View Full Version : Bruno's debian box

September 7th, 2020, 11:25 AM
Like I said on the Raspberry thread, I'm setting up a debian computer for the little one (bc of privacy concerns and as away to get him familiarized with white boxes).

But I just can't seem to get either USB dongle to work (BT [generic chinese thing] and Wifi [tplink (https://static.tp-link.com/2018/201812/20181207/Installation%20Guide%20for%20Linux.pdf)]).

There's all kinds of tutorials for Ubuntu and Mint but not for Debian 10. I just can't find a way to compile the git on the terminal and the Synaptic pack manager says that Wayland is getting in its way.

September 7th, 2020, 11:35 AM
As soon as that's sorted, I'll be asking you lot about how to install Steam.

Tom Servo
September 7th, 2020, 12:11 PM
Hah, it's been a while, I don't have a dedicated linux box these days They still use apt for everything on Debian much like Ubuntu, right? We use Ubuntu for pretty much all of our production EC2 instances, so I'm vaguely familiar with that, but I haven't used Debian in a very long time.

September 7th, 2020, 02:34 PM
They still use apt for everything on Debian much like Ubuntu, right?


September 8th, 2020, 04:48 AM
eesh. I'm reasonably linux-competent and have a decent amount of debian experience, but the one time (like 12-14 years ago) that I tried to set up a wireless usb dongle it was borderline traumatic - I went through like 3 separate distros before I finally bailed and bought a new internal card rather than fight it anymore. and I've never even attempted to get usb blutooth to work.
Even though it would obviously be more effort I'd almost rather do it on Arch, given that debian's brand of slightly persnickety seems to be a little less in-line with how I work, somehow.

September 8th, 2020, 11:16 AM

September 9th, 2020, 08:23 PM
Here's the manufacturer's web site. which zip am i supposed to get?

I ask bc i try to "make install" and the terminal returns an "error 127", which if i understand it correctly, means that the driver is for an x86 system, not for a AMD64, right?

September 9th, 2020, 08:24 PM
I am now logged in XORG and not in the default Wayland, so I can use synaptic, but i can't seem to find the package for that particular usb dongle.

September 9th, 2020, 08:39 PM
Some guy recommends adding i386 architecture

dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update

what dou you guys reckon?

Tom Servo
September 9th, 2020, 09:48 PM
It looks like 127 is the error code, at least in bash, that whatever you were trying to run wasn't in the path. Essentially, "binary not found".

Everything at this point should be "AMD64", it encompasses basically every 64 bit architecture that's been around for at least the past decade.

September 10th, 2020, 07:16 AM
Here's the manufacturer's web site. which zip am i supposed to get?

I ask bc i try to "make install" and the terminal returns an "error 127", which if i understand it correctly, means that the driver is for an x86 system, not for a AMD64, right?

Sorry, here: https://www.tp-link.com/en/support/download/tl-wn725n/#Driver

There's 3 zips for linux. :?

Tom Servo
September 10th, 2020, 07:26 AM
I only see two for Linux, one beta and one release driver. Worryingly, the beta one says that it'll become a release one "soon", but it was published over two years ago.

September 10th, 2020, 08:55 AM
Yeah, that 2 years thing is not a great sign that they give a shit about linux operability.
Anyway, assuming your kernal is 3.19.3 or greater, I'd go with the beta. Normal worst-case scenario is that it bugs out and just doesn't work, best case - it works fine forever.

And, I have had a few instances over the years of needing that i386 architecture for various and sundry compatibility issues; So if the manufacturer driver doesn't function it might be worth a shot following his suggestion - You can always go back and uninstall if it doesn't work out.

September 10th, 2020, 09:00 AM
I finally bailed and bought a new internal card rather than fight it anymore. and I've never even attempted to get usb blutooth to work.

Yup. I've returned the dongles and ordered an Intel 9560 (https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/99446/intel-wireless-ac-9560.html?wapkw=ac%209560) Pci card.

September 15th, 2020, 10:40 AM
Easier said than done.

Branded cards are not really certified to be Linux-compatible and chinese generics are basically a PCIe to M.2 adapter with an older chipset slotted in.

I hate board manufacturers. I was going to limit my hate to Intel, but they're all alike, right?

October 13th, 2020, 03:39 PM
Still no BT or WiFi.

But Bruno can now launch Among Us from Wine.

February 15th, 2021, 11:48 AM
Wireless troubles were fixed a few months ago when I gave him my two dongles and bought a combined unit for myself.

He is now aware of the existence of android emulators for Linux. We'll see where that leads us.

April 17th, 2021, 07:02 AM
So He's asked me to install mods to his Minecraft. AFAIK, a mod loader is always the solution.

Now, one of the most robust modloaders is fabricmc, which can be installed from a .jar in Linux (https://fabricmc.net/wiki/player:tutorials:java:linux), question is, since Debian is not in the instructions, which distro is closer to it? Arch, Fedora, Gentoo or Void?

Tom Servo
April 17th, 2021, 07:34 AM
If it's a .jar, all it should need is a Java runtime (JRE). That should be available on just about any distro.

April 17th, 2021, 04:50 PM
Thanks, tom.