically self-driving in and out of tight parking spaces so you can open your door)

So your Hyundai can now fit between two other cars by itself where you couldn't open your doors. GUESS WHAT? Those other car doors ALSO can't be opened if people want to leave before you. Tight garages, fine, but not parking next to cars as it's shown in the ad.


February 3rd, 2020, 07:28 AM
So your Hyundai can now fit between two other cars by itself where you couldn't open your doors. GUESS WHAT? Those other car doors ALSO can't be opened if people want to leave before you. Tight garages, fine, but not parking next to cars as it's shown in the ad.

I can't believe this is what passes for "ads" these days. And this is really meant to be funny?

Anyway, the driver of the car on the left can get in and drive out, no problem. The guy whose car is on the right parked like a dickhead, so if he wants to get out, he can get in via the acres of space on the right, and move over. Or if he has no transmission tunnel (which may be the case on a van) then he can get in via the rear door and walk to the front.

February 3rd, 2020, 08:14 AM
My take was that you'll have people getting in/out of their cars in the lanes of traffic now instead of safely on the side of the road in their spots. Brilliant.

MR2 Fan
February 3rd, 2020, 08:24 AM
can you claim the accident isn't your fault if you're not in the vehicle? hmmm

February 3rd, 2020, 09:14 AM
That would hinge on the definition of 'control', most likely. The same way you can get a DUI if you're sleeping it off in your car outside of the bar and the keys are within arms reach.

Similarly, in Pennsylvania, we have this definition of parking:

"Park" or "parking."
(1) When permitted, means the temporary storing of a
vehicle, whether occupied or not, off the roadway.
(2) When prohibited, means the halting of a vehicle,
whether occupied or not, except momentarily for the purpose
of and while actually engaged in loading or unloading
property or passengers.

I would say that yes, you'd be liable for your unoccupied cars' stupidity

February 3rd, 2020, 11:00 AM
That would hinge on the definition of 'control', most likely. The same way you can get a DUI if you're sleeping it off in your car outside of the bar and the keys are within arms reach.

That is so truly retarded.

MR2 Fan
February 3rd, 2020, 11:12 AM
that sounds like the black guy at taco bell who got like 7 "warning" shots for being asleep in his own car

February 3rd, 2020, 08:15 PM
that sounds like the black guy at taco bell who got like 7 "warning" shots for being asleep in his own car

With a stolen gun in his lap.

February 4th, 2020, 10:49 AM
With a stolen gun in his lap.

In here they would object that it was not in his hands.
And the cops would be in jail (theoretically, there has been plenty of shit going on...).

February 4th, 2020, 02:48 PM
In here they would object that it was not in his hands.
And the cops would be in jail (theoretically, there has been plenty of shit going on...).

In the video, he perks up then his arms move in a way that he could be reaching for/grabbed the gun. None of the videos are conclusive since the gun and hands weren't visible. However, even in the Bay Area, the prosecutor wasn't going to choose an illegally armed drunk who was fighting previous separate human trafficking/kidnapping and illegal gun possession cases as their hill to die on.

February 5th, 2020, 01:12 PM
Spotted a camouflaged car yesterday. Do see a few around here, got a main ring road plus a few companies have head office in my suburb (including Hyundai)
I didnt get a photo - just me in the car and not going to use phone to take a photo while driving.
This one was a bit different, it was using "car bra" cladding over most of the car. Im guessing this means its a full production car they just want to keep under wraps (!)
Anyway I noticed the odd exhaust (half circles, flat side up) and the crosshatched grill - quick google and it was a Genesis, I think a G80. The google also showed they do use the car bra camo a lot.
Seems its a 2020 model that isnt out here yet, the exhaust is noticeably different. It wasnt the GV, was a sedan.

pic from interwebs... my spotto wasnt in camo colours, just the car bra.

So that was my ever so slight excitement for the day

February 6th, 2020, 01:59 PM

2019 Results: as it happened in Canada, the US vehicle market was dominated by the #FordF150 and the best performer was the #Ram1500. Notice that the first 7 positions are occupied by SUV or trucks. The #TeslaModel3 hits the top 30. Source: Autonews (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1225534446427934724)

February 8th, 2020, 01:20 PM

Went down the snowmobiling YT rabbit hole and found this.

February 8th, 2020, 06:58 PM
Saw an E-Golf, which was a surprise since it's a 125 mile range EV and the closest state to Illinois it was sold in is Pennsylvania.

February 12th, 2020, 06:06 AM


February 13th, 2020, 01:25 PM

February 19th, 2020, 02:27 PM

MR2 Fan
February 19th, 2020, 02:35 PM
I mean...it's efficient

February 20th, 2020, 04:55 AM

The next X6 (https://twitter.com/LeahRebeccaUK/status/1230055723431813121)

February 20th, 2020, 05:06 AM

February 21st, 2020, 10:03 AM

February 24th, 2020, 01:33 PM

February 26th, 2020, 03:28 PM

February 27th, 2020, 07:44 AM
^ :up:

Here's something cool, and not one of those "click NEXT to see the next one" websites. They're all on one page.

50 Vintage Pics Show Cars of the Soviet Union From Between the 1950s and ’70s (https://www.vintag.es/2020/02/cars-of-the-soviet-union.html)

My favorite of the bunch:


February 27th, 2020, 03:16 PM

February 27th, 2020, 11:22 PM
No, problem.

March 2nd, 2020, 04:44 AM

March 2nd, 2020, 06:02 AM

March 2nd, 2020, 06:39 AM
There is a lot to unpack there. Those wheels are really deep dish, for instance. But it's hardly the first thing you notice.

March 2nd, 2020, 07:19 AM
I find it strangely, and mysteriously, alluring. Or maybe hilarious.

March 2nd, 2020, 07:20 AM
What's with the cheap fog lights? They're practically bicycle reflectors. Must be a compliance thing.

March 2nd, 2020, 10:25 AM
We have found the world's heaviest Miata.

I wonder what country that is. There's a Levin in the background, everything's RHD, yet the spacious parking lot reminds me more of the US than Japan or Europe.

March 2nd, 2020, 12:03 PM
More pics of it: https://imgur.com/a/UOs1A

Found some blog posts from 2014 on it from the first time it hit the web.

March 2nd, 2020, 02:46 PM
I wonder what country that is.
South Africa?

March 3rd, 2020, 02:22 PM
New Zealand. (https://thecuriouskiwi.co.nz/blog/2013/enjoy-the-ride-in-2013-curious-vehicles/mission_bay_car-002-3/)

March 3rd, 2020, 06:04 PM

Be sure to watch the bit about the van which starts at 3:30

March 3rd, 2020, 07:24 PM
What's with the cheap fog lights? They're practically bicycle reflectors. Must be a compliance thing.

Nope :)

I work in vehicle compliance in New Zealand. That's 100% bad taste I believe.

March 4th, 2020, 03:05 PM

March 4th, 2020, 03:37 PM

Don't want to watch 13 minutes click here (https://youtu.be/kN5Ax4OY-RU?t=678) or move the slider to 11:25

March 4th, 2020, 05:28 PM
Anybody watch the "savage geese" youtube channel that reviews cars?

He and Chris Harris are probably my favorite car reviewers.

March 5th, 2020, 01:21 PM


March 5th, 2020, 07:26 PM
Just get a fucking car...
It would handle better and keep you dry.

Not sure why people go with the "worst of both worlds"

MR2 Fan
March 6th, 2020, 07:15 AM

March 6th, 2020, 06:22 PM

March 7th, 2020, 11:08 AM
Just get a fucking car...
It would handle better and keep you dry.

Not sure why people go with the "worst of both worlds"

You mean like that Canam reverse trike things?

Let's be 1) outside in the weather and 2) have something that you can't lane split, or park in any available gap.

March 7th, 2020, 11:57 AM

March 7th, 2020, 11:58 AM


March 9th, 2020, 01:02 PM

March 9th, 2020, 01:03 PM

The oil filler cap my MGB had on it has a little metal dial that can turn to indicate the oil brand. Sort of interesting, albeit pointless. Never seen another like it: (https://twitter.com/LawrenceJester3/status/1236497312672649218)

March 9th, 2020, 01:08 PM
Radial engine cutaway (https://twitter.com/fighterpics/status/1236695658784055307) <--- open for video

March 10th, 2020, 02:29 PM

March 11th, 2020, 02:42 PM
Interesting stat buried inside latest @CARmagazine “In 2019 Porsche made 280,000 vehicles, 192,000 of them being SUVs” Translates into 911, Boxster, Cayman & Panamera only making up approx 32% of sales. Changing times but mirrors what’s happening in the market right now.. (https://twitter.com/harrym_vids/status/1237649481665056769)

In the US in 2019 Porsche sold 22,667 Macans, which is 2,897 more cars than the 911, Panamera, and Boxster/Cayman combined! And 19,001 Cayennes were sold, too. (https://twitter.com/dsgolson/status/1237657524444303360)

March 12th, 2020, 01:35 PM

March 13th, 2020, 01:28 PM
Interesting stat buried inside latest @CARmagazine “In 2019 Porsche made 280,000 vehicles, 192,000 of them being SUVs” Translates into 911, Boxster, Cayman & Panamera only making up approx 32% of sales. Changing times but mirrors what’s happening in the market right now.. (https://twitter.com/harrym_vids/status/1237649481665056769)

In the US in 2019 Porsche sold 22,667 Macans, which is 2,897 more cars than the 911, Panamera, and Boxster/Cayman combined! And 19,001 Cayennes were sold, too. (https://twitter.com/dsgolson/status/1237657524444303360)

As an owner Im ok with that.
If they are an SUV company that uses those profits to support their sports cars - thats fine.
And they are damn fine SUVs.

I do find it funny when you talk to a Macan owner who says "Ive always wanted to own a Porsche" - was this about owning the brand name or about experiencing the legendary sportscars?

March 13th, 2020, 02:53 PM
90%+ brand name I reckon.

March 16th, 2020, 02:25 PM

March 16th, 2020, 02:26 PM

March 18th, 2020, 02:34 PM

March 19th, 2020, 01:42 PM

March 19th, 2020, 01:43 PM




Chicago-based International Harvester claims in this 1971 brochure that its new Scout II model is unique in the world at the time. The Scout was a popular niche vehicle in the US, doing well against rivals from GM, Ford, Chrysler and Jeep. #carbrochure #InternationalHarvester (https://twitter.com/addict_car/status/1236248981329580033)

March 20th, 2020, 01:34 PM

March 21st, 2020, 11:20 AM

March 21st, 2020, 11:22 AM


March 21st, 2020, 03:19 PM




2019 Results: it wasn’t a good year for compact cars in USA. C-Sedan demand fell 13% to 1.26m units, due to double-digit falls at key models #NissanSentra, #HyundaiElantra and exit of Detroit’s 3 from segment. The hatchbacks are less popular with 460k units sold, -18%: JATO (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1240677520711843841)

March 22nd, 2020, 09:06 AM
I accounted for one Golf purchase.

March 23rd, 2020, 02:33 PM


March 23rd, 2020, 03:34 PM
Reminds me of this from the showime series Black Monday.
"It cost as much as a Lamborghini & a Limo!"
"So, none of the speed of the Lamborghini, and none of the comfort of a limousine?"

Funny show by the way, recommended.

March 23rd, 2020, 04:19 PM
Reminds me of this from the showime series Black Monday.
"It cost as much as a Lamborghini & a Limo!"
"So, none of the speed of the Lamborghini, and none of the comfort of a limousine?"

Worst of both worlds
(and me commenting on any trike)

March 24th, 2020, 01:48 PM
(Length x width x height shown in inches)

1985 Caravan 176x70x64 [SWB]
2020 Civic Coupe 177x71x55
2020 Subaru Crosstrek 176x71x64


March 25th, 2020, 01:20 PM

Last year Acura sold almost 200,000 cars globally. A timid growth was possible thanks to the C-SUV #AcuraRDX, the brand’s top seller. Almost 3 in 4 of the Acuras sold in 2019 were SUVs. USA and Canada made up 91% of global total. Source: FGW, Own data #acura #acuransx #acuratlx (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1241581891867770881/photo/1)

March 25th, 2020, 01:22 PM



Cause still being investigated, but after 20+ recoveries, a new crate engine and £50k of warranty work it was never going to be a traditional send-off. (https://twitter.com/markriccioni/status/1242502723758632962/photo/1)

March 25th, 2020, 02:36 PM
Last year Acura sold almost 200,000 cars globally. A timid growth was possible thanks to the C-SUV #AcuraRDX, the brand’s top seller. Almost 3 in 4 of the Acuras sold in 2019 were SUVs. USA and Canada made up 91% of global total. Source: FGW, Own data #acura #acuransx #acuratlx (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1241581891867770881/photo/1)

Is it surprising that USA and Canada is their main market... because they dont exist in many others.
Australia doesnt have Acura - we have Honda NSX

March 25th, 2020, 02:53 PM
Holy shit. That bimmer is......


March 25th, 2020, 09:09 PM
That's what happens when you use the indicators in a BMW.

March 26th, 2020, 12:10 AM
Buff right out.

March 26th, 2020, 02:50 PM
Rock Crawling (https://twitter.com/yschae3/status/1243075886573731840) <--- Open for video

March 26th, 2020, 02:51 PM

Have a look at my latest blog post to see how were FCA global sales in 2019. The situation is so dramatic at Fiat brand that last year Ram-Dodge equaled its global sales. It was the first time it happens. Only Ram and Lancia posted growth: https://fiatgroupworld.com/2020/03/24/60-of-fca-sales-are-suvs-pickups/

March 26th, 2020, 04:55 PM
Dog vs P-51 (https://twitter.com/at_RIN/status/1071088076313817088) <--- Click for video

Turn the speakers/headphones up to 11

March 27th, 2020, 02:17 PM

BMW delivered 2.19 million cars in 2019, up 3%. Growth was possible thanks to the good results of #BMWX3 (200k in 2018 to 317k in 2019) becoming the third bestselling BMW. The X2 (92k) and X4 (62k) also recorded double-digit growth. The X7 sold 40k units. Source: #BMW (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1243302453371691008)

March 27th, 2020, 02:25 PM
Surprised they are still making that many i8s.

March 28th, 2020, 08:23 AM

Let’s have a quick look at John Walter Christie’s 1907 racing car. Front wheel drive and a transverse twenty litre V4. Yes, you read it right, twenty

March 28th, 2020, 08:26 AM


2019 Results: small SUVs gained traction in the land of big SUVs. Sales totaled 659k units, up 16%. Despite the increase, mostly driven by GM twins, #HondaHRV, #HyundaiKona, B-SUVs counted for only 4% of total market sales. #JeepRenegade lost its crown. Source: Goodcarbadcar (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1243322899114725377)

March 30th, 2020, 01:39 PM

Audi global sales stalled in 2019 and volume continues to lag behind BMW and Mercedes. The main reason? USA. However, the brand is doing well in the SUV segment and with its electric products. Source: FGW (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1244335373691637761)

March 31st, 2020, 01:34 PM

2019 Results: the muscle cars demand is not exempt from the popularity of SUVs. Their sales fell 6% to 181,800 units in USA. The #DodgeChallenger outsells its coupe rivals but it comes second when including the cabrio versions. Source: goodcarbadcar (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1244832242100297730)

March 31st, 2020, 01:35 PM

March 31st, 2020, 02:46 PM
When it comes to pony car sales, the Challenger is an appealing choice if you actually want to use the back seat and/or want the cheapest way into a V8 pony car. Adding here, advertised prices are $2-3k less than the cheapest Mustang GT, and $4-5k less than the cheapest LT1 Camaros.

Since none of them are particularly new designs, I'd be surprised if sales did anything but decline year over year.

March 31st, 2020, 02:54 PM
I still want one.

April 1st, 2020, 01:21 PM

In 2019, Rolls-Royce surpassed the 5,000 threshold for the first time in over 100 years of history. The new #RollsRoyceCullinan, available since the end of 2018, made a major contribution to this performance. However, the rest of the lineup posted big declines. Source: BMW (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1245025713352331264)

Ugly SUV for the win.

April 1st, 2020, 01:22 PM

April 1st, 2020, 03:51 PM
I'm shocked, I really am.


April 3rd, 2020, 01:32 PM

2019 Results: these are not good times for the sedans in USA. The executive mtream sedans continued to suffer because of the SUV boom. sales fell 19% to only 256k units. More than 1 in 3 of them are #DodgeCharger. GM, Ford leave this year, uncertain fate #Chrysler300: Autonews (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1245864283365244929)

April 3rd, 2020, 01:34 PM



2019 Results: while the traditional premium executive sedans posted a 14% decline in sales in USA, the coupe-sedans increased by 11%. The former sales totaled 173,200 units against 13,100 for the latter. The new #LexusES and #AudiA6 shine. Source: goodcarbadcar #sedan (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1245509730329604097)

April 4th, 2020, 04:21 PM


2019 Results: USA is one of the very few remaining markets where sport cars are still somehow popular. midsize sportcars (excl #musclecars) recorded sales of 9.8k units coupes & 8k units cabrios. Volume up 14%, 30% respectively, thanks to new #ToyotaSupra, #BMWZ4: goodcarbadcar (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1246092262066589697)

April 6th, 2020, 04:00 PM

[ Fuego I think ]

April 7th, 2020, 02:33 PM


April 8th, 2020, 01:40 PM

April 8th, 2020, 01:41 PM


The Lamborghini Urus looks better and better with age. Check out the original post: https://instagram.com/p/B-pb4Y4Hrzd/?igshid=qwkmc4kvsj5

April 9th, 2020, 07:54 AM
I think that looks hot!

April 9th, 2020, 09:41 AM
Here's is what I think is being discussed - XHawkeye's post just has an empty box where the picture should be.

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fs1.cdn.autoevolution.com%2Fimages %2Fnews%2Fgallery%2Fpontiac-aztek-trans-am_2.jpg&f=1&nofb=1

At first glace, I thought that was a Toyota Matrix/Pontiac Vibe.

I think it's fantastic. I've always thought Azteks were cool in a utilitarian way, which is the only thing that matters to me these days. I'm long past thinking I'm Burt Reynolds in Smokey And The Bandit.

I realize the women disagree, but a man has to know his limitations. :cool:

This one is cool, too:


April 9th, 2020, 01:36 PM




2019 Results: the biggest and most expensive sportcars try to survive in a land full of SUVs. Their registrations increased 4% in Europe to 40,700 units. There are four categories: the entry level ones, classic, executive and supercars. Continues... #supercar #sportcar #ferrari (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1248280617256615936)

April 9th, 2020, 01:39 PM




.. The top selling ones are the classic coupe (where the #Porsche911 sits) with 14,200 units, down 15%. The best performer was the executive cabriolets with volume up 148% to 3,848 units. Source: JATO #supercar #supercars #performancecar #performancecars #ferrari #Lamborghini (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1248280856566870016)

Alan P
April 11th, 2020, 05:53 PM
Ford Focus Zetec S 182PS 62 plate (Registered 2012).

Total distance covered since I started using Fuelio: 26,718 miles
Total fuel (to last fill up) 3,381.61L
Total Cost of fuel, £4,001.17
Total fill ups: 123
Best price for fuel: £1.027 per L
Worst price for fuel: £1.339 per L
Best Fuel consumption: 46.46 MPG
Average Fuel consumption: 36.31MPG
Worst fuel consumption: 27.61 MPG
Average cost per mile overall £0.148 (14.8p)

April 12th, 2020, 02:55 PM
Interesting that it measures fuel in litres but mileage in...well...miles. I haven't thought about this before, but it seems like it would be KPL instead of MPG in metric countries.

I fully admit to being a clueless American. Feel free to point and laugh at my ignorance in this area.

Alan P
April 13th, 2020, 04:06 PM
Interesting that it measures fuel in litres but mileage in...well...miles. I haven't thought about this before, but it seems like it would be KPL instead of MPG in metric countries.

I fully admit to being a clueless American. Feel free to point and laugh at my ignorance in this area.

It is a bit strange yes. And you're not clueless either George. Our fuel has been sold in litres since the mid 80's, (IMO a ruse by the government so they can add 2p per litre in tax instead of 2p per Gallon and everyone, well, most people, don't riot when they realise that's around 10p per Gallon which they'd never have got away with. I can still remember my Father remarking 2p per litre additional tax wasn't so bad, then I told him that's around 10p and he grumbled a bit) but we still measure our road distances in Miles. I daresay there's an option within my cars settings to change it to litres per 100Km which is the preferred option in Metric but I have no idea where it is and I've always been a MPG guy myself and know what's 'good' in MPG.

April 14th, 2020, 02:43 AM
Most metric contries use litres/100km
The UK is some weird hybrid!

April 14th, 2020, 02:24 PM
1 UK gallon = 1.200956 US gallon

April 14th, 2020, 02:25 PM

Cadillac is rapidly updating its sedan and SUV lineup in order to revert the negative trend of the last years. In 2019 it barely sold 400,000 units, of which 55% remained in China and 43% in USA-Canada. (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1250124727932399622)

Alan P
April 15th, 2020, 12:07 PM
1 UK gallon = 1.200956 US gallon

Most cars I've had seem to use the US gallon for their OBC's and their fuel measurements. Every one has consistently been higher than a brim to brim measurement that I've tracked with Fuelio. Even, weirdly, my old Fiat Multipla which wasn't even sold in the US. Consistently over estimated/measured by about 10-20%. Makes the OBC figures look much better than they are though, right?

April 15th, 2020, 01:49 PM
My OBC reads between 4-7% optimistic.

April 16th, 2020, 01:44 PM

April 18th, 2020, 06:17 AM



2019 Results: the most expensive supercars totaled 33,000 units sold in USA, down from 34,800 units in 2018. #ChevyCorvette #Porsche911 and #Ferrari812 led each category. Source: FGW #supercar #supercars #fordgt #Lamborghini #ferrari #mclaren #bugatti (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1251003282056720385)

April 18th, 2020, 10:35 AM
I feel like a majority of those Maccas are being sold in KC

Alan P
April 18th, 2020, 02:31 PM
+50% on the LFA. I suppose when you sell two, then the next year you sell 3, it is 50%!

April 22nd, 2020, 03:13 PM

2019 Results: Europe was the world’s biggest market for small sportcars. Sales totaled 20,900 units, down 12%, mostly because of the drop posted by #Fiat124Spider, which Is expected to disappear soon. Source: JATO (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1252608620841271298)

April 23rd, 2020, 03:06 PM


2019 Results: USA is the world’s largest market for supercars with 47,700 units sold, up 2%. The entry-level ones totaled 7,700 units, down 3% because of the drop recorded by coupes (-14%). Source: FGW. (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1250999908162732032)

April 27th, 2020, 04:51 PM

April 27th, 2020, 05:46 PM
Is that a probe?

April 28th, 2020, 03:54 PM
Looks like it to me.

April 28th, 2020, 03:56 PM
https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Yt5A8DsqG/?igshid=yx74jv4ig1lq <-- open for video of rally drift

April 29th, 2020, 05:28 PM

Partly because of the extended lock-in, I've decided to release a free PDF download of 5054 No3. Read a Durham grad's deeply researched story on how BL came to be and amazing pics of how the remains of BL died. Richard Bremner's Minor diary is a gem. Please RT (https://www.5054magazine.co.uk/purchase)

Scroll down to see download button.

April 29th, 2020, 06:33 PM
https://twitter.com/FreemanLowell01/status/1255511644056236033 <--- Open for video of the other heel & toe technique

April 30th, 2020, 03:40 PM



May 1st, 2020, 04:37 PM

While Chevrolet Motors was just starting, the racing Chevrolet brothers were also making speed equipment for Ford Model Ts. "Fronty" heads were the hot setup for Model T racing (https://twitter.com/iowahawkblog/status/1256231432374104064)

May 8th, 2020, 04:43 PM

The 1988 Audi 200 Quattro Trans Am Race Car Was Auditory Perfection via @RoadandTrack


Fell in love with the car in 1988. Got to capture its amazing in-car sounds 30 years later. I hope it moves you in the ways it continues to move me. #5CylindersofFury

[motor noise start at 4:00]

May 8th, 2020, 04:53 PM

The new Tarso Marques Concept prototype for the Brazilian Endurance Series Flag of Brazil is something out of this world... (https://twitter.com/SergioFonseca8/status/1258170379832627201)

MR2 Fan
May 9th, 2020, 11:59 AM
looks like the Red Bull Gran Turismo car

May 9th, 2020, 03:25 PM

May 9th, 2020, 04:34 PM
almost looks like Graham Hill, but I think he used the Henley Rowing Club helmet very early in his career.

May 11th, 2020, 03:12 PM


May 12th, 2020, 06:27 PM

I knew about the '85 Citroen Eole concept, but not that it gave the front passenger a screen to play Pong on. (https://twitter.com/RoadworkUK/status/1260135090983747584)

May 12th, 2020, 06:27 PM

May 12th, 2020, 06:28 PM

See the supercars that never made it out of Vector’s design studio http://dlvr.it/RWV43T

MR2 Fan
May 12th, 2020, 07:04 PM

I knew about the '85 Citroen Eole concept, but not that it gave the front passenger a screen to play Pong on. (https://twitter.com/RoadworkUK/status/1260135090983747584)

I really like that era of "futuristic" interiors...though I do wonder if that steering wheel could actually turn :erm:

May 12th, 2020, 10:09 PM
The wheel turned, the base, didn't

May 14th, 2020, 04:56 AM
Vintage Post Cards: Car Dealerships, Vol. 6 (https://www.curbsideclassic.com/blog/vintage-snapshots-and-photography/vintage-post-cards-car-dealerships-vol-6/)

May 15th, 2020, 03:44 PM


May 16th, 2020, 09:32 AM

1970 Plymouth 'Cuda paint sample sheet comes to wild, crazy life: http://crdrv.co/C2Q8i7N

May 16th, 2020, 10:06 AM
They offered some really good-looking colors in the late '60s/early '70s

May 16th, 2020, 01:51 PM

May 26th, 2020, 03:14 PM


'Pool' heater

May 27th, 2020, 04:14 PM

May 28th, 2020, 03:24 PM

May 30th, 2020, 09:34 AM

June 2nd, 2020, 05:39 PM
Ford GT40 (replica?) crash in my city a couple days ago. :(

Don't think i've seen that one before, looks like it had decals on it. He left a nice set of skid marks on the motorway, saw them the other day and wondered what caused them.

June 4th, 2020, 03:24 PM


2019 Global Results: sales of E-Pickups totaled 2.2m units plus the extended/heavy ones, with 734k units. In total, sales increased by 3%, becoming another safe haven for OEMs. New #RamTrucks shine. However, the #FordFSeries is invincible. Source: FGW database #pickup #truck (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1268592339695603714)

June 4th, 2020, 03:26 PM




2019 Global Results: midsize pickups are popular in the Americas, Asia-Pacific. 2.42m units sold, up 5%, after increases in USA, Latam. Toyota leads with 34% mkt share. But popularity doesn’t mean it is an easy segment: #MercedesXClass, #FiatFullback #RenaultAlaskan can tell: FGW (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1268327656107302912)

June 4th, 2020, 03:26 PM

2019 Global Results: small sportcars found 57,000 new clients, down 16%. This segment is due to disappear soon as Fiat just abandoned it, and is not clear if there will be new generations of twins #ToyotaGT86 #SubaruBRZ. Will the #MazdaMX5 the only available small sport car?: FGW (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1268655348421967873)

MR2 Fan
June 5th, 2020, 07:12 PM
One of my favorite youtube car channels, B is for Build had a really crappy thing happen on a mustang build where they were putting the body of a 60's mustang on a modern one.

They made the cardinal mistake apparently of calling it Eleanor and the Gone in 60 Seconds production company forced him to remove all of his videos and apparently surrender the car as well....oddly enough as it was nearly completed (Gee I wonder why).

Other car youtubers are speaking out about it though, which is good as it sets a pretty crappy precedent. He wasn't building a 1:1 replica or planning to sell any, just doing it for his channel (yes, it could be argued there was YT ad revenue B.S., but to have to give up the whole car? that's insane)


June 13th, 2020, 12:13 PM

June 18th, 2020, 02:28 PM


June 18th, 2020, 02:28 PM

Saab 9000 taillights. (https://twitter.com/mwoodski/status/1272182045402415104)

June 20th, 2020, 01:03 PM



June 20th, 2020, 01:06 PM




The 1976 Datsun Honey Bee had a memorable name, although it was really just a low-priced US 2-door economy version of the B210 series (Sunny 120Y in other markets). The 1.4-litre car had special decals and was sold as 'part sporty, part commuter'. #carbrochure #Datsun #Nissan (https://twitter.com/addict_car/status/1274239309252628480)

June 25th, 2020, 03:37 PM
#Ford Mustang loading (https://twitter.com/RSF_Motorsport/status/1275847281573605378?s=20) <--- Open for video

June 25th, 2020, 03:38 PM

June 30th, 2020, 11:53 AM


July 2nd, 2020, 04:19 PM

July 2nd, 2020, 04:20 PM


July 3rd, 2020, 11:02 AM
Thought we had a generic rental car review thread here.

Anyway, I remember raving about the Chrysler 300 about 10 years ago, and specifically it's Pentastar/ ZF drivetrain. I rented a Dodge Charger yesterday for a trip and, 10 years later i'm still amazed by the integration, performance, economy, and ... "holistic integrity" of that pairing.
I'm a pretty miserly driver, I hypermile all the time, but I also got places to be so I haul arse when I need to. Averaging about 80mph, I saw consistent 30mpg. My average going from McKinney to Houston was 33.4mpg. Almost all freeway.
The shifts are seamless and smooth at the same time being crisp and distinct (don't ask me what voodoo they used to achieve that) while the motor is willing to sip fuel on the slightest hint of a decline. Watching the readout register 80 or more mpg while you're holding a consistent 80mph on a road that you can't really detect is a decline, is pretty cool. (Does anyone know if they use active fuel management/ cylinder deactivation to run on fewer cylinders? Because a Cadillac XTS I drove a few years, you could feel when it was running in three cylinder mode. You had to be actively trying to detect it, but you could when it happened. Also a Buick something ... something ... did the same; barely perceptible variation in the hummings, thrummings, and vibrations when it switched to 3 cylinder mode.)

I left McKinney in the heat, AC on full, turned that off when I got past Plano, and the hvac continued to blow cold air the rest of the trip. That was a marvel in and off itself. Maybe i'm too used to my ancient 1995 Mercedes E320 which grabs all the heat out of the universe on hot days and lovingly bakes it into every single surface and crevice in my interior and then slowly releases that heat for your pleasure, for seemingly hours.

The greenhouse is awful (I guess that's my twenty years of driving W124s coming to the fore there, my car has excellent visibility) the windowline is too high in every direction but forward. I couldn't quite get the seat in my preferred position relative to the steering and pedals, but that had more to do with the steering wheel being adjustable up and down, but not fore and aft.

I definitely liked the steering. The steering wheel is nice and thick, padded just enough to prevent hand discomfort when you're going to grip it for hours on end. Again, I'm used to the heavy recirculating ball system in my Mercedes which is ah mazing on road trips and long freeway hauls, but bereft of delicacy of feel and fidelity in the twisty stuff. The steering was light without being too light. Tracking was excellent with a perfect dead spot in the middle. I really hate when the dead spot on the center of steering is so small that every single gust of wind, touch of the steering, wake from a truck you're passing requires correction at the wheel. No complaints about the wipers or lights although the wipers could use one more setting in the middle; somewhere between intermitent and fast.

The stereo was loud with big bass hits, but muddy and somewhat muted in the middle ranges. This was a stereo crying out of a few mid range speakers and some built in equalisation for them. But it filled the interior with booming gong hits and bass kicks as I blasted reggea and hip hop. Listening to the Rolling Stones meant having to turn down the volume to get some of the balance back in the sound.

All in all I was blown away, again, by that drivetrain. I can see why Chrysler puts it in just about everything they sell.

I've been eyeing getting a Grand Cherokee with the diesel, for the road trip mpgs, (my daily commute is on my bike) but now I might just tale a longer harder look at the V6 pentastar. It's a worthy contender.

July 4th, 2020, 09:43 PM
Drove back today. Achieved 35mpg averaging 80ish mph. :eek: In a Dodge Charger.
It was 95 outside, didn't even turn on the AC; it blew cold the whole time
The best part is, when I first got the car i reset the tripmeter and fuel efficiency. I got it with a half tank of gas and filled up at work before I left. The range estimate kept going up and up and up. I guess the person who drove the car before me was a leadfoot.

Anyway, I filled up just before I hit 500 miles. The low fuel light had been on for a while and the freeway sign promised world famous brisket. Got a sandwich, took off meekly while I ate. Estimated range 514 miles. I had forgotten to take napkins and didn't want to make a mess, so I had to dig around and I found some wet wipes that I placed on my shirt. Crisis averted. I grubbed, and finished pretty quickly. I guess it was 20 miles down the road. Estimated range; same. Cranked up the stereo (I listened to each of the live Bob Marley albums the whole way back.) hit the gas. Range initially dipped, then went back up again until it was hovering around 519/ 520. And it stayed there for 80 miles. 80 godamn miles and the estimated range was still ~517 miles. All while i'm now going 80 mph.
Eventually it started to dip but I got home 120 miles later with the tank still reading "full."

July 16th, 2020, 03:41 PM

It's got two engines and three wheels.

July 17th, 2020, 06:12 AM
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt (https://www.reddit.com/r/Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt/)

July 20th, 2020, 03:17 PM

July 20th, 2020, 03:18 PM

Until your tyres and suspension look like this you are not trying hard enough.
Fast Cayman GT4 at #Ringmeisters

July 22nd, 2020, 03:33 PM
Fun in the wet (https://twitter.com/DriveHaard/status/1285678149376909313) <--- Open for video

July 22nd, 2020, 03:35 PM




I give your the 10 wheel 1972 Citroën DS PLR Michelin Mille-Pattes (Centipede).

(ok actually 11 wheels.. )

Designed by Michelin for testing truck tyres (internal fixing). I believe it has 2 Chevy V8 engines. (https://twitter.com/marcus_t_ward/status/1285859803844182016)

July 22nd, 2020, 03:36 PM

H1 2020 results: Australian new vehicles sales down 41% with only Great Wall Motors group increasing its volume. Toyota brand was the top market share winner, and MG cars shine. GM slowly disappears. Source: AADA (https://twitter.com/lovecarindustry/status/1285985225277878274)

July 22nd, 2020, 03:41 PM

Last flight of a Qantas 747 (https://www.flightradar24.com/data/flights/qf7474/#2500f1e0) (zoom in on Aussie land)


July 23rd, 2020, 03:28 PM

July 23rd, 2020, 04:34 PM
Ive had the Spyder "touch down" while going hard in a corner that had a bit of elevation.
Not sure Im that low in cornering.

July 25th, 2020, 10:59 AM

MR2 Fan
July 25th, 2020, 02:13 PM




I give your the 10 wheel 1972 Citroën DS PLR Michelin Mille-Pattes (Centipede).

(ok actually 11 wheels.. )

Designed by Michelin for testing truck tyres (internal fixing). I believe it has 2 Chevy V8 engines. (https://twitter.com/marcus_t_ward/status/1285859803844182016)

Interesting, reminds me of the Disney monorails, basically between the passenger sections, there's a huge tire in the middle above the track...it's incredibly simple in its execution.

...picture found:


August 5th, 2020, 04:00 PM

August 10th, 2020, 03:24 PM

McGyver. (https://twitter.com/OnajNervozni/status/1292792575498366976)

August 10th, 2020, 03:26 PM
I’ve always loved Toy planes, particularly with a Jet engines but...oh, was that supposed to happen (https://twitter.com/Only9built/status/1292200658360205323/video/1) <--- Open for video

Freude am Fahren
August 12th, 2020, 02:14 PM
That one guy running after it as if there's something to salvage...

August 12th, 2020, 04:16 PM


August 12th, 2020, 04:25 PM

August 14th, 2020, 04:20 PM

August 14th, 2020, 05:47 PM

Crazy. I wonder what the story is there.

The first thing I did when I decided I needed a vehicle larger than the one I had was get out the measuring tape in the garage, followed by the blue painter's tape to mark off how much more vehicle would fit.


Les Nessman

August 24th, 2020, 02:34 PM

Can't resist beating a dead horse

August 24th, 2020, 02:35 PM

August 24th, 2020, 08:22 PM
:lol: I wasn't alive in that era, to be fair. Would that ad have sold very many cars? Are those the features/luxuries people were looking for in '78?


On the garage above, my guess is it's an old small garage and the owner really wanted a cool American car. It looks like NZ maybe?

MR2 Fan
August 24th, 2020, 09:51 PM
it looks like it smells like a pack of cigarettes

August 25th, 2020, 05:25 AM
:lol: I wasn't alive in that era, to be fair. Would that ad have sold very many cars? Are those the features/luxuries people were looking for in '78?

The performance of the cars was so crap that the only thing they could advertise was the cool paint work and the amenities. And it was GM, Ford and Mopar were just as culpable, who felt they couldn't do anything wrong and could just sell crap to people, and people would buy it. Which is why the Japanese, after figuring out the market during the 70's then wiped the floor with them in the 80's and 90's.

August 25th, 2020, 05:31 AM
'All' the single female school teachers drove A-body coupes with the Cutlass being the most popular. In '75 A-body's took 3 of the top 5 selling cars, Cutlass was #1, Chevelle #3 & Monte Carlo #5 for 868,619 in sales and I bet +50% were coupes.

The folks '78 LeSabre was the first car they bought that had FM radio.

August 25th, 2020, 05:41 AM

So you couldn't convince Gordon Murray to sell you a T.50 have I got a deal for you the Delage D12. It's a French car so by the time your car gets delivered they'll have sorted how to keep the front tire from rubbing when switching lanes.


August 28th, 2020, 04:05 PM


Bonneville racers employ all sorts of engines Honda FC20 engine from an S2000. NOVA WAGON, S2000

Pics lifted from https://www.hagerty.com/media/events/racers-turn-out-for-bonneville-speed-week-2020/

Never would've thought of added carbs to a FC20.

August 28th, 2020, 04:20 PM

Kicking off with a true oddball today: yes, straight outta Weimar Germany came the 1924-28 Hanomag 2/10 PS "Kommissbrot" ("loaf of bread"). Just the thing for motoring to a Dada exhibition or kinky Berlin cabaret. (https://twitter.com/iowahawkblog/status/1297508999324205059?s=20)


First time I ever saw a Hanomag 2/10 in person was earlier this year at my friend's garage in SoCal, an even wackier cube roofed coupe.


If you're on twitter & like old cars @iowahawkblog (https://twitter.com/iowahawkblog) is worth a follow.

August 29th, 2020, 06:09 AM
https://bringatrailer.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/1984_honda_civic_159796193566ec4fa56eb1e20200517_1 30105.jpg


MR2 Fan
August 29th, 2020, 08:02 AM

August 30th, 2020, 12:35 PM

September 1st, 2020, 04:05 PM

Slingshot doesn't have a/c

September 1st, 2020, 04:07 PM

September 2nd, 2020, 03:19 PM

September 2nd, 2020, 03:20 PM

This is Merc's new generation of interior design, soon to spread across the range, are you a fan of the new look?


September 2nd, 2020, 03:26 PM


Anti T.50

September 3rd, 2020, 03:14 PM

September 4th, 2020, 04:45 PM



Aston Martin has revealed its latest bespoke commission. This is the Victor, a 836bhp NA V12 hypercar with a manual transmission.


September 4th, 2020, 06:27 PM
A melted mustang from the front?

September 6th, 2020, 09:11 AM
I see a ton of touches towards a '78 Aston Martin RHAM/1


September 7th, 2020, 11:00 AM

September 8th, 2020, 02:57 PM

#OnThisDay in 2008 at Jerez, Riccardo Patrese took his wife for a drive in a Honda Civic @TypeR

September 9th, 2020, 06:19 PM




Maserati MC20

It's fine/ok/wouldn't kick it out of the garage, but it needs different wheels.

September 9th, 2020, 06:44 PM
Mc20 screams of that jag concept from years ago

September 10th, 2020, 05:21 PM

September 11th, 2020, 04:58 PM

September 11th, 2020, 05:55 PM
Hopefully it doesn't turn out to be Toyota reliable, or we're fuuuuuuuuuucked.

September 11th, 2020, 05:59 PM
What the fuck?

September 11th, 2020, 08:45 PM
An inaccurate meme? On the internet? Nevar!

September 11th, 2020, 09:22 PM
What the fuck?


MR2 Fan
September 12th, 2020, 09:40 PM
I got a practical vehicle finally...sold my Scion FR-S which I hadn't really done much with but daily drive for the past few years. I needed a lot more useful storage space


September 14th, 2020, 02:58 PM

September 14th, 2020, 03:00 PM


September 14th, 2020, 03:17 PM
It's fine/ok/wouldn't kick it out of the garage, but it needs different wheels.

Steelies are always a nice choice.



September 22nd, 2020, 05:24 AM

Robert Kubica out for a relaxing drive of the Nürburgring.

One of the comments

That's really impressive!

Key elements of good driving:
1) He uses the FULL space available of the track corners and is comfortable using a range of lines that suits the car through each.
2) He realizes the inherent understeer of the car, even on throttle, and manages the front tire grip limit very well through corners and places the car very well on intended lines while using most of the available tire grip and handling balance. He also recognizes this quite early on and adjusts his driving quickly to it. Even near the end when the rear tires start to get a little hot and the car will oversteer a little, he adjusts quickly and manages it well.
3) He bleeds off very little speed up to corners and is quite good at keeping momentum. He also seems to deliberately enter corners slightly fast and is willing to make small adjustments mid if needed or the grip isn't there.
4) He accelerates VERY early out of corners and even into and mid corner as available with the track space.
5) He has decent understanding of the track to know how to enter and come out of corners and can pretty comfortably manage car speed and placement through corners.
6) He is very deliberate in driving inputs. Short of inputs managing grip of the front tires and driving line, he applies very few actual inputs and extremely few corrections. Actions are very deliberate with specific intent. This is a BIG area that differentiates very good drivers from ok drivers. Even things like choice of application speed plays a role, not just the amount of input.
7) He is doing all of this while still driving the car relatively light. This is him maybe at 70%. He's not taking chances or doing anything wild or outside of the scope of what he can easily see. Even so, he still does all of the above well with low risk and clean, simple driving.

This is just really, really good driving.

September 22nd, 2020, 03:18 PM
All good comments - not bad for a driver who is not the Stig!

Oh and on a side note, I watched the scifi horror movie "Under The Skin". Basic but has Scarlett Johansen naked, which is a big appeal in a movie. But it also had some mystery guy on a motorbike. What I noticed was how good the motorcycle shots were - including some follow shots. It was sometimes on wet roads but everytime it looked like the bike was really being ridden. Nothing crazy like burnout u-turns (usual stunt override it), but proper bike over cornering, like a mid paced Isle of Man. Anyway it gets to the end and the credits roll and up comes Jeremy McWilliams. Im like - what? Yes it was the ex MotoGP rider. Ok so that explains why it looked like someone who knew how to ride.

September 23rd, 2020, 03:20 PM

MR2 Fan
September 23rd, 2020, 07:16 PM

also...."when you're a block away from home and start losing the battle"

September 23rd, 2020, 07:35 PM
Well, I suppose thats the logical endpoint of matte-black and whitewalls on wire wheels.

September 25th, 2020, 02:30 PM

Many moons ago I would've been interested that Acura had redesigned a car, the TLX, but now not so much.

September 29th, 2020, 04:47 PM
Went for a ride (https://twitter.com/gaztankmotors/status/1309925693157969923) <-- Open for video

September 29th, 2020, 05:01 PM
Oooooh Jesus!

October 1st, 2020, 03:44 PM