View Full Version : Rocket League

February 17th, 2017, 10:05 AM
I'm kind of surprised there was no thread for this game. It's one of the "Free Play Days" games this week-end. It seems pretty popular and Rypien GT told me it's, "...heaps of fun." I tried it out last night. I did the tutorial, then tried one game online. I scored two of our team's three goals and made such a spectacular save at one point that I regret not recording it. I got the star player at the game's end. Not bad for my first go. :D I'll probably never duplicate that performance again. :lol:

It takes some getting used to the steering (twitchy) and controls, but I can certainly see it being, "...heaps of fun." Anyone else trying it this week-end?

February 17th, 2017, 10:19 AM
I bought it when it was $20 and never played it. I can change that this weekend :)

February 17th, 2017, 10:28 AM
Dodint is a serious RL player, I've read.

I play it with my son. He uses a wired Xbox controller plugged into the USB port of the computer and can do cool tricks such as mid-air barrel rolls that I can't do (or can't do as easily) on a keyboard. He says a wired controller is the way to go if you're playing on a computer.

February 17th, 2017, 10:36 AM
I should have clarified that it is free for the Xbone this week-end through XBL, where I will be playing it.

February 17th, 2017, 11:09 AM
I'm a m'f' LEGEND!

I got it from with PS+ for free last year.

Quick fact: The Rookie/Semi/Pro/Veteran/Expert/Legend just denotes, basically, how long someone has played based on experience points acquired. It has nothing to do with skill, there is a different metric for that.

February 17th, 2017, 12:58 PM
OK, I'm enjoying this game. :)

February 18th, 2017, 04:45 PM
This game is ADD genius.


February 18th, 2017, 04:52 PM
The beauty of Rocket League is twofold for me: (1) it feels like real sport, it's not contrived (no rubber banding or difficulty sliders) and (2) the matches are only 5 minutes so you can play to kill time while dinner is in the oven or for 9 hours straight.

February 19th, 2017, 07:55 AM
Yeah, this game is heaps of fun, even when my team is losing. What a laugh riot. :)

February 19th, 2017, 02:48 PM
Bought. (Not deleted! ;) )

February 19th, 2017, 03:34 PM
The BTTF DLC is fantastic if you're any bit of a fan of the movie at all. I wrote a glowing review of it when it came out, can't find it now. The detail they put into it was exceptional.

February 20th, 2017, 07:58 AM
I have it on PS4 (free) also. I liked it so much I felt compelled to buy a bunch of DLC to support the developer, since it was free. Good times. :up:

February 20th, 2017, 10:34 AM
I don't think local multiplayer is very common anymore?
I played it with my son yesterday, and we had an absolute blast.

Online, on the other hand...
My son and a friend tried to play together earlier today, and nothing seemed to work whichever way we tried.
In the end, we had to set up a private room with a username and a password, and his friend then had to search for this room and log in before they could play together.
I was hoping it would be more intuitive and hassle-free.

February 20th, 2017, 11:43 AM
I thought once you started and joined a Party you were bound to them until you leave the party. Hmm.

February 20th, 2017, 02:33 PM
Kch and I played together the other day with no hassles. :? I simply sent an invite while I was at the main menu. His name appeared next to mine at the bottom of the screen once he was in my lobby. I was then able to search for a game the same way as single player. Sorry to hear you are having troubles. :(

February 21st, 2017, 11:15 AM
Yeah, that's the way I expected it to work.
Things like this drive me nuts, and an online search seemed to confirm my suspicions, with a lot of posts like these:


I'm fiddling around with NAT settings and port forwarding inside the router to see if it helps things.


Otherwise - are you guys playing the Standard games or have you tried Rumble? It adds a Mario Kart element of weapons to the gameplay, and really can be quite hysterical. My son prefers those types of games.

February 21st, 2017, 11:29 AM
I tried Rumble once but I'm too into it as a 'sport' so I don't like it. I don't even like the non-conventional boards.

I play:

1v1 Ranked: 80% of the time.
Snow Day: To blow off steam when I'm playing poorly.
3v3 Ranked: When I need something different.
Hoops: When I want to find an appreciation for the three above.

I don't touch anything else.

February 21st, 2017, 12:57 PM
I've only been playing Standard and Snow Day. I have not tried ranked play. Although, there must be some kind of ranking system in Standard. I was amazing at it at first, but quickly became mediocre. :lol:

Edit: We have an exchange student staying with us for a little while. We played split-screen online and it is freakin' great. :D

Boda Zen
March 1st, 2017, 08:25 PM
If anybody is still playing this and wants to group send me a messag

March 1st, 2017, 08:42 PM
Which platform?

Boda Zen
March 1st, 2017, 09:33 PM
Xbox one. Although its cross platform play between steam and xbox

March 2nd, 2017, 07:39 AM
I didn't know that the cross platform play only went like this:

PS4 <===> PC <===> XBox

I assumed I was playing against XBox people as well as PC since XBox came online. PC people just get a generic avatar and I assumed XBox players were using the same one. That's weak.

March 2nd, 2017, 10:07 AM
It's up to Sony to flip the switch* for PS4->XBox crossplay, and they have chosen not to.

*Probably more technical than that.

March 2nd, 2017, 10:27 AM
Sony is also the reason that PC and PS4 people can't use the in game chat. They think the PS4 users, who don't have a keyboard, will be disadvantaged against PC users.

October 5th, 2017, 05:55 AM
The Forza 7 thread reminded me that I have a couple of dozen loot crates I will never open. :rolleyes:

October 5th, 2017, 07:20 AM
Oh, yeah. I've never purchased a RL key so I have stacks and stacks of crates. One day I'll actually respond to "trade???" and make some kids day by unloading it all.

The difference being the crates in RL are cosmetic garbage whereas in Forza they're required to play the game at anything other than the most basic level.

February 9th, 2018, 04:56 PM
Damn, this game is still a hoot every time I boot it up. If you don't own this game, you should. :cool::up:

February 11th, 2018, 07:49 PM
A random player asked to trade. I said OK. He offered one car. I gave him about ten crates. :lol: I still have about 20 more.

March 26th, 2018, 07:16 PM
Lately, many of my RL games have been less than stellar. Typical casual game for me: Join game in progress on team that is down 2-4 goals. Get scored on a few more times because team mates are awful or bots. Team mates quit. Finish the game with bots. :rolleyes:

It forced me to play more competitive games. Team mates still quit, but far less frequently. I had a game the other day where a team mate quit almost immediately. It was 3 on 2 the whole game, but we managed to win 3-2! :)

I just played a game where we went down 3-0 in the first 2 minutes. One of my team voted to forfit. Bah, 3 minutes is plenty of time to come back! We won 4-3 in OT. :)

Rare White Ape
March 26th, 2018, 11:43 PM
Damn quitters.

Someone has to lose a game, just suck it up.

Bloody quitters :smh:

April 4th, 2018, 12:38 PM
I joined a competitive game. We scored 22 seconds in. An opposing team member said, "trash teammates." Thirty seconds later, he, what appeared to be unintentionally, scored on his own net. :lol: When the other team would score, he would say, "2ez." He quit out once the score became 6-3 for our team. :rolleyes:

April 4th, 2018, 12:40 PM
I play almost exclusively 1v1 so I miss most of those antics. Sometimes I play 3v3 Snowday but it's unranked so it's not as intense.

April 4th, 2018, 03:13 PM
I tried 1v1 once. I cannot remember the outcome, but I prefer having team mates.

I like Snow Day. :)

April 18th, 2018, 06:28 PM
Been playing 3v3 competitive a lot lately. I got up to gold division 1 then went on a terrible losing streak. I dropped back to silver 2 thanks to match-ups with lousy team mates. It just sucks to be penalized because of crappy luck. :( Thankfully, I rebounded in the past few days back to gold 1.

May 31st, 2018, 01:33 PM
"Due to your report and reports of others, action has been taken against an unsportsmanlike player." First time I have seen a message like this in Rocket League. (I've seen similar a couple of times with XBL, but RL is cross-platform.)

Got back up to Gold 3 before the season ended. Started the new season and my Merc (van) was gone! Boo! Set myself up with a different car, only to win the Merc after the first game. :erm:

May 31st, 2018, 01:48 PM
^^^ NARC


May 31st, 2018, 01:57 PM
Yep. I am very judicious about sending reports if someone is a jackass. :devil:

May 31st, 2018, 02:05 PM
A few years back, when the exchange student (fluent in French and Spanish) was staying with us, we were in a game and she said, "Oh, that guy has a very naughty name." I did not realize it because the gamertag was a phrase in French that basically meant fuck your mother. There is not really a literal translation, but in French, it is one of the filthier things you can say. I reported the gamertag and got a message less than two days later from XBL saying action had been taken.

Later, we mentioned it to another French-speaking friend. His eyes went wide and his jaw dropped when he heard it. :lol:

August 15th, 2018, 08:50 AM
Wow, I am on a horrific losing streak right now. I worked my way up almost to platinum division and then steadily dropped down about eight divisions. :(

August 15th, 2018, 08:55 AM
I haven't been able to win at all since I upgraded to a PS4 Pro and a 4k TV. Something about it has messed up my timing, and I'm not tracking the ball as well. I keep just simply driving past the ball or whiffing it during aerial shots. I'll adapt but the change has been pretty jarring.

August 15th, 2018, 11:15 AM
See if there is a game mode/toggle that reduces visual lag.

August 15th, 2018, 11:37 AM
GT:S is fine, I'm just oddly off in Rocket League. Lots of variables there. TV does have a Gaming mode, though. I'll give it a shot.

August 15th, 2018, 12:48 PM
I am not counting out the possibility that I am beyond my league. :lol: One of the last games I played, there was a big, fat meatball that dropped right in front of the opponents' goal. Both me and a team mate fanned on it. The opposing team immediately capitalized and scored in OT. Our third team mate was like, "GUYS." Yep, we effed up big. :lol:

August 15th, 2018, 03:33 PM
I just played a game where I thought to myself, "Jeez, are all these guys high?" :lol:

August 20th, 2018, 12:58 PM
I had a zany game earlier. I went into 4v4 chaos just for laughs. The game was already in progress and my team was down 2-0, if I remember correctly. I do not know how that was possible, as three of the opposing team were not playing. This made them prime targets. I didn't go for the ball. I just drove around and exterminated the other team. :lol: I got about ten demolitions. Meanwhile, the ONE GUY on the other team scored SIX goals on my idiot teammates. :lol: One of our team was AFK too, so it was basically 2v1 most of game with eight players in the arena. :rolleyes: One of the opposing team finally woke up, so I started playing for real in the last minute or so. Final score was 9-5 for the opposing team. Ridiculous game. :lol:

September 20th, 2018, 07:50 AM
Just finished my longest game ever. 3v3 standard. Both teams had great defence and there was no score at the end of regulation time. It took over seven minutes before the opposing team scored the overtime winner. It was a good game. :up:

September 20th, 2018, 07:55 AM
That would have been intense, cool that you got to experience it. I think the longest I've ever gone is about 5 minutes into OT, and it was hockey.

January 16th, 2019, 08:48 AM
Rocket League just announced they have enabled full cross-platform play. Playstation players can now play with Xbone players. At this time, only in random matchmaking or private matches. Team-ups in matchmaking will be coming later, apparently.

January 16th, 2019, 09:19 AM
Yeah, Keith was talking about getting a Party together sometime. Judging by this page we don't have enough to fill a doubles match. :lol:

January 16th, 2019, 12:34 PM
I'm wondering if cross-platform audio chat is included.

January 16th, 2019, 12:41 PM
Would be Savage AF!!!!

It's not there now, it would have to come with the party update. I know the text chat is disabled because Sony knew console gamers would be able to beat up on console gamers that don't have a keyboard. But voice shouldn't have that limitation. As it stands now you can only VC in-platform.

January 16th, 2019, 03:49 PM


March 19th, 2019, 06:44 PM
I just played a match with a developer.

April 1st, 2019, 04:28 AM
I played a game yesterday where I did alright and had the most points on our team. My two teammates were in the same clan. Alas, we lost the game. Then, I got a message from one of my teammates, "Trash." :erm:

May 26th, 2019, 03:00 PM
Just finished a notable snow day game. One of our team mates quit out nearly immediately, so it was 2v3 the entire game. The opposing team scored and I thought it was going to be over. I was ready to give up. I could tell my team mate was not giving up, so I fought hard too. We scored to make it 1-1, then the other team scored again. Somehow we were able to fight for another goal and took it into overtime at 2-2. OT went about two minutes before I was able to score the winner. It was kind of a lucky goal though. I made a save, cleared it and the puck caromed off an opposing player into the goal at an odd angle. Hey, a goal is a goal! :D Winning a 2v3 match is super-satisfying. :)

May 28th, 2019, 06:51 AM
Awesome. I always stick with it in that scenario until we're two goals down.

June 16th, 2019, 07:04 PM
My RocketID is dodint#1291 if anyone wants to add me now that cross platform seems to be fully functional.

June 17th, 2019, 12:00 PM
I did not even know about the RocketID thing. Added. :)

October 5th, 2019, 02:33 PM
RL is eliminating the random crate system. I assume they are doing it because of the controversy surrounding loot crates. It will be replaced with a blueprint system, where you will know what you are buying before you buy it. You will have to purchase "credits" with real money to buy whatever is on the blueprint.

I've always hated random loot crates. If you expect me to pay real money for something in the game, you better goddam tell me what I am buying beforehand.

October 5th, 2019, 02:49 PM
I saw something about that. I've never paid to open the crate, so I have hundreds. I always joked I would pick some kid at random and 'trade' them all to them for something small. Guess that won't happen.

October 5th, 2019, 03:08 PM
I gave 60+ crates away to a random person last year. I have over 100 crates in my inventory right now. They will all become "blueprints." Every once in a while I am gifted a decryptor, so I have opened a few crates. Keys will become "credits."

December 4th, 2019, 09:44 AM
Big (6.6 GB) update for this game today. They rolled out the new reward system with blueprints replacing crates and credits replacing keys.

December 4th, 2019, 09:54 AM
Jeez, no one thought to put a "reveal all" option. If you had hundreds of crates, be prepared to reveal each one individually. It will take you hours. :rolleyes:

December 5th, 2019, 05:07 AM
I don't pay any attention to that stuff at all. Hopefully it won't affect me. But thanks for the heads up, I'm on a gaming hiatus because of bar exam study but now I'll turn on the PS4 and do the update. You'd think as sophisticated as the PS4 is it could handle downloading and updating all game and system updates when it's in rest mode, but, nope.

January 13th, 2020, 06:21 PM
Every once in a while this game decides that I am going to lose for a while. I dropped from platinum II to gold II in the past week or two. :|

January 14th, 2020, 04:14 AM
I'm only chiming in to say I'm glad I don't know what all this silliness is about. :D

January 14th, 2020, 06:15 AM
Every once in a while this game decides that I am going to lose for a while. I dropped from platinum II to gold II in the past week or two. :|

It's water finding its level. I tend to oscillate around a skill level, never staying in one place. I think the matchmaking is getting harder with fewer players online so you get paired with folks that are farther away from your own skill levelmas well.

I almost only ever play 1v1, my ranks are usually higher in 3v3 and Snow Day. Pretty sure I am unranked in everything but 1v1 now since I can't play much.

September 16th, 2020, 09:21 PM
7 GB update! Rocket League is going free next week.

September 17th, 2020, 12:21 PM
A little while back, I read an article about free-to-play games with in-game purchases. If I remember correctly, only about 10% of players paid for microtransactions, but they were enough to make it profitable, in some cases, very profitable. A small percentage of those players spent a ridiculous amount of money on microtransactions, like thousands of dollars in a single game, depending on the game.

Rocket League does not owe me anything. I still play it often. It does not bother me that it is going free-to-play, but if I had purchased it just a month ago, I might be looking for a refund. I am one of the 90% that will never pay for microtransactions. I have purchased, and would again, DLC that adds significantly more to a game, such as new maps, tracks, cars, stories, missions and things like that. (Halo, Destiny, Forza, Mass Effect, Trials.) I would not consider those to be microtransactions though.

No reason to not give this game a try. It is really fun and simple to play. One of my favourites.

Not deleted. :assclown:

September 17th, 2020, 06:04 PM
I got it as a PS+ game so it has always been free for me.

September 27th, 2020, 03:47 AM
Now that RL is free, there were over 1M people playing yesterday. Normal average was 200-300K.

All progress has been reset. I was back to level one after being 300+, not that it really matters. It is just causing some really one-sided match-ups until I win enough matches to be ranked.

I already have a ridiculous number of blueprints that I will never use. You can trade them up like other items. I do not know if you can trade them to other players. I would guess so.

February 20th, 2021, 12:12 PM
Just played a game against a Trump-affiliated clan. All their names started with Q. :rolleyes: Also, one of our team was a griefer. We won 1-0 on OT, with the griefer scoring the winning goal. That is the first time I had to block the entire opposing team and one of my own team mates. I also reported the griefer.

February 22nd, 2021, 06:24 PM
Just had my longest game ever. We were tied 2-2 at the end of the five minutes of regulation time. It took 10:20 of overtime before the other team scored. It was a good game.

March 20th, 2023, 03:04 PM
I have been away from Rocket League for a couple of years now, since letting my XBL Gold expire. I finally cracked and installed the Epic Game Store on my PC so I can play Rocket League again. Installing now. I had to create an account, so I will be starting from scratch.

March 21st, 2023, 06:40 PM
"You must play ten games to be ranked."

*Plays ten mediocre games*

"Platinum III!"

Um, what? :lol:

*Gets clobbered in the next three games and drops to Gold II*

April 30th, 2023, 05:27 AM
Every once in a while this game decides that I am going to lose for a while.

Still true. Although, I seem to have settled in to Platinum I. I mostly play Standard 3v3, with Snow Day mixed in. Occasionally, I play 4v4 Chaos, which is usually a laugh riot. I played a Chaos game last night and I was by far the best player. I had more points than all the other players combined. :lol:

May 3rd, 2023, 05:27 AM
Played a couple of odd games in a row yesterday. The first one, we were playing against a clan. We went down 3-1, then the other team forfeited. Never seen that before. :erm:

The next game, we had a griefer on our team who just kept bashing me. :rolleyes:

August 9th, 2023, 02:44 PM
Every once in a while this game decides that I am going to lose for a while. I dropped from platinum II to gold II in the past week or two. :|

This continues to happen regularly, too regularly to be mere coincidence. I was hovering around platinum 1/2 for a while, then in the last week, I just can't buy a win. Dropped straight down to Gold 2 again.

May 3rd, 2024, 04:41 AM
This continues to happen regularly, too regularly to be mere coincidence. I was hovering around platinum 1/2 for a while, then in the last week, I just can't buy a win. Dropped straight down to Gold 2 again.

This exact same thing happened again this week. I've been teamed up with so many griefers. I went four games in a row where I had to report one or both of my team mates. :smh:

May 7th, 2024, 04:10 PM
Maybe I'm back on the upswing? I just had my best game EVER. 1136 points, 6 goals, 4 saves, 6 shots. I don't remember ever being over 1000 points in a match before.

June 7th, 2024, 12:57 PM
New season starts and I am unranked. Played ten shitty games to get ranked. I think I only won one game. Got ranked Platinum I. :wtflol:

June 9th, 2024, 06:07 PM
Play ten games to get ranked in Snow Day. I didn't do too bad; won some, lost some. Ranked Diamond I. :wtflol: I've never been Diamond before.