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June 5th, 2020, 10:36 AM
I'm sensing a pattern with the um, decorative additions

Yeah. But hey, I'm seven years behind everyone else and for the first time I can easily take a screen shot on my PC and post something that was entertaining to me at the time.

Can't do that on the Xbox without pointing a camera at the TV set. :rolleyes:

All types of mods are definitely absolutely positively BAANNED in online mode...

Hmm. I thought "modders" were active online. Maybe not. Doesn't really matter, but twice now I've been the fortunate recipient of money drops. That's what players called it in chat. The first time, I was standing in my apartment, looking at something on my in-game phone most likely, when I started hearing DING - DING - DING. I got out of phone mode and could see white bags of money falling into my apartment, and my count of money in the upper right corner increasing.

Suddenly another player appeared in my apartment! He didn't say anything or mess with me but stood there "catching" the money with me. When it stopped, I ran out to my garage and left before he possibly went on a Hulk-style rampage in my bachelor pad. I don't know what he did after that, but I've learned to get away from other players until such time as I'm properly equipped and experienced with combat in the Online version to have a fighting chance against veteran players.

More recently, I was driving around and suddenly the chat text started scrolling by with people saying "Thanks for the money drop!" and similar things. Someone wrote, "Come to where everyone is on the map" and I did, expecting an ambush. Instead, there was a big traffic jam as more and more NPC drivers joined the pileup in the middle of the street. Human players were standing and running around collecting $2500 bags of cash. One guy was hovering in a Buzzard helicopter but not shooting. I guess he was catching money too.

I caught plenty of loot myself and stood there with the Maze Bank website open on my phone, depositing the money as quickly as it landed on me. Then there was a giant explosion and I died, but now I'm at $1.7 million, which doesn't seem too bad considering I haven't done anything to earn money except race cars, rob stores, and spin the wheel at the casino. Also, unlike Story Mode, getting killed in Online doesn't seem to have any negative effects, except wasting time respawning and then having to find or file an insurance claim for the Personal Vehicle.

Anyway, I assumed the money droppers and the guy who appeared in my apartment like Gary Seven were modders.

June 6th, 2020, 04:39 PM
Tried to play some this afternoon. It's Saturday. Maybe more people are online and therefore more assholes are online? I dunno. And I don't want to complain, but I just don't understand this game yet.

1. Spawned in my apartment. Nice. Often I spawn on the street, on foot, and have to run to my car that's somewhere nearby. Went to Online > Jobs > Races as usual. Chose my favorite race. Auto-invited everyone. Saw their names appear in the list as invited. No one joined. That's odd - usually a few people jump in right away. Ran the race myself and managed to win. Got cash and RP and maybe some JP, too - I don't know what JP is but I've seen it when I've raced with others. Tried another race. Invited everyone. No one joined again. Won again. Okay. Maybe this is my new thing - leveling up by racing against nobody. I have to win 14 more races or hit level 100 to unlock the Turbo mod, so maybe I'm onto something here. It will be a long time before I'm level 100 but I can win fourteen races against no one pretty quickly, I assume.

2. Decided to quit playing the game and do more responsible things - household chores, help with dinner prep, hang with the kids, whatever. Selected Freemode from the "vote on next race" screen or whatever it's called so I could then quit and save my progress. Now, here's where I get annoyed in Online: I started in my apartment, but the game spawned me on a beach near Fort Zancudo, on foot, with my Personal Vehicle nowhere around.

3. Suddenly there was a challenge to fly upside down close to the ground. Cool! I can fly just fine in Story Mode. There was a jet right there on the beach maybe twenty yards away. I hopped in and took off from the sand, rolled her over and started flying upside down. I was in first place! Then, I heard the missile lock sound I've heard over Fort Zancudo and I was blown up. Wasted. But why? Do people get RP for killing others? I've never killed anyone in Online (except NPC pedestrians), so I don't know. They must, as often as it happens.

4. Respawned on the beach right next to another jet. The challenge still had six minutes left, so I climbed in, took off, rolled over, checked to see if the plane was armed (I've stolen enough jets from the fort in Story Mode to know about this), and got shot down almost immediately again. I have not idea who or what was shooting me down. I was airborne long enough to see my jet was unarmed. I am certain I wasn't over the fort the second time - I was over the mountains between the fort and Sandy Shores, flying away from the sea.

5. Respawned near Michael's psychiatrist's house near the pier, again on foot. Why isn't my car around? Usually it is. Ran for a while until I saw a parked Dominator. Nice - I don't have one of those yet. Set waypoint to my house to escape this hell, stash my new car in my garage (I had room for one), and then exit the game while saving my racing progress. While hauling ass through the city in a RWD muscle car in the snow, I got gunned down by a pedestrian with a machine gun. The text said something like "you got ventilated" or similar - can't remember exactly but it implied a machine gun was the weapon of choice.

6. Respawned on foot. Still no car. Started running toward anything but got killed by mystery missiles again. No warning - just BOOM. Wasted.

7. Again.

8. Again!

9. Finally spawned somewhere else and didn't get killed in the time it took me to press the Back button or whatever it is that lets you summon your Personal Vehicle. It says I don't have a Personal Vehicle anymore. That can't be - I have six or eight cars and a motorcycle, and I didn't use one in this session. They should all be safe in my garages.

10. Was able to quit before I was killed yet again and came here to bitch about it. :angry:

Don't need answers; just wanted to gripe some about this game that's I always think will be fun, but it's starting to seem like real life is an escape from the frustration of this game. It's supposed to work the other way around, right? :lol:

Again, it's worth what I paid, and I know I'll be excited to play more tomorrow. :)

Rare White Ape
June 6th, 2020, 06:23 PM
Now you see why I don’t bother with online :lol:

If only Novicious was here, he could tell you everything you need to know. He was a machine at it when it first came out.

June 14th, 2020, 06:38 AM
Notice the resemblance?

(if you can't see my avatar on this forum because you're on your phone or other reasons, this won't make any sense at all)


June 14th, 2020, 01:32 PM
I'm sure this has been done 10,000 times before, and all but three of them were better than this, but I stole another Dominator today and this occurred to me..

Yeah, I know...I need to get a life!



August 31st, 2020, 05:56 PM
Anyone still playing this silly game?

Here I am waiting for a tow truck - that's what I get for driving a Chevy. :smh:


And here I'm hiding in a tunnel until the cops lose interest. They sure are easier to escape in Online than in Story Mode. This is my daily driver around town. I do more Land Races than anything else. I'm terrible at shooting missions but am getting better at Land Races since I've learned most of the courses and what to drive in each class.

It's a fun distraction from real life sometimes.


August 31st, 2020, 07:24 PM
It's a fun distraction from real life sometimes.

Isn't that the point?

May 14th, 2021, 01:59 PM
Started playing again, this time the PS3 version. Haven’t really noticed much difference from the PS4 version, aside from the lack of first person view. My son says the frame rate is much lower on the PS3. My eyes are not that well trained to notice.

Anyway, about a third of the way through. I find myself spending a lot of time playing golf. Sometimes for hours at a time. Just golf, nothing else. I’m obsessed with trying to get an eagle. Hole-in-one is out of the question. How the hell could you possibly get that?

December 15th, 2021, 08:34 AM
There's a new DLC for GTA Online out today that includes the return of Lamar Davis and Franklin Clinton. Anyone else still playing? I don't much, but when I have the time and inclination to play a video game, it's the only one I play.


April 20th, 2023, 02:00 PM
We had a massive gold heist at Toronto airport today. $100M worth of gold stolen from a secure area. Something straight out of GTA V.

Now I feel like playing this game again. I might fire up the PS4 tonight!

Yobbo NZ
April 20th, 2023, 03:42 PM
I tried to play GTA5 the other day after a long lay off. The graphics haven't aged well, felt a bit Iike playing an early Saints Row.
Also been playing RDR2 a bit as well, that game still look great after 4-5 years.

April 23rd, 2023, 02:06 AM
Yeah i got sick of everything being overpriced, so didn't really buy into much of the shitton of DLC they've been pouring into the game. Plus i try avoid online with randoms :random: because they are all trolls/not worth wasting time with.

August 25th, 2023, 04:53 AM
I've actually started playing this again, and for once I'm actually joining in the 'dispatch or be dispatched' mentality, with mixed results. I did have someone yesterday that took offense to me dispatching them and repeatedly wasted me, but I was nowhere in their line of sight. Once, I was behind a wall and they were three or four streets away. Rare obvious instance of being abused by a modder, I reckon.

I'm not buying any more cars, they are indeed hilariously overpriced. I bought enough stuff during the apartment glitch exploit anyway :D

Yobbo NZ
August 25th, 2023, 12:59 PM
I started again about a month ago.
Was a bit of fun, quite a few play 24/7 level 4000 types online.
Joined one session and some twat had a submarine I assume and kept launching missiles. That really kills it for fun factor along with those flying bikes 🙄

August 29th, 2023, 06:33 AM
Funny you should mention the sub, I had forgotten about it and decided to re-visit it not too long ago. I didn't hit anyone but I imagine it must have been interesting for the other players with the random explosions, anyway.

And I call those bikes "mosquitos" because they are at least that annoying.

August 30th, 2023, 07:58 AM
I got into GTA V in 2020 when Epic made it free during the early days of the pandemic. I played on PC and earned my way up to level 400+. I kept $30 million in "walking around money" all the time, doing missions and jobs as needed when I wanted to buy something expensive.

My favorite thing to do was land races, when rammers weren't ruining them. Arena Wars were fun also. I also liked flying around in freemode in the Akula stealth helicopter and blowing up submarines floating near the pier! :lol: The chat comments would be hilarious at times - "Who blew up my sub! You modders suck!" I never used mods; I just used the stealth mode of the Akula that anyone can buy and use. I found it the best vehicle in the game for getting things done, whether for good or evil.

Then, one day I logged in and I was suddenly level 6666, up from 4xx. As someone who never modded, I damn sure don't want to look like a cheater. Somehow that ruined the game for me, and I haven't played in several months - probably not since 2022.

Considering how much time I used to waste on that game while "working" from home, I'm glad it's over.

August 30th, 2023, 01:02 PM
You'd better not be on PS4...or we're gonna have to get you back in. I didn't realize there was a stealth helicopter...which is hilarious after all these years.

MR2 Fan
August 31st, 2023, 05:34 AM
I can't imagine GTA 6 living up to GTA 5 at all whenever they do decide to release it, especially the way R* is going lately

Rare White Ape
September 1st, 2023, 02:16 AM
I can't imagine GTA 6 living up to GTA 5 at all whenever they do decide to release it, especially the way R* is going lately

Lead developers (Leslie Benzies) may come and go, but microtransactions are forever.