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May 15th, 2016, 02:47 AM
I am not positive about that. She is seriously devious, better connected and a much better liar.
The iron fist in the velvet glove, or looking at it another way, a gift-wrapped turd.

May 15th, 2016, 08:30 AM

May 15th, 2016, 09:07 AM
Hmmm... some dubious statements. That said, I know they replaced the two 57mm guns with shitty 30mm guns for a reason on the Zumwalt, giving it the worst close in defence of any large vessel in the US Navy.

May 15th, 2016, 09:32 AM
Stoning? Really?


May 15th, 2016, 09:50 AM
Looking at the sample ballot for the primary, the republican list includes Trump, obviously and I can see Cruz and Kasich still being there because of printing lead times. The others are Carson and Gilmore. Carson was out March 4 and Gilmore on February 12. Nobody else there. Jeb and Rubio both withdrew later than Gilmore.

Lots of people listed for the democrats but I don't recognize any other than Hillary and Bernie.

There are 34 candidates for U.S. senator, none of whom I've heard of. Looks like some research is in order.

May 15th, 2016, 06:54 PM
Trump does not like being called on his lies:


May 16th, 2016, 01:56 AM
This is all getting to be a little like the South Park Elementary mascot election.


May 16th, 2016, 09:50 AM
I do agree this bathroom issue is really ridiculous. We don't really have any more important issues to worry or fight about?

Back to politics, I guess I'll withhold the possibility of me voting for Trump until he releases his tax returns.

My previous stance was Bernie or Bust things up with Trump..., but if he can't show us his returns, then I can't really show him my vote. Funny he was chewing Romney out for not releasing his tax returns, but now it's his turn and now he's playing the same thing Romney's playing? At least Romney did finally release his returns... we'll see if Trump will do the same.

So it's really Bernie or bust now.

Here's hoping FBI arrests Hillary and IRS arrests Trump so Sanders can win by default.

May 16th, 2016, 11:41 AM
This is all getting to be a little like the South Park Elementary mascot election.

Only thing is, it isn't the media - it's state legislatures!

May 16th, 2016, 11:47 AM
What would you ask God if you had just one question?

Which side is on the right side of history with regard to what kind of bathrooms should we have?

Now I'm wondering what's Sander's position on this...

May 16th, 2016, 11:54 AM
You know, if God exists and I had one question, I would pass. Either he really has no position on humanity and it's moot or he's a "give yourself enough rope to hang yourself" type and I don't associate with those. If you've ever worked with special needs kids, you know there is a certain way that normal-functioning people need to interact with low-functioning people and if you fail to do that and get undesirable results, you have only yourself to blame. We might be those low-functioning type in the grand scheme of things, and failing to provide a suitable environment and proper guidance to get the results He want leaves Him in no position to get pissy.

May 16th, 2016, 12:05 PM
Wrong thread?

May 16th, 2016, 12:27 PM
I would consider building that trash incinerator I've been researching, but revise the plans so that it could fit three people and not just two.

May 16th, 2016, 12:28 PM
Wrong thread?


May 16th, 2016, 01:00 PM

May 16th, 2016, 01:35 PM

May 16th, 2016, 11:13 PM
Saudi Arabia releases video on National TV teaching husbands how to beat their wives


May 17th, 2016, 01:53 AM
Saudi Arabia releases video on National TV teaching husbands how to beat their wives

I sure wish we could take more people from that region, so that they can vote in our elections.

Alan P
May 17th, 2016, 03:11 AM

May 17th, 2016, 09:33 AM
Elon Musk Just Exposed Billions in Corrupt Pentagon Spending to Weapons Monopoly. Here's How:


May 17th, 2016, 09:48 AM
Matt Damon channeling his friend Howard Zinn:


May 17th, 2016, 10:31 AM
Elon Musk Just Exposed Billions in Corrupt Pentagon Spending to Weapons Monopoly. Here's How:


There were lots of issues going on which resulted in this ULA monopoly.

In a nutshell, US government needs to launch things, but there aren't a lot of launches out there so that both rockets can survive financially. There's also a scandal involved stealing of sensitive data on Boeing's part. Kinda like McLaren stole Ferrari data. Boeing team needs to be punished by not give Boeing the contract, but that'd mean certain doom to Boeing's rocket business. But government doesn't want to lose all the experiences... so basically the rocket division is carved out of Boeing. Rather than giving it to Lockheed, I guess govt decided to form a new company called ULA. This all happen before SpaceX BTW.

If SpaceX is proven to provide reliable and inexpensive launches, surely Pentagon wouldn't mind giving SpaceX all of its business..., but then, SpaceX would become to new darling and monoploy of the space launch business! :p

Defense spending is really tough. Should govt artificially keep ULA alive just so that SpaceX can have competition? Or should govt just save money and give it all to SpaceX... which will end up giving monoply to SpaceX? What to do? I have no answer.

But I'm rooting for Musk all the way.

May 17th, 2016, 10:44 AM
I suggest having open competition between SpaceX and ULA. Presumably as the workload for one rises, their ability to meet scheduling and financial targets in future projects will struggle, so the other company can win those projects.

May 17th, 2016, 11:14 AM
Elon Musk Just Exposed Billions in Corrupt Pentagon Spending to Weapons Monopoly. Here's How:

Wow, so ULA is almost single-handedly responsible for the whole US deficit.

May 17th, 2016, 11:28 AM
Elon Musk Just Exposed Billions in Corrupt Pentagon Spending to Weapons Monopoly. Here's How:


I suggest having open competition between SpaceX and ULA. Presumably as the workload for one rises, their ability to meet scheduling and financial targets in future projects will struggle, so the other company can win those projects.How have the Free-Market people not jumped all over this before?!? :?

Oh yeah... Because they don't really care about the free market at all. They care about corporate profits above all. :smh: Sorry, I forgot.

May 17th, 2016, 12:25 PM
When the market is not mature enough, free market doesn't work. Defense related projects are also subjected to a LOT of restrictions which makes things even harder.

There aren't a whole lot of customers in need of space launches. Further, when you're launching a top secret spy satellite, hiring the cheaper Russians or Chinese won't be an option.

Should the government continue to spend the money to maintain such capability/personell... or just let them go and let the capability die... and perhaps risk other foreign nations luring them over with big bucks?

Anyway, free market doesn't quite work for defense and space related stuff... I'm not sure what happened though... it used to work... when we had an evil empire to fight the bogus cold war with! ;)

We used to have Lockheed, Martin Marietta, Northrop, Grumman, Boeing, McDonnell, Douglas, Rockwell, North American, Hughes..., but now we just have: Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, and Boeing(Who didn't even bother attaching any of the other company names that it absorbed!)

As the cost of these services rise and shrinking defense budget, all of these companies just cannot survive... so mergers are needed to consolidate the capabilities... and you often end up with monopoly like situations, which further increase cost to the government/project... which resulted in less money floating around... which result in further consolidations and the vicious cycle continues.

May 18th, 2016, 01:27 AM

This U.S. Muslim leader wants you to vote for Trump

May 18th, 2016, 02:34 AM
how many successful launches has Space X had so far?

May 18th, 2016, 03:22 AM
How many unsuccessful launches have they had?

May 18th, 2016, 07:46 AM

George Zimmerman insults Trayvon Martin's parents in an explosive new interview

Despite the overwhelmingly negative attention and fake listings the auction has garnered — including a $65 million bid from a user named "Racist McShootface" — Zimmerman says he has a firm offer with verified assets for $100,000.

May 18th, 2016, 08:23 AM
Peaceful protest is much more effective than violence for toppling dictators



May 18th, 2016, 11:23 AM
From CAH:

My fellow Americans,

We’re emailing you from the underground bunker we've built for when Donald Trump seizes control of our country and civilization collapses.

In President Trump’s America, you and your family will wander desolate highways, taking shelter in burnt-out automobiles as you try to escape the Red Dust that carpets the landscape. You will exist in a constant state of fear. You will wish you had the tools to start fires in the terrifying night, the means to defend yourself from the ever-circling jackals, and the currency to buy protection from the roving gangs that thrive in the shadow of Eternal Leader Trump’s regime.

Are you afraid enough to buy whatever we’re selling?


May 18th, 2016, 11:26 PM
Trump supporters. Yeah, it's pretty much what you think.

http://www.salon.com/2016/05/16/anatomy_of_a_donald_trump_supporter_what_really_mo tivates_this_terrifying_political_movement/

May 19th, 2016, 04:48 AM

EgyptAir flight MS804 crash: Plane 'fell 22,000 feet, spun sharply, then disappeared' - French and Greek officials examine if Paris-Cairo flight was subject of terror attack

An EgyptAir flight carrying 56 passengers and ten crew has disappeared
Flight MS804 left Paris Charles de Gaulle for Cairo at 11.09pm Wednesday, and lost contact with radar at 00.45 GMT - ten miles after entering Egyptian air space
Egyptian aviation officials say the plane 'crashed' and that a search for debris is underway
A terror attack is the most likely cause of the crash, according to aviation experts

May 19th, 2016, 07:40 AM
Peaceful protest is much more effective than violence for toppling dictators





May 19th, 2016, 09:53 AM
I think it depends on the situation. E.g. Adolf Hitler. Nope, peaceful protest would not have worked. Ditto for Stalin, Mao and Kim Jong X.

May 19th, 2016, 10:06 AM
There's nothing they won't touch.:lol:


European Union Mulls 20% Content Quota for Netflix and Amazon Prime

May 19th, 2016, 11:32 AM
Nevada's democratic primary is actually in three rounds and the establishment democrats running it really should be in jail for election fraud:


May 19th, 2016, 01:03 PM
I'm telling you, Hillary is every bit as shitty as Trump. There is no reason not to vote for Trump.

Tom Servo
May 19th, 2016, 02:17 PM
Well, there's the whole "positions on issues" thing to consider.

May 19th, 2016, 02:24 PM
Maybe. And I say that in full seriousness - because we know that Trump is historically pretty liberal and that he's a big fan of himself and his ego. I don't take anything he says for granted, because it's impossible to know whether he really believes it or if he's just saying it to get likes. At this point in time, it's entirely possible he noticed someone left the GOP clown car unattended and he took the thing for a joy ride with no greater plan. Hillary, OTOH, has proven that she's comfortable saying one thing and doing something else entirely, proven she will put her own interests ahead of her country's, and proven she's willing to cheat and steal to get to the top.

So our choice is an indiscriminate man-child blowhard with no filter and self-entitled ends-justify-the-means me-first hypocrite?

At least with Trump we know the establishment hates him and will work hard to ensure he's ineffective. With Clinton she might end up secretly running the government from a Hilton suite so she can "save time and cut through all the bullshit." I might take a immature jackass over someone running her game from the Bush Jr. playbook.

May 19th, 2016, 02:27 PM
Re: Non-Violence

If the state is a violent one, and I can't think of one that isn't, then non-violence amounts to nothing.

May 19th, 2016, 03:09 PM
You can't trust either one of them with regard to their advertised positions. Hillary will promise to not leave the workers behind while sleeping with the rich. I suspect trump will promise to build a wall, but also fail to deliver.

If shit happens, which is likely, I wonder if sanders would support Hillary or trump...

May 19th, 2016, 03:36 PM
Re: Non-Violence

If the state is a violent one, and I can't think of one that isn't, then non-violence amounts to nothing.

Agreed. Nonviolence is preferred, if it is the most effective, then founding father wouldn't allow us the right to bear arms.

MR2 Fan
May 19th, 2016, 06:32 PM
Here we go again....so the GOP chicken-shits vote for this, then vote against it in the last few minutes of the session (law to prevent LGBT discrimination in government jobs):


The dems should be pouncing all over this kind of shit in their political ads.

May 19th, 2016, 08:22 PM
don't the EEO laws already do that?

May 20th, 2016, 12:04 AM
Just when you thought he was cool,


May 20th, 2016, 06:35 AM
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. He was doing so good. :(

May 20th, 2016, 06:37 AM

Freude am Fahren
May 20th, 2016, 06:47 AM
Without hearing his inflection, saying they're alright is about as bad as you can say in his position.

ETA: Saw the video, his inflection was clearly being diplomatic. :)

MR2 Fan
May 20th, 2016, 06:53 AM
don't the EEO laws already do that?

If that's the case they could have just voted against it to begin with...it's very fishy the way this was done.

May 20th, 2016, 07:24 AM
Wasn't this was for government jobs? Does the EEO act apply to govt jobs, or just private?

May 20th, 2016, 07:57 AM
Should be both. I thought only affirmative action are on govt jobs or govt funded jobs...

Anyway, why would congress waste time trying to pass something redundant?

May 20th, 2016, 09:14 AM

May 20th, 2016, 10:06 AM
Wow. :erm:

May 20th, 2016, 10:07 AM

May 20th, 2016, 11:14 AM
Seems like you're stuck between a rock and a stupid place.

Alan P
May 20th, 2016, 04:56 PM

It blows my mind that these decisions around the whole of the US are still under the control and jurisdiction of a single person with an agenda and are, basically, semi organised chaos. Quite why these things haven't been modernised and controlled by an independent body so a proper, legal and fair count can be taken is beyond me. What happened there wasn't democracy, it was little more than theft.

May 20th, 2016, 05:27 PM
You guys don't care about Brazil?

May 20th, 2016, 11:39 PM
It blows my mind that these decisions around the whole of the US are still under the control and jurisdiction of a single person with an agenda and are, basically, semi organised chaos. Quite why these things haven't been modernised and controlled by an independent body so a proper, legal and fair count can be taken is beyond me. What happened there wasn't democracy, it was little more than theft.Each state Democratic party has its own rules. Nevada is clearly one of the worst. Caucuses in general are a cluster-fuck. Primary elections are better. Ideally, states should have open primaries but most don't. In my state, the Republicans have a closed primary (only registered Republicans can vote in it) but Democrats have a semi-closed primary (only people registered as Democrat or No Party Preference can vote in it). At least it's a proper election where anyone can vote and there are actual counts. That's not to say that there haven't been problems with such systems in Arizona, Illinois, Florida and New York, but it's still not as stupid as caucuses in general and Nevada in particular. I'm hoping that nothing weird will happen with my state, which is the biggest state and which could actually sway the numbers by a lot.

May 21st, 2016, 03:45 AM
You guys don't care about Brazil?
I just heard about Brazil yesterday, and one of the first responses was that it was less an actual group of corrupt government leaders and more the might of corrupt corporations getting their opposition smeared and prosecuted. I didn't do any further research to confirm or deny any of it. Kind of too depressing to think about.

May 21st, 2016, 04:53 AM
And how it might affect Rio 2016.

May 21st, 2016, 06:29 AM
Nothing will affect the Olympics. They're going to go on, something terrible is going to happen but be mostly swept under the rug. The IOC members will make a shit ton of money. Brazil will lose a shit ton of money, except for all the companies that accepted lucrative contracts and cut corners during construction. Medals will be awarded, national pride will be evoked, and then we'll move on to worrying about the next host.

MR2 Fan
May 21st, 2016, 07:29 AM
Each state Democratic party has its own rules. Nevada is clearly one of the worst. Caucuses in general are a cluster-fuck. Primary elections are better. Ideally, states should have open primaries but most don't. In my state, the Republicans have a closed primary (only registered Republicans can vote in it) but Democrats have a semi-closed primary (only people registered as Democrat or No Party Preference can vote in it). At least it's a proper election where anyone can vote and there are actual counts. That's not to say that there haven't been problems with such systems in Arizona, Illinois, Florida and New York, but it's still not as stupid as caucuses in general and Nevada in particular. I'm hoping that nothing weird will happen with my state, which is the biggest state and which could actually sway the numbers by a lot.

The whole idea of voting with "aye" or "nay" in the 21st century is really, really stupid.

I was watching the young turks about this Nevada debacle and they said the rules change they were voting on, was whether to actually use aye or nay to decide the outcome!! I mean holy crap!

May 21st, 2016, 07:50 AM
IMO, all states should simply have open primaries, and each voter can only participate in one party's primary. It'd simplify things dramatically, and likely clean up a lot of confusion regarding delegates.

But, people are way too attached to tradition, so that won't be happening.

May 21st, 2016, 01:45 PM

May 21st, 2016, 01:49 PM
Reminder to any Californians who want to vote for Bernie, you need to be registered as Democrat or No Party Preference by Monday or you won't be able to vote for Bernie.

If you're registered as NPP, you won't be able to vote on the Democratic ballot via mail-in ballot. You have to go to the polling place in person on election day and request a Democratic ballot instead of the NPP ballot.

May 21st, 2016, 02:12 PM
Trump says Hillary doesn't do well with women; scores another pants-on-fire. Fortunately, he can afford a lot of pants.


May 21st, 2016, 02:15 PM
Ted Cruz wasn't lying. Trump has long had ties to the mob. Who would have guessed that New York based real estate mogul would have ties to the mob?


May 21st, 2016, 02:25 PM
Reminder to any Californians who want to vote for Bernie, you need to be registered as Democrat or No Party Preference by Monday or you won't be able to vote for Bernie.

If you're registered as NPP, you won't be able to vote on the Democratic ballot via mail-in ballot. You have to go to the polling place in person on election day and request a Democratic ballot instead of the NPP ballot.

I need to actually register as no party preference? That's no a default position? I guess I'm anti-party then. :p

May 21st, 2016, 03:42 PM
Yes. You have to declare something, though that something could be nothing.

I actually got my non-partisan mail-in ballot in the mail today, which I can't use.

Freude am Fahren
May 21st, 2016, 04:28 PM
Anyone notice the uptick in conservative leaning trending topics on facebook? I'm sure it's just a coincidence...

Alan P
May 21st, 2016, 05:02 PM
Yes. You have to declare something, though that something could be nothing.

I actually got my non-partisan mail-in ballot in the mail today, which I can't use.

So they're sending people mail-in ballots to people who can't use them? That makes me wonder about what you said earlier as well. How many people are going to mail their ballot in without realising? And is this likely to disadvantage Bernie?

May 21st, 2016, 05:04 PM
They don't know that I want to vote with a Democratic ballot so they send me the NPP ballot by default. They like to encourage mail-in ballots because it lessens the crowds at the polls. If I had registered as a Democrat I could have mailed it in.

They can't mail in their ballot without realizing. My ballot has nothing for the Democratic primary on it.

May 22nd, 2016, 03:38 AM
So apparently Hillary does best in states where voting machines flunk the hacking test and exit polls are now so far out that they've stopped doing them.

May 22nd, 2016, 10:46 AM
The Dangerous Acceptance of Donald Trump


He’s not Hitler, as his wife recently said? Well, of course he isn’t. But then Hitler wasn’t Hitler—until he was. At each step of the way, the shock was tempered by acceptance. It depended on conservatives pretending he wasn’t so bad, compared with the Communists, while at the same time the militant left decided that their real enemies were the moderate leftists, who were really indistinguishable from the Nazis. The radical progressives decided that there was no difference between the democratic left and the totalitarian right and that an explosion of institutions was exactly the most thrilling thing imaginable.

May 22nd, 2016, 02:00 PM

May 22nd, 2016, 02:08 PM
The Dangerous Acceptance of Donald Trump


If Trump turned out to be Hitler II, at least there should still be sufficient international arm forces outside and guns inside to over throw US/Trump govt.

If The 'establishment' remains in power, another financial tsunami will eventually sweep away the entire world and there'll be none powerful/rich enough to stop it from happening.

Choose your poison wisely.

May 22nd, 2016, 02:41 PM

Black Lives Matter leader Charles Wade charged with sex trafficking

May 23rd, 2016, 10:28 AM
It blows my mind that these decisions around the whole of the US are still under the control and jurisdiction of a single person with an agenda and are, basically, semi organised chaos. Quite why these things haven't been modernised and controlled by an independent body so a proper, legal and fair count can be taken is beyond me. What happened there wasn't democracy, it was little more than theft.


May 23rd, 2016, 10:48 AM
If Trump turned out to be Hitler II, at least there should still be sufficient international arm forces outside and guns inside to over throw US/Trump govt.

The fact people actually believe that there are enough gun-owners out there to overthrow the government seems quite optimistic to me. They have the presumption that every local, state and national police force will join with the people, not the government for which they are already a part of, and won't use their far superior firepower against them. They feel that, unlike all the people they see rioting and protesting against local government in other communities (which are often led by minorities or the poor), police forces will know that their attempts to seize/overthrow the government will be right and just, and SWAT teams will join their side as they march to the White House, rather than following their chain of command and years or decades of training to protect the country from threats both foreign and domestic.

May 23rd, 2016, 12:17 PM
Indeed. All it takes is them turning the shit gun or the puke gun on us and we're done. :lol:

May 23rd, 2016, 12:37 PM
Anyway, whether if we have enough guns to overthrow the US/Trump govt is an unknown. Likewise we don't know how the government employed armed forces will divide themselves... whether to pledge their allegiance to Trump govt or to the people.

However, point is the private Americans can and will cause enough troubles for the US government so that it cannot safely go march out and invade other nations around the world. The Trump Pentagon will basically have to bomb the hell out of America first in order to restore stability on US soil. By then, Trump govt will have no means to invade other countries. America will basically self destruct and the world will be saved.

Whereas with current 'Establishment'..., we will suck the entire world dry financially.

We absolutely need to show the establishment that they shouldn't be wasting anymore of their money on politicians.
We also need to show the politicians that accepting such financial support in the future will mean losing votes!

I think the 'establishment', although more politically correct, is the greater evil.

May 23rd, 2016, 12:53 PM
However, point is the private Americans can and will cause enough troubles for the US government so that it cannot safely go march out and invade other nations around the world. The Trump Pentagon will basically have to bomb the hell out of America first in order to restore stability on US soil.

I think you grossly over estimate the number of people willing to attempt a government overthrow. Your only hope is that the police, national guard and armed forces are all on your side, and then who would be there to do the bombing?

Besides, a large portion of the people with guns are the ones who would fully support anything Trump wants to do. They're the ones voting him in! Why would they try to overthrow him?

May 23rd, 2016, 01:13 PM
I think you grossly over estimate the number of people willing to attempt a government overthrow. Your only hope is that the police, national guard and armed forces are all on your side, and then who would be there to do the bombing?

Well, this is the USA, where we like to pretend that our revolution didn't only succeed because it had experienced, organized militias with veteran commanders and a heavily indebted (thanks large in part to previously defending us) enemy who was fighting a 2 front war against several other countries.

May 23rd, 2016, 01:54 PM
Yet another male former GOP leader arrested for molesting boys; this time between the ages of 4 and 12.


The GOP seems to be competing with the catholic church on this.

May 23rd, 2016, 02:28 PM
No, Not Trump, Not Ever.


May 23rd, 2016, 06:01 PM
I don't mean to bring everybody down, but even if Trump loses, all the people who voted for him will still be here.


May 24th, 2016, 05:38 AM
Eager to move on from the Democratic primary race, Hillary Clinton has turned down an invitation to debate Senator Bernie Sanders ahead of California’s primary, her campaign said on Monday.

In a statement issued Monday evening, a spokeswoman for Mrs. Clinton’s campaign, Jennifer Palmieri, said Mrs. Clinton’s team would contest California while “turning our attention to the threat a Donald Trump presidency poses.”

“We believe that Hillary Clinton’s time is best spent campaigning and meeting directly with voters across California and preparing for a general election campaign that will ensure the White House remains in Democratic hands,” Ms. Palmieri said.

May 24th, 2016, 08:29 AM
Of course they do. Because when she's arguing against a real candidate she looks like an asshat. For shame.

There is this:


May 24th, 2016, 08:38 AM

The former neighborhood-watch volunteer, who was acquitted of second-degree murder in July of 2013, said he auctioned off his 9-mm Kel-Tec PF-9 pistol for $250,000.

May 24th, 2016, 10:01 AM
Of course they do. Because when she's arguing against a real candidate she looks like an asshat. For shame.

There is this:

Best to just squash Americans’ belief they can actually make a difference in the political system now before it gets too far out of hand

May 24th, 2016, 10:03 AM
Rape victims are now having to crowdfund hospital bills


May 24th, 2016, 11:59 AM
Best to just squash Americans’ belief they can actually make a difference in the political system now before it gets too far out of hand

That whole page was 90% cynicism and 10% humor. :(

May 24th, 2016, 12:27 PM

You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

May 24th, 2016, 12:41 PM
Anyway, I think it's kinda nice to see the democratic party fall apart too. I know most here are liberals and I hope this election has opened your eyes regarding how messed up the democratic party is too.

As we all can see, we have 2 parties that are both bought/corrupted by the rich 'establishment'. Democrats are at lease more politically correct I suppose. Also seems more sensible..., Clintons still identifies themselves as Christians but they're not crazy Christians at least.

However, it is now clear that if you're not establishment approved, you're not going to have a chance.

Establishment has control of all 3 branches of the government. Even supreme court has no issues with super pacs. Worse yet, the modern day 4th branch of the government-media, is also controlled by the establishment.

When the nation is lacking progress, establishment will feed you the reason is because of the 'other side'. Yes, get the libreals to hate the conservatives and the conservatives to hate the liberals while the top 1%(establishment) reaps all the benefits.

Of course this is not healthy. Eventually this cancerous tumor will destroy America.

Then perhaps the rest of the world will cheer... if they don't get dragged down with us.

I think if it's all up to us, most of us here would pick Sanders.

But the system is rigged so that we have to end up settling for one of the lesser of the 2 evils and to divide us.

WTF America? We can't come up with a candidate with more than 50% approval rating?

Then leave the fucking seat vacant!

May 24th, 2016, 12:43 PM
It's too bad G Zimmerman doesn't fall on his "historical" pistol and create a new nasal cavity.

He's a gigantic piece of racist shit.

"He promised to use some of the proceeds to push back against the civil rights movement Black Lives Matter" Seriously, fuck off and die, repeatedly.

May 24th, 2016, 12:58 PM
Interesting, MSNBC actually on Sander's side!


Just out of curiosity, if Bernie runs as an independent, will you guys still vote Hillary?

May 24th, 2016, 01:04 PM
They nailed it 12 years ago.

MR2 Fan
May 24th, 2016, 01:05 PM
Interesting, MSNBC actually on Sander's side!


Just out of curiosity, if Bernie runs as an independent, will you guys still vote Hillary?

If Bernie runs independent, Trump gets elected

May 24th, 2016, 01:09 PM
I honestly don't think so.

If the people truly learns who Sanders is, why would anyone want to vote for Trump or Hillary? I doubt Sanders has lower than 50% approval rating across the nation too.

Anyway, I'm voting for Sanders. If the system denies me the option, I'd vote for my next anti-establishment darling, Trump. Not the best choice, but should be better than status quo.

MR2 Fan
May 24th, 2016, 01:15 PM
I honestly don't think so.

If the people truly learns who Sanders is, why would anyone want to vote for Trump or Hillary? I doubt Sanders has lower than 50% approval rating across the nation too.

Anyway, I'm voting for Sanders. If the system denies me the option, I'd vote for my next anti-establishment darling, Trump. Not the best choice, but should be better than status quo.

Trump may be anti-government establishment, but he's very pro-corporate which is just as bad or worse

May 24th, 2016, 01:31 PM
Under normal circumstances I most certainly would not even consider voting for Trump.

But I just want to shake things up. I don't want anyone in the WH who the establishment approves.

Further, a lot of his BS promises, I kinda doubt he personally really wants to do those things. Even if those really were his personal convictions, there should still be plenty of check and balances in place to prevent him from actually becoming a Hitler.

Where as with an established candidate, while he/she may not be able to get anything done for the mass, they will be able to easily get shit passed for the rich.

When wall street bankers back a certain candidate, it'd be wise for us to NOT fall in the same line.

MR2 Fan
May 24th, 2016, 01:44 PM
The other problem is anti-establishment only goes so far...unless you have congress supporting you, you won't get much done

May 24th, 2016, 01:51 PM
Pro-Corporate is Pro-Establishment, hate to break it to you. Everything that's wrong with our government can be traced back to lobbying and campaign financing, imo.

May 24th, 2016, 03:01 PM
If you really want to be anti-establishment, then heed the call:

May 24th, 2016, 03:05 PM
2ndedededed. For realz.

The reason the party system has crumbled is that everyone wants the cash. "Democrat" or "Republican" have just become loose labels for whose cash you're going to take. Yeah, maybe you'll cram some bullshit socio-economic legislation through, but after we know not to murder people and which bathroom to use, how much social legislation is really left? Not much. It's all about how business is done or impacted, so your party affiliation is just a brand name for your servitude. If we're being honest, we should just dump Democrats & Republicans and vote Comcasts and Nestles.

Tom Servo
May 24th, 2016, 06:27 PM
It's too bad G Zimmerman doesn't fall on his "historical" pistol and create a new nasal cavity.

He's a gigantic piece of racist shit.

"He promised to use some of the proceeds to push back against the civil rights movement Black Lives Matter" Seriously, fuck off and die, repeatedly.


May 24th, 2016, 06:54 PM
A woman (by birth; not merely identity) harassed in a Walmart bathroom by another woman who thought she was transgender because of her short hair:


What's the over-under on the harasser being a Trump supporter?

May 25th, 2016, 02:23 AM
It's too bad G Zimmerman doesn't fall on his "historical" pistol and create a new nasal cavity.

He's a gigantic piece of racist shit.

"He promised to use some of the proceeds to push back against the civil rights movement Black Lives Matter" Seriously, fuck off and die, repeatedly.
I wish the same for GZ, but at the same time I think the BLM movement is disingenuous. If they were actually bothered about black lives, rather than just causing inter-racial aggro, then they'd focus on black-on-black homicides, crime reduction and education. Oh, and there leader would probably steer clear of sex-trafficking too.



May 25th, 2016, 05:27 AM
Way to not understand what black lives matter is about, but also not unexpected. Black lives matter is also about black on black crime, but getting criminals to listen to reason and follow the law is more of an uphill battle (and less of a news story that anyone will bother covering) than pointing out when the person who kills a black person is clearly identified and let free anyway, as if the life they took didn't matter.

May 25th, 2016, 06:31 AM
2ndedededed. For realz.

The reason the party system has crumbled is that everyone wants the cash. "Democrat" or "Republican" have just become loose labels for whose cash you're going to take. Yeah, maybe you'll cram some bullshit socio-economic legislation through, but after we know not to murder people and which bathroom to use, how much social legislation is really left? Not much. It's all about how business is done or impacted, so your party affiliation is just a brand name for your servitude. If we're being honest, we should just dump Democrats & Republicans and vote Comcasts and Nestles.

That's part of why I'd hoped that Bernie would have run as an Independent. To point out how messed up both parties are, and that we deserve better. Now he's part of the system. :(

May 25th, 2016, 06:38 AM
I've heard this from multiple places.
https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13254414_1802921083261431_5064020150351389279_n.pn g?oh=9478acef624695dd6c1496ba76b9b62c&oe=579A8105

May 25th, 2016, 07:14 AM
Way to not understand what black lives matter is about, but also not unexpected. Black lives matter is also about black on black crime, but getting criminals to listen to reason and follow the law is more of an uphill battle (and less of a news story that anyone will bother covering) than pointing out when the person who kills a black person is clearly identified and let free anyway, as if the life they took didn't matter.

Not only that, but every race is killed more by their own race, statistically. But we don't ever hear about 'white on white' crime.

And high crime rates in urban environments can be traced back to worse economic conditions as well as social conditions. Most criminals aren't criminals because they think its fun, most get sucked in due to either individual desperation, or community desperation.

So yeah, a big part of BLM is targeting systemic issues, since that plays a big part in causing said desperation in a lot of communities.

May 25th, 2016, 08:39 AM
Bureau of Land Management. Heh.

May 25th, 2016, 09:27 AM
Way to not understand what black lives matter is about, but also not unexpected. Black lives matter is also about black on black crime, but getting criminals to listen to reason and follow the law is more of an uphill battle (and less of a news story that anyone will bother covering) than pointing out when the person who kills a black person is clearly identified and let free anyway, as if the life they took didn't matter.
So what was Ferguson about then? What you say might be what a few want it to be about, but really that isn't what it's about overall, either that or they have a really shitty way of delivering their message.

Just checked:


Nothing about crime reduction or education.

Not only that, but every race is killed more by their own race, statistically. But we don't ever hear about 'white on white' crime.
Well this little pie chart for 2015 shows why you don't hear as much about white crime.


And high crime rates in urban environments can be traced back to worse economic conditions as well as social conditions. Most criminals aren't criminals because they think its fun, most get sucked in due to either individual desperation, or community desperation.
Well to answer this I will quote Run DMC:

You should have gone to school, you should have learned to trade, but you stayed at home and the punk you played, now all the time you're crying that you're underpaid, well it's like that, huh, that's the way it is.

So yeah, a big part of BLM is targeting systemic issues, since that plays a big part in causing said desperation in a lot of communities.
Those systematic issues being not taking education seriously, gang violence and lowering house prices with a high crime rate. Fixing all that would fix 99% of the problem and the responsibility to do it rests firmly in the hands of the individual and protesting won't help fix it.

May 25th, 2016, 09:57 AM
So what was Ferguson about then?

The shooting of Michael Brown by a police officer who was cleared of all charges. In addition to peaceful protests, some people decided to be assholes and riot. People are assholes and riot over lots of things, including their sports team winning or losing a big game. Do you blame the sports team for the riots? Why would you blame the peaceful protests for the riots?

Look at those guiding principles again. See those things about strong and supportive communities that are restorative and not depleting? Having loving engagements with one another? Living freedom and justice for Blacks and everyone else?

Or were you just looking for what words weren't there so you could come and post about it?

Re: white on white crime: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kerry-coddett/white-on-white-crime-an-u_b_6771878.html

According to the US Department of Justice statistics, 84 percent of white people killed every year are killed by other whites.

May 25th, 2016, 10:08 AM
The shooting of Michael Brown by a police officer who was cleared of all charges. In addition to peaceful protests, some people decided to be assholes and riot. People are assholes and riot over lots of things, including their sports team winning or losing a big game. Do you blame the sports team for the riots? Why would you blame the peaceful protests for the riots?

Look at those guiding principles again. See those things about strong and supportive communities that are restorative and not depleting? Having loving engagements with one another? Living freedom and justice for Blacks and everyone else?

Or were you just looking for what words weren't there so you could come and post about it?

Re: white on white crime: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/kerry-coddett/white-on-white-crime-an-u_b_6771878.html
Oh I don't doubt the statistic, but white people only accounted for 4% of shooting victims in 2015. So 84% of 4% is 3.36%. And deducting 3.36 from 7.5, only 4.14% of shooters were white people shooting black or hispanic people.

The guiding principles are not direct enough. I would go with something like:

1) Making sure our black people take education seriously;

2) Making sure our black people reach adulthood without a criminal record; and

3) Ending gang violence in our communities.

Do those 3 things and most of the rest will just happen by itself.

May 25th, 2016, 10:27 AM
They have bigger ambitions than that. Those things are a part of the goals they have. A community of loving interaction, support and regenerative justice is not a community of violence.

But hey, if you want to start your own movement improving the lives of others, and make those three things your goals, go for it. All I see you doing is spreading hate and ignorance around an internet forum where you're almost universally reviled and ridiculed. Start doing something to better the world rather than telling everyone how else that what they're doing is wrong.

May 25th, 2016, 11:54 AM
The mythology about taxing the wealthy:


May 26th, 2016, 03:05 AM
They have bigger ambitions than that. Those things are a part of the goals they have. A community of loving interaction, support and regenerative justice is not a community of violence.

But hey, if you want to start your own movement improving the lives of others, and make those three things your goals, go for it. All I see you doing is spreading hate and ignorance around an internet forum where you're almost universally reviled and ridiculed. Start doing something to better the world rather than telling everyone how else that what they're doing is wrong.
Where's the hate and ignorance in those three goals? If I hated them, I'd simply say, "as you were folk." I mean, if you hate someone, and they're already killing themselves at holocaust rate, then your job is easy, you just sit back and watch. And if a movement causes more violence and helps them get killed quicker, then why would a hater criticise it?

May 26th, 2016, 03:07 AM
The mythology about taxing the wealthy:

Agreed but 94%? When was it 94%?

May 26th, 2016, 03:41 AM
Where's the hate and ignorance in those three goals?
I meant in you in general. The rest of your posting covers that.

May 26th, 2016, 03:49 AM
I meant in you in general. The rest of your posting covers that.
Specifically? Seems to me that in a lot of cases when statistics run counter to preconceived ideologies it degenerates in rash insults, which we call 'throwing the teddy-bear'. If you're not willing to change an ideological notion in spite of facts, then it's no better than a religion.

May 26th, 2016, 05:53 AM
The statistics don't run counter to preconceived ideologies, you're just choosing to look at different statistics so that you can paint your own story. There are tons of statistics to be had in discussions like this, so you can tell whatever story you want.

The story YOU want to tell is that black people are uneducated violent animals, and they should worry about themselves, not about all the people in positions of power who are clearly and unquestionably murdering them, with in many cases video evidence, and being let free anyway, as if the murder they committed didn't matter.

Yes, there's a crime problem. Yes, there's an education problem. And there have been attempts to work on them by various groups, including the Black Lives Matter group. There has ALSO been a matter of "HEY, YOU KILLED SOMEONE, BUT THEY'RE BLACK AND THEREFORE SCARY AND THEREFORE IT'S OK." But you don't care about that, because why would we ever focus on what the majority and the people in power are doing when we can continue just blaming those damn stupid niggers for continuing the lifestyle we forced many of them into via centuries of treating them like they are animals, both socially and legally.

May 26th, 2016, 06:23 AM

May 26th, 2016, 08:08 AM
The statistics don't run counter to preconceived ideologies, you're just choosing to look at different statistics so that you can paint your own story. There are tons of statistics to be had in discussions like this, so you can tell whatever story you want.

The story YOU want to tell is that black people are uneducated violent animals, and they should worry about themselves, not about all the people in positions of power who are clearly and unquestionably murdering them, with in many cases video evidence, and being let free anyway, as if the murder they committed didn't matter.

Well show me the statistics then.

There you go again. Everyone knows there's a problem with some police, a very small minority, and frankly they're a problem for everybody. Yes they shoot people in the wrong very occasionally, but even in those cases, most of the time the victim wouldn't be there if they weren't also a criminal. And how many black people are shot in the wrong by police, compared to how many get shot by each other? 1 for every 1,000+. But it makes the news, so we make a huge fuss over it. Yet in Chicago alone, more black people kill each other every weekend than police kill in the wrong in a year, in the whole of the US.

This helpful instructional video applies in the vast majority of cases.


Yes, there's a crime problem. Yes, there's an education problem. And there have been attempts to work on them by various groups, including the Black Lives Matter group. There has ALSO been a matter of "HEY, YOU KILLED SOMEONE, BUT THEY'RE BLACK AND THEREFORE SCARY AND THEREFORE IT'S OK." But you don't care about that, because why would we ever focus on what the majority and the people in power are doing when we can continue just blaming those damn stupid niggers for continuing the lifestyle we forced many of them into via centuries of treating them like they are animals, both socially and legally.
The reason less emphasis should be put on that, is because it represents less than 1% of the overall problem. You're trying to address a problem by addressing less than 1% of it. You also refuse to recognise that that 1% is in large part caused by the other 99% of the problem, it's called 'stereotype reinforcement'. Fix the 99% and that will help fix the other 1% a lot more than complaining about it ever will.

And blaming colonialism. When's the expiry date for that exactly?

May 26th, 2016, 08:30 AM
I'm not talking about the size of the problem, I'm talking about the egregiousness of the problem and the ease of its solution.

What is worse than the people whom we are entrusting to keep us all safe, who are paid and sworn to do so, killing someone instead and having it be dismissed? Yes, we want to improve crime rates, all of them. Stopping crime is a pursuit of all communities everywhere. When the people given the power to enforce laws are committing crimes and publicly getting away with it, though, that is more egregious and should be dealt with even more swiftly.

I'm not blaming anyone. I'm saying there are many factors that lead to where we are, and people just want to wipe their hands of it and say "well those black people better start taking care of themselves" rather than acknowledging the fact that they are trying to, but the treatment of blacks as less-than-human in other avenues (non-prosecution of their murders, the prison-for-profit systems using them as slave labor, etc) is not helping in any way.

May 26th, 2016, 08:38 AM
By the way, guess what a side effect will be of police officers getting prosecuted when they commit crimes against blacks? Black communities will be more likely to call the police when something happens, rather than going out for their own retaliation based on the viewpoint that the establishment/police "don't care." When you have more a police presence, and they're a part of the community and not outsiders who must be feared even when you're the witness or even victim, then they're more effective, and you don't have people trying to police themselves, or protect themselves with gang affiliation.

But nah, let's just tell all those black folks to stop crime on their own. It's their own damn fault, they should handle it by themselves. Tell them to stop acting like animals! Go to school! You can only afford the local public school, which is grossly underfunded due to being based on local property taxes, but that's ok. You'll graduate after being taught in a classroom with too many students per teacher and old books, and then you can try to go to a college that charges the value of your parent's home ever year for tuition. You're a hormonal teenager with peer pressure all around to make more money now than society will normally give you for the next 20 years, but you'll stay the straight and narrow because teenagers never make bad decisions.

Meanwhile the rest of us will stay in our quiet communities where we know the police are always on our side, the schools are lovely and have college preparatory programs that make getting a scholarship a breeze, especially if you go to the private school whose dean used to be dean at the nearby state college. Sure, we'll do drugs, but just the prescription drugs we got from our grandparents home, no one will mind that.

May 26th, 2016, 08:48 AM
Screw that noise. We did coke in high school.

MR2 Fan
May 26th, 2016, 08:56 AM
in other news, Bernie and Trump are going to have their own debate now........wow...nothing in the previous rulebook matters anymore

May 26th, 2016, 09:04 AM
I'm not talking about the size of the problem, I'm talking about the egregiousness of the problem and the ease of its solution.

What is worse than the people whom we are entrusting to keep us all safe, who are paid and sworn to do so, killing someone instead and having it be dismissed? Yes, we want to improve crime rates, all of them. Stopping crime is a pursuit of all communities everywhere. When the people given the power to enforce laws are committing crimes and publicly getting away with it, though, that is more egregious and should be dealt with even more swiftly.

I'm not blaming anyone. I'm saying there are many factors that lead to where we are, and people just want to wipe their hands of it and say "well those black people better start taking care of themselves" rather than acknowledging the fact that they are trying to, but the treatment of blacks as less-than-human in other avenues (non-prosecution of their murders, the prison-for-profit systems using them as slave labor, etc) is not helping in any way.
Well surely the more frequent problem is also the most egregious, when both involve dead black people. The end result is equally egregious.

How many cases of it are there where they got away with it? Give a few specific examples. Ferguson isn't a valid example BTW. The taser plant one I'll give you for free, not that it was smart to try grab a cop's taser in the first place. And unarmed doesn't mean unjustified.

Some may be trying to help themselves, but the one jumping around during class aren't. Nor are the ones killing each other.

By the way, guess what a side effect will be of police officers getting prosecuted when they commit crimes against blacks? Black communities will be more likely to call the police when something happens, rather than going out for their own retaliation based on the viewpoint that the establishment/police "don't care." When you have more a police presence, and they're a part of the community and not outsiders who must be feared even when you're the witness or even victim, then they're more effective, and you don't have people trying to police themselves, or protect themselves with gang affiliation.

But nah, let's just tell all those black folks to stop crime on their own. It's their own damn fault, they should handle it by themselves. Tell them to stop acting like animals! Go to school! You can only afford the local public school, which is grossly underfunded due to being based on local property taxes, but that's ok. You'll graduate after being taught in a classroom with too many students per teacher and old books, and then you can try to go to a college that charges the value of your parent's home ever year for tuition. You're a hormonal teenager with peer pressure all around to make more money now than society will normally give you for the next 20 years, but you'll stay the straight and narrow because teenagers never make bad decisions.

Meanwhile the rest of us will stay in our quiet communities where we know the police are always on our side, the schools are lovely and have college preparatory programs that make getting a scholarship a breeze, especially if you go to the private school whose dean used to be dean at the nearby state college. Sure, we'll do drugs, but just the prescription drugs we got from our grandparents home, no one will mind that.
You say it like no cop has ever been prosecuted for shooting a black person.

Who else do you expect to stop 'their crime'? Blaming hormones now? Peer pressure? These are really bad excuses.

Communities are a product of the people in them. When they get bad, good people move, and they get bad because of the people in them.

The law prohibits discrimination, there's nothing else that can be done really. If Obama made it to the White House, maybe some just enjoy making excuses. Ditto for Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice.

May 26th, 2016, 09:28 AM
If you don't understand why a few police officers committing crimes and not being prosecuted even when caught is worse than a lot of criminals committing crimes and being prosecuted when they're caught, then I don't know what to tell you.

Examples are a simple Google search away, you just don't want them: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/black-lives-matter-11-racist-police-killings-with-no-justice-served-20141204

Lots of people can't just move out of an area to a nicer one when things get bad. That's one of those luxuries of having expendable income.

Not all black people come from low income and/or "bad" neighborhoods, and even those who do can find their way out. It's much harder, though, than if you have the road to success paved in gold for you. It doesn't mean you can't do it, but it's like a really short guy playing basketball: you're at a disadvantage from the start, through no fault of your own, and have to be better at everything and work harder than everyone just to be considered an equal.

I'm tired of leaning in hard to your racist bullshit and feeding your trolling nature. I had taken you off ignore because you had just gotten mostly stupid, but now you're back to being an asshole. Congratulations on your return.

May 26th, 2016, 09:57 AM
in other news, Bernie and Trump are going to have their own debate now........wow...nothing in the previous rulebook matters anymore

Hillary is a coward for not engaging Bernie. It's even more infuriating because she's doing it under the guise of "fighting the good fight" while the reality is she'd get murdered.

The upside is that Trump is such a shit show, that a lot of people might end up watching this. I have a lot of faith in Bernie, but I'm still a little nervous that Trump's lying and evasion could get the better of him. Kudos to both of them for at least putting on airs of respecting the process while Clinton continues her evasion of our system. I can't believe that anyone thinks building a wall is not okay, but hiding emails and not debating your competitor and taking mountains of cash from industry is. It's all wrong. All of it.

May 26th, 2016, 09:57 AM
If you don't understand why a few police officers committing crimes and not being prosecuted even when caught is worse than a lot of criminals committing crimes and being prosecuted when they're caught, then I don't know what to tell you.

Yeah.... while I agree that nudging the 99% and hoping the 1% follows is, in theory, a good plan, when you have egregious violations of justice and trust you have to stop and deal with that. Immediately. Harshly.

May 26th, 2016, 10:08 AM
Kudos to you for fighting the good fight, Keef. :up:

Too bad it's not worth it when that fuckstick Hutton is involved. :smh:

May 26th, 2016, 10:09 AM
Hugs Keith.

I did have a long/wordy response to the blatantly obvious racism, but decided it wasn't worth the bandwidth, when "ignorant racist fuck" is much more succinct.

Do fuck off.

May 26th, 2016, 11:24 AM
Quite often, I think those seemingly racist folks just don't have a full understanding of the situation. While stats are quite revealing at times, but they don't convey humanity fully. Better to try to educate them rather than hating them. Mutual understanding is key for our collective bright future...

With that, I'm having trouble understanding why Sanders only managed to be tied with Hillary in CA? What gives Californians? Can't you see who's the better candidate???

lord Jesus, please have the FBI indict mrs Clinton please please please...

Freude am Fahren
May 26th, 2016, 12:17 PM
CA is home to lots of corporations.

May 26th, 2016, 01:10 PM
Not as many as Delaware!

May 26th, 2016, 01:11 PM
Keith is awesome. :up:

It's unfortunate that so many people choose to ignore that problems within the black community are not just because 'thats the way black people are', but rather due to decades of systemic racism. Yeah, we're generations away from slavery, and only a couple of generations away from civil rights, but both of those still impact current generations. Segregation was legal in the US up until 50 years ago. Think about that for a second. Think about the disadvantages that cause going forward. It's kind of like compound interest, if you have money at the start, it's a lot easier to create opportunities and income for yourself. If you're broke as fuck, and surrounded by zero opportunity, you get stuck, you get trapped, you get desperate.

So yes, on paper, dealing with policing issues is 'small', but in reality it represents something very important. If those relationships are repaired, if we do something to increase education opportunities in poor communities (ie maybe funding schools equally per student statewide instead of based on counties), and some how figure out a way to build businesses in these communities without pushing people out (gentrification... so maybe more rent control?), a lot will change, imo. Unfortunately, all that is easier said than done. The relative financial elites fight tooth and nail against things that 'share the wealth/opportunity'. Many people in this country are of the opinion 'I have mine, fuck you'.

MR2 Fan
May 26th, 2016, 01:34 PM
I fully support the Black Lives Matter protests and they have valid points.

The problem is that the things they're fighting against, at least from what I can tell, aren't laws or policies, it's those entities, police forces, juries, etc. who choose to change how they do things because someone is black. That is a very difficult thing to counteract, as it means changing opinions OR changing who is allowed to become a police officer.

Education and training of the officers needs to be done to treat every situation the same and not put their biases into the equation and not let certain people become police officers because of their nature.

Let's not forget that George Zimmerman wanted to be a cop or someone in a similar position and he thought of himself as being that kind of person anyway...we see the results.

It is interesting to me how the racists tended to make their hatred a self-fulfilling prophecy. By not letting schools have the same level of funding in those neighborhoods, or housing have the same level of quality, or jobs not being available in the poor communities, then allowing drugs to infiltrate, they basically put down the equal rights and then claim that black people aren't as smart or find good jobs, etc.

May 26th, 2016, 01:42 PM
Even beyond legal segregation, there were decades of concerted efforts to "corral" historically disenfranchised people - largely black Americans - with real estate plays such as housing projects followed up with absurd education and then criminal laws. Each problem is, I suppose, less severe than the previous problem but moving from one shitty situation to another, slightly less shitty situation is not how you say, "Man, real sorry about what happened. Fresh start?" The problems associated with that progression run deep and wide. To ask a people who identify as a people, "Trust us first, then we'll trust you" is absolute madness - and whether it's education, health care, police, or anything else doing the asking really isn't going to change the course. I don't know how you address the core gracefully, but I do not think going easy on the people taking the advantage seems like the right approach. Sucks being the person or people being made example of, but I don't immediately see a better approach. Maybe the slack needs to be cut the other way for a time. Maybe the population needs to treat itself as a population instead of groups with relative levels of deserving.

May 26th, 2016, 02:34 PM

May 26th, 2016, 03:27 PM
Trump says Hillary wants to release all violent criminals from prison. Score's his 28th pants on fire.


May 26th, 2016, 04:16 PM

May 26th, 2016, 05:09 PM
Again, John Oliver is a fucking genius.

May 26th, 2016, 05:33 PM
If you don't understand why a few police officers committing crimes and not being prosecuted even when caught is worse than a lot of criminals committing crimes and being prosecuted when they're caught, then I don't know what to tell you.

Examples are a simple Google search away, you just don't want them: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/black-lives-matter-11-racist-police-killings-with-no-justice-served-20141204
Ah, a list from people with a very poor grasp of the law and who like to play hard and fast with the truth due to an anti-police agenda. I'll break it down with my own more informed spin:
1: One officer panics, the others engage in sympathetic firing. Difficult to prove who fired first in a criminal case, and even the officer who did it may not know due to how memory works.
2: Hard to say what happened. Could be that that Dorismond did something that justified him being shot, could be a prosecutor doing the grand jury to make it look like they're trying.
3: Police fuck up, sympathetic sentencing from the judge, which is not exclusive to police defendants.
4: Since he says it was an, "accident," I'd call it a negligent discharge, which regular Americans escape criminal punishment for all the time.
5: See explanation #1
6: Poor choice to mount taser to firearm side, and stronger charges not agreed upon by jury. The latter happens to regular Americans all the time.
7: Negligent discharge/poor trigger discipline. Hung jurys result due to overzealous politically motivated prosecution not settling for lower charges.
8: Sounds like a panic shooting. Not easy to find a sympathetic jury for drug dealers who flee police, even if the killing is questionably justified at best.
9: Probably bad driving combined with lying on a report.
10: Goof urban pioneer detective confronts noisy ghetto folk instead of just chalking it up to living on the West side of Chicago. He claims Boyd's boyfriend reached into his waistband as if he had a gun (which does happen, unless all the people who call 911 saying as much are liars), and starts shooting. Case drags out for years, which is not unusual in Cook County (I've got a burglary trial coming up for a guy arrested in 2014, and I work with an officer who's had a guy dragging out a DUI case for 8 YEARS). Detective later beats case on technicality/prosecutorial incompetence, which is also not unusual in Cook County.
11: Rolling Stone writer leaves out that 16 year old who was killed was a Bloods gang member whose cousin said that the gun he had that night was being held for somebody else.

Tom Servo
May 26th, 2016, 05:59 PM
:up: Keith

May 26th, 2016, 09:18 PM

as a psychologist who has studied human behavior—including voter behavior—for decades, I think there is something deeper going on. The problem isn’t that voters are too uninformed. It is that they don’t know just how uninformed they are.

May 27th, 2016, 03:16 AM
If you don't understand why a few police officers committing crimes and not being prosecuted even when caught is worse than a lot of criminals committing crimes and being prosecuted when they're caught, then I don't know what to tell you.
Not all perps get caught either, and they go on killing, and there are far more of them than bad police, hence why it's worse. And of course, black police don't exist and would never put a foot wrong if they did.

http://cimg4.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.mbworld.org-vbulletin/480x270/80-police_8ee6a0e7f6294e371b13e4d4beef02584f374d3b.gi f

http://cimg7.ibsrv.net/gimg/www.mbworld.org-vbulletin/480x270/80-police1_c92cda7329593c80f233be55879783d49f978575.g if

Examples are a simple Google search away, you just don't want them: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/black-lives-matter-11-racist-police-killings-with-no-justice-served-20141204
Let's nip this bullshit in the bud right here. First example - 'Ferguson'. I'm not even going to read any further. Cop with flawless record and zero complaints (which isn't easy as a cop) says a guy, who'd just violently robbed a liquor store, attacked him. You're basing a wrongful shooting on the fact the perp wasn't armed? Did you see the fucking size of him? It'd be more appropriate to protest a cat getting run over.


Lots of people can't just move out of an area to a nicer one when things get bad. That's one of those luxuries of having expendable income.
Who made it bad though? Use Detroit as an example if you like.


Not all black people come from low income and/or "bad" neighborhoods, and even those who do can find their way out. It's much harder, though, than if you have the road to success paved in gold for you. It doesn't mean you can't do it, but it's like a really short guy playing basketball: you're at a disadvantage from the start, through no fault of your own, and have to be better at everything and work harder than everyone just to be considered an equal.
Well you can't blame white people just because their parents made the same mistakes. There are poor white people too, the only difference is that they don't benefit from affirmative action.

I'm tired of leaning in hard to your racist bullshit and feeding your trolling nature. I had taken you off ignore because you had just gotten mostly stupid, but now you're back to being an asshole. Congratulations on your return.
I haven't said anything racist, and the fact you think I have highlights an underlying problem in society.

May 27th, 2016, 05:27 AM
I thought things were going to get better when Obama was elected. :(

May 27th, 2016, 05:32 AM
If you don't understand why a few police officers committing crimes and not being prosecuted even when caught is worse than a lot of criminals committing crimes and being prosecuted when they're caught, then I don't know what to tell you.

Examples are a simple Google search away, you just don't want them: http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/black-lives-matter-11-racist-police-killings-with-no-justice-served-20141204

Lots of people can't just move out of an area to a nicer one when things get bad. That's one of those luxuries of having expendable income.

Not all black people come from low income and/or "bad" neighborhoods, and even those who do can find their way out. It's much harder, though, than if you have the road to success paved in gold for you. It doesn't mean you can't do it, but it's like a really short guy playing basketball: you're at a disadvantage from the start, through no fault of your own, and have to be better at everything and work harder than everyone just to be considered an equal.

I'm tired of leaning in hard to your racist bullshit and feeding your trolling nature. I had taken you off ignore because you had just gotten mostly stupid, but now you're back to being an asshole. Congratulations on your return.

Nice post...

and I might add, most ignored poster? Is there a way of telling how many people have him on ignore?

Tom Servo
May 27th, 2016, 06:52 AM
It'd be really easy if we have direct access to the database.

May 27th, 2016, 07:35 AM
...and now the unthinkable.. What would Trump winning the Presidency do for the stock market?



It's an interesting topic, and one close to my heart.

The most challenging aspect, is Trump going to actually be the Trump we've seen so far, or something else? I can't help but think, the portrayed Trump, would be nothing short of a disaster economically and for the markets.

May 27th, 2016, 07:36 AM
It'd be really easy if we have direct access to the database.

Maybe we just do a poll? Do you have Hutton on ignore? Y/N...different thread of course.

Tom Servo
May 27th, 2016, 08:00 AM
Maybe we just do a poll? Do you have Hutton on ignore? Y/N...different thread of course.

Yeah, but that wouldn't get us numbers on any other ignored users. There are a few others here who might give him a run for his money.

May 27th, 2016, 08:02 AM
The bad part is that even right leaning groups are worried about Drumph's tax plan

re: poll
I don't think that's really appropriate... Who cares? Just leave him be. Everyone has that annoying cousin that we all ignore. We don't talk about how annoying they are when they're standing right next to us.

May 27th, 2016, 08:12 AM
The Jacksonville PD's under a microscope for a couple different instances right now.

May 27th, 2016, 08:20 AM
This is really worrysome as well. :(

Trump Vows To Undo Obama’s Climate Agenda In Appeal To Oil Sector

Among the proposals, Trump said he would pull the United States out of the U.N. global climate accord, approve the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada and rescind measures by President Barack Obama to cut U.S. emissions and protect waterways from industrial pollution.:angry:

May 27th, 2016, 08:28 AM
Is he just saying this shit to cause attention?

After January, they'll have to replace "BC/AD" with "BT/AT".

What the fuck.

May 27th, 2016, 08:45 AM
Who knows... You can't believe any of what he says. He lies about everything. :smh: I don't understand how anyone could want someone who constantly lies to represent them. :?

May 27th, 2016, 08:54 AM
Because he doesn't apologize for what he says, even when they're lies. We live in an "I'm sorry" culture now, and Trump refuses to apologize to anyone for anything.

Yes, that is the explanation I was given for why people like him despite the horrible things and lies he says. It doesn't matter what he says, it matters that he sticks by them no matter what.

May 27th, 2016, 08:56 AM
Wisconsin (http://thinkprogress.org/politics/2016/05/27/3781401/wisconsin-voter-id-trial/)... :smh:

May 27th, 2016, 09:51 AM
Well you can't blame white people just because their parents made the same mistakes. There are poor white people too, the only difference is that they don't benefit from affirmative action.

Of course you can blame everything on white folks. Who the hell brought the black parents here in the first place?

Regardless of race, with the family unit broken in pieces(because parents are having a hard time getting their things together), how do you expect the next generation to be able to learn to get their things together? So if one wants to blame somebody, yeah, we can blame their parents, but ultimately we can also blame the white folks who kidnapped their parents to the Americas.

In order to fix all the problems, it takes both races to work it out and not to give in to playing blame games. Michael Brown isn't an isolated incident. Yeah, maybe he's a big thug who just robbed a store and attacked an officer and deserved to be gunned down... but I'm sure the pressure has been building up for a while... just that was the incident that broke the camel's back. If that officer wasn't white, things most likely wouldn't explode.

Not sure how we can fix that problem. Perhaps police should just have cops of the same race patrolling areas that's predominantly of that race. Minimizing white cops in black communities is probably the best way to go in order to avoid the perception of racism.

Anyway, there's enough blame to go around for all the racial problems we have. Point is, a white guy shouldn't be blaming this kind of problems on the black kid or his black parents. Especially not a white dude from UK! If you have solutions to avoid such problems, cool. You blaming black people doesn't do anything for anybody. Just like I can blame it on your white ancestors. But again, that doesn't solve anything other than creating more resentment.

May 27th, 2016, 10:45 AM
Bookings at Trump hotels are plummeting.


May 27th, 2016, 12:05 PM

Victor Vizcarra, 48, of Los Angeles, said he would much prefer Mr. Trump to Mrs. Clinton. Though he said he disagreed with some of Mr. Trump’s policies, Mr. Vizcarra said he had watched “The Apprentice” and expected that a Trump presidency would be more exciting than a “boring” Clinton administration.

“A dark side of me wants to see what happens if Trump is in,” said Mr. Vizcarra, who works in information technology. “There is going to be some kind of change, and even if it’s like a Nazi-type change. People are so drama-filled. They want to see stuff like that happen. It’s like reality TV. You don’t want to just see everybody be happy with each other. You want to see someone fighting somebody.”
Choosing your president based on what would make for interesting TV.

“But our world is big enough that he’s not actually going to implement any of those changes in a realistic way. But what he will do is potentially audit the federal government, and he will try to break up some of the banks and try to at least influence government that way.
He won't be able to make the big sweeping changes that you don't like, but he will be able to make the big sweeping changes you do like. Makes perfect sense.

May 27th, 2016, 12:29 PM
I don't believe prez trump will be able to do anything.

If I can't get sanders, then I want him to be in the WH just to make the establishment nervous and will cause future politicians to think twice about accepting big money.

If Hillary at least simply 'pretend' to refuse money from wall st, I think I'd be glad to vote for her.

Anyway, my trump vote is not only contingent upon Bernie MIA, but I want to see his tax returns. If trump can't show me his returns, then I guess I'll just forget about voting at all.

This election is sad. We have people bitching about how stupid the other side is..., but the reality is it doesn't really matter....

Tom Servo
May 27th, 2016, 12:41 PM
Don't they not even want to bother with Keystone XL anymore? I thought it turned out that it wasn't going to be economically viable anyway and this was all just a bunch of yelling for no good reason.

May 27th, 2016, 01:32 PM

May 27th, 2016, 01:54 PM
Don't they not even want to bother with Keystone XL anymore? I thought it turned out that it wasn't going to be economically viable anyway and this was all just a bunch of yelling for no good reason.

There was a reason. They probably bombed someone or cut funding for a social program while arguing about it.

MR2 Fan
May 27th, 2016, 03:06 PM

May 27th, 2016, 03:21 PM
I don't know why, but I feel like that's wrong-er than right-er.

May 28th, 2016, 03:56 PM
Inside the mind of a Trump supporter:


May 28th, 2016, 04:29 PM
I thought things were going to get better when Obama was elected. :(

I honestly think he is partially responsible.

Yes: worst congress ever, racism against him, etc. Still, his social policies were inadequate in scope/execution.

May 28th, 2016, 04:48 PM
He tried to compromise. The sweeping changes that are needed were never going to go through with all of the obstructionism.

May 28th, 2016, 04:48 PM
He did have 8 years to do it, though.

May 28th, 2016, 06:00 PM
...and 8 years of childish assholes blocking everything he tried to do. If there was ever someone counting the days they retire, it's him. I'd have probably torched the place if I was in the same position, and dealt with half the bullshit they've given him.

May 29th, 2016, 07:55 AM
Obama's relationship with new Congress will be complicated

May 29th, 2016, 09:31 AM
That was the last time he had a majority in both houses and even then they used the filibuster to obstruct him hell of a lot.

Alan P
May 29th, 2016, 11:37 AM
Obama's relationship with new Congress will be complicated

Except that's from 2008? :?:

May 29th, 2016, 11:42 AM
Trump tells California that there is no drought.


Freude am Fahren
May 29th, 2016, 12:31 PM
WTF. He says what he's not oging to say then says it, then asks, "Was I good at not saying it?"

He's absolutely batshit insane.

May 29th, 2016, 02:16 PM
Our entire election is insane. here we are fighting each other for candidates nobody really like.

Future election requirements ought to be set... If you cannot achieve >50% popularity, you should not be on ballot. If we just cannot find any qualifying candidates to fill that office, that office should just be vacant.

May 29th, 2016, 04:35 PM
WTF. He says what he's not oging to say then says it, then asks, "Was I good at not saying it?"

He's absolutely batshit insane.

Nope but he knows his average supporter is.

May 29th, 2016, 05:46 PM
He's actually a smart man who understands what stupid people want to hear.

May 30th, 2016, 12:16 AM
Of course you can blame everything on white folks. Who the hell brought the black parents here in the first place?
Well the ones who didn't get brought are trying desperately to get there. The ones already there are bitching and complaining.

Regardless of race, with the family unit broken in pieces(because parents are having a hard time getting their things together), how do you expect the next generation to be able to learn to get their things together? So if one wants to blame somebody, yeah, we can blame their parents, but ultimately we can also blame the white folks who kidnapped their parents to the Americas.
So that's it then, everyone just blames their parents et infinitum until they get back to white people. But then white people do the same, until eventually we blame evolution and the humble amoeba for pulling this shit. Someone somewhere has to take responsibility for themselves.

In order to fix all the problems, it takes both races to work it out and not to give in to playing blame games. Michael Brown isn't an isolated incident. Yeah, maybe he's a big thug who just robbed a store and attacked an officer and deserved to be gunned down... but I'm sure the pressure has been building up for a while... just that was the incident that broke the camel's back. If that officer wasn't white, things most likely wouldn't explode.
Well you've kind of just admitted that the whole pretence behind the MB bullshit is incorrect right there. It comes across as protesting the right of black people to commit crimes, attack cops and not get shot. It's a civil wrongs movement.

Not sure how we can fix that problem. Perhaps police should just have cops of the same race patrolling areas that's predominantly of that race. Minimizing white cops in black communities is probably the best way to go in order to avoid the perception of racism.
So segregation then?:?

Anyway, there's enough blame to go around for all the racial problems we have. Point is, a white guy shouldn't be blaming this kind of problems on the black kid or his black parents. Especially not a white dude from UK! If you have solutions to avoid such problems, cool. You blaming black people doesn't do anything for anybody. Just like I can blame it on your white ancestors. But again, that doesn't solve anything other than creating more resentment.
I blame them only for their own crimes. That's the way both our justice systems work.

May 30th, 2016, 08:45 AM
Thing is you're not the justice system. Even real justice system could pervert justice with lack of or distorted evidences...

I can understand you're just voicing opinion, but it's obvious that your opinions can cause movements all by themselves. Best not to share them unless requested!

May 30th, 2016, 10:10 AM

May 30th, 2016, 10:44 AM
Except that's from 2008? :?:

Did you misread it?
If so then what did you read?

May 30th, 2016, 06:08 PM
Quarterly capitalism.


May 30th, 2016, 06:11 PM

May 30th, 2016, 06:14 PM

Sad, little man
May 30th, 2016, 07:35 PM
To be fair though, how can you ever have too many of these? :up: :up:


May 30th, 2016, 08:11 PM
That's what she said.

May 30th, 2016, 08:44 PM
To be fair though, how can you ever have too many of these? :up: :up:


To be fair though, while you're ogling and wishing for more unneeded M1 Abrams, there are schools with inadequate funding, no raises for social security, increasing medical expenses for people, crumbling infrastructure, inadequate upgrades to the electrical grid, cities with poisoned water, etc etc etc

May 30th, 2016, 09:52 PM
If you think about it, an M1 can solve a lot of those problems.

May 31st, 2016, 12:30 AM
Thing is you're not the justice system. Even real justice system could pervert justice with lack of or distorted evidences...

I can understand you're just voicing opinion, but it's obvious that your opinions can cause movements all by themselves. Best not to share them unless requested!
Not really. Some BLM protagonists believe in a policy of accusing a cop if there's any doubt.

May 31st, 2016, 12:43 AM
If you think about it, an M1 can solve a lot of those problems.
Not democratically.

May 31st, 2016, 02:12 AM
To be fair though, while you're ogling and wishing for more unneeded M1 Abrams, there are schools with inadequate funding, no raises for social security, increasing medical expenses for people, crumbling infrastructure, inadequate upgrades to the electrical grid, cities with poisoned water, etc etc etc

Well maybe poor people should lobby congress. Duh.

May 31st, 2016, 04:01 AM
Crumbling infrastructure you say?

Yeah we have that here and instead of fixing it the mayor wants to blow 645 million on projects like a new arena while claiming a 25 to 40 dollar wheel tax is needed to fix the roads.

May 31st, 2016, 06:16 AM
Well maybe poor people should lobby congress. Duh.
:up: How have we not though of that before??? Duh!!!

Freude am Fahren
May 31st, 2016, 07:25 AM
Crumbling infrastructure you say?

Yeah we have that here and instead of fixing it the mayor wants to blow 645 million on projects like a new arena while claiming a 25 to 40 dollar wheel tax is needed to fix the roads.

I wish cities would stop bailing out billionaire sports team owners.

May 31st, 2016, 08:33 AM
But they revitalize the area and bring money to businesses and somesuch nonsense.

We just did the same. Still mad.

May 31st, 2016, 08:34 AM
Not democratically.

I think that's rather the point of an M1 Abrams.

May 31st, 2016, 09:52 AM
Not really. Some BLM protagonists believe in a policy of accusing a cop if there's any doubt.

Our justice system doesn't work that way so I don't think we have to worry about the opinions of those particular extreme BLM protagonists.

With regard to social unrest, even if we switched to all black cops in black areas and remove race out of the equation, eventually there might still be social unrest if the balance of power/wealth is still out of whack.

Without people like Bernie Sanders in charge, things will just go further out of whack as we maintain 'status quo'.

Unless the rich decides that he needs to use this road or bridge, its just not going to get updated. So what if the poor folks die on it. (Doesn't really matter if you're black or white)

May 31st, 2016, 10:03 AM
Our justice system doesn't work that way so I don't think we have to worry about the opinions of those particular extreme BLM protagonists.

With regard to social unrest, even if we switched to all black cops in black areas and remove race out of the equation, eventually there might still be social unrest if the balance of power/wealth is still out of whack.

Without people like Bernie Sanders in charge, things will just go further out of whack as we maintain 'status quo'.

Unless the rich decides that he needs to use this road or bridge, its just not going to get updated. So what if the poor folks die on it. (Doesn't really matter if you're black or white)
Oh I know the justice system doesn't work that way but check out the link in this post:


Clearly an accusation is enough to amount to proof in some people's eyes.

The balance of power/wealth is out of whack across the board, that's not an issue affecting one race.

Indeed, the status quo is the mindset of the lazy, same reason we'll probably vote to remain in the EU. 'Stay, because doing nothing is easier.'

The rich have helicopters, so road bridges are irrelevant to them.

May 31st, 2016, 10:05 AM
I think that's rather the point of an M1 Abrams.
Delivering freedom whether you wanted it or not.

May 31st, 2016, 10:58 AM
I wish cities would stop bailing out billionaire sports team owners.

Thing is.... its not some billionaire team owner. Is for the local NBA D league team that gets 2500 people attending per game.

Our ECHL hockey team gets over double that. This may be Indians but Ft Wayne heavily prefers hockey to basketball.

Sad, little man
May 31st, 2016, 12:35 PM
To be fair though, while you're ogling and wishing for more unneeded M1 Abrams, there are schools with inadequate funding, no raises for social security, increasing medical expenses for people, crumbling infrastructure, inadequate upgrades to the electrical grid, cities with poisoned water, etc etc etc

To be fair though, that was a joke brought on by the fact that I've basically given up on society and am pretty much just sitting back and watching the world burn at this point.

May 31st, 2016, 02:40 PM
It's already burning. We're just waiting for some Trump Vodka to get thrown on the fire.

May 31st, 2016, 04:22 PM
But they revitalize the area and bring money to businesses and somesuch nonsense.

We just did the same. Still mad.

And my credit union is a title sponsor. WTF. Shouldn't that money be giving me better interest rates?!

June 1st, 2016, 04:53 AM
I'm pretty sure we all knew this... and it won't effect his numbers one bit. :( :smh: :mad:

Former Trump University Workers Call the School a ‘Lie’ and a ‘Scheme’ in Testimony (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/01/us/politics/donald-trump-university.html)

The most striking documents were written testimony from former employees of Trump University who said they had become disenchanted with the university’s tactics and culture. Corrine Sommer, an event manager, recounted how colleagues encouraged students to open up as many credit cards as possible to pay for classes that many of them could not afford.
One sales manager for Trump University, Ronald Schnackenberg, recounted how he was reprimanded for not pushing a financially struggling couple hard enough to sign up for a $35,000 real estate class, despite his conclusion that it would endanger their economic future. He watched with disgust, he said, as a fellow Trump University salesman persuaded the couple to purchase the class anyway. ... :(

June 1st, 2016, 09:28 AM
And my credit union is a title sponsor. WTF. Shouldn't that money be giving me better interest rates?!

Seriously. I've been with them a long time and have remained with them sort of out of a sense of duty. But I'm pretty irked about this, and probably going to close my not-small account this month.

June 1st, 2016, 11:58 AM
Catholic church gave $2 million to lobbyists to block a law to help victims of sex abuse:


June 1st, 2016, 12:05 PM
:o :smh:

June 1st, 2016, 12:33 PM
What is the Catholic church thinking? Worrying about financial bankruptcy? What about moral bankruptcy? Jesus help his church...

And the lobbyists who take to money to do the work. How do they sleep at night? Probably think that they're doing God's work while being paid handsomely... sigh... :smh:

June 1st, 2016, 01:55 PM
Back to topic..., Bernie Sanders volunteers banged on our door last nite explaining how we as no party preference folks can vote for Bernie Sanders. Also gave us an Asian Americans for Bernie sign.

They were so happy to hear that we're voting for Bernie. Wanted to ask for their unofficial polling results for the neighborhood, but I was afraid to ask... So far, I'm alreayd a bit disappointed to see that state wide, it's still so close...

Anyway, all I can do is vote for Bernie and pray I guess.

Usually the game is long over by the time CA has its primary, kinda exciting to know that this time CA might make a difference... to make or break Bernie's campaign. Fingers crossed.

June 1st, 2016, 02:23 PM

June 2nd, 2016, 11:34 AM
yet... this guy makes millions $$$ a year spouting this nonsense. :smh:

“Don’t doubt me on this. A lot of people think that all of us used to be gorillas, and they’re looking for the missing link out there. The evolution crowd. They think we were originally apes… If we were the original apes, then how come Harambe is still an ape, and how come he didn’t become one of us?”

“All I know is I’ve never been a chimpanzee, I don’t believe this garbage I ever was because we were chimpanzee, why are the chimpanzees still here?” Limbaugh asked in 2004. “If we were baboons, you know, if we evolved from that, what happened to them? Why didn’t they evolve? How come they got stuck still being idiot gorillas and stuff and we got to be humans?”

June 2nd, 2016, 11:37 AM

State attorneys general who dropped Trump University fraud inquires subsequently got Trump donations

June 2nd, 2016, 12:53 PM
There's a real shock.

June 2nd, 2016, 02:32 PM
What El Rushbo does not realize is that gorillas, chimps and other primates have evolved beyond him.

June 2nd, 2016, 03:03 PM
Why do you guys even care what El Rushbo thinks? It's just like Trump, some people like to hear those opinions and they end up liking them. People are naturally drawn to what they like due to confirmation bias. Confirming their bias with these opinions while ignoring stuffs that they don't want to hear.

Our nation is actually in a pretty sad state, even news media are no longer neutral and unbiased... because they know by staying neutral, they won't get ratings. When you report neutral stuffs, people on either side end up thinking you're opposing them... so they naturally cling to the kind of media that they want to hear... and result is polarizing media outlets...

With regard to evolution, seriously what difference does it make to you if some dumb ape doesn't want to believe that his ancestor was an ape? Why must such dumb ape 'believe' or 'know' that he came from apes? What difference does it make?

There are much more pressing issues to fight about than this.

This is why I like Bernie. Although an atheist, he fights for things that actually matter to people. All people.

June 2nd, 2016, 03:19 PM
I follow a FB page that's mainly run by libertarians. I agree with some libertarian stuff and not others. Today someone posted a picture of a McDonalds food ordering app for phones/tablets as a consequence of proposed $15 minimum wage. I pointed out that at most, that might kill a few cashier jobs but probably not even that because someone still has to make the food and hand it to the customer at the counter or drive through. One of the libtards claimed that they would be replaced by robots too and already have in Phoenix, posting this:


Some people don't think to check things in Snopes. It's sad really.

June 2nd, 2016, 03:30 PM
Is that an onion knock-off site? What the fuck. I didn't even have to read any ov it, beyond skimming, and I laughed the whole time.

research: the long-lost art. I weep for humanity.

June 2nd, 2016, 03:45 PM
Yep. It's a news satire site like the Onion.

June 2nd, 2016, 04:07 PM
Thank fuck. Of course, there's people that link Onion articles as "news" and go on their rants too.

There needs to be a serious thinning of the herd.

More Trump Vodka in the reservoir, I guess.

is it too late to sign up for Mars?

MR2 Fan
June 2nd, 2016, 04:59 PM
Plus, everybody knows Japan would get robots working in McDonald's first

June 2nd, 2016, 09:13 PM

June 3rd, 2016, 01:52 AM
^Wrong mouth. Only Canadians have that mouth in South Park.

June 3rd, 2016, 07:54 PM
California's voter registration reaches record numbers. 76% of the new registrations are democrats.


June 4th, 2016, 12:24 AM

US asks Russia to not hit Nusra Front in Syria, Moscow says


June 4th, 2016, 05:14 AM
This doesn't help make the anti-Trump case.


June 4th, 2016, 07:26 AM

Germany declares 1915 Armenian killings a "genocide"

(CNN)The German parliament has passed a symbolic resolution recognizing the 1915 massacre of Armenians by Ottoman forces as a "genocide."

The resolution was passed with a "striking majority" said President of the German Bundestag Norbert Lammert, with only one politician voting against it and one abstaining.

Between 600,000 and 1.5 million Armenians, and other minorities, are estimated to have been killed by what was then-Ottoman Turkey during World War One.

Turkey has now recalled its ambassador to Germany, in response to the resolution.

June 4th, 2016, 09:48 AM
Rush Dumbah doesn't understand how evolution works:


June 4th, 2016, 02:26 PM
Nobody fully understands it. Can we just move on rather than insisting the folks on the other side of your belief spectrum are dumb apes?

We really have no other political issues more pressing tag knowing how we have evolved or not?

Tom Servo
June 4th, 2016, 02:37 PM
The king of tangents has spoken...NO MORE TANGENTS.

June 4th, 2016, 04:00 PM
Somewhere in an alternate reality Limbaugh is a used car salesman at a high interest buy here/pay here lot in St. Louis and O'reilly is the shop teacher that everybody hates.

June 4th, 2016, 07:24 PM
but i liked my shop teachers...and i took every shop class offered...

June 5th, 2016, 03:44 AM
Can Hillary get elected before she's indicted? The race is on. Can she make it to the White House (even though she'd now be ineligible for the position of District Attorney) and quash the investigation against her. Place your bets.

June 5th, 2016, 08:26 AM

June 5th, 2016, 09:02 AM

June 5th, 2016, 09:49 AM

''We are afraid'' - Swedish schoolchildren's desperate letter to the principal

Swedish school children's desperate letter to the principal, after being beaten at school.

More and more parents keep their children home from school, after children have been abused by newly arrived immigrant students who attend the Central School in Kristianstad.

More groping in Germany:


Cologne 2.0? 26 women complain sexual assault at German music festival

Oh and more:


At least 18 young women in the German city of Darmstadt have so far reported of sexual abuse during a festival Saturday night, where they were subjected to sexual attacks by Pakistani asylum seekers.

Most of the victims are young women and the perpetrators are asylum seekers from Pakistan, according to police.

June 5th, 2016, 09:53 AM
Lead poisoning - more than just Flint.




June 5th, 2016, 02:22 PM
The king of tangents has spoken...NO MORE TANGENTS.


Sorry, I didn't mean we shouldn't have 'tangents' at all, just that this particular issue is kinda stupid or no win... Theory of evolution doesn't change anything in the here and now.

Global warming and antivax issues otoh are more relevant issues for debate...

June 5th, 2016, 07:31 PM

June 5th, 2016, 07:53 PM
Hillary lies and flip-flops:


June 5th, 2016, 08:00 PM
170 top economists endorse Bernie Sanders' plan for the big banks:


June 6th, 2016, 12:18 AM
Hillary lies and flip-flops:

So did she try to wipe the server?