View Full Version : Getting HDMI Full Range signal out of a Radeon mobile graphics chip

Rare White Ape
December 9th, 2016, 10:09 PM
Hi, so I have a laptop and it's got a Radeon R9 M265X graphics chip. I'd like to get full range RGB out of it via HDMI to match the setting on my TV, however the crappy Radeon software that drives it removed all of it's advanced settings a few years ago.

Remember the ATi Catalyst Control Centre? It's now a gimped version of its former self and AMD have replaced it with a shitty shiny UI that has almost no options.

I've tried to do the usual Googling but nothing specific comes up, just people complaining on Reddit or the AMD forums that CCC is no longer. One suggestion was to uninstall the Radeon software and find an old legacy CCC program to replace it, another was to run a program called RadeonMod that manipulates the registry files for the graphics chip. I tried that but couldn't find any setting that looked like it might be what I want.

Before I get too deep into buggering around with this, has anyone else got any ideas that may be of help to me?

December 10th, 2016, 07:56 AM
CCC has a basic mode and an advanced mode - the advanced mode still has that, or at least the one on my HTPC did as of last year (replaced the machine, new one is Nvidia). Is it possible that your issue is the manufacturer of your laptop not gimping the software? I know Dell and HP do that.

Rare White Ape
December 10th, 2016, 09:21 PM
The CCC advanced mode is exactly what I'm after. I used to be able to use that before the switch to the fancy-pants (but friggin useless) Radeon UI. The program gives you the option to go to 'Radeon additional settings' which is like a cut-down CCC interface with very few options.

As for the second part I doubt that's the case, especially considering that other users - even those with newer high-end cards - are having to jump through hoops to configure their hardware like I am. When I get a new laptop I always save the HDD image, then do a full wipe & clean install Windows and add the drivers manually from the manufacturers website, in this case it's Toshiba.

The ATi driver that Toshiba provides is just an installer program that points you to the AMD website to get it direct from them, so I've essentially got the all-in-one install package that is used for every AMD and formerly ATi graphics card, which just tailors itself to your specific hardware.