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November 7th, 2020, 07:23 PM
the Hari Kunzru farewell Twitter thread is a jewel.

And of course Stephen Miller, you weeping pustule upon the social body, you dreg, you homunculus, you noxious slime felched from the gaping cavity of Jim Crow, one day may you find yourself walking barefoot across hot sand, desperate for water, crying for your missing child

November 7th, 2020, 07:59 PM
people are thinking the drones used tonight for Biden's speech are cool....I still think drones are scary, no matter who in government has them.

I imagine they were owned by a private business that was hired by the Democratic Party.

Rare White Ape
November 7th, 2020, 08:07 PM
In the most wild and unpredictable presidency ever, what just happened REALLY takes the cake! Trump even tweeted out the correction to ensure people show up at this Four Seasons..........................Landscaping Company

Oh my fucking god it’s real. The Trump team booked the wrong “four seasons” and now it all ends in a landscaping firm parking lot. Unbelievable. It should be illegal to be this happy



Oh boy. I can’t even laugh. I’m just laying here mouth agape…

Rare White Ape
November 7th, 2020, 08:07 PM
This is the best election ever.

Thank you baby Jesus.

Tom Servo
November 7th, 2020, 09:33 PM
Not sure if the news fully made it over to your neck of the woods, but that landscaping company was across the street from a crematorium and next door to a dildo shop.

I am not making any of this up, the dildo shop is called "Fantasy Island" and has better covid protocols than the white house.

Tom Servo
November 7th, 2020, 09:36 PM
Also, a reporter form CNN is saying that two sources have told her Jared Kushner has gone to Trump to talk to him about conceding.

November 7th, 2020, 09:54 PM
Not sure if the news fully made it over to your neck of the woods, but that landscaping company was across the street from a crematorium and next door to a dildo shop.

I am not making any of this up, the dildo shop is called "Fantasy Island" and has better covid protocols than the white house.

Oh, that news made it eeeeeeeeeeverywhere :)

November 7th, 2020, 09:58 PM
https://twitter.com/galactafenty/status/1325176507443142656 In the meantime, on French TV :lol:

Tom Servo
November 7th, 2020, 10:08 PM
Oh, that news made it eeeeeeeeeeverywhere :)

This has made me smile again on a day full of smiles.

November 8th, 2020, 03:24 AM
This may be the best day of 2020.
Houh houh houh

November 8th, 2020, 05:07 AM
Sis laid it out. And I agree with her. In fact, we all agree that the Dems messaging needs to be tighter.


November 8th, 2020, 06:25 AM
This may be the best day of 2020.
Houh houh houh

Not that much competition, really.

November 8th, 2020, 06:35 AM
Well, yeah. The bar was pretty damn low....

November 8th, 2020, 11:42 AM
Sis laid it out. And I agree with her. In fact, we all agree that the Dems messaging needs to be tighter.


Amazing, even after a Biden win, your type can still find reasons to bitch and whine about Sanders and AOC.

Rare White Ape
November 8th, 2020, 11:53 AM
Yesterday morning I woke up to the news that TRUMP LOST, and went to bed with the news that I was going home and I could see my cats.

So yes, a good day indeed. I must admit I had a little moment. Got a bit of dust in my eye.

As long as 2020 keeps this up for the end of the year, I could almost forgive it.

November 8th, 2020, 12:41 PM
Yesterday I went for a drive with a small group of family north into the state of Maine... to bury and say goodbye to my father in law. During the drive, the news broke. As I drove through the country roads during this surreal time of both being terribly sad and also elated/relieved, I started to take notice of the many expected Trump signs on yards.... and some larger displays too. A few billboard sized placards for Trump... even a parked tractor trailer that was painted for his campaign. I kinda expected to see this.

I saw a gentleman taking his Trump sign out of his yard. He looked like a stereotype of who you would think would vote for him. He didn't look sad, or ashamed or even upset. Just non-plussed... as if he was raking up the leaves out of his yard.

I did NOT see any Trump FLAGS waving, just signs of all shapes and sizes. I think Florida has that flag market covered. I still don't understand waving a flag of the person you are voting for. Did anyone wave flags reading "Reagan" back in the day?

Anyhow, what surprised me the most was that in many of the small towns I drove through, I saw plenty of Trump signs in yards, but for everyone one... I saw a Biden or a BLM sign at a house almost directly opposite or next to it. (A couple "Nope" signs as well.) It occurred to me that the state wasn't just divided, nor just counties, but small towns have people with polar opposite opinions. People who have lived near each other for large portions of their lives. Fuck, I wonder how long it'll take for these small towns to make amends. But make no doubt of it, if you want the nation to heal and reach some sort of understanding/forgiveness of each other... look to how these small towns fair first. That'll be the blueprint.

I spoke none of these thoughts out loud on my drive up because at least one of my family in the car had voted for the loser, and I didn't want to seem gloating... and also... none of it really matters when considering the reason we were driving together in the first place. RIP Dad.

November 8th, 2020, 01:06 PM
JSG, I'm terribly sorry to hear of your fathers passing.

That's a pretty strong observation to have, where I live, literally inside the city. You don't see many Trump signs, if any. If you did, they were on vehicles driving through.

November 8th, 2020, 01:16 PM
You'd think it was the state flag here, at least the north half.

November 8th, 2020, 01:41 PM
Take care, JSG.

November 8th, 2020, 02:00 PM
Our nation is literally and figuratively on fire... does it matter what skin color or party affiliations of the firefighters that come to our rescue?

Hope we can soon put our politics and biases aside...

Ask not what the president elect Biden can do to restore and heal our nation... ask ourselves to try to restore and heal within our communities...

And my condolences to your dad JSG.

November 8th, 2020, 03:42 PM
Sorry to hear about your dad, JSG. My wife and I had a similar driving experience through rural Tennessee and Georgia this week-end. Lots of Trump signs and confederate flags. Not somewhere you would want to be a brown person. :|

November 8th, 2020, 05:58 PM
Amazing, even after a Biden win, your type can still find reasons to bitch and whine about Sanders and AOC.

A. It's amazing that they went off track in their comments, at such a critical time for a unified message. But, we've come to expect that from them.
A1. I stated elsewhere that AOC wasn't responsible for when the magazine decided to publish the article in which she expressed that trash opinion.
B. Refute the verity of the tweets, rather than try to insinuate that it's animus on my part.
B1. There's definitely animus on my part. Bernie is all hat no cattle. Always has been. His legislative record after nearly 40 years in the Congress speaks for itself. Do I need to link his seven bills that he's passed; 2 naming post offices, one expanding a national parks borders, one recognising veterans?
AOC needs to be taken down a peg. Not all congresspeople live in regions that are 70% blue, and she should act like that's fucking reality rather than act like they aren't liberals/ progressives, just because they have to be tactful about the politics and messaging.

November 8th, 2020, 06:00 PM
Yesterday I went for a drive with a small group of family north into the state of Maine... to bury and say goodbye to my father in law. During the drive, the news broke. As I drove through the country roads during this surreal time of both being terribly sad and also elated/relieved, I started to take notice of the many expected Trump signs on yards.... and some larger displays too. A few billboard sized placards for Trump... even a parked tractor trailer that was painted for his campaign. I kinda expected to see this.

I saw a gentleman taking his Trump sign out of his yard. He looked like a stereotype of who you would think would vote for him. He didn't look sad, or ashamed or even upset. Just non-plussed... as if he was raking up the leaves out of his yard.

I did NOT see any Trump FLAGS waving, just signs of all shapes and sizes. I think Florida has that flag market covered. I still don't understand waving a flag of the person you are voting for. Did anyone wave flags reading "Reagan" back in the day?

Anyhow, what surprised me the most was that in many of the small towns I drove through, I saw plenty of Trump signs in yards, but for everyone one... I saw a Biden or a BLM sign at a house almost directly opposite or next to it. (A couple "Nope" signs as well.) It occurred to me that the state wasn't just divided, nor just counties, but small towns have people with polar opposite opinions. People who have lived near each other for large portions of their lives. Fuck, I wonder how long it'll take for these small towns to make amends. But make no doubt of it, if you want the nation to heal and reach some sort of understanding/forgiveness of each other... look to how these small towns fair first. That'll be the blueprint.

I spoke none of these thoughts out loud on my drive up because at least one of my family in the car had voted for the loser, and I didn't want to seem gloating... and also... none of it really matters when considering the reason we were driving together in the first place. RIP Dad.

Man, that's awful about your father in law. RIP.

November 9th, 2020, 09:49 AM
A. It's amazing that they went off track in their comments, at such a critical time for a unified message. But, we've come to expect that from them.
A1. I stated elsewhere that AOC wasn't responsible for when the magazine decided to publish the article in which she expressed that trash opinion.
B. Refute the verity of the tweets, rather than try to insinuate that it's animus on my part.
B1. There's definitely animus on my part. Bernie is all hat no cattle. Always has been. His legislative record after nearly 40 years in the Congress speaks for itself. Do I need to link his seven bills that he's passed; 2 naming post offices, one expanding a national parks borders, one recognising veterans?
AOC needs to be taken down a peg. Not all congresspeople live in regions that are 70% blue, and she should act like that's fucking reality rather than act like they aren't liberals/ progressives, just because they have to be tactful about the politics and messaging.

To be frank, I'm not 100% on board with all of Bernie's or AOC's proposed policies, but at least I feel that they are more authentic. They got to where they are because they are passionate about their belief and they've gained sufficient support from folks in their districts because they'd fight for them.

You kept on bringing on Sander's sorry list of accomplishments..., well, when democrats can't get things done in congress, don't they usually blame republican obstructionists? Bernie Sanders have to fight against obstructionists on both side! Besides republicans thinking Bernie is a dangerous socialist, democrats also for sure don't want Bernie to accomplish much.

Anyway, if we look at any typical democrat in office today... I think most of them probably are sponsored by some corporations... I just want democrats to represent the people more, is that too much to ask?

I sincerely hope Joe Biden will find ways to unify and heal the nation somehow. However, it isn't all his responsibility, american people need to wise up and put their own politics aside in order to truly rebuild this nation.

November 9th, 2020, 07:32 PM
So, the post office thing. DeJoy can't be fired.

Y'all are that? The postmaster general is appointed by the board of the post office. Who are appointed by the president. And they are there only ones who can for him. All are Trump appointees apparently.

Here's the kicker. (https://twitter.com/AnnAnnChe/status/1325942923230285824?s=19)

Rare White Ape
November 9th, 2020, 08:13 PM
I just read that McDonald Trump has fired the Sec of Defense.

Someone needs to do a captioned clip of Downfall, with Hitler as Trump getting upset about mail-in votes.

November 9th, 2020, 08:21 PM
It's been done, man.

November 9th, 2020, 08:31 PM
I’m waiting for his next round of Presidential Medals of Honor, which he’ll hand out like candy. I’m sure Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson are on the list. Maybe Alex Jones too. I mean, it means nothing now that Rush Limbaugh has received it.

G'day Mate
November 10th, 2020, 02:19 AM
Would his ego let him resign so that Pence can pardon him?

November 10th, 2020, 06:39 AM
Can't be pardoned of state charges. I have a feeling (HOPE) the SDNY has a mountain of shit for him.

November 10th, 2020, 06:51 AM
He'll just take off to some country without extradition agreements.

Tom Servo
November 10th, 2020, 08:36 AM
I might be wrong about this, but I also don't think you can like pre-order pardons. You can pardon someone if they've been convicted/plead guilty, but considering he hasn't been charged with any federal crimes yet, much less convicted of any, I don't think pardoning is an option.

November 10th, 2020, 09:00 AM
He'll just take off to some country without extradition agreements.

Maybe even a country/region where extradition agreements have been suspended!

Hong Kong is one of them. However, I'm not entirely sure that he'd get let in. I also don't want him to live in the same city as I do.

November 10th, 2020, 09:59 AM
Yes. It's going to be Pompeo. Again, lol at everything.

Yeah, well... mmm... I don't know, I don't think he can calculate that far ahead (https://twitter.com/i/status/1326231569980387329).

November 10th, 2020, 11:26 AM
Smooth ‘transition’ to a 2nd Trump admin?!?! If Trump won, why would there even be a ‘transition’?!?!?

Anyway, bottom line is that they are not ready or willing to have a smooth transition...

November 10th, 2020, 11:37 AM
Darn it. GOP keeps their senate majority! Really thought they would lose after that rushed confirmation...

I guess Judge Amy was destined to get confirmed. Don’t know what they were rushing for...

Well actually she probably wouldn’t be nominated...

Anyway, wonder if Biden will be able to work with Mitch better... or will it be obstructions all the way again...

November 10th, 2020, 01:14 PM
Eric tweet this morning "Minnesota, GET OUT AND VOTE

November 10th, 2020, 02:35 PM
I might be wrong about this, but I also don't think you can like pre-order pardons. You can pardon someone if they've been convicted/plead guilty, but considering he hasn't been charged with any federal crimes yet, much less convicted of any, I don't think pardoning is an option.

Gerald Ford preemptively pardoned Richard Nixon.



Tom Servo
November 10th, 2020, 02:42 PM
Well, I stand corrected.

November 10th, 2020, 04:54 PM
Yeah, well... mmm... I don't know, I don't think he can calculate that far ahead (https://twitter.com/i/status/1326231569980387329).

On the contrary, he is already planning for a smooth transition from Trump 2 to Pompeo 1! :lol:

MR2 Fan
November 11th, 2020, 01:12 PM
Not that this really means much, but so far around here, I hardly see any Trump flags anymore since Saturday when the election was called....hoping that's a good sign about people around here accepting it?

November 11th, 2020, 02:37 PM
One of our neighbors is still flying a Trump flag below the flag of the United States on a flagpole in his front yard. As I may have remarked before, it wouldn't surprise me to see the Trump sign on top, as blindly fanatic as some Trump fans seem to be.

Another had a Trump lawn sign that disappeared during or after trick-or-treating on Halloween. The next day, he knocked on doors of houses with teenage boys looking for the miscreants. I only knew this because a neighbor with a teenage son texted my wife. I happened to be standing next to a window facing the street when she told me this and I saw him going door to door. I try to think good things about him since he's a first responder and a good neighbor, but I thought he probably wasn't making any new friends while asking if people's children had stolen his Trump sign. Apparently the neighbor who texted my wife was offended to be questioned about it. I was thinking teenage boys probably have other priorities.

Our neighborhood still has a lot of signs with Black Lives Matter and other sayings on them, such as We Believe In Science and Climate Change Is Real and things of that nature. Most of them look like they came from the same source and I've seen them in a few counties in the metro area.

We don't put up political signs. Keep 'em guessing, I say. There's no point in dividing friendly neighbors along party lines.

Rare White Ape
November 11th, 2020, 04:24 PM
We don't put up political signs. Keep 'em guessing, I say. There's no point in dividing friendly neighbors along party lines.

Shit yeah. It's like the meatspace version of people posturing on Facebook causing friends to be divided, which I touched on a few pages ago.

Remember how people used to say that politics and religion should not be discussed in polite company or at the dinner table? Can we go back to the days of not knowing what our friend's political leanings are?

Unless they're racists and extremists and don't deserve any attention, of course.

MR2 Fan
November 11th, 2020, 05:52 PM
agreed...I've been guilty of it on twitter also.

on another note, how is it possible for a president to just fire lots of people and replace them with his own people, like top brass at the pentagon without any kind of confirmation hearings?

MR2 Fan
November 11th, 2020, 08:04 PM
another thing I wanted to mention...it seems to never fail that the urban areas overwhelmingly vote for Dems and rural areas overwhelmingly vote for Republicans when viewing the electoral maps by state...and it's been like that for a long time.

November 11th, 2020, 09:13 PM
Think of sleeping, in a small town where everyone knows your name, you have to be more ‘conservative’ with your sleeping habit. You don’t want everyone to know that you sleep around!

Now in a big city, you can sleep around more ‘liberally’ because nobody knows each other’s names anyways! ;)

Tom Servo
November 11th, 2020, 10:32 PM
Alternately, people who live in major urban centers tend to be used to interacting with lots of people, many from diverse backgrounds, and understand how teaming up makes a whole city greater than the sum of its parts.

Rare White Ape
November 12th, 2020, 02:41 AM
With the understanding that we’ve got our own echo chamber here: that were all pretty universally left-leaning on the vast majority of topics, I just wonder how correct it is to assume that the progressive way is the best way without looking very deeply into each individual situation.

But that train of thought came about when I pondered the left vs right split down urban and rural lines. My initial reaction is that it is part ignorance, part prejudice that draws people to vote conservative in rural areas. But there’s surely some other reason why rural voters lean to the right that we are not aware of.

Rare White Ape
November 12th, 2020, 02:43 AM
Speaking of voting lines, Sydney has the Red Rooster line, named after a fast food restaurant chain. Go look that one up for a chuckle.

November 12th, 2020, 08:28 AM
With the understanding that we’ve got our own echo chamber here: that were all pretty universally left-leaning on the vast majority of topics, I just wonder how correct it is to assume that the progressive way is the best way without looking very deeply into each individual situation.

But that train of thought came about when I pondered the left vs right split down urban and rural lines. My initial reaction is that it is part ignorance, part prejudice that draws people to vote conservative in rural areas. But there’s surely some other reason why rural voters lean to the right that we are not aware of.

Excellent observation. For sure we need to have more respect for people with different political orientations just has we do for people with different sexual orientations... and likewise religious orientations. No need to automatically assume people are just dumb or racists. 1st step should be an attempt to understand why they are like that rather than assume we must be right and they must be wrong.

My personal observation has been conservatives are just very market driven. Prolife isn’t about life but about having more future consumers and workers to help drive up market. Denying climate change and rush to open up during the pandemic is also attempt to protect the market.

However I don’t believe these political fights had been worth it. Regardless of who’s in the WH and how conservative judges wish to overturn Roe v Wade, our abortion rate had been steadily declining. Nobody really want to ruthlessly kill babies voting politicians and confirming judges using this single issue as litmus test is extremely stupid.

As for climate change, even if conservatives are all dead, do we really know how to reverse it? Will Bernie’s and AOCs plan really work?

There’s really no guarantee that the green new deal will work. However I agree we should do something rather than nothing given the warning signs.

I personally like universal healthcare and it’s really a no brainer that all progressive healthcare around the world protect their citizens much better than US healthcare. However, we can’t deny US’s market driven system does develop way more medical advancements than other more progressive nations.

I truly believe right and left need to work together in order to go forward. Extreme right will allow the car to freely fly off a cliff and extreme left will cause the car to crash into a wall and just shutdown. We will face obstacles in our way so we need to navigate left or right accordingly, but the two sides have to work together, not fight or dominate each other.

November 12th, 2020, 08:38 AM
Trump is now apparently severing his ties with Fox News...or they are with him. They're clearly trying to transform into a more saner outfit, emancipating themselves from the Orange man. Can't speak for their lackeys though, (Hannity, Carlson, Lauren, etc). They'll probably move on to other rightwing shit-show "media" outlets.

Speaking of which, Trump and his devotees are actively promoting Newsmax and OANN on his Twitter. So pathetic. I checked both of them out on fact-checking sites and they are what you'd expect - purveyors of conspiracy theories and fake news. Ideal for Trump and his deluded followers. Bad for the nation as a whole to have 40% of the population living in an alternate reality like that psychotic evangelical pastor who in the news the other day. :twisted:...HA HA HA HA HA HA, HA HA HA HA HA, HA HA HA...:devil:

November 12th, 2020, 10:22 AM
It’s amazing even Fox is severing ties..., now hopefully Lord Jesus can help bring some of them evangelical Christians to have some common sense.

Seriously Christians, why would God anoint a child separatist or a pussy grabber?

November 12th, 2020, 11:05 AM
It’s amazing even Fox is severing ties..., now hopefully Lord Jesus can help bring some of them evangelical Christians to have some common sense.

Seriously Christians, why would God anoint a child separatist or a pussy grabber?

At what point do you start questioning if they are not worshipping Satan and just calling themselves Christian?

November 12th, 2020, 11:19 AM
If we really can easily determine that ‘point’, there’d be no need for religious freedom.

Of course I’m already questioning them. But in the end, as long as no laws are broken, people need to question themselves...

I can understand why God allowed Trump and Covid19 to happen, I think the silverlining was to slow the world down and humble humanity a bit, but I can’t believe God really full heartedly supports Trump like He supported Moses...

My prayer was, You know who’s better to lead this nation out of trouble, may Your will be done.

I know my vote mattered little in CA, so I was prepared for another Trump term if God really thought he’d be better than Biden. Glad Biden won though...

November 12th, 2020, 01:25 PM
Dear fucking idiots:

When you donate to Trump's "election defense" fund, $0 goes to the fund. Your money gets split between the RNC and Trump's PAC, which he KEEPS. Says so on the website you're donating to. He's robbing you and you're cheering for it.

You fucking idiots.


November 12th, 2020, 02:31 PM
I started watching Fox News this year: they're not that bad. Seems like they lean right about as much as every other channels lean left (I haven't watched any single-host shows like Hannity, though).
Calling Republicans evil and their voters ignorant just furthers the divide.

Tom Servo
November 12th, 2020, 02:50 PM
Trump is now apparently severing his ties with Fox News...or they are with him. They're clearly trying to transform into a more saner outfit, emancipating themselves from the Orange man. Can't speak for their lackeys though, (Hannity, Carlson, Lauren, etc). They'll probably move on to other rightwing shit-show "media" outlets.

Speaking of which, Trump and his devotees are actively promoting Newsmax and OANN on his Twitter. So pathetic. I checked both of them out on fact-checking sites and they are what you'd expect - purveyors of conspiracy theories and fake news. Ideal for Trump and his deluded followers. Bad for the nation as a whole to have 40% of the population living in an alternate reality like that psychotic evangelical pastor who in the news the other day. :twisted:...HA HA HA HA HA HA, HA HA HA HA HA, HA HA HA...:devil:

There's speculation that Trump's next venture will be a news organization in the image of OAN and Newsmax, and that Ingraham, Hannity, and Carlson are all angling for jobs there.

I'm a little bummed to find out that OAN's headquarters are just down the street from where I grew up and my parents still live. It's like half a block from the Costco we went to.

Rare White Ape
November 12th, 2020, 03:27 PM
I had to look up OAN and Newsmax.

This tells me all I need to know about OAN.


MR2 Fan
November 12th, 2020, 03:34 PM
There's speculation that Trump's next venture will be a news organization in the image of OAN and Newsmax, and that Ingraham, Hannity, and Carlson are all angling for jobs there.

I'm a little bummed to find out that OAN's headquarters are just down the street from where I grew up and my parents still live. It's like half a block from the Costco we went to.

That was supposedly his plan if he lost in 2016 as well...to launch TrumpTV

Rare White Ape
November 12th, 2020, 03:42 PM
Trumpists seem to be still pushing the election-denialist narrative. If these two media outlets and the rumoured new Trump News continue on this path it could be potentially very dangerous for American society. Possibly even worse than the police brutality that led to the BLM movement.

I'm predicting that Biden's inauguration will happen with no public audience, inside Capitol Hill rather than outside. Trump will be absent.

November 12th, 2020, 08:03 PM
I really worry about Biden and Harris’ safety and security.

People are talking about Trump and his goons attempting a coup. How many military types are loyal to Trump? Can they really be trusted? Not to mention the Secret Service. How do we know some of them won’t go rogue before inauguration date? Maybe I’m being paranoid but it is a strange and tense time with too many what ifs.

I’m reminded of season 6 of Homeland.

November 12th, 2020, 09:52 PM
I'm reminded of Imperial Rome, where the soldiers kept "electing" (cough) the next emperor, and murdering all the opposition.
But I'm a maaaajor history nerd.

November 13th, 2020, 04:19 AM
After General Milley's comments yesterday, I think the use of the military for HIS uses is a nothing burger.

November 13th, 2020, 05:50 AM
One of our neighbors is still flying a Trump flag below the flag of the United States on a flagpole in his front yard. As I may have remarked before, it wouldn't surprise me to see the Trump sign on top, as blindly fanatic as some Trump fans seem to be.

Another had a Trump lawn sign that disappeared during or after trick-or-treating on Halloween. The next day, he knocked on doors of houses with teenage boys looking for the miscreants. I only knew this because a neighbor with a teenage son texted my wife. I happened to be standing next to a window facing the street when she told me this and I saw him going door to door. I try to think good things about him since he's a first responder and a good neighbor, but I thought he probably wasn't making any new friends while asking if people's children had stolen his Trump sign. Apparently the neighbor who texted my wife was offended to be questioned about it. I was thinking teenage boys probably have other priorities.

Our neighborhood still has a lot of signs with Black Lives Matter and other sayings on them, such as We Believe In Science and Climate Change Is Real and things of that nature. Most of them look like they came from the same source and I've seen them in a few counties in the metro area.

We don't put up political signs. Keep 'em guessing, I say. There's no point in dividing friendly neighbors along party lines.

Shit yeah. It's like the meatspace version of people posturing on Facebook causing friends to be divided, which I touched on a few pages ago.

Remember how people used to say that politics and religion should not be discussed in polite company or at the dinner table? Can we go back to the days of not knowing what our friend's political leanings are?

Unless they're racists and extremists and don't deserve any attention, of course.

Re: the bolded part. Martin Luther King had a famous quote where he spoke about his disappointment with the white liberal who preferred a negative peace which is the absence of tension, to a positive peace, which is the presence of justice. It's in "Letter From A Birmingham Jail." I'd encourage you to read it.

I stand by an earlier statement I may have made that all Trump voters are racists.
Even if they themselves ... "aren't," (that's me being very generous.) he explicitly is and they've decided that they're ok with that. That's not enough of a deterrent to them.

Like the meme says "we can agree to disagree on pizza toppings not racism."

James Baldwin famously said "we can disagree and still love each other, unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression, and the denial of my humanity and right to exist."

That nearly seventy million people voted for him is very telling of the society we live in. And it's completely and utterly crazy, unless you examine it through the lens of racism.

230000 people dead of a virus who's spread can be controlled and therefore the effect minimised. (New Zealand has fewer covid cases than there are in the white house.) Your racism lens: the virus disproportionately affects/kills black and brown people, who are more likely to have pre existing conditions, because racism. Food deserts. Live in poor areas. Live near polluted spaces. Live near polluted rivers. Live near power lines. Live near major highways. Etc
4500 babies separated from/ completely lost to their mothers/ family. Your racism lens: they're mostly brown.
Muslim ban. Your racism lens: they're mostly brown. And black.
"Shit hole countries. Your racism lens: they're mostly black.
Puerto Rico, in the aftermath of hurricanes Maria. And ever since. Your racism lens: They're mostly brown.
California federal aid for the fires Your racism lens: they're mostly brown and black. California is a majority minority state. I don't remember the breakdown but it's something like 30% latino, 15% black, and 15% a mixture of Native American, AAPI, and Asian. Nevermind that the fires surveyed mostly areas where white people live. They're the dirty liberals that embrace minorities, I guess. However, the fires affected most of the west coast. Oregon is definitely mostly white. Same with Washington. And they've voted liberal/ democratic. So they aid and abet the darkies. So fuck em I guess.

Etc etc etc. I had this conversation with my Lyft driver after my car ran out of diesel, and he was taking me to a gas station.

When you then extrapolate those who voted for Trump are also likely to be against black lives matter (but very blue lives matter, which requires it's own examination) opposed to athletes kneeling for the national anthem, very pro southern wall, etc.

Let's just say the venn diagram of the intersection between Trump voters and racists, is rather telling.

November 13th, 2020, 06:18 AM
A tweet storm about AOCs legislative efforts.


November 13th, 2020, 06:26 AM
I really worry about Biden and Harris’ safety and security.

People are talking about Trump and his goons attempting a coup. How many military types are loyal to Trump? Can they really be trusted? Not to mention the Secret Service. How do we know some of them won’t go rogue before inauguration date? Maybe I’m being paranoid but it is a strange and tense time with too many what ifs.

I’m reminded of season 6 of Homeland.

And have you noticed that they're always referred to as militias? If they were black they'd be called gangs. If they were latino they're be called gangs. If they were Muslim they'd be called terrorists.

November 13th, 2020, 07:16 AM
And have you noticed that they're always referred to as militias? If they were black they'd be called gangs. If they were latino they're be called gangs. If they were Muslim they'd be called terrorists. I was actually talking about the Army proper. As far as militias go, they’re also known as “very fine people”.

November 13th, 2020, 07:45 AM
If they were black they'd be called gangs. Yup just like a group of black guys walking down the street with a baseball bat are called a gang too, yet white guys in the same scenario are a baseball team. A black guy with a really nice car must be a drug dealer...a brown guy with a nice car is on welfare...but a white guy with a nice car earned it on merit 100%.

November 13th, 2020, 08:02 AM
I really worry about Biden and Harris’ safety and security.

People are talking about Trump and his goons attempting a coup.

Not a coup, that's when the military acts violently against the sitting president; this is the administration resorting to legalesque and media manipulation to not resign, or an autogolpe. One is in the process, but they've so far shown themselves to be too incompetent.
For a better example of an autogolpe, one only has to look at Peru, and there's major protests going on.

November 13th, 2020, 09:44 AM
Martin Luther King had a famous quote where he spoke about his disappointment with the white liberal who preferred a negative peace which is the absence of tension, to a positive peace, which is the presence of justice. It's in "Letter From A Birmingham Jail." I'd encourage you to read it..

I read it in college in political science and/or history classes and I just read it again.

I remembered this part:

I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities and states. I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.

And I believe this is the start the section of which neanderthal spoke:

First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice...

Here is the letter, in case anyone else is interested. It's long for a letter, but not too long to read in one sitting. I suggest narrowing your browser window if using a desktop monitor to make the column width more comfortable for reading.


November 13th, 2020, 10:01 AM

I learned a new word today. :up:

November 13th, 2020, 10:35 AM
Let's just say the venn diagram of the intersection between Trump voters and racists, is rather telling.

Racism won't just disappear, even after a long time, I'm sure it still won't completely disappear. Nevertheless, I still believe not all Trump supporters are racists, even if most Trump supporters are racists, it doesn't help anything or anybody to equate all Trump supporters as racists. That is essentially fostering a different form of racist mindset. Just because they are racists, doesn't mean we need to be 'racist' back to them. Just because they are terrorists, doesn't mean we also need to terrorize them back!

Reality of the situation is that most of the American voters voted against Trump, even during 2016.

So I think it's safe to say that most americans are neither Trump supporters nor are most of them racists. Have some faith. Yeah, it's been a LONG time, but have faith that justice will prevail.

Hillary only lost because she gave the 'perception' of being too cozy with the establishment..., not because most americans are dumbass racists.

Also, although Biden has won, dems have not. Still much work need to be done to convince American voters that the dems will get the job done. The fact that dems lost some house seats and most likely won't have senate majority showed that people don't have confidence in dems in general. People have only lost faith in Trump.

November 13th, 2020, 10:44 AM
Have some faith. Yeah, it's been a LONG time, but have faith that justice will prevail.

I am only posting this because it's fresh in my mind:

For years now I have heard the word "Wait!" It rings in the ear of every Negro with piercing familiarity. This "Wait" has almost always meant "Never." We must come to see, with one of our distinguished jurists, that "justice too long delayed is justice denied."

Rare White Ape
November 13th, 2020, 10:46 AM
Neanderthal: I understand and fully agree with you. Hence my “Unless they're racists and extremists and don't deserve any attention,” caveat at the end.

If they vote directly for Trump in the presidential ballot they've proven themselves to be scum. And you’re right, there are far too many of these people.

Unless I’m mistaken, in the house ballot voting Republican isn’t a vote for Trump but a vote for the party, so a completely different set of circumstances would dictate someone’s choice there, would it not?

November 13th, 2020, 10:48 AM
A tweet storm about AOCs legislative efforts.


Yeah, using the same fucking tactic against AOC. These progressives can't get shit done...

Well, because fucking republicans AND fucking democrats are obstructing them! Duh! They are lucky enough to be able to be elected by the people of their districts. That is accomplishment enough. Don't you ever wonder why these dumb voters are rejecting candidates from the 2 major parties?

If dems fight for the people instead of corporations like these progressives do, republicans would've been finished long ago.

Isn't it MIND boggling that Donald Trump won back in 2016 because people thought he was the 'anti-establishment' candidate? A Republican party candidate being anti-establishment? A Billionaire being anti-establishment? And Hillary in the democratic party was perceived as being too cozy with the big giant corporations and wall street?!?!?

How fucked up was that?

May Joe Biden find a way to unfuck this party. Return the party back to its root... "demo" means people, not corporations.

November 13th, 2020, 11:03 AM
I am only posting this because it's fresh in my mind:

Dr. King is not wrong. However, waiting doesn't mean do nothing. Slaves took some time to be freed. Bunch of our rights also came about over time... and all that required a lot of sacrifices of many people. They won't come just by waiting around and do nothing.

All I'm saying is that good will triumph over evil over time while we fight. Not suggesting we sit around and do nothing.

My pastor suggested to us to think of "waiting" on the Lord not as we just sit around and do nothing... think of waiters and waitresses... what are they doing when they're 'waiting' on tables? They're actually doing/servicing while they 'wait'. That's what we ought to do while we 'wait'. 'Servicing' other people in our community in whatever capacity that you can think of...

But I think that quote from Dr. King wasn't talking about the same 'wait' that I'm talking about. If telling others to wait and do nothing as a delaying tactic, that's definitely no good.

November 13th, 2020, 03:47 PM
Neanderthal: I understand and fully agree with you. Hence my “Unless they're racists and extremists and don't deserve any attention,” caveat at the end.

If they vote directly for Trump in the presidential ballot they've proven themselves to be scum. And you’re right, there are far too many of these people.

Unless I’m mistaken, in the house ballot voting Republican isn’t a vote for Trump but a vote for the party, so a completely different set of circumstances would dictate someone’s choice there, would it not?

My statements were directly related to voting for Trump.

If we are going to parse the voting at state level, i'm going to assume that only those who publicly distanced themselves from Trump are not racist. As I said earlier, if his racism isn't too much of an issue ...

There are no good Nazis. There are no good trump voters. Yes, I went there. It's an either or. There's no sliding scale for me.

November 13th, 2020, 03:49 PM
Yeah, using the same fucking tactic against AOC. These progressives can't get shit done...

Well, because fucking republicans AND fucking democrats are obstructing them! Duh! They are lucky enough to be able to be elected by the people of their districts. That is accomplishment enough. Don't you ever wonder why these dumb voters are rejecting candidates from the 2 major parties?

If dems fight for the people instead of corporations like these progressives do, republicans would've been finished long ago.

Isn't it MIND boggling that Donald Trump won back in 2016 because people thought he was the 'anti-establishment' candidate? A Republican party candidate being anti-establishment? A Billionaire being anti-establishment? And Hillary in the democratic party was perceived as being too cozy with the big giant corporations and wall street?!?!?

How fucked up was that?

May Joe Biden find a way to unfuck this party. Return the party back to its root... "demo" means people, not corporations.

You yammer consistently about Democrats not getting anything done, then use a different standard for your faves doing the same thing.

November 13th, 2020, 05:25 PM
AOC gets nothing done because the dems don't just blindly vote for their own; some of them look at what she's trying to do and make an educated decision.
She happens to be my neighborhood's representative and my feelings towards her are almost as bad neanderthal's towards Trump (I do know some honest, common-sensed, educated Trump voters [all of which are non-white males]).

November 13th, 2020, 05:41 PM
You yammer consistently about Democrats not getting anything done, then use a different standard for your faves doing the same thing.

Yes, your criticisms of the progressive and my criticism of the democrats sound quite similar.

The main difference is that democrats have only republicans obstructing them, whereas the progressives enjoy a bipartisan obstruction.

Furthermore, the republicans are willing to work with Trump to beat the democrats, but democrats actually would fight not only the right wing conservatives but also the left wing progressives. They are so smart and think that their superior intellect is enough to win... doesn't need to work with the progressives at all?

Where exactly do you stand moderate corporate democrats?

If Joe doesn't do a good job during this coming 4 years..., Trump II will be waiting to take over... Please Joe, remember to focus on the people.

November 13th, 2020, 05:50 PM
What does focus on the people mean? Like what kind of programs (or deregulation)?

November 13th, 2020, 05:59 PM
Yes, your criticisms of the progressive and my criticism of the democrats sound quite similar.

The main difference is that democrats have only republicans obstructing them, whereas the progressives enjoy a bipartisan obstruction.

Furthermore, the republicans are willing to work with Trump to beat the democrats, but democrats actually would fight not only the right wing conservatives but also the left wing progressives. They are so smart and think that their superior intellect is enough to win... doesn't need to work with the progressives at all?

Where exactly do you stand moderate corporate democrats?

If Joe doesn't do a good job during this coming 4 years..., Trump II will be waiting to take over... Please Joe, remember to focus on the people.

You keep dismissing the Democrats intelligence and ability, and yet they keep defeating left wing progressives at the ballot and at legislating.

The enemy of my enemy is not always my friend. It would behoove you to read the Letter From A Birmingham Prison, and see MLK lamenting the enemy of his enemy preferring and participating in his subjugation.

You've already set a standard that isn't Joe's standard in your last sentence. And, knowing you, it will have scant criticism for what the Republicans do to stymie what President Biden will be wanting to do.

November 13th, 2020, 06:12 PM
What does focus on the people mean? Like what kind of programs (or deregulation)?

It's an impossible made up standard that he's going to hold Pres Elect Biden up to.
I can guarantee you that billi's standard for "focus on the people" is not going to have anything at all to do with covid, nor the economic realities associated with dealing with it will entail. But, you realistically can't control the spread of covid without a shut down. And a shut down will definitely harm the economy.

billi don't care, as long as he gets to score points against the Democrats.

There *needs to be* a prolonged shutdown. (Three fucking weeks would give our medical professionals a small chance. A tiny little chance. Six would do the job better. Nine would get it under control. Those are my made up numbers; they have as much professional gravity as a billi post) With a prolonged stimulus.

But Republican fucksticks are going to get stirred up by Qanon and AON and all the shit stirrers who they listen to everywhere. None of them will have an actual come to Jesus moment about it. They will go out in defiance of "the tyranny of government" and make the numbers worse despite the best efforts of the rest of us.

I really do wish this virus most harmed those that mock its potency and capacity to harm most.

November 13th, 2020, 06:12 PM
All I'm saying is that good will triumph over evil over time while we fight.
Since you're replying to a King quote, I'll respond with James Baldwin

"I was born here more than 60 years ago. I'm not going to live another 60 years. You always told me that it's going to take time.
It’s taken my father’s time, my mother’s time, my uncle’s time, my brothers’ and my sisters’ time, my nieces and my nephew's time. How much time do you want -- for your progress?"
He's been dead 30-odd years now. I'd suggest that your "faith that justice will prevail" is misplaced, and hasn't done a bit of good for the generations of people who died while 'peacefully trying to convince racists that they're wrong' has been the operating principal for most "non-racist" white people in america.
What we need is active anti-racism - Confront the racists and those for whom 'racism isn't a deal-breaker' (So literally every trump voter), Make them publicly own up to the implications of what they've done, and then crush them- politically if possible, and if it's not - By any means necessary.

November 13th, 2020, 07:49 PM
Since you're replying to a King quote, I'll respond with James Baldwin

He's been dead 30-odd years now. I'd suggest that your "faith that justice will prevail" is misplaced, and hasn't done a bit of good for the generations of people who died while 'peacefully trying to convince racists that they're wrong' has been the operating principal for most "non-racist" white people in america.
What we need is active anti-racism - Confront the racists and those for whom 'racism isn't a deal-breaker' (So literally every trump voter), Make them publicly own up to the implications of what they've done, and then crush them- politically if possible, and if it's not - By any means necessary.

I owe you a beer or fifty.

Google maps says Kansas City is 475 miles away. I did that yesterday for shits n giggles. That's a few hours and a tank of diesel.

Oh. Yeah. I bought a long roof Mercedes W124 with a diesel and a handshaker.

But, back to the point. When athletes quietly knelt during the anthem, they were lambasted as the worst of society. Peaceful protests for BLM in the streets; same thing. Even when the street protests got violent.

There is never a time to actually do the work actual of anti racism, and that's always been the case. But, there's always time for the oppressed and harangued to wait for a ... better opportunity to address their grievances.

Rare White Ape
November 13th, 2020, 08:32 PM
NoW iS nOt ThE tImE

…says the coward.

What America needs is a dose of old Dictator Dan, who saved Victoria (and by extension the whole of Australia) by acting swiftly to lock his state down when COVID cases spiked.

Now that the state is opening up again he is digging into the war chest to provide economic stimulus and opportunities for people to bounce back from the current downturn.

By the measure of the USA, even Dan Andrews’ actions are far enough left to make Bernie Sanders crack a fat, and we call that pretty reasonable in these parts.

November 13th, 2020, 08:46 PM
What does focus on the people mean? Like what kind of programs (or deregulation)?

It means focus less on the needs of giant corporations and Wall Street tycoons.

The following link was Terry Gross with NYT reporter talking about how our current political setup has essentially made it impossible to not corrupt our politicians or congresspersons... this interview was done pre-Trump.

This is why I respect politicians who went out of the way to not receive big money for big corporations, even if I don’t 100% agree with their political ideology.

November 13th, 2020, 08:54 PM
Look, I never said now is not the time nor did I say wait and do nothing nor did I say let’s make a deal with the devil or racists.

You guys are putting words in my mouth.

Reality is that it took a long time and a lot of blood shed from the ideal of all men are created equal to actual freed slaves. We still have a long long way to go. The fight isn’t over yet, and I believe good will prevail over evil in due time. I’m just not a prophet and don’t know exactly when it’s due.

Moses and Dr King never lived to see the promise land, but doesn’t mean future generations won’t ever get there.

We had a black president for 8 years and the orange thug with his gang could only manage 4years... so give the American voters some credit please.

Lastly, do you guys really believe racism and climate change and all things bad could be revered within our lifetime? Hey, anything is possible. I hope that can be true within my lifetime but I usually tend to realistically expect the worst, but only hope for the best. Fight the good fight and try to win ASAP, but not sure if it’s realistic to insist on things happening precisely according to our timeline...

November 14th, 2020, 01:43 AM
Absolutely nothing will be done by the current, lame duck administration, intentionally. He wants to let it get worse and worse, and walk away, leaving the new administration a seemingly impossible mess to clean up.

The Senate will not entertain a stimulus/relief bill, and unless they flip the two seats in GA in January, it will be GOP stone-walling like 2008-2016.

The GOP will start claiming "fiscal responsibility" and blah blah. It's a well-established, and broken record.

They did it for all three of the last Democratic presidencies (2, plus this incoming, which is inevitable).

November 14th, 2020, 07:50 AM
billi don't care, as long as he gets to score points against the Democrats.

And/or the CCP.

November 14th, 2020, 08:53 AM
And/or the CCP.

Yes, CCP is the extreme worst case. Another group who failed to live up to its name. Communists who embraced capitalism and supposedly the ‘people’s’ republic of China, but do they really care about its people?

Rare White Ape
November 14th, 2020, 01:49 PM
First that, now this:


November 14th, 2020, 08:32 PM
Josh, you've reminded me why I haven't moved out of this country.

A handful of folks like you, whom I also get to work with, have similar mindsets to what needs to be done.

Gotta fight for what is right.

November 15th, 2020, 05:54 AM
Hillary warned us about Trump.


November 15th, 2020, 06:29 AM
Mike Gravel warned us about Biden.


November 15th, 2020, 07:10 AM
Mike Gravel warned us about Biden.


Warned us that Joe Biden would ... pre emptively use nuclear weapons?

I'm posting/ replying to this for posterity.

November 15th, 2020, 07:17 AM
Mike Gravel is a funny guy, made all of them LOL! :D

Anyway, senator from Alaska and Hawaii are too close to Russia so they’re probably all Russian assets. But at least Mike is funnier than Tulsi Gabbard. But Tulsi is prettier!

November 15th, 2020, 07:24 AM
Warned us that Joe Biden would ... pre emptively use nuclear weapons?

I'm posting/ replying to this for posterity.

Nobody ever preemptively used such a weapon, not even Truman who dropped the A bomb in Japan.

I have to agree Gravel was exaggerating, but those mainstream dems did mostly voted for preemptively attacking Iraq along with the republicans.

When it comes to foreign invasions and meddlings, the 2 major parties serve the same master and that master is definitely NOT the American people.

November 15th, 2020, 07:31 AM
Hillary warned us about Trump.


Just to be fair, I 100% agree with Hillary on that one. I don’t dislike and disagree with her 100% of the time.

November 15th, 2020, 07:34 AM
Warned us that Joe Biden would ... pre emptively use nuclear weapons?

I'm posting/ replying to this for posterity.

That is not what Mike Gravel accuses Biden of, but your comment is eye-opening, I now see why most of your arguments are wrong.

November 16th, 2020, 11:53 AM
That is not what Mike Gravel accuses Biden of, but your comment is eye-opening, I now see why most of your arguments are wrong.

He's talking about the use of nuclear weapons, states that "no options off the table" is code for that, even for using pre emptive nuclear strikes, is asked to clarify exactly who he's afraid of for that, and replies the top tier candidates.
Biden puts up his hand and Gravel clearly states "Joe I'll include you."

Then states that he is arrogant and wants to tell Iraq what to do with their country.

And then he goes of on his own diatribe about what he (Gravel) wants to do about it "I gotta tell you, we should just get out. ..."

So explain how I'm wrong.

He did *explicitly* lump Joe biden in with the nuclear group. The group he said would preemptively use nuclear weapons.

Calling Biden arrogant and that he would tell Iraq what to do with their own country is his (Gravel's) opinion.

Rare White Ape
November 16th, 2020, 12:40 PM
Ladies and gentlemen, the prime minister of Australia.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRzuAh5nAhPFYuae8wJPqWWlxhoOZ2vp QETbw&usqp=CAU

November 16th, 2020, 01:02 PM
And then he goes of on his own diatribe about what he (Gravel) wants to do about it "I gotta tell you, we should just get out. ..."

Diatribe?, don't you think you're starting off by negatively describing a typical debate position? The standard tactic for a trailing candidate in a debate is to attack forerunners, to call them on their contradictions and to clarify her position as one that is opposed to theirs.

I personally think Gravel's delivery was very good. He was attacking Hillary (creating the image of a group of baddies in government), and her response was also the typical offhandedness of the leading candidate in a debate; Gravel doubles down and provokes a response from the audience which in turn opens up the space for his exposition. Biden erroneously joined in with Hillary, that's why Gravel broadened his attack and reinforced the idea of there being a group of professional warmongers for whom "no option is off the table".

So explain how I'm wrong.

You seem to qualify arguments not based on their own merits but under your political preferences; the fact that you don't like someone shouldn't render everything they say as 'wrong'. Also, there's a difference between an opinion, an argument and a position that you seem to be avoiding. You also conveniently leave out certain details, in this particular case, the pause created by the moderator's intervention helped to narrow down Gravel's criticism of Biden. Gravel warned us that Biden is arrogant. Did Joe deny the accusation? Not in that clip.

Rare White Ape
November 16th, 2020, 03:50 PM

Aussie celebrity chef (ughhh) Pete Evans has outed himself as a nazi.


The fallout from his since-edited, then deleted tweet is that his book publisher, as well as some book retailers and kitchenware stockists are removing his branded merchandise from their shelves.

It's close enough to a punch, and almost as satisfying.

https://scontent.fbne3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/125549766_10157489386511889_3504441558307895454_n. png?_nc_cat=1&ccb=2&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=lEkOx8b_hMgAX_GKfLV&_nc_ht=scontent.fbne3-1.fna&oh=d5a336f9235645567e917cb0a1b1ccb7&oe=5FDA7007

MR2 Fan
November 16th, 2020, 04:02 PM
Gina Carano's been saying some pretty right-wing shit lately on twitter too...sad

November 16th, 2020, 04:37 PM
Had to look up who Gina is...

Anyway, I can understand firing Nazis, but firing right wing folks for tweets mocking democrats?

I’m sure Mando will survive with or without her, I’m just not going to let politics ruin the show for me.

MR2 Fan
November 16th, 2020, 04:47 PM
The year is 2180...everyone has flying cars. Digital flags are a way to express yourself and the great grandchildren of white supremacists proudly fly their digital Trump 2020 flag along with the Stars and Bars

November 16th, 2020, 05:44 PM
Diatribe?, don't you think you're starting off by negatively describing a typical debate position? The standard tactic for a trailing candidate in a debate is to attack forerunners, to call them on their contradictions and to clarify her position as one that is opposed to theirs.

I personally think Gravel's delivery was very good. He was attacking Hillary (creating the image of a group of baddies in government), and her response was also the typical offhandedness of the leading candidate in a debate; Gravel doubles down and provokes a response from the audience which in turn opens up the space for his exposition. Biden erroneously joined in with Hillary, that's why Gravel broadened his attack and reinforced the idea of there being a group of professional warmongers for whom "no option is off the table".

You seem to qualify arguments not based on their own merits but under your political preferences; the fact that you don't like someone shouldn't render everything they say as 'wrong'. Also, there's a difference between an opinion, an argument and a position that you seem to be avoiding. You also conveniently leave out certain details, in this particular case, the pause created by the moderator's intervention helped to narrow down Gravel's criticism of Biden. Gravel warned us that Biden is arrogant. Did Joe deny the accusation? Not in that clip.

Don't know if you noticed, but that clip was edited so that Gravel was the only candidate that spoke.

Um, I do not base my arguments just on how much I like someone. I like that thing called context. I like also looking at someone's actions or lack thereof versus their words. It informs my "context." This is why I don't like Bernie Sanders. I like a lot of what he says, but in totality with what he's done it adds up to bupkis. All hat no cattle. That dog won't hunt. Pick your folksy saying.

Sometimes that context is in relation to specific events. AOCs statements in the article were divisive/ problematic. The context in that case, is the timing, which couldn't have been worse with the proximity to the election. However, I clearly stated that she has very little control of when the article was published. Context you see. She said a shit thing, at a really shitty time, but honestly, she didn't know when it would be published.

I like Barack Obama. I liked what he said. But it ... didn't match what he did. Context; a recalcitrant Republican Congress. Context; a highly fucked economy. Context; a thoroughly fucked world economy.

November 16th, 2020, 05:51 PM
The year is 2180...everyone has flying cars. Digital flags are a way to express yourself and the great grandchildren of white supremacists proudly fly their digital Trump 2020 flag along with the Stars and Bars

This brings to mind the Gen Zs, millenials, and gen Xers I see wearing Reagan/ Bush t shirts as though that version of conservatism was better than the current shrill one.

Rare White Ape
November 16th, 2020, 06:11 PM
Gina Carano's been saying some pretty right-wing shit lately on twitter too...sad

Ahhh shit.

It's fine to complain about voter fraud, if you strongly think there's a problem there.

But you cross the line at anti-mask, and you definitely bounce and leap way over the line with transphobia.

It's a good thing they left Cara Dune on that rural planet back in series 1.

November 16th, 2020, 07:39 PM
Gina Carano's been saying some pretty right-wing shit lately on twitter too...sad The MMA fighter? I’ll take your word for it and won’t look her up. She’s fugly anyway.

BTW I know this belongs in the “What are you watching” thread, but I’ll mention it here instead. I’m getting ready to watch “The Plot Against the President”. It’s about a supposed nefarious left-wing plot against Trump, that has allegedly pulled the wool over the eyes of all Democrat voters. A smoking gun which only really smart people on the right have uncovered.

Hopefully I don’t get brainwashed. If I do a complete 180 and start spouting right-wing rhetoric in the near future, you’ll know exactly why.

November 16th, 2020, 08:48 PM
It remains ludicrous that the Democrats passed a relief bill seven months ago, but the Republicans decided "fuck the poors" and so the economy is fucked, and people want to get everything to open again and get back to normal and it's just making everything more fucked.

That said, fuck the anti maskers!!!

November 16th, 2020, 09:19 PM
Don't know if you noticed, but that clip was edited so that Gravel was the only candidate that spoke.

Um, I do not base my arguments just on how much I like someone. I like that thing called context. I like also looking at someone's actions or lack thereof versus their words. It informs my "context." This is why I don't like Bernie Sanders. I like a lot of what he says, but in totality with what he's done it adds up to bupkis. All hat no cattle. That dog won't hunt. Pick your folksy saying.

Sometimes that context is in relation to specific events. AOCs statements in the article were divisive/ problematic. The context in that case, is the timing, which couldn't have been worse with the proximity to the election. However, I clearly stated that she has very little control of when the article was published. Context you see. She said a shit thing, at a really shitty time, but honestly, she didn't know when it would be published.

I like Barack Obama. I liked what he said. But it ... didn't match what he did. Context; a recalcitrant Republican Congress. Context; a highly fucked economy. Context; a thoroughly fucked world economy.

I still don’t quite understand why is it when Obama couldn’t act, you see the context as republicans’ fault. When Bernie couldn’t get it done then it’s his own damn fault.

Anyway, yes, it’d be nice to match words and actions... so let’s ignore actions for now... because actions are just harder...

Let’s just examine their words.

Look, I really do like Obama, but the dude changes tones over time. He initially said he’s going to stay a jr senator and not run for president. Had he done that, we could’ve had Hillary as president and after 8 years, Obama would be in a much better position to beat Trump. Also, Obama ran as a progressive, but he governed as a corporate moderate. I used to think perhaps he was forced to govern that way, but after seeing how he clearly supports corporate moderates and not the progressives during primaries, I think it’s safe to say that Obama just isn’t a progressive.

What I like about Bernie is that this dog doesn’t change his bark over time. This Democratic socialist perhaps just isn’t democratic enough nor sociable enough to win much support in congress to get anything done, but at least his message doesn’t change over time.

Obama is definitely a more likable person, but I respect Bernie a lot. Even if he’s done absolutely nothing, he doesn’t deserve that much of your hatred. The country is where it is right now not because of the independents, but the fault of the 2 major parties leading our nation down the wrong path.

November 16th, 2020, 09:34 PM
Ahhh shit.

It's fine to complain about voter fraud, if you strongly think there's a problem there.

But you cross the line at anti-mask, and you definitely bounce and leap way over the line with transphobia.

It's a good thing they left Cara Dune on that rural planet back in series 1.

I just think people draw unnecessary lines for others.

Wear masks if you want, as for others, unless you’re the shop owner or antimaskers trespass on your property... why do we need to be a liberal Karen about this? Just stay the fuck away from them antimaskers!

Whether If the show fire her or not, why should we try to influence the studios? If the show suddenly becomes offensive then stop watching it. Otherwise ignore the stupid tweet.

Seriously, isn’t this the same mindset Karens have? They think ‘somebody’ crossed the ‘line’ so they feel obligated to call the police in order to push that ‘somebody’ back behind that ‘line’?

Do we really need to draw this ‘line’?

November 16th, 2020, 09:44 PM
I still don’t quite understand why is it when Obama couldn’t act, you see the context as republicans’ fault. When Bernie couldn’t get it done then it’s his own damn fault.

Anyway, yes, it’d be nice to match words and actions... so let’s ignore actions for now... because actions are just harder...

Let’s just examine their words.

Look, I really do like Obama, but the dude changes tones over time. He initially said he’s going to stay a jr senator and not run for president. Had he done that, we could’ve had Hillary as president and after 8 years, Obama would be in a much better position to beat Trump. Also, Obama ran as a progressive, but he governed as a corporate moderate. I used to think perhaps he was forced to govern that way, but after seeing how he clearly supports corporate moderates and not the progressives during primaries, I think it’s safe to say that Obama just isn’t a progressive.

What I like about Bernie is that this dog doesn’t change his bark over time. This Democratic socialist perhaps just isn’t democratic enough nor sociable enough to win much support in congress to get anything done, but at least his message doesn’t change over time.

Obama is definitely a more likable person, but I respect Bernie a lot. Even if he’s done absolutely nothing, he doesn’t deserve that much of your hatred. The country is where it is right now not because of the independents, but the fault of the 2 major parties leading our nation down the wrong path.

You're gonna have to start by showing me the video of the Democrats saying they were going to make sure Bernie "was a one term president" wouldn't pass any meaningful bills.

November 16th, 2020, 10:26 PM
Couldn’t find any videos, but do you think NYT prints fake news?

Democratic Leaders Willing to Risk Party Damage to Stop Bernie Sanders


Bernie Sanders is a much bigger enemy than the republicans! Allowing republicans to win would be better than allowing Bernie to win!

Just like you and Hillary said, nobody likes him. Why would anyone support anything with his name on it?

Republicans hate socialists, and dems just hate Sanders because Bernie is trying to steal their spot light.

Bernie just wants to turn the spot light back on the people! But of course corporate big money can’t allow that to happen!

Bernie at least sees Biden as a friend..., hope their friendship is genuine and Biden could heal not only the left and right but also the left and left. Biden is not seeking re-election... so maybe he’ll be able to just do what’s right and not be a corporate puppet. That’s my hope at least...

November 16th, 2020, 10:51 PM
Aussie celebrity chef (ughhh) Pete Evans has outed himself as a nazi.


Isn't the point of the cartoon that he was suggesting MAGA Trumpers change/evolve into Neo-Nazis? Which is not necessarily inaccurate. It just depends whether the change is seen as being good or bad.

Don't get me wrong, a while back I read that the guy was a conspiracy theorist-loving anti-mask nutter anyway, so I'm not exactly bursting into tears about him losing all his shit.

Rare White Ape
November 17th, 2020, 11:16 AM
An enjoyable read about dangerous narcissism.


November 17th, 2020, 12:26 PM
I can't seem to find it or even remember if it was an op-ed in English or Spanish, but someone was saying that Biden needs to instruct his DoJ to prosecute the leaders of The Cult or else he won't have leverage against their political enablers. To them, The Cult was always part of their "let's kidnap the legislative" strategy, and they will continue to push it further to the fringes of what's rationally (and legally) acceptable unless a precedent is set.

Rare White Ape
November 17th, 2020, 04:45 PM
The kicking and screaming from the Orange corner continues.

This time the head of the federal election security agency has been fired via tweet.


November 17th, 2020, 05:07 PM
At the rate he’s going, Biden administration is going to transition into a vacant government because Trump has fires them all...

November 17th, 2020, 05:40 PM
why would you have an elections agency that is not independent?

November 17th, 2020, 05:48 PM
ummm... Freedom reasons?

I got nothin

November 17th, 2020, 06:29 PM
Couldn’t find any videos, but do you think NYT prints fake news?

Democratic Leaders Willing to Risk Party Damage to Stop Bernie Sanders


Bernie Sanders is a much bigger enemy than the republicans! Allowing republicans to win would be better than allowing Bernie to win!

Just like you and Hillary said, nobody likes him. Why would anyone support anything with his name on it?

Republicans hate socialists, and dems just hate Sanders because Bernie is trying to steal their spot light.

Bernie just wants to turn the spot light back on the people! But of course corporate big money can’t allow that to happen!

Bernie at least sees Biden as a friend..., hope their friendship is genuine and Biden could heal not only the left and right but also the left and left. Biden is not seeking re-election... so maybe he’ll be able to just do what’s right and not be a corporate puppet. That’s my hope at least...

Can you blame them?

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senator Chuck Schumer, the minority leader, hear constant warnings from allies about congressional losses in November if the party nominates Bernie Sanders for president.

It's literally the first line of the article; if Bernie is the nominee we'll get wiped out.

Explain why they should have let Bernie be the nominee based on that. Nevermind that he would have lost the general election. (Yes, it's an unknown, but all the Republicans would've had to do was repeat "socialist, socialist, socialist, socialist, socialist, ..." and not even really campaign.
The rest would be left to the low IQ (look at how many people voted for Trump!!!) public to vote against him. Resulting in a loss of the White House and the Congress.

Explain, with that as the scenario, why they should've.

November 17th, 2020, 06:48 PM
I can't seem to find it or even remember if it was an op-ed in English or Spanish, but someone was saying that Biden needs to instruct his DoJ to prosecute the leaders of The Cult or else he won't have leverage against their political enablers. To them, The Cult was always part of their "let's kidnap the legislative" strategy, and they will continue to push it further to the fringes of what's rationally (and legally) acceptable unless a precedent is set.

I saw tweet suggesting that, as an olive branch, Biden should pardon Trump, and EVERY. SINGLE. TWEET. in response said various ways of "hell the fuck NO!" One particular tweet, I wish my stupid phone hadn't decided that was the best time to refresh twitter) said something along the lines of "why is it we are always being asked to forgive the white men who create the actual problems that require them to be forgiven" but in much more precise language.

I'm 100% in favor of prosecuting the Trump administration. "Oh, you sent the email authorising the hysterectomies. Off you go. Enjoy 15 years at Atwater."

"And I see you sir, actually did the hysterectomies? Well, congratulations, your malpractise has cost you your medical license and take a bonus 10 years in Big Sandy. Oh, and you'll be compensating each of your victims for $50000 each." (What's a fair number?) Don't worry, we'll find it in all your assets and retirement funds.

"And here we have the architect of the children being separated from their parents. You're a real cunt, you're going away for 50 years, because no one likes you steve miller. Lets park you in Canaan."

"Oh, I see you with held funds to ensure proper hygiene and sanitation at the concentration camps (what else can we call them, honestly?) And apparently you're the fiend responsible for with holding basic hygiene necessities like soap and toothbrushes? OK, off you go. You're going to McCreary."

"Oh, and you let it all happen Donald. That's a shame. You're going away too. But you're going to a very public jail. Rikers? Lompoc? Somewhere vile. Oooh, how about the cages you let those kids be held in?"

November 17th, 2020, 06:49 PM
why would you have an elections agency that is not independent?

Keep your common sense out of our politics, sir!! No need for that sort of malarkey.

November 17th, 2020, 06:51 PM
At the rate he’s going, Biden administration is going to transition into a vacant government because Trump has fires them all...

They almost always appoint their own people.

November 17th, 2020, 07:22 PM
Can you blame them?

It's literally the first line of the article; if Bernie is the nominee we'll get wiped out.

Explain why they should have let Bernie be the nominee based on that. Nevermind that he would have lost the general election. (Yes, it's an unknown, but all the Republicans would've had to do was repeat "socialist, socialist, socialist, socialist, socialist, ..." and not even really campaign.
The rest would be left to the low IQ (look at how many people voted for Trump!!!) public to vote against him. Resulting in a loss of the White House and the Congress.

Explain, with that as the scenario, why they should've.

This is a scenario claimed by the dem leadership and their allies.

Think about it, why would liberal voters all of a sudden vote in republican congressmen because Bernie got the nomination? That makes sense to you?

Energize the left is the only way to wipe out the republicans.

However I have to admit perhaps Bernie really doesn’t have as much energy/appeal as I thought..., otherwise he should not have been defeated in SC and subsequent races even when the moderates consolidated themselves.

Anyway, it’s the dem leadership who’d rather vote Republican than Bernie.

Think about it, ask yourself, do you hate Bernie that much tha you’d rather vote trump than Sanders? Okay so you couldn’t vote trump and reluctantly voted for Bernie... because of that, you then decided to vote for a republican congressmen to make yourself feel better?

Look, if enough people could vote a black man president when energized, surely a democratic socialist could win too, especially a guy who had strong grassroot support.

November 17th, 2020, 09:11 PM
Justice Democrats spent 0 dollars against Republicans, but managed to spend about half a million against Democrats.


Where's the face palm smiley when you need it.

Tom Servo
November 17th, 2020, 09:13 PM
Yep, Christopher Krebs was undeniably good at his job. Just asinine to fire him.

EDIT: I hate when I respond to one of the last posts on the previous page and don't realize there's a whole new page of stuff before my response.

November 17th, 2020, 10:20 PM
Justice Democrats spent 0 dollars against Republicans, but managed to spend about half a million against Democrats.


Where's the face palm smiley when you need it.

If the lame incumbent you’re trying to defeat are democrats, naturally that can happen.

On the republican side, they have the Tea Party. Tea Party folks don’t really compete against democrats, but simply turns red neighborhoods redder! The benefit was that TP helped brought in more conservative votes overall.

Dems would rather lose to GOP than to allow Sanders to wake up and energize their base.

November 18th, 2020, 06:19 AM
Did y'all see the Michigan electors try to decertify the votes from Detroit (not that it would've made a difference to the result, Biden would've still had 270 EC votes.)
And someone in Georgia was being pressured to lose/ not count a bunch of votes by Lindsey Graham.

Makes one wonder if that actually occurred in other races. Like Lindsey Graham's race.

I'm trying to find the quote (Krum?) that basically said "if conservatives realise they can't win they don't abandon conservatism, they abandon democracy."

November 18th, 2020, 06:20 AM
And not a peep from the Justice Democrats about the situation in Michigan yesterday. Not a tweet. Not a anything.

November 18th, 2020, 06:31 AM
I’d guess that’s be up to justice republicans?

Maybe they will start justice for all once they attain true power...

November 18th, 2020, 11:36 AM
I’m getting ready to watch “The Plot Against the President”. So I watched this and it was pure garbage. Basically revolved around the Obama Spygate hoax, (which was presented as legit), versus the Russia collision investigation, (which was presented as a hoax). In a nutshell: Flynn is a good guy, so are all the Trumps, (naturally)...Comey, Schiff, Obama and Hillary are all evil. And of course Nunes is the big hero, along with his lackey Patel.

I’m disappointed that Amazon would have such rubbish on their Prime platform, but it’s not out of the ordinary. They have a lot of conspiracy shit on there. A lot of which I actually like, (aliens and UFOs).

Tom Servo
November 18th, 2020, 12:09 PM
A lot of those things only really work if you are totally willing to ignore established facts and timelines.

MR2 Fan
November 18th, 2020, 12:46 PM
yeah, Youtube keeps showing up with Dinesh D'Souza's right-wing "Trump Card" movie as recommended with no way to remove it from that list. Where's the "I'm not interested" button??

Rare White Ape
November 18th, 2020, 12:50 PM
If you're browsing from desktop or mobile hit the three vertical dots icon next to the video title. It'll be in the little menu that pops up.

MR2 Fan
November 18th, 2020, 12:53 PM
If you're browsing from desktop or mobile hit the three vertical dots icon next to the video title. It'll be in the little menu that pops up.

I don't see that option with movies, only regular videos

November 18th, 2020, 01:02 PM
Those must be paid advertisements? No way Youtube is that stupid to recommend that to you... so naturally if it's sponsored 'recommendations', you probably won't be able to turn it off.

Similarly, just because a movie is free on prime, doesn't necessarily mean Jeff Bezos' paying for that..., probably has some other 'sponsors'... still, Amazon really ought to be more responsible with such content. It's one thing to get entertain with Aliens and UFO stuffs, but it's quite another to present alternate reality TV shows pretending to be documentaries like that....

November 18th, 2020, 01:31 PM
I actually enjoy watching conspiracy stuff from time to time. Alien/UFO, paranormal, pyramids, etc...even some of the more recent douchy stuff like flat earth is worth a chuckle or two. I usually keep it in the realm of entertainment, (in my mind).

Some of the nasty right-wing conspiracies, that are presented as fact, are far more insidious in nature. Especially because they have real world implications and are able to seriously fuck up peoples minds. The fact that a large number of people actually believe that shit - and live their lives by it - is very disturbing. I was better able to understand Roofer’s mindset when watching that shit documentary, and reject it outright. These people really are living on a different planet.

November 18th, 2020, 01:58 PM
Yep. Mind over matter. They think they're right; therefore, they must be right! ;)

I love a good conspiracy too. However, even when it comes to matter of religion, I am prepared to accept the possibility that perhaps Jesus Christ is bogus. It is mind boggling why some folks are prepare to accept something as absolute truth without any evidence and have zero doubts! (I still have some doubts about Jesus)

Anyway, it's all emotionally driven. They don't like certain things; therefore, whatever comes their way that agrees with them, they'll just happily eat it up.

If the same bible or same constitution can be interpreted differently by different folks, I suppose it's only natural that different people can also see the same world differently.

Who's right who's wrong? I guess there's no easy answer. Perhaps roofer is right and all the lefties are wrong! :p

Tom Servo
November 18th, 2020, 04:25 PM
Someone on Nextdoor out here posted something asking about the "superspreader event on Dunleer" (turns out some family in a swanky part of town threw a huge party for their kid's 18th birthday during a pandemic), and the comments thread got taken over by like three people who kept going on about how covid is just an illuminati plot to cull the world's population and other nonsense.

I miss when crazy people had to stand out on a street corner and yell at imaginary elves instead of rant on the internet.

Rare White Ape
November 18th, 2020, 04:44 PM
It's too bad that these sort of utter, utter, utter cunts can invite themselves into a civil discussion and rip it apart and destroy the peace and sense of community that it would have had otherwise.

November 18th, 2020, 04:55 PM
I miss when crazy people had to stand out on a street corner and yell at imaginary elves instead of rant on the internet. I miss when the source of nutty tabloid stories were funny papers in grocery store checkout aisles. Not the Twitter account of the President of the United States.

November 18th, 2020, 05:13 PM
I actually enjoy watching conspiracy stuff from time to time. Alien/UFO, paranormal, pyramids, etc...even some of the more recent douchy stuff like flat earth is worth a chuckle or two. I usually keep it in the realm of entertainment, (in my mind).

The wife and I stopped watching Homeland after four seasons precisely because it was douchey stuff that ignored established facts and timelines to justify the American power narrative.

November 19th, 2020, 12:30 PM
We all laughed when Maduro said he had received a visit from Chávez's ghost in the form of a little bird.

Think about that.

Who's laughing now? I'll tell you who:


Barack HUSSEIN Obama, Nick Maduro, Hugh Chávez. That's who's laghing now!

And that lady, she's probably the Emir of Antifa.

November 19th, 2020, 02:37 PM


November 19th, 2020, 03:22 PM
Maybe I’m missing it, but I scrolled through AOC’s timeline and see a bunch of stuff aimed at Republicans... Is it the student debt relief push? Because that’s been a push by basically everyone on the left for a while.

November 19th, 2020, 06:52 PM
Yeah, exactly what was AOC whining about?

Only protest I know against the Biden team was asshole climate activists demanding Biden to not appoint people with connections to fossil fuel industry.

Anyway, it’d be nice it you could explain to us that the thing AOC was protesting about was totally stupid rather than just sighing about her complaining.

November 20th, 2020, 05:12 PM
For Trump and US: lessons from China and others on aristocratic excess


November 20th, 2020, 05:55 PM
You gotta love it!!! :lol: :lol:


G'day Mate
November 20th, 2020, 06:52 PM

Rare White Ape
November 20th, 2020, 07:19 PM

November 21st, 2020, 03:44 AM
I'm hoping that the only thing we hear about "trump" after 1/20, is the announcement of his 1423984 indictments, then we never hear his name again. It's his life force>

Good riddance, you grifting cunt of a shitbag.

November 21st, 2020, 08:52 AM
I'm hoping that the only thing we hear about "trump" after 1/20, is the announcement of his 1423984 indictments, then we never hear his name again. It's his life force>

Good riddance, you grifting cunt of a shitbag.

No. I want to hear that he's not only been indicted, but he's been found guilty, and put in jail.

Then, after a few weeks, he's got covid. Then he can die the miserable death of your choice.

No. fucking. pardons!!!!

Rare White Ape
November 21st, 2020, 12:55 PM
Melbourne ‘patriot’ who planned to kill Muslims and lefties jailed for nine years.


November 21st, 2020, 01:24 PM
No. I want to hear that he's not only been indicted, but he's been found guilty, and put in jail.

Then, after a few weeks, he's got covid. Then he can die the miserable death of your choice.

No. fucking. pardons!!!!

That's what I was implying. Indictment AND conviction. ;)

Fuck this guy.

November 21st, 2020, 01:34 PM
Do you think you are angry at the corruption and the lobbying that goes on in congress?


Guatemalans decided to burn the "rat's nest" or the "whorehouse".

November 21st, 2020, 05:09 PM
I don’t think most Americans are that angry at congress yet..., just angry at their political oppositions.

November 22nd, 2020, 06:09 AM
That's what I was implying. Indictment AND conviction. ;)

Fuck this guy.

I figured that's what you meant. I'm I wanted him to get covid again, this time without the benefit of the first class medical care I pay for.

Then the fucker can die!

November 22nd, 2020, 06:10 AM
Saw this on Twitter.


November 22nd, 2020, 06:14 AM
I don’t think most Americans are that angry at congress yet..., just angry at their political oppositions.

I was gonna say, "so based on what I'm seeing from rose Twitter, the Democrats are their political opposition," but I just drove to Cincy from Dallas to console my sister, (lil sister had a massive stroke and passed away yesterday morning) and I'm tired.

November 22nd, 2020, 07:25 AM
Sorry to hear that, man. Take care.

November 22nd, 2020, 07:43 AM
I was gonna say, "so based on what I'm seeing from rose Twitter, the Democrats are their political opposition," but I just drove to Cincy from Dallas to console my sister, (lil sister had a massive stroke and passed away yesterday morning) and I'm tired.

What the... :(

My dad also fell and broke his leg and got taken to the ER yesterday... the leg wasn’t life threatening, just hoping he won’t catch COVID...

2020 I guess...

Anyway, take easy dude. Will argue with you later only when you feel like it.

You probably should also stop reading tweets from Bernie bros.

Looks like we have other more important things to attend to than fucking politics.

November 22nd, 2020, 08:36 AM
I'm sorry to hear that, Mo.

Take care of them and let them take care of you. Time to lick wounds.

November 22nd, 2020, 10:36 AM
Sending well wishes, Mo. <3

November 22nd, 2020, 10:53 AM
So sorry to hear, Mo. :(

November 22nd, 2020, 10:59 AM
I appreciate you all.

It's difficult during this time, to gather. My older sister is literally the only family I have on my dads side that is here in the US. She thought I was gonna stay for Thanksgiving. Um, I can't; people buying all the toilet paper at Costco. Again.

I'll be quiet most of tomorrow too when I make the return trip. Not gonna fly and have 150 of my closest strangers who may or may not have covid be breathing all around me. Did y'all see that 2 million people have already travelled for thanksgiving? But i'm glad I came. Been good for the soul.

Thank you all.

Rare White Ape
November 22nd, 2020, 11:23 AM
Sorry to hear it Mo. What a fucking year hey?

Tom Servo
November 22nd, 2020, 11:44 AM
So sorry, Mo. Good call on not flying.

November 22nd, 2020, 12:58 PM
My condolences, Mo. :(

November 22nd, 2020, 01:37 PM

November 22nd, 2020, 06:14 PM
Sorry to hear it Mo. What a fucking year hey?


Seen on Twitter

Worst things about 2020

1. 2020

The only consolation so far has been the thorough whipping Trump got on election day.

November 22nd, 2020, 06:16 PM
Thanks guys.

Reach out to those you've lost contact with. Life isn't promised ...

November 23rd, 2020, 02:09 AM
GSA Emily. Tsk tsk.


November 23rd, 2020, 02:18 PM
I'm driving back to Dallas and stopped to eat somewhere in Kentucky (?) and beheld the awesome spectacle of President Biden's cabinet nominees.

I'd be lying if I said tears didn't run down my face.

Four years of whatever the fuck Trump's shit stain of a presidency was is almost over. I can't imagine what is going through the mind of Muslims, gay people, immigrants, asylees transgender, never mind half the fucking population.

And, by the way, fuck Trump voters.

November 23rd, 2020, 03:20 PM
I am terribly sorry Mo.

Take care of yourself, and if you need to talk, you have my number.

November 23rd, 2020, 04:05 PM
Yeet the cheeto!

MR2 Fan
November 23rd, 2020, 05:55 PM
Trump sent a STRONGLY worded tweet basically conceding....aka he's advising GSA to move forward with the transition process

November 24th, 2020, 08:11 AM
Trump sent a STRONGLY worded tweet basically conceding....aka he's advising GSA to move forward with the transition process

I think GSA Karen was afraid of the white board Rep Katie Porter s gonna embarrassed her with.

November 24th, 2020, 08:14 AM
People think slavery was long ago.

Someone died today who was *in his mother's pregnant belly* when she spoke to a person who had been enslaved.

Thread. (https://twitter.com/michaelharriot/status/1331129594292936709?s=19)

Micheal Harriot is a fantastic story teller.

November 24th, 2020, 07:57 PM
That's what I was implying. Indictment AND conviction. ;)

Fuck this guy.

I'm hoping that the only thing we hear about "trump" after 1/20, is the announcement of his 1423984 indictments, then we never hear his name again. It's his life force>

Good riddance, you grifting cunt of a shitbag.


November 27th, 2020, 08:35 AM
In Trump’s latest tweet he said Biden needs to prove that his 80M votes are legit. So this is the new play, reverse onus. Too bad for him that it won’t hold up in court, as anyone who believes in any sort of legal justice knows that the burden of proof is on the accuser. This guy is so passé it’s become boring now. January 20th can’t come quick enough. Just 54 days left.

Rare White Ape
November 27th, 2020, 10:56 AM
Trump can’t make up the rules as he goes via Twitter.

Plus if he’s challenging Biden to prove his votes then it follows that Trump has to prove all of his too. And since he has less votes than Biden to begin with, then… we all know how that will work out for him.

November 27th, 2020, 02:51 PM
I certainly don’t want to sound like I believe the election was rigged conspiracy, but it was kinda amazing that Trump also lost with the most # of popular votes ever! He won with 63 million votes in 2016 and lost this time around with 74 million votes!

Obama’s landslide victory back in 2008 was only 70 million votes...

Basically more than 10 million voters who didn’t vote for trump the 1st time decided to do so the 2nd time around...

Also more than 10 million voters who didn’t voted for Obama turned out for Biden!

Hope it’s really the Political polarization that energized voter turnout... anyway, at least there no proof of voter fraud so far.

Tom Servo
November 27th, 2020, 03:19 PM
Trump can’t make up the rules as he goes via Twitter.

Which thankfully is proving to be true in the courts. I think he's 1 in 36 now, including a few smackdowns by his own appointees.

Billi - I have a feeling a lot of the voter turnout was due to major work to make it easier to vote. Improved access to mail in, early voting, dropboxes. I'd love to see the numbers when we're done, but I think solid attempts to improve access to voting around the pandemic has helped turn out the vote a lot more. I also know that this is the first time in my life I can think of where some companies made election day a holiday so people could vote. I'd love to see those things continue when/if the pandemic passes.

November 27th, 2020, 04:15 PM
Trump can’t make up the rules as he goes via Twitter. Somebody tell him that. He still seems to think he’s the overlord of the entire country. His followers are just as deluded.

November 27th, 2020, 05:08 PM
Billi - I have a feeling a lot of the voter turnout was due to major work to make it easier to vote. Improved access to mail in, early voting, dropboxes. I'd love to see the numbers when we're done, but I think solid attempts to improve access to voting around the pandemic has helped turn out the vote a lot more. I also know that this is the first time in my life I can think of where some companies made election day a holiday so people could vote. I'd love to see those things continue when/if the pandemic passes.

I totally agree with your reasons for Biden’s record win, but can those also be the reasons for Trump’s record loss?

This election has been really weird for sure. Such as most polls predicted things wrong...

My personal conspiracy is that Trump the incumbent rigged the election and figured 11million more votes ought to be enough... they cheated and they still lost so that’s why they couldn’t admit defeat! ;)

November 27th, 2020, 05:50 PM
I think he's 1 in 36 now, including a few smackdowns by his own appointees.

Don't be fooled by the incompetence of Trump's lawyers; trumpism still won 92 votes for every 100 of the Democratic party.

November 27th, 2020, 06:29 PM
Don't be fooled by the incompetence of Trump's lawyers; trumpism still won 92 votes for every 100 of the Democratic party. Whoa the demoNcratic party or Republican Party?

Tom Servo
November 27th, 2020, 07:22 PM
I totally agree with your reasons for Biden’s record win, but can those also be the reasons for Trump’s record loss?

(Assuming the "record loss" is the high number of votes he got as incumbent, because I'm unaware of any other records set): Yes? Despite what Fox News may say, making voting easier doesn't only apply to democrats.

November 27th, 2020, 09:14 PM
2020 probably made trump the biggest loser ever? He lost with the most votes ever! I’m unaware of any past winners won with more votes...

Anyway, I’m under the impression that when republicans suppressed voting, they are usually suppressing more liberal votes...

Also, if Trump didn’t cheat, I’m a bit surprised to see 11 million more folks backed trump..., why?

Most likely Qanon?

November 28th, 2020, 01:11 PM
Dems better have their messaging ready for this bullshit Republican debt nonsense. GOP had already decimated/ doubled the debt with the tax cuts BEFORE covid.


November 28th, 2020, 01:13 PM
The only thing preventing covid relief being passed is Mitch. And we can deal with that by supporting the democratic nominees in Georgia.

November 28th, 2020, 01:18 PM
Whoa the demoNcratic party or Republican Party? Disregard this. I misunderstood Faulty’s post.

Rare White Ape
November 28th, 2020, 02:09 PM
Dems better have their messaging ready for this bullshit Republican debt nonsense. GOP had already decimated/ doubled the debt with the tax cuts BEFORE covid.


There's an ongoing debate in a lot of countries about national debt, including Australia. In fact, one of the key points that the conservatives (Liberal Party) pushed at the last federal election was that their opponents (Labor) would drive up the debt and cause untold damage to the economy. The truth is that Australia's debt went from $250Bn accumulated since federation to $500Bn in only a decade under the stewardship of the "more fiscally responsible" Liberals. Next year it will be $700Bn and they predict it will be $960Bn in 2024.

For us, a $960Bn debt represents just over 40% of our GDP. It seems quite scary. However, consider this:

A strong dollar might be good news for us. It means the stuff we make using materials sourced from overseas is cheaper because we have more buying power, and thus we can make more profit when it is sold. It also means people can buy stuff off Amazon and eBay and pay a good price for it. Woo Hoo!

But it also means that the stuff we sell overseas is more expensive for other countries to purchase. It restricts the flow of money coming into our economy. Therefore, it is important to ensure the dollar is trading at a price that balances well with the trade that our country is engaged in.

Australia used to be a strong manufacturing economy as well as an exporter, but that has shifted dramatically over the last ten years and we are now an exporter of raw materials, with manufacturing dwindling quite significantly. Our economy focuses strongly on digging up coal, gas, aluminium and iron ore and shipping it to China, where it then gets turned into cheap goods and sold around the world (plus if you're wondering where everyone's manufacturing industries went, there's your answer).

In order to ensure the price of the dollar stays low enough to promote purchasing of our exports, the government continues to borrow money, which purposefully reduces the value of our dollar. Debt goes up, dollar goes down, more raw materials are sold.

There's a catch, however. There has been little focus on where mining and export profits actually go. Due to the conservative policy of avoiding taxation of 'job creators' there has actually been very little flow of mining proceeds going to our country. Instead the money goes to mining company shareholders and the rich get richer. We don't have a nationalised mining industry like the oil economies in the Middle East do, nor do we put a high tax on exports like we should be doing. We are basically being taken for a ride by the companies digging it out of the ground.

All this is trying to say that national debt is not a bad thing, as long as it is manageable. It is actually a key part of responsible fiscal management, but in order to compete against the rest of the world, you need to keep pushing that value lower while your competitors do the same thing.

So don't focus too much on the amount of debt that your country is falling into. Instead worry about the measures taken (or not taken) to ensure that money is flowing into the hands of the people, i.e. taxation and subsequent government spending on infrastructure, education, welfare, science and tech, etc. THAT is what will drive the economy.

November 28th, 2020, 07:05 PM
You’ll have to sell that to Mitch particularly and some of the corporate centrist democrats.

This pandemic has essentially accelerated everything. The rich are getting rich faster and the poor are getting screwed faster.

I personally believe the introduction of some sort of UBI and universal healthcare will be accelerated as well. These programs need to be sustainable longterm, but the initial kickstart will likely caused a huge debt to the government...

I think US will probably eventually just make a leap for it, or perhaps just transform into a government of the corporations... hey corporations are people too... maybe we don’t need real people, they are small enough to allow to fail... :rolleyes:

November 28th, 2020, 07:15 PM
There's an ongoing debate in a lot of countries about national debt, including Australia. In fact, one of the key points that the conservatives (Liberal Party) pushed at the last federal election was that their opponents (Labor) would drive up the debt and cause untold damage to the economy. The truth is that Australia's debt went from $250Bn accumulated since federation to $500Bn in only a decade under the stewardship of the "more fiscally responsible" Liberals. Next year it will be $700Bn and they predict it will be $960Bn in 2024.

For us, a $960Bn debt represents just over 40% of our GDP. It seems quite scary. However, consider this:

A strong dollar might be good news for us. It means the stuff we make using materials sourced from overseas is cheaper because we have more buying power, and thus we can make more profit when it is sold. It also means people can buy stuff off Amazon and eBay and pay a good price for it. Woo Hoo!

But it also means that the stuff we sell overseas is more expensive for other countries to purchase. It restricts the flow of money coming into our economy. Therefore, it is important to ensure the dollar is trading at a price that balances well with the trade that our country is engaged in.

Australia used to be a strong manufacturing economy as well as an exporter, but that has shifted dramatically over the last ten years and we are now an exporter of raw materials, with manufacturing dwindling quite significantly. Our economy focuses strongly on digging up coal, gas, aluminium and iron ore and shipping it to China, where it then gets turned into cheap goods and sold around the world (plus if you're wondering where everyone's manufacturing industries went, there's your answer).

In order to ensure the price of the dollar stays low enough to promote purchasing of our exports, the government continues to borrow money, which purposefully reduces the value of our dollar. Debt goes up, dollar goes down, more raw materials are sold.

There's a catch, however. There has been little focus on where mining and export profits actually go. Due to the conservative policy of avoiding taxation of 'job creators' there has actually been very little flow of mining proceeds going to our country. Instead the money goes to mining company shareholders and the rich get richer. We don't have a nationalised mining industry like the oil economies in the Middle East do, nor do we put a high tax on exports like we should be doing. We are basically being taken for a ride by the companies digging it out of the ground.

All this is trying to say that national debt is not a bad thing, as long as it is manageable. It is actually a key part of responsible fiscal management, but in order to compete against the rest of the world, you need to keep pushing that value lower while your competitors do the same thing.

So don't focus too much on the amount of debt that your country is falling into. Instead worry about the measures taken (or not taken) to ensure that money is flowing into the hands of the people, i.e. taxation and subsequent government spending on infrastructure, education, welfare, science and tech, etc. THAT is what will drive the economy.

Yeah. That sucks that you're going through a version of what we're going through.

But, our national debt is going to used like a cudgel by the republicans. They're going to throw fits and cry tears that we're saddling our future generations with insurmountable debt that they'll have to pay. They'll say this when Democrats are trying to institute universal healthcare, get COVID under control, and just get the economy moving for more than just the monied elites. They'll hem and haw about fiscal responsibility, being the adults in the room, etc, AND THE MEDIA WILL JUST REPEAT WHAT THEY SAY without saying "but you doubled the debt with your tax cuts. Your tariffs, through Trump, are what caused your farmers and industry to lose so much in sales and revenue, etc"

There'll be no pushback, no context, no examination of the facts.

And that's why i'm saying i hope the Democrats have got their messaging ready.

It's terrible that it now equals the economy, but it needs to get worse in order to get better. Thanks to the Republicans. We all know COVID is Trump's millstone, his responsibility, his failure; but watch the GOP shift the economic, social, psychological burden of it all to the Democrats.

MR2 Fan
November 28th, 2020, 08:01 PM
Incredibly accurate statement here (via twitter):


When Republicans take office, they...

1) Give tax cuts to the rich
2) Run up the national debt
2) Wreck the economy before leavin'

When Republicans leave office, they...

1) Claim Dems ran up the debt
2) Become deficit hawks
3) Prevent Dem president from fixin' the economy

Rare White Ape
November 28th, 2020, 10:22 PM
Pretty much it in a nutshell.

Mo: it's unfortunate that the EcOnOmY was built by the ones in charge of the money. They engineered it to favour themselves: the ones most able to take advantage of all its perks. I couldn't give a flying fuck about how well the economy is going. Good or bad, it really doesn't change our fortunes. Think about it.

It is not a system built to help us. We are just part of the machine.

So it follows that any discussion of the economy feels like people talking fucking Latin or Swahili to the rest of us: our eyes just glaze over and pray for the sports reports to come in the next news segment. We hear words like "the dollar is strong" and we think that's great, but the word in English doesn't mean the same that it does in economics.

What's more, the ones who built the news industry are also some of the people who are rich, so they're also in a position to make money off our productivity while we toil away and make only the amount of money that we are allowed to make. Would you trust them to deliver news in a way that allows us to benefit at their own expense?

Rare White Ape
November 28th, 2020, 10:25 PM

Debt saddled upon future generations = BAD

Climate change saddled upon future generations = now is not the time to talk about it

November 29th, 2020, 06:20 AM

Climate change saddled upon future generations = Generation Crystal

There, fixed.

Tom Servo
November 29th, 2020, 08:48 AM
“And then they did dumps. They call ‘em dumps. Big, massive dumps.”

Wise words...

November 29th, 2020, 10:09 AM
Pretty much it in a nutshell.

Mo: it's unfortunate that the EcOnOmY was built by the ones in charge of the money. They engineered it to favour themselves: the ones most able to take advantage of all its perks. I couldn't give a flying fuck about how well the economy is going. Good or bad, it really doesn't change our fortunes. Think about it.

It is not a system built to help us. We are just part of the machine.

So it follows that any discussion of the economy feels like people talking fucking Latin or Swahili to the rest of us: our eyes just glaze over and pray for the sports reports to come in the next news segment. We hear words like "the dollar is strong" and we think that's great, but the word in English doesn't mean the same that it does in economics.

What's more, the ones who built the news industry are also some of the people who are rich, so they're also in a position to make money off our productivity while we toil away and make only the amount of money that we are allowed to make. Would you trust them to deliver news in a way that allows us to benefit at their own expense?

You ain't lying man. I been preaching that to people forever. The stock market =/= the economy. The stock market is ONE indicator of the overall health of the economy. And it mostly indicates the state of the economy for those that have the disposable income to put money in the stock exchange.
Another thing I keep reminding people is that their employer can "afford" to pay them those wages because they make much more than that $/ hr amount in their business. "Chuck, you get $29/ hr because the company makes $100 per hour off your labor!!"

To me, the a better indicator is how much disposable income does the average person/ family/ group have after they take care of bills and food. The economy that can support lots of recreation the better and ours was, kinda, but really it was more from lots of people want to go to a Lakers/ Cowboys/ Penguins game, but realistically, how many can afford to go to several games, rather than just the one game thy circled because their cousin Bobby was gonna be in town. I know lot's of people who never went to a sports game, or only one. Who never went on vacation, or only one. (And often just to their relatives!) Comedy shows. Concerts. Retreats. Races. Festivals. Etc. There are many ways of recreation. And the side benefits, the psychological lift, the reduction of stress, etc etc etc.

November 30th, 2020, 05:24 AM
Is it Too Late to Save ‘America’s Amazon’? (https://therevelator.org/alabama-amazon-raines/)

Alabama is in a very precarious situation. We have the worst environmental laws in the country and the state environmental agency has been the lowest funded of any state going back decades. So there’s very little enforcement. Maybe that’s because nobody realized how rich this place was in terms of diversity, so there was no move to protect it.

November 30th, 2020, 10:05 AM
Speaking of Alabama and Amazon...


December 1st, 2020, 11:49 AM
Even attorney general Barr is saying there’s not evidence of widespread voter fraud... so hopefully the matter is settled.

To be honest I’ll probably still be a bit nervous until I actually see Biden moves inside the WH in January...

December 3rd, 2020, 04:59 AM
Took me fucking forever but here's the clip from several aeons ago, it might be from the pleistocene age, that completely debunks that entire "KamAla ¡s @ c0p" bullshit the looney left *and billi* kept repeating.


December 3rd, 2020, 07:33 AM
Amen! I do approve of that message. She’d make a great preacher! However even preachers need to practice what they preach. Will she be able to? Or will she be like a lot of folks in Democratic leadership... who’d preach one thing and then do another...

Anyway, when she becomes the next president, I’ll definitely admit I was wrong if she ends up practicing what she preached. If she failed to practice what she preaches, don’t worry, you don’t have to admit to anything, we’ll just conveniently blame the republicans for obstructing.

I can agree with you that she’ll be better than Trump. That’s about it. Only thing I’m worrying about is that she might be the type that will further energize the trump base... and that won’t be good...

December 3rd, 2020, 08:31 AM
This shit keeps getting better and better.


Rare White Ape
December 3rd, 2020, 10:51 AM
I want to nail Ivanka so hard.

But what’s with this pardoning bullshit?

There should be limits in regards to familiarity with the president in terms of family and professional role.

December 3rd, 2020, 10:58 AM
yeah she's hot, but don't you get a "she's tainted!" mood everytime she poses with that barbie doll of a husband?

December 3rd, 2020, 11:10 AM
Michael, nope. Apparently, you can pre-pardon people, even for shit they haven't been indicted/convicted for yet.

At least, that's how Numpty interprets it.

December 3rd, 2020, 08:07 PM
Michael, nope. Apparently, you can pre-pardon people, even for shit they haven't been indicted/convicted for yet.

At least, that's how Numpty interprets it.

That's at district court mate, not federal; no pardon is going to work!!!! Just as God and the founders intended!

December 3rd, 2020, 08:09 PM
I love this ad.


I hope its playing a nauseating amount of times everywhere in Georgia.

December 3rd, 2020, 08:11 PM
yeah she's hot, but don't you get a "she's tainted!" mood everytime she poses with that barbie doll of a husband?

She's attractive, but fuck no in every language and several made up ones. Not even with billis dick.

December 3rd, 2020, 09:10 PM
Hey, insult me all you want but please leave my dick alone!

Tom Servo
December 3rd, 2020, 09:19 PM
I just...the sheer number of jokes...it's like I'm being pummeled by them...

December 3rd, 2020, 09:26 PM
She's attractive, but fuck no in every language and several made up ones. Not even with billis dick.

Better to let someone else doing the railing, whilst one watches.

Rare White Ape
December 3rd, 2020, 09:54 PM
Hey, look. I'm a man who is dedicated to his friends. I'll reluctantly slide my moisture seeking torpedo into her moot until I blow my load just to keep you guys safe for 3.5 seconds.

Tom Servo
December 3rd, 2020, 09:57 PM
Trump's sometimes official, often unofficial lawyers and QAnon supporters Sidney Powell and Lin Wood are now supporting their election-fraud suits by saying that republicans should boycott the runoff for the two Georgia Senate seats because, obviously, the whole vote is a sham.

A large portion of the GOP have suddenly realized that riding the crazy-people wave is now potentially threatening the GOP majority in the Senate. If both seats go to the Democrats, they'll have the majority.

Which means now there's a schism in the far-right between the "take advantage of the idiots" side and the "I am one of the idiots" side. Michelle Malkin is calling Dan Crenshaw "Globalist John McCain with an eyepatch". Newt is claiming Lin Wood is a democrat plant.

I feel very *chef's kiss* about all of this.


December 3rd, 2020, 10:48 PM
Trump's sometimes official, often unofficial lawyers and QAnon supporters Sidney Powell and Lin Wood are now supporting their election-fraud suits by saying that republicans should boycott the runoff for the two Georgia Senate seats because, obviously, the whole vote is a sham.

A large portion of the GOP have suddenly realized that riding the crazy-people wave is now potentially threatening the GOP majority in the Senate. If both seats go to the Democrats, they'll have the majority.

Which means now there's a schism in the far-right between the "take advantage of the idiots" side and the "I am one of the idiots" side. Michelle Malkin is calling Dan Crenshaw "Globalist John McCain with an eyepatch". Newt is claiming Lin Wood is a democrat plant.

I feel very *chef's kiss* about all of this.


How do I bolster the actions of the "take advantage of the idiots" side? Or is it the "I am one of the idiots" side that I want to prevail.

My confusion puts me in the latter camp. But the former notion firmly removes me.


G'day Mate
December 4th, 2020, 03:27 AM
Michigan ... :lol:

December 4th, 2020, 07:48 AM
Billi is about to get hard over Marsha Blackburn's tweet.

December 4th, 2020, 08:21 AM
Speaking of pardons, I caught Woodward and Bernstein on CNN last night and they said something I don't think I've ever considered before: when someone accepts a pardon, he is pleading guilty. I never thought about a pardon having to be accepted - I figured it just was done and that's that.

I guess the alternative would be to publicly refuse it and demand a trial. I suppose being found not guilty by a jury of ones peers is better than having been pardoned.

December 4th, 2020, 10:16 AM
Hey, look. I'm a man who is dedicated to his friends. I'll reluctantly slide my moisture seeking torpedo into her moot until I blow my load just to keep you guys safe for 3.5 seconds.

We needed 5 seconds mate. You're gonna get subbed off or you're gonna have to ... train harder!

December 4th, 2020, 10:26 AM
Billi is about to get hard over Marsha Blackburn's tweet.

I think it’s clear she’s a racist or ignorant enough to think the CCP ruled over China for 5000 years...

December 4th, 2020, 10:29 AM
Speaking of pardons, I caught Woodward and Bernstein on CNN last night and they said something I don't think I've ever considered before: when someone accepts a pardon, he is pleading guilty. I never thought about a pardon having to be accepted - I figured it just was done and that's that.

I guess the alternative would be to publicly refuse it and demand a trial. I suppose being found not guilty by a jury of ones peers is better than having been pardoned.
If you’re accepting a preemptive pardon, yeah, obviously you’re guilty.

However, these pardons could be given to somebody who was perhaps wrongfully convicted? Then it’s just to right a wrong.

December 4th, 2020, 12:19 PM
We needed 5 seconds mate. You're gonna get subbed off or you're gonna have to ... train harder!

The robodick and I volunteer as tribute.

December 4th, 2020, 12:51 PM

Will never get to the Senate, much less signed by a sitting president.

December 4th, 2020, 01:44 PM
Well, if they continue to fuck around with the GA senate races, it may just be a 2 month pause.

December 4th, 2020, 02:19 PM

Will never get to the Senate, much less signed by a sitting president.

222 Democratic Party congresspeople voted yay.
5 Republican Party congresspeople voted yay.

6 Democratic Party congresspeople voted nay.
158 Republican Party congresspeople voted nay.

B0tH p4rt!es @Re tHe Sam3!!!

I don't care one way or another about weed, (most of my friends smoke it and pretty much my entire rugby club. I don't.) except I know who gets disproportionately arrested, charged, sentenced, etc. So I know who it impacts.

One of my friends, fresh out of doing his two years in the Navy, got caught with weed. Literally 3 months out of the navy. Did his sentence. Struggled to find a job and "rejoin" life after that because of the "have you been convicted of a crime?" question in job applications, rental agreements, etc. Nice dude. White guy. (to fuck with stereotypes.)

December 4th, 2020, 02:21 PM
The robodick and I volunteer as tribute.

You gotta get in there and STAY in there for all five seconds seaman!!

Nomination accepted.

(I heard she's lowkey bi. That turned me on a little.)

December 4th, 2020, 06:18 PM
Five seconds ain't no problem

December 4th, 2020, 09:43 PM
222 Democratic Party congresspeople voted yay.
5 Republican Party congresspeople voted yay.

6 Democratic Party congresspeople voted nay.
158 Republican Party congresspeople voted nay.

B0tH p4rt!es @Re tHe Sam3!!!

I don't care one way or another about weed, (most of my friends smoke it and pretty much my entire rugby club. I don't.) except I know who gets disproportionately arrested, charged, sentenced, etc. So I know who it impacts.

Bernie Sanders opposes a bipartisan stimulus relief bill because it lacks relief payments to average Americans...

This is the kind of things that made Sanders different.

When the major parties want to bail somebody out, average Americans are not on these politicians’ minds. Not in 2008 and not 2020.

I’m also seeing Biden setting up shop to revert back to business as usual. Yes, the same business as usual which resulted in the same anti-establishment sentiments which resulted in Trump...

Anyway, still hoping maybe Biden knows what he’s doing...

December 5th, 2020, 07:19 AM
Always get shafted.


And who is more likely to be exposed to covid? Black and brown people are heavily represented in the medical field, stores and groceries, EMTs, schools, prison and parole systems, etc.

And that shit ain't as effective. America, land of the Tuskegee experiment. Still doing it.

December 5th, 2020, 11:12 AM

Chill dude, there’s no cause for alarm at least according to dr. Iwasaki.

December 6th, 2020, 02:45 AM
Mo, also, the ABA wanted to be classified as "essential" to get the first round of vaccines too.

So, as long as white people and rich banker types are safe, good to go.

December 7th, 2020, 05:17 AM
If Pompeo describes the election as 'a fraud and a sham' (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-55211149), do you take his word for it?

December 7th, 2020, 12:48 PM
And the U.S. presidential election was also a fraud and a sham because various Republican efforts at voter suppression failed to have the overall desired effect?

December 7th, 2020, 04:32 PM
Ha, that’s a good question.

Anyway, don’t really care much for the republicans at this point.

I think I’m beginning to lose hope for the Biden admin already. Installing bunch of corporate folks to his cabinets...

CNN is now urging Sanders to not oppose the latest stimulus bill. Saying that not cutting the stimulus check is a good compromise. Stimulus check might not be stimulating enough because average Americans might save the money and not spend it....

Hello?!?!?! Average Americans can’t even pay for unexpected expenses of few hundred even before COVID... it’s the banks and corporations getting the bail out money who’d save all their money rather than pumping into the economy...


Anyway, if this type of attitudes continue, I’m sure things will tip in favor of somebody like Trump again in the near future...

Right now it seems bipartisanship can only be reached when it comes to the interests of the corporations...

December 7th, 2020, 10:06 PM
Never saw your fire for Sanders opposing,... but that's another story.

Did see where some early polling places in Georgia are being closed for this election. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk.

December 9th, 2020, 04:13 PM

December 9th, 2020, 08:00 PM

Even though there were only around a dozen demonstrators and the demonstration was winding-down, 2 people felt [b]compelled[b/] to take the time out to "suggest"/"explain" to them...

As the speakers wound down, two white people heading toward the congressional offices approached protester Paul Zhu, a technology investor, and asked him why he was not protesting what Beijing was doing.

“We’re here, we’re American and we are offended,” he told them. “Well, let’s agree to disagree,” one of them responded.

Sadly, the forum currently doesn't have a facepalm emoticon.

December 9th, 2020, 09:42 PM
YW, any sensible person should be able to tell that folks like Blackburn and Trump are probably racist idiots.

I can see the problem with my country.

I hope someday you’ll be able to see the problem with yours.

I want to see both US and China becoming great nations and its people living decent lives...

At the moment, both sides are great at pointing out the errors of their opposition’s ways but blind to their own problems. It is kinda funny to keep on seeing this pot calling the kettle black tweets...

But then again, I’m more sadden by the fact that the worlds 2 major superpowers are like kettle and pot. Likewise the 2 major political parties in the US are also similar in the same way.

No Neanderthal, the 2 parties are not exactly the same, one is kettle and the other is pot. ;)

Tom Servo
December 9th, 2020, 10:50 PM

Even though there were only around a dozen demonstrators and the demonstration was winding-down, 2 people felt [b]compelled[b/] to take the time out to "suggest"/"explain" to them...

I tried to read the article but the site helpfully hid most of it behind some sort of spinner and wouldn't let me read it. That said, the "we are offended" quote sounds a whole lot like the nonsense quotes that come out of news sources like Gateway Pundit and Newsmax. Very few people actually talk like that, very many people imagine people who disagree with them talk like that.

December 10th, 2020, 03:29 AM
I didn't want to post rhe whole article as it's behind a pay wall and I didn't think it would be appropriate to do so.

However and in short, the article was about ethnically Chinese Americans (including Paul Zhu) protesting Marsha Blackburn's racist comments, including saying "she must go" (from her position if power), because they found them offensive. There were only a dozen at them doing so. At the stage the protest is winding down, 2 white people go over to ask them why they aren't protesting about Beijing instead. The response from Paul Zhu is, on my reading, that the protesters are offended by Marsha, which is why they are protesting. The response from the 2 guys who decided to go over and ask about Beijing is "agree to disagree" aka implication is don't be offended by her(?) and in any case protest Beijing instead(??!!).

Hence face-palm. In context I doknt think "We are offended" sounds made-up and/or right wing. Rather, it's entielry believable. I think even Billi has acknowledged that Marsha's comments were racist and stupid.

Btw this is the correspondent according to the byline: https://www.scmp.com/author/mark-magnier

December 10th, 2020, 07:24 AM
YW, one thing you have to understand that most people here probably don't like Marsha and Trump. Believe it or not, myself included.

However, in a nation where we are unable to do much when kindergartners were ruthlessly shot to death... or caging of mexican babies forcibly removed from their families...

Rest assured that a lot of Americans are outraged, but unfortunately our politicians are hijacked by lobbyists... and Trump's rise was actually America's poor attempt at taking our government back from lobbyists... Not really sure when the American people will be able to properly take our government back from the hands of the corporations or fanatic racists, but we're working on it.

As for China, she'll be in your hands. Defeating a dictator will naturally be much harder to do, but I seriously hope that you're not actually a supporter of CCP. Well, even if you are, although I'm offended by that, let's just agree to disagree.

Tom Servo
December 10th, 2020, 08:32 AM
Marsha Blackburn totally sucks. It's just that that sentence sounded like it was spoken by an NPC in low-budget Steam game where your goal is to MAGA by eliminating snowflakes.