View Full Version : Ten years...

April 7th, 2022, 03:42 AM
...ago today i married the love of my life, who i'd met about five years earlier when she turned up to a car club meet i was at. A year later we were together, and just over four years later we got married in Easter 2012.

We got wed in the local botanical gardens, then headed to the local University and got photos like the below taken around some of their cool old buildings.
https://i.postimg.cc/D0tc8H3v/DSC-0912a.jpg ('https://postimg.cc/RJLtYP0y')
There's been a few highs and lows since then, nothing to threaten our relationship thankfully, but there's not another person on the planet (past, present, future or make believe) i'd want to spend my life with 24/7.
We barely ever argue (once or twice a year?), have never shouted at each other, and generally have a stress free relationship. Hopefully that will continue, and it's something you always need to work on.

We've travelled around the country together and i've been to a lot of places i may not have bothered with had i not met her.
We also managed to just buy a house before the housing market went insane. No way we'd be able to afford one these days.

I've suffered depression and anxiety for the past 20 years or so, and wifey has been a huge help in getting me through some tough times. Like a number of depressed people, i often try to make people laugh by being weird and cracking bad jokes (tasteful, i don't do dirty/offensive jokes) and care about their well being more than my own.

But anyway. Probably the biggest thing to happen to us happened late January this year.

https://i.postimg.cc/pdFktPw0/DSC-0194.jpg ('https://postimg.cc/8FTLRgPW')

He's a cheeky wee boy, and i hope we can give him the upbringing he deserves.

Today we watched our wedding video for the first time, and it was well worth the wait. It was a great day back then, with lots of humour and faces i saw in the vid that i actually forgot had attended the wedding/reception.

Anyway, sorry for the rambling post. And hope i don't seem like i'm bragging/showing off. I'm just trying to express how this lady of mine has changed my life, and all the things i've done/achieved which likely wouldn't have happened had i not met her.

My true, original marriage is to these forums and GTP forums though - been with you freaks since 2000, and GTP since 2001. ;)
That alone is a scary thought, the only other place i've spent over 20 years in is my home city.

Anyway. I'm done writing. You can get back to whatever it was you were doing now. ;)

April 7th, 2022, 03:56 AM
Congrats mate! And what a cute kid. I miss the days when mine were that size.

April 7th, 2022, 04:00 AM
That's a great decade!

April 7th, 2022, 08:11 AM

Married men do tend to live longer than single men. Be grateful and keep on bragging about her if you wish to live longer. ;)

April 7th, 2022, 08:40 AM
Congratulations! Cool pictures, too.

At first I thought that might be a Calvin & Hobbes hat on the little guy, but it's probably Winnie The Pooh. Bonus points for the Metallica shirt. Somewhere I have a picture of my daughter around that age wearing an AC/DC onesie that someone gave us and some (unplugged) headphones.

If she doesn't throw me out before June, we'll celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary this year.

April 7th, 2022, 12:08 PM
Thanks for the update! Great to see you two are still goin strong. So you own all three Skylines from your wedding?

And this will make a lot more sense now.


April 7th, 2022, 12:40 PM
Congrats on the two milestones!!!!

Lovely to see positive life events.

I'm on Zoloft for depression (mine was triggered by all the stress from my crash 3 years ago and how it is unfolding badly for me.) You have two wonderful people to live for.

April 7th, 2022, 01:09 PM
So you own all three Skylines from your wedding?

I missed that. Very cool. I'm read it as he took ownership of the Skyline club, not the cars. :smh: :lol:

April 7th, 2022, 04:01 PM

April 7th, 2022, 06:01 PM
what a great post :up:
thanks for sharing (and congrats)

April 7th, 2022, 06:37 PM
Cheers guys. :)

Thanks for the update! Great to see you two are still goin strong. So you own all three Skylines from your wedding?

And this will make a lot more sense now.


Ah, no - i would love to but those three GT-Rs combined would be worth about $150,000NZD or more by now. :twitch: We just have three 'normal' non GT-R Skylines, it was the club i took over. :)

And holey crap, didn't realise Homestarrunner was still going! :D

I'm on Zoloft for depression (mine was triggered by all the stress from my crash 3 years ago and how it is unfolding badly for me.) You have two wonderful people to live for.

I'm on Mirtazapine. It's more of an anxiety one, but it's the only drug i've ever taken that has pretty much no side effects (other than drowsiness). So therefore, i've been able to keep using it. I think my depression runs in my family sadly, my Dad has it slightly, my second youngest brother has it and one of my sisters does too. Aforementioned brother has it worst out of all of us though. He's even too nervous to leave the house incase some random talks to him. He never used to be that bad and it's breaking my heart that he's not seeking help for it.

It's such a shitty thing, and the best way i can describe my depression to people is by saying that it's just like you see in the cartoons - on one shoulder you have an 'angel'/good little person, and the other shoulder is the 'devil'/bad little person. The latter is constantly trying to take over all thought processes and make you think the worst of everyone and everything and generally try run things its way, while the good side has to constantly fight against the bad side to push the good energy though. Some days the good side is much, much stronger than the bad, other days (like part of today for me) not so much.

And speaking of that bad side... this post has been on my mind ALL day today when at work, because the bad little shoulder guy kept telling me that most of the post was essentially bragging and show-offmanship, so first thing i did when i got home is nerfed all the show offy stuff i could. There's a hell of a lot of people out there going through tough times at the mo, and my post just seemed like it was rubbing it in those peoples faces. :(

April 7th, 2022, 06:52 PM
But we liked the bragging and show-offmanship! You're a friend, a part of the community, your achievements are our achievements!

April 7th, 2022, 08:13 PM

April 7th, 2022, 08:21 PM
Excellent life update--here's to another ten years, and another, and another...:toast: :)

April 7th, 2022, 08:39 PM
Cheers guys. :)

Ah, no - i would love to but those three GT-Rs combined would be worth about $150,000NZD or more by now. :twitch: We just have three 'normal' non GT-R Skylines, it was the club i took over. :)

And holey crap, didn't realise Homestarrunner was still going! :D

I'm on Mirtazapine. It's more of an anxiety one, but it's the only drug i've ever taken that has pretty much no side effects (other than drowsiness). So therefore, i've been able to keep using it. I think my depression runs in my family sadly, my Dad has it slightly, my second youngest brother has it and one of my sisters does too. Aforementioned brother has it worst out of all of us though. He's even too nervous to leave the house incase some random talks to him. He never used to be that bad and it's breaking my heart that he's not seeking help for it.

It's such a shitty thing, and the best way i can describe my depression to people is by saying that it's just like you see in the cartoons - on one shoulder you have an 'angel'/good little person, and the other shoulder is the 'devil'/bad little person. The latter is constantly trying to take over all thought processes and make you think the worst of everyone and everything and generally try run things its way, while the good side has to constantly fight against the bad side to push the good energy though. Some days the good side is much, much stronger than the bad, other days (like part of today for me) not so much.

And speaking of that bad side... this post has been on my mind ALL day today when at work, because the bad little shoulder guy kept telling me that most of the post was essentially bragging and show-offmanship, so first thing i did when i got home is nerfed all the show offy stuff i could. There's a hell of a lot of people out there going through tough times at the mo, and my post just seemed like it was rubbing it in those peoples faces. :(

That indeed, my friend, is that little devil talking to you. :devil:

You've been with US for 20 years mate. Two. fucking. decades. You do NOT need to give US any excuses about your successes in life. We, and I think I speak for all of us here, are here to cheer you on and celebrate every single one of your successes and commiserate with you when you have setbacks!!!

That was an apt description though. In my case, i'd say it's pretty much the same scenario except the ear the devil is whispering in seems to hear a lot fucking better than the other one. Either in volume (quantity) or volume (loudness) I can hear that bastard every single time, while the other fellow, well, it's like he's preoccupied fighting a host of other spiritual battles on my behalf, and occasionally has the time/ breath to shout encouraging things to me here and there.

At the end of it all, I remember that there are so many people who are vested in me (even being single with no kids) and my position/ place is one of supreme abundance in comparison to so many millions of far much more deserving, undoubtedly much better than I, people in the world. I then try to turn around and do what I can to share God's benevolence towards me with whoever it is. My dad recently passed away and one of the things he was doing was paying school fees for some random orphan girl in Zimbabwe. She passed the Grade 7 exams (junior school) and wasn't going to be able to go on to high school with my dad's passing. When I heard that, i'd just gotten back from 3 weeks in Zimbabwe, and completely lost it. I cried and cried and cried. I didn't even have the money really (3 weeks in Zim, remember!) and I sent money for her school fees for this term. It wasn't much (for us here. I think I sent $150) but for many who live in Zimbabwe that is equivalent to one months salary. IF they even have a job. In my dads honor this girl, who's name I don't even know is going to go to high school as long as I have breath.

I'm mulling over starting a scholarship in his name.

Fuck. I'm crying again. My dad was a good one.

April 7th, 2022, 11:41 PM
Take care, my brother. I feel for you.

Rare White Ape
April 8th, 2022, 02:40 AM
This is a very huggy post.

If anyone needs any hugs, I'm right here.

P.S. congrats Mr Obsession. I love seeing people finding the thing that makes their time on this planet so much better. Good on you guys :up:

April 8th, 2022, 07:03 AM
My dad was a good one.

I don't often agree with his son, but I think in this instance, we can all agree that your dad's son also has a good heart.

April 8th, 2022, 11:37 AM
That indeed, my friend, is that little devil talking to you. :devil:

You've been with US for 20 years mate. Two. fucking. decades. You do NOT need to give US any excuses about your successes in life. We, and I think I speak for all of us here, are here to cheer you on and celebrate every single one of your successes and commiserate with you when you have setbacks!!! .


We are all in this shit show called life together.

Seeing this post is seriously uplifting.

Tom Servo
April 8th, 2022, 05:32 PM
This thread is pretty amazing, as are y'all.

April 10th, 2022, 04:36 AM

April 11th, 2022, 04:38 PM
Happy for you!!!

Alan P
April 12th, 2022, 02:49 PM
Aww this thread man, making me feel all gooey inside! To another ten years and more!

April 14th, 2022, 12:53 AM
Thanks guys. :) I forget sometimes about how tight knit this community actually is, and it shows in all the posts of congrats/commiserations/encouragement etc all over the show. :hard:

That indeed, my friend, is that little devil talking to you. :devil:

You've been with US for 20 years mate. Two. fucking. decades. You do NOT need to give US any excuses about your successes in life. We, and I think I speak for all of us here, are here to cheer you on and celebrate every single one of your successes and commiserate with you when you have setbacks!!!

That was an apt description though. In my case, i'd say it's pretty much the same scenario except the ear the devil is whispering in seems to hear a lot fucking better than the other one. Either in volume (quantity) or volume (loudness) I can hear that bastard every single time, while the other fellow, well, it's like he's preoccupied fighting a host of other spiritual battles on my behalf, and occasionally has the time/ breath to shout encouraging things to me here and there.

At the end of it all, I remember that there are so many people who are vested in me (even being single with no kids) and my position/ place is one of supreme abundance in comparison to so many millions of far much more deserving, undoubtedly much better than I, people in the world. I then try to turn around and do what I can to share God's benevolence towards me with whoever it is. My dad recently passed away and one of the things he was doing was paying school fees for some random orphan girl in Zimbabwe. She passed the Grade 7 exams (junior school) and wasn't going to be able to go on to high school with my dad's passing. When I heard that, i'd just gotten back from 3 weeks in Zimbabwe, and completely lost it. I cried and cried and cried. I didn't even have the money really (3 weeks in Zim, remember!) and I sent money for her school fees for this term. It wasn't much (for us here. I think I sent $150) but for many who live in Zimbabwe that is equivalent to one months salary. IF they even have a job. In my dads honor this girl, who's name I don't even know is going to go to high school as long as I have breath.

I'm mulling over starting a scholarship in his name.

Fuck. I'm crying again. My dad was a good one.

Good stuff man. :) I try help those less fortunate than me too, while i can afford to.

Yeah i was basically having a conversation with myself in my head while working a couple days ago. When i was out and about the 'devil' was telling me not to look at anyone, nor speak to or smile at or greet them unless they speak/smile/greet first and so on and so forth. It got to the point where the 'angel' was saying, why the hell am i doing this? No-one is going to notice/pay attention to my mannerisms in this way, so what am i trying to prove, and to who? Then i thought that this mood will carry on when i get home - to wifey and my son, and that almost instantly gave the 'angel' the strength to take over my thoughts for the rest of the work day, and the bad mood disappeared.

Sounds like i need locked up in a padded cell with convo's like that going on in my head, but it might be somewhat commonplace for those with depression and anxiety. So yes, it is 'all in our heads'. ;)

And on another subject, i can't restore the original topic post but if anyone is interested i could make up a new topic in the pictures forum with a description and images of our USA trip? We only spent time in Charlotte NC, Rockhill SC, Orlando and New York. Do have a couple pics of Houston and LA though, but mainly from the plane.

April 14th, 2022, 10:21 AM

April 20th, 2022, 04:03 PM


April 25th, 2022, 08:37 PM
Cheers. :)

May 5th, 2022, 02:42 PM
(on the marriage anniversary and child, not of course on what you mention later--well, maybe congrats on how you deal with it?).

I actually thought this might have been about some GTX site anniversary.
So I'll hold back some segues for now.

May 12th, 2022, 08:53 PM
Thanks. :)

Here's a more recent pic of my son. Ordered this in a glass print for wifey for mothers day, but it came out really dark - dark enough to not see that well when on the wall - so have contacted the company to see what can be done about it. I accept the photo itself is dark, but it came out way darker when placed behind glass, and nothing on the photo site warned me of this. :(


May 12th, 2022, 10:36 PM
Just brighten it up digitally and get mommy a digital frame so you can upload more of your son’s cute pics! :p