View Full Version : Lets destroy all animals that kill/threaten humans!

June 5th, 2016, 07:11 PM
Seems to be the mentality at the moment/for a long time. :smh: :angry:

1. Okay, the silverback Gorilla they maybe had no choice since Chuck Norris was busy, but the zoo should be fined for having inadequate fencing, and the mother fined for ignoring her son's threats to enter the enclosure.

2. NZ lady eaten by a crocodile in Aussie. Killed one croc - nup, not in there. Killed another croc - oh, here she is! How many would they have gone through before they gave up looking? Would they start looking at the insides of crocs elsewhere in the world until they went extinct?

3. Lady in Aussie gets killed by 6m Great White Shark that was longer than her boat. Now they are setting out to hunt and kill it... What good is killing a GW shark going to do - teach the others a lesson? If they think "oh, it's killed one human before, so it'll have a taste for us now and will start to attack more of us" then they really are as stupid as they appear, as we've got less meat on us than a lot of other things it eats.

What a bloody joke, no wonder so many species are extinct, or nearly there. Oh wait, we are number one! Humanz foreva! Don't mess with us, you measly defenceless animals!

I reckon WE killed the dinosaurs, covered up by the CIA no doubt. Think about it. The DeLorean isn't made out of normal car materials, Back To The Future was just an attempt to get the CIA to reveal the truth to the world.

Sorry if this has already been talked about, but a topic for this sort of animal hunting didn't appear in my 'man search'.

June 5th, 2016, 09:42 PM
I don't think the zoo had any problems. They had years and years and years of zero problems. Bottom line is if you build a "cage" where people can see in, someone somewhere somehow is going to find a way in. If people want to see the animals - which may be a problem in and of itself if you ask me - then they need to be smart enough not to try and touch them. If you can't handle that, either don't go or get eaten. As far as I'm concerned, if they don't get out the zoo's responsibility is met. Making everything idiot proof is simply unfeasible. As Darwin noted, when environmental pressures work against idiots, eventually better idiots evolve. You can't beat nature.

G'day Mate
June 5th, 2016, 09:45 PM
Yeah whenever someone gets taken by a shark there's a massive debate about the whole ordeal. People get taken by crocs far more regularly though and I've not noticed nearly as much fuss.

And then there's Mick Fanning ...

Rare White Ape
June 5th, 2016, 11:01 PM
I'm OK with the specific shark or croc being killed once it has gone at a human, as long as the reason for doing so (that the particular individual may now have a taste for humans and become an increased threat) is backed up by evidence. I'm not an expert there so I can't comment.

What I don't like is if there is a spike in attacks in one region and the local authorities go ahead and do a shark cull of hundreds of sharks.

Sometimes you need to kill an animal to retrieve a human corpse. That's just part of the way our culture has developed. And it's messy; I don't think any hunter enjoys opening up multiple crocodiles to find parts of human inside one of them. I accidentally ran across a photo of it on Instagram today... victim was swallowed mostly whole. Not nice.

June 6th, 2016, 12:12 AM
548 fatal shark attacks between 1958 and 2014. World wide.

Chicago by itself had 468 murders in 2015.

pretty sure i know which one is statistically more likely to kill me.

June 6th, 2016, 05:21 PM

THIS animal deserves not to be killed, but to be made a human punching bag for a fee. Break his ribs, legs, and arms and keep them broken and in pain.

The full judgment is below the article, and it really is horrifying reading.

Rare White Ape
June 7th, 2016, 04:51 AM
Yeah I might not read that.

You're a lawyer, though probably not a criminal lawyer, so you might have seen stuff like this on a semi-regular basis (in-between long stretches of mind-numbing corporate law), so it's telling that your reaction to that cunt is so acidic.

June 7th, 2016, 05:45 AM
Yeah I might not read that.

You're a lawyer, though probably not a criminal lawyer, so you might have seen stuff like this on a semi-regular basis (in-between long stretches of mind-numbing corporate law), so it's telling that your reaction to that cunt is so acidic.

I'm also a parent, but I think even before I became a lawyer and a parent it would have been equally acidic (most likely because I'm also Malaysian).

June 7th, 2016, 11:51 AM
I reckon WE killed the dinosaurs.

Nope, video killed the dinosaur.

June 7th, 2016, 11:56 AM
Bravo :up:

June 7th, 2016, 02:49 PM

THIS animal deserves not to be killed, but to be made a human punching bag for a fee. Break his ribs, legs, and arms and keep them broken and in pain.

The full judgment is below the article, and it really is horrifying reading.

That is fucked up!

I believe scripture will back me on this... that even God won't show any mercy on his soul.

Sigh... even in not quite so impoverished neighborhoods... I still do believe churches are good places to go, but don't be foolish to rely on those at church to be your babysitters.

Take good care of your own babies.

June 7th, 2016, 08:51 PM
Yeah the zoo fence thing i'm not sure about either, especially since i haven't even seen what it looks like. For sure the parent needs to be fined, but yeah. Maybe the punishment for the zoo has already happened, losing the 'rilla.

And cutting open animals to find humans does make sense, but there does come a point when you should stop. Not that i know of heaps of animals being killed to find someone, but i'd say it has happened somewhere.

June 7th, 2016, 09:35 PM
If I ever get eaten by an animal, I hope they leave me be. I probably deserved it, and God knows I've eaten enough of them.

June 8th, 2016, 11:00 AM
The 21st century sure looks a lot like Jello Biafra said it would.

June 8th, 2016, 11:16 AM
It does, doesn't it?