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December 10th, 2020, 10:17 AM
It. was. never. Speaker. Pelosi.

(We need the hands clapping emoji too!)


December 10th, 2020, 10:25 AM
Fuck Republicans.

December 10th, 2020, 12:51 PM
Fuck Republicans.

With a rusty running chainsaw!

December 10th, 2020, 02:26 PM
I guess it was never that bipartisan? Wonder what Mitch is holding out for? Might as well shutdown the useless government too to reduce our deficit.

December 10th, 2020, 03:11 PM
Marsha Blackburn totally sucks. It's just that that sentence sounded like it was spoken by an NPC in low-budget Steam game where your goal is to MAGA by eliminating snowflakes.

I am not familiar with the usage context you're talking about, but anyway that's why I added context from the article. Much depends on what the 2 guys said. If (which is a reasonable assumption based on the report) they had said "Are you really offended about her? You should be protesting about Beijing's actions instead!!!" then it is entirely credible that the natural response would be "We are offended".

December 11th, 2020, 05:30 AM
Did you think there might have been shenanigans in the elections?
I did.
How did people vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at the top, but vote GOP down ballot?

Someone has peeled back a layer.


December 11th, 2020, 05:45 AM
How did people vote for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris at the top, but vote GOP down ballot?

Differentiated voting? People tend to stand on issues and then vote for the person who they think is going to stand with them and represent them on that issue. Let's be honest here, Biden is a 1970s republican, plenty of older people could see that and think: "why bother with all the drama?, this guy's pretty much the same as the other one!".

Also the percentage points of differing up and down ballots are pretty much in line with normal differentiating strategies, it's what, 2%?

December 11th, 2020, 06:33 AM
Differentiated voting? People tend to stand on issues and then vote for the person who they think is going to stand with them and represent them on that issue. Let's be honest here, Biden is a 1970s republican, plenty of older people could see that and think: "why bother with all the drama?, this guy's pretty much the same as the other one!".

Also the percentage points of differing up and down ballots are pretty much in line with normal differentiating strategies, it's what, 2%?

Don't just pick something I wrote and fixate on that being your bone of contention. Read the tweet. See the charts and figures posted.

December 11th, 2020, 07:25 AM
This year's election has been really weird. Polls were predicting higher percentages for Biden...

So either people were shameful about answering the polls to vote for Trump, or perhaps republicans did cheat. They probably just underestimated the number of mail-in ballots that came in later for Biden... if it weren't for Biden's new record... # of Trump votes broke all previous records too. So republicans didn't want to make things look too unrealistic so they pumped what they thought would be enough votes for Trump to win? ;)

Also, Mitch had way more absentee votes than Amy too. How is that possible? Patriotic republicans would never vote by mail!

Hope somebody starts an investigation in Kentucky.

Sigh, at least Kentucky still has fried chicken that I like...

Wonder how proud Kentuckyans are of their senator Mitch. I believe the major contention he had with the latest stimulus bill was he doesn't want to give money to state and local governments. Hope it's because he wants to give money directly to Americans?

If not, then after the nation collapsed, maybe that'll cure our deficit troubles...

December 11th, 2020, 07:52 AM
Read the tweet.

I'd rather not, seems like a dodgy account. Doesn't cite sources and generally looks like the sort of person who "does her own research".

December 11th, 2020, 12:20 PM
It. was. never. Speaker. Pelosi.

(We need the hands clapping emoji too!)


There is no such thing as a “bipartisan deal”. Dems have reduced their demands multiple times now, and Senate Republicans have told them to eat shit and fuck off every time. It boils my blood that Republicans won’t even come to the table to negotiate. Fuck McConnell and fuck ALL Republicans.

December 11th, 2020, 01:39 PM
Election is over. It appears Republican voters don’t believe they need any stimulus money.

Congress did not turn bluer, I suppose it only makes sense for them to say eat shit now...

This stimulus package really should’ve been used as an election tool... or maybe it was used and the voters have spoken that the country can’t afford anymore stimulus packages?

Anyway, we should just let such useless government to shutdown. Should save the nation lots of money...

December 11th, 2020, 06:42 PM
So glad the Supreme Court rejected Trump’s latest Hail Mary lawsuit. Sitting on the outside, (looking into the circus known as America), I was always worried that the SCOTUS would ultimately Rickroll everyone and hand the election to Trump. I’m guessing that thought was in the back of the minds of a lot of people.

It’s a relief to know that your Supreme Court, packed and right-leaning as it is, is at least above board.

Hopefully Trump stops with the nonsense now.

December 11th, 2020, 07:32 PM
he won't

Tom Servo
December 11th, 2020, 08:39 PM
Yeah, very relieved that the only dissent from the supreme court was when they say "no", not whether or not they'd say "no".

If it means anything, the Trump spam I get has basically dropped the subject entirely when it comes to the "stealing the election" nonsense and now is 100% focused on the Georgia runoffs (and selling me "ICONIC Trump 2020 Christmas ornaments!"). I'm not sure how much to read into that, but for the past two days there hasn't been a single peep in the spam about fraudulent elections.

December 11th, 2020, 08:43 PM
he won't Next stop for Trump is Judge Judy?

Tom Servo
December 11th, 2020, 09:11 PM

December 12th, 2020, 05:30 AM
There is no such thing as a “bipartisan deal”. Dems have reduced their demands multiple times now, and Senate Republicans have told them to eat shit and fuck off every time. It boils my blood that Republicans won’t even come to the table to negotiate. Fuck McConnell and fuck ALL Republicans.

It's frustrating as fuck!
The microscope Democrats have to operate under while Republicans get away with murder. And the press is complicit!

December 12th, 2020, 05:36 AM
The south is voter suppressed, not red. Georgia, the actions of the current GOP regime anyway, should tell you that.

You saw how south Carolina stopped Bernie in his tracks. Now we've seen Georgia vote for a Democrat for the first time since the stone ages. That's to Stacy Abrams work the last two years. Imagine an entire south where organisation happens year round. How fast could we get rid of the GOP as a viable political entity.

I mean voter suppression exists and all that, and not all black people vote democratic, but I've said many a time, we vote pragmatically.


December 12th, 2020, 07:57 AM
Oh enough with your pragmatism.

Yeah, at least Hunter Biden won’t become an official government official like our current batch of 1st kiddies, but wouldn’t it be nice to NOT have 1st families sitting as board members in big companies in Ukraine and China and also not under investigation?

It would’ve been better to have Biden the dad not so involved with giant US companies and Biden Jr. not so involved with foreign giant companies, but I suppose it is the pragmatic thing for them to do?

December 12th, 2020, 08:04 AM
It's frustrating as fuck!
The microscope Democrats have to operate under while Republicans get away with murder. And the press is complicit!

The polarizing press and the democratic establishment are probably the problem.

Remember which presidential candidates appeared on Fox News more often and which ones shunned Fox News?

At least based on my memory, Sanders , Yang, Tulsi were the ones that went out of the way to go there whereas most ‘established’ candidates figured who needs those deplorable voters...

Well, we need those voters to get rid of Mitch and the ‘pragmatic’ dem politicians have zero channels open to the conservative voters.

So I’m not sure if we can pin this entirely on the press.

December 12th, 2020, 10:39 AM
https://s3.amazonaws.com/zweb-s3.uploads/zoomer-radio/2018/04/Harry-Anderson.jpg :lol:

December 12th, 2020, 11:55 AM
Oh enough with your pragmatism.

Yeah, at least Hunter Biden won’t become an official government official like our current batch of 1st kiddies, but wouldn’t it be nice to NOT have 1st families sitting as board members in big companies in Ukraine and China and also not under investigation?

It would’ve been better to have Biden the dad not so involved with giant US companies and Biden Jr. not so involved with foreign giant companies, but I suppose it is the pragmatic thing for them to do?

You didn't say shit about the Trump kids ... ijs.

You typify the person who examines the Democrats with a microscope and then ignores mass murder by Republicans.

December 12th, 2020, 11:58 AM
The polarizing press and the democratic establishment are probably the problem.

Remember which presidential candidates appeared on Fox News more often and which ones shunned Fox News?

At least based on my memory, Sanders , Yang, Tulsi were the ones that went out of the way to go there whereas most ‘established’ candidates figured who needs those deplorable voters...

Well, we need those voters to get rid of Mitch and the ‘pragmatic’ dem politicians have zero channels open to the conservative voters.

So I’m not sure if we can pin this entirely on the press.

You're right; we clearly remember which candidates went on the channel that constantly propagate the propaganda that harms us. And that's why they fell flat on their asses in the election.

I, ... we, don't fuck with those that are actively trying to harm us. But you like to molly coddle them, so ...

December 12th, 2020, 02:08 PM
I fully support the message of the MAGAts in this video.


We're aligned on this one cause, were not aligned in anything else.

December 12th, 2020, 04:00 PM
Destroying the GOP means you’ll get Trump dude!

Personally I just thought GOP and the dems simply need to have some sort to reform, such as severing their ties to corporate money somehow...

I am critical of both GOP and the Dems, but I’m not sure we need to destroy them. Likewise, you know I’m antiestablishment, but I am not FOR destroying the establishment. I’m just not sure if that’d do us any good.

December 12th, 2020, 10:32 PM

Iowa caucus autopsy... yes, DNC meddled. It wasn’t because Iowans didn’t know what they were doing...

Delaying a Sanders victory and then orchestrated SC primary delivered a knock out punch to Sanders campaign...

Anyway, if Sanders were a stronger candidate, he shouldn’t have lost after SC... so Biden deserved to win. Still, DNC meddling was annoying...

December 13th, 2020, 11:05 PM

Looks like we will essentially have Obama admin 2.0 along with the same obstructionistic Mitch and GOP...

Yes, a return to normalcy! Finally!

Will Biden really be able to do better than Obama or will he simply repeat the same thing?

Remember, after 8 years of Obama, we ended up with Trump.

Obama had 8 years to pull us out of financial crisis... Biden only has 4 years to defeat Covid. Trump seriously could run again in 2024!

Kamala Harris really has the same vibe as Hillary, to me at least...

Anyway, may God protect America...

December 14th, 2020, 08:59 AM
Trump is rumored to pardon Julian Assange before he leaves office.

I'd be happier if the terrible precedent set by the charges against those in the press corp who try to uncover malignant actions by agents of the State were dropped, but seeing how an extradition to an American jail is basically a death sentence for a person suffering from grave mental health problems, I'll take it.

December 14th, 2020, 10:03 AM
Joe Exotic asked Kim Kardashian to ask Trump to pardon him.

If Steven Avery ever got a pardon I wouldn't mind too much.

Tom Servo
December 14th, 2020, 10:05 AM
Trump is rumored to pardon Julian Assange before he leaves office.

I'd be happier if the terrible precedent set by the charges against those in the press corp who try to uncover malignant actions by agents of the State were dropped, but seeing how an extradition to an American jail is basically a death sentence for a person suffering from grave mental health problems, I'll take it.

It looks like this is barely even a rumor. Some no-name account tweeted it out and it got picked up by the usual Q types. Even some of the Infowars-associated folks on Twitter are debunking it at this point.

Rare White Ape
December 14th, 2020, 10:35 AM
Nobody likes Assange. Not even his own government. He has been abandoned.

Imagine the delicious carnage he could cause if he was set free again.

December 14th, 2020, 11:36 AM
I suppose the character assassination worked.

Rare White Ape
December 14th, 2020, 12:35 PM
Not really that. It’s because he is a threat, and continues to be so even while in prison.


Rare White Ape
December 14th, 2020, 12:36 PM
Note: I support his release and ability to report freely.

December 14th, 2020, 01:41 PM
This is the CCP moments of the West.

And this is pre-Trump... and also Edward Snowden thought Obama would be different and better than W..., but he thought wrong.

Whistle blowing is hard to do, which ever country you're in...

It's sad that we either have Trump or this kind of 'normalcy'... is it really too much to ask for a 3rd and better option?

December 14th, 2020, 01:42 PM
So the electors have officially voted for and elected Biden. Will the Trump and his supporter officially shut up now?


Rare White Ape
December 14th, 2020, 02:02 PM
Whistle blowing is hard to do, which ever country you're in...

It's about to get way harder. From the link I posted:

The US government is seeking to retrospectively apply its own Espionage Act to non-US citizens in foreign lands, while simultaneously withholding the free speech protections of its Constitution. The upshot would be that non-US citizens, and non-US journalists, would be vulnerable to prosecution wherever they may be, whenever the United States saw fit.

Should a host country oblige, that journalist’s only hope would be the protection of their own government. And the message from the Australian government? Not a chance.

So essentially the US government could put in an extradition request based on an alleged breach of the Espionage Act anywhere in the world, and a complicit foreign government would more than likely agree to it and send the accused to meet their fate. Among the few counties that would not acquiesce would be Iran, North Korea, Russia and China. I'd literally trust them to protect their own citizens more than I do my own government to protect me in this situation.

The US government and China have more in common than you realise.

December 14th, 2020, 02:05 PM
Not really that. It’s because he is a threat, and continues to be so even while in prison.


Because he couldn't be tried in a proper court he was first tried in the court of public opinion, all I'm saying is the prosecution did their job to convince the jurors.

Tom Servo
December 14th, 2020, 02:10 PM
So the electors have officially voted for and elected Biden. Will the Trump and his supporter officially shut up now?


Nope, because a bunch of GOP electors apparently have also voted, and *technically* they could have their votes counted instead of the electors that have been certified by the states, so that'll keep 'em going until the 6th. The only way the "alternate" electors could be counted is if both houses of the legislature vote for it, and there's no way the house will vote for that.

Also, Bill Barr is on his way out the door.

Rare White Ape
December 14th, 2020, 02:15 PM
Are you talking about the sexual assault allegations or the reports of him becoming an unwelcome resident in the Ecuadorian embassy?

If so, neither of those things have any bearing on his treatment by various governments. The embassy thing was just a side show to get the public on board (which came well after the initial skirmish between England, Sweden, the USA and Ecuador), while the sex crime allegations are unfortunately something that he will never be prosecuted for, and that is the fault of the US government.

December 14th, 2020, 02:18 PM
The US government and China have more in common than you realise.

I do not disagree with that statement. China is playing catch up using the US playbook..., but China's copying all the bad stuffs and leaving out the good stuffs...

Americans, however, still have some hope... with our votes and our right to bear arms. Chinese people's only advantage is that there are alot of them... so maybe their enormous size will be able to overwhelm the CCP when sufficiently pissed off?

The sad part is that most americans still either supports the "establishment" or Trump.

At least in CA, 50% of the voters voted for progressives in the DNC primaries, either for Sanders or Warren..., so I'm sure the 'establishment' will eventually fall someday. American people are slowly catching on. We'll just have to wait a bit longer...

These whistle blowers need to reveal the real truth..., but hopefully we won't have somebody like Trump taking over though... We don't need Trump to MAGA, we just need to reform to make our nation better...

US constitutional protection really need to be extended to all people... if all men are indeed created equal by our Creator...

December 14th, 2020, 04:29 PM
US constitutional protection really need to be extended to all people...

No thanks

December 14th, 2020, 06:01 PM
Barr's exit Is a dark cloud.

All that's left now that the rats have abandoned ship are the fascists.

December 14th, 2020, 06:07 PM
No thanks

At least people shouldn’t be tortured when off of American soil. Basic human rights should not be violated anywhere in the universe.

Of course if you don’t mind being tortured or caged like a baby by US govt, you can always opt in! :p

December 14th, 2020, 06:29 PM
Are you talking about the sexual assault allegations or the reports of him becoming an unwelcome resident in the Ecuadorian embassy?

You could add that the Spanish security contractors hired by the Ecuadorian embassy testified that they had been probed by a third party inquiring whether they would be willing to carry out his assassination.

I think it was Snowden who gave a clear explanation of why Assange's actions were in line with what other journalists from past scandals did, and how the charges brought against him are a severe interpretation of the post 9/11 sentiments and not something grounded in the American tradition of a free press.

As for his character, we really don't have direct evidence of it; it's all been shadow puppetry for years.

December 15th, 2020, 07:17 AM
Nope, because a bunch of GOP electors apparently have also voted, and *technically* they could have their votes counted instead of the electors that have been certified by the states, so that'll keep 'em going until the 6th. The only way the "alternate" electors could be counted is if both houses of the legislature vote for it, and there's no way the house will vote for that.

Also, Bill Barr is on his way out the door. I was reading that martial law might be the next play. How much truth there is in that I don’t know.

Tom Servo
December 15th, 2020, 07:52 AM
Well, there's been a massive shift from the GOP in the Senate, with now most of them saying that Biden won. Mitch McConnell finally said it this morning. Even Newsmax has started conceding.

The large part of the party that's been complicit in letting Trump get away with things has now left him behind with only the crazies. Without the majority enabling him, I don't think he could pull anything like that off. To be fair, I don't think he could have done it anyway, there's a big difference between being a blowhard on Twitter and declaring martial law with no actual justification.

December 15th, 2020, 09:27 AM
Yeah, if his AG and his new right leaning supreme court's not going along with this, hopefully the matter is settled.

Still, I'd like to see Biden actually move into the WH and hear the fat lady sing before I celebrate...

Yes Neanderthal, although I believe Biden will suck, but I do believe he'll be better than Trump...

One thing I love about Trump is that he started no wars. I hope he'll stay that way for all of his term... because one justification to declaring martial law is to have a war of somekind... Hope the military won't take orders from this lame duck crazy president...

December 15th, 2020, 10:05 AM
I wouldn't give Trump credit for starting no wars.

December 15th, 2020, 10:13 AM
I thought he did not start any new military conflicts abroad, at least til now, did I miss something?

December 15th, 2020, 08:38 PM
Yeah, you very casually overlooked the 300000 US coronavirus deaths in his war against basic fucking science.

December 15th, 2020, 08:54 PM
Yes, Trump presidency was probably worse for Americans than for people abroad...

But it’s probably better this way. At least we could do something to fight back against our own government, but most brown people around the world had no such luxury.

December 16th, 2020, 12:13 PM
I thought he did not start any new military conflicts abroad, at least til now, did I miss something?

I don't think it's because he didn't want to though given all the shit with Iran... And then the trade war with China

December 16th, 2020, 02:37 PM
Yeah, certainly not suggesting he has good intentions, but the reality is that he did not drag America into another costly new war that’s probably not worth fighting for...

Considering the dude is a dictator wannabe and had so many ex-generals around him, I’m surprised how not very militarized his admin has been thus far. Maybe Trump doesn’t deserve credit, perhaps military just doesn’t want to follow this commander in chief. ;)

Or perhaps even Iran didn’t really want war with a madman?

December 16th, 2020, 04:38 PM
Looks like stimulus check to American people just might happen! Looks like I’ve under estimated our politicians...

Hope American people will be able to have some relief...

December 16th, 2020, 08:18 PM
Yeah, certainly not suggesting he has good intentions, but the reality is that he did not drag America into another costly new war that’s probably not worth fighting for...

Considering the dude is a dictator wannabe and had so many ex-generals around him, I’m surprised how not very militarized his admin has been thus far. Maybe Trump doesn’t deserve credit, perhaps military just doesn’t want to follow this commander in chief. ;)

Or perhaps even Iran didn’t really want war with a madman?

So you're going to completely discount the cost in life of his war on basic fucking science (at least 300000 dead so far,) his war on the climate, his war on the economy, his war on immigrants, his war on the post office, his war on the justice system, him accelerating the death sentences of several black inmates, etc, because those people didn't die in a war with an army?

Do you think before you type? There are no redeeming values vis a vis Trump. Fucking babies in cages for Christs sake. How can I, a fucking hell bound apostate, be more outraged about the jailing of innocent kids than you, a supposed Christian.

"Suffer the little children to come unto me," said Jesus.
"Whatsoever you have done unto the least of these you have done it unto me," said Jesus.

Many different things Jesus said about children and suffering and here you are, supposed Christian, patting Trump on the back. Jesus is watching you both sidesing Trumps abhorrent behaviour. And he is not pleased.

December 16th, 2020, 08:50 PM
For fuck’s sake, he didn’t drag America into more costly bogus wars was all I was saying.

He still has his finger on the button though. He still has time to start a war in order for me to completely dislike him.

Actually, he has to kiss and make up with the CCP for me to hate him completely.

It’s like if you hate somebody, you’re unable to see anything positive about him. If you love somebody, Obama and Hillary, you’re unable/unwilling to accept any constructive criticisms...

Look, nobody’s perfect and nobody’s pure evil too.

Since you brought up Jesus, may I ask who in this world has no redeeming value? Who in this world would cause Jesus to say, ‘Oh hell no! I ain’t dying on the cross for THAT guy!’

December 17th, 2020, 01:17 AM
He totally fucked our economy with his mishandling of the corona virus, genius. Do I need to spell out the economic implications of the shutdowns, the loss in revenue, the lost savings because there was no extended relief, just the one $1200 payment, how the loans for businesses went to a bunch of people who had no business being loans, Tom fucking Brady for fucksakes, Kanye fucking West. Billionaires getting economic assistance because Trump appointed pillocks that would do his bidding to head the major departments of the economy.

He'd already fucked the economy with his tax cuts.
He'd also fucked the economy with his tariffs.
He'd also fucked the economy with his "trade deals."
He'd also ...

I'm not gonna sit here listing all the ways he's done severe damage to our economy, when it's clear he's done fucking damage to our economy. Hundreds of thousands of people have died because of him. He's made racism ... "acceptable" to large segments of our population. He's set is back educationally by appointing deVos as his secretary of education. We literally will not have (as) smart kids in the future because of that, the mishandling of covid which resulted in schools being closed, the lack of deployment of universal internet. Meaning we aren't going to be able to complete with China, etc etc etc.

And here you are cheering because it wasn't war. Sometimes I think the obtuseness, ignorance, and obdurance you put on is not an act but genuine stupidity. Then you double down on it.

And to answer your question, Trump has no redeeming value.

If your criticisms of President Obama and Hillary Clinton weren't couched in right wing bullshit, or based on the actions (really non actions) of a recalcitrant Congress, I'd consider them. But they aren't. So I ignore them.

December 17th, 2020, 01:21 AM
Part of my disdain for AOC. A short thread.


Lauren Underwood and Katie Porter are the stars of that recent group of freshmen lawmakers. They don't get enough accolades.

December 17th, 2020, 01:52 AM
Kamala, being the boss lady she is.


Rare White Ape
December 17th, 2020, 03:03 AM
He totally fucked our economy with his mishandling of the corona virus, genius. Do I need to spell out the economic implications of the shutdowns, the loss in revenue, the lost savings because there was no extended relief, just the one $1200 payment, how the loans for businesses went to a bunch of people who had no business being loans, Tom fucking Brady for fucksakes, Kanye fucking West. Billionaires getting economic assistance because Trump appointed pillocks that would do his bidding to head the major departments of the economy.

He'd already fucked the economy with his tax cuts.
He'd also fucked the economy with his tariffs.
He'd also fucked the economy with his "trade deals."
He'd also ...

I'm not gonna sit here listing all the ways he's done severe damage to our economy, when it's clear he's done fucking damage to our economy. Hundreds of thousands of people have died because of him. He's made racism ... "acceptable" to large segments of our population. He's set is back educationally by appointing deVos as his secretary of education. We literally will not have (as) smart kids in the future because of that, the mishandling of covid which resulted in schools being closed, the lack of deployment of universal internet. Meaning we aren't going to be able to complete with China, etc etc etc.

And here you are cheering because it wasn't war. Sometimes I think the obtuseness, ignorance, and obdurance you put on is not an act but genuine stupidity. Then you double down on it.

And to answer your question, Trump has no redeeming value.

If your criticisms of President Obama and Hillary Clinton weren't couched in right wing bullshit, or based on the actions (really non actions) of a recalcitrant Congress, I'd consider them. But they aren't. So I ignore them.

I'm actually with Billi on this one: the one good thing that Trump did was not send troops into a new large-scale conflict.

It was great for people outside America's borders: nobody being killed by the largest and most high-tech military force outside of Asia, and no follow-along troop deployments for America's allies.

So don't go too hard on him for holding that opinion. But for the rest, go fucking nuts.

December 17th, 2020, 03:15 AM

December 17th, 2020, 06:56 AM
I'm actually with Billi on this one: the one good thing that Trump did was not send troops into a new large-scale conflict.

It was great for people outside America's borders: nobody being killed by the largest and most high-tech military force outside of Asia, and no follow-along troop deployments for America's allies.

So don't go too hard on him for holding that opinion. But for the rest, go fucking nuts.

Haha! It is indeed rare for rare white ape to agree with me for once... ;)

Anyway, Neanderthal, hope you get it now? Not disagreeing with you that Trump is a POS in everything else, but not dragging US into another bogus war is a good quality to have for any president.

Tom Servo
December 17th, 2020, 07:10 AM
Lauren Underwood and Katie Porter are the stars of that recent group of freshmen lawmakers. They don't get enough accolades.

Don't know much about Underwood but agree about Porter, she's awesome.

December 17th, 2020, 07:48 AM
Part of my disdain for AOC. A short thread.


Lauren Underwood and Katie Porter are the stars of that recent group of freshmen lawmakers. They don't get enough accolades.

AOC authored zero bills. How many did Underwood and Porter authored?

What's wrong with 'you people'? 'You people' is not meant to be just black, but blind dem supporters...

Yes, AOC has been critical of the democratic party, but has she really been trying to make the republicans look good?

Just because I complain about some of the stuffs Dems have done, doesn't automatically make me a republican. Can't you guys take constructive criticisms? Also, success of a legislator is seriously only based on number of bills authored?

Are people like Sanders and AOC really just as narcissistic as Trump?

I can't say for sure for AOC since she's so young... maybe she does harbor bad intentions, but you really think Bernie Sanders has basically been a dead weight throughout his political career because you think he accomplished nothing?

I do not completely agree with AOC's ideas, but I do believe she's fighting a good fight against the establishment.

It's really too bad Trump ended up as the anti-establishment candidate/president, thus making antiestablishment candidates end up sounding kinda crazy or stupid and even narcissistic...

We really need to find a way to disassociate bankers and our lawmakers or sooner our later, or our nation will fall...

With that said, I'm good with Underwood and Porter so far. I just hope Porter's farmer turn banker daddy won't cause any problems for her in the future...

December 17th, 2020, 07:55 AM
Kamala, being the boss lady she is.


Wow. So awesome. So she destroyed Tulsi. What did she gain? Did she win the primary? Nope. At 1st, she was pretty good at destroying Biden as well. Don't forget.

December 17th, 2020, 08:11 AM
Billi - I think saying anything good about Trump is faux pas, and nobody wants to hear it. Whether justified or not, because the bad far outweighs the good. If there is any good, it’s negligible at best. Fuck Trump.

It’s like acknowledging the beauty of a tiny rose petal that flutters into a steaming pile of shit three feet in diameter. Or mentioning the health benefits of white meat Chicken McNuggets...even though they’re still cooked in oil that will clog your arteries and kill you.

Trump was, is, and will always be a poison. Fuck him forever.

Rare White Ape
December 17th, 2020, 08:16 AM
It’s like saying Palpatine was a nice guy because he was laughing while he zapped Luke Skywalker.

December 17th, 2020, 08:19 AM
I never said Trump is a nice guy!

It's all sandydandy's fault for bringing up martial law... to have martial law, we need a war... and that reminded me that Trump is the only modern president who has started no wars... and I liked that part about him. If Palpatine started no star wars, I'd give him credit for that too, but obviously that still won't make him a nice guy.

So anyway, it's all Sandydandy's fault. :p

December 17th, 2020, 09:22 AM
Don’t blame Sandy! Blame Canada. We’re not even a real country anyway!

Tom Servo
December 17th, 2020, 10:20 PM
Haaland being named secretary of the interior seems like a solid move. I'm also surprisingly happy about Buttigieg for transport, the guy likes trains and bikes, so that works for me.

December 17th, 2020, 11:23 PM
One "critique" I saw about Buttigieg was "dude loves round-a-bouts, ruined South Bend because of them, traffic is worse than before"

I couldn't let this stand and replied "just because people are too fucking stupid to understand a round-a-bout, doesn't make it the fault of the infrastructure design"

December 18th, 2020, 01:43 AM
Roundabouts are awesome, they enable do-rif-to.

December 18th, 2020, 12:27 PM
mmm... is the War on Afghanistan over, officially?

if so, let's toast to that!

December 18th, 2020, 12:55 PM
It's all Trump's fault!

We can blame him for that.

Rare White Ape
December 18th, 2020, 01:55 PM
Roundabouts are awesome, they enable do-rif-to.

Plenty of roundabouts in my neck of the woods.


December 18th, 2020, 06:59 PM
I'm actually with Billi on this one: the one good thing that Trump did was not send troops into a new large-scale conflict.

It was great for people outside America's borders: nobody being killed by the largest and most high-tech military force outside of Asia, and no follow-along troop deployments for America's allies.

So don't go too hard on him for holding that opinion. But for the rest, go fucking nuts.

It's certainly notable, among recent presidents anyway, that he didn't, but giving a man praise for NOT doing something (a heinous something, to be fair) doesn't seem right in light of really fucked up shit that's happened during his presidency. To me it's like saying "at least Hitler was a patron of the arts." Or "at least Stalin kept the borders secure." the 350 thousand odd Americans that have died of COVID. It's damning him with faint praise, but completely overshadowed, IMO, by the more people dying daily than died on Sept 11.

Either way, fuck Trump. And his followers.

December 18th, 2020, 07:04 PM
One "critique" I saw about Buttigieg was "dude loves round-a-bouts, ruined South Bend because of them, traffic is worse than before"

I couldn't let this stand and replied "just because people are too fucking stupid to understand a round-a-bout, doesn't make it the fault of the infrastructure design"

My city is putting up traffic lights everywhere and it irks me to no end that a roundabout could have solved the intersection problem with completely halting traffic. I've been stopped at a red light with no cross traffic so many times. Bloody infuriating!!!

And yes, if you can't figure out a roundabout (literally; yield to traffic in the traffic circle!) you shouldn't be fucking driving.

December 18th, 2020, 07:06 PM
Haaland being named secretary of the interior seems like a solid move. I'm also surprisingly happy about Buttigieg for transport, the guy likes trains and bikes, so that works for me.

I have so much hope for this presidency. I think a lot of it stems from the dumpster fire of the last four years.

I hope her appointment begins to mean real change, in a positive way, for Native Americans.

December 18th, 2020, 07:21 PM
Don't know much about Underwood but agree about Porter, she's awesome.

Govtrack for Lauren Underwood. (https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/lauren_underwood/412776)

Govtrack for Katie Porter. (https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/katie_porter/412758)

Govtrack for Alexandra Ocasio Cortez. (https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/alexandria_ocasio_cortez/412804)

I don't mind AOC that much, she has progressive policies that i align with.

I mostly mind her sniping at Democrats half the time and being a social media celebutant so much, without using her notable social media to bring attention to so many good causes. But you know what, homegirl has gone after Mitch McConnell a lot in the last year, and i'm down for that.
I just imagine how much more good she could be doing with her many media and social media appearances. "Since we're talking about food insecurity in these COVID times i'd really like all of you watching to go donate or volunteer at your local food bank" etc.

December 18th, 2020, 08:35 PM
She’s still young, there’s still much that she could do. Working and volunteer to feed the poor is indeed nice, but it’s actually nicer to be able fight against the establishment to help narrow the gap between rich and poor.

The so called establishment has also infiltrated the DNC. AOC is fighting that, not the ‘black establishment’. Hope you be able to see that someday...

I just hope after a life long career, she won’t end up like another Pelosi. Bernie Sanders is probably one of the very few Frodos around DC.

December 18th, 2020, 09:37 PM

Hmm... Pentagon has decided to halt briefings to the president elect Biden for some reason.

Hope it’s just because of the upcoming Christmas break and people need more time for Christmas shopping...

December 20th, 2020, 11:06 AM
As expected, the idea of martial law is being floated around the Oval Office by that goon Flynn. Does Trump even have the ability to do that on a whim?

30 days left...January 20th can’t come soon enough. Ugh.

MR2 Fan
December 20th, 2020, 02:28 PM
The army, and others have already chimed and said NOPE to the idea officially, so that's a relief

December 21st, 2020, 03:40 AM
The military is obligated to follow orders, legal orders. Declaring martial law because you're a petulant child to overturn an election in (4 states, only...) that your 60+ lawsuits failed to do on lack of any evidence (not to mention SCOTUS telling the GOP to get fucked), would fall into the opposite category.

This is just a last ditch effort to cause controversy. He's spent the last 4-5 years doing whatever/saying whatever to stay on the daily news cycle. In 30 days, that ends, except when they announce the SDNY just shoved a bus-sized indictment up his ass.

December 21st, 2020, 05:47 AM
My wife hates me saying this, but I keep reminding people, Trump will be in the social consciousness until he leaves this mortal coil. He has found the ultimate grift and he will use it to his advantage until he dies.

The day after he leaves office he will start his 2024 campaign, he will continue to have rallies etc. The only good thing that may happen is that the news may not broadcast every last thing he does, and for the next couple years it may help relieve some of the angst associated with him. But once we get to 2023, it will ramp up again as he churns up his base for the 2024 election.

December 21st, 2020, 06:02 AM
I'm sure you're correct - the question is whether in 2024 he'll run as an independent, or as a Rep candidate. At the moment it looks like the former, but a lot of things can happen in 3-4 years.

December 21st, 2020, 06:34 AM
Hopefully he’s unable to run in 2024 due to incarceration.

December 21st, 2020, 07:06 AM
mmm... given how Kushner basically embezzled the 2020 campaign funds, could Trump bring up an expedite investigation, have him plead guilty and pardon him in the coming weeks?

December 21st, 2020, 09:10 AM
Though all this would have been avoided had you lot elected that former First Lady. She was perfect: she cared about education and its role in technological innovations, she was forward-thinking and sensitive to the plight of minorities. Too bad her attitude to her husband's infidelity and her own sexual orientation still provokes division.

Yes, I'm talking about Eli.

Hillary? that hack? Hell, no!

December 21st, 2020, 09:15 AM
Who the heck is Eli? Elizabeth Ford?

December 21st, 2020, 12:29 PM
President Trump has issued an executive order prohibiting the GSA to use other than Neoclassical, Georgian, Federal, Greek Revival, Beaux-Arts, or Art Deco styles when designing or remodeling federal buildings.


and now for the trivia... is this one of his properties?


December 21st, 2020, 04:31 PM
"subverts the traditional values of architecture" is about as traditionally fascist a sentence as I've ever read.
Also, as someone who lives in a house with some nice art deco details, I'm fairly surprised to hear that it is now "Classical."

December 21st, 2020, 06:07 PM
They would not know Art Deco from Art Garfunkel.

Rare White Ape
December 21st, 2020, 07:08 PM
So basically the president is mandating that buildings are to be built using styles associated with white European colonialism?

https://scontent.fbne3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/131766083_2187324908058441_5577746775646444701_o.j pg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=2&_nc_sid=9267fe&_nc_ohc=6kVB4tDmUU4AX_pH3tZ&_nc_ht=scontent.fbne3-1.fna&oh=d33b845ee7a5d2deb1dea299e83cc0b1&oe=60063C2B

December 21st, 2020, 08:48 PM
So basically the president is mandating that buildings are to be built using styles associated with white European colonialism?

No-one is surprised. Billi will try and justify it, though.

December 21st, 2020, 09:00 PM
Justify what?

December 22nd, 2020, 02:53 AM
Meanwhile digital rights are being stripped in favor of lobbyists in a bipartisan inclusion into the omnibus bill (https://www.commondreams.org/news/2020/12/21/atrocious-congress-crams-language-criminalize-online-streaming-meme-sharing-5500)

December 22nd, 2020, 05:25 AM
At least the existential threat to your democracy was adverted.

December 22nd, 2020, 07:19 AM
At least the existential threat to your democracy was adverted.

If you say so.

December 22nd, 2020, 07:47 AM
Congress represents the corporations. Shouldn’t be too surprised. We ought to be grateful they actual found $600 for us! If it weren’t for the Georgia senate runoff, Mitch would never agree to give voter a dime.

It’s interesting even roofer posted an image on FB of marie antoinette painting superimposed with Mitch’s face with the text saying,’let them have $600.’

Currently the only thing capable of bringing the 2 major parties together are big money from corporations.

December 22nd, 2020, 08:01 AM
Hence why I said "if you say so"

Capitalism is a larger threat to democracy, because it is accepted as the holy truth (not the place to bring up theology, Billi...)

December 22nd, 2020, 10:10 AM
I don’t believe capitalism need to die, just as I don’t believe socialism is pure evil.

Both could be corrupted and veer us off course, but if not corrupted, both could deliver us great things!

Take Elon’s SpaceX and Tesla for example. These companies could never be profitable without government handing out money from NASA or environmental green credits.

Likewise all the socialistic money in the world won’t give us SpaceX Rockets nor Tesla cars if Elon the entrepreneur/capitalist couldn’t exist.

So I’m not gonna blame capitalism, I’d just blame corruption.

December 22nd, 2020, 10:49 AM
Your sarcasm detector broke, Holden.

And i think capitalism and liberal democracy go fully hand in hand, so no, neither is a threat to the other.

And btw, individual freedoms are overrated, specially in a network society. Cough, Covid nineteen, cough.

December 22nd, 2020, 11:08 AM
Individual freedom was never meant to trump over other people’s safety. Otherwise yelling fire in a crowded theater would also be protected by free speech.

Our current predicament is fucked up. If we don’t shutdown, some will die. If we do shutdown, some will also die.

December 22nd, 2020, 11:19 AM
Individual freedom was never meant to trump over other people’s safety. Otherwise yelling fire in a crowded theater would also be protected by free speech.

Our current predicament is fucked up. If we don’t shutdown, some will die. If we do shutdown, some will also die. Anti-maskers seem to interpret it as a direct attack on their freedom and liberty. Makes no sense whatsoever.

December 22nd, 2020, 11:27 AM
Some people are just unaware or don’t believe the risks. Seat belt laws took a long time to change people’s habits... that’s all for their own benefit too!

DUI would probably be more similar to mask wearing during these times... some people just thought they could drive just as safe... or some thought it wouldn’t happen to them... also people under the influence just couldn’t make good judgments I guess.

I suppose we could say that under the current heated emotional political climate, a lot of folks are unable to make sound choices. At least with DUI, you could actually see who you killed. With this Covid thing, you might not.

December 22nd, 2020, 12:02 PM
Again, saw the photo of Pelosi and Mitch elbow bump 1st on roofer’s FB...


Why don’t they just shake hands?
That would allow their faces to keep a greater distance provided that they don’t touch their faces...

Where are their masks?!?!?

If they are so safe in congress, why bother to elbow bump?

Is everything just for show?

Very poor show too.

No wonder we are the greatest Covid nation on earth.

Tom Servo
December 22nd, 2020, 12:47 PM
Otherwise yelling fire in a crowded theater would also be protected by free speech.

Just because it's an interesting story: https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2012/11/its-time-to-stop-using-the-fire-in-a-crowded-theater-quote/264449/

December 22nd, 2020, 02:19 PM
So it is protected under free speech? I'm confused.

So individual freedoms are absolute? Fuck everyone else as long as I have my freedom?

December 22nd, 2020, 02:49 PM
Individual freedom was never meant to trump over other people’s safety.

"The pursuit of happiness" was always l33t speak for "fuck them peasants".

Tom Servo
December 22nd, 2020, 03:18 PM
So it is protected under free speech? I'm confused.

So individual freedoms are absolute? Fuck everyone else as long as I have my freedom?

If you're interested, this podcast episode is very good: https://legaltalknetwork.com/podcasts/make-no-law/2018/06/fire-in-a-crowded-theater/ - there's a full transcript if you scroll down in case you don't feel like sitting around listening to a podcast.

I'm a big fan of Ken White, the whole podcast is really interesting.

December 22nd, 2020, 04:27 PM
Did Trump veto the relief bill?

December 22nd, 2020, 05:12 PM
He’s threatening to.

December 22nd, 2020, 06:08 PM
Anti-maskers seem to interpret it as a direct attack on their freedom and liberty. Makes no sense whatsoever.

Few things make any sense in Billi-Land.

December 22nd, 2020, 10:10 PM
If you're interested, this podcast episode is very good: https://legaltalknetwork.com/podcasts/make-no-law/2018/06/fire-in-a-crowded-theater/ - there's a full transcript if you scroll down in case you don't feel like sitting around listening to a podcast.

I'm a big fan of Ken White, the whole podcast is really interesting.

Interesting indeed. Really had no idea the fake fire in the theater is legally such a useless cliche?

IMHO, is that analogy really that useless? If your speech is demonstrably fake and it unnecessarily caused harm to others, what would be the point of protecting such speech! Was there a fire or no fire? That should be easily provable, right?

When discussing matters of whether a war is just, that obviously won’t be as black a white...

However, claims made by Assange or Snowden certainly can be proved true or not. If true, whatever whistle they blow should be protected by free speech!

Government’s job should be to protect the people, not protecting itself.

December 23rd, 2020, 04:11 AM
Ahh, but you're missing the interpretation that government is the people.

It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
If you take that idea seriously, then anything going against the gov't is going against the american people. I think that's bonkers, but plenty of people don't, with some taking it so far as "anything that goes against my party is against America, because the other party wants to change what america is.

December 23rd, 2020, 08:05 AM
Government of, for and by the people is indeed what I want.

Government and people ought to be one.

However, if government is acting secretly against the people, whistleblowers should be protected when blowing the truth about government’s evil deeds.

Suppression of truth is wrong... anyway, suppression of truth will never work anyways. Truth is like bubbly foam, eventually, they will rise to the top and show themselves...

Governments of the world either will respect that and reform itself in order to save itself... or risk being overthrown and be replaced.

At the moment we have a government of, by and for the big corporations. My hope is that we still might be able to change it if we elect the right people. However, if we return to the status quo of electing only the lesser of the 2 evil establishment candidates between the 2 major parties, then our nation will soon be screwed.

Our nation was rotting away before Trump came along. Trump definitely didn’t fix the problem... America is more fucked up, but like I said, at least the rest of the world ended up better off while America is in disarray.

December 23rd, 2020, 08:15 AM
"A+ lE@st tRump diDnt stArt anY w4rs"


Fuck Trump.
Fuck his voters.
Fuck his apologists.

December 23rd, 2020, 08:17 AM
"Democrats are centrist shills for corporations..."

Leftists really need to shut the fuck up about red state Democrats.


December 23rd, 2020, 08:18 AM
Dude, didn’t start no wars doesn’t mean he’s an angel. It only meant he started no wars. Do you understand?

BTW, corporate centrist democrats are in both red and blue states.

I'd like to see their 1st act, middle acts and last act in congress be actions done for the average american people, not for giant corporations.

December 23rd, 2020, 11:40 AM
DeM0©rats and rePubL1c4n$ r tH3 saMe¡


December 23rd, 2020, 02:08 PM
However, if government is acting secretly against the people, whistleblowers should be protected when blowing the truth about government’s evil deeds.

Suppression of truth is wrong... anyway, suppression of truth will never work anyways. Truth is like bubbly foam, eventually, they will rise to the top and show themselves...

So what secrets should be kept?
Would it be ok to reveal undercover police operating in criminal organisations?
What about military secrets? How about revealing the atom bomb project during WW2.

I think its reasonable to expect that the govt (or its agents such as military, police) should have some secrets. The general people dont need to know them and should be better/safer/whateverer for keeping them secret.
The issue them becomes, at what point is it decided that these secrets are used to coverup illegal or even just immoral actions.

This is rarely black and white, so while the whistleblower might think they are doing the right thing, what if someone thought it best that Russia had the atom bomb? Is that treason or reasonable whistleblowing?
Who gets to decide what is reasonable? And can this decision be made without revealing the secrets, especially if the answer is that the secret must be kept.
Does being a journalist give you extra rights to access these secrets to then make a decision if they should be revealed?

Its complicated.

December 23rd, 2020, 02:20 PM
[(...)what if someone thought it best that Russia had the atom bomb? Is that treason or reasonable whistleblowing?
According to the US gov't, that's definitely treason (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_and_Ethel_Rosenberg). Enough to get you legally executed.

December 23rd, 2020, 03:41 PM
Of course it’s complicated.

If something is bothering a whistleblower’s moral conscience so much, then I think it’s fair for him to blow the whistle and reveal the secret and let the ‘people’ decide whether if he lied about the ‘fire’ or not. Shouldn’t all be up to the government to shut people up.

If a person has mental issues, he most likely won’t end up having security clearance to know these secrets anyway.

Also, sharing the secret information that something is ‘on fire’ shouldn’t not give other nations any advantages. Genuine Whistleblowers don’t tend to end up giving neighboring nations helpful info, but only warning others or some sort of internal problem. Of course whistleblowers also need to be considerate of the possible 2ndary harm that might cause...

Take Snowden’s case for example... if our own government is spying on us, why would revealing such information be treason?

If our own soldiers are abusing and killing villagers mostly women and children without arms..., would revealing such information really be treason?

I trust that most whistleblowers would only blow about things that are black and white rather than gray. If they just carelessly blow about fire where there is none, then we can penalize them accordingly?

Anyway, I still think telling fire in the theater is a pretty decent analogy for us to carefully consider when we should become a whistleblower and when we should shut up. It may be useless legally, but if I’m gonna blow on some secret info, I’d make sure that there’s really fire, not just some smoke...

And if I’m executed for treason, so be it.

I just think people like Snowden should be allowed a public trial.

December 23rd, 2020, 03:53 PM
Because if we know we're being spied on, then that means all of us semi-professional paranoids will be proven right!

December 23rd, 2020, 04:03 PM
Anyway, spying on your own citizens is pretty lame and it’s probably an opened secret even without Snowden.

Our not so transparent government is also the reason why we have so many conspiracies...

Don’t just blame everything on the ‘people’.

As long as our government is not of, by, for the people, we’ll have problems.

December 23rd, 2020, 05:26 PM

We know who tried to get people money in this crisis, and who didn't.

December 23rd, 2020, 05:27 PM
Speaks for itself. Read the tweet.


December 23rd, 2020, 07:32 PM
What if they are spying on just some people? What if those people are possible terrorists?
Should that be ok to make public?
What if instead of making it public, release it just to a journalist who is then going to release it, but before that happens they are caught and charged with releasing secrets that could affect state security... should the trial and evidence be public? That defeats the purpose of it being secret.

Its rarely black and white.
Sometimes its clear...
Yes unlawful killings by military (or contractors) is pretty obvious and it shouldnt be hidden by "ongoing operational issues".
Australia has just had an issue with this, looks like a reasonable number of our elite services in Afghanistan were involved in murder and covering it up. This was kept under secrecy as their operations are nearly always top secret. It ended up with whistle blowers from within units reporting it, nothing happening and then they "leaked" it to journalists. This lead to federal police raids on journalists. Which I think is possibly justified, but in this case the journalists had quite legitimate reasons to spill secrets.

Where its not so clear can be wholesale leaking of info. Or leaking of info for reasons that might be justified by the person but not by the country (eg "to save the world")

I just think your "suppression of truth is wrong" is a gross simplification. And saying it should be up to the people is also defeating the purpose of state secrets.

Rare White Ape
December 23rd, 2020, 07:59 PM
Each set of secret will be taken on its own merit, and the journalists would have a responsibility to assess whether is in the public interest to prelease the information. It would be something they learn in hack university, as well as by the standards set by their peers, editors, and the news organisations they work for. I don't think any journalist is a lone wolf working for their own interest. Even WikiLeaks, who is a team of people, not just one guy, would know about stuff that they would consider to be too dangerous to release.

So to anyone questioning the suddenly very very grey subject of which state secrets should stay secret, I would encourage you to make a list of all of the relevant checks a journalist should undertake in determining whether or not something should be made public. Include things like: is this in the public interest or not? How much trouble will *I* get into for releasing this? Will releasing the info be likely to endanger anybody, or will it jeopardise a currently active investigation or court case? What are the likely effects from the fallout?

Etcetera, etcetera, et-fucking-cetera.

I'm sure a comprehensive list could be drawn up pretty quickly. And once you read through it, rest assured that people went to hack university for many years to be given their journalist badge, so they ain't stupid, and in general you can trust that they're doing the right thing, in just the same way that you can trust the engineer who designed the bridge you drive over every day on your way to work.

December 23rd, 2020, 09:23 PM
I’m with RWA on this. Now, even Boeing engineering could still be corrupted by profit, but we are counting on whistleblowers who are not profit driven to reveal to us the truth.

It can’t be that hard to draft up something to help people to see if this particular gray is shady enough to make blowing the whistle worthwhile.

It shouldn’t be government having all the power to shut/lock people up in the name and of secret national security...

I also find it hard to believe that Aussie elite forces could be fucking around behind US and UK forces’ back.

I think based on #of Covid cases, we can plainly see which of the 3 governments work better at protecting its own citizens.

For sure I believe we have a better constitution, but our government is way more corrupted at this point. Trump deserves a lot of blame, but we were rotting before him. It’s the rot that helped fueled his campaign... and Sanders’ too. Too bad Trump won...

December 23rd, 2020, 09:41 PM

We know who tried to get people money in this crisis, and who didn't.

If it weren’t for the Georgia senate race runoff, Mitch won’t even agree to $600!

As for the pragmatic democrats, they were willing to accept $0 checks too.

I thought the 2 senators pushed hardest for the direct checks were Sanders(I) and Hawley(R).

December 23rd, 2020, 09:44 PM
Speaks for itself. Read the tweet.


Sanders is technically right.

Sanders wasn’t making the claim that M4A would turn red to blue, right?

So for you blue state politicians, WTF is your problem with M4A and Sanders?

Sanders is a technically on the same blue team. Stop treating him as if he’s the enemy.

December 24th, 2020, 05:58 AM

Those pics that show the entire country as red and just a few blue (urban) areas don't show you the whole picture. There's a reason why urban areas can dominate the voting and not look representative: because NO ONE lives in the red areas. (Exaggeration.)

That's the map showing population of each county with a circle, and whether or not it voted red or blue.

December 24th, 2020, 06:04 AM

I don't think the Democrats are going to win both seats in Georgia. Republicans have reverted to their stereotypical patterns: attacking Warnock as a "radical" which we know is coded language covering for racism: and Republican voters will racist.

I'm hopeful, but resigned to the outcome.

December 24th, 2020, 06:16 AM
And of course the bill was rejected by the Republicans. Even though Trump said he wants $2000, and the Democrats agreed with him on the $2000.


But you know who be on that "boTh p4rtiEs R tH3 sAm3!!!" shit.

December 24th, 2020, 09:31 AM
Pelosi called their bluff. No shock they didn't go for it.

Fuck these assholes.

December 24th, 2020, 10:42 AM
Mitch only agreed to $600 hoping to protect his senate majority. Playing Scrooge won’t help Georgia run off.

Even roofer thought $600 is a joke.

Will Georgia voters really choose racism over money?

Hope not. If we end up with no money, I suppose people will have to automatically choose racism?

Trump has placed the GOP in a tough spot. Good for him and better for the democrats!

Rare White Ape
December 24th, 2020, 01:57 PM
https://scontent.fbne3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/132952444_855062901952751_4964161811229242423_n.jp g?_nc_cat=101&ccb=2&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=KbHk3f0ScAgAX-RJs-1&_nc_ht=scontent.fbne3-1.fna&oh=188e717373516aee2ad52ca4cffdce78&oe=600A857D

December 27th, 2020, 10:04 AM
Republicans are really good. They could actually shift the blame to their president with their lousy relief package. There’s just no way in hell to raise the check amount and the tiny check is now delayed by Trump.

I really don’t understand why Republican voters were thinking. Particularly Kentucky voters.

Why is it that we could never apply pressure to the republican congress?

Maybe it’s good to shut down the government and burn it all down.

Only trump is crazy enough to do that...

Anyway, I really don’t get it. Republican voters thought the check was ridiculously small, so did Trump and the democrats... yet we’re unable to overcome the minority Republican house and barely majority senate. They have a say on how to run the country and assume none of the responsibilities... How is this possible?

December 27th, 2020, 12:44 PM
Republicans are really good. They could actually shift the blame to their president with their lousy relief package. There’s just no way in hell to raise the check amount and the tiny check is now delayed by Trump.

I really don’t understand why Republican voters were thinking. Particularly Kentucky voters.

Why is it that we could never apply pressure to the republican congress?

Maybe it’s good to shut down the government and burn it all down.

Only trump is crazy enough to do that...

Shutting the government down mostly hurts the poor, the elderly, the disenfranchised. You completely suck at being a liberal!! progressive. Then again, ...

December 27th, 2020, 12:50 PM
I’m not really all that progressive. I just like to have the best of all the world! US is currently lacking in the progressive front that’s why I support people like Sanders. I don’t really agree fully with Sanders...

Anyway, lastly, I don’t really understand why government needs to shut down. All just a stupid game.

New law needs to exist that if congress cannot agree on a budget for next year, they can all just be fired and then the rest of the nation keeps going with last year’s budget... and then we vote in new members of congress. Fired congress persons won’t be allowed to run again..., this will include folks like both Mitch and Sanders. For sure there’s no need for career politicians, Sanders will be forced to run for some other office.

Anyway, it’s like our world is getting very good a hurting the poor, including govt shutdowns. Time to start thinking about how to hurt the rich and powerful? Ideally, I just want to be fair, but if Republican congress doesn’t want to play fair, what can we do?

December 28th, 2020, 11:21 AM
Trump came to his senses and signed.

Wonder what’s the real reason for this drama. He should’ve pushed harder with the democrats earlier on during the process.

Maybe now he’s gonna take credit for disaster averted? (For a disaster that he created...)

Just a few more weeks now... and few days until election is certified... fingers crossed...

December 28th, 2020, 02:37 PM
House passed the $2000 check so now it’s Mitch’s move...

Go along with it to protect his senate majority or vote it down and risk losing his majority...

Trump’s suicidal narcissistic tantrum might have saved some Americans from falling into poverty.

December 28th, 2020, 03:42 PM
I read your previous post as
Trump came to his senses and resigned.
and thought "HOLY SHIT, HOW DID I MISS.... oh."

December 28th, 2020, 03:52 PM
I posted in here with a question and it's no longer here. WTH?

December 28th, 2020, 03:56 PM
"A+ lE@st tRump diDnt stArt anY w4rs"


Fuck Trump.
Fuck his voters.
Fuck his apologists.

That's terrible. I didn't know about that entire situation.

December 28th, 2020, 04:44 PM
I read your previous post as
and thought "HOLY SHIT, HOW DID I MISS.... oh."

That’d be nice too!

December 28th, 2020, 04:54 PM
That's terrible. I didn't know about that entire situation.

Trump is indeed an asshole.

However, if we were to trace back to the source of the problem, we should also note that similar incident probably happened on Obama’s watch and this stupid unjust war was initially started by W.

If America can be more careful and not starting bogus wars, a lot of disasters could be avoided. If we have a government that truly care for the people, there’d be no need for any antiestablishment candidates. No need for Sanders and no need for Trump.

Blaming trump won’t solve the source of our problem. Removing trump will certainly remove the problems he created, but our status quo problems will remain. If we don’t fix it, more trumps will come.... more movements will come... until reforms are made or until our government is overthrown.

December 28th, 2020, 04:55 PM
That's terrible. I didn't know about that entire situation.

But it's ok because Trump didn't start any wars. :rolleyes:

It's massively shitty.

December 28th, 2020, 04:58 PM
Not starting wars is a good thing done by this shitty president.

A shitty person can still do good things, even if it’s just accidental luck without actual intention.

Nobody is saying he’s a good president. Hope you’ll eventually get the concept of judging a person vs judging his individual deeds.

December 28th, 2020, 05:05 PM
But it's ok because Trump didn't start any wars. :rolleyes:

It's massively shitty.

He fucking tried to back in January when with the assassination of the Iranian general...

December 28th, 2020, 05:12 PM
Here is a picture of one of the victims whose killer was found guilty by a jury of his peers and subsequently pardoned by Mr. Trump.


And a letter to his mom, after she donated half her compensation to a wounded soldiers fund.


In case you didn't click on the twitter thread linked above.

December 28th, 2020, 05:47 PM
Not starting wars is a good thing done by this shitty president.

A shitty person can still do good things, even if it’s just accidental luck without actual intention.

Nobody is saying he’s a good president. Hope you’ll eventually get the concept of judging a person vs judging his individual deeds.

When a person is overwhelmingly shitty, even their good deeds don't count. I'm sure Hitler loved his dogs (did Hitler have dogs?) but it doesn't matter because he was a complete fuckstain of a human being!!!!

And, yes, I am judging Trump on his individual deeds. Not doing something is not a "good deed." You don't get kudos for not punching me in the face today. BECAUSE YOU SHOULDN'T BE PUNCHING ME IN THE FACE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!

It's not fucking rocket science.

December 28th, 2020, 07:24 PM
So like....a lot of pro trumpers, are pro military. Yet trump isn't for the military....



December 28th, 2020, 09:26 PM
When a person is overwhelmingly shitty, even their good deeds don't count. I'm sure Hitler loved his dogs (did Hitler have dogs?) but it doesn't matter because he was a complete fuckstain of a human being!!!!

And, yes, I am judging Trump on his individual deeds. Not doing something is not a "good deed." You don't get kudos for not punching me in the face today. BECAUSE YOU SHOULDN'T BE PUNCHING ME IN THE FACE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!

It's not fucking rocket science.

I didn’t even give kudos, just said that’s one of the few things I personally liked.

Speaking of Hitler, Trump could have commanded the US military to invade other nations with trumped up reasons... he has already set up concentration camps of illegal immigrants... maybe with 1 more term, he just might start WW3...

So can we at least be thankful that he started no wars? Or must he be a fucking asshole for starting no wars?

As for that assassination, I don’t agree with that but at least there’s more justification for doing that than most of the modern wars we got ourselves into...

Rare White Ape
December 29th, 2020, 12:00 AM
So like....a lot of pro trumpers, are pro military. Yet trump isn't for the military....



I honestly thought that no legislation was allowed to pass between the election and the inauguration of the next president. This week proved me wrong with the COVID relief bill, but that could be considered an emergency bill to help the most vulnerable citizens (although heavily watered-down and fucked about with in regards to added legislation tacked-on the side).

Why is the government still allowed to introduce new laws and make decisions like these?

December 29th, 2020, 02:18 AM
22 days left to burn things down...

December 29th, 2020, 04:00 AM
I honestly thought that no legislation was allowed to pass between the election and the inauguration of the next president. This week proved me wrong with the COVID relief bill, but that could be considered an emergency bill to help the most vulnerable citizens (although heavily watered-down and fucked about with in regards to added legislation tacked-on the side).

Why is the government still allowed to introduce new laws and make decisions like these?

A combination of 3* things: Our gov't was set at a time when travel between any given place and the seat of power took appreciable time; Setting up a new administration takes time, since we don't have anything like a shadow cabinet; Finally, because of the preceding 2 things, you can't just have a government which "can't" act - what if the redcoats attack the 2nd week of november? Do we wait until until March 4?

*: Really there are 4 - As it's turned out, a huge amount of our "rules" for how to govern are actually just a combination of tradition and somebody 230 years ago assuming that anybody who got elected would be operating in good faith.

December 29th, 2020, 04:30 AM
Which is reason enough to not follow something drawn up 230 years ago as if it was holy writ.

December 29th, 2020, 04:37 AM
You'd think.

December 29th, 2020, 07:09 AM
There is no formal rule about legislation after the election, just most legislation doesn't pass because Congress considers the outgoing President a lame duck.

December 29th, 2020, 07:22 AM
There is no formal rule about legislation after the election, just most legislation doesn't pass because Congress considers the outgoing President a lame duck.

December 29th, 2020, 07:31 AM
Which is reason enough to not follow something drawn up 230 years ago as if it was holy writ.

Not sure if we should just decide to not follow something for no good reason. If we have a good reason to change a broken tradition, then sure, let’s make the change. Otherwise, why should we reinvent the wheel every year?

December 29th, 2020, 07:47 AM
You'd think.

Surely nobody actually thought founding fathers were as sinless as Jesus, but our constitution was drafted assuming all men are not only created equal, but also sinfully corruptible. That’s why there’s election and individual states and bunch of check and balances.

Without the constitution, IMHO, our nation probably would be declining and rotting much earlier...

There are numerous new nations founded in the new world, how many became a superpower? Why is US the only one?

As for modern day problems such as foreign invasions/meddling, it’s all because US has nobody checking and balancing its powers outside of the US. There are also no constitutional protections for non Americans...

Lastly, big corporations are figuring out ways to corrupt our politicians as much as legally possible...

So we definitely have good reasons to amend our constitution, just don’t think we need to blame it for our current failures.

December 29th, 2020, 08:31 AM
Jesus fucking Christ.

Fuck Bernie Sanders!!!


December 29th, 2020, 08:33 AM
Jesus fucking Christ.

Fuck Bernie Sanders!!!


Now people are going to say the Democrats hate the troops... Right before the Georgia election.

You see why I'm not down with "progressives?" Always on their own mission to get headlines, likes and clicks

December 29th, 2020, 10:31 AM
As for modern day problems such as foreign invasions/meddling, it’s all because US has nobody checking and balancing its powers outside of the US. There are also no constitutional protections for non Americans...

Holy shit.

1. Why the fuck did I click "View Post"? I guess it might have been the "LOOK AT ME I'M GOING TO REPLY TO 3 POSTS" attention-seeking attitude of yours.

2. Have you always been this fucking stupid, ill-informed, and/or (easily) brainwashed? Surely this is this an act, joke, and/or satire of some sort? Oh, wait, it can't be. Carry on then. :rolleyes:

December 29th, 2020, 02:21 PM
Now people are going to say the Democrats hate the troops... Right before the Georgia election.

You see why I'm not down with "progressives?" Always on their own mission to get headlines, likes and clicks

Troops vs average Americans, which is more important?

Save the troops and fuck average Americans?

Yes, Bernie Sanders has done absolutely nothing in congress and whatever he does you disagree with.

Anyway, if Mitch can play this game, why can’t Bernie? Why do we have to be so ‘pragmatic’ and then lose these political fights with the GOP all the time?

Plus, Bernie isn’t a democrat. If shit goes down, you can blame progressives hate troops. Democrats’ hands are clean.

December 29th, 2020, 02:28 PM
Holy shit.

1. Why the fuck did I click "View Post"? I guess it might have been the "LOOK AT ME I'M GOING TO REPLY TO 3 POSTS" attention-seeking attitude of yours.

2. Have you always been this fucking stupid, ill-informed, and/or (easily) brainwashed? Surely this is this an act, joke, and/or satire of some sort? Oh, wait, it can't be. Carry on then. :rolleyes:

A supporter of the CCP calling an American brain washed.

This is beyond ironic, this is steelic! No, heck, this is titaniumic!

Anyway, have some self control and stop reading my posts. If you want to discuss something or reply to other people’s posts, please do so. I have no problem engaging in discussions and I don’t believe I’ve ever just call somebody stupid and then carries on...

You need to stop trolling.

December 29th, 2020, 06:18 PM
Gonna call BS, Mo.

This is not on Sanders, this is on McConnell and his allies. The entirety of the Democratic Party, and many Republicans, including Trump, have been supporting a bigger cash payout. Even many Republican voters support it. Just because Sanders is demanding that McConnell and Senate Republicans *do their job* does not make him, or Democrats bad guys in this. Just because it can be spun does not mean it’s bad. Spin happens no matter what, that’s politics. You don’t give up just because the opposition can spin things, that’s spineless bullshit.

And let me remind you, Trump and Republicans have been threatening the defense bill over Section 230, the border wall, and removing Confederate names from military facilities. So remind me, again, who “hates” the military.

Recalibrate your focus, Mo. Progressives are not the bad guys, nor are Democrats.

December 30th, 2020, 02:56 AM
While the Trump "support" is suspect for the $2000 (the only real reason he's doing it, is to put McConnell in a bad light out of revenge for him calling the election), this is on McConnell.

It's a simple straight bill for $2000 payments, but he wants to tie liability protection and the Section 230 to it.

Moral of the story: McConnell and his ilk are total fucking shitbags.

Trump's "support" is purely spiteful and political, has nothing to do with "the people". If it had, he's about 10 months later to the party. Fuck him, and good riddance.

December 30th, 2020, 03:17 AM

December 30th, 2020, 05:57 AM
While the Trump "support" is suspect for the $2000 (the only real reason he's doing it, is to put McConnell in a bad light out of revenge for him calling the election), this is on McConnell.

It's a simple straight bill for $2000 payments, but he wants to tie liability protection and the Section 230 to it.

Moral of the story: McConnell and his ilk are total fucking shitbags.

Trump's "support" is purely spiteful and political, has nothing to do with "the people". If it had, he's about 10 months later to the party. Fuck him, and good riddance.

I'd argue that Trump supports things that are popular with his base, as well. His base needs cash right now, so they want a bigger payout as well. He doesn't give a fuck about them, of course, but he sees that it's a demand his base is making.

December 30th, 2020, 06:34 AM
I'd argue that Trump supports things that are popular with his base, as well. His base needs cash right now, so they want a bigger payout as well. He doesn't give a fuck about them, of course, but he sees that it's a demand his base is making.

Plus how many of them might send a portion if not all of it to Trump anyway.

December 30th, 2020, 08:23 AM
Plus how many of them might send a portion if not all of it to Trump anyway.

Pretty astute observation.

Trump is still trying to find ways to pay for his campaign, IIRC.

December 30th, 2020, 08:32 AM
I'd argue that Trump supports things that are popular with his base, as well. His base needs cash right now, so they want a bigger payout as well. He doesn't give a fuck about them, of course, but he sees that it's a demand his base is making.

True. How is going to keep shaving them off for the next four years if they aint got no money?

December 30th, 2020, 09:30 AM
That was my first thought when he said it should be $2000. Give his stupid fucking "supporters" more to give right back to him, and if it fucks over McConnell too, bonus.

Because he's a petty, spiteful, grifting sac of pig shit.

December 30th, 2020, 10:52 AM
Stolen from Reddit... Conservative subreddits have been fun to look at the last month or so:


Rare White Ape
December 30th, 2020, 11:10 AM
Republican voters opinions on the matter are rather, erm... spotty.


December 30th, 2020, 11:32 AM
Hope they/Kentuckyans follow thru with the vote Mitch out movement.

Mitch really needs to go.

FWIW Neanderthal, I do believe Mitch is worse than combining Hillary and the entire Democratic establishment! Heck, I’d even rate him worse than Trump because I cannot recall a single thing that he did that I can be thankful for.

Rare White Ape
December 30th, 2020, 12:37 PM
Uh huh.


December 30th, 2020, 04:55 PM

An incredible achievement by the protections and freedoms the US Constitution have given this guy!!

December 31st, 2020, 04:35 AM

Freude am Fahren
December 31st, 2020, 07:54 AM


December 31st, 2020, 08:53 AM

So can you find anyone trying to blame Sanders for hating the troops or for trying to delay people their $600 checks? :p

I think it should be clear that the person most universally hated at this point in time is Mitch, right?

January 1st, 2021, 05:26 AM
So can you find anyone trying to blame Sanders for hating the troops or for trying to delay people their $600 checks? :p

I think it should be clear that the person most universally hated at this point in time is Mitch, right?

Only those more interested in a more inclusive oligarchy.

That being said,

Is why I say you can't give Diaper boy credit for not starting a war. there's still time for him to try

January 1st, 2021, 08:07 AM
Well, yeah, gonna have to knock on a lot of wood...

But I’m more worried about him trying other funny thing about electoral college certification...

Hope he will be gone for sure soon like 2020 without any disastrous things happening...

January 1st, 2021, 08:30 AM
Bernie arguing for checks to be $2000. Hurray Bernie.

Not a complete and utter fill in the blank.

January 1st, 2021, 09:35 AM

January 1st, 2021, 05:42 PM
I have deterimed that Lin Wood is a complete nutter. More at 11.

Tom Servo
January 1st, 2021, 05:49 PM
He's really cranking it up to 11 these days. Claiming Jeffrey Epstein is still alive, Pompeo is going to take over as VP after Pence, McConnell, and John Roberts are all executed for treason.

In other news, the overriding of Trump's veto today means that the US basically banned anonymous shell companies, a commonly used tool to launder and hide money.

I am a little curious why two of the votes to not override the veto came from Sanders and Warren, wondering what their reasoning for that was. They joined such nice folk as Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton in voting no.

Freude am Fahren
January 3rd, 2021, 12:21 PM
"I just want to find 11.780 votes."

https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-raffensperger-call-georgia-vote/2021/01/03/d45acb92-4dc4-11eb-bda4-615aaefd0555_story.html?fbclid=IwAR2_l8mhdkNTpKRea oncaDrX0mk91ZpNgOKvN7wizXxnIg_YNVgJpj1jfdg

Rare White Ape
January 3rd, 2021, 12:33 PM
I commend anyone who still conducts themselves professionally in the face of this continual ridiculousness.

Tom Servo
January 3rd, 2021, 05:58 PM
"I just want to find 11.780 votes."

https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-raffensperger-call-georgia-vote/2021/01/03/d45acb92-4dc4-11eb-bda4-615aaefd0555_story.html?fbclid=IwAR2_l8mhdkNTpKRea oncaDrX0mk91ZpNgOKvN7wizXxnIg_YNVgJpj1jfdg

To follow up, here's the entire call w/ transcript: https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-raffensperger-call-transcript-georgia-vote/2021/01/03/2768e0cc-4ddd-11eb-83e3-322644d82356_story.html

January 3rd, 2021, 06:46 PM
I commend anyone who still conducts themselves professionally in the face of this continual ridiculousness.

How about the last 10 Secretaries of Defense.

January 3rd, 2021, 09:42 PM
It’s already January 2021, it’s hard to believe I’m still have to worry by Trump trying to overturn the election...

When will the fat lady sing so we can be sure to put Trump behind us?

Historians will probably look back to 2020 and be awe struck by all this...

January 4th, 2021, 04:02 PM
Congress should be impeaching him for this, just to set precedent. If they don’t, a future POTUS could interfere with an election and point to Trump’s actions as evidence it being allowed/ok for the POTUS to do.

January 5th, 2021, 05:58 AM
Just so I’m clear...there’s no possible way left for Trump to steal this election, right? Now that virtually all of the courts and election officials have thumbed their noses at him.

Yet there’s all this talk about congressmen/women and senators voting to object the certification, and cryptic language from Trump about Pence “coming through”, as if he has some last minute magical ability to overturn things. What’s that all about?

January 5th, 2021, 06:34 AM
Desperation with no legal merit. He's lost 60+ court cases due to not having any factual evidence. This is just an amplified attempt at the same "allegations" without proof.

He's a twat. Everyone in the band of 12 (13 now, Laughather joined the "cause" yesterday, which makes just as much sense. Contest the election YOU won, brilliant).

January 5th, 2021, 06:37 AM
Sounds like on Jan 6, trump and his supporters might make a final attempt to take over in DC...

I doubt legally there’s any chance of him changing anything. If he actually has the evidences, he should be showing them on Twitter already... however, who knows what kind of other alternate reality evidences he has though... plus his supporters will likely bear arms...

Just don’t be around DC on 1/6.

January 5th, 2021, 06:59 AM
I'm curious why the focus on Georgia though.

The electoral map (https://www.cnn.com/election/2020/results/president) shows that flipping Georgia back doesn't get Trump over 270.

January 5th, 2021, 08:34 AM
Probably because of expected republican loyalty, and if you can get one to turn it throws more doubt on the other states. That's the only logical reason, but we know logic is a stranger to these people

January 5th, 2021, 09:19 AM
Ok I sort of understand the whole Pence thing now. His figurehead role as leader of the senate means he has to more or less “sign off” on the electoral shit. I saw a video of Biden doing the same in early 2017 to accept Trump’s election win.

Based on what I’m reading it doesn’t make a difference if he actually does it or not, as he doesn’t have the power to overturn shit. It’s all for show. I would respect him 0.5% more if he did the right thing.

We know Pence is nothing more than a little weasel who loves to lick Trump’s cornhole. Good riddance to him too on January 20th.

January 5th, 2021, 09:30 AM
I sincerely hope that Pence goes along with it, right to the moment and says "Yep, certified. Biden wins."

But I'm not holding my breath.

Tom Servo
January 5th, 2021, 10:55 AM
Just so I’m clear...there’s no possible way left for Trump to steal this election, right? Now that virtually all of the courts and election officials have thumbed their noses at him.

Yet there’s all this talk about congressmen/women and senators voting to object the certification, and cryptic language from Trump about Pence “coming through”, as if he has some last minute magical ability to overturn things. What’s that all about?

It's my understanding that any congressperson or senator can object to a state's electors, and in doing so they kick off a maximum two hour debate in both houses. At the end of that, both the house and senate vote and, if they both get a majority, then the electors can be changed. Otherwise, it goes to the electors that the state certified. I don't think Pence gets a say at all in it, except maybe as a tiebreaking vote in the Senate.

The chances of carrying the house in that sort of thing are pretty slim.

Tom Servo
January 5th, 2021, 10:55 AM
I'm curious why the focus on Georgia though.

The electoral map (https://www.cnn.com/election/2020/results/president) shows that flipping Georgia back doesn't get Trump over 270.

It's not entirely Georgia, I know that little bootlicker Ted Cruz is planning on objecting to Arizona's results.

January 5th, 2021, 11:33 AM
Damn what a process, it’s so exhausting. In Canada it’s a one and done deal. Get elected on election night, sworn in as Prime Minister the next day. There’s a bit of a transition period but the PM is already in office when it happens. I think.

Tom Servo
January 5th, 2021, 11:56 AM
Agreed, it's utter nonsense. It's mind-boggling to me that we have this bizarre process that seems to be so much based around weird old-timey rituals.

January 5th, 2021, 12:34 PM
. At the end of that, both the house and senate vote and, if they both get a majority, then the electors can be changed..

2/3 majority, not simple

Tom Servo
January 5th, 2021, 01:20 PM
Ahh, then in that case, there isn't a chance in hell.

January 5th, 2021, 01:59 PM
I'd assume Trump is concentrating on Georgia because if he would change the vote, it would rally Republicans in the state to vote the members of Congress up for election.

January 5th, 2021, 02:51 PM
Do the Republicans not realise that if Biden is not sworn in on Jan 21, Madame Speaker Nancy Pelosi becomes president?

Rare White Ape
January 5th, 2021, 03:55 PM
Oh that would be an unpopular turn of events to the Republicans, wouldn't it?

Time to buy a bulk bag of popcorn off Amazon in preparation.

Rare White Ape
January 5th, 2021, 03:58 PM
In udder news, it is decided that Julian Assange cannot be extradited to the USA, owing to his poor mental health and that he would be a suicide risk.

This decision was handed down by a judge in the UK, the same UK where Assange has resided in gaol for the last few years in solitary confinement causing his mental health to deteriorate.

:Shrug emoji:

January 5th, 2021, 04:58 PM
Damn what a process, it’s so exhausting. In Canada it’s a one and done deal. Get elected on election night, sworn in as Prime Minister the next day. There’s a bit of a transition period but the PM is already in office when it happens. I think.

That probably works if its not too close.
But if its close or even a hung parliament it can take longer.
We had a very close election, took a few days for final critical seats to be called, then with no outright majority the leading party was offered first chance to negotiate with independents and minor parties to get a majority and be called as the government.

As far as I know your system is similar enough that the same thing could happen. Rare, but it could.

January 5th, 2021, 09:35 PM
Speaking of tight races, I can’t believe the 2 senate seats in Georgia can be so tight...

And even if democrats won both senate seats in Georgia, that’d still only make the democrats barely a majority...

How can everything freaking race be so tight in America?

January 6th, 2021, 04:09 AM
In udder news, it is decided that Julian Assange cannot be extradited to the USA, owing to his poor mental health and that he would be a suicide risk.

This decision was handed down by a judge in the UK, the same UK where Assange has resided in gaol for the last few years in solitary confinement causing his mental health to deteriorate.

:Shrug emoji:

Right. Because if he IS extradited, he'd be pardoned and/or Epsteined.

Also, Warnock in, one to go....

I predict the "certification" build up will be a nothing burger today. It will be certified for Biden with no drama (because the band of twats raising the "stink" are only playing along with DJT to placate his ego, which after today, they'll have nothing to play along with).

January 6th, 2021, 05:35 AM
Congrats to Warnock. I didn’t like that woman Loeffler. Why is it taking so long to count the other race?

Freude am Fahren
January 6th, 2021, 05:41 AM
I think they're both taking the same amount of time, just that one is far enough of a margin to call at this point, and the other is too close.

January 6th, 2021, 05:46 AM
Of course Trumplicans will be like "media doesn't decide elections", not knowing that calling only means projecting. Trump and his acolytes (Tomi Lahren among them) were already whining on Twitter about "vote dumps" last night. And so it begins all over again, the voter fraud conspiracy. A new variant.

January 6th, 2021, 08:28 AM
Oh God, Trump is mouthing off in DC...

Hope Pence will do the right thing...

January 6th, 2021, 08:49 AM
Can the Trumpical Republic end, already?

Freude am Fahren
January 6th, 2021, 09:06 AM
https://scontent.fmia1-2.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/136648652_4673613712731646_4808717714697528136_n.j pg?_nc_cat=1&ccb=2&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=LGsDGdaH0vsAX8MY_3B&_nc_ht=scontent.fmia1-2.fna&oh=3553213ea27cdc189e6ef2a67d365dc7&oe=601C4588

January 6th, 2021, 09:37 AM
Doth my ears deceive me? Mitch is talking a lot of sense right now. Watching live on YouTube.

January 6th, 2021, 09:42 AM
Don't feel like watching Mitch. Can you just summarize? :p

January 6th, 2021, 09:45 AM
Talking a lot of sense, in that it's total irony. I laughed when I heard him say "we can't have a double standard"

Fuck Mitch McConnell, and fuck Jim "How can someone that never left his house have more votes than someone that had packed rallies" Jordan.

January 6th, 2021, 10:13 AM

Freude am Fahren
January 6th, 2021, 10:17 AM
Capitol on lockdown as Trump losers march on it. Literally.


Apparently they've breached the doors?

Interesting Fox News hasn't labeled it a Riot...

January 6th, 2021, 10:23 AM
Don't feel like watching Mitch. Can you just summarize? :p Just that the objections are baseless bullshit. I stopped watching after his remarks. Some other guy started talking.

Talking a lot of sense, in that it's total irony. I laughed when I heard him say "we can't have a double standard"

Fuck Mitch McConnell, and fuck Jim "How can someone that never left his house have more votes than someone that had packed rallies" Jordan. All of that is true...he’s the same Mitch who acquitted Trump. But still it was refreshing to hear what he said today. Also refreshing to hear that Pence will break from Trump’s lunacy and won’t block certification. Guess it’s never too late to grow a pair. Though made easier when you really have nothing left to lose.

I was watching NBC live and they kept cutting to shots of a huge crowd of protesters nearby. Looked like they were ready to charge. They also mentioned something about part of the capitol building being evacuated for some reason. Have the crazies from dum-dum land infiltrated?

January 6th, 2021, 10:23 AM
His actions were full of double standards. His words making a lot of sense are really meaningless.

Glad I didn't waste time listening to him on youtube and glad that he is now a senate minority. :p

Biden admin seems to have a smooth road ahead of him. Hope he will govern this nation wisely and don't screw it up.

It's really sad to see the world end up like this politically.

The left had became very 'correct' and want to be sure things are evidence based. Sounds good on paper, however, bad players has now learned to suppress evidences. So without evidences, you can't speculate. If you do, you're a dumbass conspiracy theorists. Who knows how many Julians and Edwards US government has successfully suppressed? CCP has learned this trick to the Max. By refusing international teams to enter China, there's just no way to gather evidences. So without evidences, you can't say shit. If you say anything bad, then you're a racist against all Chinese people...

And then we have the right... sick of such BS politically correctness... goes way off the deep end with conspiracy theories. A lot of them still believe the pandemic is a hoax or just like any other flu and hospitals are actually empty and death rates in 2020 was no different than past historical records. It's all just government's attempt to rob people's rights...

Things are breaking down... this virus has now accelerated that process...

US capitol offices are also now being evacuated...

I pray and hope that our nation will survive this... if this doesn't kill us, it should make us stronger?

January 6th, 2021, 10:23 AM
Capitol on lockdown as Trump losers march on it. Literally.


Apparently they've breached the doors?

Interesting Fox News hasn't labeled it a Riot... Ahh, knew it.

Freude am Fahren
January 6th, 2021, 10:35 AM
A bunch are on some scaffolding. I hope it collapses.

January 6th, 2021, 10:38 AM
White Lives Matter movement has started?

These group of white folks were probably precisely the ones who do not sympathize with the BLM... now they're protesting too.

Isn't this mind boggling?

Who are these black people and white people protesting against? Obviously not each other...

Will Biden fight for these people or will Biden become the admin people fight against?

We should find out in a few years...

January 6th, 2021, 10:53 AM
So... is police shooting them down anytime soon? Ah, no, wait, they are not part of a minority culturally abused and enslaved.
Right on, 'Mmmurica.

January 6th, 2021, 10:57 AM
Just shoot them all ffs.

Rare White Ape
January 6th, 2021, 11:03 AM
That’s it. It is done. America truly is Great Again!

Tom Servo
January 6th, 2021, 11:11 AM

January 6th, 2021, 11:19 AM
There were some leaks yesterday about an alleged plot to fly an airplane into the Capitol as retaliation for Soleimani's assassination, it was basically someone intruding into the flight control radio channels and stating those intentions.

With what we're seeing today, the jihadist don't need to do anything, these morons need no help.

January 6th, 2021, 11:19 AM
Listening to the PBS Newshour stream, it seems a person was shot in the chest inside the Capitol.

January 6th, 2021, 11:21 AM
yep, they had her on TV being carted out, not real "professional" of the TV crew. She had a bloody tube down her throat and was getting CPR.....

"Keep it peaceful"

Freude am Fahren
January 6th, 2021, 11:22 AM
Of course people are claiming it's Atifa/BLM, not MAGA. Paid Agitators!

January 6th, 2021, 11:30 AM
Hopefully things get under control and the session resumes. They would have to disinfect the whole chamber as a few nutties got all the way inside. Half of them are probably infected with Covid.

January 6th, 2021, 11:30 AM
It's fucking disgusting. How are they allowed IN the Capitol?

January 6th, 2021, 11:30 AM

American Democracy.

January 6th, 2021, 11:33 AM
What kind of costume is that?

Looks so cool.

January 6th, 2021, 11:33 AM

Trumpism is a generational phenomenon.

January 6th, 2021, 11:36 AM

But her emails!