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December 19th, 2014, 04:09 AM
I thank M$ for pioneering the 'pay to play online' model with XBox Live that led to the creation of Playstation Plus.

And watching the video above, I was surprised you went around the crowd of people at first, but it was a great setup for what happened after. Definite :lol:

Rare White Ape
December 19th, 2014, 04:22 AM
I've decided I'm going to collect a few funny clips and stick them together in a short video of.... things. The PS4 has a video editor as well called Share Factory. I haven't used it yet but I'm under the impression it's made to do just what I want with my idea.

It's not revolutionary, but it's something to do.

December 19th, 2014, 06:17 AM
Nice! Yeah, the XBONE also has some movie-making capabilities that I have yet to try out. :up: :up:

December 22nd, 2014, 08:10 AM
Rockstar Explains GTA 5 Online Heists Mechanic (http://news.softpedia.com/news/Rockstar-Explains-GTA-5-Online-Heists-Mechanic-467998.shtml)

First up, four players are required with a rank of 12 or above. One of them must act as the heist leader and he or she needs a high-end apartment so that the planning can be done in a room with enough space for the actual board. From there, they can launch missions by talking to Lester.

According to Sarwar, leaders need to not only plan things out and choose the roles for their partners but also invest in the set-up costs in order to successfully pull off the job.

"Being a heist leader has advantages and disadvantages. On the upside, Lester contacts the leader directly when there’s news of a job and it’s up to the leader to invite players into the crew, assign positions, pick outfits and allocate each player’s cut. On the other hand, the heist leader will need to personally front the set-up costs in order to successfully pull off the heist," he explains.


"Some missions have all players working as one unit, some require players to take on specific tasks like hacking or crowd control, while others require players to split into smaller teams to complete separate high value objectives. We really want to push the co-op aspect and make players feel like they need to communicate effectively and work together to pull off each element," the dev adds.

Online heists will deliver some impressive experiences when they eventually launch for Grand Theft Auto 5, so expect to hear more from Rockstar in the following months.

Each finale is a big set-piece mission with players taking on multiple roles. All through this, players will be gaining access to new vehicles, new weapons, new items, and new clothing, as well as visiting some surprising locations and interacting with some familiar characters from the story.
Sounds decent... :popcorn:

December 22nd, 2014, 10:03 AM
Hmmm...enough for me to come back, since you guys are all on to new systems? *strokes chin*

December 22nd, 2014, 10:32 AM
Sounds pretty cool. :) DAMIT, now I want to buy it again... :mad:

December 22nd, 2014, 10:54 AM
Both of you.... DO IT DO IT. :up:

December 22nd, 2014, 10:55 AM
I logged on last night after mainlining Destiny for hours and just walked through downtown Los Santos at night. It was raining, things looked shiny -- frankly even GTA Online looks good wet. :shocker:

Someone had parked their Ubermacht Oracle in an otherwise empty parking lot, so I hacked the car door's security system with my elbow and drove around for a bit. Came up on an Armored Car and tried to blow it up -- but couldn't figure out how to throw Sticky Grenades (double-tap the RB button). Accidentally shot the back doors with the Micro SMG and then things became real exciting! Getting shot at and pursued by police while only looking out of the windows, bounding over curbs and yards, all quite exciting when you can't see; I hauled ass to an L.S. Customs garage to sell this smoking wreck and end the escapade.

With the new first person mode (and no practice), I don't trust my skill enough to get into a pitched gunfight with infinite cops at this point. :lol:

December 22nd, 2014, 02:29 PM
You know what is insane? First person on motorcycles. INSANE.

December 23rd, 2014, 04:41 AM
First person flying is pretty wild, too. The reflections on the inside of the cockpit glass...dang.

And while it's waaaay harder to drive in first person, it's all worth it just to experience a wild rollover. Kind of like being in one of those rally videos.

December 23rd, 2014, 06:40 AM
Playing the Single Player game in First Person POV is probably the best way to go.

Playing in GTA Online in First Person POV and I'm getting my ass kicked more than usual. :lol:

December 23rd, 2014, 01:19 PM
Hmmm...enough for me to come back, since you guys are all on to new systems? *strokes chin*

Do it.

December 23rd, 2014, 02:49 PM

December 23rd, 2014, 05:51 PM



Hey, you wouldn't shoot this guy, right? :assclown:


My girl Mallory made the jump with her sick garage.


Rare White Ape
December 23rd, 2014, 06:21 PM
First person flying is pretty wild, too. The reflections on the inside of the cockpit glass...dang.

And while it's waaaay harder to drive in first person, it's all worth it just to experience a wild rollover. Kind of like being in one of those rally videos.

Try being flung out of the drivers seat in a good head-on.

December 23rd, 2014, 06:58 PM
Yeah, I did a few ass-over-tea-kettle crashed in First Person POV while riding my motorcycles. Also, I tweaked my controller sensitivity options pretty heavily in the Controller - Options menu. :up:

December 23rd, 2014, 07:04 PM
Here's what GTA Online looks like -- a little more sterile than the solo game.


But hey, Rockstar did put a tree in my apartment. :D


December 24th, 2014, 05:00 AM
:up: :lol:

December 24th, 2014, 05:22 AM
Yeah, I did a few ass-over-tea-kettle crashed in First Person POV while riding my motorcycles. Also, I tweaked my controller sensitivity options pretty heavily in the Controller - Options menu. :up:

Can you change them for 1st vs 3rd person views, independently?

December 24th, 2014, 05:50 AM
Yep, that's possible. Cycling through the views on-foot and in-car is easy.

December 24th, 2014, 01:28 PM
Finally created a character in GTA Online last night (PS4 version), as decided not to transfer over my characters from PS3. No idea why to be honest, but oh well.

Everything was white and snowy, i drove around for five mins drifting everywhere, then got bored and turned the game off. :/ Was too hot to play games.

Rare White Ape
December 24th, 2014, 03:06 PM
Yep, that's possible. Cycling through the views on-foot and in-car is easy.

I'm thinking of creating a more CoD or Halo style of control scheme for my GTA 1st person shenanigans. I keep habitually clicking the L3 button to sprint, which doesn't help me!

December 28th, 2014, 06:57 AM
I'm thinking of creating a more CoD or Halo style of control scheme for my GTA 1st person shenanigans. I keep habitually clicking the L3 button to sprint, which doesn't help me!

I've been meaning to mention this: you can change the controls to something more like that. It's a selection in the controls menu under "1st Person on Foot Control Type" I think? You want to select the first one that lets you sprint using L3. I think it has FPS in the name. But running is SO much smoother once I changed it over.

December 28th, 2014, 01:51 PM
I didn't think you can re-map the buttons, can you?

December 28th, 2014, 09:39 PM
Novi: If you're talking about my suggestion, it's just a pre-set control scheme. Albeit it took me a while to find the on-foot pre-sets, perhaps there is a way to also do a completely custom re-mapping of the controls that I didn't see.

December 29th, 2014, 07:50 AM
Yeah, I don't think you can custom re-map controls, that's all. I didn't realize you were using one of the preset controller patterns.

December 31st, 2014, 03:44 AM
I'm struggling to remember more satisfaction in a videogame than beating out 15-20 mouthbreathers for a Special Crate. I think of myself as fairly inept, GTA skill-wise, compared to said mouthbreathers, so it's all I can do to not do a victory dance when I snag one of those magical lunchboxes (not really a crate at all, is it?).

I've actually gotten TWO of them...one I was ready for and in a helicopter, but even so, was twice as far away as my other main rival, also in a helicopter. The crate was dropped on the shore of the river in the canyon in North Chumash (north of military base) and I'm not sure if my rival was actually trying to *land* his copter, or what, but I parachuted out and snagged it. The second time was last night and I joined a session after coming out of a Survival game to get the '5 minutes until Crate Drop' message. I stole a car and drove along the railroad tracks from Harmony toward Blaine County (just a random choice), only to find out the crate was dropped near Harmony. I was still further away than at least three other players, but somehow ended up with the 'crate' before getting gunned down.

Finally got my Patriot Beer hat :D

December 31st, 2014, 06:23 AM
:up: :up:

The great thing about GTA V for me is that it'll be there after I'm done with all of my other games. :D

Rare White Ape
January 1st, 2015, 12:56 AM
I got a crate once. It dropped right in the front waterfall/garden/mall thing of a skyscraper. I was pottering around not caring too much about the crate and hearing plenty of gunfire nearby.

I rounded a corner and saw a Maverick sitting precariously on the front access way of said mall thing and decided to hop in and go for a spin. Little did I know that the Mav was hastily landed there by one of the crate battlers, and that said crate somehow came into my possession as I was boarding said chopper.

I had little time to react to this realisation and couldn't help but take off through a hail of full-auto bullets, with my autopilot insticts taking me low and backwards over the street at full throttle and hard around the corner behind a building. This of course meant I got away cleanly, the only evidence of any damage being a few holes in the bottom of the airframe.

January 2nd, 2015, 10:19 AM
Had a weird experience today where there was a crate drop but just me and one other person in the game lobby. As the other person was holed up in Ammu-Nation for some reason, I had no competition for the crate. That was fortunate, as I wasn't aware that there were 'enemies' planted near the crate - I always figured it was the other players shooting at me - so I didn't have any armor and was gunned down twice before I was able to snag the crate. Honestly, after getting the beer hat I always wanted, the crates are pretty underwhelming, but I can always use the cash and RP since my son got both of our characters in the transfer and I had to start from scratch. Was Level 85, now Level 32...had two apartments with 10-car garages and an impressive array of cars and trucks, now just have a 10-car garage and not a single supercar in the bunch :lol:

January 4th, 2015, 03:47 PM
Weird, yesterday I was informed of a crate drop when I was the ONLY player in the session. The session was public, I just happened to be the only one in there at the time. Come to find out there are two kinds of beer hats - Patriot and some light beer variant - and now I have both!

January 5th, 2015, 03:31 PM
I got my hands on the assault shotgun. Boy, oh boy, is she a thing of beauty.

January 7th, 2015, 11:01 AM
Just unlocked it myself. I've been waiting to get it back!

January 7th, 2015, 03:37 PM
Finally watched the Heists trailer. Looks so fun :(

January 10th, 2015, 03:48 PM
I've been playing for a few days now to acclimatize to the First Person View. Riding motorcycles in First Person, again getting used to firing weapons from vehicles (still sucks and not as good as being on foot), flying helicopters, generally moving around. Takes practice all over again.

Ground up another quarter of a mil, too. :up:

January 13th, 2015, 01:24 PM
What are your, uh, 'grinding methods' ? :lol:

I ask because you obviously know what you're doing, and getting the info from you would be quicker and probably more helpful than poring over horrifyingly poor YouTube vids. I am starting to lose interest in the 'grinding' thing, since I had to start over. I only have half a mil right now and would love to buy a supercar at some point, but even so, I'm only at level 39 on my way back up.

January 13th, 2015, 02:41 PM
Still miffed that there isn't a friendly free roam, haven't hardly played this GTA when compared to GTA IV online. :/ The grinding thing plays a big part too.

January 13th, 2015, 02:46 PM
Doing missions for a couple hours can easily get a couple hundred k, if you're efficient. It helps, also, if you have a core group of buddies you play with. Getting on the same page and running through things helps a lot.

My "crew", we dick around a lot, but then sometimes we're all "ok, ok, we all need money, because we just wasted 2 hours and 3 million on blowing police helicopters out of the air while riding the train"

January 13th, 2015, 02:47 PM
Still miffed that there isn't a friendly free roam, haven't hardly played this GTA when compared to GTA IV online. :/ The grinding thing plays a big part too.

I'd love to see that as well. I'd play more when my "crew" isn't on.

Deathmatches and being dicks to each other, is what's popular with online gaming though, so I can understand why Rockstar did it this way.

January 14th, 2015, 11:18 AM
What are your, uh, 'grinding methods' ? :lol:

I ask because you obviously know what you're doing, and getting the info from you would be quicker and probably more helpful than poring over horrifyingly poor YouTube vids. I am starting to lose interest in the 'grinding' thing, since I had to start over. I only have half a mil right now and would love to buy a supercar at some point, but even so, I'm only at level 39 on my way back up.
You're probably not going to like it so steel yourself: you have to play the game online. ;)

At level 39, google for what Contact Missions pay out the best at that level in the shortest amount of time and start repeating them. Set a timer on your phone if need be to go steal a Gallivanter Baller SUV or Lampadati Felon every hour on the hour. If you see an Armored Car during these times, knock it over. Try to double- and triple-dip your free play time as much as possible -- remember: you can't lose money to other players if they kill you. So just shrug it off.

Once you get to level 50+, Rooftop Rumble unlocks for you. While R* has tried to make it take longer, it really doesn't. You can keep setting up that mission for yourself (and others) and run it over and over again. It doesn't pay out the most anymore but it is still quick.

Now I'm speaking of grinding Contact Missions -- you can actually grind Races harder and make much more money even faster (like the Graveyard Shift Race) and run it over and over again. But them shits is dull, I'd rather do the Mission jobs. But then I'm sitting at $5.5 million with a shit-ton of helicopters, cars, motorcycles, boats, etc. so I can afford to mess around.

EDIT: Actually I might be wrong about that -- Rooftop can be done within the same amount of time as a 3-lap race and pays out at least double...

January 14th, 2015, 12:49 PM
Ah, cool, thanks. Yeah, I think the days of 'free money' are gone. I've been doing more missions lately, and they do pay out pretty well. Have been skipping the races since I can't afford a decent supercar, my modding abilities are somewhat limited and I don't want to ding my win/loss record any more than I already have. But I'm now Level 40, so I got that going for me, which is nice :D (now I can call Lester to take me off the map)

January 15th, 2015, 10:02 AM

January 15th, 2015, 12:43 PM
You must be talking about that tanker mission in the city. I attempted that one last night with a couple of randoms and practically did the job single-handed. Hid the tanker in an alley to lose my wanted level and then one of the randoms thought it would be fun to play shoot-em-up and got the police interested again. Sure is handy to call ol' Lester to get them off my back.

Had some fun racing with SkylineObsession last night - apologies for my poor driving which ended the life of an innocent motorist and sacked any chance you had of catching the leaders.

January 16th, 2015, 05:06 AM
Yeah, I hopped into Jason's private world and ran through a few jobs with him and his hetero-life-partner on Wednesday night. :up:

On the San Andreas Seoul mission, after our crew ventilated the two wage-earners pumping diesel, I let Jason drive the rig while I rode my hoss black Hexen chopper as blocker. Heard him call in Lester to get the heat off of his own self -- so I rolled ahead and found some County Mounties. A couple'a bullets thrown their way and they were falling all over themselves to catch up to me.

At which point I began riding circles around Jason's rig with cop cars chasing me! :lol:

Sure enough, one of the cops hit him, thereby giving him some new stars; as he had already burned his call to Lester, he had to fight and evade the cops in his oh-so-pregnant tanker truck. I rode into a nearby alleyway to let my stars cool off before I kicked my hoss in the guts and caught up to him. Cops were just tumbling over themselves trying to crash into him, it was high-larious. :D

January 16th, 2015, 07:00 AM
Smokey and the bandit, you are not.

January 16th, 2015, 10:18 AM
http://www.greenmangaming.com/s/us/en/pc/games/action/grand-theft-auto-v with voucher SAVE23-PEROFF-MOSANT = $46.20

Am strongly considering moving my GTA-ing upstairs to the COMPUTER ROOM.

January 16th, 2015, 12:27 PM
Bad link.

January 16th, 2015, 02:32 PM
Try this - http://www.greenmangaming.com/s/us/en/pc/games/action/grand-theft-auto-v/?utm_medium=affiliates

January 16th, 2015, 02:34 PM
So you're aware it's a March 24th release now, right? Boo.

January 16th, 2015, 05:22 PM
Dick moves, Carlo :lol:

January 16th, 2015, 08:49 PM
I was watching that tanker mission you did pl8ster (accepted invite too late/took too long to load) and thought something was a bit strange when that douche decided to attract police attention not ten seconds after you lost them. :/

And your driving was fine, i could have placed a lot better in some of the races if it wasn't for bad drivers (a.k.a. cheaters) constantly ramming me. That highway one we did with no traffic (the first time, with the supercars) the guy in the other car like yours rammed me on the motorway to try get me to spin out, only to completely lose it on the median barrier around the last corner. I gave him a friendly toot as i took second place off him while he was barrel rolling around. :lol:

But yeah, those were the first online races i've done in GTA PS4, and first races in the game for months (not counting offline ones).

And for you other PS4ers on here, i noticed no lag when we were racing...

January 18th, 2015, 03:43 PM
Spent two hours running races by myself and managed to level up AND clear $70k.

January 18th, 2015, 07:43 PM
So I'm Franklin, coming out of Ammunation and Michael is standing out front yelling at someone. I can't interact with him in any way, so I whip out a gun and aim it at him. He turns around, punches me in the face, and WASTED.

Da fuq?

January 19th, 2015, 03:31 AM
Makes sense. They want to show you the people exist outside the world, but if you try to break the continuity, THEY BREAK YO FACE.

Rare White Ape
January 19th, 2015, 07:05 PM
Reverse continuity break what the hell

January 19th, 2015, 09:02 PM
If you follow Michael, Trevor etc around for a while they get annoyed and end up killing you too. ;)

January 20th, 2015, 04:00 AM
That's why you just blow them up with a grenade/rocket :lol:

January 20th, 2015, 04:03 AM
Speaking of. I think it'd be cool if they expanded the online game into the single player game's timeline a bit. Get odd jobs from Michael, Franklin (and his sketchy bro, Lamar), and more advanced stuff from Trevor. And then when you do heists in single player mode, you should be able to select your online character to be a hired gun/driver/hacker/whatever.

Also, topic came up with a friend yesterday... I'd really like to see Rockstar make a paid expansion of actual depth. Give us another city to go to, expand the map, new missions, contacts, etc. The game is kind of stagnant at this point. Still fun as hell, but without expanding content, there's not a whole lot of reason to play GTA the MMO forever.

January 20th, 2015, 04:27 AM
Yeah, I was hoping they'd open up the online world to include that snowy locale where the single-player game started.

Once heists start - assuming that ever happens - money will hopefully not be such an issue, and at that point it would be nice to be able to buy a wider range of property.

January 20th, 2015, 04:46 AM
I'd rather pay for a growing collection of building interiors, new NPC's to interact with and add as Contacts -- and then accordingly a slew of new Contact Missions. That's all I want at this point. #ilovethematrix

January 20th, 2015, 09:22 AM
I could totally be onboard with expanding the depth of the current real estate. It's pretty big as-is, definitely plenty of room to add there. I'd like to see more of those random events - the shootout at the motel, etc. I found those enjoyable, no-commitment time wasters. :)

January 20th, 2015, 12:21 PM
I want to be able to put a wider range of vehicles in my garage. Give me access to the Park Ranger and Lifeguard Grangers online, and let me keep and modify them. I know at least at one point, you could steal a Crusader military jeep and stash it in your garage, though you could only add a tracker to it.

January 20th, 2015, 12:30 PM
I ganked several military vehicles from one of Trevor's rampages. :up: Trevor's garage looks like a military base.

Making a getaway in one of the slow-ass transports with the entire world coming after you is intense. :D

January 20th, 2015, 12:35 PM
An RNG list of Contact names would allow for them to program in war between Contacts as new faces pop up to fill the power vacuums you'd leave behind. :twisted:

January 20th, 2015, 03:25 PM
I'd rather pay for a growing collection of building interiors, new NPC's to interact with and add as Contacts -- and then accordingly a slew of new Contact Missions. That's all I want at this point. #ilovethematrix

I'd be down with building interiors instead of map expansion... either one is good for me :up:

January 20th, 2015, 03:32 PM
They should build a proper motorsports park out in the desert.

January 20th, 2015, 03:46 PM
Who needs a "proper motorsports park" when the streets and freeways are your oyster?

January 20th, 2015, 03:53 PM
I think it'd be nice to have properly sorted turns and such, free of other cars now and again.

January 20th, 2015, 04:51 PM

That's me in the pink.

January 20th, 2015, 04:52 PM
I think it'd be nice to have properly sorted turns and such, free of other cars now and again.

There's a Forza for that.

January 20th, 2015, 10:03 PM
It's true, but the attraction in GTA is that you can do All Things in the world, whereas Forza exists purely for driving. It's weird they have skate parks, bike trails, skydiving, and tennis but not a freaking race track. It seems like a major derp to me.

January 21st, 2015, 02:13 AM
TBH, there is a race track(for horses) that you can run car races on.

January 21st, 2015, 06:45 AM
There's a 30-car online race at the horse track. Complete madness.

TSG - what military vehicles did you stash at Trevor's? I thought that was only a 1-spot garage?

January 21st, 2015, 10:46 AM
His home is actually a pseudo-2-spot garage - it's quite deep. But, I stashed the "winnings" from his rampage in the Pillbox Hill garage. :) There's a Barracks and a Crusader in there. :) Plowing the Barracks through LS was *painful*. I have been unsuccessful snagging a tank, but I'm pretty sure a) I wouldn't be able to get it back to LS, and b) it wouldn't fit in the garage anyway. :lol:

Michael snagged one of the Mesas from Merryweather too.

I am bummed you can't build those lifted trucks at LSC. :(

I am also bummed that there is no way to permasave vehicles you've garaged. After sending Michael out into the boonies for Sandking and then spending a fortune on it at LSC with the sole intent of wreaking havoc in LS with it, I don't actually ever use it for fear of destroying it or having to abandon it. What a lame way for realism to intrude into the game. ;)

January 21st, 2015, 03:40 PM
A racetrack is the first thing i looked for when i bought GTA V for PS3 on release day. :/

January 21st, 2015, 05:03 PM
His home is actually a pseudo-2-spot garage - it's quite deep. But, I stashed the "winnings" from his rampage in the Pillbox Hill garage. :) There's a Barracks and a Crusader in there. :) Plowing the Barracks through LS was *painful*. I have been unsuccessful snagging a tank, but I'm pretty sure a) I wouldn't be able to get it back to LS, and b) it wouldn't fit in the garage anyway. :lol:

Michael snagged one of the Mesas from Merryweather too.

I am bummed you can't build those lifted trucks at LSC. :(

I am also bummed that there is no way to permasave vehicles you've garaged. After sending Michael out into the boonies for Sandking and then spending a fortune on it at LSC with the sole intent of wreaking havoc in LS with it, I don't actually ever use it for fear of destroying it or having to abandon it. What a lame way for realism to intrude into the game. ;)

I've noticed they improved that a little bit... if you use a car during a mission, and it disappears, it shows up at the impound. I have a Jester that has stuck with me so far. :up:

January 22nd, 2015, 09:54 AM
Does that work outside of missions? Like if you're just running around shooting people in the face and you need to abandon it because the tires have been shot out? If so, I know I'm doing tonight.

January 22nd, 2015, 11:27 AM
Easy enough to test with an el cheapo car.

January 22nd, 2015, 12:24 PM
If I ever have to abandon one of my personal cars due to it being 'all stove up,' I just toss a grenade under it (or affix a sticky bomb, if I abandon it in traffic) and then call Mors Mutual. Or I do a mission - when I come out of the mission, it's waiting nearby, as good as new.

January 30th, 2015, 12:14 PM
Good grief, I just crawled back up to Level 50. Not sure how much further I can stand to go, really.

February 3rd, 2015, 06:31 PM
What days do you normally play, pl8ster?

I hardly touch the game these days, and never venture online since everyone i know with the game only has it on PS3.

February 5th, 2015, 09:48 AM
I don't really have a consistent schedule. Sometimes I'll play when I'm home for lunch during the week (6-7AM the following day for you) but my evening 7-11PM playing time (1-5PM for you) is pretty sporadic since my son is online with his friends a lot, depending on sports practice schedules.

Having said that, I do miss the camaraderie of playing online with people I know from the 360 days...so will definitely keep an eye out for you.

February 5th, 2015, 01:49 PM
...my evening 7-11PM playing time...


Wow. I remember those days with Gran Turismo and GT2.

If I had that kind of time (or ANY time, for that matter) to play these days, I'd probably buy Grand Theft Auto based only on what I've read in this thread. It sounds like a super-fun game.

...the attraction in GTA is that you can do All Things in the world, whereas Forza exists purely for driving. It's weird they have skate parks, bike trails, skydiving, and tennis...

Rare White Ape
February 6th, 2015, 05:22 PM
This looks like fun!


Rare White Ape
February 6th, 2015, 05:23 PM
And conversely...


February 7th, 2015, 01:10 AM
So much awesome in both of those!

February 12th, 2015, 12:08 PM
George - that was just the range of my possible access to GTA, not an all-inclusive time slot :lol:

And those two clips were weird as hell. The water would get annoying immediately, but the 'no water' was pretty awesome.

Rare White Ape
February 12th, 2015, 01:56 PM
That's all possible to do right now if you aren't afraid to softmod (aka jailbreaking to the young-uns) your PS3.

February 24th, 2015, 07:59 AM
Online heists coming March 10!


February 24th, 2015, 09:52 AM
Yup! I'll be jumping back into it by then :up:

And unfortunately for some folks here the PC port has been delayed again to April 14th.

Alan P
February 24th, 2015, 04:34 PM
Still not sure if I'll get it or not so not great issue with the delay. Others aren't so happy however!

February 24th, 2015, 05:23 PM
The Gatling Gun and Super Duper Uber Heavy Machine Gun look interesting.

March 2nd, 2015, 02:27 PM
This weekend I was in a shopping center that had a Game Stop store near where I parked, so I went in to look around. Obviouly my kids weren't with me! (parents will understand that)

I had a used copy of GTA V in my hand for a minute. It was priced at $35.99. I was REALLY tempted, but I put it down and walked away.

Am I growing up? Nah. But I am a realist and know I wouldn't have the time. Maybe I will when GTA VIII comes out.

March 2nd, 2015, 09:09 PM
The thing I like about GTA is that you can pick it up and set it down. There is very little that isn't wrapped up in 20 minutes or so, so you don't need those long gaming sessions. I don't have the time to sit down and game for hours on end - I need entertainment I can squeeze into the empty spots.

So, go back and buy it.

(But $35.99 isn't a good price - you can buy it new for $40 most all the time :P)

March 2nd, 2015, 09:39 PM
I agree.

March 3rd, 2015, 06:25 AM
What they said. Capping fools online and causing major highway pileups before tossing a grenade in the middle of the whole mess are activities that may never fail to amuse me.

March 3rd, 2015, 07:59 AM
Yeah, I need more of that kind of stuff in my life - the capping of the fools and whatnot. I tell ya, I feel like a weary time traveler coming out of the long fog that is becoming the father of twins. It has only taken almost seven years, but it seems like my life is slowly returning to normal and I'm able to think about things other than work-kids-sleep-work-kids-sleep-work-kids-sleep.

I knew you guys would talk me into it!

March 3rd, 2015, 09:19 AM
I just played for 45 minutes at lunch and it's amazing how it can erase a really messed-up morning at work and *almost* start me back to a pre-work level.

March 3rd, 2015, 09:37 AM
What they said. Capping fools online and causing major highway pileups before tossing a grenade in the middle of the whole mess are activities that may never fail to amuse me.

I have, from time to time, laid out very complex patterns of sticky bombs and caused a pileup right in the middle just to watch the madness ensue. It's particularly fun in the big tunnel/underpass in town. In that spot, there is typically so much carnage the 5-star wanted level that ensues can be largely avoided - helicopters can't get close, and everyone on land gets exploded or lit on fire. YEAH!

March 3rd, 2015, 10:05 AM
Are you talking the tunnel that forms part of a T-stop with an underground roadway and runs parallel to one of the interstates?

March 3rd, 2015, 10:13 AM
No T, just a big underpass where Del Perro meets Great Ocean Highway. It's ripped right out of Highway 101 in SoCal, but that probably doesn't mean much to most. :)

March 4th, 2015, 07:23 AM
New PvP game modes coming with the heist update, and they sound cool!


In Come Out to Play, a team of three are racing to make it home, and another team of three are trying to gun them down from motorbikes or ATVs, which they must stay on. Runners have just one life but all of their weapons; hunters have unlimited lives and just a shotgun.

In Siege Mentality, a team of up to four players are bunkered in against an invading force of six. Defenders have all of their weapons; attackers have unlimited lives and just sawn-off shotguns.

Hasta La Vista pits truckers in big-rig cabs against a team of three cyclists. The truckers are trying to crush the cyclists; the cyclists are trying to get just one of their team to cross the finish line. Truckers win only if they eliminate all three cyclists.


March 5th, 2015, 01:32 PM
In Siege Mentality, a team of up to four players are bunkered in against an invading force of six. Defenders have all of their weapons; attackers have unlimited lives and just sawn-off shotguns.

At least they have shotguns for this shit...

March 6th, 2015, 10:25 AM
Hasta La Vista is going to be awesome.

MR2 Fan
March 6th, 2015, 03:16 PM
In Siege Mentality, a team of up to four players are bunkered in against an invading force of six. Defenders have all of their weapons; attackers have unlimited lives and just sawn-off shotguns.

So um, is it just to see if the four players can stay alive on a time limit then?

March 6th, 2015, 04:56 PM
Well alright. I guess I'll be giving this a whirl again next week. Haven't booted it up in quite some time.... though I did play it weekly for a year straight before I started to lose interest. That's pretty damn good!


Anyone remember back in my FPS days, I made a Halo 3 (or was it 2), custom King of the Hill game called "Get out of my house"? This is basically the same thing. :D

March 7th, 2015, 12:33 AM
So um, is it just to see if the four players can stay alive on a time limit then?

Probably. Like horde modes, except with human horde.

March 8th, 2015, 06:20 AM
Wonder what weapons, if any, they will be adding. There is new music coming as well.

March 9th, 2015, 08:01 AM

Lots of content! 4.8 gigs.

March 9th, 2015, 08:14 AM
I booted up GTA V over the weekend to dust it off, check up on my $6M and sundry, and basically get back into the controls (again).

MAN IS THIS GAME WOODEN! :smh: Playing Destiny & Titanfall have really spoiled me -- playing GTA V in FPS is *painful*. Its joints are dry wood clapping together compared to the wonderfully viscous fluid movement of the other games.

It may be blasphemy but at this point I'm planning on sticking to 3rd person view. :down: #triedtoloveit

March 9th, 2015, 08:52 AM
Even though I ultimately agree, (and you may have talked about this already, but) have you switched the FPS controls so they feel more like a standard FPS? It was night and day for me.

Also, are we doing this guys? I wanna do some heists bad. How many do we have on X1? There's Carlo, Rich, Jason, myself... Who else would want in?

March 9th, 2015, 09:04 AM
Nah -- the button controls aren't the problem, it's the actual movement. The looking/aiming/moving/cover, basically all of the core movement is balls to me. Feels like I'm trying to sail a boat. :down:

We definitely need a schedule for this -- somehow you need to plan some right-after-work gaming time away from your smokin' hawt girlfriend 'cause there's no way Jason & I can stay up to 3 AM just to meet your post-coital comfort zone! :D

March 9th, 2015, 09:38 AM
I don't think it's blasphemy. GTA is clearly designed as 3rd person and always has been. 1st person exists only because the engine can do it, so why not. 1st person is a completely annoying way to play... I switch to it sometimes for grins, but only rarely.

March 9th, 2015, 10:49 AM
The only cool thing about first person is the vehicle dashboards, IMO.

Anyone else on PS4 besides me, YW and SkylineObsession?

March 9th, 2015, 11:19 AM
We definitely need a schedule for this -- somehow you need to plan some right-after-work gaming time away from your smokin' hawt girlfriend 'cause there's no way Jason & I can stay up to 3 AM just to meet your post-coital comfort zone! :D

:lol: :lol:
Set the time and I'll be there... she understands my addiction.
I'd prefer a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday after 6pm EST. Or to schedule a day on weekend.

March 9th, 2015, 01:21 PM
Well I'm on mostly after 7 PM CST, most nights. But Jason does like to get on earlier, AFAIK.

Fast As Possible
March 9th, 2015, 01:33 PM
I always drive first person.

March 9th, 2015, 09:25 PM
I'll be first personing until i get the trophy for doing do for 15h or whatever, then i might see if i'll continue to do so depending on preference.

I haven't booted it up since last time i was in a session with pl8ster though.

March 10th, 2015, 02:44 AM
I don't get a chance to log on very often these days, but when I do, it's around 5pm EST on weeknights

March 10th, 2015, 02:44 AM
:lol: :lol:
Set the time and I'll be there... she understands my addiction.
I'd prefer a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday after 6pm EST. Or to schedule a day on weekend.

Must be nice... mine rolls her eyes anytime I play video games basically :(

Fast As Possible
March 10th, 2015, 03:05 AM
Must be nice... mine rolls her eyes anytime I play video games basically :(

Don't you have two?

Fast As Possible
March 10th, 2015, 04:37 AM
This new update is horrible. :down:

Fast As Possible
March 10th, 2015, 04:41 AM
Why are lester and shit texting and calling me in 2015? I just want to join a non GTA Car race with catchup and traffic off.

Then when it's finally not a motorcycle or a boat or helicopter or a GTA offroad race or some other horrible shit, it's a supercar race on EXTREME TWELVE YEAR OLDS ON RAMPS V.1337HAX

Fast As Possible
March 10th, 2015, 04:58 AM
tell me where it says Grand Theft Private Jet?

March 10th, 2015, 06:30 AM
Must be nice... mine rolls her eyes anytime I play video games basically :(

Well, I am lucky, but I don't dare push it :lol:

Logged on last night to trigger the update. I have no idea if I have it or not. Either it downloaded in standby or I have to wait until tonight.

March 10th, 2015, 06:58 AM
Must be nice... mine rolls her eyes anytime I play video games basically :(
Buy a dedicated gaming monitor -- that way she can watch TV and chat with you while you play. ;)

Re: Heists download, I set mine to d/l this morning before coming into work. But unfortunately I won't be on until late tonight (10ish PM CST).

Tomorrow after work (4 PM CST) however... :up:

March 10th, 2015, 07:37 AM
BTW - it finally happened, I stole a vehicle for my garage based solely on its plate number. Found a red/orange (:erm:) Phoenix with plate 02SEX678 :lol:

It was on the first level of the Rooftop Rumble garage, but I'm pretty sure the plate numbers are randomly generated. Always on the lookout, hope to find something crazy like 66XXX666 someday.

Mr Wonder
March 10th, 2015, 08:02 AM
Holy shit Pl8. You have have a problem! :)

March 10th, 2015, 08:15 AM
Buy a dedicated gaming monitor -- that way she can watch TV and chat with you while you play. ;)

Yup, the lady - when I do game - will snuggle up behind me and with the iPad or her phone and just hang out. It's actually really comfortable haha.

Re: Heists download, I set mine to d/l this morning before coming into work. But unfortunately I won't be on until late tonight (10ish PM CST).

How did it download, Carlo? Did the Xbox queue it up in the apps downloads? Or did it do it within the game?

Fast As Possible
March 10th, 2015, 08:28 AM
BTW - it finally happened, I stole a vehicle for my garage based solely on its plate number. Found a red/orange (:erm:) Phoenix with plate 02SEX678 :lol:

It was on the first level of the Rooftop Rumble garage, but I'm pretty sure the plate numbers are randomly generated. Always on the lookout, hope to find something crazy like 66XXX666 someday.

I also try to find license plates with numbers I like.

March 10th, 2015, 09:49 AM
Holy shit Pl8. You have have a problem! :)

No, a problem would be if I decided to keep track of every plate I saw in a spreadsheet. I actually considered it for half a second.

And good luck getting onto the R* servers today. Very little success when I was home at lunch.

March 10th, 2015, 12:45 PM
How did it download, Carlo? Did the Xbox queue it up in the apps downloads? Or did it do it within the game?
Queued up in the Apps downloads outside of the game.

March 11th, 2015, 08:59 AM
Working on the first heist, have done the first two setup missions. Holy hell, the cutscenes are long...I assume that is only for the first heist, where Lester walks you through everything.

March 11th, 2015, 09:07 AM
Yeah, if you redo any of the Heists, you can skip the cutscenes.

Initial thoughts: they're basically stacked Contact Missions. If you didn't like Contact Missions in GTA Online, you may very well not like these -- especially since the "action" is pretty brief (so far). Also, if you are working on a Heist (a set of related Contact Missions, remember) and you quit to join someone else's Heist, it will delete your progress through the first Heist.

That said, I do like 'em. I like the load outs, I'm interested to see how badly the Host can screw you out of pay (I didn't fiddle with the pay levels), the "TRON Lightcycle" hacking minigame is challenging (although I imagine some people aren't going to wait around if you take too long to crack them), and of course there's nothing better than dressing up like Neil McCauley from Heat:


I've already had some asshat pubbies that drove around vs. drove to the target site, but that's been just once so far.

Worth the wait? Eh, not yet -- but definitely a worthy addition to the game. :up: :up:

March 11th, 2015, 10:23 AM
Oh wait, heists are matchmaking? If so, I guess that's good. It'll give me a chance to get a taste without hardcore planning.

March 11th, 2015, 10:32 AM
Heists are in Matchmaking -- or you can Host your own as long as you have a high-end apartment.

Fast As Possible
March 11th, 2015, 10:57 AM
I like contact missions for making money so if these heists aren't too much of a pain I'll probably do a lot of them.

March 11th, 2015, 11:01 AM
I guess I should invest some time in Online. I've put maybe eight minutes into it. Maybe ya'll can convince Random to keep washing the BMW so the weather stays shitty and there's no reason for me to go outside. :lol:

Fast As Possible
March 11th, 2015, 11:02 AM
I guess I should invest some time in Online. I've put maybe eight minutes into it. Maybe ya'll can convince Random to keep washing the BMW so the weather stays shitty and there's no reason for me to go outside. :lol:

Which system?

I have an apartment with a ten car garage, and another 10 car garage near the airport. I'm kind of a big deal.

Fast As Possible
March 11th, 2015, 11:03 AM
Seriously though, I have a lot of fun modding cars and racing online, I think I'm at or close to 400 races won. :) I have a modified car for every class I think, except motorcycles. If I get a random motorcycle, plane, cycle, boat, heli, etc. race I just quit. :/

March 11th, 2015, 12:06 PM
There is new music coming as well.

What about this? Did it happen too with the update or is still a ways off?

March 11th, 2015, 12:29 PM
Heists are in Matchmaking -- or you can Host your own as long as you have a high-end apartment.

It is my understanding that when you host, you are responsible for laying out the cash to do the Heist, but in turn you get a larger payout. I'm only on the first Heist and Lester said this time it was on the house - how much am I looking to lay out to host one of these things?

EDIT: Re: the music...it sounded like the additional music was only going to be for the PC release...? :(

March 11th, 2015, 12:30 PM
The 2nd Heist costs $40K.

Fast As Possible
March 11th, 2015, 12:58 PM
I gave up on the music and just have the stereo on.

March 11th, 2015, 12:58 PM
I'm not really into the racing. I actually find all the extra activities to be really annoying. I don't want to jump from planes or race cars or throw darts. I want to set up scenarios and watch the whole thing burn. I don't care whether it's massive pileups, massive shootouts, or really even a home invasion gone wrong that turns into a murder-suicide. That's what GTA is for as far as I'm concerned, everything else is just getting in the way.

March 12th, 2015, 02:50 AM
I tried to play last night with a few buddies, but the servers just completely fucked everything. Got 2/3 of the way through the first Heist (the two player one), after about 3.5 hours of "playing", heh.

Thanks, Rockstar.

Rare White Ape
March 12th, 2015, 03:07 AM
Anyone else on PS4 besides me, YW and SkylineObsession?


But the chance of finding me online is slim to fuckall. Sorry guys.

I'm enjoying FarCry 4 at the moment tho. It's real good!

March 12th, 2015, 04:12 AM
The 2nd Heist costs $40K.

And if a crew member dies during the heist, you're out the $40k, amirite?

March 12th, 2015, 06:36 AM
I haven't been keeping watch on my moniez that closely; I was wondering if I was out the $40K for just starting the Heist, sitting in my lobby waiting for people to join and when nobody does I then cancel the whole thing! :lol: #inevitablepatch

Playing in 3rd person mode is *so* much better, btw. Just playing GTA V feels like coming home -- which is odd since neither GTA III, Vice City or San Andreas was my jam. I only got hooked onto GTA games with the release of IV.

Also, Heists have given me a reason to invest in Masks. :assclown:

March 13th, 2015, 11:42 AM
Getting back up to speed in GTA V this week. Nothing major. I need to try to take some pics during the Heists but so far it's been a bit of a crapshoot: when you're the Driller, you don't really get photo ops 'cause you gotta hack the Gibson first. During the 2nd Heist, I was the plane pilot -- but again the authorities scramble a jet from Ft. Zancudo to shoot your lil' four-seater down. No time for love, Dr. Jones!

I dusted off my Hexen and went for a cruise up north. Got to my favorite hot dog stand too late; they had closed for the night.


Stole a car, shot at some cops, cashed it in, no big wh00p. :random:


March 13th, 2015, 12:16 PM
Can't tell if rapist or ex-guitarist from hair band.


March 13th, 2015, 12:22 PM
Well I am wearing a Lovefist band t-shirt... :toast:

Fast As Possible
March 13th, 2015, 12:34 PM
Did I forget to post pics?

Fast As Possible
March 13th, 2015, 12:37 PM







March 13th, 2015, 04:25 PM
I gotta get this game. :lol:

March 13th, 2015, 04:49 PM
Well as Picard said to Riker "Make it so!"

March 14th, 2015, 07:16 AM
There are 5 Heists. If you take a single crew through all of them without failing or interruption, everybody gets $10,000,000.

Fast As Possible
March 14th, 2015, 03:36 PM
http://hostthenpost.org/uploads/02d05c30d9b1045b96ea42741f3f4a8f.jpg (http://hostthenpost.org)

http://hostthenpost.org/uploads/9429579bc3f2e616d7d3b191203d7b6f.jpg (http://hostthenpost.org)

http://hostthenpost.org/uploads/24d7327d5ce67910afc0d240f57c5968.jpg (http://hostthenpost.org)

http://hostthenpost.org/uploads/2c86ac6d749a614c97d82e8cf82120d7.jpg (http://hostthenpost.org)

http://hostthenpost.org/uploads/687b4d6a790cd0f360529d612a65902d.jpg (http://hostthenpost.org)

http://hostthenpost.org/uploads/518fd3a07736cacf9989b2f3a989a5b4.jpg (http://hostthenpost.org)

Fast As Possible
March 14th, 2015, 03:40 PM
People in races are serious goofs though, I'm better than 99% of opponents but I lose races when idiots hit my car.

and they make tracks with ramps and I'm sorry but ramps are completely stupid.

March 15th, 2015, 08:27 AM
There are 5 Heists. If you take a single crew through all of them without failing or interruption, everybody gets $10,000,000.

Even if I had a skilled crew that could make that happen, I don't think I would ever have that kind of time. That would be like a real eight-hour workday, wouldn't it?

March 15th, 2015, 07:18 PM
I'd love to do an all day run. Unfortunately my crew has marriages, and kids, so....

In other news, I'm really liking the Armored Karuma.

March 16th, 2015, 06:58 AM
Did I forget to post pics?
Oh are we having a garage-off??

Garage 1

Garage 2

These are the two garages for my main 'toon. I was trying out a new color scheme (Stone Silver & Metallic Black) but it's pretty drab stuff. Probably won't stick.

I built up a very cool, very wicked Hotknife coupe that's in Garage 1. BBC, supercharged, zoomie pipes, it sounds the business and really drives decently to boot. Conversely I also built up this "Slamvan" which, while it both looks and sounds the business, it drive like the shits. :lol:


Lastly, I did meet up with TSG briefly on Saturday evening while playing with my femme 'toon. We caused some general havoc, got into a shootout with the LSPD (#girlpower) and took some cars out for a spin.

I did take some candid shots of TSG while (s)he was driving my Stinger GT:


...but I don't think (s)he liked that very much when trying to outrun the Fuzz.



P.S. - My 2nd character's garage, just to be complete:


March 16th, 2015, 08:34 AM
Between us and the internet, I don't actually remember how I got this person, but when I saw her she reminded me of an ex's sister who was hot in a fierce, methy sort of way. :lol:

I ended up playing a little more later in the evening and jacked a police car then went on a convenience store robbing spree. I am not good with the camera, but I managed to snag a selfie with my banged up cruiser in front of a store I'd just knocked over. No worries, I liquefied everyone inside before leaving. This chick with a stole police car knocking over 7-11s just fit...

I think I did five in a row before something killed me. :up:

March 16th, 2015, 08:37 AM
Also, that shootout was pretty impressive. I only had about 25 rounds when it started, so I spent an unfortunate amount of time scavenging. Oops. OOA is my calling card for GTA online.

March 16th, 2015, 10:13 AM
I'm gonna try and hop on tonight. Probably around 830 EST. I've been itching to try these heists.

March 16th, 2015, 10:18 AM
Yeah while I love the look of the Carbine Rifle but pound-for-pound the H&K MP5-knockoff SMG is really the key to the party. It barks *so* loud when unsilenced and with the Extended Magazine it'll bark for a long time, too. Its only real downfall is the short distance of its Auto-Aim -- but hell, LSPD aren't scared to come up close... :D

March 16th, 2015, 11:06 AM
There are 5 Heists. If you take a single crew through all of them without failing or interruption, everybody gets $10,000,000.

Even if I had a skilled crew that could make that happen, I don't think I would ever have that kind of time. That would be like a real eight-hour workday, wouldn't it?

Inevitable that someone would have gotten it done quickly: http://kotaku.com/gta-v-players-beat-all-of-heists-without-ever-dying-1691705013

$12m in game money reward (looks like for the whole crew, not each).


March 16th, 2015, 11:19 AM
I only saw a blurb -- wasn't quite sure of the details. Is it over or is it a standing 1 time challenge?

Heh, took (at least 4) experienced GTA gamers 9 hours over two days to get it done. Considering how many people don't even know how to use Snacks or equip Body Armor in-game, not very many people at all are going to complete this. Good carrot. :up:

March 16th, 2015, 11:58 AM
In other news, I'm really liking the Armored Karuma.
Yeah, this is utter shite -- this car should be *slower*, not faster, than other cars in its class. At least it should plow like a pig -- and it doesn't?! :smh:

It's in the Sports class but it has a top end like a Super? Fucking wack. :down:

March 16th, 2015, 09:24 PM
Spent most of Sunday trying to do two heists with my wife and brother (and he was using our sisters account to make up the forth spot - which was hard when each person needs to do something).

A good hour or two was spent trying to get everyone in the same game/restarting after freezes/restarting the heists after randoms keep quitting the fourth spot (after my brother gave up playing two consoles) and so on.

Very frustrating, the server probs are one reason we don't play often. Wife is a room away from me, and brother and sister are a ten minute walk/2m drive away, yet we struggle getting everyone in the same lobby...

I'd love the $12 bonus thingy as posted above, but where am i going to find the right people to do them all with? :/

March 17th, 2015, 03:45 AM
I only saw a blurb -- wasn't quite sure of the details. Is it over or is it a standing 1 time challenge?

Heh, took (at least 4) experienced GTA gamers 9 hours over two days to get it done. Considering how many people don't even know how to use Snacks or equip Body Armor in-game, not very many people at all are going to complete this. Good carrot. :up:

It also helps to be at a level where you can carry around more than 4 sets of armor, I'm guessing :lol:

March 17th, 2015, 03:58 AM
Yeah, this is utter shite -- this car should be *slower*, not faster, than other cars in its class. At least it should plow like a pig -- and it doesn't?! :smh:

It's in the Sports class but it has a top end like a Super? Fucking wack. :down:
It's basically a 4 door Jester in my experience, and it's awesome. Stop hating. :D

March 17th, 2015, 04:57 AM
Thanks, Carlo for running through the first heist. That was a lot of fun. But that damn hack game was giving me issues! :lol:

I picked myself up a white Karuma now. Bought some Cheetah R rims, a bumper and lowered it. Looking nice :up:

BTW, this is what happened to me:


The camera got stuck looking at the door! :lol: It even persisted when I went in the garage, outside, and came back after exiting to SP. So, so strange.

March 17th, 2015, 05:43 AM
I was just about to come in and post this article that talks about how you can carry around extra body armor, should have known you guys already knew.


March 17th, 2015, 06:53 AM
It's basically a 4 door Jester in my experience, and it's awesome. Stop hating. :D
Oh I'm well aware -- I bought one regardless. Replaced my Buffalo S with it.


I don't know about your copy Jason but included in my $525,000 price tag WAS THE RIGHT TO BITCH ABOUT IT!!1! :finger: :assclown: ;)

March 17th, 2015, 07:05 AM
Thanks, Carlo for running through the first heist. That was a lot of fun. But that damn hack game was giving me issues! :lol:
Yep, it's tough but it's actually better to be the Driller than the Driver; good practice. Bonus points to you for figuring it out without getting the practice run! ;) :up:

I was trying to give that run a bit more drama than it usually gets; a shootout with the LSPD in front of the bank, some glory-seeker burnouts in front of one or two barricades, y'know the full experience leading up to our epic getaway. As your Getaway Driver, I didn't want to let you down. :D

March 17th, 2015, 07:11 AM
Can you plan the heists in (mostly) subtle and silent ways, like the last big score of the main mission?

March 17th, 2015, 07:16 AM
Not really. Bullets are going to be flying and while you & your best three buddies might start out with sniper rifles at long range firing in unison initially, the cops are always omniscient.

Also, many of the objectives are "heavy lifting": steal this car, fly this plane, wack this guy. Loud stuff all around.

EDIT: Also-also, if you have even 1 Pubbie in your crew, it's going to be a crapshoot. 100% of the time, most people are *waaay* too impatient to wait for any deviation short of an all-out sprint to the finish line. :thppt:

I had a "Rooftop Rumble" mission on Hard this past weekend where, after one guy died for rushing the FIB LZ, he waited for the other Pubbie & I to race towards the Courier and relieve him of his swag. As I was haulin' ass in the Armored Karuma (NOT a slow car), the dead-but-spectating gamer pops off just as I'm high-stepping up towards Madrazo's fuck-palace! WTF?? :lol:

Could'a been a disconnect for other reasons, just thought it was funny timing.

Fast As Possible
March 17th, 2015, 12:46 PM
Oh are we having a garage-off??

Garage 1

Garage 2

These are the two garages for my main 'toon. I was trying out a new color scheme (Stone Silver & Metallic Black) but it's pretty drab stuff. Probably won't stick.

I built up a very cool, very wicked Hotknife coupe that's in Garage 1. BBC, supercharged, zoomie pipes, it sounds the business and really drives decently too boot. Conversely I also built up this "Slamvan" which, while it both looks and sounds the business, it drive like the shits. :lol:


Lastly, I did meet up with TSG briefly on Saturday evening while playing with my femme 'toon. We caused some general havoc, got into a shootout with the LSPD (#girlpower) and took some cars out for a spin.

I did take some candid shots of TSG while (s)he was driving my Stinger GT:


...but I don't think (s)he liked that very much when trying to outrun the Fuzz.



P.S. - My 2nd character's garage, just to be complete:


Between us and the internet, I don't actually remember how I got this person, but when I saw her she reminded me of an ex's sister who was hot in a fierce, methy sort of way. :lol:

I ended up playing a little more later in the evening and jacked a police car then went on a convenience store robbing spree. I am not good with the camera, but I managed to snag a selfie with my banged up cruiser in front of a store I'd just knocked over. No worries, I liquefied everyone inside before leaving. This chick with a stole police car knocking over 7-11s just fit...

I think I did five in a row before something killed me. :up:
I'm impressed how you guys can remember so much of these video game shenanigans and manage to write it like it was a story. I'm usually so high playing GTA (if not just weed then also dxm, diphenhydramine, alcohol, etc.), I win a lot of races, complete a lot of missions and get into shootouts with the cops constantly... I wish I could remember it all but it's more like a twister than a rainstorm. :)

As you can see from my garage pics, I really like dark metallics with light pearl on them, I especially love painting a car metallic midnight blue, then do a salmon pink pearl on it. I believe my Pigalle is that colour:


My 9F is like graphite and salmon pearl:


And the Emperor is wine red w/salmon pearl


I'm trying to go for a pink cadillac type of colour:


I try to get this sort of grey-purple colour too but I can't figure them both out :o


Of course you gotta try to replicate this :D:


I honestly think I've nearly nailed 59 Eldorado Biarritz "Champange Pink" with the 9F paintjob but the other two are too dark. :o

replicating that 68 lilac colour and the 78 Firemist colours are nearly impossible.

March 17th, 2015, 02:33 PM
I have no cars and no permanent place of residence. I tend to leave all my money in the street. Never makes it to the landlord.

March 17th, 2015, 07:32 PM
For a second I was thinking "damn, sometimes GTA looks photorealistic!"

March 17th, 2015, 09:11 PM
When you roll with TSG, shit gets outta hand VERY QUICKLY.



In calmer times:


March 17th, 2015, 09:55 PM
I have a seriously hard time taking GTA seriously. I was sitting there in the passenger seat as we made a great getaway and then I thought, "I got all these bullets and I have not seen a five star wanted in GTAO..." Sadly, my dream was not realized tonight, so just bear that in mind. :P

Fast As Possible
March 18th, 2015, 03:23 AM
I get five star wanted levels all the time. :o I've got really good at headshots on cops with my AP while driving, I'm also at level 188 and someone made fun of me for that today. :o

March 18th, 2015, 06:55 AM
I have a seriously hard time taking GTA seriously. I was sitting there in the passenger seat as we made a great getaway and then I thought, "I got all these bullets and I have not seen a five star wanted in GTAO..." Sadly, my dream was not realized tonight, so just bear that in mind. :P
Yeah I wanted to start some serious shit on Rodeo Drive last night but the cops really overwhelmed us quick. At first while we were crouching alongside the bed of my hotrod pickup I thought we were getting lucky with all the police showing up only on one side. I just hung onto my everbarking SMG and chucked the occasional grenade and thought about making a run for the alleyway fire escape ladders to the rooftops -- but when they bum-rushed us from the other side (from the shops behind us), it was all over. Just a matter of time, I suppose. (I didn't die that time, just that we got dispersed.)

Additionally, when I followed you in your hijacked Sabre GT and you went up into that little parking lot, I thought that would be a fine place to stage a war -- until I got hung up on a pylon and ventilated by S.W.A.T.! :lol: Damned death interrupting good times! #fistshake

Alright, let's do this right tonight -- only are you sure you don't want to dress for success? Cargo pants, combat boots, tank top & sunglasses? Scorching red lingerie? Maybe a clown nose? :D #seriousbusiness

March 18th, 2015, 08:02 AM
Is there not a good place to hole up and play defense against AI cops?

March 18th, 2015, 09:20 AM
Good times!

I was disappointed that our Heat shootout ended up with us getting flanked - I grabbed that Sabre hoping for a combo Jumper-drive-a-bus-through-the-enemy scene and some protection from another direction but it didn't work out. :lol:

Unfortunately all my money is being spent on ammo and meth - there is nothing in the budget for clothes. Besides, Angelinas do everything in flip flops and a bikini top.

There are definitely a few good places to stage a shootout - there is a particular rooftop near the hills that's served me well in single player, and there are so many chillers on top there is no where for the troops to land helicopters. You can pick them off pretty readily when they try and swing down. :up: The issue I forsee is when I inevitably die, because getting back up there would be rough. :lol:

I played a little later on and managed L12, so now I can buy the SMG and slightly less shitty body armor. I ended up doing the rescue-the-meth-RV mission with some other guy and we did the whole thing in complete silence. It was eerily mechanical. I imagine a lot of the simpler, 1-2 player missions end up like that. I also finally learned why you gotta buy a house and get a car rather than living on the streets and perpetually jacking them. Boo to dumb game mechanics that railroad behavior. :down:

March 18th, 2015, 09:36 AM
Is there not a good place to hole up and play defense against AI cops?
Yep, several places:

:: Behind the counter of just about any Convenience Store or Ammo-Nation.
:: The Los Santos Metro Transit construction tunnels.
:: Hollywood sets behind the big greenscreen wall.
:: The end of the Del Perro Pier (LSPD will not drive their cars onto the pier and will instead charge you on foot).

Also, any clothing store: if the action gets too heavy, go into the changing rooms -- when you're in there, you should be invulnerable. Totally forgot about that one. :lol:

March 18th, 2015, 09:45 AM
Then do it up! 5 star time!

March 18th, 2015, 09:46 AM
We're gonna. :twisted:

March 18th, 2015, 10:07 AM
Maybe I can scramble to L90 so I can buy a sniper rifle. Picking off the popo on the pier is a great spot. You still have to watch the air, but that's what buddies are for!

Miraculously, I don't have to be in the office tonight and the girl is occupied with massage+hair+burlesque rehearsal, so I ain't got shit to do til 9pm or so. YEAH!

I fully anticipate two bloody eyes.

March 18th, 2015, 10:10 AM
Don't worry about it, I'll discard my .50 Barrett sniper rifle for you to play with.

March 18th, 2015, 11:22 AM
There is a small chance we won't die.


March 18th, 2015, 01:32 PM
Anything less would be uncivilized. :shocker:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I just watched this now -- hilarious! :D

March 18th, 2015, 03:12 PM
Flying a chopper(rather poorly) into a beautiful sunset.

March 18th, 2015, 03:52 PM
City Hall is ironically a wonderful place to do a 5 star shoot out with a teammate or two. :up:

March 18th, 2015, 06:12 PM
Well as Picard said to Riker "Make it so!"

It is so, and for $29.90, including tax, used. I got the map, too, which I wouldn't have known existed had I not looked the cases of a couple of the used games for sale. One had it, and one didn't. It looks important, or at least useful.

I guess I insert the Install disc first...

(yes, I realize I'm plunging headlong into folly, but hey - I'm on vacation!)

March 18th, 2015, 06:26 PM
"Failed to find a compatible session" or some such shit. :down:

March 18th, 2015, 06:27 PM
I guess I insert the Install disc first...

Do not try to insert the map, that's for sure.

March 19th, 2015, 04:03 AM
George, you're part of the 360 crew, no?

I have yet to progress past the first mini-heist. When is a working dude with a teenage boy ever going to be able to devote hours to a string of missions? My GTA happiness last night revolved around the simple act of blocking a highway with a bus and then setting off a five-minute-long chain of explosions. The only trick is knowing exactly when to call Lester to remove the wanted level, so you can watch the carnage in peace. Still haven't mastered that trick.

March 19th, 2015, 06:22 AM
Yes, I have an Xbox360. I also have two kids in elementary school so I'll have very little time to play, and I'll have to keep this game hidden, too. My son would LOVE it, I know, but it will be easier if he doesn't know it exists. Frankly, I don't know when I'll be able to play this game but from reading this thread and the later pictures and speedpimp's videos, I just had to buy it. It looks like walking around in the Pulp Fiction movie world or something from what I've seen so far. :up:

March 19th, 2015, 06:51 AM
"Failed to find a compatible session" or some such shit. :down:
Yeah, that was frustrating. I quit trying after awhile. #shrug


Has anyone else tried/bought a Dodo?


I bought the ability to rent one from the Elitás Travel website last night and IMO this thing is damn fun! It has small retractable wheels so you can land on dry land (it will typically appear at the closest airport, actually) and it lands pretty easily on water. I tried it out first landing on the relatively smooth surface of the Alamo Sea and then once closer to shore I hopped out and dove into the water. You can successfully get into it from a swimming animation! :up: If Pubbies weren't in such a race to get to objectives, this would be a damn cool way to conduct water-based Contact Missions. :D

I then took off and tried landing in the ocean past the Zancudo River mouth; that was a bit more sketchy. Based on how deep the wing tips dip below the water on big waves, the plane sure does look like it will capsize if you're not careful. Still, motoring about on the ocean's surface was pretty easy and as long as you're taking off in-line with a breaker you can get airborne without too much drama. Ok, maybe a little drama.

For all of those times where I've called a Merriweather Helicopter pickup, executed the pilot and then landed on the shore to wait for some Pubbie to swim himself outta th' drink, the Dodo looks like it'll do the entire job nicely instead. :up: :up:

March 19th, 2015, 09:10 AM
For all of those times where I've called a Merriweather Helicopter pickup, executed the pilot and then landed on the shore to wait for some Pubbie to swim himself outta th' drink, the Dodo looks like it'll do the entire job nicely instead. :up: :up:

I hate that I had never considered killing the pilot. Ugh.

Don't have the game in front of me - about how much is said Dodo?

March 19th, 2015, 09:52 AM
Yeah, that was frustrating. I quit trying after awhile. #shrug

I tried off and on for a couple hours - between jobs or whatever.

I have just shy of two hundred large so I guess I oughta do the grown up thing and move out of the parents place. They don't have anything good left to sell anyway.

March 19th, 2015, 11:17 AM
Don't have the game in front of me - about how much is said Dodo?

Between that and the Armored Kuruma, I've dropped $1.25 mil this week! :lol:

March 19th, 2015, 01:17 PM
I'll try not to slow down this cool thread with too many newb questions, but I've been playing the first mission this afternoon and I keep seeing TINY text saying to do such and such, press this button: and there's an icon of what button I should push that is so small that I can't see which button they're telling me to use.

Is this diagram sufficient for GTA V? If so, I'll print this out and keep it handy, since I can't see the tiny instructions on the screen.


March 19th, 2015, 02:13 PM
Controls change a lot depending on what you're doing - different buttons do different things on foot vs. in a vehicle for example, and there are a fair number of "interactive" situations where totally random things are called for (like pushing a button or raising & lowering a scoop.

Those controls are the on foot controls. These are the vehicle controls:


March 20th, 2015, 06:06 AM

Between that and the Armored Kuruma, I've dropped $1.25 mil this week! :lol:
Did I say $1.25 mil? Well the Dodo is so much fun and so necessary to my gaming experience (YMMV), I had to unlock it for my 2nd 'toon too! Forgot to add in the mods for the Kuruma so this week I've spent $1.85 mil. I've been grinding back some cash but I'm still down to my last $5 mil... :smh:

March 20th, 2015, 06:21 AM
So if no one is online to tool around with, what's the best way to haul in money and/or rep? Before Carlo threw me a text Monday night (and helped me blow up my arm floaties for the slightly intimating sea of heists), I was a bit lost :lol:
Is racing still a nice way to grab cash and rep? Contact missions? Just suck it up and play heists with pubbies?

March 20th, 2015, 06:42 AM
Keep in mind that my entire game was gifted to me by hacker money -- I did not grind up the roughly GTA$40 mil to outfit my two 'toons with swank garages, I was just online (on the 360) when some random asshat granted everybody in that session hundreds of millions of dollars. Apparently hackers are still at work on the PS3 version of GTA V -- if you see a shower of money bags (like those that drop from armored trucks), that's a hacker at work.

The truly fastest way to get cash in GTA V is to buy Shark Cards. :lol: I think it's $20 USD for every GTA$1 mil (I haven't done this, btw -- just sayin').

After that, technically I believe Racing is where you can earn money the quickest -- but you need a solid room of at least 4 (5?) racers, everybody clicking through their menus quickly, racing the shit out of a course and getting it done to load the next one. An operation like that, not unlike grinding for Bitcoins IMO, can beat Contact Missions.

Otherwise just playing Contact Missions nonstop with Pubbies is the best way. (http://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/2eavak/fastest_highest_paying_missions_methods/) Some missions are really long, you'll get to learn to avoid those, other missions can be done quickly for top dollar.

Best possible pay for each mission (if you complete each mission in 4:00 exactly)

Trash Talk: $3715/minute - 616RP/minute - $14860 & 2466RP
Rooftop Rumble: $3657/minute - $14630
Judging the Jury: $3560/minute - 626RP/minute - $14240 & 2507RP
Parking Garage: $3462/minute - $13850
Extradition: $3412/minute - 531RP/minute - $13650 & 2126RP
Diamonds Are For Trevor: $3330/minute - $13320
Crystal Clear Out III: $3315/minute - $13260
Chopper Tail: $3052/minute - $12210
High Priority Case: $2925/minute - $11700
Factory Closure: $2862/minute - $11450
San Andreas Seoul: $2845/minute - $11380
Crystal Clear Out II: $2845/minute - $11380
Blow Up III: $2730/minute - 461RP/minute - $10920 & 1871RP
Base Invaders: $2697/minute - 459RP/minute - $10790 & 1838RP
Handle with Care: $2607/minute - $10430
Potshot: $2377/minute - $9510

Everything else is just wasting time. :D

March 20th, 2015, 07:09 AM
The problem, as I found out last night, is that hardly ANYONE is doing Contact Missions anymore, since everyone is working on Heists :( I was driving around murdering people for 30 minutes before a Contact Mission filled my request. Apparently you automatically go 'on call' now if there are no sessions available.

And the Hasta La Vista games are my new favorite, though you should only do them for fun since they barely pay anything for $$ or RP.

March 20th, 2015, 07:20 AM
Host your own Contact Missions, Pl8; Cleaning the Cathouse is Rank 45 and can be completed solo without firing a shot.

Cleaning The Cat House: Call in a helicopter either from Pegasus or a Merryweather pick up (execute pilot, fly yourself). Land on the roof above Anna's blip. She will walk up to the roof and get in the helicopter. You can complete this mission without firing a bullet.

Also, Holed Up - Burton is Rank 50 and is pretty easy.

Holed Up - Burton: To do this all you need to do is kill all of the hostiles and stay on top of the parking structure. Uncle Escobar will drive himself to Madrazo's house and the enemies won't spawn to attack him. Even if you do however go past the ramp to get on the enemies will only spawn in that area and he will drive himself with no issues.

Otherwise once you're above level 75, there's always Rooftop Rumble. :D

March 20th, 2015, 09:32 AM
The truly fastest way to get cash in GTA V is to buy Shark Cards. :lol: I think it's $20 USD for every GTA$1 mil (I haven't done this, btw -- just sayin').

Do you know offhand if you can buy these with xbox$? I had a half dozen $10 and $15 rewards cards from Dell that I turned into $100 in xbox$. Turning free money into GTA money seems like a good use of non-money. :D

OTOH, I guess buying resources takes some of the point away of playing the game.


March 20th, 2015, 09:50 AM
The point of playing the game is having fun with interesting challenges, not grinding.

March 20th, 2015, 10:41 AM
is it? :lol:

Seriously, though, I don't even remotely feel like I'm grinding. But I also don't really feel the need to have cars, guns, clothes, or houses. I am clearly outclassed by some of the people I run into, but I've so far been totally content to drive whatever it is that I jacked and use a little planning to execute the jobs instead of relying on big guns and armor to overwhelm. I just "finally" (it's been four days, maybe eight hours :lol:) bought a house using about 25% of what I have...


The only thing I want to put in it is a Dominator or a Gauntlet. :lol:

... and I'm done? :D

March 20th, 2015, 10:44 AM
I know too many people that play games as a grind, and get games designed around the grind, and then complain that they aren't having any fun. Yeah, no shit :D

March 20th, 2015, 10:47 AM
Ugh. For real.

I am actually pretty impressed by how nicely GTA Online works out... I am *really* late to the game, but unlike a lot of online games that doesn't result in being instantly and impossibly overwhelmed. It's nice.

My girl says there is something wrong with me, because I have no cars in the car game and ten IRL. She may be on to something.

March 20th, 2015, 11:04 AM
Life is the ultimate car game.

March 20th, 2015, 11:06 AM
The point of playing the game is having fun with interesting challenges, not grinding.
Which is why I say it this way:

Otherwise just playing Contact Missions nonstop with Pubbies is the best way.
I don't consider playing through random Contact Missions to be really grinding. If you play through the same quick mission over and over again all by yourself, that's grinding to me (and I don't play GTA that way!).

March 20th, 2015, 11:09 AM
Ugh. For real.

I am actually pretty impressed by how nicely GTA Online works out... I am *really* late to the game, but unlike a lot of online games that doesn't result in being instantly and impossibly overwhelmed. It's nice.

My girl says there is something wrong with me, because I have no cars in the car game and ten IRL. She may be on to something.


The only reason I want cars is so I can be competitive in races that allow custom vehicles. I'd like to think that I'm "an excellent driver," but there can be quite a difference in performance between a default car and one with the full complement of mods. So, somewhat of a grind to make money to buy the car, also somewhat of a grind to gain RP to level up to have access to the full slate of mods.

However, my current strategy of not giving a F* about online races seems to be helping in that regard. I just need to make enough money to keep well stocked in sticky bombs and heavy-duty armor.

March 20th, 2015, 11:37 AM
I could see that. I really don't like the races so I've only done one or two. I don't immediately plan on doing any more. :lol:

Fast As Possible
March 20th, 2015, 03:44 PM
I'm at like 350 races won and 500 lost?

I don't regret grinding to build my garages because races are fun and competitive now instead of everyone else beatimg me with their modded supers and I have a stock dogshit. It's still not easy. But at least with my fully clapped out adder I don't lose every other super race.

March 21st, 2015, 07:30 AM
If you're having fun doing it, then I don't think it's really grinding. To me grinding is when you're doing mindless, simple tasks with no enjoyment.

March 21st, 2015, 07:49 AM

It was a lil' stormy out when I made this ocean landing in the Dodo seaplane (strangely enough, the couple in that boat didn't stick around once the shooting started). :up:


I've been on a string of good games this week:

Last night I used the Dodo for two missions, one of which was successful (the other one, the landing above, I landed in the ocean while the Pubbies ignored me, swam to shore and wasted time climbing up the banks to steal a car :thppt: ). Trevor called us in for a slap 'n' dash from a conclave of ratty mobile homes to fetch some stuff. Well the other Pubbies redlined it, crashing into the fray, spooking the guy with the stuff and flopping out of their cars while his circle of buddies opened fire. Just a total shit-show. :smh:

Since I had hung way back, instead of trying to chase the runner down, I called in for the Dodo. Drove to McKenzie Airfield while the other Pubbies straightened their shit out and gave chase. The day was beautiful, the skies were blue and my hunch was correct because by the time I was in the air, the runner had led them all the way to the eastern shores. I came around, glided in on the water and stopped at the dock by the old man's cabin and the boat landing there.

Amazingly, the Pubbie with the stuff saw me, ran down the docks and dove into the water! :up: He climbed aboard the floater and then into the cockpit, at which point I cranked up the engine and we hit the sky. When I brought it back down on the Alamo Sea by Trevor's shitshack, I discovered that you can extend the wheels into the water at no penalty -- and then just roll up onto the beach! This plane is amazing! :lol:

Rare White Ape
March 21st, 2015, 03:34 PM
I've been using the Dodo in single player a little bit. It's the perfect place to discover all of its features and abilities without paying a cent for one in online mode.

Which means that I knew about its cool ability to perform deadly amphibious maneuveres months ago, and I'm surprised that you, our GTA oracle, have only just begun to find out.

March 21st, 2015, 08:11 PM
I don't waste time playing the single player game.

Rare White Ape
March 21st, 2015, 09:18 PM
And with that, Carlo gently deposited the microphone on the floor, and departed towards stage left.

March 21st, 2015, 09:40 PM
LoL seriously, I played through the single player game once, finished it and that was that.

I've only played GTA Online since then. If I was balls poor then I could see the benefits but I do have the cash to buy most everything -- I just never had the need to look into the Dodo, that's all.

Rare White Ape
March 22nd, 2015, 04:00 AM
Fair points.

By contrast, I just can't seem to get interested in online mode. I can't explain why. I tried heists for the first time this afternoon with randoms, gave up after a while because of the difficulty in finding a game where I'm either a) not waiting ages for players to join, or b) not being kicked because (I suspect) I have a low ranking or the hosts would prefer a friend. And it's not at all user friendly trying to navigate your way into a game if you're just a casual player like me - it seems like it's heavily geared to more dedicated or serious players, and the menus feel like a bit of a minefield sometimes. But I did get into one setup mission. We had to steal a car from the top of a parking garage. We tried it four times and we died four times. FUN!

As a result I tend to stick to solo online mode if I ever do venture that way because I'm not in the mood to be shot at by randoms or I don't want to be that guy who fucks everything up (like I did today, we had to steal a semi and lose the cops. I got my semi wedged up a back alley and nobody could get it out). But having said that I did manage to get myself up to rank 20 just by playing solo online. It's only taken me 18 months.

Sadly, I'll never get to use any of the new vehicles because I'll probably never fully do any heists and earn the money to buy them. I'd really love to fly the new jet, and shoot things with the new helicopter, and check out the aircraft carrier, but they're not available AT ALL in SP mode like everything else has been up until now. I wasn't excited for heists to make an appearance like everyone else was and that stems from my disinterest in GTA Online as a whole, it's a nice addition to have but I just can't get into it, and I don't know how it works and I don't have time for it and I just couldn't be fucked. It should be a good pick-up-and-play game to kill 20 minutes between things but it has almost zero value as that.

And now my neat little two sentence reply to your post has turned into a shitty rant of brobdingnagian proportions.

March 22nd, 2015, 07:48 PM
You PS4ing RWA?

Could try do a heist together one day, as i know no-one else with a PS4 and GTA. Everyone i know has the PS3 version.

March 22nd, 2015, 08:19 PM
I've got it, and the 3 of us are even in the same(ish) time zone!

Rare White Ape
March 23rd, 2015, 04:25 AM
Yeah I'm on PS4, but sometimes I don't play the game for a week, or a month, so I can't be considered to be reliable at all.

Like I alluded, dedicating a time slot and being a committed gamer just isn't my bag any more.

March 23rd, 2015, 06:54 AM
(GTA V) should be a good pick-up-and-play game to kill 20 minutes between things but (GTA Online) has almost zero value as that.
This is the defining difference between GTA V and GTA Online. GTA V is definitely the game you want to play to set up massif explosions, intricate stunts, etc. Anything where you need to be left alone. You could do this in a Solo Instance of GTAO -- but why bother? If you don't have the cash and/or the Ranks, it's just going to be frustrating. Much better to do that type of "boot-up then blow-up" style of play offline like you said.

GTAO is the first steps toward an action RPG. Much like Destiny, while you are re-running the same missions over and over again, you are building up a body of work, a style, a look to the way you play.

I do run into lots of gamers that drive around in Pegassi Zentornos in their underwear with paperbags over their heads, attempting to kill you or get you to spend $10,000+ to blow them up. Chaos reveals itself in all of its glorious multifaceted forms. :D They just add to the randomness, I find.

And now my neat little two sentence reply to your post has turned into a shitty rant of brobdingnagian proportions.
:lol: :up:

Still, thanks for writing it out!

March 23rd, 2015, 07:18 AM
RWA - I totally get what you're saying about the heists; I have not completed anything beyond the first Fleeca mini-heist. But I have to admit that I have adopted a bit of a "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" stance and now quite enjoy gunning down pubbies online whenever possible.

Had a game sometime last week where I delivered a car to Simeon, came out of the delivery garage, and there was a pubbie standing there, having just delivered a vehicle himself. Well, shoot first or be shot, so I killed him, and as I was running to steal a getaway car, another pubbie rolled up and I dispatched him without mercy as well. As I was on the highway out of the docks in my stolen Bullet (?!), a couple more pubbies attempted a drive-by on me, but only managed to shoot out one of my tires. I managed to kill the driver. I took off, assuming I would be hunted, and made for one of the neighborhoods on the east side of Mirror Park. I left my car in the street and hid behind a low driveway wall. Sure enough, after a few minutes, here they come up the street. Before they could even start shooting at the car, they were both ex-pubbies. This happened three or four more times - kill both, find new hiding spot, kill again, repeat - and was hilarious. I'm not a great online presence and am often the one getting filled with lead (K/D ratio is *just* over 1.00), but I definitely had these guys' numbers. Might have been just after that that some other pubbie murdered me seven times in a row, although I did get a great laugh as his fighter jet strafing attempt went horribly wrong and he crashed into a cliff face behind me on the highway :lol:

March 23rd, 2015, 08:05 AM
I am positively heartbroken that I lost a pic I thought I had snapped on a Mission this weekend. :(

During the By Sea, Land & Air mission, my team got the call to break through a major Merriweather stronghold to steal 2 Buzzard attack helicopters. I was late to the party so the mercs were all riled up by the time I hit the LZ. My first teammate snagged a Buzzard from the rooftops and took off while I engaged the enemy on the ground -- but when he flew off, he did not take out the two enemy Buzzards that were in the air! :angry: So they instead began supporting the Merriweather mercs I was engaging.

Hunkered down behind the cover of a black Canis Mesa, the world around me exploded in a haze of shrapnel as the two Buzzard choppers fired their twin machineguns in unison on my position. At any instant I assumed that I would either die from the vehicle exploding in front of me or from massive lead poisoning. I focused on taking out the remaining Merriweather mercs before turning towards the hovering, unnaturally-accurate AI Buzzards and plucking out their pilots.

When they crashed and all was quiet, I turned to take a pic of my position: both the absolutely wrecked, bullet-riddled and flaming (but not yet exploded!) 4x4 and the wall behind it; it was covered in hundreds of overlapping bullet-hole decals. It looked like one of those alien hornet nests that are allowed to grow up to 12' tall. I took out my Snapmatic but apparently it didn't save it...


In other news, I've been enjoying the sounds outta th' Coquette lately. No new tidbit to reveal, just enjoying the drive. :up:


March 23rd, 2015, 09:29 AM
I do run into lots of gamers that drive around in Pegassi Zentornos in their underwear with paperbags over their heads, attempting to kill you or get you to spend $10,000+ to blow them up. Chaos reveals itself in all of its glorious multifaceted forms. :D They just add to the randomness, I find.

Haha. For real. I wish the freeroam was a little less cartoony - it would be nice to enjoy the spoils of your labor without worrying about sticky bombs & snipers. I feel like they could have done better with freeroam, but I don't exactly know how. Maybe they should put up themed servers like back in the old online computer games days... servers with no PvP, servers with only races, etc. That way you could find a place where you felt comfortable instead of worrying all the time. There is some thrill that comes from the chaos, but jeez. If I see one more chrome Zentorno *I'm* gonna start chucking sticky bombs.

I find myself just hopping from job to job, because even when the pubbies aren't making sense, at least they're not actively destroying it with armored Karumas. And, I've found as often as not I'm totally surprised by how well missions go down. Yeah, there are certainly the WTF moments but on the whole but when it does go right it's pretty cool. I find it a little chilling when you end up on a job with some random person and there isn't a single word spoken, just perfect execution of the task at hand. I played three in a row last night with a non-English speaking person (I assume, because people I heard through his mic were all speaking Portuguese) and we just did our thing cooperatively. Pretty awesome. Speaking of silence, that's another nice thing about jobs. Even when nobody is being useful, at least your 1000w HT system isn't blaring out 12 year olds yelling "DON'T KILL ME!" or "I'M SO GANGSTA!"

I do think the vehicle selection has gone too far - I played some job yesterday with three other people and it loaded with three HVY Insurgents. After everyone ran to their own, it was me standing in the street like an idiot. But I didn't feel as dumb as they did without a gunner. :lol: Fortunately everyone was sensible and we got rolling quickly. Needless to say, when two of those bastards rolled up to a drug deal it got really ugly for some Ballas.

Only semi-related, I found you can stand indefinitely in a dump truck filled with sand. Just hop on the back and go where it takes you. I don't know why this is useful, but it is hilarious. It confounds everyone, including the police.

March 23rd, 2015, 10:33 AM
Only semi-related, I found you can stand indefinitely in a dump truck filled with sand. Just hop on the back and go where it takes you. I don't know why this is useful, but it is hilarious. It confounds everyone, including the police.

I'm totally going to try that the next time I play. Probably in an invite-only session - I can see the fighter-jet mouthbreathers teeing off on such a large, slow-moving target.

March 23rd, 2015, 10:35 AM
I expected to have been murdered, but I hopped in, took some selfies, and then walked the dogs. Came back an hour later standing in a dump truck filled with sand stuck in traffic on the freeway. :lol:

March 23rd, 2015, 10:58 AM
I managed to kill the driver. I took off, assuming I would be hunted, and made for one of the neighborhoods on the east side of Mirror Park. I left my car in the street and hid behind a low driveway wall. Sure enough, after a few minutes, here they come up the street. Before they could even start shooting at the car, they were both ex-pubbies. This happened three or four more times - kill both, find new hiding spot, kill again, repeat - and was hilarious. I'm not a great online presence and am often the one getting filled with lead (K/D ratio is *just* over 1.00), but I definitely had these guys' numbers.

Might have been just after that that some other pubbie murdered me seven times in a row, although I did get a great laugh as his fighter jet strafing attempt went horribly wrong and he crashed into a cliff face behind me on the highway :lol:
:up: :up:

I'm begrudgingly for impromptu shenanigans online at this point as well -- it's still not my favorite thing to do and 50% of the time I do log into an Invite-Only instance. But times like these do make it worth it! :D

March 23rd, 2015, 11:09 AM
I find myself just hopping from job to job, because even when the pubbies aren't making sense, at least they're not actively destroying it with armored Karumas. And, I've found as often as not I'm totally surprised by how well missions go down.
Yep, this is the key: once you get into the Missions, the game is fun and most of the time Pubbies play along. This is what keeps the game going for me -- I just wish there were 10x more Contact Missions!! :angry:

Do this a few nights a week, a few weeks a month, a few months a year and you'll find yourself with several million GTA$, too. :up:

March 23rd, 2015, 11:20 AM
if they're really planning on continuing to grow this thing, there are going to need to be more missions for sure. Not sure exactly how this is done from a financial perspective, but maybe their BILLION DOLLAR RELEASE will fund this shit for a while. ;)

Here's a question: How do you get out of the prison, or can you? I had a mission go awry and there was a big shootout near the prison. I took it in the noggin and respawned inside of the prison. Could not get out. :sadbanana:

March 23rd, 2015, 11:25 AM
...took some selfies...
Here's a bigger PITA than you might want to do -- but if you log into your Rockstar Social Club account (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCYQjBAwAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsocialclub.rockstargames.com%2Fp rofile%2Fsignin&ei=bmgQVcbwOMGXyASty4HIAQ&usg=AFQjCNE1ODpb7JaJY0K4uhW29oUXE4A5xw&sig2=VEvtOlIcyMAq0RlUe6Le3w&bvm=bv.88528373,d.aWw) and accept my smarmy friend request, I can then snoop through your Snapmatics and post 'em here. ;)


Jason took some real nice shots a while back:



Rare White Ape
March 23rd, 2015, 01:31 PM
You know what? This is probably way outside the bounds of purity, but I like to whip out the snapmatic camera, turn off the HUD, and press the share button to take pics now. I know for sure then that I have the image (not lost like Carlo's) and I don't have a shitty 100 image limit.

Aaaaaand it's in 1920x1080!

March 23rd, 2015, 01:32 PM
Who wants a dump truck ride?


Oddly, you cannot take a selfie while in motion - as soon as the camera angle flips the camera gets put away. I had to wait for some street congestion to grab that pic. :lol:

And from a my crime spree a couple weeks ago:


Sadly, it was the last hurrah for that cruiser...


March 23rd, 2015, 01:37 PM
You know what? This is probably way outside the bounds of purity, but I like to whip out the snapmatic camera, turn off the HUD, and press the share button to take pics now. I know for sure then that I have the image (not lost like Carlo's) and I don't have a shitty 100 image limit.

Aaaaaand it's in 1920x1080!

I don't get this, but is this a PS4 thing?

March 23rd, 2015, 03:47 PM
No, you can all do this on the XBONE too. I suppose I should noodle around with the Upload app.

March 23rd, 2015, 04:00 PM
Seems tough. Too many buttons. TL;DR.

March 23rd, 2015, 04:51 PM
Yeah there are a lot of hoops to jump through. :smh:

EDIT: Links deleted.

March 23rd, 2015, 09:26 PM
I can't see them at all! They are still on onedrive locked to your username. You need to share them on onedrive with public.

March 24th, 2015, 02:01 AM
I, too, cannot see anything.