View Full Version : Sony Xperia Z1S - Coming to America

January 6th, 2014, 06:34 PM
Yes! Patience has paid off! The Z1 is coming to a major carrier, T-Mobile, and will be cheaper than the Z1 has been outright anywhere else, $603 outright or $22/month for 24 months ($528) with zero down. All the specs are the same aside from the internal storage going from 16 to 32 GB, and the headset jack is moved to the top.



Also announced at CES was the Z1 Compact, a 4.3" version that swaps the screen for a 720p IPS display but is otherwise the same as the Z1. No word on American release.



January 7th, 2014, 05:14 AM
The Z1S seemingly has fixed displays problems (although there are two points to take in account: 1] the bad viewing angles have been touted as a positive feature in many asian reviews of the phone as people in there are paranoid and hide their screens from others while on the underground or commuting to work, to the extent that there are a plethora of accessories just for that sold in the asian market 2] Actually there has been a bit of a display lottery, since there are perfectly wonderful international Z1 displays; it mattered which brand's display you did randomly get on your device) and a middle top headphone socket - it was already on the top in the Z1, but on the right of the top.
So it is stellar, and the 32GB version is one to salivate about, indeed.

The Z1 Compact (Sony did its research and truly understood that the term "mini" is associated to a pejorative stigma by the public) is basically a Z1 with a gorgeous 4.3" 720p display (it obviously is not 1080p as the 5" Z1/Z1S one) and a smaller 2500mAh battery in it: Sony boasts it was an engineering miracle to manage to fit such a big battery in such a small body. I'd rather have the 3000mAh behemoth on the Z1/Z1S but if it works well in conjunction with the Sony proprietary Stamina Mode and the less resources hungry 720p IPS display it will work well, I suppose.
Also the Z1 Compact is just slightly thicker than the Z1/Z1S. For all the other matters, aside from display and battery, it is exactly the same phone as the Z1/Z1S: the first truly mid-sized Android flagship designed for people wanting smaller top tier phones and it is underlined by Sony itself as an iPhone direct competitor in the small smartphone market.
So, no point anymore in considering a Moto X, I reckon, or, if money isn't a huge factor, a Moto G.

Only problems so far? The Z1 Compact hasn't been announced for US release, for now; both phones also are stuck on Android 4.3 still, which is a bit of an annoyance, especially taking in account Sony's slow take on updating its phones.

January 23rd, 2014, 04:24 PM
So far I am really underwhelmed by the pictures. I will have to try some more situations, but the thought of being able to use it for up close stuff and getting similar results to my P&S camera (with the same size sensor and slower lens) are out the window.

January 24th, 2014, 03:58 AM
I basically got this Z1S instead of the Nexus 5 for these reasons
- Styling: Looks and feels better to me, though the slippery-back means it slides around sometimes when I want it to stay put
- Camera: Very disappointing so far, I need to use it in more situations but it is in desperate need of some better processing via software updates
- Battery Life: Most reviews said it's good for a whole day of normal use, going to find out today since I finally got it fully charged (the AC chargers I have are all too weak to charge it well)
- Cool album software: little quirks and limitations make me wish I could get the stock Android gallery

February 11th, 2014, 11:01 AM
Another reason I got the Z1S is the speaker volume, it's MUCH louder than my Galaxy Nexus and the Nexus 5 that was at the T-Mobile store. I haven't needed to use my little wired speaker in a long time.

The camera has been helped by the discovery of an editing tools that lets me edit the contrast via curves. I also found a download for the stock Android gallery, so back on good footing there.

The battery life is better than my GNX, but it still can't last a normal workday for me. The issue seems to be that I use it to listen to radio via the speaker before I go to work, and podcasts via headphones at work. Even with the Stamina mode on, the battery level is down to 35% in the early afternoon. Compared to the GNX dying while I was at lunch multiple times, it's a noticeable and functional improvement.