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January 25th, 2017, 10:17 AM
One of the ways they're speeding up the UI is by getting rid of the Snap feature: http://www.theverge.com/2017/1/25/14384132/microsoft-xbox-one-snap-mode-feature-removed

January 25th, 2017, 10:53 AM
I am sure that will upset some people, but I'm happy. Snap just gets in my way and annoys me. :lol:

January 25th, 2017, 11:18 AM
I'm wondering how difficult it will be to start a Twitch stream without leaving the game with no Snap.

January 25th, 2017, 11:58 AM
I think it's fair to say they'll have some solution that facilitates doing those types of things - I can't imagine they'll leave "game ancillaries" out in the cold.

OTOH, maybe they'll just steer people towards the smartphone app. Which is, I suppose, why I never use snap - anything that isn't playing the game I do on my phone anyway. :shrug:

January 25th, 2017, 12:44 PM
If I could trigger a Twitch stream on my XBox from my phone, that'd be pretty neat :up:

January 25th, 2017, 07:00 PM
I'm actually baffled as to why that isn't a thing already!

January 25th, 2017, 08:52 PM
Project Cars is going to be the Games with Gold free game from Feb 16th thru March 15th. :)

And I bought the digital version recently when it was on offer. :(

January 25th, 2017, 11:23 PM
Was hoping for it on PS4, as don't know anyone who plays it on Xbox.

And, GO NEW ZEALAND! http://www.projectcarsgame.com/locations.html

January 26th, 2017, 04:08 AM

Rare White Ape
January 26th, 2017, 11:13 PM
Yep. It's a tricky game.

But once I got used to it I couldn't play GT at all :lol:

January 27th, 2017, 06:48 AM
Has anyone checked our Halo Wars 2 (http://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/halo-wars-2?&SEMID=1&WT.srch=1&ocid=OC-HaloWars2_SEM_Google_PI_FAM_en-US_halo&wt.mc_id=OC-HaloWars2_SEM_Google_PI_FAM_en-US_halo?wt.mc_id=AID_SEM_bCIp4pVO)?

I kept seeing it, but didn't check it out. There's an open beta that's been going on from the 20th to the 30th. Seems... interesting.

January 27th, 2017, 10:41 AM
Halo Wars was essentially Warcraft+Halo. I can only assume HW2 will be more of the same. I never played the first one. I probably won't play the second one.

January 27th, 2017, 11:21 AM
It was more of a RTS game. Like Command & Conquer.
The 2nd one adds a different element. "Blitz is a new twist on RTS gameplay that combines card-based strategy with explosive combat."

Almost seems like they're trying to hard. But, it may work.

January 27th, 2017, 12:20 PM
Warcraft (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warcraft:_Orcs_%26_Humans) does not equal World of Warcraft. Command and Conquer was a Warcraft rip off, but just with futuristic weapons and aliens instead of medieval-type weapons and orcs.

January 27th, 2017, 01:00 PM
Oh wow... Yeah, I totally added World of in there. :o apologies.

January 28th, 2017, 05:45 AM
I inadvertently discovered the Home Gold feature. Now you only need one gold account per Xbox, instead of needing a gold account for every gamertag. I did not even know that was a thing until last night. Neat!

January 31st, 2017, 11:14 AM
Downloaded this: Killer Instinct Season 2 Ultra Edition (http://www.xbox.com/en-US/live/games-with-gold) is free on Xbox One through February 15, and it's not bad.
There's a new game mode called Shadow Lords (http://killerinstinct.wikia.com/wiki/Shadow_Lords), a single-player mode that's described as "part ladder, part arcade mode, part story mode, and part roguelike."
It reminds me of Xcom's world map. Fight in certain areas to keep threat down, and win certain bonuses. Only certain fighters can fight in certain matches.

January 31st, 2017, 11:44 AM
I tried it and didn't like it. Deleted.

February 9th, 2017, 04:04 PM
GTA IV and Episodes From Liberty City are now backwards compatible.

February 15th, 2017, 10:23 AM

February 15th, 2017, 11:44 AM
Microsoft's Project Scorpio will be unveiled Sunday, June 11th @ their E3 briefing. :up:

I need a new monitor (and underwear).

February 15th, 2017, 12:07 PM
That means less Moostang upgrades!!! :eek:

Tom Servo
February 16th, 2017, 06:21 AM
It's amazing how often the XBone just gets itself into a state where it will not work. This time it just refused to start anything with a "Something went wrong. Try again?" message. Wiping my account and re-adding it seems to have fixed it, but it's irritating when you sit down to get a little bit of racing in before going to work and then spend 20 minutes debugging yet another issue with it. Then add another five minutes to sync my savegame down. At least FH3 didn't also need an update this morning, I'll still get a couple of minutes in.

February 16th, 2017, 06:39 AM
How much free space do you have on your HD? Or is that just a problem with Forza?

I have an XBONE covered in cat dander and it fires up the first time every time for Destiny. :up:

February 16th, 2017, 06:47 AM
I almost never have any problems launching anything, or with general slowdown.

Crackle took a shit on me the other day and wouldn't restart, which is why I have to say "almost", and Twitch can be slow.

Tom Servo
February 16th, 2017, 07:41 AM
I think it's 92% full. This just sorta happens every 4-5 months. Games won't start (or take too long to start). I have to go through a whole thing to try to get it back to working order. This isn't an issue I've had with any other console - it may not be as bad as it feels, but it definitely feels like at least 20% of the time I sit down to play a game I've got at least a 20 minute wait until I can actually do it. I also had an issue for about 3 months where I couldn't actually play on XBL, and eventually XBox support apparently went nuclear option on my account to fix it. Michele had a similar thing, her account couldn't be logged into for over a year because it got into some state they couldn't fix where it wanted her to confirm her email but wouldn't send the confirmation to her email. I dunno if it's because we've had our accounts for so long or what, but they've been really problematic and often seem to confuse XBox support as well.

On the plus side, this was the first time that looking up the issue on the XBox site actually got me to a solution that worked (wiping the account and re-adding it), so there's that.

February 16th, 2017, 08:09 AM
same issues here.
but when it lags it's not as bad as Windows' updates when it bogs down

my gripe is the network
Patches : got GoW4, boot it up, massive update needed. By the time it downloads it's many hours later, no longer have the time. Went like that for about 10 weeks, then found out that occasional horde mode is not fun enough to put up with constant, massive updates
XBL : have gotten booted off or completely failed to establish a connection much more often (like 5x) then the free PSN using the PS3 (2009-2015, not sure what that's like now)

February 16th, 2017, 11:28 AM
The only time I have had a problem with my XBone or Xbox Live is when some group of idiots are DDOSing the servers.

February 16th, 2017, 12:20 PM
That's still a thing?

I don't get people.

Rare White Ape
February 16th, 2017, 06:13 PM
Now is probably a good time to share this self-validating, and slightly humourous article about hating on Xbox One ownership.


I love my white XboneS, it looks great and FH3 was one of the best games of last year, but I just can't deal with the UI and the game updates/installs and how utterly Microsoft-y it is on the inside.

February 17th, 2017, 04:05 AM
other than eating discs, that article sums up my experience. :(

February 17th, 2017, 04:27 AM
Wha? I've never had those issues. The only obvious thing that does happen is downloading games and updates. It sucks when you want to play for 30-45 minutes, only to have to update the game you planned on playing that takes 30-45 minutes. Alas, that is the state of modern gaming. :(

Rare White Ape
February 17th, 2017, 04:33 AM
*insert snark comment about Nintendo something something*

February 17th, 2017, 05:06 AM
I have not used a Nintendo product since 1994.

February 17th, 2017, 05:33 AM
DLs and updates kill me.
Have had numerous controller pairing issues that took 10+ minutes to resolve.
Installing the entire disc is just something I can't wrap my head around. The internal HDD connection is slow (slower than external, wtf). Even with SATA3 it would be quicker to just install the inner part of the disc and have it read from both the disc and HDD at the same time.

Tom Servo
February 17th, 2017, 05:47 AM
I've definitely had a ton of controller disconnect issues, happens all the time when playing FH3 and occasionally when playing RB4. Also, not sure if this happens to everyone else, but when I go to install an update, it'll sit there at 0 bytes for like 5 minutes. Just no movement at all. Then the bytes will start trickling in slowly...maybe 10kbps, for the next few minutes. Just before I get to about 10 minutes into the update process, suddenly it'll download at normal speed and it'll be over quickly.

February 17th, 2017, 05:50 AM
After Destiny was released, I vowed that I would never own physical media again. Discs were obsolete years ago. My Xbone has never had a disc in it. All my games are digital downloads.

February 17th, 2017, 05:54 AM
*insert snark comment about Nintendo something something*

The Wii U is not free of this, it just has fewer, smaller games with fewer, smaller updates.

February 17th, 2017, 06:00 AM
The Wii U is not free of this, it just has fewer, smaller games with fewer, smaller updates.
are you saying that it's better to do it a little bit at a time?

February 17th, 2017, 06:02 AM
No, I'm saying that it's better to do less, and less often.

Rare White Ape
February 17th, 2017, 05:15 PM
The Wii U is not free of this, it just has fewer, smaller games with fewer, smaller updates.

Watch me play Breath of the Wild on a Switch within five minutes of it being powered up.

Rare White Ape
February 17th, 2017, 05:32 PM
I have not used a Nintendo product since 1994.

Back in those days Donkey Kong Country was all the rage and AAA games rarely went to market with terrible bugs like they do now. Nintendo maintained a very strict testing process for all of its titles, and still does, which in-part explains why they don't have an avalanche of releases each year.

If a game did require an update, it would usually just go to manufacturing for the next batch for that title, so if you were an early adopter you never got the improvements that came along at a later date. A side effect of this is that first-run games like my launch day copy of Ocarina of Time usually fetch a bit more than later editions (for example the original crescent shaped Gerudo symbol was very similar to Islamic iconography so they changed it).

I also remember the PS2 supporting system software updates before the age of always online consoles through updates being shipped on a disc like if you bought the PS2 DVD remote or even piggybacked within a game.

So games and hardware have never stopped being developed and improved once they're released into the wild, it was just far less intrusive than it is these days. I personally despise having to copy the entire disc onto my Xbone when I buy a new game. I wish and hope that we can go back to that simple plug-and-play design of old, but with the advantages that today's powerhouse consoles can provide us, just… leaving the annoying stuff out of it.

February 18th, 2017, 05:15 AM
Watch me play Breath of the Wild on a Switch within five minutes of it being powered up.

Do you remember the massive Day 1 system update the Wii U got?

February 18th, 2017, 06:28 AM
Not unique to Xbone, but it drives me crazy to buy a physical game, have to wait for it to install, launch the game, get a system error that an update is required, back out, download the update, install the update, launch the game, then have to download data within the game, and then by that time, I have to go do something else. :|

February 18th, 2017, 07:37 AM
Wha? I've never had those issues. The only obvious thing that does happen is downloading games and updates. It sucks when you want to play for 30-45 minutes, only to have to update the game you planned on playing that takes 30-45 minutes. Alas, that is the state of modern gaming. :(

As a vintage game collector I resisted this until very recently. Now I buy sports games with digital downloads. I think soon I will be buying only downloads. It's lazy af, but there have been times when I refused to get off the couch to switch my disc so I just go back to playing Rocket League, which I got free as a DL.

Tom Servo
February 18th, 2017, 08:00 AM
After Destiny was released, I vowed that I would never own physical media again. Discs were obsolete years ago. My Xbone has never had a disc in it. All my games are digital downloads.

Sometimes that only sorta works. You can't play Rock Band 4 without the instruments, and the only way to get the instruments at a reasonable price (and I think maybe the only way to get a drum kit at all) is to order the band-in-a-box, which means you get a disc.

Rare White Ape
February 18th, 2017, 02:04 PM
Do you remember the massive Day 1 system update the Wii U got?

Nope, cos I don't own a Wii U :)

February 19th, 2017, 12:43 PM
Ive not had any of those issues on mine thankfully. My only issue is that the controller will only turn on the xbox about 10% of the time. So have to physically turn it on at the box.

February 19th, 2017, 05:24 PM
The only issue I'm having is a serious lack of pics & vids of your GT350. :smh: #lol

February 21st, 2017, 11:39 AM
After Destiny was released, I vowed that I would never own physical media again. Discs were obsolete years ago. My Xbone has never had a disc in it. All my games are digital downloads.

If it weren't for the fact that I get most of my games used for like $15, I'd probably just download them all. They take up just as much HDD space, what's the point of physical discs? :smh:

Tom Servo
February 25th, 2017, 06:08 AM
Just re: the fun of updates on the XBone, I went to fire up my PS4 a couple of days early before Horizon comes out so it could get all the updates out of the way. I hadn't started it in nearly 9 months, so I figured I was looking at hours of updating to get it working again.

Downloaded one update and was fully updated and running in less than 5 minutes. Why can't the XBone do it that quickly?

February 25th, 2017, 06:10 AM
I would think that would depend on the game and the size of the update. :?

February 25th, 2017, 06:16 AM
My problem with PS4 is that system updates are great, they happen in Rest Mode. But game updates wait until you login and start the game. DIAF for that, Sony.

Tom Servo
February 25th, 2017, 10:13 AM
True, but this would be nearly a year's worth of system updates it had to install. I have updates every other week on the XBone it seems that take longer.

Also of note, some random person messaged me offering to buy my gamertag. "I gots cash", he said.

Rare White Ape
February 25th, 2017, 01:19 PM
My problem with PS4 is that system updates are great, they happen in Rest Mode. But game updates wait until you login and start the game. DIAF for that, Sony.

Whenever that happens just I choose to play it in offline mode while it updates in the background. Later on I reboot the game with the update ready to go.

February 25th, 2017, 01:50 PM
Our console etc always get switched off at the wall each night, so they can only update when we power them up. Saves on electricity doing it this way. Xbone takes so much longer to start up and update than the PS4 though, which is annoying.

February 28th, 2017, 06:15 AM

Netflix for XBox games!

The Xbox Game Pass is not a streaming service, like PlayStation Now, but a game download subscription along the lines of EA Access. Subscribers who pay the $9.99 monthly fee will be able to choose from games like Halo 5: Guardians, Payday 2, NBA 2K16 and SoulCalibur II (examples given in Microsoft’s official announcement,) downloading them directly to their system and playing them as if they were purchased digitally. Subscribers will be able to purchase the games in the catalog at a discount, adding them permanently to their Xbox library.

February 28th, 2017, 07:52 AM
Seems pretty lame. I guess more choices is good unless the choice is just trying to milk money out of people while not offering very much. I just don't see many old games being worth paying $10 a month. For example, Halo 5 is 1.5 years old and I can buy a brand new copy on Amazon for $19. Why would I pay for this service and then pay $30 for the right to the game when I can get it for much less.

Maybe when I was younger and had more free time I would have enjoyed it. But it's not like Gamefly where I could get a brand new game on release day and try it out before buying it or sending it back. That's the only way this will work.

March 1st, 2017, 02:05 PM
I got a message from XBL telling me that action was taken on a report I filed recently. That's a first. I have always judiciously used the report feature. However, last week, for the first time, I reported someone's nasty gamertag. I was not even the one who noticed it. I was playing Rocket League with our exchange student and she noticed it. She speaks three languages and the gamertag was a naughty French phrase.

March 1st, 2017, 05:28 PM
Never reported anything on Xbox, but i report the groups i get added into on PSN that have FREE PSN CODES etc, and Sony always reply twice - once to say they are looking into it and again later on to say they've taken action, or not taken action.

March 2nd, 2017, 11:20 AM
I rarely play with :random:s so I don't usually have anyone to report.

March 21st, 2017, 10:42 AM
XBL is messed up right now. I can't sign in, not even offline. I checked Xbox.com and they are working on the issue.

I wonder if ME: Andromeda busted XBL. :lol:

I had to unplug the Xbox from the network to sign in offline. :erm:

March 21st, 2017, 11:11 AM
Sounds like a great night to go work on the Bananastang. :up:

Rare White Ape
April 6th, 2017, 01:34 PM
Project Scorpio information blowout!


This thing's going to be a monster. Instead of hardware dictating games, as you'll see in the video the hardware devs were able to look at games already released and built in optimisations specific to those games.

Turn 10 developers ported Forza 6 to a Scorpio prototype in just two days and it ran at native 4K/60 with a 35% GPU overhead still available.

Red Dead and Forza 7 are going to look incredible.

April 7th, 2017, 06:03 AM
Very interesting!!!

April 7th, 2017, 06:50 AM
:up: :up:

I've gotta upgrade my monitor to 4K... :smh:

April 7th, 2017, 07:17 AM
Yeah, same here. I'd need a new Monitor to make the most of it, ok really any of it, I'm still on a 720P TV. :lol:

But 4K TVs are pretty cheap. Scorpio may end up being more than the TV.

Tom Servo
April 7th, 2017, 08:07 AM
Just to warn y'all, 4K is a pain in the ass when it comes to all your wiring and everything else. I still haven't found an HDMI switch that properly handles 4K, and of course most of my HDMI cables don't either.

April 7th, 2017, 09:38 AM
Ya'll need to hit up Monoprice. It shouldn't be a big deal!

Tom Servo
April 7th, 2017, 10:09 AM
I've tried three switches from Monoprice so far that all claim to support 4k. None of them actually do, at least at 60fps, and the general consensus I'm finding online is that there really aren't any until you start getting into pretty expensive receivers and use those as switches.

April 7th, 2017, 10:24 AM
Could be a 60fps issue - I haven't had any issues with normal 4k content using a variety of Monoprice stuff.

April 7th, 2017, 10:26 AM
So I can't just use an HDMI 2.0 or whatevs comes with the Scorpio?

April 7th, 2017, 10:54 AM
Just to warn y'all, 4K is a pain in the ass when it comes to all your wiring and everything else. I still haven't found an HDMI switch that properly handles 4K, and of course most of my HDMI cables don't either.

This is why I have my Switch/Wii U/AppleTV on an HDMI switch, leaving two HDMI ports for 4k devices (PS4 Pro, and possibly a new Xbone)

April 7th, 2017, 11:53 AM
So I can't just use an HDMI 2.0 or whatevs comes with the Scorpio?

I'm sure it will work fine if it is connected straight to the TV, especially the cable that comes with the Scorpio.

April 7th, 2017, 11:56 AM
Coolio. :up:

Tom Servo
April 7th, 2017, 01:19 PM
Yeah, my main problem is the wall mounted TV has one (4k compatible @ 60fps) HDMI cable run through the wall to it. If I take that cable and plug it straight into a device, I get solid 4K @60fps video, no problem. As soon as any switch shows up in the equation, I drop signal pretty regularly. If you don't have the "only one cable will fit through this channel in the wall" issue that I do, you're probably in good shape.

Rare White Ape
April 7th, 2017, 03:46 PM
Yeah as far as I know you'll need full HDMI 2.0 compatibility from start to finish. It's even required on the Xbone S in order to play 4K Blu-Rays.

And when selecting a new tv, don't forget about HDR. A new cheap 4K tv is nice but you're really shooting yourself in the foot if you splurge one one that doesn't have HDR capability. It really is the beez kneez. Now is a good time to buy a 2016 model because 2017 models are incoming and retailers want to shift the old stock.

Tom Servo
April 7th, 2017, 03:48 PM
My last TV blew up (apparently it was a known issue with LG Plasma TVs, and always happened outside the warranty window), so we got a 4K HDR Samsung. RWA isn't kidding, HDR stuff looks goddamn brilliant on it.

Rare White Ape
April 7th, 2017, 05:04 PM
Footnote: Make sure it's set up properly, too!

I'm annoyed when I see someone buy the latest and greatest TV and do little more than plug it in and switch it on using the standard settings.

Turn off any motion processing and noise reduction or any other bullshit else that purports to 'enhance' the image, be sure to turn on RGB full range, game mode etc.

My TV is a three year old 1080p Panasonic and I spent a LOT of time setting it up to be as close to my preference as possible: slightly soft, slightly warm, not a lot of back light... a bit like what you see in a cinema, but also having to deal with plenty of ambient light.

It wasn't until about 8 months ago that I discovered that I didn't have RGB full range turned on in the TV. I was annoyed with myself, and it looks so much better with it on :lol:

Setting up HDR properly is another layer of tweaking in itself that I haven't yet had the pleasure of doing personally. As far as I know some HDR sets have a built-in pre-calibration to a few picture standards which really helps, but it relies on the user knowing what that all means. And then there's the whole open HDR10 standard vs. Dolby Vision (which I think only LG support at the moment, and you should forget about it anyway because no game console supports Dolby Vision) to confuse things.

As a general rule, buying a TV is like making love to a beautiful woman. Always buy the most expensive one that you can afford.

Tom Servo
April 7th, 2017, 05:19 PM
Back to the new XBox, if they haven't figured out how to have the controllers not disconnect without perfect line of sight, it'll all be moot.

(I say as I rage quit from RB4 as my guitar disconnects yet again because there's a blanket vaguely nearly the line of sight to the XBox).

April 9th, 2017, 08:34 PM
Are you sure it's not the guitar? Mine stays connected in other rooms reliably.

April 10th, 2017, 04:30 AM
Back to the new XBox, if they haven't figured out how to have the controllers not disconnect without perfect line of sight, it'll all be moot.

(I say as I rage quit from RB4 as my guitar disconnects yet again because there's a blanket vaguely nearly the line of sight to the XBox).

My Xbone controllers work behind walls/in other rooms... might be the guitar?

April 10th, 2017, 04:38 AM
On the Scorpio: I'm undecided...

Originally my 'plan' was to get the PS4 Pro for 4K/UHD disc player, but of course Sony for once decided to not include the next gen disc drive (unlike PS2 w/ DVD and PS3 w/ BD). I still ended up with a PS4 Pro because I wanted to play FFXV on something that wasn't a blurry mess.

I'd still like a UHD player, so that means Xbone S, or Scorpio (not bothering with a standalone player). Xbone S is cheaper, obviously, but Scorpio would probably (hopefully?) be supported longer, as long as they are doing iterations, vs generations. But knowing my luck, MS/Sony/etc would come out with new systems and architecture in two years, and I'd be pissed. So yeah, currently undecided.

Tom Servo
April 10th, 2017, 05:22 AM
Well, my XBox One controller also likes to drop connection when I'm playing Forza. Not quite as common, but still happens regularly enough. And the signal is sometimes passing through a folded up blanket in that situation.

I wonder how much of this is due to having a launch day XBox.

April 10th, 2017, 08:32 AM
My Day One works the same as my Elite... I fought the 45-minute Adamantoise battle in FFXV from the bar while mixing a drink.

Tom Servo
April 10th, 2017, 10:49 AM
Huh...maybe my xbox just sucks.

April 10th, 2017, 11:07 AM
I think it might... I have never had a controller disconnect under normal circumstances. Maybe something has gone bad. :(

Rare White Ape
April 10th, 2017, 03:33 PM
Have you got it confused for a left hand Switch Joy-Con?

April 10th, 2017, 03:49 PM
Ace band name... Left Hand Switch Joy-Con. I think they'd play indie folk music but all-electronic instrumentation.

Rare White Ape
April 10th, 2017, 06:38 PM
....highlighting the disconnect between the extreme left and the rest of society.

Rare White Ape
April 11th, 2017, 01:11 PM
News just to hand: Scorpio will support AMD's G Sync spec over HDMI.

This is good news. Very good news. And legacy Xbone titles as well as back-compat X360 titles will benefit from it too.

There's a caveat however. You'll be able to use G Sync out of the box, but you'll need a PC monitor that is compatible with it via HDMI, not display port, because Scorpio won't have a display port adapter.

G Sync will be available because the HDMI 2.1 standard calls for its own open version of frame syncing technology, so any TV that supports HDMI 2.1 will be useable. The problem is that HDMI 2.1 hasn't been ratified yet so no standard exists and no TVs on the market support it, which means it could be another year before anyone gets to use this on their Scorpio consoles. MS will add HDMI 2.1 frame sync once it is available, which is not right now.

Aaaaaand HDMI 2.1 TVs will be fuuuuuuuckin expensive.

April 11th, 2017, 03:05 PM
Keith to me: "I told you to wait"

Rare White Ape
April 13th, 2017, 05:35 PM
You know what?

I really like the approach that MS is taking in introducing Scorpio into the console sphere. Read this and see why:

http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/295800/Inside_the_next_Xbox_Project_Scorpio_and_its_brand new_dev_kit.php

One of the biggest takeaways I'm getting from this is MS's insistence that making the development side so much easier, in-turn causes the games to become much better because they're removing a lot of barriers to upgrade games and game engines to the new more powerful spec. Games like Forza 6 only took one coder two days to have up and running with minimal effort, and middleware companies (I'm assuming they mean Epic Game's Unreal Engine 4 as an example) already have working software before many of their developers even have the dev kits.

It's a nice way to smooth out the weird mid-generation console upgrade process that Sony and MS have almost forced upon us in the last 12 months. I'll be disappointed to see the current generation-based hardware cycles go in favour of more of a mobile phone-style spectrum of new and old hardware in the market - with games gradually reaching obsolescence as they get older - but at least it will hopefully be a fairly painless experience for everyone involved.

Rare White Ape
April 18th, 2017, 04:43 AM
Dear Xbox,

If my internet drops for a split second, please don't sign me out then tell me you will restart my game while I'm in the middle of something.

For fucks sake. You dumb cunt.


June 11th, 2017, 02:43 PM

Original Xbox games will get backwards compatibility support

After the enormous support of Xbox 360 backwards compatible games, now the original Xbox is joining Xbox One libraries.

The title says it all. One of Microsoft’s biggest announcements at today’s Xbox One conference wasn’t a new game, it was that games from the original Xbox will be backwards compatible on the latest system later this year.

Nice, because there will be always games that will be worth to be revisited. :)

June 11th, 2017, 02:58 PM
Xbox One X - $499 USD

So now I get to decide if I want Xbox One S or X, $250 vs $500... big reason is wanting a UHD player, but not wanting another device in addition to my existing Xbone. $250 extra for better graphics and (I'm assuming) longer support? Hm.

June 11th, 2017, 03:02 PM
If you're definitely going to buy one or the other, and have a 4K TV, go for the X for sure. You'll buy the same games and they'll look and play significantly better.

Rare White Ape
June 12th, 2017, 12:38 AM
Another factor is buying now vs. waiting until November, or even waiting until after Xmas when a sale price pops up and it comes down to $450 or something.

I gotta say, $500 is not a bad price for what you get, considering the PS4 Pro was in that ballpark when it came out and the X will be packing more terafloppage. I had to chuckle when reading about people on the internet having a cry because MS dropped the S price yesterday and it will kill their resale values when they want to upgrade to the new hardware.

My personal choice though (and forget that I own an S already because UHD playback is not in my list of must-haves without the TV to take advantage of it), is to wait until the next iteration of either the PlayStation or Xbox arrive in another three or four years, and be ready with a full HDMI 2.1 compatible TV. I'm taking the wait-and-see approach because I already have a base-spec PS4 and Xbone, and those are still being supported right now, and they offer largely the same experience that the up-spec versions of those consoles do for now. It's the boring choice, but I'm happy with it :)

June 12th, 2017, 03:25 AM
If the X sells well enough, I don't expect there to be a next iteration that is any more than an up-spec version of the same experience for a while.

If it fails, though, they'll probably give up the conversion to the PC/mobile-style upgrade style.

June 12th, 2017, 06:41 AM
Maybe we'll just get multiple X versions. I'm waiting for the XXX version.

June 12th, 2017, 08:13 AM
Well... XboX One X....

June 12th, 2017, 11:36 AM

You’ll be able to link up any Xbox in any combination to play system-link multiplayer games, Microsoft marketing lead Albert Penello told Kotaku on Sunday.

“You can take an OG, a 360, a One, and an X, system link them together with four discs, and play LAN parties,” he said.

June 12th, 2017, 11:39 AM
:o Halo2 resurrection party!!!

Also, not sure this is really necessary... :lol:

Minecraft isn't just getting unified online play this year -- it's also receiving a huge image quality boost. Microsoft and Mojang have unveiled a Super Duper Graphics Pack (no really, that's the name) that will give the building game a major visual upgrade, including 4K resolution, high dynamic range, sharper textures and loads of special effects (including light rays and fancier water). Logically, you'll need an Xbox One X or a beefy Windows 10 PC to get the 4K HDR experience. The add-on is free when it arrives this fall, and the developers are quick to stress that it's strictly optional -- you can stick to the regular graphics if the Super Duper pack feels blasphemous to you.

June 12th, 2017, 12:30 PM
C64 graphics in 4K. Sharpest low-res textures ever Woohoo! ;)

June 12th, 2017, 02:55 PM
My prediction is that the XoneXboxXoneX is going to be fraught with significant problems.

However, I am still going to buy one.

June 12th, 2017, 06:41 PM

Get Rare Replay and other digital goods free for using Microsoft's Mixer service this week

No Time to Explain, DLC for Minecraft and Halo Wars 2 also thrown in.

Microsoft is giving away Rare Replay and a host of other digital goods for those who use its Mixer streaming service this week.

Connect your Xbox Live account with a Mixer account (simply logging into Mixer with your Xbox account in a browser, or watching on Xbox or via the Game bar on Windows 10 should also create an account for you) and catch one of Xbox's E3 shows this week will entitle you to the following rewards:

Rare Replay (full game)
Halo Wars 2 Kinsano Leader Pack (with a bonus 3 Blitz Packs on Xbox One)
Minecraft Redstone Specialists Skin Pack (for Minecraft: Xbox One Edition)
Halo Warthog in Forza Horizon 3 (noted as a unique vehicle not available in the in-game store)
Hawken Starter Pack
No Time to Explain (full game)
The Final Station (full game)

Eligible shows include Microsoft's E3 conference that aired on Sunday night, or the Live @ E3 shows on the following days:

Monday, June 12th at 11pm UK / 3pm PDT
Tuesday, June 13th at 9pm UK / 1pm PDT
Wednesday, June 14th at 9pm UK / 1pm PDT
Thursday, June 15th at 6pm UK / 10am PDT

You should receive the goods "within a week or less", according to the terms and conditions. It's worth nothing Rare Replay and The Final Station are mature games, so any accounts registered to anyone under 17 years old won't receive them.

The giveaway was originally intended only for those watching Microsoft's E3 conference, but has extended the offer to anyone who watches one of its E3 briefing shows this week.

June 12th, 2017, 07:01 PM
Mixer is pretty great :up:

June 12th, 2017, 07:28 PM
The video is more compressed on the viewer side and the interface is inferior to Twitch.

Rare White Ape
June 13th, 2017, 04:38 AM

I read that article, and it made me actually pumped for XB1 backwards compatibility. I've still got all my old games somewhere, and they definitely picked the right game to launch this with. I spent many hours in CSkies and had some of my earliest Xbox Live experiences on it :up:

The best line is the last line: “Who’s going to do that? Very few people. It’s just rad,” Penello said.

June 13th, 2017, 06:09 AM
Can I download and play the old Xbox Arcade Indie titles I bought ages ago?

June 13th, 2017, 07:14 AM
The video is more compressed on the viewer side and the interface is inferior to Twitch.

Depends on the stream. But I streamed the Xbox E3 press conference at 1440p with no stuttering. What part of the UI bothers you? Because Twitch is a hot mess IMO.

June 13th, 2017, 07:20 AM
He watched a stream of me playing Forza on both Mixer and Twitch, it was of a noticeably lower quality on Mixer. Mixer's UI is trying to encourage more interaction, and the front page SUCKS on XBox Live, because it wants to suggest so much stuff rather than letting you quickly search for what you want.

June 13th, 2017, 07:33 AM
Day 1 this time. :up: :up:

I'm going to upgrade my Xbox monitor to a UHD 4K 27"+ (https://www.amazon.com/Designo-MX27UC-Type-C-Monitor-Adaptive/dp/B06XPJYVF2/) sometime over summer to get ready. #scorpiolyfe

June 13th, 2017, 07:54 AM
Depends on the stream. But I streamed the Xbox E3 press conference at 1440p with no stuttering. What part of the UI bothers you? Because Twitch is a hot mess IMO.

With Mixer I have to watch on my PC, with Twitch I can watch on my TV w/PS4. That's pretty much a game over right there. The poor quality on top of that is just an observation.

If I watch press conferences (ugh, why?), it would be on Youtube. If I'm using a Mixer/Twitch app it's because I'm watching someone play a game.

June 13th, 2017, 07:55 AM
He watched a stream of me playing Forza on both Mixer and Twitch, it was of a noticeably lower quality on Mixer. Mixer's UI is trying to encourage more interaction, and the front page SUCKS on XBox Live, because it wants to suggest so much stuff rather than letting you quickly search for what you want.

Oh, weird. I've only used the mixer.com page itself. Haven't tried it in XBL.

June 13th, 2017, 07:58 AM
Yeah, I used the mixer.com page as well.

I'm not advocating for Twitch, or that you not use Mixer. Keith and I happened to try a 'side by side' test this weekend and I just thought I'd mention our findings. If someone sent me a Mixer link to show me something I'd open it. I'd just prefer Twitch so I could watch it on my TV.

June 13th, 2017, 08:02 AM
Yeah, I used the mixer.com page as well.

I'm not advocating for Twitch, or that you not use Mixer. Keith and I happened to try a 'side by side' test this weekend and I just thought I'd mention our findings. If someone sent me a Mixer link to show me something I'd open it. I'd just prefer Twitch so I could watch it on my TV.

Yup, I was just curious your thoughts. I'm not a fan of Twitch's main site, and since I haven't seen the app in action I can only assume it's way better.

June 13th, 2017, 10:58 AM
In an hour you can watch the stream on Mixer:


Registering is easy as you can link Mixer to your MS account by a simple click.
Hope it works with the free games and stuff.

Rare White Ape
June 13th, 2017, 02:54 PM
If I watch press conferences (ugh, why?)

To get a bunch of free games on Xbox One of course, duh!

I actually really want Rare Replay.

June 13th, 2017, 03:23 PM

My copy of Rare Replay has been unlocked. :)

June 13th, 2017, 03:51 PM
To get a bunch of free games on Xbox One of course, duh!

I actually really want Rare Replay.

Oh. :lol:

June 13th, 2017, 04:34 PM
Can I download and play the old Xbox Arcade Indie titles I bought ages ago?

As long as they are compatible, yes.


For unknown reason Poker Smash was pulled a few days ago and I received a key for Hexic 2 in exchange.

June 13th, 2017, 05:59 PM
If I watch press conferences (ugh, why?)


June 15th, 2017, 04:35 PM

Rare White Ape
June 15th, 2017, 06:53 PM
One Xbox 360
360 Xbox Ones

Rare White Ape
June 16th, 2017, 12:20 AM
Digital Foundry has taken a look at how sharp the knees were of the Anthem reveal trailer, picking apart the graphical shortcomings to see if it was genuinely rendered on an Xbox One X or if it was perfectly pre-rendered on a PC for the best impression.

The rough verdict?

It's a highly scripted sequence, but it looks like the graphical shortfall in a few areas points to it being a genuine Xbone X demo. Impressive!



June 16th, 2017, 01:26 AM
Sharp knees. Meh.

I kid. Only thing is that it reminds me a bit too much of Destiny. But still, it's probably worth a few hundred (HK)$ of my money for it to take up space on my hard disk.

June 16th, 2017, 04:13 AM
I'm still hoping for melee weapons to show up.

June 16th, 2017, 06:50 AM
Is there really going to be much difference between a PC version and XbOX version? If it's running at 4k, with 12GB RAM, etc... There aren't many PC's that would do much better right now.

June 16th, 2017, 07:07 AM
I think the idea was more of making sure it was representational for the hardware they were trying to sell it on, and not just throwing the beefiest hardware they possibly could at it (which is common for publisher conferences, where they are selling the game and not the hardware).

June 16th, 2017, 07:08 AM
Oh, gotcha. Thanks! :D:up:

Rare White Ape
June 16th, 2017, 01:15 PM
Bear in mind that the PC version will be able to double the frame rate on top-spec hardware. It'll look so much smoother at 60fps.

Tom Servo
June 16th, 2017, 01:35 PM
That's assuming they don't goof it up. There's no excuse for how shittily FH3 runs on some seriously strong PC hardware.

June 16th, 2017, 05:13 PM
Bear in mind that the PC version will be able to double the frame rate on top-spec hardware. It'll look so much smoother at 60fps.
Yeah... I've read the Windows 10 thread. :lol: #nothanks

June 16th, 2017, 05:19 PM

June 16th, 2017, 05:32 PM
Perfect is the enemy of good. ;)

June 19th, 2017, 08:09 AM
A pretty comprehensive article on the new Triple X. (https://www.cnet.com/products/microsoft-xbox-one-x/preview/)

Which new games are confirmed to get a big Xbox One X boost?
Forza Motorsport 7
Metro Exodus
Assassin's Creed Origins
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
Deep Rock Galactic
State of Decay 2
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Black Desert: The MMORPG
The Last Night
Sea of Thieves
Super Lucky's Tale
Crackdown 3
Middle-Earth: Shadow of War
Destiny 2

In addition, these existing Xbox One titles are getting free Xbox One X enhancements:
Gears of War 4
Forza Horizon 3
Killer Instinct
Halo Wars 2
Final Fantasy XV
Resident Evil 7
Ghost Recon: Wildlands
Rocket League
The Witcher III: Wild Hunt (added)

Microsoft says there are over 30 titles from third-party partners that will provide free updates as part of the "Xbox One X Enhanced" program. We do have to wonder if Microsoft's explicit mention of "free" means that developers might charge for One X enhancements in the future.

June 19th, 2017, 09:00 AM
I can definitely see that some publishers will have high-res textures etc. available that cost little or nothing to provide, and then it's just a resolution change, whereas others might circle back around and create high-res textures specifically to enhance older games that they'll want to be compensated for. From the end user perspective it kinda sucks, but OTOH creating new assets isn't free.

June 19th, 2017, 09:31 AM
From the same article Carlo posted:

"Nope. Microsoft's Kevin Gammill confirmed to CNET that developers won't charge for 4K patches and other Xbox One X enhancements: "It's one of the policies we put in place: there will be no Xbox One X paid upgrades."

June 19th, 2017, 09:41 AM

June 19th, 2017, 10:02 AM
:up: :up:

State of Decay 2 has caught my eye as well. :cool:

Freude am Fahren
June 19th, 2017, 10:10 AM
That's pretty interesting. But they'll still make you pay for DLC at launch :lol:

June 19th, 2017, 10:11 AM
Paid DLC at launch is such a bullshit thing. :|

June 19th, 2017, 10:24 AM
Yep -- or one could view it as a staggered price increase vs all new games simply costing $100 now. #shrug

Metro Exodus looks pretty crazy, graphically. Single-player-only games will tend to do that but if you need a post-Fallout fix (or simply don't want to have your eyes bleed playing Fallout @ 4K), there it is.

June 19th, 2017, 11:42 AM
Yep -- or one could view it as a staggered price increase vs all new games simply costing $100 now. #shrug
That's how I've been rationalizing it.

June 19th, 2017, 12:37 PM
I mentally tell myself the average 'big' game is now $100, as well. But I just don't like the idea of paid DLC at launch. I know it doesn't matter if it's at launch or a few months down the line, but at launch just feels shitty.

June 19th, 2017, 12:58 PM
It takes a few months between wrapping up development and putting a game on store shelves, so day one DLC will usually represent several months of work after core game development is done. Not having day one DLC would either mean perpetually putting off a game release for a few months or just artificially holding back the release of DLC to create a delay.

June 19th, 2017, 01:07 PM
I think the question is should that day one DLC be free or premium. Many people have an issue with buying a "completed" product which immediately is missing content that they must pay even more for.

I equate it to buying a new car without all the options on it, but I can understand why people would feel they're getting an incomplete product.

June 19th, 2017, 01:55 PM
Agreed on both accounts. Maybe being more in tune with the development side of things I sympathize with and don't mind day one DLC, but I definitely understand the perception it's purely a money grab.

June 19th, 2017, 02:06 PM
I understand the logic of it, tsg. Though it's not all so innocent, either, DLC and microtransactions are big money earners. From a consumer perspective, it feels like an immediate "fuck you, give us more money", hence why even if the DLC is completed, I'd rather them stagger release a little so at least it doesn't appear as greedy.

Freude am Fahren
June 19th, 2017, 02:07 PM
Yeah, I think the purpose of DLC should be to extend the life of a game. If your game needs to be extended on day one, well... :|

The price point is a good one though. Weren't PS2/XBox OG games $60 too?

June 19th, 2017, 02:21 PM
This is 7 years old... But they were at least $50 for most of the time up until about 10 years ago. That's pretty remarkable for any product. I'm surprised they aren't $75 or more when you get games like Witcher 3, GTA V, BOTW, etc... that provide hundreds of hours of gameplay and look so amazing.

Game cost in USD at system launch year-----Adjusted for inflation as of December 2010
System (year)
NES (1986) $29.99-49.99 ----- $59.79-99.65
SNES (1991) $49.99-59.99 -----$80.17-96.21
N64 (1996) $49.99 ----- $69.60
PS2 (2000) $49.99 ----- $63.41
Xbox 360 (2005) $59.99 ----- $67.10

Rare White Ape
June 19th, 2017, 03:48 PM
From the same article Carlo posted:

"Nope. Microsoft's Kevin Gammill confirmed to CNET that developers won't charge for 4K patches and other Xbox One X enhancements: "It's one of the policies we put in place: there will be no Xbox One X paid upgrades."

This makes sense, because it's ultimately Microsoft that will want developers to get content up for the X, so logically if any developer needs compensation it will be Microsoft themselves paying for it. And I bet that's exactly the sort of things they've been working out with their "development partners" behind closed doors.

Rare White Ape
June 19th, 2017, 03:58 PM
It takes a few months between wrapping up development and putting a game on store shelves, so day one DLC will usually represent several months of work after core game development is done. Not having day one DLC would either mean perpetually putting off a game release for a few months or just artificially holding back the release of DLC to create a delay.

Good developers (i.e. nobody on Kickstarter) will run by a design document that defines the minimum standard and content of their game. Most games go gold only a few weeks before launch - Breath of the Wild went gold on February 8th before its March 3rd release. That short turnaround means that any DLC for most AAA games is either planned for at the beginning of development (SW Battlefront) or culled from the design doc and turned into paid DLC (Deus Ex: Mankind Divided).

Freude am Fahren
June 19th, 2017, 04:02 PM
Perhaps a slew of game-tied-in consoles when the X launches? Like the F6 One that I bought.

As for the price point thing we're talking about. Thank, kid, for actual numbers, but your point of "when you get games like Witcher 3, GTA V, BOTW, etc... that provide hundreds of hours of gameplay and look so amazing" got me thinking.

First the game play. Is it the games, or culture that makes newer games seem more lacking? I mean that, back in the day, it seemed like when you were done playing Metal Gear, or Banjo Kazooie, or hell, even Donkey Kong Country 3, that you felt like you really experienced and achieved something, more so than current titles. Was it originality, my age (early teens), or was it that there really was something more to them.

June 19th, 2017, 04:58 PM
What I've started doing with DLC, is if I've gotten a lot of entertainment out of a game, I'll buy the DLC even if I'm not interested in it. FFXV and BotW being good examples. Combined I put about 240 hours into them, so giving the devs more money isn't at all an issue. I used to buy "complete" versions of games at launch, and it just started feeling like I was getting ripped off, if I ended up not being super into the game.

That being said, modern games are dirt cheap compared to years past due to inflation (see above table), and development costs have increased, so it makes sense from their perspective.

June 19th, 2017, 07:38 PM
Was it originality, my age (early teens), or was it that there really was something more to them.

It's because you hadn't experienced as many things like it before. It's not as much of a life changing experience because you've been playing games for decades now.

June 19th, 2017, 08:53 PM
Good developers (i.e. nobody on Kickstarter) will run by a design document that defines the minimum standard and content of their game. Most games go gold only a few weeks before launch - Breath of the Wild went gold on February 8th before its March 3rd release. That short turnaround means that any DLC for most AAA games is either planned for at the beginning of development (SW Battlefront) or culled from the design doc and turned into paid DLC (Deus Ex: Mankind Divided).

Agreed, but you are still talking about finite resources. All the game and all the content at once requires more people than all the game and all of the content over time. These days especially, when a game release will likely be followed by weeks or months of bug fixes, building up a huge development team to have them go idle makes far less sense than a less ambitious release cycle, where content can be doled out over time - even if that first content comes only a month or two after a game has gone gold. That's still a month of extras rather than combining that with core development. IMHO, Nintendo is probably not a good example of typical, since they are an in-house operation - they don't have to deal with multiple hardware and network platforms... much less PC development.

Rare White Ape
June 20th, 2017, 01:08 AM
Yeah, they're not a good example, because of their overall development style. But they are, in my books, the gold standard that everyone should look toward if they're planning a large and ambitious title. BotW took five years, and probably achieved content lock (where no new features are added) two years ago, then spent the rest of the time squashing bugs. But as a result there have been no major bug-killing patches post-launch, just minor performance tweaks. It was a team of about 300 people, not including contracted assistance from outside firms like Monolith Soft.

June 20th, 2017, 02:43 AM
It's because you hadn't experienced as many things like it before. It's not as much of a life changing experience because you've been playing games for decades now.

Also, games (or at least the ones I play) are a bit easier now. Back then, playtime was extended because of dying and doing an entire level over, but now that things are open world, it seems a bit different. You might die once in a while, but you go back to the last autosave (2 seconds before you died) to re-do that specific moment.

June 20th, 2017, 09:48 AM
It's gotta be tough striking that balance between between challenging and enjoyable, especially these days where there is every expectation that the $60 game is a preview of $60 worth of DLC that you also want to sell. Back in the day, if a game sucked or was too hard or too easy tough titty, they got your money. Now they need it to be right to make the next sale or sales!

I play only a few games, but I am way more cavalier about them than I used to be know, knowing if I fail the lost time is small. I downloaded Out of this World a while back - fond memories of when it first came out - holy crap is it difficult. I remember it being hard, but then you fail and have to do most of the level over again.

June 20th, 2017, 12:12 PM
Best game I've played on PS4 (Rocket League) was free. I buy DLC from time to time just to support them.

Rare White Ape
August 19th, 2017, 01:32 AM
Xbox One X day 1 buyers will apparently get a specially branded 'Project Scorpio' controller and console, according to leaks from two German retailers.



August 19th, 2017, 05:12 AM
:up: :up:

Germany's Gamescon is today so any "leaks" could also just be timed releases. #shrug

Rare White Ape
August 20th, 2017, 09:56 PM
Bit of Gamescon news: Major Nelson has released a very full list of X-enhanced games.


And the Project Scorpio edition seems to be an actual limited edition, and it's already sold out on the Australian Microsoft Store.

August 21st, 2017, 04:14 AM
:cool: :up:

As a card-carrying member of the Pre-Order Problem Children, I put my $100 down on a pre-ordered Xbox One X @ GameStop yesterday. Apparently there's limited numbers for the first wave. #hype

Rare White Ape
August 21st, 2017, 05:04 AM
Good stuff mate.

I normally hate pre-orders, it was worth it for games in the past but this age of digital distribution it's just a blatant cash grab.

Except if you're buying hardware. Hardware pre-orders are fine in my books.

August 21st, 2017, 05:19 AM
:up: :up:

I'm going to go back in today and see what it is I actually pre-ordered. :lol: I'd like to score one of the Day 1 "Project Scorpio" consoles.

August 21st, 2017, 06:26 AM
I was firmly in the I'll just wait camp, like I did with the Xbox One. I waited a year and it came way down in price. But I kinda want to experience Destiny 2 in 4K.

But that causes another problem as I do not have a 4K TV. I currently game on my 11 year old 37" 720P Sharp LCD. The thing has been a warhorse and has never let me down but I think it is stating to get in the way of a full game experience.

I've thought about just picking up a new Xbox One S and waiting a year or so for a Xbox One X and picking up a cheap small 4K TV. I could trade in my Xbox One for a Xbox One S or Xbox One X as well. The latter for only about $150 difference.

Decisions decisions......

August 21st, 2017, 07:26 AM
Best buy was advertising some deal that was a Sharp TV and a One S for 550 bucks or so i assume depending on the One S version chosen. 43 inch 4k smart tv. On sale by itself for 380.

August 21st, 2017, 08:08 AM
What you describe as a problem, is an opportunity Phil. ;)

August 21st, 2017, 08:42 AM
Verified that I'm getting a Day 1 Project Scorpio console. :up: :up:

EDIT: Also finally got a bite on my monitor so hopefully I'm ordering my new 4K monitor tonight.

August 21st, 2017, 09:49 AM
Big Baller :up:

August 21st, 2017, 09:49 AM
I was debating on a preorder, but I think I'm going to hold off. I felt burned with the Day One One, because the hard drive was quickly replaced with bigger and faster options. Although, I guess I've had zero issues with my external USB3 m2 drive, so maybe I don't care. Shit, did I just talk myself into a preorder?

August 21st, 2017, 10:17 AM

My first external HDD died. :( I realized after the fact that I had it on the 'constant on' setting, so it was basically running 24/7 for 2 years. :(

August 21st, 2017, 10:31 AM
If you use a 2.5" drive - USB powered - it'll go off and on with the xbox. Although, I think virtually every 3.5" drive made today has integrated, difficult-to-turn-off power saving, so maybe it doesn't matter. With SSDs as cheap as they are and with the limited number of games I actually play using a small SSD has been good for me. 256gb is enough for 3-4 big games at a time... I can delete/redownload/reinstall when I need to. The load times aren't PC good, but they're better than an HDD. It'll be interesting to see how that plays out with Xonexxxonexxone.

Rare White Ape
August 22nd, 2017, 03:14 AM
This is good stuff, if you're upgrading to the X. It looks like MS is implementing a few good user experience choices to make the upgrade as painless as possible:

- You can copy your existing Xbone user settings and install them straight onto the X
- Any 4K content updates you need will be available well before the launch of the X - they can be downloaded onto an existing console and copied across so there's no waiting on launch day
- And if you have games and apps on an existing Xbone it'll be a simple matter of copying them to the new one across the home network; you won't have to redownload them off the internet

Another thing: if you've got stuff stored on an external HDD, all you need to do is unplug it from your old console and plug it into your new one. It looks like there will be no DRM fuckery of the sort that prevents PlayStation users from using an external HDD on a different console without fully reformatting it.

It seems like they're doing everything right with the new super-powered console. Now they just need some games.

August 22nd, 2017, 04:02 AM
Good, good. I was counting on having my games ready to play on the xXx, good to know that they'll be prepped before I bring it home.


I chickened out on the big 27" and instead ordered the 23.6" ASUS MG24UQ 4K UHD (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01DHS30OE/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) monitor. I had my eye on the ultra-slick ASUS Designo series 27" version but it was nearly $300 more and I just don't know if I have the room on my wee lil' desk for such a monster.

But also this is a stopgap 4K monitor. HDMI 2.1 was (apparently) just defined earlier this year and the few HDR monitors out there are pricey AF. So my ultimate dream monitor (a 27" ASUS Designo-line 4K HDR spec) doesn't even exist yet. This 24" 4K looks like has been holding it's value (~$400 USD at launch in 2015) so I doubt I'll have a problem selling it in the next 1-2 years.

August 22nd, 2017, 06:50 AM
This is good stuff, if you're upgrading to the X. It looks like MS is implementing a few good user experience choices to make the upgrade as painless as possible:

- You can copy your existing Xbone user settings and install them straight onto the X
- Any 4K content updates you need will be available well before the launch of the X - they can be downloaded onto an existing console and copied across so there's no waiting on launch day
- And if you have games and apps on an existing Xbone it'll be a simple matter of copying them to the new one across the home network; you won't have to redownload them off the internet

Another thing: if you've got stuff stored on an external HDD, all you need to do is unplug it from your old console and plug it into your new one. It looks like there will be no DRM fuckery of the sort that prevents PlayStation users from using an external HDD on a different console without fully reformatting it.

It seems like they're doing everything right with the new super-powered console. Now they just need some games.

WHAT?!?! I can play PS games on my Xbox!!!?!!!?!!!!one!!!eleventeen!!!!!! Awesome value!!! :finger:

August 22nd, 2017, 09:07 AM
I think you've always been able to move external storage between Xboxes... I can take the one downstairs and plug it in upstairs no problem.

I cannot however plug it into the USB port on my car, that does not work.

Rare White Ape
August 22nd, 2017, 06:44 PM
I didn't know it was a thing. I've always assumed that you'd be restricted from playing downloaded games on another console for obvious piracy reasons, as it is on PS4.

I guess it was mentioned yesterday because this will be the first time a whole load of Xbox owners will have more than one One in one place while they make the transition, and it might not be common knowledge.

August 23rd, 2017, 08:59 AM
Moving between platforms would be a first, so it's still pretty cool. I always thought the portability of external storage was a nice feature, since you can take your games to a friend's house, log into their xbox, and play those games with your saves etc. In this case, just taking your storage from old version to new version without an interruption is huge - a major time & pain saver.

I have learned that you cannot preorder from microsoftstore.com - only from physical stores. Fuck that noise. I'm not going anywhere. If they want my money they're going to have to come take it from me.

August 23rd, 2017, 09:08 AM
When I preordered from GameStop, I had the option for a Day 1 delivery to my house. #shrug

August 23rd, 2017, 09:10 AM
I chickened out on the big 27" and instead ordered the 23.6" ASUS MG24UQ 4K UHD (https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01DHS30OE/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) monitor. I had my eye on the ultra-slick ASUS Designo series 27" version but it was nearly $300 more and I just don't know if I have the room on my wee lil' desk for such a monster.

Don't you have to sit stupidly close (Like your eyes a 2 feet away) to get the benefit of such a small 4K TV/Monitor?

Myself, I think I'm gonna pick up a small 4K TV, like 43-49" for now. The TCL S series TVs seem to a good bargain and get really good reviews. Then I'll get to at least play at 1080P and then sometime in the next year I'll look at getting a Xbox One S or Xbox One X.

BTW, are you trading in your Xbox One S or are you selling it?

August 23rd, 2017, 09:19 AM
Yes, I play my Xbox PC-style in an office chair at a desk. So yeah, my monitor is probably 2' away from my nose. Also my eyesight is terrible. :lol:

Seems to work, no? ;)


I have a plain Xbox One right now and I'm going to keep it through launch. After I get xXx: Project Scorpio into my hands, I'll transfer data and then list it on the Craigslist.

August 23rd, 2017, 09:23 AM
Myself, I think I'm gonna pick up a small 4K TV, like 43-49" for now. The TCL S series TVs seem to a good bargain and get really good reviews. Then I'll get to at least play at 1080P and then sometime in the next year I'll look at getting a Xbox One S or Xbox One X.

Dell had that TCL 43" 4k for $330, with a $100 gift card. So, $230 and $100 to spend on games in a few weeks or buy some Xbox Live cards to spend digitally. Not sure if it's still available, but it was on Monday.

Edit: Meh, looks like it's gone. Next best option is LG 49UH6030 for $450 with $100 back.

August 23rd, 2017, 10:16 AM
Yeah, I just checked and it isn't there.

And it appears the Xbox One S can display games at 4K......I'm guessing that it is only at say 30FPS, like Destiny 2. Where as for Forza 7 it would take a Xbox One X to display at 60 FPS and 4K. At this point I'm guessing even a jump to 1080P will be a huge improvement let alone 4K.

Carlo: I thought you had upgraded to a One S along the way but that must have been someone else.

Rare White Ape
August 23rd, 2017, 06:28 PM
Phil the S cannot render games in 4K, but it can play BluRays at 4K.

August 24th, 2017, 08:42 AM
Hmmm, I must have read the statement on the Xbox site (http://support.xbox.com/en-US/xbox-one/console/4k-on-xbox-one-s) wrong. But why does it say this then?

4K upscaling

When you set your console resolution to 4K UHD, everything on the console—Home, games, and apps—will display at 4K. 4K content is displayed in its native 4K resolution, and other content (like 1080p content) is upscaled to 4K.

To set your resolution and upscale everything to 4K, press the Xbox button to open the guide, go to Settings > All settings, and then choose Display & sound > Video output. For TV resolution, select 4K UHD.

4K in games and apps

You don't have to set your console resolution to 4K to play 4K content. You can set your console to another resolution, such as 1080p, and when a game or app requires 4K (and your TV supports the 4K mode it wants), it'll automatically switch to 4K. This is good if you want to play 1080p content in its native resolution, but also take advantage of the 4K resolution when playing 4K content.

To set your resolution to a lower resolution but switch to 4K when 4K content is played:

Open the guide and go to Settings > All settings > Display & sound > Video output and then make sure TV resolution is set to 720p or 1080p.
Select Advanced video settings and make sure Allow 4K is checked.

August 24th, 2017, 08:54 AM
Maybe he means there aren't 4k xbone games? IDK.

August 24th, 2017, 08:56 AM
Destiny 2 is going to be 4K at 30 FPS. :cool:

August 24th, 2017, 09:42 AM
Phil, the Xbox One S upscales 1080p to 4K via software. It does not render games at 4K like the Xbox One X does.

But it will play certain games with HDR enabled -- provided you've bought a TV that supports the HDR 10 standard. :up:

From where you're coming from, the visual jump should still be enormous. :lol:

August 24th, 2017, 10:04 AM
What does Pittsburgh have to do with anything?

August 24th, 2017, 10:07 AM
We're still on rabbit ears and Pong.

August 24th, 2017, 10:08 AM
I don't know about the S, but even PS4 Pro has to checkerboard up to 4k on most games... Performance requirements for native 4k are pretty hefty.

August 24th, 2017, 11:32 AM
TSG, this is how Phil plays Destiny currently:

https://dyn2.heritagestatic.com/lf?set=path%5B1%2F0%2F6%2F4%2F8%2F10648653%5D%2Csi zedata%5B850x600%5D&call=url%5Bfile%3Aproduct.chain%5D

Have a heart.

August 24th, 2017, 11:40 AM
It's so true! :lol:

Rare White Ape
August 24th, 2017, 07:52 PM
I don't know about the S, but even PS4 Pro has to checkerboard up to 4k on most games... Performance requirements for native 4k are pretty hefty.

There's an important difference here: 4K upscaling is done in software using interpolation. Think of the way Photoshop 'guesses' what goes between pixels on an image when you double its dimensions and blow it up. Upscaling can be done in either the console after the rendered frames are sent to the video encoder, or it can be kept at native resolution and upscaled by the display. I'd generally prefer to have the display upscale an image, but that would depend on if the display's upscaler is better than the console.

The PS4's checkerboarding, on the other hand, renders every second pixel in a frame, and the video encoder then fills in the gaps. It's a clever solution, because instead of every pixel needing to be boosted up to 4x it's resolution, a checkerboard image only needs to be doubled, so you get more detail and higher image quality. PS4 can still render games in native 4K at 60fps, but they will be games with less demanding visuals than say a title like Horizon Zero Dawn which runs at checkerboarded 4K/30fps. In fact, quite a few PS4 Pro games run at around 1200p, such is the demand on the graphics hardware.

I said this when the PS4 Pro launched, and I still think that 4K in this generation is too early. I'm hoping that the next generation will deliver us better than GTX1080 levels of performance so that we can enjoy demanding titles at a full 4K/60.

August 25th, 2017, 03:38 AM
Frankly I wish they'd focus more on 1080p with smooth framerates. I have to look pretty hard to see the difference between 4k and 1080p content, and I have a pretty decent setup, imo.

August 25th, 2017, 05:21 AM
Yeah I've read that HDR is a bigger graphical difference -- if you've got an HDR 4K TV.

August 25th, 2017, 06:10 AM
It definitely can be, if done right. But a lot of HDR content I've seen so far just makes bright areas super bright and calls it a day.

August 25th, 2017, 10:39 AM
Like everything, it'll get better with time.

August 25th, 2017, 12:37 PM
After doing some research, I have decided to not pick up a new TV. And it centers around, and I'm not sure how I missed it, Destiny 2 not having HDR upon launch.

Thus all a new fancy 4K HDR TV will provide is the ability to allow me to play it in 1080P with no HDR, unless I buy a Xbox One X and then I could play it in 4K with no HDR format.

So....I'm just gonna hold off and see if there are any deals on TVs during the holidays. But I do have a nice research base for my shopping. :)

August 25th, 2017, 12:45 PM
Carlo is going to be devastated. :lol:

August 25th, 2017, 02:14 PM
FYI, dudes - apparently Forza 5 is on Games for Gold for September.

Considering I haven't purchased a Motorsport title since 4... I may actually play this a bit.

August 26th, 2017, 03:35 AM
Phil, the Xbox One S upscales 1080p to 4K via software. It does not render games at 4K like the Xbox One X does.
I've known he's going to be playing @ 1080p & no HDR all along.

My 4K monitor also doesn't have HDR support so I'll be upgrading it again when I find a new monitor I like, too. #shrug

EDIT: Also as a minor update, my new ASUS MG24UQ 4K IPS LED monitor is really nice. Right now gaming at only 1080p it's a subtle upgrade in visual fidelity -- a touch better contrast and more accuracy in reflections, that's about it for what I'm noticing. Seems like I finally see absolutely everything that the ol' Xbox One is pumping out.

I'm playing in the preset "Scenery" mode just to see what it can do and get max sharpness. When I'm running in true 4K then I'll probably switch to sRGB @ 100%.

Looking forward to the xXx! :hard:

October 26th, 2017, 08:46 AM
Anyone have some original Xbox games still?

FIRST 13 ORIGINAL XBOX GAMES ANNOUNCED FOR XBOX ONE COMPATIBILITY (http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/10/23/first-13-original-xbox-games-announced-for-xbox-one-compatibility)
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Ninja Gaiden Black
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge
Fuzion Frenzy
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Dead to Rights
Grabbed by the Ghoulies
Sid Meier’s Pirates!
Red Faction II
BloodRayne 2
The King of Fighters Neowave

Yobbo NZ
October 26th, 2017, 12:03 PM
Sure do, along with a working console.
Tried Crimson Skies as it's the only one in that list I own.
Looks ok and plays good still.
But whether I'll play it to death like back in day remains to be seen.

October 26th, 2017, 12:25 PM
KoToR & Ninja Gaiden Black would definitely be worth a spin. :up: :up:

Rare White Ape
October 26th, 2017, 01:27 PM
I’ve got CSkies as well, but it’s in a box buried about fourfty boxes deep in a cupboard under the stairs.

October 26th, 2017, 06:57 PM
Bugger, was hoping for Forza Motorsport 1. :(

October 26th, 2017, 08:40 PM
Bugger, was hoping for Forza Motorsport 1. :(

Don't worry, they'll probably give you a chance to win it in a Forza 7 loot box 😛

Rare White Ape
November 3rd, 2017, 12:15 AM
Here’s some early impressions on the X from a person.


They’ll likely add to that review as more games deliver their 4K patches.

November 3rd, 2017, 04:47 AM
Sounds like I should pick up Gears of War 4. :up: :up:

I need to call my local GameStop store and see if they're doing a midnight release...

EDIT: Reddit's X1X Review Megathread (https://www.reddit.com/r/xboxone/comments/7ahkrc/xbox_one_x_review_megathread/)

Dis is me. (https://www.theverge.com/2017/11/3/16599756/microsoft-xbox-one-x-review)

The X does offer the best graphics currently possible on a console.

If you don’t care about Sony’s exclusives then the Xbox One X will be the best console to play all the cross-platform games coming out. If you already have a large stack of Xbox One games and you’re using the original console, this is going to be a nice upgrade if you own a 4K TV.

November 3rd, 2017, 06:04 AM
Also, here's a nice site (in French) with screenshot sliders (http://www.xboxygen.com/News/26025-Xbox-One-X-sur-TV-1080p-oui-c-est-plus-beau-et-on-le-prouve?lang=fr) showing the difference between HD & 4K. :up: :up:

November 3rd, 2017, 07:49 AM
Xbox One X First Impressions: The 4K Era Arrives (https://www.thurrott.com/xbox/xbox-one/143087/xbox-one-x-first-impressions-4k-era-arrives)

But here’s a tip:

If you select a game in that Games list, you can find out for yourself whether it has 4K/UHD assets available: Just press LB + RB + Menu + Select simultaneously on the controller. If you see “Assets Installed: Xbox-Scorpio,” you’re good to go.
Interesting... and clunky but whatevs. :up:

November 3rd, 2017, 09:17 AM
Apparently it loads games up to 40% faster, so that'll be a nice little boost as well.

I'm still unsure about all of it. Ideally I'd like a UHD player, and a decent one (or the X1S) costs $200-300. So then I tell myself, if I'm already spending a couple hundred, might as well spend a couple hundred more and get shinier graphics with it. But then I ask myself, do I really need UHD or shinier graphics? I play exactly one game on Xbox right now, and I don't know if there's many (any?) exclusives that I absolutely need in my life.

Still mad at Sony for not putting UHD in the PS4 Pro. :mad:

November 3rd, 2017, 09:54 AM
How else would they sell you a PS4ProPlus?

November 3rd, 2017, 10:15 AM
GTA V load times. Xbox One S: 1min 7sec. Xbox One X: 24sec. (https://twitter.com/Stallion83/status/926365016886075392) :cool:

Tom Servo
November 3rd, 2017, 10:17 AM
On of these days I should see how fast it loads on my PC

Rare White Ape
November 3rd, 2017, 01:29 PM
Here’s a few hot takes from Digital Foundry. They’ll be pumping out a tonne of videos as 4K patches trickle in at launch.



And anyone with a large games library will be needing some hefty external storage. Titles with patches present come in at an eye-watering 100+GB, so the console will store about 9 of them before filling up. You’ll need a lot of patience too, if you’ve got average download speeds.

November 3rd, 2017, 02:20 PM
So, you'll have to use an external HDD? Which will then slow things down again? :(

You better start things up before you leave for work Carlo! :lol:

Rare White Ape
November 3rd, 2017, 02:46 PM
A USB3 external drive is not that bad. DF tested that back with the first update last year for PS4 which allowed external storage, and found that it was in a few cases even faster than the internal storage, if you used an SSD. I use a regular 2.5” 1TB 5400 rpm drive in a USB3 caddy with my PS4 and it’s fine. I don’t really notice any ridiculous load times.

November 3rd, 2017, 03:09 PM
Well I do have discs for all my games but Destiny. ;)

November 6th, 2017, 09:15 AM
Tonight should be the night! :hard:

EDIT: Just called my local GameStop -- they're not holding a midnight launch party. :lol:

S'Ok, I'm old -- I'll pick mine up tomorrow @ 10 AM CST.

November 7th, 2017, 05:13 AM
Not a surprise.

Chances of you gettin jacked while pickin a game at midnight: Less than 1%
Chances of you getting jacked while pickin up the latest and greatest gaming system just before Christmas that costs $500: Probably still low but for the store I'm sure it is a huge liability.

November 7th, 2017, 03:14 PM
Picked up the Project Scorpio X at noon today. Set it up to download the patch and begin downloading Destiny 2 before going back to work.

When I had come home this evening I had 3 GBs downloaded. :lol: #threedayjob

So tonight I took it offline and am installing all my games on disc onto the HD. Then when that's done I'll put it back online and let it start updating each game with their XBX enhancement packs. But I don't want to fight it just to get the base games on it.

November 7th, 2017, 03:23 PM
Mine won't be here til the weekend-ish, which sucks... I have a packed weekend but not so much going on right this second. Poop.

November 7th, 2017, 05:16 PM
Told you. :p Upgrade your internets Carlo!!!!

November 7th, 2017, 07:15 PM
Nah, I love my cheap internet!! :D George would be proud!

So I'm done with the base game installs, now I'm queuing up the 4K packs. I should be back online sometime this weekend. :lol:

Rare White Ape
November 7th, 2017, 10:30 PM
It’s taking you days to get some games running that will push this console to its limits. No out-of-the-box fun.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again* fuck the Xbox One for a joke.

*Ya all probably sick to death of hearing it from me by now…

November 8th, 2017, 02:26 AM
Why not use the game transfer option?

November 8th, 2017, 04:24 AM
Why not use the game transfer option?
Well the games are installed, did that pretty quick from disc -- it's all the hi-res 4K updates that have to be downloaded.

Even my copy of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus which advertises it's "Xbox One X Enhanced!" needs to download the 4K shizz. :smh:

November 8th, 2017, 04:26 AM
It’s taking you days to get some games running that will push this console to its limits. No out-of-the-box fun.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again* fuck the Xbox One for a joke.
Reading comprehension, Mick -- it's not the X1X's fault, it's my coffee-straw internet. I would have this same problem if I had a blazing fast PC & downloading 4K packs from Steam.

You probably have a massively thick pipe by comparison! ;)

November 8th, 2017, 08:22 AM
It's not the size... It's how you use it.

November 8th, 2017, 09:26 AM
Bigly pipes, the best.

November 8th, 2017, 10:17 AM
Yep -- I just didn't want to pay for Charter Cable offering me the potential of a fat pipe that I'm gonna need once every few years. #shrug

Having enough data to stream HD movies from my various content providers + multiplayer gaming is all the throughput I need. Anything more than that is a waste of money. :)

Rare White Ape
November 8th, 2017, 12:03 PM
Reading comprehension, Mick -- it's not the XBX's fault, it's my coffee-straw internet. I would have this same problem if I had a blazing fast PC & downloading 4K packs from Steam.

You probably have a massively thick pipe by comparison! ;)

I’m aware of your slower internet Carlo, but it’s the other details that strike me as being very anti-user. You had to take it offline just to get *something* installed and playable, but this meant having no 4K content. You didn’t want to “fight” it to get something up and running.

And you know your way around the One a lot better than I do. Every time I switch mine on I’m having some new battle. I’ve not yet come to accept the way the console basically locks you out of playing anything if an update needs to download. The one time I bought a game on disc for mine, I expected a period of installation from disc to HDD, but did not expect to have to download many GBs of day 1 update with no hope of just playing offline while the download happened in the background (unless there’s a setting for that which I haven’t found yet :/). I had to google the problem, which led to me pulling the disc out, cancelling the download, turning off the internet, deleting the update, deleting the install, reinserting the disc, then installing it again before I could play it. The update came down much later while the console was on standby.

And since I switch it on once every three months there’s a new UI, which is always a fun adventure :P

November 8th, 2017, 12:10 PM
I’ve not yet come to accept the way the console basically locks you out of playing anything if an update needs to download.
You can absolutely play something different on the XBONE if the game you originally want to play has to download an update to continue. It just may not download in the background if you're playing something else system-intensive.

I don't have Steam so I don't know how granular those controls are for comparison. :)

And since I switch it on once every three months there’s a new UI, which is always a fun adventure :P
Yes well that's a cruel trick you're playing on your future self, innit? ;) #hugs

Rare White Ape
November 8th, 2017, 01:15 PM
You can absolutely play something different on the XBONE if the game you originally want to play has to download an update to continue. It just may not download in the background if you're playing something else system-intensive.

But I want to play *that* game, not a different game! And if playing a different game prevents an update from downloading then I’m just delaying the time between now and when I can play the game I specifically turned on my Xbox to play.

PS4 lets you play the game you want to play, you just have to play it offline (i.e. no multiplayer) while it updates in the background. It (just) passes the kids at Christmas test. Switch by far nails the kids at Christmas test.

November 8th, 2017, 01:51 PM

November 8th, 2017, 02:38 PM
Are we still doing that? I thought with Trump that was all passe.

Rare White Ape
November 8th, 2017, 03:05 PM
Ha! Oops.

November 8th, 2017, 03:09 PM
I believe you should be able to cancel out of any update and play the game offline as well, Mick. Give it a try! ;)

November 8th, 2017, 03:17 PM
It might vary from title to title, but with the few games I own they all tell me I can either do the update or play offline. I've not been railroaded into an update.

Rare White Ape
November 8th, 2017, 04:37 PM
I believe you should be able to cancel out of any update and play the game offline as well, Mick. Give it a try! ;)

If there’s ever another Xbox One game worth buying I’ll give it a shot :D

November 8th, 2017, 04:59 PM
PS4 lets you play the game you want to play, you just have to play it offline (i.e. no multiplayer) while it updates in the background. It (just) passes the kids at Christmas test. Switch by far nails the kids at Christmas test.

That`s a cool feature! :up:

XBL is sooo slow despite DSL 50 and LAN connection, just ~1 to 1.4 MB/s
But Steam, GOG etc and even the shitty MS Store (no continued download after disconnect, disconnect after 8-9 hours*) can download with a bit over 5 MB/s.

*Huge problem for a friend who lives in the middle of nowhere with a wife and three internet demanding kids. He only got ~0.3 MB/s.

And then it would be nice if you could play this game until a laughable update of 500 MB to 2 GB is downloading in the background for the next few hours.

November 9th, 2017, 07:09 AM
If there’s ever another Xbox One game worth buying I’ll give it a shot :D
Forza Horizon 4? :lol:

The Witcher III in 4K looks tight -- 4K textures with this game are a great combo with the character models due to how good it already looks. :up: :up:

Tonight it'll be Ghost Recon: Wildlands in 4K... :twisted:

November 9th, 2017, 07:23 AM
OOOOooooohhh.... Once 4k projectors come down in price, I might have to upgrade. So, in like 3 years. :lol:

What time will you be on Wildlands tonight? You might find a BUSH hiding out somewhere. ;)

November 9th, 2017, 07:38 AM
8ish PM CST until the world ends. :hard: