View Full Version : How many championships will Max Verstappen win in total?

October 9th, 2022, 01:33 PM
In the last couple of weeks, Max Verstappen has celebrated his 25th birthday and his second F1 world championship.

He appears to be happily settled at Red Bull, the current top team and one of three who appear to be able to plausibly challenge for championships.

If one assumes that 40 is a common retirement age for successful F1 drivers, he could quite easily compete for a further 15 seasons.

This raises the question of whether he will equal or surpass the current record of 7 world championships currently shared between Schumacher and Hamilton.

So, by the time he retires, how many F1 world championships will Max hold? And how do you see that playing out?

October 9th, 2022, 02:36 PM
Boy this is a tricky one. Somewhat touched on in another thread.

He's the best driver on the grid currently. No doubt in my mind.

Normally, with the aero formula for the future planned out for several years, I'd say Max and RBR (with newly rejoined rejoined rejoined Honda) could stay relevant and in contention no problem. BUT with these new spending and wind tunnel rules in place it makes it nigh impossible for a team to stay on top more than 2 or 3 years in a row. As long as these rules are in effect there will be no future dominance like Merc, Ferrari or RBR had back in the day.

With that said, Max, should he wish to continue racing for many years, could switch teams as RBR started to wane. What team wouldn't jump at that chance?

I dunno...lots of possibilities. Max sometimes talks like he may retire after accomplishing his goals...whatever that means. He may get burned out...racing in F1 since 17yrs old has to take its toll.

But if he races another 10yrs then I give him another 4 WDC possibly. If he races another 5yrs then maybe only 1 or 2 more.

So I'm voting 5-7 but I feel like 4-6 is more accurate. New rules will crush any hopes of someone pulling another Mercedes dynasty out of their hat.

October 9th, 2022, 02:37 PM
Can’t say…, since there can be so many variables that could change outcomes either way… :p he could win all 15 or he might end up like Ricciardo and disappear if he has the ‘right’ car… ;)

Anyway, suffice to say that he is definitely the most promising young driver to be able to win as many as Michael and Lewis. Even without winning that many, his ‘fame’ could become as well known as Senna of this current generation. I think even Senna was a polarizing figure loved and hated by a lot of fans, right?

October 9th, 2022, 03:28 PM
I'd put 2023 odds at 60% Max, 25% Charles, 15% one of the Merc drivers. Ie I think he's got a good chance of getting to three or four in a row before RBR gets dethroned. Then with another ten+ years left he could easily pick up another two or three either with another team or in Red Bull's next run of form. So I vote 5-7.

October 9th, 2022, 03:47 PM
Mercedes fell victim to their unique design and slowly recovering over the season. If they get their cars back together, Max will have his hands full defending against both drivers from Mercedes’!

Also, from Ferrari side, I think it’s clear they might have the best cars and squandered their chances away, but if they get their act together, they could be formidable opponents.

Not to mention Perez has been a huge surprise how strong he has been. Offering great support for Max when needed… also filling in to score maximum points when Max failed to finish on high… he has been a great #2 this season. Come next season, he might start challenging Max early in the season rather than be content as #2 forever?

So not sure if odds are in Max’s favor next year. We’ll see.