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October 16th, 2014, 10:29 AM
#thankscam #deleted

October 16th, 2014, 10:38 AM
The next part of the Invective bounty is to get a +25 K/D in Crucible. After about five games in a row, I've worked myself up to a grand total of... +1. :|

It does count assists as a +1 -- but, I had that bounty and hit a peak of +3 after about 2 games. Then 2 more games later it was back at zero. Abandoned.

Shotguns are mostly only useful in PVP anyways. No loss I think.

Yeah that sounds impossible. I was rolling with cousins again last night and I got absolutely stomped: K/D Ratios of 0.3, 0.6 and only once did I hit 1.75.

I was working on the bounty for "Bad Juju" but since I was gifted the Exotic Rocket Launcher "Truth", I'm going to delete it to free up the slot. #fuckthatnoisebungie

I tend to average .75 in K/D and the Bad Juju bounty took me about 6-8 hours of control matches to get. It's easier then the Invective bounty, but does take a bit of time.

October 16th, 2014, 12:01 PM
#thankscam #deleted

I abandoned the Invective bounty. :(

October 16th, 2014, 12:12 PM
I tend to average .75 in K/D and the Bad Juju bounty took me about 6-8 hours of control matches to get. It's easier then the Invective bounty, but does take a bit of time.
Well then maybe I'll keep working at it just to have. :up:

October 16th, 2014, 01:40 PM
The 25K/D is not a ratio. All you need is 25 more kills than deaths. So if you had 50 kills and 25 deaths you would achieve the task.

October 16th, 2014, 01:52 PM
I don't think I've ever gotten 25 more kills than deaths in competitive multiplayer anything.

October 16th, 2014, 01:53 PM
I have in COD4. :hard:

October 17th, 2014, 07:20 AM
I am starting to get bummed out at how poorly the story and missions were put together. For a game that had such a huge budget and knowing that Bungie has put out some great games in the past... It all seems like they were rushed to put out an incomplete game.

I have no idea what "The Traveler" is, what "The Golden Age" is about, what the Ghosts are about. How do they disappear? get absorbed into your armor? mind-meld?

If it weren't for the internet, wiki, reviews, etc... I'd have no idea how to level up past 20. ZFG to mention it in the game.

The don't mention anything about raids, or where to find them, they just popped up in the menu one day. (Oh wait, there was a little flyer on the loading screen when they were added. :rolleyes: )

I'm just getting more and more dissapointed in the execution of it all. I love the gameplay, different classes, special armor/weapons leveling, etc... There's a lot to like about it. But, it just feels so incomplete. :|

edit: also wanted to add that it feels like a lot of grinding. More so than normal. It seems like that's the point to playing, instead of the other way around.
Not being able to even attempt the raid unless you're level 26? :( Why not make a lower level raid to help people get to that point? Instead of having to grind our way up there. :?

And then there's this (http://kotaku.com/destiny-and-phantasy-star-online-have-an-awful-lot-in-c-1645470757). :lol: :? :(

October 17th, 2014, 08:05 AM
Hey, I called that way-back-when! (http://gtxfrefuge.freeforums.org/post49767.html#p49767) :D :toast: I'm surprised they also forgot to mention that both Destiny & PSO have dancing animations, too.

A proper new PSO would be great!!!
I guess this is an example of being careful what you wish for (http://gtxfrefuge.freeforums.org/post49793.html#p49793), eh Kid? :assclown:

I am starting to get bummed out at how poorly the story and missions were put together. For a game that had such a huge budget and knowing that Bungie has put out some great games in the past... It all seems like they were rushed to put out an incomplete game.

I have no idea what "The Traveler" is, what "The Golden Age" is about, what the Ghosts are about. How do they disappear? get absorbed into your armor? mind-meld?

If it weren't for the internet, wiki, reviews, etc... I'd have no idea how to level up past 20. ZFG to mention it in the game.

The don't mention anything about raids, or where to find them, they just popped up in the menu one day. (Oh wait, there was a little flyer on the loading screen when they were added. :rolleyes: )

I'm just getting more and more dissapointed in the execution of it all. I love the gameplay, different classes, special armor/weapons leveling, etc... There's a lot to like about it. But, it just feels so incomplete. :|
We'll all come to this realization eventually. (http://http//gtxforums.net/showthread.php?77-Destiny-Bungie-s-Next-Big-Project&p=24835&viewfull=1#post24835)

The game was fucked during delivery when Bungie sold out. Somehow Activision wrested control from Bungie with cash & stock options (Bungie!! Who had CRAZY M$ MONEY HATS from Microsoft for selling all of the Halo IP and from SONY for PS4 exclusivity for Destiny DLC, early Beta, etc. anyway). Jason Jones & Friends sold out big, bigger than BioWare did, even -- but Activision took control and ordered corporate Bungie to neuter the game. :smh: Some individual Bungie employees walked, some were forced out. I look forward to reading the power-plays behind the scenes of all of this in a few months/years. #sigh

Destiny is a high-quality PSO clone, that's all. It's not Skyrim-in-space, it's not Elite (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elite_(video_game)), it's not EVE Online or even Star Wars: TIE Fighter. It is "just" Phantasy Star Online: a shitty story, three races, four planets and guns, guns, guns. Forza Horizon 2 has a stronger and more cohesive narrative! :lol: (...but it doesn't mean Destiny isn't still fun to play. :D :up: )

October 17th, 2014, 08:17 AM
The problem with money is that the more you have, the more you want.

It's more fun with friends, of course. However, I'm getting tired of doing the same four strikes over and over and the tedium of collecting materials to upgrade my stuff.

That said, I finally got all my characters equipped with legendary gear, plus the maximum allowed exotics, having just bought Truth from Xur. I even bought an exotic engram from him with the sole purpose of dismantling it for the shards.

All that's left now is to grind upgrade materials. :|

October 17th, 2014, 09:01 AM
I guess this is an example of being careful what you wish for (http://gtxfrefuge.freeforums.org/post49793.html#p49793), eh Kid? :assclown:

Yeah, I guess so. :(

I only have 1 legendary anything, and it's a Heavy Weapon. :| I guess I shouldn't complain to much yet. ;)

10 years, huh?

October 17th, 2014, 12:14 PM
That said, I finally got all my characters equipped with legendary gear, plus the maximum allowed exotics, having just bought Truth from Xur.
All three 'toons are Level 20+ with 2 Exotics each?? Crazy. :twitch:

Personally, I'd be incredibly burned out if I had grind'd Destiny that hard but keep it up as long as you're having fun, Cam! :D :up:

October 17th, 2014, 12:18 PM
The Titan Exotic chest armor available from Xur seems like a no-brainer. Or at least it seems like a good buy if we already have a member of our group with the Alpa Lupi, Dennis and I both have it. The Exotic chest this week is called The Armamentarium, it gives an extra grenade, extra special weapon ammo and extra heavy weapon ammo. Plus it gives +104 Discipline which decreases grenade cooldown time, of the two grenades I could be tossing. :hard:

Having extra of the stuff that can bring down the big guys sounds like a must have in a group.

October 17th, 2014, 12:48 PM
Yeah, I suppose I should invest in Light Beyond Nemesis (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Light_Beyond_Nemesis) (but I like my Queen's Hood :( ).

October 17th, 2014, 12:59 PM
Yeah, my buddy had that chest drop from a nightfall. Loves it! Great in PVP.

I picked up the Warlock helm this morning. Coupled with my raid chest, I should be able to hit 29 a little easier and set myself up for 30 if I ever get the raid drops (let alone play it).

Currently switching between: Multi-Tool, Suros Regime, Lord High Fixer, Ice Breaker, and Praedyth's Revenge. On the last step of exotic bounties for Bad Juju and Pocket Infinity.

October 17th, 2014, 01:02 PM
I'm like 18 shards away from Level 28. :smh: #fml

October 17th, 2014, 01:04 PM
I already had a titan helm that I've been working on upgrading so I skipped the titan armor from Xur.

Yes novi, all my characters are level 27 and they each have one exotic weapon and armor. The rest of their gear is legendary. Elbow grease, man. :hard:

October 17th, 2014, 01:13 PM
I can understand why there's nothing left for you to do. :lol:

October 17th, 2014, 01:23 PM
I have been thinking about getting some stuff from Future War Cult. Since I prefer grenades and super abilities.

Core Factions
Future War Cult - focuses on Intellect and Discipline.
Dead Orbit - focuses on Strength and Discipline.
New Monarchy - focuses on Intellect and Strength.

Intellect is a player attribute that reduces the cooldown time of the player's Super Ability, allowing it to be used more often.
Discipline is a player attribute that decreases the player's grenade cooldown time, allowing them to be used more often.
Strength is a player attribute that reduces the cooldown time of a player's Melee Ability, allowing it to be used more often.

October 17th, 2014, 01:24 PM
Ahhhh great breakdown! :up:
That'll help me decide who to level up besides the Vanguard.

October 17th, 2014, 02:09 PM
I've taken to joining other random people if they invite me. Some dude was trying to organize a raiding party this afternoon, but it didn't come together.

Alan P
October 17th, 2014, 06:22 PM
Lots of talk from people on other forums I frequent saying this has got old and boring quite quickly and isn't quite as open, expansive and immersive as people were expecting?

October 18th, 2014, 06:36 AM
Phil, fix yer internetzez! :toolbox:

October 18th, 2014, 07:25 AM
I'm like 18 shards away from Level 28. :smh: #fml
Complain and ye shall find it! Turns out I was only 4 Shards away, then 1, then I was officially a Destiny Big Boy (TM). :lol:

A very fortuitous bit of Public Event mining with Dennis last night. :up: :up: So now I suppose it's time for /r/Fireteams (http://www.reddit.com/r/Fireteams)... ;)

A detailed walkthrough of the Vault of Glass. (http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2hpv07/a_guide_to_vault_of_glass/)

October 18th, 2014, 08:25 AM
Well, if you guys need an extra body, let me know. I'll just need good notice. :p
I've done everything up until the final boss legitimately. Until we couldn't get enough people together and finally just pushed him off the side.

But speaking of the raid, there's a few changes they are making that are going to get a lot of people pissed off.
See the Weekly Update (http://www.bungie.net/7_Bungie-Weekly-Update---10172014/en/News/News?aid=12295)

Raid Spoilers and rant:

Per Update:

The encounter goal for Atheon is to act as a climax and the culmination of learning for a given Raid group. Part of that is making sure that each player in your group can perform every job as required. A change will take effect next week which fixes a bug with Atheon's target selection. When using its Timestream ability, Atheon will select 3 players at random, instead of choosing the three players furthest from it.

This has been a HUGE issue with the community. Myself included.
* If you ultimately intended for the selection to be random... make it random. I'm not a game programmer, but I can tell you with almost 100% certainty that programming 3 random players and programming 3 players by distance are equally as easy. In fact, I'd argue making it random is easier.

* A raid is cooperation, teamwork, strategy. You need to have patience with one another, figure out each other's strengths, and execute. Some people aren't good holding/using the relic or shooting oracles. But they are good killing supplicants and opening the portals. And part of the strategy was determining how Atheon selected people to get teleported and executing proper positioning once Atheon is ready to send them. This completely kills the ability for a team to create specific roles and do their job. Not a fan.

* They really need to fix other issues with the boss fight. I've been teleported to another room entirely one time. Sometimes Atheon only teleports 2 people, or 1! Which is basically an instant wipe. After getting him down to <25% and then the team wipes because of a teleport glitch? Rage. No mention of fixing it. :down:

I've been okay with patching the loot cave, reducing drops on wipe (nerfing Moon grind), cheesing Atheon off the side. But Bungie has had plenty of other missteps, on top of a barebones game that really makes me question if I want to continue playing much long-term.

It's still fun, though, goddamnit.

October 18th, 2014, 08:38 AM
I'm thinking Monday night we might make a run on VoG with my 2 cousins & their buddy. If you're in with Dennis & I, Scawt, then that's 6. :up:

Stay tuned for more details...

October 18th, 2014, 08:43 AM
Perfect, let me know what time and I should be able to make it happen. :up:
And if we end up needing one or two more, I should be able to supply them.

October 18th, 2014, 06:12 PM
I sacrificed my hunter and warlock's legendary armour pieces for the shards to get my titan to level 28.

Edit: My hunter and warlock have basically become shard miners. As soon as I get enough vanguard marks, I buy a piece of legendary armour and dismantle it for the shards for my titan to use. :lol:

October 20th, 2014, 06:47 AM
Any more details, Carlo? If you guys have someone else for a 6th or want to push it back, let me know. It's not a big deal if so... my buddy and I want to grab a Hard mode Atheon checkpoint so we can cheese him one last time before the patch tomorrow. :lol::lol:

October 20th, 2014, 07:48 AM
Just going online tonight around 7 PM CST to see if we can smoke this fool, yo.

October 20th, 2014, 08:09 AM
So you're down for Hardmode Atheon? The difficult part will be finding a generous rando with the checkpoint. Depending on numerous factors, we'll likely have room for Dennis as well.

There's tons on the GFAQs board looking for help, so if we can grab the checkpoint from them, we can figure out a way to do it for everyone.

October 20th, 2014, 09:27 AM
Our plan is to follow whatever my cousins' are up for doing tonight. If you're free, join us. ;)

EDIT: The plan is Normal mode for the first hour, Hard mode after that -- sound ok?

October 20th, 2014, 10:32 AM
I would just like to say thank you to Cam for providing support on the Level 26 Weekly Heroic. That sucker was B I T C H even on Level 22 when I tried to do it solo. Kinda highlighted that I don't have the gear for solo work, at least on that mission. I have soloed other weekly heroic strikes on the lowest level.

So far I have been hoarding my Ascendent Shards and Energy. I haven't spent a single one yet. Mostly because I haven't obtained exactly the gear I want going forward. I really want a primary exotic, especially a scout rifle. I could probably start upgrading my Legendary Heavy (Zombie Apocalypse Machine Gun with Arc damage) and my Legendary Secondary (Broken Truth Sniper with void damage).

I ended up buying the Exotic Titan chest piece from Xur this past weekend and breaking down my other exotic chest piece. After a day of Bounty hunting and strikes I had collected enough experience to open up the first four unlocks. So I'm eager to try out the second grenade option. Once I get it fully unlocked I can dump some shards into it. I think I have enough to fully upgrade.

October 20th, 2014, 11:31 AM
Our plan is to follow whatever my cousins' are up for doing tonight. If you're free, join us. ;)

EDIT: The plan is Normal mode for the first hour, Hard mode after that -- sound ok?

I may be busy attempting other random shiz with my buddies. However, if you need a 6th, I could possibly find someone for you.

With that said, have your cousins conquered the raid previously? Not sure if you're implying it, but finishing the raid in an hour *may* be a tall task. Even with a solid group of 6 people who have a good idea on what to do and what to expect. But I'm not questioning ability :D

October 20th, 2014, 11:39 AM
Yes they've done it before but it'll be my first time.

I'll send you an invite either way. :up:

October 20th, 2014, 11:43 AM
Good stuff, sir :up:

October 20th, 2014, 12:38 PM
I feel left out. :|

October 20th, 2014, 12:56 PM
Get XBoned. :p

October 20th, 2014, 01:01 PM
You know what a new house needs, Phil? A big new 1080p 60" LED TV. (http://www.bestbuy.com/site/sharp-aquos-60-class-60-1-32-diag--led-1080p-120hz-smart-hdtv/8157159.p?id=1218864521752&skuId=8157159&st=categoryid$abcat0101001&cp=1&lp=3) :twisted: #xbone #forzahorizon2 #sorryana

October 20th, 2014, 01:39 PM
How does a new TV help the XBone fund?

October 20th, 2014, 04:43 PM
Yeah, send me a cheque for $400 and I'll be happy to buy an Xbone. Alternatively, you could buy one online and send it to my house. PM me for shipping address.

October 20th, 2014, 05:18 PM
We don't use cheques in 'Merica. ;)

October 21st, 2014, 08:24 AM
How does a new TV help the XBone fund?
Who said anything about an "XBone fund"? :?

October 21st, 2014, 08:39 AM
So Carlo, I was creeping a bit to make sure you guys were loaded up. How'd you enjoy the raid? Pretty neat, right? Did you finish it?


I was thinking the hotfix for Atheon was going to land this morning, so we grabbed a checkpoint from a generous bro and pushed the boss off the side. Got a purple sparrow and a flame scout rifle (Vision of Confluence).

October 21st, 2014, 08:56 AM
It was both awesome and exhausting. We spent 1.2 hours on getting up to Atheon, then spent another 1.4 hours trying to kill Atheon (no, we didn't try to push him off the edge).

Still, I did get enough Ascendant Shards to max out my Exotic Sunbreakers (for what it's worth). :up: I will write-up my thoughts about the gig later.

October 21st, 2014, 09:06 AM
Meanwhile someone took the time to summarize the lore from grimoire cards, etc.: Lore: The Twilight Gap...and everything else (http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2jvfcq/lore_the_twilight_gap_and_everything_else/)

Authors Note: None of what is below contains story spoilers. All of the information I have acquired is from Grimoire Cards, In-game items, non-quest dialogue, reddit and in some very rare cases, my own imagination

A nice summary of the founding of the city.

October 21st, 2014, 10:31 AM
Who said anything about an "XBone fund"? :?
But...then you hashtagged XBone. I'm so confused :(

October 22nd, 2014, 12:00 PM
So, as a test, I bought a 50ft ethernet cable and stretched it across my house to see if I would still have the connection problem I have been having lately, especially after the move to the new house. Not one disconnect all night, 3-4 hours of play.

I put the cord away and connected up the way I usually do and I immediately have a problem, Bungie code Baboon. Which is for using a cell phone or mobile hotspot. Which is not what I am doing. I've also got codes for Fly, Eel, Zebra, Bee, Caterpillar, Cattle etc etc etc. Some of them are my setup and some aren't. Anyways, the only difference between my old setup and the new setup is a Roku box in the vicinity.

Is anybody else running wireless with a Roku box near by with a X360 or Xbone? Just wondering if my wireless adapter is getting screwed up by the Roku. I have a feeling it isn't I just think it is an old setup that may not work any longer. The wireless adpater I have is from Linksys and is from 2004. Kinda amazing it has performed so well for this long. Thank you communist wireless standards.

If I can't work this out I refuse to spend money on old technology, so...

Does anybody know if this can be done in store? Like trade in and then use the online code to buy and pick up at said store. (http://www.microsoftstore.com/store/msusa/html/pbPage.XboxTradeinOffer?icid=XboxUber_ModC1_TradeI n)

And no, stretching a 50ft ethernet cable across my house is not an option. I may try port forwarding also.

October 22nd, 2014, 12:12 PM
That's probably a question for TSG, he seems to use the Microsoft Stores the most. :up: :up:

But...then you hashtagged XBone. I'm so confused :(
Phil's LCD TV is 720p, which is fine for the 360 -- but a big new 1080p LED TV would be a great addition to a new house, for which honor demands that an appropriate entertainment device be hooked up that can pump out quality 1080p visuals, ergo... #xbone :D

October 22nd, 2014, 06:55 PM
Unplug the Roku and see what happens?

October 22nd, 2014, 07:34 PM
And no, stretching a 50ft ethernet cable across my house is not an option.
You mean you don't plan on networking your whole house? :?

October 22nd, 2014, 11:37 PM
That's what a REAL MAN would do.

October 23rd, 2014, 04:27 AM
I used to regularly play LAN Halo with a group of friends before XBL. Two of them had their houses wired with ethernet. :lol: :up: They both worked at the same software company. One was a manager and the other was a programmer. Those were some awesome bi-weekly Halo wars. :)

October 23rd, 2014, 04:45 AM
You mean you don't plan on networking your whole house? :?

Plaster walls and ceilings including basement + 12" of insulation in attic + only been there 10 days = Wanna come over and help? + Not a short term solution

October 23rd, 2014, 05:03 AM
We had plaster in our last house. That shiz is soundproof! :D But, very difficult to cut/modify/install through.

October 23rd, 2014, 12:37 PM
I'm kind of bored of the game. To add some excitement, I decided to go to the tower and wait until someone invited me to their game. I didn't have to wait long. Some dude was putting a raiding party together with a checkpoint just at the final boss, Atheon. Some of the guys were experienced, but I had never done it before. We decided to try to just push him off the cliff. We were successful after the fifth try or so. We swapped a couple of players and did it again on the first try. It took us, like, a minute. :lol: All I got was a legendary scout rifle. I already had one. :(

I think I'll try that more often.

October 24th, 2014, 05:35 AM
Pretty much fully upgraded my titan's armour and he's level 29. I guess he needs raid gear to get to 30.

October 24th, 2014, 05:54 AM
Does your legendary scout do solar damage? That's the raid scout, it's really good.

October 24th, 2014, 06:12 AM
I got invited into a Raid the other day then promptly kicked out after they decided to add a level 29 player. They also were at the final checkpoint. I'll have to try what you did Cam, cause I really want to do the Raid.

BTW, doing the whole raid supposedly gives a bunch more treasure as you find chests along the way.

October 24th, 2014, 06:57 AM
Does your legendary scout do solar damage? That's the raid scout, it's really good.
Yes, Vision of Confluence does solar damage. It also fires full auto. :)

October 24th, 2014, 08:28 AM
I've never used a Scout Rifle with the Full Auto perk -- does it fire like a Pulse Rifle or an Auto Rifle?

October 24th, 2014, 08:35 AM
It fires like a slow auto rifle, like 2-3 shots per second. Just have to hold the trigger down. It's a nice feature to have considering my finger gets tired after shootin' a semi-auto after a while.

October 24th, 2014, 08:37 AM
Yep that sounds good. :up:

October 24th, 2014, 09:32 AM
:shrug: I'f rather pull the trigger myself, honestly. I'd rather wait until I have the shot lined up instead of missing because I wasn't ready.

October 24th, 2014, 09:41 AM
If it's only 2-3 shots per second, then you could do both.

October 24th, 2014, 09:52 AM
I've wanted a Legendary or Exotic Scout rifle since I began playing the game. I'm very close, less than 200 EXP from ranking the Vanguard to Level 4. If they don't give me one then I'm not too far from having 150 Vanguard points to buy one.

Unless I get one for free I think I am going to pass on the Exotic Scout til I get an Exotic Special or Heavy. They seem to be great for boss battles. A Legendary Primary can take care of the rest.

October 24th, 2014, 10:07 AM
I end up trying to hold it steady on the spot until the shot fires, but undoubtedly they will move right before the shot. Realistically though, I probably miss just as much pulling the trigger myself. But, then I can at least blame myself. :p

:? Shouldn't Legendary be a higher tier than exotic? It sounds awesomer.

October 24th, 2014, 10:24 AM
Kid -
I meant that you could just manually single fire most of the time, but then go full auto when you wanted to. As opposed to those guns which shoot so quickly that every squeeze of the trigger fires off 2 or 3 rounds (and not in a tight burst).

October 24th, 2014, 10:37 AM
Looks like Voidfang Vestments (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Voidfang_Vestments) is back on sale @ Xur this weekend -- guess it's time to say goodbye to Dr. Nope (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Doctor_Nope) and buy either Lord High Fixer (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Lord_High_Fixer) or The Devil You Know (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/The_Devil_You_Know).

October 24th, 2014, 10:51 AM
Gotcha Keef. That's probably what I would end up doing. :) I do that with my full auto burst rifle.

October 24th, 2014, 10:56 AM
What does "2+ character agility" mean exactly? I have no idea how that will realistically affect anything. I know what increased agility is supposed to do. But, there isn't an agility attribute, is there? How do you know how much +2 helps? Is the base agility 10, 20, 100? I have no idea how helpful this is...

October 24th, 2014, 11:46 AM
No clue. It's one of the Big 4 Stats, and many of the discussion forums where I see it listed are blocked for me at work, so...


As I play, the one thing that I *really* wish Destiny focused on is speech. :|

I think that having an evolving discussion tree with Ghost and the other Vanguards, and a different voice actor for each available face in the Character Creation menu, would go a long way towards making Destiny feel deeper. Dinklage could have narrated all of the Grimoire cards as well as simple back-and-forth questions about each, and the crew of voice actors could have played off of that.

Hell, it could all still be implemented pretty seamlessly if there was the political will at the "New" Bungie... :thppt:

October 24th, 2014, 12:13 PM
Yes, Vision of Confluence does solar damage. It also fires full auto. :)

I'm guessing you must have got it from the couple raids you did over the past couple days?

October 24th, 2014, 01:41 PM
:? Shouldn't Legendary be a higher tier than exotic? It sounds awesomer.

They do, or block, the same amount of damage as Legendaries, but are just designed to have some odd/cool quirk that differentiates them from the normal Legendaries. I think the name works.

October 24th, 2014, 01:57 PM
Oh, I thought they were all more powerful.

October 24th, 2014, 02:06 PM
novi: I highly reccommend The Devil You Know. My Hunter has used it for quite some time. It'll one-shot Dregs, Acolytes, Shanks, Goblins, Psions, etc. provided you hit the weak spot/headshot. Plus, it can hold up to a 13 rounds, which is wicked for a hand cannon. :)

Phil: I would like to clarify that I didn't "do two raids." I only fought the final boss, twice, only because two of the fireteam members had characters with checkpoints for the final fight. I wish I could boast that I did two raids. It was very unsatisfying to skip to the end and cheese Atheon off the cliff twice only to get one gun and a shader out of it. Doing the whole Vault of Glass from the beginning would feel like more of an accomplishment.

October 24th, 2014, 07:36 PM
A good hand cannon is probably the best as of right now, IMO. I swear they have more lenient precision hit box registration (easier to nail headshots, etc).

TDYL, LHF, Fatebringer (raid), The Last Word (exotic) all seem to be top tier hand cannons.

I loooove my LHF. It's my only maxed legendary/exotic. Depending on enemy level, I've had it do 1400+ damage (to Cabal heads, I think). My buddy quickly commented on it one mission, about how heads were popping before he could get a single round in the them. And he's no slouch. :lol:

I'm currently in a situation where I have no idea what exotic to level. I have Suros Regime, MIDA Multi Tool, Hard Light, Bad Juju, Ice Breaker, Pocket Infinity.... with Thorn and Invective on the way. Too many choices!!

October 24th, 2014, 09:22 PM

October 25th, 2014, 02:55 AM
Please use less acronyms.

October 25th, 2014, 12:55 PM
Maxxed out Super Good Advice. It'll quickly mow down anything unfortunate enough to be in front of it. :hard: I can't see myself using another gun.

October 25th, 2014, 06:31 PM
Finally got Thorn. Made some new XBL friends in the past few nights that helped me. I haven't added new friends in years.

October 29th, 2014, 03:50 PM
The first DLC will be out in December (http://www.bungie.net/en/event/darkbelow) and it's $19.99 on XBox or PS4, but the PS4 players get more content. That's crap. Seriously considering being done with Destiny.

October 29th, 2014, 04:15 PM
Disappointing, for sure. Destiny has lost its novelty for me too.

October 29th, 2014, 08:12 PM
Since I have a PS4, screw you guys. :finger:

MS doesn't care about other markets anyway, since they released the One over here 1 year after the PS4 came out.

On another note, the amount of Cam snark on this thread is amazing. :lol:

October 30th, 2014, 06:08 AM
$20??!?? There better be a damn lot of content for 1/3 the cost of a full game.

Nope. That's not $20 worth of content. I would expect a whole new world or something for that price. Or pay $10.

October 30th, 2014, 08:55 AM
It does seem a little sparce for that kind of money. From what I am reading it entails:

3 new Story missions
1 new Strike mission (PS4 gets 2)
1 new Raid mission
3 new multiplayer maps
New weapons, armor and gear etc.
New bounty quests
5 additional bounty slots

I agree it doesn't sound like it is worth it. But when people pay $15 for a few new multiplayer maps on COD this becomes the going rate for an expansion like this. Not sure if I will buy it but I am still having fun.

BTW, I finally got to run the full Vault of Glass on Level 26 after a group invited me when I was walking around the Tower. Great group too. They explained what would happen before each stage and what I needed to do to help the cause. I had a very good time playing the Raid and I wish more of the game was like it. The jumping part took me about 5 minutes to pull it off but that kind of intrigue is kinda missing from other parts of the game.

Anyways, took, I think 3 tries to kill Atheon the right way. Along the way I received a bunch of Shards and Energy as well as MIDA Multi-Tool and Vision of Confluence. I really wanted the VoC, because that provided me with a Primary (Solar), Secondary (Void) and Heavy (Arc). Upgraded my helmet and now I am level 28.

October 30th, 2014, 09:02 AM
We hit the Vault of Glass tonight. Still at the Templar as we weren't entirely sure what was going on (all Glass n00bz apart from 1 or 2 guys who'd watched some Youtube videos) and as we are mainly Level 26 with only 2 x Level 28s, and most of our weapons could be better. The Templar bit seems to be much harder after it got patched.

October 30th, 2014, 10:06 AM
Nice Phil. I'm still looking to do a full run at the Vault of Glass. Haven't played as much this week though. I've been busier in the last week or so.

October 31st, 2014, 01:00 PM
I tagged along on a portion of it. Or more like, I was hiding in the corner as Novi, Dennis, Boda, and a few friends did work. I'd like to think that I was at least a distraction. :lol:

Hopefully I can get some better gear soon.

November 4th, 2014, 10:41 AM
Fatebringer (http://www.destinydb.com/items/3892023023-fatebringer#1.MmmPntJ8) acquired :up:

November 5th, 2014, 10:26 PM
How's Fatebringer? I haven't used any Hand Cannons since I was around Level 4-6 I think. I do like the mad damage they dish out.

We have been getting better at VOG. Managed to get to the Gorgon's lair after only around 40 minutes last night. The main problem is still Templar/Oracle control, but we're OK. So far on 2 VOG outings - neither of them completed - I've gotten some Raid Boots (so that means I've gotten Raid Boots and Gloves, not bad) and Praedyth's Revenge. Hopefully we'll be able to finish off VOG tonight, or at least later this week.

In other news, my mate has bought a Z3 Tablet Compact so that he can grind over lunch at work. As I have my own office and room, I've ordered another PS4.

November 6th, 2014, 03:24 AM
I still haven't started a raid yet. :(

I really tried with Thorn. I've been using it a lot and have upgraded it some, but I believe it's not as good as The Devil You Know. Thorn reloads slower, the accuracy seems not as good, and it only holds half as many bullets. The damage will be greater in the end, but not enough to offset the other things. Kind of disappointing considering what I had to do to get it. :?

Ice Breaker is really nice though.

November 6th, 2014, 06:05 AM
How's Fatebringer? I haven't used any Hand Cannons since I was around Level 4-6 I think. I do like the mad damage they dish out.

We have been getting better at VOG. Managed to get to the Gorgon's lair after only around 40 minutes last night. The main problem is still Templar/Oracle control, but we're OK. So far on 2 VOG outings - neither of them completed - I've gotten some Raid Boots (so that means I've gotten Raid Boots and Gloves, not bad) and Praedyth's Revenge. Hopefully we'll be able to finish off VOG tonight, or at least later this week.

In other news, my mate has bought a Z3 Tablet Compact so that he can grind over lunch at work. As I have my own office and room, I've ordered another PS4.

Fatebringer is pretty fantastic. I love hand cannons already (Lord High Fixer, y0), but this is quickly becoming my favorite. 12 round cylinder, good impact, and it has the 'firefly' perk which causes enemies to explode when you kill them with a precision shot. The explosion is really useful with groups of dregs and vandals.

Your Praedyth's Revenge also has the same firefly perk - I never found it AS useful mainly because I find myself holding on to my special/heavy ammo instead of using it. But level that gun up, it's a really, really good void sniper. Decent damage, almost no recoil, and 6 shots (with field scout). Really awesome gun. :up:

And of course, as Cam said, Ice Breaker is pretty damn baller. It's my first and only exotic sitting at 300 damage as of right now and it is just completely devastating. It basically has unlimited range, too.

Cam, Thorn will be buffed... at least Bungie said they will at least. That, Bad Juju, and possibly some others (I think Super Good Advice needs it). Just hold on to it :)

November 6th, 2014, 06:16 AM
Did the Raid again last night. Got my needed boots (http://www.destinydb.com/items/3267664569-tread-of-the-hezen-lords#1.MMcAG0r8). Also got the raid MG (http://www.destinydb.com/items/152628833-corrective-measure#1.MowIihO8), as well as Plan C (http://www.destinydb.com/items/346443851-plan-c#1.Mo2uXQH8) from Atheon. RNGJesus has been good.


Also, also... How cool is this:
That's how to do it :up: Kudos to Bungie.

November 6th, 2014, 09:21 AM
Yeah, I've found Praedyth's Revenge to be pretty awesome in dealing with the effing Minotaurs and Praetorians in the Atheon area. But we're still not good/high-level enough so I've been grinding to level some of my raid gear AND PR. I hope I get an exotic primary drop, though, I'm still using blue auto/scout rifles.

Super Good Advice is getting better with levelling. Should also be useful for the upcoming DLC strike.

November 6th, 2014, 11:07 AM
My current loadout. It is damn nice having a weapon with different elemental damage in each slot. (http://www.bungie.net/en/Legend/1/4611686018432193793/2305843009215596612#gear)

That along with Level 28 allows me to solo the Daily and Weekly on Level 26. Just need to start taking down Nightfalls and the Raid every week.

November 6th, 2014, 11:15 AM
I like your scout rifle. Is there a way to see character faces w/o the helmet on the site?

PS I like the placement of the grenades. Look like detachable robot boobies.

November 6th, 2014, 06:26 PM
Walk around the Tower. Oh, wait, you don't have the game.

November 7th, 2014, 08:44 AM
We WILL succeed Cam! :hard:

November 7th, 2014, 10:31 AM
All purples and one exotic on each side. Hell Yeah.

November 9th, 2014, 10:08 PM
Finally finished VOG last night after 2 weeks of grinding and coming very close last week. It was really rewarding, but I'm now burned out and hence am enjoying a break from the game. Although I did think about ducking into an alley on the way to work to see if there was a loot chest there.

November 10th, 2014, 07:58 AM
Get anything good from Atheon?

November 10th, 2014, 08:23 AM
I have no interest in playing this game any more. :shrug:

November 10th, 2014, 09:56 AM
I'll probably feel the same way once I max out all 3 characters... I haven't even gotten one all the way to 30 yet though. I just got my first exotic weapon quest that I started working on. All of my armor is ready to upgrade. I just need 30 some shards to do it. :(

I doubt I'll get the DLC, at least until they offer it at a discount.

November 10th, 2014, 11:50 AM
Whereas I have one 29th level Warlock and an 8th level Hunter -- I have successfully avoided Destiny burnout! :lol:

November 10th, 2014, 11:55 AM
Yup, same. 29 Warlock and level 7 Titan. I can't wait to jump back into my Titan so I can get her to 20 and get that exotic Skullfort helm on :lol::up:

November 10th, 2014, 05:34 PM
I got a Legendary Scout Rifle. Someone else got Atheon's Epilogue. And someone else got Ascendant Energy...

November 11th, 2014, 09:01 PM
I think this game has burned me out for some time. I played Civ: Beyond Earth last night and near the end (admittedly after 3.5 hours and I think with a huge bug that didn't let me build more than one orbital unit) I felt it was pointless and also felt nauseous despite having that "one more turn" feeling - just like the Destiny "one more quest" feeling.

November 14th, 2014, 04:41 AM
I swear Bungie has tweaked the Legendary drop rate. I've received like five legendaries in the past week doing Strikes and Patrols -- and yesterday I was gifted Mida Multi-Tool after doing a regular Strike!

November 14th, 2014, 06:31 AM
:eek: I need to get back online. I have 24/25 more strikes to do for Bad Ju-Ju. :(

November 14th, 2014, 06:51 AM
Same, Bill! I picked up Bad Juju again. I don't mind the Tiger strike grind because it's SO many blues to level the Cryptarch! On top of potential purple and exotic drops :up:

Finally hit 30. Gonna keep hitting the raid, though, I rather have the raid gloves than Sunbreakers with a shitty intellect roll.

November 14th, 2014, 07:35 AM
I still need a purple helmet too.

So the stat bonuses are random? Do they change, like the light, when you level up the defense? If so, how do you know if a new armor piece will be better than a maxed out one you currently have?

November 14th, 2014, 08:41 AM
I don't think the actual type of stat is random... but the "+XX" varies apparently. There's no exact range, people are still figuring it out, I believe, but they seem to have isolated the starting ranges here (http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2kws40/xur_exotic_armor_stat_rolls/)

November 14th, 2014, 09:34 AM
That's what I meant, the number, sorry...

Geez :eek: That's nearly 30%!!! That could dramatically change the equipment. :( That sucks, seeing how long it takes to acquire a piece of gear in the first place.

November 14th, 2014, 12:41 PM
I swear Bungie has tweaked the Legendary drop rate. I've received like five legendaries in the past week doing Strikes and Patrols -- and yesterday I was gifted Mida Multi-Tool after doing a regular Strike!

I love the sound of the MIDA multi-tool. Though it takes a back seat to my fully upgraded Vision of Confluence in PvP. The Auto fire works pretty nicely for that. I refuse to go OG with a Fusion Rifle.

Same, Bill! I picked up Bad Juju again. I don't mind the Tiger strike grind because it's SO many blues to level the Cryptarch! On top of potential purple and exotic drops :up:

The Weekly is worth 2 and the Nightfall is worth 3. So you can very quickly churn through the 25 needed strikes. I’ve finished the Bad JuJu quest and I think it really helped to get me more involved with the crucible side of the game. Up to that point I had barely played in the Crucible. But now I really enjoy it, especially Control matches.

I started to look at my main character, a Female Titan, and I didn’t like the Legendary Vanguard equipment I was able to buy. I’ve decided to go Intellect and Discipline exclusively and my Gauntlets and Boots I bought from the Vanguard have strength mixed in with one of those two. So I looked and I could buy Gauntlets and Boots from the Vanguard Crucible vendor but I don’t like the looks of them so I researched the Factions and Future War Cult supplies gear with strictly Intellect and Discipline plus I think they look much better for my Guardian. They are smoother and not so bulky. So I’ve been rocking a FWC mark and I have almost got my rank to level two and I have over 100 crucible marks so by the time I hit level 2, I should be able to buy my Gauntlets and Boots from them. :hard:

In the past week I have run the VoG twice, the second time just for Raid knowledge and completed the weekly Nightfall. I've received mostly shards and energy etc but I have received a few weapons and gear; Truth, Atheon's Epilogue and Light of the Great Prism Mark.

November 14th, 2014, 12:58 PM
I have been thinking about getting some stuff from Future War Cult. Since I prefer grenades and super abilities.

Core Factions
Future War Cult - focuses on Intellect and Discipline.
Dead Orbit - focuses on Strength and Discipline.
New Monarchy - focuses on Intellect and Strength.

Intellect is a player attribute that reduces the cooldown time of the player's Super Ability, allowing it to be used more often.
Discipline is a player attribute that decreases the player's grenade cooldown time, allowing them to be used more often.
Strength is a player attribute that reduces the cooldown time of a player's Melee Ability, allowing it to be used more often.

FWC here too. :D I'm going to play more Crucible matches once I get past the raids needed in order to lv up JuJu.

November 14th, 2014, 02:33 PM
Played a bit last night, just the Weekly and Daily Heroic to get rewards, and gold stars and kill 100. But it still felt super grind (we didn't have enough online for another VOG run). I guess the only way to get around the tedium of grinding is to play PvP.

November 17th, 2014, 07:06 AM
Damn it all, I missed Xur again this weekend. :smh:

Ah well, after solo'ing the Daily with my Level 29 Warlock, I booted up my Level 8 Hunter and began playing her in earnest yesterday. When I logged off, she was level 12. Again, leveling up happens too damn quickly in this game! :lol: #goodtimes

Also, while it's obvious to everybody else who's ground up multiple 'toons, I do like that I can start out with some serious guns from the get-go. Yeah, that's real nice. :up: :up:

November 17th, 2014, 07:15 AM
The up-to-20 leveling happens pretty fast. But, after that, it's very slow. I'm not sure I like the pacing of it.
Still not sure if I like how the light level works.

November 17th, 2014, 07:46 AM
For the first character... I feel like I've accrued enough other gear with my Warlock to equip my Titan to 26-27 fairly easily. :up:


Big update coming in now apparently!

November 17th, 2014, 08:16 AM
Yeah, we were just about to beat Atheon again and the update came in. Didn't matter to me as I'd already gotten the drops from earlier in the night, but it pissed off my friends who were redoing it with their secondaries.

I've got enough coins for icebreaker. That's what I want. over 12k critical damage on Atheon is unreal.

November 17th, 2014, 08:52 AM
For the first character... I feel like I've accrued enough other gear with my Warlock to equip my Titan to 26-27 fairly easily. :up:
Yep, I've got Exotics and Purps and Shaders waiting for my Hunter -- she'll be Level 20 for about 30 seconds. :shocker:

November 17th, 2014, 10:48 AM
Yeah, same here for a Warlock and a Hunter. I've got two pieces of Legendary for both plus a Level 20 Rare at other positions. I thought long and hard about buying the Voidfang Vestment from Xur for my Warlock so when I do get him to Level 20 he would be instantly one light point from Level 26. And 27-28 in a few hours. Didn't do it though.

Huge game update today. Game release 1.03 (http://www.bungie.net/7_Destiny-Update--11172014/en/News/News?aid=12398)

Some of my favorites are:

Voice chat for matchmade and crucible
Public Events will occur 10-15% more frequently in all public spaces
Increased the number of Bounty slots in the Inventory from 5 to 10
Shader preview functionality added to vendor and inventory screens
Armor Stat upgrade potentials added to item compare on vendor and inventory screens

Just a huge update. :up:

On my own front, I acquired enough crucible marks to buy the Gauntlets of No Tomorrow and Greaves of No Tomorrow from FWC. I fully upgraded the Gauntlets and have partially upgraded the Greaves. I think my light level is at 104 now. Need 109 for Level 29. I had to go Helium Filiment farming last night and I'm glad to hear that one of the future updates to the game will be the ability to buy upgrade materials from vendors.

November 17th, 2014, 12:02 PM
Well, it's an update available today for PS4 owners. PS3, XBONE & 360 owners gotta wait as far as I can tell.

November 17th, 2014, 01:08 PM
Sounds good. :up:

November 18th, 2014, 06:44 AM
The X1 update came out last night (around 6 EST I think?). Looks like the opt-in fireteam voice chat beta has made the game extremely choppy when you're using party chat. So if you're playing together, you may want to just stick with game chat for now.

You may also want to make sure you go to your settings and uncheck the voice opt-in if you don't want it, as I'm pretty sure I was opted-in by default.

November 19th, 2014, 08:48 AM
A demo/trial version is out on all systems, and the characters you build up will be saved on the main server so they will still work if you end up buying the game.

I may give it some time before Smash Bros comes in to draw my attention.

November 19th, 2014, 03:14 PM
Since everything is server based I'm guessing this is just like the Beta. I wonder if I can play with you......

I do have a Level 3 Warlock that needs a friend to play with.

November 19th, 2014, 03:21 PM
I don't have XBL Gold, I don't know if it will let me play with anyone.

November 20th, 2014, 12:12 PM
If you don't have XBL it will not be possible to play the game at all.

November 20th, 2014, 12:15 PM

Xbox Live Gold is required to join Fireteams and play some online activities on the Xbox One or Xbox 360, such as Strikes, the Raid, and the Crucible.

Not sure how that applies to the demo, though.

November 20th, 2014, 12:37 PM
I remember playing the Beta when I lost internet connection. It was just an empty world. Pretty lonely. :(

Does Destiny require PlayStation®Plus or Xbox Live Gold?

No, PlayStation®Plus and Xbox Live are not required to play Destiny. However, PlayStation®Plus or Xbox Live Gold is required to access some content. Please see below for more information.

November 25th, 2014, 09:07 AM
Two juicy clips I recorded yesterday:

4-man Nova


December 1st, 2014, 11:33 AM

Today's patch includes the long-awaited arrival of Exotics weapon buffs, additional acquisition paths for destination upgrade materials, along with additional changes to exotic gear node upgrading in preparation for the soon-to-be-released expansion, The Dark Below. We're also correcting issues induced by our more recent update to the Raid.

December 1st, 2014, 11:40 AM
Update 1.1 (http://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=12433)

1.1 : The one about Exotics. And the Raid!

Today's patch includes the long-awaited arrival of Exotics weapon buffs, additional acquisition paths for destination upgrade materials, along with additional changes to exotic gear node upgrading in preparation for the soon-to-be-released expansion, The Dark Below. We're also correcting issues induced by our more recent update to the Raid.
In preparation for the Dark Below, Exotic Armor and Weapons no longer require Ascendant Materials to upgrade
The final upgrade node of all Exotic Gear will require an Exotic Shard
Exotic Shards can be obtained by one of the following means:
Dismantling unwanted Exotics
Purchased from Xur for 7 Strange Coins
Exotics now start at a higher base Attack value and have a narrowed upgrade range to compensate

Fixed an exploit where the Templar could be forced off its platform :(
Reduced Cryptarch reputation gain from Engrams, but reputation reward packages now have an increased chance for Legendary Engrams :)

December 1st, 2014, 01:59 PM
Can't wait to check out my Vex now. :up:
Stoked about the Bad Juju and Thorn buffs. I just got my second Juju (hehe (http://xboxclips.com/GreatScawt/fc9fcfba-ea47-4318-83a0-9c54cb7bcd97))

And thank god they fixed the party chat issue. So much easier to party up when everybody is doing different stuff.

December 15th, 2014, 12:11 PM
I went back in and upgraded all of my gear this week. Took a minor hit in Light (initially down to Level 28) but then leveled up the new Rare & Exotic items enough to get back to 29. I should have enough Light to get to Level 30 at this point.

I've been using the new guaranteed Fusion Rifle named "Murmur (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Murmur)" and it's damn handy: you can select either Solar or Arc damage. :hard: I also received "Plan C (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Plan_C)" this week on the VoG raid, so it's been good all around, enough so that Dragon Age: Inquisition has been sitting while I grind up my new gear... :lol: :up:

December 15th, 2014, 12:32 PM
I haven't played this game in quite a while. :( I should pick it up again.

December 16th, 2014, 06:37 AM
Yeah -- the changes have made all of the Vault of Glass gear obsolete. You no longer have to run through VoG to get gear! Now just grind up Vanguard Points and buy the Purple gear at your specific Vanguard. Their new Legendary purple gear will have higher armor values, attribute bonuses and Light levels than any of the older VoG or Queen's Wrath gear and it'll take you up to level 31 if you're crafty.

Exotic Weapons you can upgrade through Xûr on weekends that he's selling your swag. I upgraded my rocket launcher Truth through Xûr, for example (but I still have to level it up). Buy the Upgrade Boosts, it'll increase the amount of XP you earn for 30 minutes at a time, too. :up:

Lastly, start working on the new Will of Crota bounties -- they've been pretty easy so far and the narrative is a good addition. :up:

December 16th, 2014, 07:46 AM
It's the only game I have played since Sept 9th. Still loving it. I have one set of gear leveled up to 31 and I am working on another set. Both for my Titans. I have two Titans so I can run the Daily, Weekly, Nighfall and maybe Raids twice a week. I'm gonna start working on a Warlock after I finish my second set of gear. Though I do feel like I need to buy a new piece of armor that will even out my abilities with my Armamentarian build which has an overload of Discipline. My other set runs a Helm of Saint-14 with Kabr's Wrath chest which will give me 90% Intellect and 90% Discipline.

My Current loadout (http://www.bungie.net/en/Legend/1/4611686018432193793/2305843009215596612#gear)

My favorite weapon is still the Vision of Confluence. And then I switch my special and heavy depending on the Mission or Raid. Though Ghorn seems to be a given on most occasions.

I was thinking about upgrading to a One with all the deals this season but it seemed like this place dropped it a month or so ago. I can just easily play without my friends on X360. Which hasn't been much of an issue. The community is pretty good and I'm always being invited to join parties when I'm in the Tower. I've also had a chance to play with John (Roofer) which has been nice.

Here is a picture of John and I playing the game.


December 16th, 2014, 11:35 AM
:lol: :up:

Yep, when DA:I came out I switched gears. When GTA V Heists come out, I'll jump over onto that... and then come back when the House of Wolves DLC drops for Destiny.

In the meantime, I'm grinding away to complete the Sword of Crota and get up to 31. :rawk:

EDIT: I should stress that now is a great time to get back into Destiny since you can buy the best gear at the Vanguards vs relying on the holy RNG to bless you when she's not fucking you over.

December 16th, 2014, 03:47 PM
Or, put another way, Bungie are fucking us over again.

Also, last night we had nearly completed nightfall when a connection error sent us all back to orbit.

December 17th, 2014, 05:02 AM
Or, put another way, Bungie are fucking us over again.
If you ground the hell out of the VoG for swag then yeah I can see that.

If instead you took time off to play something else then Bungie just did you a massive favor for taking off the last six weeks! :lol:

December 17th, 2014, 05:38 AM
I've been on a bit of a Destiny break... Horizon 2, GTA V, and Super Mario time!

I'll be waiting on the House of Wolves DLC I think. Especially if they do the same thing again with armor.

December 17th, 2014, 07:26 AM
Heh, but you won't know if they're doing the same thing with armor until it drops -- and by then, the Sword of Crota gear vendor may be gone just like the Queen's Wrath gear vendor was. ;)

Besides, it's really not taking me too long to do the SoC bounties. Dennis & I worked on 4-5 of them last night pretty casually. Good times. :up:

December 17th, 2014, 03:57 PM
Yeah, the new bounties are a nice change. Though I'm not sure how I feel about class-specific bounties.

But it's a risk I'm going to take (I'll still hop on from time to time, but I don't see myself playing consistently atm). In other words, once House of Wolves drops and they change the light level approach, expect some serious bitching from me :lol:

December 17th, 2014, 04:46 PM
I had 2 out of 4 fully levelled up VOG pieces of armour and a fully levelled up exotic chest piece. So yeah. I did feel gipped.

I'd be ok if we were allowed to exchange exotics for free. I do think it's sad that there is now no point in replaying VOG since the armour drops are useless. Save for playing it on Hard Mode to get Vex Mythoclast.

December 17th, 2014, 06:35 PM
Ascendant materials are still relevant AFAIK (just not for Moon raid gear/weapons), and that's a good way to get them still.

December 18th, 2014, 12:34 AM
True, I suppose it's still good for boosting your stock Vanguard gear too.

December 18th, 2014, 06:51 AM
Do the Exotic Weapon drops also need to be "upgraded" through Xûr? Or are they listed with the updated damage & other stats from the get-go now?

EDIT: Also, my main 'toon (Awoken Voidwalker Warlock Male) is now Level 30 again. I probably have enough Light to get to Level 31 but I'd have to junk my Queen's Rage lid to have a chance at 32. I really don't know if I want to do that... :assclown: #fashionista

December 18th, 2014, 07:46 AM
Heh, also I did finish up at least one intense Crota bounty/strike: it wasn't as long as VoG of course but the fighting was even more intense due to the closed-in area and infinite spawning of mobs in front of the target. With headphones on, the screaming shrieks from the hellminions was nerve-damaging! :lol:

You know, I gotta say "Good job, Bungie" on The Dark Below DLC. While it might be neutered compared to what the PS4 folks get (for the same money too!), it is still compelling and interesting and robust enough for me to want to play Destiny pretty heavily again. In the end, isn't that what DLC is supposed to do? :up: :up:

December 18th, 2014, 09:22 AM
Do the Exotic Weapon drops also need to be "upgraded" through Xûr? Or are they listed with the updated damage & other stats from the get-go now?

Any exotic weapon or armor you receive now will be the uprated version. Including exotic weapon bounties, even if you started them before the DLC.

EDIT: Also, my main 'toon (Awoken Voidwalker Warlock Male) is now Level 30 again. I probably have enough Light to get to Level 31 but I'd have to junk my Queen's Rage lid to have a chance at 32. I really don't know if I want to do that... :assclown: #fashionista

You won't be able to get to character level 31 with any of the Queen's armor. The Queen's armor only goes to 27. You need armor light of 132 to achieve character level 31. So at a minimum you can achieve it with:

(1) 30 VoG Raid gear
(2) 33 Vanguard gear after TDB
(1) 36 Exotic gear attained or upgraded after TDB

Which is what I am doing with my secondary set of gear. I will have:

Helm of Saint-14: 36
Bone Gauntlets: 33 (For finishing the Eris quest)
Kabr's Wrath chest: 30 (Vault of Glass raid)
Vanguard or FWC Greaves: 33

December 18th, 2014, 09:52 AM

Thanks for the breakdown, Phil -- dayum! :D :up:

My meter looked close, I wasn't sure if it'd reach 31 with my Queen's Wrath helm so that's good to know. I have a Queen's Wrath helm, Xûr's upgraded Voidfang Vestments, and new Vanguard gauntlets & greaves (not yet fully maxed out yet still good for Level 30). I think I might skip the Vanguard helm anyway and just hold out for Crota's End raid gear at this point...

December 18th, 2014, 11:55 AM
:lol: Damn straight!

I am a fountain of useless and useful knowledge on Destiny.

December 18th, 2014, 12:18 PM
Have you run Crota's End yet? Or is that the raid that is PS4 only?

December 18th, 2014, 05:53 PM
Just keep the Queen's lid. She will come back and hopefully let us upgrade her stuff.

December 19th, 2014, 06:31 AM
Finally have my 2nd 'toon (Human Bladesinger Hunter Female) up to Level 19... so close!! :D

Her gear is second-class at best but I've got a full assortment of Legendary & Exotic swag for her when she hits 20 later today.

December 19th, 2014, 11:34 AM
Have you run Crota's End yet? Or is that the raid that is PS4 only?

The Raids are not exclusive to consoles. There are two strikes that have been released that are PS exclusive; "Dust Palace" (Initial game release) and "The Undying Mind" (The Dark Below). They will be available to Xbox users in Fall of 2015.

And no, I have not really played the Crota's End Raid. Only part I have done is the run to the first chest to pickup rewards. If you haven't done that yet, do it. You can accomplish it alone as long as you can load up the Raid.

December 19th, 2014, 11:51 AM
Why not just solo the whole thing (http://kotaku.com/one-brave-destiny-player-beat-crotas-end-solo-1672797746)?

December 19th, 2014, 12:30 PM
Heh, hit Level 20 @ lunch today -- put on my purple swag and now I'm Level 26. :lol:

December 19th, 2014, 01:08 PM
Nice "Lunch" ;)

December 19th, 2014, 02:48 PM
:cool: :toast:

December 21st, 2014, 05:09 AM
Overheard at the end: "You're welcome, motherfuckers"


December 22nd, 2014, 08:02 AM
Yeah, I can't hear it. Is it in the demon voice?


Bumped up my Hunter to Level 28 over the weekend. It'll be awhile before I hit level 30, I'll need to grind up a lot of Vanguard Marks.

Created my Human Titan last night for my 3rd slot finally. I should have bought the Armamentarian from Xûr this past weekend -- oh well, maybe next time. :D

December 30th, 2014, 11:55 AM
Finally got to see Phil in action on the XBONE -- he works it real good. ;)


Because of the Xmas XBONE X-hattery, Xûr hung around until 10 PM CST on Monday night. :up: I was able to buy The Armamentarium (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/The_Armamentarium) for my (eventual) Level 20 Titan. In addition, Phil taught me a great way to grind Glimmer.


Get your ass to Mars.
Load up "The Exclusion Zone (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Mars_Exclusion_Zone)" story mission.
Play through the first part until you use your Ghost for the 2nd time (on a control panel to open a pair of hangar doors).
Trigger your Resupply Codes (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Resupply_Codes) to increase the amount of Glimmer you earn killing Cabal.
Kill all but the last Legionnaire; let him (her?) kill you to restart the fight.
Upon restart at the last checkpoint (opening the hangar doors), your Resupply Codes should still be active.
Max out Glimmer (25K) inside of four hours.

With his help, I was able to buy the upgrade The Last Word (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/The_Last_Word) for my Warlock before Xûr disappeared for the week -- thanks Phil! :up: :up:

December 30th, 2014, 11:09 PM
Yeah, veen doing that for a while.

December 31st, 2014, 06:24 AM
Been grinding Glimmer since before it was cool?

December 31st, 2014, 06:25 AM
I think you get more glimmer if you make the mission a Heroic because of the following:

It is a great place to complete the Kill 10 Cabal Ultra or Elites Bounty. If you set the mission as Heroic there are 9 of them between the two dropships. So all you need is one reset to achieve the bounty. Takes maybe 3-4 minutes.

The Blackhammer is an extremely fun gun to play with because of the White Nail perk. If you rapidly land three precision shots it refills the magazine. Yesterday I landed about 10-12 straight precision shots on the Nexus without having to reload and I didn't lose a round of ammo. Plus it has the highest impact of any Sniper Rifle in the game. I almost have my Black Hammer and Gjallahorn v2.0 fully upgraded. Along with my VoC I should be able to put a hurtin on this weeks Nightfall.

January 1st, 2015, 08:28 AM
Well, not before it was cool, but certainly after it became important.

Nowadays, the first thing we do on Tuesday is Nightfall. Using, of course, all the cheap spots and going to orbit etc.

January 5th, 2015, 11:04 AM
I solo'ed the Nightfall with:

VoC (300)
Blackhammer (324)/The Trolley Problem (318)
Ghorn (331)

The VoC takes care of the lesser adds. Blackhammer is capable of one-shot kills of Elite Vandals and redbar captains and knights. Two-shots for Elite Knights and Wizards. And Ghorn just obliterates anything plus extras. I fired it at 2 elite knights plus a redbar Knight and took out all three due too the blast radius and the wolfpack rounds.

I tried soloing the Weekly and gave up after getting to Omnigul. Even with Ghorn it's just annoying without other people to help reduce the workload/time.I should be on tonight if anybody wants to run the Nightfall. I'm gonna run it again with my alternate Titan.

And I played briefly with my 3rd character, Sunsinger Warlock, and I got him up to Level 5. I need to start putting in alittle bit of time each week and get him to Level 20. Once I do I've got a whole bunch of weapons and armor waiting for him.

January 5th, 2015, 11:25 AM
I'll definitely be your huckleberry, Phil. :up: :up:

January 5th, 2015, 11:28 AM
I will be on tonight, but it will be after the kids go to bed. I've been meaning to get back into this game. :)

January 5th, 2015, 08:14 PM
Didn't see you guys on but Dennis & I did a goodly amount of work. :hard:

January 6th, 2015, 05:00 AM
Sorry. Wife wanted to watch TV. :rolleyes:

She should be busy with school soon though. ;)

January 6th, 2015, 06:34 AM
Didn't see you guys on but Dennis & I did a goodly amount of work. :hard:

I jumped on around 11PM EST and I saw that you and Dennis were in a Vanguard Tiger strike so I tried to join but the fireteam was full. So I started up the Nightfall and sent invites and I died once and then started again and sent invites and when I checked the roster after clearing the first stage you were no longer online. I sent Dennis another invite but he didn't join. Maybe he doesn't have the DLC.

I did complete the Nightfall and I got Ruin Wings. The first time I got a Armamentarium. Which I already have so I broke it down for a shard.

Looks like week's Nightfall is V'alus Ta'rac with no burn and Lightswitch. Oh joy.

January 6th, 2015, 09:11 AM
I went back to the tower and then logged off shortly after our disconnection issues. It was bed time for me.

January 6th, 2015, 11:08 AM
Yeah I was shitcanned and kicked when the latest update dropped last night -- I couldn't get on so I hit the sack, too.

January 7th, 2015, 05:55 AM
So I've run the Vault of Glass over a dozen times with my cousins and their friends over the past few weeks, and now I have 3 copies of Praedyth's Revenge (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Praedyth%27s_Revenge) :lol: -- a Void sniper capped @ 300 with a VoG-specific perk ("Oracle Disruptor") so you'd think it's of limited benefit outside the VoG. But with Void-damage and the Firefly perk, I do find it quite useful on Venus quests. :up:

January 7th, 2015, 11:00 AM
Tried playing last night. But Phil was on a lv 30 nightfall strike. I'm not hoss enough to play with the big boys yet. :(
I sent Dennis another invite but he didn't join. Maybe he doesn't have the DLC.Oh yeah, I don't have the DLC... so I won't be able to play with you guys anyway. :(

I did get an email that I have a legendary item waiting for me at the post-master though. :cool:

January 7th, 2015, 12:00 PM
So I've run the Vault of Glass over a dozen times with my cousins and their friends over the past few weeks, and now I have 3 copies of Praedyth's Revenge (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Praedyth%27s_Revenge) :lol: -- a Void sniper capped @ 300 with a VoG-specific perk ("Oracle Disruptor") so you'd think it's of limited benefit outside the VoG. But with Void-damage and the Firefly perk, I do find it quite useful on Venus quests. :up:

I used to have two of them and I broke one down and accidentally broke another down. But it will be useful against anything with a Void shield, like the Psions on Mars during a Nighfall strike. ;)

Tried playing last night. But Phil was on a lv 30 nightfall strike. I'm not hoss enough to play with the big boys yet. :( Oh yeah, I don't have the DLC... so I won't be able to play with you guys anyway. :(

I did get an email that I have a legendary item waiting for me at the post-master though. :cool:

You can still play with me as long as I'm not playing one of the DLC exclusive Missions/Strike/Raid. This weeks Nightfall is part of the initial release so I'll invite you along for the ride if you are around and I have room. Could help to get you closer to 30 so you aren't throwin spitballs at em. :popcorn:

January 8th, 2015, 05:14 AM
Did my first run through Crota's End last night; we cheesed the Lantern Run and members of the group I was with had to leave before we hit Crota him/her/themself.

After that I went to working on Bounties with Dennis... until he was poached from me by Phil! :lol: #goodtimes

January 9th, 2015, 07:00 AM
Bungie Weekly Update - 01/08/2015 (http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2rsxp9/bungie_weekly_update_01082015/)


Crota's End and Vault of Glass raid updates
Holiday gift reminder
Gun usage statistics
Links for newcomers


Bungie Weekly Update - 01/08/2015
by urk

This week at Bungie, much of the team returned from the holiday break, powered by holiday feasting and the imbibification of what appears to be more than a few glasses of festive brew. We’re not quite back at full strength, though, with stragglers like DeeJ still out and about spending precious moments with friends and family, but we are ready to chat about the most recent rounds of updates we’re planning for Destiny to kick off the New Year in January.

Let's get to it.

Unlike our inaugural Vault of Glass Raid offering, hard mode for Crota’s End didn’t launch day and date alongside its younger, more affable sibling. I’ll bet you noticed, even though you’ve been busily swinging that sword into poor Crota’s big shiny green mug between dainty bites of soft, warm cheese.

You've had plenty of time to divine your way through the dark, skirting over and around holes while sending dozens of Thrall screaming into the black. You’ve built bridges, silenced Shriekers, and plundered the lunar depths for the latest and greatest gear. Matter of fact, by the time you read this sentence you’ll have collectively put an end to Crota…wait for it…more than a whopping one million times.

Impressive. Most impressive. And now you want to know what’s next.

Hard Mode for Crota’s End is going through the final few stages of deployment. It’s almost ready. As soon as we have a concrete date to share, we’ll set it in stone so you can assemble your crew for that first run, or so you can find the time to tune into the streams and vicariously witness the madness and make note of the new and necessary strategy updates.

We’re not going to spoil any hard mode surprises here. You’ll need to learn a new trick or two, but given your past performances, we’re pretty sure plenty of you will find a way to come out on top and earn some shiny new trophies to take with you on your next adventure.

In the meantime, we’ve prepped a separate patch, which will be ready for deployment as early as next Tuesday, January 13th. Below is a preview of changes being made to Crota’s End and a little bit of a love tap for the Vault of Glass.

Crota's End – Updates

The existing Pit treasure chest reward moved to killing Ir Yut, the Deathsinger. She has a chance to drop Exotic weapons and armor, class pieces, and Radiant materials.
The Pit treasure chest will now contain Radiant Materials.

Pit Encounter

Removed the physics impulse caused by exploding lanterns.

Bridge Encounter

Players will now be required to cross the bridge in order to complete the bridge encounter.
Players will now be required to wait for the bridge to be completed prior to crossing with the sword.

Deathsinger Encounter

Fixed a rare case where the Shriekers would not spawn, preventing players from reaching the Deathsinger.

Crota Encounter

Two Swordbearers will no longer spawn at the same time at the outset of the encounter.
Crota will now recover from his kneeling state after a player quits.
Fixed a bug that allowed players to remove the “Presence of Crota” using a Radiance Warlock’s * Fireborn ability.
Fixed a bug that made the Oversoul appear destroyed to some players in a Fireteam when it was actually still active.

Vault of Glass – Updates

Exotic weapon drops in the Vault of Glass are now Level 32.

Getting Swole in the Crucible
The Raid crew wasn’t the only team readying tweaks heading into and out of the holiday season. Our Crucible designers have a few things in the works to add some spice to the early goings of 2015.

Asylum, The Anomaly, and The Burning Shrine maps will be added to existing Clash and Control playlist rotation.
Iron Banner will return, with updated rewards, running from January 13th through January 19th.
Full and final details for Raid, Crucible, and Iron Banner updates will be provided as patch notes next week.

Stay tuned.


The True Meaning of Christmas

So committed are we at Bungie to the celebration of non-denominational yuletide that we held off on delivering gifts this year until we were well clear of the traditionally established holidays. What can we say? We’re non-conformists at heart.

It’s either that, or some other obvious, sensible, and unspoken reason that you just got your hands on our small token of holiday gratitude. For a good portion of you, the gift you received will truly be Legendary – a weaponized memento to guide you through some of Destiny’s most challenging moments. For others, our gift has already been summarily dismissed, dismantled, and delivered straight into the dust bin of history.

Whatever category you fall into, we hope you appreciate the gesture. They say it’s the thought that counts. Either way, whether you feel empowered or slighted, whether you believe you received a thoughtful gift or were unceremoniously slapped across the face with a sooty lump of coal, we hope you had a wonderful holiday break, and enjoyed playing Destiny with friends and family as much as we did.


Guns, Guns, Guns!

Our chief resident researcher at Bungie, Dr. Bunson Honeydew, is one of the select few people at the studio who has access to the billions of rows of data that comprise the historical legacy you’ve imprinted onto Destiny. This week, he shared with us the popularity of Primary, Special, and Heavy Weapons that Guardians, Level 20 and above, equipped most over the last fourteen days.

Here's a note from the man himself to help put the full selection of Destiny's arsenal into perspective.

Weapon use in Destiny is pretty diverse and follows a very fat 'long tail' distribution. The guns on these lists are indeed awesome but a lot of players are finding that other, more obscure weapons better fit their tactical needs or their personal play styles. Besides, punching all of the aliens in the face is obviously the correct way to play Destiny anyway.

Want to see if your weapon selection lines up with the pack, or if you’re a unique snowflake, just like your mother proclaims? Here are the top ten weapons for Level 20 Guardians and above, spanning all activity types over the past two weeks.


For fun, we also ran the same query against players of all levels, and as expected, the influx of holiday "Kinderguardians" shifts the most equipped weapons interestingly more towards the “battered and worn” side of the scale as new players pick up a controller and play through the opening moments for their first time.

Primary Weapons
Vision of Confluence
Khvostov 7G-02
The Stranger’s Rifle
Suros Regime
Atheon’s Epilogue
Our sandbox lead designer, Sage, also wanted to point out that the Crucible selections shake out quite differently, especially when we take a peek at what weapons our top performing competitive players rely upon to finish at the top of the pack.

Primary Weapons
SUROS Regime
Vex Mythoclast
Atheon’s epilogue
The Last Word
Up For Anything
The Stranger’s Rifle

Shots fired!


We have a lot of newcomers to Destiny, and some of you may have questions about getting the best connection to play Destiny. We have a network troubleshooting guide, as well as numerous Bungie Help articles that may assist you with error codes and other issues you encounter in game. To find a specific issue, use the Search bar located on the Bungie Help page to find help articles and troubleshooting tips. If you received an in-game error message, just enter the name of the error as it appears in-game.

Over the past couple weeks, we have reports of Xbox One players experiencing WASP errors and a 76 MB update each time they launch Destiny. As we investigate, please see our forum post on troubleshooting tips that may help you get out of this state.

If you’re encountering issues where you cannot access your exclusive content or The Dark Below, there are two ways that can help get you out of this state: restoring licenses and clearing your console’s cache. When clearing your cache, you’ll need to shut down your console, unplug it for 10 minutes, and plug it back in.

If this does not resolve your issue, please let us know by posting on the #Help forums.
Aww, Bungie didn't like cheesing the Lantern run?? :lol:

January 9th, 2015, 10:42 AM
Xur Megathread 1/9/15 - 1/11/15 (http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2rub24/xur_megathread_1915_11115/)

Exotic Gear:


An Insurmountable Skullfort
DIS 112

Lucky Raspberry
Chest Armor
INT 160

Starfire Protocol
Chest Armor
INT 155

The Last Word
Hand Cannon

Exotic Shard (http://destinydb.com/items/452597397-exotic-shard)



Scout Rifle Telemetry

Shotgun Telemetry

Sniper Rifle Telemetry

Plasma Drive
Vehicle Upgrade

Emerald Coil
Vehicle Upgrade

Urn of Sacrifice

Exotic Upgrades:


Crest of Alpha Lupi
Chest Armor
STR 135

Young Ahamkara's Spine
DIS 100

Helm of Saint-14
INT 137

An Insurmountable Skullfort
DIS 105

Apotheosis Veil
DIS 124

Heart of Praxic Fire
Chest Armor
DIS 144

Hard Light
Auto Rifle

Suros Regime
Auto Rifle

Mida Multi-Tool
Scout Rifle

Hand Cannon

Plan C
Fusion Rifle

Rocket Launcher

Monte Carlo
Auto Rifle

January 10th, 2015, 04:51 AM
I have decided, having been in Hanoi most of this week, to fuck this game. And fuck Xur.

January 11th, 2015, 01:47 PM
I bought the Starfire Protocal for my Warlock. Been leveling him up and he is currently Level 13. Once I open up Venus I should be able to get to 20 in a few hours. I've spent most of his playtime using Hand Cannons and I'm beginning to get a real hang for them. Though I stil believe they don't work very well in PVP. I can put far more shots down range with my VoC or with a slow fire rate Autorifle. Well see though, I have a The Last Word waiting for him when he hits 20.

I was able to complete the Nightfall with both my Titans and a Level 30 weekly with one of them. Mostly using the overhead light method. I didn't get much from them. I got a Legendary Pulse rifle and a Vanquisher VII. I've heard good things about the latter so I may transfer it over to my Warlock to use when he is borrowing the Ghorn.

January 12th, 2015, 11:58 AM
Got my Warlock up to Level 16. I should be able to get him to Level 20 tonight and with the equipment I have for him he will be Level 26 with a light level of 84 within minutes. Unfortunately all my other gear is pre TDB so he can only get to Level 29 with max gear. Just need to start gaining Vanguard/Crucible rank and collecting marks. I have a few commendations on my other characters if I need them.

Hopefully I'll pick up a Legendary engram or two along the way. Seems they have slowed down a bit since the DLC. Just need to jump back into the ROC strikelist and hope for some.

January 12th, 2015, 12:28 PM
Jumped on Saturday afternoon and quick blasted through the Nightfall. First time in weeks I've played (besides a raid attempt someone wanted help with). Got the Universal Remote, upped my Suros to the next tier, then logged out.

Too many other games to play than get sucked back in completely, ugh.

January 16th, 2015, 05:35 PM
My clan spent a total of 3hrs last night grinding 5 of our Thorn bounties in rumbles between all 6 of us. The one proper rumble that ensued at 1:15am was pretty intense...

January 19th, 2015, 04:02 PM
I've attained Level 28 with my Warlock but I have hit a Hadronic Essence wall. I need 175 to upgrade my armor and I have around 60. I need new gauntlets and a helmet to hit Level 31. I can't buy any right now either cause I'm not Level 2 with the Vanguard. I may just gather Essence and marks and horde it til HoW

I haven't had a problem getting weapons for him though. He rocks a Vanquisher VIII, Ice breaker and Deviant Gravity (void). Always seems like I get a lot more Legendary weapon engrams than armor engrams.

January 19th, 2015, 09:57 PM
Haven't played for a few days, and I am pleased. From now on, it's in on Tuesday night for Nightfall, Weekly, Daily, then MAYBE a bit of PvP for the rest of the week.

January 20th, 2015, 04:35 AM
I can't buy any right now either cause I'm not Level 2 with the Vanguard.
My 3rd 'toon, a Human Titan, is also stuck at level 25 for this reason. The other two (an Awoken Warlock & Human Hunter) are sitting at level 30. I've got a goodly amount of materials and gear, I just need the Vanguard Ranks and XP!! :lol:

I've shifted my Warlock from Voidfang Vestments to Obsidian Mind & The Last Word (331); they're both taking their sweet time to level up -- and I'm cursing my stupidity for sharding Bad Juju. :smh: The Hunter is rocking the Third Man helmet & MIDA Multi-Tool (331), both maxed out thankfully (but with no Vanguard Marks to buy the gear to hit level 31). Lastly, the Titan is going with The Armamentarium & Icebreaker/Plan C (both 331). Barely begun leveling up these bad boys. #destinyismy2ndjob

January 20th, 2015, 07:06 PM
I love Icebreaker. Never having to buy Special Ammo Synthesis ever again, and never having to worry about running out of Special Ammo (as long as you make it to a safe place first) has changed the game for me. If I had to marry a gun in Destiny, it would be that, although my nearly-fully upgraded Murmur might come close.

One of our clan has 4 now. He got 1 from a drop, bought 2 from Xur on the last rotation, then got another one yesterday from Nightfall.

January 21st, 2015, 09:02 AM
Knocked out the Nightfall with two of my characters. Was a pretty easy task for Dennis, my friend Chris and I. Didn't get much from them. Two Legendary Weapon Engrams; one turned into Energy, the other a (Void) Sniper rifle from New Monarchy. Still fun nonetheless. I might try and run it again tonight and do the player swap after taking Phogoth down to a sliver to get the Vanguard Experience boost for my Warlock but I will need a friend to help me out with that.

It feels like we might have enough people to run VoG on Normal or Hard. Or even Crota's End on Normal. Should try and drag Kid in on this. VoG on Normal we can probably do with 4 people.

January 21st, 2015, 09:18 AM
I need to do Nightfall, be sure to hit me up. :shocker:

January 21st, 2015, 11:12 PM
I can try and get in on some of the action, but it depends entirely on time differences.

January 22nd, 2015, 08:57 AM
That would be bitchin.

Novi and I took down the Nightfall again. So that coupled with turning in a bunch of saved up bounties with the Nightfall bonus has placed my Warlock about 500 rep from Level 2 with the Vanguard. I should be able to get Level 2 in the next couple days.

I plan on running a bunch of ROC strikes in hopes of getting a Helmet or Gauntlet Legendary engram while collecting Vanguard marks. My Titans are kinda complete for the moment. With them, I'm going to start working on Soloing Crota's End, atleast the Abyss section, so I can start collecting Radiant Shards and Energies. Which is also the reason I would like to start running the VoG. Mostly cause it is a blast to complete, but also to collect Ascendent Shards and Energy for the next DLC.

January 23rd, 2015, 06:29 AM
Yep, I broke through Level 2 Vanguard Rep -- bought my leg armor and I'm about 30 Vanguard Marks short of getting the gauntlets.

Of course I've already maxed out my Marks in the Strike hopper for this week... :smh:

January 23rd, 2015, 08:44 AM
I have the Titan gauntlets from the Eris quest so I checked to see if she gives them for all characters and she does. http://www.primagames.com/games/destiny/tips/destiny-dark-below-urn-sacrifice-quest-kill-urzok-ritual-sacrifice

Doesn't take long to finish the Eris quest. I'm gonna start working on it tonight with my Warlock. That will free up a few marks.

January 23rd, 2015, 08:52 AM
Cool, good to know! :up: :up:

January 23rd, 2015, 05:29 PM
Cheesed the bridge last night (Hard) and killed deathsinger legitimately (Normal). Got Abyss Defiant and Raid Chestpiece from the first bit and Patience and Time from the deathsinger. It was a good night, but now I have even more weapons to level up...

January 25th, 2015, 04:20 PM
I played some Titanfall last night for the first time in over a year. It is a MUCH better game.

January 26th, 2015, 07:12 AM
Good to hear -- if I see in the bargain bin for $10 USD, I'll pick it up. ;)


Finally got my Titan & Hunter up to Level 30 and my Warlock up to Level 31. Maxed-out Icebreaker, got quite a few bits of new gear through drops and shopping, and carefully maxed-out the XP on lesser armor pieces (but not upgrading them!) before sharding them. Ran through a shit-ton of bounties, worked with Phil & his crew on Friday night for a bit on Nightfall, Dennis on Saturday morning, and ran through VoG last night with my cousins' crew -- and that's really when this game (like most games) is at it's best: playing with friends regardless of objective. :up: :up:

EDIT: Also FINALLY received another quest for Bad Juju! Damn, can't believe how happy I am about that -- with Bad Juju + Obsidian Mind helmet, my Voidwalker Warlock is gonna be a mushroom-cloud-layin' motherfucker, motherfucker! :rawk:

January 26th, 2015, 07:50 AM
Whatever. It's far better than DestinGrindTastic is, was, and ever will be. I think it's right up there with the original Modern Warfare, in terms of moving the genre on.

January 26th, 2015, 07:57 AM
What do you want, the game to be over? Of course it's a grind! All MMO's are and when you have 100 characters at max level (https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB4QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fkotaku.com%2Finsane-wow-player-reaches-max-level-with-100-characters-1681081766&ei=sXHGVMvWFI6nyASyqYLIAg&usg=AFQjCNHTXsu2E8EuJoCsJnT-593jvnhxPQ&sig2=N1Di5zGQnPkZxAkDv2Pocw&bvm=bv.84349003,d.aWw), then maybe you can say that particular game is done. :lol:

If you enjoy the action in Titanfall, by all means have at it. But even the most disappointed reviewers are lauding the action in Destiny. The action isn't the problem, it's the leveling system, the multiple currencies and lack of content.

January 26th, 2015, 01:15 PM
I stopped playing it and I feel *liberated* :lol:
But now I'm roped into Horizon 2's leveling system.... almost at the gold wristband...

January 26th, 2015, 01:37 PM
Understandable -- I had taken off for about six weeks to play Dragon Age: Inquisition and more recently about two weeks to play GTA V, myself. :lol:

So since I've been pacing my grind, I'm not feelin' the burnout yet. :rawk:

January 26th, 2015, 05:09 PM
I was burned out on the COD style gameplay. Which is why I didn't even think about buying COD or Titanfall. I happen to enjoy the team based story style combat of Destiny. And I like that I can run missions by myself if I want. It may be repetitive but it's no different than driving a car around a track over and over and over again to try and get a better lap time. And I've spent a huge chunk of my gaming life doing that.

Hopefully Forza 6 will deliver and I'll move back over to my old haunt. :cool:

Back on the Destiny front. I've got my Warlock up to Level 30. And I figured out and perfected a way to run the Abyss part of Crota's End. I was able to complete it on my first attempt with my Warlock. And it is not the cheese method of jumping from the rock near the second lamp. I just run really fast and I've found a certain path helps to keep the Thrall just far enough behind that I can make it to the top of the Abyss and activate the plate to open the bridge.

January 26th, 2015, 05:55 PM
Yes. I've long given up driving a virtual car around the race track. The only reason I play destiny is because pve playing is still somewhat fun with a group of friends, in spite of the game itself. The pseudo-mmo element isn't interesting enough to keep me there due to the same maps, and I have too little time to waste on grinding stuff that doesn't matter.

There are fun parts of the game, but just because reviewers and Novi like it doesn't mean I have to, or every part of it. It's typical set pieces, and at higher levels you HAVE to do them in a specific order. Or cheese them. I don't see the point of that. Pvp is ok but not that different from most other pvp games. It's certainly nowhere near Titanfall.

One of the worst things about this game is that not much of the storyline or background makes sense, and there's too much fanservice. That really grates when you're trying to immerse yourself in a pseudo-mmo and it becomes far more noticeable when you're playing the mission again for the 80th time... Fuck, even Titanfall has a better storyline and ending. Seriously.

January 27th, 2015, 05:34 AM
I fully stand by your right to complain about Destiny, YW -- there is a lot to hate. :up:

But when I think about what other games are compelling to me right now, nothing else is strong enough to get my interest. If there was, I'd be playing it! :D


Woke up early today and ran through the slaying of Omnigul with my Level 30 Hunter. I'm becoming slightly disappointed with my maxed-out 331 MIDA Multi-Tool; just doesn't seem to be causing the damage I'm expecting. Maybe it's due to the low Impact? Damn shame, makes me want to switch to another weapon... :smh:

January 27th, 2015, 06:11 AM
Yeah, the MIDA is good, but it always left me having expected *just* a little more.

Also, uh, Titanfall is $10 :lol:

January 27th, 2015, 07:33 AM
Walk the walk, Novi. :p

January 27th, 2015, 08:11 AM
You son of a bitch, Scotty. :lol:

January 27th, 2015, 08:35 AM
Come on, hop to it. No more stalling or trolling.

January 27th, 2015, 08:40 AM
Don't do it! It's a trap!

And Nightfall is Omnigul with all three burns; arc, solar and void. Well this will be fun. :eek::angry::popcorn:

January 27th, 2015, 11:33 AM
Come on, hop to it. No more stalling or trolling.
For $10, I will set up the download tonight. :shocker:

January 27th, 2015, 08:15 PM
Hah, impeccable timing, Carlo. :lol::up:
It's a fantastic deal for $10. I bought the BF4 Premium edition for $24 myself. Those are crazy deals. Even DA:I.


Back to Destiny-related:


The streak at 0:51 is damn good. Kampy has always been known for his Bungie/343-game sniping. Anything Halo and now Destiny. It's ridiculous.

January 28th, 2015, 08:59 AM
I'd like to thank Novi for savin me from having to redo the first half the Nightfall. He was off doing Bounties while my friend Chris and I were doing the Nightfall. We were all in party chat and I mentioned to him that we were in the Nightfall if he wanted to join in. So we get to the Jovian Complex and my friend gets taken down by a Knight with a Boomer and I back up and lob a grenade at him and try ducking behind a corner but he still shoots me and kills me. The skull symbol comes up and I swear a countdown started, I apologize to my friend for being stupid and then I see Novi come up and revive me.

He must have joined in with seconds to spare. We went on to take down the strike with each of us lobbing in shots at Omnigul and dieing from time to time. Including being down to one Guardian a few times. Damn fun though. :hard:

I confirmed my Abyss method by clearing it with all three of my characters last night. Only took a few attempts per character. I'm going to try running it on the Hard mode. I was able to get to the top with my Warlock at Level 28 on the Normal mode. So I think I may be able to do it with a Level 31 character on Hard mode.

January 28th, 2015, 11:28 AM
Hah, impeccable timing, Carlo. :lol: :up:
The man ain't wrong. ;)

Also, reviving people was about the only thing I was good for -- Phil & his buddy Chris are Boss Bros, carrying my water every step of the way. :hard:

January 29th, 2015, 06:52 AM
Did another run through Nightfall and things with the Boss Bros. -- was gifted a pair of Ruin Wings (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Ruin_Wings) for the effort.

Now I just need to figure out if I want to rock the Armamentarium (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/The_Armamentarium) over the Wings; that extra grenade is awful nice...

January 29th, 2015, 11:40 AM
I have them but I haven't given them a proper run out. I should try equipping them at the Omnigul fight and see if it makes a difference. Would be nice if the Thralls and Knights that run into the hallway would drop some Heavy ammo.

But my favorite perk in the game is the extra grenade. I have Starfire Protocol on my Warlock for that reason. I can rock two Fusion Grenades and Touch of Flame.

And I have this view of you and Chris just sitting back on the rocks, laughing :lol: and watching me getting hosed :angry: by Boomer Knights when we ran the Nightfall with my Warlock. That was a prime example of the difference between Level 30 and 31. "You gonna get em this time?" "Let em float for a bit."

I didn't get anything special from this weeks Nightfall. MK 44 Standasides, Prudence II (Broken down) and Icebreaker (Broken down to upgrade my Starfire Protocol). I already have an Icebreaker.

January 30th, 2015, 05:04 AM
Last night was a bit of balls -- I played Destiny while Titanfall downloaded in the background. But when I joined up with Phil & Co. Destiny Party Hotline, I couldn't hear anyone. :smh:

Also, we fell short of finishing VoG. Ah well, I still got some Shards. :up:

January 30th, 2015, 06:04 AM
I had that happen the other night. I ended up restarting my Xbone and it worked fine afterwards.

It was fun and a little frustrating with three VoG virgins but we worked through it. I think everyone now understands the Templar fight so hopefully we can give it another go tonight. I'm thinkin someone else can run the Relic while I unload on it with Ghorn and Blackhammer. Or I could jump down and handle the Relic and oracles while everyone stays up top and unloads on it.

January 30th, 2015, 06:32 AM
I need to get a Ghorn and Suros drop. Then I can stop playing the game.

January 30th, 2015, 07:08 AM
Ridic, YW. :lol: #juststahp


It was fun and a little frustrating with three VoG virgins but we worked through it. I think everyone now understands the Templar fight so hopefully we can give it another go tonight. I'm thinkin someone else can run the Relic while I unload on it with Ghorn and Blackhammer. Or I could jump down and handle the Relic and oracles while everyone stays up top and unloads on it.
Yeah, I can grab the Relic too but I also have a fully-upgraded Praedyth's Revenge (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Praedyth%27s_Revenge) that is super-slick for poppin' Oracles, so... :)

January 30th, 2015, 10:40 PM
I'm serious. I have Icebreaker, Dragon's Breath, SGA, and a bunch of decent other purple primaries and secondaries (inc. fully upgraded Praedyth's and VoC). Icebreaker has made the game much more fun.

February 1st, 2015, 07:20 AM

I'm done with this fucked up game until House of Wolves. Fuck this shit, I have so much other shit I could be doing and Bungie are a bunch of dumb fucking idiots for fucking up the economy for those who put the most time into the game e.g. all the time and resources you spent levelling up VOG stuff and exotics dropped in it until recently was entirely wasted due to the first TDB patch - who was so fucking stupid as to overlook this???. Then there was and is that stupid fucking ammo bug.

Also, fuck 3 minute load times and clanmates who spend all their time trying to cheese every part of the raid and 8 minutes swapping characters to get shards from chests (again, fuck you Bungie).

I know some (novi?) might point to the problem being with those who I play with, but I think it's more a symptom of the problematic economy and grindtastic and incredibly repetitive game design meaning that to be "efficient" we waste time cheesing portions, rather than the problem itself. There's also only so many times you can do the same raid/strike before you go utterly insane. Then there's the stupid fucked-up decision where it's not entirely clear how/when you get XP within a raid. So to level up my new raid gear/exotics I need to do the same NF/weekly/daily missions AGAIN. I also then need to do the raid to get the fucking raid shards/energy (or I could re-grind all the other Eris missions to get to Level 4 for her WHICH IS REALLY FUCKING DIFFICULT so that I can fucking buy raid shards/energy from her) but I can only do that twice a week max due to Raid drops...

So the most efficient way to play this game is to wait until they've fixed all these issues, otherwise it is not just a waste of time (like all video games) but a total and incredibly pointless waste of time. Even then, one will still presumably have to put up with incredibly stupid shit like Xur only selling one fucking Exotic every day of the week - No Land Beyond and Dragon's Breath twice each within the same month, WTF? - and the SAME FUCKING USELESS ARMOUR every fucking week.

I really could go on, but I have better things to do. I'll check out House of Wolves, once the lustre of new levels has worn off then if it's back to the same old stupid grinding bullshit then I'm fucking out of there.

February 2nd, 2015, 09:41 AM
You can't buy shards/energy from Eris. You can only trade a shard for an energy and vice versa. Maybe that's what you meant by twice a week max due to Raid drops.

I agree the game has faults. We should be able to attain Radiant Shards/Energy in some capacity outside of the Crota Raid. All they would have to do is add Radiant materials to the Daily Heroic and first daily public events mission. They could even do it every other day. Ascendent one day, Radiant the next etc. It would certainly make it easier on casual gamers.

That being said, now that I have a good strategy for the Abyss section I can get 9 drops every week. But I don't find any great need to be 32. It's really only needed for the Hard Mode Crota Raid. So I'm just stockpiling for the next expansion.

So I can see my time spent going down over the next few weeks until HoW. Unless I delete my second Titan and start up a Hunter.....

February 2nd, 2015, 09:44 AM
I know some (novi?) might point to the problem being with those who I play with
Nah, not me brother -- I'm very much a fan of saying that if you're not having fun with the game, don't boot it up. :up: :up:

February 2nd, 2015, 02:06 PM
Twice a week max, yes, with one character. But why crearec3 characters to run the same missions 3x/wk? Seriously...

February 5th, 2015, 06:06 AM
Was feelin' casual so I booted Destiny up last night and did some minor bounties with my Level 30 Hunter. There were times where I just sat and watched other Guardians go about their business against the gray canvas of the Moon. :cool: :toast:

Using the MIDA Multi-Tool scout rifle reminds me in glaring detail how I wish there were stagger animations for shooting the arm/leg/body of an enemy... :smh:

February 5th, 2015, 07:08 AM
Talk about having too much time on one's hands...

February 5th, 2015, 07:14 AM
It looks like this outside! :lol:


February 5th, 2015, 07:29 AM
Then do some lifting...?

February 5th, 2015, 07:44 AM
12 oz. at a time, brah. :shocker:

February 5th, 2015, 12:51 PM
Much of the reason I love even this hobbled, lobotomized and vapid version of Destiny is the lore. (http://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/2uvd8n/daily_thread_lore_thursday_spoilers_ahead/)

The story of Destiny is staggeringly great. The storytelling of Destiny is staggeringly crippled. :up: :up:

February 5th, 2015, 05:51 PM
4 Re4lZ

I don't think the story is particularly good either. Basically, Space Wizards, with no explanation of how the gravity on all of the planets is EXACTLY THE SAME.

February 5th, 2015, 07:06 PM
I'm not trying to convince you of anything, YW.

February 6th, 2015, 05:40 AM

February 9th, 2015, 05:31 AM
Did some more good work this weekend: maxed out The Last Word (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/The_Last_Word) (for my Hunter) and completed all of the Crucible challenges to unlock both Bad Juju (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Bad_Juju) (for my Warlock) and Invective (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Invective) (for my Titan, to go with Ice Breaker (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Ice_Breaker) & Plan C (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Plan_C) that he carries). :up:

In addition, my Human Hunter is finally Level 31. My Awoken Warlock was 31 but when RNGesus gifted me a better set of Legendary gauntlets I crushed my old set for the shards so he's temporarily Level 30 until they're maxed out. Finally, I don't know if my Level 30 Titan will get up to 31 because the gauntlets he has only carries Light 24ish -- but they look cool so I'm keepin' 'em. :finger:

Keep in mind that I haven't really done much work at all in the Crota's End raid. I've started it with two different groups but never finished it; it's all still a mystery to me at this point. #norushingDestiny

February 9th, 2015, 06:01 AM
Nice. Ignore the raid. Crota's End is really shitty and boring overall. VOG was, and still is, much more fun.

February 9th, 2015, 06:15 AM
Yep I do still rock VoG weekly with my cousins' crew, it's just that I like knowing there are parts of Destiny I haven't seen yet (even if they're shitty parts).

February 9th, 2015, 06:37 AM
Yeah, although playing THE SAME FUCKING MISSION OVER AND OVER AGAIN also gets old real fast.

February 9th, 2015, 06:39 AM
Yep, definitely -- which is why I'm playing 3 other games at the moment. :up:

Also, I've done very little time in Crucible so those levels are fresh to me as well.

February 9th, 2015, 08:04 AM
I also haven't really done the Crota's End Raid. I have been to parts of it, including defeating Crota but I have not done the Raid from start to finish and without cheese. I sure would like to though.

February 9th, 2015, 09:13 AM
Cool, I'm certainly down to play more Phil, keep sending me invites. :cool:

I'm also onboard with your strategy to hoard mats until HoW drops. I'm finally at a place with regards to gear that I can see my own grindy endgame in sight. After that, it's all gonna be hoarded. :up:

February 9th, 2015, 05:20 PM
I did the Abyss, legit, once and on my first serious attempt with my Clan. That, and the Deathsinger (along with the Chamber before it) are the only fully legit runs I've done on CE. Yet we've finished the raid 3-4 times.

Now you can see why I'm frustrated. What's the point of playing the fucking game if all we do is try and cheese every fucking portion and wait for 10-15 minutes so people can swap out characters to get checkpoints/loot? FFS.

February 11th, 2015, 07:31 AM
Yeah I've been on a few cheese runs and they're lame. :down:

Much prefer playing the game straight-up. Also, keep in mind that I can keep lovin' Destiny because I've played a lot less than most hardcore folks. I took off six weeks when VoG dropped to play Dragon Age: Inquisition and only picked it back up when TDB opened -- that allowed me to conserve a LOT of grinding hours by just buying upgraded gear from vendors. :lol: I think I had a pair of VoG Hexen boots from 1 playthrough, that's it prior to TDB.

February 12th, 2015, 12:48 AM
Fair enough. I pretty much played about 8-14 hours/week for a few months, so got really irritated when Bungie fucked us up.

February 12th, 2015, 06:14 AM


Last night I worked with Phil's crew for a bit on lightly cheesing the Crota raid. Picked up some TDB gauntlets and Radiant Shards for not much work, which is nice. :up:

While Phil was off running through the darkness, his two buddies & I hung out around the initial LZ. In the darkness, innumerable figures moved and shimmered, growling and gnashing their maws at us. After a few minutes of this, my Titan stepped forward and unleashed Payback S.O.S. (http://destiny.wikia.com/wiki/Payback_SOS) in response. Within a heartbeat, the two other Guardians stood up with me and also began lighting up the darkness; guns a-blazin', the mechanical roar of our auto-rifles easily drowned out the hissing brood hiding in the blackness.

Reminded me of the empty firefight scene from Predator. :hard: #stiffie

February 12th, 2015, 07:43 AM
And then you realise that to upgrade your lovely raid weapons you need to go grind THE SAME FUCKING MISSIONS OVER AND OVER AGAIN.