View Full Version : Let’s say I want to tether off multiple devices…

Rare White Ape
July 21st, 2021, 04:17 PM
Picture this:

You have an iPad and an iPhone and you are using them as a hotspot for your PC etc, but the 4G reception at home is atrocious and you max out at 10mbps per device. (Where the reception is good a speed of 120mbps has been observed).

Is there a way to tell your PC to allow both mobile devices to hotspot simultaneously and potentially get a connection that will go up to 20mbps? If the PC can’t accept two WiFi hotspots, could it then use one on WiFi and the other on Bluetooth or USB and get a result?

I’d love to know.

July 21st, 2021, 04:45 PM
sounds like the connection hardware is the bottleneck here.

get a newer wifi card?

mmm... sorry i misunderstood it. i thought your home connection was capped.

July 22nd, 2021, 05:33 AM
I have no idea if its at all possible, but I definitely remember “shotgunning” two dial up lines way back in the day :lol:

Tom Servo
July 28th, 2021, 01:16 PM
I'm not a networking expert by any means, but the only thing that comes to mind is I think you can make a simple linux router with bgp that uses both connections and have that do some traffic shaping. Might even just be able to do "turn IP octet into an int and send traffic to one if the IP is even and the other if it's odd" to try to load balance across the two.

I have absolutely no idea if this would actually work.

Rare White Ape
July 28th, 2021, 04:31 PM
Yeah, given the lack of results I have seen on the web, I'd say it's cut-and-shut.

Usually you download large files from a single source, and splitting it up and having the entire network cooperate on this endeavour would be a big task. Knowing how local wifi connections alone do packet transmissions from router to device, it's no wonder that it's not a thing. Plus, I am only asking about this because I don't have good internet at home in an age of ubiquitous gigabit connections.

But! It would work wonderfully if your PC could use two connections for two different sources. I could download a hundred gigabytes of MSFS files on one connection, and watch YouTube at 1080p in my browser on another.

I came up with the idea that it could be possible because I will download something to my PC with my iPad as a hotspot, and while I wait I can watch Disney+ on my Xbox with my iPhone as its hotspot. The two devices have a 500GB account with two SIM cards between them.

July 28th, 2021, 06:24 PM
I mean, you could just move to an address which offers gigabit fiber internet for usd40/month.

Rare White Ape
July 28th, 2021, 07:32 PM
Solid option.

The other option is staying here and waiting 20 years for that to become a reality in my country.

July 28th, 2021, 08:48 PM
the only thing that i know of that did something similar are those multi-sim card docks for live TV cameras.

like this (https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1488878-REG/jvc_sfe_camvm_lteaw_dockable_wireless_bridge_cellu lar.html)