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January 11th, 2020, 07:47 AM
Make it make sense, please, ...

Please read everything I posted then perhaps everything will make a bit more sense.

You’re acting like CNN, over reacting falsely at the Covington MAGA hat boy.

I hope you, unlike CNN, are doing it unintentionally.

If you don’t like bernibros, please don’t copy their tactics. Can we have actual genuine dialogues rather than just fuck yous? If you insist on intentionally fucking with me, I’d have no choice but to put you on ignore...

January 12th, 2020, 09:02 AM
I think an economic competition between China and the United States is a good thing. Inasmuch as the post-war scientific competition against the USSR was a good thing.

Two gangsters at the helm is a depressive prospect, though.

January 12th, 2020, 05:15 PM
Please read everything I posted then perhaps everything will make a bit more sense.

You’re acting like CNN, over reacting falsely at the Covington MAGA hat boy.

I hope you, unlike CNN, are doing it unintentionally.

If you don’t like bernibros, please don’t copy their tactics. Can we have actual genuine dialogues rather than just fuck yous? If you insist on intentionally fucking with me, I’d have no choice but to put you on ignore...

I read everything. I quoted it. I STAND BY WHAT i SAID.

And remember, your "i'm joking" doesn't jive with your last four yeas rhetoric. Which is why I don't buy it.

Me= not easily fooled.

January 12th, 2020, 08:12 PM
Ok, gotcha. I will give up hope on you. I will just stop responding to you from now on, but of course you can feel free to continue to be a bidenbro or Kamalabro or Castrobro if you wish. Enjoy, bro! ;)

January 12th, 2020, 09:37 PM
The contentious Taiwanese election is over..., it was Taiwan’s version of Hillary vs Trump, except she’s the one running for re-election... and the female president won!!!

I’ll spare you guys the details of Taiwanese politics, one reason I’m bringing it up though is because ever since Taiwan’s Democratic elections back in early 90s, Taiwan’s election results could predict which party in the US might win the WH with 100% certainty. so if this trend continue to be true... we can expect Trump’s reelection...

Let’s hope that trend will cease this year... because the dems will nominate a worthy candidate capable of defeating trump! Fingers crossed...

January 13th, 2020, 06:44 AM
So, now, Trump is saying he authorized the Soleimani hit 7 months ago....

Not sure that answers any questions, but creates more.

It's amazing how they paint themselves into a corner, and maybe to end up in the neighboring room's corner.

MR2 Fan
January 13th, 2020, 07:11 AM
Cory Booker has dropped out

I tried to get a number on how many candidates are left now but couldn't find one

January 13th, 2020, 07:19 AM
I think it's about 8(?) now?

Warren and Sanders need to stop their "battle" before they fuck up the whole thing.

They ALL need to rally behind one, now. Bloomberg said he's committed, whether or not he gets the nomination.

I think he should buy all 1st quarter Super Bowl ad slots, and do nothing but DJT's greatest hits. It's not like he doesn't have the money.

January 13th, 2020, 12:57 PM
IMHO, I see nothing wrong with 'battles', may the best man/woman win.

Obama and Hillary battled it out... and that didn't mean the 2 became mortal enemies.

I think one of the problems we have today is that people take things way too personally. People just can't agree to disagree while NOT harboring hateful feelings for one another. That's just crazy.

Now I have to admit I developed hateful feelings during 2016, but not because Hillary and Sanders battled it out and Sanders lost. My anger was due to suppression of Sander's campaign. It wasn't even a fair battle. Thankfully media blackout has gotten better with Sanders this time around... main reason is because he's just too famous now. However, media blackouts are still very alive and well with Tulsi and Yang. MSNBC has on numerous occasions misspelled Andrew Yangs name and/or using wrong photos and sometimes even outright left him out completely! Showing graphics like we have 9 candidates, while showing picture of 8 of them.

I can understand if it's a honest mistake, but when it happens consistently, you know it's done intentionally. That's the kind of thing that pisses me off, but I suppose thankfully this time around I don't just pin that frustration on any particular candidate. Last time around, I felt like Hillary was essentially the mastermind behind the entire DNC..., but DNC is now trying to figuring out what it really wants to become. Of course the 'establishment' is trying desperately to regain control one last time...

I sincerely believe if Biden is the eventual nominee, Trump should be able to easily win again. And then the democratic establishment should finally completely lose control and the progressives should be able to take over. Democratic establishment really should be like Russians... stop meddling with our elections. Let the best or the most popular person win.

January 13th, 2020, 02:55 PM
Here's a story (https://twitter.com/TheStagmania/status/1216457664575787008?s=19) about a Bernie bro ... being a bro.

This happened in meat space. Imagine how much worse it is online.

Freude am Fahren
January 13th, 2020, 05:13 PM
I was watching the end of the Golf Tournament in Hawaii yesterday and literally every other commercial was the same Bloomberg one. Not that it aired every other break. Every other single commercial for about a half hour's worth of breaks at least was the same Bloomberg 2020 ad. I guess that's what you can do when you're loaded and funding your own campaign.

January 13th, 2020, 06:49 PM
I was watching the end of the Golf Tournament in Hawaii yesterday and literally every other commercial was the same Bloomberg one. Not that it aired every other break. Every other single commercial for about a half hour's worth of breaks at least was the same Bloomberg 2020 ad. I guess that's what you can do when you're loaded and funding your own campaign.

We can thank St Bernie for that. His purity politics on campaign financing have killed democratic candidates ability to fundraise effectively.
Fuck Bernie.

January 13th, 2020, 06:55 PM
I was watching the end of the Golf Tournament in Hawaii yesterday and literally every other commercial was the same Bloomberg one. Not that it aired every other break. Every other single commercial for about a half hour's worth of breaks at least was the same Bloomberg 2020 ad. I guess that's what you can do when you're loaded and funding your own campaign.

I kinda doubt billionaires can ever win again thanks to Trump. Their ads can only go so far... after a certain point, I think these ads can only end up hurting you more than helping... plus, trump picked up on where the electorate was hurting and ran with that and gave them false hope... I’m not sure what these new billionaires have to offer...

January 14th, 2020, 11:26 AM
I quite enjoyed Warren attacking Biden and Mayor Pete regarding their attachment to wealthy donors. It kinda suck to now see Warren attack Bernie, but hey, since they are quite similar on issues, she needs to find some way to differentiate between them, right? Personally, I can't blame her for trying. However, It is kinda amazing how the mainstream media picked up such unconfirmed story and immediately took their chance to try to bring Bernie down...

I really think these guys have the most unbiased views so far, but anyway, I could be wrong...


I think this will be a good test for the liberal voters to go thru. IMHO, this is kinda like Warren's 'me too' moment. Will the liberal left do away with Bernie Sanders because of the sexist claim? Or be 'sexist' and call her a liar? In these private conversation he said she said incidents..., what will the liberal voters do? Will this me too, cancel culture, woke movement continue to snowball and burn Bernie down? Or will liberals beginning to wise up?

I can't wait to see Iowa results...

January 14th, 2020, 01:36 PM
Lets, um ... recap.

Bernie ...
Wrote rape essays.
Left his baby mama.
Didn't pay child support for his son.
Said “We have got to look at candidates, you know, not by the color of their skin, not by their sexual orientation or their gender and not by their age. I mean, I think we have got to try to move us toward a non-discriminatory society which looks at people based on their abilities, based on what they stand for.” While consciously ignoring that these things (age, gender, sexual orientation, race, etc) are often the very things that influence how seriously people are taken. (please, somebody, make it make sense!)
Had sexual harassment occurring in his campaign that wasn't dealt with.
Called Planned Parenthood "the establishment."
Dismissed pay inequity in his campaign by saying "I was a little bit busy running around the country."
Claimed women's issues were "a distraction."
Supported an anti abortion candidate.
Wagged his wrinkly finger in Hillary's face while she was speaking.
Etc etc etc

and here are the bros all over the interwebs (billi included) rushing to defend him against one incident of sexism rather than looking at his history of words, actions and interactions with women, and weighing that history against what he says.

Sorry. His dismissive attitude towards women's issues paints him in a completely different light. He's no feminist.

Tom Servo
January 14th, 2020, 05:05 PM
Well, this all seems pretty shady.


January 15th, 2020, 04:34 AM
On Warren/Sanders

I believe Warren, just from her body language alone. That being said, I can see Sanders trying to make a point that Americans are sexist and might not elect a woman, but being hamfisted about it and not being clear in message, so it turned into "women can't win". Either way, I still support their policies over Biden/Buttigieg, so my ranking is still


Styer actually said some good things last night, but frankly I'm not voting for someone without some political experience. He should run for Senate first or something.

January 15th, 2020, 04:35 AM
Well, this all seems pretty shady.


It's unfortunate that this news released when it did, it's pretty damning.

January 15th, 2020, 05:39 AM
See, this is where I think it's brilliant.

Please allow me to explain.

Pelosi took a lot of shit for her delayed, I think she played it perfectly. Why? Because she knew this shit was in the works. By her handing over the articles today she's potentially forcing the GOPs' hands to call on witnesses.

If they do just vote to dismiss in the first 5 minutes, they'll all look complicit in a "cover up." In which case, they (Congress) may be able to present/work on a new article to pursue the new evidence.

I think she knew this was in progress, in regard to the Parnas pile of shit. What's evident of him, he was representing DJT, but when DJT said "I don't know him" a few months ago, he shifted to "well, fuck that guy, no pardon for me, I need to take care of this myself" and went into self-preservation mode.

I'm still skeptically hopefully (translated into me believing there's a 5% chance) of witnesses. Some GOP senators have said they will not vote for dismissal, but I'm again, skeptical. Collins has said party-breaking stuff before, only to fall in line with a party-line vote when it came to it.

So I'll believe it when I see it.

If they do dismiss, or hold a trial without witnesses/etc, I hope it's the nail in their political coffins in 10 months.

January 15th, 2020, 08:10 AM
On Warren/Sanders

I believe Warren, just from her body language alone. That being said, I can see Sanders trying to make a point that Americans are sexist and might not elect a woman, but being hamfisted about it and not being clear in message, so it turned into "women can't win". Either way, I still support their policies over Biden/Buttigieg, so my ranking is still


Styer actually said some good things last night, but frankly I'm not voting for someone without some political experience. He should run for Senate first or something.

It'd be great if he put out a statement telling his followers (and members of his staff!) to stop attacking Warren, but ... silence.

January 15th, 2020, 08:33 AM
If they do dismiss, or hold a trial without witnesses/etc, I hope it's the nail in their political coffins in 10 months.

We've been trying to nail that coffin since he was caught verbally grabbing pussies... this zombie just doesn't want to go away! Will they be able to bury him within 10 months? I'll believe it when I see it! :p

As for the debate, didn't watch the whole thing, but I thought CNN has really established itself as pro-establishment... asking candidates questions regarding impeachment or stuff like 'do you support Iran having nukular weapons?' What do you think? Even if a candidate does want Iran to have nukular weapon, why do you think he would tell you? Also, WTF does that have anything to do with average americans? Only thing we can use to differentiate between candidates is whether if Bernie were a sexist or Warren is a liar... Great job CNN! :up:

Don't know if the debate changed any minds though. At least it looks like people here still like whoever they like before.

I also still like Andrew Yang although he was booted off stage because pollsters just didn't update their freaking polls... anyway, at least he still has enough money to hang in there... in such instances, I guess being a billionaire has his advantages... since Tommy was able to get in on the debate last minute thanks to his 'surge' in polls.

Even with Bloomberg, he was saying even if he doesn't get the nomination, he's still going to buy ads to fuck with Trump...

Yeah, that sounds kinda cool for dems, but seriously, I wish they'd put their billions into more productive uses.

Like perhaps donating more the Aussies or something if you have so much extra money to burn. Why waste money in such toxic politics?

I think the only billionaire I'd consider voting for would be Elon Musk, but he's unnaturally born so he won't qualify anyways...

January 15th, 2020, 10:22 AM
It'd be great if he put out a statement telling his followers (and members of his staff!) to stop attacking Warren, but ... silence.

You mean like Warren did before the debate because they knew it'd backfire? Or to her surrogates on social media who made the subject trend up today?


This is exactly what bad actors thrive upon for disinformation operations.

Denunciations of talking points by authoritative accounts REALLY help spread the initial talking point. This is part of the game plan of both propaganda operations⁠—and old-timey, vanilla political organizing. People literally see a hashtag by itself that is inherently divisive then join a pile-on, despite the hashtag trending because people are telling everyone to stop piling on. Twitter is a platform that's inherently open to manipulation.

The whole gender/mysogine angle is tactical error from her staff. They ought to focus on policy; Trump has made it abundantly clear the he is championed by his "trade and labor policies" (WTF that means), not because of his personality. I think he went as far as to say "voters hate me, but they love my economy".

January 15th, 2020, 11:01 AM
It's only a tactical error if she loses. If she wins, this would be a great strategic move for her.

Further, how can Warren beat Bernie on policy? Not sure she could come up with a plan for that. Painting him as a sexist grumpy old man is probably a brilliant move if she wants to beat him.

Warren and her staff also need to brush up on math a bit more..., on the debate stage, she claimed she was the only person on stage who was able to unseat a republican for the past 30 years. Should've said 29 years because Bernie defeated a republican 30 years ago. This math error resulted in her stating a lie.

Anyway, I wish the 2 of them could've discussed before hand which one of them should run from the beginning. Now it looks like they're not friends anymore... and won't be each other's VP... Good thing on the centrist establishment side, we have Biden and Pete battling it out with each other... otherwise, Biden would've surely benefitted from this progressive feud.

Also very curious how Iowans would look at Amy, Tom and Andrew. Should these 3 and the rest of the single digiters continue on or just let it go...

January 15th, 2020, 11:55 AM
VPs? It seems Julián Castro is her choice with Nina Turner being his.

January 15th, 2020, 12:08 PM
30yrs ago she was a republican.

MR2 Fan
January 15th, 2020, 12:09 PM
Lev Parnas will be on Maddow this evening.

That will be interesting.

While I do have issues with some MSNBC hosts and their management and lots of bad decisions, Rachel Maddow (along with her staff who help research) is, IMO, one of the best news commentators on television.

In a "perfect" world I would ensure that all "News" shows remove commentary programs from their listings entirely and focus just on reporting the facts of the news, but this is the era we live in.

January 15th, 2020, 12:27 PM
30yrs ago she was a republican.

That is a fact. Prior to 1996, she was still a Republican and a Cherokee. :D

But, com'on, people can change... I didn't know about the System and wasn't a Christian back then either... :p

January 15th, 2020, 04:59 PM
It'd be great if he put out a statement telling his followers (and members of his staff!) to stop attacking Warren, but ... silence.


Ideally they’d have hashed this out privately and come out unified on it, but it’s clear they have different memories of the discussion. And well, it’s close to the first votes being cast, so I’m guessing they are both selfishly ok with this drama. Unfortunately it’s splintering the Progressive vote in a bad way. Public statements to supporters to dial back attacks, and to reiterate their commonalities would be really nice right about now. The whole thing has been disappointing.

January 15th, 2020, 05:01 PM
Lev Parnas will be on Maddow this evening.

That will be interesting.

While I do have issues with some MSNBC hosts and their management and lots of bad decisions, Rachel Maddow (along with her staff who help research) is, IMO, one of the best news commentators on television.

In a "perfect" world I would ensure that all "News" shows remove commentary programs from their listings entirely and focus just on reporting the facts of the news, but this is the era we live in.

He threw Trump and Rudy straight under the bus. Basically Trump is implicated in an assasination conspiracy, though its not literally laid out, so Republicans will say Trump isn’t involved, or nothing was wrong, or whatever.

Tom Servo
January 15th, 2020, 05:23 PM
More things coming out today. Texts showing that Lev Parnas ran an editorial by John Solomon for The Hill past Yuriy Lutsenko four days before The Hill ran the editorial, smearing Marie Yovanovich, including some changes that Lutsenko suggested.

January 15th, 2020, 05:24 PM
If they do dismiss, or hold a trial without witnesses/etc, I hope it's the nail in their political coffins in 10 months.
You think the general population will remember this in 10 months?

They already forgot about Trumps 389 other offenses.

January 15th, 2020, 06:56 PM
And lets not forget, he’s maintained a roughly 90% approval among Republicans the entire time


https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/OSlyzaGtUZ1N2JeStY0mpy3Phbs3grt16HheBhykIe1u_v9_0k V96N2OMkmmt6i4KO1ixLBPLPpYvV0Ieqi45D4IKTf984RDjh5W JHVirvk6aP9voq57T9jkeA3nEn3b0Xpy_YkJ71PkPQkPDbY2rx J_kT5w2suUCp16Hl14yDEh6OZjZPqI_-SmP0rKl3of2F4unVFhvTbb4OP8ztNaWcMozR5VOhrKhIolQK2x wHp1UIU1a3q2uBUjz1GmJtpuKs-5XNWKJFJlh6F3ExVLIweMAk89XGQW73-i4eXkMGYUxur6kiCAIk8eVflq20I3W5GuWiLwCO7Cs_jcTalaO rjbjGcnfTBBk1CcyyjHOxYb-8CP-s6NppAZgnxmpQo4CHMoioJV017Y0LIIhEqFetN0vv46HlVc9PQ FmBWaUdX4TEBxuyHUBhSMFMqfk3n9wOZ-0wGxHpxZDE9RUFQ_E2blNniPF8yAzScURDR_r_0yMUFPw6i0A_ L212xPl_mpL0Kpd5CxpDkvH4Uk654mJ3XM9WsR_rAnkWmRw_AN dYr3kVhs_HUpLjLhAnWpNSglLYt_ZuSW8cCf1NU6pZAqXMa9K7 9QthXwmC60MsifxfGrE-Bb_oAa708AfJ9qRwqtN0LA8OLtRrBSY2xSTwXTb-PsKhIfJ1OZpwmp8J6-D1S3ki6gf1sA-g=w1716-h1200-no

January 15th, 2020, 07:26 PM
That's right. Trump wins because he's got his party locked down.
Democrats lost because they couldn't maintain their base and energize a larger pool of non-GOP sympathizers. The only two pre-candidates who could do that are Warren and Sanders, but they're kinda busy ATM.

Tom Servo
January 15th, 2020, 07:56 PM
What's fun is that he's held around a 90% approval rating and yet continually claims he's got a 95% one. Like, 90% is already pretty good, but he can't *not* lie.

Also, here's a good example of a Bernie Bro - https://twitter.com/WorkingClassBro/status/1217657874312200192

Note that I'm not 100% certain it's not a Russian bot, it's entirely possible the Bernie Bro phenomenon has been mostly just Russian bots.

January 15th, 2020, 08:17 PM
Sanders was never going to win over diehard Biden supporters and vice versa...

Trump was able to destroy the republican establishment in order to achieve that kind of support. Pro-establishment dems still have a lot power at the moment... and now the progressives in-fighting for sure ain’t helping.

My dark horse is still Andrew yang. Nobody has attacked him yet and trump doesn’t even have a nickname for him yet... ;)

Anyway, regarding the #neverwarren thing..., since I’m really unfamiliar with using Twitter, I found this interesting article about this trend... that the main reason why it went viral was mostly because of the users critical of it. Yes, warren supporters ended up helping out bernibros! Imagine that!

Facebook executive Alex Stamos laid out some advice on how to approach similar situations on Twitter. “1) Don’t use a hashtag to criticize that hashtag. 2) Stop quote-tweeting small-follower accounts as criticism. 3) Don’t believe that the population of ‘people’ on Twitter is reflective of anything, including ‘candidate X’s followers.’”


I think nature has this algorithm built in as well. The more we focus in on criticizing trump or impeach trump or fuck trump, the more trump goes viral and end up winning the White House...

One thing that saddens me is that things can already degenerate to this level all without the help of trump supporters..., I can’t wait to get all the trump supporters in the mix... :rolleyes:

Tom Servo
January 15th, 2020, 09:09 PM
The more we focus in on criticizing trump or impeach trump or fuck trump, the more trump goes viral and end up winning the White House...

That reminds me way too much of "if I just don't complain about my spouse beating me, maybe they'll stop beating me."

January 15th, 2020, 09:57 PM
There’s a difference between making something known for the 1st time and making it known for the nth time.

It is well known that trump has character flaws, his supporters just don’t care because they believe trump cares about them. Unlike Hillary.

To dethrone trump, we just need to show that he only cares about himself... or find solid evidence that can put him away for good. Just talking about him won’t do any good, and it might possibly help him...

January 16th, 2020, 04:44 AM
You think the general population will remember this in 10 months?

They already forgot about Trumps 389 other offenses.


January 16th, 2020, 05:24 AM
To dethrone trump, we just need to show that he only cares about himself... or find solid evidence that can put him away for good. Just talking about him won’t do any good, and it might possibly help him...

His voters actually see that as a desirable trait, they believe in the illusion of individual social mobility, they think Trump is a product of his own effort and cunning.

MR2 Fan
January 16th, 2020, 06:12 AM
His voters actually see that as a desirable trait, they believe in the illusion of individual social mobility, they think Trump is a product of his own effort and cunning.

Agreed. Unfortunately for the past few decades there's been a "me first" attitude from a lot of people and that also means there's a lot of individualism and hence, a pushback against collectivism or anyone that's outside or "other".

This IMO also leads to a lot of people thinking their uneducated opinion is worth as much as others, because who cares what others think. It's cultural selfishness built in over generations and it's costing us in a lot of ways. I think that is why it's so easy for people to reject science and facts....ironically the statement "facts don't care about your feelings" seems to be a right-wing saying recently, even though most of them entirely don't listen to facts.

January 16th, 2020, 06:21 AM
Dude, isn't your entire country's philosophy built on me-first?

MR2 Fan
January 16th, 2020, 06:26 AM
I mean sort of yes, but I think it's gotten worse since the 70's-80's.

January 16th, 2020, 06:27 AM
I mean sort of yes, but I think it's gotten worse since the 70's-80's.

Funny because for all the boomer upward mobility, most of that was a collective shift borne out of structural changes.

January 16th, 2020, 07:10 AM
That reminds me way too much of "if I just don't complain about my spouse beating me, maybe they'll stop beating me."
AKA "They really love me" and "It was all my fault"

January 16th, 2020, 08:37 AM
There's also a difference between soul searching vs victim blaming.

How did the dems lose the white house? Sudden growth of stupid ass Trump supporters or perhaps Obama policies do need some tweaking so we shouldn't insist on status quo?

Even if the former were the "major" cause, but we can't really say that the liberal policies are completely blameless, right?

Also, considering both side of the problems, which is more controllable to liberals? Will it be easier for liberals to change the mindsets of the stupid ass trump supporters? Or will it be easier for the liberals to change itself and become better and more attractive to them? When the liberal side is more attractive and more hopeful, we could even use a black president to attract them votes of white supremacists! That's what we need to do! Find ways to attract them instead of only attacking them.

That's what I'm talking about. I'm not trying to victim blame the dems, but I do want the dems to do more soul searching and consequently become more attractive to the other side.

If you must attack Trump, attacking his character is clearly useless. We need to show his supporters how lousy of a businessman he really is. I don't understand why no one is able to find out about his tax situations. There are no liberals in the IRS who could leak something out? I'm pretty sure if we could see Trump's tax returns, his support will likely dwindle.

But unfortunately, we don't have any whistle blowers working in the IRS.

You know what the conspiracy theorists in me thinks? Trump tax return probably will implicate some dem establishment folks. That's why just like Jeff Epstein case... the financial tsunami bankers cannot be investigated... because if one digs too deep, it's going to implicate themselves or their friends...

IMHO, best solution for the future is probably new laws. Congress should not only limit a president's war powers, but also force them to show us their tax returns... and set clear set of conflict of interests issues that need to be resolved before swearing into office. If we have such piece of legislation in place, this orangutan would never be in office, even if he has a landslide victory. Well, if we do have such legislation in place, hopefully people with questionable tax histories and lots of conflicting interests will simply choose to not run for public office.

Back to soul searching, I really think Yang done most of that and came up with the best solutions. Even better than Bernie. It's interesting MSNBC's giving him interviews now... and speaking of twitter earlier, Andrew Yang was trending worldwide on Twitter during a debate that he wasn't even in. How weird is that?


MR2 Fan
January 16th, 2020, 10:19 AM
I don't know...if I was involved in some very shady issues with various oligarchs and people you shouldn't be associated with for committing crimes...taking lots of photos with them MAY be a bad idea

January 16th, 2020, 10:54 AM
If he as a celeb is immune to grabbing girls by the pussies, do you think his supporters will be shocked by photos? I kinda doubt that.

I still think a photo of his tax return will be able to cause more damage than he actually grabbing pussy.

Of course ignoring his supporters all together, it’d be nice if we could have solid evidence to put him away on an actual crime.

You have to admit, abusive of power and obstruction is too vague of a crime... might as well impeach him as an asshole and throw him out based on that.

January 16th, 2020, 10:57 AM
That's right. Trump wins because he's got his party locked down.
Democrats lost because they couldn't maintain their base and energize a larger pool of non-GOP sympathizers. The only two pre-candidates who could do that are Warren and Sanders, but they're kinda busy ATM.

Those two candidates are the two candidates black folk will generally NOT vote for, and black folk are a bedrock of the Democratic party's voters. Chase Trump voters, maybe gain some, but lose your own voters.
Warren has nice ideas, but she was a republican until recently. I, we, don't trust someone who was/ chose to be so blind to what was going on.
Bernie? Has no record of doing anything in his forty years of political service doing nothing. We rejected him last time. He's been campaigning for four years and his numbers haven't improved with the black population.

January 16th, 2020, 11:00 AM
You mean like Warren did before the debate because they knew it'd backfire? Or to her surrogates on social media who made the subject trend up today?


The whole gender/mysogine angle is tactical error from her staff. They ought to focus on policy; Trump has made it abundantly clear the he is championed by his "trade and labor policies" (WTF that means), not because of his personality. I think he went as far as to say "voters hate me, but they love my economy".

Those surrogates are attacking Bernie followers? Swarming. Reporting false allegations. Trying to get them in twitter jail, etc? No? Not exactly the same thing.

January 16th, 2020, 11:01 AM
You think the general population will remember this in 10 months?

They already forgot about Trumps 389 other offenses.

So you stopped counting about two years ago .... :lol:

January 16th, 2020, 11:06 AM
And lets not forget, he’s maintained a roughly 90% approval among Republicans the entire time


https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/OSlyzaGtUZ1N2JeStY0mpy3Phbs3grt16HheBhykIe1u_v9_0k V96N2OMkmmt6i4KO1ixLBPLPpYvV0Ieqi45D4IKTf984RDjh5W JHVirvk6aP9voq57T9jkeA3nEn3b0Xpy_YkJ71PkPQkPDbY2rx J_kT5w2suUCp16Hl14yDEh6OZjZPqI_-SmP0rKl3of2F4unVFhvTbb4OP8ztNaWcMozR5VOhrKhIolQK2x wHp1UIU1a3q2uBUjz1GmJtpuKs-5XNWKJFJlh6F3ExVLIweMAk89XGQW73-i4eXkMGYUxur6kiCAIk8eVflq20I3W5GuWiLwCO7Cs_jcTalaO rjbjGcnfTBBk1CcyyjHOxYb-8CP-s6NppAZgnxmpQo4CHMoioJV017Y0LIIhEqFetN0vv46HlVc9PQ FmBWaUdX4TEBxuyHUBhSMFMqfk3n9wOZ-0wGxHpxZDE9RUFQ_E2blNniPF8yAzScURDR_r_0yMUFPw6i0A_ L212xPl_mpL0Kpd5CxpDkvH4Uk654mJ3XM9WsR_rAnkWmRw_AN dYr3kVhs_HUpLjLhAnWpNSglLYt_ZuSW8cCf1NU6pZAqXMa9K7 9QthXwmC60MsifxfGrE-Bb_oAa708AfJ9qRwqtN0LA8OLtRrBSY2xSTwXTb-PsKhIfJ1OZpwmp8J6-D1S3ki6gf1sA-g=w1716-h1200-no

And this is why I can't fuck with Trump voters. Overlooking racism, sexism, nativism/ jingoism, homophobia, all the other isms, etc was enough, during his actual campaign!!! He's just become worse, and they still ride or die. Nah fam. Skip me with that bullshit.

I loved the video, long time ago, of a repairman pulling up to a black couples house to repair their golf cart, with the confederate flag proudly hanging off the back of his truck, and they said, "no thank you, we don't need your services."

January 16th, 2020, 11:08 AM
Agreed. Unfortunately for the past few decades there's been a "me first" attitude from a lot of people and that also means there's a lot of individualism and hence, a pushback against collectivism or anyone that's outside or "other".

This IMO also leads to a lot of people thinking their uneducated opinion is worth as much as others, because who cares what others think. It's cultural selfishness built in over generations and it's costing us in a lot of ways. I think that is why it's so easy for people to reject science and facts....ironically the statement "facts don't care about your feelings" seems to be a right-wing saying recently, even though most of them entirely don't listen to facts.


January 16th, 2020, 01:08 PM
Dude. Did you even read it?

They were trying to stop the pile-on on Warren after the debate, but that's not how social media works. Political commentator said it was a mistake to try that. One too many mistakes they have been known to make in recent days.

January 16th, 2020, 01:33 PM
Dude. Did you even read it?

They were trying to stop the pile-on on Warren after the debate, but that's not how social media works. Political commentator said it was a mistake to try that. One too many mistakes they have been known to make in recent days.

Yes I read it. The jist of it was that quoting a particular hashtag when you opposed it just amplified it. Which is true.
And I was pointing out they weren't attacking Bernie supporters.

Go back to the post you quoted and you'll see I was decrying the antics of bros who were actively trying to get Warrenistas banned.

January 16th, 2020, 02:51 PM
I thought it was warren supporters blocking other warren supporters in an attempt to de-escalate.


January 16th, 2020, 05:08 PM
"Vote blue no matter who" has been pushed by the Bernie faction, ostensibly because they think he'll be the nominee. A lot of non Bernie affiliated people also said it, so don't assume i'm saying it's only the Berners.
The only problem with it is that we *I* remember those fuckers voting third party :smh: and we're i'm still pissed off about it, and i'm petty as fuck. I'm NOT voting Bernie, if he ends up being the nominee. I'll go vote down ballot, because those races are important, but, say it with me here, "fuck Bernie!" I'm writing in Hillary. I'm not the only one who feels that way.

And the bros don't understand just how pissed we are.

Courts are gone for a generation ... I'll stop before I start ranting.

January 17th, 2020, 05:28 AM
The only problem with it is that we *I* remember those fuckers voting third party :smh: and we're i'm still pissed off about it, and i'm petty as fuck.

That sounds like selective perception. Because that's defo not what I've read about last election.

A more important caveat, perhaps, is that other statistics suggest that this level of "defection" isn't all that out of the ordinary. Believing that all those Sanders voters somehow should have been expected to not vote for Trump may be to misunderstand how primary voters behave. (https://www.npr.org/2017/08/24/545812242/1-in-10-sanders-primary-voters-ended-up-supporting-trump-survey-finds)

January 17th, 2020, 05:38 AM
Lets, um ... recap.

Bernie ...
[itemized list]

Sorry. His dismissive attitude towards women's issues paints him in a completely different light. He's no feminist.

You didn't get the memo?, well worry no more, here it is.

“I would be careful with the ‘sexism’ angle when it comes to the Bernie/Warren exchange individually — that’s not what this is about and I think it’ll be really bad news for us if that becomes what this is about (i.e. press asking [Warren] if she thinks Bernie is sexist),” the staffer told the group. “Is that what this is about broadly? Absolutely. But no one here is actually claiming Bernie himself is sexist (regardless of your own personal beliefs on that topic).”

January 17th, 2020, 06:08 AM
I don't have Hulu, but, from the previews I might have seen, the NYT's editorial board did a pretty good job in presenting thoughtful answers from the democratic candidates in a nuanced setting (I know, the NYT, shocker!) for their The Weekly vlogcast. Watch it if you can.

January 17th, 2020, 06:46 AM
That sounds like selective perception. Because that's defo not what I've read about last election.

Don't bother, I've already linked him multiple articles that 2016 primary loser voters supported primary winners in a normal manner, he's choosing to believe a narrative.

Like in 2016, I wish I could combine multiple candidate's policies, but I can't. All 4 front runners are better than Trump, so I'll be voting for whomever gets the nomination, even if that angers Mo, or Billi, or whomever.

January 17th, 2020, 06:47 AM

Meanwhile, this except from the upcoming book is kinda terrifying. We can't get rid of this guy quick enough.

January 17th, 2020, 07:01 AM
Just saw this myself. What a complete and utter twat.

January 17th, 2020, 07:01 AM
Don't bother, I've already linked him multiple articles that 2016 primary loser voters supported primary winners in a normal manner, he's choosing to believe a narrative.

Like in 2016, I wish I could combine multiple candidate's policies, but I can't. All 4 front runners are better than Trump, so I'll be voting for whomever gets the nomination, even if that angers Mo, or Billi, or whomever.

It's a democracy! People can vote or not vote for whoever he/she wants based on whatever he/she believes in.

I won't be upset if he's voting for Hillary again and then Trump end up getting re-elected. I can accept that.

I think foreign policy-wise, Trump might be good for America considering the rise of bunch of asshole dictators all around the world... not just NK, but also China and Russia... and Iran!

If that reckless killing that stupid general resulted in Iranian people starting a revolution to topple the oppressive regime, Trump could accidentally earn some credits in history books!

But of course ideally, I'd like to see Trump gone and Andrew Yang take over. But anyway, I know we live in the real world...

Freude am Fahren
January 17th, 2020, 07:21 AM

Meanwhile, this except from the upcoming book is kinda terrifying. We can't get rid of this guy quick enough.

Recap for those not subscribed?

January 17th, 2020, 07:53 AM
"‘You’re a bunch of dopes and babies’: Inside Trump’s stunning tirade against generals"

About all you really need to see.

January 17th, 2020, 09:45 AM

Latest poll showed that people in New Hampshire apparently don't believe Bernie is a sexist or don't care about him being a sexist.

Liberal voters have spoken. Beat Bernie with you plans, not with identity politics please! Thank you Elizabeth.

January 17th, 2020, 10:00 AM
Don't bother, I've already linked him multiple articles that 2016 primary loser voters supported primary winners in a normal manner, he's choosing to believe a narrative.

Like in 2016, I wish I could combine multiple candidate's policies, but I can't. All 4 front runners are better than Trump, so I'll be voting for whomever gets the nomination, even if that angers Mo, or Billi, or whomever.

You absolutely did. And I read them and assimilated the information. I didn't disbelieve it either because it wasn't incongruent with what i already believed.

But, ... there's numerous (https://www.newsweek.com/bernie-sanders-trump-2016-election-654320) other articles (https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/bernie-or-bust-the-sanders-supporters-who-will-back-trump-if-their-man-isnt-democratic-nominee) (I'll stop here, because unlike billi you know how to use google to find information) that say enough of them voted Trump to change the election.
There's even articles saying the "Bernie or bust" (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-04-17/-bernie-or-bust-voters-create-predicament-for-democrats-in-2020) camp still exists, even with the now historically worst president ever, but I can't really complain about them, since i'm anybody but Bernie. It would be hypocritical. And in a sense I am being hypocritical, me the champion of "black voters are practical" but I prefer to frame it as being petty. I'm human. I'm allowed to feel wronged. Frame it whichever way you choose.

But, like i've said before, Bernies 40 odd years of doing mostly nothing in Congress is not my real issue. It's his insane followers. (No, not all of them are insane. In fact it's probably just a small number of them, but the harassment. they. put. out. is overwhelming. I'm beginning to suspect a good number of them are Russian bots.) It's also the lack of critical analysis of his words and actions.

I rode hard for Bernie last time. It took me a while to figure out it was a lot of smoke and mirrors.

I still like a lot of his policy positions (yes the economy is skewed towards the wealthy, yes we do need national healthcare, yes we do need free college {but we need free childcare first! And y'all know I don't have children} yes the climate is in peril, yes we need substantially more housing, training, employment, less foreign military actions etc etc etc. I'm on board with a lot if not all his positions) but i'm grounded in reality and the man himself, is a no, nope, no thank you. Hard pass. His own words and his actions, historical and present, are the cause of that.

I have no quarrel with you because you're not shitting on the Democrats (when the Republicans are the ones fucking things up,) and being mostly silent on the Republicans. Like a certain crazed insanibilli. Which is the entire basis of my position on him.

Are they perfect, no, but i'm not letting perfect be the enemy of good. We have an evil political party and a not evil political party. It's a simple choice. Just as it was in 2016. If one doesn't like the not evil political party they can go form their own "even better party." If their party is clearly better then those who follow the not evil party might be inclined to go join the even better party.

January 17th, 2020, 10:09 AM
NH is pretty much home turf for him, though.

Tom Servo
January 17th, 2020, 10:17 AM
I don't think this got posted, Washington Post did one of those "I side with..." kinda things, asking which way you lean on a topic and then telling you which candidate most aligns with your views. Mine weren't all that surprising, but was nice to know that my personal favorite candidate was also the one I sided with the most.


January 17th, 2020, 10:22 AM
"‘You’re a bunch of dopes and babies’: Inside Trump’s stunning tirade against generals"

About all you really need to see.

Also that he cares more about what the deplorables think than the experts who were in the room.

January 17th, 2020, 10:27 AM

Latest poll showed that people in New Hampshire apparently don't believe Bernie is a sexist or don't care about him being a sexist.

Liberal voters have spoken. Beat Bernie with you plans, not with identity politics please! Thank you Elizabeth.

"White working class" is identity politics. So when he decries identity politics to champion the wwc or their ilk, what exactly is he doing?

January 17th, 2020, 10:27 AM
NH is pretty much home turf for him, though.

It's like Vermont version II.

January 17th, 2020, 11:04 AM
NH is pretty much home turf for him, though.

That’s just the freshest poll post debate..., I guess we’ll have to check polls from Massachusetts to be absolutely sure...

Anyway N.H. folks had warren at a distant 3rd though, tied with Biden!

January 17th, 2020, 11:22 AM
I don't think this got posted, Washington Post did one of those "I side with..." kinda things, asking which way you lean on a topic and then telling you which candidate most aligns with your views. Mine weren't all that surprising, but was nice to know that my personal favorite candidate was also the one I sided with the most.


It was purely academic for me, but wow! Steyer? Not my most sided candidate, but quite close.

January 17th, 2020, 11:22 AM
I don't think this got posted, Washington Post did one of those "I side with..." kinda things, asking which way you lean on a topic and then telling you which candidate most aligns with your views. Mine weren't all that surprising, but was nice to know that my personal favorite candidate was also the one I sided with the most.


That's a pretty handy tool! :up:

BTW, who is your favorite now? Still Warren, right?

Anyway, you know one thing I hate about politics today is that we can't talk about why we like somebody without offending somebody else.

Seriously, we don't need Berniebros or Warrenbros or Bidenbros or maybe even some Hillarybros... They're all on the blue side too. None of the conservative rednecks involved..., yet, people can already be all ready to kill each other. WTF? I do not like Hillary, but that doesn't mean I'm ready to kill Hillary supporters!

I wish more people here could freely talk about their favorite candidates and perhaps help me understand why they think their candidates are better than Andrew Yang! ;)

My sense is that most people here are still with Bernie and Warren and the rest probably can just go with whoever nominated in the end... and one person will write down Hillary. Am I right?

BTW, here's my final championship tally after 20 races:
Yang, 14
Bloomberg, 13
Biden, Pete, Amy, Tom, 11
Tulsi, 10
Warren, 9
Sanders, 6

I guess I'm not really that progressive. :|

But I'm going to automatically DQ the billionaires...

Also, policies aside, if all candidates have the same integrity as Bernie Sanders, being a stubborn human being fighting for the same damn thing for decades... then obviously he would be my least favorite. Personalitywise, he really isn't that likable. However, the reality is that most people don't have integrity. Take Andrew Yang for example..., there's really no way for me to know for sure whether if he'll keep any of his promises once elected. Sudden surge of power could possibly corrupt him. There's absolutely no past performance for me to even extrapolate what he'll really do...

So after factoring in past performance and integrity in there, I'm sure Bernie Sanders won't be last on my list. My original list prior to this exercise was Yang 1st and Bernie 2nd.

January 17th, 2020, 11:45 AM
I can't read these links you guys keep posting. Do you guys pay to subscribe to those sites?

Not that I'm going to, but just curious if anyone actually does.

I get pretty tired of clicking on links just to find out they want me to pay or turn off my ad blocker. I'm starting to think Digg.com exists solely to promote those kinds of websites.

"Oh, this looks cool. I'd like to see what this is abou...ARGGHH! HULK SMASH!!!" :lol:

January 17th, 2020, 11:49 AM
I only can't read some of washington post links..., but that quiz Swervo posted worked for me. I subscribe to nothing.

The article about Trump Jason posted for some reason washington post insisted on me to pay..., but screw that. Who cares about Trump.

MR2 Fan
January 17th, 2020, 11:54 AM
If I was Bloomberg or Steyer, I'd pick a super progressive candidate as my running-mate (after they've dropped out, of course)

January 17th, 2020, 12:00 PM
Why? Why not just buy the politicians of your choice? Much easier.

I think Trump must've pissed off Bloomberg somehow. Bloomberg seems committed to fuck with Trump with ads even if he had no chance of winning the nomination. Usually rich people wouldn't waste their money like that... Even if your political attack ads worked and Trump were defeated... that money spent still wouldn't be a good investment for him. So must be some sort of personal vendetta or something...

Anyway, I still wish he wouldn't do that though... because Trump seems to thrive on negativity. Ideally, we need to beat him because we have a better candidate, not just because we're the lesser of the 2 evils.

January 17th, 2020, 12:01 PM
The Washington Post quiz worked fine for me. My top candidates are: Biden, Bloomberg and Steyer.

Steyer is the interesting one for me because he is promoting one of my huge axioms which is term limits. Which I noticed they didn't have a question for and how the candidates see it.

January 17th, 2020, 12:19 PM
Yeah, I think Tom and Andrew are the only candidates proposing term limits in congress...


Such limits will send both folks like Bernie and Mitch into retirement earlier so that new fresh blood could come in... regardless of ideology, boomers really should give younger generations more room to run our own lives rather than continue to hold on to power...

If not term limits, there ought to be an age limit. Not meant to be ageist, but if you're 80 some years old, you really should retire like Picard instead of commanding a starship. Give Riker a chance rather than holding on to the captain's chair for too long...

January 17th, 2020, 12:19 PM
I can't read these links you guys keep posting.

"I side with..." worked here.
(this is EU!)

14 Yang
12 Klobuchar, Steyer, Warren
11 Buttigieg

MR2 Fan
January 17th, 2020, 12:54 PM
My 2020 Presidential Platform (if I was running, theoretically)

- Term Limits to 3 terms in Congress
- Forgive ALL Student Loan Debt
- Create single payer healthcare
- Tax stock trades heavily to help pay for it - All of the above need to be easily explained in detail with charts, etc.
- Put a cap on military spending and put an oversight board for each company to ensure spending is done properly....that will not weaken our miilitary IMO, it will just make them be more careful about where they spend things and become more efficient. Giving unlimited amounts of cash just breeds overspending.
- Restore the law about news channels having to report a certain level of accuracy (Can't recall what it was but I believe it was removed during the Reagan admin)
- Increase minimum wage to $15 an hour over the next 4 years, not immediately in order to give businesses time to adjust, however also have exemptions for businesses making less than $500,000 a year in profit or so
- Focus on infrastructure improvements to highways, schools, other essential services (ZOMG socialism)
- Put a national oversight board in charge of checking police forces and special re-training procedures to prevent further law enforcement problems
- Put higher taxes on companies where the highest levels make over a certain % amount more than their employees.
- Put major investment into environmental technologies which will globally reduce the need for oil and bring us out of the middle east entirely.
- Make colleges a lot cheaper for people to attend

and finally put a major focus on ensuring that candidates for congress are also signed on to this agreement, because too often there's no consensus and not enough of a push to put other democrats in office that also support these polciies.

January 17th, 2020, 01:02 PM
Senator Warren and Senator Sanders won't sign up to your agreement about term limits. So you're presidency is screwed before the Republicans come mess with you!

Game of politics is hard work, huh? :p

Tom Servo
January 17th, 2020, 01:10 PM
I can't read these links you guys keep posting. Do you guys pay to subscribe to those sites?

Not that I'm going to, but just curious if anyone actually does.

I get pretty tired of clicking on links just to find out they want me to pay or turn off my ad blocker. I'm starting to think Digg.com exists solely to promote those kinds of websites.

"Oh, this looks cool. I'd like to see what this is abou...ARGGHH! HULK SMASH!!!" :lol:

The Post usually has a "you can read a few articles a month, then we paywall it". Chrome's incognito mode gets around that rather nicely, however. I pay for the NY Times (mostly because they had a deal where it was like $4 per month) and the LA Times, but not the Post.

Tom Servo
January 17th, 2020, 01:28 PM
My 2020 Presidential Platform

Ban all hotel resort/amenity/urban living/whatever fees
Cable companies have to allow you to add and remove channels ala carte.
Abolish the TSA

I'm sure I'll think of more.

MR2 Fan
January 17th, 2020, 01:46 PM
My 2020 Presidential Platform

Ban all hotel resort/amenity/urban living/whatever fees
Cable companies have to allow you to add and remove channels ala carte.
Abolish the TSA

I'm sure I'll think of more.

With all of these individual streaming services, we're practically getting A la carte without Cable companies soon, but it's a bit more expensive than I want to pay for each.

January 17th, 2020, 02:18 PM
Chrome's incognito mode gets around that rather nicely, however.

Hey, you're right! I use Chrome at work but don't use incognito mode, since I figure the powers that be can see where I've been if they want to.

Thanks. I'm looking forward to stickin' it to da man at the New York Times and Denver Post and all the rest! :rawk:

January 17th, 2020, 02:43 PM
Even with incognito mode you can still come up against a paywall.

I use Opera and Firefox. Chrome is my 3rd option. Ad blocker on!
Can't access some content behind an ad blocker, but you can permit that page to show ads while you read what you want then turn the ad blocker back on.

I hate being bombarded with ads.

MR2 Fan
January 17th, 2020, 02:44 PM
sometimes using Firefox you can just choose reader view to see the articles as well

Tom Servo
January 17th, 2020, 02:55 PM
Even with incognito mode you can still come up against a paywall.

Chrome had a bug in the incognito mode a while back that caused it to give away whether the user was in that mode. Specifically, JavaScript could check whether the chrome.fileSystem API was available, it would be disabled in incognito mode since technically you can't write to the filesystem. They updated it a couple of months back to lie and say that it is available even though it isn't, which should have fixed that issue and definitely did for me, I no longer get that "We see you're browsing in incognito mode. Only paid subscribers can browse the site in incognito mode." From what I'm reading they did figure out a couple of ways to get around that fix, namely that Chrome will limit local storage to 120MB if it's doing in-memory storage in incognito, and also a timing attack in that trying to put something on the filesystem will be faster in incognito since it's writing to RAM and not to disk.

FWIW, I have good luck these days with Chrome, the Firefox still struggles with some sites.

I use Chrome at work but don't use incognito mode, since I figure the powers that be can see where I've been if they want to.

Unless you're using a VPN or something, they can tell what hosts you're connecting to but not what page on that host you're seeing (at least if the connection is https). E.g., if you're going to https://www.example.com/somepage, they could see that you connected to www.example.com but would have no idea that you were looking at "/somepage", as that part of the protocol would go through TLS and is encrypted. Notably, the GTX doesn't support SSL so presumably they could see anything if they were packet sniffing.

What's fun about that is I could drop a single-pixel image link on here to like pornhub or something and when you load this thread, the browser would try to go there to request whatever I put in the link and that'd show up in the network logs.

Anyway, getting off topic here.

January 17th, 2020, 03:39 PM
My 2020 Presidential Platform (if I was running, theoretically)

- Term Limits to 3 terms in Congress- but make elections publicly funded
- Forgive ALL Student Loan Debt I'm ok with this up to a point. I'd rather eliminate the cost of an avg state college 4 year degree from the student loans. Anything more is on you.
- Create single payer healthcare. Abso fucken lutely. I'd keep the ability to buy private health insurance if you want.
- Tax stock trades heavily to help pay for it - All of the above need to be easily explained in detail with charts, etc. Tax ALL income. And eliminate corporate tax loopholes.
- Put a cap on military spending and put an oversight board for each company to ensure spending is done properly....that will not weaken our miilitary IMO, it will just make them be more careful about where they spend things and become more efficient. Giving unlimited amounts of cash just breeds overspending.Nuff said
- Restore the law about news channels having to report a certain level of accuracy (Can't recall what it was but I believe it was removed during the Reagan admin) Fairness doctrine. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FCC_fairness_doctrine) Nuff said
- Increase minimum wage to $15 an hour over the next 4 years, not immediately in order to give businesses time to adjust, however also have exemptions for businesses making less than $500,000 a year in profit or so Abso. Start in the high cost of living areas.
- Focus on infrastructure improvements to highways, schools, other essential services (ZOMG socialism) [/b]Bring it on.[/b]
- Put a national oversight board in charge of checking police forces and special re-training procedures to prevent further law enforcement problems Abso. But it goes beyond police brutality. It's the district attorneys choosing to file charges and the judges handing down harsher sentences. System wide overhaul.
- Put higher taxes on companies where the highest levels make over a certain % amount more than their employees. This is quite brilliant. This forces corporate boards to choose between paying more taxes to pay execs higher compensation, doing nothing, or paying their employees more. I love it. Bravo sir!
- Put major investment into environmental technologies which will globally reduce the need for oil and bring us out of the middle east entirely. We have enough wind, solar and sea shore to completely power ourselves with renewables.
- Make colleges a lot cheaper for people to attend And trade schools.

and finally put a major focus on ensuring that candidates for congress are also signed on to this agreement, because too often there's no consensus and not enough of a push to put other democrats in office that also support these polciies. I said a long time ago we need a "platform" of ten items that they should all campaign on. YES! It can be more than ten, but there needs to be a core ten that we all agree on.

I mostly agree. You missed a crucial one though (IMO)- eliminate the social security cap. And a minor one; legalise weed.

Now this is how I prioritise it.

Edit Make Puerto Rico a state Make the District of Columbia a State.
Cut Military spending. That frees up money in the budget.
Tax stock trades as suggested.
Tax ALL INCOME. Why should a wealthy person with multiple income streams be exempt from taxes on some of them. The tax needn't be that high (you want to encourage investment and entrepreneurship), but it needs to be taxed. That adds money to the budget as well.
Completely eliminate the SS income cap. This shores up the SS fund.
Increase taxes on companies where the pay disparity between the highest paid and lowest paid is more than 10X. Again money trickles into the budget, or workers have more disposable income.
Legalise weed. Free/cut the sentences of anybody in jail because of it. Tax the fuck out of it and research the fuck out of it too. I use a CBD ointment on my back that works wonders.
Pay incarcerated workers no less than the minimum wage. That's on the companies who source their labour from that pool of workers.

So far we've theoretically brought money into the budget. The spending part is tricky. You want to spend in a way that reaps rewards immediately and down the road.

Pay teachers more. Teaching should be an aspiration and a surefire way to climb up the economic ladder.
More extra curricular clubs/ classes/ activities in school. Bring back shop, art, dance, music, civics, nutrition classes. Make activity/ sports mandatory; you don't have to be on the volleyball team (insert any other sport,) but you do have to attend practise. Make the school day equivalent to the work day. This would be graduated with kindergarten only being there for five hours, or something like that. Now moms don't have to leave work early to go pick up kids. We've reduced the incidence of latchkey kids too.
Free daycare. This puts money in household budgets and time. Now you can pursue that extra accreditation to get that promotion.
Make state college and vocational training for 4 years free. If you finish in three you get one more year free, etc. If you go private school the difference in expense is on you. Free education and state college in jails too.
Environmental tech. Battery back ups in every home. Solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal, etc where applicable. Kinda goes hand in hand with ...
Infrastructure spending. There's too many ways to attack this, I won't bother putting it all here. This is just the order I would do things.
Justice system restructuring/ retraining. This doesn't really go in the back, but in the section with education.

Healthcare is the 800lb gorilla in the room. It won't be instant. Maybe a phasing in of everybody into Medicare and a gradual phasing out of private insurance? Start by lowering the age requirement. And increasing the wage level at which you qualify. Sum like dat. I'd let experts on healthcare like Charles Gabba (sp) run it.

January 17th, 2020, 03:44 PM
Chrome had a bug in the incognito mode a while back that caused it to give away whether the user was in that mode. Specifically, JavaScript could check whether the chrome.fileSystem API was available, it would be disabled in incognito mode since technically you can't write to the filesystem. They updated it a couple of months back to lie and say that it is available even though it isn't, which should have fixed that issue and definitely did for me, I no longer get that "We see you're browsing in incognito mode. Only paid subscribers can browse the site in incognito mode." From what I'm reading they did figure out a couple of ways to get around that fix, namely that Chrome will limit local storage to 120MB if it's doing in-memory storage in incognito, and also a timing attack in that trying to put something on the filesystem will be faster in incognito since it's writing to RAM and not to disk.

FWIW, I have good luck these days with Chrome, the Firefox still struggles with some sites.

Unless you're using a VPN or something, they can tell what hosts you're connecting to but not what page on that host you're seeing (at least if the connection is https). E.g., if you're going to https://www.example.com/somepage, they could see that you connected to www.example.com but would have no idea that you were looking at "/somepage", as that part of the protocol would go through TLS and is encrypted. Notably, the GTX doesn't support SSL so presumably they could see anything if they were packet sniffing.

What's fun about that is I could drop a single-pixel image link on here to like pornhub or something and when you load this thread, the browser would try to go there to request whatever I put in the link and that'd show up in the network logs.

Anyway, getting off topic here.

I've been using Opera for a few years now so i didn't know they'd fixed Chrome. I used chrome as soon as they came out with it, even when I was using a Mac. I hated Internet Explorer.

January 17th, 2020, 04:04 PM
I'd like to respond to each, eventually, but this one caught my eye:

My 2020 Presidential Platform (if I was running, theoretically)
- Restore the law about news channels having to report a certain level of accuracy (Can't recall what it was but I believe it was removed during the Reagan admin).

I think a media ombudsperson has worked well where it has been implemented. Basically an independent supervisor who acts upon a complaint by a member of the audience, it reviews the complaint and makes a recommendation to the organization, if the observations are not corrected in time or form, then it turns the case file to a court for a ruling.

For example, it could recommend to a cable "news" channel to make it explicit to its audience that 'Show X' is an entertainment production and not an information or journalistic service.

January 17th, 2020, 05:01 PM
I think easiest way is to probably fine a news channel whenever they report something that’s demonstratively false and the amount of fines would increase exponentially after each occurrence so a news outlet would go bankrupt quickly if they’re not careful with their journalistic integrity. Of course they could be off the hook for breaking news...

January 17th, 2020, 07:08 PM
Since everyone is pretending to run, I’ll play the same game!

1) universal basic healthcare. Covers everyone. If you want fancier healthcare paying higher premiums, that’d be your choice. Just like one could attend a more prestigious private university if you can afford it.

2) speaking of higher education, that should be affordable too. I think graduates should be on the hook for maybe 10yrs paying at most 10% of their income. Banks/government will then write off the amount never recovered. Also, if a degree/certificate can’t help you land a job within 2yrs, entire loan can be forgiven... so based on these defaults data, we can quickly realize which schools and which degrees are high risk and stop financing them in the future. We also need more technical schools. Roofers, plumbers, mechanics, artists, designers are the kind of jobs that can’t be shipped out and difficult to automate...

3) UBI, but not guaranteed $1k/mon, may fluctuate based on how the economy is doing and # of qualifying persons of course. However, it will be capped so that it won’t be paying full living wages. Welfare will be slowly phased out. Social security + ubi should be at living wages for those too old or too physically impaired to work.

4) phase out wars and increase R&D for green tech to save the planet and space tech to colonize moon/Mars in case earth is doomed.

5) hand back war declaration powers back to congress and ask congress to pass laws to disclose tax returns of all public servants and disqualify those who have conflict of interest issues.

6) election dollar allowance for voters to designate to whoever candidates that they like. So that politicians don’t need to depend on big corporate money.

7) ban robo calls.

8) legalize all drugs

9) every time there’s a mass shooting, we gotta do some thing more concrete than praying.

10) allow foreign terrorists or rebels to be able to take legal actions against the US(better this than having them fly into our buildings) need to treat foreign nationals as human beings!

January 17th, 2020, 08:19 PM
When I'm emperor of the universe, people have guaranteed housing, nutrition, healthcare, education and leisure. People pay their taxes with labor, because equalizer.

January 17th, 2020, 09:18 PM
Wow. Ok, you win.

January 17th, 2020, 11:14 PM
When I'm emperor of the universe, people have guaranteed housing, nutrition, healthcare, education and leisure. People pay their taxes with labor, because equalizer.

That's noble, but a bit simplistic and ableist. What if someone is handicapped and can't labor?

It's definitely a worthy goal. If you can give people the basic needs from Maslows table of needs, you really only need give them disposable income and time to spend it in order to have a thriving economy.

January 17th, 2020, 11:18 PM
i'm super glad that Instagram chic was able to raise $1 million for charitable agencies in Australia. She's doing the same now for Puerto Rico; donate at least $10 to one of the charities listed, follow her in twitter and send proof of your donation, and she'll send you a nude. Or someone in her team will.

And, since it needs to be said in light of the response to Hurricane Maria, and probably what will happen with these earthquakes, FUCK DONALD TRUMP and errbody that voted for him.

January 18th, 2020, 04:23 AM
My idea on term limits:

11 years max with 2 year voting cycles. That way there is always an overlap of term with the 4 year presidential cycle, and there will almost always be some election in play. In the hopes that it will A: stir things up/keep fresh people around; B: by keeping an election for Congress person/senator nearly always active for someone in the country, you're keeping the discussion going. Senator from Nebraska being a douche? Perfect, their term ends next year, vote someone else in.

Sure, it may be chaotic, no more than the current system that's essentially "for life".

Oh, and fuck Mitch McConnell.

January 18th, 2020, 07:40 AM
That's noble, but a bit simplistic and ableist. What if someone is handicapped and can't labor?

Don't worry, by being Emperor of the universe I can also make exceptionalism and whataboutism punishable offences.

Tom Servo
January 18th, 2020, 12:24 PM
With all of these individual streaming services, we're practically getting A la carte without Cable companies soon, but it's a bit more expensive than I want to pay for each.

Practically, but as far as I can tell I either have to subscribe to *every* *single* *channel* my cable provider has if I want to watch the channel with MotoGP, or else I have to pay $155 just to watch that one single sport online.

January 18th, 2020, 01:41 PM
"Many Warren advisors and allies think the Sanders camp has long tolerated public attacks on her from his surrogates, and believe he is not running in divisive and in some cases sexist attacks against her."

Link. (https://t.co/eNuJTl7jSa?amp=1)

January 18th, 2020, 01:43 PM
Practically, but as far as I can tell I either have to subscribe to *every* *single* *channel* my cable provider has if I want to watch the channel with MotoGP, or else I have to pay $155 just to watch that one single sport online.

Fuck Trump. Fuck his voters. And fuck cable companies.
I went from Time Warner to DirecTV to cutting the cord.

I pay for HBO, Amazon prime and Netflix now.

January 19th, 2020, 12:14 AM
I mostly agree. You missed a crucial one though (IMO)- eliminate the social security cap. And a minor one; legalise weed.

Now this is how I prioritise it.

Edit Make Puerto Rico a state Make the District of Columbia a State.
Cut Military spending. That frees up money in the budget.
Tax stock trades as suggested.
Tax ALL INCOME. Why should a wealthy person with multiple income streams be exempt from taxes on some of them. The tax needn't be that high (you want to encourage investment and entrepreneurship), but it needs to be taxed. That adds money to the budget as well.
Completely eliminate the SS income cap. This shores up the SS fund.
Increase taxes on companies where the pay disparity between the highest paid and lowest paid is more than 10X. Again money trickles into the budget, or workers have more disposable income.
Legalise weed. Free/cut the sentences of anybody in jail because of it. Tax the fuck out of it and research the fuck out of it too. I use a CBD ointment on my back that works wonders.
Pay incarcerated workers no less than the minimum wage. That's on the companies who source their labour from that pool of workers.

So far we've theoretically brought money into the budget. The spending part is tricky. You want to spend in a way that reaps rewards immediately and down the road.

Pay teachers more. Teaching should be an aspiration and a surefire way to climb up the economic ladder.
Free daycare. This puts money in household budgets and time. Now you can pursue that extra accreditation to get that promotion.
Make state college and vocational training for 4 years free. If you finish in three you get one more year free, etc. If you go private school the difference in expense is on you. Free education and state college in jails too.
Environmental tech. Battery back ups in every home. Solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal, etc where applicable. Kinda goes hand in hand with ...
Infrastructure spending. There's too many ways to attack this, I won't bother putting it all here. This is just the order I would do things.
Justice system restructuring/ retraining. This doesn't really go in the back, but in the section with education.

Healthcare is the 800lb gorilla in the room. It won't be instant. Maybe a phasing in of everybody into Medicare and a gradual phasing out of private insurance? Start by lowering the age requirement. And increasing the wage level at which you qualify. Sum like dat. I'd let experts on healthcare like Charles Gabba (sp) run it.

I agree with almost all of this. The main thing we need it to do is to fix the system, IMO. How many are just sitting on Mitch McConnel's desk right now? Add Ranked Choice voting. And get money out of politics. And hopefully most of the rest will sort itself out when the greed is gone.
Clean energy needs to happen now. And oil companies need to help pay for it. They've been not only hiding it, but are still getting subsidies. That's fucking ridiculous.

If Democrats get all branches, no more tip-toeing around, they need to be bold and act fast. It's obvious that the other side isn't even going to try to negotiate.

January 19th, 2020, 05:41 AM
I agree with almost all of this. The main thing we need it to do is to fix the system, IMO. How many are just sitting on Mitch McConnel's desk right now? Add Ranked Choice voting. And get money out of politics. And hopefully most of the rest will sort itself out when the greed is gone.
Clean energy needs to happen now. And oil companies need to help pay for it. They've been not only hiding it, but are still getting subsidies. That's fucking ridiculous.

If Democrats get all branches, no more tip-toeing around, they need to be bold and act fast. It's obvious that the other side isn't even going to try to negotiate.


Republicans will do all they can to stop/ block/ encumber anything and everything.

We've got to ramrod everything through. Even if it's only half fleshed out. Fix it down the road.

But ... there isn't a consensus "10 things we will do on day one" plan in place.

January 19th, 2020, 05:25 PM
Sigh. (https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN1ZH0MM?__twitter_impression=true)

Sanders is scummy. The people who work for him are scummy as well.

Oh, and fuck Trump.

January 19th, 2020, 10:51 PM
Bernie, rightfully asked if we should worry about his health (he DID just have a heart attack) completely clusterfucks his response to imply being gay or a woman is some sort of similar impediment.


January 20th, 2020, 08:10 AM
Yeah, after completing Swervo's policy platform test, I've discovered that Bernie Sanders is actually my least favorite candidate! He is also kinda old too... and Warren is a bit too girly, and Mayor Pete is a bit too gay, and Biden is also too old and too experienced in swimming in the swamp...

So this guy is our only hope:


Then again, maybe this guy is too asian. :p

January 20th, 2020, 11:24 AM
He has a wife. Who can speak for herself.

Sorry but that's too much. That's the final nail on his coffin.

January 20th, 2020, 04:27 PM
Who’s wife? What’s too much? Who’s coffin are you talking about?

January 20th, 2020, 09:05 PM
Yang's wife was interviewed on TV and she talked about sexual abuse at the ob-gyn and how she defended herself.

I mean, that lady ain't a good model for American Values. If that man can't control his woman, how could he be in charge of our country?

I imagine the typical tRump supporter to always fake an east-texan accent and speak in a pretends-to-be-shocked tone

January 21st, 2020, 09:20 AM
Perfect. Kick out the press and close the doors.

Fuck the GOP, fuck McConnell, twice.

If this doesn't speak volumes, you're an idiot.

In all seriousness (albeit rhetorical), if the president sincerely believes he did nothing wrong, his party believes he did nothing wrong, that it's all just a scam by the democrats (nevermind the logistics of such a "plot" being pulled off, with so many people....), why wouldn't you want to call witnesses to defend your case?

Of course, they would want to call Joe/Hunter Biden, because, you know, that's defense.

January 21st, 2020, 09:24 AM
The last few years have been good to Clint Mansell's opus.

And when they come to ethnically cleanse me
Will you speak out? Will you defend me?
Or laugh through a glass eye as they rape our lives
Trampled underfoot by the right on the rise

Journalist Glenn Greenwald charged with cybercrimes for reporting in Brazil (https://www.theverge.com/2020/1/21/21075371/glenn-greenwald-brazil-corruption-cybercrime-phone-hacking-charges-bolsonaro)

January 21st, 2020, 09:25 AM

I feel you bro.

January 21st, 2020, 09:30 AM
And so it begins. The trial. The outcome will be a whole bunch of nothing, I suspect.

January 22nd, 2020, 06:29 AM
In the old still racist south, when the klan public killed a black person and they were put on trial, the sheriff, the prosecutor and the judges would conspire to keep witnesses from testifying.

This is *exactly* what we are seeing with Republicans in the Senate.

MR2 Fan
January 22nd, 2020, 07:14 AM
I do think this will look bad for the GOP

Tom Servo
January 22nd, 2020, 07:30 AM
Man, you'd think, but I remember Reagan being called the Teflon president and he had nothing on this guy.

MR2 Fan
January 22nd, 2020, 08:26 AM
The best I'm hoping for is the decades of hamberders, fries and 12 daily diet cokes to take its expected course...and soon

January 22nd, 2020, 08:41 AM
I do think this will look bad for the GOP

You'd think, right. But, their voters don't care.
And *they* were outraged by the use of the word deplorable.

Man, you'd think, but I remember Reagan being called the Teflon president and he had nothing on this guy.

He was a real amateur by comparison. Trump makes Bush seem presidential.

January 22nd, 2020, 08:44 AM
The best I'm hoping for is the decades of hamberders, fries and 12 daily diet cokes to take its expected course...and soon

I don't think Pence is any better. He's a religious bigot. With him (and Trump) there go gay protections, hate crime laws, abortions, etc etc etc.

January 22nd, 2020, 09:11 AM
The fact that Republican voters want evidence/witnesses/fair trial, but Republican Senators largely want to dismiss, really says it all about our Representative system. We are not represented at all by who we vote in. Fuck 'em.

January 22nd, 2020, 09:12 AM
The best I'm hoping for is the decades of hamberders, fries and 12 daily diet cokes to take its expected course...and soon

I fully expect a Trump kid to be POTUS after Trump's next term.

January 22nd, 2020, 10:06 AM
When this clown leaves the white house eventually, what will the comedians do? ;)


Our government sure is inefficient. Why do they need to reinvent the wheel after each impeachment? Rules good enough for Bill Clinton not good enough for Trump? I don't get it. Besides our bozo president, I can't believe how clown-like our senators and lawyers are. Maybe we're just a nation of clowns. Or maybe our government is just a reality TV circus. Maybe we should ban TV. Go listen to the radio or read a book! Not facebook, real book! We should ban social media while we're at it...

January 22nd, 2020, 11:29 AM
I fully expect a Trump kid to be POTUS after Trump's next term.

I saw a better one a few days ago, but this will do:


January 22nd, 2020, 12:45 PM
Christ. It's amazing that the "real Americans" right wing are enthusiastically wishing for a monarchy. Conservatives should be against this "family business" more than anyone, imo.

January 22nd, 2020, 12:50 PM
Well if it Crooked Hillary being succeeded by Crooked Chelsea who would be succeeded by her husband Mr. Crooked Chelsea, then yes, their knickers would be in the proverbial twist, old chap.

MR2 Fan
January 22nd, 2020, 01:58 PM
yeah, remember we nearly had a Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton era if Obama hadn't risen to the ranks in 2008, and who knows where we'd be after that

January 22nd, 2020, 01:59 PM
Good to see Bernie Sanders step up during this historic impeachment of the most corrupt president of our lifetime and launch and all out assault on <checks notes> Joe Biden.

January 22nd, 2020, 02:20 PM
This is is the second time in as many pages on this thread that you forget that the democratic hopeful has to win the democratic nomination before he can take on the opposing parties candidate.

Because if either Warren or Sanders are chosen it's going to be a 3-way race: progressive, fascist and plutocratic.

January 22nd, 2020, 02:24 PM
While I, like everyone else, am pessimistic about the outcome, I have to say this is riveting TV.

January 22nd, 2020, 02:38 PM
...the most corrupt president of our lifetime...

And the one before him: https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-schiller-harding-trump-20180802-story.html

January 22nd, 2020, 05:02 PM
This is is the second time in as many pages on this thread that you forget that the democratic hopeful has to win the democratic nomination before he can take on the opposing parties candidate.

Because if either Warren or Sanders are chosen it's going to be a 3-way race: progressive, fascist and plutocratic.

I'm never unaware of how the process works.

What I am is *not* surprised by is that Bernie Sanders would use this opportunity to further himself/ attack the front runner, rather than attending to the task at hand. He's a grifter, plain and simple.

What does Biden have to do with Trumps impeachment? Then why bring it up?

January 22nd, 2020, 05:38 PM
All aggressive campaigning goes up. Always. Electoral politics are a ladder that candidates go up step by step. That's why both Warren and Trump went after Sanders at the same time. He probably had statistical peaks in districts they thought where favorable to them.

That's why Sanders almost never hits at Trump, Biden's in the way.

That's why Biden almost always hits at Biden, Biden's in the way.

MR2 Fan
January 22nd, 2020, 06:38 PM
That's why Biden almost always hits at Biden, Biden's in the way.


January 22nd, 2020, 07:05 PM
This is is the second time in as many pages on this thread that you forget that the democratic hopeful has to win the democratic nomination before he can take on the opposing parties candidate.

Because if either Warren or Sanders are chosen it's going to be a 3-way race: progressive, fascist and plutocratic.

Yeah, I think if Trump wins re-election, time should be ripe for a legitimate 3rd party. Democratic Progressive Party and have a 3 way race in 2024.

Clearly Berners hated Hillary and Hillary and her supporters still believe nobody likes Sanders and won’t endorse him no matter what... IMHO, I really think Bernie needs to learn from his bro’s and attack more and apologize less. Yes, tell her that she is indeed a liar and tell him that yes he is corrupt. Enough of being so nice to your ‘friends’...

Anyway, what do I know, at least Bernie is still one of the favorite senators and leading the rest according to polls... maybe Berniebros are necessary evil because the old man is just too nice.

I do wish Bernie could have some of Andrew’s youth and brains.... or I wish Andrew could have more of Sander’s experience and integrity(maybe he already does, but only time will tell.)

Tom Servo
January 22nd, 2020, 08:43 PM
And the one before him: https://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-schiller-harding-trump-20180802-story.html

I got a lot of those "we've been through this before" vibes when listening to the first season of the podcast Slow Burn, which was all about Watergate in way more detail than I had ever heard it before.

I'm kinda getting the feeling this country just does this every 50 years or so.

January 23rd, 2020, 03:54 AM
Tulsi Gabbard is suing Hillary over Clinton calling her "Russia's favorite". Tulsi is now on suicide watch.

January 23rd, 2020, 05:15 AM
Why?, Does Tulsi not like her money?

January 23rd, 2020, 05:29 AM
My prediction for the "trial":

House Managers will present their evidence, which is abundant, WH counsel will just do the "NOT IMPEACH WORTHY, NO CRIME, THE PROCESS IS RIGGED", you know, not offering up any sort of actual defense, Senate will acquit within an hour the last "presentation" is done.

Hopefully, people are paying attention to this, and they remember in a few months.

The worst part of this prediction, isn't that he won't be kicked out, but that it sets a precedent that the president can do anything he/she wants with total impunity for anyone going forward.

All hail the king (or queen (yeah right)).

January 23rd, 2020, 06:09 AM
It's interesting that Trump is tweeting so much, as if he's nervous about things. But the reality is, he has nothing to worry about. Something like 45 of the Republicans want to just dismiss this. ~20 Republicans weren't even in the room yesterday at various times. It's clear that this trial is not being taken seriously, and he's gonna be acquitted. So... Why so nervous, Donnie?

January 23rd, 2020, 06:11 AM
My prediction for the "trial":

House Managers will present their evidence, which is abundant, WH counsel will just do the "NOT IMPEACH WORTHY, NO CRIME, THE PROCESS IS RIGGED", you know, not offering up any sort of actual defense, Senate will acquit within an hour the last "presentation" is done.

Hopefully, people are paying attention to this, and they remember in a few months.

The worst part of this prediction, isn't that he won't be kicked out, but that it sets a precedent that the president can do anything he/she wants with total impunity for anyone going forward.

All hail the king (or queen (yeah right)).

The precedent being set is absolutely terrifying. The two party system, and loyalty that follows have been giving the executive branch more and more power. Whether it's Trump or someone else, we're very close to becoming a dictatorship.

January 23rd, 2020, 08:00 AM
Tulsi Gabbard is suing Hillary over Clinton calling her "Russia's favorite". Tulsi is now on suicide watch.

And Hillary never specifically named anyone.

Hillary's lawyer: we call Tulsi Gabbard to the stand. (shock in the audience. <Gabbard sworn in> room quietens.) We submit exhibit one, the transcript of the interview in question <hands it to court officer> Miss Gabbard, could you please read the offending passage that has your name on it.

Tulsi: <Reads offending passage>

HL: yes, thank you, but that didn't name you, could you read the passage that names you as a Russian agent.

Tulsi: <goes on a rant>

HL: that's very nice. But you didn't read any passage that names you. Did you want to try again.

Tulsi: more subdued rant.

HL: You still didn't read any passage that names you as s Russian plant. In the wise words of MC Billy Shakespear "thou doth protest too much." Your honor, we rest our case.

MR2 Fan
January 23rd, 2020, 08:14 AM
The precedent being set is absolutely terrifying. The two party system, and loyalty that follows have been giving the executive branch more and more power. Whether it's Trump or someone else, we're very close to becoming a dictatorship.

While I agree...we're not too far from resolving much of this.....meaning that the House is under Dem control now and I don't see that changing anytime soon. The Senate is VERY close to being under Dem control as well....so if we get a great push this election season to vote against Trump or Pence, then I believe most Presidential candidates on the Dem side will start to push things to be as back to "normalcy" as possible.

Now we have had a few good things happen since 2016 regarding voting and gerrymandering, so that helps the Dems in a few key states.

There are a few things we have to be very careful about

- Rigged voting machines
- Trump deciding not to accept the results, which would be very interesting to see what happens and very scary.

January 23rd, 2020, 08:28 AM
so if we get a great push this election season to vote against Trump or Pence, then I believe most Presidential candidates on the Dem side will start to push things to be as back to "normalcy" as possible.

“To defeat Donald Trump, the simple truth is we are going to need to have the largest voter turnout in the history of American politics — that’s a fact,” Sanders said at a recent rally in Exeter. “That means we are going to have to bring people into the political process who very often have not been involved in the political process.” (https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2020/1/23/21054937/bernie-sanders-path-2020-democratic-nomination-explained)

January 23rd, 2020, 08:51 AM
Did y'all see West Virginia make election day a national holiday?
It's incredible how such progressive ideas are being implemented there of all places.

January 23rd, 2020, 08:57 AM
For you hardcore dems, try to put yourselves in 'their' shoes. Imagine if some whistle blower, like Edward Snowden, were to blow on Obama with some trumped up charges, but republicans were not able to nail Obama on any real charges... so in the end, they impeach Obama on abusive power and obstructing their investigations. How would you feel about such impeachment?

President of Ukraine wasn't even able to confirm such pressure coming from Trump, and we're just suppose to take this anonymous whistle blower's words... to impeach?

About this impeachment and the timing of it... I think the worst possible scenario is that the senate somehow actually successfully removed the president, but then the voters ended up re-electing him. What then? Ignore the Senate's verdict? Or ignore the will of the people?

Hope we won't come to that.

With regard to dictatorship... I think US is far from that. Until our president could ask the entire government to resign like Putin, we're no where near that kind of dictatorship. The kind of dictatorship we already have is the ability of our established elite class's ability to be the puppeteer to our entire puppet government. To them, it doesn't matter if Trump or Hillary, republican or democrat is in office. Their will will be done because they can afford to buy them all. American people can have their illusion of democracy. If the Russians could meddle with us, why do you think other folks couldn't? All we could to is busy bickering around with issues like black vs white, guys vs gal, H vs LGBTQ, life vs choice, guns vs no guns... while we're busy fighting each other about these things... regardless of outcome, they get to make more money no matter what... and gaining more power.

January 23rd, 2020, 09:18 AM
Because nothing says "land of the free and home of the brave" like expecting the worst from others (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EO-3L-EW4AUmlfl.jpg).

January 23rd, 2020, 10:08 AM
And Hillary never specifically named anyone.

Hillary's lawyer: we call Tulsi Gabbard to the stand. (shock in the audience. <Gabbard sworn in> room quietens.) We submit exhibit one, the transcript of the interview in question <hands it to court officer> Miss Gabbard, could you please read the offending passage that has your name on it.

Tulsi: <Reads offending passage>

HL: yes, thank you, but that didn't name you, could you read the passage that names you as a Russian agent.

Tulsi: <goes on a rant>

HL: that's very nice. But you didn't read any passage that names you. Did you want to try again.

Tulsi: more subdued rant.

HL: You still didn't read any passage that names you as s Russian plant. In the wise words of MC Billy Shakespear "thou doth protest too much." Your honor, we rest our case.

The facts don't matter here. What I was going for was how long will it be until conspiracy theorists start a suicide pool for Tulsi.

January 23rd, 2020, 10:11 AM
Because nothing says "land of the free and home of the brave" like expecting the worst from others (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EO-3L-EW4AUmlfl.jpg).

I think you might have mistaken that action as an action against Mexicans... people don't risk their lives crossing the borders heading up north and call that 'tourism'.

I believe that's targeted against the rich, yet obnoxious Chinese. I'm ethnic Chinese and I approve such a move just so that it'd stop them chinese moms from abusing this rule. Not sure if you're aware of plane loads of expected moms coming over... sure the money spent here is nice, but the virus they bring in won't be.

January 23rd, 2020, 10:14 AM
The facts don't matter here. What I was going for was how long will it be until conspiracy theorists start a suicide pool for Tulsi.

Tulsi is not that weak to want suicide. This is just a publicity stunt to show how full of shit bully Hillary is.

January 23rd, 2020, 10:28 AM
I think you might have mistaken that action as an action against Mexicans...


Back when I was in HS, the narrative was that America expected new citizens (immigrants or otherwise) to work their asses off, to show conviction and dedication, to learn the rules and respect what those rules stood for; that from sea to shining sea, opportunities were there for those who were good, and that a future was possible for those who showed their best and did so with pride.

The Trump administration directs the country in fear and presuming the worst.

MR2 Fan
January 23rd, 2020, 10:28 AM
I think it's funny that Tulsi immediately assumed it was herself. If she was 100% innocent, why would she be under the assumption that she's the one Hillary was targeting?

I mean, I think it's true that she's a Russian plant....she's really acting like a DINO

January 23rd, 2020, 10:40 AM
Tulsi is not that weak to want suicide. This is just a publicity stunt to show how full of shit bully Hillary is.

Are you following long or do we need pictures to explain things to you, Billi/y? Get with the fucking System®.

Tulsi's state of mind isn't what's being discussed here. It's the fact that anybody that ever came up against Hillary commits suicide, aka getting Fostered or Epsteined. Do please try and follow along or just feel free to sit in the corner, pick your nose and put the boogers on your BerniePorVida tat.

January 23rd, 2020, 10:49 AM

Back when I was in HS, the narrative was that America expected new citizens (immigrants or otherwise) to work their asses off, to show conviction and dedication, to learn the rules and respect what those rules stood for; that from sea to shining sea, opportunities were there for those who were good, and that a future was possible for those who showed their best and did so with pride.

The Trump administration directs the country in fear and presuming the worst.

They are not new citizens. They are 'tourists' and not only don't work here and only came over here to get their baby's birth certificates... what's the point?

When the day comes when we have UBI, surely more babies would want to become americans!

I think existing laws should be at least modified... if the american born baby has never lived on American soil for more than certain amount of time before 18yrs of age, unless the parents are americans, then otherwise the kids' citizenship will no longer be honored. Immigrants need to come and stick around. If you don't even want to stick around, why do you need that piece of paper?

January 23rd, 2020, 10:55 AM
Are you following long or do we need pictures to explain things to you, Billi/y? Get with the fucking System®.

Tulsi's state of mind isn't what's being discussed here. It's the fact that anybody that ever came up against Hillary commits suicide, aka getting Fostered or Epsteined. Do please try and follow along or just feel free to sit in the corner, pick your nose and put the boogers on your BerniePorVida tat.

Okay, I misunderstood your point..., but that's only because she's a pretty fit soldier, she's also not in custody in some jail, it's also obvious that her mental state is just fine... suicide would be too unbelievable. Even the conspiracy theorist in me didn't quite pick up what you were trying to say...

Also, it's not like Tulsi really has any real dirt on the Clintons. For now she's just an annoyance like Monica. Now, if Tulsi could really seriously cause $50 mil in damages, then maybe that'll be worth hiring somebody to arrange a suicide, but com'on, nobody realistically believe Tulsi will be able to win $50M.

MR2 Fan
January 23rd, 2020, 11:01 AM
I still don't know if I buy the idea that the Clintons are doing mob hits on people...can't tell the facts from the hyperbole on that one

January 23rd, 2020, 11:12 AM
It's the fact that anybody that ever came up against Hillary commits suicide, aka getting Fostered or Epsteined.

Now that Ashton's older he should totally do "Clinton'd!".

Yes, the premise of a TV show about people getting suicided might have sounded creepy a few years ago, but I think it's time we embraced Trumpism in full.

January 23rd, 2020, 11:13 AM
They are not new citizens.

Can't see the forest if you're staring at the trees!

January 23rd, 2020, 11:22 AM
I still don't know if I buy the idea that the Clintons are doing mob hits on people...

I know Bill Clinton has come a long way from being governor of Arkansas, but this made me laugh and think of a couple of good ol' boys wearing overalls and truckers caps in an old pickup truck speeding down a country road on their way make a problem go away.

"Leave the gun. Take the pork rinds."

January 23rd, 2020, 11:24 AM
Somehow, when quoted into George's story, it reads "the Clintons are still doing mob hits".


January 23rd, 2020, 11:34 AM
If there were really mob hits, I’m pretty sure the orders wouldn’t come from the Clintons, it’s be the folks who owned and financed the clintons.

Epstein wasn’t just going to drag down the clintons, pretty sure there’d be other much bigger fishes that got worried...

January 23rd, 2020, 11:35 AM
As I walked to work this morning, the red-and-white LRT crossing barrier came down in front of me.

We don't get a lot of graffiti here, and much of it is isolated apparent gang claimstakes on utility boxes and the occasional wall of a business.

But someone had scrawled, probably with black magic marker, "Free Hong Kong" on one of the white portions of the crossing barrier.

January 23rd, 2020, 12:12 PM
How does that make you feel when you saw that?

January 23rd, 2020, 07:12 PM
I still don't know if I buy the idea that the Clintons are doing mob hits on people...can't tell the facts from the hyperbole on that one

It's all hyperbole at it's finest, unless you talk to conspiracy theorists.

Tom Servo
January 23rd, 2020, 07:52 PM
I still don't know if I buy the idea that the Clintons are doing mob hits on people...can't tell the facts from the hyperbole on that one

As far as I can tell it's 100% hyperbole, I'm not aware of any actual facts around any of it. QAnon folks eat that shit up, though.

Tom Servo
January 23rd, 2020, 07:53 PM
I kinda like that Speedpimp and I said exactly the same thing, only he was classy and I wasn't.

January 23rd, 2020, 08:04 PM
Classy? Really? Eww.

Tom Servo
January 23rd, 2020, 08:25 PM
You had way fewer swear words.

January 24th, 2020, 07:15 AM
I really like Jerry Nadler. He’s like a little bulldog.

MR2 Fan
January 24th, 2020, 08:32 AM
news being reported that there's a recording of Trump using the phrase "Take her out!" referring to US Amb Marie Yovanovitch:

"Get rid of her!" is what the voice that appears to be President Trump’s is heard saying. "Get her out tomorrow. I don't care. Get her out tomorrow. Take her out. Okay? Do it."

Potentially devastating if accurate....there's only so long the GOP senators can claim stupidity...but I know they'll push it as long as they can.

January 24th, 2020, 08:48 AM
You had way fewer swear words.

Oh. Is that all?

Tom Servo
January 24th, 2020, 08:48 AM
The frustrating thing has been watching the bad faith narrative that "well, other presidents have withheld aid and of course it's okay if you're investigating corruption" gain steam while somehow the second part of that, the whole "Yeah, other presidents did it in concert with congress, not by hiding it from them", seems to get lost. If it was really about investigating corruption in Ukraine, why hide it?

January 24th, 2020, 09:34 AM
I think the main point is that it is an unacceptable thing to do, just as screwing with an intern in the Oval Office. However, not quite severe enough to be impeachable, particularly if that president belongs to your party...

Unfortunately if trump’s removed, supporters will no doubt be outraged... if not removed, trump will claim total complete vindication. It’s really a no win situation for the country. Not to mention the senate candidates forced to give up campaigning...

January 24th, 2020, 09:37 AM
I flipped over to Fox News last night, out of morbid curiousity.

Needless to say, unsurprising, it was split screen, with an ad running on the 70%, and the trial stream muted on the 30%

I really wish someone could put the trial, from all companies covering, side by side, so people can really see who the "bias" is from. People that watch only FN, are truly getting fed kool-aid, and selective kool-aid at that.

What I'm really curious about, is when the WH presents their case, will it still be ads, and talking over it, or will it (predictably) be full attention, no ads, no commentary?

Fuck Fox News.

January 24th, 2020, 09:53 AM
Willie C. has said he came out of the White House basically bankrupt, and that it took him a couple of years of publishing/conferencing/blowingbillionaires to climb out of debt and pay his attorneys.

How much do you think this is going to cost Trump?

MR2 Fan
January 24th, 2020, 10:34 AM
you mean beyond the severe debt he's probably already in that he's way too embarrassed to let anyone know about? I'm pretty sure that's why he's a slave to Putin and the russian oligarchy, because he probably owes them MASSIVE debts

January 24th, 2020, 11:10 AM
You don't think he can still liquidate assets? I always thought he was going to use his four years to milk that cow and try to revalue before selling.

January 24th, 2020, 01:04 PM
I hate first impressions. Vox Article about Fox News (https://www.vox.com/2020/1/23/21078346/fox-news-trump-impeachment-trial-coverage?fbclid=IwAR2x6W3NoDbEyBo3Msaa0VqwLMt9qFN_ 5LjBvAbuT7zWY5b2s4e2MuRMU-I)

Again, fuck Fox News.

MR2 Fan
January 24th, 2020, 01:29 PM
I think a lot of rich people should get together and buy out Fox news and the other Murdoch-owned properties.

For a brief second, I thought that maybe Disney was going to buy ALL of it when the news first broke, but alas, instead they gave billions to Murdoch instead.

The only good news is that there are a COUPLE of moderate voices still on Fox News who are talking about the reality of the impeachment, like Judge Napolitano and Chris Wallace

Tom Servo
January 24th, 2020, 03:18 PM
Mike Pompeo showin' his true colors a bit.


January 24th, 2020, 04:12 PM
The precedent being set is absolutely terrifying. The two party system, and loyalty that follows have been giving the executive branch more and more power. Whether it's Trump or someone else, we're very close to becoming a dictatorship.


CBS News reports that GOP Senators have been warned by Trump team: "Vote against the president, and your head will be on a pike." How is this acceptable?

(From the source: https://twitter.com/CBSEveningNews/status/1220491412854185984 )

January 24th, 2020, 04:38 PM

(From the source: https://twitter.com/CBSEveningNews/status/1220491412854185984 ) That’s fucked up. Not just a little.

January 25th, 2020, 08:49 AM
Re; head... pike.

And of course when this was quoted by a Democrat it was enough for Murkowski to rethink voting for impeachment. Because it was a bridge too far or some bullshit.

January 25th, 2020, 09:24 AM
Just reading that within 20 years less that 10% of population can elect a veto proof Senate.

January 25th, 2020, 12:12 PM
Just reading that within 20 years less that 10% of population can elect a veto proof Senate.

Nah. The liberals are moving to red states: look at me.

January 25th, 2020, 12:15 PM
After Joni Ernst voted 11 times to block house managers from presenting new evidence, what did she say outside?

"I'm waiting to hear the overwhelming mountain of evidence ..."

January 25th, 2020, 01:28 PM
I watched the WH "defense" this morning, in its entirety (all 2 hours!) on Fox News, to see the ridiculousness myself.

Thursday night, FN aired 2 minutes (minutes) of the House manager presentation. In that same time, CNN/MSNBC aired over 2 hours.

FN's coverage today, was commercial/interruption-free.


January 25th, 2020, 03:18 PM
Oh fuck I couldn’t watch any of today’s proceedings. Trump lawyer is a total rascal who sounded like complete dickhead. Every time I tuned in and he opened his mouth I said fuck this and headed to the toilet to vomit. No joke.

January 25th, 2020, 03:54 PM
So it's not documentary material? You don't think Asif Kapadia (https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2011/jul/09/asif-kapadia-interview-ayrton-senna) could go thru the footage and put together a compelling story?

January 25th, 2020, 04:51 PM
Fuck shit America what it’s become.

January 26th, 2020, 04:43 AM
They're TV lawyers, going for the drama (thus all the raised voices/etc). They're playing to an audience of 1.

It was the most painful 2 hours of TV I've watched in a long time.

Every "point" they made for their defense was straight from DJT's twitter feed. Conspiracy theory, quotes that were 3-4 words in length, taken clearly out of context of the whole statement (Sonderlund and Hill, for example).

I hope when this is all done (mind you, after the inevitable acquittal, because the GOP are spineless fucks (likely because he (DJT) has something on them)), his "lawyers" can't get a job at fucking Wal Mart.

The Lev Parnas shit is only just beginning.

January 26th, 2020, 02:25 PM
Oh yeah! Andrew Yang will be back on the debate stage doing MATH! Finally some good news for a change!

January 26th, 2020, 07:06 PM
This week.

Bernie compared white workers in VT to chattel slavery. (https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=bernie+comparing+white+vermont+workers+to+chatte l+slavery&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8) I just copied the google search instead of a specific link.

He celebrated the endorsement of noted sexist, racist and transphobe Joe Rogan. (https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=bernie+celebrating+the+endorsement+of+joe+rogan&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8) So, attracting the racist adjacent bros is more important to Bernie than the bedrock of the Democratic coalition, right? Coz that's really all that can be inferred from that.

He was exposed as a liar about his support for the 1994 Crime Bill. (https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/01/26/politics/sanders-1994-crime-bill-kfile/index.html?_twitter_impression=true) The same bill he's been trying to hang around Joe Biden's neck and around Hillary Clinton's last time around. When she wasn't even a senator at that time.

Maybe now some of you will understand why I am never Bernie.

January 26th, 2020, 07:12 PM
This week.

Bernie compared white workers in VT to chattel slavery. (https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=bernie+comparing+white+vermont+workers+to+chatte l+slavery&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8) I just copied the google search instead of a specific link.

He celebrated the endorsement of noted sexist, racist and transphobe Joe Rogan. (https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&q=bernie+celebrating+the+endorsement+of+joe+rogan&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8) So, attracting the racist adjacent bros is more important to Bernie than the bedrock of the Democratic coalition, right? Coz that's really all that can be inferred from that.

He was exposed as a liar about his support for the 1994 Crime Bill. (https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/01/26/politics/sanders-1994-crime-bill-kfile/index.html?_twitter_impression=true) The same bill he's been trying to hang around Joe Biden's neck and around Hillary Clinton's last time around. When she wasn't even a senator at that time.

Maybe now some of you will understand why I am never Bernie.

I think the cowardly senators, congressmen, pundits and voters who continue to back, and thereby enable, tRump, are just as bad if not worse than he is. Fuck Trump. Fuck the GOP. Fuck his voters.
And I bet they all think they're patriots!!

We sell a copy of the constitution. The number of them going out the doors lately, since the impeachment, has been amusing.

Edit; And fuck Bernie.

January 27th, 2020, 03:35 AM
And fuck Bernie.

Really, is that a solid answer? I think you might be swayed.

January 27th, 2020, 03:49 AM
Yeah, you'd think he was Belgian because he waffles so much.

January 27th, 2020, 06:32 AM

January 27th, 2020, 07:09 AM
I am never Bernie.

You’re going to sit out or vote Trump/third party if Sanders wins the nomination?

MR2 Fan
January 27th, 2020, 07:16 AM
I'm waiting for Trump to come out and say he's never met John Bolton and absolutely, positively NEVER listened to any of his albums

January 27th, 2020, 07:19 AM
Yeah, the Bolton news is really going to test Republicans in the Senate. If they still vote no witnesses, that party is truly lost, and I already don’t respect their platform as a general standpoint.

January 27th, 2020, 07:42 AM
You’re going to sit out or vote Trump/third party if Sanders wins the nomination?

I'm gonna vote down ballot and write in Hillary. Or whoever that gorilla was that the Berners were writing in in 2016.

January 27th, 2020, 08:08 AM
Ironic, but you do you. I’m just gonna vote for whomever the nominee is, even if they aren’t my perfect candidate, because they’re closer to my ideals than Trump is.

MR2 Fan
January 27th, 2020, 08:11 AM
I'll vote for whoever is on the Democratic ballot because no one could be worse than Trump. We can't even count the number of things he's dismantled since being in office and evil sycophants he's put into positions of power.

I am curious about who would be Bernie's VP though as Bernie's health is definitely a concern

January 27th, 2020, 08:15 AM
Ideally a VP would complement the candidate, so maybe someone like a Booker or Harris, a more moderate person of color would be a good start for Sanders or Warren, imo.

January 27th, 2020, 09:16 AM
You know, I'm kinda concerned here... that the dems still cannot make up their minds with regard to who is their favorite. Speedpimp puts it the best. Most dems are acting like Belgiums.

If the liberals cannot make up their minds who they really want because they're not sure who's the most appealing..., why should the conservatives go with your indecision? They are already solidly backing Trump!

Of course, besides indecisions, there are infightings. There are dem establishment folks who hates Sanders more than Trump.

So I think election outcome is pretty clear for 2020.

Impeachment will probably be our last chance to remove Trump.

January 27th, 2020, 09:22 AM
I'm waiting for Trump to come out and say he's never met John Bolton and absolutely, positively NEVER listened to any of his albums


Why would Trump know Bolton? He is the one that sucks!

January 27th, 2020, 09:30 AM
a more moderate person of color would be a good start for Sanders, imo.


Pick Nina and watch the deplorables lose their shit.

There's something about an intelligent and energetic person from an unprivileged background being at the front of public debate that is both good for society and repulsive to the privileged.

Plus, she's got a great rack.

January 27th, 2020, 09:33 AM
I just want to watch her murder Pence on a debate stage.

Never gonna happen, though. If the ticket is Sanders/Turner, Trump/Pence will never face them in public. I don't take credit for that prediction but it is highly possible that this election will not be a normal one.

January 27th, 2020, 10:03 AM
Also, today marks 75 years since the Red Army liberated Auschwitz.

File Under: things to keep in mind.

January 27th, 2020, 12:48 PM

Although his official poll numbers are still a bit low, but reading all the youtube commenters gave me lots of hope! :)

Do your own research. Fuck trump. Fuck electability. Fuck all the BS politics. Just pick a guy or gal who you believe will be best for America already. Don't be like a Belgium.

I think it is still quite possible for somebody like Bernie, Yang or Tulsi to win the plurality delegates, yet potentially could still not end up as the eventual nominee.

Of course if that nightmare scenario were to happen, somebody like Neanderthal will be happy, but surely that'll be the end of the DNC.

After a lousy 2nd Trump term, maybe 2024 could finally have a fair 3 way fight of among the GOP, Dems and the new progressives party?

January 27th, 2020, 12:56 PM
I don't get it...who's on trial? Donald J. Trump or Hunter Biden?

I watched a few minutes of today's sham defense proceedings, and the woman won't shut up about Hunter.

January 27th, 2020, 03:23 PM
reading all the youtube commenters gave me lots of hope! :)

Dude, you're doing it wrong!

January 27th, 2020, 04:53 PM
I don't get it...who's on trial? Donald J. Trump or Hunter Biden?

I watched a few minutes of today's sham defense proceedings, and the woman won't shut up about Hunter.

It's what happens when there's no legitimate defense.

January 28th, 2020, 07:56 AM
Trump's favorite war criminal used his Fb page to post a video in which he discloses names, photos, assigned units and current status of those who testified against him. He also referred to Navy SEALs in his former unit as "cowards".

This president emboldens deplorable behavior.

January 29th, 2020, 08:20 AM
Trump's favorite war criminal used his Fb page to post a video in which he discloses names, photos, assigned units and current status of those who testified against him. He also referred to Navy SEALs in his former unit as "cowards".

This president emboldens deplorable behavior.

Fuck Trump! I had a long rant I was going to go on, about his "you're either with me or against me" philosophy and how it resembled the actions of the bros, but I don't have the energy.

January 29th, 2020, 09:43 AM

January 29th, 2020, 01:56 PM
Speaking of, Pam Bondi is "Bidening" it up again, AGAIN.

The GOP got in this "trial" what Trump couldn't do illegally.

Well played.

I hope there's a new face in every one of your fucking seats this time next year.

January 30th, 2020, 06:53 AM

It's like raaaaain...

January 30th, 2020, 09:50 AM
Adam Schiff used to be my congressman. I've voted for him for a few times... until either I moved or perhaps there was a redistricting? Now I have a female asian congresswoman. I think democrats have finally learned how to gerrymander as well. At assigning politicians of the right race in appropriate districts. According to the new map, Adam's district is now probably full of rich white families. So homelessness is probably not an issue in his district. Adjacent district around downtown LA perhaps, but not his district.

January 30th, 2020, 11:29 AM
Adam Schiff used to be my congressman. I've voted for him for a few times... until either I moved or perhaps there was a redistricting? Now I have a female asian congresswoman. I think democrats have finally learned how to gerrymander as well. At assigning politicians of the right race in appropriate districts. According to the new map, Adam's district is now probably full of rich white families. So homelessness is probably not an issue in his district. Adjacent district around downtown LA perhaps, but not his district.

Orrrrrrrr, maybe she was just the poilitician who got more votes, like Hillary did in the primary.

January 30th, 2020, 11:48 AM
Dude, I'm suppose to ignore you, but I just wish to clarify that my congresswoman didn't beat out Adam Schiff. If she actually beat him, there'd be no Adam Schiff in congress impeaching that asshole.

Redistricting happened... and the DNC assigned an asian lady to a predominantly asian neighborhood and move Adam to a whiter neighborhood. I was just saying his neighborhood likely does NOT have any homeless people.

Anyway, both Adam and the asian lady got more votes and beat out their republican counterparts in their respective district.

Hope I'm clearer now and you can stop picking on me? Thank you for your cooperation.

BTW, you forgot to hide/spoil my comments. Don't forget next time you quote me out of concern for all others who think I'm a moron. Thanks again.

January 30th, 2020, 12:07 PM
Sooooo any predictions if there will be a vote on witnesses and what the outcome will be?

Earlier this week, there were reports that McConnell didn't feel he had the votes to stop it, then this morning there were reports that there were enough votes to stop it.

My expectation is that Republicans will continue to support party over country, and block witness testimony, so they can fast track acquittal.

MR2 Fan
January 30th, 2020, 07:05 PM
won't be witnesses, impeachment trial is all but over

January 30th, 2020, 07:20 PM
Really sucks. This Alexander clown was the last hope. Oh well. Maybe one day a Democrat president will come in and do exactly what Trump has done, since it’s about to be legally established that president can truly do whatever he wants.

January 30th, 2020, 07:21 PM
Republicans are traitors and cowards.

January 30th, 2020, 07:31 PM
Sooooo any predictions if there will be a vote on witnesses and what the outcome will be?

Earlier this week, there were reports that McConnell didn't feel he had the votes to stop it, then this morning there were reports that there were enough votes to stop it.

My expectation is that Republicans will continue to support party over country, and block witness testimony, so they can fast track acquittal.

I suspect you're right, but a lot depends on what develops in the next few news cycles.

January 30th, 2020, 07:32 PM
Republicans are traitors and cowards.

This sounds like a veritable much more polite "fuck Trump, fuck the GOP, and fuck their voters."

January 30th, 2020, 07:38 PM
won't be witnesses, impeachment trial is all but over

Thought I read somewhere that Parnas would give evidence to the democrats himself.

Either way, if the Republicans refuse to enter the testimony of the witnesses into evidence, I hope the Democrats use that in every single ad, against every single republican candidate. Even those who are running against a democratic incumbent.

"Every single Republican voted against Trump's impeachment in Congress, or voted against hearing witnesses in the Senate. Despite mountains of evidence. Despite public sentiment. They've shown their allegiance and their true colors. Now it's your turn. Back America, vote (insert local Democrat's name here.)"

MR2 Fan
January 30th, 2020, 07:40 PM
I think the GOP knows they're going to lose a lot of seats in November, but they're too chicken shit from the Trump cultists to go against them

January 30th, 2020, 07:42 PM
Dude, I'm suppose to ignore you, but I just wish to clarify that my congresswoman didn't beat out Adam Schiff. If she actually beat him, there'd be no Adam Schiff in congress impeaching that asshole.

Redistricting happened... and the DNC assigned an asian lady to a predominantly asian neighborhood and move Adam to a whiter neighborhood. I was just saying his neighborhood likely does NOT have any homeless people.

Anyway, both Adam and the asian lady got more votes and beat out their republican counterparts in their respective district.

Hope I'm clearer now and you can stop picking on me? Thank you for your cooperation.

BTW, you forgot to hide/spoil my comments. Don't forget next time you quote me out of concern for all others who think I'm a moron. Thanks again.

" ... assigned?" Tsk tsk tsk.

Pretty sure it's because he was no longer in that district after redistricting.

It's 2019. You can google this stuff.

January 30th, 2020, 07:43 PM
I think the GOP knows they're going to lose a lot of seats in November, but they're too chicken shit from the Trump cultists to go against them

I really really wonder what their long term game plan is.

The one thing they have in their favor is that they've stacked the courts.

MR2 Fan
January 31st, 2020, 06:49 AM
John Delaney drops out of Dem Presidential race....aka someone else I never heard of

MR2 Fan
January 31st, 2020, 08:14 AM
I do have the horrible feeling that we're one step away from having a mad king

January 31st, 2020, 09:05 AM
Nah. Bloomberg is going to purchase the presidency for the next term.

I saw an election sign on someone's lawn this morning. It said ANY FUNCTIONAL ADULT - 2020. :up:

January 31st, 2020, 09:19 AM
Republicans are traitors and cowards.

And that is how Pelosi planned it.

I don't know how much that really helps the potential Democratic nominee get elected, but you can bet big dollar that she is going to cash that check in the early days of november.

January 31st, 2020, 09:19 AM
I do have the horrible feeling that we're one step away from having a mad king

That's what Michael Moore's been saying during the last 3 years.

January 31st, 2020, 09:56 AM
It's really odd, maybe I'm from a different planet of something... I just don't feel the same sense of urgency removing Trump as you guys. Of course, when it comes to 'impeaching' or sanctioning China, most of you think that I'm crazy, but I feel more sense of urgency in that... Not sure why I'm almost always standing on opposite side of you guys.

With regard to Trump, I can seriously say what's the big deal even if it's 4 more years of him? I really can't see him becoming a king. Am I missing something?

As for impeachable offenses, what about starting a fucking bogus war? Why wasn't W impeached for misleading our nation? Shouldn't that be a more serious crime than withholding aid? W had selfish interests too. He had a personal vendetta against Hussien... and a LOT of iraqis die as a result...

W was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY worse in terms of level of evilness. Why didn't we impeach him? Why didn't we even charge him with something after the fact for misleading our nation into such a fiasco?

Here we are, feel so bad about unable to remove Trump from office... why? Wasn't it clear from the beginning that we don't have to votes in congress? Are you guys genuinely surprised that we've wasted so much time and taxpayer money and end up not getting what we wanted?

Don't get me wrong, Trump is probably the worst president EVER... I hope...

Anyway, end this circus and free up the senators so they can campaign for themselves and get their message out about why they will be better than Trump. Dems need a better strategy... to win an election, rather than just trying to defeat their opposition. Trump voters are not all deplorable. They need help. If you want to win their votes, you gotta listen to them.

Democratic politicians, your mission, should you choose to accept it... is to help the american people. We don't need you to defeat and remove your political oppositions. Stop focusing on attacking. Your job really is just to serve us. If you serve us voters well, there won't be anymore Trumps to come.

Am I being reasonable here? Or am I a moron still?

MR2 Fan
January 31st, 2020, 11:27 AM
There's no checks and balances left for Trump, he can now do whatever he wants with barely any oversight. He basically owns the Senate and the Supreme Court. He can call on the military to remove any brown people he wants, he can make hit jobs like Putin on his political enemies and who is going to put him in check?

He's already talked about being a President for life and he never jokes about things...dude never laughs, you think he jokes when he says shit? He will try his hardest to manipulate the election or just claim that it's all rigged and not leave.

Ivanka Trump just got a deal with the Chinese for...VOTING MACHINES!!!

January 31st, 2020, 11:47 AM
Yeah, worst part of his government is the patrimonialism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrimonialism)approach. You know, the total opposite of "We the people".

January 31st, 2020, 12:35 PM
I kinda doubt he can own the senate for long. Dems taking over the house is sufficient proof that most voters don’t want a king like him. I doubt dems won the house on merit. They didn’t do anything awesome to win the house, the won because push backs at trump. Of course Supreme Court is leaning right but there’s no reason to believe that they will cave to Trump on everything.

As for war powers... that kind of power was bestowed upon presidents by congress prior. Trump wasn’t specially given that power. Yes, there were lots of close calls but knock on wood, no new wars yet! That is about the one and only thing I like about Trump! I would prefer W assassinate Hussein over declaring bogus was on Iraq any time.

Now, will he refuse to leave the WH upon losing an election? If it’s gonna be a close election loss like Al Gore, I can see trouble brewing... but otherwise, I can’t believe he will be able to stay in the WH with congressional, Supreme Court and even military support.

Surely we’ll have a civil war before he becomes king. Americans are armed remember? Those crazy gun owners will fully embrace king trump? I kinda doubt it.

We suffered a political loss with W, but we bounced back with Obama. We will bounce back again.

MR2 Fan
January 31st, 2020, 01:08 PM
We still have gerrymandering, hackable voting machines and an electoral college that favors the GOP....a looong way to fight for a fair and free election.

However, if we get enough of people who don't normally vote out there, we can definitely turn the tide on this as most people are not crazed right-wing loons

January 31st, 2020, 03:16 PM
I kinda doubt he can own the senate for long. Dems taking over the house is sufficient proof that most voters don’t want a king like him. I doubt dems won the house on merit. They didn’t do anything awesome to win the house, the won because push backs at trump. Of course Supreme Court is leaning right but there’s no reason to believe that they will cave to Trump on everything.

As for war powers... that kind of power was bestowed upon presidents by congress prior. Trump wasn’t specially given that power. Yes, there were lots of close calls but knock on wood, no new wars yet! That is about the one and only thing I like about Trump! I would prefer W assassinate Hussein over declaring bogus was on Iraq any time.

Now, will he refuse to leave the WH upon losing an election? If it’s gonna be a close election loss like Al Gore, I can see trouble brewing... but otherwise, I can’t believe he will be able to stay in the WH with congressional, Supreme Court and even military support.

Surely we’ll have a civil war before he becomes king. Americans are armed remember? Those crazy gun owners will fully embrace king trump? I kinda doubt it.

We suffered a political loss with W, but we bounced back with Obama. We will bounce back again.

This just shows you don't understand how the congress and Senate are elected. Which explains a lot.

And it's 20 bloody 20 and google is still free.

January 31st, 2020, 03:26 PM
We still have gerrymandering, hackable voting machines and an electoral college that favors the GOP....a looong way to fight for a fair and free election.

However, if we get enough of people who don't normally vote out there, we can definitely turn the tide on this as most people are not crazed right-wing loons

A black man turned that tide once. It proved that most Americans judge people not by skin color anymore.

Of course hopefully after 3 years, some people have realized it’s also important to judge people by the content of their character too!

But of course dems also need to come up with an inspiring candidate too. I think another corporate centrist nominee will most likely return the WH back to Trump.

MR2 Fan
January 31st, 2020, 05:17 PM
final vote won't come until Wednesday or Thursday....AFTER Trump has to deliver the State of the Union speech...that's gonna be awkward

February 1st, 2020, 05:02 PM
DNC turned down bookers appeal for a rule change, but bent over backwards to change rules so that Bloomberg could now qualify for the next debate...

I originally promised myself that I would support the eventual nominee this time around, but if we end up with Bloomberg vs Trump, I’ll vote 3rd party again... or write down Andrew Yang....

MR2 Fan
February 1st, 2020, 05:26 PM
so Billi is throwing his vote away again....let me put on my shocked face

February 1st, 2020, 05:39 PM
Neanderthal is going to do it if Bernie wins, so it’s not just me! :p

Seriously though, do you really believe we should use a billionaire to fight against another billionaire? Well we’re assuming trump is really a billionaire, I kinda doubt that.

DNC needs to learn to return to the people for its namesake... otherwise might as well rename to plutocrats.