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May 9th, 2016, 12:02 PM
Nice running into you last night! I took a picture of you wacking off the store clerk, will post that later.
Yeah that was cool! :D :up:


You live a crazy GTA life, TSG. Just driving around, getting up to no good in the Freeroam? Piss, I stay the hell away from that kind of madness!

Oh... nice yacht! :D

May 9th, 2016, 02:00 PM
Obligatory Yellow Dominator series:



Night-time lighting can look great in this game. :up:


Firefights fo' days! :D


Ok I may have overcooked that last turn... (took that asshole's door with me tho'!! :hard: )


May 9th, 2016, 03:00 PM
Rule 1: Underwear goes outside the pants
Rule 2: Boats are for water, cars are for roads
Rule 3: Kill any motherfucker that steps to you

Rule 2 was clearly not observed, but Sunday night was all about Rule 3. That dude looked at me funny and I didn't care for it.

Plus, most of those freeroam events are pretty fun. :) You should get in on that. Hell, we should get a VIP thing going. We'll call it RoB (Republic of Bananastang) and all drive Bananastangs. I'd also be up for calling it Dreamcicle and we can all drive orange & white Karumas. YEAH!

May 9th, 2016, 03:41 PM
I was gonna say, initially I didn't do anything to that 'Nation clerk! :lol:

I heard him yell "Oh hell!" and suddenly I couldn't buy any more armor. I look over at you and you're pulling a SAW off the wall and letting it rip into the cops outside!

At that point I could see the fat fuck bastard store owner rummaging around behind the counter and getting his shottie ready -- no choice but to force-feed him my Assault Rifle. :smh:

Still, a fun time evading those cops in the mountains. :up: Hope your Dreamcicle doesn't smell too much like cigarette smoke. ;)

May 9th, 2016, 03:48 PM
HA! I don't know what happened to that clerk. I just hit the button to buy armor and he said "Oh hell!" so I drilled everyone outside and then lit the clerk on fire with a flare gun. I thought you'd done something. :lol:

Don't worry about the Karuma. It's rhinolined. I just hose it out. So many n00bs been splattered in there it's more like a grizzly swimming pool than a car.

May 9th, 2016, 04:28 PM

I guess we looked like bad customers. :D

May 9th, 2016, 06:45 PM
Wow! Hilarious and enjoyable reading, and great pics, too!

As for me, I played some yesterday and made a ton of progress but am now feeling like Wile E. Coyote trying to catch the Road Runner.

I went back to Michael's house, almost (but not quite) out of boredom as Franklin, since I'm apparently out of things to do as him, other than robberies and street racing. For some reason, we had to do the pull-down-the-house-on-stilts mission again, but then a whole bunch of stuff seemed to open up as Michael. I learned how to do a bunch of things, in missions, that I already knew, such as riding bicycles, swimming, riding jet-skis (wave runners?), and I've also discovered golf (a whole video game in itself!), tennis (more of the same, it looks like), and watching movies in theatres. Wild! The clothing stores are now open to me as well, at least as Michael. I haven't been able to get back to being Franklin as Michael seems to be in one constant big mission with "chapters" in which another one starts as soon as one finishes.

I've met Lester, been to LifeInvader headquarters, cased the jewerly store, smashed a TV, been to the yacht, unlocked triathalons, apparently (wha....?!), and then stole a pest control van. Now I'm trying to get some knockout gas from a moving step-van on the highway that is proving to be incredibly difficult. The instructions on the screen say I should either shoot open the van (like an armored car, I assume) or destroy it. Well, I can't get the damn thing to stop! I hop out, shotgun in hand, but it drives away. I stole a semi-sized jumbo dump truck and tried every demolition derby move I know but even that cannot stop the unstoppable step van full o' happy gas. Dangit! :angry:

I've tried tossing grenades but I'll be damned if I know how. All I can do is drop them (near myself!) and get blown to bits. The part that reminded me of Wile E. Coyote was when, wearing flip-flops, no less (:lol:), I perched Michael on top of a guard rail on an overpass and waited to drop grenades as that apparently indestructible grey van rolled by on the highway below.



Again. :mad:

I can't seem to shoot while driving with anything except that little pea-shooter pistol, and all that does is get the cops to come kill me, and I still can't put a dent in that damn van! :lol:

Oh well, this is really fun right now. No hints, please. I'll figure this out next weekend when I can play some more, hopefully.

May 10th, 2016, 02:58 AM
Sounds like a sticky situation :lol:

May 10th, 2016, 04:29 AM
Well said, pl8. :up:

Rolled around hooligan-style on the Naked last night.


...but ultimately had to take a page from Fink's playbook.


Pesky cat house. :lol:

May 10th, 2016, 07:34 AM
If I didn't value my thumbs so highly, I'd try to run some Contact Missions on bicycles. :lol:

May 10th, 2016, 08:59 AM
I played with someone who did that. I wanted to kill him SO BADLY - especially when he took off over the mountains on his friggin' bike! I GOTTA GET PAID!

From the other night... our favorite (apparently) convenience store. No idea what you were doing in there for so long. ;)


Also, a couple pics of my Nightshade...


It really doesn't drive so good, but it makes a nice sound and the view over the hood makes it worthwhile...


May 10th, 2016, 09:03 AM
Dammit. Whenever I decide "nah, I don't another game right now," you guys start posting pics from group cruises...that are sorely lacking in Quettes.

May 10th, 2016, 09:25 AM
Take Vanilla Ice's counsel here.

May 10th, 2016, 09:33 AM

step back from the celebrity life and he needs to get in touch with real life.

Will do!

May 10th, 2016, 09:35 AM

May 10th, 2016, 10:08 AM
From the other night... our favorite (apparently) convenience store. No idea what you were doing in there for so long. ;)
After the fiasco multiplayer murder spree at the Playboy Mansion, my Snack levels were a little low. Then I used the ATM to bank my cash like a normal person would (not my magical money-munching smartphone).

Then a smoke, probably. Steady the nerves after rolling with you! ;)

May 10th, 2016, 10:25 AM
There was a lot of murder. Good times.

Next time that comes up, I am going to figure out a way to drop my armored karuma in there and people will see what's up.

Speaking of, late last night I stumbled on a Cargobob, and then got caught air-lifting out a Zentorno as its owner left an Ammunation. There was a tangible tense moment, as I couldn't decide whether to take up to the top of a building like I'd planned, or drop it on his ass. Meanwhile, he was deciding whether to rocket me and his car out of the sky or not. No matter what he was gonna lose his car, so he went with rockets. Luckily I saw it coming and jumped out in the nick of time. My parachute didn't do shit, but I was propelled by the blast onto the freeway. Where I dusted myself off and got splattered by a dump truck. It was a hell of a thing.

May 10th, 2016, 11:32 AM
Online Updates On The Way (http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/52611/gta-online-new-updates-coming-soon?utm_source=blast&utm_medium=email&utm_content=newswire-link&utm_campaign=gtao-updates-05092016).

May 10th, 2016, 11:35 AM
Rich, you gotta dust your girl off and come roll with us! ;)

May 10th, 2016, 11:50 AM
Yeah! I am intrigued by the VIP stuff, but so ronery!


hydropronic2520 minutes ago

Can u make it so u can name your cars? I have 5 sultans and idk which ones which... It sucks.


And..... something else. I don't know.

May 10th, 2016, 12:30 PM
Speaking of, late last night I stumbled on a Cargobob, and then got caught air-lifting out a Zentorno as its owner left an Ammunation. There was a tangible tense moment, as I couldn't decide whether to take up to the top of a building like I'd planned, or drop it on his ass. Meanwhile, he was deciding whether to rocket me and his car out of the sky or not. No matter what he was gonna lose his car, so he went with rockets. Luckily I saw it coming and jumped out in the nick of time. My parachute didn't do shit, but I was propelled by the blast onto the freeway. Where I dusted myself off and got splattered by a dump truck. It was a hell of a thing.
First off -- I believe you.

Secondly, :lol: :lol: :lol:

May 10th, 2016, 01:07 PM
Rich, you gotta dust your girl off and come roll with us! ;)

I fire it up every few weeks. Unfortunately my work schedule is a bit erratic at the moment and sometimes finding some time to coordinate with others has been few and far between.

May 10th, 2016, 02:16 PM
Some other Cargobob experiences from last night:

1. The Cargobob cannot use the Insurgent as a wrecking ball. It's too heavy to get off the ground. That sucks.
2. The Cargobob cannot pick up a Velum. That also sucks, because it means you can't drop the Velum, jump out of the Cargobob, and skydive into the Velum. That also sucks.

On the upside, you can "land" a Buzzard on the water sufficiently for people in the water to board the Buzzard. Sea rescues are awesome.

May 10th, 2016, 06:13 PM
Sounds like a sticky situation :lol:

That hint is as subtle as the giant blower sticking up through TSG's hood. ;)

I thought of sticky bombs, which I've certainly seen during my many, many visits to AmmuNation stores, and I saw them used in a video of How To Rob Gas Stations that I watched early on (dude blew the pumps to cover his getaway or just to enjoy some nice, wholesome explosions), but I haven't unlocked those yet.

Or have I? I may not have scrolled over to those on the one (I think) time I went in as Michael to buy the pump shotgun with silencer and a handful of grenades. Maybe Franklin can't buy them yet, but Michael can. Hmmm...

Rare White Ape
May 10th, 2016, 10:46 PM
Dammit. Whenever I decide "nah, I don't another game right now," you guys start posting pics from group cruises...that are sorely lacking in Quettes.

You're typing this on a thread for a 2.5 year old game which spans 153 pages, and is continued from a previous thread at the previous forum.

This problem isn't going away until you arrive home with a copy of GTA V for your Xbone. Even a 2nd-hand one will do.

Just one more game. It's only a little disc. It's only wafer-thin.

May 11th, 2016, 03:30 AM
Just one more game. It's only a little disc. It's only wafer-thin.

Listen to him, Flounder. He's pre-med.

May 11th, 2016, 03:51 AM
On the upside, you can "land" a Buzzard on the water sufficiently for people in the water to board the Buzzard. Sea rescues are awesome.
Really? I'm definitely going to practice that! :D

I love taking out the Dodo but most Pubbies don't have the patience for it. :(

May 11th, 2016, 04:12 AM
You're typing this on a thread for a 2.5 year old game which spans 153 pages, and is continued from a previous thread at the previous forum.

Yeah, I already have the game and played the crap out of it. I didn't plan on buying it a second time just for first person view and fancier graphics.

May 11th, 2016, 04:38 AM
Up to no good.


Ended up On Maneuvers two nights ago to steal an Annihilator from the Military. The rest of the Pubbies dropped, leaving just me. Hmm. #smoke

Trotted up the dirt road with my trusty Assault Rifle and a few grenades. After everyone was dead, I fired up the Annihilator for a minute to signal the air support. Then hopped over to the Buzzard and flew to Ft. Zancudo where a jet was scramblin' and ice it. Then took out the pair of incoming Buzzards from Los Santos Int'l -- caught that first chopper with its pants down, mid-shit. #boom

Finally returned to the Annihilator, set a Sticky Bomb on the Buzzard (can't just leave that thing lying around) and flew to the local Ammu-Nation.

Had to restock and sign some autographs before delivery. ;)


May 11th, 2016, 08:57 AM
Really? I'm definitely going to practice that! :D

I love taking out the Dodo but most Pubbies don't have the patience for it. :(

I miffed the Dodo is no longer for sale. I think it'd be awesome to have. :up:

I would have thought the Buzzard sea rescue thing was obvious, being there's a song written about it...

:sing: Buzzard! On the water!

May 11th, 2016, 09:51 AM
I'm disappointed you can't water rescue in the Cargo-bob. Or open the ramp on the Titan anymore.

May 11th, 2016, 09:55 AM
Agreed - loss of the Titan ramp sucks.

I have not tried to grab a boat with the Cargobob yet. Probably won't work because it'd be awesome to fly a boat, and we can't have that.

May 11th, 2016, 12:23 PM
My crew had a night of seeing what we could pick up and set on the ferris wheel and roller coaster. We put three pwc's on the coaster track, and one on top of the ferris wheel.

May 11th, 2016, 12:26 PM
Also, picking up an AI car and taking it to the 8,300ft ceiling produces strange reactions. He decided to bail AFTER i released the car from that height.

Dropping my friends El Camino looking monster truck frim that height did absolutely nothing.

May 11th, 2016, 02:36 PM
I've noticed that most cars don't actually explode when they hit the ground, which is a weird physics thing. But, if you hit something with the car you dropped, it will tend to explode. So, you just gotta hit a car with a car in order to get something. Dropping cars on the freeway is where it's at. :lol:

I am wondering some stuff now:

1. If you coat a target with sticky bombs and then drop it, what happens?
2. How come there is a mission where you pick up a truck with a Cargobob, but you can't do that in freeroam?
3. If a car falls from a Cargobob in freeroam, and there is nobody there to see it, is it still funny?

Rare White Ape
May 11th, 2016, 05:58 PM
One thing I've observed while falling from heights in a vehicle, is usually the car survives quite well unless you land square on the top. Ka-boom.

Say you're tumbling off the side of Mt Chilliad (as we all do from time-to-time) you can make it most of the way down, but that only lasts until you smack a tree on the roof. Ka-boom.

May 11th, 2016, 06:08 PM
Definitely true... although if you're that Level 12 guy with Avi in a cop car, you're 3000% more likely to explode from shrubs and whatnot.

May 11th, 2016, 07:12 PM
So this happened tonight. :finger:


Oh my sweet jeebus do Pubbies want to kill me now! :lol:

Ironically enough, I beat the Water the Vineyard mission against a Pubby in an Entity supercar (mainly because he was fucking around).

Pedaled out to the vineyard from a starting point in Los Santos, took the shot with the Sniper Rifle, run-and-gun with the bodyguards while the Pubby took the photo -- and then I pedaled my ass to Madrazo's and got there first. :lol: #wtf #tigerblood

May 12th, 2016, 08:39 AM
Jesus, you must have a very special relationship with your A button.

May 12th, 2016, 03:36 PM
Wasn't as bad as I feared: I saved the button-mashing for the occasional uphill burst, held it down to rest my thumb on the downhill or around town. Also there does seem to be a rhythm to tapping the A button; reminds me of galloping in Red Dead Redemption.

But yeah, obviously not the preferred method of play. Still, I enjoyed this low-level of fuckery. :D

May 13th, 2016, 10:34 AM
I'll bet people on bikes are another thing you can't airlift on a Cargobob. WHAT THE HELL GOOD IS THAT??

May 13th, 2016, 03:14 PM
Obligatory Orange Coquette pics:




But I don't think that orange is me. ;)

May 13th, 2016, 03:17 PM
Nice garage!

I have about three hours of floor work to do tonight, but work beyond that is predicated on getting the Ford to the dump so I can fill it up with new home improvement store acquisitions. Because I am health-conscious, I am going to put three or four solid hours into GTA while I wait for it to cool down, then work on floors until I pass out from all the bourbon I'll be drinking. Working drunk while sweating is no way to live.

So, like 45 minutes til a long overdue murder spree begins. I can hear the faces exploding now.

May 13th, 2016, 11:45 PM
Awfully calm considering how many cops were chasing us.


Later on I ganked a Sabre Turbo...


Then I robbed the Pacific Standard and put the money back into the local economy...


May 14th, 2016, 07:22 AM
Cops? I'm more afraid of YOU than the g'damn cops!! :lol:

Subtle. :hard:


Just another night hangin' out with TSG. Pack an extra pair of underwear, kids. :up:

May 14th, 2016, 02:13 PM
Later on I ganked a Sabre Turbo...




Ganked 'er straight from Mr. Rockatansky hisself, didja?


May 14th, 2016, 08:30 PM
What I haven't told you guys about snapping pics of my TV is I often have to take ten or twenty pics to get one good one that doesn't have weird wavy lines or shadows or other things. This is one of those that I might usually reject, but I got to thinking "why should I" as long as the image is generally viewable.

So, without further ado, I present an even more low-res than usual pic of a recently swiped Coquette and a guy who might, according to some, look a bit like our very own Ketchup Man, in front of the offical Quickee Mart of the GTXF. Dig that monogrammed letter jacket! :D


May 14th, 2016, 08:31 PM
I first read that as Mr. Rockstanky and I was like HELL YEAH!

Also, that pic Novi snapped is ace.

I am still considering George's pic - it's all win, but decidedly un-George-like. :lol:

May 15th, 2016, 05:34 AM
I figured whitewalls on a Coquette would be my calling card. :cool:

I admit ten to twenty may have been a bit of a Saturday night exaggeration, but I do usually take several pictures of one scene at a time and then, after plugging the camera into my computer, I drag them all to my desktop. I open the first with Image Viewer, click the next button until I've seen them all, and upload and post the the best one. I get a bunch of strange wavy lines if the camera is too away from being perpendicular to the TV screen, or so it seems to me.

It's still a fast and simple process.

May 15th, 2016, 06:09 AM
For an XBox 360, it's probably the easiest way. The XBox One's screen capture tool makes the process easier and more consistent, but isn't perfect (you still have to save the image and re-upload to a hosting site).

May 15th, 2016, 07:46 AM
I finally figured out how to stop the knockout gas van. After trying to run it off the road and shoot it with all the weapons I have available (no sticky bombs yet), I accidentally figured out how it's done. I was a little ahead of the van, going in the same direction, and trying to slow down to let him pass so I could once again try the same methods again that hadn't worked previously.

He just kept slowing down with me until I realized why - I was too close to his lane, I guess, while trying to drive and look behind me at the same time, and my car being too close and/or partially in his lane prevented him from passing. Once I realized this, I gently slowed to a halt, right in front of him, and then simply hopped out of my car, ran back to his door, and yanked him out like any other carjacking. Duh! Why didn't I think of that sooner? Well, I think I did, but perhaps previously when I had swerved in front of him at speed and jumped out to run toward him, that caused him to ram my car and get away from me. I guess slow and gentle is the way to go sometimes in this game, however counter-intuitive that seems.

We cleaned out all the jewels and scored more than four million dollars in the heist. While Franklin hasn't gotten his cut from Lester yet, perhaps my days of blowing open cash registers with a shotgun will soon come to an end.

I have also learned that Trevor is not a nice man. :eek:

And, from having to make several attempts to throw the gas in the vents on the roof of the store, I now know how to throw grenades. How simple it is, and what a simpleton I am for not being able to figure that our sooner.

May 15th, 2016, 08:57 AM
Well now this is just silly!



Rare White Ape
May 15th, 2016, 06:13 PM
Woah. While walls AND big old spokeless rims in bright red.

I'm impressed.

May 15th, 2016, 07:38 PM
I agree. You just need a 4x4 and a reckless but compassionate team out to seek justice for those who can't seek it themselves.

Yobbo NZ
May 15th, 2016, 09:48 PM
Anyone else had the Frankin private fare missions not show up?
I'm sitting at 94% finished and still haven't had these show up and I know I haven't done them as I don't have the achievement for it.

May 16th, 2016, 05:16 AM
George, can I join your gang? Or do I need to change my rims? ;)


May 16th, 2016, 05:32 AM
Spent about a million GTA$ this weekend upgrading various stolen & purchased vehicles for my new garage. Good times. :up:

This new garage isn't really impressive actually, as I'm stocking it with more oddball and/or mundane modifieds -- a modded Blista, that modded Penumbra above, a few older Muscle cars, my hot-rodded Hot Knife, etc. So I don't expect to shock anyone that's got a garage full of high-end hardware -- but they're fun, like this Issi:


Had a good time going all Italian Job in Freeroam with active Tanks and swarming Buzzards. Tricky thing trying to out-turn homing rockets! :lol:

TIL: a modded Issi is faster than a modded Insurgent. :up: :up:

May 16th, 2016, 05:44 AM
Also I did repaint and change the wheels on my Coquette:


Pure style. Pure Peckerwood. :cool:

May 16th, 2016, 10:59 AM
I am glad I am not the only one with the bizarre need to get lame cars. Sitting in the Conker Ave garage is a fully modified Vapid Radius and Cheval Surge. The Radius is not bad, but $100k later the Surge is still pretty lame. :lol:

How is the Blista? They are pretty fun stock!

May 16th, 2016, 11:03 AM


Find the post about halfway down by Cody_300


May 16th, 2016, 11:17 AM
I am glad I am not the only one with the bizarre need to get lame cars. Sitting in the Conker Ave garage is a fully modified Vapid Radius and Cheval Surge. The Radius is not bad, but $100k later the Surge is still pretty lame. :lol:

How is the Blista? They are pretty fun stock!
Only $100K? Slacker. :lol:

A maxed-out Blista is not a bad time. Pics of mine are coming shortly, of course. :D

But I will say that its composure is also its weakness: with no power comes no pucker-factor and therefore little fun. It will carve and hold a line but even if its acceleration and top end are at the top of its class, it's a slow class. :lol:

So I will say that it's fun but with an asterisk. Caveat emptor. I prefer the Issi.

May 16th, 2016, 11:34 AM
I go into LSC and buy EMS4 and turbo and then drive around. If it's still really slow I throw in the towel. ;) Plus, the Surge has almost no upgrade options.

Speaking of, while doing this I suddenly realized my Coquette never got a turbo, so I fixed that. Made no detectable difference in anything. :lol:

May 16th, 2016, 11:58 AM
I'll say it: the vehicle performance modifications in this online open world third person cover shooter are garbage. When will cover shooter developers realize how important it is to properly reflect vehicle performance and modifications!

May 16th, 2016, 12:04 PM
Yeah!! While they're at it, bring back restaurant interiors!! :lol: :up:

May 16th, 2016, 12:05 PM
My four garages are full of all the old gm looking cars. The Coquette and Vacca are my heaviest hitters.

May 16th, 2016, 12:05 PM
I am okay with simplification, but I agree they are way too dumbed down. There was some game where vehicle mods were just sliders - more acceleration, less top speed or better turn-in, more twitchy - it would be great to have that in GTA. I have always dreamed of a game like that. GTA comes very close and I understand how easy it would be to lose the fun and get bogged down in mundane detail, but I do wish V was closer to IV or SA in all respects - vehicles taking less damage, getting fat from a crap diet, hot coffee, etc. ;) I feel like V pushed everything into the middle. More Saints Row and less San Andreas. :)

I do hope the next round offers more detail, but make no mistake, I'm not mad at V. Obvs. ;) It's hilarious fun, I have definitely gotten my $50 out of it!

May 16th, 2016, 06:17 PM
George, can I join your gang? Or do I need to change my rims? ;)

Until you're going through a whole bottle of Westley's Bleche-Wite every two weeks, you'll have to settle for probationary membership in the Reckless Compassionates.

Actually, I did the bike first after discovering the "Solidus" wheels for motorcycles, and it looks okay by itself. But then, after one of the Michael missions, I unlocked more wheels at the hop-up houses and just couldn't resist making a twin, sort of. I also unlocked clothing stores around the same time, and when I found the red and white jacket, and red shoes, and, well...you know the rest.

Since taking that last pic, I've gone back to (well, started using, since I just unlocked) dog-dish hubcaps and white-letter tires and a far less gaudy paintjob.

May 17th, 2016, 03:04 AM
My k/d ratio is hovering around .7 and while I've never really been concerned with that number, I've decided that I'm going to work on improving it. I bought a homing RPG for $70k and am going to hone my skills with the Heavy Sniper.

Rare White Ape
May 17th, 2016, 05:05 AM
^ Travis Bickle

May 17th, 2016, 12:41 PM
Played for a few hours this afternoon. Found a pimped out lowrider parked in front of my apartment. Tried taking it for a drive but I couldn't, so I blew it up.

May 17th, 2016, 06:52 PM
Shark Cards are offering 50% more GTA$ again this weekend. A good deal if you can get them for less than face value.

May 18th, 2016, 03:26 AM
^ Travis Bickle

Except he's dressed in a natty plaid suit with matching fedora :lol:

May 18th, 2016, 04:00 AM
Natty. :up:

I am *really* diggin' this Coil Voltic:



Not only is it silent (everytime my 'toon climbs in, it takes me a moment to realize that he's not going to "turn the car on". EVERY. TIME. :lol: ), it handles *damn* well.

Yes, you can spin it out but if you lift off the throttle a touch while entering a corner, you can then floor it before / through / and after the apex, and it will hold.

...and yes, I only bought/drove one for the first time ever this past weekend. :finger:

Rare White Ape
May 18th, 2016, 05:05 AM
...and yes, I only bought/drove one for the first time ever this past weekend. :finger:


They're one of my go-to vehicles in GTA V. They're so damn fast, and not hard to spot in traffic. They're pretty common compared to the other sports cars, which makes them easy to steal.

May 18th, 2016, 05:16 AM
Yep -- obviously I had seen them around all this time but the Tesla Roadster knock-off never compelled me enough to find out what they're like. It's a treat!

Well that and the small, sublime-handling Lotus/MR2/Cayman MR platform just ain't my style. :D

May 18th, 2016, 05:19 AM
My man Carlo only drives the shittiest of V8 shitboxes.

May 18th, 2016, 05:21 AM
Mmm -- with relish! :up: :up:

I wish they modeled hubcaps flying off of some of these boats...

May 18th, 2016, 05:52 AM
Speaking of shitty V8's, I think I've settled on the color combo for my Nightshade:


This car is the antithesis of the Voltic. :D

May 18th, 2016, 06:19 AM
Drag radials :up:

May 18th, 2016, 08:22 AM


May 18th, 2016, 08:35 AM
Whoop! There it is!

I like how people are so concerned with walking. :rolleyes:

I still want to play from my couch or computer chair, a controller will be just fine (after acclimatizing to the artificial movement).

May 18th, 2016, 03:02 PM
I liked the Voltic for a lot of reasons, but found it's just too unstable. Little things in the road like pedestrians completely upset it, and it's absolutely useless offroad. I ended up getting rid of it... which I sort of regret. Although pointless in missions, it's still loads of fun on the street... and unexpected! :)

May 18th, 2016, 05:39 PM
That controller .GIF and brief discussion thereof reminded me of something I've been wondering about: does/has anyone play/ed GTA V on something like a 24" or 27" computer monitor? If so, is it okay that way, or are you finding yourself wishing for a larger screen, such as an HDTV?

I ask because I've come to prefer playing GTA V sitting closer to a 42" HDTV we have in an upstairs room than sitting back on the downstairs couch farther away from a 48" HDTV. As I plot and plan and scheme toward a new "family computer" (but in my man-cave...muahahaha!), I'm wondering if having a spare (and dirt cheap!) Xbox 360 or perhaps moving the current 360 to the basement if Santa brings an Xbox One would yield fun gaming, or if I'd be grumbling to myself the whole time about a tiny screen. Sure, eventually we'll have a BigAss(R) HDTV in the basement, but not yet, and I'm wondering if a large monitor (which I want anyway with a new PC) would make me happy to sit at a desk and play GTA like a computer video game, only with a controller in hand instead of a mouse and keyboard.

Apparently some o' them newfangled monitors have an HDMI input.

Further motivation for me to grab a newer computer pretty soon: the "P" key fell off my Dell D620 laptop this weekend. That's the one with only one remaining functioning USB port that some of you may have read about in another thread. Fortunately, there's still a little button I can push down to generate a P, but believe me, it sucks to have to stop and look down and think every time one wishes to type a specific letter.

May 18th, 2016, 05:47 PM
It sit like 3' away from a 60' TV. It's aces!

May 18th, 2016, 05:53 PM
My setup:


An ASUS 27" LCD with HDMI inputs and built-in speakers (tho' I typically use the headsets). Works great while the missus watches TV. :up:

May 18th, 2016, 06:56 PM
AHA! So I'm not the only one to ever point a camera at a TV and/or a monitor! :lol:

Thanks for the lightin' fast answers, gents. I suppose I'll get a big monitor anyway, but I currently have a wide 20" and can't help thinking that it should be enough and I shouldn't spend even more than a new(er) computer costs, yet I must admit, GTA is a powerful motivator. I think it's safe to guess there will be a GTA VI eventually, so this may be a long and happy addiction.

May 18th, 2016, 07:17 PM
It sit like 3' away from a 60' TV. It's aces!

I think you made a typo here. I'm sure you meant that you're 3" from a 60' TV :D

Rare White Ape
May 18th, 2016, 11:00 PM
I think you made a typo here. I'm sure you meant that you're 3" from a 60' TV :D

All I saw was that he gives 3" of love to his 60" waist sugar mumma.

May 19th, 2016, 05:10 AM

Repainted my Hotknife last night. Diggin' it. :up:


Then thought "Is there any way I can get a Hotknife to look like Nux's car?" (from MM: Fury Road)

So I bought a 4th garage and another Hotknife and went to work. :lol:



The answer is: kinda -- but not really. ;) #moneygone

May 19th, 2016, 12:38 PM
You did some nice work with pedestrians for that photo op. :D

May 20th, 2016, 03:34 AM
A-thank you! I also drove through the subway tunnel construction to get the mud splatters. :up:

Currently sitting at $4.5 mil with 4 garages for this 'toon. Getting my money's worth out of the game!




Every vehicle here is maxed-out in mods -- 100% armor, engine, drivetrain & suspension mods, and several coats of paint and multiple sets of wheels agonized over. :lol: No Shark Cards, have bought the game twice (once for 360, once for XBONE) -- all courtesy of hacker moniez lottery. Might be time to let this sit again.

How on earth is R* going to handle GTA Online for the next game??

May 20th, 2016, 07:32 AM
Jealous of hacker money, damn.

May 20th, 2016, 07:58 AM
Shark Cards are 50% larger this weekend (so a $100 USD card that's usually worth GTA$12 mil is now worth GTA$18 mil). :up:

So if I've spent 100 hours on GTA Online alone, I'm currently at $1 USD per hour for my entertainment value. Bumping that ratio to $2 USD per hour for an additional GTA$18 mil really doesn’t strike me as a waste of money.

May 20th, 2016, 09:07 AM
I bought a Shark Card when they were on sale a while back for some reason - it may have been to get the Buzzard. $60 for the game and a $25 GTA$ purchase is definitely a solid US$:Entertainment ratio. A good bottle of bourbon definitely does not last this long. :lol:

May 20th, 2016, 09:56 AM
Good point! :up:

No joke, I am thinking about a new PS4K for GTA VI + $100 Shark Card at launch, depending on details. :twisted:

May 20th, 2016, 10:18 AM
I haven't heard anything about VI, just that they are planning on adding serious new content for V. V continues to sell well even two years later and they are making bank off Online even though it's free... obviously from Shark Cards! :) As long as they can keep coming up with ways to get you to spend money, they'll continue to make it. IMHO, they'd be well-served with expansion for a long time and I think they agree. Why reinvent the wheel when the old model sells so well?

May 20th, 2016, 10:38 AM
Yep I'm in no rush -- I am fine with VI not being announced for another two years. :up: :up:

(...and even when it drops, I bet GTA V Online lives on for another 5 years.)

May 20th, 2016, 11:21 AM
It'll be interesting to see what happens. Rockstar has never had to deal with a "perpetual product" before. All the previous GTAs have sort of died out slowly, and then immediately became yesterday's news when the new one dropped. This time around they have a product that has exceeded sales expectations, continues to sell long past its expected sell-by date, and has a fan base that is, more or less, completely happy. It's gotta be weird staring at something you thought would die out naturally that shows no signs of it. "Unfortunately" this San Andreas is an island, which does put a crimp on adding new areas, but I still think they have an opportunity to add more content via heists and missions. Most of the map never gets used for that stuff. Of course, employing resources to design new content so players can make more money is in direct opposition to just selling people shark cards, so that's rough. :lol:

I'll also add: Rockstar is in the middle of an internal lawsuit, so that will no doubt have an impact on the near term!

MR2 Fan
May 20th, 2016, 11:50 AM
It'll be interesting to see what happens. Rockstar has never had to deal with a "perpetual product" before. All the previous GTAs have sort of died out slowly, and then immediately became yesterday's news when the new one dropped. This time around they have a product that has exceeded sales expectations, continues to sell long past its expected sell-by date, and has a fan base that is, more or less, completely happy. It's gotta be weird staring at something you thought would die out naturally that shows no signs of it. "Unfortunately" this San Andreas is an island, which does put a crimp on adding new areas, but I still think they have an opportunity to add more content via heists and missions. Most of the map never gets used for that stuff. Of course, employing resources to design new content so players can make more money is in direct opposition to just selling people shark cards, so that's rough. :lol:

I'll also add: Rockstar is in the middle of an internal lawsuit, so that will no doubt have an impact on the near term!

What if GTA VI is an add-on where people get to keep their existing stuff and just play around in a new city/story mode?

May 20th, 2016, 12:06 PM
I've contemplated picking up the next-gen version of GTAV a few times... But, then I remember that I still have like 8 games that I haven't even opened yet. :|

May 20th, 2016, 12:22 PM
I don't think is all that new for them. The series have always had strong sales that lasted quite a while, and previously they were able to release DLC or new titles using the same/similar engine.

What it seems the online mode, and the expansion of it, has allowed them to do is to continue to pare down what it takes for them to actually provide new content.

For the 3D world, they were providing new games on refinements of the engine in brand new worlds. For IV, they were providing heavily scripted/mo-capped DLC with only a few new internal locations, all external locations were already there. For V/online, they've been able to provide light scripted/mo-capped DLC with limited new internal locations, and charge everyone for the engine conversion to PC and the more powerful platforms.

Presuming that the engine doesn't need to be modified for the mid-gen spec bump, since it's already built to deal with various PC power capabilities, I'm guessing at this point that they are investing most of their time and effort in building out whatever the next new huge environment will be. They have plenty of time in which to do it, and also plenty of revenue. Plus, that revenue will keep coming in with very little maintenance costs in the way of content that they actually have to release.

They're definitely in the catbird seat, but I feel like they've been working up to this for a long time, slowly whittling down how much they have to spend on short term content to continue the revenue stream needed to invest in long term content.

May 20th, 2016, 02:13 PM
What if GTA VI is an add-on where people get to keep their existing stuff and just play around in a new city/story mode?

There is a rumor circulating that GTA VI is all previous GTAs in one giant map, but that seems really ambitious on current-gen console hardware so I'm skeptical.

May 20th, 2016, 02:22 PM
They're definitely in the catbird seat, but I feel like they've been working up to this for a long time, slowly whittling down how much they have to spend on short term content to continue the revenue stream needed to invest in long term content.

From everything I've read, the initial sales, current sales, and continuing usage of Online has been a complete surprise for them. They continually comment that they had no anticipation V - especially online - would be this popular. A clear indicator is that they have completely abandoned all plans for future story-mode DLC, which as you comment was SOP with previous versions, and instead are focused on DLC for online mode, which they've never done. The historic revenue models just don't apply here - the ROI just keeps growing with no input (comparatively speaking, of course). I suspect they fully intended on the normal 1-3 story-mode DLCs and then move on to the next just like they always have.

I totally agree they'll be focusing on the next big environment, the question is how does that fit in with the current? They have consistent revenue and with the current investment and a big persistent user base that they're incentivized to keep. They'll definitely face backlash if they tell folks they're shutting it down and those people have lost their investment.

May 20th, 2016, 04:55 PM
...which is why I think they'll run in parallel; as long as GTA Online is *profitable* (not just pays for itself), they'll maintain a team for it.

GTA VI Online will eventually be bigger, badder and more fully-featured with all the lessons-learned but I also agree that they won't just shut off this world.

EDIT: Just to note, I say this as one who will abandon GTA V Online the moment VI drops. I've had my fun! :D

Rare White Ape
May 20th, 2016, 06:26 PM
What about the next Red Dead title?

That won't replace GTA V Online, and it might splinter the player base a little bit, but it's gotta be the next big title to come out of Rockstar before GTA VI does. I'm very hopeful that they're moving on that soon. Like this year. Maybe even at E3 next month.

Then maybe in 12 months they can start hinting towards GTA VI. That'd be what would happen in my ideal world.

May 20th, 2016, 09:26 PM
I think RWA's got it. Have the next big title be Red Dead, keep them both going at the same time.

May 21st, 2016, 04:40 AM
I hope they expand GTA V content wise, personally. True, its an island currently, but they could easily make a bridge/boat route/flight to another island, or mainland. They could add a couple more cities, more story, some new features, etc.

I just don't wanna lose all my shit :D (not that I have that much, but still)

May 21st, 2016, 12:29 PM
I just won my first triathalon, with the greatest of ease, as Franklin. Seeing as I unlocked triathalons as Michael, perhaps it's more challenging to run them as a middle-aged man instead of a young man with a 100% stamina rating.

But I won ZERO dollars. Whassup wit dat? :angry:

Now I have "backed out", without saving, on one mission for each of the three characters that I find extremely difficult. I've been playing first-person-shooters since Doom or Wolfenstein or whatever was out back then, well before Duke Nukem 3D, a game I loved, especially once user-created maps became available for download on websites.

But something about the GTA V shooter vs. lots of enemies missions is so much harder. You guys put up with my beefing about how hard that first mission against a thousand cops was, and now I have three similar ones that are giving me fits. I'll keep trying, of course, but dang, these are hard!

- stoned Michael vs. the never-ending alien horde
- angry Trevor vs. a trailer park full of armed bikers
- "how did I get involved in this sh!t?" Franklin and two "friends" vs. enemy gang at the recycling plant

It would be okay if I could just aim the damn weapons in this game! Yes, I am using the "quick aim" or whatever it's called, and that helps, some, but I still find myself drawing down on walls, dead bodies, vehicles, and other things that aren't the enemies who are filling me full of holes.

Wish me luck, fellas...I'm already past the point of needing some serious mojo, a rabbit's foot, a black cat bone, and a monkey paw if I'm ever going to get through even one of these crazy shoot-em-up festivals.

May 21st, 2016, 01:39 PM
All I can say is that good cover spots are your friend.

Rare White Ape
May 21st, 2016, 02:59 PM
Yep. Use cover. Stand near something and press L1 if you've never done it before. Take your time from a distance with an appropriate weapon. Pick targets off one-by-one and don't be afraid to fall back a bit if you need to.

May 21st, 2016, 03:13 PM
Thanks, gents. Is there a way to "strafe" or side-step in this game? I think that's what I'm missing here. This game is more like "turn and run directly toward where you want to go, then turn and fire", during which time, of course, you're defenseless and taking fire.

Oh well, it's still fun and all that, but quite difficult!

May 21st, 2016, 08:11 PM
Yes, just keep moving with the left stick while firing.

Rare White Ape
May 21st, 2016, 10:20 PM
Or hold L2 to aim, and that will change the behaviour of the left stick's left-right movement. It's similar to FPS controls then. Your character will always face where you're aiming, and aiming takes place on the right stick.

May 22nd, 2016, 08:32 AM
I think RWA's got it. Have the next big title be Red Dead, keep them both going at the same time.
I am totally down for Red Dead Online! :D :up:

Buy a cabin in the woods, build up a big stable, breed horses, fight bears, holdup stagecoaches, rob banks, fish, chop trees and get into knife-fights with mountain lions...!! ;)

May 23rd, 2016, 05:14 AM
GTA 6 a deviant?
After nearly two decades of running the company responsible for the epic success of the Grand Theft Auto franchise, former Rockstar big boss Leslie Benzies officially left Rockstar North — leaving behind bittersweet memories of the game that defined and set the bars for open-world gaming.

And it was not without consequences.

Soon after it was announced that Benzies packed his bags and had decided to officially leave the company, it was reported that the former GTA president has filed a lawsuit against Rockstar North for a whopping $150 million.

According to reports, Benzies accused Rockstar of withholding from his shares from the company’s profits that are supposedly legally his.

While the lawsuit filed against Rockstar is still undergoing procedures — Benzies’ message is loud and clear: the company is not to freely benefit from his hard work without his express permission.

And that’s where the problem starts.

Different directions
Benzies’ footprints can be found all throughout the Grand Theft Auto franchise history. Now that he’s no longer a part of the company, and because the message he was trying to convey was clear enough — it’s no longer certain if the much-awaited sequel from the GTA franchise will be able to follow the same direction as its predecessors did.

Analysts believe that this development can have a significant impact on how GTA 6 will be developed, as it restricts the game developers from letting future GTA installments pursue the same path as the ones before them.

In short, GTA 6 is likely to emerge a deviant, as it is more inclined to be different compared to all the others before it — mainly due to the legal battle between Benzies and Rockstar North.
Huh, did not know that. Yeah might be awhile before we see GTA VI.

May 23rd, 2016, 07:02 AM
They can release Red Dead Redemption and then wait on releasing GTA 6 for another 2-3 years, by which time that case will be settled. Much ado about nothing IMO.

May 23rd, 2016, 10:10 AM
Me, not so sure. Game development cycles are really long.

May 23rd, 2016, 10:14 AM
They're allowed to work on a GTA title, they're just not allowed to release it. Financial motivations will insure that they settle the court case in time to release GTA VI in the appropriate fiscal year.

May 23rd, 2016, 10:29 AM
The main content of GTA V has been done for about 2 and a half years now, maybe 3 if you take bug fixing and production/distribution into account.

Since then, their engineering group has been working on the engine (which we know because there's no doubt the conversion to XBox One/PS4/PC was a major part of that work, and there's no doubt they've been continuing work since the rerelease the following year and on PC in April of 2015.

The main world content could have been worked on straight through since the completion of V, since they haven't added any major expansion to the world, only vehicle content (which is transferable) and additional interiors, which you leave up to level designers and don't need to be as robust as the open-world.

This is presuming that they have a different set of artists and such for Red Dead Redemption so that they can develop them simultaneously. If they're not doing parallel asset creation, and they're going to try and be bigger than RDR which will be bigger than GTA V, then maybe 3-4 years from now instead of 2-3, but that's kind of ignoring the fact that you can really just throw bodies at that particular problem. As nice as GTA V's world is, it's still just riffing on real places. They aren't having to come up with stuff whole cloth, and they aren't designing nuanced and balanced levels. They're just replicating the feel of a real world location on a smaller scale. It's not like every nook and cranny is designed to take advantage of balanced gameplay mechanics and provide specific lanes, hotspots, funnel points, etc. You don't need experienced level designers, you just need 3D artists, you can find those all over the place, teach them how you want stuff done, and let them loose on whatever project you want them to do.

May 23rd, 2016, 11:02 AM
They're allowed to work on a GTA title, they're just not allowed to release it. Financial motivations will insure that they settle the court case in time to release GTA VI in the appropriate fiscal year.

That's not what I've read. What I've read suggests that somehow Benzies has ownership of some content or story in the GTA series and his claims may prevent them from pursuing the direction they've been going. Considering the strained relationship they've had over the past two years, the situation seems precarious.

I'm not suggesting this is the end of GTA, only that a) this situation may dramatically delay the release of a new one and ) as a result, they may be inclined to put work into V they had not originally planned on.

May 23rd, 2016, 11:06 AM
Until they actually release the content to the public, they're not going against anything legal. I can make Star Wars fan films at my house and never release them to the public, it's when you start distributing that it's a problem. If you continue development with the assumption that they'll come to a legal solution, which of course they will because $$$, then nothing changes.

May 23rd, 2016, 11:15 AM
Sure, but why on earth as a publicly traded company would you commit resources to a project that may never see the light of day? I seriously cannot imagine anyone doing that - at least not on the scale of a GTA game!

May 23rd, 2016, 11:21 AM
Because the sole entity in control of whether the project sees the light of day or not is you. Let's presume Rockstar's value is in the hundreds of millions, and GTA VI would make them several tens of millions of dollars. If all it takes to release the game is cutting a check for millions of dollars, they're going to do it. They have the money, they have the motivation. All they're doing now is squabbling over how many millions. When it comes down to brass tacks, they'll cut the check and/or sign the ongoing reimbursement deal and release the game. Eggs broken, omelettes made.

May 23rd, 2016, 01:03 PM
That is definitely one possibility, and one that plays out frequently in the business world. But the assumption there is that there is "some" investment in the current direction and finishing that out + the settlement costs is less than starting over, and that there is some drop-dead date for delivery of the next installment that must be beat. It could very well be not much or anything has been spent, Benzies's number is too high, and R* can drag out V and/or delay VI with no loss of consumer favor. Or it could be something in the middle.

From everything I have read, Benzies is the secret sauce at R*. They have writers, artists, and programmers but Benzies is the guy that puts it all together. He is, so to speak, the Steve Jobs of R*. The stories about him saving RDR essentially single-handedly are legend. I think it's somewhere between possible and likely there is no direction much less capability for VI (and maybe RDR2) without him, and this lawsuit doesn't put development on hold because of IP but rather HR. They may need to go find more secret sauce before doing anything.

While it's true that everything is ultimately a financial decision and not much more, when it comes to talent you have to find it before you can buy it. And if Benzies really represents the type of talent he's purported to, there is definitely a time problem.

I find his lawsuit really interesting, because I have been where he is - albeit with far less money at stake. Being an integral part of a successful company who is either or both suddenly flagged as being "dangerous" or "not needed" by a certain group and then being deviously driven out with a huge loss of money in the process is curious. Lots of questions about what was actually happening, what machinations were ultimately at play. Benzies tells it as I told it - trying to solve problems while certain individuals are simply trying to make money casts you in a, um, special light. My company went on to fail after the "business people" drove out all the "dangerous" talent. It had money, it had customers. But it couldn't get anything worthwhile done. Just saying.

May 23rd, 2016, 07:30 PM
The blow-by-blow. (http://venturebeat.com/2016/04/12/the-timeline-of-grand-theft-autos-director-vs-rockstar-games/) :smh:

May 23rd, 2016, 09:38 PM
The blow-by-blow. (http://venturebeat.com/2016/04/12/the-timeline-of-grand-theft-autos-director-vs-rockstar-games/) :smh:

Yeah, it's really sad to read. Having BTDT (no joke) I sympathize personally. It's shitty when part of the team doesn't think they need you any more, except rather than just dealing with you, they get devious. Maybe there are extenuating circumstances, but the "Hey, take a vacation and don't come back" is really, really suspicious.

Rare White Ape
May 23rd, 2016, 09:47 PM
I think that Take-Two should just pay Benzies the $150m and move on, so that they can make a new game and earn another few billion, and we get to have fun playing it.

And a side note: Red Dead isnt developed by Rockstar North. It's developed by Rockstar San Diego. The latter is also in charge of the RAGE Technology Group, which developed the RAGE engine that Rockstar North used for GTA.

It's a bit confusing at times, because of their naming, close structure and crossover of staff.

May 24th, 2016, 07:34 AM
In October 2009, with a deadline coming up, Sam Houser became anxious about Red Dead Redemption not being in good enough shape. He wrote an email to Benzies that month, saying, "The ups and downs are VERY extreme. We have to fix this. Quickly. Help! I'm freaking!'"

The very next day, Sam Houser sent another email to Benzies further elaborating on the game's problems at the time and how he wanted Benzies to assist.

"This [RDR] is a (recurring) nightmare," Sam Houser said. "But one i/we need to get out of. I have problems with the camera all over the place. So much so, that I can't be rational or specific about it. The darkness!!!"

"PLEASE help me/us get rdr [Read Dead Redemption] into shape. I am a jabbering wreck right now," he added. "I need The Benz!'"

Apparently Benzies is that good...

Edit: Or R*SD is that bad...

May 24th, 2016, 07:39 AM
For their own sake I hope everyone else has learned from him. You can't rely that much on one guy to fix all your shit.

May 24th, 2016, 09:12 AM
Sure you can -- but you also gotta pay him.

At this point, I think $150 million is cheap!! The Benz should'a sued for twice that.

May 24th, 2016, 09:38 AM
But you run the risk of something else happening, other than just him not being happy anymore, and ruining your company.

May 24th, 2016, 09:57 AM
They should have settled a long time ago. $$$ makes people do stupid things. :(

May 24th, 2016, 10:18 AM
But you run the risk of something else happening, other than just him not being happy anymore, and ruining your company.
Uh, he's clearly Talent. :erm:

You can't just replace him with a committee otherwise they would have done so.

May 24th, 2016, 10:45 AM
Never said they should replace him with a committee. They should, however, have him mentoring other people so that they can learn from him as well.

If you own a restaurant that is known for completely revamping its menu every 4 years, wouldn't you want the head chef telling everyone else how and why he comes up with his recipes so that, eventually, they can come up with their own great ideas on their own? Not with the intention of outright replacing him as soon as possible, but for 1) better everything in the interim and 2) a plan of succession when the inevitable happens and he moves on for financial/personal/health reasons.

May 24th, 2016, 11:00 AM

How do you know he wasn't mentoring this whole time?? When RDR was looking like a major flop, why didn't his mentorees step up? It should be obvious that the Houser brothers specifically (by their own admission!) were lost. How is that not clear to you?

He is a Talent. He cannot be replicated and his creativity/strategy cannot be insured against loss. I like you Keef but in this instance you are obviously wrong. ;)

May 24th, 2016, 11:32 AM
Apparently he is a better Talent than he is a mentor. Which, as Talent goes, is probably not uncommon.

But Nintendo has been doing the same thing for years, movie directors are well known for bringing up other young directors (Steven Spielberg, with the help of Kathleen Kennedy, got JJ Abrams where he is today), star athletes mentor their pupils (David Robertson and Tim Duncan is the first example that comes to mind), it's not a new or unique idea. When it doesn't work, you may see yourself in a predicament like this. They should be able to cut a check and cut ties if he is now a disgruntled employee. Instead they're going to let a billion dollar franchise go to hell because they couldn't find anyone else that knew how to steer a ship?

That's not good. I'm not saying that everyone is replaceable, by one man or one committee, but you shouldn't just let your product and by extension your entire company be held hostage by one guy. If they tried to prevent it and failed, fair enough, but don't tell me that they shouldn't have tried.

May 24th, 2016, 11:50 AM
I tend to agree. By all accounts he is the magic in the GTA engine and always has been. I think the Housers got a little too confident in their individual pieces and overlooked the glue. Personal opinion is that they expected him to go away quietly and when he didn't, they had to puff up their chests. The whole Take Two/R* organization is absolutely insane.

But, as for Talent vs. Mentor, you'll find in the tech business the talent isn't interested in mentoring. The talent got talented through years of hard work and maybe innate skill, not someone explaining to them how to work. I am consistently chided for that. I'm very good at my job, but I am a shitty, shitty mentor. If you want to learn something, get a book just like I did. I'm here to work, not teach you so you can take over my job some day. Mentoring in the tech business died in the '80s, when we realized that you can be a talented tech person for essentially forever and the corporations are looking to save money wherever they can. Teaching other people what you know is how you get downsized.

May 24th, 2016, 11:59 AM
So wait. Is he a tech talent or a creative talent? What exactly does he fix?

If he's a code whisperer, then I misunderstood, and yeah, there's not really much he can do in the way of mentoring. I thought he was more like Jobs, aka doesn't actually DO anything but is great at figuring out what consumers will like.

May 24th, 2016, 12:21 PM
He is a programmer by trade. He is a producer of the GTA series, but as I understand it one of the brains behind all of the 3D engines. Probably why San Diego needed his help fixing RDR - it's GTA-engine based, no?

May 24th, 2016, 12:26 PM
I think this is probably a relevant bit:

He and his team, feeling mistreated by management, had planned to leave DMA Design after completing the game. However, they were persuaded to stay when Rockstar Games offered to place them in charge of DMA and put them in control of Grand Theft Auto III.

Benzies rarely makes media appearances, but did grant an interview to The Times which was printed on April 27, 2008, just prior to the release of GTA IV. In the interview, Benzies estimates that development of GTA IV has cost around $100 million, and says of the controversy surrounding the games, "There is a big fear factor here. It's the coming of the railways. It's Elvis shaking his hips. It's cars going over 25 miles an hour and making people explode." Of Rockstar North's future ambitions, he says, "Until we've simulated the world outside, we're not going to stop."

He took GTA into 3D and the "Until we've simulated the world outside, we're not going to stop" part speaks volumes of what his creative ambitions were. For all intensive porpoises, Benzies is why GTA is what it is. He's a big deal!

May 24th, 2016, 12:34 PM
So he's their master programmer, NOW it makes sense. Give the man all the hookers, blow and diamonds you can find, and do it NOW.

May 24th, 2016, 12:53 PM

Pretty much. Those guys are rare - a guy who can see the dream and execute it? Do whatever it takes!

Especially in this case, where he has been their meal ticket for five or six years. You don't screw around with that guy. As long as you're making money who cares who's actually in charge?

The situation really puts the future of V and the entirety of VI in jeopardy. It could impact RDR2. I think it's a huge gamble to go up against this guy right now, right when you have serious momentum. If they wanted to screw with him successfully, they should have done it a little at a time over a longer period. Not all at once.

May 24th, 2016, 06:29 PM
Glad you've seen the light, Keef. ;)

TSG, I think now is the *perfect* time to rock the boat. The Housers have the keys to the kingdom and the power to finance an army of the best programmers India, Pakistan and Iran has to offer. They really don't have to innovate much anymore, obviously people will give GTA Online all the money-hats they can handle. R* probably uses speedboats to drop plastic-wrapped blocks of money off the Florida Keys.

But they gotta (and are gonna) pay the man! :lol:

May 27th, 2016, 07:26 AM

GTA Online: Further Adventures in Finance and Felony Coming June 7th


A giant leap up the corporate ladder following the VIP experience of Executives and Other Criminals, the Finance and Felony update gives players the opportunity to expand their organization and become CEO of their own Criminal Enterprise.


Acquire a high-rise office and special warehouse properties to begin buying and selling a range of contraband across the city, all the while fighting the LSPD and the rest of the southern San Andreas criminal underworld for access to the rarest items and the biggest profits.

May 27th, 2016, 07:33 AM
Sounds cool and all, but I wonder how much in-game $$$$$$$ it will take to make that happen.

May 27th, 2016, 07:41 AM
Lots -- gotta buy those Shark Cards and join a big crew! ;)

May 27th, 2016, 09:24 AM
Mmmmm.... Sounds fun!

I actually just got back from San Andreas. Turns out we're opening an IRL office there. :lol:

MR2 Fan
May 27th, 2016, 01:34 PM
Sounds cool and all, but I wonder how much in-game $$$$$$$ it will take to make that happen.

that's my question also....giving everyone $3 million for this update would help a lot but they don't sell Shark cards then

May 28th, 2016, 01:52 PM
Thanks to KCH and RWA for the strafing/sidestepping tips. That works!

I finished The Long Stretch mission - the one in the recycling plant vs. the purple gang. That didn't seem to unlock anything immediately, so I'm just sort of messing around today.

Too obvious, right? :lol:


May 28th, 2016, 06:28 PM
Too obvious? Hell no. :up:

May 29th, 2016, 08:17 AM
Subsequent googling reveals the car was gold, not brown. Oh well, that's what I get for not consulting a trusted source prior to posting and instead relying on my feeble memory. But, to be fair, it looked brown on a black & white TV. If I could combine the Muscle Freak wheels in the Muscle section with the whitewalls in the Lowrider section, it would be worth going back to try again, but that combination doesn't seem possible, even once I unlock all the wheels in each section.

Other failed attempts with the Imponte Phoenix:

Hey guys, I found the secret button combination for the hood release latch! :erm:


(Believe it or not, I found the car driving around in that color combination. I saw the glow from blocks away!)

I'm sorry Franklin, but I can't let you take that jump.


That's even lamer than the show was. :smh:

May 29th, 2016, 08:25 AM
I have completed (and won) all three triathalons. I dearly hope that "all three" is correct and there isn't a fourth. That third one is too damn long! Ouch.

I also completed my first nine holes of golf yesterday, coming in at a respectable (IMO) five over par. That's better than I could do IRL. And, I discovered a huge Mercedes-looking sedan that I don't think I've seen before parked in the golf course parking lot when I came out after completing the round. It's possible I've just never seen that car before, but perhaps it's unlocked by completing nine holes. Hmm.

I would have swiped it, but I had my tastefully painted Phoenix in lime green & shocking yellow with the huge Daytona rear wing, lime green mag wheels, and white-letter tires there, and I didn't want to lose it. Another time I'll swipe a car I don't mind losing and see what's there after golf. The golf was actually quite fun, and as I've said before, could have been a game on its own several years ago. I had a golf game on my Mac in the '90s that was quite similar.

May 30th, 2016, 12:51 PM
The minigames in GTA are kind of amazing. Not that long ago they could have been totally self contained retail products, and now they are just passively embedded in the greatest game ever!

June 1st, 2016, 09:40 AM
Met the Devil at the crossroads last night.


Never knew the roof of the Walter Whitemobile was so stable! :lol:

June 1st, 2016, 09:42 AM
What's he like????

June 1st, 2016, 09:44 AM
Friendlier than you'd think but still fairly aloof.

Hell of a bite, tho'. :up:

June 1st, 2016, 10:05 AM

June 1st, 2016, 10:43 AM
I've also been taking down scores in the Blista. :up:


Scoots along pretty well. Tough to say if it's faster than the Issi; handles better, at least. Equally successful at enraging other gamers in their Supercars, Armored Kurumas and Insurgents. ;) #askmehowiknow

June 1st, 2016, 10:50 AM

I always love hopping into a mission and seeing someone not in a supercar, armored Kuruma or Insurgent. I always ride with them! There are only a few when one of those cars legitimately changes everything, why not have fun the rest of the time? And that goes double for supercars - their application is minute. Most of the time people in supercars are bouncing off walls and curbs while I scoot by - frequently pointing the wrong direction - in my Sabre Fireball. In those missions where it's lots of highway time, I guess every mph helps, but unless you have a long straight road you'll never see the difference.

I wanna do some non-heist missions. I think I will endeavor to do that all night.

June 1st, 2016, 10:58 AM
Good plan. :up:

I had a Rooftop Rumble mission last night that I completed in the Issi -- I didn't get the Briefcase but I still beat the random's Supercar to Madrazo's. Helped that the asshat followed the GPS indicator and took the long way around, allowing me to beat him there -- but a win is a win! :rawk:

June 1st, 2016, 11:07 AM
Don't even get me started on the asshats who blindly follow the GPS.

June 1st, 2016, 11:15 AM
You guys would hate me :(

June 1st, 2016, 11:15 AM
Hate is a strong word. I'm certain we'd rather have you than not have you, regardless.

As much as "we" are a "we" and "have" anything.

June 1st, 2016, 11:22 AM
Why's that? Nothing but Coquette TV? :lol:

June 1st, 2016, 11:48 AM
Oh yeah! I plunked down a cool GTA$1 million for a Declasse Mamba Roadster last week. :lol:


This thing is an utter shitshow. :lol: :down: If Fink didn't like the Nightshade, he'd hate this brick!

June 1st, 2016, 11:53 AM
Oh yeah, it's SO bad. Someone let me drive theirs a while back and it was worthless. I think Rockstar essentially distinguishes new vs. old by giving old incredibly low traction. If you're slow, like a Virgo, you'll never run into problems. But put some power in there and you might as well be driving on ice. Looks damn good though. :D

June 1st, 2016, 12:04 PM
Oh I'm totally keeping it -- I just want folks to know that it's horribly expensive and handles like shiii... <distance> ...iiit. :D

Also I must confess to a certain perverse joy to cruising in it while blasting East Los FM. :cool: :up:

June 1st, 2016, 12:05 PM
Well you do have Drag Radials on it. Maybe try some DOT-legal road racing tires.

June 1st, 2016, 12:24 PM
Good point but these look too good! :lol: #macho

June 1st, 2016, 02:21 PM
Is there really a difference in performance from tires? I've never checked!

June 1st, 2016, 02:23 PM
As long as you keep them sticky side down they all act the same.

June 1st, 2016, 02:49 PM
Any thoughts on which ones offer the best traction on the side or, TSG-style aka upside down?

June 1st, 2016, 03:46 PM
Fuck if I know, I was being facetious.

June 1st, 2016, 04:40 PM

June 2nd, 2016, 12:26 AM
That was pretty fun.

Been a long time since I've just played missions, and I guess they're all so old that everyone knows exactly what to do. Even inexplicably yet historically difficult missions like Extradition and GTA Today were no problem. People sharing rides, not pushing each other out of the way. I have to say, it was a good day.

June 2nd, 2016, 04:23 AM
I was getting battered to death (literally!) by Armored Kurumas. :thppt:

One particular annoying match, I got chased off from the hangar by a Buzzard using his rotors like a buzzsaw. Then, when I was able to clamber on after one failed pass, he rose up and ditched the 'copter. Ok..? So we skydive back to Earth, he climbs into his Kuruma and I run to an outbuilding. After circling for a few minutes, he drives off.

So I call Merryweather for a pick up. :D

I mean I think I only died once to shenanigans; I did grind up $250K so it wasn't all bad. :up:

June 2nd, 2016, 04:57 AM
I did Hit 'em Up with two guys hanging off the running boards of my Valor, so I feel complete.

Which reminds me: I was super proud of myself for doing the entire mission without crashing and throwing the guys off, but on the way to the hotel I got a little lazy and got too close to a street sign. I figured it would be okay so I didn't change course but exactly what you'd think would happen happened... it brushed one of the dudes right off the side, instant death. He was there one minute, next minute he was gone and the street sign was still standing. Positively hilarious - my girl came into the room because I was literally rofl. She didn't get it.

June 2nd, 2016, 05:01 AM
:lol: :up:

June 3rd, 2016, 06:57 PM
I completely underestimated the value of the heavy revolver. That thing is a menace in car chases. A few shots to the back end of a car is devastating!

June 4th, 2016, 03:57 PM
I have become Trevor. That man lives a busy and most interesting life. I've dished out and survived more violence in just a couple hours as him than all my time as Franklin and Michael combined.

I am currently experiencing the joys of airplane hangar ownership. :up:

June 4th, 2016, 04:18 PM
When it comes to Trevor, don't live the gimmick.

June 5th, 2016, 02:54 PM
You mean I shouldn't get that Trevor-style neck tattoo I was planning on? Dang.

I now own a cab company. :D

I also tried something with awesome results - I downloaded the GTA Online updates, such as the Business Pack and the Beach Bum Bundle and whatever else there are. Suddenly I have all kinds of crazy weapons! Brass knuckles, proximity mines, calvary daggers, some little derringer sort of mini-pistol, and all kinds of other goodies! I've never played Online, and my Live membership has lapsed, but I do have an internet connection, obviously, and it seems we Single Player types can get some of the Online hardware that way. No complaints from me!

June 5th, 2016, 09:31 PM
Did not know you could do that - cool!

Rare White Ape
June 5th, 2016, 11:14 PM
Yeah, for the first few updates the content was available in single player as well. I don't know if they stopped doing it altogether, or if it changed between the X360/PS3 and the Xbone/PS4/PC versions.

June 6th, 2016, 04:52 AM
Half-price turreted limos right now!

June 6th, 2016, 05:05 AM
Yep picked one up this weekend. Fun ride, well worth the money, and the spawn points haven been bad either. :up:

I also bought an Insurgent pick-up with the MG for 50% off last week.

June 6th, 2016, 05:26 AM
Half-price turreted limos right now!
*is confused*
*checks thread title*
*is jealous*
*wonders if the 360 version works on the XBone...*

June 6th, 2016, 09:34 AM
What's the bottom line on that there limo? I think I need one.

OTOH, I am pretty convinced that rockstar puts old shit on sale immediately before they release the new shit. The entice you to use up your money so you need a new shark card for the new hotness.

Psychological warfare!!!!

Speaking of shark cards, GTAV with included shark card is (or was) on sale. IIRC $60 was the game plus a couple million in online dollars.

June 6th, 2016, 10:29 AM
Eh, basic acceleration but better handling than I expected. :up:

The Gatling Gun is a good time -- very effective.

June 6th, 2016, 10:47 AM
That thing mows people down 4realz! Feels very authentic when you roll up to the Pacific Standard in a Valor brandishing that thing. :)

* Til some asshat in a supercar shows up

June 9th, 2016, 03:01 AM
Thoughts on the new update? I'm wishing I hadn't dropped 1.5M on an office and warehouse, though getting free snacks from your secretary (not a euphemism) is surprisingly cool.

The 'order three crates at a time' gig is total BS. I understand why R* did it that way, but ugh. Seriously, you'd be better off just doing missions. But the good thing about being a CEO is that you can also do all of the VIP jobs.

June 9th, 2016, 03:09 AM
I thought the point of being the CEO in the update was to give missions to other people. How does it actually work?

June 9th, 2016, 08:45 AM
I haven't touched the game - do tell how it works!

June 9th, 2016, 12:45 PM
You buy an office - prices vary from $1M-??, the only real difference seems to be the view from the windows - and a warehouse, which are categorized in three sizes: small, medium, large (I think the cheapest 'small' one is $350k). From your office, you buy merchandise in crates, 1-3 at a time, and then have to travel from your office to get the crates, which are usually in a large, slow vehicle (box truck, motorhome, etc.) which you then have to drive back to your warehouse. Trouble is, once you start driving the vehicle containing the crates, it shows up on the map as a 'box' icon which everyone else can see, kind of like having a "KICK ME" sign taped to your back. Assuming you get the crates back to your warehouse, you will want to sell them to make a profit, and the more you sell at a time, the larger the profit. Of course, you have to deliver the crates to make the sale, which is as conspicuous on the map as when you transported them to the warehouse. I've only sold one batch of crates so far, and had to drop them from a Cuban 800 into specific drop zones.

The complicating factors: I don't believe you can do CEO work in a private lobby, it has to be public. Also, NPCs will take an interest in your transportation efforts, at least on the ground, and will try to fuck you up. The good news is that once you become a CEO, you can always do VIP work as well - you don't have to keep registering as a VIP. And that might actually be where the good money is, because I think you can do those missions in private lobbies, if I remember correctly. You can have employees as a CEO but I've been reading that they get shafted with regard to pay, as opposed to VIP missions which allow for scalable pay IIRC. There are other minor perks, like being able to get free snacks from your secretary and the ability to exit the building directly into a vehicle, including some Pegasus vehicles if you already have access to those. You can choose to hide your map icon when you're transporting crates (or maybe it just makes your icon look 'normal'?), but that costs $12k and I don't know how long that lasts.

Almost forgot: you travel part way to pick up your crates to bring them back to your warehouse, and your secretary almost always calls you to announce a snag. Once, my 'alcohol and tobacco' crates had been seized by the police, and I had to chase them down and steal the police van they were in.

I think the 'permanent VIP' aspect of being a CEO might be more cost-effective than spending all the time ferrying crates all over the map, trying to avoid griefers...

June 9th, 2016, 02:10 PM
On first blush, it sure seems like a great application for CARGOBOB!!!!!

June 9th, 2016, 04:46 PM
The Cargobob is now available in Jetsam livery as well.

June 9th, 2016, 05:09 PM
For purchase? It's never been available before, officially!

June 9th, 2016, 05:09 PM
I am about to go make some MONEY!

(and have a beer and a burrito, too)

June 9th, 2016, 07:30 PM
If you find an empty public lobby (not all that hard), it's much easier. My crew has almost filled a large warehouse (111 spots) in just a few hours today.

June 10th, 2016, 04:14 AM
*is confused*
*checks thread title*
*is jealous*
*wonders if the 360 version works on the XBone...*

Just buy it for Xbone already, you big baby.

June 10th, 2016, 10:29 AM
I had decidedly less time to play last night than I'd hope. I only have $1.5m, which is not nearly enough to buy all the stuff I want. Blah. I'll grind away for a bit - probably by the time I have the dosh everything will be on sale and, voila, problem solved!

June 13th, 2016, 11:37 AM
I'm back up to $4.2 mil but I don't feel the pull to buy-in yet. Maybe I'm winding down again?

June 13th, 2016, 11:39 AM
I'd like to play this on the XBone... But, I just don't think I'd have the time. :(

June 14th, 2016, 04:05 AM
I may be winding down as well - I just don't have the time to invest and it's really all about having money at this point in the online existence, at least for people that don't have much :)

Interestingly, my son bought the GTA III/Vice City/San Andreas combo for the PS4 and has been playing a lot of San Andreas lately. Holy polygons, Batman!

June 14th, 2016, 04:25 AM
I'd play more if they added more 'story' content. I haven't had a chance to check out this new thing, but maybe there's some gameplay there. They've mostly been focused on adding cars/clothing/weapons, and PvP stuff. :/

June 14th, 2016, 08:42 AM
I play in little bursts - it's a game I can get into and get out of without difficulty, and it offers enough variety in play that I don't feel like I'm playing a "driving game" or a "shooting game" or a "just get in the way of what other people are trying to do game" which is good for me. I really enjoyed story mode, but staying in one place for a few hours during the warm months is difficult for me. Kinda happy there is no more story right now - it would just get in the way of things I have to do. Better for me for that stuff to happen during winter.

I was able to hop in last night while I waited for some wood glue to cure, and I passed the time with GTA. :up: Frustratingly I could not remember the stupid Kinect command to take a screenshot. I was rocketing my Dominator up a mountain road with a briefcase of documents recently freed from the DA, headlights off with only a full moon (and LOTS of sirens) to light my path, when my companion flew his jet right across the moon. Dominator+full moon+jet - it was a magic 'murica moment and I couldn't remember how to document it! ARGH!

June 21st, 2016, 08:49 AM


The Cargobob is every bit as fun in missions as I hoped it would be. Played Bust Out with some randoms last night. Dude in an Armored Karuma went off to break Gustavo off the prison bus, I picked up my Cargobob. With Gustavo safely in the back of the Karuma, I swooped in, grabbed the Karuma, and flew us all back to Lester's Warehouse.

(Okay, it didn't quite go down like that. Karuma guy didn't figure out what I was doing until my third attempt to pick him up off the freeway. Maybe he was playing in 1st person? I dunno. But after the second missed attempt he stopped driving erratically and then I grabbed him and flew him back.)

We then played whatever mission it is where you have to pick up the jet off the beach, but oh no, there's baddies on the landing strip. You know what rocks? Dropping an Armored Karuma into a collection of baddies from a mile up.

Now I really wish there were more missions with more players. 10 people and an armored car via air delivery seems like it'd be a hoot.

As for the Rumpo, it's quite fun but hilariously top-heavy. It rolls with almost no provocation and will keep rolling pretty much indefinitely. I don't care. It's reasonably quick, good offroad, and maybe if mine wasn't bright orange would be apocalypse worthy. ;)

June 21st, 2016, 09:12 AM
Canis that rolled down Mount Chilliad and was still "driveable".

June 21st, 2016, 01:22 PM
That Rumpo is awesome!

The silver lining to the CEO thing is that I can do VIP work in an invite-only lobby, which beats having some random asshats in an Insurgent trying to keep me from killing that last target I need in that first [alphabetical] VIP job where you have to eliminate the four people. I thought I could just start the mission in the far north end of the map so I wouldn't have an issue with the randoms who like to hang out in the city, but the targets just spawn over a much wider area in that case, like over the entire map. When you start the mission in the city, they tend to spawn over a much smaller area, within the city and a bit to the north. Invite only, stay in the city, easy peasy Japanesey.

The one where you have to steal the car from the police station and deliver it somewhere - that one is tough enough without having to worry about randoms. Four-star wanted level attracts a bunch of attention, and the car will eventually be 'destroyed' if it takes enough damage, though mine certainly looked a lot better than the Canis Rich posted when I got the message that it was "destroyed."

I think you can also deliver crates, etc. in an invite-only lobby, though the payout might be less than in a lobby with other players?

June 21st, 2016, 01:34 PM
I have not experimented with this stuff at all, but I am excited to. Now that I have knocked out my material objects wishlist, I gotta start saving for that warehouse. :up:

June 22nd, 2016, 08:19 PM
Judging the Jury with two guys hanging out the doors of the Rumpo is fan-fucking-tastic. So much fun. The juror on the bus got ROASTED. One pass up the side of the bus, an ebrake turn and another pass up the other side. Explosions, screaming. YEAH!

June 22nd, 2016, 11:30 PM
Also, Romance Isn't Dead ("Steal a Lost Van") done with a Cargobob is ace. :lol:

June 26th, 2016, 11:03 AM
I also tried something with awesome results - I downloaded the GTA Online updates, such as the Business Pack and the Beach Bum Bundle and whatever else there are. Suddenly I have all kinds of crazy weapons! Brass knuckles, proximity mines, calvary daggers, some little derringer sort of mini-pistol, and all kinds of other goodies! I've never played Online, and my Live membership has lapsed, but I do have an internet connection, obviously, and it seems we Single Player types can get some of the Online hardware that way. No complaints from me!

As it turns out, I now have a lot (but not all) of the GTA Online DLC cars too. I just discovered this. Very cool. Sadly, I don't seem to have the Nightshade or the Tampa, but maybe I've missed some of the DLC packs.

Just foolin' around today and learning what's what...




Not so shiny!





And finally, a car I can put a bug-catcher on. I still haven't unlocked all the car mods. The rear tires (and subsequent burnt rubber marks on the pavement) are W I D E.



June 27th, 2016, 09:26 AM
Wow, those are some mods that I didn't even know existed. :up:

I am still (slowly) working on getting enough money to buy a warehouse. Using an armored Radius in missions tends to slow things down, I've learned. :D

Rare White Ape
June 28th, 2016, 12:42 AM
I'ma just leave this here. My favourite GTA V video maker is at it again.


June 28th, 2016, 03:40 AM
:up: :up:

June 28th, 2016, 07:30 AM
Players Finally Solve GTA V's Bigfoot Mystery (http://kotaku.com/the-incredible-saga-of-gta-vs-bigfoot-peyote-mystery-1782671057)

Last year, fans found a golden peyote plant in GTA V that could transform players into Sasquatch. This discovery was actually the tip of the iceberg of a much larger, way more ridiculous mystery.

First, some recap, just to get you up to speed. The initial discovery of the golden peyote was made possible by perusing the code that makes up GTA V itself. By skimming through the game files, players were able to find the exact coordinates of every single peyote in the game. Thing is, some coordinates were completely unaccounted for; nobody could find the associated peyote plants that this code supposedly pointed to. And as if that wasn’t enough, Rockstar was outright winking at mystery hunters by leaving a small comment in the code of GTA V itself, as you can see in the highlighted text below:

June 28th, 2016, 10:37 AM
Ace! :up:

June 28th, 2016, 08:03 PM
I change favorite cars in this game just about every weekend when I get a chance to play.

The Chino is my latest. This thing even sounds cool! While stopped, I was playing around with the joystick that controls the camera view and I got right up under the rear bumper and heard an awesome burbling old American V8 sound. Very nice.

Most of the available mods are in the low-rider direction, but I think it also makes an awesome (and threatening :up:) muscle car!



Minus the wheelie bars (so it will fit in the garage!), this Chino currently lives in Michael's garage in my game. I think I prefer it with the vinyl top after seeing these pictures again.


June 29th, 2016, 03:29 AM
I just realized last night that you can choose among your created license plates from within LSC now...for FREE??!! Used to be a lot more convoluted and expensive ($150k?). Please tell me that's not just a limited-time thing.

June 29th, 2016, 09:01 AM
You can create license plates?

June 29th, 2016, 12:58 PM
Via the iFruit app on your actual phone.

June 29th, 2016, 01:25 PM
Oh. I don't have that. :p

June 29th, 2016, 02:17 PM

July 2nd, 2016, 04:29 AM
Re-release of Independence Day DLC and a Pfister 811. (http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/52631/pfister-811-supercar-added-to-gta-online-today-plus-event?utm_source=blast&utm_medium=email&utm_content=newswire-link&utm_campaign=gtao-pfister-07012016)

July 2nd, 2016, 11:03 AM
Just found out "Docks to Stocks" ("Acquire a Cargobob") doesn't recognize when you acquire a Cargobob from Pegasus. Poop. I thought it was gonna be a real timesaver. ;D

July 2nd, 2016, 11:30 AM
Speaking of Cargobobs, I recently stole one from Fort Zancudo.

I notice my GTA V blogs have become much shorter as I've become a jaded veteran of the game. :shrug:

July 2nd, 2016, 05:05 PM
:lol: :up: #cherrypopped

July 3rd, 2016, 09:35 AM
Yeah, the bloom is off the rose.

Someone needs to get online.

July 4th, 2016, 03:53 PM
But it's still fun! My wife and kids are back east right now and I've had way too much time to play this weekend. I'm at around 52% complete now and have unlocked all the car mods and I think most, if not all, of the guns, including the big-ass machine gun with the spinning barrel that's like something out of a Terminator movie.

It's funny how, for the longest time, Franklin and Trevor have been grumbling about the same thing I've mentioned here a few times - I'm doing all these missions but not getting paid!

I see now that seems to be a theme in the game, and I'm really enjoying how the various story lines are developing. I like the little side missions too, like "we're out of beer at the Hen House" and all the other crazy stuff. The first property I bought as Franklin was the cab company, and I like the private fares. Just this afternoon, I was driving one of the "special" cars I can choose from my garage that came with the various online updates and I set a new high speed record for myself.

Oh, I should mention I/we finally got paid from the Paleto Score, the bank heist up north with the military equipment. Nice! Now all three of my guys are appropriately equipped, healthy, and armored and ready for the next one. I've discovered you can't just walk around with half-health and no body armor and not enough ammo and expect to survive long in these missions, which somehow just seem to start before I'm really ready for them to. Yes, I understand I trigger them by going places, but still - there have been a few where I found myself woefully unprepared.

I discovered the Stats menu not long ago, and until today my high speed for a long time was 183 MPH or so in a Stage 2 Benefactor Fetzer (some kinda high performance Mercedes Benz coupe clone, to my eye). That was my street racing car, and that's all I had unlocked at the time. Today, I was on my way from my garage to the Custom Shop that Franklin now owns for free mods when I got the call to pick up Mr. Kwak (or K-wack, as he prefers to be called) in my bone stock and still roof-less Coquette Classic.

I've gotten pretty good at threading the needle on the center line and shooting between cars on the eastern highway from east LS up to Sandy Shores, and this run from SS to the poker game in Vinewood Hills was one a rare run that was simply flawless. The dude kept saying stuff like, "whoa, you really know how to handle this car" and so forth. Usually passengers are saying the opposite to me as I careen off guard rails, over curbs, and similarly terrify them. When I got there, I got eight hundred some dollars, including a couple hundred dollars in the itemized Mission Complete menu for "ludicrous speed". There may have been a "not a scratch" award in there too. :rawk:

I'd have to chalk that up to luck and a lack of sudden swerves from the AI drivers more than to skill, as I frequently swap a little paint on the highway when I'm going that fast.

Later I went back and maxed (maxxed?) out the Classic, and then grabbed a Coquette Blackfin and gave it the same treatment, complete with matching paint, sidepipes, and not matching but nicely vintage-looking steel wheels that aren't, for once, the dog-dish hubcaps that I seem to put on just about everything else.

Now that I get free mods, I anticipate a lot of high-speed runs up north while I'm just fooling around as Franklin between missions.

FWIW, the stock Coquette Classic got me 192 point something MPH as a new max speed record. :cool:

Ain't got nuthin' better to do than post pics from my temporarily bachelor pad video game hideout:


This car is much sexier with the roof, IMO. It looks sort of stubby and incomplete without one.


Not as pretty, but probably just as fast...



It's a shame these cars will disappear when I park them somewhere and start a mission, but that's nothing that more time playing the game won't solve...at least until I discover my next OMG BEST CAR EVAH in this crazy game.

July 5th, 2016, 02:20 PM
That Coquette Classic looks awesome! Well done!

The inability to keep player cars handy kinda sucks in single player. You can buy the Grove Street garage to store them, but it's fair hike from his pad. :(

July 5th, 2016, 05:56 PM
The garage/car issue is the one thing that keeps me from playing the single player game more.

July 5th, 2016, 07:32 PM
Well, um, the Grove Street garage was, uh...free with one of the online upgrades. Franklin can store four cars/bikes there, plus two in his new swanky digs in the hills. And yes, it's a long freakin' haul from there up to Sandy Shores or the western suburb thereof where Franklin's mod shack is.

Michael has a garage that sort of makes a triangle with his house and the nearest Custom Shop, if that makes sense. It's roughly equidistant from both, but to the east, down from his house where the land is flat, but uphill from the Custom Shop just west of Rockford Plaza.

Trevor's garage is on the side of a Vapid dealership sort of centrally located in L.S., I'd say, and like Franklin, he has a long drive to and from his usual operating area.

It seems like Michael has a lot of things going easy for him - short drives, much more money than the other two, etc. Maybe that's part of the overall story, too. Dunno yet, but I bet I'll find out.

July 6th, 2016, 01:26 PM
Michael's default car also makes the most sense. Franklin's bike is cool and all, but it's a good way to die. Having to begin every Franklin everything with jacking some other car was tiresome. Trevor's truck is just annoying. I'll also add that getting out of Franklin's house in the hills is freakin' annoying too, especially if you start in the bedroom. OTOH, starting at Michael's place is always a treat, because you typically have an opportunity set off a sticky bomb in the kitchen or light his wife on fire with a Molotov at the tennis courts. I feel that gets the game going in the right direction.

July 6th, 2016, 01:45 PM
OTOH, starting at Michael's place is always a treat, because you typically have an opportunity set off a sticky bomb in the kitchen or light his wife on fire with a Molotov at the tennis courts.


July 6th, 2016, 02:17 PM

Interesting, I have yet to explode Michael's son. His wife and daughter routinely, not so much his son.

Maybe it's #sexism OR #1reasonwhy?

Rare White Ape
July 6th, 2016, 11:11 PM
Is that the reason that Michael is always fighting with his family?

July 7th, 2016, 03:34 AM
If you got fire bomber everytime you played tennis, you'd be a little pissy too.

July 7th, 2016, 08:51 AM

Interesting, I have yet to explode Michael's son. His wife and daughter routinely, not so much his son.

Maybe it's #sexism OR #1reasonwhy?

I saw a video the other night where someone sticky-bombed Michael's son and his charred, on-fire remains ended up tangled in the kitchen chandelier. It was awesome :lol:

July 7th, 2016, 11:11 AM

If you light Michael's wife on fire with a flare gun, most the time she does nothing, she just continues on, business as usual, but on fire. One time I lit her on fire with a flare gun and she died draped over the tennis court net.

So bad. So good.

July 8th, 2016, 02:55 PM
Introducing the Dewbauchee Seven-70. (http://www.rockstargames.com/newswire/article/52634/get-the-new-dewbauchee-seven-70-and-play-3-new-power-play?utm_source=blast&utm_medium=email&utm_content=newswire-2&utm_campaign=gtao-rdr-07082016)


Rare White Ape
July 8th, 2016, 04:08 PM
Holy cow look at those new racing cars.

July 8th, 2016, 06:23 PM
Hmmm, prototype racers...

July 8th, 2016, 07:05 PM
I am a little irked that they continue to give us things to buy but no more things to shoot, but since they called this one Cunning Stunts I'm kinda ok with it. This time.

July 12th, 2016, 03:49 AM
My son joined a random organization last night and was participating with them in the Hostile Takeover VIP mission (I think that's the one - it's the one where you have to steal + deliver the briefcase). Whoever had the briefcase was in a helicopter at high altitude over the ocean and must have died, because the briefcase went into freefall. My son was in another helicopter, some distance away, and wondered aloud if he could intercept it in flight. Fortunately, it was nighttime in the game, which made the tiny 'here it is' arrow/chevron easy to see against the night sky as he closed in. Long story short, he got the briefcase :D

It should be noted that the organization had asked him to join their ranks after he had murdered everyone in their group :lol:

July 12th, 2016, 04:47 AM
There are three free cars in the Cunning Stunts DLC.

July 12th, 2016, 05:51 AM

July 12th, 2016, 06:57 AM
There are three free cars in the Cunning Stunts DLC.

Finally, they took some pity on the workin' man.

MR2 Fan
July 12th, 2016, 07:30 AM
My son joined a random organization last night and was participating with them in the Hostile Takeover VIP mission (I think that's the one - it's the one where you have to steal + deliver the briefcase). Whoever had the briefcase was in a helicopter at high altitude over the ocean and must have died, because the briefcase went into freefall. My son was in another helicopter, some distance away, and wondered aloud if he could intercept it in flight. Fortunately, it was nighttime in the game, which made the tiny 'here it is' arrow/chevron easy to see against the night sky as he closed in. Long story short, he got the briefcase :D

It should be noted that the organization had asked him to join their ranks after he had murdered everyone in their group :lol:


July 12th, 2016, 09:07 AM
There were supposed to be three free muscle/stock cars, but they were all $200k plus when I played a little while ago...I didn't see any free cars. I did buy the Fiat 500 Abarth-looking car for $155k and sold off a bunch of other cars so I could buy the Stratos clone for a bit over $800k. Needs some acceleration help via LSC but is neat as hell and handles well.