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MR2 Fan
February 15th, 2020, 05:29 PM
I don't even think a third party would be viable unless we get rid of the electoral college

February 15th, 2020, 08:57 PM
It will become more viable as more republicans get sick of trump and more dems get sick of union leaders getting too cozy with the corporations, or worse, electing billionaire CEOs to become their new union leaders.

Current 2 parties can’t possibly continue like this forever... somethings gotta give...

Even electoral college is based on voters votes! Voters hopefully will wise up.

February 15th, 2020, 10:23 PM
Neanderthal, I have to unignore you for a minute.

May I ask, who should we all vote for this time? Can you utilize your amazing googling skillz and show us the light. Some positive light, enough of this negative shit already.

I'm not posting "negative shit." People who call themselves "progressives" going to a Biden event with a coffin, ... that's negative shit. Me reporting it to you all here just stating the facts.

I'm not gonna tell you who to vote for, but i'll say fuck Trump, and fuck Bernie! That should give you enough information.

February 15th, 2020, 10:28 PM
I don't even think a third party would be viable unless we get rid of the electoral college

Yup. But Republicans will never go for it as they know their "stronghold" is rural voters. Just about every major city is mostly Democratic leaning, and quite a few that aren't are heavily gerrymandered.

And this is one of the reasons why I think Puerto Rico and DC should be states.

February 16th, 2020, 12:03 AM
I'm not posting "negative shit." People who call themselves "progressives" going to a Biden event with a coffin, ... that's negative shit. Me reporting it to you all here just stating the facts.

I'm not gonna tell you who to vote for, but i'll say fuck Trump, and fuck Bernie! That should give you enough information.

Well, fact is Bernie isn’t running out of money without super pac.

Also, Bernie bros probably would rather Biden stay in the race so that the corporate centrists can steal each other’s delegates in order for sanders to win the primary. Coffin protesters were most likely centrists urging Biden to get out of the way of Pete and Amy. Even Pete and Amy were stealing each other’s votes which resulted a sanders victory. If one of them wasn’t there, pretty sure a centrist would beat sanders at NH.

Anyway, just wondering exactly what are you trying to achieve with those facts? Just to point out that dems are bunch of losers who don’t know what they’re doing?

We know you are frustrated, but right now would be a good time for more encouraging facts, for you and us, if you are serious about fucking trump.

February 16th, 2020, 02:33 AM

Freude am Fahren
February 16th, 2020, 07:38 AM

February 16th, 2020, 08:06 AM
Hey! I’m offended! It’s Rikadyn who screwed up the pic, why do you need to show a pic of YW squinting?

MR2 Fan
February 16th, 2020, 08:50 AM
One thing I'm concerned about if Bernie wins is if he can carry the other races for Dems. If he's just considered an insurgent and there aren't that many other pro-Bernie progressives on the tickets, there may not be that many gains in the House/Senate.

February 16th, 2020, 09:23 AM
Ya'll happy now.

February 16th, 2020, 10:25 AM
Ya'll happy now.

The revolution makes me happy.

BTW I think "Rumble with Michael Moore" is one of the best things coming out of this election cycle, the episode with RuPaul is such a beautiful statement on the joie de vivre to those of us who feel cast away, outsiders. So I guess I should say Ruvolutions make me happy.

February 16th, 2020, 10:31 AM

Yet nobody:

Centrists: You guys, I think if we nominate someone with responsible spending policies we're going to win over some Trump voters.

Trump Voters:

Pittsboro, NC. 15, February 2020.

February 16th, 2020, 11:13 AM
Ya'll happy now.

Yes, now YW doesn’t have to squint!

February 16th, 2020, 11:17 AM
One thing I'm concerned about if Bernie wins is if he can carry the other races for Dems. If he's just considered an insurgent and there aren't that many other pro-Bernie progressives on the tickets, there may not be that many gains in the House/Senate.

As a mayor, Bernie had a history of having to fight against both established dems and republicans. That’s why it is factual that nobody from the establishment likes him. They wanted to crush Bernie from the very beginning. Look at him now. Establishment is still trying to crush him.

February 16th, 2020, 11:34 AM
As a mayor, Bernie had a history of having to fight against both established dems and republicans. That’s why it is factual that nobody from the establishment likes him. They wanted to crush Bernie from the very beginning. Look at him now. Establishment is still trying to crush him.

The establishment dems have done more to resist Bernie in 4 months than they have Trump in 3yrs

Tom Servo
February 16th, 2020, 01:29 PM
People who call themselves "progressives" going to a Biden event with a coffin, ... that's negative shit.

I had no idea what you were talking about until I just came across an article about it. What a bunch of fuckwits.

February 16th, 2020, 03:48 PM
Exactly how ‘progressive’ were those coffin bearers? Did they claim to be doing it for Bernie?

Anyway, Joe really should be campaigning in SC and Nevada anyway... I wonder why he needed to be in NY?

Oh, because his ATMs are located there...

February 16th, 2020, 06:18 PM
One thing I'm concerned about if Bernie wins is if he can carry the other races for Dems. If he's just considered an insurgent and there aren't that many other pro-Bernie progressives on the tickets, there may not be that many gains in the House/Senate.

Berners act like he's the messiah or sum such but the Justice Dems and that other progressive wing lost badly in 2018. Almost a complete white wash. Bernie gets the nomination, we are losing the house and losing more seats in the senate.
But of course, if that's the case it'll be the fault of the establishment corporate dems, not St Bernies fault.

Meanwhile he's the one who;
a can't build a caucus of like minded members in the Senate
b just had a heart attack like 2 months ago (and won't release his medical records even though he said he would)

February 16th, 2020, 06:21 PM
It will become more viable as more republicans get sick of trump and more dems get sick of union leaders getting too cozy with the corporations, or worse, electing billionaire CEOs to become their new union leaders.

Current 2 parties can’t possibly continue like this forever... somethings gotta give...

Even electoral college is based on voters votes! Voters hopefully will wise up.

Clearly you don't understand Republicans. They won't care if they're negatively affected as long as black and brown people are getting fucked.

You "progressives" are the reason billionaires can just buy their way in, while decent and fantastic candidates are left by the way side.

February 16th, 2020, 06:35 PM
Really? Rich people had never thought of buying power before the progressives came along? You are really quite out of touch Neanderthal. I’ll probably never understand why a black dude would continue to support the democratic establishment. However I’ll respect your decision. After all, this is democracy is all about. I shall go back to not debating you. You just keep up the good fight while not really knowing who to vote for. We’ll just vote for whoever we want! :)

MR2 Fan
February 17th, 2020, 06:22 AM
This is just....

Trump ‘spiritual adviser’ tells followers to skip paying electric bills so they can send her church more cash


Tom Servo
February 17th, 2020, 07:18 AM
I guess at least she stopped demanding god abort all the democrats' satanic babies.

MR2 Fan
February 17th, 2020, 08:42 AM
I had another thought regarding elections....I don't think the media should cover ANY election results until ALL polls close nationwide...including Alaska and Hawaii.

February 17th, 2020, 09:31 AM
To be fair to trump, prosperity gospel teachers were around before him. It’s only natural for trump to attract them like flies attracted to crap...

February 17th, 2020, 11:58 AM
That's why voter turnout is so low in Hawaii

February 17th, 2020, 12:15 PM
Instead of Iowa, maybe we need to kick off the campaign season 1st in Hawaii next time!

February 17th, 2020, 12:19 PM
BTW, who here is the US History buff around here?

Last time around, was the progressive movement a successful one? I thought overall it was... except that last time around the beneficiaries were still mostly white americans. But com'on, was that so unexpected? Even today, with a black president, there emerged the BLM movement. So of course we still have a serious racial problem... that is still in existence with or without the progressive movement.

Anyway, if you have some opinions about the past progressive movement, what do you think were the lessons learned? What do we need to be careful of this time around?

I saw a WSJ opinion piece warning us progressive movement 48 years ago was a disaster, but they want money from me to read it... so I skipped it.

So let's forget about Trump for a moment, if anyone here is wary of the progressive movement, can you share your concerns? Is there really a good reason for us to be scared of Bernie Sanders or other progressive politicians?

February 17th, 2020, 12:29 PM
Last successful progressive movement was probably during the gilded era. 8hr workday, the weekend, child labor laws, and workplace safety are all from it.

February 17th, 2020, 01:03 PM
I'd add women's suffrage to that list (Nineteenth Amendment).

MR2 Fan
February 17th, 2020, 01:06 PM
yep, around the time of Teddy Roosevelt, IMO the first true Progressive

February 17th, 2020, 02:12 PM
So any nay sayers around here? I think even Neanderthal isn’t really against the progressives, just has a personal vendetta against sanders...

Really curious now what the WSJ opinion piece was saying...

February 17th, 2020, 03:51 PM
yep, around the time of Teddy Roosevelt, IMO the first true Progressive

Too bad his foreign policy was Empire 101.

February 17th, 2020, 04:02 PM
Yale School of Public Health reviews M4A.


February 17th, 2020, 04:36 PM
I had another thought regarding elections....I don't think the media should cover ANY election results until ALL polls close nationwide...including Alaska and Hawaii.

Yup. And make it a holiday!

February 17th, 2020, 04:41 PM
And a lot of policies still left African Americans behind.

The civil rights act was passed in the 1960s.

February 17th, 2020, 06:08 PM
Too bad his foreign policy was Empire 101.

Similar to African Americans being left behind, is progressivism the cause of it? I kinda doubt that, right?

February 18th, 2020, 04:13 AM
Yup. And make it a holiday!

Election day itself should be a paid national holiday.

But according to McConnell, there are "enough holidays" as it is.

Fuck McConnell.

February 18th, 2020, 05:21 AM
Similar to African Americans being left behind, is progressivism the cause of it? I kinda doubt that, right?

Both things can ☪☮e✡is†, they don't cancel each other out.

February 18th, 2020, 08:45 AM
Well, instead of focusing on attacking Trump, Bloomberg has finally decided to have a digital ad attacking Bernie and his bros. Claiming that Bernie is not a unifying force for the dems. Isn't it ironic? Don't you see it Mike? I like how you try to unite the dems by attacking Sanders. Good job! Now let's see how effective that ad will be...

February 18th, 2020, 09:03 AM
Both things can ☪☮e✡is†, they don't cancel each other out.

If progressivism believes in the improvement of human conditions, then eventually it should address racism. 8 hour workdays is applicable to people of all races. Healthcare for all means for ALL. In these specific areas, black/minority people won't be excluded. I do believe progressivism should slowly chip away racism.

As for imperialism, ideally, if US could use it's muscles to help people around the world to reform for the better and not just messing around for selfish interests, I wouldn't mind that. However, considering that sometimes we could end up with selfish presidents like Trump, it's probably not a good idea for the US govt to mess around the world like it has done in the past. Particularly we should not be installing or supporting foreign dictators friendly to the US nor arm and train foreign militias to fight against our common enemies. Unless US govt could be forced to only focus on moral issues and never economic issues, it's probably a good idea for US to avoid intervening foreign politics.

Anyway, if we could really have a proper social reform, I'm pretty sure we could eventually also improve race relations and international relations better than the current republican and democratic establishment. Let's just forget about Trump for now.

February 18th, 2020, 09:22 AM
My comment was specific about Teddy's progressive and imperialistic policies. It wasn't meant as a treatise on human contradiction.

February 18th, 2020, 09:33 AM
Bloomberg has finally decided to have a digital ad attacking Bernie and his bros.

Biden: Bernie Bros
Bloomberg: Bernie Bros
Buttigieg: Bernie Bros
Klobuchar: Bernie Bros
Warren: Bernie Bros

Bernie: Medicare for All, Climate Change, Immigration Reform

That's why Yang's and Steyer's popularity grew beyond expectations, they have policy proposals. Yang was particularly bad at putting them forward during the debates, though.

February 18th, 2020, 09:36 AM
From Santa Monica High, where [Stephen] Miller railed against multiculturalism on the radio, to Duke University, where he brainstormed with white supremacist Richard Spencer, to the Capitol & White House, the book charts Miller’s spiral from xenophobic provocation to xenophobic policy. (https://twitter.com/jeanguerre/status/1229832014653583360)

February 18th, 2020, 09:38 AM
I don't think they should release their entire proposals. Any little thing in the proposal the GOP could grab onto and twist. Trump ran up on "I'm going to give you better health care", and his cult bought into it. He didn't even follow through with it, but just the idea was something that his base could get behind.

IMO, they should layout the basics. Maybe a few bullet points, but leave the 600 page article for the final bill.

MR2 Fan
February 18th, 2020, 12:33 PM
Trump pardoning a bunch of criminals today...I wonder if there's something important about the timing of it

February 18th, 2020, 12:50 PM

February 18th, 2020, 01:07 PM
Dang! Killer Mike is killing'em!

Seriously, Bernie Sanders is picking up where MLK Jr. left off. I really think MLK was murdered for attempting to start the same revolution.

Still, MLK was a long time ago. Bernie's message also hasn't change much at all... my only wish is for Bernie to modernize his message a bit with Andrew's ideas... :p

To be completely frank, my family's life has been not too bad under Trump, Obama, W, Clinton, or whatever establishments' rule. If things don't change, I'm sure I'm still going to be okay. I am grateful for the establishment. I immigrated here to the US for a better life and I got it. Don't mean to be somebody ungrateful...

However, progressivism simply feels right... simply feels like we're actually moving toward the ideals of Roddenberry's Starfleet! Hopefully Sanders will turn out to be the right guy and prove Neanderthal wrong. Even if Neanderthal is right, Sanders should still be a much better option than Trump.

So Neaderthal, please join the revolution. And for you undecided folks, can you help us understand why you need to sit on the fence? Or if you're dead set against Sanders, can you help us understand why we shouldn't support Bernie? Who should we support if not Bernie?

February 19th, 2020, 02:17 AM

MR2 Fan
February 19th, 2020, 07:09 AM
Via thehill on twitter:

Andrew Yang joins CNN as a political commentator

To begin the TV deal, the former Democratic presidential candidate says he'll be on CNN Wednesday night to discuss the debate.

February 19th, 2020, 08:45 AM
Bernie is NOT picking up where MLK Jr left. MLK didn't let his followers abuse others.

A piece of used toilet paper would be better than Trump. The turtle that picks Superbowl winners would be better than Trump. An ouija board would be better than Trump.
"Bernie would be better than Trump" is a very low bar. I would be better than Trump. You would ... no, I don't trust your judgement.

February 19th, 2020, 08:46 AM
I don't think they should release their entire proposals. Any little thing in the proposal the GOP could grab onto and twist. Trump ran up on "I'm going to give you better health care", and his cult bought into it. He didn't even follow through with it, but just the idea was something that his base could get behind.

IMO, they should layout the basics. Maybe a few bullet points, but leave the 600 page article for the final bill.

Trumps followers don't care for the facts. They've dug in and damn the consequences. Which is one of the reasons why I wish his policies would only affect them.

February 19th, 2020, 09:03 AM
Bernie is NOT picking up where MLK Jr left. MLK didn't let his followers abuse others.

A piece of used toilet paper would be better than Trump. The turtle that picks Superbowl winners would be better than Trump. An ouija board would be better than Trump. is a very low bar. I would be better than Trump. You would ... no, I don't trust your judgement.

Fine, I'll probably be on par with Trump, I hope? ;)

Anyway, Hillary was not going to quench the anti-establishment fire, if she were elected, she would further ignite the anti-establishment fire... which will result in somebody like or worse than Trump to take over eventually.

At least Bernie would quench the anti-establishment fire.

IMHO, Bernie Bros only abused the establishment and its supporters by returning the favor. Yeah, Bernie isn't a Christian like MLK. He doesn't believe in the turning the other cheek thing. Well, considering how Bernie has been attacked thus far... even by his supposed friend Warren, he himself has never attacked back on such personal level. He would reach out to shake her hand and she'd continue to bitch at him. Personally I think he is too nice... so to be honest, I have little sympathy for those attacked by the bros. If you want to mess with bernie, that's what you get. If you don't mess with Bernie, then bros won't abuse you. Just play fair and everything will be alright. Don't cry about bros attacking back if you attacked Bernie first.

I think it's pretty clear who the real bullies are.

February 19th, 2020, 09:55 AM
Is it bad that I’m legitimately worried about a Bloomberg nomination? His rise in the polls is kind of shocking.

MR2 Fan
February 19th, 2020, 10:20 AM
Trump's sudden Pardon fest explained?


Donald Trump 'offered Julian Assange a pardon if he denied Russia link to hack'

- WikiLeaks published emails damaging to Hillary Clinton in 2016
- Offer claim made at WikiLeaks founder’s extradition hearing

February 19th, 2020, 10:20 AM
His ads are quite well done, other than the one that attacks Sanders. So his rise is kinda expected.

I'd be more worried if he continue to surge after his 1st debate. It'll be his 1st real test on the debate stage... he's been hiding behind his ads during these times... of course I'm hoping he'll be crushed on the debate stage... we'll see.

Biggest loser will be Biden perhaps? However, will black people really go for this NY mayor? Black people will have to believe that their own lives don't matter if they think this billionaire will care about them once elected...

BTW, here's a video of Bloomberg saying why he can't win:


It's really funny that we have a liberal billionaire registered as a republican sitting in the WH and now that a conservative billionaire now trying to become a liberal president. All goes to show us that partisan politics is all just for show to get the voters all riled up. Once the plutocrats are in power, they'll do whatever they want and average americans will get screwed.

February 19th, 2020, 10:49 AM
Trump's sudden Pardon fest explained?


Donald Trump 'offered Julian Assange a pardon if he denied Russia link to hack'

- WikiLeaks published emails damaging to Hillary Clinton in 2016
- Offer claim made at WikiLeaks founder’s extradition hearing

Now it all makes sense.

February 19th, 2020, 10:52 AM
Is it bad that I’m legitimately worried about a Bloomberg nomination? His rise in the polls is kind of shocking.

All the candidates that are left are poor candidates. Including Bloomberg.

I think his rise has more to do with how effective his ads are (I actually haven't seen a single one since I don't have terrestrial tv and i have ad blocking on my browsers) against Bernie. And then, obviously, he will be contrasted against Trump. He has legislative experience as a Mayor, even though "stop and frisk" should disqualify him completely.

February 19th, 2020, 10:59 AM
Fine, I'll probably be on par with Trump, I hope? ;)

Anyway, Hillary was not going to quench the anti-establishment fire, if she were elected, she would further ignite the anti-establishment fire... which will result in somebody like or worse than Trump to take over eventually.

At least Bernie would quench the anti-establishment fire.

IMHO, Bernie Bros only abused the establishment and its supporters by returning the favor. Yeah, Bernie isn't a Christian like MLK. He doesn't believe in the turning the other cheek thing. Well, considering how Bernie has been attacked thus far... even by his supposed friend Warren, he himself has never attacked back on such personal level. He would reach out to shake her hand and she'd continue to bitch at him. Personally I think he is too nice... so to be honest, I have little sympathy for those attacked by the bros. If you want to mess with bernie, that's what you get. If you don't mess with Bernie, then bros won't abuse you. Just play fair and everything will be alright. Don't cry about bros attacking back if you attacked Bernie first.

I think it's pretty clear who the real bullies are.

Bernie wouldn't do shit. First of all, he'd do nothing for down ballot candidates, ceding the house and senate to the Republicans. With a GOP controlled congress, and a senate too, what legislation would he pass?

How then would be quench any "anti establishment fire?" I really, really wonder if you think about the things you post.

He'd literally spend his four years shouting at the clouds about the system and how its tilted against the working class, and the working class would be looking at him thinking "well, you're prez, whatchu doing about it."

Bernie would be the WORST thing if he was elected president, because his ineffectiveness of gathering like minded folks and passing legislation would kill any democratic turnout in future.

Then again, i've seen posts from Berners saying exactly that; that they want to kill the Democratic party.

MR2 Fan
February 19th, 2020, 11:16 AM
This is a Bernie problem but not just a Bernie problem....Obama had the same issue, and so did Hillary....where's the coalition of like minded Democrats that can be on the same platform and win the seats in the house and senate together?

Being anti-Trump isn't enough, because once Trump is out of office, there's a TON of work to do...first to undo his policies and then to try to fix what's broken in addition to that. Obama was met with roadblocks constantly and would have been much more effective with more Dems in the house and senate.

Hillary too, didn't seem to focus much on creating a coalition much. No, going to rallies to claim your support at the last minute is not a coalition.

The GOP made a "contract with America" back in 1994 and it WORKED for them, even if it wasn't very helpful.

The Democratic Party DOES have a major problem in having too many people who want to be GOP-lite to appeal to conservative voters and establishment who are deeply entrenched in the same kind of kleptocracy that the GOP is, with corporations calling the shots.

You may disagree with Bernie, but his not using PAC or corporate money is important for getting our government back into the people. Overturning Citizens United should also be a top priority and a platform that can be run on (Add two SCOTUS seats!!)

February 19th, 2020, 12:07 PM
Well said MR2. Bernie would be lucky if the down ballot dem candidates won't end up attacking him! ;)

Regular dem politicians have to fight against the GOP. Bernie Sanders will likely end up fighting not only the GOP but also the dem establishment.

Like I've said it before, Bernie had experience defeating such bi-partisan attack on him as a mayor. We'll see if he could expand his experience on a presidential/national level.

Anyway, the key is to energize voters to come out and vote the right people into office... or to get rid of established politicians out of office.

At the moment, there's really a huge disconnect between what the average americans want and what Congress passed into laws. Congress has mostly been doing favors for corporations. If we can truly excite voters and free politicians from the strangled hold of the corporations, then perhaps our nation has a chance to improve. At the moment, it's just not working dude. Even after voting in a black president wasn't enough to stop the BLM movement. Our nation needs a reform and this grumpy old grandpa may just be the guy to reform our government.

For sure Bernie won't be able to solve racism, but narrowing the gap between rich and poor should also help alleviate racism. Money helps. You're not going to see Obama or OJ being stopped and frisked or beaten. Improving people's lives should be the 1st step. I have more faith in Bernie to get this done than anybody else.

MR2 Fan
February 19th, 2020, 12:14 PM
I've heard people, especially on the left, downplay "economic uncertainty" as a cause of various incidents happening lately, but I do think it is a major part of the problem overall.

Any kind of added stress can cause people to lash out in unhealthy ways.

The thing the GOP and others like them latch onto, and do it waaaay too easily is to push gullible people to blame others, like immigrants, minimum wage workers, millennials for their problems instead of the billionaires that own all of the wealth and don't pay taxes.

February 19th, 2020, 12:20 PM
Stop believing Obama didn't deliver only because he was roadblocked.

That was one of many reasons.

Obamacare was opposed by the Republicans.
Obamacare is a case study in shit program implementation.
Obamacare suffered "designed by committee" issues.

February 19th, 2020, 12:26 PM
Ever since the beginning of time, at least biblically, people tend to want to blame others rather than accept their share of the responsibility... Adam blamed Eve... Eve blamed the snake... amazingly the snake didn't blame anybody else! So I suppose this is humanity's weakness? We tend to just blame others when shit hits the fan? ;)

You know, in a way, should we really just blame the billionaires who don't pay taxes? It's not their fault that they worked hard and lucked out and made all that money, right? They paid their 'taxes' by buying politicians too. So we probably don't have to 'blame' our problems at the billionaires..., all we need to do is ask the billionaires to pay their fair share. Humanity really should learn to blame others less and work together more.

February 19th, 2020, 12:26 PM
The thing the GOP and others like them latch onto, and do it waaaay too easily is to push gullible people to blame others, like immigrants, minimum wage workers, millennials for their problems instead of the billionaires that own all of the wealth and don't pay taxes.


MR2 Fan
February 19th, 2020, 12:28 PM
Stop believing Obama didn't deliver only because he was roadblocked.

That was one of many reasons.

Obamacare was opposed by the Republicans.
Obamacare is a case study in shit program implementation.
Obamacare suffered "designed by committee" issues.

Opposition by Republicans doesn't matter if he had a larger base of Democrats in both houses.

The shit program implementation is because in order to get ANYTHING passed, they had to keep scaling it back...why? because AGAIN he didn't have enough of support without making LOTS of changes.

I remember clearly when they had to try to convince conservative dems to sign on and the...months? long process to get it done.

Then the healthcare industry took it and made their own changes and state rules, then propped up the massive GOP smear campaign to roll back Obamacare in several states.

February 19th, 2020, 12:32 PM
Stop believing Obama didn't deliver only because he was roadblocked.

That was one of many reasons.

Obamacare was opposed by the Republicans.
Obamacare is a case study in shit program implementation.
Obamacare suffered "designed by committee" issues.

Of course Obama faced lots of obstacles and he tried his best. Obamacare was as good as it was gonna get considering who he had to work with...

However, can you really say that he absolutely never let you down?

Anyway, forget about the past... let's look forward. Do you think he'll endorse Bernie Sanders? I'm not so sure.

I like Obama, but I'm also disappointed in him. He has his share of the blame, but of course I also do believe GOP shares more blame. Key problem is that they didn't know how to work together more. It's all still just a blame game. The status quo blame game is clearly not working for us average americans. Congress only works for the rich.

Bernie Sanders has been working for the little guys since the beginning of time! ;)

February 19th, 2020, 01:07 PM

February 19th, 2020, 06:59 PM
Trumps followers don't care for the facts. They've dug in and damn the consequences. Which is one of the reasons why I wish his policies would only affect them.

I meant the commentators would pick it apart, and grab on to soundbites that the cult would start chanting.

February 19th, 2020, 07:07 PM

Well, to be fair, Mao perfectly manipulated rowdy peasants in China during the cultural revolution. So rowdy peasants aint always right!

Key difference between Sanders and Mao was that sanders’ does not encourage Bernie bro’s to become abusive. I do believe those who got abused by Bernie bro’s probably deserved it! Also, Bernie is unlikely to become a dictator like Mao.

February 19th, 2020, 07:44 PM
I meant the commentators would pick it apart, and grab on to soundbites that the cult would start chanting.

Yeah. Once the Trumpanzees got their talking points from Faux News they'd repeat them without critically analysing them. That's what I meant.

We're on the same page; I just skipped the punditry demagoguery part.

Tom Servo
February 19th, 2020, 07:57 PM
Didn't watch the debate but did just catch two minutes of Warren putting Bloomberg in his place re: NDAs. Inject that shit into my veins.

February 19th, 2020, 07:58 PM
Stop believing Obama didn't deliver only because he was roadblocked.

That was one of many reasons.

Obamacare was opposed by the Republicans.
Obamacare is a case study in shit program implementation.
Obamacare suffered "designed by committee" issues.

So you're saying you don't remember the "worst Congress ever" and all the antics and tactics used by the Republicans, the filibusters, the bills languishing on John Boeners desk then Paul Ryan, the government shut downs, the House only being in sessions for something like 112 days of the year, etc etc etc.

You're absolutely right that Obamacare is a case study in shit program implementation. We saw it. we lived through it.

And that's why I don't want Bernie anywhere near the presidency. By all accounts President Obama was a likeable fellow during his senate days and presidential days. He ended up signing Obamacare into law as it was better than the shit show we had before that. And it could have been better but it had to be compromised to get it passed. How's Bernie gonna do that with a hostile congress?

Who's gonna teach that old dog Bernie the new trick of being likeable to the Congress and Senate to get bills passed?

February 19th, 2020, 08:03 PM
Well, to be fair, Mao perfectly manipulated rowdy peasants in China during the cultural revolution. So rowdy peasants aint always right!

Key difference between Sanders and Mao was that sanders’ does not encourage Bernie bro’s to become abusive. I do believe those who got abused by Bernie bro’s probably deserved it! Also, Bernie is unlikely to become a dictator like Mao.

Quoted for posterity.

Anyone who knows me can tell you I own up to being quite a cunt of a human being, but Jesus you make me look like a church mouse.

And that gentlemen (and ladies) is "progressives" in action.

MR2 Fan
February 19th, 2020, 08:05 PM
I don't know if Warren plays Mortal Kombat because whoa she just Finished Bloomberg

February 19th, 2020, 08:06 PM
Opposition by Republicans doesn't matter if he had a larger base of Democrats in both houses.

The shit program implementation is because in order to get ANYTHING passed, they had to keep scaling it back...why? because AGAIN he didn't have enough of support without making LOTS of changes.

I remember clearly when they had to try to convince conservative dems to sign on and the...months? long process to get it done.

Then the healthcare industry took it and made their own changes and state rules, then propped up the massive GOP smear campaign to roll back Obamacare in several states.

They love to act pretend like it was created in a vacuum. Worst. Congress. Ever!!!

And people forget it was Biden who got the last few GOP senators to sign onto it and make it law.

February 19th, 2020, 08:21 PM
If you want to see footage of a murder, find a replay of tonight's Democratic Primary Debate. Warren absolutely eviscerated Bloomberg, and dragged his body up and down the stage.

She continues to be my top choice, though her chances are slim.

February 19th, 2020, 08:23 PM
Quoted for posterity.

Anyone who knows me can tell you I own up to being quite a cunt of a human being, but Jesus you make me look like a church mouse.

And that gentlemen (and ladies) is "progressives" in action.

If you think the "bros" represent progressive politics and policies, then you've been bamboozled. It's like saying Al Qaeda represents all Muslims.

MR2 Fan
February 19th, 2020, 08:25 PM
If you think the "bros" represent progressive politics and policies, then you've been bamboozled. It's like saying Al Qaeda represents all Muslims.


February 19th, 2020, 08:31 PM
If you think the "bros" represent progressive politics and policies, then you've been bamboozled. It's like saying Al Qaeda represents all Muslims.

Hence the quotation marks.

I know a good many progressives. But the "progressives" in this case are they who are the tea party left; who openly state they want to destroy the Democratic party, etc.

Tom Servo
February 19th, 2020, 08:32 PM
If you want to see footage of a murder, find a replay of tonight's Democratic Primary Debate. Warren absolutely eviscerated Bloomberg, and dragged his body up and down the stage.

She continues to be my top choice, though her chances are slim.

I think she showed she's probably the best to go up against Trump.

February 19th, 2020, 08:36 PM
I think she showed she's probably the best to go up against Trump.

February 19th, 2020, 09:29 PM
Hence the quotation marks.

I know a good many progressives. But the "progressives" in this case are they who are the tea party left; who openly state they want to destroy the Democratic party, etc.

Democratic ‘establishment’ needs to be destroyed or completely reformed.

Reformation will never happen with billionaires or corporate centrists.

February 19th, 2020, 09:37 PM
Anyway, back to the debate... I dunno man. All I notice was how short Bloomberg really is. Not only did Elizabeth Warren verbally kicked his ass... she even looked taller and bigger than him! Almost as if she could physically kick his ass! :D

I feel a bit better now.

February 20th, 2020, 03:53 AM
I think she showed she's probably the best to go up against Trump.

Trump won't participate in debates.

February 20th, 2020, 05:44 AM
Trump won't participate in debates.

And his fans are going to love that shit.

February 20th, 2020, 07:00 AM
I think she showed she's probably the best to go up against Trump.

If you want to see footage of a murder, find a replay of tonight's Democratic Primary Debate. Warren absolutely eviscerated Bloomberg, and dragged his body up and down the stage.

She continues to be my top choice, though her chances are slim.

She definitely showed up! And moved up in my viewpoint.

MR2 Fan
February 20th, 2020, 07:03 AM
I think Warren's chances went way up after that debate, but we'll have to see.

Either way, if a Dem gets elected, she should definitely either be VP or Treasury Secretary

February 20th, 2020, 09:36 AM
One final hurdle Bernie Sanders needs to jump over... the super delegates!

Remember folks thought electoral college is unfair? Hillary won the popular vote... she should've won the WH! We need to respect people's will!!!

Well, for dem primary, let's not go with the will of the people and trust the established super delegates! If nobody won the majority of the delegates, then let the established convention work its magic and appoint a rightful nominee. Let's ignore the will of those hateful Bernie Bros... :rolleyes:

Here we have it... the only candidate who really care about the will of the people... Bernie Sanders. Everybody else? Let the Super Dem Establishment decide if the people cannot make up their minds who to give majority of their votes too... :smh:


And if this horrible outcome ended up splitting the dem party, of course it'll all be Bernie and his bros' fault.

February 20th, 2020, 12:00 PM
Here's Keith Ellison, yes, that Keith Ellison, asking if the rumors of Bernie Bros attacking other people are true. (https://twitter.com/keithellison/status/1230356092758175745?s=19)

And he gets a compedium of responses.

That Bernie doesn't do anything or say anything about it is reflective of his leadership. And it's not a good reflection.

February 20th, 2020, 12:16 PM
Seriously, what's the big deal about vicious personal attacks? Billi got attacked all the time by Nanderthal... and Billi has never blamed Hillary because of that. If Billi doesn't want to be attacked, then Billi should just shut of fuck up and not say shit about Hillary. Simple as that. If you're going to say shit and you end up being attacked online, don't cry over it. I've never blamed Hillary for not stopping you from attacking Billi. If you want to dish out shit, be prepared to get shit dished back at ya.

Enough of blaming the voters. Dumb trump voters and vicious communist bernie supporters whenever the election results don't go your way.

Do a good job, then you get to keep your job. Just give Sanders a chance to do the job. If he sucks, we can always change to another guy. Stop attacking him or his supporters. Work together dammit! You don't like any of the candidate choices anyway... just pick one and please shut the fuck up about bernie already.

February 20th, 2020, 01:03 PM
I attack the dumb shit you say. And you say a lot of it.

You never refute the things I say, like say, how Bernie hasn't created a coalition of like minded politicians who we can say "well, there's that faction of the Senate/ confess that'll back bernies bill" Coz he's a shitty leader.

And not saying anything about the myriad attacks on people committed by his supporters is evidence of that.

This is vetting season. Yo boy Bernie is being vetted. And you're responding like so many of his Bros. I guess you're uncomfortable with hard truths about him.

Like, ... that mother had a heart attack and lied about for three days. I remember it clearly because it was <checks notes> 5 months ago.

And after criticising other people's M4A plans this entire election cycle because their M4A plans were going to be gradually implemented, he had to in turn confess that his plan would also be greatly implemented. That was even more recent.

Oooh, and that taxes would have to be raised for his plan to work.

We've got him enthusiastically endorsing the Crime Bill he likes to attribute to Joe Biden. The one he voted for.

I've got receipts for all his bullshiterry, and the tea is delicious.

February 20th, 2020, 01:08 PM
If you're going to say shit and you end up being attacked online, don't cry over it.


February 20th, 2020, 01:29 PM
Ain't you the one who said Hillary was corrupt without a shred of proof? And said she was going to be worse than Trump? And never recanted any of that? 4 years? 5 maybe?!?!?!? Give or take.

And you're crying about Bernie getting vetted this time? :lol:

February 20th, 2020, 01:47 PM
We Bernie supporters don't mind the vetting or attacks at all. It's fine. Its a process all presidential candidates need to go thru.

What I find funny is that Bernie bros are not allow to vet back. WTF?

Even with Elizabeth Warren. She flat out accused him of being a sexist claiming that Bernie said chicks can't win. When he said he didn't say that, Warren has the audacity to accuse him of accusing her of being a liar? What? The man can't even deny her accusation?

When Sanders is being bullied in congress from all sides and can't get shit done. Hillary laughed and said see, nobody likes him. Did you see us Bernie supporters crying?

And you keep on harping about his health. Yes, he survived a heart attack. Doc gave him a clean bill of health now. He has also been on the campaign trail fighting hard for the american people. Yet, you still demand to see full medical report. Why? Does he look sick to you? Lacking energy? What's your problem? What is your concern? Even if he kicked the bucket prematurely, we still have a VP and others who can take over.

Do we need birth certificate too? Just to prove that he wasn't born in russia? Just chill man.

Pick a candidate you support and tell us why we should support that candidate. If you think they all suck, stay home and don't vote... or vote 3rd party to protest. Whatever. It's a free country. Of course you're also free to continue to attack Sanders. But don't cry when people attack back.

At least attack with more substance. What the fuck are those sexist, communist bernie bro excuses?

I've asked earlier... do these progressive candidates pose a threat to our nation? Do we have historical example? let's talk actual policies rather just personal attacks. Especially attacks of his supporting base. Or do you have proof that Bernie really has a serious character flaw? That his seemingly amazing integrity is all just a show? Show us proof of Bernie's corrupted nature!

I became a Christian not because of other Christians. If you don't want to goto church because Christians sucks, that's fine..., but continue to attack Jesus Christ because of all the lousy christians makes you look dumb. You're smarter than that.

If you must attack, show us more meaningful attacks please. Right now your attacks sounds very much like hillary's emails. Who the fuck cares?

Ain't you the one who said Hillary was corrupt without a shred of proof? And said she was going to be worse than Trump? And never recanted any of that? 4 years? 5 maybe?!?!?!? Give or take.

And you're crying about Bernie getting vetted this time? :lol:

Hillary is just going to be a different brand of bad by taking the nation to another direction.

Pretty sure we'll have riots like France if she were president. Again, we'll brush them off as deplorable rioters anyways and continuing on with status quo...

And eventually somebody like or perhaps even worse than Trump will take over after president Hillary.

The vicious cycle will continue until our nation destabilizes and crashes and taking down the whole world with it.

Anyway, Hillary is over. Can you look forward? What should we do going forward?

February 20th, 2020, 05:56 PM
Ain't you the one who said Hillary was corrupt without a shred of proof? And said she was going to be worse than Trump? And never recanted any of that? 4 years? 5 maybe?!?!?!? Give or take.

And you're crying about Bernie getting vetted this time? :lol:

I'm convinced that Hillary's foreign policy towards Latin America would have been much worse than Trump's isolationism.

I stand by my opinion.

February 20th, 2020, 08:44 PM
I'm convinced that Hillary's foreign policy towards Latin America would have been much worse than Trump's isolationism.

I stand by my opinion.

That wasn't directed at you. My phone acts up with the timing and posting of some of my replies.

February 20th, 2020, 09:57 PM
We Bernie supporters don't mind the vetting or attacks at all. It's fine. Its a process all presidential candidates need to go thru.

What I find funny is that Bernie bros are not allow to vet back. WTF?

Even with Elizabeth Warren. She flat out accused him of being a sexist claiming that Bernie said chicks can't win. When he said he didn't say that, Warren has the audacity to accuse him of accusing her of being a liar? What? The man can't even deny her accusation?

When Sanders is being bullied in congress from all sides and can't get shit done. Hillary laughed and said see, nobody likes him. Did you see us Bernie supporters crying?

And you keep on harping about his health. Yes, he survived a heart attack. Doc gave him a clean bill of health now. He has also been on the campaign trail fighting hard for the american people. Yet, you still demand to see full medical report. Why? Does he look sick to you? Lacking energy? What's your problem? What is your concern? Even if he kicked the bucket prematurely, we still have a VP and others who can take over.

Do we need birth certificate too? Just to prove that he wasn't born in russia? Just chill man.

Pick a candidate you support and tell us why we should support that candidate. If you think they all suck, stay home and don't vote... or vote 3rd party to protest. Whatever. It's a free country. Of course you're also free to continue to attack Sanders. But don't cry when people attack back.

At least attack with more substance. What the fuck are those sexist, communist bernie bro excuses?

I've asked earlier... do these progressive candidates pose a threat to our nation? Do we have historical example? let's talk actual policies rather just personal attacks. Especially attacks of his supporting base. Or do you have proof that Bernie really has a serious character flaw? That his seemingly amazing integrity is all just a show? Show us proof of Bernie's corrupted nature!

I became a Christian not because of other Christians. If you don't want to goto church because Christians sucks, that's fine..., but continue to attack Jesus Christ because of all the lousy christians makes you look dumb. You're smarter than that.

If you must attack, show us more meaningful attacks please. Right now your attacks sounds very much like hillary's emails. Who the fuck cares?

Hillary is just going to be a different brand of bad by taking the nation to another direction.

Pretty sure we'll have riots like France if she were president. Again, we'll brush them off as deplorable rioters anyways and continuing on with status quo...

And eventually somebody like or perhaps even worse than Trump will take over after president Hillary.

The vicious cycle will continue until our nation destabilizes and crashes and taking down the whole world with it.

Anyway, Hillary is over. Can you look forward? What should we do going forward?

Sigh. (https://www.cnn.com/2020/01/13/politics/bernie-sanders-elizabeth-warren-meeting/index.html) Four sources have said the meeting took place. Three of them concur that Bernie and Liz differed on whether a woman could not win. It's 2020. You can google this shit.

Sanders told journalists (does Chuck Todd count?) that he would release his full health records (https://apnews.com/1d0c007e8527413faf8df9cf23a56277) "before the first votes are counted." Well, ahem. He's walked that back. (https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bernie-sanders-medical-records-promis_n_5e415519c5b6f1f57f158f7d?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKP-cG8l5krUThlVHcrXVYic-AP4l8ZFOr_WKbNY1XVvNoeNLAuDSB_xg5OnVL8K3gR_a9d_J3f wismbxU7sJqufeZDuDH2LkkX7KS7ZBKwpmUVsM2zeNCvXXXz0D aaKiDTCVFJf4myDNXhjEQPBoGsCpzKk0B1KofgFj-n-YcY6)

Did we see people responding to Hillary saying "nobody likes him" about Bernie. Um, ... yes. (https://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/story/news/politics/2020/01/21/bernie-sanders-clinton-documentary-hulu-susan-sarandon-reaction/4531555002/) There was a whole fucking campaign of people saying I like Bernie. And notice how in his response (https://www.newsweek.com/bernie-sanders-responds-hillary-clinton-nobody-likes-him-not-rhetoric-woman-cant-president-1484032) to the "allegation" that he said a woman can't win, he doesn't actually refute that he said it. It's 2020. I promise you can google this for yourself.

Attack with substance? lol. That entire deranged diatribe of yours doesn't make sense. I post links ALL. THE. TIME. I don't do the "Hillary is corrupt" thing you do that you still cant back up. https://www.thedailybeast.com/bernie-bros-are-loud-proud-and-toxic-to-bernie-sanders-campaign]What is the whole bro thing?[/url] Is that the question we're trying to ask? The bro thing is evidence of piss poor leadership. A good leader would have disavowed themselves from such, and strongly urged their followers to NOT engage in such tactics. Bernie? He's sorta said something against/ about it. (https://www.rawstory.com/2020/02/bernie-sanders-calls-for-an-end-to-bernie-bro-behavior-at-town-hall-i-dont-tolerate-ugly-attacks-against-anybody/) But also saying "they could be anybody posing as his supporters." When literally every single candidate left has said something about your toxic followers and you reply with that kinda meh response, yeah, maybe you shouldn't be trying to be the leader of the free world.

Show us proof of Bernies corrupted nature. It's 2020 and you can google his ... lies for a start(?) for yourself. But here you go. (https://lmgtfy.com/?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.politifact.com%2Ffactchecks%2 Flist%2F%3Fcategory%3D%26ruling%3Dfalse%26speaker% 3Dbernie-sanders) Try it!

My attacks are like Hillary's emails? Can you tell me what was in Hillary's emails? Nah. You can't. There was nothing there. You're right there. Meanwhile I have littered this post with links and links and links. That you can google yourself. So tell me again how my "attacks" are baseless, when there is a corroborating link to many of them? I'm not jsut saying "bernie said/ did this" the link is right there most of the time.

I've clearly and eloquently stated why I dislike Sanders I'll continue to do so. Thank you.

February 21st, 2020, 04:53 AM
Never forget it was a bro that shot Steven Scalise.

February 21st, 2020, 07:29 AM
Never forget it was a bro that shot Steven Scalise.

But it wasn’t Bernie.

A bro commits a crime, doesn’t mean Bernie should be made responsible.

And you see how Bernie is capable of bringing the Dems and the GOP together? ;)

Plus, when it comes to mental mass shooter, republicans like to blame mental illness. Liberals tend to blame lack of gun control, but only a bipartisan establishment would use the opportunity to blame Bernie Sanders.

Go ahead side with Steven Scalise, let’s see how many liberal voters can you convince to stop voting for Bernie Sanders.

I’ll set you free to attack now. I know I can't stop you anyways... Go ahead. Enjoy. :)

February 21st, 2020, 10:43 AM
“How bad were the Academy Awards this year?” Trump asked a rally in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The crowd responded with loud boos.

“The winner is a movie from South Korea, what the hell was that all about?” Trump asked. “We got enough problems with South Korea with trade and on top of it, they give them the best movie of the year.”

“Was it good? I don’t know. I’m looking for, like – can we get like Gone With The Wind back, please?” Trump said, to loud cheers.

Ok guys, who's going to break it to him that Vivien, Olivia and Leslie were all dirty furriners? And at least one of them was even a communist!!

February 21st, 2020, 12:21 PM
Bernie "corporations are buying our politicians and ruining the American way of life, we must get money out of politics" Sanders refuses to have Our Revolution, a super PAC that backs him, reveal the sources of their funding. (https://t.co/45BmujWnvz?amp=1)

February 21st, 2020, 01:02 PM
I can't read your link, but I googled and found this: https://apnews.com/345bbd1af529cfb1e41305fa3ab1e604

Is the above link talking about the same thing as your link?

Anyway, I think if your article has concrete proof that Putin or other billionaires or somebody more evil is financing Sander's campaign, then you can safely count me out as a Bernie supporter. If this is all just hot air unprovable accusations such as Hillary's emails or Warren's he's secretly a sexist accusation..., then I'm sorry you still can't convince me without actual proof.

Lastly, I hope this can help alleviate some of your concerns regarding funding sources: https://readsludge.com/2020/02/10/fact-check-does-bernie-sanders-get-support-from-big-money-super-pacs/

Ideally, Bernie really should just release all of his tax returns and all of his medical records and all of his money sources in order to shut people up. Maybe he really does have something to hide... or maybe there are some privacy issues? Who knows. But since you want to lead a revolution as a public servant, Bernie really should consider tossing aside privacy concerns in order to shut people up. But even if he does all that, there's just no way he could use Jedi mind tricks to keep all of his crazy supporters under control. Maybe he's just accepting the fact that not everybody's gonna like him.

February 21st, 2020, 01:33 PM
Bernie "corporations are buying our politicians and ruining the American way of life, we must get money out of politics" Sanders refuses to have Our Revolution, a super PAC that backs him, reveal the sources of their funding. (https://t.co/45BmujWnvz?amp=1)

To be fair, 2.7 million is a drop in the bucket compared to most fundraising efforts going on right now.

That being said, he should call them out still, most definitely.

February 21st, 2020, 01:36 PM
Unsurprisingly, Russia is supporting Sanders again this time around, to further sow discord within the Democratic Party. The convention is gonna be a mess when he doesn’t get enough delegates, and the DNC supports Biden, Buttigieg, or Klobachar.


February 21st, 2020, 02:16 PM
That is truly a nightmare.

Intelligence report broadcast to the entire nation that Russia is aiding a sitting president and another serious dem challenger. Casting doubts in our election process.

Of course dem establishment didn’t help themselves when they couldn’t count nor even properly flip coins in Iowa...

We are now a divided states of America.

Btw, I still can’t read any of those WP articles... my hope is that US intelligence will educate Americans on the tactics Russians used rather than just tell us the Putin is supporting Trump and Sanders and leave it at that. That’d make a very poor report if they have no counter measures against such foreign invasion. Might as well just yell fire in a crowded theater.

February 21st, 2020, 02:51 PM
The convention is gonna be a mess when he doesn’t get enough delegates, and the DNC supports Biden, Buttigieg, or Klobachar.

Maybe not. (https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/483944-rivals-worry-sanders-building-insurmountable-super-tuesday-lead)

February 21st, 2020, 03:02 PM
Yes, ideally, that's what we'd like to see. However, at the moment, every candidate is keen to stay in the race taking away as many delegates as possible even if they know they're not really viable and nearly out of money... Their strategy going in is just to stay in all the way to the convention. Taking out a loan if necessary... That's the only strategy left to ensure Sanders will fail to win a majority of delegates.

Now, even if Sanders does win a majority, thanks to that intel report naming Sanders as the #2 russian asset. #1 being Trump and #3 being Tulsi... I'm sure such a victory for Sanders would cause a lot of concern... making it possibly another round of Trump vs Hillary scenario... except this time the Hillary is now Sanders... Last time they managed to pissed Billi off to allow for Trump win. This time they'll managed to piss Neanderthal off to ensure another Trump win. Sigh...:smh:

Unless the dem can come up with a candidate both Billi and Neanderthal can both agree on, Trump will likely win another term... :( Where is that future less established and more progressive Obama?

Elizabeth Warren should've been that person..., she really shouldn't have attacked Sanders as a sexist... I think that strategy really backfired on her.

February 21st, 2020, 03:19 PM
Elizabeth Warren should've been that person..., she really shouldn't have attacked Sanders as a sexist... I think that strategy really backfired on her.

Some people commented that there were mixed feelings about that inside her camp; It was basically a consultant's strategy. I think that's one of Elena's strengths, she tries to push forward the best version of herself, not some manufactured persona. That's why you can see she has it in for Mayo Pete.

February 21st, 2020, 04:29 PM
Unsurprisingly, Russia is supporting Sanders again this time around, to further sow discord within the Democratic Party. The convention is gonna be a mess when he doesn’t get enough delegates, and the DNC supports Biden, Buttigieg, or Klobachar.


But, if I recall correctly, HE wanted it this way from last time around.

February 22nd, 2020, 10:06 AM

February 22nd, 2020, 10:59 AM
What are you implying?

All those headlines are wrong! Obama championed minorities. Gore represented an environmental agenda. Jimmy Carter was driven by Christian Democratic values and Jack got impulsed by trade unions; all of them were patriots looking forward to long-term policies that would give sustainability to the American way of life.

What the fuck are you trying tell us about Bernard???

February 22nd, 2020, 11:52 AM
I think he’s fucking trying to tell us the media has been trying to meddle with elections!!!

And Russians apparently understand the will of Americans better than our own government...

February 22nd, 2020, 12:15 PM
A headline of New York Times. Yesterday. February 21, 2020.

Russia Is Said To Be Interfering To Aid Sanders In Democratic Primary. (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/21/us/politics/bernie-sanders-russia.html)

Russia wants Trump elected again, because he is a useful idiot. And they're using Bernie, WHO IS NOT A DEMOCRAT, to do so, because he is also a useful idiot a chaos agent.

Bernie's ideas might work if the elections were only being held on the coasts and in the cities. But the vast majority of the rural, non- coastal America is NOT ready for a self avowed deadbeat dad who has done nothing in congress for 40 years socialist to be president.

And the motherfucker just had a heart attack a few months ago, lied about it for 3 days, then said he would release his medical records before the first votes were cast. New Hampshire came and went, and all we got about his health is some deliberately vague statement from a doctor, rather than his actual health records. And he's almost 80. :smh:

February 22nd, 2020, 12:23 PM
What are you implying?

All those headlines are wrong! Obama championed minorities. Gore represented an environmental agenda. Jimmy Carter was driven by Christian Democratic values and Jack got impulsed by trade unions; all of them were patriots looking forward to long-term policies that would give sustainability to the American way of life.

What the fuck are you trying tell us about Bernard???

It's a red herring. A strawman. A false equivalence. A whataboutism. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_equivalence) It's a misdirection of the argument to make two things which are not equal seem equal.

Usually used when the argument is weak.

It's a tactic billi uses a lot too.

February 22nd, 2020, 01:42 PM

Nevada's caucuses are today.

February 22nd, 2020, 02:05 PM
Nevada's caucuses are today.

Did the DNC get the memo? I don't think it was something they prepared for.

Tom Servo
February 22nd, 2020, 02:19 PM
I see Will Barr is renewing the push to get backdoors put into encrypted messaging like iMessage and the like. Ignoring the fact that it's technically not really a thing (good encryption doesn't have a backdoor - encryption is only as strong as its weakest link), it boggles me that Trump fans would support this. For people who believe that the government is full of deep state people that are all out to get them, the idea of handing over keys to all their communication to those people seems like something they should not be in favor of.

February 22nd, 2020, 03:08 PM
I see Will Barr is renewing the push to get backdoors put into encrypted messaging like iMessage and the like. Ignoring the fact that it's technically not really a thing (good encryption doesn't have a backdoor - encryption is only as strong as its weakest link), it boggles me that Trump fans would support this. For people who believe that the government is full of deep state people that are all out to get them, the idea of handing over keys to all their communication to those people seems like something they should not be in favor of.

There's no sense on that side. They were the ones who were losing their minds over the deficit just a few years ago, when it was under control and getting better, but now its it's "bah humbug."

Deplorable was right on the mark..

February 22nd, 2020, 03:17 PM
This [url=https://www.nydailynews.com/opinion/ny-oped-memo-to-mike-bloomberg-20200222-v4fuckgwena3zlijlqlu6rod6u-story.html?outputType=amp&__twitter_impression=true]line...[url]

You also need to communicate that Sanders will cause the Democrats to be unable to capture the Senate because there states where the Senate race is being played out this year are not woke progressive hotbeds, but moderate reddish states."

February 22nd, 2020, 04:18 PM
Sanders is being projected to win Nevada.

Biden and Buttigieg are fighting it out for 2nd/3rd. Warren looks to be 4th.

February 22nd, 2020, 05:40 PM
Putin has succeeded!

Now if we have a Russian asset match up in the general election, I wonder which would Russia pick to help? Hope US intelligence can finally find a way to stop the meddling, rather than just tell us which ones Russia’s supporting...

February 22nd, 2020, 08:09 PM
Sanders is being projected to win Nevada.

Biden and Buttigieg are fighting it out for 2nd/3rd. Warren looks to be 4th.

I read that one interesting thing was which precincts he had won, as it told the story of workers defying their union leaders' instructions.

February 22nd, 2020, 09:19 PM
Yep, union leaders losing touch with the union workers exemplified how the Democratic Party(establishment) lost touch with the people they’re supposed to represent.

Yes, maybe Russia has brain washed the American working class, but since we are a democracy, may the will of the people prevail.

February 22nd, 2020, 11:37 PM
Bernie is NOT going to bring down ballot races home. And I don't trust "progressives" to do so either.

Trump tweeting "Crazy Bernie doing well in Nevada. Biden and the rest look weak ..." shows very clearly who he wants to go up against.

And before you start giving me shit, we "democratic establishment" are the ones who wrought big changes in this country; social security, medicare, medicaid, ACA, voting rights, assault weapons ban,violence against women act, DACA, Lily Ledbetter etc.

Bernie himself tweeting "I've got news for the Republican establishment. I've got news for the Democratic establishment. They can't stop us." is him saying he don't need my vote. It's him saying we are outside his circle. He's saying us "progressives" and progressives versus errbody else. Like I said earlier, the senate races at play in this race are in moderate and red states.

I've been telling y'all Bernie cannot unite, or lead. That tweet is aimed right at those in the corridors of power, legislators who he'll need to to pass legislation, and those that support them. The tweet clearly says "fuck all y'all, i on' need you."

February 23rd, 2020, 02:59 AM
Similar could be argued that moderates don't court progressives either. It's primary season, this is how it goes. We've seen it before

February 23rd, 2020, 07:20 AM
Similar could be argued that moderates don't court progressives either. It's primary season, this is how it goes. We've seen it before

It worries me because this election *should be* a slam dunk. And we already eliminated, IMO, the best two candidates, Kamala and Julian. Neither of whom was exclusionary. And both of whom would have appealed to moderate republican voters.

February 23rd, 2020, 09:30 AM
Neanderthal, one thing you have to understand is that a person or organization could become corrupted; therefore, needs to be reformed. As power and wealth accumulate, unions, political party, even the church could be corrupted. Churches have done some evil shit due to corruption but that doesn’t mean we have to completely overthrow it and completely disregard all the good it has done.

Likewise, the Democratic Party isn’t all bad. Me voting for a progressive is not meant to destroy the party but hopefully reform it. Union leaders ought to be more representative of its worker. Do you really think it’s right for the union leaders to reject Medicare for all yet union workers overwhelmingly wants it? Likewise, if the Democratic Party has been fully with the average American people, thered be no need for Bernie Sanders, let alone Trump. There’s be no BLM movement. Hillary would’ve been re-elected easily in 2020.

Of course in such a world, Wall Street bankers would be making a bit less money and Jeff Bezo would make few billion less than he is now... Apple wouldn’t be parking billions in off shore shell companies to avoid taxes... anyway, my point is, we need a course correction, not a complete destruction of the Democratic Party.

But if you guys want a fight to the death and weaken ourselves and then allow Trump to win, I think the progressives are ready for such a fight.

We can’t win against Trump without fixing the dem establishment 1st.

It is kinda ironic that it’s the corporate friendly republicans who are the ones pretending to listen to the average workers needs in order to win votes...

Whereas the pragmatic corporate centrists is still pandering to wall st for money and tell the American people that we can’t afford this and we can’t afford that... your private health insurance is pretty good already... let not go for Medicare for all. We just can’t afford that! :rolleyes:

February 23rd, 2020, 10:19 AM
It worries me because this election *should be* a slam dunk. And we already eliminated, IMO, the best two candidates, Kamala and Julian. Neither of whom was exclusionary. And both of whom would have appealed to moderate republican voters.

They were both fantastic candidates, I agree. I especially liked Castro. Still think Harris would be an amazing AG, though.

February 23rd, 2020, 02:00 PM
She could be. If they would band together and pick one person or the candidate, and have the rest of them be key cabinet positions...

February 23rd, 2020, 02:55 PM
This tweet (https://twitter.com/EWErickson/status/1231666037860585473?s=19) says it all about a certain ... popular politicians crossover popularity.

February 23rd, 2020, 02:57 PM
She could be. If they would band together and pick one person or the candidate, and have the rest of them be key cabinet positions...

If you read the tweets on a lot of "progressives" pages, there is no room for moderates: it's their way or nothing else.

February 23rd, 2020, 04:42 PM
Was Hillary very inclusive? I don’t recall any attempts to welcome the progressives nor did she really care about the deplorables on the other end of the spectrum?

If people hate sanders more than Trump, so be it. I think it’s time to return the Democratic Party to the ‘demos’ rather than allowing the aristos or Pluto’s to continue to hijacking it...

February 23rd, 2020, 07:58 PM
Was Hillary very inclusive? I don’t recall any attempts to welcome the progressives nor did she really care about the deplorables on the other end of the spectrum?

If people hate sanders more than Trump, so be it. I think it’s time to return the Democratic Party to the ‘demos’ rather than allowing the aristos or Pluto’s to continue to hijacking it...

Yes, in fact. Hillary ran probably the most inclusive platform in our political history. The only other one that might have been more "inclusive" would be the "big tent" campaign Reagan ran in that started to cement together completely disparate groups into a more cohesive whole.

But fuck Reagan.

Hijacking? You mean like Sanders who isn't even a Democrat running as a Democrat?

February 23rd, 2020, 08:49 PM
Please try to be more objective. Yes, Bernie is hijacking the Democratic Party. However, do you believe he is steering the party closer to the ‘demo’ or further away from the ‘demo’?

When union leaders and union workers disagree, should this party listen to it’s leader or to its members?

There’s a big disconnect between the Plutos and the average demos nowadays. Which group should the Democratic Party listen to?

I don’t think it’s that unreasonable for the Democratic Party to change its leadership to cater to the will of the people more.

February 24th, 2020, 05:50 AM
Late to the party, Bernie Sanders finally unveils a plan for universal childcare.

February 24th, 2020, 06:40 AM
I think it should be unconstitutional to name a party the "Democratic Party", or use a term such as "Democratic" anywhere in a political party name, because it makes insulting implications about any other parties.

February 24th, 2020, 06:51 AM
Late to the party, Bernie Sanders finally unveils a plan for universal childcare.

Generically saying 'Wealth Tax' isn't a plan. In the same way Bloomberg having a 'plan' to fix social security without mentioning how to fund it is not a plan.

February 24th, 2020, 07:13 AM
Late to the party, Bernie Sanders finally unveils a plan for universal childcare.

This is why I prefer Warren... she generally has many of the same progressive stances, but she’s done more to explain how she’s going to accomplish them.

Unfortunately she doesn’t get crowds as excited as Sanders, so her polling has been terrible.

February 24th, 2020, 08:54 AM
Generically saying 'Wealth Tax' isn't a plan. In the same way Bloomberg having a 'plan' to fix social security without mentioning how to fund it is not a plan.


This is why I prefer Warren... she generally has many of the same progressive stances, but she’s done more to explain how she’s going to accomplish them.

Unfortunately she doesn’t get crowds as excited as Sanders, so her polling has been terrible.

Alas they have a pact not to attack each other. She is the far better candidate in every way, even though she was a Republican into her forties. I fear all that's left of the candidates is unappetising or unappealing.

February 24th, 2020, 09:03 AM

I was genuinely annoyed at Bloomberg on this. I really wanted him to say "increase the SS tax cap to $xxx,xxx income" to justify the promises he was making. But his 'plan' was all benefits and no mention of funding.

February 24th, 2020, 09:09 AM

Alas they have a pact not to attack each other. She is the far better candidate in every way, even though she was a Republican into her forties. I fear all that's left of the candidates is unappetising or unappealing.

I think I’m one of the few people that has no problems with people’s opinions changing over the course of decades as they learn more information, and have more life experiences. I’m not going to hold her opinions of 20+ years ago against her, things change, people change.

February 24th, 2020, 10:15 AM
I think one of the main reason why Warren's accusation of Bernie being a sexist didn't quite work was because Sanders has more integrity, meaning he changed very little over time. Yeah, people do change over time, people grow older and wiser..., but one thing that hurt Warren was that her changes seemed to be politically motivated.

Take her Cherokee background for example. Had she really connected with the Cherokee folks because she was really proud of that heritage, even if she tested to have zero genetic connection with the tribe later, I don't think anyone would care other than stupid Trump. As it is, it does seem like she's only using this 'heritage' to enhance her career.

She's also famous for having plans, but when it comes to M4A funding, at least Bernie acknowledged there will be slight increase in taxes... where as her funding source continue to remain murky even when pressed. Also the trick question of whether she'll allow her VP's family members to serve as board members... the usual Warren that I love quickly said NO, but the Warren I'm skeptical of quickly took back her answer and gave a more diplomatic response out of respect for the Bidens.

So when there's a he said she said moment, there's little doubt why more voters believed him...

Anyway, I think both Hillary and Warren are way more politically savvy than Sanders. That's why their colleagues like Hillary and Warren more. I used to love the young Hillary too. Hillary for sure has changed the most over the years I think. Warren had been very critical of Hillary before..., but she is becoming more and more like the established Hillary herself. Don't get me wrong, I still like her enough to vote for her if she's the eventual nominee. Just trying to explain why she's sliding. I'm willing to bet had Obama been in the Congress for a while and learned how to swim with the establishment..., he probably won't be able to do too much better than Cory Booker either...

The anti-establishment sentiment is still brewing. Sanders is probably the lone oddball anti-establishment voters trust. Which is probably the reason why Andrew and Tulsi couldn't get any votes either. Unless Bernie kicks the bucket, looks like anti-establishment voters are going all in with Bernie.

February 24th, 2020, 11:24 AM
I think I’m one of the few people that has no problems with people’s opinions changing over the course of decades as they learn more information, and have more life experiences. I’m not going to hold her opinions of 20+ years ago against her, things change, people change.
Agreed. I've read/watched/listened to a lot of people who have been life long Republicans change their stance over the past few years.

I can't blame them. The current administration and cover up is not who the party used to be.

February 24th, 2020, 07:08 PM
Agreed. I've read/watched/listened to a lot of people who have been life long Republicans change their stance over the past few years.

I can't blame them. The current administration and cover up is not who the party used to be.

Hopefully there's a lot of them and hopefully they vote accordingly. I'm not holding my breath though.

February 24th, 2020, 07:09 PM
I think I’m one of the few people that has no problems with people’s opinions changing over the course of decades as they learn more information, and have more life experiences. I’m not going to hold her opinions of 20+ years ago against her, things change, people change.


Tom Servo
February 24th, 2020, 09:26 PM
I think I’m one of the few people that has no problems with people’s opinions changing over the course of decades as they learn more information, and have more life experiences. I’m not going to hold her opinions of 20+ years ago against her, things change, people change.

Agreed, and why I always hated the "Flip-flop" accusation. I'd prefer that people be willing to change their thinking if evidence warrants it.

February 25th, 2020, 06:30 AM
“When facts change, I change my mind” -John Maynard Keynes

February 25th, 2020, 09:26 AM
The problem is that in this day and age, alternate facts can change in all directions. :p

Technically facts don't change, but of course as we have more facts helping us paint a clearer picture, we do need to changed our minds under such circumstance.

Regarding whether if a politician flip flopped? I think it's very easy to tell by checking their motivation for change.

Isn't it just super convenient for Trump to choose to be baptized prior to becoming president?

With regard to Warren, had she been truly embraced or adopted by the Cherokee people, negative DNA test results would not have hurt her one bit.

Anyway, for me, the thing that bothered me the most was her candid response to that surprising question about whether if her VP's immediate family could serve as board members. She immediately gave the right answer, but then flip-flop once she realized that her answer could hurt Biden. Such a response can't help but make me question your integrity.

So when it comes to Bernie said and Warren said, forgive me if I want to believe Bernie more.

Sometimes I do wonder what Warren is thinking. Sanders did ask Warren to run back in 2016. Had she ran, I'm pretty sure Warren could've easily beaten Hillary with her more progressive stance and her political savvy. Unlike the socially awkward Sanders. However, not only did she not run, she also did not endorse Sanders. Wasn't that pretty weird? Now in 2020, Warren now thinks she's the better progressive candidate than Sanders?

So I think here's another reason why voters side with Sanders. People can see that he's doing it out of his passion/belief... where as I think Warren's moves are more calculated. After Sanders tested the progressive waters to be warm enough, she finally decided to jump in... Sanders and Warren really should've talked to each other before the race and work together rather than running against each other. Could've saved her campaign a lot of money.

February 25th, 2020, 11:48 AM
“When facts change, I change my mind” -John Maynard Keynes

Facts didn't change though: Republicans were cunts in the eighties too.

February 25th, 2020, 01:44 PM
By that same measure, whoever is the Democrat nomine, that Jewish Uncle is going against the same Republican candidate Hillary did. Because of that if you "go Stain", we're allowed to give you shit over "but his Bros".


February 26th, 2020, 06:45 AM
By that same measure, whoever is the Democrat nomine, that Jewish Uncle is going against the same Republican candidate Hillary did. Because of that if you "go Stain", we're allowed to give you shit over "but his Bros".


I don't get this. :sadbanana:

February 26th, 2020, 08:49 AM
Anyways, the debate was a mess last night, because that’s where we are in the primary (especially with a large field). This is only weakening the eventual nominee, no matter who it is. Hopefully Super Tuesday gives a clear path, because a contested convention is going to be a further mess (but hopefully I’m wrong).

February 26th, 2020, 09:33 AM
Contested convention is pretty much what everyone, except Bernie Sanders, is aiming for.

South Carolina will be critical... if Bernie could pull that state off by energizing those who usually don't vote, his path will become a lot clearer. Otherwise Biden should take the win in that state... and that will further muddle who's the leading moderate candidate to defeat Sanders. SC is also the only state that I see with Steyer capable of finishing 3rd place!!! SC is a weird state... ;)

BTW, if we look at betting odds, Sanders has a 53% shot at winning the nominee. Bloomber 2nd at 25%. Biden 3rd at 12%. Interestingly, Clinton still has a shot at winning at 3%! Obama has a 0.9% chance of winning and Steyer only has 0.3%! :D


February 26th, 2020, 12:35 PM
Remember what happened at the last contested convention.

February 26th, 2020, 12:39 PM
I didn't quite catch the debate last night, so just trying to catch up on youtube during lunch today...

Very interesting that people actually booed Sanders and progressive agendas... just like republican debate audiences booed Donald Trump.

Are SC folks really that pro-establishment or were they rigged audience members? I guess we'll find out after the official vote.

Another notable mention is in the following clip, start watching from 3:24 when Bloomberg starts talking and then try to listen at @3:40.


Yes, Bloomberg subconsciously believes he can buy congress!

After winning the white house, maybe he can think about buying the supreme court too? So nice to be rich I guess.

Still, I'd like to return the Democratic Party back to the hands of ordinary average 'demos'. Aristos, Plutos, FilthyRichos, I'm voting against you! Ain't nothing wrong with being rich, but political power should be off limits to you guys.

February 27th, 2020, 03:24 AM

So if Bernie wins, we're fucked. If Bernie loses, we're fucked.

Great job unifying, Dems.

February 27th, 2020, 03:35 AM
Contested convention is pretty much what everyone, except Bernie Sanders, is aiming for.

South Carolina will be critical... if Bernie could pull that state off by energizing those who usually don't vote, his path will become a lot clearer. Otherwise Biden should take the win in that state... and that will further muddle who's the leading moderate candidate to defeat Sanders. SC is also the only state that I see with Steyer capable of finishing 3rd place!!! SC is a weird state... ;)

BTW, if we look at betting odds, Sanders has a 53% shot at winning the nominee. Bloomber 2nd at 25%. Biden 3rd at 12%. Interestingly, Clinton still has a shot at winning at 3%! Obama has a 0.9% chance of winning and Steyer only has 0.3%! :D


Bernie. Sanders. wrote. these. rules. I don't know why this needs to be stated. Bernie is the one WHO WANTED the rules in place now to be implemented when he was running last time. He wanted a brokered convention to try to usurp the will of the people.

Now that it looks like that might be the case the Berners are yelling "unfair ..." He wrote the rules! I'm going to try and find proof here for you.

This is why I don't fuck with Bernie or his acolytes. Their grounding in reality is tenuous at best.

Edit. Here's one. (https://www.thedailybeast.com/bernie-2016-wanted-dnc-to-change-the-rules-bernie-2020-just-wants-to-win)

Edit II Best example (https://theweek.com/speedreads/898516/watch-elizabeth-warren-tell-sanders-supporter-that-bernie-helped-write-delegate-rules-now-opposes)

Edit III
This year, the rules have changed — perhaps in part to avoid the speculation that happened after the nominating convention in 2016, where supporters of Bernie Sanders felt cheated out of the nomination.

Sanders implied as much himself in a June 2019 interview on MSNBC.

"Some people say that if maybe that system wasn't rigged against me I would have won the nomination and defeated Donald Trump. That's what some people say," Sanders said at the time. Source. (https://www.wbur.org/radioboston/2020/02/17/democratic-delegates-rule-changes)

February 27th, 2020, 03:36 AM

So if Bernie wins, we're fucked. If Bernie loses, we're fucked.

Great job unifying, Dems.

There wasn't a division until Bernie. Lets start with that.

February 27th, 2020, 04:41 AM
Eh, same shit would have happened with Warren. The Clinton/Obama primary was downright nasty. Shit, 2016’s Republican primary was a fucking mess. I’m just disappointed that we’re going down the same road instead of keeping a unified message throughout.

February 27th, 2020, 04:42 AM
Bernie. Sanders. wrote. these. rules. I don't know why this needs to be stated. Bernie is the one WHO WANTED the rules in place now to be implemented when he was running last time. He wanted a brokered convention to try to usurp the will of the people.

Now that it looks like that might be the case the Berners are yelling "unfair ..." He wrote the rules! I'm going to try and find proof here for you.

This is why I don't fuck with Bernie or his acolytes. Their grounding in reality is tenuous at best.

Edit. Here's one. (https://www.thedailybeast.com/bernie-2016-wanted-dnc-to-change-the-rules-bernie-2020-just-wants-to-win)

Edit II Best example (https://theweek.com/speedreads/898516/watch-elizabeth-warren-tell-sanders-supporter-that-bernie-helped-write-delegate-rules-now-opposes)

Edit III Source. (https://www.wbur.org/radioboston/2020/02/17/democratic-delegates-rule-changes)

THIS is all very true, and it’s getting annoying. They re-wrote the rules in part due to Sanders complaints, and now he doesn’t want to follow them after getting into the race. I don’t doubt that Biden or Buttigieg would be doing the same thing in the same position, but at least the rules weren’t re-written after their complaints.

February 27th, 2020, 05:15 AM
Eh, same shit would have happened with Warren. The Clinton/Obama primary was downright nasty. Shit, 2016’s Republican primary was a fucking mess. I’m just disappointed that we’re going down the same road instead of keeping a unified message throughout.

I don't know. I find Warren progressives to be slightly different sort that the unhinged lunatics of the Bernie sort. They're more affable, more reasonable, able to agree to disagree, quite willing to argue the merits, admit their candidate is flawed (none isn't,) can see the merits of the moderate cause, even if that is not their bent. We part amiably after discourse, hoping the best for each other and their candidate. This is true of males and females.

That's not how my interactions have been with Berners. This is true of males and females.

But, I suppose my interactions with the various supporters of the various candidate don't represent ALL of them. But my god do the Berners fit the stereotype!


I'm an Obama Democrat. And i'm happy to be called a Clinton Democrat (they got shit done!) Even with the rancour of the 2008 primary I think their respective supporters shook hands and marched behind the eventual nominee. And I think the Obama Democrats lined up behind Clinton in 2008.

February 27th, 2020, 05:21 AM
There were an unfortunate amount of Obama/Trump supporters, and I don’t fully understand how that happened. I’m guessing purple state moderates who flip back and forth every 4 to 8 years, because every President is the worst President ever

February 27th, 2020, 05:22 AM
I wish I had the link that showed the letter Bernie wrote to a gun shop owner way back. Clearly he's been equivocating on the issue to appease the current mood. The consumate politician in that regard.

February 27th, 2020, 05:24 AM
There were an unfortunate amount of Obama/Trump supporters, and I don’t fully understand how that happened. I’m guessing purple state moderates who flip back and forth every 4 to 8 years, because every President is the worst President ever

I think that's what it was. Unaffiliated undecideds.

And bros. (had to get that dig in.)

Anyway, i have ti try and sleep.

February 27th, 2020, 06:43 AM
Anyways, the debate was a mess last night, because that’s where we are in the primary (especially with a large field). This is only weakening the eventual nominee, no matter who it is. Hopefully Super Tuesday gives a clear path, because a contested convention is going to be a further mess (but hopefully I’m wrong).

The whole debate process is horrible. I much prefer the town halls, where they aren't fighting for talking time.

"You have 45 seconds to explain how you can fix the country. Go!" 8 people start yelling

February 27th, 2020, 07:08 AM
Warren had a *fantastic* town hall last night, for what it’s worth.

Can’t find it on YouTube though, just small clips... thanks CNN.

February 27th, 2020, 07:22 AM
I read an editorial suggesting that the dip in Stocks is due to the markets' low confidence on the Trump administration being able to competently manage the Covid19 emergency. I'll see if I can find it again.

February 27th, 2020, 07:42 AM
The whole debate process is horrible. I much prefer the town halls, where they aren't fighting for talking time.

"You have 45 seconds to explain how you can fix the country. Go!" 8 people start yelling

Agreed. These debates make the candidates look like fools in front of the world.

Tom Servo
February 27th, 2020, 08:29 AM
Sanders Supporter Sick of Movement Being Defined by Small Number of Toxic Members Like Him (https://politics.theonion.com/sanders-supporter-sick-of-movement-being-defined-by-sma-1841936650)

And agreed. I'm sure at some point they found that longer format debates meant lower ratings, but the current format is just pointless.

February 27th, 2020, 08:36 AM

So if Bernie wins, we're fucked. If Bernie loses, we're fucked.

Great job unifying, Dems.

Yeah, it basically comes down to Bernie vs obstructionists. I call them obstructionists because this group's only unified strategy is to stop Bernie. Doesn't matter how not really viable they are. Just hang in there even with few percent support... Bloomberg probably only jumped in because he saw Biden and Pete couldn't get it done...

I guess now I know why I like Andrew Yang so much. He was not in it for himself nor to be an obstructionist... If you make yourself think harder, when it's obvious that you're no longer viable, you should just get out of the way so that the democratic voters can start to coalesce together.

That brings us to this supposedly new Bernie's broker convention rule... Perhaps it is this new rule that's causing these candidates to try to hang in there. Or perhaps the establishments last hope is to try to ensure Bernie failed to win a majority of the delegates. They're all playing by the new rules.

However, should we blame Bernie for wanting the rule changed again? Think of it this way, even if the dame medicare for all bill authored by Bernie Sanders ended up not working out as expected..., does Bernie reserves the right to be unhappy about it and wants to further tweak it? Sander's only human. He can't foresee everything. Plus, I doubt DNC was bending over backwards for Sanders to come up with this new broker convention rules.

Obstruction works really well for the Republicans, but at least they still have plenty of conservative voter support on the right.

In our polarizing world today, do you guys really believe majority of the voters are moderate centrists? Do you guys really believe democrats could actually win over significant amount of republican voters upset by Trump? Stop dreaming of such dreams. Grab'em by the pussy didn't stop them. Impeachment only energized them. Dems need to dream bigger dreams than to simply dream of stopping Bernie Sanders... or stopping Donald Trump. Can you show me what the fuck can you start?

Ask not what american voters can stop, ask what americans can start to actually DO!!! (Bloomberg is at least trying to go that direction by selling the idea that he can get whatever done...)

Our nation has been too far to the right for too long. It's time to turn left a bit.

Those of you insisting on abolishing the electoral college also ought to insist DNC to completely stop allowing superdelegates to pick eventual winners. I'm pretty sure Bernie didn't beg the DNC to include that superdelecraps on the 2nd ballot. He knows nobody likes him. Particularly those superdelegates.

And for those rich liberals who love the dem establishment, you really should consider joining the Republican Party. That's what Donald Trump did.

As for Nanderthal, I really don't understand why he hates Sanders so much. Hopefully Sanders will get 4~8 years to prove himself to Neanderthal.

February 27th, 2020, 08:38 AM
I'm sure at some point they found that longer format debates meant lower ratings, but the current format is just pointless.

Why do you think they first thought having DJT on them was a good idea? It was a great business for media companies.

February 27th, 2020, 08:43 AM
Facts didn't change though: Republicans were cunts in the eighties too.

They weren't as bad back then.

February 27th, 2020, 09:22 AM
The whole debate process is horrible. I much prefer the town halls, where they aren't fighting for talking time.

"You have 45 seconds to explain how you can fix the country. Go!" 8 people start yelling

Too much power is being given to the networks too. They go soft on the candidates.

A MUCH better option would be to ask the exact same question of each of the candidates, and give them that same forty seconds. Or, ask a variation of that question to each candidate, if a particular candidate has been unclear about a particular aspect of the topic.

For example, from 2016.
Moderator "Senator Clinton we know Senator Sanders health plan is Medicare For All. Can you tell us what your healthcare plan is? Forty five seconds."
Hillary "My solution for our healthcare is to expand Obamacare. <snip> and that's my plan for our healthcare going forward."
Moderator. "Thank you senator. Senator Sanders, we know your plan is to expand Medicare for all, enroll everybody in it, and cancel private insurance. Could you please tell us how you are going to fund it, and what what happens to the healthcare industry tomorrow if you are inaugurated today. Forty five seconds"
Bernie "For too long the oligarchs, millionaires and billionaires in our society have been <rambles for 45 seconds>"
Moderator "So you refuse to answer the question or clear up how your implementation would work. Moving on, in terms of our engagement in Syria ...."

That's it. Give them the uninterrupted time to answer the question and cut off their mics when it's not their turn. If they choose to not answer the question DON'T GIVE THEM THE CHANCE LATER. Cut off their mic saying "we asked you, we gave you time, you didn't answer. The question before you now is the issue of Syria. I reiterate the question <repeat question> We have limited time so please answer the question. You have 37 seconds left." They can use their two minutes at the end to try and fix their fuckups.

February 27th, 2020, 09:30 AM
I read an editorial suggesting that the dip in Stocks is due to the markets' low confidence on the Trump administration being able to competently manage the Covid19 emergency. I'll see if I can find it again.

He cut the budget for CDC by 9%, didn't appoint anyone in some key positions, and has generally bullshitted about it in a manner that would satisfy the trumpanzees, thinking we would be fooled by his words on it.

And appointing Pence who masterminded the increase in HIV and sexually transmitted diseases in Indiana, was the cherry on the turd cake.

It's quite clear that we are going to have a pandemic of that shit here. Thanks to Trump. Thanks to Trump voters. I don't want it to happen, but if it does, I want THE DEMOCRATIC ADS TO IMMEDIATELY GO ON THE ATTACK ABOUT HOW TRUMP DIDN'T FILL POSITIONS AND CUT BUDGETS. But it'll be seen as being in "poor taste." Because shit is ok to put on the news and legislate harshly when its happening to blacks and browns, but shit changes and sympathy is expected when its white people. " Crack mania" vs "opioid sickness". vs Y'all can fight me about that one.

And fuck bernie.

February 27th, 2020, 09:33 AM
They weren't as bad back then.

One one hand I want to agree with you. On the other, I want to say "nah fam ..."

One one foot I want to say, "we didn't know better and we're so much more aware now of what the "programming" of our society vis a vis the drug war, and it's effects, we know the CIAs plan to flood the ghettos with drugs, we know how they funded it with Ollie Norths war etc" One the other "nah, they were better at hiding their cuntishness"

February 27th, 2020, 09:35 AM
Sanders Supporter Sick of Movement Being Defined by Small Number of Toxic Members Like Him (https://politics.theonion.com/sanders-supporter-sick-of-movement-being-defined-by-sma-1841936650)

And agreed. I'm sure at some point they found that longer format debates meant lower ratings, but the current format is just pointless.

That headline is too on the nose though. Bravo that writer.

February 27th, 2020, 09:38 AM
Too much power is being given to the networks too. They go soft on the candidates.

A MUCH better option would be to ask the exact same question of each of the candidates, and give them that same forty seconds. Or, ask a variation of that question to each candidate, if a particular candidate has been unclear about a particular aspect of the topic.

For example, from 2016.
Moderator "Senator Clinton we know Senator Sanders health plan is Medicare For All. Can you tell us what your healthcare plan is? Forty five seconds."
Hillary "My solution for our healthcare is to expand Obamacare. <snip> and that's my plan for our healthcare going forward."
Moderator. "Thank you senator. Senator Sanders, we know your plan is to expand Medicare for all, enroll everybody in it, and cancel private insurance. Could you please tell us how you are going to fund it, and what what happens to the healthcare industry tomorrow if you are inaugurated today. Forty five seconds"
Bernie "For too long the oligarchs, millionaires and billionaires in our society have been <rambles for 45 seconds>"
Moderator "So you refuse to answer the question or clear up how your implementation would work. Moving on, in terms of our engagement in Syria ...."

That's it. Give them the uninterrupted time to answer the question and cut off their mics when it's not their turn. If they choose to not answer the question DON'T GIVE THEM THE CHANCE LATER. Cut off their mic saying "we asked you, we gave you time, you didn't answer. The question before you now is the issue of Syria. I reiterate the question <repeat question> We have limited time so please answer the question. You have 37 seconds left." They can use their two minutes at the end to try and fix their fuckups.

I agree such a format would be great. Give the questions in advance so candidates can prepare their statements within the allowed time. If you ramble on, you lose your chance. If you want to ramble, do so during your opening and closing statements.

Also, time should be allocated to allow candidates themselves to be able to ask each other follow up questions(rather than interruptions or pure attacks). With only 2 candidates, asking each other questions should be simple... in the event of crap load of candidates on stage... then allow the outer edge candidates to ask questions to the center leading candidates.

I think the latest CBS debate is probably the worst or weirdest so far. Candidates were rowdy... and so were the audiences... and moderators didn't moderate and asked stupid or seeming random questions.

February 27th, 2020, 09:40 AM
As for Nanderthal, I really don't understand why he hates Sanders so much.

I've clearly stated so, right here, over the years. I was even asked that and answered quite deliberately, right here. Maybe if you spent that time actually reading what I posted and the links I included in those posts ...

Hopefully Sanders will get 4~8 years to prove himself to Neanderthal.

Hopefully never.

February 27th, 2020, 09:50 AM
Who knows. Maybe Hillary would've been a great president if given a chance... 'but her emails' distracted me and ended up causing me to not give her support.

Likewise... maybe Bernie would've been a great president if given a chance... 'but his bros' distracted you and ended up causing you to not give him support.

Of course, it's your vote. I ain't gonna get mad at you for not voting Bernie. It's a free country... I can also respect America's choice for Trump if it comes down to that.

I'm only a borderline bro. I am crazy and off the wall and can be angry at times, but I'm not the type to attack people and wish them death.

You know, it's one thing for independents like Bernie or bros like me to want to 'destroy' the party and have it returned to the 'people'.

However, it's quite another for the democratic establishment leaders to want to damage their own party because they can't get their way... That's pretty sad. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/27/us/politics/democratic-superdelegates.html

It's obvious that it's way more important to stop the Bernie revolution than to stop Trump. That's fucking crazy. That is the reason I couldn't vote for Hillary or the dem establishment she clearly represented. I'm already caving in a bit during 2020, willing to accept whatever moderate centrist left in the field. But I don't see the democratic establishment changing one bit.

February 27th, 2020, 12:14 PM

Thought this was a great idea.

February 27th, 2020, 12:25 PM
Yes! Indeed!

To be honest, I was a bit disappointed to learn that they didn't cover the coronavirus issue in the last debate. It could've been a great boost for M4A. Can Americans really afford to not have healthcare for all in times like this? We can print plenty of money for stupid wars, for failing banks, for ugly walls, but our money making machine would all of a sudden run out of ink when it comes to providing Americans with basic healthcare? That sounds so funny that I can almost cry out loud!

February 27th, 2020, 01:50 PM
I think they did. I seem to recall Berner saying he'd pledge more multilateral support for WHO and Biden claiming credit for the Cuban vaccine against lung cancer.

February 27th, 2020, 02:07 PM
Yeah, but those are not really selling points or really relatable to M4A, right? Why should Americans without healthcare care about supporting WHO? Why should they care about Cubans having vaccines but they themselves don't?

Anyway, I didn't watch the whole debate, so I'm not 100% sure what they discussed... I just thought they didn't mention anything about coronavirus specifically... and that's kind of a missed opportunity IMHO. Of course, maybe they just don't want to scare the audiences too much at this point.

February 27th, 2020, 02:36 PM
Who knows. Maybe Hillary would've been a great president if given a chance... 'but her emails' distracted me and ended up causing me to not give her support.

Likewise... maybe Bernie would've been a great president if given a chance... 'but his bros' distracted you and ended up causing you to not give him support.

Of course, it's your vote. I ain't gonna get mad at you for not voting Bernie. It's a free country... I can also respect America's choice for Trump if it comes down to that.

I'm only a borderline bro. I am crazy and off the wall and can be angry at times, but I'm not the type to attack people and wish them death.

You know, it's one thing for independents like Bernie or bros like me to want to 'destroy' the party and have it returned to the 'people'.

However, it's quite another for the democratic establishment leaders to want to damage their own party because they can't get their way... That's pretty sad. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/27/us/politics/democratic-superdelegates.html

It's obvious that it's way more important to stop the Bernie revolution than to stop Trump. That's fucking crazy. That is the reason I couldn't vote for Hillary or the dem establishment she clearly represented. I'm already caving in a bit during 2020, willing to accept whatever moderate centrist left in the field. But I don't see the democratic establishment changing one bit.

Um, my main problem with Bernie, is Bernie. A secondary problem, is bros. I don't mind Bernie, if he stays in his lane. And out of the presidential race; he just had a heart attack five months ago! I can't stand the bros.

Um, I don't know if you know this, but Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat. Therefore they can whatever they want to foil his messing with their party. If I keep coming to your house and rearranging the furniture and you change the locks because IT'S YOUR HOUSE, that's not because you're being unkind to me. Fuck my feelings about what you do in your house. Fuck Bernies feelings about what we do in our house. If Berners don't like it, they can go form their own party. We don't need parasites in ours.

Especially when y'all bros keep saying they want to "destroy" the party. We don't need that shit. They can go form their own party and destroy that.

February 27th, 2020, 02:42 PM

Thought this was a great idea.

That's quite brilliant. Democrats need to start doing what Republicans do and give false dichotomies. They need to take control of the narrative; "Trump isn't doing enough about the corona virus. Trump cut funding for the CDC. Trump and the GOP want to take away your healthcare. And now they want to fund a wall instead of protecting your health."

February 27th, 2020, 03:19 PM
Um, my main problem with Bernie, is Bernie. A secondary problem, is bros. I don't mind Bernie, if he stays in his lane. And out of the presidential race; he just had a heart attack five months ago! I can't stand the bros.

Um, I don't know if you know this, but Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat. Therefore they can whatever they want to foil his messing with their party. If I keep coming to your house and rearranging the furniture and you change the locks because IT'S YOUR HOUSE, that's not because you're being unkind to me. Fuck my feelings about what you do in your house. Fuck Bernies feelings about what we do in our house. If Berners don't like it, they can go form their own party. We don't need parasites in ours.

Especially when y'all bros keep saying they want to "destroy" the party. We don't need that shit. They can go form their own party and destroy that.

Does Bernie bro’s really just want to destroy the Democratic Party and leave our nation with just Republicans?


Now if the Democratic Party is really just a private club and renames itself the Aristocratic or Plutocratic party, then I’d agree with your analogy that it’s us inappropriately barging into some private home and ransacking it.

That is clearly wrong.

However, this nation, the 2 parties, or this ‘house’ isn’t really private property, is it?

Rich establishment thinks it’s their party. People, or the bro’s think it should be people’s party. Who’s right?

Doesn’t matter. We’ll let the votes decide.

February 27th, 2020, 03:21 PM
I don't like Bernie.

Yeah, but the Jeopardy category was "Coronavirus".

February 27th, 2020, 08:07 PM
Yeah, but the Jeopardy category was "Coronavirus".


Just like Bernie. Asked anything " for too long the oligarchs, the millionaires and billionaires ..."

"But sir we just wanted to know if it was for here or to go ... "

February 27th, 2020, 08:09 PM
Does Bernie bro’s really just want to destroy the Democratic Party and leave our nation with just Republicans?


Now if the Democratic Party is really just a private club and renames itself the Aristocratic or Plutocratic party, then I’d agree with your analogy that it’s us inappropriately barging into some private home and ransacking it.

That is clearly wrong.

However, this nation, the 2 parties, or this ‘house’ isn’t really private property, is it?

Rich establishment thinks it’s their party. People, or the bro’s think it should be people’s party. Who’s right?

Doesn’t matter. We’ll let the votes decide.

I'll answer your first question, which negates the rest of your written mumbling; do you ever see the bros attacking the Republicans? There's your answer.

We have seen them say they want to destroy the Democratic party however.

February 27th, 2020, 08:48 PM
I don’t see any reason why the bros won’t attack trump or the conservatives.

I don’t personally know any bro’s, but like I said I could be a semibro, I have no problem attacking the republican establishment as well as trump.

After Bernie wins the nomination, that’s when the real revolution starts!

February 27th, 2020, 10:40 PM
I don’t see any reason why the bros won’t attack trump or the conservatives.

I don’t personally know any bro’s, but like I said I could be a semibro, I have no problem attacking the republican establishment as well as trump.

:lol: as clearly evidenced by your 90% attacking the Democrats.

After Bernie wins the nomination, that’s when the real revolution starts!

You have deliberate situational blindness when it comes to Bernie. You choose not to see his shittyness nor the actions of his bros. I've posted plenty of examples.

Anyway, there will be no revolution; Bernie cannot, will not, help down ballot races. And if there is, the revolution will not be televised. Apologies to Gil Scott Heron.

February 27th, 2020, 11:05 PM
What would be the point of me repeating the same attacks on Trump here? You guys pretty much covered that way better than me. Why don’t you try praising trump and see if I’d attack you?

Anyway, at least we can both unify our efforts in destroying the Democratic Party. Of course I intend to see it die and be born again aligning itself closer to the people. I really don’t quite understand what your destruction hope to accomplish.

As it is, it can’t beat Trump, it can’t impeach trump, all it can do is whine and blame trump, blame gop senate, blame the conservative Supreme Court, blame Bernie and his bro’s, blame the deplorable voters...

It’s like everyone is bullying the dem establishment for some reason. Seriously, what Is it good for? What are you trying to save? After superdelegates appoint someone else other than Bernie, the currently useless party will only be damaged further.

If not revolution, at least some sort of reform? Try doing something different?

Who else can save this party?

February 28th, 2020, 02:03 AM
Several superdelegates are consultants to health care clients lobbying against Medicare for All. Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and JPMorgan Chase each employ lobbyists who simultaneously serve as superdelegates.


February 28th, 2020, 03:56 AM

Long, but thoughtful article

February 28th, 2020, 05:11 AM
I don’t personally know any bro’s, but like I said I could be a semibro

I thought you were an Original Yangsta.

February 28th, 2020, 09:06 AM

Long, but thoughtful article

My #1 choice is still Yang because I believe he diagnosed America's problems the best and has the best plans to fix them.
My #2 choice is actually Warren when it comes to plans and having enough political savvy to get shit done.

However, apparently primary voters just don't trust them enough to give them votes.

Bernie Sanders does seem like a very stubborn grumpy old man, but perhaps that's how he earned his supporters' trust. He's been saying and fighting the same damn thing for decades. Fighting the same fights as a mayor when he was younger... and now as a presidential candidate. Of all the candidates, he is the one with the least trust issue.

Democratic establishment should've use that and work with Sanders appeal on the voters and take back the WH that way. Unfortunately grabbing back power and doing the right thing isn't their priority. Their main priority now is looking after the bottomlines of the rich people. We can't afford this... we can't afford that... but we can afford to allow somebody like Trump in office for 4 more years... pretty sad.

Anyway, better than Sanders is one thing, viability is quite another. Yang was sensible enough to quit looking at the numbers...

I do hope Sanders and Warren are still 'friends' and will still be able to work together. Obama and Hillary were pretty nasty with each other too, but they were still able to work together afterwards... Nevertheless, I really wish she hadn't said that thing about Sanders being a sexist. Even if she were telling the truth and Sanders is indeed a sexist pig, even if you have a tape recording of it, it was just a stupid desperate move. Just beat Bernie with your better plans! That's how she was ahead earlier IMHO. Voters are clearly turned off by these identity politics... and her move certainly eroded more trust, at least for me.

The end of that article, author was concerned what if Bernie's revolution failed, that would totally destroy voters' trust... Com'on. Yeah, what if we don't succeed? Why not just quit and not try and be like the dem establishment. Just sit there and let the republicans kick our asses and get used to that... if the author is saying Warren has the best plans to fight this revolution... then it's time for Warren to work together with Sanders... not to fight him. Consolidate the progressive support. Be his VP, the guy might have another heart attack... becoming the 1st female president is only a matter of time if she rides on Sander's coat tails rather than beat him ought right at this stage of the game...

February 28th, 2020, 10:23 AM
Bros are trending #primaryWarren because she exposed the truth about Bernie wanting the rules changed last time, when he was not looking like he'd be the nominee, and also this time when it looks like he might.


Tom Servo
February 28th, 2020, 01:30 PM
Good news, everyone. I have reassuring words from our President.

It's going to disappear. One day -- it's like a miracle -- it will disappear. And from our shores, we -- you know, it could get worse before it gets better. It could maybe go away. We'll see what happens. Nobody really knows.

February 28th, 2020, 01:34 PM
Look Neanderthal, bottomline is that Bernie Sanders isn't trying to destroy the democratic party, but he is actually trying to save it.

Just look at how ineffective it has been against the GOP. Against stupid asses like W and Trump. Even when we had Bill Clinton and Obama, they had their obstruction playbook ready to limit their moves every step of the way. Besides being politically ineffective, the democratic party has also been losing touch with the average american voters and grown much closer to the elite. It's time we try something different man!

Remember, even the BLM movement started under the Obama Administration! Of course I'm not suggesting Obama is a racist and thought black people don't matter, but I just want to drive home the point that we need a party who's willing to focus on the average citizens more, rather than just blame its own ineffectiveness on stupid voters. Hey, you guys voted in W and Trump, not our fault. Or in Obama's case, you voted for the worst congress ever! Not my fault! :rolleyes:

The mainstream media is being an asshole too. Just to be clear, yeah, FOX news is probably a million times worse. Please don't take my criticism of the liberal mainstream media as a sign that I love Fox News...

Anyway, take how ABC news suspended David Wright for example. He was suspended simply because his personal views do not fall in line with his boss. He thought they don't fairly covered trump or whatever news relevant to average americans... and he also admits that he's a socialist. Somehow these views would compromise his journalistic integrity therefore needed to be suspended?

The liberal establishment is becoming closer and closer like the chinese communists. Suppressing all dissenting voices. Called themselves communists all the while as they get richer, the average citizens get poorer. Just like our 'democrats' really should rename themselves 'plutocrats'. Anyway, there's a recording of his rambling personal opinions. See if you think these opinions are worthy of a suspension.


This ABC issue also reminded me of an earlier incident of suppressing the Jeff Epstein story. Yeah, they suppressed Epsteins story because the dude has money so money can be used to cover up the truth. However, truth is like bubbling foam... no matter how you suppress it, it'll always float to the top and reveal itself eventually...

Yeah, ABC news is for sure not as bad as Fox news... but this kind of shit is pretty bad.

Are you guys really worried about russians meddling with our elections? What about meddling of these corrupted news organizations?

Tom Servo
February 28th, 2020, 01:35 PM
Speaking of the "bros", there was a bit in the NY Times podcast from Feb 21st, "The Field: An Anti-Endorsement in Nevada", about the reaction from Bernie Bros to the Nevada Culinary Workers' Union's non-endorsement of Bernie. From an SF Chronicle article about the same thing:

The reaction from Sander's supporters was swift and "vicious", said Geoconda Arguello-Kline, head of the Culinary Workers. She and union spokeswoman Bethany Khan were "referred to online as 'bitches', 'whores', 'fucking scab', and 'evil, entitled asshole'," according to the Nevada Independent news site. Both women confirmed the report.

Their home addresses were published online. Arguello-Kline said she received death threats on Twitter and asked for police protection.

Khan said between them, they have received hundreds of vile mentions on Twitter and emails and hundreds more nasty phone calls.

It's fair to say that's not him but some of his supporters, but I also think it's fair to say that Buttigieg had a point in asking him to think about why that element has shown up. Also, his answer that was played on the podcast didn't really seem like much more than "online be crazy, what do you expect me to do?"

Tom Servo
February 28th, 2020, 01:38 PM
Oh, fuck me, Billi's citing Project Veritas (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Veritas) (link goes to Wiki about it) like it's a legit source.

February 28th, 2020, 01:44 PM
Do you think the recording is fake?

If it's fake, all the more reason David Wright should NOT be suspended.

Either way, ABC news is corrupt. Still better than Fox news, but still corrupt.

Tom Servo
February 28th, 2020, 01:50 PM
Read the Wiki. Project Veritas has a long history of deceptively editing and falsifying recordings, going back at least 12 years. Honestly, if one of their videos shows something, it's more likely that it didn't happen.

February 28th, 2020, 03:20 PM
I understand the nature of project Ventura pet detective....

But do you understand why David Wright was suspended?

Here, let’s try some other more reputable sources:



So was Mr. wright really just some sort of covert Russian asset discovered by some right wing conspiracy hate group and then ABC appropriately suspended him because of the falsified report by project veritas?

Can you help me straighten out this story?

Who can we trust with factual information?

February 28th, 2020, 03:32 PM
Speaking of the "bros", there was a bit in the NY Times podcast from Feb 21st, "The Field: An Anti-Endorsement in Nevada", about the reaction from Bernie Bros to the Nevada Culinary Workers' Union's non-endorsement of Bernie. From an SF Chronicle article about the same thing:

It's fair to say that's not him but some of his supporters, but I also think it's fair to say that Buttigieg had a point in asking him to think about why that element has shown up. Also, his answer that was played on the podcast didn't really seem like much more than "online be crazy, what do you expect me to do?"

I say this at the risk of pissing YW off further, but since he put me on ignore, he’s not gonna see it anyway...

USA isn’t quite as bad, but I see the Democratic establishment similarly as the CCP and the Bernie Bros are the violent rioters in HK.

Yeah, Bernie Bro’s are mean. HK rioters shouldn’t resort to violence. I get that.

But hope you establishment sympathizers can realize why these people are so pissed off.

Just as suicide bombers suck ass, but do we really examine why those ‘terrorists’ hate us so much?

Average Americans have no clue why, but it’s because those rich establishment elites were fucking around...

Tom Servo
February 28th, 2020, 06:12 PM
Re: David Wright

So no matter the source, it's still the same video from the same people, and news organizations have been burned in the past over this (see ACORN). That said, I don't see what the big deal is. It's ludicrous to expect that everyone reporting the news is 100% exactly centrist, and it's a big corporation like Disney covering their asses. What's the supposed freakout here?

February 28th, 2020, 06:31 PM
Freak out is journalists can be silenced, suspended, fired by corporations.

Yeah, maybe I’m over reacting a bit. Corporations should have the right to do what they need to do. We probably should just accept it and also praise ABC for trying to maintain their journalistic excellence!

Tom Servo
February 28th, 2020, 07:40 PM
Well, not silenced. Maybe he can't appear on the news, but that goes for any news organization. But that doesn't mean he can't find other ways to speak out if he so chose.

I mean, I fully agree with him, and I think you too, that corporate news is a bad thing. I think the cable news channels are actively bad for the country. Network news is a little bit better IMHO, but my preference is the news from organizations like public television and the BBC - ideally publicly funded organizations with absolutely zero editorial input from the government.

I think it was a bad precedent for ABC to suspend him, but it's easy to understand why they did it. I'm kinda surprised that he was as willing to be that candid with who I'm assuming was not someone he'd known for a long time, even I know not to speak too much about my company or my thoughts on competitors with people I don't trust. In the end, though, it seems like a "see, look how seriously we take unbiased journalism" stance in a climate where too many people decry news they don't like as fake.

February 28th, 2020, 08:43 PM
Fair enough, yes, not really silenced as something Chinese state media/police could do..., but corporate media can certainly push whatever narratives they want to push, cover up things for all the Weinsteins or Epstein whenever they can until they can’t...

Anyway, just to cover my ass with Neanderthal, just wish to add that I think ABC news is still doing a much better job than Fox. Being critical of the liberal mainstream media by no means meant that I love Fox News or Trump.

February 29th, 2020, 09:27 AM
Cast my vote today 👍

February 29th, 2020, 10:12 AM
Cast my vote today ��

Week ago for me. Was undecided between Biden and Warren. Still pissed that Kamala didn't make it.

Tom Servo
February 29th, 2020, 01:04 PM
To further something I said to Billi earlier - news for ratings, especially cable news, is a cancer on society.


February 29th, 2020, 01:20 PM

February 29th, 2020, 02:53 PM

They find ways to prevent government from working. They did this when Obama was President, they're even doing it now with Trump as president.

Republicans, in a word, are cunts.

February 29th, 2020, 04:47 PM
Biden wins South Carolina primary. (https://www.cnn.com/politics/live-news/south-carolina-primary-results-2020/index.html)

February 29th, 2020, 05:44 PM
Wow! 50% of the vote! That’s like way higher than what the polls were predicting. Biden is truly the comeback old man! :D :up:

February 29th, 2020, 06:07 PM
Huge boost for him. Wonder what impact early voting will have in dampening said boost on Super Tuesday though. Definitely a two person race at this point.

February 29th, 2020, 06:42 PM
Huge boost for him. Wonder what impact early voting will have in dampening said boost on Super Tuesday though. Definitely a two person race at this point.

There's too many factors.

I only hope both Warren and Klobuchar stay in the race through super tuesday. Bernie did well in Minnesota last time and Amy will peel off support from Bernie there. Same for Liz in Mass. And hopefully this energises those who were somewhat reticent about voting to go do so. And I mostly hope that older voters come out in BIG numbers in California and kill drown murder eviscerate Bernie's chances there.

February 29th, 2020, 07:00 PM
Agreed. I've read/watched/listened to a lot of people who have been life long Republicans change their stance over the past few years.

I can't blame them. The current administration and cover up is not who the party used to be.

I had to circle back to this. I think a lot of "never Trump" Republicans who might vote for a moderate Democrat are even more "never Bernie." In other words, they are "never Trump" but "never EVER Bernie."

February 29th, 2020, 07:03 PM
Biden is leading the vote count race so far. I suppose that's the one "benefit" of Iowa and New Hampshire leading the nomination process; you can fit their entire populations in a county in California.

February 29th, 2020, 09:25 PM
I just saw that Bernie and staff flew non two Gulfstream G6, from Charleston to Myrtle Beach. It's a 2 hour drive.

Who's the elitist again?

March 1st, 2020, 02:53 AM

Mo, you're turning into Fox News reacting to Obama haha

March 1st, 2020, 03:29 AM
Delegate count heading into Super Tuesday:


March 1st, 2020, 09:02 AM
Delegate count heading into Super Tuesday:


A two-horse race, then.

And since Biden is a worse Hillary, I expect Bernie to nab it.

March 1st, 2020, 09:49 AM
I actually like Biden more than Hillary. At least I’d vote for him if he becomes the eventual nominee. I really like the young Hillary, but her overly eagerness to become president eventually really turned me off. I guess she has always been on the side of Goliath and both Obama and Sanders were more on the underdog side of David, that’s why both times I was against her and pulling for the underdogs.

Anyway, this year is tricky... I don’t think there is a clear Goliath or David. My original David has already dropped out of the race... ;)

Super Tuesday will certainly be interesting. Warren should surge more. Anyway, I think we need to finish counting all the Super Tuesday votes in order to figure out this is a how many horse race...

I dunno about other states, but CA not only totally changed the way we vote and we also have to go to brand new voting locations... it’s supposed to make voting easier, but I suspect it might end up messy like IowaX1000... hope im wrong.

March 1st, 2020, 10:03 AM
Super Tuesday will certainly be interesting.

I don't think so, voting should pretty much behave like it has so far: a 55/45 split for moderates versus progressives. With Biden and Sanders being the respective champions of each side. Mayo Pete and Elena eating into Biden's delegate count more than Warren can do to Sander's.

Warren should surge more.

I don't think so either. Her message's lost a lot of momentum by trying to align to the undecided. If Trump's victory should have taught us anything is that radical* campaigning does the trick. And sadly for Warren she's betrayed her original message. I'm not saying that people's position can't change over time or that they shouldn't change, but an electoral message has to be hammered down during a campaign (i.e. "Make America Great Again").

* of, relating to, or proceeding from a root (Merriam-Webster).

March 1st, 2020, 10:28 AM
I just can’t believe Warren will continue to stay at the same level as Amy.... it’ll certainly be embarrassing if she couldn’t even win her home state...

Anyway, every state seems to have their own preferences... Iowa and NH obviously are nothing like S.C... Pete’s initial momentum didn’t continue. Amy’s klomentum didn’t keep on kloing. Will Bidens new found momentum keep going? we’ll see.

March 1st, 2020, 10:58 AM

March 1st, 2020, 11:39 AM
That’s surprising. Texas has more commies than CA?

March 1st, 2020, 11:46 AM
Socialism encompasses more than just communism.

March 1st, 2020, 12:15 PM
That’s surprising. Texas has more commies than CA?

I dunno.

Does Texas have a larger proportion of collective-minded people than California? Because that's basically the theory of change behind social policies: "Us before I".

IIRC, California Democrats had Gerrymandered the shit out of that state.

March 1st, 2020, 02:02 PM
My guess is that the richer liberals in CA do not subscribe to socialism as much? Just like Wells Fargo bank, only socially liberal, such as pro gay marriage, pro whatever bathrooms or whatever hot social issue of the day, but they have no problems stealing money from poor customers or treating low level employees poorly.

Silicon Valley bosses and Silicon Valley employees likely wont agree on who to support... just as the union leaders and union workers disagreed in Nevada.

Texas is probably more rural and therefore just not as ‘diverse’ as CA? Liberals there apparently are more in agreement according to that poll...

Being afraid of socialism is probably ingrained pretty deeply in most Americans’ minds.

Btw, I just voted... the new process sure was easy enough... and they don’t even need to look at your ID! I also liked that Sanders was on the top of the list so I don’t have to scroll down the pages... just hope the counting part will go as smoothly.

March 1st, 2020, 02:34 PM
Buttigieg is dropping out, apparently

March 1st, 2020, 02:38 PM
The 72H of LeCrazy.

March 1st, 2020, 03:03 PM
Buttigieg is dropping out, apparently

So they’re changing strategy now that Biden is more viable? So Amy and Mike should consider moving out of the way soon?

March 1st, 2020, 03:34 PM
Amy is staying to try to avoid Sanders from winning Minnesota.

March 1st, 2020, 04:41 PM
Yup, then she can drop out and give her delegates to Biden and/or Warren.

March 1st, 2020, 06:59 PM
I actually like Biden more than Hillary. At least I’d vote for him if he becomes the eventual nominee. I really like the young Hillary, but her overly eagerness to become president eventually really turned me off. I guess she has always been on the side of Goliath and both Obama and Sanders were more on the underdog side of David, that’s why both times I was against her and pulling for the underdogs.

Anyway, this year is tricky... I don’t think there is a clear Goliath or David. My original David has already dropped out of the race... ;)

Super Tuesday will certainly be interesting. Warren should surge more. Anyway, I think we need to finish counting all the Super Tuesday votes in order to figure out this is a how many horse race...

I dunno about other states, but CA not only totally changed the way we vote and we also have to go to brand new voting locations... it’s supposed to make voting easier, but I suspect it might end up messy like IowaX1000... hope im wrong.

I signed up for absentee ballots when I was in California. I would get my ballot in the mail one month before the election. It gave me plenty of time to research the candidates and the propositions. Since I lived right across from a school and that was "my polling place" I'd walk over there and drop my mail in ballot in their box before going to work. Never waited in line once.

March 1st, 2020, 07:13 PM
I dunno.

Does Texas have a larger proportion of collective-minded people than California? Because that's basically the theory of change behind social policies: "Us before I".

IIRC, California Democrats had Gerrymandered the shit out of that state.

That's not exactly true. The majority of California's 40million population live in large cities, and tend to be more liberal. Los Angeles County is 10 million by itself. In other words, if Los Angeles county was a state, it would have the 10th highest population in the country. And California would still have the highest population, although now the difference between CA and Texas would be less than 1 million.
Areas of Ventura, Riverside, and San Bernadino County's that are adjacent to the LA conurbation are also heavily populated. Orange County, between LA county and San Diego county, used to be heavily Republican. That's changed quite drastically. San Diego has a couple of large military installations, and they tend to be more conservative. But we've only talked about southern Cal. You go up to the Bay area and you have another huge population with a liberal bent. The capital, Sacramento, also has a huge population. It's a bit more evenly split there.

A minority of the population lives in sparsely populated areas of the rural areas and are mostly conservative.

This is why, when you see people proposing to split California into two or more states, you see the entirety of the coast from San Diego up north through LA to San Francisco, being proposed as it's own state. That's where probably half of the population lives. That's the liberal urban base that's so entrenched that Republicans basically have no hope of pretty much ever winning seats in.

Tom Servo
March 2nd, 2020, 05:49 AM
It's always a trip taking the 5 between LA and Sacramento and seeing all the "farmers for Trump" signs by the freeway.

March 2nd, 2020, 08:22 AM
It's always a trip taking the 5 between LA and Sacramento and seeing all the "farmers for Trump" signs by the freeway.

Yup. I had rugby games in Fresno and Bakersfield. It's a whole other (political) country out in the sticks.

Also had rugby games in San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara; didn't see those signs so much nearer the coast.

March 2nd, 2020, 09:41 AM
So much for that theory... Klobuchar dropped out.

March 2nd, 2020, 09:45 AM
That is not a surprise. She has been doing pretty crappy and has zero chance of getting the nomination.

Tom Servo
March 2nd, 2020, 09:47 AM
Yech, and she's endorsing Biden.

March 2nd, 2020, 09:51 AM
I guess the minority vote is projected to be strong.

POC aren't fucking around this time.

March 2nd, 2020, 10:24 AM
Yeah, looks like the game strategy has suddenly changed...

Wonder if Bloomberg would drop out now and just focus on attacking trump... or will he continue to try to take votes away from Biden...

March 2nd, 2020, 11:28 AM
Buttigieg is officially endorsing Biden as well.

March 2nd, 2020, 11:33 AM

Mayor Pete delivers heartwarming speech after exiting race, says he is withdrawing to “spend more time with Obama’s family.”

March 2nd, 2020, 12:40 PM
Look (https://twitter.com/notcapnamerica/status/1234519582007812098?s=19) at how disgusting the Bros are.

And Bernie's response when asked bout was a meh, all campaigns have those.

March 2nd, 2020, 12:41 PM
Look (https://twitter.com/notcapnamerica/status/1234519582007812098?s=19) at how disgusting the Bros are.

And Bernie's response when asked bout was a meh, all campaigns have those.