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Rare White Ape
December 17th, 2021, 10:00 PM
The current popular thing is to drive the Merc W12 and set a sub-5 minute lap on the Nordschleife.

I drove for an hour and got a 5:04.2


If you give it a shot, they say a decent setup is the supplied Spa qualifying setup. And to save yourself some time form pitlane, drive out backwards then hit reset, this will place your car at the start of the Dottinger Hohe straight. No need to do an outlap, although any laps won't count, but you can get a time off your delta readout.

December 19th, 2021, 01:05 PM
My bro and I went from 36th to 14th in the GT Enduro today, despite getting punted. Knockhill is a demanding track. I spun a car, but I feel like they drove unpredictably at the time I hit them. Incident happened just about 1:40:30 into the stream. They went really wide and were really slow. I thought they were letting me go, because they were at least a lap down. Then, they cut back toward the apex. I feel like I could not have done anything to prevent it. At the end, I pushed the 3rd place car over the finish because they ran out of fuel.


December 20th, 2021, 11:41 AM
Just in case you missed it on my channel, this was a zany race. It was week 13 Porsche Cup at Le Mans. It was only four laps, but it was a good one for me. I basically went from 22nd to 6th. The one car that gridded behind me passed me before the Dunlop chicane and two cars started from the pits. The lap three battle was particularly intense and the last lap battle into Indianapolis was hilarious. I backed out early to let them go and they all took each other out. :lol:


Make sure to like and subscribe!

Yobbo NZ
December 25th, 2021, 02:24 AM
Ugh, total fangirl moment.
Couldn't get near my best time, so Liam ended up quicker, by about a second.
It was only a practice session, I'll get him next time :lol:

Rare White Ape
December 28th, 2021, 04:46 PM
Do we have a GTXF team yet?

I've just started one anyway. Me and Yobbo are going to enter the VRS endurance at RBR this weekend :)

If you want to be part of the team its ID# is 258227

December 28th, 2021, 09:12 PM
Cool! Good luck out there. Tim and I do the 17:00 GMT (I think. It’s noon here.) Sunday session. Which one are you planning to do?

Rare White Ape
December 28th, 2021, 09:25 PM
We will do the first slot: 9am GMT Saturday.

Got a practice session in a few hours too. Our first meeting!

December 29th, 2021, 04:08 PM
I begged to join the team.

04:00 (my time) is a too early for me. :( Even if I did the last hour, I would still have to get up before 06:00. Considering I stay up late trucking with GBR on Fridays, I don't think I can race with you guys.

Yobbo NZ
December 29th, 2021, 04:48 PM
Dooooo it.

Rare White Ape
December 29th, 2021, 05:20 PM
You're now in the team Cam, also I've made everyone an admin in the team roster too. So we can use it for any endurance races we wanna run and fly the GTXf banner :)

But as I mentioned a few pages ago, we could always team up for an IMSA Endurance in the 0200 GMT slot, although that might impact on Friday night truckin' for you Cam.

December 29th, 2021, 05:53 PM
July, 2020:

Anyone here interested in doing some six-hour endurance races?


What car are you guys driving for the GT Enduro?

Rare White Ape
December 29th, 2021, 05:54 PM
Hey we did one race! And it had an awesome finish.

December 29th, 2021, 06:00 PM
Speaking of that, I think the six-hours of Le Mans is this week-end. RSR? :D

Edit: Oh wait, it was last week-end. Daytona is next week-end.

Rare White Ape
December 29th, 2021, 06:50 PM
Unfortunately I am unable to join for any early-morning races at the moment.

Yobbo NZ
December 29th, 2021, 08:27 PM
I tried the Ferrari last night, went 1 second quicker without really trying.
Optimal is now a low 1.30.

Yobbo NZ
December 29th, 2021, 08:28 PM
1 second quicker than the Merc that should be.

Rare White Ape
December 29th, 2021, 10:15 PM
Noice :up:

I will do some VRS races in it to get a bit of practice in.

December 30th, 2021, 06:04 AM
Wait, what? You suggested we team up in a race you can't participate in? :erm:

Rare White Ape
December 30th, 2021, 11:48 AM
No, no. IMSA endurance, not Euro endurance. There is an IMSA time slot that happens closer to midday in my time zone, and is late-evening Friday night in your time zone.

Yobbo NZ
December 30th, 2021, 01:24 PM
I'm lost now 🤣

December 30th, 2021, 02:08 PM
Me too. :?

Rare White Ape
December 30th, 2021, 06:41 PM
So, in this (http://gtxforums.net/showthread.php?54-iRacing&p=172393&viewfull=1#post172393) post I suggested we team up for an IMSA Endurance race.

Then in the next (http://gtxforums.net/showthread.php?54-iRacing&p=172394&viewfull=1#post172394) post I'm pretty sure you mistook me for mentioning the European Endurance Series.

In the iRacing PDF schedule (https://members.iracing.com/membersite/member/GetSeasonSchedulePDF) IMSA is page 74 and EES is page 79.

December 30th, 2021, 07:15 PM
Yes, it appears I did. I think I could be convinced to run an IMSA enduro if I have the car you want to drive.

Rare White Ape
December 30th, 2021, 08:56 PM
Sweet! Glad we are on the same page now :D

The choices are LMP2 or GT3. Sadly GTE is no longer part of IMSA.

Yobbo NZ
December 30th, 2021, 09:00 PM
So we're doing VRS enduro @RBR, or something else now?

Rare White Ape
December 30th, 2021, 09:08 PM
Oh yeah nah we are still on for VRS as planned :up:

Yobbo NZ
December 30th, 2021, 09:23 PM
Good, what time is it again? 🤣

Rare White Ape
December 30th, 2021, 09:26 PM
0900 GMT Saturday.

Add 11 for your time zone :)

Yobbo NZ
December 30th, 2021, 11:08 PM
8pm, got it.

December 31st, 2021, 07:49 AM
The 9 GMT time slot for GT Enduro conflicts with the 7 GMT time slot for the IMSA Enduro. When could you run the IMSA Enduro if you are already doing the GT Enduro?

Edit: Wait, nevermind. There was a typo in the schedule. I downloaded the latest version and I see 2 GMT, which is 9:00pm Eastern tonight. Are we racing tonight?

Rare White Ape
January 1st, 2022, 01:44 PM
So Yobbo and myself teamed up for his first enduro last night… and it wasn’t the most spectacular result, but we had fun and Blair drove really well.

End result was 29th out of 42, after qualifying 38th. I started the race and avoided the early carnage and was somewhere near 21st but some incidents put a blanket on that; I misjudged braking distance to a car ahead and escaped down the outside but still brushed alongside and half-spun, but then later on I copped a shot in the ass from a BMW who did that annoying thing where he wasn’t quite alongside but didn’t pull out of the pass, and tagged my rear bumper. The damage was enough for me to lose about a second per lap. I racked up 16x mostly through off tracks, which are surprisingly hard for me to reel in at RBR, but also the two contacts.

I handed over to Blair and he drove very cleanly. I’d used the low downforce baseline so that hurt his confidence a bit, but he didn’t spin out, so that’s a plus. He only chalked up 5x for the stint, and we were in 34th at that point, I think. Well done!

Back to me for the finish. I had 4 incident points to play with. I got an early one after stuffing a corner when I let a lead lap car by, and did my very best to hang onto the rest. A short time later another BMW who was four places and a lap down on us jammed it straight into my tailpipe into turn 1. It wasn’t hard enough to register a 4x but I did get 2x for loss of control. Wrecking for the bottom places. Frustrating. 24x.

I then drove for 35 minutes without scoring a single point but still knocking out consistent lap times. I wish I did that at the start. We gained some spots due to other’s misfortune. Probably penalties or disconnects.

10/10 would race again, but it reminded me how much I hate GT3 racing :p

Yobbo NZ
January 1st, 2022, 04:03 PM
Will confirm, it was hot and sweaty.
Was a fun experience, even if I didn't pass anyone on track. Probably didn't help we were in the top split too with some very high iR drivers.
But, I didn't cause any accidents or spin, so that's a bonus.

I think if we do a track I'm more comfortable with, I'll be nearer my practice times. As it was, I was about a second slower, also due to being the good co-driver and handing back a straight car 🤣

Rare White Ape
January 1st, 2022, 05:28 PM
Hah, yeah…

I’ve said this to Cam before: there’s nothing better than handing back a car that’s dirty as heck but has zero dings or scrapes. You know it’s been a good race when it’s covered in road muck.

January 2nd, 2022, 02:14 AM
E for effort? ;) Tim and I will be racing it later. We are usually in bottom split, because Tim’s iR is around 1100.

January 2nd, 2022, 10:30 AM
You can try as hard as possible to be as safe as possible, only to have your race ended by retarded driving. Our car was completely destroyed today by another team. They were a lap down from us. One of their team begged us to let them by. Once they got close enough, Tim backed out on the straight, only to have the driver move over on him and wrecked them both. :rolleyes: Our car needed over an hour of repairs, so we quit. :|

Rare White Ape
January 2nd, 2022, 02:53 PM
Oh wow. Wasn't a BMW was it?

January 2nd, 2022, 03:42 PM
Yes. You can find it on my stream. Their team name says it all.

Rare White Ape
January 2nd, 2022, 04:13 PM
Your stream isn't available yet... I'll have a watch when it's up.

January 2nd, 2022, 04:32 PM
Ah, OK.

Rare White Ape
January 3rd, 2022, 06:52 PM
The VOD is up, so I watched the salient parts. Poor Tim couldn't cop a break. That incident with the BMW blocking the track on top of the hill would have been frustrating enough, but then to be taken out by a different BMW not giving him the space on an otherwise empty straight is certifiably fucked.

But I did get a chuckle out of the other BMW who slid off on the green, after he spent time swerving wildly on the pace lap :lol:

GT3 drivers in BMWs eh? Fuuuuuuck

January 3rd, 2022, 07:13 PM
Thanks for watching! :lol:

January 4th, 2022, 07:40 AM
iRacing moves farther away from the sim I originally enjoyed:

Chelmsford, MA – January 4, 2022 – iRacing.com Motorsport Simulations (iRacing) announced today the acquisition of Monster Games, Inc (MGI). The Minnesota-based game development studio has a long history of racing game development, including the NASCAR Heat franchise and more recently Tony Stewart’s Sprint Car Racing game. The acquisition will bring another level of expertise under the iRacing roof, and further the company’s ability to bring the highest quality racing games to the broader market, including the console space.

A lot of the choices over the last few years (like AI, etc.) have moved them away from their sim model. Expending resources to move into consoles is another indicator that iRacing as a company is moving away from what I signed up for and towards the casual gamer. It's not unlike MSFS in that way.

January 4th, 2022, 08:28 AM
They also bought Orontes, maker of DRAG on Steam, an off-road racing game.

January 4th, 2022, 10:29 AM
Good to know they're solvent, if nothing else. ;)

January 4th, 2022, 11:02 AM
I don't think the core of what iRacing is will be changing. It would be nice if they could improve the car feel and grip though. The lazy spins that are impossible to recover are really annoying.

Rare White Ape
January 4th, 2022, 05:51 PM
iRacing moves farther away from the sim I originally enjoyed:

A lot of the choices over the last few years (like AI, etc.) have moved them away from their sim model. Expending resources to move into consoles is another indicator that iRacing as a company is moving away from what I signed up for and towards the casual gamer. It's not unlike MSFS in that way.

Interesting that you saw it as an expansion towards consoles. It’s not something I’d ever considered from iRacing. But I don’t see it as a bad thing.

ACC made it to PS4 and Xbox One unscathed, and all that racers have to deal with there is less options for online play and reduced performance. MSFS is also a good console flight sim, and that game’s main problem is a huge amount of bugs and performance issues across both platforms. Neither game has lost anything in the shift over. If anything, big squashing in MSFS could have received more focus, but I ain’t mad.

Having said that, I’m still a relative baby in iRacing and I don’t know what the vibe was in the early days, before the massive explosion in popularity during COVID. It has copped a lot of heat for many things, including from myself.

But would having it on console make it worse or less relevant? Probably not, as long as they take care and try filter out the crashers and wannabes. I think the subscription model would handle that. How much worse can it be than racing against people who are on ancient PC hardware?

January 4th, 2022, 06:05 PM
I had this exact chat with Keith earlier today. The short of it is that there are no simulators on consoles. Great games that offer a depiction of realism, but they are still just games. Even the ports of sims like ACC. It's a self-evident truth so it's not really worth expanding on it.

Rare White Ape
January 4th, 2022, 07:28 PM
I disagree that the box that your hardware comes in is an inherent limit to the ability of a piece of software to simulate something. But in any case, I saw some news on it and to me it looks like they'll do two things with these acquisitions: make iRacing better in various ways, and become a publisher of other titles separate from iRacing.

The guy in charge of Monster Games is Rich Garcia, and he worked with Dave Kaemmer back in the Papyrus days, so I'd imagine they've both got a very similar outlook on what a racing sim should be.

On another note, both Monster and Orontes share something in common: they've both made dirt racing games in the recent past. Orontes' DRAG has a demo on Steam. It's... OK. Monster Games have made a couple of Tony Stewart branded titles and SRX: The Game, all of which focus on dirt and asphalt short track racing. Think Sprint Cars, late models, Legends, etc.

Perhaps iRacing is looking to greatly expand their off-road content in the near future?

January 4th, 2022, 07:43 PM
WRC style stage racing? They've already started with Mt. Washington and the Beetle Lite. :shrug:

January 5th, 2022, 07:51 AM
Had a great race in Porsche Cup last night. Just kept it safe and 4th was basically handed to me. Nim was watching my stream and commented in the live chat. :D

Rare White Ape
January 8th, 2022, 03:14 AM
When you're lapping a car but they lose their mind and don't know what the hell to do...


Yobbo NZ
January 8th, 2022, 03:21 AM
I was watching that live. He had a bit of a brain fart moment.
I was worried when you came up behind him, in the same spot, after your pitstop, it seemed he learned from the first time.

January 8th, 2022, 04:15 AM
What race was this?

Rare White Ape
January 8th, 2022, 05:36 AM
EES 6hr

We are using it was practice for the Daytona 24. We came 8th after starting 24th!

January 8th, 2022, 06:04 AM
Well done!

Rare White Ape
January 8th, 2022, 04:41 PM
Thank you Cam :)

Another clip from last night's race. I was tailing this lapped car and even braked way earlier than I normally would. Seems the driver braked early too, but then had to stomp the brakes again to stop it from running off the track and lost the rear, then had to drive down the pit exit road to recover :lol:


January 9th, 2022, 06:57 AM
I feel like I can't catch a break these days. My Cam-gets-wrecked rate is back up to ~70%. :smh:

January 13th, 2022, 06:07 AM
There was a problem with the new Daytona and the Hyundai where one of the new curbs was destroying the suspension, even if you barely grazed it. Apparently, iRacing smoothed out the bump and adjusted the Hyundai's suspension in the latest hotfix.

January 13th, 2022, 01:43 PM
Anyone doing the Roar? I am aiming for the Friday at 22:00 GMT (5:00pm ET) time slot.

Yobbo NZ
January 13th, 2022, 04:56 PM
I'm going to try, if I remember the times.
Still a bit torn between the Hyundai or the BMW.

January 14th, 2022, 10:54 AM
I'll be live-streaming the Roar, starting at 5:00pm Eastern (22:00 GMT) which is just about two hours from now.

Yobbo NZ
January 14th, 2022, 03:36 PM
Damn GT4 leader dive bombed me at the bus stop, I lost the rear end and now have 19 mins of repairs. I was running in P7 at the time in TCR 🙄

January 14th, 2022, 04:15 PM
Aw, sorry to hear. I had a very quiet race to 8th after gridding 13th. I had a total of 1x from a chicane cut. I just did not have pace but survived attrition.

Yobbo NZ
January 14th, 2022, 04:20 PM
Managed a P11 out of 16 TCR finishers, 11 laps behind the TCR leader.

I managed to preserve the front tyres for 41 laps, I think it was, until I needed to pit for fuel.
Didn't take rear, had a personal pitstop which cost me another 7 seconds, but emerged in P7 until captain dickwad decided he wasn't going to wait.

January 17th, 2022, 09:47 AM
Daytona 24 this week-end. I may not be streaming it though. I have a couple of other commitments that will keep me from streaming the whole race. I may start it, stop it a few hours in, then start it back up later.

Rare White Ape
January 21st, 2022, 07:08 PM
I enter a B Fixed race. 45 laps. I choose not to qualify, so instead collect 0x-es off the walls in qualifying while using the session to get my eye in.

Somehow it still granted me a clean lap and placed me 14th on the grid.

Race starts, I let a bunch of cars hurry past to go off and meet their destiny. Straight away the mid-pack is battling. Real hard. I'm in 20th.

I settle in, thinking I'm on for a top ten. I end up behind a guy who's doing the same as me. On lap 10 we start working on the bottom half. A car gets doored into the wall, thankfully no yellow. We pick them off one-by-one, almost at the rate of 1 per lap. Some laps we get two at once!

By lap 25 I am in 10th. I think I am on for a top five. We continue working our way through the next positions. By this time everyone's tyres are fucked beyond next Tuesday.

On lap 39 I get to 5th place. I think I am on for a podium. The guy I am following passes 3rd, and I follow him into 4th. I think I'll just wait here until the last two laps and pick him off too.

Three laps from the end my travelling partner hits the wall exiting turn 4, I say fuck it and pass him round the outside in turn 1 & 2.

Nice easy third place :cool:


January 21st, 2022, 09:24 PM
Well done.

Rare White Ape
January 21st, 2022, 09:58 PM
Thanks Cam :)

Our Daytona 24 starts now. If you're in the mood, drop in here and have a look...


It's currently 5pm here to expect the stream to end during the overnight portion, some 8 hours away. Overnight stream will be here:


January 23rd, 2022, 10:47 AM
Our Daytona 24 run could have been better. As usual, we were one of the slowest qualifiers and started 42nd. We were in a GT3-only split. My bro got punted twice, but had a good drive otherwise. The first time, it was going into the bus stop and he made a great save. The second time, he was put in the wall in turn six. Towed for ten minutes of repairs. Everyone else did great. My first stint went well. I had a half-spin in turn one for 2x and 1x for a grass touch in the bus stop. My second stint, however, I binned it in the wall in the kink, necessitating 15 minutes of repairs. Doh. Thanks to grit and consistency from the rest of the team, we were as high as 17th until I got in the car. I eventually brought the car home in 21st. We were the safest team in our split with a total of 40x.

Later, my bro and I started our regular Sunday GT Enduro. Alas, we got caught up in the regular T1 garbage and decided to retire. CAN'T JUST TAKE IT EASY ON LAP ONE, OOOOOOHHH NNOO. :rolleyes:

January 30th, 2022, 01:35 PM
My bro and I finally had a good race in the GT Enduro series. Podium, baby! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_ZslwGSIHI

This season in GT Enduro has just been shit. We've been wrecked or caught up in other drivers' garbage in five out of six races so far this season. The sixth race, my bro wrecked on his own. It's been a horrific first half. It is really nice to finally have a good race. I hope we can continue this trend.

Rare White Ape
January 30th, 2022, 01:57 PM
Congrats! Good effort :D

Rare White Ape
January 30th, 2022, 02:30 PM
I’ve had a shit time on ovals this week. New Hampshire is the track, a mile of bumpy tarmac with low banking. If you shorten tracks to be less than 2 miles long people suddenly turn into missiles. Last night I did a race where I started 6th, did my usual thing of being patient, then finished 3rd after a really tight battle with a couple of cars.

Next race I set out to do the same thing, only to be spun in turn 1 on lap 11 and ended up at the back in 19th for the restart.

Patience out the window as I needed positions again, so I turned aggressive, passing two cars on the green before turn 1, only to have a wreck three cars ahead of me that I couldn’t avoid. Thankfully only minor damage.

Next restart I was 15th. I passed a few and this time we made it two laps before another wreck right in front of me. I had engine damage.

Next restart I was 11th, there were 13 cars on the lead lap. Low on power, I held off someone behind me for a few laps. Ahead of me some side-by-side netcode caused two cars to suck into one another, with the perceived victim doing a big swerve to retaliate.

I pitted for some repairs. I was 9th. We went into overtime and I prepared myself for more defending. Big crash at the back on the green, so we cruised around for two laps to the finish.

I somehow still gained 5 iRating after that shit show, but my license is down to A2.05 after this week.

Earlier in the afternoon one guy was driving like a dick. We were in the top 10. I wanted to let him go but he couldn’t pass me, just being on my door for five laps. Entering turn 3 he was behind me and attempted a dive, but to do so he cut hard across the bumper of the car behind him, which pushed him up into me and spun me out. I was behind him on a restart, and a lap later he lost the rear big time ended exiting 2. I was passing when he over-corrected back up into the rest of the field, including myself. He took out at least three cars and sent me into the barriers, basically killing my race.

In the heat of the moment I said “For fuck’s sake.” He replied, “If you’d fucking let people gather their shit, that wouldn’t have happened, you fucking r****d!”

I draw the line with using that word. The voice chat ban will be annoying for him once they review my report.

January 30th, 2022, 03:49 PM
Typical, not taking responsibility for their own garbage. :rolleyes:

January 31st, 2022, 05:06 PM
I did an Indy Fixed Oval race for the first time in a while. It went as most of my ovals go. I got wrecked twice by idiots. I declined to qualify, so I started at the back. After several cautions, I was sixth. On the restart, the guy ahead of me lost control at the green and took me with him. :rolleyes: Later in the race, another car caught up to me. I was at least a lap down because of my earlier incident. I went high and gave him all the room. Exiting turn four, he opened up and wrecked us both. There was not even a reason for him to go high. He did not lose control. He was trying to block me or something. It's faster to stay down low, IMO. Completely idiotic move that ended both our races. :smh:

I was bitching to my wife about the race. She said, "You have a shitty hobby." At first I was taken aback. She is not normally so forthright. Then, I was reminded of dodint's post from a while back.

"Yeah. Why do I continue to race?" I said to her. I get wrecked so often by other's garbage driving. It really takes its toll on my enjoyment when I am regularly wrecked in 2/3s of my races. "When things go well, it is really enjoyable." I thought about the 3rd place at Spa this week-end in the GT Enduro. I thought about the multiple top-fives we got in the Nurburgring Enduros. I thought about the last three Porsche Cup races where I had really fun races and finished in the top five. I thought about Petit Le Mans, where we were last after an early screw-up, then brought the car as high as third, finished fourth and were one of the cleanest teams. (Thanks, Mick!) That's why I race. :)

January 31st, 2022, 06:45 PM
I think about stuff like that when people discuss how the feeling after a loss lasts much longer and hurts much more for them than the feeling after a win feels good. To me that means you need to work on your mindset (but I'm an abject failure at most competitive things, and the people saying that are usually quite successful.

Since you get so much joy from the highs, and you express so much disappointment from the lows, I wonder what your ratio of negative and positive effects internally is, and the ratio of how you tell others about it. Maybe one or both could be adjusted?

Not trying to be a shrink or anything, just thinking out loud. I'm always fascinated by the idea of knowing when to stop doing something that has ups and downs, especially when it's just a hobby or sport or TV series or something.

January 31st, 2022, 07:45 PM
My wife always asks how my races go. Since roughly two-thirds of them go poorly, naturally, I bitch more than I boast at a ratio of two-to-one; an unfavorable ratio.

January 31st, 2022, 07:51 PM
I tried Indy Fixed Oval again and finished third with 0x, but only because I was able to avoid the idiots wrecking in front of me this time. :rolleyes:

Rare White Ape
February 1st, 2022, 04:15 AM
Chicagoland this week for the NASCAR serieseses. Let's see if adding 0.5 miles to the track length brings the clean driving out again.

February 1st, 2022, 05:53 AM
I just did the math for this season's Cam-gets-wrecked rate. It is exactly 50% at the moment, after the first half of the season. It improved over the last few weeks, but it was upwards of 70% after the first 4-5 weeks. Last season's total Cam-gets-wrecked rate was 29% at the end of the season. There were a few slump periods where it was upwards of 75%. When you look at the big picture over time, it has not been so bad over the last two seasons. Back when I was still racing GT races, the overall number was between 60-70% because the quality of the racing in those series is poor.

February 1st, 2022, 06:08 AM
You are the common denominator in all of these ratios.


I get that it's rarely your fault, but if you don't change your behavior you can't expect the results to change.
Maybe it's because you're faster than me, but when I was heavy into iRacing I'd get wrecked maybe once or twice a week. You and RWA are in here constantly complaining about others. After reading it for years it comes across as a possible lack of self-awareness and willingness to adjust your racecraft to the quality of the field. I can see that sometimes things are out of your control and that can be hugely frustrating, but this pattern is now occurring over years of sim racing.

Rare White Ape
February 1st, 2022, 06:17 AM
I hardly get wrecked by others in road races. For me it’s pretty rare. These days I’m pumping ovals but I’m still very new to the genre of racing. I put my oval wreckin down to my inability to predict as well as a seasoned oval racer would.

Case-in-point, one of the races I outlined above was won by Tyler Garey, a guy with something like 6000 iRating. He started from the back. I recognise that I still have a lot to learn about just turning left.

February 1st, 2022, 06:21 AM
I have a lot of respect for folks that do ovals well. It's almost like chess, you have to see really far ahead. And the car control is really interesting, like a prolonged crabwalk. Which I think is harder in a simulator than in real life where you can feel the inertia.

February 1st, 2022, 09:02 AM
Yeah, yeah, I know about the, "What could I have done differently." Let's examine my most recent crashes, starting with the most recent.

1. Indy Oval Atlanta. I was a lap or two down. A faster car caught up to me. I went out of my way to go way high to give them the inside. I was getting out of the way and was letting them go. They opened up an crashed into me before they cleared my car and wrecked us both. What could have I done differently? Let them go morer? What would you have done differently?

2. Same race as 1. Restart after a caution. Car ahead lights up the rear tires and wrecks directly in front of me. There was even a couple of car-lengths gap between us when the green fell. I could not avoid hitting them. What could I have done differently? Just retired and not even raced, I suppose. What would you have done differently?

3. Kamel GT at Hockenheim. I am lapping a slower class car. I got on their inside going into turn one and left a car-width between us. They lost control of their car under braking and put a big dent in my door. I don't see how I could have done anything differently there. Just not pass the slower class cars? What would you have done differently?

4. Same race as 3. A car wrecked and was off-track ahead of me as I exited the hairpin. They were aimed directly at me, and therefore looking directly at me, as I approached. They decided to U-turn anyway and I could not avoid hitting them. In hindsight, I should have slowed down immediately, I suppose. They were on the left side of the track, so I moved right to go around. They cut perpendicular across the track, I guess to try to get off the racing line, but I already moved to go around. I think if any of you were in the same situation, things would have transpired similarly. This driver is experienced enough to know better, but often displays lousy judgement. Alas, I did not know who it was at the time. What would you have done differently?

5. Fixed Porsche Cup at RBR. Green light, I accelerated away from the line and was all the way on the left side of the track. A car ahead was slow off the line, so I checked up a bit to avoid a collision. All of a sudden, I am wrecked from my right. I did not even see it coming. I did not even make it to turn one. What would you have done differently?

You guys know that I go out of my way to be a clean racer. Despite that, trouble seems to find me often. Most of the time, there is nothing I can do, seriously. In my opinion, only in example 4 could I have mitigated the problem. The other examples are just shitty driving from the people around me that cannot be helped.

February 1st, 2022, 09:21 AM
Yeah, I'm just having trouble understanding it. I've raced with you and haven't had issues, but I generally raced in lower series like Pro Mazda (RIP). Knowing that you do strive to be a clean driver my best thought is that either it's that much harder for faster people, or the quality of the fields has gotten even worse since I've raced.

I'm fast in real life and haven't had issues. I think the low stakes of online racing plays into it since there is nothing to lose but some iRating and the time it takes for the next event to start.

February 1st, 2022, 10:02 AM
I don't get it either. Obviously, there is no risk in sim racing, so drivers take way more chances. Can I fault someone for simply making a noob mistake, like lighting up the tires on a restart or losing control under braking? They probably learned a lesson from it, but it still sucks to be the victim.

I thought you enjoyed reading our sim racing anecdotes. Should we be telling more positive stories for your entertainment? Clearly the bitching is getting old. :lol:

February 1st, 2022, 11:16 AM
I definitely want to hear more of the positive bits. When I watch your streams, there is way more neutral to positive than outright negative.

When I was watching the Bengals/Chiefs game on Sunday at someone's house, it was the first time I had watched a game with a group of people in a while, and I forgot that normal behavior is for people to react vocally after a negative play. If you saw the game, you know there was a lot of that for us in the first half. Eventually I said "there's a whole lot of negativity going around right now. You don't have to say it. You don't have to pretend that what is happening is positive, but the negativity needs to stop.". It made the room quieter for a while, but it also made the party not such a downer, and when we came back it still felt great.

All that to say this: we know the negative is negative, and I think it makes it worse to talk about it, not better. Similarly, talking more about the good things make them even better. And then you can pretend that neutral stuff is almost positive!

February 1st, 2022, 11:41 AM
I thought you enjoyed reading our sim racing anecdotes. Should we be telling more positive stories for your entertainment? Clearly the bitching is getting old. :lol:

I worry mostly for your mental health as you spend a lot of time doing this and don't seem to enjoy it. :P

February 1st, 2022, 12:49 PM
Your concern is noted and appreciated. :heart:

February 1st, 2022, 03:58 PM
Tried another Indy Fixed Oval. Lori just happened to come to talk to me as I was starting the race. Green flag. "This looks stressful." she said. Going into the second lap, two cars collide directly ahead of me, wreck and completely block the track. I can't avoid it and my car is completely destroyed. I look at Lori and ask, "What could I have done differently?" She said, "Nothing." Yep. "Want to go for a walk?" she said. "Yes." I replied. We took Levi for a nice quiet walk together as a family. It was nice.

Time to practice for Porsche Cup later.

February 1st, 2022, 04:37 PM
Can I chip in my 2 cents?
I do read about your races (Cam, RWA, Yobbo, ecc.) and so on, I'm inspired by the volumes of involvment you have and the many races you get to run... but mostly than not it feels quite sterile both from a spectator point of view and from a interested sim racer debating if coming back to iRacing too.
What I mean is I get more excited when you compete in some endurance or special events.

Why it is so? I'll try to explain with a practical example.
Mate of mine, which is also a streamer, got involved in a Codemaster F1 game-related minor championship arranged by some dudes, last year I even subbed for some empty spots in the last 4 races of the season, but the contenders are way out of my league (which is a quite mediocre one).
They arrange seasons of 20 races, with the real F1 actual teams (20 drivers enroll every season), and do 50% real distance races, about every monday evening - practice, brief qualifying and then the race.
People have teams, teammates, the group organizers do live streams and comment the races, there's obviously a site with point standings, penalties listing and so on.

That is what I find engaging in sim racing (and motorsports generally): a championship, concrete objectives (winning a race, a championship, battling for points), rivalries, every season most of the grid made of 70% the same people who get to know each other and everyone strenghts and weaknesses, there are heated arguments and camaraderie as well.
Heck my mate just became the 8th season champion and when all of us, drivers and spectators, thanked the organizers for the whole season I summarized well the positive and engaging vibes with the sentence "Sunday is for F1 racing [the real one on TV], on Monday night there's the Atom Tournament!" which underlines how much the league build its own loyal following in spectators and the amount of interest in contenders as well.
And I do despise the Codemasters F1 franchise, at the point I did not buy the 2021 iteration (and I'm still convinced I did make the right choice).

What I'm saying, from my subjective point of view, is that there's a concrete narrative lacking.
Doing race after race of the weekly iRacing combination, lamenting or celebrating a iRating or SR variation, complaining about an unknown driver you will maybe never race against forever or someone else again feels hollow. To me.
It feels more like a reiterate obsession towards class ranking, iRating and Safety Rating - to the point that it is almost relatable to offline racing against AI or hotlapping just for training.

It's like playing a MMORPG and farming most of the time, leveling and rinse and repeat, compared to playing i.e.: The Witcher 3 with its story, its narrative quests that move forward the story itself.
When you do GoneBroke Racing stuff or endurances it feels already closer to the level of engagment I'd like to see and also to directly experience, compared to a endless series of races, week after week, just for the sake of driving.

I myself miss dearly to be involved in tournaments, leagues and the whole motorsport feel due to my work crappy always changing shifts that I cannot accomodate for weekly fixed race dates, so I can see the point of iRacing week structure (and that's what Low Fuel Motorsports, and other sites, copied, reinterpreted and is pushing within ACC racing).
I did not write this piece to be an asshole or throw cheapshots at you guys, I hope you can genuinely see that wasn't my target, but a matter of pondering on what to me means sim racing and what are the feeling I get on some of the sim platforms, and maybe what I see, from a detached point of view, about your approach.
It is not like one is right and another is wrong, but I just felt I could throw this stream of thought in here, since iRacing is the paramount sim with such a predominant structure although I could have written about this in the general sim racing thread as well.
Truly hope to not offend anyone with my train of thoughts.

Yobbo NZ
February 1st, 2022, 04:46 PM
You're right, I reckon I've only raced against the same driver in the Sim Lab PCC 3 times and each time we've messaged each other after to congratulate on placing and wish each other well.

Other than that, I may as well be racing Forza AI that hurls abuse.

Maybe they could add some kind of rival or some way to highlight people you've raced before.

February 1st, 2022, 05:11 PM
Good post, Blerpa. I agree with you. The enduros are very satisfying to run when things go well. The niche series in iRacing has regulars that I see on a weekly basis, Kamel GT and V8 Supercars, for example. Lotus 49 and 79 are two other series that have a small, dedicated group that race weekly at a specific time. Even IndyCar and Indy Pro have weekly broadcast races that have high, regular participation. I race Porsche Cup regularly enough to recognize many of the names. Some series have regulars that keep a separate points tally based on a weekly strength-of-field race, like V8s and KGT. You can't see iRacing's standings unless you are a member, but last season, GBR drivers were 1-2-3 in Div. 3 V8 Supercars. The season before that, we were 1-2-4, if I remember correctly. That's kind of satisfying. At the same time, you have to be personally involved to be interested, I think. As a spectator, there are countless regular, good-quality broadcasts available on YouTube of iRacing.

Just a couple of examples:
GSRC broadcasts the Saturday KGT race that I race in almost every week:
SimSpeed broadcasts the Friday night V8 Supercars race that GBR races in if we do poorly on Thursday:

February 1st, 2022, 07:41 PM
I just had two good Porsche Cup races in a row. Did the fixed race and finished 2nd. Did the next open session, the regular Tuesday night Porsche Cup. I went from 15th to 9th and had good racing along the way with a close finish. :) I was up as high as 6th, but the fast guys that went off earlier caught back up. The race will be up on my channel soon. Streams take an hour or two to process before they show up in my videos list. Harry (from our Petit Le Mans team) was in the race, but I was not sure it was him at the time. I was like, "Why does that name seem so familiar?" :lol:

Rare White Ape
February 2nd, 2022, 01:21 AM
Hey Blerpa you're spot on. Endurance races are the peak of all sim racing participation. Nothing better than gathering a team of friends and working together towards a common goal! Plus the anticipation and management of spreadsheets beforehand is almost as good as the race itself :D

Myself and Harry have teamed up a few times in the last 12 months and we have always had a good time. He's the perfect co driver, and he's only just turned 18...!

Endurance races, and the ease at which you can take part in them, are THE selling point of the iRacing service for me.

Rare White Ape
February 2nd, 2022, 01:31 AM
Speaking of enduros...

Cam McCamface and Yobbo McYobboface, what would you guys say to teaming up for an IMSA Endurance race at Sebring on the 25th/26th of Feb?

Details are: 0200 GMT, which is 2100 Friday night 25th Cameron Time and 1200/1300 Saturday afternoon 26th Mick/Yobbo time

Race length: 2h 45m 1 stint each, Cam can drive first if he wants (I know you have Friday night truckin' so pick your time, or choose to opt out completely it's your call)

Car: We roll in a Ferrari GT3 because we all own it and it's a good all-rounder.

Yobbo NZ
February 2nd, 2022, 02:18 AM
Sounds good to me, I may have something on that weekend, I'll have to check with the wife to see when exactly it is.

Rare White Ape
February 2nd, 2022, 06:03 AM
Check with the wifey quick before Dodint rolls in and judges you :eek:

February 2nd, 2022, 06:32 AM
Would you please not use my full real name on here? (Please edit it out.) I do not want randoms to find me here with a cursory Internet search.

Yes, I would like to do an IMSA enduro sometime. However, I do not have the updated Ferrari 488 Evo. The old 488GT3 I owned was made legacy and you have to buy the new one. Not sure I want to buy it for just one race. If we committed to doing a full season of the IMSA enduros, I would say yes.

February 2nd, 2022, 07:45 AM
I would like to do a Euro Enduro sometime, in the RSR perhaps? :D

Yobbo NZ
February 2nd, 2022, 10:11 AM
I'm free to be judged for that weekend.

February 2nd, 2022, 10:33 AM
I think the most fun I had sim racing was the weekly efnet league racing we did with rFactor. Especially the HistorX mod and some of the other mods of older cars (M1 Procar etc). Getting a good group of people together for fun and banter and good competition is the best.

Thinking about contact avoidance in general, this goes way back for me and I was reminded of it yesterday (thanks FB). When I was a kid and I'd get to go on the bumper cars at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk or wherever else, I was the one weirdo who would try *not* to hit people or be hit. :lol: I didn't make the connection with iRacing at the time but I tended to take the same approach in Rookie level races especially (and especially more again on ovals). Back then 98% of the time avoiding incidents was the main key to finishing well. Maybe not so much these days with fewer erratic drivers and more competent drivers who make fewer mistakes.

Random musings. :)

February 2nd, 2022, 12:25 PM
RRAX Tuesday Night Spec Miata was the peak of online racing for me, mainly because the group was really fun to drive with.
A close second was Tyler's friend Pete who had a winter league last year.

Funny both were in Gran Turismo. Something about the barrier of entry being so low helped.

I judge because I love, RWA.

Rare White Ape
February 2nd, 2022, 02:23 PM
Would you please not use my full real name on here? (Please edit it out.) I do not want randoms to find me here with a cursory Internet search.

Yes, I would like to do an IMSA enduro sometime. However, I do not have the updated Ferrari 488 Evo. The old 488GT3 I owned was made legacy and you have to buy the new one. Not sure I want to buy it for just one race. If we committed to doing a full season of the IMSA enduros, I would say yes.

Ahh I thought you had the new one. We could use the Merc instead since I know for sure that we all own that.

And I’ve edited the post for you :up:

February 2nd, 2022, 07:04 PM
Yes, let's race the IMSA Endruo at Sebring. :hard:

I finally survived a Pick-Up Cup race! It only took me like 20 attempts. This was the first one I've tried since week 13. The series is at Charlotte this week. I was just looking for a light distraction. Qualified 13th, but I figured I would be caught up in the inevitable idiocy. Green flag. I was taking it easy, looking down the track for wrecks. Sure enough, they happened. I managed to avoid several, including someone who intentionally parked perpendicular across the track. :rolleyes: Things calmed down after a few laps. I felt like I was barely keeping up with the cars ahead, but there was a big gap behind. I kept in mind what RWA said about preserving tires and was trying not to scrub them too much. Mid-way through the race, a couple of lapped cars caught and passed me like I was in a different class. They must have wrecked earlier and were on fresh tires. I did not realize how much faster you could be with new shoes, as I never survived a Pick-Up Cup race past lap two. I noticed that I was catching the cars ahead. I passed several other trucks and got up to third with only a couple of laps left. Another truck had slowly caught me and was right on my bumper. By this time, I was struggling for grip, but so was the truck behind. Held on to finish third. That was a pretty fun race.

Then, I did IndyPro at Interlagos. At the start, I was as careful as I could be, short of parking it. I stayed on one side of the track and took it real easy in turn one/two. Other dude simply moved over on me like I wasn't there, wrecked us both and the car behind. A racer with ~2400iR should know better. I could not be any more careful. I don't get why I am such a magnet for garbage drivers.

Rare White Ape
February 2nd, 2022, 08:20 PM
Oh yeah Pickup Cup is bedlam sometimes because it's an unranked series and people use it to let off steam. I go in knowing full well that someone will park it on the straight or try and intentionally ram you like they're playing Wreckfest.

But I also use it as a no-pressure way to blow off steam and try and race cleanly with no risk to my stats. Thus far I have failed to finish a single one due to aforementioned nonsense :D

I suppose I have a different outlook on it.

Yes, let's race the IMSA Endruo at Sebring. :hard:

Great! Looks like we have a team.

February 4th, 2022, 03:47 PM
So, BALLS OUT in the first stint? :hard:

Rare White Ape
February 6th, 2022, 04:16 AM
RE earlier discussion about wreck avoidance, obviously the answer is to not enter the race.


February 6th, 2022, 05:32 AM
:facepalm: :thppt:

February 6th, 2022, 05:37 PM

February 6th, 2022, 06:07 PM

February 8th, 2022, 08:14 AM
Had a podium in Indy Pro last night, partly because only 7 drivers showed up. There was only one Div. 1 driver in the field. The rest were Div. 3 or lower. I've raced against this Div. 1 driver a few times and his racecraft is poor. He ended up hitting the wall and taking himself out, even though he had no reason to push hard. He was several seconds ahead of 2nd place at the time. After a brief battle near the beginning, I had a boring race to 3rd.

February 8th, 2022, 07:55 PM
I had two good finishes in a row in Porsche Cup tonight, 2nd place in Fixed and 3rd place in Open. That makes three podiums in a row. My Road iR is almost 2300 now, the highest it has been since Formula Mazda was made legacy. It's amazing what can happen when you do not get wrecked every other race.

February 10th, 2022, 07:16 PM
My luck has turned around this week. I've had four podiums in the series I regularly race and no wrecks. I got 4x from a car hitting me in the Indy Pro race. Luckily, there was no damage.

I've done a handful of Dirt Road races this week with mixed success, but no major incidents.

12 Hours of Bathurst is this week-end, but one of our team members backed out, so I will not be racing.

Rare White Ape
February 11th, 2022, 05:15 AM
I'm doing it. Our race starts in 8 hours. I should get some sleep.

February 11th, 2022, 05:34 AM
Anyone streaming your race?

Rare White Ape
February 11th, 2022, 01:31 PM


Rare White Ape
February 11th, 2022, 06:25 PM
We banged up our car too much so are pulling the pin. Instead we will enter the next session which starts at 0700 GMT. Same stream link as above will start at 0600 LA time.

February 11th, 2022, 09:09 PM
Oof. Sorry to hear. Good luck in the upcoming session.

Rare White Ape
February 11th, 2022, 09:58 PM
Thanks Cam! Race starting soon, the first half of the race (for people with normal sleeping times) is being streamed now:


When Hunter wakes up he will do a marathon 4-stint run to the end:


Rare White Ape
February 11th, 2022, 11:39 PM
Uhhhhhhh........... don't worry about tuning in.

Everyone bunched up on the start and I had instant wheel damage before the green light.

From there it was just one of those things where one incident leads to another. The race lasted all of five laps.

February 12th, 2022, 02:55 AM
Dang. Sorry to hear that.

Rare White Ape
February 12th, 2022, 02:58 PM
Part of it included my TV switching to Bluetooth mode and asking to pair with a device while I was racing. I can’t even explain that.

I had to slam on the brakes and tow out. Upon viewing the replay I saw that a car right behind me nearly ate the shit out of my ass hole because I’d parked it against the wall on a blind apex.

Just a cascade of bad luck events.

February 13th, 2022, 05:22 AM
The GBR guys went from 37th on the grid (I think they were the slowest qualifier) and finished 10th.

Rare White Ape
February 13th, 2022, 02:31 PM
That’s awesome!

I did a handful of truck races last night at Indy Raceway Park. I’m pretty good at that track. I feel that I am good at all of the short tracks but I get caught up in so many incidents against people who are used to larger speedways. I got taken out from P2 by the guy in P3 when he went for a desperate lunge to pass a lapper and turned that car into mine. It had gone green all the way to lap 40 when the incident happened. Suffice to say, that one stupid move from a 4K iRating driver denied both of us a podium.

But I redeemed myself late in the night in a 55 lap race that had only 18 green flag laps. The leader was going super early on every restart. IRP is only 0.69 miles long (nice) so you can guess how hard it is for the back of the field to have to restart if they’re trying to accelerate into turn 3. I feel that this caused more wrecks than anything else.

So anyway the preferred line is the outside here and I spent most of my race in P4, unable to pass anyone because of the really short green flag runs we were having. We eventually get to lap 52/53 and I anticipate the leader better than the guy next to me and make it into 3rd just in time for the next caution, which put us into a green/white/chequered finish.

Now, for the whole race, every time there was a restart the inside line would be sort of kinda loosely hanging there waiting for the leader to go. But when I was in P3 I moved my truck right up tight against the trucks on the outside line so that I could get a better run out of turn 4 when the leader went. I think I was half a lane higher than anyone else, including the leader. It was super aggressive. And sure enough, he goes, I go, and I get a huge run on P2 and had passed him before we even crossed the line. I then sent a nice mini-slide job up in front of him and brought it home in 2nd.

I fucking love the trucks. I remain super calm and patient to save my tyres, and if the race goes green the whole way (and I don’t get taken out) I just drive around everyone in the last 20 laps and land easy top 5 finishes. I even had a moment in another race last night where I’d saved tyres and passed two cars on one lap - around the outside of one guy, then immediately cut low on the straight and slid up the inside of the next guy. I was flying!

February 13th, 2022, 02:39 PM
Vids or it didn't happen. ;)

February 15th, 2022, 08:44 PM
I have to say, as much as I complain about getting wrecked, my racing has been going much better lately. I guess I was in a slump. Although, I did a last-second SRF race the other night (my first in several seasons) and had someone intentionally wreck me. :rolleyes:

Porsche Cup has been good lately. In the last month or so, I've had several podiums and have had good racing. Tonight at Spa was a freakin' tough split though, almost 3100 SoF. :eek:

Supercars is almost always good. It's the best series I do right now. The cars are challenging to drive, but it has the best racecraft of any series I do at the moment. It is almost always is the best race of the week.

Rare White Ape
February 16th, 2022, 12:34 AM
Supercars is bloody great. I don't race it enough. I got into it while I was in the slide away from GT3 racing but then my reborn love of NASCAR took over and it's still a 'sometimes' series. Last one I did was Philip Island I think, back in December.

February 16th, 2022, 05:54 PM
I feel like there has been a decrease in the number of people racing these days. However, it seems like there has been an increase of participants in the niche series, like Kamel GT and Lotus 49. Maybe racers are looking for something new or want to get away from the wreckers in the more popular series?

February 17th, 2022, 06:38 PM
I've reached the incredible milestone of 100 subscribers on my racing channel! :hard:

February 18th, 2022, 02:25 PM
Did my first KGT race in the Audi. It was fun. Easy to miss-shift on the upshifts.

February 19th, 2022, 12:06 PM
Had my best finish yet in GTP class today in KGT, simply because I managed to stay almost dry in a bloodbath.

My Road iRating is above 2400 now, the highest it has ever been.

Rare White Ape
February 19th, 2022, 06:09 PM
Good numbers :up:

Mine has been steadily declining for a few weeks now :p

February 22nd, 2022, 07:53 PM
Had two more good PCup races and put my iR over 2500. :eek: I'm going to be Div. 2 next season, unless I do something to torpedo it.

February 22nd, 2022, 08:31 PM
I should also add that my Cam-gets-wrecked rate in the last three weeks is a mere 22%. :)

February 24th, 2022, 04:14 PM
Speaking of enduros...

Cam McCamface and Yobbo McYobboface, what would you guys say to teaming up for an IMSA Endurance race at Sebring on the 25th/26th of Feb?

Details are: 0200 GMT, which is 2100 Friday night 25th Cameron Time and 1200/1300 Saturday afternoon 26th Mick/Yobbo time

Race length: 2h 45m 1 stint each, Cam can drive first if he wants (I know you have Friday night truckin' so pick your time, or choose to opt out completely it's your call)

We still doing this in the Merc?

Yobbo NZ
February 24th, 2022, 04:59 PM
I might have to pull the pin, haven't done anything for around a month, I think I have iRacing burnout again.

Rare White Ape
February 24th, 2022, 09:23 PM
OK seems fair. Let's take a raincheck on the IMSA enduro.

I've not had much time to get stuck into iRacing myself, and if I have it's been ovals :p

I can't drive GT3 for pants these days!

Yobbo NZ
February 24th, 2022, 10:55 PM
Also, our internet has been down since last night when a storm rolled through.
Thought it may have killed the NBN box, but it's sorted itself out today, but the connection to Aussie Broadband is down.

February 25th, 2022, 02:16 AM
Some other time then. :)

February 28th, 2022, 03:03 AM
Got a bit of good coverage in the KGT broadcast this week on GSRC. Fast-forward to about 36 minutes in to see the relevant action. I also got a post-race interview. :)


I did a couple of Indy Oval races at Pocono this week. Had an odd incident yesterday, where a couple of cars crashed and brought out a yellow. I was passing the wrecked cars, but one of them did not hold their brakes and slowly rolled backwards across the track. I grazed their car for 0x and no damage. Alas, the car behind hit them and I inherited the 4x contact. :rolleyes:

February 28th, 2022, 09:28 AM
I grazed their car for 0x and no damage. Alas, the car behind hit them and I inherited the 4x contact.

Please explain.

February 28th, 2022, 09:37 AM
If you have a minor contact with another car it will assign 0x to both cars as kind of a warning, but if one of the cars immediately makes a full 4x contact it is presumed the 0x contact led to the 4x contact so all cars involved (0x or 4x) receive 4x. It keeps people from being able to hip check someone into a bigger accident and getting off with no penalty by creating a causation chain.

Cam brushed against Car A and both received 0x as there was no damage. But Car B smashed into Car A right afterward. Cam, Car A, and Car B all receive 4x because of the close proximity in time between their respective touches.

February 28th, 2022, 09:41 AM
Ok I understand the intention and the result now, thank you.

February 28th, 2022, 11:15 AM
Thank you for the concise explanation. :up:

February 28th, 2022, 07:31 PM
I signed up for another Indy Oval race tonight, this time in the open series. I thought it would take about an hour. There were so many cautions, it took 1h45! Alas, I had a solo wreck and needed about three minutes of repairs. (I did not cause a caution.) I was #15 and finished 13th. I lost a bit of SR, but gained a bit of iR. It was basically a big waste of time. :lol:

Rare White Ape
March 1st, 2022, 02:16 PM
On the subject of penalty assignments, I’ve seen a video from a few years ago where a player in GT Sport was abusing the penalty system by tapping a car in the rear then driving himself into the grass for a short time.

The game saw him as the victim of ramming and allocated a 5 second slow down penalty to the car that got nudged. Thankfully they fixed that, and it also helps explain why iRacing uses a no-fault system where both drivers get penalised.

March 3rd, 2022, 06:41 PM
Looks like I will be Div. 2 next season. The cut-off is 2.2K and I am almost 2.6K at the moment.

Got taken out of 2nd place tonight in Supercars by a stupid dive-bomb on the last lap by the car behind me. I finished third and they apologized, but they obviously did not feel that bad about it, since they did not redress the incident.

March 8th, 2022, 11:04 AM
I guess I'll be talking to myself here for the next little while, with the release of GT7.

It's week 13 and iRacing has been down for maintenance for over six hours now. I think that is the longest down-time I've seen yet. Loads of new content this season. I am happy to have a new road track, Winton, especially since Supercars is my favourite series at the moment. I think I will purchase one of the new Stockcar Brazil cars. I might even purchase the new Aston Martin Vantage GT4. It sounds awesome. As I mentioned, I will be Div. 2 next season, as it will look suspicious if I tank 300+ iR in the next few days. The latter half of season 1 was really good to me and I gained a significant amount of Road iR. I am not sure, but I think it is upwards of 500. I can't even look at my stats at the moment because of the aforementioned maintenance. It's amazing what can happen when you don't get wrecked in a majority of your races.

My Cam-gets-wrecked rate for season 1 was 41%. In the last month, it was only 25%.

March 8th, 2022, 12:20 PM
iRacing found a significant bug during maintenance that they needed to patch. That's why maintenance took so long.

Upon reviewing my stats, I gained almost 600 iR this season! It went up and down for the first half of the season and made no overall gains. It took off in the second half. :hard:

March 8th, 2022, 12:27 PM
I was thinking about trying to find a buyer for my sim rig. But I spent so long building it up some of the components are pretty old. Plus finding a local buyer is going to be a pain.

March 8th, 2022, 01:40 PM
Selling your rig? This news makes Cammie sad. :(

March 8th, 2022, 01:56 PM
I haven't raced in two years. :p

March 8th, 2022, 02:17 PM
I was hoping you were coming back at some point.

Yobbo NZ
March 8th, 2022, 11:28 PM
I'm still here, just purchased Winton, a track that's just over an hour away from me, driven past it but never watched anything there yet.
I may get some motivation to come and play in week 13.

March 12th, 2022, 11:29 AM
I've been racing Street Stock all day. I got my Oval iR over 2000 for the first time. I'm getting bashed around though. My Oval SR dropped to 2.4 so far. I was just in a top split race. I thought to myself, "Finally, some competent drivers." Didn't make it past the first corner before the leaders caused a huge wreck. :rolleyes:

March 12th, 2022, 05:05 PM
Gained about 500 Oval iR today.

My SR is now 1.2. :smh:

Rare White Ape
March 12th, 2022, 05:26 PM
Good gainz Cam :up:

Ovals are always a crapshoot. I wouldn't sweat the SR loss too much.

March 12th, 2022, 07:10 PM
I am going to lose my A license because of it… for, you know, all the A Oval racing I do. ;)

Rare White Ape
March 12th, 2022, 07:42 PM
Yeah there's basically no reason to run any A oval races. I do have a new NASCAR but I've only practiced with it and don't like it as much as I do the Xfinity or the truck.

March 13th, 2022, 07:02 PM
I got my Oval SR back above 2, so I won't be demoted. I also got my Dirt Oval SR above 4.

Safe Driver Level 2 - Dirt Oval
Complete 5 consecutive incident free official dirt oval races.
Completed five consecutive dirt oval races without incident.

2000 iRating - Oval
Oval iRating above 2000.
Achieved an oval iRating of 2013 on March 12, 2022.

March 17th, 2022, 04:19 AM
I am having a lousy start to the season. I've been wrecked in three out of four road races so far. The fourth race was my first go at Brasil Stock Car. I was so off pace that I am demoralized by it. At least in the other races, I was having a good go. Also, I spun myself out of an iRX race. Thursday night Supercars usually lifts my spirits though. :)

Rare White Ape
March 17th, 2022, 04:33 AM
Driving Supercars always lifts my spirits too :)

Anything with less nannies and aerodynamics is good.

March 17th, 2022, 06:19 AM

March 17th, 2022, 09:04 AM
I raced the FR3.5 around Long Beach last night. You have to be soo careful over the bumps in this car, it loses grip (either end) in a huge hurry. I softened the springs a couple clicks each end which helped only slightly. On smooth sections the car seemd really good for the most part, other than a weird behavior powering out of the hairpin on the 1-2 shift where the tiny powerslide would change direction. A fun, white knuckle ride where you have to baby it in ways while pushing. And this is coming from a normally fairly smooth driver.

March 17th, 2022, 09:33 AM
I've come to the conclusion that it's just the way iRacing is. It's no secret that other pro drivers complain about similar experiences. *shrug*

Rare White Ape
March 17th, 2022, 01:40 PM

Coz racing trucks in circles makes me smile even more :)

March 17th, 2022, 03:21 PM
Just did an Indy Oval race at Charlotte. Raced the whole thing clean until I crossed the finish line. When I let off the gas, it looped, I hit the wall and took out another car. :embarrassed:

Rare White Ape
March 18th, 2022, 04:52 AM
:lol: Ahh damn.

At least the results were finalised after the finish.

I’ve seen some poor driving after the finish in C class but at least it’s easy to tell if it was accidental or just plain poo-covered driving.

March 18th, 2022, 04:31 PM
All iRacing people, please post your best NASCAR @ Le Mans time trial results and videos. Thank you.

March 19th, 2022, 01:46 PM
I see the competition available in the Time Attack list, but I do not own the car required.

After week one of season two, my Cam-gets-wrecked rate is about 65%. It's higher if you count getting punted twice in Friday night's KGT race. :(

March 20th, 2022, 10:00 AM
Quick question, is Iracing worth it if I can only run minimum specs?

March 20th, 2022, 01:22 PM
Easy answer? No.

March 20th, 2022, 06:41 PM
Not my week for racing. I just got taken out twice during cautions in an Indy Oval race. Then, I raced GT1 at Nurburgring. I was leaving space to the cars ahead at the green, intending to just do a safe Sunday drive. Car ahead goes really wide in turn one, then spins out, directly into my path, 4x and a meatball. I limped the car around, got repairs and finished the race. :smh:

Seems I should only race Supercars. :|

Rare White Ape
March 21st, 2022, 02:47 AM
Speaking of incidents in iRacing, I was looking at my stats on the member site. Here's the breakdown of the results for the first year of my membership (March '21 to March '22):

Races: 180 | Average incidents per race: 3.43

Races: 207 | Average incidents per race: 5.29

I am surprised that I have a higher average of incident points on road races than I do oval, as I always had the opinion that ovals are a crapshoot when it comes to safety rating and didn't put too much focus on being super clean like I try to with road. That said my oval SR is a pretty healthy A 2.89 and my road is A 4.51, no doubt helped by recently doing the Daytona 24 hour.

Comparing this to our talented wizard of wood from Canada, Cam, I'll take your stats for the 2021 calendar year:

Races: 140 | Average incidents per race: 2.78

Races: 446 | Average incidents per race: 3.91

Similar story with the lower average for circle tracks, plus lower overall than myself. I could put this down to more careful driving, but stats may be skewed by the notoriously high 'Cammie Gets Wrecked' rate, where a single heavy 4x could put your car out of the race prematurely, limiting the opportunity to reduce your average while also causing you to only rack up a few incident points. It's a weird compounding of the effect where race-ending crashes aren't reflected in the incident points given to you.

I'd love to see you get that monkey off your back and see if your average gets down below 2.00 for both categories.

March 21st, 2022, 03:48 AM
I don’t get many off-tracks. Often, I just get the 4x and that’s it. The last half of season 1 was pretty good for me, as I mentioned. Just this week has been awful.

March 21st, 2022, 11:26 AM
I just can't win (finish a race safely) this week. Did another oval and got wrecked after checker. :(

March 21st, 2022, 05:21 PM
Started the week off right with a fun Indy Pro race.

Rare White Ape
March 22nd, 2022, 02:46 AM
That's good :up:

Last night I ended my week (and also started it, because it was my only race) by getting involved in an unfortunate accident in the trucks at Atlanta.

I was chasing George Balfanz Jr, a streamer who's day job happens to be working for an Xfinity Series team, so he really knows his stuff. He was caught up in some crazy mid-pack battle early in the race and his tyres were fooooked. It was after the halfway mark and I was close to his tail in P9, ready to pass within the next lap. I was hoping for a top 5, which could have been a 3rd if everything went well.

Exiting turn 3 I was maybe thinking of lining up a crossover (where you get a faster run from the top groove off the turn and slip down the left hand side). George hit the throttle and got it sideways, then over-corrected and hit the wall. I had nowhere to go except into his right hand door, with instant engine damage.

George is a good guy who I've raced with many times, so he made sure to say sorry. I said it was all good, shit happens!

A proper apology like that always goes a long way to fixing things. It almost completely nullifies the disappointment of the DNF.

The last time I got over-corrected into in that manner, the culprit not only didn't apologise, but when I called him out I was called a r***rd for "not leaving him room gather it up," despite the fact that these cars will almost always flick violently the opposite way when the grip returns, and his trajectory was going to send him three lanes up into the wall anyway.

March 22nd, 2022, 08:37 AM
I encountered a jerk like that in the aforementioned Indy Oval race. He wrecked himself while pacing and I could not avoid hitting him. Then, he hypocritically blamed other drivers for his 10x. I called him on it. He blamed me for not being able to avoid hitting him. :smh:

March 22nd, 2022, 07:04 PM
Two pretty good, 6th place races tonight in Porsche Cup. :) Although, I got 4x in the first race from a spun car I could not avoid.

March 23rd, 2022, 04:28 PM
I bought the Veloster with the intent of doing the MOAR Endurance Series with my bro. Did my first race in it today, IMSA Michelin Pilot Challenge at Nurburgring Combined. I had zero practice. I started from the pits and drove safe (slow) to get 0x after four laps. I finished 8th out of 13 in my class, because of attrition. My road SR is back up to 4.99.

My bro and I did a GT1 race at the Nurburgring earlier in the week. We started from the pits and drove super-slow and safe. We finished 7th and 8th out of 20 with 0x and both gained iR a whack of SR.

There is a troublesome participant in one of the series I regularly do. I lodged my third successful protest against them for terrible rejoins that have caused collisions with me. They announced that they will not be racing this week because of some BS excuse. (This driver always has a BS excuse any time he wrecks someone.) I think they got a suspension, but I can't be sure. They have not logged in since the last race.

This week is going better.

March 24th, 2022, 09:35 AM
Just did a race where two of the participants used really vulgar text chats. I'm sure one of them will be instantly banned once I file protests. Both drivers are long-time members that should know better.

Edit: I got an almost immediate response. Seems someone else protested them too; probably the target(s) of the vitriol.

March 24th, 2022, 11:58 AM
There is a troublesome participant in one of the series I regularly do. I lodged my third successful protest against them for terrible rejoins that have caused collisions with me. They announced that they will not be racing this week because of some BS excuse. (This driver always has a BS excuse any time he wrecks someone.) I think they got a suspension, but I can't be sure. They have not logged in since the last race.
As an addendum, this driver continues to BS as to why he can't race Sebring this week-end. :rolleyes:

March 24th, 2022, 12:27 PM
Just did a race where two of the participants used really vulgar text chats. I'm sure one of them will be instantly banned once I file protests. Both drivers are long-time members that should know better.

Edit: I got an almost immediate response. Seems someone else protested them too; probably the target(s) of the vitriol.

Vulgar being? I suppose I'd be banned in 1 week time if I'd be a regular in iRacing.

March 24th, 2022, 01:39 PM
One guy was just being crass and used a naughty word. The other guy used xenophobic and misogynistic epithets and profanity. I know from experience that they will be banned for a long time, if not permanently. I protested someone once for using a homophobic epithet. That member has not logged into that account since. However, there is a new account with the same name in the same region with a 2 after their name.

March 24th, 2022, 08:30 PM
Mick, would you be interested in the Nurburgring Endurance Championship again this year? First race is mid-April.

March 26th, 2022, 06:41 PM
I just finished a MOAR Endurance (2h) race and I'm exhausted. I was the lowest-ranked driver in the top split, SoF: 3800+! I started last of 38 (18th in class) and was the slowest car on the track. Finished with 0x, but attrition was not as high as I was hoping. I finished 25th overall and 13th in class. I was alone the whole time.

Rare White Ape
March 26th, 2022, 08:30 PM
Hey at least it was a clean race!

Regarding NEC, probably not unfortunately.

March 30th, 2022, 07:06 PM
I got put in an oval race the other day where the SoF was 4300; the highest SoF race I’ve ever been in! My oval iR is ~2K. :eek:

March 31st, 2022, 08:14 PM
Awesome Supercars race tonight. I really enjoyed this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJcug1rkdUs

April 2nd, 2022, 05:41 PM
Finished my first oval race ever with no cautions. (Not including races that do not have cautions, like week 13 stuff.) I started 24th and finished 14th.

Rare White Ape
April 2nd, 2022, 05:47 PM

What class was it?

April 2nd, 2022, 06:43 PM
IndyCar Fixed at Homestead-Miami, which is C class, I think; 75 laps.

April 5th, 2022, 03:40 PM
Watching a Dan Suzuki iRacing video on YouTube, where he's doing a GT3 race and discussing with the chat the new update that gave GT3 cars more tire grip and/or downforce. Someone comments near the end of the race that the cars are too fast now, that they wish they had gone for more realism. Cue the discussion on whether anyone in the chat can even speak intelligently on that, that no one in the chat is ever going to get close to driving a GT3 car.

So Dan asks: "Anyone in chat drove a GT3 car IRL?". Three immediate affirmative replies, and a passenger ride at the Nordschleife.

And then Tony Kanaan says "me" and "Ford GT Le man a few times". Because he needs to clarify his qualifications, I guess.

"Ah, Tony! So what do you think of the updated GT3s Tony?"

Tony says "NOW is a LOT MORE REAL".

Dan: "Well there you have it. Do you believe someone that drives race cars as their job, or do you believe a sim racer that knows everything?"


Yobbo NZ
April 5th, 2022, 03:52 PM
I always thought they felt a bit too tail happy. Especially when you see them race irl, they just seem so planted, with the massive rear wings, traction control etc.
I haven't done much online lately to try them out since the update unfortunately.

April 5th, 2022, 06:21 PM
Watching Cam stream a Porsche Cup race, there's a truly special driver in the race, Jackson. This is how Jackson's race goes:

- Lap 1 turn 1, from pole position, can't make the turn, runs wide and falls way back in the order
- Catches up to Cam in 3rd place (who says on the stream "he's going to hit me if I don't just let him by")
- Taps Cam, 0x car contact (edit: Cam pulled it up in the replay, he tapped him TWICE)
- Hits Cam, knocking them both off track and into ~8th-10th from 3rd and 4th
- Calls Cam an idiot (presumably for not just driving off track to let him go by)
- Spins off on his own, putting him behind Cam
- Catches up to Cam, now in 7th, and hits him AGAIN, 4x but doesn't force him off track
- Cam goes basically two wheels off track on the next long straight to let him by
- Gets up to 6th place
- Spins off track by himself AGAIN with ~3 minutes to go in what is basically a 25 minute race. Cam sails by.
- Quits

This was Jackson. Don't be Jackson.

April 5th, 2022, 06:34 PM

Rare White Ape
April 6th, 2022, 02:28 AM
I watched the important parts of the replay. It was amazing!

One thing that nearly topped it off was the almost-re-join where his car was *just* about to roll into Cam's path as he flew by.

Luckily this was the moment that Jackson's brain clicked out of neutral and he hit the brakes.

April 6th, 2022, 06:06 AM
That would have been the icing on the cake if he pulled in front of me and wrecked me again. I submitted a protest.

April 6th, 2022, 08:59 AM
Protest was not successful, but the response was worded as if I was protesting for intentional wrecking. I kind of did, but I also mentioned him calling me an idiot. I hope that he still gets a text chat time-out. Rich told me that Jackson cussed me out in voice chat, but I have voice chat disabled.

April 6th, 2022, 10:17 AM
Watching Cam stream a Porsche Cup race, there's a truly special driver in the race, Jackson. This is how Jackson's race goes:

- Lap 1 turn 1, from pole position, can't make the turn, runs wide and falls way back in the order
- Catches up to Cam in 3rd place (who says on the stream "he's going to hit me if I don't just let him by")
- Taps Cam, 0x car contact (edit: Cam pulled it up in the replay, he tapped him TWICE)
- Hits Cam, knocking them both off track and into ~8th-10th from 3rd and 4th
- Calls Cam an idiot (presumably for not just driving off track to let him go by)
- Spins off on his own, putting him behind Cam
- Catches up to Cam, now in 7th, and hits him AGAIN, 4x but doesn't force him off track
- Cam goes basically two wheels off track on the next long straight to let him by
- Gets up to 6th place
- Spins off track by himself AGAIN with ~3 minutes to go in what is basically a 25 minute race. Cam sails by.
- Quits

This was Jackson. Don't be Jackson.

That sounds like "Bjorn" in a Nurburgring (modern F1 layout, mind) public server ACC race right 10 minutes ago: he just started in P6 behind me and mate and proceeded to cannon over everyone to T1... then rejoined and tried to ruin me and my mate race keeping punting our rear and trying to squeeze us out on the grass while being side by side in straights (whyyy???).
If you would get behind him he would slow down to engage again in "dogfight" and trying to cut you out of corners.

Eventually I managed to pull off by him by braking earlier than him - whom overshot the corner, obviously - and gaining distance.
Mate was not so fortunate and had to endure 4 laps with Bjorn playing Mad Max with him, till he lost it in a turn.
I was second at the flag, my mate third... and Bjorn just 5th, accumulating penalties and limping to the end behind a guy that was lapped and dead last. Too bad it was a public server, so a report would not matter at all.

Don't be Jackson or Bjorn. Goddamn arseholes.

April 6th, 2022, 10:36 AM
One time, in an SRF race at Charlotte Roval, there was an idiot fast guy who took an early lead in a race. I was second. After a lap or two, he slowed and started toying with me. I slowed a bit to get him to eff off, but he slowed too. This allowed the cars behind to catch up. I let them go too, so the idiot would leave me alone. Sure enough, he toyed with the two drivers I just let by, creating conflict. He also raced on the apron, so he got protested. Effing griefers. :rolleyes:

You know who else are griefers? Dudes that don't bother qualifying (without hitting "Ready to race") or wait to the last second to grid up, therefore wasting everyone's time. There's always one. :mad:

April 6th, 2022, 12:06 PM
If everyone grids before the counter reaches zero it will start the pace lap early? I never knew!

Rare White Ape
April 6th, 2022, 01:51 PM
That’s a new feature they added for the start of season 1 this year.

I’ve yet to see a race start ahead of time :lol:

April 6th, 2022, 02:07 PM
I have, but it's rare. If everyone does their qualifying laps, the session will end early. As RWA noted, there is a new "Ready To Race" button, if you do not want to bother doing all your qualifying laps. Also, if everyone grids up right away, you don't have to wait the two minutes.

Rare White Ape
April 6th, 2022, 02:34 PM
Everyone’s so polite about it in iRacing. It’s a far cry from the old Halo days when a dozen people would be yelling down the mic to make that last guy ready up quicker…

April 8th, 2022, 08:02 PM
Both RWA and I are doing the Nurburgring 24 Hour this week-end, with different teams though. I am not sure if I will stream it though, as I will be racing Kamel GT also.

Rare White Ape
April 8th, 2022, 10:43 PM
Yes indeed.

Our race starts in an hour-or-so. We have a bloke streaming here (now) https://www.twitch.tv/huntermd3 and another bloke streaming here (soon) https://www.twitch.tv/mimsyy1

Rare White Ape
April 10th, 2022, 05:12 AM
We came 6th in a field of 9 Porsche Cup cars in top split (of 6 splits). We were last Porsche running as others had retired early on, and the guys doing the early stints had a few mishaps. We were 5 laps adrift of 5th place when I got up this morning. I did my driving by starting with a 16-lap double-stint at midday (while hungover after attending a mate's 50th - do not recommend) followed by another stint just before the end, completing 24 laps in total. Much to my chagrin I scored a 1x after hitting a curb a bit too exuberantly during the double stint.

Here's a neat little impromptu gathering of cars waiting for everyone to finish before celebrating... except for one guy :lol:


And a clip of me getting it real squirrelly at high speed on the crest before the Stefan Bellof S. That was lap 2 for me. A real arse-cheek suction moment!


April 10th, 2022, 08:13 AM

GBR came 4th in class, 14th overall. A couple of our guys crashed, which put us a few laps down. I did well, however, with only 4x for minor off-tracks over 4h40m of driving.

April 11th, 2022, 04:58 AM
Pablo Araujo, a.k.a. PabloGz205, a pretty popular iRacing Twitch streamer, is currently racing in ACC and has the following message periodically showing in his stream (I suppose it is a bit of tongue in cheek as well, dunno):
"I'm doing ACC this week because i think can be more fun do a new game than drive 2k SOFs at Barber or COTA night in iracing, thanks to all these 1k forum drivers who vote for such shit calendar" - someone can please provide a bit of context? I only gather SOF is Strenght of Field but I can't understand what is he implying and talking about.

Obviously, since he is playing ACC at the moment the live chat is split three ways: his friends joking, his aficionado followers mass hating on ACC and ACC fans running in groves at the live stream talking shit about iRacing in a "told you so" manner.
Damn people, how about everybody chills a bit? Sheesh.

April 11th, 2022, 05:14 AM
"thanks to all these 1k forum drivers who vote for such shit calendar"

Some of the official race series organizers will go to the iRacing forum that's dedicated to that series and ask for suggestions on how to set up the calendar. Sometimes there is a poll to establish some of the tracks on the calendar. Back when I raced Formula Mazda about 10 of the tracks were set in stone each season and then the other two were up for debate and would be chosen by discussions or voting in the forums.

So he's saying that the bad racers with 1,000 iRatings are choosing boring tracks each season. He's too cool to do that so he's going to run ACC this week instead.

April 11th, 2022, 05:29 AM
I kinda understood he was maybe salty as well, but I really did not know about this kind of periodical polling votes.
Now everything is clearer.

April 11th, 2022, 05:36 AM
I know of Pablo, as I see him in the occasional iRacing clip video. It seems like all he does is whinge. His most vocal followers are miserable trolls, I guess. :shrug:

Rare White Ape
April 11th, 2022, 06:01 AM
Pablo is one of the pied pipers of the try-hard GT3 loving crowd. I think there's some amount of influence from him that has generated the toxic entitled racer mindset I've seen in GT3 grids, especially in higher split lobbies.

He's brutally fast, yes. Almost heroically fast. But he's always angry though, and I find that amusing. Some people (the aficionados) are entertained by his elitism and follow along like gormless sycophants, but I am entertained by him being upset about everything all the time. The dude has no off switch :lol:

A friend of mine actually ran into him after a Porsche Cup race. They both slowed down after the finish and my friend didn't expect Pablo to stop so quickly and accidentally gave him a gentle 4x in the bum. On Pablo's stream he was all "what a stupid fuckhead, report, fucking idiot fuckhead!"

I laughed.

April 11th, 2022, 06:23 AM
Dudes like that are so aggressive, unwilling to give any ground and take as much track they can get away with, then blame others when they wreck... like Jackson. :rolleyes:

April 11th, 2022, 06:30 AM
This was a really good KGT race for me.

I also got a little screen time in the broadcast and an interview at the end.

April 11th, 2022, 07:53 AM
Pablo is one of the pied pipers of the try-hard GT3 loving crowd. I think there's some amount of influence from him that has generated the toxic entitled racer mindset I've seen in GT3 grids, especially in higher split lobbies.

He's brutally fast, yes. Almost heroically fast. But he's always angry though, and I find that amusing. Some people (the aficionados) are entertained by his elitism and follow along like gormless sycophants, but I am entertained by him being upset about everything all the time. The dude has no off switch :lol:

A friend of mine actually ran into him after a Porsche Cup race. They both slowed down after the finish and my friend didn't expect Pablo to stop so quickly and accidentally gave him a gentle 4x in the bum. On Pablo's stream he was all "what a stupid fuckhead, report, fucking idiot fuckhead!"

I laughed.

Yes, he was almost always featuring in the past iRacing Not Top 10 Highlights videos in YT, ragequitting and cursing.
It is like he is the specular opposite of Dave Cam whom is always very calm and composed.

This was a really good KGT race for me.

I also got a little screen time in the broadcast and an interview at the end.

That's the spirit! Great dynamic rig! :D

April 11th, 2022, 10:18 AM
Pablo Araujo, a.k.a. PabloGz205, a pretty popular iRacing Twitch streamer, is currently racing in ACC and has the following message periodically showing in his stream (I suppose it is a bit of tongue in cheek as well, dunno):
"I'm doing ACC this week because i think can be more fun do a new game than drive 2k SOFs at Barber or COTA night in iracing, thanks to all these 1k forum drivers who vote for such shit calendar"
Damn people, how about everybody chills a bit? Sheesh.

Looks like it's already been implied here today, but it looks like the man is setting the tone.

Rare White Ape
April 12th, 2022, 02:30 AM
Here's a thing. My team mates for the Nurb 24h:


Hunter is and extremely fast and capable driver, only a few seconds off the pole time and 5-6 seconds off the benchmark set by the VRS drivers for the setup we used, plus he's faster than all of us by at least 7 seconds. I may have the slowest lap time out of all of us, but check out my average lap time; I'm only 3.5 seconds slower than Hunter, but almost 8 seconds slower than Ola, who I feel was our best driver on the weekend.

The incident points column tells the rest of the story... He spent multiple laps in the pits with big repairs early on, as did Joel. I sometimes feel bad being team mates with Hunter because he's fast enough to lift us out of the bottom half of the field on a long race, like he did at Daytona.

But no point in being fast if you can't keep your average lap times low enough to be competitive...

April 12th, 2022, 04:48 AM
My mantra for races like that is, “Just don’t crash.” I may be slow, but staying out of the pits is priority 1. Even if I made a mistake, I was going slow enough that I could recover. We got up to 3rd in the first 3 hours simply because we did not crash. Then one of our guys crashed. :lol:

Rare White Ape
April 12th, 2022, 04:59 AM
Well half our problem was Joel :lol: Due to his spinal injury (he crashed a motorcycle while being a dick and almost paralysed himself!) he's on heavy painkillers and was stoned out of his mind on prescription weed, but started the race and spun off slowly before he even got off the GP circuit. At that moment I was like, well, it's going to be one of those races... but we got there in the end.

I may be slow but I just enjoy being out there. It was a good vibe at the end, as I spectated the winners finishing their laps and sending messages of congratulations to them.

April 12th, 2022, 05:31 AM
I had a lazy half-spin in the slowest part of the track on cold tires. I felt like I was not even pushing hard. That gave me 2x. I got a 1x for going in the gravel after a silly lock-up while still on the GP course. I don't remember exactly what my other 1x was from. I think I simply dropped a wheel on the grass at one point. No drama really. Even though my average lap was 8:40 or so, I was happy with my performance.

My bro got 8x in his last stint simply from GT3 cars giving him surprise buttsex. No damage, thankfully.

April 12th, 2022, 08:05 AM
I used to be the tortoise on my Forza endurance race series, slow but consistent pace and avoided the faster class cars. Then I started having connection issues regularly, and disconnecting is worse than crashing.

Rare White Ape
April 18th, 2022, 08:53 PM
Mick, would you be interested in the Nurburgring Endurance Championship again this year? First race is mid-April.

At first I said no because I'm unable to commit to the whole 9 rounds, but I could be interested in the occasional race if time allows.

I'll predict that you want to drive PCup, and run the 01:00 GMT timeslot? I'll ask here if the opportunity presents itself.

But if you prefer to pair up with someone who's able to race all of them with you than that's OK with me too.

April 19th, 2022, 03:52 AM
Since you said no earlier, my brother and I made plans to race the NEC together. Alas, we both are busy this week-end, so we will miss the first race. We aimed to do the last time slot. I don’t remember the exact time, but it is Sunday morning for us. I am not sure I want to try it twice in one week-end, especially considering all the other racing I normally do on Friday and Saturday. I’ll think about it.

Rare White Ape
April 19th, 2022, 04:49 AM
It's OK since I was checking about odd times when the occasional opportunity presented itself.

Rare White Ape
April 20th, 2022, 11:50 PM
So apparently there's some controversy among the iRacing commentariat this week about 'brake dragging' on warm up laps before qualifying and the race.

I am confused. I developed a technique for brake dragging ever since my first month on iRacing: brakes in the sim tend to squeal while they're cold, so basically I'd hold pressure on the brakes until I can no longer hear them squealing. The brakes heat up, the wheel rim heats up, and the heat transfers out to the rubber. It's much more effective than weaving.

Now it has been seen being used on the Porsche eSports Supercup and everyone is up in arms. My confusion stems from why it is such an issue.


April 21st, 2022, 02:40 AM
Porsche Cup has standing starts. Is that not the case in the Supercup? I don’t see why it is a big deal either.

Yobbo NZ
April 21st, 2022, 03:47 AM
I do it also, even during an outlap for a practice session.
Can't see how it is wrong to do so.

April 21st, 2022, 03:55 AM
I do it also and I do not even play in iRacing! Uhahaha

Rare White Ape
April 21st, 2022, 06:35 AM
I think most of the complaining is from drivers with iRatings between 5000 and 500... aka that group of drivers who think they're hot shit but still can't touch the times or consistency of the slowest PESC pro driver, so the exploit really doesn't apply to them. They might gain half a second on a quali lap but will still end up where they should finish because they still made a slight mistake because they're not perfect.

April 21st, 2022, 07:17 AM
Magny-Cours coming to iRacing before the end of the year. :cool:

April 21st, 2022, 08:34 PM
Just saw a clip of Pablo going off on a petulant tirade about the sun glare in iRacing. Uh, you can disable that by turning off HDR. :rolleyes:

Rare White Ape
April 21st, 2022, 11:10 PM
O no why is life so hard smh

April 22nd, 2022, 03:19 AM
Just saw a clip of Pablo going off on a petulant tirade about the sun glare in iRacing. Uh, you can disable that by turning off HDR. :rolleyes:

Dear lord, he is a massive shit tons whiner than Blerpa and others I happen to know here and elsewhere! :lol::rawk:

Also, on the brake dragging affaire:


Rare White Ape
April 22nd, 2022, 04:25 AM
Magny-Cours coming to iRacing before the end of the year. :cool:

It's worth quoting this because it's actually good news ^_^

April 22nd, 2022, 05:37 AM
Rude of them to use a C7 image and get me excited about a car that will never be in iRacing.

April 22nd, 2022, 03:33 PM
I got my first podium in KGT today. :)

May 1st, 2022, 06:05 PM
Rough week for me. I got four DNFs, which caused my iR to plummet. It was above 2600 at the beginning of the week. Now it's like 2200. I had a reasonably good start to the season, now the second half has gone to shit so far. :(

Rare White Ape
May 1st, 2022, 09:17 PM
Since Talladega last week, my oval rating went from over 200 down to 1500 lol.

Half of that was caused by computer issues making my GPU hang and DNFing.

After months of troubleshooting, I found that my GPU fans were set to max 40%. Huh. Fingers crossed it works now.

May 5th, 2022, 04:23 PM
Got my first win in GPL, at the Nurburgring of all places. :D

Rare White Ape
May 5th, 2022, 04:59 PM
Nice. Challenging car on a challenging circuit.

I got a dub this week in the twucks at Darlington. Very difficult oval. You basically have to qualify on pole to have any chance, which I did of course :D

May 5th, 2022, 08:12 PM

Rare White Ape
May 5th, 2022, 09:55 PM
Dub is short for Dubya, which is slang for the letter W, which is short for win.

All G?

Rare White Ape
May 11th, 2022, 06:39 AM
So I am running this paint scheme in the trucks at the moment, repping Australia Post who are experts at SENDING IT.


I was car #12 and on lap 30 (out of 40) I was in 6th place chasing down car #1 who was 5th. Then this happened:


I came out of that in P3 with NO damage.

Rare White Ape
May 13th, 2022, 09:23 PM
Indy 500. I didn't do a quali session so was in a split arranged by iRating, not quali time like those who did qualify. I was car #3 :)

I took a piss right at the end of practice but misjudged the length of the gridding period, so had to start from pit lane. To my great fortune, there was a wreck at turn 4 before the green and when I was released from the pits I was told to move up to 12th place. The start of the race had 5 cautions before lap 50; I went to pit with the leaders on each yellow but noticed there was a group skipping each caution and decided to stay out for a couple of em. On lap 38 I brought the field to the green flag in P1 for the first time.

From there I just held the lead, skipped pitting on the subsequent cautions and just came in for green flag stops when it was empty. Twice.... TWICE IN A ROW... when I did this a caution came out on the very next lap. Chad moves. I maintained the lead. Made it to lap 98 and the race was pretty incident free from there. But since I hadn't done a full tank practice or even known anything about how far these cars will go on an empty tank, I didn't really know how many laps I needed for the last pit stop, so from the green on lap 100 I stretched and stretched. Got 32 laps out of the first tank with two caution laps included. In my mind I knew I needed to get to lap 170, but I couldn't, and had to pit on lap 164.

There was a guy in P2 who was 1.0 sec behind me for most of the race and pitted one lap later. I was on map 8 to save save eave and he passed me, so I got in his slipstream. We were both running half throttle down the straights, and I knew he was tight too. A quick check of the fuel menu told me I was three laps shy of the line, so I gambled and ducked in on lap 179 for an early splash-and-dash, wondering how he might make it to the finish. I came out in P5 for the last stretch with a lovely setting of map 1 and a fully buried foot trying my hardest to catch up. I caught some lapped traffic and slipped past them very easily, until lap 193 and this happened:


I was on old tyres plus didn't have time to pull the weight jacker back down and got it ever so slightly loose.... :(

The guy I was following who had light fuel ran out on lap 199. The eventual winner was just better at fuel saving than the rest of us. He pitted on lap 131 just like I did and held her steady. Good job :up:

Here's the lap chart, check the row of yellow blocks along the top! I dominated the race, but not when it mattered.

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/773038532570775603/974897970958983198/members.iracing.com_membersite_member_eventresult_ lapchart.jsp_subsessionid45944018carclassid-1simsesnum0.png

June 7th, 2022, 10:39 AM
I was away when you posted this. Oof, sorry to see that.

My Cam gets wrecked rate this season was 36%, which means I was punted or got caught in someone else's wreck or poor driving in about 1/3 of the races I did. It certainly was not consistent, however. There was a time I went 15 or more races without a wreck, then there were other times where I got wrecked in almost every race for a week or more. It goes up and down.

July 21st, 2022, 07:42 PM
Really freakin' great race at Monza in Supercars tonight. If anything, just check out the last two laps. :D

July 24th, 2022, 09:02 AM
Got my first win in GPL, at the Nurburgring of all places. :D

I did not even notice that I got this award from this win.

The Feared
Win official races with sixteen different cars. You must score championship points to qualify. This award may not be earned while participating in a team event.
Award completed.