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November 15th, 2016, 02:39 PM
Just got a 390LL The Devil You Know. :hard: Oh, hunter... I got a present for you. :D

November 16th, 2016, 10:37 AM
In fact The Villainy’s base stats are actually higher than The Clever Dragon. But it falls short in one visible stat and one hidden stat.
The hidden stat is AA or Aim Assistance. The Villainy has an AA of 60 while The Clever Dragon has an AA of 77. Aim Assistance helps keep your reticle on target. If you want a good example of how AA is helping you in game. Try shooting one of those little flying welding bots in the Plaguelands. They are programmed to not allow any AA.

The visible stat is ROF (Rate of Fire)/Impact. The Villainy is 66/14 while The Clever Dragon is 77/4. While the Villainy does more damage, The Clever Dragon can deliver enough damage to kill a guardian in a shorter amount of time due to the ROF. The difference can be about .2 of a second. So, have a look at your Clever Dragons and see if any of them have a decent roll. A good roll Clever Dragon does not require HCR to be lethal. It only helps keep your opponent from being able to exchange shots with you. This thread on Reddit provides a breakdown on pulse rifles. (https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/5d3iul/massive_breakdown_of_rise_of_iron_pulse_rifles/?sort=new)

That being said, keep your The Villainy. If you try The Clever Dragon and like your The Villainy better, then use it. I think it is very important to use a weapon that makes you feel comfortable. And you never know when the meta may be adjusted.... :)

BTW, if you haven’t checked out Destiny Scopes (http://destinyscopes.com/#). It’s a great resource for how much a scope can make a difference.

This is a great thread as well with lots of info. (https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/4hj3ne/merculess_massive_breakdown_of_massive_breakdowns/)

TL;DR: Don't throw your Clever Dragons away without giving them a shot.

November 16th, 2016, 11:29 AM
I have never seen one.

November 16th, 2016, 11:59 AM
It's cool to see the numbers showing that The Villainy is aces (for a pulse rifle). :up: :up:

I compound the cheesing by playing an aggressive Voidwalker Warlock exclusively using The Ram (v2.0) helmet, too. I'm also happy that with Iron Saga armor it looks great when equipped, IMO. :twisted:

Even tho' The Ram was nerfed, I still like it, I feel like it gives me a good edge and I haven't really felt at a disadvantage with the larger head target. Also I do play with max Agility perks since I've read it doesn't stack with the Class Armor perks (but I do use Armor w/. Subclass Perks). :D #ramlock #moreTitanthanTitans

EDIT: Further reading is yielding conflicting info, Phil -- can The Ram stack with Subclass Armor Perks in PvP? Yes/No?

November 16th, 2016, 06:34 PM
Phil. Sooooo. Where do I see the stats for AA, etc. For hand cannons.

November 17th, 2016, 05:04 AM
I played quite a bit of Crucible last night. Picked up three new 398's and a 400, which was nice (still LL 397 tho'). :up:

Did some more reading and while I like how The Ram helmet looks and performs (still no clue if its Armor stacks with the Armor in Subclass Perks) in a standard shootout, I am seeing peeps talking about the Skull of Dire Ahamkara as still being a top Exotic for Voidwalkers even after all this time -- and still mainly because it allows you to complete your Nova Bomb toss vs being shot out of it (and getting The Hunger perk for free is nice)... and last night, I DID get shot/Super'd out of it a few times. Frustrating. :|

So I'm going to have to pull The Skull out of my bank and try it out again, see how I like it. I think when I was running The Skull, I took its protections for granted.

Here's my Voidwalker Subclass Perks btw for anyone that wants to see how I'm rigged:

:: Base Voidwalker PvP ::
Grenade: Axion Bolt (best for generic harassment; Annihilate + Bloom/EtV)
Jump: Blink
Nova Bomb: Scatter (most effective standalone NB; Annihilate + Bloom/EtV)
Melee: Soul Rip (requires a kill to give benefit tho')
Arcane Slot: Arcane Force (max Armor & Agility, Warlocks already have decent Recovery)
Annihilate (increase NB & grenade AoE by 10%)
Order Slot: Divine Order (max Armor)
Bloom with The Ram or Embrace the Void with The Skull

Unfortunately as much as I'm "all about the Space Magic!", my play style is still more Old School FPS. That means that the vast majority of my kills are done with my Primary Weapon vs Blink-in-to-Melee-kill-to-fuel-Grenades/Super. So while I have run a mega-Energy Drain Warlock with The Skull in the past, I'm just not instinctively trying to close the distance into melee range with each engagement (which both The Ram & The Skull kind of require).

Call it lessons learned from shotgunners better than me but I'd much rather stay in the Medium range, use the Axion Bolt to get the enemy running at least if not take that first bite out of their armor and then outduel with a superior pulse rifle. My problem is that Blink is purely defensive for me right now, I just don't push my game into CQB naturally/instinctively... which is The Ram's forte so I'm wasting a Perk (Life Steal). :|

Basically (as a note to myself) I need to bring my CQB game to the fore and view my pulse rifle as a "secondary" weapon.

#nerding :)

November 17th, 2016, 09:26 AM
Phil. Sooooo. Where do I see the stats for AA, etc. For hand cannons.

Planet Destiny has a database for all weapons. Ever (http://db.planetdestiny.com/items/weapons?tier=24&sort=aim&desc=1)

Did some more reading and while I like how The Ram helmet looks and performs (still no clue if its Armor stacks with the Armor in Subclass Perks) in a standard shootout,

The Ram does stack onto the Subclass armor rating as well as the Chest piece Subclass Armor perk. The Ram adds +3 to armor rating. So you can Tank quite a bit.

Here is a link to a Reddit post about HP values and armor class. It's a bit old but still holds mostly true. Ram is only +3 now, not +5 as when that thread was started. (https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/3jdlbm/exact_pvp_player_hp_values_for_all_armor_builds/)

And check out the Crucible Playbook, it is a wealth of information. Especially the guide section (https://www.reddit.com/r/CruciblePlaybook/wiki/guides)

November 17th, 2016, 10:39 AM
Very helpful, thanks! :up: :up:

Too bad this Reddit post isn't kept up-to-date -- instead of a Level 7 Warlock w/. The Ram v2.0 having 212 HP, I'd roughly estimate "only" 205 HP. Still more than the Titan or Hunter of course, just not grossly so.

I'm going to also copy the necessary steps for a seriously tanking Sunsinger Warlock build, of course -- but I just like running Voidwalker more. :D

I like this old quote from the comments:

Destiny: where the Fighters are the quickest, the Mages are the tankiest, and the Rogues are the flashiest.

This game is still the absolute best evolution of the Phantasy Star Online gametype with still superb weapons-feel, plenty of dress-up options and still very enjoyable (and winnable!) PvE & PvP multiplayer. Nothing else comes close -- if it did, I'd be playing it. :finger:


Another good comment re: The Ram:

The Ram exists because Life Steal is hands-down the weakest defensive melee effect in the game, and because Voidwalkers have both a lower number of potential Armor + Agility points than every other subclass.

In order for a heal on melee focused build to work you need high Agility to close distances and high Armor to survive long enough to reach them. Warlocks cannot meaningfully invest in Armor and Agility at the same time, and their automatic 5 point investment in Recovery is meaningless when your build is focusing on healing through melee.

Meanwhile in order to have this bonus you are giving up Obsidian Mind, Voidfang Vestments and Nothing Manacles--vastly reducing your effectiveness in your role in consistent area burst damage.

TL;DR - The Ram is fine. It is the pitifully minimalistic scaling for armor ranks 1 through 10 and the removal of Illumination and Bastion bonuses that is nonsense.

Yeah so... there! :assclown:

November 17th, 2016, 11:05 AM
Jeez, I just put on some gear and shoot stuff.

November 17th, 2016, 11:28 AM
The beauty is, you can do that successfully too! :D But it's nice that this game also allows for some depth and thoughtful construction to it, too.

Destiny 2.0 is gonna be different, feel different, and a lot of Destiny players are gonna miss this game, mark my words... <3 <3 <3

November 18th, 2016, 05:28 AM
Agreed. There are many days I just hop on for 15-30 minutes and shoot stuff. But it is nice the game has enough depth to be able to geek out a bit as well.

As far as Destiny 2.0. I think they would make a huge mistake if the game felt different. It is the one element of the game that everyone agrees on, the game just feels good to play. Where some adjustments will definitely be made is in using current gen hardware which should allow for more elaborate level design, enemies, graphics, better tickrate etc. I'm excited to see what they can do by building the game to only work on current gen hardware.

One thing I've heard (grain of salt) is that the subclasses will not be the same. They will still use the same elements but there won't be a VoidWalker or Striker. They will mix them so say a Void Warlock may be a support class while the Solar will be a damage class etc. I'm excited by that.

I know they stated we would be able to carry our guardian through out the ten year plan. But it doesn't bother me at all if in Destiny 2.0 I have to start over.

November 18th, 2016, 05:47 AM
I'm just thinking about the change in feel from Halo to Halo 2 -- it was *heartbreaking* to me. I could never make that leap and was always a shadow of my old self. :(

Fortunately in this game I'm just an also-ran skill-wise, so the leap to D2.0 won't be as severe. But it'll feel different, I would bet on it.

Where some adjustments will definitely be made is in using current gen hardware which should allow for more elaborate level design, enemies, graphics, better tickrate etc. I'm excited to see what they can do by building the game to only work on current gen hardware.
Agreed, the easiest thing they could do for D2.0 is to make it bigger and even more beautiful. I fully expect to see many more cutscenes, hear about the hours and hours of voice acting, see an animated Grimoire for the lore, stable VR integration with Playstation VR, Oculus Rift, etc. More hidden branching-off areas mid-Strike like the quest for Black Spindle. These are the busywork elements that can be built out when you have a 400+ person dev team, mo-cap studios, orchestras, actors as fans, etc.

But I would be shocked if they added in anything fundamentally new like personal invite-only "Towers", rendered interiors of our starships, allowing us into the City, allowing us to build anything (customizable starships etc.), starship combat (PvE & PvP), things like that. I think since pretty much Year Two that Bungie Inc. has been scrambling to make new content for Destiny and building out D2.0 to be a BIG game.

Just my wild-ass guess but I don't think they're going to introduce a bunch of new formats until they've "perfected" the formula. I'd expect those types of introductions in D3.0

November 18th, 2016, 07:40 AM
Some (old) spoilery info I've found about D2.0 (http://www.bleedingcool.com/2016/09/27/report-says-destiny-2-will-massive-overhaul-might-not-bring-characters-coming-pc/):

They’re going to do more open playspaces that incorporate towns, outposts, etc into more common areas. This means fewer hardlines for areas and having them be gated (or queued) by menus. Goal is to have players conducting things & making activity decisions while still in control of their character, instead of having to exit out into an activity hub.

Think of how in WoW, you hit a button and queue into activities you want to do all while still playing your character.
Kotaku say these changes are so drastic that it’s possible that characters players own in the first game may not even carry over.

Shinobi also says that old areas could come back but they don’t really work in the framework of Destiny 2 in their current state. He also says that Destiny 2 will take Guardians to Saturn, and that the planet is currently as big as all the other areas currently in the game combined.

Now, take all of this with a grain of salt, but these outlets of information have a proven track record for stuff like this. Every one has little differences on what they are saying, so it’s worth keeping that in mind. Shinobi for example doesn’t say anything about losing your Guardians, which I know would be a huge issue for a lot of people.Bigger, prettier, deeper and restructured. :up: Hopefully they don't change the gameplay feel either.

EDIT: Just to add... (https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/5cskx7/met_cayde6_on_the_weekend/)

So I went to Supanova Convention (Brisbane, Australia) on the weekend specifically to get Nathan Fillion to sign my (his) book from TTK Collectors Edition. Everyone in front of me was getting Firefly memorabilia signed and it was really awesome to see his eyes light up at the sight of his book. He stood up and shook my hand and introduced himself and I had to ask if he was coming back (as Cayde-6) for Destiny 2 which he said he was.

Getting the opportunity to meet him and to hear that was fucking awesome and I totally did not have an erection walking away after that. He has to be one of the nicest celebrities I've met.
:lol: :up:

November 18th, 2016, 09:52 AM
Bungie gives 'Destiny' streamers a signal boost. (https://www.engadget.com/2016/11/11/bungie-destiny-twitch-companion-website/)

Just like on Twitch, watchers can engage with streamers and fellow viewers in Twitch Chat, but also see exactly what the player has equipped at any given moment. It's useful not only to see what gear they might be missing out on, but also to see how a particular load-out might help dispatch a particularly difficult boss. It also means the streamer doesn't have to waste time explaining their roll, allowing them to get on with the important tasks at hand.

The new feature isn't just aimed at top streamers who play games for a living. When Bungie's Twitch integration goes live, any Destiny player will be able to host their own stream on their profile page. Anyone hosting more than 77 non-consecutive hours on a channel linked to their Bungie.net account will get a "Can't Stop The Signal" emblem, showing the rest of the Destiny player base they're kind of a big deal.
I have neither watched a Twitch channel nor streamed anything -- but apparently some people do.

November 18th, 2016, 07:31 PM
A buddy does on occasion, mostly when we are traveling for quests etc

November 20th, 2016, 07:40 PM
Nightfall is tough this week, blimey. Splicer Priest?? Give me a break... :smh:

EDIT: Phil, did you guys get through it? My teams couldn't due to the Arc-damage Shanks.

November 21st, 2016, 06:37 AM
I didn't try it. From what I have read you have to damage the priest and then forget about him and the Ogre when the shanks appear and kill them immediately. If you have a titan have them pop a bubble (Blessing of Light) and then use it as cover from the priest while killing the shanks.

I've thought about Twitch streaming. And I've watched a few but they were run by Bungie as info dumps for TTK and ROI.

BTW, Carlo, up for some ToO? It's a decent place to get some higher level gear.

November 21st, 2016, 06:52 AM
Made it to 385 in no time on all my characters. Now, the game seems to want me to stay there.

I have never successfully completed a Nightfall Strike.

November 21st, 2016, 08:57 AM
Well the current Nightfall is definitely one to skip, Cam. :lol:

I didn't try it. From what I have read you have to damage the priest and then forget about him and the Ogre when the shanks appear and kill them immediately. If you have a titan have them pop a bubble (Blessing of Light) and then use it as cover from the priest while killing the shanks.
Yeah... it's tough to stay stationary with the teleporting Splicer Priest and his rumbling digital girlfriend the Ogre. :angry:

BTW, Carlo, up for some ToO? It's a decent place to get some higher level gear.
I definitely am but not tonight -- I'm signed up with a crew to work on Heroic-mode Wrath raid with folks from The100.io tonight. :hard:

November 21st, 2016, 12:01 PM
I'm now ll375

I have a ways to go. I have been working on my sniping to hop out in ToO. But I am still missing easy shots.

November 21st, 2016, 04:28 PM
My Titan is at 399 and I finally have a T12 build with her. It's a 5-5-2 build and I can build it with a Arc or Solar Armamentarium.

Most of the top end players snipe with a look sensitivity of 3. And they rush shotgun at 10. So if you wanna try to get better at either playstyle try changing your look sensitivity.

November 21st, 2016, 05:50 PM


November 22nd, 2016, 03:49 AM
Min-Maxing his stats, Tyler. Takes some serious grinding (and luck!) to do so. :up: :up:

How to Reach Tier 12 by Planet Destiny. (http://planetdestiny.com/get-tier-12/)

Unfortunately many pieces of armor are long out-of-date and cannot be regained by this point. Even tho' there's another 12 months of Destiny left before Destiny 2 drops, I truly wonder how much number crunching there will be done at this level? Hasn't the RoI DLC been out long enough now to get a measure of all its new gear? Yet spreadsheets and wiki page authors are silent and bring no updates...

EDIT: Phil, have you made it to the Lighthouse yet?

November 22nd, 2016, 10:57 AM
Accumulating the right gear for a T12 build isn't that difficult as long as you are willing to look like ass. I am vain as fuck when it comes to "Dressing up my dolls" as my wife would say, so it has taken me a little while.

And FYI, it is even easier with ROI. The gear you get as part of the ROI book can be obtained over and over again. Every time you open the package it will give you a different roll except for the weapon ammo perk. So you can just keep doing it till you have T12 roll.

And I have not made it to the Lighthouse. 8 wins is the best I have achieved which was during spooky Trials. This past week I only made it to 6 wins.

November 22nd, 2016, 11:54 AM
"Dressing up my dolls"

November 22nd, 2016, 12:10 PM
Hey I'm the same since Day 1 -- I've crushed so much good gear just because it looks like utter dreck. :lol: :up:

November 24th, 2016, 04:47 PM
Ah. Im T11+ with my current load out. Not interested in a 12. I'd need to get rid of the Lucky Raspberry. Not interested in losing the ability to spawn with a grenade everytime.

November 25th, 2016, 06:08 PM
Awww yiss!! :D

Used a Skeleton Key on the chest after killing Omnigul tonight -- and found a 400-rated Grasp of Malok pulse rifle! :rawk:

November 25th, 2016, 07:15 PM
So, I continue to only get 385 stuff now that I am 385. :-x

November 26th, 2016, 02:45 AM
Skeleton Keys, Archon's Forge in the Plaguelands, Crucible, and Nightfall (admittedly tough) will all drop 400-rated gear.

November 28th, 2016, 09:15 AM
So, I continue to only get 385 stuff now that I am 385. :-x

What Carlo said plus Iron Banner, Trials and Heroic Raid. And, FYI Faction packages and weekly Crucible quest provide rewards up to 390.

Honestly, the best path forward from what I have seen is play Crucible. Grab the weekly quest, pop a reputation booster, pop a 3oC every match. After 5-6 matches you will level up the Crucible reputation, after 5-6 more you will level up your Faction. You'll get 2-4 crucible endgame weapon rewards. Plus an Exotic or two. Just make sure you use the drops or infuse the drops into your gear as you go along. After a couple hours you'll be 387-388.

Then go run Archon's forge and get a ghost, artifact and class item. Rinse repeat. Maybe run some Trials.

Also, last year SRL provided a wealth of infusion fodder. So in a few weeks it could be raining 385+ armor.

__________________________________________________ ______
My Titan can be 400 LL due to running the raid twice though I have not finished it both times. My Normal checkpoint is at Aksis Pt1 and Heroic is at Aksis Pt2. It's pretty damn fun. Lots of orb throwing.

And I've been participating in Trials, a lot. Carlo is a ringer.

November 28th, 2016, 04:44 PM
Thanks Phil! :D

You're the Trials vet, of course. I was just trying to hold my end up. :hard:

November 29th, 2016, 03:28 AM
I need to just stop-stop-STOP joining random scrubs for HM Wrath Raid Challenge attempts. I've only gotten it to work once so far in this Raid, whereas I completed all Challenges in the HM TTK Raid with randos. :smh: :down:

The Challenge isn't even that hard! Gah! :angry:

November 29th, 2016, 09:10 PM
Up to a 388 doing crucible in a similar fashion as listed.

November 30th, 2016, 03:41 AM
Yep, gotta be done. :up: :up:

Alternately you can join groups on The100.io and start grinding the Wrath of the Machine raid like Cam & I did last night. :hard:

It was not only Cam's first time, it was almost everybody's first time in the two Fireteams meaning it was my first time to lead this raid! :lol: #errbodygonnadie

Going through the Wrath Raid on Normal also only drops 385 gear but you have to go through it on Normal a few times to understand how all of the mechanics work and how the Fireteams have to play together. It's like executing basketball or hockey plays, everyone needs to be flowing together at the right time to create opportunities to score. Takes practice -- and only THEN are you ready to add on further difficulty and responsibility of Heroic Mode. Tough but not impossible -- plus in addition to the highest LL gear I personally love how the Wrath Raid weapons look.

Eh we did pretty good, Cam did great for his first time and we almost finished it all in a single sitting. Not bad for a crew of freshies & n00bs. ;)

November 30th, 2016, 04:07 AM
Yeah, That was alright. We had good leadership. :)

November 30th, 2016, 04:42 AM
Thanks Cam! ;)

If you sign up at The100.io you can join me in this game (https://www.the100.io/game/853539) to finish up Aksis PT 2 tonight @ 7 PM CST.

November 30th, 2016, 05:12 AM
Spot was filled already. :(

November 30th, 2016, 05:18 AM
Ok no bigs, I will look for another game with open spots and post the link here. :) #easybutton

EDIT: Or I'll just schedule a game. (https://www.the100.io/gaming_sessions/853788) :up:

November 30th, 2016, 08:26 AM
Since you have the checkpoint, Can I me grab it off of you?

I can probably get three people for tonight. Nevermind you are full.

November 30th, 2016, 10:03 AM
Sorry Phil! :lol:

The100.io will also let you reserve a number of spots for a given game so if I know you're able to make it, I can always block off a slot.

Ideally we wouldn't even have to use The100.io for raids given that we do have enough available XBONE Destiny GTXers: Cam, Dennis, Kid, Phil & Chris, and me. Is Richerd playing Destiny on XBONE? Boda was for awhile...

November 30th, 2016, 07:10 PM
I was feeling pretty good about our performance. Too bad we could not get it done. What exactly happened to make you call it, Carlo?

December 1st, 2016, 03:53 AM
Mentally I was just toast, sorry Cam.

I was beyond frustrated that we had brought Aksis down to his last sliver of life 3 times (after wiping like 25+ times just to get to those points!).

First time we got close: I fucked up and lost my nerve, calling for everyone to go the Pillars. The SIVA alert was flashing and previously I had voluntarily wiped instead of cajoling everyone to go to a pillar to save the run. So in my head I was determined to call the run to the Pillars and save the overall run -- but I forgot that CAM IS A GODDAMN HERO! :lol: :up: He saved the round by throwing his last bomb at Aksis, ending the SIVA alert and starting the teleporting/damaging phase. Everyone jumped off the final pillar but we were nowhere near where we all needed to be and we missed the first Empowered slam. Then the SIVA alert started back up, we now had no pillar to run to and Carlo is the dirty dirty heel. Game over. :smh:

Second time we got close: Team is functioning really well, the rounds are going by smoothly, we're taking care of Empowered slams and damaging him pretty well. Round 4 (of 5 total possible) someone misses an Empowered slam so we run to the last pillar to save the run. Ok no bigs, we go through the 5th (Final & Enraged) run at a good clip and as we enter the damage phase, a player on our team drops out! :eek: Loses connection to the Raid but stays in the Party chat. The remaining Guardians bring Aksis down to 1 fucking pixel column on his life bar before the SIVA alert kills us all.:angry:My spirit is now broken.

Third time we got close: Basically a repeat of the above. Same guy, same Final & Enraged round, he loses connection to the Raid but stays in Party. We all die. I am done and ragequit as politely & gracefully as possible. :lol:

Phil, did you get to finish off the fight?

December 1st, 2016, 04:12 AM
That was an extremely polite rage-quit. :lol:

December 1st, 2016, 05:20 AM
I tried to be! :D

I've set up another game for tonight @ 7:30 PM on The100.io. (https://www.the100.io/gaming_sessions/854464) #dickjokes

December 1st, 2016, 07:13 AM
My account is too new to give karma. :(

December 1st, 2016, 07:54 AM
Depending on your schedule, you can pick up a few quick games at The100.io to get your account some XP. Daily Heroic Missions, Prison of Elders, Court of Oryx and Nightfalls are probably the most common.

Or just Raid, Raid, Raid! :D

December 1st, 2016, 08:14 AM
I'LL RAID YOU! :finger:

December 1st, 2016, 08:59 AM
Phil, did you get to finish off the fight?

I grabbed the checkpoint from Cam but I did not Raid last night. I have not completed the Raid as of yet either and I've only tried Aksis Pt2 on Heroic. Hopefully we can get together sometime this week.

I ended up soloing the Nightfall from the rafters. I only need one more completion to finish my Record Book.

December 1st, 2016, 09:34 AM
You are a hoss all around, Phil. :hard:

We still have some open slots in the game tonight... ;)

December 1st, 2016, 06:31 PM
Ahhh... the sweet-sweet-SWEET release of killing Aksis in three runs. :rawk:

Cam & I also knocked out this week's Nightfall. #productive

December 1st, 2016, 07:38 PM
Yeah, that was satisfying to finally git'er done. Thanks for carrying me through the Nightfall. Tough.

December 2nd, 2016, 04:12 AM
Nah you brought plenty of heroics to the party! :up:

This week's Nightfall is pretty easy even as a standup fight, actually. This guy uses my typical hiding spot that I use with my Warlock to solo it.


Just takes awhile. :D


So Cam, you ready to work on the Raid with another 'toon? I'm busy tonight & tomorrow but Sunday afternoon should be doable for me.

December 2nd, 2016, 04:59 AM
Yeah, sure. :)

December 2nd, 2016, 02:49 PM
Just did Crota's End twice with a cool group from The100, second time flawlessly. It was a good time.

December 3rd, 2016, 04:02 AM
It's a decent place to find peeps. ;) :up:

December 3rd, 2016, 07:27 PM
Just did Wrath of the Machine with a drunken crew, or something. It was a bad time. :|

December 3rd, 2016, 07:44 PM

December 4th, 2016, 02:08 AM
A few of the guys just were not very good, getting their lefts and rights mixed up even. They were often dying too, playing wrecklessly. The leader was not good at explaining what needed to be done. The final fight took way longer than it should have.

December 4th, 2016, 12:12 PM
Jeez, I need to be more discerning about the games I join. :/

December 4th, 2016, 01:39 PM

December 4th, 2016, 06:19 PM
:up: :up:

Cam, I gotta say I did t think that last group had it in 'em to kill Aksis. Glad I was wrong. ;) #lol

December 4th, 2016, 07:17 PM
The one dude that dropped just was not good enough. Your addition pulled up the quality of the group significantly. Thanks! :) :up:

I joined them because they appeared to be an experienced crew, by the100. I found out once I got in that only two of the players had completed the raid multiple times. The host had not finished it at all. He had the checkpoint at the last fight and just wanted to finish it. We failed miserably many times before you joined. I was doing my part, near the top of the leaderboard every time we wiped. :lol:

I am just trying to increase my rep and experience.

December 5th, 2016, 03:54 AM
It can certainly be a crapshoot. ;)

Tonight I'm going to continue working finishing up bounties with my Titan and leveling up my Stormcaller instead of raiding. Nightfalls tomorrow so I might not Raid until Wednesday at the earliest.

If your 'toon is up over LL 390, you should start joining some Heroic Mode Raids. :up: :up:

December 5th, 2016, 04:35 AM
I plan on it. Not tonight though, we have dinner guests.

December 5th, 2016, 10:45 PM
I'm up to 390.

December 6th, 2016, 03:52 AM
Did some good work last night in the Trials of Osiris with Phil & his buddy Chris. :up:

Tough grind, tho'. We came up against a team of killers that absolutely shut us out -- they are undoubtedly Lighthouse regulars. OTOH, I should have just left the sniper rifle alone and stuck with my Villainy pulse rifle & Invective Exotic shotgun combo. That's my jam -- and I got pulled out of my game due to the big map. Ah well, we'll get 'em next time. :)

Lastly, I did get rewarded with my first set of LL 400 gauntlets so at least I got paid. :lol:

EDIT: Also on a personal note, I find it funny how attached I am to Blink jumping now. When I first tried it two years ago, I was lost and bewildered. Completely ineffective jumping on any level, I had to use Glide for the longest time -- and for good reason as all the top tier players use Glide!

But lately (read: in the past year) I've been using Blink more and more in PvP. In Year One it was easy to Blink in for cheap shotgun kills but now Bungie has put in the weapon switch time at the top of the Blink making the use of Blink dangerous for aggressive push use against experienced opponents (imagine getting sniped at the top of the Blink -- it happens). But it's still good against lesser players. ;)

So I've been trying to get myself reacquainted with Glide -- and last night in ToO combat I just couldn't deal, I had to go back to Blink. :lol: #mommy

December 6th, 2016, 12:19 PM
Seems apripo....:lol:


December 6th, 2016, 05:34 PM
Got Treads Upon Stars again for the 12th time. :roll:

Finished the Nightfall, got Super Good Advice, one of the only exotics that character was carrying. :roll:

Seriously, WTF? I've only discovered about 50% of the exotics and it keeps giving me stuff I already have. :|

December 6th, 2016, 09:58 PM
I played iron banner rift the tonight. Everyone on my team was ll390 or lower ( I was highest), everyone on their team was 400. It was a fucking slaughter fest. I don't quit mat he's often

December 7th, 2016, 03:33 AM
Yeah when the Iron Banner opens, it's always filled with garbage since you don't have to be good to get good swag.

Make sure you're carrying the IB bounties, Tyler. They're very easy to complete and give out good stuff. :up:

December 7th, 2016, 07:34 AM
I find it fascinating to look at my Crucible stats. (http://destinytracker.com/destiny/character/xbox/novicius/2305843009216777337)

Note that my K/D ratio is an extremely pedestrian 1:1. Ah, changing to my main character shows a much more reasonable & respectable shotgun usage percentage.

I am going to switch from shotgun to Plan-C fusion rifle tho'. I want to get good at the instavape first shot from that sucker. :up:

Other stats of note:
Win/Loss Ratio: 46.5% :lol:
Average Lifespan: 51s :lol:
Zones Neutralized: Top 5% :hard:
Offensive Kills: Top 5% :hard:

So basically I'm a charge-into-battle and neutralize-the-enemy's-capture kinda player. Absolutely no guarantee of victory! :D #moredeathsequalsmorekills

Also note that Phil is empirically better at this game than I am (http://destinytracker.com/destiny/character/xbox/bergkoenig/2305843009215596612). :angry::D :up:

December 7th, 2016, 08:40 AM
Rift is by far the worst game type when it comes to playing by yourself. It is a team game that requires a team that communicates. And a bunch of randoms will be demolished by a 6-man person team. I don't play the game type at all.

Thus, I may play a few games with my Titan to hopefully get a Distant Star but I will probably avoid it like the plague this week.

And I'm only better than Carlo in that I have played the game more and have accumulated more stuff. :) I'd say on a whole we are equal players in PvP.

December 7th, 2016, 08:43 AM
I got a Distant Star last night, Phil -- but since I don't use Scout Rifles, it went to making my Villainy a 400. :lol:

December 7th, 2016, 08:50 AM
IB works great for that. After last Iron Banner I had received enough gear to make all my characters have a 400 Primary, 400 Heavy, 400 Chest and 400 Boots. But like I said, F' Rift. I'll play a few games and then if I get a decent Distant Star I'll be done.

And I love Plan C. When I get the timing down it is a beautiful thing. Just melts the shotgun rushers. I also like using my Saladin's Vigil with LinearComp/Braced Frame/Snapshot/Rangefinder. I am definitely a part of Voopnation.

December 7th, 2016, 09:28 AM
I only ever played Crucible for quest requirements, but my K/D is 0.81.

December 7th, 2016, 09:39 AM
Yeah since I need a goddamn LL400 Ghost, I'll probably be milking Archon's Forge and hoping for a Saladin's Vigil. I also need to pick up The Waiting from FWC too and try it out (looks like a heavier and slightly less stable version of SV). :up:

I did get a Branded Lord fusion rifle and didn't do too badly (quick charge rate helps) -- but it throws 7 bolts?! Fuuuck that. :lol: :down:

December 7th, 2016, 03:58 PM
I fucking hate the fusion rifles and the range they have. I have switched back to the MIDA Multitool and 1000-yard stare with the radiant dance machines. Starting to get good with that combo. My KD per match is consistently above 1.0, and my sniper kills are starting to come around. I have been going for body shots with fast follow ups and have had some success with the combo. Especially if rusher is supered.

December 7th, 2016, 04:09 PM
You play on the Xbone? Aren't you CoagulantDog175?

December 7th, 2016, 06:25 PM

Not really sure why I switched back to the ps after having xb360

December 7th, 2016, 06:42 PM
Boooo. ;) I was wondering why I never saw you online.

December 7th, 2016, 08:53 PM
After my Xbox was stolen, I thought I'd play GT online. Buuuuuuuut that hasntade it onto the ps4 yet. If ever.

December 8th, 2016, 04:19 AM
Got my LL 400 Ghost from Archon's Forge but still no Saladin's Vigil. The search continues.

Then got roped into rolling with Phil & Co on Iron Banner. We didn't do too badly. :rawk:


We had an epic match on Bannerfall where the other team lead the entire time and we absolutely snuck out the victory at the zero hour. :up: :up:

In other news, I *hate* the Skyline map. :| Ah well, it was a damn good night. I'm absolutely loaded up on 400 gear now, got quite a bit of 400 Legendary gear while playing and I'm just waiting for a 400 IB Helmet to drop.

Lastly: Phil, that Stein Duster guy has a 24% usage rate with his Shotgun (http://destinytracker.com/destiny/character/xbox/Stein%20Duster/2305843009316606620) -- whatta DOUCHE!! :lol: (In case this humor isn't clear, my Shotgun usage percentage is 21% (http://destinytracker.com/destiny/character/xbox/novicius/2305843009216777337) <-- also douchey. :lol: )

December 8th, 2016, 07:50 PM
Did some decent work tonight -- and finally got my helmet.

Now LL 400. :hard:

December 8th, 2016, 08:12 PM
Well, novi, the raid went poorly. Again, I was certainly doing my part, having done the most work after every wipe. We had a last-moment addition before we started, who claimed he had finished heroic many times. Alas, he was screwing up the most. Part one of Vosis went by quick. Part two is where we got stymied. Last-minute guy quit, claiming he had stuff to do. Then, we got a random kid who never finished the raid, even on normal. We gave him a chance, but it just did not work out. Time was up. We could have used your moxie, but I do not blame you for declining. It was frustrating.

December 9th, 2016, 05:04 AM
Yeah sorry Cam, I just wasn't in the right mindset to make the attempt. ;)

When Iron Banner is on, I focus on that. More drops and up to 400's. :up: :up:

December 9th, 2016, 07:26 AM
Been a good morning on my Flex Day (I get every other Friday off): unlocked Thorn! :hard:

Also got a few more 400's including Leg Armor from IB. :up: One more 400 helmet and I'll have an entire 2nd set of 400 armor.

December 9th, 2016, 08:56 AM
I'm willing to help you out Cam. I'm sure my buddy Chris would help as well. So that could be four with Carlo.

And Carlo, you ready for some ToO on Shores of Time. :D

December 9th, 2016, 09:28 AM
This was a random group from the100. They seemed like nice guys for the most part. The kid was annoying/inept though.

Funniest moment from last night: Kid's mic was very quiet. The rest of the guys commented on it. Kid claimed he is a quiet kid. One of the other players said something to the effect of, "Well, quiet kids are usually good at shooting things." Ouch. :lol:

December 9th, 2016, 11:04 AM
I'm up for whatever. :popcorn:

December 9th, 2016, 11:09 AM
Thanks for the offer Phil. I will certainly take you up on that at some point. Difficult to predict my availability tonight. I'll certainly be playing over the week-end though.

December 9th, 2016, 02:13 PM
Got Treads Upon Stars again for the 12th time. :roll:

Finished the Nightfall, got Super Good Advice, one of the only exotics that character was carrying. :roll:

Seriously, WTF? I've only discovered about 50% of the exotics and it keeps giving me stuff I already have. :|
Buy Alchemist's Raiment from Xur. Turn in a few engrams at the Cryptarch. Get Alchemist's Raiment. Thanks Bungie. :rolleyes: :lol: :smh:

December 9th, 2016, 03:08 PM

I worked on my RoI book this afternoon. Finished up some easy stuff and have to win 3 more Supremacy matches to hopefully unlock the RoI ship! :D

December 10th, 2016, 09:09 AM
Supremacy is easy. Invective or matador, crank look speed, agility, and run in grips of three

December 10th, 2016, 09:29 AM
Buy Alchemist's Raiment from Xur. Turn in a few engrams at the Cryptarch. Get Alchemist's Raiment. Thanks Bungie. :rolleyes: :lol: :smh:
Do raid. Get two Cosmoclast Marks at the same time. Thanks Bungie. :rolleyes:

December 11th, 2016, 11:35 AM
Just completed my first heroic raid. It was tough, even with a group of good guys. We were trying to do the challenge first, but gave up on it because we were short on time.

December 11th, 2016, 05:32 PM
:up: :up:

I worked the Iron Banner pretty steadily this weekend. Was finally rewarded with my 3rd 400 helmet tonight. #whew

I did get plenty of other swag tho' so that's good. Also got a few games in with Rypien tonight so I had to put on the moves for him. :lol:

December 12th, 2016, 04:22 AM
IB works great for that. After last Iron Banner I had received enough gear to make all my characters have a 400 Primary, 400 Heavy, 400 Chest and 400 Boots. But like I said, F' Rift. I'll play a few games and then if I get a decent Distant Star I'll be done.
You know, for the first time ever I played as the Spark this past weekend -- which is NOT to say you haven't played as the Spark, Phil. Just noting that I changed the way I play and it was fresh and new to me. Just would hate to think you wouldn't want to play Rift in the future! ;)

I need (much) more practice but it was a positively fun time changing my game, taking on more responsibility and playing a potentially frustrating gametype in a new way. :up:

The downside is that more often than not, I was one of the bodycount kings (or at least the Matchmaking formula positioned me to be) on my random teams. So taking my focus off of killin' and putting on the slam-dunk meant that my weak teams would lose. I went through a solid 8-game losing streak on Saturday! But learning how to balance the duties, taking point and grabbing the Spark and getting a cap (oftentimes the first cap) and then moving back to a pure kill mode, etc., just all very enjoyable than simply straight deathmatching.

Doesn't hurt that my personal stats were also good through that losing streak (http://destinytracker.com/destiny/games/xbox/novicius/2305843009216777337). My K/D is now 1.01:1! :D #watchout #moralvictory

EDIT: Oh yeah, I did pitch an absolute shit game last night on Bannerfall. Just got sat on by this guy Reapor Hydra (http://destinytracker.com/destiny/character/xbox/Reapor%20Hydra/2305843009363633968)and so I had to look him up.

In addition to the fact that his overall gametime is extremely short (less than 48 hours of gameplay?! Gotta be a second account, either PS4/XBONE or was banned before), his #1 method of killing is Melee -- as a Titan! :lol: Gotta be Bubble Titan-ing his way through the game although he didn't do it in my game. His average kill distance was 26.3m and his most used weapon was No Land Beyond, a bolt-action sniper rifle!

My head hurts trying to figure out this guy's game. :? :lol: :up:

December 12th, 2016, 05:28 AM
I'll play Rift but only with a group of people. Honestly, I didn't mind playing this past weekend with the group. It was fun. Otherwise it can be utterly frustrating when matched against a 3+ player team. It is a team game mode that requires a team.

Anyways, I achieved what I wanted to achieve, I got to Level 5 and bought The Distant Star from Lady Efrideet.

I played a little Trials last night and the LFG group I was with got to 4-0 without using our Mercy. We then got the shitty spawn four straight times and proceeded to lose four straight. Honestly, I think the people in my group were too occupied with sniping. When we moved up and got in the faces of the opposing team we did well. So, if you are up to it Carlo, I think we could do well.

Looking forward to The Dawning and some racing action. :up:

December 12th, 2016, 05:35 AM
Well I am shite with the sniper rifles so yeah, I'll press. My game is all about medium-range duels and CQB shotgun/whaps. :D

December 12th, 2016, 05:48 AM
I went from never raiding to raiding WotM every day, sometimes twice. :lol:

Novi convinced me to do one Crucible game and I was reminded why I do not play PvP.

December 12th, 2016, 06:23 AM
:lol: (For context: we played one Daily Crucible challenge Control match on the decayed urban Parisian-feeling TTK Memento map in the European Dead Zone. We lost.)

It was pretty much all CQB, hectic and a straight-up twitchfest. Cam, I see you're using the new Raid shotgun QUANTIPLASM~? That is actually not a great shotgun -- although it has decent punch and the range is also workable, the rate of fire is painfully slow and its perks are all speed-based so if you're not used to blink-jumping around your target, you're missing out on its advantages such as they are. If you're getting into a sweaty match with this shottie, you're going to be fighting with one hand behind your back.

Do you have an older New Monarchy Burden of Proof XI shotgun in your Vault at all, Cam? That's a good quicker-firing shottie. :up: Otherwise there's Dead Orbit's Last Ditch 001 (but it's Dead Orbit so y'know there's that :lol: ). I can't find anyone reviewing or even listing the Crucible Vendor's shotgun so it must suck.

I use the Exotic Shotgun Invective, mainly because it generates ammo. It also has decent perks and its full-auto (but I rarely use that ability). So if you have one, I highly recommend it -- it's so choice. :D :up:

December 12th, 2016, 08:14 AM
Thanks for the tips, but as you know, I am not concerned about min/maxing my characters or playing PvP. Yes, I do have a couple of Burden of Proofs on my Titan, one of which fires full auto so fast it's uncontrollable. :eek: :lol: It's awesome for taking down Fallen captains.

I got Invective just the other day.

December 12th, 2016, 08:25 AM
I hear you and I won't twist your arm to PvP again but if you do go, know that QUANTIPLASM~ isn't the shottie to roll with. :up:

Invest in Invective! Note that on the full-auto shotties, I still do individual trigger pulls 95% of the time in order to aim. ;)

I will jump back into Wrath raiding once Iron Banner ends (probably Wednesday night).

December 12th, 2016, 08:36 AM
"it regens it's own ammo!" :D

December 12th, 2016, 08:37 AM
:lol: :up:

I fucked the game!!

December 12th, 2016, 09:20 AM
I signed up to do the Vault of Glass tonight. :hard:

December 12th, 2016, 09:47 AM
Have you done it before? :lol: :up:

December 12th, 2016, 09:59 AM
We need to get together some night and do the WOTM raid and collect the monitors for Outbreak Prime.

For reference. Especially the binary code for the 4th monitor (https://www.vg247.com/2016/09/29/destiny-rise-of-iron-4th-monitors-puzzle-binary-code-wrath-of-the-machine-raid/)

December 12th, 2016, 10:14 AM
Wednesday night starting at 7 PM CST is when I'm available the earliest for this attempt. :D

December 12th, 2016, 10:19 AM
From two years ago:

To add some excitement, I decided to go to the tower and wait until someone invited me to their game. I didn't have to wait long. Some dude was putting a raiding party together with a checkpoint just at the final boss, Atheon. Some of the guys were experienced, but I had never done it before. We decided to try to just push him off the cliff. We were successful after the fifth try or so. We swapped a couple of players and did it again on the first try. It took us, like, a minute. :lol: All I got was a legendary scout rifle.
I have not done VoG from start to finish.

December 12th, 2016, 10:36 AM
Take your VoC. It is still one of the best weapons for Oracles.

December 12th, 2016, 10:44 AM
VoC? Phil, you have to dumb it down for some of us.

December 12th, 2016, 10:49 AM
Vision of Confluence. :thppt: :P :p :toast: The Legendary scout rifle you referenced from two years ago.

And Hey CARLO!

Get on my level.

December 12th, 2016, 10:58 AM
That old thing? I sold that obsolete gun at the North Tower flea market for 10 glimmer so long ago I don't remember.

December 12th, 2016, 11:04 AM
"Wow, you need to fuck off."

December 12th, 2016, 11:09 AM
And Hey CARLO!

Get on my level.
Salty! :D

Sorry for poking the bear, Phil, I know you were doing work yesterday. ;)

What I want to know is what is THIS guy up to? Using a Rare when you're 395? Really??


I mean I love me some Izdubar-D -- I still have mine in my vault but c'mon, rollin' wit it?? :lol:

December 12th, 2016, 11:11 AM
"Wow, you need to fuck off."
:lol: :lol: :lol:

December 12th, 2016, 12:11 PM
Salty! :D Sorry for poking the bear, Phil, I know you were doing work yesterday. ;)

What I want to know is what is THIS guy up to? Using a Rare when you're 395? Really??

I mean I love me some Izdubar-D -- I still have mine in my vault but c'mon, rollin' wit it?? :lol:

I hope you weren't taking me seriously. Saying "Get on my Level" is stated as a huge tongue and cheek.

As far as the guy with the Izdubar-D. I can almost guarantee that guy has a twitch channel where he is broadcasting the use of the weapon. That guy has a Scarab Emblem which means not only has he gone 9-0, but to get the Scarab you have to continue to get wins. As you progress, 10-0, 11-0 etc you play other teams that are 9-0, 10-0, 11-0 etc. And the chances of getting the Scarab emblem are increased. It's a way for the super elite ToO players to show off.

And being 395 versus 400 is virtually the same.

December 12th, 2016, 12:18 PM
No worries I got you, bud. ;)

The gun caught my eye 'cause I enjoyed it so much that I kept mine in case I came across a Legendary built on the same frame. No such luck so far.

December 12th, 2016, 12:22 PM
Saying "Get on my Level" is stated as a huge tongue and cheek.
It's a special moment when I've had a teammate carry me through a long night of tough gaming, then finding one stat on one round/level where I beat them by the slimmest margin and saying "hey Carlo, work on your objective time buddy."

December 12th, 2016, 12:32 PM
The gun caught my eye 'cause I enjoyed it so much that I kept mine in case I came across a Legendary built on the same frame. No such luck so far.

Arminius-D From the Gunsmith?

December 12th, 2016, 12:34 PM
It's a special moment when I've had a teammate carry me through a long night of tough gaming, then finding one stat on one round/level where I beat them by the slimmest margin and saying "hey Carlo, work on your objective time buddy."
Yep this. :up: :up:

Phil, I'll check it out.

December 12th, 2016, 04:09 PM
Well, that Vault of Glass run was lame. There were four guys in the party that had done it numerous times. Yet, none of them were explaining what was going on. Example one, "Oh, you shot the oracles in the wrong order." I responded, "Oh, there's an order?" Example two, "You're not holding the gate open." My response, "There's a gate I'm supposed to hold open?" FFS. :rolleyes:

I got nothing from that raid, except ascendant materials. :|

December 13th, 2016, 04:12 AM
Just got my shit DESTROYED last night. :lol:


After that first 7-17 game I thought, did that really happen? Am I really that bad?

Next game, totally different and new players and >clunk< laid that follow up 8-17. :lol:

Phil, looks like I should've stayed up and rolled with you guys, you did much better than me (http://destinytracker.com/destiny/games/xbox/bergkoenig/2305843009215596612). Voopnation in the house! Crazy good work with that Havoc Pigeon sidearm, son! :up: :up:

December 13th, 2016, 07:52 AM
The 10 minute defeat must have been frustrating as shit. That's a fast ass kicking.

December 13th, 2016, 08:26 AM
Mercy Rule kicked in, I believe.

Also, there was an extended period of several hours between those two games. I did a Daily with Cam and futzed around with my gear for a bit before logging off to get dinner ready and spend time with the family. The second game then took place around 7 PM and I picked right up where I had left off -- eating pixelated shit. :lol:

December 13th, 2016, 08:52 AM
We had two games a couple days ago where we Mercy Ruled the other team within 5.5 minutes in Iron Banner.

The games that Carlo is referencing are Clash matches and they usually only last about 10 minutes. Mercy Rule was not enabled and the games were all close, within 5-600 points. Which is only 4-6 kills in Clash. It's pretty hard to Mercy Rule a team in Clash.

Mercy Rule is enabled when one team has 60% of the winning score before the other team has 20%.

December 13th, 2016, 08:58 AM
Phil with the knowledge. :up: :up:

December 13th, 2016, 09:12 AM
I have been a part of a mercy rule on clash, once.

I was on the giving end. So it was pretty rad. I think the highest death could t on our team was like 5 or 6. One of our guys had 20 kills and 4 deaths.

December 13th, 2016, 09:13 AM
2 Gb update started.

December 13th, 2016, 12:21 PM
Sparrow racing involves more load time than racing. :|

Kinda fun though, in a Wipeout kind of way.

December 13th, 2016, 09:08 PM
Earned a whole new 'speeder' outfit. I got a whole 'circuit' outfit too, but it is unaffected by shaders. :? Racing is dropping some high-light-level gear.

December 14th, 2016, 03:42 AM
I completely forgot about this update until I sat down to my Xbox after putting my son to bed. :lol:

Looked at it briefly this morning: well the Tower looks like something straight out of a Rankin-Bass stop-motion Christmas special. Don't know if that's a good or bad thing.

The Dawning Warlock armor looks good, will have to work on that -- and of course Icebreaker is back. It's quite possibly the best gun in the game. ;)

December 14th, 2016, 05:43 AM
I found it funny when lining up to race, everyone else has their big, flashy outlandish outfits with capes, horns, feathers, etc. and here I am with my simple, sleek, aerodynamic racing suit. :lol:

Didn't help me. :(


It doesn't even look like a titan. :lol: In-game, the visor is black and shiny.

December 14th, 2016, 07:55 AM
Fucking Robert Downey Jr. over here

December 14th, 2016, 10:49 AM
I rock my racing suit. It's SRL, plus the suit makes me faster because of the perks. I have enough gear laying around to make my character 399 when wearing it so it only makes sense.

I think most people are wearing their usual gear because they want the drops for infusion. With the 5 minute race times it is a great place to collect infusion fodder through end race rewards and 3oC.

December 14th, 2016, 04:16 PM
Signed up to do Kings Fall. Two of the party members are so drunk they can barely speak or play. :rolleyes:

Edit: Jeezus, this is effing painful waiting for one shit-faced dude to do a jumping bit. It's been like 25-30 minutes. :|

Edit 2: It took the guy 45 minutes to finish the one jumping bit (the big chasm on the Dreadnought) before the sisters. It was painful. I did it in a minute or two and I never did it before. I quit once we got the checkpoint. I could not stand it any more.

December 15th, 2016, 04:46 AM
Yeah I will say that I do ragequit past (or attempting) certain checkpoints while raiding if I don't like the group. Good move. :up:

I was online for a bit last night but only saw you raiding, Cam. Since Phil & Co weren't online when I was on, I went back to GTA V. :lol:

December 15th, 2016, 09:30 AM
I got lucky with the100, Boda hooked me up with a really good group of guys for The Division. Maybe you just need a different group?

December 15th, 2016, 09:46 AM
I have been using the100 for a few weeks now. I got good groups until last night. I hope it will be an isolated incident.

December 15th, 2016, 09:55 AM
Keep your own blacklist of bad players...

Keith probably has a spreadsheet for that.

December 15th, 2016, 10:07 AM
Hmm, that's actually not that hard to do...

December 15th, 2016, 10:17 AM
He seemed like a good guy. It's just that he was so shit-faced-drunk that he was slurring his speech. The other drunk guy rage-quit at the jumping-on-the-hive-ships section.

December 15th, 2016, 10:18 AM
So Beam team? ;)

December 15th, 2016, 11:20 AM
I was gonna ask.... was his name SamuraiNigel? :)

BTW, Keith, what is your excuse now? (https://www.amazon.com/Destiny-Collection-Xbox-One-Standard/dp/B01K63R7EW/ref=gbps_tit_s-3__8fc2a6d5?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_p=41fd713f-6bfe-4299-a021-d2b94872bb19&pf_rd_s=slot-3&pf_rd_t=701&pf_rd_i=gb_main&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=4QK2SCAXXRKENR5AVK27&th=1)

December 15th, 2016, 11:39 AM
Me farm Nightfall. Want Icebreaker. Who in? :P

December 15th, 2016, 12:10 PM
I'm booked tonight. :cool: #rogueone

December 15th, 2016, 12:11 PM
Hmm, $25 is a really nice price. And I did just beat Titanfall 2's campaign.

Maybe I'll want something grindable with two weeks off. We'll see.

December 15th, 2016, 12:12 PM
2 weeks off?!!?!?

December 15th, 2016, 12:16 PM
Yeah, I had 8+ days of vacation left, and two work holidays for Christmas.

December 16th, 2016, 07:48 AM
Well, did you buy it?

After only acouple days of playing I achieved Level 5 in SRL. Seems much much easier than last year. I think last year that each level above Level 2 was 3000 EXP. This year it is 1500. I also completed all the SRL tasks in the Record Book. Only thing I have to achieve is S-Class License.

Last night I spent my time playing strikes for the Vanguard Elite section of the Record Book. Pretty fun. It feels like after 10-15 strikes I'll be able to complete most of that page. Having a Zhalo certainly helps to make the Strikes move along quickly due to the Arc Burn modifier this week.

December 16th, 2016, 08:32 AM
Well, did you buy it?
Nope, bought porn instead :up:

December 16th, 2016, 09:13 AM
People buy porn?

December 16th, 2016, 09:18 AM
Priorities :up:

December 16th, 2016, 09:37 AM
Thanks for supporting the arts, Kch! :lol:

December 19th, 2016, 03:43 AM
:lol: :up:

I've been busy with fam and then when I have been free, I've been feeling too sick to get amped up to compete.

So in short, I've been chillin' out with GTA V single player for the past week. :D

December 19th, 2016, 08:02 AM
I think I ODed on this game this week. Gotta back off a bit. :o

December 19th, 2016, 08:11 AM
Yep definitely -- a steady diet of sweaty games for weeks on end can be like living on nothing but Monster, Rockstar & Red Bull energy drinks. :lol: #casual4lyfe

December 19th, 2016, 08:33 AM
When Lori's away, Cammie will play! :D

December 19th, 2016, 09:13 AM

This thread delivers on this page.

December 19th, 2016, 05:50 PM
I realized a new feature that should be implemented: disable other players' sparrow horns. :/

December 20th, 2016, 04:39 AM
You are rivaling George in curmudgeoness. :)

December 20th, 2016, 07:09 AM
I just play a curmudgeon on the internet. :P

December 21st, 2016, 09:16 AM
People can pick on this game and in some instances they are spot on but that doesn't take away from the artistry and art direction of the game. The subtle features that while you don't realize they are happening would probably stand out if they didn't. Like the Sunbreaker Titan pushing off on his right foot and then pivoting on his left for the Suncharge or the persons body absorbing the hit and then vaporizing for Bladedancer, bringing up the feet for the leap animation for the Nightstalker, etc.


December 21st, 2016, 10:58 PM
Currently trying out new snipers. I love the black spindle and the way it handles. But I can't use it and the MIDA. I hate the 1kYS I have and am waiting on another drop, but I feel the Event Horizon is my better bet. Wait for it to come in at the store and pick up the loadout i want.

December 22nd, 2016, 10:42 AM
Got like three or four wins in a row in sparrow racing, but it was only for the A class license. :( I wish it would remember your wins for S class.

December 22nd, 2016, 11:57 PM
SRL was super easy for me. There are a few maps with some major shortcuts

December 23rd, 2016, 05:35 AM
Seriously, what kind of drugs do you have to be on to be mashing the horn button the entire race? :erm:

December 23rd, 2016, 05:47 AM
Red Bull and youth

December 23rd, 2016, 06:45 PM
My female warlock looks sexy in her speeder outfit. Earlier, I was doing something at the vault in the tower. I exited to discover another player looking me up and down. Moments later, the player added me as a friend. :rolleyes: :lol:

December 28th, 2016, 10:47 AM
I mean I love me some Izdubar-D -- I still have mine in my vault but c'mon, rollin' wit it?? :lol:
I just got an Izdubar-D. I have not tried it yet.

December 31st, 2016, 10:01 AM
Got my first piece of 400LL equipment.

December 31st, 2016, 04:07 PM
:up: :up:

December 31st, 2016, 05:07 PM
Where ya been, novi?

December 31st, 2016, 07:56 PM
Chillin' in Los Santos my man. :cool:

January 2nd, 2017, 02:04 PM
Enjoying Cracked's Escort Mission series on YouTube.


January 3rd, 2017, 03:37 AM

January 3rd, 2017, 09:17 AM

Pretty damn funny. And also extremely outdated. But it does sum up the PvE experience at that time. (Pre HoW/Spring 2015). :)

January 3rd, 2017, 02:58 PM
Got Icebreaker. :)

January 3rd, 2017, 03:12 PM
Fantastic!! :up: :up:

Did you ever get Black Spindle?

January 3rd, 2017, 03:26 PM
No, but I have not gone out of my way to get it.

January 3rd, 2017, 03:45 PM
Should probably take about 10 minutes at this point.

January 3rd, 2017, 03:51 PM
And Carlo get one my level.


January 3rd, 2017, 05:25 PM
Black spindle is my go to sniper.

Love the quick zoom of it and Mulligan.

January 16th, 2017, 08:43 AM
I finally put my head down and got the Outbreak Prime Quest. Now, onto completing the quest.

Carlo or Cam, you up for a little Destiny? Chris and I need a Warlock to help with the quest.

January 16th, 2017, 11:11 AM
Sure. :)

January 16th, 2017, 04:16 PM
Good man, Cam! :D :up:

January 16th, 2017, 06:57 PM
I was online earlier, but was sleepy, so I went to bed early. However, I've just been lying here surfing the 'net on my phone. :o

January 17th, 2017, 06:07 AM
Chris and I usually jump on around 9:30-10:00. Is that too late for you?

January 17th, 2017, 09:28 AM
Not normally, but last night I was feeling really sleepy at 9 for some reason. *shrug*

January 17th, 2017, 02:51 PM
Dang, I just remembered that all the participating characters have to have the quest in order to help get Outbreak Prime. I have only done it with my hunter. Sorry. :(

January 17th, 2017, 03:40 PM
That's not true. You can help us with the first part.

January 17th, 2017, 03:57 PM
Alrighty then. Invite me when you need me. :)

January 18th, 2017, 05:55 AM
Thanks Cam! Now we need someone who has the quest or who has finished it with a Warlock. Carlo?

January 18th, 2017, 06:58 AM
Yep I gots it. :up:


January 18th, 2017, 09:08 AM
Happy to play. :) Sorry I couldn't help with the rest.

January 18th, 2017, 10:39 AM
Yep I gots it. :up:


Sure. 10PMEST/9PMCST good for you?

We should be able to get through the next phase tonight. Then over the next few days/week, Chris and I should be able to handle the raid portion ourselves, unless you want to join in. Then we'll need you again for the final phase at the Iron Temple.

The Raid portion we can probably do ourselves with just the four of us. You, me, Cam and Chris. We only need to beat Vosik 3 times.

January 18th, 2017, 10:42 AM
Yep I'll be there.

January 19th, 2017, 04:02 AM
Good times last night -- Nightfall wasn't bad, mixed it up in the Archon's Forge and slipped into the Iron Banner for a few matches. :up: :up:

Looks like my time off from the game helped my skeelz! :lol:


January 19th, 2017, 04:53 AM
Yeah. The quest definitely mixes it up for activities.

Cam, did you mention you are on a like Step 8? Because that is the step we are all on as well. If so, you should come join us and we'll do the raid section together and then Carlo and I can complete the quest with Chris and then we'll have Chris jump out of the fireteam and then you can join us and we can complete it with you.

January 19th, 2017, 05:38 AM
I was near completion with my Hunter. I just never bothered to finish it. I never got the quest with any of my other characters.

I'm softcore. :o

January 19th, 2017, 08:47 AM
I just had a look at your progress on Bungie.net and all you need to do is the math part at the end of the quest. Basically you are one step ahead of us. So if you'd like to help us with the raid let me know, if not that is cool also.

Once Carlo and I have completed the next step, we can help you with the last part. Should take only a few minutes to do the math phase.

January 19th, 2017, 09:10 AM
I'd be happy to help. If I can finish it up with my hunter, that would be cool. :up:

January 23rd, 2017, 05:59 AM
That was a damn fine Wrath raid run you put together on Sunday, Phil-- but what I wanna know is how does Carbon ragequit after a super-efficient run like that?! :twitch: :smh: :lol:


In Iron Banner news, I tried to get my head around The Last Word handcannon + Fusion rifles combo. I got worked for the most part, posting a bunch of terrible K/D ratio games. (http://destinytracker.com/destiny/games/xbox/novicius/2305843009345254134)

Then I switched to The Distant Star scout rifle + Invective shotty and my K/D absolutely flipped. :rawk: The full-auto Star is not bad -- not as enjoyable or confidence-inspiring to me as The Villainy but still quite effective. I think I'm going to give The Clever Dragon pulse rifle another go, see if I like it better. #stillplaying

January 23rd, 2017, 07:10 AM
Yeah. That was a good run. I think we only wiped once the whole raid. And it was pretty obvious he doesn't get our sense of humor. :lol:

You, Cam and I should get together tonight to complete the Outbreak Prime Quest.

January 23rd, 2017, 07:36 AM
Absolutely, I'll be on. :up: :up:

January 23rd, 2017, 09:43 AM
We wiped a couple of times, at least. Obviously, that guy is accustomed to finishing it without dying. :rolleyes: I think that was a great run considering we had two noobs.

The crystal ball tells me that I may be playing tonight. ;)

January 23rd, 2017, 10:36 AM
We'll need this: https://2g.be/tools/siva/

January 24th, 2017, 06:32 AM

Now all I need to do is beat Wrath of the Machine on Heroic and I will complete the ROI Record book.

January 24th, 2017, 11:08 AM
Sweet moves.

January 25th, 2017, 06:01 AM
*High fives Carlo* ROI record book complete!:finger:

Aka, I joined a group at Aksis Pt2 on Heroic and one guy dropped so I saw Carlo was on and I invited him and 10 minutes later we whooped Aksis.

January 25th, 2017, 06:11 AM
Happy to help, bud. :up:

That crew was pretty much a buzzsaw. Aksis went down after what, three passes? :lol:

January 25th, 2017, 08:59 AM
Yeah. We destroyed him on the third phase. Three Dark Drinkers plus Weapons of Light plus Tether and other three people using cannons just melts him. The Supercharge pads for the dunks also help to increase the DPS during the dunk.

That was a well tuned group that knew how to communicate and take action when needed.

January 25th, 2017, 09:55 AM
I'll say -- I *literally* did nothing during two of those phases! :lol:

I killed Ads, I ran around, maybe put a shot or two on a Captain and then shot Aksis in the head a few times. I couldn't get close to a SIVA bomb to throw it nor grab a cannon to use it -- and he still went down fast! Testament to how good those guys (and you) were! :up:

January 30th, 2017, 04:54 AM
Finished the Khvostov 7G-0X exotic quest on Saturday and man do I love this Auto Rifle! :up: :up:

It's a selectable fire weapon but I keep it at full-auto, high Impact, max magazine size and slow-firing. Just melts fools, I'm loving it.

January 31st, 2017, 04:37 AM
How much you want to bet that the next Hotfix ( is gonna tame the Matador (and shotguns in general, probably)? :lol:

January 31st, 2017, 04:42 AM
6.0 K/D you say?? IT CAN BE DONE! :lol: #poacher


Now these were all Control matches so the body counts are gonna be high by the very nature of gameplay -- but c'mon, give it up for this old guy! :rawk:

Khvostov, never leave me... <3

January 31st, 2017, 04:49 AM

I want you.

January 31st, 2017, 04:57 AM
A-thank you. :)

Obviously if I'm dying too much, my teams lose regardless of how many I kill. I need to keep that in mind -- but the Khostov is definitely the new meta, baby. I'm getting great performances out of this gun that I never did with past Auto Rifle metas like Suros Regime.

EDIT: Daaaamn, Phil has been farming Trials of Osiris like crazy! (http://destinytracker.com/destiny/games/xbox/bergkoenig/2305843009215596612) :D Guess I'd better sack-up!

January 31st, 2017, 09:10 AM
It's all I've got to do right now. :) Last night, I actually played against someone on my friends list. The chances of that are pretty crazy.

And if you are game, I'd love to play with a regular group. I think you, I and Snickers played well together.

January 31st, 2017, 09:53 AM
Sure thing -- now that I'm packing the new META, baby!! :hard:

January 31st, 2017, 10:24 AM
I almost have to believe that it’s going to contain some sort of revamped version of the Vault of Glass (SIVA has infected the Vault!) as a way to send-off the first game for good. The Vault of Glass is arguably the most iconic piece of content Destiny has to offer, and letting players leap back into that raid with tweaks and high-light versions of its armor and weapons would probably be the perfect send off for the original game.
O that this would be true. :popcorn:

February 1st, 2017, 06:36 AM
Just idly reading up on some Destiny lore this morning and came across the entry for the Darkness (https://www.destinypedia.com/Darkness):

Gravity waves are generated when an object or event interacts with the curvature of spacetime in such a manner as to create changes in that curvature, which then ripple outward away from the event at the speed of light (or 186,000 miles per second) in a wave-like manner. In reference to the ISR report, the event which triggered the SKYSHOCK alert lasted 0.3 seconds, which suggests that whatever displaced local spacetime during the event measures some 55,800 miles in diameter (assuming a spherical shape), making it almost twice the size of the planet Uranus (31,518 miles) and a little over three-fourths the size of Saturn (72,367 miles).
Huh, never knew that the Darkness actually had an overall size, just thought of it as an element of the Universe, like Dark Matter. It's still YUGE in comparison to the Traveler. :blahblah:

February 2nd, 2017, 06:33 AM
For those who've been waiting for the audiobook on Destiny. (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtseLZelZ2K3YLZ1H0Uo8QsCwMNxP_wYP)

February 2nd, 2017, 06:49 AM
From Reddit:

If bannerfall is the same as the PvP map, then it's pretty secure, what with the hordes of Guardians duking it out there all the time.

Now I wish there were random public events in Crucible matches where the enemies of the cities attack, and everyone finds themselves flipped to the same "team" to repel them.

The above comment is exactly correct. I dont remember where, but it's stated that Shaxx has matches in certain places to keep a constant guardian presence there.

The Cabal map that im blanking on that often has a drop shit fly overhead is a testament to that. They know one guardian is trouble. They have seen teams of 3 do major damage. Presumably they know about raids and how those are 6 man teams. They aren't going to intrude on 12 guardians that would rightly be pretty pissed off unless they have an absolutely massive force.

I also love this game because it's the ROM: SPACEKNIGHT video game that I've always wanted. :up: :up: #oldmannovi

February 2nd, 2017, 10:24 AM
Yeah. The story and background is great in Destiny it's just too bad it isn't better represented in the game.

Or at the very least they could have a companion book that people could read and would be a better form to convey the history. But then again, what other game has done that?

February 2nd, 2017, 10:28 AM
The Division.

February 2nd, 2017, 10:32 AM
Yeah Bungie has had books included with Collectors' Editions before. :up:

What needs to happen is that The Speaker's room needs to have vidocs that your character can go walk up to and read *your* Grimoire online, in addition to a base collection of articles perhaps. Hopefully we get an in-game way of learning/collecting lore in D2.

I also hope they render out a few streets of The City for D2. Places to shop of course but then also the base of the Tower, some gambling dens with mini-games, junkyards, libraries, more faction halls and mini-missions -- and some dance clubs of course. :D #hope

February 2nd, 2017, 10:38 AM
Oh, and I think the Zelda series has one...



February 3rd, 2017, 04:32 AM
The Division.

Good call. They even made a short movie, which wasn't half bad. But the History for Destiny is much more extensive.

But I like Carlo's idea with the ViDocs. Not every ViDoc needs to have video but they could have drawings or sketches of the events. With someone reading the Grimoire card.

February 6th, 2017, 04:00 AM
Yeah, every Grimoire card should be available in-game but inside a horizontal timeline. Make it EASY for people to understand the galactic timeframes involved! Also maps. :up: :up:

Having unique artwork and narration is fine to me, I don't need to see a cinematic (tho' considering both the budget and that something like that could be farmed out 3rd party, they should be).


I've been grinding a bit to put the finishing touches on my 2nd Warlock -- got my grubby mitts on some new guns to add to my collection, including Darkblade's Spite fusion rifle and FINALLY got a Saladin's Vigil. No longer the new hotness but I finally gots one. #mine

I've got *dozens* of weapons at LL400 now, I need some better armor tho'. My "technique" is just to play Archon's Court, SIVA Crisis Heroic Strikes (use Skeleton Keys) and the Nightfall. Other than weapons, you can only get Helmets, Gauntlets & Class Items tho', no Chest or Leg armors. Save them up and *especially* use them on the "Fallen S.A.B.E.R." strike -- you can get either a Baron's Ambition (Machine Gun) or Devouring Maw Helmet (Warlock Helmet), both of which are highly useful to have copies of for infusing into other gear. :up: :up:

Skeleton Key list here: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-12-16-destiny-skeleton-key-loot-list-strike-specific-gear-rewards-4677

Probably time to get back to a weekly grind of the Raid in Heroic Mode for all three characters to build up my LL400 armor. #dressup

February 6th, 2017, 04:59 AM
Since I discovered Home Gold, I started a new character using Lori's sign-in. I'm finding it more compelling to play from the beginning with a new character than grinding my old characters. I may start a new character on my sign-in. The problem is, I like my characters and how I've built them up. I would have trouble deciding which one to delete. :thppt:

February 6th, 2017, 05:48 AM
I've just been playin Trials on the weekend. Nothin else to do really.....

But I would be interested in running the hard mode WOTM Raid a few more times. I'd like to get the shader for collecting all of the armor. And I'd like to get the Flawless Raider achievement. I think all we need is 4 people to run the Crota raid. Should only take about 15 minutes, :lol:.

February 6th, 2017, 06:00 AM
Do you have LL400 gear to put all your characters over the top, Phil? They're all 398+ from the looks of it.

February 6th, 2017, 06:39 AM
Yes. :) My character setups right now are for Trials.

Edit: Happy now? :P (https://www.bungie.net/en/Profile/254/5813903)

February 6th, 2017, 07:19 AM
:lol: :up:

February 7th, 2017, 05:37 AM
Heh, DestinyTracker.com has a nice Gear screen for everyone. (http://destinytracker.com/destiny/character/xbox/novicius/2305843009345254134/gear) :up: Did not know that -- tho' I notice that it's missing my LL400 Warlock Bond. Hmm.

I was doin' work last night with my Arc Edge sword in the SIVA Crisis Strike hopper. :hard: Just straight-up buzzsawin' through PvE farming runs. Picked up a few new LL400 Exotics to infuse including that Suros Regime that dropped. Eh, I'll try it out, see how it compares to the Khvostov. :twisted:

I am, however, still waiting for a few LL400 Ghost shells to drop in Archon's Forge... :smh:

February 8th, 2017, 06:05 AM
...aaand FINALLY got another LL400 Ghost last night! :lol:

Fought ferociously for over an hour at Archon's Forge last night to get one -- but now my 2nd Warlock is fully LL400. :up:

Good times tho', with only a second Guardian and a steady stream of baddies, the fights are enjoyably *furious*!! I only wish that there were two or three different Forge locations -- or that maybe the battles/objectives used the space better but the action is choice. Best of all, you don't need five other people to get your groove on! :rawk: #fuckraiding

EDIT: I need to look at my Saladin's Vigil and see if it's anywhere close to a "God Roll" (which since I have Performance Bonus & Life Support, is already a "No" :lol:).

Recommended Perks:

Column 1 - Linear Compensator
Column 2 - Rifled Barrel, Braced Frame, Hammer Forged, Perfect Balance, Smallbore
Column 3 - Quickdraw, Single Point Sling, Snapshot, Lightweight
Column 4 - Rangefinder, Life Support, Eye of the Storm, Hot Swap, Performance Bonus, Replenish, Battle Runner, Unflinching

If you like high-impact fusion rifles, then this is probably one of the best weapons in the game. With Linear Compensator pushing the recoil to almost completely vertical (while adding range) and high base stability, the bolt spread is going to be easy to control.

In the second slot, Rifled Barrel or Braced Frame are the two best options, depending on whether or not you think you can control the bolt spread on your own. As mentioned above, Saladin's Vigil already has pretty high base stability, so I'd prioritize Rifled Barrel. Hammer Forged and Perfect Balance are the secondary options here for range and stability, respectively, followed by Smallbore, which provides a smaller boost to each.

In the third column, none of the perks are make or break, but Quickdraw is the first choice. I wouldn't scrap a good roll regardless of what I had here. In the last column Rangefinder is preffered for the slightly improved bolt spread, but Life Support is also a very good option. After that come the accuracy boosting perks Eye of the Storm and Hot Swap, then some perks to help with ammo. Basically, almost any perk in the last column is going to be decent enough, even if some are better than others, so I would focus mostly on trying to get the perk you want in column two. The only thing I would really stay away from is Accelerated Coils, which decreases the impact down enough that it takes five bolts to kill instead of four, which kills this gun's main advantage.

February 9th, 2017, 03:23 AM
Went through the Nightfall three times last night, completing the Sunrise bounty each time. No Icebreaker for me. :smh: :down:

February 9th, 2017, 05:58 AM

February 9th, 2017, 11:06 AM
Some great Lore threads here... (https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/183288968?page=0&sort=0&showBanned=0&path=0)

February 10th, 2017, 08:42 AM
Destiny 2 was confirmed for a Fall 2017 release on the yearly Activision Investor meeting. :up: Once they have more concrete info we should probably start a thread.

And there is going to be a sandbox update next Tuesday. They haven't released all the specifics but they did have a Twitch show about it this past Wednesday. They are buffing some things and nerfing some things. If you know what the Meta is then you'll know what they are modifying.

The biggest change will be that when you die in the crucible you will lose all special ammo. But the timer for ammo crates has been shortened to once a minute.

February 10th, 2017, 10:06 AM
Invective will be useful again

February 10th, 2017, 10:34 AM
Shotties & Pulse Rifles are getting nerfed, Auto Rifles are getting a boost. :up:

Also Titan Strikers are getting a nerfed as are a few Hunter subclasses and Warlock Stormcaller (boo. ;) ).

February 11th, 2017, 06:42 AM
Go to Court of Oryx. See group of four fighting. Join in. Get party invite from one of the participants. Join party. Dude that invited me looks at me and says, "Who the hell are you?" :rolleyes:

February 11th, 2017, 03:58 PM
Well those guys sound like a barrel of laughs. :thppt:

February 14th, 2017, 07:38 AM
Invective will be useful again
...and Icebreaker -- probably the best damn gun in the game! :lol:

It's worth noting the team behind the excellent Taken King expansion is at the helm of Destiny 2 - so hopefully we'll see more of the character-based storytelling of that rather than the Dinklebot-led exposition of the original.
I know this has been known but it's reassuring to hear it again. :up: :up:

I’m guessing we will not hear anything terribly concrete about Destiny 2 until after the big spring update for Destiny 1, and perhaps it might be a major focus of E3/Sony’s conference or something like that.

It’s not terribly common for a game this big to reveal itself just a few months before release, but this has been a trend lately among AAA blockbusters who no longer believe in building years of hype and want to wait until everything is more concrete so they don’t over-promise and under-deliver.
New areas, new mission mechanics, new gear, a better way to teach the lore and (most importantly to me) a greater number of Strikes & Raids.

Take the total number of Strikes & Raids from D1 and triple it. Same problem as racing games over the long haul: it's not the car-counts that get boring, it's the small number of tracks to play on.

February 14th, 2017, 01:42 PM
LoL consider shotguns NERFED. :lol:

Can't wait to read about the fallout over this patch...

EDIT: Invective appears to create ammo every 30 seconds as long as it's your equipped weapon. Can't run around with your primary and expect it to create ammo on its own.

Invective will also generate ammo if you equip it and then hop on a Pike or in a turret. :up:

February 14th, 2017, 08:30 PM
well...fuck that. back to sniping