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Rare White Ape
June 18th, 2024, 06:19 PM
That Metroid trailer shows the game running at 60fps. Aintnoway it’s being rendered on current-gen Switch hardware.

June 18th, 2024, 07:57 PM
Marvel vs Capcom: Fighting Collection coming this year! This is a dream come true, and long long overdue, IMO. No actual release date set, just says 2024.

Coming to the Switch and PS4, (no Xbox). I’m undecided on which version I’ll go with…though kinda leaning towards the Switch.


I already have this entire series on PS1 and PS2 and they’ve all been disappointing games compared to their arcade counterparts. Slowdown, missing frames of animation, and the most horrific offender of all being lack of tag team modes for XMvSF, MSHvSF and MvC on the PS1. I did buy MvC2 on the PS2, and then later on the PS3, which was decent. Plus a decade ago they released the Marvel vs Capcom Collection on the PS3, but it only had two games: MSH and MvC which were arcade perfect. Plus I have the entire collection as ROMs on a couple of Raspberry Pi emulators, but the controls are horrible and non-responsive no matter how much you mess around with “run ahead latency”. I just could never get that shit right.

Something tells me the Switch version will be the best.

(I don’t really care about the Punisher game).

This is exciting!

MR2 Fan
June 23rd, 2024, 09:05 AM
The Punisher game is nostalgic for me because when it was new in the arcades, my friend and I found one that was free to play (it was at the Polynesian resort at Disney World where his father worked), so we beat the game in one night.

June 23rd, 2024, 09:47 AM
I had never heard of it. :|

I’ll play it, of course. Might even enjoy it.

June 23rd, 2024, 03:53 PM
The Punisher game is a classic Capcom 2D side-scrolling beat-em-up.