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Tom Servo
July 7th, 2022, 02:49 PM
It's not a requirement, but it is pretty common, if only because that requires a shitton of data storage and honestly, most of the time businesses only care about trends when dealing with real scale, nobody's got the time or inclination to narrow it down to a specific person. The NSA probably feels differently about that than most, but I digress.

I know at my current work we anonymize anything we can anonymize and still get our work done. So, like, member names and stuff are still stored as part of the course of doing business, but the second they leave the production database environment they're anonymized and get random, made up names/info replacing the real stuff. All analytics are done off of that non-production, anonymized copy.

July 8th, 2022, 03:54 PM
Major outage in Canada from our largest telecommunications company, Rogers, affecting cell network and internet. Total blackout. 16 hours long so far, so annoying! We use Bell at home and work for phone and internet, but our cell phones are with Rogers. My parents have Rogers at home, but luckily my dad uses another carrier for his cell phone, so we’re able to communicate.

This is bad. 911 services are impacted, also commerce is at a standstill as debit and a lot of point of sale terminals, e-transfer, etc, are all connected to this shitty ass network.

I saw a brilliant tweet today that I should’ve screen capped, from an Indian guy on Rogers Twitter. He said something to the effect that Canadians love demeaning India, yet Canada lags far behind even the third world when it comes to telecommunications infrastructure. India’s network serves 1B people and is fast and cheap, and never goes down.

This is the second major day long outage in a year from Rogers. They are a joke. I remember how they were instrumental in keeping Verizon out when they were trying to enter the Canadian market several years ago. They are an embarrassment and I hope they lose a shit ton of customers over this.

July 8th, 2022, 04:18 PM
Public utilities ought to be a service provided by or closely regulated by the State.

Change my mind.

July 8th, 2022, 04:30 PM
Definitely agree.

Tom Servo
July 8th, 2022, 05:05 PM
Everyone likes to shit on LADWP (the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power), but it's one of the few publicly owned utilities and we rarely have rolling blackouts or crazy price hikes. It's not perfect, but I'm happy enough with it compared to the privately owned ones I've had in the past.

July 8th, 2022, 09:47 PM
Public utilities ought to be a service provided by or closely regulated by the State.

Change my mind.

Let’s not forget the flint water crisis. There’s no guarantee that a ‘state’ can always do better.

Whether public or private, if it’s run by humans, it needs to be closely regulated. Regulations problem is that it might stifle innovation, but for utility companies, we probably don’t have to worry much about that.

July 9th, 2022, 05:47 AM
People need to stop drinking the Kool aid.

Innovation is stifled by my ass.

Really smart people have figured this out already. Innovation is one consequence of a functioning government. If governments fund their functions intelligently, that is, they provide adequate funding for schools, roads, public security and safety, housing services and amenities, and other social needs, then people and businesses operate with enough confidence that they can devote some of their resources to improving what they already have.

Why do you think they have the coolest fighter planes and stealth boats and shit?

July 9th, 2022, 07:24 AM
Speaking of those things… Lockheed Martin, Boeing(McDonnell Douglas), Northrop Grumman… they’re all private companies. Not really state run companies.

However, as they merge into fewer companies(less competitions), as US government become their only customers since they can’t have other customers without congress approval, they are behaving more and more like state run organizations. Making their ‘innovations’ less innovative and price tags so high that even US government is having a difficult time paying for them.

I think US defense contractors probably had the most competitions and innovations back in the 60s 70s. When there were a LOT more smaller companies. There were a lot of innovations back then and didn’t charge government arm and a leg. Right now we kinda have the worst of both worlds. Our private companies are behaving as if they’re state run companies…(maybe they are now trying to run the state with their lobbying power?)

Elon Musk’s SpaceX demonstrated how a smaller private company can out perform a more traditional megaaerospace company of today.

If we officially have a state run aerospace company, things can only get worse, not better.

Regulators ought to be able to regulate both private and public entities to make sure that not only everyone meets safety standards but also make sure we have as much competition as possible. Too big to fail entities, state run companies can definitely fall in that category, can end up becoming problematic. I really think that ought to be avoided if possible, but for utility companies, it is kinda hard to have competitions…

Anyway, to be fair, I’m not sure how the Russians and Chinese do their fighter jets. Surely they don’t have private defense companies, yet they’re still able to produce formidable state made weapon systems. But fact is US version of Top Gun is just kooler! :p

July 11th, 2022, 08:05 AM
So my son went for his driving exam today, to get his full driver's license. Here in Ontario we have a three-tiered licensing system - G1 (learner), G2 (pretty much unlimited driving privileges, but only valid for five years), and finally G (100% fully licensed). He went for his G today after four years of laziness at G2.

The instructor failed him for the dumbest reason possible: he wasn't aggressive enough. :? He said he got on a busy highway and was stuck behind a dump truck and was waiting for a safe opportunity to pass, and the woman chided him for waiting too long. Then on the street after he got off the highway she wanted him to turn right and then immediately get into the left lane to make a left at the next intersection. Traffic was busy and some asshole wouldn't let him in the left lane, so he told her he was going to miss the intersection because it wasn't safe and she remarked that he needed to be more aggressive. Then she failed him. Such bullshit. I wonder if she failed him on the way back to the office or in the parking lot when they got there. If it was on the way back I would've driven far away and ordered her to get the fuck out of the car.

Now he's booked another road test which will be in two weeks.

Tom Servo
July 11th, 2022, 09:36 AM
Wow, that's really bad. Is there a way to file a complaint about that? It seems really dangerous to basically tell people learning to drive that they should just cut people off rather than try to drive safely.

July 11th, 2022, 09:43 AM
She must have learned to drive in Boston. :smh:

July 11th, 2022, 10:53 AM
Maybe Canada is just more strict? We only have 2 tier... learning permit and driver's license, right? Unless times have changed and I wasn't paying attention?

Canada's 3rd tier is obviously for a racing license! ;)

In all seriousness, if you are driving too slowly compare to flow of traffic, you could pose a danger to others too! However, to fail somebody during a driving test for not driving aggressively enough because the driver is trying to be safe is kinda ridiculous.

July 11th, 2022, 11:38 AM
It would seem you should be allowed to be "not aggressive enough" because you (and your car's occupants) are the only ones who will suffer from it. Assuming we're not talking about actual failure to take right-of-way, which can cause confusion and delays to other drivers.

Is it true that license-testing has been farmed out to private businesses?

July 11th, 2022, 11:54 AM
Wow, that's really bad. Is there a way to file a complaint about that? It seems really dangerous to basically tell people learning to drive that they should just cut people off rather than try to drive safely. We could try to file a complaint, but it'd be difficult to prove.

Maybe Canada is just more strict? We only have 2 tier... learning permit and driver's license, right? Unless times have changed and I wasn't paying attention?

Canada's 3rd tier is obviously for a racing license! ;)

In all seriousness, if you are driving too slowly compare to flow of traffic, you could pose a danger to others too! However, to fail somebody during a driving test for not driving aggressively enough because the driver is trying to be safe is kinda ridiculous. We used to have a two-tier system here back in my day (early-90's). There was the learning permit aka the written (computerized) test which was valid for one year. It was affectionately nicknamed the "365", then the full G license. I remember I got my 365 in January of 1992, then full license in April of that year.

It would seem you should be allowed to be "not aggressive enough" because you (and your car's occupants) are the only ones who will suffer from it. Assuming we're not talking about actual failure to take right-of-way, which can cause confusion and delays to other drivers.

Is it true that license-testing has been farmed out to private businesses? This is the first I've ever heard of it being privatized. A quick Google search hasn't yielded anything to corroborate that.

July 11th, 2022, 12:32 PM
Is it true that license-testing has been farmed out to private businesses?

It has been here in Colorado. People pay companies with fleets of Toyota Corollas and similarly inexpensive but fairly new cars to teach their kids to drive. Then, kids drive with a parent in the car and keep a log book of hours driven in various conditions (nighttime, mountains, probably snow, etc.) as a prerequisite to taking the drivers license test and finally getting an unrestricted license at age 18.

We were just talking with our neighbors at a July 4th cookout about this. Their son just got his license at age 18 and a 20-year-old Ford minivan to drive. He was saying he's free of all the restrictions that 16 and 17-year-olds have about how many passengers can be in the car with them and other things I don't know about...yet. My son reminds me almost daily that he'll be eligible to take classes once he's 14 and a half, which is just a few months away.

When I was in high school back east, Drivers Ed was a class almost everyone took at school. They'd show us filmstrips of state troopers narrating gory crash scene photos and telling us how important seat belts were. We'd study intersection diagrams and who has the right of way and how to pass on two-lane roads and all that stuff. Meanwhile, maybe six kids would go out driving, two per car plus instructors in the front seat who had their own brake pedals on the floor in each car. Our school had a couple boring sedans but one black Pontiac Firebird that all the guys wanted to drive. It was a plain-jane automatic V6 'bird for sure, with hubcaps and whitewalls and all, but to a bunch of 15-year-old boys, it was the very same car that the Burt Reynolds drove. :cool:

We had a day at a driving range that everyone looked forward to, because you got to miss a whole day of school and drive cars in a parking lot with pylons and stop signs and traffic lights and stuff. They had a mish-mash of vehicles at the range, including some with manual transmissions. I still remember my car that day was a blue, early '80s Datsun pickup truck with an automatic transmission and an emergency brake that pulled out from the dashboard near the steering column.

I also took a year of auto mechanics in high school. Both these opportunities annoy my car-crazed son because his high school, a large one, offers neither Drivers Ed nor has an auto shop. Instead, they just built a cosmetology lab in the school. Yes, I'm serious. :|

July 11th, 2022, 12:54 PM
Film strips. :D

I took Drivers' Ed in Thunder Bay, Ontario in the early seventies, just after seat belt laws were tightening. Perhaps shoulder-harnesses were just becoming mandatory. And the instructor actually voiced objections to shoulder-harnesses.

I see you get a license test in Ontario at a DriveTest Centre. These are licensed by the Government of Ontario, implying they are not fully government-operated.

But I remember at one time the spectre being raised of getting your test done by the driving school where you learned. Which obviously opens up conflicts-of-interest which could result in bad results of either sort.

July 11th, 2022, 01:22 PM
I remember some cars from that era having shoulder belts stored on the ceiling when not in use. You'd pull the end closer to the windshield down and click it into the lap belt to be fully strapped in.

But that was only for the crazy people who wanted to be trapped inside a wrecked and possibly burning car. Some people thought it was safer to be thrown clear of the accident.

Tom Servo
July 11th, 2022, 03:51 PM
We could try to file a complaint, but it'd be difficult to prove.

It might still be worth it. I figure even if nothing immediately comes from it, I figure it might be like what they tell people out here when drivers hassle you when you're cycling. Sure, the cops probably won't do anything, but if you report it it goes in a file, and if that driver then does something that actually does attract real attention, there's a documented history of allegations that might make consequences actually come about.

July 11th, 2022, 03:58 PM
Sorry about your son getting a raw deal, me bruv. Hope he gets it next time.

One thing I've been noticing lately is cars with "PLEASE BE PATIENT! STUDENT DRIVER ON BOARD!" signs on them.

July 11th, 2022, 06:30 PM
It might still be worth it. I figure even if nothing immediately comes from it, I figure it might be like what they tell people out here when drivers hassle you when you're cycling. Sure, the cops probably won't do anything, but if you report it it goes in a file, and if that driver then does something that actually does attract real attention, there's a documented history of allegations that might make consequences actually come about. That is actually a great point.

Sorry about your son getting a raw deal, me bruv. Hope he gets it next time.

One thing I've been noticing lately is cars with "PLEASE BE PATIENT! STUDENT DRIVER ON BOARD!" signs on them. Thanks, bruv. I have no doubt he’ll get it next time.

Tom Servo
July 11th, 2022, 06:36 PM
That is actually a great point.

It makes me so happy to hear that, especially considering I somehow said "I figure" twice in one sentence.

July 12th, 2022, 03:11 AM
She must have learned to drive in Boston. :smh:


Just have a bigger vehicle than the driver near you... otherwise, yield. Pretty simple.


July 12th, 2022, 05:26 AM
My experience in ~1998 was very similar to George's. Probably the same film strips. Only difference was if you wanted to take your on-road instruction and test you had to do it during the summer. Otherwise you had to take it at the PennDOT license center. My teacher was cool, we had to do a 'long drive' of about an hour and he spent the time pointing out speed traps. :rawk:

July 12th, 2022, 07:33 AM
She must have learned to drive in Boston. :smh: I'm thinking South Florida...home of the most aggressive drivers I've ever shared the road with. (Though I've never been to California).

Tom Servo
July 12th, 2022, 08:14 AM
Between Boston and Los Angeles, Boston drivers are massively more aggressive.

July 12th, 2022, 08:47 AM
Here definitely Quebecers. Not really aggressive, but more twatish in the way they drive. The city I live in (Brampton) is by and far the most aggressive in all of Canada, which is why we pay the highest insurance premiums in the entire country. There's a large Indian/South Asian immigrant population here, and they bring their bad driving habits from India.

There are no rules of the road in India. Trust me, I've been there. It's scary AF as a passenger. Immigrants that come here are automatically granted G2 licenses when they present their Punjab state license, or whatever state they're from. In my opinion it doesn't qualify them to drive on Ontario roads because they skip over the learner's license completely. Just because you know how to physically operate a motor vehicle doesn't necessarily mean you know how to drive. If a white guy said this he'd instantly be called all kinds of racist. But it's absolutely true, and reflected in insurance which is a result of the...results on the road, (a shit-ton of accidents and DUI incidents).

July 12th, 2022, 10:32 AM
Can you perhaps file your complaint after your son hopefully passes with another examiner? And be sure to have your story correct. How much were you paraphrasing when you used the word "aggressive"? Even if the instructor said that literally, perhaps they'll claim they said "assertive". Etc.

When I got my licen[sc]e in Ontario in the mid 1970's we had no controlled-access-highway part of the test. I really wonder how those highway tests are done. Apart from perhaps vague court precedent, I do not believe Ontario has any formal legal recognition of speed of traffic over-riding posted speed limits. So to avoid breaking the law in Ontario, you'd need to drive just slightly over the posted maximum of 100km/hr (90 on some highways) and stay in the rightmost lane your destination permits. Because otherwise you would need to move into a lane travelling at probably a minimum of 10km/hr over, probably 15, 20 or more. And at that point (or before) you could claim you were driving illegally.

From letters-to-the-editor etc, one definitely gets the impression some drivers believe that posted limits are minimums. (And in practice, in many places, there is some prudence in treating them that way).

Oh. And I am generally surprised that film strips continued to be used through the 80's and 90's; I would have assumed VHS tapes would have supplanted them. Still, perhaps film strips are more durable. (I'm pretty sure we watched VHS (or perhaps Beta) in 1970's Driver's Ed). And by some 20XX I would assume the clips would be on computer.

July 12th, 2022, 11:04 AM
That's a good call to file a complaint only after you're completely done with it... Just as I would never complain about a waiter's service in the middle of the meal. Who knows what they'll do to your food?!?!? ;)

Anyway, I lived in an era that did not require me to get on the fwy during my license test as well. In a way I really feel sorry for those folks who have to sit next to a bunch of newbies and merge on a fwy day in and day out with them! I would not want that job.

July 22nd, 2022, 06:54 PM
There are two pages worth of Paulo Coelho's audiobooks on audiobookbay.

There is not a single torrent for Luis Spota's works.

July 23rd, 2022, 07:16 PM
Lori was sewing a bra today. She was playing a YT tutorial about how to make a bra and looking at examples that others made. I walked in to her sewing area to see all this. We made some boob jokes and I left to do an iRace.

After the race, I went to check her progress. She was working on the sewing machine and her computer was asleep. I joked that I was disappointed in the lack of boobs. We talked a bit more about what she was working on, then I left to do something else.

Now, she is getting ads for Hooters in her web browser. :lol:

July 23rd, 2022, 07:51 PM
One of us, one of us, one of us!

July 24th, 2022, 12:55 AM
Hilarious outcome :)

July 24th, 2022, 02:24 AM
The instructor failed him for the dumbest reason possible: he wasn't aggressive enough. :?Apparently there is a bit of a schtick in Ontario these days for failing drivers on their G for being "too cautious".

Another person claimed the evaluation was "too cautious". (From memory, of course).

Rather than saying either of "too cautious" or "not aggressive enough", I think it would be more prudent of the instructors/examiners to use "too timid".

The term "(less) timid" does not imply you should ignore considerations of caution; perhaps you need to re-evaluate your notion of caution to encompass more elements, which apparently include creating accident situations through confusion, and impeding traffic. Similarly, "too timid" does not suggest you should engage in "aggressive driving" (which actually is an offense).

July 25th, 2022, 06:35 AM
Well whatever the case it doesn't matter now. He went and passed his G test today and is a fully licensed driver. The whole filing a complaint thing about the previous instructor is just too much of a headache and not worth the effort. What irritates me is the cost of the road test. It was $10 back in 1992 when I did it. Now it's $90. I heard it used to be $90 one time, then $10 each time you have to retake it. Now it's $90 per retake as well. But whatever it's done now, he passed. It's a huge relief.

Next year my daughter will go for her G1 learner's license. That'll be exciting. Not for insurance though. :eek:

July 25th, 2022, 12:22 PM
That's good news. Congratulations.

I take it the G2 remains valid for the remaining year. I guess perhaps insurance penalizes you for having G2 drivers? How soon can the G test be taken.

But, um, hopefully the licensed DriveTest centres do not get a direct cut of any of those fees, but work on constant payments. Otherwise there would seem to be a conflict-of-interest which might encourage them to deliberately fail tests. (Conceptually one could try to find another centre to do the second test?)

I can imagine it is not worth the hassle. A generalized complaint to your MPP might be easier, and might be more useful. Especially if the word "aggressive" had been used. Because aggressive really refers to taking things which are beyond your right. (What sort of written transcript of the test results do you get, by-the-way?) But likely such a complaint, even in writing, would mostly be ignored.

Eventually I will probably be required to take some road test because of my age.

I would consider seeing if I can take a lesson or two to bone me up. I'm sure I've got a bunch of bad habits, and perhaps they'd actually advise on the "too cautious" thing. My Dad needed a special test to drive with only his right leg; they failed him for insufficient shoulder-checks--which is the sort of thing you acquire over the years. His brain and mine keep good mental models of the surroundings, and he thought possibly he also had made checks, but hadn't made them obvious enough. But perhaps they didn't like the idea of him driving normal (automatics) with only one leg...

But then I think my mother gets by with occasional "review classes" and written tests only.

Do you (or can you) use your own car for your tests?

July 25th, 2022, 06:21 PM
One leg shouldn't be a big hassle.
I have a friend with one arm, he uses a screw on handle on the wheel so he can rotate it all the way without releasing.

July 26th, 2022, 09:52 AM
That's good news. Congratulations.

I take it the G2 remains valid for the remaining year. I guess perhaps insurance penalizes you for having G2 drivers? How soon can the G test be taken. Thanks. This was actually the G test. He did G2 back in 2018.

August 5th, 2022, 08:05 PM
Don't know where I posted it, but in Feb 2019 I was rear ended, while riding my motorcycle. Sitting at a controlled left turn, watching my mirrors, glancing up at the light often, but eyes on mirrors. Green light, BANG, smashed by an SUV.

Driver admitted fault. Admitted looking at their phone. Open and shut case, right?


Thankfully, after all this time I terrific headaches, and I have torn discs in L4 and L5 of my spine and because i was a decent shape, I present as "normal." Even the MRIs, xrays and other scans don't seem to show anything really bad, other than 2 discs that are completely dehydrated.
Anyway, been in intense pain the whole time. Had a several injections in the area, which were bloody marvelous, but really only lasted 3- 5 months before the effect wore off. Doc said "we're going to have to do a fusion (disc replacement with titanium rods connecting the vertebrae above and below the disc.) Me, "um, yeah, we're gonna try everything before we do that, i'll even go to a witchdoctor" Saw a doctor that does stem cells and he reckons im a great candidate for it. But, ... stem cells are considered an elective, so the insurance company of the lady that struck me can refuse to pay for it. Decided to go to court; i'm NOT going to do fusion without trying everything I can first because once you do it, you can't undo it. And i'd rather try the stem cells first.

Anyway, because the statute of limitations in Texas is two years we had to sue to maintain it. We are finally about to go to court, not this week but the week after.

We went to mediation where they offered $245k for the case. Sounds like a lot, right? Wrong. That's for the entire case, not to me. I have $165k in medical bills, $110k in legal, $50k in lost wages, etc etc. That $245k will only pay the medical and legal (the medical bills can be negotiated down.) So the lawyer is pushing hard for me to take the settlement. Because jurors in this county are notorious for being stingy with verdicts/ settlements. Even though it will do very little to restitute me for any lost wages, future medical costs, or pain and suffering. Um, yeah bud, I can't do that. Let's go to court. Easy decision, right. Hold on, the sordid tale is not over.

So, get this; <you're probably going to want to take a seat> ... we are not allowed to mention insurance at all during the trial!!! We, cannot mention that the lady has $300k in insurance, and that they offered $240k. Can't mention, hint, allude to it, anything. So, they are going to think i'm maliciously suing this poor church going lady for $500k out of greed or malice or some shit. Texas has some fucked up laws.

I'm basically going to get royally screwed! Royal gangba g might be more accurate. In two weeks i'm going to owe over $200k in medical and legal bills, and i'll still have a fucked up back. Or I may be lucky and actually get a decent decision. Unlikely, but it's possible.

But, in my mind, it's better to try and fail, and even get a lower verdict than the mediated offer, than to take the definite pile of shit offer that was given.

It's so ridiculous that you kinda have to laugh at it. Except it's not funny at all!!! Mi vida esta jodida.

i've been depressed about this forever and i'm finally talking to a therapist about it. I had to wait because I only have a limited number of visits I can have with a therapist. I've been waiting and coping this entire time, and now that it's crunch time i have a professional to talk to about it.

Anyway, that's been going on. I'm so distressed by it all. Get fucked up in the accident and get fucked again at the trial that is supposed to actually compensate restore me.

August 5th, 2022, 08:48 PM
Maybe you should get a 2nd opinion from another lawyer? How can an opened and shut case be this difficult?

Anyway, best I can do is to pray that you get a just compensation! Good luck! Actually you don’t need luck … wish you Justice and peace!

August 6th, 2022, 12:56 AM
I remember you posting about it. Sorry its been such a tough road since.

Is it possible to sue the insurance company as well... like co-defendants. You probably couldn't mention the amount of cover, but at least it would be obvious that its the insurance company that is paying.

August 6th, 2022, 05:23 AM
Yeah, the no mention if insurance thing may seem unfair. It is there mostly to keep juries from maxing out insurance payouts when they like both the plaintiff and defendant, easy to punish the insurance company who everyone hates. ;)

Tom Servo
August 6th, 2022, 11:00 AM
I was just on the jury for one of these trials. In our case, it was the same thing - insurance status was not allowed to be mentioned and if it was, to be ignored by the jury. Dodint's probably right in his case, the justification in our case is that the plaintiff should be entitled to whatever compensation they were entitled to, even if the driver at fault was uninsured. Basically, "the defendant's ability to pay should not be a factor in what the plaintiff deserves." In our case as well, the driver had fully admitted fault in a rear-end collision and our job was to come up with what compensation the plaintiff was responsible for. I get the distinct impression that this is a very common situation.

I hope for your sake that your legal counsel is better than our plaintiff's was.

I am not a lawyer, but given that this is about a pending legal dispute, it might not be great to have posted in a public place. I guess there's a certain amount of anonymity we have here, but it's entirely possible that someone could connect who you are to this account.

August 6th, 2022, 02:54 PM
Oh man, sorry Mo. It was tough reading that. I don't know what to say not having any knowledge in this area, except that I sincerely hope for you to get the best outcome possible.

I thought I went through some tough shit with my DUI a few years ago, and the neverending car problems I'm experiencing this year. Those are small potatoes compared to what you're dealing with. Good luck and stay positive dude!

August 6th, 2022, 03:10 PM
No he doesn’t need any luck!

Let’s all just wish him mo’ justice and mo’ peace before, during and after the trial! :)

August 6th, 2022, 08:08 PM
Dude. That's shitty.

August 9th, 2022, 08:14 AM
Sorry, Mo. :( #shitholecountry (Especially TX) That sucks. I wish you the best of luck.

The last few months have been pretty rough on me. I've been unemployed since the end of May. I work in the mortgage industry and there have been massive layoffs from nearly every company. Some lenders have shut their doors for good. I go on LinkedIn and every week there's a new round of layoffs.

2020 & 2021 were record years for most companies. And now no one is hiring, and probably won't be for quite a while. Rates went from historic lows to 20-year highs in a matter of months.

"According to Freddie Mac’s records, the average 30-year rate jumped from 3.76% to 5.81% between March 3 and June 23 — an increase of over 200 basis points (2.00%) in just three months."
https://themortgagereports.com/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fassets.themortgagereports. com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2022%2F08%2FMortgage-Rates-Chart-Jan-2021-to-August-4-2022.png&w=1920&q=75
Rates have been under 5% since 2009, (usually between 3%-4%) so seeing 6% is a shock to the system. Especially over such a short period. So, the new job prospects are pretty bleak. I've thought about getting out of the mortgage game for a long time. I've stuck it out because I was the sole earner for a long time while my spouse finished school. Now that she's graduated and making enough to support us, now would be a good time to make the switch. I have a general idea of what I want to do. The only problem is that I have no idea where to start. And I don't really want to go back to school. I suck at school and don't think I'd do well.

I want to do something in the sustainability field. I've been interested in building "green" houses for quite a while, like 20 years. But I have no experience. And the area I live in is ridiculously expensive (Orange County, CA). I'd want to start small, build one house, and sell it, to see how it goes. But there are very few vacant lots available. There are larger lots of 2+ acres that could be divided into like 8 homes. But, it's almost $2mil just for the land. (https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/6231-E-Wimbleton-Ct_Orange_CA_92869_M16049-37989?ex=2938668818=)

We're doing pretty well in regards to energy creation, we just need to make the move away from fossil fuels. I think that will sort itself out soon with how solar and wind prices keep coming down.

There are other things that I've thought about pursuing. Like water. Has anyone seen the drought and water shortage issues in the Southwest USA? It baffles me every time I take a shower that we still use two handles to figure out hot/cold/warm water. And we have to let the water go down the drain until it gets comfortable. We have smart light switches and even the doorbell at my house will send a picture to my phone of who is there. But, we can't figure out water temperature before it goes down the drain? Ugh. /end rant.
I have a few ideas, but I'm not an engineer. And I don't see any politicians addressing this dire water shortage outside of "use less water". I'm definitely not a politician. But I have thought about lobbying on behalf of environmental organizations. I'm pretty far away from DC though, and it seems that California is pretty far ahead of the rest of the country.

Sorry for just letting my brain run wild there... that's kind of what I've been doing the last few months while being unemployed. I feel like I'm stuck in this repeating pattern of wanting to do something, but not knowing how or where to start. I'm hopefully meeting with an acquaintance who works in sustainability this upcoming weekend. Hopefully, he can give me some pointers.

August 9th, 2022, 08:36 AM
What is a green house? I'm assuming it's not the kind you grow plants inside? ;) Just green as in environmentally friendly? Do you really have to build it from scratch? To really start small, maybe you can just modify your existing home to make it greener and see if you can sell these modifications to existing homeowners? If this business snowballs..., then eventually you can probably design a green house from ground up and then eventually replace older houses altogether. Just my 2 cents. Good luck.

Yeah, the way I see it, CA has fire problem, water problem, energy problem, homeless problem, it'd be awesome if we can solve these problems eventually. Another idea is to possibly sell your tiny green energy efficient houses to the government for the homeless? But of course, where will the government find the land? Anyway, you have time on your hands, figure out and solve these problems please! :p

August 9th, 2022, 08:44 AM
I want to do something in the sustainability field. I've been interested in building "green" houses for quite a while, like 20 years. But I have no experience. And the area I live in is ridiculously expensive (Orange County, CA). I'd want to start small, build one house, and sell it, to see how it goes. But there are very few vacant lots available. There are larger lots of 2+ acres that could be divided into like 8 homes. But, it's almost $2mil just for the land. (https://www.realtor.com/realestateandhomes-detail/6231-E-Wimbleton-Ct_Orange_CA_92869_M16049-37989?ex=2938668818=)

Dude, you're good with finances, right? Have you heard of sustainability-linked bonds? I think that might be an avenue worth checking out, FWIU some state and local governments (https://cib.bnpparibas/landmark-sustainability-linked-bond-drives-decarbonisation-of-social-housing/) want to do urban and housing renewal and adaptation, and these funds from banks and from investment funds could be an option.

August 9th, 2022, 09:02 AM
Thanks Mario. I'll check that out.

August 9th, 2022, 09:29 AM
Lori would certainly approve of your possible career change. She might have some thoughts on that. I'll talk to her.

August 9th, 2022, 05:27 PM
I like your ideas, but unfortunately hard to get into that sort of stuff without at least a building/construction background.
And plumbing is tricky in that there are usually lots of rules, some to protect the user, some to protect the system (eg so bad water can't go back up into the system). I think flushing toilets with drinking water is crazy, it should be grey water, maybe a mix of rain water and maybe shower water. Grey water is interesting in that it could make a big difference, but unless its planned for before building its tricky to add later as much of the plumbing is under slabs.

I think it is good to try and lever some of your current experience, that could get you into a new field quickly.
If you can afford to retrain then go for it.
But unfortunately money does tend to be a big factor in any of these decisions!

August 9th, 2022, 06:55 PM
Lori would certainly approve of your possible career change. She might have some thoughts on that. I'll talk to her.
<3 Thank you!!

DN - I completely agree. Which is why I was thinking about the whole lobbying aspect to update some of the outdated regulations.

August 9th, 2022, 07:15 PM
There's webinars and trade talks all over the web. Check out the social media pages of reputable organizations like the World Resources Institute, S&P or even the ANDE Institute.

Sustainability is like a multiverse, but I find the financial universe boring, frankly, so I just phase out when they start talking about that. I've also found that, as with everything, there's a lot of hot air, but the people who know the roots of the business (without the adjective 'sustainable'), are the ones with the most insight.

I'm currently studying urban transport, and I've found that the gals and guys who talk about "user comfort", "operator satisfaction", "route integration" first and avoid the buzzwords are the people who have the biggest practical understanding of the phenomenon. So I guess that while it may feel a bit daunting to make the change, trust all your years of experience, they're invaluable.

August 10th, 2022, 04:51 AM
I've got no useful information to add, but here is my moral support: SUPPORT FOR YOUR MORALE!

Also I think you can get remote tankless water heaters that you put near where it's coming out so that it's hot faster.

August 10th, 2022, 11:07 AM
Keith, that was one of the ideas to make Kid21's Custom HousesTM more sustainable & user-friendly. Instead of running hot water from the garage/basement. I'd install those in every location where hot water would be needed. Then you'd also save 1/2 the cost of the copper(or more likely PEX) piping. Hopefully, that would offset the cost increase a bit. There are quite a few other things too.

Thanks for supporting my morale. :) LOL

Mario, I'm not sure I want to stay in the financial industry. If there's some way to blend the two though, that might be a possibility. At least my two decades of experience would come in useful at least.

August 17th, 2022, 08:06 AM
Gee, I’m getting old… just had my 1st colonoscopy and doctor found nothing unusual. So unfortunate for you guys that you’ll have to endure ignoring Billi a few more years… :p

August 17th, 2022, 08:10 AM

That's been on my to-do list for too many years now.

August 17th, 2022, 10:12 AM
Just get it over with! :p My next one is scheduled to be 10 years later. Of course if you don’t have any family history, probably not something to worry about too much.

August 17th, 2022, 02:44 PM
Gee, I’m getting old… just had my 1st colonoscopy and doctor found nothing unusual. So unfortunate for you guys that you’ll have to endure ignoring Billi a few more years… :p

I had my first one five years ago. They found a few polyps, removed them and they were all benign. I'm over due for another one.

Last week I got a flyer in the mail for a company that specializes in metal roofing for mobile homes. I Googled the company and no major red flags. I called them on Monday and they estimator came out yesterday. He took some measurements, wrote an estimate and explained the installation process(the metal roof is laid over the existing roof with compressed Styrofoam insulation under the aluminum). I liked what I heard and signed the paperwork to get it done. I told him that the current rubber roof was installed in Sept. '06 and he told me that I have gotten a really good life out of it, because a rubber roof is usually replaced every 8-10 years. So this should be interesting.

August 17th, 2022, 04:16 PM
Never realized we have rubber roofing as option! Anyway, metal should be way more durable, should out live you for sure! :p

August 19th, 2022, 08:56 PM
I had a colonoscopy done in 2000. The Klean Prep solution I drank the day before was extremely nasty. What little I remember about the actual procedure was not fun, though being sedated was.

August 20th, 2022, 12:24 PM
They gave me Gatorade mix so it just tasted like lemon Gatorade. It also felt good to lose 3.5lbs of weight! ;)

They also knocked me out pretty quickly and I really felt no ill effects before nor after the procedure. I was expecting some discomfort afterwards, but it really felt no different than any other day for me.

August 20th, 2022, 02:57 PM
My dad had his third COVID booster on Weds(Moderna for all shots) and this was the first time he felt ill the day after. I talked to him yesterday(Friday, 8/19) and he said he felt better, but also woke up scratching himself. I'm guessing itching is a side effect as well.

The roofer contacted me yesterday and said they were ready to start making the roof and they will contact me again to set a day to do the install(although weather plays a factor as well) for next week or the week after.

I've had a weird mass on my ass for a few weeks. Just inside the crack at the top. Guessing it's just a roid("It's got a Hemi in it!). August has been one hell of an interesting month.

August 20th, 2022, 08:06 PM
Don’t be shy, let somebody take a look at your weird ass soon man!

August 20th, 2022, 09:28 PM
¡Qué haya salud, compita!

August 26th, 2022, 11:24 AM
New roof was installed on Wednesday. Pretty much committed to this place forever now. This has been one stressful shit show of a year. '20 ain't got shit on them double deuces. Down to working 4 days a week but still doing 50+ hr weeks. Yesterday was a 25 stop, 16+ hr. day. Best thing of working four days a week is three days off(or so it's supposed to be).

August 26th, 2022, 01:17 PM
Ain't that it, though?

Checking boxes on the list and getting on with it?

August 31st, 2022, 08:20 AM
I set a doc appt for Friday but this morning I got to work and saw the route I had and combined with how I was feeling I literally said "FUCK IT", punched out and headed to urgent care. I got there 20 mins before they opened and listened to a podcast while waiting. At 7 am they open, I checked in, and 90 minutes later(some people checked in online which gives them precedence over walk-ins) I was seen by a doctor and he had an intern following him around. He asked if I minded her being there and I said "NO!" If her viewing of my hairy ass deflects her from being a doctor then so be it. The doc told me to put my knees in certain places on an exam table and my forehead on a pillow. The first thing I felt was a needle entering the 'grape" and then a slicing feeling as he used the scalpel. I gritted my teeth and let out a few growls. And then I sensed some scurrying around behind me as they put what seemed like a roll of paper towels underneath me. After that he said "We're done" and the intern hadn't fainted(which is a good thing).
After it was said and done and the doc telling me several times to have a seat to relieve the pressure, I sat down and he asked if I was diabetic, I told him no. He asked if I had this issue dealt with before, I told him "NO", but told him of the family history of colon cancer and that I'd had a colonoscopy done in '17. Then he said he'd have my sugar checked. A few minutes later the nurse comes back in and pricks my finger to check my sugar(114). Then she asked how long it had been since I'd eaten anything and I told her twelve hours(a few pieces of pizza covered in cheddar cheese). She said the result was good for the time frame.
As of right now I am on an antibiotic, taking a probiotic(to offset the anti) and having a Sitz bath a few times a day. Usually that is soaking in a tub filled with hot water and Epsom salts for twenty minutes a few times a day. Good thing is the Epsom salts smell amazing. Getting out of the tub wasn't an issue(because the tub sits low to the floor).
My first stop after leaving UC was my employer to give them my "Get out of jail free card" letter saying I was off until Labor Day. My boss took it in stride and recommended using a doughnut to sit on while driving. I told him that was the same thing he'd told me to get in '17 when I ended up in the emergency room for another issue related to the same area. I still have the donut BTW.
On the upside I got it looked at. The doc asked how long it had been and I told him three weeks and said it was like when you see a Check Engine Light in your car and ignore it hoping it will go away.
On the downside I only worked two days this week, but this is one of our heaviest weeks of the year for Walmarts, but I'm not feeling any remorse,
The blood sugar was good, pretty sure the biopsy will come back neg as well.
The crazy thing is there was a guy who got there at the same time as me, got saw before me and was there for the same issue(or in the Dr.'s words: "ANOTHER ONE?" he said before he moved me to another exam room.
Such is life.

August 31st, 2022, 08:23 AM
roofer put a roof on our place last week. Luckily it was an insurance replacement after a bad wind storm so it didn't hit us too hard, financially.

August 31st, 2022, 08:31 AM
How is roofie doing(as liberal as ever, I guess?)?

August 31st, 2022, 08:32 AM
Doing well. I haven't seen him much since COVID came around, despite us moving back to Latrobe. His business is always super busy so I rarely feel like dropping in on him. He shaved the beard, it's weird.

August 31st, 2022, 09:22 AM
Now that is strange AF.

August 31st, 2022, 05:04 PM
Glad the medical procedure went well.

September 1st, 2022, 12:55 PM
Thanks DN.

September 1st, 2022, 10:49 PM
I’m surprised that chick didn’t fall for your cute weird pimpie ass! ;)

Take it easy this weekend!

September 2nd, 2022, 11:42 AM
Glad you're okay, speedpimp.

I think I had something similar a while back. Went to my family doctor's office and saw a PA when I first discovered it. He said it looked like nothing to worry about and should go away in a week or two. About a week later, it started bleeding quite a bit one evening. Thankfully I was home and not out in public. I called my doctor's office after hours and their answering service had the doctor on duty call me back. I told her about seeing one of their Physician's Assistants a few days prior and what his opinion had been. She said there's a lot of blood in the area to come out but then it will be over. She said it wasn't anything to worry about, and I guess she was right. This was a few months ago and everything has been fine since.

...a roll of paper towels...

Yeah, sounds like my experience, too. It was a lot of blood. :twitch:

September 2nd, 2022, 12:19 PM
I got there 20 mins before they opened and listened to a podcast while waiting. At 7 am they open, I checked in, and 90 minutes later (some people checked in online which gives them precedence over walk-ins...

I have noticed this with other kinds of businesses and I do not like it. The other day I went to the closest barbershop to my house. It's not my usual shop but I needed a quick trim (mostly just the back of my neck shaved) and walked in the door. I saw one person waiting, three or four barbers cutting hair, and two barbers sweeping the floor around their empty chairs, as barbers do.

This is not the kind of place where you figure out your place in line based on who got there before you, sit down, and pick up a magazine as in the days of old. They have someone to check in with to prevent those kinds of shenanigans.

"Hello, I'd like a haircut, please. I'll be glad to wait."

"Sorry, we're booked all day."

(Looking around slowly) "There's only one other person waiting."

"Everyone else booked online."

"Okay. Thanks anyway..."

As I turned to leave, I saw one of the sweeping barbers looking up with what I took to be a hopeful expression. I bet he would have been glad to sneak in an extra customer before the next one arrived.

And a few months ago, a new mens barbershop opened up in the building across the street from my office. They have old school painted windows advertising hot towels and shaves and all that stuff. I found their website and thought it looked like my kind of place, if perhaps a bit more expensive than I'm used to. But it's in the middle of the city where everything costs more. I dropped in one afternoon and saw two barbers hanging around and no customers. NO CUSTOMERS!

"Howdy. Do you take walk-ins?"

"Sorry. You have to book online."

I know I'm getting old, but I just don't get it. I'm standing there with cash in my pocket and they can see my hair is pretty short anyway, so it won't take long to cut. I don't have a flat-top (anymore) , curly hair, dreadlocks, or look like Charlie Blackmon*.


Oh well, what do I know? I'm not a barber but it seems to me they're not making money when their chair is unoccupied and could just say to their online registrants the same thing barbers have been telling customers forever: "I'll be right with you. Just finishing up here!"

Once again, first world problems are my stock in trade.

September 2nd, 2022, 05:10 PM
It's 8:09 PM on a Friday night.

Is it a wrap?

September 3rd, 2022, 06:24 PM
I have noticed this with other kinds of businesses and I do not like it. The other day I went to the closest barbershop to my house. It's not my usual shop but I needed a quick trim (mostly just the back of my neck shaved) and walked in the door. I saw one person waiting, three or four barbers cutting hair, and two barbers sweeping the floor around their empty chairs, as barbers do.

This is not the kind of place where you figure out your place in line based on who got there before you, sit down, and pick up a magazine as in the days of old. They have someone to check in with to prevent those kinds of shenanigans.

"Hello, I'd like a haircut, please. I'll be glad to wait."

"Sorry, we're booked all day."

(Looking around slowly) "There's only one other person waiting."

"Everyone else booked online."

"Okay. Thanks anyway..."

As I turned to leave, I saw one of the sweeping barbers looking up with what I took to be a hopeful expression. I bet he would have been glad to sneak in an extra customer before the next one arrived.

And a few months ago, a new mens barbershop opened up in the building across the street from my office. They have old school painted windows advertising hot towels and shaves and all that stuff. I found their website and thought it looked like my kind of place, if perhaps a bit more expensive than I'm used to. But it's in the middle of the city where everything costs more. I dropped in one afternoon and saw two barbers hanging around and no customers. NO CUSTOMERS!

"Howdy. Do you take walk-ins?"

"Sorry. You have to book online."

I know I'm getting old, but I just don't get it. I'm standing there with cash in my pocket and they can see my hair is pretty short anyway, so it won't take long to cut. I don't have a flat-top (anymore) , curly hair, dreadlocks, or look like Charlie Blackmon*.


Oh well, what do I know? I'm not a barber but it seems to me they're not making money when their chair is unoccupied and could just say to their online registrants the same thing barbers have been telling customers forever: "I'll be right with you. Just finishing up here!"

Once again, first world problems are my stock in trade.

George, I've noticed that with my local ear lowering specialist as well. I've started using their check in online feature. Works like a charm. What's even funnier is they give me a senior citizen discount and I just add whatever the discount was into their tip.

Went back for my follow up this morning at 7:30, the doc who saw me on Weds isn't in until 10am, but they had a practitioner who could see me(but it might incur an extra fee(I DON'T CARE! THAT"S WHY I HAVE INSURANCE!)) and I said "That will be fine!" because I had to go to work and drive. The Nurse told me to strip from the waist down, so between the bottom of my shirt and top of my no show socks I was only covered by a paper "blanket". While waiting I decided to weigh myself(78.2kg(172 lbs.)) and tore the "blanket". I sat back on the exam table and waited for the Nurse-Practitioner to come in. Finally she did and I assumed the position, she took a look and said "it(the spot of the incision) doesn't look particularly angry" and told me I was good to go.
So I put the rest of my clothes on and went to work. Over the next 11.5 hrs it was an ordeal. Not because of my bottom, but because of the customer's staffing on weekends. At the end of the day after all was said and done I hugged my new "driving" pillow for making my day a lot more bearable.

September 3rd, 2022, 07:36 PM
At the end of the day after all was said and done I hugged my new "driving" pillow for making my day a lot more bearable.

Love you like a love song, baby, and I keep hitting repeat-peat-peat

September 4th, 2022, 01:18 PM
Glad everything is well with you, me bruv.

September 4th, 2022, 02:00 PM
Love you like a love song, baby, and I keep hitting repeat-peat-peat

It's nice and soft and comfy.

September 4th, 2022, 02:00 PM
Glad everything is well with you, me bruv.

Thanks, me bruv. Hope all is well up your way as well.

September 9th, 2022, 01:17 PM
Pardon me for ranting, but I am good and well pissed off about owners of businesses large and small continuing to roll out unnecessary and infuriating practices obviously designed to minimize the amount of direct human interaction with their employees at the expense of their customers' time and patience.

George, I've noticed that with my local ear lowering specialist as well. I've started using their check in online feature. Works like a charm.

Glad it works for you, but I refuse to cooperate with companies who make doing business with them more difficult than it used to be. I'm not going to set up yet ANOTHER damn online account with a password I won't remember the next time I want to use it. Not gonna do it, I tells ya! Maybe I'll just grow a long, thin, grey pony tail in protest. Those always make guys over fifty look cooler, right? :D

Gonna bitch and moan some more now, but I'll give you guys the courtesy of hiding it under spoiler tags so you don't have to experience more negative vibes if you're somehow happy and pleased with life right now. And I hope you all are. :)

While I'm grateful to have all my immediate needs taken care of, the daily struggle to simply do business ANYWHERE, whether in a barber shop or grocery store (don't get me started!) or a restaurant or even with my dentist (I have a story about that too!) or any large corporation has become something to dread.

What made me think of the post about not being able to simply walk into a barbershop and wait my turn anymore is that it's lunchtime and I'm hungry. Yes, I should have packed my lunch with a sandwich and an apple or something, but now that I only come to work a couple days per week, I look forward to getting something good and different from a restaurant most Fridays...and cool, independently owned restaurants, too - not the same cookie-cutter chain restaurants that smother the suburbs where I live with mediocrity.

The neighborhood in the city where I've worked since 2016 used to have so many restaurants within walking distance that I never even tried them all before The Great Shutdown started in 2020. Since then, graffiti and plywood covering the broken windows of closed retail businesses and restaurants has been the norm. Even a 7-11 convenience store two blocks away that was there for years and got plenty of foot traffic on the sidewalk in front of it has closed down in the last week and is now covered with, you guessed it, plywood and spray paint. I've never thought about it before, but I'd think quickie marts in the city were much more likely to succeed than, let's say, restaurants.

There's an expensive but good restaurant diagonally across the street from me. I can see it out of my office window. Maybe once a month I'll call them and order a sandwich and then walk over to get it ten minutes later. I started calling first after walking in once to place a to-go order and then sitting there for probably fifteen minutes, waiting for one sandwich, while I watched a constant parade of people coming in to pick up orders they had called in.

Obviously, calling in one's order is the way to go here, right? I think any reasonable person would agree.

Well, I just pulled up their website to find their phone number to call in an order for a sandwich that is a few dollars more expensive than it should be.

Guess what?

Go ahead. Guess.

That's right. They have removed their phone number from their website! It used to be where it couldn't be missed and now it's not anywhere on their site. What the fuck, people?

I simply cannot comprehend why a retail business who makes its money by serving the public who work and live nearby, and one that I know for a fact does a ton of carry-out business, doesn't want their customers to call them anymore. I mean, they even have a separate door to enter for take out service than to sit in their dining room and bar. And they always have a employee or two at the cash register inside the take-out door and a window to the kitchen through which the cooks hand bags of food to the cashiers. That's how much take-out business they do!

Instead, they now have an Order Online link to click that goes to some third-party delivery service. I don't need delivery; I'm right across the street!

And I don't use Door Dash or similar companies anyway. They couldn't care less if the order is hot and fresh and correct and on time. I've seen messed-up and late deliveries far too many times here at work when we used to have lunch brought in back in the Before Times.

Well, back to the restaurant I was talking about. Their website has a Contact Us link way down at the bottom of their site, but there's no phone number there either. There's an email address though, and I'll probably email them my thoughts about this like the grumpy old bastard I am becoming. I won't be a jerk to them but I will ask for a reason they took down their phone number if they care to share it. I'll let you guys know if I write (maybe) and if they reply (doubtful).

And get this! Their Online Ordering page doesn't even work. Not that I would give them the satisfaction, but I noticed it says "We are not accepting online orders at this time."

And they are open. I can see the place out the window from where I'm writing this. People are coming and going.

I guess they don't want my money anymore.

I suppose if I want to eat before I leave work today, it'll be a bag of peanuts or something else I don't want from the other 7-11 that's still open and now has double the usual amount of beggars and bums in front of the place since the other one closed.

I know, I know. People are fighting for their lives and/or enough to eat or a roof over their heads and I'm over here complaining about stupid crap like some spoiled rich kid. I was never a rich kid, by the way, but I know if anyone reads this eyes will be rolling. But this is the way I see things.

Grabbing a sandwich from a nearby restaurant or getting a haircut or getting a call back from my dentist's office after I called back and left two voice mails during business hours after they sent me some generic, impersonal text message asking if I could re-schedule my appointment two weeks ago shouldn't be such an exercise in frustration.

Instead of calling me back, they keep blasting my phone with generic, non-personalized text messages saying something like You are overdue for your next appointment. Click here to go to our website.

No, I'm not clicking on a link. That is exactly the kind of bullshit that every company wants us to put up with now! Why pay employees if the customers will do all the work?! Fuck that. I want the nice ladies who greet me when I arrive and who set up my next appointment when I'm leaving to call me back. It was their idea to change my appointment time, not mine. Why won't they call me back?

I've been going there every six months for the last nine years, but I guess they don't want my money or my insurance company's money anymore either.

It's just sad.

September 9th, 2022, 03:26 PM
Whoa! That’s a pretty cool nested hidden rant! :D

As an antisocial person, I don’t have much problems minimizing social interactions.

My only problem with online ordering is that if something goes wrong, you’ll only find out when it’s too late. No humans to correct the issue along the way… but I have to say that it isn’t often when such screw up happens.

Lastly, about multiple accounts and passwords… I think Apple has finally figured out something innovative! No more passwords to remember in the future! There shall be passkeys!

Hope I won’t lose my key… ;)

September 9th, 2022, 03:34 PM
Pardon me for ranting, but I am good and well pissed off about owners of businesses large and small continuing to roll out unnecessary and infuriating practices obviously designed to minimize the amount of direct human interaction with their employees at the expense of their customers' time and patience.

Glad it works for you, but I refuse to cooperate with companies who make doing business with them more difficult than it used to be. I'm not going to set up yet ANOTHER damn online account with a password I won't remember the next time I want to use it. Not gonna do it, I tells ya! Maybe I'll just grow a long, thin, grey pony tail in protest.

As a side note, it seems that big tech is working on a standard for cross communication between conferencing software. You'll have your company's (or school's) client and you'll do the stuff that you need to do internally, bc that's why the man's paying for it, right?

But in case you have, say, Webex and the third party you need to connect is on some other platform, soon you won't have to have Zoom or Teams or Fuze accounts, they will all play nice with each other. Magic!

September 11th, 2022, 01:41 PM
I've been lucky so far with a small locally-owned (2 locations only) diner.

Towards the tail end of the pandemic I phoned up for a simple breakfast special (then called "Mel's Favourite"). But I had a craving. The person on the phone was a waitress I know by voice and name and who recognizes me, at least in context. So I asked her if I could possibly add a side order of sauteed spinach to my order. She said yes, and I got one.

Now I still phone up about every Friday and half the time after I've said "Breakfast special with scrambled eggs, peameal bacon, brown toast and home fries", the person on the other end says "and a side order of sauteed spinach, right?".

I still do it take out, and wear a mask when I go in, because my wife is still in full pandemic fear mode.

There aren't as many take-out orders on the counter as there used to be, but there are usually a couple, and they don't all seem to be for delivery services.

It occurred to me some delivery services might pressure restaurants into not doing pickup orders which bypass them?

September 12th, 2022, 04:59 AM
Lori and I went for a motorbike ride last week-end. We decided to grab a McMuffin and coffee at a local McDonalds after leaving home. It was about 7:30am. Their business hours claim they open at 6:00am. We walked in the (unlocked) door and the person behind the counter says, "The lobby is closed." Uhh... OK. "Put a closed sign on the door then." I said. The employee replied, "I'm not the manager." :erm: They added, "The drive-through is open." We were carrying our motorcycle helmets. Lori said, "That doesn't work for us right now." gesturing at our motorbikes. I understand staffing is a problem at many places right now, but simply putting a closed sign up is not difficult. The fact that the employee cannot seem to take initiative without the manager telling them to seems sad and boggling.

Earlier in the year, I went on a week-long solo ride and a very similar thing happened. I went to a McDs to get breakfast and the lobby was closed during, what should be, normal business hours. I had to go to four McDs to find a lobby open. You have to be patient these days. :shrug:

September 12th, 2022, 04:50 PM
After two three day work weeks in a row I feel like I am finally back at full strength. Last week I felt like I had been hit by a truck and felt like pure and utter dog shit. Between a bad headache and a scratchy throat I hit up an urgent care after work and was seen almost immediately. After a quick COVID test the nurse practitioner came in with my negative result and asked if I was a singer because of my baritone voice. I told her that I didn't sing and that when I start sounding like Barry White there is an issue. She said she'd put me on an antibiotic and Prednisone. I told her I had just finished an antibiotic related to the "weird ass" stuff and she said what I have is viral because an antibiotic would've taken care of it if it were a bacterial infection. That was on Wednesday. I started taking the Prednisone on Thursday and as time went on I felt better and coughed up some lung gunk that I hadn't seen the likes of since I quit smoking fifteen years ago.
Today was the first day in a while that I felt like I had my voice back. That being said as I get older I am becoming a very grumpy person. It is what it is.

September 13th, 2022, 07:23 PM
Pardon me for ranting, but I am good and well pissed off about owners of businesses large and small continuing to roll out unnecessary and infuriating practices obviously designed to minimize the amount of direct human interaction with their employees at the expense of their customers' time and patience.

Glad it works for you, but I refuse to cooperate with companies who make doing business with them more difficult than it used to be. I'm not going to set up yet ANOTHER damn online account with a password I won't remember the next time I want to use it. Not gonna do it, I tells ya! Maybe I'll just grow a long, thin, grey pony tail in protest. Those always make guys over fifty look cooler, right? :D

Gonna bitch and moan some more now, but I'll give you guys the courtesy of hiding it under spoiler tags so you don't have to experience more negative vibes if you're somehow happy and pleased with life right now. And I hope you all are. :)

While I'm grateful to have all my immediate needs taken care of, the daily struggle to simply do business ANYWHERE, whether in a barber shop or grocery store (don't get me started!) or a restaurant or even with my dentist (I have a story about that too!) or any large corporation has become something to dread.

What made me think of the post about not being able to simply walk into a barbershop and wait my turn anymore is that it's lunchtime and I'm hungry. Yes, I should have packed my lunch with a sandwich and an apple or something, but now that I only come to work a couple days per week, I look forward to getting something good and different from a restaurant most Fridays...and cool, independently owned restaurants, too - not the same cookie-cutter chain restaurants that smother the suburbs where I live with mediocrity.

The neighborhood in the city where I've worked since 2016 used to have so many restaurants within walking distance that I never even tried them all before The Great Shutdown started in 2020. Since then, graffiti and plywood covering the broken windows of closed retail businesses and restaurants has been the norm. Even a 7-11 convenience store two blocks away that was there for years and got plenty of foot traffic on the sidewalk in front of it has closed down in the last week and is now covered with, you guessed it, plywood and spray paint. I've never thought about it before, but I'd think quickie marts in the city were much more likely to succeed than, let's say, restaurants.

There's an expensive but good restaurant diagonally across the street from me. I can see it out of my office window. Maybe once a month I'll call them and order a sandwich and then walk over to get it ten minutes later. I started calling first after walking in once to place a to-go order and then sitting there for probably fifteen minutes, waiting for one sandwich, while I watched a constant parade of people coming in to pick up orders they had called in.

Obviously, calling in one's order is the way to go here, right? I think any reasonable person would agree.

Well, I just pulled up their website to find their phone number to call in an order for a sandwich that is a few dollars more expensive than it should be.

Guess what?

Go ahead. Guess.

That's right. They have removed their phone number from their website! It used to be where it couldn't be missed and now it's not anywhere on their site. What the fuck, people?

I simply cannot comprehend why a retail business who makes its money by serving the public who work and live nearby, and one that I know for a fact does a ton of carry-out business, doesn't want their customers to call them anymore. I mean, they even have a separate door to enter for take out service than to sit in their dining room and bar. And they always have a employee or two at the cash register inside the take-out door and a window to the kitchen through which the cooks hand bags of food to the cashiers. That's how much take-out business they do!

Instead, they now have an Order Online link to click that goes to some third-party delivery service. I don't need delivery; I'm right across the street!

And I don't use Door Dash or similar companies anyway. They couldn't care less if the order is hot and fresh and correct and on time. I've seen messed-up and late deliveries far too many times here at work when we used to have lunch brought in back in the Before Times.

Well, back to the restaurant I was talking about. Their website has a Contact Us link way down at the bottom of their site, but there's no phone number there either. There's an email address though, and I'll probably email them my thoughts about this like the grumpy old bastard I am becoming. I won't be a jerk to them but I will ask for a reason they took down their phone number if they care to share it. I'll let you guys know if I write (maybe) and if they reply (doubtful).

And get this! Their Online Ordering page doesn't even work. Not that I would give them the satisfaction, but I noticed it says "We are not accepting online orders at this time."

And they are open. I can see the place out the window from where I'm writing this. People are coming and going.

I guess they don't want my money anymore.

I suppose if I want to eat before I leave work today, it'll be a bag of peanuts or something else I don't want from the other 7-11 that's still open and now has double the usual amount of beggars and bums in front of the place since the other one closed.

I know, I know. People are fighting for their lives and/or enough to eat or a roof over their heads and I'm over here complaining about stupid crap like some spoiled rich kid. I was never a rich kid, by the way, but I know if anyone reads this eyes will be rolling. But this is the way I see things.

Grabbing a sandwich from a nearby restaurant or getting a haircut or getting a call back from my dentist's office after I called back and left two voice mails during business hours after they sent me some generic, impersonal text message asking if I could re-schedule my appointment two weeks ago shouldn't be such an exercise in frustration.

Instead of calling me back, they keep blasting my phone with generic, non-personalized text messages saying something like You are overdue for your next appointment. Click here to go to our website.

No, I'm not clicking on a link. That is exactly the kind of bullshit that every company wants us to put up with now! Why pay employees if the customers will do all the work?! Fuck that. I want the nice ladies who greet me when I arrive and who set up my next appointment when I'm leaving to call me back. It was their idea to change my appointment time, not mine. Why won't they call me back?

I've been going there every six months for the last nine years, but I guess they don't want my money or my insurance company's money anymore either.

It's just sad.

Hard luck dude.

But guess what; you're calling them to say "hey I don't want bacon on my BLT" takes one person off the operations that actually make money. You're tying up their labor availability, for something you could type in yourself on DoorDash' website. You may not like it, that that's the reality of business today. My local WalMart (sign of the cross) doesn't even have cashiers anymore. Everything is self checkout. This is the new world we live in.

Life is going to continually change and adjust to the new realities imposed on us by COVID (first) monkey pox, cholera, etc etc etc following. Things we used to take for granted are no longer going to be business as usual.

I, speaking for myself, love live music, comedy shows, etc etc etc. Nope, nope, nope. Not going. It could be Bob Marley, reincarnated, coming back just so I could enjoy a live show, NOPE! I don't care how many precautions i've taken. Nope. I desperately want to go to World Cup Rugby in France next year, because rugby, and because I love travel, and once you're in France, all of Europe is just a train ride away.
But, yeah, probably not gon happen. Not because I don't have the money, or the vacation time. (I won't, but I have a rule about vacation; no budget. Enjoy yourself while you're there because you can make more money, but you can't make more time.) I'm not going to put myself among the great unwashed and catch some pox that we'd pretty much eliminated but has made a comeback (polio) because people watch Faux News or whatever. And can't wash their fucking hands (cholera.)

This is our new reality.

I work a public facing job, and i've stayed masked since the jump. Just about everyone has had C19 by now. I ain't aiming to be one of them. Mask every day when at work. Avoid the public when I can't. Stay supporting my immune system every day.

It's crazy to me that people are dying of diseases we used to get when we couldn't science. Again. I get it for the pre industrial, pre anti biotics eras. But in twenny twenny fucking two? Nah fam.

Humanity is doomed because we have allowed idiots to propagate. And pro create. And think their opinions are as valid as those who know better.

September 13th, 2022, 07:30 PM
After two three day work weeks in a row I feel like I am finally back at full strength. Last week I felt like I had been hit by a truck and felt like pure and utter dog shit. Between a bad headache and a scratchy throat I hit up an urgent care after work and was seen almost immediately. After a quick COVID test the nurse practitioner came in with my negative result and asked if I was a singer because of my baritone voice. I told her that I didn't sing and that when I start sounding like Barry White there is an issue. She said she'd put me on an antibiotic and Prednisone. I told her I had just finished an antibiotic related to the "weird ass" stuff and she said what I have is viral because an antibiotic would've taken care of it if it were a bacterial infection. That was on Wednesday. I started taking the Prednisone on Thursday and as time went on I felt better and coughed up some lung gunk that I hadn't seen the likes of since I quit smoking fifteen years ago.
Today was the first day in a while that I felt like I had my voice back. That being said as I get older I am becoming a very grumpy person. It is what it is.

Stay alive you getting grumpy and not so young bastard (you're not old, coz then i'd be old!!!) You and I need to have beer together one day!! And I don't even drink, but i'm am quite willing to share one with you amigo.

September 14th, 2022, 02:06 PM
Imagines speedpimp belting out Tennessee Ernie Ford hits.

September 14th, 2022, 02:19 PM
Doesn't he have a pencil-thin moustache already? He'll kill 'em in the Catskills! :sing:

September 15th, 2022, 09:45 AM
There is a guy in my wife's department who, about ten years ago, got in trouble and was not allowed to have female graduate students. I can only guess that he harassed a female student. A few years ago, he was allowed to have female students again. Two days ago, he was relieved of his duties. Today, he resigned. As of right now, we don't know what happened, but y'all can probably make an educated guess. It will probably come out eventually.

September 15th, 2022, 12:13 PM
Ugh. There is a lot of that shit in academia - I fucking hate it.

September 15th, 2022, 01:22 PM
Few years ago, my brother in law was suppose to do some research with a professor from Duke, but in a partner university in Singapore. Upon arriving Singapore, he then found out the professor won't be able to come because he was just fired due to similar hanky panky with students at the States...

Luckily he was able to find another professor to do research with so he didn't end up wasting too much of his time...

I guess universities are now becoming the new Catholic Church in this kinda thing? With too much money and power, I suppose this kind of things are inevitable. Gotta warn our kids to never be alone with any adults in a room... Don't give pastors/priets, teachers, doctors any benefit of the doubt.

Some people just have these weaknesses I guess. Organizations really need to establish protocols to minimize people getting alone in rooms...

September 15th, 2022, 04:30 PM
¡Viva México!

September 15th, 2022, 04:33 PM
Ugh. There is a lot of that shit in academia - I fucking hate it.

You mean to tell me that the Nerds (and nerdettes) instead of spending their wild years learning how to human dedicated them to something else entirely, and then when they came back they thought that society owed them something and thus could treat people like shit?

Yeah, that sounds like academia.

September 15th, 2022, 04:39 PM
In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.

Tun, tun!

September 16th, 2022, 03:00 PM
Homeless folks in WA are really hip compared to CA. I’ve made it my personal policy never to give money but would buy them food or whatever they might need as long as it’s something I can afford. In CA, often time I do get rejected with my free food offer, In WA, I’ve not only been rejected, but also lectured by them! ;)

One time I was just enjoying my free McD’s free fries on Friday in my car in parking lot, a guy approached my car asking for change for food. I told him I don’t have cash but I’ll buy him a McD’s meal… but he not only declined, but also was telling me McD doesn’t treat animals right so he would not eat there…

Today at the post office, another guy asking me for 4 cents! I was intrigued, and asked him why? Again, it’s just for food. So I offer to buy him food. Again, I was rejected! He was telling me there has been homeless folks poisoned, so he’s like to buy his own food.

I suppose they’re not wrong… I guess I need to up my game better in order for homeless folks to take me up on my offer… :p

September 17th, 2022, 08:10 AM
Never thought I'd ever have anything positive to say about Billi/y/e, but good on you for offering them a meal.

September 17th, 2022, 08:19 AM
If they decline a free meal, they do not want money for food. :rolleyes:

September 17th, 2022, 09:44 AM
Never thought I'd ever have anything positive to say about Billi/y/e, but good on you for offering them a meal.

Never say never bitch! :p

Anyway, unfortunately even homeless folks find me annoying and would put me on ignore… :(

September 17th, 2022, 01:35 PM
If they decline a free meal, they do not want money for food. :rolleyes:

The poisoning thing is real, but yeah, this. This all day, every day, and twice on every day.

I avoid giving them cash now, but I may give them a $5- $10 McD gift card or offer to buy them food.

September 17th, 2022, 05:16 PM
Crazy week in Southern Ontario where a shooter went on a rampage killing three people including a cop, and then got himself killed by the cops in a cemetery of all places. I think it was Monday or Tuesday, we all got an Amber Alert style notification on our phones about an active shooter. Apparently he ambushed a cop at a coffee shop and then shot somebody else and stole a car. Then he went to his former place of employment and shot up the place, killing his ex-boss and another guy who was an international student, (this guy was clinging to life all week, but passed away today). Then the guy went all the way to Hamilton was involved in a shootout with cops in a cemetery where he was taken care of.

Shocking and sad stuff. Doesn't really happen here all that often.

September 17th, 2022, 05:50 PM
Wounded Knee was purchased by two Native tribes. Lovely. This is good for the spirit.

MR2 Fan
September 21st, 2022, 06:54 AM
I'm working on a provisional patent for something that could be HUGE....very excited about it. It's actually for an idea I had several years ago and didn't really think too much about, then realized a few months back that it could have massive implications.

Provisional Patents are a relatively new way to submit a...less involved patent for 1 year to gauge interest and only costs about $70 to submit.

I can't divulge details yet for obvious reasons, other than it's related to 3D modeling/CAD type stuff.

I'm hoping this will be patent pending in the next several weeks.

September 21st, 2022, 07:31 AM
I have a lawyer buddy in LA specializing in patent stuffs. If you ever need help from a lawyer, let me know.

Anyway, good luck and hope it works out for you!

MR2 Fan
September 21st, 2022, 08:39 AM
Thanks. I can't wait to talk about this for real

September 21st, 2022, 10:01 AM
Haha... you sure seem very giddy and couldn't wait to share... :lol:

Anyway, if you really believe in your idea and the provisional patent is approved, you probably should just go ahead and make it more 'permanent'... because if some big company is actually interested in your idea, they just might wait a year for your provisional patent to expire... Well, I guess you can talk to a real professional when you hit that fork in the road. Hope it's really some awesome idea for making us wait like this. :P

MR2 Fan
September 21st, 2022, 10:19 AM
Haha... you sure seem very giddy and couldn't wait to share... :lol:

Anyway, if you really believe in your idea and the provisional patent is approved, you probably should just go ahead and make it more 'permanent'... because if some big company is actually interested in your idea, they just might wait a year for your provisional patent to expire... Well, I guess you can talk to a real professional when you hit that fork in the road. Hope it's really some awesome idea for making us wait like this. :P

I can go ahead and file a proper patent before the provisional one expires.

September 21st, 2022, 06:00 PM
Prior planning of provisional and proper patents prevents piss-poor performance.

Good luck!

September 22nd, 2022, 03:05 PM
Most homeless usually suffer from some level of mental illness.

Many of them are undiagnosed schizophrenic.

September 23rd, 2022, 03:03 PM
For sure. I have rarely engaged any homeless folks with overt mental issues. I really don't know how to deal with them, they probably don't want to deal with me either...

I have to say I've also met a very gorgeous looking homeless woman once. She looks like that super model Iman. Just chilling with bunch of her belongings on the ground near an ATM machine. She's showing her cleavage too! She is seriously hotter than most non-homeless chicks! I really don't understand how she's homeless. Anyway, of course she asked for money, but I refused. So she counter offered with McD fries... then I said okay. I told her I'll be back because there isn't a McD near by.

She actually didn't think I'll come back and was pleasantly surprised by the large fries I got her and she ate it.

Maybe it's because I know the System, that's why beautiful woman cannot reject me like all those other homeless folks. ;) All different kind of folks could be homeless for various reasons. Just help out whenever you can.

September 23rd, 2022, 04:01 PM
Beto fucking sucks at campaigning. He's going to lose (again). He can't stand his ground on the discussion agenda and is thrown into whatever topic the QOP wants to to use to divert attention away from Abottion bans.

That said, I hope the Arizonan Astronaut, who is facing a similar campaign, does succeed.

Tom Servo
September 23rd, 2022, 05:11 PM
Agreed. Beto occasionally knocks out a zinger here or there, but he seems like he struggles to just keep a consistent strong message going. I like the guy, but imagine losing to Abbott and Cruz?

September 23rd, 2022, 10:47 PM
I live in Texas and, while it is the so called reddest county in the state, Collin County, I can tell you that Democrats have an uphill battle. The GOP is entrenched here.

Tom Servo
September 24th, 2022, 10:01 AM
While true, Collin County is 1/28th the population of Texas. Most of California is deep red as well when judged by surface area, but most of the people live in SF and LA.

Fun fact - LA county alone has more than 1/3 the entire population of Texas.

September 24th, 2022, 07:33 PM
Do you put a necessity item in your [corporate overlord retailer] basket in order to justify buying one or two things that you don't really need?

Be honest.

I've got a toner cartridge waiting for me to pull the trigger. I haven't because I can't bring myself to buy new guitar picks.

Tom Servo
September 24th, 2022, 07:53 PM
Nope. I'm all about conspicuous consumption. I like them textured coolcell guitar picks.

September 24th, 2022, 08:10 PM
Holy fuck, that much?

September 25th, 2022, 08:56 AM
I always find it strange that the colour red is now associated with, and apparently embraced by, Repulicans. People don't remember the Red Menace, or the workers' flag?

September 25th, 2022, 09:51 AM
Just a BS post that I thought some of you movie fans might appreciate.

One or two of you may know I do youth sports league photos. And I keep forgetting to show these pics this one kid has done over the last couple of years. His dad makes him do this...kid is like 8yrs old.


Every year I tell him it's not a great talisman...Jobu no help with curve ball...

MR2 Fan
October 4th, 2022, 08:31 PM
I think I mentioned I was working on this before (maybe?) but I've filed a provisional patent with the USPTO...which means as long as there's no issues with the submission, I'll be officially "patent pending" :D

Now that's just 1 year of protection and it's not a "full" patent but it should provide enough cover for now while I finish promo materials and approach companies with it. I've checked a lot of existing patents and am pretty sure this hasn't been done yet (also if I was I think I'd see it on the market for now).

This is exciting times, now just have to get the proper promotion material out and make sure everything works, prototype-wise (all of the pieces are there, but determined it was important to patent first)

October 5th, 2022, 03:57 PM
Physical/drug screen scheduled for one company tomorrow and a ridealong(you ride in the truck to see what the route is like) scheduled for another company tomorrow as well. Got an official "kiss off" letter(aka "we've decided to go with another applicant") yesterday and the person they're going with is a coworker of mine that I told about the job. If it's true I'm not mad at all, if I'm being played(by the coworker, not the formerly perspective employer) then I'll be pissed because I liked the guy. Such is life.

October 5th, 2022, 08:48 PM
Holy fuck, that much?

I assume this is in relation to So Cal population.

Yes. And, you have to remember that a lot the counties around Los Angeles are a conurbation (cities that have expanded and melded into neighboring city) so essentially most of So Cal is an extension of LA county/ city. So if you started counting as far north as Ventura and as far south as North Orange county and start gong east almost all the way to Redlands (it's built up significantly and you can't see an obvious end to one city and a beginning of another) then you're adding a good 3 million or so other people, if not more.
Then you have to also consider people who commute from places as far north as Bakersfield, as far east as Victorville, etc into the greater LA area for work, then you are possibly adding another 500000 to 1000000 people etc etc etc.

The traffic jams on evenings, leaving greater LA in any direction, are a thing to ... behold. Or avoid. One of the reasons I started motorcycling full time was to take advantage of lane splitting, which saved me up to an hour going home every day, and my commute was only 15 miles.

I once sat in traffic in Santa Clarita (about as far north really as LA county extends) for 2 hours, going to a GTXF lan party (so, waaaaay early 2000s) to the grapevine. For context, Santa Clarita is the city, right next to the grapevine. (The grapevine is the route through the mountains on interstate 5 north of Los Angeles, into the central valley.) From where I got on the 5 at the 5/ 14 interchange to the other side of the grapevine is probably 40 minutes. On a 4 lane wide freeway for most of that. Took 2 hours. 20 years ago.

October 6th, 2022, 04:38 AM
I think I mentioned I was working on this before (maybe?) but I've filed a provisional patent with the USPTO...which means as long as there's no issues with the submission, I'll be officially "patent pending" :D


October 6th, 2022, 03:14 PM
Went on the drive-a-long(more like a work-a-long) today and I am happy to say that I have a new job. It's doing food delivery(this time meat instead of produce) and the biggest learning curve will be getting used to driving a semi again. For some reason I feel reinvigorated and I don't know why.

October 6th, 2022, 03:26 PM

October 6th, 2022, 03:39 PM

October 6th, 2022, 04:21 PM
Good for you, man!

October 6th, 2022, 09:10 PM
Good outcome :)

October 6th, 2022, 11:32 PM
Good for you Rich!

October 7th, 2022, 06:05 AM

October 7th, 2022, 07:07 AM
Why ask why? Just enjoy! ;)

October 7th, 2022, 12:05 PM
the biggest learning curve will be getting used to driving a semi again.

HCT rigs seems to be our way.
Those long trailers are actually so long that street corners are one way only.

October 7th, 2022, 02:17 PM
Happy for you, me bruv!

October 7th, 2022, 05:41 PM
HCT rigs seems to be our way.
Those long trailers are actually so long that street corners are one way only.

This company uses 28, 32, 38, 48' trailers. I'd mainly be driving a 28'.

I handed in my resignation letter to the owner today and apologized for some times being a tempestuous asshole. He said something like "Don't you want to be a pioneer and reap the rewards at the end?" WTF is he talking about? So I said "Do you know many people who left with Lewis & Clark died before they reached Oregon?" His reply was "Pioneers are going to get arrows slung at them!" He totally missed the fucking point. At that moment somebody walked into the office and they started talking and I went back to waiting on the paperwork for my route.
So the two week notice may end up being shorter. When I interviewed for the new place they said that if my current place had a less than enthusiastic reaction to give them a call and they'll get me to work sooner.

October 7th, 2022, 05:42 PM
Happy for you, me bruv!

Thanks, me bruv, I'm happy for me as well.

Also starting to think that my rear problem may be stress related.

October 7th, 2022, 06:36 PM
I see you baby
Shakin' that ass
Shakin' that ass.

October 12th, 2022, 03:26 PM
Had a CT scan Sunday morning. Came back negative. Started thinking about what could be causing the strange fluid. I had an idea that maybe it was related to using the wipes. So I quit using them Sunday and three days later a lot is close to being totally healed.

Talked to one of the owners where I'm working now. He said "we've decided to need to get with the times and change some things". I asked him what that was and he said "Time and a half OT pay after 40 hrs., seven paid holidays a year(current number is 4)" and they offered me more money. I politely turned him down, told him I enjoyed my eight years there, I harbor no ill will towards anyone and that it was time to move on. With that I shook his and his wife's hands and left for the day. The coworker who got the job that both of us had interviewed for decided to stay where he's at.

So all in all it's been a great week.

October 12th, 2022, 09:04 PM
Whoah, I'm trying to recall if the minimum legal paid time leave here is three or four weeks / year.

October 12th, 2022, 10:25 PM
Glad to hear it pimpie!

October 13th, 2022, 05:55 PM
Whoah, I'm trying to recall if the minimum legal paid time leave here is three or four weeks / year.

Hey commie, gringos have labour laws very different from the rest of the world.

October 13th, 2022, 09:00 PM
Sorry, we are such a gang of leftie socialists down here.

October 14th, 2022, 03:09 AM
Sorry, we are such a gang of leftie socialists down here.

That's exactly something a leftie socialist would say...

October 14th, 2022, 04:58 PM
The most Vacation(or PTO(paid time off)) time I've had at a job was four weeks(at two different employers). The job before the current one was ZERO vacay(it also paid zero OT pay)(and at the current place four weeks is the max after ten years). Received two texts from the new place this week. One was for free flu shots and the other was about a Halloween costume contest. So one week to go at the current place and I'm counting down the days.

October 14th, 2022, 07:41 PM
I uh......

Have 120 hours of employee illness time or 3 weeks, PLUS 320 hours of PTO or 8 weeks.

Because of my work each accrues by hours worked, instead of the conventional BS.

Happy liberal, not really liberal, here.

October 17th, 2022, 04:51 AM
There are times when being a FedGov employee is nice.
We get 11 paid federal holidays; and
26 paid days off per year (if you're in the top leave accrual tier, otherwise it's 19.5); and
13 days of sick time per year that never expires. When you retire it gets tacked onto your service time for purposes of pension calculation but remains available to you for use if you get very sick for a prolonged period of time.

The funny thing is, now that I'm full work from home I don't use much sick time at all. I just schedule my appointments near lunch time and stay a little later in the evening.

October 17th, 2022, 06:41 AM
I've never used much sick time. In fact, I once had "Haven't missed a day of work in more than ten years" on my resume. I don't do that anymore, not because my work habits have changed, but because resumes/CVs have changed and no one wants to see things like "Married, two children, health excellent" that that were normal in the 20th century.

But, things like that used to matter. People used to take pride in their work, or at least did what was necessary to keep their jobs.

Now? Hell, I tried to go to the library yesterday and there was a piece of paper taped to the door saying they were closed. I called the main number on their website to find out why they weren't open and why they weren't open in the middle of the day last Wednesday when I last attempted to visit. "Nobody showed up" was the answer.

And I'm still waiting for the newspaper that we pay for - and that they take money from my wife's bank account to pay for, whether they deliver it or not - from yesterday to be delivered today. We've been missed twice in three weeks. We only take the paper on Sundays, so that's twice in three service days. I called the paper's "customer service" number and the apathic attitude from the "customer service" employees who answer the phone was almost as bad as when I have to call AT&T, Verizon, and FedEx as part of my job. It's as if they don't care who knows how much they hate their jobs, and their bosses must know this but they don't care either!

This is the problem! Multiple levels of employees and management and ownership in business and government and every other kind of organization that does business with the public just don't care anymore.

Things weren't always like this. I don't need or want anyone kissing my ass with "oh, yes sir, we'll take care of that right away!" kind of stuff. But they could do the bare minimum, which seems to be asking a lot these days.

I just want people to show up at work and do their damn jobs, like I do and always have. Sure, I surf the web during working hours but I get my work done and nobody has to cover for me or clean up my mess.

And I want my Sunday paper, which still isn't here at 8:36 on Monday morning. And I've been on hold for 33 minutes, so far.

(edited to tone down the vitriol) :)

Edited again to add this, which I just found in a burst of time-wasting after finally talking to someone at the Denver Post who said he'll "send in a request" to have my paper delivered and he'll "send in a request" to have to someone from the Circulation Department call me. I have asked many times when this has happened for my carrier or the local/regional supervisor of carriers to please call me back. No one has ever called me back, and we've been subscribers since 2005. We've had delivery problems in all those years, to the point where I have the Denver Post phone number memorized. And that's saying something! We all used to walk around with dozens, if not hundreds, of phone numbers in our heads. Not now. At least not me. Hell, my kids have smart-phones and I do not know their phone numbers. But I know the Denver Post's phone number because I've had to call it so many times.

"Can you transfer me to the Circulation Department or give me their number?"


So I found this, which I figure is as sketchy as anything else on the internet, but I believe it.



It's a sad day when a prominent newspaper company has not been able to deliver the paper on a daily basis in months. After numerous calls about delivery issues we finally cancelled our subscription.

The problem was exacerbated by receiving three or four missed deliveries at once and then handled rudely by the customer service. I'm paying for daily deliveries. Who wants to read 5 day old news? The cherry on top is their no refund policy when asked about pro-rating for all of the missed deliveries.

Okay, last edit, I promise. And then I'll shut up, at least for now.

In around 2019, just before the pandemic and when our delivery problems were at their worst, I walked down to the large and well-known Denver Post building in Denver. It's diagonally across the street from the capitol building and has Denver Post on it in large letters, and a huge LED scrolling news board on front of it giving the day's headlines. It's five or six blocks from my office.

I know it was 2019 or early 2020, because as soon as the pandemic hit and we were all hiding indoors and a lot of people were losing face-to-face customer service jobs, suddenly our newspaper deliveries were great. We went a year, if not two, without missing a single paper. I figured someone needed the work and was glad to have it. I know. I've been there before. I've worked construction and in more restaurants than I can remember and know what it's like to have to hustle if you want to pay the rent, eat, and put gas in your car so you can get to work. I've had to choose between gas in the car and a meal when I was a younger adult - and a college graduate, I might add.

So anyway, I walked down there at lunchtime and waited in line to see the security guard in the lobby of this large downtown office building to ask to which floor I should take the elevator to see someone about our ongoing delivery problems.

"Oh, the Denver Post moved out of this building. They're now at [some address twenty miles north of the city]."


Sometimes I feel like the guy in the movie Falling Down...at least in the first half, where he's just getting shit on by everyone. Not later when he, um...well, nevermind. I'm not that guy.

October 17th, 2022, 07:49 AM
Long story short, we recently got new neighbours in the house across the street. They were doing a ton of work on the house, involving a lot of sweat equity. I was talking with them about it one day and their biggest problem is getting workers/contractors to show up for their appointments.

When Lori and go go on road trips, our standard hittin' the road breakfast is stopping at McD's for a McMuffin and hash brown. More often than not, only the drive-through is open, even during regular business hours. Many places are having staffing issues.

October 17th, 2022, 08:24 AM
Government is no longer handing out stimulus checks, so I'd like to think workers are finding other work that pays better.

Establishments that exploit low wage workers will definitely have harder time to find workers now.

When government doesn't help raise the min wage appropriately, I guess pandemic steps in to help?

Of course I do kinda feel bad for businesses now... being squeezed by both labor shortage and supply chain issues and inflation... with higher cost for everything hitting them at once, how will they stay in business?

Well run establishments should remain in business I hope.

October 17th, 2022, 08:34 AM
I'm not angry. But I do like to write and I do like to complain. Sorry you all have to endure it.

October 17th, 2022, 08:35 AM
The people that were happy to have a job, any job, no matter what the hours or how they were treated by management/customers can now do things like DoorDash, Uber, etc to work whatever hours they want, or can attempt an online job/hustle that maybe doesn't pay as much or as consistently but doesn't require that they be a certain place at a certain time in a certain uniform just to follow the corporate structure.

October 17th, 2022, 08:40 AM
I'm not angry. But I do like to write and I do like to complain. Sorry you all have to endure it.

This is the thread for you to vent away!!! If you bottle it all up inside, you just might become the falling down guy! :p

Tom Servo
October 17th, 2022, 08:42 AM
Re: George's rant

On the flipside, I feel like companies take way worse care of their employees than they used to. My parents and people in their age bracket often have things like pensions and were able to work at the same job for decades. I have never held a job for longer than 6 1/2 years, and that is *very long* for my industry. Nobody offers pensions. CEOs lay off people and get a bonus for doing so.

There's taking pride in your work, but there's also an element of "they don't give a fuck about me, why should I give a fuck about this job?"

October 17th, 2022, 08:54 AM
Re: George's rant

First, bravo.

Second, this is one of the reasons I support Universal Basic Income. I think it would be a net positive for society if the folks that really don't want to be at work and can get by on the minimum just stay at home.

October 17th, 2022, 09:32 AM
Yep, I think swervo’s flipside explained it well. When things became less and less personal and more and more just about money… why should employees care so much about jobs that pays so little money when you know very well sr management don’t really care about you? Your job becomes meaningless and likewise your existence.

I’m all for UBI, but that’s another thing that worries me… although it means well, but if you render someone ‘meaningless’ or useless at home, will that really be beneficial?

UBI programs better be implemented with more personal touches. To not only help them get shelter or food, but also help them find more meaning in life. It may be fun to just be able to eat, sleep, play games and just chill and watch Netflix all day for a while, but if that’s all you do for your entire life, surely that cannot be good on your mental health and also not too good for the society that pays for such meaningless lifestyle. UBI should just be able to help folks to be able to afford to pursue their interests. Of course if you can truly be happy just play games and watch Netflix, that’s fine, but for sure most people will get bored and they will eventually cause problems… of course hungry hopeless people will cause problems too. So UBI will perhaps just delay these problems… key is to help people find meaning in their lives in this seemingly meaningless world. IMHO, meaning doesn’t come from what we actually do but how much we care…

Anyway, I can’t help but feel that this pandemic is disrupting our world to either speed up its collapse or to force it to readjust for a better future… hope it’s the later.

October 17th, 2022, 11:39 AM
I'm not angry. But I do like to write and I do like to complain. Sorry you all have to endure it.

I am entertained by your writing, G. Please continue. :D

October 17th, 2022, 11:43 AM
A Halifax friend posted a photo from Costco. It was a placard that read, "Now hiring, starting wage: $17.50/hr."

*Does quick search* Minimum wage in NS at the moment is $13.60/hr. That's more than I thought it would be.

October 18th, 2022, 02:49 PM
Now that Im in a small town its far more obvious when there are worker issues, especially with covid and the isolation rules. We had a number of businesses not open or have very restricted hours (1 person, 1 shift). This included the Post Office! We dont get delivery, we have a post office box and things go in that, but since its often packages it means we need to go in and swap the "you got mail" card for the package, so you notice if the office is shut when you expect it to be open.

As for the "never missed a day sick", I had a boss who was actually keen for people to stay home sick if they had flu/cold/something contagious. This was 20 years ago. It didn't help the company if those people came in and struggled on - just to take a few others out with them. George - not saying that's you - just that the attitude of "I come in even if I have Ebola" isn't always the best way.

Tom Servo
October 18th, 2022, 03:06 PM
We just made a weekend trip to Austin. We were flying back on Sunday, and my wife went to go get a snack from the Starbucks counter. The line was ridiculously long. At one point, some people from the TSA came over and within earshot of my wife told the manager to tell the customers that all they had was drip coffee, because the line was long enough that it had become a security hazard. She asked the manager about it, he said corporate called that morning telling them they had to fire two employees due to budget constraints, and now they didn't have enough people to handle drink orders.

I still have a hard time believing that any given generation is *that* different from the others. It's hard to want to give your all to a company that could barely care less about you.

October 18th, 2022, 08:54 PM

I always assumed companies are having a hard time finding workers, but they are beginning to let them go?

I can understand the inflationary pressures of doing business now, but at an airport? Where there are always customers and selling at sky high prices?

Something funky is going on with our current economy, that’s why even stock market doesn’t know whether to go up or down…

October 19th, 2022, 04:57 AM
I think that an issue with large/franchise chains is that they often have pricing that is relatively fixed across their different locations, and managers don't have much control over them. If they have a lot of business, but margins are too thin due to location specific factors, they may not turn enough profit to avoid drastic cost cutting measures.

And companies have a hard time finding workers that will accept the pay and conditions they are offering. I think it's always important to say that part, rather than just insinuating that there's a lack of people willing to do work at all.

October 19th, 2022, 07:50 AM
Yeah, I have noticed local restaurants tend to raise their prices faster than big chains like McD's or Applebee's... Eating out here at my new neighborhood has generally been more expensive than LA and way less tasty too... Even grocery shopping is more expensive and with less choices here than LA. However, gas and mortgage cost were way higher in LA of course.

And companies have a hard time finding workers that will accept the pay and conditions they are offering. I think it's always important to say that part, rather than just insinuating that there's a lack of people willing to do work at all.

In all honesty, who really cares about what is said? If businesses cannot make enticing enough offers, even if current generation of young workers are truly 'lazy', so what? Will shaming them help make your offer more attractive?

Anyway, my guess is that the worker pool has simply dwindled. Adding that stupid wall and accelerated retirement of boomers due to pandemic and younger people returning 'home' with boomer parents probably all contributed to shrinking labor market. Market will have to work itself out somehow when supply and demand work themselves out.

Once employers and employees and their customers are in their places, like Swervo said, they may need to establish better and more caring 'relationships' in order for things to stick longterm. If businesses are still all about squeezing quarterly profits, then these crazy fluctuating times may just get worse and worse... Business owners can continue to blame lazy workers when they shut their doors.

October 19th, 2022, 08:18 AM
The importance of saying the whole thing is knowing the true cause.

Saying "companies can't find people that want to work" insinuates that people are lazy and don't want jobs, that they just want someone else to take care of them.

Saying "companies can't find people that want to work for the pay and conditions they're offering" still includes people that just don't want to work, but also considers that maybe the companies offering at or near minimum wage with no benefits and poor working conditions are doing this to themselves.

There's a common refrain I see from wait staff in America that says "if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat at a restaurant.". Similarly, I think that if your business can't afford to pay your employees a living wage, then maybe your business can't afford to stay open.

MR2 Fan
October 21st, 2022, 03:52 PM
a reminder that credit scores in the U.S. are the most f-ed up thing and a scam: I recently did a "soft" credit pull for a minor purchase to see if I qualify through Synchrony Bank...not a huge purchase or anything and it denied me showing a TransUnion credit score about 180 points BELOW what it actually is from TransUnion (and it's been good for several months), WTF?

October 21st, 2022, 04:39 PM
Yeah mine dropped(mid 810s to high 790s) after I opened a line of credit for a new roof on my house. The fact that there are three different reporting bodies in the US and not all three report the same facts...

October 21st, 2022, 04:42 PM
Also ended my tenure at my latest job. The owner was still there when I got back and he wouldn't even look at me. Equally parts hilarious and sad. Next gig starts on Monday.

October 22nd, 2022, 10:12 AM
Also ended my tenure at my latest job. The owner was still there when I got back and he wouldn't even look at me. Equally parts hilarious and sad. Next gig starts on Monday.
Movin on up!!!

re: credit bureaus
Credit bureaus are completely private industries. There are a few regulations to help people. But in general they exist to help businesses make credit decisions.

The fact that stuff gets added without your approval by default is very questionable.

October 22nd, 2022, 11:14 AM
Also ended my tenure at my latest job. The owner was still there when I got back and he wouldn't even look at me. Equally parts hilarious and sad. Next gig starts on Monday.

It is kinda sad that your ex-boss is taking this so personally. Oh well. You gotta to what’s best for you. It’s not like he took great care of you…

October 22nd, 2022, 11:33 AM
Thanks guys. It is what it is. Funny thing is that there is an overlap of customers between the old and new places and the new place sometimes delivers to the old place.

October 26th, 2022, 02:20 PM
Back behind the wheel today and it went pretty well, even with a 20 year gap.

November 8th, 2022, 02:45 PM
I could use a good sleep.

November 8th, 2022, 03:10 PM
Just use it! :p

November 8th, 2022, 04:57 PM
I could use a good sleep.

Melatonin. I use the 10mg gummy variety.

November 8th, 2022, 05:37 PM
Thanks, Rich.

Gummies sounds good.

November 10th, 2022, 05:11 PM
De nada, Mario.

November 14th, 2022, 12:24 AM
What about zinc? E.g. oysters? (To help with sleep regulation, that is).

Tom Servo
November 14th, 2022, 06:45 AM

November 18th, 2022, 06:56 PM
Watching news reports out of Buffalo and the amount of snow western New York is getting is simply out of this world. Lake effect snow. Ho-ly shit…59” of snow in some places. :eek:

November 18th, 2022, 07:16 PM
I hope people's roofs (rooves?) don't collapse under the weight. I assume that's wet, heavy snow, too.

I shoveled my driveway this morning but could have used a leaf blower. I don't think that's what they're getting in the northeast USA right now, if ever.

November 18th, 2022, 09:15 PM
Just saw some of the news footages... wow...

Seattle is seeing some below freezing overnite temps, but luckily so far weather has been sunny!

We love snow, but just not so much! :p

November 19th, 2022, 04:39 AM
Woke up, flipped on the TV, and saw Jim Cantore on a snowy street in Buffalo saying "Five feet of snow so far!" He said it was light, dry snow. That's good for structures and shovelers and drivers.

November 19th, 2022, 11:07 AM
Good old Lake Effect snow.

November 19th, 2022, 09:05 PM

Ungodly levels of snow.

November 19th, 2022, 10:41 PM
I got snow forecast for tomorrow... in Australia, 2 weeks before summer starts.

November 20th, 2022, 02:46 PM
We got about six inches of snow from Thursday-early Sunday. Fired up the snow blower and took care of myself and a few neighbors. It makes things easier for everybody, including the plows that roam around the park.

November 21st, 2022, 09:33 AM
We got about six inches of snow from Thursday-early Sunday. Fired up the snow blower and took care of myself and a few neighbors. It makes things easier for everybody, including the plows that roam around the park.


November 21st, 2022, 10:06 AM
Yeah. That's very cool. We have a couple guys on our street with snowblowers and they do the same thing. I use a shovel but I always clear the sidewalks for a house or two on each side if I'm the first one out there, plus our community mailbox area. It's nice every now and then to wake up on a cold weekend morning, see that neighbors have done the same for us, and go back to bed without a care. :up:

November 21st, 2022, 07:47 PM
My neighbor and I will generally clear each other's sidewalks. We've both got electric snow throwers, so we can do shifts while each other's batteries recharge.

When I had a gas snow thrower, I'd regularly go to the end of my block in addition to clearing the walkway for my former elderly neighbors.

November 21st, 2022, 08:01 PM
This is something totally new to me since I grew up in tropical Taiwan and then lived in SoCal ever since… so last year at Seattle we had about a week of snow during Xmas? Quite awesome! Just enough snow but not so much snow… My 10 yr old neighbor did not shovel snow for me for free. He knocked on my door and wanted $5. Since I didn’t even own a snow shovel, I paid him the money. The kid did a good job! :up:

December 7th, 2022, 06:04 AM
I hit my knee against the wall in the most awkward and stupid way possible.

December 7th, 2022, 07:26 AM
Yikes! Hope you did not cause too serious of a damage to the wall? :p

J/k… take care and get well soon!

December 11th, 2022, 06:13 PM
And as you get older...
instead of - fell off cliff and walk away
its now - bent in wrong direction, out of action for a week

MR2 Fan
December 16th, 2022, 05:45 PM
A friend of mine that I've known for a while is having an extremely difficult time. She lives in Dubai but is from the Philippines. I'm helping her out and was also checking into seeing if she wants to visit here via Tourist Visa to get away for a bit (just out of curiosity if it was feasible)....estimated wait time for a visa interview with the U.S. Embassy in Dubai for tourist visa.........1 year and a half.

Apparently the Obama administration made it a point to have these done within 21 days but naturally Herr Trump cancelled that, and Biden hasn't done anything to fix it yet.

Tom Servo
December 17th, 2022, 03:11 PM
We lost P-22, our celebrity mountain lion, this morning. Feels sad - there was something about knowing that there was a big cat roaming free in the middle of the city. It sounds like he was already beginning to struggle in his older age and had lost a lot of weight, and the nearly ubiquitous usage of rat poison in this city always seems to head up the food chain to the lions, and now it sounds like he was hit by a car a few days ago and had a fractured skull. He made it across multiple freeways to find himself in Griffith Park, and because of that ring of freeways around him, he never had a chance to find a mate, he was alone in that park for 10 odd years.

RIP P-22.


December 17th, 2022, 03:18 PM

December 18th, 2022, 06:10 PM
That's really fucking depressing...

Tom Servo
December 18th, 2022, 07:52 PM
It really is. I think a lot of us are also feeling that familiar sting of when you have to make that call for your own pet.

On the plus side, his legacy lives on in the area. He was huge when it came to advancing our knowledge of mountain lions. He also almost acted as an ambassador for how we need to work on how we live with wildlife in this big urban center. I have no doubt the fact that he was so beloved by this city is what's leading to a wildlife bridge being built across the 101 freeway north of the Santa Monica mountains that will allow the lions that have been basically stranded on that stretch to expand their territory and start mating with non-close relatives again. I hope it will lead to more, it's too often we hear about one being killed on the 405.

Tom Servo
December 18th, 2022, 09:53 PM
There's a small shrine starting for him at the base of the park.


December 19th, 2022, 06:15 AM
Ugh man, crazy situation here. Mass shooting at a condo in Vaughan, (Toronto suburb). It’s made international news. Apparently a 73-year-old disgruntled resident opened fire on condo board members. The cops then came and shot him dead.

Guy was in a legal dispute with the condo management corporation for years, and recently lost a court case which pushed him over the edge. News wasn’t releasing his name, yet condo residents were speaking out and someone posted his FB link on Reddit overnight. I watched his latest rant, which was posted a few hours before the shootings, and it was pretty fucked up. Apparently he went unit to unit executing the board members and their spouses too.

What irritates me is how when news broke of the shootings, the prime suspects were automatically declared to be black/brown people by outspoken social media experts. Now they’ve gone silent as the Sphinx in the face of the truth of it being an old Italian guy who is likely a legal gun owner.

December 19th, 2022, 06:23 AM
Was P-22 the one that was attacking dogs lately? I thought they caught him/her and where taking them to a new place. Or is that a different cat?

December 19th, 2022, 06:49 AM
Yep, I think it's the same and only one.

Tom Servo
December 19th, 2022, 06:52 AM
Same cat. They did catch him, but decided he was in too bad of condition to even be able to live out his days in a sanctuary without suffering.

There had been talk over the years of trying to move him out of the park, but anywhere they could move him to was already the territory of another mountain lion, so he likely would have been killed by another male.

The dog attacks were a sign that he was in some sort of distress. He was normally content with the deer up in the park, but it sounds like the thinking was that he was getting too weak to be able to chase them down, so he was heading down into the city to try to find food. He was pretty underweight, he was normally around 125-130 lbs, he was down to 95 lbs when they caught him.

From what I gather, 10 years is the normal life expectancy in the wild for a mountain lion, and P-22 was estimated to be 12, so it wasn't a huge surprise that he was in decline. Being hit by a car early last week just accelerated that.

Tom Servo
December 19th, 2022, 07:00 AM
What irritates me is how when news broke of the shootings, the prime suspects were automatically declared to be black/brown people by outspoken social media experts. Now they’ve gone silent as the Sphinx in the face of the truth of it being an old Italian guy who is likely a legal gun owner.

I feel like that happens a lot. I've found that I have to actively suppress my urge to assume that most shootings here are from some MAGA accelerationist chud, so I'm apparently not immune either.

December 26th, 2022, 07:41 PM
First world problems:

It’s 5C outside and for some unknown reason, we had to turn on the AC in this hotel room because it is so warm in here. I turned it down to 68F and it is still too warm in here. :erm:

The last couple of hotel rooms we stayed in, the heat barely worked. The first hotel we stayed in, the heating unit got so loud we couldn’t sleep. We changed rooms.

We’ve had unfortunate luck with accommodations this week. We planned to camp this trip, but it has been too cold for the most part. We camped the first night and that’s it.

MR2 Fan
December 31st, 2022, 03:20 PM
Every once in a while I take a look at Zillow in my area to laugh at housing prices (so I don't cry).

I could pay $220,000 for a 600 sq ft. closet, or I could pay $160,000 for a house that is "non habitable as is. Destroyed in a fire. Waiver must be signed and filed with Realtor before entering the building."

...so yeah, great options in my area

Tom Servo
December 31st, 2022, 03:49 PM
When we first started looking, $1MM got you a house directly next to the freeway with a bedroom so small that you can't fully open the door if there's a queen size bed in the room. I imagine it's only gotten worse.

MR2 Fan
December 31st, 2022, 04:13 PM
It would be one thing if I expected housing prices to keep climbing endlessly so I could call it an investment, BUT I would also need a lot of investment just to fix these places up as most are ~40-50 years old in that price range...newer homes are much higher

January 1st, 2023, 06:59 AM
My parents house was built in 1928! Very solidly built but can be very hot during summers and cold in winters! :p hard to imagine how people lived without AC back then…

My home in LA was built in 50s.

My current home in WA was built in 1999.

Yeah, you do need to pay a premium for newer homes, but just like cars, 50 years later, what’s the price difference between a 50 yr old car/house vs a 100yr old car/house? ;)

Age of the house isn’t a big deal as long as it’s still in good condition. It’s also be awesome if you could fix it up yourself!

Besides it being a possible investment, a home and fixed rate home loan can be a great hedge against inflation too. Usually that means never rising rent for 30 yrs! After that, you’ll have it rent free!!! The main drawback is that you being your own landlord mean you need to fix things around the house… :p

Anyway, prices are going down. Should be a buyers market in the next few years. If the price is right and rates are low enough sometime in the future…. Good luck!

Sad, little man
January 3rd, 2023, 05:14 PM
I spent far too much money purchasing this completely on an impulse because it's basically the most beautiful thing I've seen in my entire life. And I don't want to tell my friends or family because the whole thing is just too opulent, so I will tell you guys...



January 3rd, 2023, 06:01 PM
I agree, that thing's pretty.

January 3rd, 2023, 06:05 PM
Is that a glow in the dark radio?

Sad, little man
January 3rd, 2023, 06:12 PM
No, the green bits are translucent plastic, bakelite probably, that get illuminated from behind when it's on.

January 3rd, 2023, 08:26 PM
It’s beautiful. :starryeyes:

January 3rd, 2023, 09:25 PM

I personally don’t tend to like vintage stuffs, but it seems more and more people are going retro… wife is now into playing vinyl records… and we’ve been to so many vintage places lately…

Anyway, so I bought wife a vintage Xmas present that she didn’t want to waste money on… it’s an old Russian/Ukrainian camera recycled and converted to an LED light. Not sure if it’s beautiful or not but thought it’s cool.

January 5th, 2023, 02:37 PM
My wife got US citizenship today.

January 5th, 2023, 04:02 PM
Congratulations on her defection to the evil empire!

January 5th, 2023, 04:08 PM
Congratulations to Lori!

Sad, little man
January 5th, 2023, 04:11 PM

January 7th, 2023, 11:35 AM
Congrats on Lori becoming a "murrican.

January 7th, 2023, 12:16 PM
Canukistan has lost one of it's own?

January 7th, 2023, 02:22 PM
Canada allows dual citizenship.

January 7th, 2023, 03:02 PM
Ah, well that's okay then :)

January 7th, 2023, 03:21 PM
According to some Canadian rock band, you need to stay away from her from now on… even Lenny Kravitz can’t handle American women… :p

January 7th, 2023, 03:25 PM
Betcha can't guess who.

January 7th, 2023, 06:29 PM
Canada allows dual citizenship.

Ooh, that checks out!

January 8th, 2023, 05:06 AM
Betcha can't guess who.
I might be the only person left here to get this. :lol:

January 8th, 2023, 07:19 AM
I get it :)

January 8th, 2023, 10:03 AM
Oh yeah, forgot you are a Rock Band guy. :D

January 13th, 2023, 01:30 PM
I might be the only person left here to get this. :lol:

There was/is a "documentary" on one of the free streaming services with Bachman giving the backstory to his works.

January 13th, 2023, 04:25 PM
My wife got US citizenship today. That’s great, Cam. Congrats!

January 27th, 2023, 05:28 PM
Short version: My wife was invited to give a talk about her work in another department. During her talk, a male prof in the dept. stood up and started mansplaining the talk she was giving. Thankfully, another prof in the dept. told him to back off. I am appalled by this and Lori said others at the talk felt the same way. You gotta be a special kind of asshole to interrupt an invited guest's talk to mansplain. :smh:

Tom Servo
January 27th, 2023, 06:09 PM
Oh man, we just ran into a similar-ish situation at my work too. A coworker of mine got berated by someone for doing exactly what she should be doing, and I notice he doesn't talk to me that way.

We've escalated it to the CTO, but in the meantime I just told her that if she needs something/answers to questions from him, she's free to ask me to do it because I'm pretty sure he's intimidated by me. He's not one of my directs (I don't have any of those, I'm not a mangler) so I don't have a lot of power to tell him to fix his attitude, but I know the CTO will have my coworker's back and make sure this guy has expectations of how he interacts with people reset accordingly.

It definitely does explain why I suggested that she go to this guy for help a week or so ago that she basically just quietly didn't.

Tom Servo
January 28th, 2023, 11:22 AM
Not sure how many of you ever use Facebook's mobile app, but it forces you into its algorithmic feed (or at least I haven't been able to figure out how to see a chronological one of my friends). Maybe 40% of the posts are sponsored (ads) or "Suggested for you", which is the algorithm trying to get you to sign up for more pages so it can make a better profile of you. The app never asks how you feel about this, it just does it.

On the other hand, I regularly get a prompt under actual friends' posts that say "Do you want to see more or less posts from <friend's name> in Feed?" with a "Show more" and "Show less" button. Already fucking irritating that they're more than happy to show me suggestions about shit I don't want or care about and won't let me offer feedback on them but do want to know if I want to see less of my actual friends, but the last time I got this it was ON A POST BY A FRIEND WHERE SHE TOLD US HER 10 YEAR OLD SON HAS BONE CANCER.

I saw this right on the heels of reading an article by Cory Doctorow about the Enshittification of social media (https://pluralistic.net/2023/01/21/potemkin-ai/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email) and goddamn did it hit home. It's literally saying "Hey, we are more than happy to slam your feed with shit you don't want, but hey, this major life thing that happened to your friend...do you really care about that?"

February 5th, 2023, 02:39 AM
What's Facebook? Actually I think I've heard it's something like Strava without bicycles.

For a brief while Strava tried "suggesting" ahtletes for you to follow, but quickly stopped.

February 5th, 2023, 11:24 AM
There was a bit of discussion in the Politics thread, but I'd rather just post the light humor here. The downing of the "weather balloon" has created some fantastic internet images. Specifically, I've been focused on the news of how it was downed. Some of the facts I've gathered:

It was a planned military operation by the Air Force
It was downed after crossing into the Atlantic, but before it entered international waters to limit any actual or political fallout
It was downed by the highly sophisticated F-22 Raptor
This was the first confirmed kill of any F-22 Raptor

Then the celebration started...


MR2 Fan
February 5th, 2023, 11:34 AM
woohoo, finally the billions of dollars poured into the F22 (and similar projects) have paid off! (sarcasm)

February 6th, 2023, 10:17 AM
I'm surprised some good ol' boys didn't take out that balloon with hunting rifles long before Saturday.

https://m.media-amazon.com/images/M/MV5BNGUxZjA0NjAtY2Y3Ni00MTYwLWFiZTAtMzVmOTBiODMzMj llXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyOTQ4MzU1OTc@._V1_.jpg

February 6th, 2023, 11:36 AM
It's amazing air force actually used winnie the pooh to represent China... :p


February 8th, 2023, 07:10 PM
I just saw a quick summary of a Dr Phil episode.

Some young lady, when she was 5- 8 years old or something, falsely accused her mom's boyfriend of inappropriate touching after learning about "stranger danger" at school. She didn't like him because he was too strict. He's been in jail, basically since then. Now she's a young adult and recanting what she said.

She *really* fucked up this guys life.

I can't find the stupid story now.

February 9th, 2023, 08:33 AM
For a long time, women(victims) were silenced one way or another. Then the pendulum swing to the opposite extreme. We unconditionally believe alleged victims. Thinking that why would victims lie about this? Especially young kids!!! They are already so brave!!!

It's always difficult to find out the real truth when it comes to he said she said situations... so it's best to not get yourself into such tricky situations in the 1st place.

Glad to hear she finally confessed and took back her false accusation. Better late than never.

"Me Too" incidents are probably more trustworthy. When there are multiple incidences involving the same 'predator', it's probably true. However, in 'isolated' incidences, perhaps our justice system shouldn't sentence somebody so harshly?

February 9th, 2023, 10:36 AM
Now she's a young adult and recanting what she said.

On the Dr. Phil show?! Seems pretty damn bold to me.

I wonder if there's a statute of limitations for false accusations.

February 9th, 2023, 10:53 AM
I had a vasectomy yesterday. Stuff is a bit uncomfortable today.

February 9th, 2023, 01:48 PM
Frozen veggies and cold beer will be your friends.

February 23rd, 2023, 02:29 PM
One thing I love about living in Texas versus California; walk into the tax office to register my car, grab a number, sit down, check twitter for 5 minutes, get called, go up, pay. All in, 10 minutes.

I completely forgot to do my motorcycles registration last year. Same thing. Take it for annual inspection. Take it to the tax office. 10 minutes tops. Didn't get a late fee. Didn't get a shorter registration (where it renews every year on the same month.) Nope, got a full year of registration. 10 minutes tops.

1 thing I hate; fucking toll roads. Every bloody where.

Tom Servo
February 23rd, 2023, 04:28 PM
Just out of curiosity, how is that better than CA? I just do my car reg on the internet, other than when I need to have it smogged.

February 23rd, 2023, 07:57 PM
Just out of curiosity, how is that better than CA? I just do my car reg on the internet, other than when I need to have it smogged.

Same. I just renewed mine from my couch a few days ago and it took less than 5 minutes.

February 23rd, 2023, 08:07 PM
WA is pretty much the same as Texas I guess. CA DMV won’t be too bad if you have an appointment I suppose. Still, I dread going there…

In WA, I was planning to pay renewal online, but then I see extra charge to pay by credit card. In CA, I’d gladly pay extra to avoid lines, but in WA, I’d gladly just go to my neighborhood ’storefront’ DMV with short lines and just pay there.

I think in the movie zootopia where they have sloths working in their DMVs is most relatable to Californians? Washingtonians and Texans may find that hard to relate to? ;) Anyway, at least speaking from personal experience, WA DMV > CA DMV for sure.

There’s also a trend I’ve noticed which is people who left CA would bash CA whenever they can, but people in CA would continue to strongly defend CA! ;)

Who do you believe? Perhaps everything is half true?

Just look at Musk, he’s not moving the entire Tesla back but just the engineering HQ back to CA. At least I have to say CA is not all bad. I still like it and miss it.