View Full Version : Terminator 6 Dark Fate

June 17th, 2019, 07:52 PM
Ok James Cameron is back to the Terminator series. As is Linda Hamilton (wow - working together again!)
And of cause the big guy is also in it.
Cameron is producer (not director or writer) but I presume has had a big hand in it, which should be good.

Yeah its been mentioned on the forums, but time to get its own thread and talk about it - will it rock or suck?
Who is excited?

June 17th, 2019, 10:11 PM
Despite popular opinion, i've liked every single Terminator movie made so far. Fave is still T2 by far, then T1, but yeah.

Hoping the new one will be good too. :cool:

Never watched the TV series as i felt like it was cashing in.

Rare White Ape
June 17th, 2019, 10:55 PM
It’s worth mentioning that the director behind Deadpool (Tim Miller) is helming this as well.

It’s got all the ingredients for a winner and I’m pumped!

MR2 Fan
June 18th, 2019, 10:12 AM
The first trailer wasn't too interesting IMO...seemed like they were just trying to mirror the big action moments from T2, nothing really interesting regarding the plot yet, but that's just the first trailer.

June 18th, 2019, 10:28 AM
I don't think I've seen any of the Cameron films that I didn't like... including Titanic! ;)

The fact that he's not writer nor director makes me kinda nervous though...

Also, I'm really sick of all the sequels... enough is enough already.

Further, I'm also kind of sick of reboots... do we really need things to be like video games and have lots of do-overs so quickly?

Come up with something original already!

Write something new James!

Anyway, hope it'll be good.

June 18th, 2019, 11:40 AM
I've been a fan since I saw the original when I was in high school. That was a scarier movie then than it would be to today's audiences, I think. It was more of a horror/slasher/bad-guy-won't-die film like Halloween at the time.

I hope the new one is good. Schwarzenegger still playing Terminators in his seventies may seem cheesy, but it's just the kind of cheese I'm willing to buy a ticket to see. Looking forward to seeing Linda Hamilton also, and wondering about what they said happened to her in T3 and how they'll resolve that.

One idea, which could be a spoiler for anyone who hasn't seen T3 - that's probably no one here, I realize, but still...

She wasn't in her coffin, so maybe she was/is still alive and "they" (her friends who live in the desert, maybe) told John she was dead so he wouldn't/couldn't lead the bad guys to her. Also, if Skynet read her obituary while scanning old newspapers in the future, they might stop looking for her.

Shall we start a pool on how the Terminator(s) obtain clothing this time around? :lol:

Yoah clothes...giff them to me!

June 18th, 2019, 12:05 PM
This film assumes everything after T2 never happened.

June 18th, 2019, 12:30 PM
That's convenient.

Maybe we'll get to see Dr. Silberman (https://terminator.fandom.com/wiki/Peter_Silberman) again. The actor who played him is still alive at age 77, according to Wikipedia.