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January 18th, 2023, 08:00 AM
Everything I've read/heard on induction is that "This is the Way!!"

Maybe it is for induction shills and those who have never experienced the delights of properly cooked food in a real wok over a proper gas fire. Both sorts of people must lead empty, meaningless lives and/or have no concept of what is real food. They are probably the losers who voted German and American cuisine in o the top 10 on that shitty clickbait tasteatlas website. I pity them. I really do. Why are they even alive when they might as well be dead?

January 18th, 2023, 08:03 AM
We have the woke left..., but when it comes to the wok, it has to be right! :D

January 18th, 2023, 12:32 PM
Assuming all republicans are like that is pretty much the same as assuming all black people are...

There's just no need to go there.

You're right. You caught me generalizing. I guess I felt free to do so as a fat, white, hamburger-loving [former] Republican myself. :)

January 18th, 2023, 12:57 PM
Don't get me wrong. I love hamburgers too. Whether if we want to lose the fat, it's up to us, but of course it's best to be healthy. Whatever our healthy weight is... surely that's different for everyone. There's also nothing wrong with being white and republican. I've never been a republican nor a woman nor a black person nor gay..., but that doesn't mean different means they're wrong. However, something's definitely wrong with that guy shown in the pic.

Yeah, pretty sure we all have something that's a bit 'wrong' with us that we can improve on, but I still believe most people in general tend to agree with one another more than they disagree. Current conditions make it seems like we have 2 groups of folks ready to kill each other. This misconception is only worsening our polarization effect.

January 18th, 2023, 01:13 PM
Geez, I wanna go eat at Y-Dub's house...

January 18th, 2023, 02:04 PM
Kari Lake has to be the most annoyingly wicked woman on the face of the earth.

January 18th, 2023, 02:32 PM
Geez, I wanna go eat at Y-Dub's house...

In addition to the normal hobs, we have a large hob which is (I'm quite sure) designed and suitable for wok use, but our skill levels aren't anywhere near those of the Pros who slave away to infuse dishes with wok Hei (or breath of wok). Anyway the point is to take food seriously.

And you're always welcome to eat here, my man!

January 18th, 2023, 08:41 PM
Sounds like woks are...

Serious Business!!!

Rare White Ape
January 19th, 2023, 03:46 AM
Microsoft is going to cut 10,000 jobs from its workforce.

A looming recession will do that to a company.

Hopefully we all have jobs in six months.

January 19th, 2023, 04:25 AM
New Zealand is this idyllic bellwether of decency. The world needed a leader like Jacinda on the world stage. Good for her, shame for us.

Rare White Ape
January 19th, 2023, 05:01 AM
Yeah I am surprised and shocked that she is stepping down. A bit saddened too.

I don't get why she will resign, but I get it. She seemed to do it so effortlessly. Hard to reconcile in my head.

My favourite Ardern moment:

In the 2020 lockdowns some bloke in NZ started streaming himself doing wood carvings on Twitch, and she dropped in to his backyard to say kia ora while he was streaming. It was all pre-organised of course, but it was one of the best feel-good moments of that shitty year.

He has slightly more hair than our own resident wood carving influencer legend.


January 19th, 2023, 06:58 AM
Man, I thought you might know more of what happened to her...

I saw a short article last night about her resignation but it didn't say much about her reasoning as well. Just stated that she said her tanks are empty... she had enough... wish I can know what's draining her tank.

NZ was definitely lucky to have her during COVID.

January 19th, 2023, 07:47 AM
Sounds like woks are...

Serious Business!!!

They are super-serious business.

January 19th, 2023, 02:16 PM
Republicans "we are going to plunge the world economy into a chaos unless you cut social security." (Debt ceiling.)
Democrats "No."

Media "high wire brinkmanship between the political parties ..."

billi- b0tH pAr+I3s aRe th3 saM3

January 19th, 2023, 03:02 PM
Both parties can agree that they can’t cut defense spendings! We can screw the world up in different ways, but both sides just can’t cut our precious defend spendings.

Brinksmanship is all just a show. They both suck!

FYI, social security is about $300 billion and defense is nearly $800billion.

I wonder why we never hear about defense cut backs. Hmm…

But of course Biden is probably still more pragmatic than Bernie. Bernie May end up spending more money on social services! But I suspect he’d be more willing to cut defense.

Our endless increase of debt ceiling will sooner or later run into problems. Republicans are not wrong to want cuts, but both sides probably will just refuse to cut out the pork because lobbyists.

MR2 Fan
January 19th, 2023, 05:02 PM
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has BANNED the teaching of AP African American Studies in Florida due to his "Stop WOKE Act", because apparently anything not dealing with any white, male christian must be "woke" and bad.

January 19th, 2023, 05:08 PM
Yeah I saw that earlier today. He just doesn't wear his white robe and hat in public....yet.

January 19th, 2023, 05:18 PM
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has BANNED the teaching of AP African American Studies in Florida due to his "Stop WOKE Act", because apparently anything not dealing with any white, male christian must be "woke" and bad. I saw that he did something similarly douchey the other day against the NHL with one of their inclusion programs.

Your next President.

Unless the Democrats can field a useful candidate because I have grave doubts about Biden’s re-electability.

January 19th, 2023, 08:26 PM
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has BANNED the teaching of AP African American Studies in Florida due to his "Stop WOKE Act", because apparently anything not dealing with any white, male christian must be "woke" and bad.

But, wasn't quoting Martin Luther King on twitter a violation of that anti- wokeness?

January 19th, 2023, 11:11 PM
Scary times.

January 20th, 2023, 07:03 AM
I saw that he did something similarly douchey the other day against the NHL with one of their inclusion programs.

Your next President.

Unless the Democrats can field a useful candidate because I have grave doubts about Biden’s re-electability.

2020 we had COVID’s help
2022 we had help from our stupid Supreme Court
2024 ??? Who knows. Maybe a war?

Anyway, can’t believe Trump is still leading way ahead for GOP. DeSantis is a strong 2nd, but based on current trend, unlikely to beat Trump if he’s not in prison.


I think 2024 will definitely be very scary.

MR2 Fan
January 20th, 2023, 09:31 AM
The best thing that could happen is Desantis runs as GOP nominee and Trump runs his own party/independent

January 20th, 2023, 10:25 AM
The best thing that could happen is Desantis runs as GOP nominee and Trump runs his own party/independent

Split the party like TR did, yeah. Hoping for that myself.

Tom Servo
January 21st, 2023, 04:56 PM
Was just discussing some libertarian stuff with a friend of mine, and I think I came to a realization.

I've never met a libertarian who is actually committed to the bit. It's all about freedom of whatever right up until it threatens them, and then "I got mine" kicks in and it goes to authoritarianism. It's really not that different from communists - sure, in ideal circumstances where nobody was out for their own, this would totally work. They're two sides of a fundamentalist coin that will never actually work because almost nobody will be committed enough to deal with the downsides of it.

I'm sure there are a few people that are truly committed, but especially since free-speech-absolutism has become a thing lately: fundamentalism will never, ever work.

January 21st, 2023, 05:20 PM
If they were truly in it for "liberty" they'd be protesting against private property, for starters.

Rare White Ape
January 21st, 2023, 06:38 PM
Nah liberals and libertarians are different. I forget which one is 'small l' and which one is 'big L'.

Libertarian freedom is all about private property and zero government interference while letting private business take care of everything (i.e. no taxes, you pay for services you need like healthcare etc), while liberals are more about freedom of choice in regards to social issues while still having a government.

The more correct left wing counterpart to libertarianism is probably anarchism, which is also for zero government interference (the word 'anarch-' literally means 'no leader') but the ideology prefers ownership of services by the people, rather than having profit-driven interests in control of them, and they are provided to anyone regardless of whether they can afford to pay for them. Kind of like a governance without any one in charge.

I can see why neither of them would ever work in isolation.

Tom Servo
January 21st, 2023, 06:55 PM
Man, to me, anarchism and libertarianism are basically the same. "I get liberty to do what I want, when I want, and fuck the government." Communism feels like the other side of that, the "we are all in this together and we share." And that in both cases, they're basically reliant on nobody getting greedy.

January 21st, 2023, 08:45 PM
It is human nature to be greedy, capitalism capitalizes on people’s greed and that’s why it works much better than other isms…, but obviously none of the isms is perfect. Everyone has its strengths and weaknesses. They are simply different tools to be used in different situations. One tool cannot do it all. Hammer extremists essentially sees every problem in the world as nails.

Anyway, this is why I believe it’s best for these different tools to work together, rather than fight each other…

Rare White Ape
January 22nd, 2023, 01:18 PM
Man, to me, anarchism and libertarianism are basically the same. "I get liberty to do what I want, when I want, and fuck the government." Communism feels like the other side of that, the "we are all in this together and we share." And that in both cases, they're basically reliant on nobody getting greedy.

The big difference is the libertarians are happy to let the poor or needy fall by the wayside if they can’t afford to pay for things. It replaces taxation with piecemeal out-of-pocket spending, which means there’s no cushioning effect for the destitute or disabled, or even those down on luck. To them, “letting the market decide” also means letting people die. Basically a hyper-aggressive version of US healthcare but for EVERY service, where they actually want to allow people to get mega wealthy because there’s the expectation that wealthy people or corporations would provide.

Think of company towns from 120 years ago: they provide work, roads, shops, housing for employees, etc. and you have to pay them for everything from your wages. If you get sacked then you move out. Libertarianism is like this. I’d say if Amazon had no checks or balances in law then it would probably go this way.

Anarchism is the ‘no government’ extension of communism. It puts social justice, welfare, environmental issues and so-on at the forefront of its ideology and eliminates profiteering or capitalisation. People could still become wealthy if they were able to (its not like an anarchist society couldn’t have nice things) but it would not be possible to exploit others or natural resources to achieve this, although wealth generation is not the point like it is in libertarianism. Basic needs and comfort would be provided for to the point where everyone could lead a dignified life with no questions asked, and the easiest way to be more wealthy if you wanted to have more luxuries would be to be one of those who provides for society and is rewarded for it.

Anarchism is about rules but no rulers. The checks and balances here are that there’s no single entity or person in charge of anything, and if there was then the balance of power built upon workers rights and social equity would keep everything stable.

Rare White Ape
January 22nd, 2023, 01:20 PM
Anarchism says that nobody needs to be greedy, but libertarianism says that everybody can be greedy and get rich.

But we all know the latter is impossible without a massive transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich.

January 22nd, 2023, 02:33 PM
If transfer of wealth is out of people’s free will, not under compulsion or trickery or making money off of addicts…, I really don’t see the problem of such transfers.

If bunch of poor people willingly paid $10 a cup to Starbucks, or $1000 for iPhones… is that the fault of Starbucks or Apple for creating something people want?

Must the coffees and phones be provided to the poor at a very very cheap price?

Anyway, I just want things to be fair. If you do a good job and created things in high demand, I see no problems for them to get their rewards. Transfer of wealth is not the problem. Main problem is obscene amount of wealth can often end up corrupting people and cause them to do harmful unfair things.

Now, should we force the wealthy to give up their wealth? I don’t think so.

I do have a lot of respect for the billionaires who’d give away billions. #1 is Jeff Bezos ex wife and #2 is Elon musk. I like Warren buffet too.

January 22nd, 2023, 07:44 PM
This place handles political philosophy about as proficiently as a dorm room at the cheapest state school. I am surprised no one has a Che avatar.

Tom Servo
January 22nd, 2023, 08:10 PM
Well, we found ourselves the political elite, I suppose.

January 23rd, 2023, 04:15 AM
Yet again, my problem is that I wasn't born rich.

January 23rd, 2023, 04:26 AM
Unfortunately, Nate, you've dated yourself. Dorms these days don't idolize Che. It's Jordan Peterson podcasts, not Che tees, for low-calorie political edginess among the kids. People love to be mystified by self-help gurus, especially grifters who make them feel superior by highlighting others' inferiority.


I stop extending the grace of nuance once a political party makes it their platform to destroy my personhood and assault my rights. Some things are indeed black and white.

January 23rd, 2023, 05:44 AM
Man, to me, anarchism and libertarianism are basically the same. "I get liberty to do what I want, when I want, and fuck the government." Communism feels like the other side of that, the "we are all in this together and we share." And that in both cases, they're basically reliant on nobody getting greedy.

Anarchists make clear differences between the possession and the property of goods, capital and labor; with proprietorship being adjudicated to the originator of the thing, thus, they deny that land can be owned, and that in turn, has implications on the whole concept of private property, which differentiates them from incels, I mean, from libertarians.

While both libertarians and anarchists deny the sovereignty of "The State", some anarchists tend to place some decision-making on the community of politically conscious individuals.

January 23rd, 2023, 05:46 AM
Yet again, my problem is that I wasn't born rich.

Feel ya, bruh!

MR2 Fan
January 23rd, 2023, 06:52 AM
Unfortunately, Nate, you've dated yourself. Dorms these days don't idolize Che. It's Jordan Peterson podcasts, not Che tees, for low-calorie political edginess among the kids. People love to be mystified by self-help gurus, especially grifters who make them feel superior by highlighting others' inferiority.


I stop extending the grace of nuance once a political party makes it their platform to destroy my personhood and assault my rights. Some things are indeed black and white.


January 23rd, 2023, 07:28 AM
Unfortunately, Nate, you've dated yourself. Dorms these days don't idolize Che. It's Jordan Peterson podcasts, not Che tees, for low-calorie political edginess among the kids. People love to be mystified by self-help gurus, especially grifters who make them feel superior by highlighting others' inferiority.


I stop extending the grace of nuance once a political party makes it their platform to destroy my personhood and assault my rights. Some things are indeed black and white.

Yeah, although I was often blamed to be too black and white, I'm now too both-sided.

Anyway, I really think the problem is that both parties are too selfish about things and can only see how the other party is destroying their personhood, livelihood and how the other party is assaulting their rights..., but never seems to consider how their own actions may have hurt others.

Is the problem really that black and white? Is it really all just about women's right to choose? Or baby's right to live? Nothing in between?

I also think it's interesting about Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk. As far as I remember, both of them considered themselves as liberals... and then they end up being pushed more and more to the right politically.

I'm unaware of any high profile conservatives who turned left, but based on election results of 2020 and 2022, we can see voters rejecting the stupid candidate and supreme court's stupid ruling.

I am angry too, but I'm angry at the 'establishment'. Putin and his missiles are like the GOP. NATO is like the Dems. Russians and Ukrainians fighting to their deaths is kinda like us. Putin is clearly the nationalist nut who wants to make Russia great again but failing to do that. NATO represents the united front of this diverse group of nations is also not very effective. Is Ukraine part of NATO or not? Should they have the Mig-29s or not? Should they get the tanks or not? While Russians are gerrymandering the streets of Ukraine, NATO seems to just keep the war going and not willing or perhaps afraid to help Ukrainians win. This way we can profit off of the war by selling them weapons and keep them weak so we don't have to worry about them...

January 23rd, 2023, 11:51 AM
I love how everyone is ignoring Billi and he's pretty much talking to himself in this thread now. :lol:

But I'll respond to one thing...

Yeah, although I was often blamed to be too black and white, I'm now too both-sided.

Anyway, I really think the problem is that both parties are too selfish about things and can only see how the other party is destroying their personhood, livelihood and how the other party is assaulting their rights..., but never seems to consider how their own actions may have hurt others.

Is the problem really that black and white? Is it really all just about women's right to choose? Or baby's right to live? Nothing in between?

I also think it's interesting about Jordan Peterson and Elon Musk. As far as I remember, both of them considered themselves as liberals... and then they end up being pushed more and more to the right politically.

I'm unaware of any high profile conservatives who turned left, but based on election results of 2020 and 2022, we can see voters rejecting the stupid candidate and supreme court's stupid ruling.

I am angry too, but I'm angry at the 'establishment'. Putin and his missiles are like the GOP. NATO is like the Dems. Russians and Ukrainians fighting to their deaths is kinda like us. Putin is clearly the nationalist nut who wants to make Russia great again but failing to do that. NATO represents the united front of this diverse group of nations is also not very effective. Is Ukraine part of NATO or not? Should they have the Mig-29s or not? Should they get the tanks or not? While Russians are gerrymandering the streets of Ukraine, NATO seems to just keep the war going and not willing or perhaps afraid to help Ukrainians win. This way we can profit off of the war by selling them weapons and keep them weak so we don't have to worry about them... Nobody is pushing Jordan Peterson to the right - his own comments are doing that. He appeals to right-wing maggots because he spews what they like. I know he thinks he's liberal, but his commentary would suggest otherwise. I think it's dishonest of him to profess otherwise.

Tom Servo
January 23rd, 2023, 12:10 PM
Peterson was liberal the same way Diamond and Silk claimed they were liberal. Or George Santos.

MR2 Fan
January 23rd, 2023, 12:22 PM
In wacko news which is summed up pretty well by this tweet:

Richard Newby - @RICHARDLNEWBY
Discovered a niche section of Disney adults on here who are upset that Splash Mountain is being changed to The Princess and the Frog instead “honoring the legacy” of Song of the South (which I’d bet good money the vast majority haven’t seen.)

Which is pretty accurate, some people were going to great lengths to "save" this ride (based on Song of the South which has some issues regarding depictions of race) from getting a re-theme to one with a black, female protagonist (The Horror!!). A very specific subset of people (can you guess which ones?) were extremely upset and tried calling Governor DeSantis's office to "preserve the ride as a historical monument"....the cringe.

The ride itself is a very long ride and is excellent but the flume part itself is not changing at all, they're just changing the scenery but racists gotta racist

It really is an insanely weird hill...excuse me, mountain, to die on.

January 23rd, 2023, 12:27 PM
I love how everyone is ignoring Billi and he's pretty much talking to himself in this thread now. :lol:

But I'll respond to one thing...

Nobody is pushing Jordan Peterson to the right - his own comments are doing that. He appeals to right-wing maggots because he spews what they like. I know he thinks he's liberal, but his commentary would suggest otherwise. I think it's dishonest of him to profess otherwise.

It's good to talk to oneself sometimes. At least I can get it off my chest, it's kinda like therapy... However, I suppose it's a bit selfish to do this when other's don't feel like reading your trash. But anyways, this is the political thread. Just treat it as a trash can. :p

Anywho, Peterson is clearly never part of the FAR left, he considers himself 'classical british liberal'. What ever that means. After a bit of googling, this is how it's defined according to wiki:

Classical liberals were committed to individualism, liberty, and equal rights. They believed these goals required a free economy with minimal government interference. Some elements of Whiggery were uncomfortable with the commercial nature of classical liberalism. These elements became associated with conservatism.

Self proclaim liberal who, in today's standards, is clearly a conservative.

Likewise with Musk, clearly he was also never a full liberal, but just with liberal leanings and believed Dems are the kinder gentler party...

Of course Musk doesn't believe he shifted, but if he would endorse DeSantis, clearly he has shifted. I suppose as a business owner, shifting toward the right is inevitable.

Anyway, I personally feel that Peterson is at about the center. I thought he's pretty balanced. However, most here probably think he's a Nazi white supremacist. Unlike Musk, based on what I've read and heard from Peterson, I don't think he has shifted much politically from wherever he was. The only shift that I can tell was that he became a Christian from an agnostic.

January 23rd, 2023, 12:35 PM
For clarification, Billi is on my ignore list and will likely stay there forever. I haven't read any of his posts since putting him there, nor will I. I have no bandwidth for frustrating wheelspin. Sorry.

January 23rd, 2023, 12:55 PM
In wacko news which is summed up pretty well by this tweet:

Richard Newby - @RICHARDLNEWBY
Discovered a niche section of Disney adults on here who are upset that Splash Mountain is being changed to The Princess and the Frog instead “honoring the legacy” of Song of the South (which I’d bet good money the vast majority haven’t seen.)

Which is pretty accurate, some people were going to great lengths to "save" this ride (based on Song of the South which has some issues regarding depictions of race) from getting a re-theme to one with a black, female protagonist (The Horror!!). A very specific subset of people (can you guess which ones?) were extremely upset and tried calling Governor DeSantis's office to "preserve the ride as a historical monument"....the cringe.

The ride itself is a very long ride and is excellent but the flume part itself is not changing at all, they're just changing the scenery but racists gotta racist

It really is an insanely weird hill...excuse me, mountain, to die on.

This is a really tricky and problematic issue for a company with such long history... I certainly don't envy the position Disney is in.

Again, I will both side the issue... White supremacists would want to change and cover up history and pretend they've done nothing wrong. Lefties would also want to cancel or hide these 'histories', but only make them available in schools so kids can remember all the hatred but can't romanticize about those inappropriate past history...

Audiences really ought to take into consideration when such movies were made...

To be honest, I thought Zippity Doo Dah is a pretty cool song! However, maybe it's because I'm racist?

People are really too easily offended nowadays.

January 23rd, 2023, 01:00 PM
For clarification, Billi is on my ignore list and will likely stay there forever. I haven't read any of his posts since putting him there, nor will I. I have no bandwidth for frustrating wheelspin. Sorry.

Absolutely no need to apologize. This is probably for the best.

January 23rd, 2023, 03:49 PM
Whatever Jordan Peterson thinks of himself, I don’t care. I don’t like him. These days I judge people by their audience. Who they primarily appeal to the most is telling of what they really are, despite the smokescreens they engineer around themselves.

Here in Ontario the governing medical body or whatever is threatening to strip Peterson of his license to practice as a clinical psychologist unless he undergoes some kind of sensitivity or inclusiveness training, or something like that. He’s crying foul acting like a victim. with all the talking points at his thumb such as freedumb of speech being threatened etc. Is it a little fascist? Maybe. But definitely necessary to combat the bullshit in today’s world.

In an unrelated note, I recently rewatched Fahrenheit 9/11 and it was an unpleasant reminder of how evil Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld etc were, and how much I loathed them all. Now some 19 years later a lot of people consider them to be saints. Almost angelic compared to today’s typical Republican. The truth of the matter is these people were not, and are not anything remotely resembling angels, they are still ugly, and the Republicans of today are just getting uglier and uglier.

Imagine DeSantis as President in a few years, and the ugliness mutating far worse than it is today. Moderate people may look back at Trump and consider him to be an angel too. It’s truly sickening.

January 23rd, 2023, 07:44 PM
Well, if we judge people purely by their audiences, Jesus Christ, real or not, is probably a horrible person! :p

Personally I think it’s kinda funny that we need a governing body enforcing politically correctness trainings and revoke professional licenses if someone fails or refuse. Shouldn’t lack of competency and/or fraud be the deciding factors for professionalism?

From what I’ve learned, Peterson had simply been the father those young men never had. Mainly encouraging them to take up responsibilities! He’s not training them to be Nazis!

Anyway, Peterson is worlds apart from Trump and W. I think it’s obvious neither of those ex-presidents had been very responsible of their duties.

Yeah, Peterson is politically incorrect, but we just need to be as correct as possible, if we’re incorrect, then we need to repent and correct ourselves. I don’t believe in political correctness.

January 24th, 2023, 07:00 PM
Whatever Jordan Peterson thinks of himself, I don’t care. I don’t like him. These days I judge people by their audience. Who they primarily appeal to the most is telling of what they really are, despite the smokescreens they engineer around themselves.

Here in Ontario the governing medical body or whatever is threatening to strip Peterson of his license to practice as a clinical psychologist unless he undergoes some kind of sensitivity or inclusiveness training, or something like that. He’s crying foul acting like a victim. with all the talking points at his thumb such as freedumb of speech being threatened etc. Is it a little fascist? Maybe. But definitely necessary to combat the bullshit in today’s world.

In an unrelated note, I recently rewatched Fahrenheit 9/11 and it was an unpleasant reminder of how evil Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld etc were, and how much I loathed them all. Now some 19 years later a lot of people consider them to be saints. Almost angelic compared to today’s typical Republican. The truth of the matter is these people were not, and are not anything remotely resembling angels, they are still ugly, and the Republicans of today are just getting uglier and uglier.

Imagine DeSantis as President in a few years, and the ugliness mutating far worse than it is today. Moderate people may look back at Trump and consider him to be an angel too. It’s truly sickening.

Certain people always get rehabilitated in the publics eye, over time. If you're black, you're only going to get rehabilitated in the publics eye, if you were right all along. See, Martin Luther King, Mohammed Ali, Tommy Carlos, etc.

January 24th, 2023, 09:22 PM
New Zealand is this idyllic bellwether of decency. The world needed a leader like Jacinda on the world stage. Good for her, shame for us.

Reviving this comment, as I rarely visit this thread.

Although Jacinda is popular on the global stage, after two terms of a far left government in NZ, there's a right wing resurgence (which in NZ means "all about the money" not "foaming lunatics with conspiracy theories and assault weapons"). So the Labour Party (who she leads) is in a poor position to win the next election in October.

To clarify, I am far left politically, so I am a big Jacinda fan.

The level of criticism for Jacinda and Labour is intense, and ongoing. Because she's a woman (how dare she be a woman!!) the level of misogynistic bullshit is quite high. That sort of shit for many years has just worn her down. She wants to be able to get married, and be more of a mum to her kidlet. She can't do that while being PM, it's too all consuming.

January 25th, 2023, 07:07 AM
In a way, I think it's quite refreshing to see a world leader who just decided to 'retire' by choice. Initially I thought there were some sort of scandal or something... Glad to learn it's nothing like that.

She rose to power just at the right time for NZ I think. At least she kept your nation safe. Of course now that the pandemic is sort of over, people are beginning to worry more about the economy. We can't be in a lockdown mode forever.

Taiwan's president is single with no kids, just 2 cats. She's much older though... so perhaps she's older and wiser and better equipped to fight on than Jacinda? Being a mom is an important and tough job to do as well. I can remember the 1st year of having my daughter was pretty hard on me as well. Difficult to imagine being a mom and a nation's leader at the same time! Of course, rich people could always just dump their kids to nannies and then to boarding schools. However, again, I don't think Jacinda is that kind of mom. Anyway, I'm not far left, but I'm one of her fans as well.

January 25th, 2023, 10:16 AM

6 year old shot his teacher. Luckily teacher survived, but is now suing school admins for not acting sooner to stop this boy…

I’m a bit confused. If I’m the teacher and I know one of my kids has brought a gun, I don’t think I’d wait for school admins to tell me what to do.

I initially thought the teacher was surprised by the boy and shot, but appears it’s already known that there’s a boy with a gun at school! Yet all adults at school chose to wait the problem out…,

Same with Uvalde police waiting things out… waiting for orders from above…

Nobody wants to take responsibilities… well at least that border control guy took action to save his own wife…

Anyway, just want to highlight why there are folks in this world hungry to hear Peterson preach about taking up more responsibility.

January 26th, 2023, 07:19 AM
I am so confused by the past two posts

January 26th, 2023, 07:36 AM
Ha! :D
If you really want me to elaborate, I'd be happy to.

January 26th, 2023, 08:54 AM
I miss mk

January 26th, 2023, 01:49 PM
Certain people always get rehabilitated in the publics eye, over time. If you're black, you're only going to get rehabilitated in the publics eye, if you were right all along. See, Martin Luther King, Mohammed Ali, Tommy Carlos, etc. I wonder where that leaves Kanye West.

I started liking GWB after seeing him on Kimmel. This was right after Trump got elected, and he suddenly seemed palatable. His actions as President as a result of 9/11 were reprehensible, but to be fair he was dealt a very shitty hand being in office during the worst terrorist attack on his country. Doesn’t justify the atrocities he committed against the people of Iraq, but I struggle to figure out how he could’ve responded and given the American people a sense of confidence and continuity. He was in a tough place. To his credit I do remember him actively discouraging people in the US from being prejudice and carrying out racial attacks against brown people.

Anyway, this whole debate has been done to death in the past and is so passé now. Looking ahead I have zero faith that Republicans will do anything worthy of being called decent. If I were American I would continue to vote Democrat for the foreseeable future.

MR2 Fan
January 26th, 2023, 04:13 PM
My view on GWB is still that he was pushed to pick the wrong people for his staff and they basically ran the show, especially Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.

January 26th, 2023, 10:20 PM
Buck stops with the president! No doubt Cheney, Rumsfeld are responsible too, but W needs to shoulder ultimate responsibility.

I don’t hate W as much since becoming Christian, but W was definitely no angel.

W and Trump were different kinda bad. At least trump started no wars and likely would disband NATO and avoid Ukraine invasion. That’d certainly be better near term, but hard to say longterm…

I most certainly won’t vote Republican, but not hopeful dems can do much better. Obama really disappointed me. I voted for him believing he’s the more progressive candidate, 8 years later, he’d endorse the same lady he fought so hard against during the primaries…. Not to mention Snowden waited for Obama to whistleblow because he didn’t trust W, but Obama’s really not much different than W in that regard…

Tom Servo
January 27th, 2023, 08:29 PM
Elon "Free Speech Absolutist" Musk strikes again. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/a-leaked-internal-message-appears-to-show-elon-musk-ordered-twitter-staff-to-suspend-a-left-wing-activist-s-account/ar-AA16NS0X

January 28th, 2023, 07:15 AM
The Pelosi attack video is finally released and proving Elon Musk wrong again…, but he has long since deleted his own inappropriate tweet denying himself the right to free stupid speech!

For political incidents like these, they really should show the police video asap to stop rumors. That was truly a bizarre incident!


MR2 Fan
January 29th, 2023, 01:24 AM
A bunch of airstrikes hit Iran from drones, possibly Israeli, hitting a number of military related targets.

January 30th, 2023, 07:28 AM
How come no talks about the Memphis SCORPION police?

I think this incident should highlight that the root problem wasn't structural racism. We have 5 black cops kill a young black man. There's just something not right with the police itself. It's not really protecting and serving properly.

Now the only racism I see is how the police force can quickly charge the officers this time. Is it because the police figured out what is wrong with them? Or is it because this time we have black officers so it's easier to just fire them and charge them? It used to be that police could just try to hide things until videos are leaked to the public..., but this time they preemptively acted and disciplined quickly prior to the release of videos...

Anyway, what were the officers thinking though. In this day and age..., they just are not worried about video footages? Were they on drugs or something? Were the streets of Memphis so dangerous that it has trained them to be so ruthless? So odd.

There are also talks of it becoming increasingly difficult to hire/recruit officers so sometimes they have to lower hiring standards? More and more good cops leaving so now we have more and more bad cops looking for excuses to beat people up on the job getting hired? This is probably just like our gun problems... no end in sight. :(

January 30th, 2023, 08:22 AM
The institution of policing in America is racist at its core. Doesn't matter the race of those officers perpetrating the beatings/killings. They are towing the company line.

January 30th, 2023, 10:47 AM
The institution of policing in America is racist at its core. Doesn't matter the race of those officers perpetrating the beatings/killings. They are towing the company line.

"Je suis d'accord"

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a3/Fanon_et_M%27Hamed_Yazid_repr%C3%A9sentant_le_FLN_ %C3%A0_la_conf%C3%A9rence_Pan_Africaine_en_Kinshas a_le_27_ao%C3%BBt_1960_%28cropped%29.jpg/640px-Fanon_et_M%27Hamed_Yazid_repr%C3%A9sentant_le_FLN_ %C3%A0_la_conf%C3%A9rence_Pan_Africaine_en_Kinshas a_le_27_ao%C3%BBt_1960_%28cropped%29.jpg

January 30th, 2023, 11:34 AM
The institution of policing in America is racist at its core. Doesn't matter the race of those officers perpetrating the beatings/killings. They are towing the company line.


January 30th, 2023, 11:44 AM
Racism definitely exists. However, I tend to think the root problem is imbalance of power and/or corruption.

In America, we can blame white people...

In Latin America, we can blame those who look European...

However, if we get to China, we all look very similar. Surely Chinese people can be "regional-ists" as well. We have stereotypes for every region of folks. Anyway, just saying that in a nation where everyone has the same skin color, there can still be unfair oppression in the name of keeping order. YW probably doesn't like me bad mouthing China too much... so I can talk about Taiwan... even this tiny island can have similar problem. When the Nationalist party got beaten by the Communist party, we retreated/escaped to Taiwan. Of course although the Nationalist party lost the war, but still have superior firepower over the local Taiwanese people so there were also oppressions/massacres... so there has always been this rift between the folks from mainland and the original Taiwanese folks.

Sometimes I wonder if the folks that look very similar to each other couldn't live peacefully together, what hope does America have?

Anyway, luckily Christ gave me hope. I also really think money and power can corrupt people, regardless of color of their skin. LA politicians were not white, yet they can still have scandals. So although racism exists, I think the root problem is that we don't have sufficient check and balances in place to prevent corruption.

Hope police departments in the US will wake up and clean up soon... This is really something we should be focusing on, rather than debating about gas stoves. Also, why should we even care about debt ceiling if black people are still getting beaten to death after all the BLM protests?!?!? It's like when there are no white cops involved... so we can't directly blame it on white supremacists... and so now we're not sure what to do with this problem?!?!? Yeah sure, they defunded and disbanded SCORPION... so what else are you going to do?

Tom Servo
January 30th, 2023, 03:46 PM

The people in the back might be willingly refusing to hear it.

January 30th, 2023, 08:41 PM
The people in the blue*

January 30th, 2023, 10:34 PM
Saw something profound today. "back the blue" came about as a response from black people asking to not be killed by the police, and that's all you need to know about police organisations and police in general.

It hit me really hard.

January 31st, 2023, 07:07 AM
Besides firing and charging them, I’d like to know more what they’re thinking. As well as all other folks on the scene who didn’t speak out against this… or tried to stop it…

I really think people have screamed loud enough. They’re just not hearing it for some reason.

Is the only way really to just defund and get rid of the police and let lawlessness reign? Then we’ll have white supremacist who own guns trying to defend their property still…

Anyway, I just think if it’s really all just racism, surely revised procedures could be in place to fix this problem. However, if corruption is the problem, then naturally that’d be harder to fix. Of course it could be a combo of both, but my point is that if we don’t fix the corruption on top, loudness means nothing. Same goes with those DC folks as well.

Charging jailing these minions is like doing that to Trump’s minions, but surely the bigger problem is on top. We tend to have problems getting people at the top. One has to screw up really really bad like Bernie Madoff, Elizabeth Holmes and SBF in order for them to fall... However, those folks still were able to stay in power and screw others for a long long time before they're stopped by their own lies and failures. They're almost never caught by 'officials' nor regulators... in fact they tend to be the ones shaping regulation... my guess is that our police force probably has the same issue. That's why they can't hear... however, I also wouldn't want police to be completely wiped out like FTX either... or become so neutered and friendly and politically correct that they can no longer fight crime...

MR2 Fan
January 31st, 2023, 05:35 PM
our great Fascist Governor Desantis is at it again...promoting the permitless carry of firearms and also making sure any girls who want to play sports basically talk about their entire menustral history to take part....oh and basically banning all books until they can be "reviewed" for "woke" stuff...

It's absolutely insane he's doing this already, oh and also about to run for president of course, so he can bring his extreme fascism to the whole country. I don't expect him to get a fanatical following like Trump, but the people who support what he's doing scare me. I wish the Dems would start playing hardball and STOP BEING NICE TO FASCIST ASSHOLES

January 31st, 2023, 05:45 PM
I wish the Dems would start playing hardball and STOP BEING NICE TO FASCIST ASSHOLES

Hot Take: Maybe they're afraid people would start playing hardball with them because they're also fascist assholes.

January 31st, 2023, 07:50 PM
Dems just need better candidates.

Rare White Ape
January 31st, 2023, 08:38 PM
Sounds like a good idea to roll up to republican primaries and vote for trump.

February 1st, 2023, 11:46 AM
Dems need to stop feeling ashamed about socialism! Time to nominate Bernie!!!

Maybe Katie should follow the steps of Obama... forget being a junior senator, go directly to the white house! I'd love to see our president delivering a state of the union of address on a whiteboard... highlighting our problems and how we're making changes and making our union more perfect! :D

February 1st, 2023, 03:48 PM
Jimmy Kimmel had Mike Lindell on his show last night. He was installed inside a Claw machine in a Dave & Busters arcade. Seriously some of the funniest TV I’ve ever seen, especially when Lindell’s comedic double came out.

Everyone knows Lindell is a complete idiot and major contributor to the “Big Lie”, but he was a good sport about it all. I’m thinking maybe, just maybe, this might be the first step in bringing the left and the right together. Through comedy.

Tom Servo
February 1st, 2023, 04:40 PM
The thing that bums me out about Mike Lindell is that he's clearly a mark. People are absolutely taking advantage of him and taking his money while they do it, but he's so committed to the bit that there's no way he'll ever admit to himself that he's being taken for a ride.

February 2nd, 2023, 08:55 AM
Comedy and humor can definitely be one of the keys to bring the left and right together. If you can only laugh at people on the other side and unable to laugh at yourself at times, your ass is probably a bit too tight. Constipation is no good. Great comedians are also very keen at seeing the BS on both sides.

February 2nd, 2023, 12:43 PM
The thing that bums me out about Mike Lindell is that he's clearly a mark. People are absolutely taking advantage of him and taking his money while they do it, but he's so committed to the bit that there's no way he'll ever admit to himself that he's being taken for a ride.

You say mark, I say willing participant- his actions are still harmful.

Rare White Ape
February 3rd, 2023, 03:07 AM
You say mark, I say willing participant- his actions are still harmful.


Someone's tolerance for hate just once, enables the tidal wave of hate further down the road.

It's like wot Jesus said: give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he will eat forever.

Tolerance of fascism allows the fascists to be fascists forever.

I know of someone who would learn a lot from this metaphor but they would probably just misinterpret it and use it to excuse themself for being a fuckwit.

February 3rd, 2023, 06:01 AM

Tolerance of fascism allows the fascists to be fascists forever.

I'm so stealing this line. Thanks, random internet guy!

February 3rd, 2023, 07:17 AM

Someone's tolerance for hate just once, enables the tidal wave of hate further down the road.

It's like wot Jesus said: give a man a fish, he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he will eat forever.

Tolerance of fascism allows the fascists to be fascists forever.

I know of someone who would learn a lot from this metaphor but they would probably just misinterpret it and use it to excuse themself for being a fuckwit.

With fish, whether it's given, bought or actually fished, it's crystal clear that we're dealing with fish.

Now, what is fascism? (Wiki)

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

In America, it is this:

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

In China, it is this:

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

So other than the far right part, China is actually more 'fascist' than America! This is why some GOP believe the dems are fasicist! Forcing them to wear masks and forcing them to get vaccines...

But I think in general, most normal folks probably believe you have to be on the political 'right' in order to be a fascist.

Let's just go with all the conservatives are fascists, then how do we NOT tolerate them? Ignoring them is the best method?

Do you really believe ignoring Hitler would prevent WWII?

Or perhaps we need to preemptively strike them? Like Putin is bombing what he thinks are fascists in Ukraine?

Nobody here is asking people to tolerate hatred itself.

However, Jesus is asking people to not only tolerate, but love ALL humanity the best way we know how. Believe that people can change..., for the better. Of course quite often we can expect people to change for the worse, so we gotta be ready to protect ourselves and our love ones. No need to be too naive. However, also never to be so jaded and give up hope that something good can eventually turn up. The best way to fight hate is with love.

Forget Christianity. Just remember how Vader succumb to the dark side of the force and how Luke almost fell... :p

Anyway, I just don't believe fighting hatred with hatred is an effective way to defeat hatred.

Tom Servo
February 3rd, 2023, 02:39 PM
You say mark, I say willing participant- his actions are still harmful.

I agree, but I also think he might be one of the only true believers. I don't think most of the people running this scheme believe the election was stolen, I think he really thinks it was.

February 3rd, 2023, 03:13 PM
I don't understand Lindell's business model. Why alienate roughly half of the American population with extreme political views, one way or another? Seems to me it would be smarter to keep quiet about politics and other divisive issues if you own a business selling directly to the public.

Rare White Ape
February 3rd, 2023, 03:21 PM
People can make irrational decisions. Remember the wave of people destroying their shoes and appliances because of their anger at some supposed ‘wokeness’ in those brands?

Appealing to the RWFW’s is a marketing ploy. Yes you will make some people think twice about buying your products, but you will attract an amount of very dedicated customers if you can sell the ideals that they cling to.

And please excuse me for both-sidesing this topic, but the same applies to green-washing and rainbow-washing from companies that want to attract customers from other subsets of society.

February 3rd, 2023, 07:26 PM
Just like we now have alternate realities, we also have parallel economies.

Most people do hate both siders! Take Billi as obvious examples. He ends up pissing both sides off! Yeah, I suppose one could always just stay quiet to avoid this… but for a business, perhaps it’s better to have a strong customer base that believe in you than try to please everyone. We know the later is impossible anyways…

February 4th, 2023, 08:45 AM
I am all for letting the Chinese spy balloon run its course for counterintelligence gathering, diplomatic leverage and/or trolling them with DPs through their own uplink.


I will be very disappointed if we don't bring it down and capture it as soon as it's over the Atlantic. If we don't, then either we allowed an obvious physical incursion with no repercussion, or it's carrying a risky payload no one is telling us about.

In this very moment, I'm grateful that Biden is President and we didn't have to suffer the hamfisted warhawk response Trump would have sent. But if this balloon isn't captured in fantastic fashion once counterintelligence has been gathered and it's out of populated space, I will be disappointed in Biden yet again - and it will be yet another blow to his electability.

February 4th, 2023, 08:48 AM
If one wanted to release a 'mutant virus' spraying it in suspension form from a balloon beyond the tropopause, how could one make sure the droplets were not blown away by stratospheric winds? secondly, with virii being sort of not very good at surviving outside of somewhat specific ambients, how could one make sure they were not uv'd and gamma-ray'd in the thinner regions of the atmosphere?

Now, reversely, If I'm on the ground with my AR, what mods can I do it to make sure my bullets travel the 7 miles of distance between me and that terrible threat from Xina?

February 4th, 2023, 09:17 AM
Question to the group: what would you have done as President?

I would have been sitting in the governor's mansion of every state as it flew over, to reassure the public.


Fucking weak.

He should be on the coast of South Carolina and push the SAM button himself.

But I'm a genba genbutsu kinda guy.

February 4th, 2023, 01:10 PM
Well, I wanted them to do it with a bow and arrow, not a $385,000 missile... but at least it's finally down.

Shame it couldn't be brought down with the payload intact. Here go the conspiracy theorists.

What a crap situation to be in, forced upon us by a country all too happy to leverage our President's tepidness to further split our country.

Domestic manufacturing now.


Tom Servo
February 4th, 2023, 01:42 PM
A lot of stuff I was reading suggests that it was likely meant to spy over China itself or over Japan, but that the system meant to bring it back to earth failed and it'd just been sailing along with the jet stream and likely was never meant to be over US airspace to begin with. A number of articles I've read point out that there's no intelligence they could have gathered from it over Montana and the nuclear capabilities housed there that they wouldn't already know from satellites, and also that the only way to really guide a balloon like that is by changing altitude to pick up winds going different directions, which doesn't really happen over the US in winter - stratospheric and tropospheric winds tend to be pretty uniform during the winter over the US, so if one was going to try to float a balloon for spy purposes over the US, you'd ideally do it during the summer. NORAD had a full track of it leaving China and following the jetstream pretty much perfectly, so I tend to buy into the idea that it was an errant spy balloon never meant to cross the Pacific and that the Chinese government would just prefer not to say that the mechanism meant to bring it back to Earth failed miserably.

I also don't know the logistics of non-missile weapons at 60,000+ feet, so I can't really speak to whether a bow and arrow would have had the intended effect. Another thing to keep in mind, I think they said they sent an F-22 after it, and their operational ceiling is like 10k lower than the balloon, so chances are they couldn't have even used gunfire to take it down, no matter what a bunch of hillbillies like JD Vance and Kari Lake think.

That said, and I've said this to Billi a ton of times - it wouldn't matter if they brought it down on a pillow, conspiracy theorists are gonna conspiracy theory. Whether or not they'd be theorizing won't change, it's just the nature of the theory that would change.

February 4th, 2023, 01:52 PM
I would have shot it down before it enters US airspace so there'd be no chance for conspiracy theories.

Anyway, splitting up the divided states of America should be very easy now regardless of who's president.

Rare White Ape
February 4th, 2023, 02:23 PM
https://scontent.fbne3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/327773341_449328157319882_6970862873481644592_n.jp g?stp=cp0_dst-jpg_e15_fr_q65&_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=5bac3a&efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&_nc_ohc=JjNldQFqbbEAX9K_iGx&tn=4ZnOJiOecxrrtqC7&_nc_ht=scontent.fbne3-1.fna&oh=00_AfBnzyjhW09ble3_kZICA6HbrG9l5JCGtDQrXD-FWVaepw&oe=63E38978

February 4th, 2023, 03:37 PM
I really wish journalists would ask the idiots postulating about the balloon, exactly what they would do and how. Like someone already mentioned, the balloon was flying higher than any plane we have in our fleet. (Fleet? Is that correct for airplanes? Armada and fleet I know I used for sailing. But does fleet apply to planes too?)

Tom Servo
February 4th, 2023, 03:58 PM
I believe the technical term is "Wings & Things"

Tom Servo
February 4th, 2023, 04:18 PM
I have terrible balloon related news.


Tom Servo
February 4th, 2023, 04:19 PM
Also, our countermeasures have turned against us :(


Rare White Ape
February 4th, 2023, 08:52 PM
Spider-Man eating ass is a vibe.

Tom Servo
February 5th, 2023, 08:55 AM
conspiracy theorists are gonna conspiracy theory. Whether or not they'd be theorizing won't change, it's just the nature of the theory that would change.

I rest my case.


February 5th, 2023, 10:24 AM
*mouth agape*

There is no depth to the stupidity of the masses. But it wasn't always like this. Trump's incessant and successful gaslighting, and the Fox News/Newsmax/Breitbart/PJ lie machine, ruined any sense we had.

And isn't it sad that even at a time of foreign incursion, even the warhawk "patriots" couldn't muster an ounce of unity and back the President and the Pentagon.

February 5th, 2023, 10:56 AM
Humanity’s IQ falls under a naturally distributed bell curve… there will always be stupid people. Of course social media probably amplified people’s stupidity more so it’s more of their fault, not really stupid people’s fault.

Just because one’s smart, one doesn’t have to look down on the stupid. Similarly, just because you’re tall, you don’t have to look down to short people, you could lower yourself to their eye level so that you can communicate with them properly…

Anyway, as for backing Biden/Trump, I’m sure they’ll get bipartisan support if they do a good job? ;)

MR2 Fan
February 5th, 2023, 11:51 AM
it isn't about doing a good or bad job as president anymore, it's about how many people see which media outlet blasts their preferred talking points about the president's job

February 5th, 2023, 01:27 PM
True. Maybe that’s why after I watched them, I often don’t feel like voting for any of them other than Bernie Sanders…

Not because I fully align with Bernie politically, but just that I believe he has the most integrity and honestly trying to help people…

February 5th, 2023, 04:01 PM
it isn't about doing a good or bad job as president anymore, it's about how many people see which media outlet blasts their preferred talking points about the president's job

Ding ding ding. People want their confirmation biases confirmed.

Rationally thinking and challenging their dogmas is too much work, and requires too much mental and emotional labor. Far easier to just soothe yourself with sweet sweet lies. incorrect affirmations.

Tom Servo
February 5th, 2023, 04:34 PM
Counterpoint to that (also, the Eve 6 account is surprisingly entertaining):


February 5th, 2023, 04:46 PM
Aligning with Brian here.

I think the left, and "left" news networks (you certainly can't call CNN that anymore - can you really call Bloomberg that?) are certainly more open to objective analysis. When's the last time Fox or the others have ever said anything about Biden that wasn't framed as an attack?

February 5th, 2023, 07:56 PM
Aligning with Brian here.

I think the left, and "left" news networks (you certainly can't call CNN that anymore - can you really call Bloomberg that?) are certainly more open to objective analysis. When's the last time Fox or the others have ever said anything about Biden that wasn't framed as an attack?


February 6th, 2023, 07:09 PM
When's the last time Fox or the others have ever said anything about Biden that wasn't framed as an attack?

Now imagine what it's like when the country and region you live in is apparently said to be on "the other side" according to Western MSM and grandstanding politicians.

February 6th, 2023, 07:37 PM
Counterpoint to that (also, the Eve 6 account is surprisingly entertaining):


Thanks for the tip. Followed on your recommendation.

And, this is exactly why I don't fuck with Trump voters. That tweet there sums it up perfectly. There is nothing they can say that would enlighten me, teach me, improve my life.
I'm shopping for a handgun (probably will get a CZ75, or maybe a Kimber 1911; we will see) and i'm going to go out of my way to find a liberal gun owner to buy/ train with. Even in their field of expertise, I don't trust them.

Now I sound like one of those white people that go to an emergency room and want to be treated only by a white doctor, white nurses, etc. Maybe I should listen to bil ... I can't even finish the thought without gagging. :lol:

Tom Servo
February 6th, 2023, 08:55 PM
I think there is something to be said to listening to people who disagree, but I also feel like the right wing has just gone completely off the rails. I miss NoQuarter, and George is a conservative voice here that I respect. But it's become this "you're closed-minded unless you let the most lunatic fringe into your mind" version of freedom of speech. Part of freedom of speech is the regulation that comes from most of us thinking weirdos are weirdos and yelling them into some sort of abyss.

Rare White Ape
February 6th, 2023, 11:03 PM
Thanks for the tip. Followed on your recommendation.

And, this is exactly why I don't fuck with Trump voters. That tweet there sums it up perfectly. There is nothing they can say that would enlighten me, teach me, improve my life.

But the left and right should be able to come together!

And other flowery bullshit.

February 7th, 2023, 07:03 AM
Left, right. Male, female. Black, white. Young, old... It is really much better to flower together. However, it's also perfectly understandable to think "what the fuck do they know?" Diversity is perhaps over rated. It's highly unlikely those idiots can teach me anything, I know pretty much everything already, right? Or at least I know you don't know jack so shut up!

The problem with free speech is that you often have to end up sifting thru a bunch of BS. However, without free speech, we might end up swimming in BS... Humanity is a poop maker. :D Of course we can also make other things as well. Anyway, at least flowers love our poop.

Tom Servo
February 7th, 2023, 05:12 PM


February 7th, 2023, 05:37 PM

February 7th, 2023, 06:02 PM
That makes him as smart as Trump! :lol:

February 8th, 2023, 05:55 AM
I am so disgusted by what I saw from Republicans last night, I need to digest before I can write.

The lowest point was screaming disruption when Biden was addressing the father of a woman who ODed.

Completely classless.

We shouldn't be placating or negotiating with people that low.

February 8th, 2023, 06:11 AM
We shouldn't be placating or negotiating with people that low.

No, we should. One of the principles of democracy is that every person is equal.

The problem here are the tools of democracy, you're using the wrong ones. They don't exist, say you? Well, one of the great things about democracy is that most of its problems are solved with more democracy.

I'm sorry if I come across as facetious, but what you are seeing is not a failure of institutions, but rather a failure of actors to do what is needed to improve the performance of institutions. Get rid of the filibuster!, Change the rules for the parliamentarian!, give DC statehood!, Overturn or greatly curb Citizens United!, Pack the Court!, there are many democratic things that could be done to avoid having sock puppets like MTG amass so much power... alas, poor Romeo, he is dead!

February 8th, 2023, 06:56 AM
I generally agree with you Mario, but why DC needs statehood?

I suppose it'll probably give dems more advantage in congress? 2 more senators and few more representatives? Did I guess correctly or there's more to that?

One problem is that it might cause more confusion. I already had a friend who was visiting from Singapore asking us to take him to the White House because he'd like to see that and Lincoln Memorial in the great state of Washington! :lol:

February 8th, 2023, 07:13 AM
I am so disgusted by what I saw from Republicans last night, I need to digest before I can write. Ugh, same here. I couldn't watch more than 20 minutes. Republicans all look and come across as total jerk-offs. MTG needs to be slapped in the face. She is repugnant. I started to fear for my TV's safety every time they showed Ted Cruz' ugly face. I wanted to karate kick the screen. These people are just vile. :mad:

February 8th, 2023, 08:33 AM
Please! Do not destroy your TV because of them!!! Not worth it!!!!! :p

Anyway, as much as I participate here in the political thread, I really have no interest in watching our state of the union address from any president. The state of our union is pretty lame at the moment. I'll watch some highlights of whatever good moments later I suppose. Seriously, what good can come out of this oxymoronic traditional event at our current state?

I did hear about some good come backs from Biden. I'm pleased with that. Focus on the positives guys! :p

Rare White Ape
February 8th, 2023, 02:13 PM
Meanwhile over on Elon’s unlimited free speech Twitter, people are having restrictions on the number of tweets they can post per day.

I have seen people posting screen shots of them not being able to post their first tweet for the day.

No explanation given as to why.

February 8th, 2023, 02:23 PM
Fuck him and his platform.

I don't know what's more embarrassing: simping for such an obvious weeb, or admitting to vote for a party that boos during a eulogy.

February 8th, 2023, 02:36 PM
I'm sorry if I come across as facetious, but what you are seeing is not a failure of institutions, but rather a failure of actors to do what is needed to improve the performance of institutions. ...
And the problem is that these rules tend to be controlled by the same politicians. So changes to the system to make it better for "the people" often doesn't happen because the people with power like all these things. Or any change is seen as politics because it might favour one side over the other.

Rare White Ape
February 8th, 2023, 03:01 PM
Fuck him and his platform.

I don't know what's more embarrassing: simping for such an obvious weeb, or admitting to vote for a party that boos during a eulogy.

Makes you wonder who the true deplorables are.

February 8th, 2023, 03:34 PM
And the problem is that these rules tend to be controlled by the same politicians. So changes to the system to make it better for "the people" often doesn't happen because the people with power like all these things. Or any change is seen as politics because it might favour one side over the other.

Yeah, well then...


Tom Servo
February 8th, 2023, 05:16 PM
If today's Twitter hearings are anything to judge by, this is gonna be an annoying and useless couple of years in the house.

February 8th, 2023, 07:14 PM
I think there is something to be said to listening to people who disagree, but I also feel like the right wing has just gone completely off the rails. I miss NoQuarter, and George is a conservative voice here that I respect. But it's become this "you're closed-minded unless you let the most lunatic fringe into your mind" version of freedom of speech. Part of freedom of speech is the regulation that comes from most of us thinking weirdos are weirdos and yelling them into some sort of abyss.

Exactly. I don't mind regular conservatives, although I have to constantly "exactly what is it that the conservatives are offering you? what policys do they have that are benefitting you?" It's the Trumpistas that can get fucked with a nuclear blast.

February 8th, 2023, 08:02 PM
Seymour Hersh has just said it out loud. U.S. Navy divers destroyed three of the four nordstream's pipes.

February 8th, 2023, 09:48 PM
Serious charges. Report based upon on… ?

February 9th, 2023, 03:32 AM
I generally agree with you Mario, but why DC needs statehood?

Because there are early 700,000 people who live there without voting representation in either the house or senate and who deserve to have a say in how their country is run?
It's got more people than Boston, Las Vegas, Vermont, and Wyoming.

February 9th, 2023, 04:40 AM
Or, they could move 5 miles in any direction.

February 9th, 2023, 06:53 AM
Counterpoint: Moving is incredibly expensive and difficult, especially if you're poor.
"Why didn't those people just evacuate ahead of Katrina?"


* Yes, felons too.
* Also many non-citizen residents. Though this is more controversial.

February 9th, 2023, 07:25 AM
DC is a bit tricky.

For example, most politicians would become temporary residents of this new 'state'. So that they can no longer represent the states that they came from? ;)

Most permanent residents probably should get representation, but then US does have other locations without representation as well. Considering all those other territories, not really sure all that trouble would make any significant advantages for either parties. The state of our union is pretty weak right now. Having more states likely won't solve our current problems.

Take LA for example. We've gotten rid of white representation when it comes to politicians... even though there are still white people in LA. Yet, racism issue did not go away.

Our system is still just too freaking corrupt. Maybe a bit better than Mexico, but still corrupt. :p Without meaningful reform, we can add more states and register more voters, but I think end result will still be the same. The rich and powerful has too tight of a grip of our system. They will continue to distract us with issues like Roe vs Wade or BLM so that the people will focus on fighting each other rather than fighting the corrupt system.

February 9th, 2023, 08:47 AM
Seymour Hersh has just said it out loud. U.S. Navy divers destroyed three of the four nordstream's pipes.

Everyone knows this, right? Apart from Billi and his brainwashed Bros of course.

February 9th, 2023, 09:37 AM
Counterpoint: Moving is incredibly expensive and difficult, especially if you're poor.
"Why didn't those people just evacuate ahead of Katrina?"


* Yes, felons too.
* Also many non-citizen residents. Though this is more controversial.

You'd be surprised how many people don't think everybody deserves representation in government. Not you, but other normal everyday people.


February 9th, 2023, 09:57 AM
Everyone knows this, right? Apart from Billi and his brainwashed Bros of course.

If this is true, that Biden ordered this attack... Then will NATO still work together well?

Biden would have to be seriously stupid/evil to order such attack. Brainwashed bros would love to see a stupid Biden lose the white house... and then Trump can come back in and disband NATO himself.

Anyway, do we have actual facts? Why all of a sudden now it's okay to spread conspiracies? And EVERYONE knows about this conspiracy except me?

Rare White Ape
February 9th, 2023, 11:06 AM
Or, they could move 5 miles in any direction.

That would instantly solve and then create a housing availability and affordability crisis.

February 9th, 2023, 04:37 PM
For example, most politicians would become temporary residents of this new 'state'. So that they can no longer represent the states that they came from? ;)I wouldn't feel as bad about this as you might imagine - One of our former senators didn't even bother to maintain a house or apartment in Kansas, Instead listing a recliner in a constituent's house as his voting residence.
Anyway - Easy problem to solve. We still need a federal district, right? Redefine it to existing federal property in the district as well as a little land on which we build an apartment building where all the legislators get to live. This would also solve the problem of less wealthy first-termers having trouble getting housing (https://archive.curbed.com/2018/11/21/18106667/congress-washington-dc-alexandra-ocasio-cortez-housing).

Most permanent residents probably should get representation, but then US does have other locations without representation as well. Considering all those other territories, not really sure all that trouble would make any significant advantages for either parties. The state of our union is pretty weak right now. Having more states likely won't solve our current problems.Yes, the other locations without representation should also get a say in how government works - This includes all territories, possessions, and protectorates. It is not about giving advantage to one party or the other, it is about people getting the bare minimum of fundamental rights this country supposedly stands for.

They will continue to distract us with issues like Roe vs Wade or BLM so that the people will focus on fighting each other rather than fighting the corrupt system. It's really cool that peoples' very lives are just a "distraction" for you - That must be relaxing.

February 9th, 2023, 06:32 PM
I think you know that’s not what I meant. Just saying that even as a citizen with voting rights, my vote already matters very little. We can have more of those votes which matters little and yield to no significant change. So why bother with that? I just think we have bigger fish to fry.

If we truly have a government of the people for the people by the people, giving people more representatives or senators won’t really help if those newly elected politicians will only end up serving the rich lobbyists because current system has been corruptly rigged. Until that is fixed, average people just won’t be represented properly.

Anyway, do you truly believe the Democratic Party is really doing the will of American people or American corporations more?

Let’s just forget about the republicans…

The ‘establishment’ isn’t a conspiracy. There’s a reason why we have this antiestablishment sentiment. This is actually a bipartisan sentiment.

February 10th, 2023, 04:50 PM
Long time mayor of Toronto is resigning. Secks scandal. Apparently he was banging one of his staffers.

I mean, it’s 2023…this kind of stuff shouldn’t be faux pas anymore. I say live and let live. He did a decent job as mayor, presumably. I don’t live in the city proper so I’m not sure, but the guy kept getting re-elected so he must’ve been doing something right.

February 10th, 2023, 06:16 PM
Yeah, is sex scandal really that big of a deal? Probably not nowadays… however, if a politician has such character flaw or integrity issue, chances are, he could probably be compromised in other ways behind closed doors.

If the politician were single and having consensual sex, I’m willing to let it go. However, if a married person is willing to not honor his marriage commitments, why would you think he’ll be a faithful civil servant? If you know somebody who’d screw others, chances are, someday he’ll likely screw you too when opportunity arises… unless if the spouse is okay with such opened relationship. Then I’m okay with it. Point is, I would not vote for people who’d cheat on the one person they supposedly love the most. If he could do that, he’d likely screw me too.

Tom Servo
February 10th, 2023, 08:24 PM
I gotta disagree on that one. There's an inherently off-kilter power dynamic there that rarely comes out well. Just ask Monica Lewinsky. Who, it turns out, is awesome by the way.

It could possibly come out well and has in the past, but I honestly think that any time you have that power dynamic where one person can make or break the career of the other, it's not a healthy thing to pursue for either party and shows a significant lack of judgment.

If it is on the up-and-up, then just announce it and be open about the relationship. Hard to be caught in a sex scandal if you are just saying "I'm now in a relationship with this person" to everyone.

Rare White Ape
February 10th, 2023, 08:46 PM
Barnaby Joyce was once the deputy Prime Minister of Australia.

He was outed having an affair with a staffer. Outed, because she gave birth to his child. Which means he now has two families.

As a result of the scandal he resigned and became the former deputy Prime Minister of Australia. This was five-ish years ago.

His replacement was so unpopular that the party had a leadership spill and voted Barnaby Joyce back in as the former former deputy Prime Minister of Australia.

Then in 2022 they lost the election and Barnaby Joyce became the former former former deputy Prime Minister of Australia.

February 10th, 2023, 09:08 PM
Man, I was walking around at lunchtime today thinking about how great it is that people can actually speak the national language in their own country without fear of being beaten up by a mob of Billi's Brainwashed Bros.

February 11th, 2023, 09:58 AM
Come on Bryan! The most fun comes from significant lack of judgement.

(I'll see myself out).

MR2 Fan
February 12th, 2023, 06:00 AM
in other news that seems to be not getting as much attention but it does deal with politics and the lack of regulations and safety standards....major disaster happened in Ohio where a train derailed and had major explosion/fire and lots of toxic chemicals released into the air.

I don't know how much is being covered on regular news, but this twitter thread seems to cover a lot of various info, including the arrest of reporters attempting to cover it:


February 12th, 2023, 07:56 AM
Heard about the accident, but didn’t realize authorities have turned ‘CCP’ by silencing reporters?

Rare White Ape
February 13th, 2023, 04:41 PM
We may be wrong about Musk after all…

https://theageofbullshit.substack.com/p/what-is-elons-end-game?fbclid=IwAR04uy65HcFHyQyMHvDhufda2beDZZDwBfB6 GJKotqgWKvL39WKh5mHq8Co

Tom Servo
February 13th, 2023, 06:22 PM
That was a very good article. I especially liked the parts about the Nobel Disease, as that is so insanely common now. The "good businessman equals good politician" part was mentioned, but also think about how many of the anti-vaxxers out there that throw around "Dr." as part of their title aren't virologists or vaccine researchers, they're chiropractors.

February 13th, 2023, 06:51 PM
That article is so full of confirmation bias. It’s like Elon has never done anything good.

As for him moving ever more to the right… well, the guy started out in CA after all. I think Elon’s main problem was that he failed to donate enough to the dems and there are other rich donors who hated Musk. I really think it’s dem’s regulations and ignoring Musk which helped pushed him more to the right. For billionaires, they probably naturally would want to move more to the right anyways…

Besides freedom of speech, people are also free to not like others. I don’t really know musk personally, but I still do admire him for revolutionizing EVs and rockets. Not to mention PR stunts such as helping Ukrainians.

Tom Servo
February 14th, 2023, 05:24 PM
I feel like this has become our "ultra-rich dude wants to be a kingmaker" thread, I figure it's politics related, but I'm fucking crying laughing at this.


February 14th, 2023, 06:26 PM

Racist loser offed himself on Jan. 30, the day his drug trafficking trial was scheduled to start.

The only good Nazi is the dead Nazi.

February 15th, 2023, 07:18 AM
To stop talking about the ultra rich dude trying to find enough milk for his dying baby Twitter... Let's talk about Nazis in a movie?

You know, I just found out about a movie called White Noise and it's about a professor of Hitler studies who lives in Ohio and got his life derailed by a derailed chemical train... life imitate art I guess.

We used to have bunch of pandemic movies... who thought of this stupid chemical train derailment movie?!?!?!?

Of course Independence Day was way off... our fighter jets shooting down a bunch of unidentified floating objects who couldn't fight back was kinda boring.

February 15th, 2023, 11:57 AM
No great loss.

February 15th, 2023, 07:14 PM

Racist loser offed himself on Jan. 30, the day his drug trafficking trial was scheduled to start.

The only good Nazi is the dead Nazi.

"Yes they deserved to die and I hope they burn in hell ..."

February 15th, 2023, 07:30 PM
Anyone following the train wreck in Ohio?

Train company is offering $1000 dollar checks for the people inconvenience. I'm sure it also comes with a we can't sue since they gave us a check already clause.

They say the air is safe but the water isn't. Lots of dead animals around the area as well.

Also hearing rumors that the train had more hazmat on it than reported and regulations had been loosened under the previous administration.

Tom Servo
February 15th, 2023, 07:51 PM
Fuckin' a, at least they upped that from the $5 they were offering previously.

Rare White Ape
February 15th, 2023, 08:22 PM
That train derailment should be a wake-up call but it won't, unfortunately.

Big biz has been railing against red tape and regulations forever. Red tape and regulations are costly and impact on the ability for a business to make profit, and the root cause of this accident is NS wanting to make more money. The company lobbied against safety measures that would have reduced the severity or prevented this crash, and they also cut staffing levels while increasing freight loads.

There should be no completely free market until we can trust these companies to do the right thing. Simple as that.

Everyone in the management chain, right up to the CEO should be in jail for this incident.

February 16th, 2023, 07:26 AM
Hey Aussie, ya ready to fight for freedom? are ya ready to make the sacrifices necessary to stop the great Oriental threat?

The world's counting on ya, son!

February 16th, 2023, 08:27 AM
That train derailment should be a wake-up call but it won't, unfortunately.

Big biz has been railing against red tape and regulations forever. Red tape and regulations are costly and impact on the ability for a business to make profit, and the root cause of this accident is NS wanting to make more money. The company lobbied against safety measures that would have reduced the severity or prevented this crash, and they also cut staffing levels while increasing freight loads.

There should be no completely free market until we can trust these companies to do the right thing. Simple as that.

Everyone in the management chain, right up to the CEO should be in jail for this incident.

Even I don't believe in completely 'free' market. I also don't want too much red tape either. Markets should just be free enough with sufficient red tape to ensure steady healthy growth. Not need to trust companies and no need to trust regulatory agencies to always have the best interests of everyone.

There are definitely insufficient accountability with these kind of failures. Jail time definitely should be in order if we can prove that these accidents weren't really 'accidents'... Even if these diasters were truly accidents, then CEO should be fired right away and his entire compensation withheld and be put into a disaster relief fund.

However, we just don't do that for some reason. Whenever shit hits the fan, it's always folks at the bottom paying for it. Can't just blame this on the republicans only. Democrats' balls are firmly in the grasp of their rich donors' hands as well. Regulatory agencies are also very cozy with corporations. That's how Boeing could certify its own planes... and FTX is able to lobby the entire congress with SEC more on Elon Musk's case than FTX's... Seriously, Elon's problem is that he failed to buy enough politicians like FTX did. Things could go a lot smoother if he buys more politicians..., but I'm glad he doesn't do too much of that... just as you don't see him buying lots of ads like other companies.

Anyway, that train's axle was 'corrupted' and never fixed... USA will eventually end like that train if we don't fix its corruption.

Rare White Ape
February 16th, 2023, 08:33 AM
If you’re talking about China, our old right wing government made a lot of hot air in 2021 about the Chinese threat.

In 2022 we voted them out.

I mean, there was a bit of a threat. The pacific island nations had been siding closer with the Chinese, but that’s because our old government had been dialling back foreign aid and leaving them in the lurch, basically a problem caused by themselves. Pacific island nations were smart and knew that courting China would get Australia all huffy.

As soon as the new government took over, our foreign affairs minister immediately hopped in a jet and started repairing the relations between us, the pacific islands, and China.

If you’re expecting Australia to make any sacrifices, I do hope you come away disappointed. China doesn’t really give a shit about Australia. If a shooty war happens they’ll just bomb our big cities (all 5 of them!) and kill our aboriginals on the way to our coal and uranium mines up north. They’ll be easy to defend because nobody wants to march across 3000 km of desert.

We are best staying out of it. So is the USA for that matter.

February 16th, 2023, 09:13 AM
So, the Fulton County GJ report was semi released today. Nothing new, but they do belive some of the witnesses purjured themselves and the D.A. is looking at possible RICO charges, which are no fucking joke.

February 16th, 2023, 10:01 AM
Hey Faulty, ya ready to fight for freedom? are ya ready to make the sacrifices necessary to stop the great Ortega threat?

The world's counting on ya, son! (or at least the 94 political dissidents that were stripped of their citizenship are...)

February 16th, 2023, 10:05 AM
Si General Jose! Muchacho is waiting for your orders and ready to fight!!! :hard:

February 16th, 2023, 12:10 PM
@Mick I'm talking about your unelected powers drumming up support for yet another war. Yes, the Murdochs, your Murdochs!

@JSG sir, yes sir. Our narcos are on the ready, sir. You need their ranches as FOBs, again? You need their logistics networks, again?, is Ollie North gun' be organizing shipments again, sir?

February 16th, 2023, 12:37 PM
Barnaby Joyce was once the deputy Prime Minister of Australia.

He was outed having an affair with a staffer. Outed, because she gave birth to his child. Which means he now has two families.

I think the scandal was that he was married and also from the conservative side of politics.
Classic "do as I say, not as I do"

But popular with voters and your party means that they apply these moral decisions (that he shouldn't be leader) only as long as it doesn't hurt the party. Its about what's best for the party, rather than trying to improve the overall system by applying standards.

February 16th, 2023, 07:02 PM
Murdochs gonna Murdoch

Watch at your own risk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUD-sCvtDE0).

February 16th, 2023, 07:17 PM
@JSG The CIA is going to doublecross everybody, even its sister agencies.

linky (https://uwpress.wisc.edu/books/5402.htm)

Tom Servo
February 16th, 2023, 07:28 PM
So...uhh...this is what we're dealing with. Jira is apparently the smoking gun. For fuck's sake.


I dunno if any of you have used Jira, but it's a tremendous pain in the ass to get working for one team of like 10 people. It'd be useless for a major conspiracy.

February 17th, 2023, 03:50 AM
My apologies if I upset you with my meek attempt at humor/satire, FM. As always, your responses and rebuttal are accurate and not really a laughing matter...

So...uhh...this is what we're dealing with. Jira is apparently the smoking gun. For fuck's sake.


I dunno if any of you have used Jira, but it's a tremendous pain in the ass to get working for one team of like 10 people. It'd be useless for a major conspiracy.

Damn. That article.... yeesh. Maybe.... MAYBE... that representative confused Jira with Slack... but... guh. That disconnect with reality and the badgering in that transcript was ignorant and disappointing. I agree with the last line of the article...

Once again, America, I beg you: elect better people.

February 17th, 2023, 04:44 AM
My apologies if I upset you with my meek attempt at humor/satire, FM. As always, your responses and rebuttal are accurate and not really a laughing matter..

i wish i had a bigger sense of humor to laugh at what's happening to Nicaraguans.

The Ortegas fucking suck.

February 17th, 2023, 08:40 AM
I have to agree that CIA might end up being the world’s worst terrorist organization.

MR2 Fan
February 17th, 2023, 01:56 PM

All of these shootings happening at malls all over the U.S. are staged by Jeff Bezos to get more people to shop on Amazon and not at the mall.

but seriously, why does it keep happening at malls? It's not like malls are more popular now than they were before, or is it just that these malls are not as fancy and sadly invite a lower income crowd that can also bring other issues with them.

February 17th, 2023, 02:14 PM
I think it happens in pretty much all public spaces where people gather and there isn't security with metal detectors keeping guns out.

Edit: Probably goes without saying, but I should have added in the US.

February 17th, 2023, 02:39 PM

All of these shootings happening at malls all over the U.S. are staged by Jeff Bezos to get more people to shop on Amazon and not at the mall.

but seriously, why does it keep happening at malls? It's not like malls are more popular now than they were before, or is it just that these malls are not as fancy and sadly invite a lower income crowd that can also bring other issues with them.

Because malls are fake streets. And, like all fake things, they trigger people's worst instincts.

February 17th, 2023, 05:35 PM
A story I was listening to today, the Harris County jail system (Houston, TX area) has had 32 inmates die in the last 14 months, and is now being investigated by the FBI (https://abcnews.go.com/US/fbi-announces-investigation-harris-county-jail-amid-inmate/story?id=97190774) for two of those deaths.

(Just a reminder on terminology, at least in the US jails are for people who have not yet been convicted of a crime.)

One of the quotes in the above article from an attorney representing families of people killed in the jail feels representative of other news stories already covered here: "I mean, nobody would really believe it unless you have these bodies that showed you it was really happening."

Similar to the Ohio train derailment and Florida banning nearly all books in schools, things that are currently happening in the US that don't even sound real.

February 17th, 2023, 05:39 PM
Because malls are fake streets. And, like all fake things, they trigger people's worst instincts.

To add to what I wrote previously, in a lot of US cities shopping malls are pretty much the only public spaces where people congregate.

Rare White Ape
February 18th, 2023, 12:58 AM
but seriously, why does it keep happening at malls?

Maybe these cunts wouldn't know where or how to find a school if their life depended on it?

February 18th, 2023, 07:17 AM
Where there are guns and masses and mentally sick and bullied people, there’ll be mass shootings? Malls are just one of the easy targets.

I’ve been pay a bit more attention to those Asian Chinese shooters in CA. Weirdly they’re all senior citizens, but whatever their motives, they do have specific targets such as Taiwanese churchgoers, people in dance studios, or fellow farm workers…

I suspect most shooters probably held some grudges for a longtime? One has to be really depressed and out of mind to just randomly shoot people.

Anyway, point is when they decide to shoot people, naturally they’ll go where people congregate. No question we had less mass shootings during lockdown!

February 18th, 2023, 07:22 AM
A story I was listening to today, the Harris County jail system (Houston, TX area) has had 32 inmates die in the last 14 months, and is now being investigated by the FBI (https://abcnews.go.com/US/fbi-announces-investigation-harris-county-jail-amid-inmate/story?id=97190774) for two of those deaths.

(Just a reminder on terminology, at least in the US jails are for people who have not yet been convicted of a crime.)

One of the quotes in the above article from an attorney representing families of people killed in the jail feels representative of other news stories already covered here: "I mean, nobody would really believe it unless you have these bodies that showed you it was really happening."

Similar to the Ohio train derailment and Florida banning nearly all books in schools, things that are currently happening in the US that don't even sound real.

If the police can feel so empowered to beat the shit out of people even with body cams, naturally if some sicko were to be in charge of a jail, what hope would those inmates have?

Anyway, this kind of systemic problems likely won’t be solved even if we voted all republicans out of office.

MR2 Fan
February 18th, 2023, 11:38 AM
I feel for Senator Fetterman, dealing a stroke on the campaign trail and now creeping mental health issues which I'm SURE aren't helped by being the person where if somehow he can't continue being Senator, it could cost the Democrats the majority in the Senate....sigh

Tom Servo
February 18th, 2023, 01:33 PM
I'm just now looking for a therapist for depression brought on by the pandemic and remote working that I still haven't figured out how to handle correctly. Makes me feel better that it's not just me.

February 18th, 2023, 01:55 PM
I feel for Senator Fetterman, dealing a stroke on the campaign trail and now creeping mental health issues which I'm SURE aren't helped by being the person where if somehow he can't continue being Senator, it could cost the Democrats the majority in the Senate....sigh

I thought Governor of the state could appoint a replacement senator? CA governor appointed somebody else when Kamala left. Anyway, hopefully dems won’t lose majority because of illness…

February 18th, 2023, 05:32 PM
I'm just now looking for a therapist for depression brought on by the pandemic and remote working that I still haven't figured out how to handle correctly. Makes me feel better that it's not just me.

It definitely isn't just you - I'm recently back in therapy after taking a break of a few years, and it seems like half the people I know are either in the same boat, or just starting therapy for the first time. We live in weird fucking times, and there's no reason that your brain would be prepared for them or cope with them "normally". Whatever that means.

February 18th, 2023, 06:44 PM
Got to get myself to it, too.

Anyway, a few things:

Of the small joys in life. Some anti-semites went to Daytona to stage a protest. One of them, in the wise words of the lady who took the video, "got knocked the fuck out". The better part? she didn't catch the face of the hero who did it. The best part? Police were present and they only started to issue disperse suggestions after the punch.

Another thing to grin about. President Peanut Farmer (99) has decided for palliative care and will spend his last few weeks being loved by his family at home. 99 is a pretty good number, if you ask me, and leaving this mortal coil in the presence of those who've loved you is all we can ask for, is it not? He was probably a mediocre politician, but he was the decent public servant that you yanks needed after the tumultuous decade that preceded him.

February 18th, 2023, 09:01 PM
Yeah, President Carter is a good person, wonder why he couldn’t make it as a good president…

I pray that he’ll be able to go in peace…

Prayers for you guys as well. You know, in these screwed up times, perhaps the negative emotions are normal responses? Real depression is caused by no reason, but sometimes, especially nowadays, we all have good reasons to feel bad about. Is that really depression? Anyway, hope the therapists will be able to help.

Tom Servo
February 18th, 2023, 09:12 PM
Another thing to grin about. President Peanut Farmer (99) has decided for palliative care and will spend his last few weeks being loved by his family at home.

I am glad that he's getting to go out in as much of his own terms as can be had. I'd say he was a terrible politician, a good president, and a great human.

Tom Servo
February 18th, 2023, 09:17 PM
It definitely isn't just you - I'm recently back in therapy after taking a break of a few years, and it seems like half the people I know are either in the same boat, or just starting therapy for the first time. We live in weird fucking times, and there's no reason that your brain would be prepared for them or cope with them "normally". Whatever that means.

Thanks for that. My conscious brain knows that pretty much we all need therapy, but there's a part of my unconscious brain that feels like I'm admitting to a weakness that I feel like I shouldn't admit to. It's a stupid part of my brain, but it's there. Posts like this help.

February 19th, 2023, 04:47 PM
I am glad that he's getting to go out in as much of his own terms as can be had. I'd say he was a terrible politician, a good president, and a great human.

Indeed. This. All of this. But there really aren't any good politicians innit? (Except for Congressperson Lauren Underwood, maybe.) I know what you mean though. Preceeded by Nixon, followed by Reagan. If we look carefully and critically at their presidencies, Carter shines.

February 19th, 2023, 04:55 PM
I'm just now looking for a therapist for depression brought on by the pandemic and remote working that I still haven't figured out how to handle correctly. Makes me feel better that it's not just me.

It definitely isn't just you - I'm recently back in therapy after taking a break of a few years, and it seems like half the people I know are either in the same boat, or just starting therapy for the first time. We live in weird fucking times, and there's no reason that your brain would be prepared for them or cope with them "normally". Whatever that means.

Got to get myself to it, too.

Anyway, a few things:

Of the small joys in life. Some anti-semites went to Daytona to stage a protest. One of them, in the wise words of the lady who took the video, "got knocked the fuck out". The better part? she didn't catch the face of the hero who did it. The best part? Police where present and they only started to issue disperse suggestions after the punch.

Another thing to grin about. President Peanut Farmer (99) has decided for palliative care and will spend his last few weeks being loved by his family at home. 99 is a pretty good number, if you ask me, and leaving this mortal coil in the presence of those who've loved you is all we can ask for, is it not? He was probably a mediocre politician, but he was the decent public servant that you yanks needed after the tumultuous decade that preceded him.

I'm happy to hear some of my favorite people are seeking/ getting therapy.

I did therapy in the immediate aftermath of the crash I was in in 2019, and even though I went into it with the wrong motivations (do real men under go therapy? etc) it helped me tremendously, so much that even though I didn't engage their services again until just before the trial date, i'd been subconsciously using their tips, tricks, and methodologies to keep myself on the up and up mentally. I'm a very harsh critic of Mo, and that was NOT what i needed when things were at their most stressful. Speaking to the therapist, I would tell them what was bothering me, and sometimes the actions I was taking to self soothe/ allay my fears/ etc and they were like "dude, you're doing an amazing job already. I really can't offer you anything much beyond what you're already doing."

Do it. Let's protect our mental health proudly. Being a man doesn't mean having to put up with shit, and suck it up. Although, often, that's exactly what it means.

February 19th, 2023, 04:57 PM
Thanks for that. My conscious brain knows that pretty much we all need therapy, but there's a part of my unconscious brain that feels like I'm admitting to a weakness that I feel like I shouldn't admit to. It's a stupid part of my brain, but it's there. Posts like this help.

We need to make a concerted effort to seriously undermine the trope that a man seeing therapy is weak/ emasculated. Go. And you will be elevated in my eyes!!!

February 20th, 2023, 10:33 AM
People who need people
Are the luckiest people in the world
We're children, needing other children
And yet letting a grown-up pride
Hide all the need inside
Acting more like children than children

Therapists are definitely smarter than most of our friends... ;)
Therapists are also more tangible than Jesus...

Now therapists are people too; therefore, not perfect. So if you don't like this one, feel free to try another one. Find one that you like and trust and build a longterm relationship with him/her in order to be the most effective.

MR2 Fan
February 20th, 2023, 12:34 PM
Representative Marjorie three toes, the one that the GOP found slumped over next to a Wal-mart dumpster (ok I made that part up but would it be surprising?) was added to the House Homeland Security committee and is now calling for a "divorce" of red and blue states....aka secession like the Civil War was about. :smh:

February 20th, 2023, 01:24 PM
Our nation can't go on like this. Personally, I'm not against having a divorce, in a peaceful manner though. We don't need a war to get a divorce, nor do we need to war to force us together. Personally I'm beginning to question whether if it was worth it for Lincoln to have that Civil War. Surely the Southern States of America would abandon slavery by now if we had no war? Lincoln probably just didn't want to be the last president of USA?

Anyway, in other news, I'm impressed by Biden's visit to Ukraine. However, I'm not sure if it's worth it to risk his life like that.

Rare White Ape
February 20th, 2023, 05:05 PM
Representative Marjorie three toes, the one that the GOP found slumped over next to a Wal-mart dumpster (ok I made that part up but would it be surprising?) was added to the House Homeland Security committee and is now calling for a "divorce" of red and blue states....aka secession like the Civil War was about. :smh:

Wow. She truly is your version of our own Pauline Hanson. She’s got a habit of pushing whatever crackpot ideas show up in her head. Go look her up if you’re in the mood for a political train wreck.

February 20th, 2023, 07:19 PM
i didn't know about her being part of the dhs committee. wouldn't saying the treasonous shit she's been saying lately cause someone to object to her being there?

February 20th, 2023, 08:39 PM
i didn't know about her being part of the dhs committee. wouldn't saying the treasonous shit she's been saying lately cause someone to object to her being there?

Nah man remember fleedom of speech is leselved for certain peopre. And if you disagree with them then you're "evil xyz foreign government stooge Darth Vader shit".

Sad that so many people don't realise that they are being misled by their media and 60+ years of soft power.

Incidentally, half the shops in Changi Airport Terminal 4 are closed. Yet you won't see articles about that in western MSM.

Tom Servo
February 20th, 2023, 09:22 PM
Incidentally, half the shops in Changi Airport Terminal 4 are closed. Yet you won't see articles about that in western MSM.

I like that you always show up with the weirdest niche thing you can that the western MSM won't cover.

February 21st, 2023, 04:35 AM
i forgot to use "Dumpster Marj" as a subject/object.

For example: "Dumpster Marj done spoketh treasonous shit the other day".

I read that she doesn't like pronouns.

February 21st, 2023, 06:20 AM
I like that you always show up with the weirdest niche thing you can that the western MSM won't cover.

It's what happens when the place you live in is the subject of endless and highly exaggerated "DOOM AND GLOOM, EVIL STUFF HAPPENING OMG, END OF XYZ" articles while numerous other jurisdictions aren't subjected to anything even remotely similar.

February 21st, 2023, 12:13 PM
Yeah, that's the price we pay for having 'free speech'? Often times we might end up with bunch of BS created to stir some sort of emotional response in the name of ratings?

For Chinese mainstream media, I'm sure they would report how everything is just fine and dandy. Nothing to worry about. Peace out dudes! Let's hang 10! There's no need to make China great again! It's already the greatest nation EVER!!!

Anyway, no country's perfect. Not even the US which supposedly have free speech. Saw something on Buzzfeed detailing the messed up atrocities USA has done and conservatives are trying to erase...


However, is it really just the conservatives? If conservatives were to disappear, these things will definitely show up on our textbooks for our children to see? And these horrible acts would never be done? Really? Only american conservatives are evil and liberals are all good guys?

I wish we don't have to always have to find somebody to blame... and just admit to problems and focus on solving problems.

Speaking of problems, yeah it's very nice president Biden shows support by showing up at war zone Ukraine! However, I think he also should've swung by Ohio and tell the residents there that US government has their backs as well. However, it's probably easier to warn Putin that Biden is coming to town so he better not fire anything stupid... whereas it's kinda hard to warn them poisonous chemicals to not mess with the president...

Tom Servo
February 22nd, 2023, 03:30 PM
Shame is no longer a powerful force in American politics.


February 22nd, 2023, 06:35 PM
I find it funny that we’re relying on our politicians to feel shame. Shame is an emotion, right? We should be relying on love as well so that DC can operate smoothly?

Whatever happened to ethics?

Whatever standards used to put trump aids in jail should also be applicable to the president. If a black robber need to be jailed than a white CEO who stole even more needs to be jailed too.

We might as well use shame to try to discourage criminals from doing crime! ;) we really shouldn’t rely on shame.

February 22nd, 2023, 07:22 PM
Shame is no longer a powerful force in American politics.


Democrats shamed Al franken into resigning. Republicans have no shame.

Rare White Ape
February 22nd, 2023, 08:13 PM
Great pic of Santos in that article, wearing a Don't Tread on Me badge.

Good look for a politician who actively treads on minorities.

February 23rd, 2023, 04:49 AM
Shame is no longer a powerful force in American politics.


What little force it may have had was lost long ago.

In the meantime, egg shortage in Taiwan yet mysteriously not reported on by Afp, Reuters, CNN. Yer you can bet that a shortage of any sort in some other places would be pounced on as "EVIDENCE OF FAILURE" "DOES THIS SIGNIFY THE END" "STRUGGLES FACING XYZ".


MR2 Fan
February 23rd, 2023, 06:19 AM
Sort of related to Politics...the neighborhood I grew up in, Pine Hills (aka Crime Hills) Florida, near Orlando, had a gunman who shot 5 people (mother and daughter killed) including two news reporters covering the earlier shooting (sadly one has died) and sadly I wasn't surprised at all. It's been a bad area since the 90's when wealthier people moved to nicer areas and inevitably the area got run down.

When I still lived there, there was a gunman who shot someone in a house and had a stand-off with police for 6 hours....in the neighborhood right next to mine.

The worst part is the person has a LONG rap sheet already at 19 years old for a lot of serious crimes and should already have been locked up IMO

Tom Servo
February 23rd, 2023, 06:39 AM
What little force it may have had was lost long ago.

In the meantime, egg shortage in Taiwan yet mysteriously not reported on by Afp, Reuters, CNN. Yer you can bet that a shortage of any sort in some other places would be pounced on as "EVIDENCE OF FAILURE" "DOES THIS SIGNIFY THE END" "STRUGGLES FACING XYZ".


You do realize the media's been relentlessly reporting about egg shortages all over the place, or at least the fact that prices have nearly tripled, yeah?

February 23rd, 2023, 07:00 AM
But not Taiwan!!! Why was Taiwan excluded?


Sort of related to Politics...the neighborhood I grew up in, Pine Hills (aka Crime Hills) Florida, near Orlando, had a gunman who shot 5 people (mother and daughter killed) including two news reporters covering the earlier shooting (sadly one has died) and sadly I wasn't surprised at all. It's been a bad area since the 90's when wealthier people moved to nicer areas and inevitably the area got run down.

When I still lived there, there was a gunman who shot someone in a house and had a stand-off with police for 6 hours....in the neighborhood right next to mine.

The worst part is the person has a LONG rap sheet already at 19 years old for a lot of serious crimes and should already have been locked up IMO

Something is obviously wrong with our society in so many different levels.

Even if we could get them and try to lock them all up, we will probably end up building a lot of prisons.

February 23rd, 2023, 10:31 AM
The Hunger Games movies came out right around when our daughter was born so wife and I really had no time to watch them until recently. The 1st movie about the 'game' itself was kinda stupid, but I guess it's a good setup for later... Anyway, point is, I'm very impressed by its creator who kinda foresaw what our future might be like.

I think that president Snow is kinda like Xi or whatever left leaning socialistic dictator... and president Coin represents the rightward more 'freedom loving' side. Both sides are obviously different in many ways, but in the end, when both sides are corrupted to the extreme, both sides end up being the same!

2 sides of fellow Americans are in a way also fighting each other in vain.

It's also just very rare to have folks like the Mockingjay... or in case of LOTR, Frodo.

In real life, I can only see Bernie Sanders, but he's so old now... :(

February 23rd, 2023, 02:49 PM
You do realize the media's been relentlessly reporting about egg shortages all over the place, or at least the fact that prices have nearly tripled, yeah?

Has that been mentioned in relation to Taiwan in western msm? No.

Again, if there were egg shortages in "OTHER PLACES" which Billi and Western msm bros would regard as being on the Darth Vader Evil Regime side then the reporting and opinions of failure, doom and gloom, etc. would be relentless.


In the meantime there is no egg shortage here and prices have not tripled.

Tom Servo
February 23rd, 2023, 02:56 PM
Well, no, not specifically to Taiwan, but there's been plenty of grousing over the doom and gloom of civilization over it in various places, including here in the US.

I worry about your media consumption.

February 23rd, 2023, 05:23 PM
I am well aware that there is an egg shortage in other places, such as Malaysia which is where I am from, but which is not where I live.

No need to worry about my media consumption, thanks. It's natural to be able to see multiple angles when one approaches things from a non-aligned point of view and can appreciate and understands the incredible soft power wielded worldwide by some places.

Tom Servo
February 23rd, 2023, 08:26 PM
I say that because you often seem to claim that the rest of the world covers China in a way that does not at all jibe with how I see it covered. Admittedly, I don't consume much Murdoch-related media, but I really do think you have a skewed view of the skewed view you think the rest of the world has.

I guess I should say that I am totally open to finding out ways you think that the western media is unfair. I get that it probably is. I believe that I'm someone who would welcome an outside perspective that would help balance my worldview, and I am not at all getting that from complaining that the western media isn't covering closed stores in one terminal at one airport. I'm not sure what you'd expect to be reported - I wouldn't expect to hear about the state of stores in Gardermoen or Arlanda or even LAX, and the last one is right down the road.

February 23rd, 2023, 09:03 PM
Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?

February 23rd, 2023, 09:37 PM
Eggsellent suggestion! How very nice of you!

February 24th, 2023, 03:03 AM
Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?

:lol: Fantastic "Always Sunny" reference.

Though that got me thinking: Any 5 of those main characters would be a better candidate than George Santos.

February 24th, 2023, 09:55 AM

I think this train derailment incident really amplified what's wrong with US politics.

Just want to preface that I'm not saying Republican BS is better, but Dems have made numerous missteps along the way. Even if Obama era rail regulations were not thwarted and water down by GOP and subsequently repealed by Trump, it would not have prevented this disaster. As for Biden, he talked down the rail union to give up some of their demands in order to avert a strike...

At the very minimum, Biden should've pay a visit there to show the folks who likely didn't vote for him that he still cares.

So what we have now is just more political BS fights which regardless which side eventually wins, likely won't prevent future disasters whether at Wall St or Main St or whatever rural streets.

We probably care more about selling arms to Ukrainians and perhaps to Taiwan in the future because that's where they can make the most profit. Who cares if you average joes are suffering and dying in wars or poisonous environments.

February 25th, 2023, 01:37 AM
Tom, it's OK, I am sure you are more open-minded than most.

MR2 Fan
February 25th, 2023, 09:38 AM
via twitter:


Catholic Church: no meat on Fridays
Folks: Ok so no eggs for breakfast
CC: No, eggs are ok
F: But eggs are chicken
CC: Not until they hatch
F: So the thing, isn’t the thing until it’s born?
CC: That’s correct…Um, no wait.

February 25th, 2023, 05:06 PM

February 25th, 2023, 05:17 PM
via twitter:


Catholic Church: no meat on Fridays
Folks: Ok so no eggs for breakfast
CC: No, eggs are ok
F: But eggs are chicken
CC: Not until they hatch
F: So the thing, isn’t the thing until it’s born?
CC: That’s correct…Um, no wait.


February 25th, 2023, 08:29 PM
I have to point out that there’s a difference between fertilized and unfertilized egg!

Once fertilized, meat began to develop and there could be endless possibilities, but once eaten, then it simply ends! If not fertilized, even if not eaten, it will likely still ends as fertilizer.

Anyway, in real life, we all have to make real choices all the time. Once dead, then we won’t be able to make choices.

February 26th, 2023, 07:54 AM
The CIA doublecrossing everybody, even its sister agencies. (https://uwpress.wisc.edu/books/5402.htm)

Borrowed it from the library. Awesome read.

February 26th, 2023, 11:14 AM
Been telling y'all Elon is s a cunt.


February 26th, 2023, 12:08 PM
Elon is such a loser. Imagine being the richest person on the planet but you spend your time retweeting Jordan Peterson and shit.

February 26th, 2023, 12:13 PM
Who? The blood-money heir who has funneled off every subsidy he ever got an insider tip on and then proceeded to pay a spin machine to present himself as some sort of engineering whizkid?

That guy?

It is kind of amazing the sons of Pablo Escobar or Joaquin Guzmán were not media-savvy enough to pull off that kind of move.

February 26th, 2023, 02:11 PM
Borrowed it from the library. Awesome read.

Each agency has mind of its own.

They still cannot agree whether Covid leaked from the lab or not based on available intel. Who’s right who’s wrong? Just need to maintain an open mind and try not to be too racist about it?


When government agencies cannot agree, I wonder who has the final say? Just do it’s own thing?

February 26th, 2023, 02:18 PM
Elon is such a loser. Imagine being the richest person on the planet but you spend your time retweeting Jordan Peterson and shit.

I agree with Jordan Peterson more than Elon. Whether if someone is a loser, depends on which political lens you’re wearing I guess.

Do you actually regret working for Elon now?

My main concern is all these distractions are causing him to lose focus with Tesla and SpaceX. Arguing/tweeting politically is kinda pointless. Hopefully he won’t forget to continue to get shit done.

February 26th, 2023, 03:06 PM
They still cannot agree whether Covid leaked from the lab or not based on available intel. Who’s right who’s wrong? Just need to maintain an open mind and try not to be too racist about it?

It's never made much sense to me what exactly this changes, in terms of the internal US response to the virus anyway. It seems like people think if COVID was either intentionally created in China or accidentally released from a lab then somehow that means it's totally fine for the US to have no response to it other than to let it kill as many people as it can.

It also seems like the people who are really into the idea that COVID was created intentionally in the Chinese lab were also the ones saying it either didn't exist at all, or wasn't dangerous... but now they will acknowledge that it's real and dangerous?

To me we (Americans) should all be pretty pissed off that we spend almost a trillion dollars a year on military funding, and it's at least a possibility that a foreign power could create a virus that's a real national security threat, and the military doesn't even have N95 masks available to distribute. If their job is to provide national defense they should have masks ready in the event of an airborne virus based attack.

February 26th, 2023, 03:21 PM
Do you actually regret working for Elon now?

No, I had a couple good projects I worked on and completed, and then when I ended up on one that seemed like it was going to a multi-year nightmare I left. (And it did turn out to be a multi-year nightmare.)

I don't think SpaceX or Tesla are really all that bad for the world as far as corporations go. Just that Elon has made it apparent in the last couple years that he's a piece of shit as a person, and really isn't all that smart. Also regardless of whatever Twitter was before he bought it he's intent on turning it into something that is bad for the world.

The big thing I'm not sure about is whether I'll regret not starting to liquidate my SpaceX shares earlier. I was able to unload 25% of mine in the most recent purchase offer that valued SpaceX at something like $137 billion, but I think maybe I should have started sooner!

February 26th, 2023, 09:34 PM
1st couple of years weren’t great for Tesla and SpaceX as well. Experts from the auto and aerospace industries were laughing at him. Not to mention the Russians and Apollo astronauts were laughing hard too.

I used to laugh as well, but look who’s laughing now? So I’m still waiting for twitter to actually go under before I start laughing. ;)

Anyway, Elon could be losing it like Howard Hughes, but often times I think he’s provoked. I tend to think the Democratic Party establishment began to push him away causing the latest lean to the right. But then again, rich people do also tend to become more conservative…

So can’t say for sure. If he really has gone mad, then collapse of his companies will be inevitable.

As for covid origins, we probably never will know for sure. I just want to know the truth so we can prevent it from happening again. I’m think it should be clear China most likely didn’t leak it on purpose. Things simply didn’t turn out that great for China. OTOH, US big pharmas seems to be the most prepared and have benefited the most during the pandemic.

Anyway, whether it origin is natural, accidental or intentional, it’d be nice to know so we won’t repeat it. We could also assume all scenarios and try to figure out how we might change for the better. To not fund risky research that you yourself wouldn’t do on American soil in China for example.

February 27th, 2023, 05:27 PM
I used to laugh as well, but look who’s laughing now? So I’m still waiting for twitter to actually go under before I start laughing. ;)

Just to be clear I was talking about benefit to society rather than profitability. I think Elon's goal with Twitter is primarily to amplify his own shitty opinions, and then those of other right wing idiots, and if he's successful it will have a negative impact on society. For example, he's been using his position as the new owner of Twitter to suppress unionization efforts at Tesla (https://www.engadget.com/tesla-workers-accuse-twitter-hiding-union-account-search-results-160832328.html).

I don't think SpaceX is particularly bad for society, but that might just be a biased view on my part because I worked there and profited from it's rapid increase in stock price.

Tesla is a mixed bag to me at least, I think replacing gas cars with electric cars is important but I also agree with the idea that "EVs are here to save the car industry, not the planet" (https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/ev-transition-column-don-pittis-1.6667698) as stated by the guy behind the Not Just Bikes (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0intLFzLaudFG-xAvUEO-A) youtube channel. I do think everything related to Elon's boring company and hyperloop is intended to take attention and resources away from public transportation, because useful public transportation takes sales away from Tesla. I also think you could pretty much directly take the powertrain and self driving system from a Tesla Model S, put it in a city bus platform and have a potentially really great bus that has a substantial impact on climate change, but we wont see that because selling one bus that can transport a bunch of people is less profitable than selling one car to one person.

Rare White Ape
February 27th, 2023, 05:59 PM
Another reason why you wouldn’t laugh now: Elon Musk isn’t funny.

Tom Servo
February 27th, 2023, 06:36 PM
That's the best part of all of this. His ultimate dream is to be funny. It's the main thing he wants to be. But no amount of money will buy that for him.

The dude's a parable at this point.

February 27th, 2023, 09:10 PM
Elon clearly would be a lousy comedian! :D

As for Twitter, if he seriously just bought it for fun, then surely it will go under. It might drag down Tesla and SpaceX along with it too!

However, I’m guessing he intends to finish the original vision of PayPal… Twitter will probably become like global WeChat, also a payment service…. Using bitcoin!

US government/Central bank will probably try hard to destroy Elon in order to protect their monopoly… FB tried, but failed. However, if Elon succeeds, he’ll definitely be Uber rich! ;)

Will that be good for humanity? To end US dollars’ grip on global economy? I’d say yes. US currently does not have enough check and balances on the world stage.

February 28th, 2023, 03:35 AM
God, I wish you read the papers in Mexico right now. They've announced a gigafactory and like seventeen different state governors are like "me, me, me, choose me!", dude, El*n is a fucking subsidy queen, he's going to go where he can pocket the most money, and the morning after, he's going to drive you to the nearest corner so you can cry away from him.


Shit fuck, you fucking wankers.

February 28th, 2023, 08:26 AM
Gee, why so angry?

Elon is a known slave driver, but I think he just has crazy unsustainable work ethics such as working around the clock and sleep in the office and expects everyone to do likewise… however, I don’t think he’s the type who would not spread the wealth? Also, unlike real slaves, his workers are free to leave him too!

Plenty of rich established people/industries benefited from subsidies. I really think the ‘establishment’ is finally beginning to see him as a real threat and not scoffing at him anymore… hence the steady political campaign against him.

Of course Elon is also not doing himself any favors! ;)

Anyway, when it comes to rich people, I prefer the Elon kind, who’d build new cool stuffs and help make everyone a bit richer too. Rather than the kind that just suck natural resources dry without producing anything in return to society.

When it comes to political differences, people will just have to learn to agree to disagree. I don’t agree fully with Elon Musk nor Bernie Sanders, but I still prefer them than their peers because they seem more authentic to me. I think I’d like trump too if he has more integrity. His lack of integrity scares me.

February 28th, 2023, 04:01 PM
Will that be good for humanity? To end US dollars’ grip on global economy? I’d say yes. US currently does not have enough check and balances on the world stage.

Dude what in the world are you talking about. You think Twitter is going to begin issuing currency that will overtake the US dollar? And that we'd be better off if all monetary policy rested entirely in the hands of Elon Musk?

February 28th, 2023, 05:42 PM
WeChat in China is a kind of social media and also a popular payment app. I think that’s like one of few things China has but US doesn’t, at least not as popular nor very convenient in US. Thing with WeChat is that it doesn’t do global. Once we have this and the ability for users to quickly exchange Bitcoin, then US dollars won’t be the dominant currency anymore.

Bitcoin is not controlled by anyone nor any government.

In all honesty, I trust Elon more than folks in US treasury and Central Bank when it comes to money. When he started SpaceX, do you think he was aiming to make money or make rockets? Whereas folks in central bank, what’s on their minds? How to make people’s lives better? Actually I trust those central bankers less than Xi jinping! At least that dictator is clearer with his intentions, whereas US government would pretend to be good guys while doing evils around the world…

As American citizen, not only do I not have much control of elected officials, I have even less control of those in central bank or CIA…

So if Bitcoin can be the tech to disrupt this… great!

February 28th, 2023, 07:13 PM
Dude what in the world are you talking about. You think Twitter is going to begin issuing currency that will overtake the US dollar? And that we'd be better off if all monetary policy rested entirely in the hands of Elon Musk?

It's another in a long list of fuckwittery practised by billi.

February 28th, 2023, 09:57 PM
Anyone see the new bill in Florida?

The one clearly aimed at getting rid of the Democrat party and making them all unaffiliated/independent.

March 1st, 2023, 07:04 AM
That is actually one very 'smart' Trumpian move... trying to Cancel the democratic party for its previous pro-slavery stance.

If they succeed, liberals really all should move out of the state and abandon it. Even as it is, I'd only goto Disney World, see rocket launches and board cruises there.

As much as I admire Elon Musk, he won't sway me to vote for DeSantis. Anyway, hopefully floridians will realize canceling the democratic party this way is BS.

Better idea would be to cancel both parties.

Upon further reading, perhaps people shouldn't take this too seriously?


Calling the bill 'Ultimate Cancel Act'... even the bill's author agrees that he's just trolling around... so probably don't need to take it too seriously? Anyway, whatever the intentions, it's stupid.

MR2 Fan
March 1st, 2023, 08:55 AM
I've learned not to consider anything "too extreme" for the Florida GOP :mad:

March 1st, 2023, 04:02 PM
When he started SpaceX, do you think he was aiming to make money or make rockets?

It's always been all about money and/or fame for him. Watch the interview with him taking delivery of his McLaren F1 as a bald 28 year old. All he talks about is money, and also wanting to be on the cover of rolling stone. His whole thing about deciding the most important things for the world were electric cars are rockets or whatever is the same revising of his history that all 'self made' billionaires do. Thinking it would be great if he were in charge of the worlds currency is honestly insane.

Also, maybe you're using bitcoin as a stand-in for some future more capable crypto currency, but bitcoin cannot be useful as a currency at any scale. It can handle less than 10 transactions per second.

March 1st, 2023, 04:03 PM
It's another in a long list of fuckwittery practised by billi.

I've been away for a bit, I am learning, or re-learning, why people do not engage.

Tom Servo
March 1st, 2023, 05:09 PM
Heh, lack of spoiler tags lead me to see that.

Elon wants money, sure, but rockets are a means to an end. He wants people to be impressed by him. That's it. End of story. He wants to be the person everyone looks up to. He *could* donate a small bit of his fortune to help solve world hunger, but instead he will make this grandiose gesture to get us to Mars because then he will be the human race's savior and everyone will have to like him. When a principal engineer tells him that he might be less popular and that's why his Twitter engagement is down, he fires said engineer. He desperately wants to be funny, admired, and loved, but he only knows how to do that by spending lots of money on grandiose things. Sending money to something like the UN to have them feed people, where's the glory in that?

I mean, look at his recent right-turn. The same people who looked up to Trump as a genius businessman look up to Elon for the same reason. He's found people that like him but, more importantly, are impressed by him! Time to cater to those folks!

If only he could just use magic like Jonathan on Buffy, but alas, he'll just have to continue to suck up to his sycophants and claim everyone else just doesn't get it, because he is never wrong. He can never be wrong. Because he is the most impressive man in the world.

Tom Servo
March 1st, 2023, 06:30 PM
From the NY Times Pitchbot (https://twitter.com/DougJBalloon/status/1631020593868083206):

Opinion | I was cancelled and silenced. Here is my New York Times op-ed describing it all.

March 1st, 2023, 08:09 PM
Heh, lack of spoiler tags lead me to see that.

Elon wants money, sure, but rockets are a means to an end. He wants people to be impressed by him. That's it. End of story. He wants to be the person everyone looks up to. He *could* donate a small bit of his fortune to help solve world hunger, but instead he will make this grandiose gesture to get us to Mars because then he will be the human race's savior and everyone will have to like him. When a principal engineer tells him that he might be less popular and that's why his Twitter engagement is down, he fires said engineer. He desperately wants to be funny, admired, and loved, but he only knows how to do that by spending lots of money on grandiose things. Sending money to something like the UN to have them feed people, where's the glory in that?

I mean, look at his recent right-turn. The same people who looked up to Trump as a genius businessman look up to Elon for the same reason. He's found people that like him but, more importantly, are impressed by him! Time to cater to those folks!

If only he could just use magic like Jonathan on Buffy, but alas, he'll just have to continue to suck up to his sycophants and claim everyone else just doesn't get it, because he is never wrong. He can never be wrong. Because he is the most impressive man in the world.

Spot on. He's an immature childbeing in a mans body. All his actions are those of a child who wanted to be popular but couldn't get anybodies attention because they weren't special in any way.

March 1st, 2023, 08:52 PM
My user name should be very clear? ;) if my views are just way too offensive, it’s okay to stop engaging. Don’t mean to offend with my different views.

Anyway, i think you are a bit too harsh on your former boss. Elon is clearly a flawed human being… probably not a very good husband nor father, but it is rare to have your ex-wife say good things about you, right? there are now only about 3 famous billionaires that I like. Besides Elon, there’s Warren Buffet and McKenzie Scott. (Betcha McKenzie doesn’t have anything good to say about Jeff, at least I’ve never heard…) I think these 3 famous billionaires are probably on the good side of spectrum compared to other billionaires? And of my favorite 3, only Elon’s actually engaged in creating something!

I just don’t think it’s automatically bad to be rich and famous. Elon is clearly ambitious to move to Silicon Valley. He’s also just weird. How many billionaires would buy just 1 super car and then used it as his daily driver? Clearly he’s rich in order to afford Mclaren F1. Clearly he’s really passionate about that car to drive it all the time! Clearly he might be crazy or dangerous to eventually crash it.
Still, I don’t believe he’s the kind of billionaire who’s not only unproductive, but also harmful to society… like Bernie Madoff, Elizabeth Holmes, SBF?

If someday we were to find out Tesla and SpaceX’s accounting departments discovered a big chunk of missing money… then for sure I’m wrong about Elon.

Now, if EVs and rockets are such lucrative businesses, why isn’t Jeff Bezos making a killing off of those 2 lucrative markets? What does he lack that Elon has?

Lastly, regarding Bitcoin. Yes, you nailed its main problem. Like I said, I’m guessing Elon planned to have Twitter to be able to solve that problem? If he really just bought Twitter for fun or for free speech, surely twitter will get into trouble eventually.