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September 8th, 2022, 09:30 AM
US politics has turned into such soap opera drama...

'Special Master'... Have you guys ever heard such master before? Trump team sure knows how to play by the 'rules'. :rolleyes:

September 8th, 2022, 10:08 AM

September 8th, 2022, 12:13 PM
Not as important as her emails.

I guess.

Lock her up!!! But Trump is a hero?

September 8th, 2022, 12:14 PM

Not how I think, but she has a right to think that.

Queen Elizabeth being the chief monarch of a thieving, raping, genocidal empire is true. That's what the British Empire, and all other empires, were.

September 8th, 2022, 12:37 PM
American empire has no chief.

Kinda lame to blame it all on the queen, especially on her death day like that.

September 8th, 2022, 03:33 PM
Not how I think, but she has a right to think that.

Queen Elizabeth being the chief monarch of a thieving, raping, genocidal empire is true. That's what the British Empire, and all other empires, were.

I think its easy to argue that most of that was before her reign.

Or maybe you could look at it from the point of view that the empire stood between Nazis and the world. That Britain and the other Commonwealth countries (and France) stood against Germany. Others came later, generally only when they were attacked (Russia, USA). Queen Elizabeth even served during the war.

That someone would wish an excruciating death on someone else is far more a reflection on them.

September 8th, 2022, 04:17 PM
Stop hurting America, you greasy two-bit grifter! (https://twitter.com/i/status/1567863409969954816)

Bannon in custody for money laundering charges in NY.

September 8th, 2022, 04:23 PM
That someone would wish an excruciating death on someone else is far more a reflection on them.

The professor's employer's position:


Her follow-up:

If anyone expects me to express anything but disdain for the monarch who supervised a government that sponsored the genocide that massacred and displaced half my family and the consequences of which those alive today are still trying to overcome, you can keep wishing upon a star.

Some context:


September 8th, 2022, 07:55 PM
Is that context a YouTube video? I can’t see on my phone…

Anyway, I think the reality is that every nation has a sinful objectionable past. British empire’s sin should not all fall on queen Liz’s shoulder.

I’d judge each king/queen/dictator by what he/she has done.

I’m not a history buff, but I really don’t know what has the queen done to deserve such disdain. I’ll try to watch that ‘context’ on my pc tomorrow.

September 8th, 2022, 08:47 PM
I think its easy to argue that most of that was before her reign.

Or maybe you could look at it from the point of view that the empire stood between Nazis and the world. That Britain and the other Commonwealth countries (and France) stood against Germany. Others came later, generally only when they were attacked (Russia, USA). Queen Elizabeth even served during the war.

That someone would wish an excruciating death on someone else is far more a reflection on them.

I'm 49. Members of my family fought for independence. Zimbabwe, South Africa, Kenya. How many relatives have you lost who were fighting for your basic freedoms? Members of my family were jailed in colonial times. My stepfather came to the US as a refugee. My mums twin sister came here as a refugee. Neither of them talk much about what they did, or went through.
Your experience of her is NOT my experience of her, nor is it universal.

I'll look at it through the lens of what my family went through, thank you.

Like i said, she has a right to feel and think that way. Why is it always the oppressed/ victims that are asked to show compassion/ mercy?

September 8th, 2022, 09:33 PM
Just watched the youtube video... had no idea about the Mau Mau rebellion until now.

Interestingly, our very own Obama's grandfather was tortured by the British as well during that rebellion.

Obama probably has the right to kick the Queen's ass as pay back for his grandfather?

Anyway, pretty sure the Queen 'inherited' this imperialism in 1952. It must've been bad luck to be born in that royal family and then have a crazy uncle abdicating his throne so that your dad ended up king. Neanderthal is not wrong that this isn't universal... However, I wish this can be brought up while the Queen was alive rather than now?

This is kinda like cancel culture. One bad thing would erase everything else that person has done. Seriously, everyone deserves to be stoned to death because everyone sins. However, is this really what we want?

Sure would be fun to see Obama kick the Queens ass.

Oh and Neanderthal, I don't think people are asking victims to be merciful, but we ought to be tasteful. It'd be better to wish somebody you hate excruciatingly painful death while the person is alive. That'd make more sense, right? After the person is dead, what benefit would it give anyone to say things like that?

Rare White Ape
September 8th, 2022, 10:32 PM
I'm 49. Members of my family fought for independence. Zimbabwe, South Africa, Kenya. How many relatives have you lost who were fighting for your basic freedoms? Members of my family were jailed in colonial times. My stepfather came to the US as a refugee. My mums twin sister came here as a refugee. Neither of them talk much about what they did, or went through.
Your experience of her is NOT my experience of her, nor is it universal.

I'll look at it through the lens of what my family went through, thank you.

Like i said, she has a right to feel and think that way. Why is it always the oppressed/ victims that are asked to show compassion/ mercy?

I'll respect your position far more than any official, hoity-toity, fat-cat leader of society's position.

If you leave one person behind, you leave all of us behind.

September 8th, 2022, 10:50 PM
Why is it always the oppressed/ victims that are asked to show compassion/ mercy?

Huge jump from compassion to wishing suffering.
Uju first sentence was enough to get her point across. The second was extreme.

Maybe that's how she felt, again Id say that says more about Uju than the queen. Especially as she had no power over any of these events.
Her followup of "express anything but disdain" - no she didn't express disdain, something like "many wont mourn or miss her" would have got that point across. She wanted her to suffer, that is a lot different to disdain.

Or maybe it was just an attempt at getting publicity, which has worked. She has drawn attention to the way the British empire has acted. But most of the attention has been focused on her ill will rather than her first point. She has gained a bigger audience but probably lost her message in doing so.

September 9th, 2022, 09:14 AM
I think I vaguely remembered Mau mau rebellion, but for sure it did not immediately pop into mind until I saw the YouTube ‘context’ video.

So yeah, she was definitely successful at pointing out her empire’s past sins for me. She’s definitely not wrong to feel that way…, but that’s kinda like dancing on the grave of Lincoln because the chief of a nation who enslaved and tortured lots of Africans and American Indians’ dead! Ha ha!

Just doesn’t feel right for most other folks.

Anyway, for sure the Queen also must know about that atrocity. Maybe that’s why she’s been trying to make amends during the rest of her reign? Are there any other things that people can be critical of queen Elizabeth?

I have Singaporean friends who seriously mourn the loss of the queen. Not all who were colonized by the Queen hated her. Wonder how YW feels… ;)

I don’t wish King Xi to die horribly, I just wish he would loosen his grip on the Chinese people and won’t end up destroying China.

September 9th, 2022, 01:41 PM
Huge jump from compassion to wishing suffering.
Uju first sentence was enough to get her point across. The second was extreme.

Maybe that's how she felt, again Id say that says more about Uju than the queen. Especially as she had no power over any of these events.
Her followup of "express anything but disdain" - no she didn't express disdain, something like "many wont mourn or miss her" would have got that point across. She wanted her to suffer, that is a lot different to disdain.

Or maybe it was just an attempt at getting publicity, which has worked. She has drawn attention to the way the British empire has acted. But most of the attention has been focused on her ill will rather than her first point. She has gained a bigger audience but probably lost her message in doing so.

Fair point. But, like I said earlier, not my position.

However we don't know what her life was like and if whatever ill will she bears was because of the colonial powers and what they did to her forebears.

It is what it is.

September 9th, 2022, 02:10 PM
Just watched "King" Charles' speech on YouTube, and I swear I could feel my stomach turning. His face alone is enough to make that happen. His entire life he has enjoyed the most potent fruits of privilege that's ever existed in this world. Sitting there all smug and thanking us. I guess I should appreciate his gratitude toward us for allowing his fucking family to confiscate our money for centuries.

The true wealth of the Royal family is untold and beyond staggering. It could be in the quadrillions given the sheer amount of land they own outside the British Isles. The fact that I don't actually own the land I live on sickens me to the core. I only own a deed, which will never give me true ownership of the land, even when the bank discharges my mortgage one day in the future. The land is owned by the Monarchy, and they could take it away from me at the stroke of a pen, and are only obligated to give me what they feel is "fair value". That's the way it is in all of the Commonwealth countries.

Is that how it works in America too? Obviously there's no Monarch, but does the state actually own all the land or does absolute ownership exist for individuals?

September 9th, 2022, 02:26 PM
Is that how it works in America too? Obviously there's no Monarch, but does the state actually own all the land or does absolute ownership exist for individuals?

You can own land in the States, but not absolutely. Most folks with houses are making mortgage payments, but eventually you can own your home and the land it's on "free and clear" once it's paid for.

But, if you don't pay your property taxes for long enough, I suppose eventually some government agency will seize your property.

Or, you can get "priced out" of your land by property taxes being raised over time. This happened to my parents when they lived on a barrier island where tourists kept going in greater numbers over the years and more and more houses and businesses were built. Everyone had wells and septic tanks there for decades.

Property taxes kept getting higher and higher over the years to support the infrastructure, police, and whatever else taxes pay for. Finally, enough people voted to put in city water and sewers. Taxes were increased accordingly. That wasn't the only reason my parents sold and moved, but it was certainly a big factor.

A similar thing can happen to long-time residents during Gentrification (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gentrification) of older areas.

...they could take it away from me at the stroke of a pen, and are only obligated to give me what they feel is "fair value".

That sounds like Eminent Domain (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eminent_domain), which that Wikipedia article says is called expropriation in Canada and many other places.

The Simpsons even had a bit about this.


September 9th, 2022, 03:10 PM
Yeah, does the royal family really own Canadian land?

In US, supposedly I do own my land. However, yeah, US government can probably still find a way to take/buy it if they really want build a freeway or something on top of my land.

I thought only small nations like Singapore doesn’t allow land ownership, had no idea Canada is like that? Glad I didn’t make any real estate investments in Canada!

So is Canada an independent nation? Why does the royal family own all of Canadian land? So odd. Glad Americans fought the revolutionary war and didn’t get massacred.

September 9th, 2022, 04:17 PM
The land is owned by the Monarchy, and they could take it away from me at the stroke of a pen, and are only obligated to give me what they feel is "fair value". That's the way it is in all of the Commonwealth countries.

Hmmm... if you have a deed then you own the land, or you would have a lease.
That the government (country) can reacquire the land isn't the same as them owning it. Subtle but important difference. You have control and the right to sell.
Sure they can force you to sell it to them - but looking at how often that happens its more like you have 99.999% ownership
And even then, its not the monarchy that would get the land, its the Canadian government. Sure the King is the head of state, but in no way does that give them personal ownership of things owned by the realm.

Rare White Ape
September 10th, 2022, 01:55 AM
It happened in my city a few years ago. They wanted to widen a road and had to resume some properties. The last owner held out as long as he could and it became front-page news in the local newspaper. He got fair market value just like everyone else did but really didn't want to move.

If you follow the trail of authority, it does indeed go to the 'Crown'. The funding for road upgrades might come from the local, the state, or the federal government, but in the end it's all held under the Crown.

This may be linked to why the Anglican church exists - it's the royal family's version of Catholicism, and the Catholic church apparently 'owns' everything that subjects of the church lay claim to. The Anglican church would fill that role for everything that the light touches in the Commonwealth.

I do wonder though, that it's not the personal property of the royal family and that maybe nothing is the personal property of the royal family. They probably just have the right to use and occupy it through succession, and it belongs to the people. I dunno, just speculating.

If we could perhaps crowdfund some legal information from YW he could tell us all we need to know.

September 10th, 2022, 06:54 AM
Most of what you associate with the royal family is not owned by them, its owned by the Crown eg Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Crown jewels. Also means they can't earn money from these assets. Income generated by them goes to trust, some of which is used to fund the running of them (staff, upkeep)
One notable exception is Balmoral Castle (where she died), that is privately owned. So it might not automatically go to Charles, would depend on her will. Id guess she would leave it to him rather than split it amongst her kids. I think Sandringham as well.
There are some other estates that are set aside for various royal positions (monarch, duke/duchess of windsor) that are specifically for them to earn money - like the job comes with some income generating business. So they are slum lords as well. This is closer to Crown owned, but income is theirs.

Back to Aussie land - we do use the term "crown land" for federally owned land, but it is Australian Crown. Effectively that means the Australian government, operating under the Governor General on behalf of the Monarch (being King Charles of Australia!). Definitely NOT owned by the royal family, it is not their private property, nor even the monarchs private property. The crown is the authority, but not the actual owner/controller. So the current govt can act on the land without approval from the monarch.

As for the Anglican church - the head of the Australian Anglican Church was interviewed and mentioned several times that they are separate and that the reigning monarch is not the head, they are just the head of the Church of England.

September 10th, 2022, 08:22 AM
Did the English accuse the North Koreans of having a cult of personality for the head of their state?

September 10th, 2022, 11:55 AM
You can own land in the States, but not absolutely. Most folks with houses are making mortgage payments, but eventually you can own your home and the land it's on "free and clear" once it's paid for. Of course I know about that. The bank owns your house until you pay off the mortgage. But here the Crown has first right to the land your house is sitting on.

Hmmm... if you have a deed then you own the land, or you would have a lease.
That the government (country) can reacquire the land isn't the same as them owning it. Subtle but important difference. You have control and the right to sell.
Sure they can force you to sell it to them - but looking at how often that happens its more like you have 99.999% ownership
And even then, its not the monarchy that would get the land, its the Canadian government. Sure the King is the head of state, but in no way does that give them personal ownership of things owned by the realm. True true. For practical purposes I guess I do own the land almost outright. It just bugs me that if I start digging in my backyard and discover oil or gold, the Crown can swoop right in and take it from me.

Extreme example, I know. Almost 100% unlikely there’s anything of value under my land.

September 10th, 2022, 01:15 PM
The bank does not own your house when you have a mortgage. They will foreclose on it to liquidate it as collateral if you do not conform to the mortgage agreement, however.

Mineral rights are a completely different mechanism. A mechanism that was disclosed on the deed when you bought the property, though, so you agreed to it when purchasing.

Source: Me, a consumer protection attorney with experience in mortgage defense.

September 10th, 2022, 02:45 PM
So does the ‘crown’ really own Canadian land or not? All the responses so far sound inconclusive…

To me, it sounds like yeah, God owns all of our land, but for all practical purpose, Jesus/queen/pope really isn’t going to sell and profit off our lands though.

September 10th, 2022, 03:15 PM
Im still arguing that "right to reclaim" is not the same as owning. You own the land, you can do what you want with it (within the law), you control it, can rent it and can sell it. Thats as good as ownership gets.
Otherwise you might as well argue nobody owns anything as a court could penalise you and force you to sell assets or they could repossess them.

Going one step further... native title claims in places such as Australia and Canada show that the law can recognise that some land is owned by the indigenous people, effectively owning it prior to colonisation. Not sure that the crown could even reclaim that land.

Oh.. just found this:

It says "Crown land is owned and managed by the state government on behalf of the people of NSW", so its not even federal land. So it seems its a "we the people".

September 10th, 2022, 04:32 PM
The bank does not own your house when you have a mortgage. They will foreclose on it to liquidate it as collateral if you do not conform to the mortgage agreement, however. For all intents and purposes, the bank owns it. And owns you too. :(

Mineral rights are a completely different mechanism. A mechanism that was disclosed on the deed when you bought the property, though, so you agreed to it when purchasing. Maaaan. I don’t remember agreeing to shit.

Ok maybe I agreed, but still fuck the banks and the Crown. :lol:

September 10th, 2022, 07:14 PM
For all intents and purposes, the bank owns it. And owns you too. :(

They are more like the Mafia... you can do what you want, but when the money if due, they own your arse!

Seriously... the bank doesn't own it, they can't redecorate, lock you out (without court order) or even enter the property without notice + permission.
You "control" the asset, they dont. They just have first rights to take it if you fuck up.

September 10th, 2022, 10:02 PM
They are more like the Mafia... you can do what you want, but when the money if due, they own your arse!

Seriously... the bank doesn't own it, they can't redecorate, lock you out (without court order) or even enter the property without notice + permission.
You "control" the asset, they dont. They just have first rights to take it if you fuck up. All I know is public dialogue has started in this country about severing ties with the monarchy. I’m sure the same discussion is being held in Australia and NZ and all across the “realm”. It’s long overdue. Monarchy needs to be abolished. They serve no purpose.

September 13th, 2022, 06:37 PM
Did the English accuse the North Koreans of having a cult of personality for the head of their state?

Don't speak these truths out loud bruh!!!! People gon have to challenge their beliefs and dogmas. And gonna contort themselves into all kindsa weird positions to justify their beliefs, while poo pooing others exact same beliefs.

September 13th, 2022, 06:49 PM
Don't fall for the Lindsey Graham abortion antics from today.

Republicans have seen the writing in the wall in regards to the response of the public to the complete abortion ban they've been pushing. First Kansas. Then Alaska. The the polls. The Lindsey Graham thing is just them trying to not seem extreme in regards to abortions. If you're paying attention, you'll notice a lot of GOP politicos have removed any mention on pro life or anti abortion from their platforms. Or have severely moderated their stance.

They went too far, and were happy about it until they very recently realised that that was gonna come back and bite them in the ass. Their come to Jesus motion on abortion came too late, I hope.

But, they still have no response for any fetus that is going to be non viable after 15 weeks. The so called small government party is being very big government and fascist. Our way or the highway. Nope. Acting like they're so concerned "for the children" when those same bastards were ok with putting kids in cages.

Then, there is somewhere (can't remember where,) where they intend to ban abortion unless they can get a doctors written notice that the pregnancy was a result of rape. Even for cases of children who are pregnant. Read that again.

If you're paying attention, you'll understand and be horrified that that implies that children are able to give consent.

This is why some of us don't fuck with Republicans. Because repugnant, doesn't really begin to describe this, or the lengths they'll go to. Like, who does this serve?!?!?!?! What purpose or good does it do?!?!?!? Why are people who don't have a uterus even opining on this?!?!?!?!?

Literally, the rights of people, HALF THE POPULATION, are being impinged here, rights they've had for 50 years, and for what purpose?

But "both parties are the same-" according to fuckface.

September 13th, 2022, 10:16 PM
Fuckface here! :p

2 parties are the same as in both parties think the other party is repugnant and can just go to hell.

Each party can only see the lameness of the other side but refuse to see each other as human beings…

Real life ain’t oval racing, we can’t just turn in one direction only. Left and right are the same because you’ll be going in circles either way. Navigating out of our troubles requires these ‘same’ folks to work together!

September 13th, 2022, 11:37 PM
Y'all remember Kyle Rittenhouse, right? He claimed "self defense" right?

Look how the courts treat black bodies and women/ children in particular.

https://apnews.com/article/iowa-des-moines-human-trafficking-0b11cb8f4f0ff46d90ae17ece6bc7d15?taid=632104df488e 6d000103561d&utm_campaign=TrueAnthem&utm_medium=AP&utm_source=Twitter

Don't ever imagine/ opine that this country is the best. Deplorable doesn't begin to describe how disparate these two cases and their outcomes are.

If you see me going on about racism this is the shit that's always bubbling under the radar.

Rare White Ape
September 14th, 2022, 12:57 AM
Her mistake was not carrying an AR to protect the local Wal*Mart during a riot.

September 14th, 2022, 09:10 AM
This is the time to give Fox News a chance to see what they say…


Interestingly they included more background story than AP, but NPR also had similar story. Still, FOX seems to cleverly show the pic of the trial with a black judge.

Of course black doesn’t mean much. Clarence Thomas is black.

Anyway, I think the moral of the story is that since she pleaded guilty, the judge had his hands tied and this is as lenient as possible by stupid Iowa law?

At least FOX was not cheering for the black teenager getting what she deserved.

USA is definitely not perfect. Forget Kyle, remember Arbery killing? White supremacists were unable to save them white folks from life sentences. Racism is definitely still around, but America is definitely not full of white supremacists.

Yeah, if the black teenager were rich enough to afford an AR15, maybe NRA would hire her a better legal team.

I think the main problem we have isn’t really racism, but classism. If you’re rich like OJ, Obama, Clarence Thomas, you’ll probably be okay. If you’re poor, whiteness really won’t give you much privileges. Poor people are fucked, but that’s probably true in most nations.

September 21st, 2022, 06:12 AM


September 21st, 2022, 07:33 AM
Amen! Can I get a hallelujah, Neanderthal?

September 24th, 2022, 06:13 AM
I live in Texas and, while it is the so called reddest county in the state, Collin County, I can tell you that Democrats have an uphill battle. The GOP is entrenched here.

The issue here being the erosion of freedom, if you ban abortions you restrict the freedom of people to pursue happiness thru their actions.

Freedom-loving voters kind of agree with that statement and the party doing the eroding knows it, that's why they yell "illegals!!" everytime they're at risk of being outed.

O'Rourke and Kelly both face the same tactics but Beto lets the waters drag him out of his way, whereas Kelly stays on course.

MR2 Fan
September 24th, 2022, 06:28 AM
So um...weird things happening in China right now. Supposedly 60% of domestic flights have been cancelled, high speed rail trips cancelled and rumors that XiJinPing is under house arrest.

I wonder if this is true, and if so, is Billi sad?

EDIT: again this is just wild speculation on twitter right now but it seems many people are showing evidence of the flight cancellations etc. Difficult to tell without an official news source outside of "Hindu Times"

Rare White Ape
September 24th, 2022, 06:48 AM
I did some quick Googling and it seems that the last heroic bastion of free speech (Twitter) may have gone full nonce on this one.

If only daddy Elon had bought it and Twitter's freeness was free-er.

Now we can only rely on Truth Social to deliver true free speech that is free of trolls and bots pushing potentially untrue narratives.

(yes, 100% of this post is 100% sarcastic, and I am happy to be proven wrong)

September 24th, 2022, 11:08 AM
So um...weird things happening in China right now. Supposedly 60% of domestic flights have been cancelled, high speed rail trips cancelled and rumors that XiJinPing is under house arrest.

I wonder if this is true, and if so, is Billi sad?

EDIT: again this is just wild speculation on twitter right now but it seems many people are showing evidence of the flight cancellations etc. Difficult to tell without an official news source outside of "Hindu Times"

Why would I be sad if Chinese overthrew their dictator?

China is not doing well for sure, seems like they’re mimicking our 2008 financial crisis; however, hard to know exactly what’s going on in there from the outside.

Hopefully China can become more free and democratic. I don’t even mind communism, I just don’t like dictators. Chinese people had been oppressed by Europeans, Japanese and their own corrupt rulers for long enough…

September 25th, 2022, 03:49 PM
Italians vote fascists into power.

In a year that ends in twenty two.

Thanks for nothing, you idiots!

September 25th, 2022, 05:46 PM
Incredible achievement by free press Liberal democracy Billi's Bros.

September 25th, 2022, 08:34 PM
Thank you! Thank you very much! :)

September 25th, 2022, 08:44 PM
Italians vote fascists into power.

In a year that ends in twenty two.

Thanks for nothing, you idiots!

Everything happens for a reason. I don’t know much about Italian politics, but trumps rise to power was due to the screw ups of liberal globalists. Brexit and MAGA were all stupid ‘reactions’. Italians probably just want to try it out for themselves?

September 26th, 2022, 07:10 AM
We Latinamerican proggies have appropriated some phrases used by our countries' National Liberation Armies, particularly one put forth by the EZLN: "Hasta que la dignidad se haga costumbre" (Until dignity becomes the norm).

Over the weekend, the Cuban State (the people and its government) went to the ballots to come to terms to what "family" means, down to constitutional terms (the most basic definition within a set of rules). Because that has repercussions in all areas of life, there was a bit of a ruckus from the adversaries to the revolutionary regime, some of whom are living abroad, mainly because the definition of family at being voted on comes from a Marxist perspective of the material reproduction of life. Basically family was legally defined as "people who love and take care of each other (https://capiremov.org/en/analysis/cubas-family-code-until-love-is-law/)", which evidently would put an end to a lot of discussion about same-sex and non-genetical brotherly bonds.

The warring call, echoing the phrase at the beginning of this post, was "Until love becomes the law".

The measure won, in case you were wondering.

September 26th, 2022, 07:15 AM
I like the idea of it but as a lawyer I cringe at the vagueness.

September 26th, 2022, 07:17 AM
Says the guy who is constitutionally entitled to the "pursuit of happiness".

September 26th, 2022, 07:41 AM
If only.

September 26th, 2022, 09:16 AM
Says the guy who is constitutionally entitled to the "pursuit of happiness".

I don't think that's in our constitution, just in our declaration of we are so awesome! Of course one can declare one thing, doesn't mean it shall be done. :p

I also recall reading from some psychological study saying that happiness shouldn't be pursued because you can't ever find it. Happiness is simply the 'by-product' of achieving your 'goals'. By making happiness your only and primary 'goal', you're setting yourself up for failure.

Anyway, can love really be codified?

Let's ignore all the oppressed minorities for a minute and consider all of them rich and powerful straight white folks who have stole it all from all of us.

I wonder if they could codify love so that they themselves won't ever divorce and forever love one another? Marriage law is probably as good as its gonna get..., but they still divorce and resort to drug abuse and sometimes they'd even kill themselves!

God is love. God's laws don't even work on us. That's not because God's laws are ridiculously stupid, but it's because humanity has issues. Laws cannot fix these issues that we have. Only love can.

Just saying love cannot possibly be codified.

For those who don't like to obey God's laws, what makes you think human governments can do better than God and make people love one another thru passing new laws? Like dodint said, good idea, but I don't see how this can be implemented. Pretty sure few years later, new groups of minority will continue to complain and demand another upgrade to the current family law... this will be a never ending exercise...

Laws just need to help ensure that society is just. Equal rights for all to pursue whatever they want. If they find it, they'll be happy. If not, they'll try and try again. I don't think being happy or be loved is a right we can demand by passing laws.

Love is giving to those in need what I have...

Warped socialism is forcibly taking from those who have and give to the have nots...

Action-wise, both look pretty much the same, except one is done out of love and the other one is without love.

How can lawyers and judges tell the difference? How can we see thru people's hearts/intentions?

September 26th, 2022, 10:31 AM
If only.

Y'all are not?

I've been misinformed!

September 26th, 2022, 10:34 AM
Just saying love cannot possibly be codified.



September 26th, 2022, 10:38 AM
Y'all are not?

I've been misinformed!

Not sure if you're serious, but 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is from the Declaration of Independence. It's not in the US Constitution.

September 26th, 2022, 10:43 AM

September 27th, 2022, 04:14 PM
Good on Cuba!

Interesting the term "family"...
Heard a few people say they dont like the expression "starting a family" to mean trying to have a baby. Hmm so childless couples are not a family?
It can be important when you get things like leave to take care of an "immediate family member". In terms of that we include siblings and grandparents. Other times it can require that the people share a house - even then Im household family with my sister.
Same sex couples have been family before we passed same sex marriage, as defacto couples are covered under family.

September 27th, 2022, 08:07 PM
The Polish foreign ministry has declared Russia a "hostile state".

⚠️Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych odradza wszelkie podróże do Federacji Rosyjskiej ���� w związku z wojną na Ukrainie oraz uznaniem Polski przez władze Rosyjskiej Federacji za państwo nieprzyjazne.

If war was murder, Poland has just accused Russia of malicious manslaughter.

September 27th, 2022, 10:09 PM
Does this mean maverick can now fly in that hostile nation and blow shit up?

September 28th, 2022, 07:11 AM
I work for the federal government, and this is how we define family for HR purposes: https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/pay-leave/leave-administration/fact-sheets/definitions-related-to-family-member-and-immediate-relative-for-purposes-of-sick-leave/

I like it. Nice and rigid.

September 28th, 2022, 06:10 PM

HA! Couldn't've happened to a better person. Fuck you, MTG, sideways with a rubber dick, no lube.

September 28th, 2022, 07:24 PM
Not getting re-elected at home speaks volumes of your character. Hope voters will be as smart as the ex-husband.

Unless the husband is running off with another lady of course, that’d be a different story. I don’t know the full story and frankly don’t care to know either.

September 28th, 2022, 07:45 PM

HA! Couldn't've happened to a better person. Fuck you, MTG, sideways with a rubber dick, no lube.

She's only 48? Watdafuk??

Rare White Ape
September 28th, 2022, 10:44 PM
I can’t believe I clicked on a Daily Fail link, but it was worth it for that headline.

September 29th, 2022, 04:42 PM
Not getting re-elected at home speaks volumes of your character. Hope voters will be as smart as the ex-husband.

Unless the husband is running off with another lady of course, that’d be a different story. I don’t know the full story and frankly don’t care to know either.

She's the one that fucked around. Twice.

September 29th, 2022, 07:50 PM
Yeah, that’s what I assumed whenever a husband filed for divorce, but then again the husband could’ve just been dumping the wife because of another love interest?

Anyway, like I said, don’t really care much for MTG divorced or not.

October 4th, 2022, 05:17 PM
Can somebody explain what the hell is going on with the Twitter purchase?

Exploding Car Salesman (ECS) made a bid (with the backing from some stockholders and with loans leveraged against Exploding Car stocks) to buy at $54.20 per share, right?, then under the pretense of due diligence, ECS asked to have a look at trade secrets from the company, the company denied access and ECS threatened to walk, the company sued and ECS was scheduled for deposition, ECS lawyered around the deposition once, but before the second appointment he folded and stated his intention to complete the purchase at the agreed price.

What happens now that some stockholders are less sympathetic? Didn't Exploding Car stocks take a hit in the weeks after the original bid was announced?

Tom Servo
October 4th, 2022, 05:42 PM
A bunch of text messages that were vaguely embarrassing for Musk but hugely embarrassing for others (like fucking Larry Ellison basically trying to suck up to Musk to be part of the deal) came out as part of discovery for the lawsuit Twitter filed after Musk tried to back out of the deal.

If you look at the letter Musk and his lawyers sent to Twitter saying they want to move forward with the deal, the one big contingency is that the lawsuit, the one where Musk was about to have to take the stand in a couple of days, be ended immediately.

Pretty sure there's your answer.

October 4th, 2022, 05:59 PM
Oooh, so the go ahead is a way to avoid the discovery procedure of the deposition?

ECS don't want that rug pulled.

October 5th, 2022, 08:56 PM
Can somebody explain what the hell is going on with the Twitter purchase?

Exploding Car Salesman (ECS) made a bid (with the backing from some stockholders and with loans leveraged against Exploding Car stocks) to buy at $54.20 per share, right?, then under the pretense of due diligence, ECS asked to have a look at trade secrets from the company, the company denied access and ECS threatened to walk, the company sued and ECS was scheduled for deposition, ECS lawyered around the deposition once, but before the second appointment he folded and stated his intention to complete the purchase at the agreed price.

What happens now that some stockholders are less sympathetic? Didn't Exploding Car stocks take a hit in the weeks after the original bid was announced?

Some were speculating that he in fact, didn't have enough money to buy the bird site, and that was why he pulled out. With the giant pullback from the stock market the last month or so, it might have tipped in his favor.
I saw an article this morning saying many employees on the bird app are leaving if he becomes their overlord. I wish I had read it thoroughly instead of jus treading the headline and drophead.

October 6th, 2022, 07:22 AM
Swervo’s explanation is probably most plausible. Musk’s wealth goes up and down with the market. When you promised to buy at a certain price and then the market tanks, naturally you want to back out of the deal.

As for all the rest of the drama… we’ll just have to wait and see…

October 6th, 2022, 11:44 AM
...life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is from the Declaration of Independence. It's not in the US Constitution.

And the founding fathers got the idea from John Locke, who had written that human basic rights included life, liberty, and property.

They changed property to the pursuit of happiness because they were wealthy landowners, for the most part, and didn't want the huddled masses yearning to breathe free to get any ideas.

At least, that's how I remember it from Political Science classes in college.

October 6th, 2022, 11:58 AM
Life and liberty are already giving them ideas, right? If the founding fathers were really that sinister, why bother even introducing the idea of 'liberty'? Screw that! You do what I want you to do because I'm a white wealthy land owner!!!

I suspect they're probably just wanting to sound nobler by changing to pursuit of happiness. However, as I said before, psychologically, it's just not a practical thing to do. Property is definitely the more realistic thing to pursuit.

After some googling, I also found that by replacing “property” to “pursuit of happiness,” Jefferson was making an implicit anti-slavery statement, depriving slave-owners of the claim that owning slaves — property — was a natural right protected in the founding document.

Which version of history is correct? Who knows. However, I'd like to believe most of our founding fathers were not that sinister. Otherwise USA probably would be not much better off than Mexico. Heck, Mexico might want to build a wall to prevent stupid Americans from crossing over... :p

Point is, I don't think we should automatically assume ALL white people were racists or are into controlling the mass. America is where it is today on the world stage because it has solid foundations laid by the founding fathers. Of course people like Trump that came along are destabilizing this nation, but hopefully having a solid foundation can help us stand against such corrupting effects.

Tom Servo
October 6th, 2022, 02:26 PM
Biden tweeted out today that he'll be pardoning people convicted of federal marijuana possession charges as well as pushing to have pot's spot on the drug schedule changed (it's apparently currently considered as dangerous as heroin and more dangerous than fentanyl).

It's a smallish thing on the pardons, I don't think most people put away for only possession were up on federal charges, but that change to the drug schedule could be huge for a lot of people. Hopefully a fair number of governors follow suit.

October 6th, 2022, 03:42 PM
After some googling, I also found that by replacing “property” to “pursuit of happiness,” Jefferson was making an implicit anti-slavery statement, depriving slave-owners of the claim that owning slaves — property — was a natural right protected in the founding document.

I have often heard bits and pieces about Jefferson's relationship with Sally Hemings but it wasn't until this free (for now) podcast about "human resources" (https://www.dancarlin.com/product/hardcore-history-68-blitz-human-resources/) (slavery) that I heard specific details of Jefferson's relationship with her and the children he had with her.

In short...

...Jefferson's own children worked in the fields like any other slave, according to Dan Carlin.

I'd mention where in the podcast that is heard, but it's more than five and a half hours long, so you're on your own. It's a great podcast, though - like most of Dan's storytelling.

He brings up a lot of things I had never thought about before, such as how long slaves had to wait in horrible conditions on ships in port on the African coast before the journey across the Atlantic even started.

Slavery aside, I wasn't trying to suggest the founding fathers were sinister. I just think it's interesting that they took Locke's idea and ran with it. And they weren't alone. But, it sure seems like the "we can't tell them they have a right to property" would be a modern Republican party sentiment.

I'm about halfway through the audiobook version of Hero of Two Worlds: The Marquis de Lafayette in the Age of Revolution by Mike Duncan (https://www.amazon.com/Hero-Two-Worlds-Lafayette-Revolution/dp/154173033X/ref=asc_df_154173033X/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=475873515737&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=2068513650412179164&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9028771&hvtargid=pla-1093542948867&psc=1), in which these ideas and others from that era, such as Thomas Paine's Rights Of Man, to name just one, were influential to the revolutionaries of the era.

I've heard about a lot of this before, but it was really dry and boring in school. When you have good authors and audiobooks and podcasts telling stories about what happened, how, and why, it kind of comes to life like an action-adventure movie.

Rare White Ape
October 6th, 2022, 07:40 PM
Biden tweeted out today that he'll be pardoning people convicted of federal marijuana possession charges as well as pushing to have pot's spot on the drug schedule changed (it's apparently currently considered as dangerous as heroin and more dangerous than fentanyl).

It's a smallish thing on the pardons, I don't think most people put away for only possession were up on federal charges, but that change to the drug schedule could be huge for a lot of people. Hopefully a fair number of governors follow suit.

Directly pardoned about 7000 people apparently. There will be many more in state and local prisons.

It’s a good thing. Very very good thing. It’ll help drag people out of poverty because possession charges won’t be on their records anymore, so job searching will be easier.

October 6th, 2022, 08:22 PM
Slavery aside, I wasn't trying to suggest the founding fathers were sinister. I just think it's interesting that they took Locke's idea and ran with it. And they weren't alone. But, it sure seems like the "we can't tell them they have a right to property" would be a modern Republican party sentiment.

I thought Republicans are the ones promoting property rights… liberals are more socialistic more into ‘sharing’, right? Or you’re talking about modern day Trumpian party?;)

Anyway, owning something is usually better as we’ve all experienced that we usually take better care of cars if we own them vs if we rent them? So the same car could last longer if owned vs a rental… so society wastes less resources trying to make more cars! So I’m all for pursuing properties, preferably appreciating properties as long as we can afford them. That’s probably a better goal than pursuing happiness! ;)

Anywho, please keep us posted about your interesting findings after your done with the book. That was definitely a very interesting era to be in… well, for rich white folks. :p I still think white people reached their peak due to Christianity’s influence. John Locke was a Christian if I’m not mistaken. Not all, but lots of philosophers, even scientists were Christians.

It’s really a shame that modern day westerners tend to think all of the good things they achieve were because they were so awesome and all the bad things were due to Christianity…

Tom Servo
October 6th, 2022, 08:58 PM
There *might* be many more in state and local prisons. That's up to governors and such, he can only pardon for federal crimes.

Rare White Ape
October 7th, 2022, 02:21 AM
I still think white people reached their peak due to Christianity’s influence.

Is that a good thing, or...?

October 7th, 2022, 05:28 AM
And the founding fathers got the idea from John Locke, who had written that human basic rights included life, liberty, and property.

They changed property to the pursuit of happiness because they were wealthy landowners, for the most part, and didn't want the huddled masses yearning to breathe free to get any ideas.

At least, that's how I remember it from Political Science classes in college.

I knew that happiness replaced property, but had forgotten why, so thanks for inspiring me to dive into it:

Jefferson declared that the pursuit of happiness was an inalienable right, along with life and liberty. The story goes that Jefferson, on the advice of Benjamin Franklin, substituted the phrase "pursuit of happiness" for the word "property," which was favored by George Mason. Franklin thought that "property" was too narrow a notion.

Interesting, if true.

October 7th, 2022, 07:51 AM
Is that a good thing, or...?

Both good and bad of course. Point is to not be too racist. Had Christianity gained more popularity in Israel/Middle East or in Africa or Asia, another civilization will likely rise to the top. There'll also likely to be not only gains, but also mistakes/evils, such as becoming the world's primary oppressors or polluters. China can also do that even without Jesus, so that's just the side effect of becoming richer and more powerful... people tend to end up playing God rather than following God. The Amish types who'd just stick to themselves probably won't end up dominating the rest of the world. :p

As for the part about pursuit of happiness, I think Americans have probably taken too much of that to heart and forgotten about what's really important. Happiness really does sound better than property, but happiness is really just a by-product of something else. One can score a goal and be happy. One can also smoke weed and be happy. So I don't agree with the pursuit of happiness statement. We shouldn't be pursuing happiness at all cost. However, it is interesting that Jefferson was both pro-life and pro-liberty. ;) If we can try to make all 3 work without sacrificing any one of them, maybe that'll work. Happiness gained by not taking away/ruining lives nor liberties...

Tom Servo
October 11th, 2022, 04:47 PM
Maybe a little hyper-local, but now that Biden's chimed in on it I figure it's notable enough. Three of our 15 city council people here in LA just had a recording of a discussion they were having with the head of one of the biggest labor unions out here over an upcoming redrawing of district lines.

In it, they mocked one another city councilmember who is a gay white man who has an adopted black son with his partner, calling him a "little bitch" and referring to his adopted son as an "accessory" and "changuito" ("little monkey") and talked about how apparently the three year old "needed a beatdown" and that she was just the one to provide it. They also said that our DA is "with the blacks" and claimed that the jewish councilpeople had "struck a deal with the blacks" and were going to "screw us all over." They used a few slurs talking about a sizeable Oaxacan population in the Koreatown area. They also had some pretty nasty things to say about Armenians while they were at it.

While doing this, they were discussing trying to redraw the districts in their own interests and actively sabotaging other city councilmembers. They succeeded in putting the city council district of a newly elected council person, Nithya Raman, "into a blender" and basically made it so the vast majority of people who voted for her were no longer in her district.

Things were raucous with protests enough that a city council meeting today basically had to be called off, and two of the three involved, Gil Cedillo and Kevin De Leon, were yelled out of the room as soon as they came in. Nury Martinez, the third person, has resigned as president of the city council but still is trying to keep her seat. In the meantime, she announced she was taking a "leave of absence" just before today's city council meeting. I didn't even know you could do that as an elected official, but there you go.

Anyway, there are tons of calls for these people to resign. Cedillo's already been voted out of office, his term is up in December, but De Leon and Martinez are still going. I'm a little bummed because I've liked some of the policies that Martinez and De Leon have pushed (Cedillo can suck a bag of dicks), but there's no way that any of them can be trusted to have as much control as they do over a city like this.

So that's our little political scandal. I don't see how they'll avoid being forced to resign, the entire democratic establishment up to and including the president are calling for them to step down. One good thing is that a city councilperson has put forward a motion to make all district redrawing off-limits for city council members.

October 11th, 2022, 08:53 PM
How crazy stupid can those politicians be? Especially in LA?!?!

Anyway, for Neanderthal, the 2 parties are different in ways that once this is exposed, dem leadership will force them to resign. Wheats GOP leadership, such as trump, would probably applaud the racist remarks.

However, prior to being exposed behind closed doors and under the table, pretty sure both parties are equally corrupt and messed up.

Tom Servo
October 11th, 2022, 09:45 PM
Also, Tulsi Gabbard said she's no longer a democrat and called them a cabal of warmongers and some "wokeness" shit. Since she was never a democrat, I'm not sure why she thought this would be a big announcement.

October 11th, 2022, 10:17 PM
Newsweek said she might become trumps vp.

I like tulsi, but not that much. She has to be out of her mind to be Trumps vp.

Maybe she’s more like Elon now? WHO supports DeSantis?

What a strange world. At least I can still count on Sanders remaining the same. I just feel uneasy counting his age… ;)

Tom Servo
October 12th, 2022, 01:34 PM
Nury Martinez, the third person, has resigned as president of the city council but still is trying to keep her seat. In the meantime, she announced she was taking a "leave of absence" just before today's city council meeting. I didn't even know you could do that as an elected official, but there you go.

Took a day for her to get that her career in politics is over, at least for now. She is resigning from the council.

The other two are still trying to ride it out.

October 13th, 2022, 02:45 PM
Newsweek said she might become trumps vp.

We haven't had a president with more than one VP in quite a while. I guess Nixon was the last, but for different reasons than earlier presidents.

FDR wins with three VPs, but several presidents had two.

https://www.senate.gov/about/officers-staff/vice-president/vice-presidents.htm#:~:text=Two%20vice%20presidents%2C% 20George%20Clinton,these%20were%20later%20elected% 20president.

October 13th, 2022, 04:48 PM
Hopefully come 2024, Trump will not be able to run…

Rare White Ape
October 15th, 2022, 05:54 PM
Not sure whether to put this in here or the memotivationally epic wins thread, but nobody seems to be talking about how Alex Jones is very very fucked forever and I am happy about it:

https://aliensideboob.substack.com/p/alex-jones-fondue-of-scalding-hot/comments?utm_source=direct&r=5w66k&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email&fbclid=IwAR1oI6QA3WgMGri0NVxfWwOzEnpYYsTU5Rxlvckos j37qU5mFFB-SLAbiiQ

October 15th, 2022, 09:00 PM
I know some folks here probably thought I’m a trump supporter and a big fan of Jones, but that’s really a conspiracy in itself. That’s how it works, when you believe that’s true then no matter what I say…

Anyway, while I think what happened to Jones is well deserved, but will this really fix our problems? That’d be the same as if we think locking up Trump would solve our problems. Will that really solve our fundamental problem?

What is our fundamental problem?

When we can’t give Snowden a fair trial and can’t give Epstein a safe trial, can we really expect the end of conspiracies?

To go a step further, once we removed Trump and all GOP and white supremacists and replace them with diverse democrats like the politicians we’d find in LA, then our nation will finally be able to achieve racial harmony?

Tom Servo
October 16th, 2022, 05:31 PM
I did enjoy MTG claiming that the judgment against Jones was the end of free speech, but nary a week or two ago she was calling for Kiwifarms to be pulled off the internet while they were brigading her.

For the record, one of the very few times I've agreed with MTG was about the Kiwifarms thing.

October 16th, 2022, 05:59 PM
You can all your free speech safeguards as long as Chapo traphouse stays undisturbed.

Tom Servo
October 16th, 2022, 06:27 PM
Well, Alex Jones had a chance to actually try to set a precedent here, but he and his lawyers didn't bother to actually do the literal bare minimum to take part in their own defense, so he lost by default. So, as far as I know, there's still not a real precedent.

There has to be some sort of balance there. Of course people should have free speech, but people also have the right not to be hounded by death threats and people chasing them out of their homes for literal nonsense. Kiwifarms is a horrible hellscape that should be burned, Infowars isn't that far off.

October 16th, 2022, 06:34 PM
I'm happy to have no idea what a Kiwifarms might be.

October 16th, 2022, 08:18 PM
I’ve only heard about kiwi flying, never heard about kiwi farming…, guess I will need to Google a bit to find out. ;)

Tom Servo
October 16th, 2022, 08:50 PM
The longer you can remain in that state, dodint, the better your life will be.

Rare White Ape
October 17th, 2022, 12:17 AM
There has to be some sort of balance there. Of course people should have free speech, but people also have the right not to be hounded by death threats and people chasing them out of their homes for literal nonsense.

Free speech should not come with freedom from consequences, as long as the consequences are balanced and in-line with the public interest.

So therefore I am happy with what took place in the Jones trial.

Tom Servo
October 17th, 2022, 07:37 AM
It would have been interesting to see what would have come of the defamation trial if he had hired actually competent lawyers. As I understand it, it's pretty hard to make a defamation case stick (which is part of the reason Trump was so keen to "open up" libel laws), and if he could have convinced a jury that his statements were just opinions and not statements of fact he might have gotten out of all of this. I'm sure it's more complicated than that, but it's impressive that he could make that much money smearing these poor people and then somehow not hire competent counsel.

Tom Servo
October 17th, 2022, 09:57 PM
I know nobody's surprised about financial shenanigans around Trump Social, but I find myself particularly enraged by Devin Nunes making $750K to start, $1M in year two, with bonuses and equity on top, despite no experience running a tech company. https://wapo.st/3D5B8AH

MR2 Fan
October 19th, 2022, 12:32 AM
Kanye West...I mean "Ye" has decided to buy Parler..........so far the media hasn't heard any comments from the 3 people who use it.

October 19th, 2022, 07:12 AM
Isn't that the one for sex workers?

Tom Servo
October 19th, 2022, 09:34 AM
What sucks for Ye is that he's basically been grifted by Candace Owens. They've been running around together (recently featured in a picture showing them wearing matching "White Lives Matter" shirts). Her husband is the CEO of Parler, and they have tons of equity in it. Equity that, until they conned Ye into buying it, was completely worthless. They stand to make at least some return on their investment now and can leave him holding the bag on a worthless company.

October 19th, 2022, 09:41 AM

Anyway, back to conspiracy theories for a bit... 60 years after JFK assassination. Our government continued to kick the can down the road. Documents that was supposed to be release a while back... denied by Trump... and now once again denied by Biden. Wonder what top secret info was contained in those documents. 60 years later, we have a bipartisan agreement that we need to seal those documents indefinitely. American people just should not be allowed to know what the government knows.

When we do not allow truth to come out, naturally we'll have lots of conspiracy theories.

Sometimes I can't help be feel that USA is the empire depicted in SW and the rebel characters like Luke Skywalker or Cassian Andor are the ones living in the middle eastern deserts or some shady places in South America...

American people really need to get our act together before our government is hijacked by the 'emperor' hidden somewhere...

I guess I can only assume at this point that JFK was probably one of the bravest presidents EVER to fight against the 'dark side' and lost?

October 19th, 2022, 10:39 AM
Anyway, back to conspiracy theories for a bit... 60 years after JFK assassination. Our government continued to kick the can down the road. Documents that was supposed to be release a while back... denied by Trump... and now once again denied by Biden. Wonder what top secret info was contained in those documents. 60 years later, we have a bipartisan agreement that we need to seal those documents indefinitely. American people just should not be allowed to know what the government knows.

Other than Stephen King's book 11/22/63, I haven't spent much time studying the Kennedy assassinaton, beyond what everyone knows.

Speculation only: they're pretty sure the Kennedy assassination was a Soviet act, and that the USA didn't retaliate to keep from starting a nuclear war that no one could win. They can't tell the world that we let a foreign power kill an American president with no (official) response.

And I'm not a conspiracy theorist about this or most other things. But what else could it be?

October 19th, 2022, 11:49 AM
The problem is that as long as it remains sealed, it could be anything!

The right could believe any idiotic thing, and the left will think the right is just bunch of idiots… and I just find it interesting that both left and right politicians agree we should not know the real truth and we should just allow Americans to fight each other. It’s not like this problem is getting worse 60 yrs later.

You don’t need to know and don’t believe in conspiracies, just trust us.

October 19th, 2022, 03:25 PM

October 20th, 2022, 05:48 AM
Free speech should not come with freedom from consequences, as long as the consequences are balanced and in-line with the public interest.

So therefore I am happy with what took place in the Jones trial. I feel the same way... on both points.

Rare White Ape
October 20th, 2022, 06:13 AM
British politics is in a state of sheer CHAOS tonight. Will god be able to save it?

No, because it is not saveable, and also god doesn't exist.

MR2 Fan
October 20th, 2022, 06:42 AM
does anyone have a good TL: DR on what happened with Liz Truss?

October 20th, 2022, 06:45 AM
She lost to a lettuce.

While that might not be the deepest of reflections, it is a good summary.

MR2 Fan
October 20th, 2022, 06:49 AM
She lost to a lettuce.

While that might not be the deepest of reflections, it is a good summary.

lol,I saw that. I know she resigned already but what were the driving factors?

Rare White Ape
October 20th, 2022, 07:43 AM
does anyone have a good TL: DR on what happened with Liz Truss?

44 days and you are asking for the short version? Man, TikTok has really done a number on people's attention spans :twitch:

More serious answer: I'll send you towards a satirist by the name of Jonathan Pie:


More more serious answer... it's a decade of RWNJ nonsense finally coming home to face the music.

October 20th, 2022, 08:03 AM
I thought I read somewhere saying she said she could no longer lead by mandate as she was elected to so she wanted out? Essentially the Conservative party itself is too fractured? They need a new leader that can unite their own party?

Our GOP is probably in a similar boat. Good old Trump or DeSantis? At least we don’t have conservative majority at the moment… well other than the stupid court…

October 21st, 2022, 10:04 AM


MR2 Fan
October 21st, 2022, 10:30 AM
so the UK might get Boris Johnson as PM again? Weird system they have there (not saying the US one is better)

October 21st, 2022, 10:35 AM
If that's true the UK is just a bad sitcom that keeps recycling characters.

October 21st, 2022, 11:40 AM
Man, if that UK clown with weird hair can make a comeback, perhaps our clown with the weird hair could make a comeback as well?

Very scary… hope none of that happens…

October 21st, 2022, 01:02 PM
I don't see a problem here.


https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f3/Grover_Cleveland_-_NARA_-_518139_%28cropped%29.jpg/220px-Grover_Cleveland_-_NARA_-_518139_%28cropped%29.jpg (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grover_Cleveland)

October 21st, 2022, 05:06 PM
Slob "goebbels without the sartorial" Bannon sentenced to 120 days in Jail.

October 21st, 2022, 05:33 PM
Hope he gets stuff shoved up his ass sideways daily.

October 23rd, 2022, 07:31 AM
In other news, Trump is probably jealous at the amazing achievements accomplished by President Xi. Not only does China have no opposition party, but within the party, all opposition voices are now silenced and escorted out. He should be on his way to be China’s new last emperor. Chinese communist party has tried hard to reform itself to prevent dictators like Mao and Deng in the future, but with such shaky foundation, I guess that’s just not possible. Really hoping Xi will be the last…

October 23rd, 2022, 01:56 PM
does anyone have a good TL: DR on what happened with Liz Truss?

"Politics is hard" is my guess.

Which anyone not a Republican or billi would already understand.

October 24th, 2022, 10:56 AM
Sigh of relief Boris didn't get his job back. Maybe that's a good omen for us too...

I was surprised to see an Indian PM for UK.

I wonder when will US have its 1st American Indian president? I guess Tulsi Gabbard is currently the closest thing? ;)

I don't care if Tulsi is a Republican now, or is she? Anyway, as long as she's not on the same ticket as Trump. That'd be the deal breaker for me. Being on the same ticket as DeSantis would be a deal breaker too. She has to be her own woman on her own ticket. Then yeah, I'd definitely vote for her and get rid of Biden.

MR2 Fan
October 24th, 2022, 12:59 PM
Sigh of relief Boris didn't get his job back. Maybe that's a good omen for us too...

I was surprised to see an Indian PM for UK.

I wonder when will US have its 1st American Indian president? I guess Tulsi Gabbard is currently the closest thing? ;)

I don't care if Tulsi is a Republican now, or is she? Anyway, as long as she's not on the same ticket as Trump. That'd be the deal breaker for me. Being on the same ticket as DeSantis would be a deal breaker too. She has to be her own woman on her own ticket. Then yeah, I'd definitely vote for her and get rid of Biden.

Tulsi was always a republican

October 24th, 2022, 01:27 PM
I wonder when will US have its 1st American Indian president? I guess Tulsi Gabbard is currently the closest thing? ;)

Charles Curtis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Curtis) was nearly there.

October 24th, 2022, 01:27 PM
She was vice chair of DNC and a house of rep as a dem, right?

Anyway, I suppose only a dumb conservative type would actually give up her office and volunteer to go to Iraq? No way Bill Clinton would do that, right? ;)

Both parties are BS. I'm still hoping Tulsi and Bernie types will be able to get rid of the strangle hold of our 2 party system. People are placing their loyalties to the party above the nation's interests.

October 24th, 2022, 01:29 PM
Charles Curtis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Curtis) was nearly there.

Oh wow! That's interesting! Did not know that. Thanks! :up:

However, the new UK PM does look like an Indian though. Curtis still looks pretty white! :p

MR2 Fan
October 24th, 2022, 01:32 PM
She was vice chair of DNC and a house of rep as a dem, right?

Anyway, I suppose only a dumb conservative type would actually give up her office and volunteer to go to Iraq? No way Bill Clinton would do that, right? ;)

Both parties are BS. I'm still hoping Tulsi and Bernie types will be able to get rid of the strangle hold of our 2 party system. People are placing their loyalties to the party above the nation's interests.

Tulsi was like Fred Flintstone's pet brontosaurus

October 24th, 2022, 09:34 PM
I'm not too familiar with the Flintstones so I'm not sure what you mean by that. All I know about the flintstones is that I don't understand why Fred drives a car like that and I don't understand what daba daba doo means! :p

MR2 Fan
October 25th, 2022, 06:23 AM
I'm not too familiar with the Flintstones so I'm not sure what you mean by that. All I know about the flintstones is that I don't understand why Fred drives a car like that and I don't understand what daba daba doo means! :p


October 25th, 2022, 06:35 AM
Sigh of relief Boris didn't get his job back. Maybe that's a good omen for us too...

I was surprised to see an Indian PM for UK.

I wonder when will US have its 1st American Indian president? I guess Tulsi Gabbard is currently the closest thing? ;) I believe your VP Kamala Harris is half-Indian/half-Black.

Hopefully she can talk some sense into Biden to let her run in his place in 2024. I saw his recent interview with a reporter where he was nodding off in the middle, living up to the name "Sleepy Joe". How embarrassing. It's time for him retire and let Kamala take over.

October 25th, 2022, 06:57 AM
Oh yeah, I've forgotten about her... Probably because I don't really like her. Oh wait, I was talking about American Indians not Indian Indians! :p

Anyway, perhaps this new UK PM is a good omen for her. We have bunch of Indian CEOs nowadays too. Apparently it's now fashionable to be Indians. ;)

In all seriousness, I much prefer sleepy Joe than Kamala. I think Kamala will probably be worse than Hillary. But then again, our 2 party system rarely offered me options that I like anyways. Obama I really like at 1st but that sucker turned into a 'Hillary' in the end. Very disappointing.

It'll probably be good to vote for a DINO in the DNC and a RINO in GOP so we can get a more balanced politician. ;)

BTW, my definition of *Hillary* is essentially the liberal version of trump. Someone who aspires to be the leader of the empire because of his or her own ego, not really interested in serving the American people. For people who are non-americans, they'd care about them even less during their reign. They wouldn't build a wall, but they'll have no problem deporting your ass or bombing your home country for the good of their empire.

October 25th, 2022, 07:38 AM
Hmm..., just realized that the new PM and his wife are probably richer than King Charles!!!

That's probably not a recipe for success, but makes more sense now how England got her 1st Indian PM.

October 25th, 2022, 08:35 AM
oh wow, the world's most arrogant cleptocracy chose a billionaire to chair its board!!

October 25th, 2022, 07:33 PM
oh wow, the world's most arrogant cleptocracy chose a billionaire to chair its board!!
Well at least the upper crust, nice jacket, party did.
The voters get a say in a little while.

October 26th, 2022, 09:36 PM
I feel extraordinarily fortunate that, by and large, our GT family has progressive politics. And it's been that way ever since December '98. I often wonder what the secret attractant was that made our group generally not-shitty people.

As a TL;DR here... do we have Trumpers on the board? Catch me up. ;)

When Trump was elected, I purged a ton of people from my inner circle who evidently endorsed making fun of the disabled, othering Spanish-speakers and putting marriage equality at risk. These days, I'm able to interact with Trump people at work or in daily life with a bearable degree of nausea, and I understand why: before the election, I just assumed everyone in my circles was a basically decent human. These days, my expectations of strangers are very low. I have a high suspicion that people will eventually disappoint me. I'm guarded. In this age, it's a matter of physical safety.

Can you vote for a racist and not be a racist?
Can you *enthusiastically* stump for a racist and not be a racist?

October 27th, 2022, 04:43 AM
I went from being a registered Libertarian to a registered Democrat in the last few years. It's pretty wild how unappealing the GOP is to moderates.

Rare White Ape
October 27th, 2022, 05:23 AM
The Democrats are a central-right party. The USA has no actual viable left wing. Libertarians these days are a weird form of alt-right and I am glad you no longer identify with them.

The GOP has moved populist-right in the last decade. They are the ones who get all the news... because ya know hey Fox News etc.

The Democrats are basically what the GOP was 20 years ago but without the overt racism and bigotry. I do wonder how long it is before the GOP dies and the Democrats are replaced by a true centre-left wing democratic socialist party.

October 27th, 2022, 06:49 AM
I feel extraordinarily fortunate that, by and large, our GT family has progressive politics. And it's been that way ever since December '98. I often wonder what the secret attractant was that made our group generally not-shitty people.

As a TL;DR here... do we have Trumpers on the board? Catch me up. ;)

When Trump was elected, I purged a ton of people from my inner circle who evidently endorsed making fun of the disabled, othering Spanish-speakers and putting marriage equality at risk. These days, I'm able to interact with Trump people at work or in daily life with a bearable degree of nausea, and I understand why: before the election, I just assumed everyone in my circles was a basically decent human. These days, my expectations of strangers are very low. I have a high suspicion that people will eventually disappoint me. I'm guarded. In this age, it's a matter of physical safety.

Can you vote for a racist and not be a racist?
Can you *enthusiastically* stump for a racist and not be a racist? No active Trumpers left on the board that I can see.

I went from being a registered Libertarian to a registered Democrat in the last few years. It's pretty wild how unappealing the GOP is to moderates. Same thing in this country. I used to vote for the Conservative party but now it doesn't really exist anymore, as freedumb loving far-right maggots have hijacked the party, (who seem to think they are actually Conservative, and that moderates are just Liberals in disguise, which is horseshit). I've been begrudgingly voting for Trudeau and the Liberals the last few elections and plan to continue doing so until the toxic poison is removed from the Conservative party.

Tom Servo
October 27th, 2022, 07:07 AM
I feel like most of our more conservative members left the board before Trump came along. I know for sure that at least one of the long-gone is a Trumper, but not sure about the others.

To the other point, a big part of the GOP platform has basically become "owning the libs." Doesn't matter what the policy is, just as long as it pisses off democrats, then it's good. Even if it actively hurts you, support it anyway. Then feel glee that you've pissed off the other people that it also hurts.

October 27th, 2022, 07:36 AM
Can you vote for a racist and not be a racist?
Can you *enthusiastically* stump for a racist and not be a racist?

Racism is very tricky. Similar to driving.

How so?

Almost nobody will think that they are below average drivers nor will they think they're racists.

People do not often have a clear picture of themselves. Even taking a look in the mirror, there will be blind spots that we simply cannot see about ourselves.

Having low expectations of others is good. I really love the motto: expect the worst, but hope for the best.

I have moved to a new neighborhood that is more purple. I've occasionally seen big truck flying flags that doesn't just say 'let's go Brandon', but it actually specifically spelled out 'Fuck Joe Biden!' I've not talked about politics with my new neighbors yet, but I have to say they're super friendly, don't believe in Covid, go to church but I've often seen them drink and can sometimes also smell them smoke marijuana... ;) If they're white supremacists, I certainly couldn't tell.

Anyway, people are just different. I really believe political orientation is very similar to sexual orientation. You'll likely never be able to agree with the person on certain issues, but that doesn't mean you can't ever be friends with him. No need to demonize people... because we all probably have some demons in us.

Personally, I'm probably some kind of bi-political person. I'm probably the closest person to a conservative around here, yet I'm still a staunch supporter of Bernie Sanders. Go figure. :p

October 27th, 2022, 09:04 AM
I went from being a registered Libertarian to a registered Democrat in the last few years. It's pretty wild how unappealing the GOP is to moderates.

I was a Republican like my Dad, went to a conservative college, wore starched shirts and repp ties, read George Will's column, and listened to Rush Limbaugh back when he was new and different and not nearly as hateful as he later became. By 2004, when we moved to Colorado, I was pretty disillusioned with Republicans, GW Bush, and the Iraq war, so I registered as a Libertarian.

A few years ago, while renewing drivers license and being asked to confirm information such as organ donor status and political party affiliation, I changed my party to Unaffiliated.

As I feel today, I wouldn't even vote for a Republican for rain barrel inspector, just to send a message about how angry I still am about Trump and the idiots who support him, both elected and not. But I've also become far more socially liberal in the last twenty years. Moving to the more tolerant western USA from the Bible-Belt southeast helped. So did taking a job in the city instead of the suburbs, riding public transportation, and walking past folks far less fortunate on my way to and from the office every day.

And hanging out here. No doubt. But also reading (and listening to audiobooks) of history, biographies, and anything else I can find to keep my brain occupied while commuting and doing boring data entry at work. Reading books by and about people of other races, cultures, religions, locations, and times has helped me (try to) think about how other people might see the world more than I did when I was younger.

Trivia: in Colorado, unaffiliated voters can now vote in either Democratic or Republican primaries. You have to pick one or the other, but it gives primary voting a new twist: Do I vote for my favorite candidate, or do I choose the least-likely to succeed of the other party's candidates?

October 27th, 2022, 09:11 AM
This forum needs a like button.

October 27th, 2022, 09:23 AM
I think that all the time.

October 27th, 2022, 10:04 AM
We nerds, we've been bullied. We despise bullies.

October 28th, 2022, 03:50 PM
So Nancy Pelosi's husband was attacked. Allegedly the stacker shouted "where's Nancy" before the attack.

Republicans have laughed and joked about it for the most part. But very few, from what I've seen, have actually condemned what happened, or condemned the attacker.

Couple years ago Steve Scalise was shot. Any of y'all remember the perpetrator's name?

No? Well, that's because Democrats universally condemned the act, and the shooter, and that person was dealt with by the justice system. We don't celebrate psychos in the Democratic Party.

Remember that the next time billi says both parties are the same.

October 28th, 2022, 04:37 PM
I hope they don't put the attackers name in the news. He'll be some kind of hero to all the retarded Maga shits.

October 28th, 2022, 04:42 PM
Honestly ask yourself, if Trump were attacked, what would your response be?

The problem with us right now is that most on the left think conservatives are bunch of white supremacists and those on the right think liberals are bunch of Antifa ready to destroy whatever town for their leftist cause.

This extreme polarization is definitely dangerous for all of us.

Anyway, there are clear differences between W and Obama. However, for Snowden, there’s also clearly no difference between them. Never said the 2 parties are ‘exactly’ the same.

October 28th, 2022, 05:04 PM
This is, for me, the "If you can't say anything nice" bit.

Tom Servo
October 28th, 2022, 05:37 PM
Kinda sounds like he was part of the hippy/wellness/spirituality -> QAnon pipeline and got redpilled real hard.

October 28th, 2022, 05:55 PM
Honestly ask yourself, if Trump were attacked, what would your response be?

The problem with us right now is that most on the left think conservatives are bunch of white supremacists and those on the right think liberals are bunch of Antifa ready to destroy whatever town for their leftist cause.

This extreme polarization is definitely dangerous for all of us.

Anyway, there are clear differences between W and Obama. However, for Snowden, there’s also clearly no difference between them. Never said the 2 parties are ‘exactly’ the same.

If you want to hang out with racists, not condemn their hate speech, and celebrate things said or done that are inherently racist, yeah, we're going to call you a racist.

It is no longer enough to NOT be racist, one must be anti racist. Here's a quote from Bishop Desmond Tutu, one of South Africa's leading freedom fighters- "if you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."

"We can agree to disagree and still love each other as long as your disagreement is not rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist." James Baldwin.

The second any one "blue/all lives matters" in today's environment they're saying they're quite content with the police fucking up my life or people that look like me, with impunity, and therefore I can't fuck with such people. It's that simple.

I really can't believe in twenty fucking twenty two that we still have to tell people this.

Tom Servo
October 28th, 2022, 06:00 PM
Also, liked this article about Elon's gotten himself into: https://www.theverge.com/2022/10/28/23428132/elon-musk-twitter-acquisition-problems-speech-moderation

October 28th, 2022, 06:29 PM
Every day, it just seems like we're losing so much ground.

October 28th, 2022, 07:07 PM
Also, liked this article about Elon's gotten himself into: https://www.theverge.com/2022/10/28/23428132/elon-musk-twitter-acquisition-problems-speech-moderation

This was suggested to me via algorithm, but I didn't read it until your suggestion. It is quite good, and I have since shared it along as well.

October 28th, 2022, 07:26 PM
Every day, it just seems like we're losing so much ground.

But her emails ...

October 28th, 2022, 07:50 PM
My point is not all conservatives are racists. Likewise not all liberals are destructive lawless antifa communists… There’s a tendency for both sides to demonize the other side in an extreme sense.

Both parties are definitely different in certain areas, but both are definitely the same particularly when it comes to mass surveillance and bombing the shit out of brown people because it is good for US interests. The 2 parties are the same that way, not saying the 2 parties are identical, okay?

October 28th, 2022, 08:00 PM
Here's a quote from Bishop Desmond Tutu, one of South Africa's leading freedom fighters- "if you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor."

That reminds me of MLK's Letter From A Birmingham Jail (https://www.africa.upenn.edu/Articles_Gen/Letter_Birmingham.html), which was assigned reading in college. I can't say it stuck with me through the years, until neanderthal (I think) reminded us of it a while back, most likely in this very thread. Both the GTXF's Search forum and my own snooping through his post history let me down in trying to quote his post, but I remember a brief conversation here as if it were a meal ago.

I hope my attempt at a succinct quote hits the mark. Now that I've read it because I wanted to and not because a teacher told me to, I will remember it.

I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice...

October 28th, 2022, 08:49 PM
Dr king was certainly not wrong.

What is wrong today is that we’re taking that disappointment too far by branding them moderate white GOP the same as KKK. This is like pulling a ‘Billi’, no longer able to see shades, but seeing everything as black and white.

Naturally people on the other side is making similar mistakes, therefore able to justify attacking speaker’s husband as if he’s bringing Justice somehow… sad day for America. :(

October 28th, 2022, 09:20 PM
The dissonance between someone's endorsement with a vote and what kind of person they are... just doesn't wash in my old age.

Rare White Ape
October 29th, 2022, 03:08 AM
If you want to hang out with racists, not condemn their hate speech, and celebrate things said or done that are inherently racist, yeah, we're going to call you a racist.

It is no longer enough to NOT be racist, one must be anti racist.

Yep, I will not accept anything but the strongest rejection of bigoted intentions.

You could debate right wingers on their non-bigoted slant on society like their economic policies, but the problem is their economic policies are rooted in bigotry as well.

Everything, from the ground-up, is designed to keep people firmly planted under the boot.

October 29th, 2022, 07:23 AM
The dissonance between someone's endorsement with a vote and what kind of person they are... just doesn't wash in my old age.

This is particularly true, which is why I’m having a hard time voting for either party. However, the left is still slightly better that’s why I’m still a bit left leaning.

So Neanderthal was not wrong, the 2 parties are definitely not the same, dems are probably a bit better.

So, we ought to fully support the dems without question and crackdown on the GOP hard?

Anyway, politicians aside, I really wish all Americans can treat the white violent protesters at DC mall the same as the black violent protesters who loot regular malls with the same kind of justice. But not sure if that’s possible at this point. Depending on which movement you’re for/against, our version of justice may vary.

Tom Servo
October 30th, 2022, 07:28 AM
I have no words for how massive a fucking idiot Elon Musk is.


October 30th, 2022, 09:47 AM
The problem, Swervo, is all the gaslighting surrounding Twexit.

The far right thinks progressive media are "Nazis" for banning... actual Nazis.

You can't argue with these people. There's no logic and there's no winning. It feels helpless, and it's tough to train yourself not to engage with a lost cause.

No way I'm contributing content to his platform, though. Cold turkey, after 15+ years.

October 30th, 2022, 09:53 AM
Interesting news on the auto side, tho: automakers are pulling their advertising and reviewing their strategy upon Elon's takeover. Not just because Tesla is a competitive entity, but because advertising on a white supremacist playground is poisonous. Good.

However, even before Elon ran his mouth and smoked $44B, car ads on that platform were harangued by $tsla speculators who bashed any car company that wasn't Tesla in an orchestrated takedown. Instead of regular PR, Tesla provides its Twitter brigade with corporate access and perks. Auto advertising was an embarrassment and a waste of money for every manufacturer because of Tesla's orchestrated harassment, and their official ownership of the platform is going to be the final dealbreaker for OEM ad dollars.

It's small, but it matters.

October 30th, 2022, 10:33 AM
I have no words for how massive a fucking idiot Elon Musk is.


With the upcoming lawsuit I don't see twitter lasting into 2025.

The Exploding Car Salesman has made public his intentions to downsize the twitter staff. And he faces 2 problems, as the company is HQ'd in California, any layoff of 50 or more employees triggers a WARN notice, which entitles salaried, hourly and managerial staff to be provided with a 60 days notification. And he has kind of announced that he's looking for workarounds it, because some of the staff are entitled to vested stock remuneration if they remain with the company by November first.

Apparently he'd go ahead and accept the fine for not properly notifying workers that they are being let go, and I think he did that with Tesla employees in the previous years. With the intent of not letting vested employees reach the Nov. 1 cut date.

Except that, AFAIU California WARN would void that earlier termination, and apply fines to the employer.

That fucker is a shit stain and I hope he loses a lot of money by buying twitter.

October 30th, 2022, 10:40 AM
It's small, but it matters.

What kind of person would approve of that shit? Do they feel they'll never need to look for another job, that they'll never have to work with the people whose jobs they're making so obviously insufferable now?

Rare White Ape
October 30th, 2022, 05:52 PM
A Tesla factory, surrounded by Amazon warehouses, yesterday


October 30th, 2022, 08:07 PM
I have to say that now as the chief tweeter, he really should not have tweeted that.

However, it is quite odd for a hammer attacker to be able to so easily break in to a mansion and cause so much damage.

Anyway, hope subsequent investigations will be as transparent as possible to avoid any future conspiracies.

October 31st, 2022, 09:09 AM
Not sure if the dust has settled yet with Paul Pelosi attack. As usual, I'll be the contrarian again.

Not trying to defend Elon, but Mr Musk was simply responding to Hillary's comments. He was not trying to start a conspiracy. I personally thought he was probably taking the matter not seriously enough by joking about it... and realized his mistake and deleted his own tweet.

Anyway, Hillary and pretty much every liberal folks are quick to tie this attack to right wing white supremacists, GOP rhetoric, Jan 6, zip ties... All these reports are based on what? Police reports? Police would never sprinkle crack over some dead black suspect and declare him a crackhead and case over? Our police is really that trustworthy? How many times have we heard one story and police cams tell us another?

Surely there are surveillance footages of this intruder. I haven't seen it yet. Of course it is possible Mr Pelosi is not tech savvy enough and possibly forgotten to turn it on. Not trying to victim blame here, but speaker's mansion really should be better protected. I'd find this more believable if our politicians were attack in public, but to have this kind of home invasion possible? Imagine how easy it'd be for a foreign nation to hire a professional assasin to take care of our politicians?

Main question I have is how can a crazy hammer attacker go inside our Speaker's house so easily. Once the investigation is complete, then we can start blaming the GOP and white supremacists and Elon Musk freely.

People on both sides are too quick to judge IMHO. Like every time we have some sort of BLM incident, the right would think the left is full of antifa terrorists and they need to take their country back!!!

It seems America has plenty of crazy people. Yet, are we addressing mental illness at all? Nope. Our solution is to simply tell GOP to shut up and take their guns away. Crazy homeless people can live in their tents downtown and we'll just pretend they're invisible.

October 31st, 2022, 03:58 PM
Practicing disengaging with the unsavable starts right now.

October 31st, 2022, 07:09 PM
At least according to my religion, nobody is unsavable. :cool:

November 1st, 2022, 07:59 AM
I believe a motive has been established according to the LA times that this suspect intended on exposing the lies of Nancy Pelosi and if he doesn't get the 'truth', he'll break her knee cap...

I've also seen politifact saying that it's blatantly false that Pelosis are withholding surveillance videos from police. However, has it been made public? I haven't seen any.

I really am not trying to take sides, but I think it's important to release these videos footages asap to stop these conspiracies.

Again, excuse me if I do not trust the police/official accounts.

Remember Uvalde shooting? Official account could be drastically different from reality. Not saying police lies 100% of the time, but they certainly no longer have a good track record. When police report whatever each side wants to hear, people on the other side would want to defund it. Even the conservative side could chant defund the police/FBI/etc... ;)

Granted, videos could be digitally altered if one truly wants to believe in conspiracy theories, but they'll certainly be better than 'official' police reports. They have proven themselves sufficiently that they cannot be fully trusted. I understand during investigations, they can't release much info, but in these politically polarizing times, more transparency the better.

At least they need to figure out how to beef up security at Pelosi's residence. I still find it unbelievable how easily it can be to break into Nancy's house.

November 1st, 2022, 09:37 AM
Unless you have a literal compound and round-the-clock security guards, its unbelievably easy to break into any house if you're dedicated and don't care if you get caught during/after the fact.
The only things keeping people from coming in and taking all your stuff is the social contract and other targets being even easier/more profitable/more convenient.

November 1st, 2022, 10:08 AM
At least according to my religion, nobody is unsavable. :cool:

Well, your religion also states that it's ok to kill your disobident children.

November 1st, 2022, 10:23 AM
Unless you have a literal compound and round-the-clock security guards, its unbelievably easy to break into any house if you're dedicated and don't care if you get caught during/after the fact.
The only things keeping people from coming in and taking all your stuff is the social contract and other targets being even easier/more profitable/more convenient.

True. No argument there. If a crazy guy wish to come inside my house, I'm pretty sure my fate would not be better than Paul Pelosi's.

However, my last name isn't Pelosi. I'm an obscure nobody. Even people here who hates me would wish me well when my family contracted covid. So the only possibility for such tragedy to happen to me would just be some random act of violence.

Same cannot be said of the Speaker. They for sure have more enemies, crazy or not. I don't agree fully with Nancy's positions, but I do want our government to help beef up security at her house better than this.

To me, this is like how security was on Jan6. If we have a BLM protest on Jan 6, surely the entire military would be present and there's no way black protestors would be able to make it inside.

Similarly, I kinda doubt a black burglar would be able to make it inside Nancy's house to steal her ice cream collection under normal circumstances.

I don't know, maybe security was just lax because she wasn't home. They were only protecting her?

I'm not subscribing to any conspiracy theories, but the incident simply smells fishy. Not to mention the impending midterm. If things goes well, dems could win big. If this end up being a political ploy, dems could lose big. I sincerely hope things won't go badly for the dems.

November 1st, 2022, 10:34 AM
Well, your religion also states that it's ok to kill your disobident children.

Jesus also said if your eyes sin, gouge'em out. If your hands sin, cut them off! Jesus said those things with the intention of saving yourself and to convey the seriousness of sins. Just like cancer...

Bible is also clear that we all have sinned...

However, I don't think Jesus really want us to mutilate ourselves by cutting body parts off. Prodigal Son's dad simply pretended his disobedient son's lost/dead and let him go without actually killing him.

In the old days, lots of believers do believe that it's justifiable to kill unbelievers in order to save them. Without Jesus, Old Testament for sure sounded like it's teaching that. However, as Christians, I really don't see how Jesus is teaching violence.

It's really easy to read bible verses out of context. Just as stupid conservatives would take an incident out of context and believe in whatever conspiracies they want to believe in. We all need to try to see bigger pictures. Political ideologies prevent us from seeing bigger pictures.

My wife just shared a quote from Jeremy Goldberg:

Courage is knowing that it might hurt, and doing it anyway.
Stupidity is the same.
This is why life is hard!

I'm really not sure if I'm being courageous or just being stupid by playing the contrarian. The only ideology worth buying to me is what Jesus taught. As for the liberal/conservative ideologies, I'm super skeptical of both of them. Anyway, I think it's perfectly fine to ignore somebody that annoys the crap out of you. That is simply a protection mechanism for self preservation. Not everyone will like us... and we don't have to like everyone. However, I do want to say that we should never believe certain group of folks are absolutely irredeemable though. Everyone could be saved. Even Hitler or Putin or Xi or Trump. I really do not like any of them..., but if I could have the opportunity to talk to them, I'd definitely take the opportunity to engage them. That's probably a stupid thing to do, I know...

November 1st, 2022, 11:30 AM
Brazilian trump summoned the justices of the supreme tribunal to a meeting.

"Sure we'll meet, the moment you publicly acknowledge Lula won the election".

Tom Servo
November 1st, 2022, 01:34 PM
Please tell me Billi isn't buying into conspiracy theories debunked by the very person who attacked Paul Pelosi himself? He isn't that far gone, is he?

November 1st, 2022, 03:01 PM
I didn't buy anything okay? :p

However, I do want to know why is it so easy to break into Pelosi's house. Imagine if Paul wasn't able to get a hold of his cell phone to call 911, an intruder could've gotten into that house and do a lot of damage and get away with it without police/security noticing at all until way after the fact. I think some report also stated Paul himself opened the door to let police in, right? I dunno man, this seriously reminded me of Uvalde shooting. The story just doesn't sound right to me.

Anyway, I didn't buy that our Capitol was so easy to breach on Jan 6 and I'm having a hard time buying Pelosi's house is that easily breached. Just smells very politically fishy to me. Yeah, both sides smelled like the same fish, but yes, I think the fish on the left smell a bit better than the fish on the right. Of course I have no proof and I'm not trying to start any conspiracies. If eventually I'm proven wrong, that'd be great. Still, I do hope they can beef up their security measures better for all of our politicians.

This kind of security measure for our key politicians, regardless of party, is really unacceptable.

Rare White Ape
November 1st, 2022, 05:08 PM
Please tell me Billi isn't buying into conspiracy theories debunked by the very person who attacked Paul Pelosi himself? He isn't that far gone, is he?

A wise man once said:

“Practicing disengaging with the unsavable starts right now.”

November 1st, 2022, 06:27 PM
For me, it's the gaslighting. Here was Trump's interview from today:

“Wow, it’s — weird things going on in that household in the last couple of weeks. Probably, you and I are better off not talking about it. The glass it seems was broken from the inside to the out so it wasn’t a break in, it was a break out. I don’t know, you hear the same things I do."

But this oblique arms-length whackadoodle accusation style, absolved by an, "I don't know, some people say, you never know," isn't just the raving of one lunatic. It's how our entire goddamn society acts and thinks now, as frustratingly witnessed above. In 2022, the truth doesn't matter anymore, and neither does a cogent linear argument. On Instagram this week, when I posted about pausing my Twitter because Elon is trading in the same homophobic conspiracy theory, one commenter suggested the left are a party of Nazis for... banning actual Nazis from using Twitter.

You can't help these people. You have to make a conscious effort to save your energy for discussions that actually matter. And you absolutely have to recalibrate: it's not only wrong to wildly speculate that Paul Pelosi was with a gay prostitute. It makes you a bigoted a-hole, too.

November 1st, 2022, 08:00 PM
The world has changed. It’s difficult to believe that a preacher who preached hard against homosexuality would end up being caught with gay prostitute himself.

It’s difficult to believe pizzagate child sex ring actually has some element of truth to it… and Jeff Epstein died in jail certainly didn’t help reveal any truths.

It’s also difficult to believe our law enforcement can be that racist and distort truth… claiming to be heros of Uvalde, but actually waiting for God knows what?

What is the truth? Snowden didn’t trust W and was hoping Obama was willing to be more transparent…

Truth is very difficult to come by and authorities had too many bad records of being unjust and untruthful or actually suppress truth. This is why people are upset.

Of course it’s probably better for the authorities to make those upset folks hate each other. That way they can take some heat off of themselves…

I just think it’s unfair to blame the stupid people for believing in alternative truths while authorities actively suppress the real truth. We need more transparency.

MR2 Fan
November 1st, 2022, 08:05 PM
one week til mid-term elections in the U.S.. As with previous elections, we MAY not know the outcome of several races until much later due to the not counting of mail-in ballots until election day (also those post-marked by election day too?).

I do predict the dems will do better than polls suggest since polls are highly flawed these days but I also expect chaos with a lot of GOP who don't win will try to cause a lot of chaos by challenges and b.s.

Tom Servo
November 1st, 2022, 08:13 PM
So, did everyone else get screwed out of getting some of that free Halloween fentanyl that was supposed to be all over the place? What gives?

Rare White Ape
November 1st, 2022, 11:13 PM
it's not only wrong to wildly speculate that Paul Pelosi was with a gay prostitute. It makes you a bigoted a-hole, too.

Well we all know that gay people are un-saveable, and I love them all the more for it :cool:

November 2nd, 2022, 07:03 AM
Hopelessly gay since '86

November 2nd, 2022, 07:15 AM
Gay people are only irredeemable according to the preacher who were caught with male prostitute and according to RWA. :p

According to scripture, love can cover multitude of sins. Pretty sure the 'sinful' homosexuality is not the only exception. Regardless of whether gay marriage is legal or not, love makes it very hard for us to sin.

BTW, hiring heterosexual prostitutes would be harder to justify. I suppose one could 'love' prostitutes very much and take care of them by paying them? But pretty sure scripture wasn't talking about that kinda 'love'. ;)

Again, I wish to stress that NOBODY is irredeemable. Don't make the same mistake as the hypocritical pastor. Now, I don't mean to bash on the LGBTQ community by bashing that gay hypocritical pastor... regardless of your sexual/political orientation, a pastor especially should not adopt a view that there are sins SO great that they're just unforgivable. Christians especially ought not to think there are sins so great that their Lord just cannot afford to pay...

Conservative christians are definitely WRONG to believe there can be certain groups of people who cannot be saved because of their own hatred/bias against them. I just don't want liberals to fall into the same traps and make the same mistake. I just think that regardless of your orientation, it is pointless to try to convince the other side is wrong and that they need to switch their orientation, but it's important to figure out ways so that people of different orientations can still find ways to love one another and grow together. It's just not right for people to live only on north and south poles. Both sides need to migrate down closer to the equator more. That should be good for everyone.

Anyway, back to politics.

November 2nd, 2022, 09:09 AM
Anyone have an extra invite to one of the cool mastodon servers?

Pretty please!

MR2 Fan
November 2nd, 2022, 09:43 AM
I didn't need an invite to join

November 2nd, 2022, 01:44 PM
Jesus Christ, (https://www.politico.com/news/2022/11/02/trump-lawyers-saw-justice-thomas-as-only-chance-to-stop-2020-election-certification-00064592) please come back soon.

Nothing to see there, just the written confirmation of collision to overturn the elections.

But both parties are the same: ask billi.

November 2nd, 2022, 07:59 PM
Dems are definitely way smarter than Trump. No way they’d be caught suppressing Bernie Sanders for Hillary or gang up to make sure Biden wins. Anyway, for sure dems would never ever tamper with elections. Bernie lost because nobody likes him. He’s stupid to try again and only stupid people like Billi like such a stupid old man.

Look, I actually want dems to not lose the midterm. However, dems are no saints. Just because GOP sucks, doesn’t make Dems awesome. Both need improvements the same way. For example, less influence from the rich.

Tom Servo
November 2nd, 2022, 09:40 PM
A guide to help Musk speed-run through the social network content-moderation quest: https://www.techdirt.com/2022/11/02/hey-elon-let-me-help-you-speed-run-the-content-moderation-learning-curve/

November 3rd, 2022, 10:30 PM
That’s funny and at the same time true. Elon will surely be busy…

Btw, back to Pelosi, at least we know they should have that illegal mental Canadian on camera, but Capitol police confessed that nobody was watching because speaker wasn’t home. Understandable. However, I hope they’ll eventually release the videos and the 911 call so that they’d end the conspiracies. Ain’t no better way to clear things up by having more transparency.

Tom Servo
November 4th, 2022, 07:16 AM
Elon promises transparency, promptly fires entire ML ethics team who's job it is to provide transparency and accountability into the AI driven algorithms used on the site.

November 4th, 2022, 07:25 AM
If you make the claim that you'd improve something and if you want to start from scratch, you wouldn't do the same?

I personally wouldn't start from scratch like that, but then again, I'm the one still engineering disposable rockets and will probably be out of a job thanks to his reusable rockets.

Prior to Tesla and SpaceX, everyone was laughing at him too. No private venture had any success starting a car company, let alone a EV company. Also no private ventures have ever been successful building rockets. Even Elon's friends begged him to not waste his own money. It was deemed by most to be the most foolish thing to do with your money.

Anyway, I am a bit concerned with Elon's current political leaning. Hopefully he hasn't lost his sense now that he's a billionaire.

Tom Servo
November 4th, 2022, 10:33 PM
A trans comedian just got banned from the "newly reopened to comedy by Elon" Twitter for this.


It's so weird. It's almost like Mr. Musk is entirely full of shit about freedom of speech.

November 5th, 2022, 07:21 AM
Got banned for no reason?

Anyway, going off based only on that image you posted…

Trump empire produced what? If it were to collapse, even if you’re a loyal diehard conservative, would any of us really notice or care that a trump business failed? Oh yeah, some might be pissed for getting ripped off perhaps? I’m pretty sure most won’t shed any tears for trump.

Personally, I really hate Musk getting into politics. For sure it’s too much distraction for him. However, as he grows bigger, I suppose he has to run or be dragged into it eventually one way or another.

If the day comes that he abandons going to Mars and decide to run for President, you guys can rest assured that I won’t vote for him. That’s when I’ll know he’s no longer the Elon I admire. We really don’t need anymore billionaires in such capacity. I still support him now only because I see him as the only billionaire who’s actually productive to our society instead of just wanting profits.

People who are profit minded would not start EV company or rocket company knowing that there had been 0 successes before him.

I am just a bit concerned now because people who has laser focus on going to mars really shouldn’t be buying Twitter. Musk might have made an emotional move and failed to think things thru.

November 5th, 2022, 09:46 AM
Why would anyone trust a car built by this obvious psycho?

November 5th, 2022, 11:04 AM
Yeah, astronauts are all naive trained psychos too. NASA is a joke! What idiots! Giving billions to this psycho… all for what?

The power of warped political views… making you think Tesla cars and SpaceX rockets are junks all because of tweets.

Clearly Musk ain’t no saint, but I certainly wouldn’t think dem establishment is that holy either. At least Elon actually made stuffs that work and worked better than before.

Tom Servo
November 5th, 2022, 09:52 PM
Holy shit, the sheer number of people being banned for parodying Elon. It's almost like he's not committed to this freedom of speech thing.

November 6th, 2022, 01:06 AM
The current situation really blurs the lines between "politics" and basic human decency.

A world where Elon is $44 billion poorer after his purchase tanks would be so much safer.

Separately: I'm amazed how people are so readily willing to blame the government for gas prices, but won't take a critical look at Big Oil's record windfalls. Humans are a hard breed to figure out. I saw a guy with a "Friends of Coal" T-shirt on today. Might as well be a club that campaigns for throwing car batteries into the ocean.

How many days until the midterms?
The situation in Texas is bleak.
All the top leaders are either proven ineffective, indicted, outright and openly racist, or a combination of all. And due to gerrymandering, they're almost all assured a win.

Rare White Ape
November 6th, 2022, 03:56 AM
Holy shit, the sheer number of people being banned for parodying Elon. It's almost like he's not committed to this freedom of speech thing.

How could we not have predicted this?

November 6th, 2022, 06:43 AM
The current situation really blurs the lines between "politics" and basic human decency.

A world where Elon is $44 billion poorer after his purchase tanks would be so much safer.

Separately: I'm amazed how people are so readily willing to blame the government for gas prices, but won't take a critical look at Big Oil's record windfalls. Humans are a hard breed to figure out. I saw a guy with a "Friends of Coal" T-shirt on today. Might as well be a club that campaigns for throwing car batteries into the ocean.

How many days until the midterms?
The situation in Texas is bleak.
All the top leaders are either proven ineffective, indicted, outright and openly racist, or a combination of all. And due to gerrymandering, they're almost all assured a win.

Recently saw a video trying to figure out Elon’s true motive for Twitter. It’s not really about free speech nor democracy, but about picking up where Facebook libra failed to do. It’s the former PayPal mafia’s attempt to take over or by pass the central bank with cryptocurrency.

If this is accomplished, I suppose this could be way more important for humanity than colonizing mars. If this is known by the establishment, I suppose it’s more understandable why Biden admin hates him now?

As for gas prices, when we have the same Saudis, oil companies, however gas prices doubled from Trump to Biden, people cannot be upset about that? Yeah, Biden shouldn’t be held fully accountable for gas prices, but presidents are usually the scapegoats when economy goes south.

What is really scary to me is 2024. GOP wins and achieves minority rule. Or dem wins and then they double down on election fraud… typically civil wars are started by the privileged minorities who began to lose power. Jan 6 2024 sequel might be scarier than the 1st.

I wonder where pentagon stands politically.

Tom Servo
November 6th, 2022, 04:15 PM
Trying not to turn this into the "Elon is dumb" thread, but this one was so on the nose that it's almost hard to believe that he'd really ban the guy making fun of him. That said, he did ban that guy.


November 6th, 2022, 05:02 PM
I thought i needed to do a backup of my twitter bookmarks this week. I'm going to miss the great resources for people in uni that are there.

Anyway, the academics® better start doing their posting on mastodon soon.


November 7th, 2022, 08:13 AM
The current situation really blurs the lines between "politics" and basic human decency.

A world where Elon is $44 billion poorer after his purchase tanks would be so much safer.

Unfortunately, similar to Trump, much of the Twitter purchase was done with other people's money. That's why he treats it like a toy and not an actual business.

November 7th, 2022, 09:14 AM
Time will tell.

If Twitter doesn’t eventually make a profit and move society forward somehow, then for sure he has lost it.

Elon Musk probably isn’t as smart as Nikolas Tesla, but he probably has more business sense. I’m just hoping once he made it big, he won’t lose himself. At this stage of the game, it’s honestly difficult to assess.

Anyway, you don’t have to buy and support Tesla or spaceX, but if you truly believe Tesla and SpaceX has turned humanity backwards, you have to ask yourself why you believe that?

Like I’ve said earlier, I now think this is the beginning of a battle between the old PayPal mafia against the feds/central bankers’ control. At least this is the most plausible theory to me. If he really didn’t care about money, he would not have tried to backed out of the deal earlier…

Anyway, if in the end, people around the world could break free from the tyrannical reign of US dollars, I’m all for this deal. If this is really all about banning a bunch of impersonators, then surely $44billion should vaporize soon.

Rare White Ape
November 8th, 2022, 12:52 AM


November 8th, 2022, 07:19 AM
Ted Cruz is not worth the beer that spectator wasted.

Polarization is causing folks to not think straight.

On a more important note, unless some miracle happening, looks like dems are on track to lose power in congress. :(

November 8th, 2022, 07:26 AM
Why was Cruz in the parade? He did nothing to help them win.

November 8th, 2022, 07:56 AM
He fits in perfectly with the Astros, actually. A loser with an unearned sense of entitlement.

November 8th, 2022, 09:23 AM

November 8th, 2022, 09:42 AM
So funny!

Cruz is a weasel. I am still amazed voters didn't run him out of the state after he stood up to Trump at the party convention but then started licking his boots afterwards.

That was in the early Trump days when I still foolishly believed Republicans and Texans had a sense of right and wrong.

Tom Servo
November 8th, 2022, 09:50 AM
It does seem awfully hard for him to stand up as a tough guy Texan when he let Trump call his wife ugly and insinuate that his dad helped assassinate JFK. Even with the horrible facial hair.

November 8th, 2022, 09:52 AM
Yeah, what dodint said was funny, but what's happening to our nation really isn't that funny...

It's really sad that people would rather freeze themselves to death at the north and south poles and not willing to migrate down a bit near the equator to meet the other group half way...

Of course people like Cruz would never have to worry about freezing to death. He can always fly to Cancun.

Anyway, I not seeing anymore news reports regarding Pelosi attack. Doesn't look like we'll be seeing the video footages nor hear the 911 call Paul made anytime soon.

November 8th, 2022, 10:30 AM
Why was Cruz in the parade? He did nothing to help them win.

Considering it was in Texas, he's lucky it was just beer. A shame, really.

November 8th, 2022, 10:40 AM
Why was Cruz in the parade? He did nothing to help them win.

Today is election day. Perhaps he's been in Texas campaigning with/for others and couldn't turn down a chance to associate himself with a winning team, etc.

Speaking of election day, legalization of psychedelic mushrooms is on our state ballot this year. I'm sitting here at work filling out my ballot now to drop off on my way home. Should have and could have done it a week or two ago, but it's still so much better than going to stand in line to vote in person.

November 8th, 2022, 10:45 AM
Thank you all for voting.

MR2 Fan
November 8th, 2022, 10:53 AM
I voted by mail about 2 weeks ago.

November 8th, 2022, 11:35 AM
Took 2hrs of PTO to vote. Took me 12mins in total from getting out of the car to returning to the car.

Tom Servo
November 8th, 2022, 01:21 PM
Today is election day. Perhaps he's been in Texas campaigning with/for others and couldn't turn down a chance to associate himself with a winning team, etc.

Speaking of election day, legalization of psychedelic mushrooms is on our state ballot this year. I'm sitting here at work filling out my ballot now to drop off on my way home. Should have and could have done it a week or two ago, but it's still so much better than going to stand in line to vote in person.

I'm usually so good about this, but I only filled out my ballot last night and got it to a drop box at around 12:30 today.

Still, can't break my streak. I haven't missed an election, no matter how inconsequential, in 28 years.

November 8th, 2022, 01:21 PM
I voted.

In spirit only.

MR2 Fan
November 8th, 2022, 01:42 PM


Tom Servo
November 8th, 2022, 02:06 PM
It sounds only related to the election in that there was a polling place nearby.

November 8th, 2022, 03:17 PM
Yeah, sounded actually like some sort of tragic work related accident which forced a polling place to close due to power interruption?

MR2 Fan
November 8th, 2022, 03:46 PM
ugh, looks like we're stuck with wannabe Furher DeSantis in Florida. our Democratic party here sucks

MR2 Fan
November 8th, 2022, 07:43 PM
other than Florida turning deep red which isn't that surprising,it looks like things are going decent/better than expected. I honestly though there would be a lot more issues with people voting, intimidation etc. reported, but think since the sheer ways and places to vote is so large, it's difficult to make large-scale issues. Hopefully the next few days also go smoothly without a lot of election denial crap

November 8th, 2022, 07:43 PM
PA GOP put a guy so radical up for governor that even moderate Republicans could't pinch their noses and vote for him. Kind of proud, honestly.

MR2 Fan
November 8th, 2022, 08:32 PM
I don't understand how Texas keeps voting for Abbott after all of the B.S. they've gone through

November 8th, 2022, 09:03 PM
I’m not too knowledgeable about the candidates from each state, but I am happy to see Herschel Walker losing. Hopefully it stays that way. Also that woman from Arizona, Kari Lake. I saw her on the news last week sounding super arrogant and obnoxious!

MR2 Fan
November 8th, 2022, 09:07 PM
Kari Lake is a wackjob and she's a huge Trump supporter and election denier, so good riddance as it seems she will lose

November 8th, 2022, 10:15 PM
Senate races are closer than expected! Hope blue can still be ahead in the morning…

G'day Mate
November 8th, 2022, 11:32 PM
I reckon you guys are in for a 50/50 senate at worst depending on a likely Georgia runoff

G'day Mate
November 8th, 2022, 11:34 PM
The sad part, though, is the likely impending impeachment of Biden

Rare White Ape
November 9th, 2022, 01:59 AM
So the USA is heading for what? Another stalemate?


November 9th, 2022, 05:58 AM
Pretty much. Though if everything goes right then the Dens in the Senate should pick up a seat. Thus be 51-49. And that would good because then they can tell Manchin to go fuck himself.

I am very relieved that Mastrione lost in PA. As Nate mentioned, kinda made me a little proud. That being said, it should have been a landslide but I guess I have to accept small change for now.

Fetterman is a boss. Can't wait for him to show up to the Senate in a hoody and shorts. :rawk::finger:

Rare White Ape
November 9th, 2022, 07:03 AM
So the Zucc says he made a boo-boo and is taking responsibility for it.


Last I saw he was still swimming in his billerns and still has incredible job security.

But at least daddy Elon isn’t as bad as him right?

November 9th, 2022, 07:51 AM
I don't understand how they even made the decision to go ahead with the Metaverse. People just aren't ready for something like that yet, especially when the technology isn't there to make it feel even semi-realistic.

It just goes to show how out of touch these people get when they have this much money. Same goes for Elon etc.

November 9th, 2022, 08:15 AM
Anyway, the main reason why Elon stood apart from all those other tech billionaires is because he actually produced EVs and rockets. Without him, for sure there'd be no global EV revolution and USA would still be unable to send anyone to space. Think about that.

Maybe Jeff Bezo's Blue Origin could also get the job done eventually, but I get the feeling Blue Origin wouldn't happen if Elon didn't exist.

Maybe China would start the EV revolution, but I honestly don't think that's possible when China has no one to copy from. GM, Ford, VW, Mercedes, BMW would probably rather preserve their ICEs than developing EVs to kill themselves off.

Everyone is 'bad', because nobody's perfect, including you and me. My preference for Elon simply aligns with the products and services that he produced. Although I owned no Teslas nor his rockets, but I'd rate them to be way better for humanity compared to Amazon and Facebook.

I'm not sure what's the real vision of Bezos or Zuck... seems like they just want to grow bigger, like cancer.

The other reason I like Elon is that he has a clearer vision. At least I don't get the sense that he is in it just for making more money. Even the purchase of twitter doesn't quite make financial sense. I just admire his laser focus on his vision... kinda like Bernie Sanders. They spent their entire lives focusing and fighting for the same damn thing...

Okay, Elon might be a bit less focused to be CEOs of so many different companies, but he has proven that he's capable of multitasking well. Yeah, not all of his ventures are successful... so he doesn't always get everything right. However, the ones he got right, he's usually the market leader.

If only Nicolas Tesla had Elon's business sense, our world probably would be way better today. Thomas Edison was probably part of the 'establishment' back then...

My guess is that Elon will probably still eventually end up like Nicolas Tesla if he stays faithful to his original vision..., surely the global 'establishment' will unite against him and destroy him, but hope not. I am anxious to see how Twitter will eventually turn out. Hopefully it'll be world changing rather than just a waste of $44 billion.

Tom Servo
November 9th, 2022, 12:37 PM
I don't understand how they even made the decision to go ahead with the Metaverse. People just aren't ready for something like that yet, especially when the technology isn't there to make it feel even semi-realistic.

What're you talking about? Why, soon you can have legs!

November 9th, 2022, 02:24 PM
Magic legs.

November 9th, 2022, 02:41 PM
Still waiting for results about legalizing psychedelic mushrooms, third-party alcohol delivery, and restaurants offering take-out and delivery of alcoholic beverages. The latter started during the pandemic but may not have been entirely legal. Coloradans will find a way to party. :lol:

It looks like the Lauren Boebert race is still too close to call.

But, we kept our Democratic senator and governor and a few others I was glad to see re-elected. Governor Polis seems pretty cool. His campaign ads are amusing. I saw one the other day in which he was listing who he is, such as "I'm the governor, but I'm also a father, a [whatever], a [something else], "and still a gamer", with a quick shot of him playing a PC video game. Apparently when he ran for Congress back in 2008 (a seat he won five times), it came out that he was a gamer and I imagine his detractors mocked him for it.

The bill to increase taxes on annual incomes over $300,000 to help fund school lunch programs passed also. I'm glad. I never cared about that stuff before I had kids in school myself.

We pay into accounts for our kids to eat. Just a day or two ago, one of our kids said this to me: "If you don't have enough money in your lunch account, they take your tray from you at checkout and don't let you eat until you do." To be fair, that may not be a poor kid, and this anecdote isn't related to the vote. It's just a story that's fresh in my mind.

But, kids are required to go to school and schools have cafeterias and lunch ladies. Feed the kids.


November 9th, 2022, 02:50 PM
Fetterman is a boss. Can't wait for him to show up to the Senate in a hoody and shorts. :rawk::finger:

Very glad he won.

Fetterman for President in 20xx!

November 9th, 2022, 06:42 PM
Very glad his opponent Dr Oz actually called him up and formally conceded! (Unlike his endorser Trump!)

Was really expecting that red tsunami, but I guess that didn’t quite happen. Maybe there’s hope after all…

November 9th, 2022, 07:38 PM
Still waiting for results about legalizing psychedelic mushrooms, third-party alcohol delivery, and restaurants offering take-out and delivery of alcoholic beverages. The latter started during the pandemic but may not have been entirely legal. Coloradans will find a way to party. :lol:

It looks like the Lauren Boebert race is still too close to call.

But, we kept our Democratic senator and governor and a few others I was glad to see re-elected. Governor Polis seems pretty cool. His campaign ads are amusing. I saw one the other day in which he was listing who he is, such as "I'm the governor, but I'm also a father, a [whatever], a [something else], "and still a gamer", with a quick shot of him playing a PC video game. Apparently when he ran for Congress back in 2008 (a seat he won five times), it came out that he was a gamer and I imagine his detractors mocked him for it.

The bill to increase taxes on annual incomes over $300,000 to help fund school lunch programs passed also. I'm glad. I never cared about that stuff before I had kids in school myself.

We pay into accounts for our kids to eat. Just a day or two ago, one of our kids said this to me: "If you don't have enough money in your lunch account, they take your tray from you at checkout and don't let you eat until you do." To be fair, that may not be a poor kid, and this anecdote isn't related to the vote. It's just a story that's fresh in my mind.

But, kids are required to go to school and schools have cafeterias and lunch ladies. Feed the kids.


School lunches (and breakfast) should be free.

But i'd rather they paid the teachers (a lot)more first.Anybody who teaches (requires degree and accreditation) should be making $100k IMO. TAs should be making $30/ hr.

November 9th, 2022, 07:42 PM
Historically, the party in the White House gets shellacked in the mid terms. The red wave turned out to be more of a red mirage.

Unfortunately one of our biggest problems is the media forming a narrative rather than reporting the news. If they weren't so busy creating a narrative they might have caught onto how Gen Z was pissed with Republicans. Did y'all see their turnout? Without them it would have been a red tsunami.

The kids are alright.

Tom Servo
November 9th, 2022, 07:44 PM
While I think the media wants to form a narrative, I don't think it's an attempt to be dishonest. I think what we're seeing now is a bunch of places that still rely on polling techniques that are no longer valid and haven't caught up. AP actually seems better than most with that, they said they basically no longer bother with traditional phone polling or exit polling. But a lot of the polling that places use right now are basically "a poll of people who still own an landline and still pick up calls from randos", which is a pretty out-of-step-with-the-rest-of-the-country group.

November 9th, 2022, 07:53 PM
My kid’s school has free lunch for all, but for some reason not all schools in the district has free lunch though. Not sure why.

I also learned that their district superintendent makes $400k/year. I also don’t understand why this person makes the same amount as the President of the USA. Must be hard to decide which school gets free lunch?

When the day comes for teachers to make $100k, these admins will probably be making millions… and poverty line will probably at around $90k.

Anyway, point is it’s mind boggling how resources are being allocated. There’s never enough for the bottom but there will always be more than plenty for those on top, even in our education system that supposedly lacks funding.

Tom Servo
November 9th, 2022, 10:55 PM
Actually, I want to amend my statement. I don't think there's an attempt to be dishonest, but I do think there are attempts to create drama where there shouldn't be.

The Pennsylvania "will people vote for a good person with a potentially-temporary impairment over a tv snake oil salesman who killed tons of puppies" narrative was purely "please watch us" bullshit.

Not dishonest per se, but creating drama where there wasn't drama.

November 10th, 2022, 06:51 AM
Can't blame media for wanting to sell drama. Political news is already something most people don't want to watch! :p

Anyway, besides the red wave that didn't materialize, but it appears that most of the Trump endorsed candidates didn't do well. I guess it's now clear, or clearer, who the next GOP leader will be?

Why are Floridians so crazy for DeSantis, MR2man? And how did Florida turn so red?!?!?

November 10th, 2022, 09:36 AM

I thought for sure we would see roofer show up here, seeing as how it's in his home town.

November 10th, 2022, 09:40 AM
I'm sure my Dad was there, he was pissed when he couldn't get in last time Trump came to Latrobe.

There is a theory that Oz sharing a stage with Trump at that rally is part of what did him in.