View Full Version : Gran Turismo 4

December 22nd, 2022, 12:50 AM
I am playing more of GT4 with a Logitech Driving Force Pro wheel and pedals.

Rather than keep cluttering up the Nostalgia thread with other observations, I created this one.

I contemplated making it a "diary" thread but trying to be non-obsessive. I am not sure how much I will focus on the Driving Force Pro, and I suppose I could have titled the thread that, too.

I found I needed to angle my pedal unit to about 1 o'clock so I could keep my left heel on the base but sometimes off the brake pedal. I worried a little bit about pushing the pedals not cleanly through their axis, but I don't apply much pressure. I use a sheet of rubbery plastic drawer liner underneath the unit, so I drew with magic marker a silhouette to show me the orientation I wanted.

I finished all 80 license tests, not lucking anything more than bronze, and then A-spec'd a Mille Miglia with the prize Cougar. That almost feels like game completion, although I'd like to try some of the late 60's sporty Japanese cars at the Ring. Particularly the Celica.

The Super License 10 test at the Grand Canyon dirt course was most frustrating, To the point of feeling like giving up. It is really annoying that you can use your front bumper to accidentally knee-cap a crowd of spectators without penalty, but then a light tap of the snow-fence with your tail causes a FAIL.

Most other tests, including Chamonix snow and ice, were methodical learning. Strangely, Citta di Aria seemed methodical and not too difficult, but Costa di Amalfi was difficult to learn with the wheel, taking a couple of days. I think the ASM does strange things in those last hairpins making it difficult to roll them realistically. For that test only, I tried with the Dual Shock 2 afterwards, and got it in about four tries.

During that test I switched from my long-time behind-the-car view to the duckbill hood view, and it is very much better especially with the wheel. It particularly helped with the high-speed wiggly downhill section.

Part way during the Mille Miglia I wrapped the bottom half of the pedal base in some of the rubbery plastic drawer liner to try to stop my right heel from slipping forward, which puts my foot too far forward over the accelerator. Afterwards I added a band of velcro, with the teeth up, around the bottom, but haven't tested the effectiveness of that yet. (At least it doubles to keep the drawer liner in place).

Every now-and-then the brake pedal sticks; detectable as you see red at the bottom of its bar. A couple of pumps seems to free it, but it is annoying. It seemed to happen more frequently during the license tests. It did happen during the Mille Miglia, but only once-or-twice during the whole 936 miles.

March 28th, 2023, 02:07 AM
GT4 cheat codes!


March 31st, 2023, 05:25 AM
I saw that article the other day. That would have been nice 18 years ago.

That being said, my absolute favorite part of GT is the License tests and trying to Gold them. So I never would have used that code. But the extra money would have been fun.

April 29th, 2023, 04:42 AM
It seems odd that the cheat codes only work after 365 game days, since you'd think they'd be there for in-house testing or something. Perhaps there is another code which works on any day to change the day.

I knew I had read somewhere that there was a way to speed up Gran Turismo 4 replays, but I could never find it. It doesn't seem to be indicated on the game display.

But the other day I semi-randomly clicked the downshift paddle on my wheel while watching a replay, and the replay speed sped up. By a factor of three, I think,.

Musing for a while I recalled there are little-used key presses on the DS2 controller, activated by pushing down on the sticks. And sure enough, that (down on left stick) has the same effect.

And now I do find...