View Full Version : WTF am I doing here?

Sad, little man
September 18th, 2017, 03:05 PM
I've discovered that I can't delete this thread, so I'm deleting all of my comments within it as the next best thing. I'm sorry for turning the thread into a fragmented mess...



September 18th, 2017, 04:12 PM
Jesus has the answers.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to love whoever crosses your path wherever you happen to be. That's what Jesus told me. Of course your mission could vary...

Even without Jesus, we ought to continue to figure out how to improve one another's lives... if paychecks not good enough, then find something good enough.

Elon musk started his own company because he couldn't find a job.

September 18th, 2017, 06:01 PM
Travel to the third world for some perspective.

Some people can be happier even when facing worse odds. Afaik (because all i know is this continent) Cuba and Uruguay have reasonably well developed cultural networks that help people be kind to each other in the face of adversity. Perhaps there is something for you to see there.


September 18th, 2017, 06:17 PM
Move to NZ. It's almost the same in terms of the rich getting rich, and the poor getting poorer/having to work for nothing, but quality of life is i think a little better with our healthcare system (free/cheap to a point) and you're always left out of the disaster movies, so it's mostly safe.

But yeah. Once these bigwigs start getting these big paychecks they think that everyone else is below them/not trying hard enough to find a job or move ahead in their current job, and they don't consider it their responsibility to help out those in need probably because 'they got themselves into that situation' and all that sort of nonsense. You get a few that break this pattern, but not enough. Some of the things they blow thousands of dollars on are just bloody absurd (cars excluded).

Best bet is to ignore the stuck up plicks, find something you like doing, some good friends/hobbies (if there's time), a spot in the world's jigsaw puzzle of life that suits you, and live there. Nothing we can ever do about the rich mofos stuck up noses, one day they may crash back to reality but maybe not.

It's the modern circle of life or something along those lines.

September 18th, 2017, 06:33 PM
Honestly if youre working for any company then yes you are working to make money for someone else.

Even when working for a mom andnpop store or depending on their specific field nonprofits as well.

Bonus question: Ask people who lived in the 50s and 60s with the threat of nuclear war. Bombers armed flying 24 hours a day just in case of an attack.

September 19th, 2017, 01:20 AM

You need a dog. If nothing else, they are a leveler. They don't ask for much, yet give plenty.

September 19th, 2017, 05:54 AM
Looking at the why nots, rather than the whys. If we all did that, nothing would ever get done. I'm sure a new sensor in those fancy full frame cameras or a dropped lens will hurt the purse just as much...

I sit here, staring at one of London's key landmarks, and one of the key bridges; all easy terrorist targets. Indeed - there was a foiled bomb blast on the TFL tubes on Friday. 2 minutes walk from my office was the site of a pedestrain/van running over/stabbing terrorist action months ago.

Should I wrap myself up in cotton wool, sit in a darkened room and never leave it, as all the why nots out-weigh the why's? Will North Korea or American flinch first? Is this my last day on earth?!

No. I just get on with it (those expensive vet bills won't pay themselves...), get home, and go walk my dog. He wants food, a walk, a poop and tummy scratches. After that, he fucks off on his own and farts all night. A leveler.

Dunno - to me, you're worrying and trying to fix shit you've no hope of achieving, and getting all worked up about it. Life's short - try and enjoy it, eh? :)

September 19th, 2017, 06:01 AM
If you struggle just to take care of yourself, you should not get a pet.

September 19th, 2017, 07:15 AM
The terrorist comparison was to your fear of global wealth distribution, nuclear arms, etc. A pet may cost you money, but like a car, house, camera, woman; it, might, make you worry about matters closer to home and what's important in (your) life, rather than worrying about financial super powers.

Yes, the world's shit; go do charity work in Mali if you want to make a difference. :)

September 19th, 2017, 07:26 AM
I need someone to explain to me how I can amicably accept the state of society as it stands.

That someone is a professional, licensed therapist. I suggest trying to find one locally, and scheduling regular visits. If you don't like them, find another one, don't assume that no therapist could help you based on the first one (or several).

If you had a broken leg, would you ask us on the forum how to fix it, or would you go see a doctor?

September 19th, 2017, 07:44 AM
Then try another therapist until you find one that is helpful. Or try to be more open with the therapist you have. Or both.

September 19th, 2017, 07:56 AM
Maybe you need to stop with the therapist and find an experienced Person of Quality that you look up to or impresses you in some way -- that you can also talk to?

A counselor/friend situation maybe? #spitballing

Tom Servo
September 19th, 2017, 08:14 AM
If you had a broken leg, would you ask us on the forum how to fix it, or would you go see a doctor?

I dunno, I still prefer asking you all about Windows 10 issues rather than going on official forums.

September 19th, 2017, 08:36 AM
Official forums are not the same as going to see a doctor. Going to see a doctor would be more like going to someone that spent 10 years studying Windows computers, took an assload of test to get the proper certifications, and then you're taking the computer directly to them.

September 19th, 2017, 09:47 AM
I need someone to explain to me how I can amicably accept the state of society as it stands.

I don't see how a licensed therapist can help with that.

If the world is fucked up, why should anyone pay licensed therapists to accept the world as what it is?

It's okay to refuse to accept it and do something about it. Hopefully something positive rather than negative.

It's also okay to just accept things as is and let life go on.

Life is full of choices... and with every choice, consequences.

Anyway, I'm just not so sure that SLM is sick and needs help that way...

September 19th, 2017, 01:14 PM
Drink heavily and often or have a kid.

September 19th, 2017, 05:46 PM
One often leads to the other, bro.

Rare White Ape
September 19th, 2017, 06:45 PM
I've discovered that I can't delete this thread, so I'm deleting all of my comments within it as the next best thing. I'm sorry for turning the thread into a fragmented mess...

I like how the first response is about Jesus.

Pure GTX :up:

September 19th, 2017, 07:36 PM
What's wrong with the thread being a fragmented mess?

September 19th, 2017, 08:22 PM
What's wrong with the thread being a fragmented mess?

I recommend that it get merged with the original thread to make it even more of a mess.

September 20th, 2017, 03:15 AM
If you struggle just to take care of yourself, you should not get a pet.

Number one reason why I haven't gotten a pet. Would really like one, but yeah, I don't trust myself taking care of anyone/thing.

Rare White Ape
September 20th, 2017, 03:50 AM
Pets are great. They're better than kids, as you can leave them unattended for hours in the home with a bowl of food/water and an open tray to shit in. When you finally get home they're still happy to see you.

September 20th, 2017, 06:52 AM
Pets are great. They're better than kids, as you can leave them unattended for hours in the home with a bowl of food/water and an open tray to shit in. When you finally get home they're still happy to see you.

That's a dog for you, a cat will try to kill you in your sleep.


Tom Servo
September 20th, 2017, 07:44 AM
That's total bullshit. Cats don't let you sleep.

September 20th, 2017, 09:02 AM
Wtf is this fragmented thread doing here?

I love it!

(Yes slm, love can give anything a purpose!)

September 20th, 2017, 10:56 AM
That's a dog for you, a cat will try to kill you in your sleep.


You just don't understand them.

September 20th, 2017, 11:47 AM
Cats have scary eyes.

September 20th, 2017, 01:41 PM
You just don't understand them.

nobody understands them...

September 20th, 2017, 03:06 PM
Are we still talking about cats???

September 20th, 2017, 03:54 PM
Dog is God backwards... so they are kinda backwards like that... rather that worship God, dogs will worship you!

Cats otoh see themselves as your equal or perhaps even superior to you. In our house, we serve both God and cats!

September 20th, 2017, 06:44 PM
I've grown to love dogs. I used to hate them for most of my life. Was deathly afraid of them as a kid. An incident occurred when I was four-years-old with a big dog that triggered stuttering, (and I've been stuttering ever since), so I grew up unfairly resenting and hating all dogs.

My brother-in-law got a little pug for his kids earlier this year, and I love the little guy. He's so affectionate, but they treat him like shit. It breaks my heart. I wish I could just take him off their hands. :(

September 20th, 2017, 09:46 PM
Tried asking?

September 21st, 2017, 05:29 AM
His kids will die without their dog, so that’s not happening. Gonna buy my own soon.

September 21st, 2017, 05:48 AM
Try not to ever 'buy' pets. Go to your local shelters 1st... cause if you don't, a lot of them will be forced to go to heaven before their time...

September 21st, 2017, 06:06 AM
I don’t think they’re free at shelters.

September 21st, 2017, 06:34 AM
Most are around $100. But, they've got their shots, been spayed/neutered, and microchipped. It's actually a lot cheaper than paying to have all of that done elsewhere.

September 21st, 2017, 09:53 AM
Yeah, sometimes they can have 'promotional' periods when they can even waive adoption fees! Those fees are just to cover costs of shelters, technically the animals ARE free! ;)

Anyway, just go stroll around your local shelters to get more info from them... and to check out your possible future petmate(s)! Good luck!

See, SLM, a random fragmented post on GTXF may actually end with a puppy finding a new loving home! This world is not all bad! Thanks for fucking around here... you maybe not know what the fuck you're doing here, but your actions can still turn out for good! ;)

Tom Servo
September 21st, 2017, 10:29 AM
Yeah, I think the 'buy' in quotes was people who essentially go shopping for pets rather than adopt, I definitely don't think he was trying to infer that adoption is free (though shelters around here seem to do free adoption events once a year or so).

September 21st, 2017, 11:00 AM
A lot of rescue groups will let you try out a dog for a week or so before you decide to keep it, which is really important if your have kids or other pets.

September 21st, 2017, 11:17 AM
WTF are you doing here? You make what you are doing here. There is not really a point to life. Do stuff you enjoy and have a good time. Your job is just to pay the bills.

Levi is a rescue and it was $95 to adopt him to cover costs of shots and neutering. Best $95 ever. Lori and I really worked hard to train him though. Dogs can do AMAZING stuff if you take the time to train them to be good. It's like training a Jedi. If you do not help them toward the light, they will be lost to the dark side and become an agent of evil. :lol:

If you have ANY doubts about getting a pet, don't. Just don't.

September 21st, 2017, 12:05 PM
If you have ANY doubts about getting a pet, don't. Just don't.


It's pretty much guaranteed that they'll love you, but if your love ain't true, please don't mess with them. I think they'd probably rather die in the shelter than be abandoned again...

WTF are you doing here? You are not here to fuck around, but to love them the best way you know how. It's also pretty much a sure thing that you won't ever regret it!

Rare White Ape
September 21st, 2017, 01:05 PM
The basic rules for fucking fat chicks probably also apply to adopting dogs:

Get an ugly one. They’ll love you more.

September 21st, 2017, 01:20 PM
True love should be about loving each other more..., not just expecting a bitch to love you more.

September 21st, 2017, 03:58 PM
My dog was $10 at a kill shelter in NC. I often threaten to return her when she does something that displeases me. She turned 10 this month.

September 21st, 2017, 06:27 PM

Sad, little man
September 23rd, 2017, 06:52 AM
There I fixed this thread.

Sad, little man
September 26th, 2017, 07:31 AM
It's my thread and I'll freak if I want to.



G'day Mate
September 27th, 2017, 06:19 PM
I paid $2,000 for Max, and this is what I got:


October 2nd, 2017, 08:26 AM
That's about right....