View Full Version : The Dashcam Thread

June 20th, 2023, 07:31 AM
This topic has come up here and there at this forum, but I figured it deserved its own thread.

My wife surprised me with a Momento M6 (https://www.momentocam.com/dash-cams/m6) dashcam for my birthday. She paid for installation at the local Car Toys (https://cartoys.com/) store where she got it. She also gave me the receipt so I can return it if it's not what I want.

I've read good reviews and bad reviews about this model. It's not quite what I had in mind, but it seems like it would get the job done.

I learned this camera has been on the market for at least three years. While that could mean a solid product that has stood the test of time, I'm wondering if there might be better technology available three years later for similar cost...I mean, I wouldn't buy a three-year-old laptop. Okay, well, I might. But most people wouldn't.

I also thought a dashcam should be easily movable between cars and just plug into the cigarette lighter power outlet, instead of being hard-wired into the car. Does anyone have pros & cons of this idea?

I'm still reading and learning.

Any opinions and experiences are much appreciated. Thanks.

June 20th, 2023, 08:01 AM
Hardwiring is nice because you never forget to plug it in or turn it on. And some of them have shock/motion sensors and will start recording even when the car is not running. So if someone tries to break into it in the middle of the night, or hits and runs, you'll have some footage. Some of them even upload to an account for you to retrieve if the car is stolen (assuming it can connect to a network).

I'm partial to the Garmin ones, but I do not have one installed. They have several to choose from.

The power outlet type is obviously nice if you drive a bunch of different vehicles, or use it as a rental car.

Dash cams make for pretty poor action cams, so don't think it will be great to use at an autocross or track.

June 20th, 2023, 03:02 PM
Thanks Nate. I want to like this thing, but reviews like this are telling me I might want to return it and try something more currently reputable.

Source: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/momento-m6-dash-cam-viewer/id1447529243

Pretty useless and pretty disappointing

So after having a Momento dealer highly recommended the M6 camera system I spent $500 to have one installed on my Ioniq 5. I can not for the life of me get the WiFi on the camera to talk to my iPhone 14 pro max running iOS 16.1

Installer says call customer support, customer support says probably needs an app update by the third party developer that wrote the app… both suggest taking sd card out of camera and view on MacBook. Like that does a lot of good in real world situations!!!! I spent the money for peace of mind that in the event of an accident with questionable fault, I’d be able to provide things on the spot to LEOs from my point of view.

This is a very broken feature and honestly a waste of $500 for me seeing as the camera is non refundable and no refunds obviously on installation fees.

My only hope is that app developer pushes an update soon that addresses this issue. After reading through all the reviews recently, I’m not the only one who is less than happy with this cameras software and mobile app.

While browsing more reviews, I noticed replies to reviews at the Apple App Store from the developer but none were newer than two years ago. For all I know, the company who made this is out of business, although still maintaining their website, and Car Toys is selling off their remaining stock. Sell what ya got, right?

I hate to be so cynical, but I don't want to get burned with what appears to be a decent camera that has an outdated and possibly useless app.

I also noticed the company doesn't put their phone number on their website, which is a huge red flag to me, as well as being a personal pet peeve - and, more importantly, the most recent thing I can find on their website about the M6 seems to have been two years ago as shown below. And their "new" model, the M7, hasn't been updated since June of 2022.

If this were a pair or shoes or some other stand-alone product, I might take my chances, but to have some guys who work for a chain retail store take apart my dashboard and headliner to install something that I may not be able to use as intended is giving me the heebie-jeebies.


Alan P
June 20th, 2023, 03:12 PM
As Linus shows, they're all very similar due to many of them using the same sensor:


I have a https://www.roadangelgroup.com/products/road-angel-halo-drive-2k-dash-cam as I got it for a long service award from work. Works fine.

June 20th, 2023, 03:42 PM
I've had a Blackvue DR750S 2-ch hard wired for 4+ years. The one thing I don't like is the 'low' resolution ie, license plates are hard to read.

It doesn't work as a gopro because it writes in 1 minute long files and the next minute starts 5 seconds before the last minute ended so it takes more editing skills then I've got to make a 'video' so I don't. Quality Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjZeqiY_0lg


June 20th, 2023, 04:20 PM
^ Thanks for the links and video, gents.

I'm thinking I want a camera with a screen rather than needing an app. My research continues...

June 20th, 2023, 07:28 PM
Get whatever suits your needs. Pluses and minuses to hardwired or vice versa.

I have 2 non hardwired ones that I take with me when I travel to prevent insurance fraud and record journeys (including via time lapses). I now only have 1 as the cheapo dual-lens one with internal rear cam (which I wanted so that I would have video memories of what the kids travel like in the car when young) keeps breaking due to summer heat in the rental cars, so I use the backup "HP" (as in, I assume not developed by them but just HP-branded) model. They (it) has a screen for ease of use on holiday and as looks don't matter.

At home, 2 of the cars have front and rear dashcams and 1 has a front dashcam. All hardwired by professional installers, with no screens. The summer heat fried the latter (a Blackvue) a few years ago so I changed it to another front one from iRoad and now check the footage once in a while. Hence the current models are all iRoad. The app works fine and doesn't crash or have problems connecting, although it's not super-fast at downloading stuff to the phone (probably as I haven't bought the highest-end models). Then again I could always pull the sf card and download to something else.

I have suggested just buying what you need as they aren't things you're going to use everyday. But of course you may want to bear in mind road trip use if you are doing that.

The top Korean mfgrs (Thinkware, Blackvue, iRoad) seem to have pretty good software support if that's what you're interested in.

June 20th, 2023, 09:10 PM
I’ve always bought cheap ones, <$100.

My 1st was a rear view mirror mounted. It enlarges your mirror and has 2 cameras that can look fwd and back. I quite like the concept but the unit kept on burning thru SIM cards! So I got rid of it.

My subsequent 2 cams that just sticks the the windshield seemed to be more durable and have lasted for years, but sadly I can no longer find the cam nor the company’s products on Amazon! So can’t make any Recommendations.

All of my current cams are pretty old school. No apps. Just take the cards out and read it yourself if you need to look at something! :p

If I need a new camera, I’ll probably just buy another cheap dashcam with decent ratings on Amazon. I probably won’t spend $300 on one even if it has awesome reviews.

Alan P
June 21st, 2023, 03:38 PM
As Linus shows, they're all very similar due to many of them using the same sensor:


I have a https://www.roadangelgroup.com/products/road-angel-halo-drive-2k-dash-cam as I got it for a long service award from work. Works fine.

I should have added, the one I have uses an App. I connect my phone to it via WiFi, open the app and I can view all the recorded videos on it and download them to my phone if required.

June 22nd, 2023, 01:03 PM
Thanks to all for the advice.

Well, I went back to the store today and talked to the store manager, who was off on Monday when I last went to learn more about this stuff. He's the one who sold my wife the camera. He immediately offered to reverse the transaction if I didn't want it. He also said they would install whatever I ended up with if I wanted to buy a camera somewhere else. He said people try out the app and make sure it all works before they leave the store. He also said he sells far more of that model than the other five or six they offer. I believed him.

I have an appointment for installation on Saturday. He said if it wasn't what I had in mind, he'd remove it and refund my wife's money. He also mentioned he has worked there for 23 years. I was impressed. This isn't typical retail customer service in the 2020s.

The only thing that's still bugging me is something my son pointed out when I told him about my visit this morning. My son says the app wouldn't be available to download from the App Store if it didn't work with the OS I'm using now. However, the app apparently hasn't been updated in two years, which is consistent with what I saw yesterday about not seeing any Developer's Response messages newer than two years ago.

I don't know enough about apps to know if this is a problem or if it means they worked out all the bugs two years ago. My son says app makers need to keep updating the apps to work with new OS versions. He knows far more about iPhones than I do, not surprisingly.


June 22nd, 2023, 08:29 PM
Yeah, that’s the annoying thing about products that require apps. If vendor doesn’t keep up, eventually it’ll become so outdated that you won’t be able to download and use anymore.

If the retailer is fine with getting your money back, I’d just get it back and install something cheaper. I personally don’t see the need to invest $300 in a dashcam. I dunno, maybe I’m just too cheap! :p

June 23rd, 2023, 08:27 AM
I personally don’t see the need to invest $300 in a dashcam. I dunno, maybe I’m just too cheap! :p

Nor do I. I think if it were up to me, I'd get a Garmin 67W (https://www.garmin.com/en-US/p/731429). However, this is a gift from my wife, so I'm going to try to make it work. :)

No one has suggested the cameras aren't good, and as Alan's videos show, they're all the same lenses and whatever else inside as any other brand. If the app doesn't work - or even if it does - I could get an Apple lightning camera cable and SD card reader and import the video to my iPhone at the scene, or so it appears from what I think I've learned so far.

I'm a detail person and I tend to obsess over things that aren't all that important. Time to just get on with it and hope for the best.

June 23rd, 2023, 02:40 PM
I have an older 66W dash cam, and it has saved me from over what would have been 12k or so in at fault damages.

June 23rd, 2023, 02:57 PM
That reminds me that I need to get another rear-facing one for my next trip.

June 23rd, 2023, 03:39 PM
I have an older 66W dash cam, and it has saved me from over what would have been 12k or so in at fault damages.

I remember you saying that in some other thread. It was the first recommendation I ever got. I like Garmin if only because, of all the cameras I've seen for sale, Garmin is the only company I've ever heard of.

That reminds me that I need to get another rear-facing one for my next trip.

I have no idea what they sell in your neck of the woods, but this looks pretty good to this dashcam neophyte: Garmin Dash Cam™ Mini 2 (https://www.garmin.com/en-US/p/731428) for USD $110.00.

June 24th, 2023, 06:07 AM
I have no idea what they sell in your neck of the woods, but this looks pretty good to this dashcam neophyte: Garmin Dash Cam™ Mini 2 (https://www.garmin.com/en-US/p/731428) for USD $110.00.

Looks OK, but front-facing only? What I mean is one that has a front and rear lens in the same unit.

June 26th, 2023, 09:05 AM
^ Ah, now I understand. I was imagining you already had a front cam and wanted to add a rear one. I now know having two cameras doesn't mean having two separate units as I first assumed.

I was expecting suction cups and wires running to power outlets when I starting thinking about dashcams, like my father's radar detectors that he started using in the 1970s. One of them was called a Snooper. It had a metal wire that hung over the rear mirror, so the whole thing (and it they were large back then; about the size of a 12 oz. can) swung back and forth as we drove, and of course there was a cable going down to the lighter too.

I still don't understand why relatively low-tech cameras aren't more available, but then again I get downvoted on r/audiobooks whenever I suggest a standalone mp3 player when people ask how they can listen to audiobooks and podcasts and so forth. *shrug*

Anyway, the shop installed my M6 dashcams on Saturday. The app definitely works, but I can see why some might say it doesn't. A guy at the shop showed me how to use it. If he hadn't, I'd probably be rage-posting about how I got ripped off like a few recent reviewers have done. One guy complained he couldn't change the time zone from Pacific Time. It was one of the first things I tried. "It doesn't save the change," I showed the guy training me. "Click on Apply," he said. Oh.

The trick is you have to be in your car with phone in hand and then press the wi-fi button on the back of the camera on the windshield. Then, and only then, will the phone connect to the camera.

If you're not in or near enough to the car for the phone to connect to the camera's wi-fi, the app will launch on the phone but you can't do anything. And I don't understand the Live Viewer feature. It only works if you're in the car and connected to the camera via wi-fi, so why bother with that feature? I can't sit in my office with my car down in the parking garage and review my drive to work. I can do that while I'm still sitting in the car with the car running, but not once I turn it off and/or walk out of wi-fi range. All this talk of "you can be on safari in Africa and check your car's cameras back home in America" doesn't seem possible with this setup, but I don't go on safari often enough for this to be a problem. :p

The same shop also tinted my windows the same day. I've been wanting to have done as long as I've owned this car, which is four years in July, but I never felt like I had enough money, time, or trust in others to have it done. I met the tint guy, who said he's been doing it for 25 years. Met the camera installer also. Neither were the "minimum wage high school kid" I figured they'd have working at a retail shop at a mall. I left quite impressed with Car Toys and the professionals who work there.

Finally, I'm now tossing an old towel on my windshield when I park my car in our garage so it won't keep filming me and others as we move around in there. I quickly realized every time someone walks in front of or behind the car, such as in the grocery store parking lot yesterday and then me mowing the lawn with the garage door open, it saves a short film clip of the "incident". I then have to go in and delete them all. That's not a problem, but this is all new to me and it's kind of fun.

Thanks again for all the advice.

June 26th, 2023, 09:09 AM
Glad you had a positive experience. :up:

Did you get ceramic tint?

June 26th, 2023, 09:21 AM
Yes, I did. They installed Xpel brand XR Plus (https://www.xpel.com/products/window-film/automotive-window-tint). So far, so good.

June 26th, 2023, 09:42 AM
I started doing ceramic when I did the Delorean and I'll never go back. It really does block nearly all of the heat. Nice job.

June 26th, 2023, 02:51 PM
I don't remember the brand of tint, but my GTI was the first car I got ceramic (or any aftermarket tint) done to. It made me think that I should've gotten my Mazdaspeed3 ceramic tinted.

July 1st, 2023, 04:44 AM
We've gone through/worn out so many dashcams that i can't keep track/remember most of them. Dashcams have come in handy too. Have given our footage to Police a number of times, some when criminals came zooming past, some where we were hit by another vehicle, some where people ran red lights etc. And my Dad's dashcam got footage of the guy who t-boned him a few years back and it was used in court.

Usually we replace them if the mounts break/are no longer sticky, or if other parts break, or if they stop working properly.

Most of them have been cheap ones, but in recent years we've been shelling out triple figures for decent ones because we want better quality and more reliability and features.

Got a Blackvue 60fps FullHD in the main whip (good camera, but can't manually save clips since there's no screen/buttons - resolution/clarity is the best we've had though) and in the other car we've got one with GPS speed readout, and have already used it/given footage to Police when the angry road ragey Karen sideswiped (and wrote off) my Vitz RS last year.

I've got a metric shitton of dashcam footage to upload to my bad driving YouTube page (people blowing stop signs, red lights, speeding and other bad/illegal driving) but it's very time consuming, and with bubs growing up so fast obviously i don't get much time to upload stuff.

Either way, here's footage from some of our past cameras - can't tell which is which though sorry. Also, some of my clips on this page (red light runners) have been shown on nationwide TV channels (6pm news and a current affairs show), which should have been encouragement enough to get more footage online, but oh well.

https://www.youtube.com/@dunedindashcam/videos (ignore the sometimes weird written commentary in some clips, i probably won't bother doing that in future vids).

July 6th, 2023, 06:59 AM
It's pretty interesting to see that some new cars offer a dashcam as an accessory option.