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November 27th, 2023, 09:47 AM
Elon has rarely been on time. However, if he really wants something done, we will eventually see it happen. I hope we’ll continue to see more good things happen. It’ll really suck if you’re right about him.

Rare White Ape
November 27th, 2023, 06:08 PM
You know what's hilarious? What's fucking hilarious?

You make a pretty decent post highlighting some deep problems with how society operates at this point in time, and you don't specifically write it to attract anyone's attention or call anyone out. But one person immediately replies (because they're the reply guy) and instantly outs themself as that guy by casually first-naming some of the most evil humans on the planet right now while also openly defending their character AND missing the point entirely.

Oh heck I do laugh sometimes :lol:

In case anyone forgot or needs a hint:


November 27th, 2023, 07:58 PM
I’m not exactly sure who is ‘you’ in your post, but I do want to get better clarification about who you think are the most evil persons in the world…

So you think Elon and Jeff are the most evil persons in the world right now?

Tom Servo
November 27th, 2023, 08:52 PM
I mean, at what point do we decide he's been doing a bit this whole time? It's honestly difficult to think that these are legit thoughts.

Rare White Ape
November 27th, 2023, 09:31 PM
I mean, at what point do we decide he's been doing a bit this whole time? It's honestly difficult to think that these are legit thoughts.

Maybe you're on to something. Has this been us this whole time?


Tom Servo
November 27th, 2023, 09:33 PM
I have, no joke, honestly thought that. However, I also don't know anybody who could be so committed to the bit that they'd never let any cracks show, so I honestly don't know if he's having us on or if he's legit insane. We're talking Andy Kaufman levels of commitment if it's that.

November 28th, 2023, 02:18 AM
For me it's a combination of being smart but not competent in the field (politics, logic), trying too hard to stay a contrarian, and a bit of a taking a groovy path around the cultural barrier*.

* could elaborate further.

November 28th, 2023, 09:12 AM
Please do elaborate further... I like the sound of 'groovy path', but don't know what that means! :p

Anyway, I need to be super clear that I know I'm never the smartest kid in the class. Never got straight As like some asian kids... :p Even in my professional career, I'm definitely not the most competent. There are always somebody better than me. So at most I have above average IQ? However, everyone pretty much think that they're above average driver to, so even that assumption must be taken with few grains of salt since we can't all be 'above average'! :p

I'm also for sure not particularly competent in politics, but I just don't like status quo. This is perhaps why I appear as a contrarian? Trying to challenge status quo, whether if you're liberal or conservative. However, regarding my own political orientation, I really think that I can perhaps self identify as "bi" that way? I like certainly conservative values and also like certain liberal values. For example, I do believe pro-life is good and I also believe pro-choice is good. To you guys, that's logically fucked up, but such paradox is the truth I believe God wants us to ultimately see... for us to be able to choose wisely and choose life. Life shouldn't be forced upon us by the government... and whenever we exercise our free will to choose, we ought to try to make the right choices... even if we don't, that's okay, hopefully we can learn our lessons and try to do better next time?

Unfortunately in our current political climate, we are stuck with either Roe or Wade, as if there's only a singular right answer and each side adamantly believes the other side is wrong or stupid or insane...

For the conservatives, they need to learn to be more accepting of LGBTQIA2S+ and minorities and immigrants or refugees from neighboring countries...

For liberals, they need to learn to be more accepting of folks who just do not share their ideology. Besides diversity of race, gender... we absolutely need diversity of ideas as well.

Yeah, perhaps I'm insane or perhaps the world has gone mad. I can't really say for sure. I do know I'm not that smart nor am I that competent, but I do try to be as authentic as I can. My views are just my views, whether they're contrarian or not. I honestly don't pick the opposite side just for the sake are arguing with people! :p This forum is also a great way for me to learn other people's views. I'm glad I'm not like Elon with lots to lose by 'authentically' expressing his opinions. I do like what PC is trying to be nice, but PC causes people to lose their authenticity. There's probably an ideal compromise between PC and brutally honest. That's probably something I have not learned well otherwise I would not piss people off so much! :p

Tom Servo
November 29th, 2023, 08:51 AM
Now Justin has escalated things even further with the accusation that India had something to do with murder of a Khalistan leader in Canada. Some fucker named Nijjar. Something he's asserted without even a shred of evidence.

It's starting to look like maybe he did have a shred of evidence. https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/us-attorney-announces-charges-connection-foiled-plot-assassinate-us-citizen-new-york

MR2 Fan
November 29th, 2023, 05:54 PM
Henry Kissinger is dead at 100 and is the cause of massive celebrations on twitter

I honestly don't know much directly about him but seems I won't be sad about it

November 29th, 2023, 06:18 PM
The most notorious and nefarious war criminal of the 20th century.

He was such a coward that he politicked against his own presidents.

James Earl Carter Jr. can now rest in peace.

November 29th, 2023, 06:25 PM
1970s Marvel Comics explained better:



Tom Servo
November 29th, 2023, 07:07 PM
The most notorious and nefarious war criminal of the 20th century.

He was such a coward that he politicked against his own presidents.

James Earl Carter Jr. can now rest in peace.

I mean, I might rank Hitler as worse than him, but I get what you mean.

November 29th, 2023, 07:59 PM

Also - "we" would not be cancelling those things. Musk, in his colossal douchiness would be doing it. Do not forget, it's not other people being horrified by his dipshittery that is causing problems for Twitter, it is his dipshittery that is doing it.

We say this all the time, provide links and examples even, and billi continues to lick elno's jock.

He can find obscure far left and right rhetoric to support his demented views when he needs to "but his google fu is weak" when it's inconvenient. Every time.

November 29th, 2023, 08:35 PM
From wiki:

A 2014 poll of American international relations scholars conducted by the College of William & Mary ranked Kissinger as the most effective Secretary of State in the 50 years prior to 2015.[8]

Kissinger's record was brought up during the 2016 Democratic Party presidential primaries. Hillary Clinton had cultivated a close relationship with Kissinger, describing him as a "friend" and a source of "counsel".[260] During the Democratic Primary Debates, Clinton touted Kissinger's praise for her record as Secretary of State.[261][262] In response, candidate Bernie Sanders issued a critique of Kissinger's foreign policy, declaring, "I am proud to say that Henry Kissinger is not my friend. I will not take advice from Henry Kissinger."[263]

Let’s ignore GOP for a moment, official DNC sees Kissinger as a ‘friend’.

This is a problem for US politics…

Wait, never mind, I’m demented and insane! :p

Tom Servo
November 29th, 2023, 09:29 PM
Naah, for once you're totally right. A lot of "non-hawk" folks have a lot to answer for for their love of Kissinger.

Note to self: bookmark this post for next time I'm accused of always saying Billi is wrong.

November 29th, 2023, 10:12 PM
Whoa! Glad we can finally share the same sane political view! All thanks to Kissinger! :p

Anyway, hope Neanderthal can understand why I didn’t like the bogus false dichotomy between Hillary and Trump… and why I love Bernie.

Tom Servo
November 29th, 2023, 10:29 PM
Well, let's not get carried away.

November 29th, 2023, 10:41 PM
Yeah, probably should call it a night while I still appear sane. Have a good evening!

November 30th, 2023, 08:06 AM
Tom... But Billi back on ignore, for all of our sakes. ;)

November 30th, 2023, 09:56 AM
Thinking about this some more... I think Henry Kissinger is emblematic of what's 'effective' and also 'evil' about US government. Yeah, we are a free nation without dictators, but the Henry Kissinger types are all over our government agencies. They could be elected officials and also appointed ones...

The 'establishment' is essentially folks like Kissinger pulling the strings inside our government.

I think American people are aware of this problem and that's why folks like Trump and Sanders gained unprecedented popularity recently. But of course most liberals are more 'sensible' and 'pragmatic' so they stuck with Hillary.

I really think Biden won because of the mess pandemic created. If it weren't for that, Trump most likely would've won reelection. As much as I hate him, I honestly do believe he might have averted the Ukraine war by dismantling or weakening NATO. Biden's son really should not be receiving any money from Ukrainians... It is perhaps possible for Trump to maintain peace at middle east with Abraham Accord..., but anyways, these are only my conjectures, we'd never know for sure. Internally, I'm glad Biden won. However, with regard to foreign affairs, it's a mess out there. Maybe Biden simply inherited all the mess from before and it's not his fault, but who knows. However, I'm sure Obama, Hillary and Biden will all have nothing but praises for Kissinger and his 'friends' who still have a lot of pull within our government.

I also personally believe the so called 'establishment' will continue to make sure the likes of Trump, Sanders, and possibly Elon Musk will never become too popular. Bernie Sanders will like just wither away into nothingness since he's already pretty old. As for others, they're left with no choice but to gravitate toward the right wing nutcases in order to gain more support? I suspect that's probably what Elon Musk is doing?

Of course we don't want Nazis to have control of our government, but I'm afraid we're already under the evil control of the 'establishment'. US government has done a LOT of evils around the world for its own interests while pretending to be spreading freedom.

I honestly don't know how we can solve this problem, that's why I tried to go outside of 2 party system. However, outside of the 2 party system won't always work either. Andrew Yang turned out to be a disappointment and RFK jr. might be a Nazi! Sigh...

November 30th, 2023, 01:34 PM
It's starting to look like maybe he did have a shred of evidence. https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/us-attorney-announces-charges-connection-foiled-plot-assassinate-us-citizen-new-york Whoops, haha. Looks like that guy is fucked. Interesting development but I remain of the opinion that JT is blithering idiot and should relieve himself of his duties as PM of Canada. Like I said before, even if the allegations were true, so what? The alleged victim was part of a bona fide terror group and promoting separatist ideas. While it is a shady practice to carry out executions on foreign soil, America likes to roam around the world at will to eliminate its enemies so why can't India do the same? Not that there's any solid proof yet that this order came from Modi himself. That remains to be seen.

Anyway, as for Kissinger...I don't know much about him. I've heard the name over the years but never really bothered to look him up. Not sure if I should be sad or celebrate. I'll do neither.

November 30th, 2023, 01:46 PM
I saw the clip of Elon Musk telling advertisers to go fuck themselves, and that people will boycott them if "X" fails. All I have to say is that while I admire the defiance on a general level, I'm not entirely sure that he and X are important enough to the average person to start boycotting things they actually like. Ie. Disney.

Tom Servo
November 30th, 2023, 03:18 PM
I gotta go the other way. The defiance is somehow demanding that corporations don't have the freedom of expression to not support someone who, literally in that same interview, doubled down on the antisemitic version of the Great Replacement theory. It got overshadowed when everyone focused on the "Go Fuck Yourselves" part, but he also claimed that "Prominent people in the Jewish community" helped fund “demonstrations for Hamas in every major city in the West," which is just more of the "rich Jewish people are pulling the strings" nonsense. It was literally in the same interview where he told advertisers to go fuck themselves for not wanting to be associated with that sort of thing.

It'd be like David Duke telling voters to go fuck themselves for not voting for him just because of the whole KKK thing. Defiance is one thing, but that's just being an asshole.

Tom Servo
November 30th, 2023, 03:31 PM
Also, the way he kept turning to the crowd to try to play to them and was almost always was met with silence was truly painful to watch.

November 30th, 2023, 06:02 PM
It's actually kinda deja-vu-ish... There were lots of oppositions when he started Tesla and SpaceX. Even his friends tried to talk him out of wasting his money. There are also plenty of 'enemies' too. Plenty of short sellers bet on his demise. Apollo astronauts along with the Russians were laughing hard at him.

Main difference is that if Tesla and SpaceX really were to fail, nobody would even noticed. America won't care if another unknown car company failed. America also doesn't really need a rocket company. The usual contractors could just charge the government gazillion dollars to get back into space if necessary. If Twitter/X were to really fail, a lot more people would end up hating him for destroying a social media company that they love...

Anyway, he defiantly ran these Tesla and SpaceX to unprecedented success against some serious odds.

Could he do it again with X? X is actually a sequel to an unfinished vision. If he were to fulfill his original vision, I think X could become much bigger and relevant than Tesla and SpaceX. A digital/decentralized banking/financial app that could possibly put the central bank out of business. It is crucial for those in charge of the central banking system to crush Elon Musk and make sure that he doesn't succeed. Painting him as an antisemitic nazi is one good way of crushing him.

November 30th, 2023, 06:38 PM
Counterpoint: What if Elon is an antisemitic nazi? You know, like all the things he's been saying indicate.
I mean, Hitler built the autobahn and under Mussolini the trains ran on time. Are those things good enough to tolerate fascism?
I say no.

November 30th, 2023, 06:44 PM
You're arguing in good faith, using logic and reason.

With billi.

I'll pray for your continued patience and sanity my friends.

November 30th, 2023, 08:03 PM
Let’s be clear, I don’t want a communist dictator nor do I want a fascist dictator.

If Elno is really a white supremacist, it should be reflective in his hiring process, right?

My quick google shows me that Tesla is more ethnically diverse than GM and Ford. Anyway, we know Henry Ford was a Nazi, so maybe that carried over thru the decades?

Also, I think most of us agree Kissinger was an effective and evil person with his deeds. All I know at this stage is that Elon is also an effective person, but I have not seen his evil actions comparable to Kissinger yet. That’s why the benefit of the doubt.

If Elno simply has a Nazi fetish inside of his bedroom, I don’t really care. Of course if it’s a full blown invading or exterminating, then of course he needs to go.

Back to comparing Nazi vs Kissinger, with Nazi, the entire world can have full justification to fight against them. With the US government slowly and effectively taking over the world, who dare fight against us?

Think about that Neanderthal.

Tom Servo
November 30th, 2023, 08:59 PM
Counterpoint: What if Elon is an antisemitic nazi? You know, like all the things he's been saying indicate.
I mean, Hitler built the autobahn and under Mussolini the trains ran on time. Are those things good enough to tolerate fascism?
I say no.

Lol, I tried the "running the trains on time" earlier but it just got sideswiped into "nothing from Elon is on time" or something like that.

Rare White Ape
November 30th, 2023, 11:03 PM
Counterpoint: What if Elon is an antisemitic nazi?

He's also a homophobe and transphobe. Oh, and he exploits workers by underpaying them.

December 1st, 2023, 04:51 AM
Lol, I tried the "running the trains on time" earlier but it just got sideswiped into "nothing from Elon is on time" or something like that.

Very good point

December 1st, 2023, 06:46 AM
I gotta go the other way. The defiance is somehow demanding that corporations don't have the freedom of expression to not support someone who, literally in that same interview, doubled down on the antisemitic version of the Great Replacement theory. It got overshadowed when everyone focused on the "Go Fuck Yourselves" part, but he also claimed that "Prominent people in the Jewish community" helped fund “demonstrations for Hamas in every major city in the West," which is just more of the "rich Jewish people are pulling the strings" nonsense. It was literally in the same interview where he told advertisers to go fuck themselves for not wanting to be associated with that sort of thing.

It'd be like David Duke telling voters to go fuck themselves for not voting for him just because of the whole KKK thing. Defiance is one thing, but that's just being an asshole. I get what you're saying. I have to clarify that the defiance I admired was the general concept of a guy not willing to be bought or bullied by money.

The antisemitic part I don't know enough about yet, as I admit I haven't made the effort to learn the ins and outs of what he said or tweeted. I did see Ben Shapiro talk about it a little while ago when the issue was some tweet that he endorsed, and he said it was not antisemitic. So that kind of closed the door on the issue for me. Shapiro is a guy who, if you sneezed in the direction of Israel, would call you antisemitic. The current dialogue you're referring to of Jewish people pulling strings and stuff is new to me, so I'll have to check it out.

Tom Servo
December 1st, 2023, 06:55 AM
Well, here's the context as I (and numerous others) saw it.

Someone posted a tweet essentially calling out anonymous trolls who post things like "Hitler was right" (that quote was in there specifically) and followed it up with internet tough-guy "If you've got something to say, say it to my face."

Another poster responded to that by "saying it to his face" that Jewish people have been systematically carrying out a hate campaign against white people and trying to displace them, and now that Hamas was doing it to them suddenly they're finding out what that's like.

Musk called that "the actual truth."

It was a definite dog whistle, and if you're familiar with the trope that George Soros is supposedly running an orchestrated campaign to import and empower non-white people into the US as part of a goal of controlling the world, it's pretty damn obvious where the poster was going with this. Elon also has a history of promoting the idea that Soros is pulling strings and has a goal of "destroying Western civilization."

You are mostly right that Ben Shapiro will call you antisemitic, but he'll only do that right up until the point that he thinks he can score political points or suck up to somebody like Elon or Trump. He is not what I would consider to be a principled or serious person, he just likes to act mad on the internet and get clicks. The main goal of most of the right these days is "owning the libs," and now people think that Elon generally angers the left, so he will always get the nod as long as there's some plausible deniability there.

EDIT: Maybe to put this more succinctly - when someone is responding to a "tell me why you think Hitler was right" post, it is generally ill-advised to agree with that response. It's even more ill-advised to double down on that agreement and tell people who think it was a poor choice to go fuck themselves.

December 1st, 2023, 07:08 AM
Elon Musk is always late, at least according to his own schedule. I'm not wrong about that! :p

Our culture can change, I don't always understand why, but it happens. It used to be that comedians could tell ethnic jokes and paint their faces black, but it's a taboo to tell sexual jokes. Today, it has flipped 180 degrees, we can tell all kinds of sex jokes, but ethnic jokes are now off limits(Except for white men). Venturing into the taboos, your career will be finished. To me, I really don't see why we need those taboos. Why not let comedians tell whatever joke they want and if they continue to deliver unlaughable performances, then let that be the reason why a comedian ends his career?

Today, Elon has said a lot of taboo stuffs. I'm not defending his loudmouth. He couldn't learn to shut up and got in trouble, it's really his own damn fault. Can't blame anyone else. Just like if I get ignored, it's my own damn fault too.

So let's try to put these 'cultural' issues aside and test out Elon's actions. Actions should be louder than words, no?

My google skill sucks, so perhaps you guys can google and find the appropriate sources yourselves? At least based on my googling, I see Tesla employees are more diverse than GM/Ford. I see their wages being comparable to GM/Ford if not higher. (Stock options are probably not part of 'wages'?) I also saw Tesla got great equality rating for LGBTQ workers.

Can you guys confirm these findings? If what I found on google are true, then his actions obviously do not agree with his words, right?

In today's PC culture, words are especially cheap and could be misinterpreted. We need to look at people's actions.

December 1st, 2023, 11:49 AM
EDIT: Maybe to put this more succinctly - when someone is responding to a "tell me why you think Hitler was right" post, it is generally ill-advised to agree with that response. It's even more ill-advised to double down on that agreement and tell people who think it was a poor choice to go fuck themselves.

I'm willing to bet Elon's 'actual truth' response didn't mean to include 'Hitler is right' comment. He's probably referring to those other 'conspiracies' as actual truth. There's absolutely no reason to double down on 'Hitler being right'. If we could have a face to face meeting with Elno right here and he is telling me to my face that Hitler is right... then of course fuck him. However, those other conspiracies are hotly debated for a while now... so I think Elno was most likely referring to those hot political topics.

I checked the 15 billionaires who own mainstream media according to Forbes, 5 of them are Jews and 2 of them are half Jews. I don't know what that really means, but to say that Jews may have significant control over media is not totally out of question based on that data.

Again back to Kissinger...

He is a Jew.

Bernie Sanders is also a Jew.

So what? I hate one and love the other.

Every Jews may think and act differently.

Of course those Jews who own the world's media companies also may not all share the same political views too.

So what is actual truth? Everything is debatable. I don't know if Elon's right or wrong, but I'm 'almost' sure that he's not a Jew hater. Only way for me to confirm that would be to able to spend some time observing him... At this stage, I'm almost sure he's not a jew hater based on all the info I can find online. You guys read his tweets, I try to see what he's really doing.

IMHO, western civilization is definitely under attack from the inside. Orchestrated by Soros or not, I do not know.

Point is nobody dare confronts the West or US directly. So the only possible ways would be thru proxy wars or cold wars or terrorist attacks or try to help things rot from the inside. It'd definitely be nearly impossible to beat US thru military might or financial might or whatever might... so the easiest way is to sow discord from within. Also, when more and more of them believe their God is dead, they'll all become more depressed and less hopeful... and then this seemingly invincible Western empire could easily implode from within...

America is a great country. There's no way Elon could do what he did anywhere else.

America is also an evil country. There are a lot more Kissingers inside our government doing shitty things around the world and perhaps even within the country.

It is kinda sad that the term 'make america great again' is now seemed as lame and offensive.

As an american, I will try to make this nation great and minimize its evil deeds as much as possible.

December 1st, 2023, 02:23 PM
Well, here's the context as I (and numerous others) saw it.

Someone posted a tweet essentially calling out anonymous trolls who post things like "Hitler was right" (that quote was in there specifically) and followed it up with internet tough-guy "If you've got something to say, say it to my face."

Another poster responded to that by "saying it to his face" that Jewish people have been systematically carrying out a hate campaign against white people and trying to displace them, and now that Hamas was doing it to them suddenly they're finding out what that's like.

Musk called that "the actual truth."

It was a definite dog whistle, and if you're familiar with the trope that George Soros is supposedly running an orchestrated campaign to import and empower non-white people into the US as part of a goal of controlling the world, it's pretty damn obvious where the poster was going with this. Elon also has a history of promoting the idea that Soros is pulling strings and has a goal of "destroying Western civilization."

You are mostly right that Ben Shapiro will call you antisemitic, but he'll only do that right up until the point that he thinks he can score political points or suck up to somebody like Elon or Trump. He is not what I would consider to be a principled or serious person, he just likes to act mad on the internet and get clicks. The main goal of most of the right these days is "owning the libs," and now people think that Elon generally angers the left, so he will always get the nod as long as there's some plausible deniability there.

EDIT: Maybe to put this more succinctly - when someone is responding to a "tell me why you think Hitler was right" post, it is generally ill-advised to agree with that response. It's even more ill-advised to double down on that agreement and tell people who think it was a poor choice to go fuck themselves. Thanks for the clarification and context.

I don't know for sure what to make of Elon's words and actions. He seems to be a free spirit who says and does what he wants regardless of the consequences and how it makes him look. Only someone with the unlimited resources he has can do that and tell his customers to go fuck themselves...I wish I could do that to my customers sometimes, but then I'd be broke after. The beauty of this whole thing is we as the consumers reserve the right to not participate. I barely use Twitter/X and it wouldn't bother me in the least bit if it went under. A void would be created in the social media universe that would quickly be filled by a new platform and life would go on.

Elon's entitled to his opinion, as is everyone. Your country has its first amendment...for better or for worse. In this case clearly for the worse. I see Ben Shapiro is still defending him, so there might be a misinterpretation of what antisemitism actually is. Likely deliberate.

I'm willing to bet Elon's 'actual truth' response didn't mean to include 'Hitler is right' comment. He's probably referring to those other 'conspiracies' as actual truth. There's absolutely no reason to double down on 'Hitler being right'. If we could have a face to face meeting with Elno right here and he is telling me to my face that Hitler is right... then of course fuck him. However, those other conspiracies are hotly debated for a while now... so I think Elno was most likely referring to those hot political topics.

I checked the 15 billionaires who own mainstream media according to Forbes, 5 of them are Jews and 2 of them are half Jews. I don't know what that really means, but to say that Jews may have significant control over media is not totally out of question based on that data.

Again back to Kissinger...

He is a Jew.

Bernie Sanders is also a Jew.

So what? I hate one and love the other.

Every Jews may think and act differently.

Of course those Jews who own the world's media companies also may not all share the same political views too.

So what is actual truth? Everything is debatable. I don't know if Elon's right or wrong, but I'm 'almost' sure that he's not a Jew hater. Only way for me to confirm that would be to able to spend some time observing him... At this stage, I'm almost sure he's not a jew hater based on all the info I can find online. You guys read his tweets, I try to see what he's really doing.

IMHO, western civilization is definitely under attack from the inside. Orchestrated by Soros or not, I do not know.

Point is nobody dare confronts the West or US directly. So the only possible ways would be thru proxy wars or cold wars or terrorist attacks or try to help things rot from the inside. It'd definitely be nearly impossible to beat US thru military might or financial might or whatever might... so the easiest way is to sow discord from within. Also, when more and more of them believe their God is dead, they'll all become more depressed and less hopeful... and then this seemingly invincible Western empire could easily implode from within...

America is a great country. There's no way Elon could do what he did anywhere else.

America is also an evil country. There are a lot more Kissingers inside our government doing shitty things around the world and perhaps even within the country.

It is kinda sad that the term 'make america great again' is now seemed as lame and offensive.

As an american, I will try to make this nation great and minimize its evil deeds as much as possible. This whole thing about Jews controlling the media has me confused. The mainstream media is largely anti-Israel right now, and more sympathetic towards the Palestinians. I won't go as far as to say pro-Hamas, because you'd have to be insane in the head to be that. But definitely not pro-Israel at the moment.

I see the war has resumed after the truce expired, which is unfortunate.

In some good news I saw that the esteemed WWII vet George Santos was expelled on his ass. That was long overdue.

Tom Servo
December 1st, 2023, 03:16 PM
There's a few things going on here. Free spirit feels generous, because first off, he's a rich nepo baby born of apartheid, something he'd really like to see come back. He's also supremely desperate for one of the few things money can't buy him - to be liked and for people to think he's funny and clever. I mean, if you watch the video of him from that NY Times thing a day or two ago, he's frantically looking at the crowd for some sort of validation that he's interesting or at least getting a laugh, and he gets more and more frantic as it's clear people just are not responding the way he wanted. He panders to the lunatic fringe now because the lunatic fringe are fiercely loyal and weirdly loud. It's the same thing that's fueling people like Marjorie Taylor Green, Matt Gaetz, and Lauren Boebert. It's a minority, but they are super fucking loud and always willing to throw themselves on metaphorical swords to praise Senpai. I'd say it's akin to what Trump has, but Trump I think honestly doesn't give a fuck if people like him or not, he's just a lunatic on his own.

You are 100% right when it comes to what he's got the right to. I am sad to see Twitter become a shadow of what it once was because it was a great resource for local news, research, and hilarious nonsense. It used to be where I would go both to find out information about super local news stories and to laugh my ass off at things. That doesn't mean he doesn't have the right to buy it and make it horrible. For better or worse, and I think ultimately for the better, that's what our current system allows. Another platform will come along and fill the void, we just have to wait and see which one that is. Bluesky so far is great, but since it's still in "beta" and invite-only, that means a lot of the news sources I trust haven't even gotten accounts there, much less started posting regularly.

I am surprised to see your description that mainstream media is largely anti-Israel, I have not gotten that impression at all down here in the states. Also, world leaders, at least our western ones, have been fiercely pro-Israel.

And I am both happy and sad about George Santos, because obviously he was a maniac criminal who shouldn't even be in a position of power over his own self, but also he was hilariously bad at being a maniac criminal and I enjoyed watching his antics. He desperately wanted to be Trump, but just didn't have that mobster-like ability to just say the bad things right up until the edge of where they become illegal, or get other people to do the dirty work that you needed done. So, he kept doing the dirty things in clearly traceable ways all while saying the wrong things and then just trying to pretend like none of it was real and it was so entertaining.

December 1st, 2023, 03:49 PM
I’ve seen and heard anti-Israel bias mostly from the BBC. Plus some American outlets have been critical of Israel’s tactics, (some justified), though it’s not so much their objective reporting but rather the guests they have on. I haven’t watched in a couple of weeks so I don’t know for sure the current sentiment.

Jimmy Kimmel must be sad about Santos’ departure. He gave him so much material.

December 1st, 2023, 06:28 PM
Jews are not that monolithic. Sure, most Jews in Israel might support what their govt is doing but I think there’s a split of opinion for Jews in the US. When you are near by, naturally you might want them all dead to stop the problem. When you’re further away, you can have the luxury to be more merciful?

Anyway, situation over there is messed up. No sane person would be pro any one side. Also, wanting Israeli govt to back down doesn’t mean you’re antisemitic…

Historically, even according to their own Bible, Jews have time and time again became numerous and prosperous and resulted others becoming jealous of them and end up wishing them harm. One could accuse the Bible as antisemitic, but I do believe the Bible to be actual truth.

So there’s never a shortage of antisemitism throughout history. Yet, again and again from Egyptians to Babylonians to Nazis… they all end up worse off than the Jews they tried to get rid of…

So be antisemitic at your own risk! :p

Jews can often become wealthy and influential. Most powerful and influential Jew is probably Jesus? Of course there are also evil Jews like Kissinger. Naturally not all Jews are born with silver spoon in their mouth. It’s just that we tend to only noticed the famous ones…

Anyway, point is I would not dare mess with God’s chosen people. I may be crazy and insane, but I’m really not that crazy and insane. Egyptian Pharoh and Hitler were idiots. They don’t know who they’re up against.

Tom Servo
December 1st, 2023, 07:11 PM
On the other hand, Medhi Hasan has had his show killed on MSNBC after being critical of Israel's response, and that's supposed to be the far-left channel.

And shedding a tear for George Santos. He's a criminal who had no business being anywhere near any seat of power, but he was also so hilariously hapless that I'll miss laughing at his antics.

MR2 Fan
December 1st, 2023, 08:23 PM
MSNBC was left (only far-left in the U.S. IMO) then they got new management and started pushing right.....part of the problem is the average cable TV news viewer are retirees over 70 years old and they usually lean conservative...so it's challenging for cable news organizations to push left I think

Tom Servo
December 1st, 2023, 08:28 PM
Oh yeah, to be clear, I basically consider all cable news to be a plague, but MSNBC is *supposedly* the left-most one of the bunch and they're canning one of their few decent people. We don't really get the BBC, just meant it as that, at least here in the US, the mainstream media is overwhelmingly pro-Israel.

Tom Servo
December 6th, 2023, 07:09 AM
I don't know why I wouldn't immediately assume a lawyer representing Trump is a horrible, unethical slimeball, but I am still astonished at how awful Alina Habba appears to be.


MR2 Fan
December 6th, 2023, 07:44 AM
GOP is about to hold their third presidential debate....and the third time without the leading candidate who could be in prison by next November....such a wacky time.

December 6th, 2023, 09:46 AM
And they keep attacking each other, instead of him... which seems dumb from my point of view. They're just going to hurt each other instead of the one person they need to worry about.

December 7th, 2023, 08:37 AM
Seems like the left and the right will take any opportunity to paint the other side as antisemitic. The left tried hard to paint Elon Musk as antisemitic and now the right try hard to paint Harvard president Claudine Gay as antisemitic.


I think Claudine's response at 1st sounds inappropriate, but that's because she's trying to allow free speech on her campus though. To me, clearly she's not for genocide, but we can frame questions in certain ways to make somebody sound bad. I guess one also need to be smart to not fall for that kind of things and get yourself and your organization in trouble?

At least Claudine Gay isn't a white male so no way can anyone accuse her of being a Nazi?

What a crazy world we live in... trying to bring somebody down by playing with just words.

Again, both sides are pretty lame at this.

There are real Nazis out there... even within our country. I hope we can minimize wasting resources like this simply for political gains...

Find somebody guilty of a crime and lock him/her up without any reasonable doubt. That's the way to do it. If you can't do it just yet... keep on collecting evidences to see if you can make that possible... rather than just hold meaningless hearings or impeachments...

Oh, interestingly, Elon Musk attempted to give Claudine Gay advice on X about this... If only he could give himself better advice! :lol:

https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1732289136369782890?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1732289136369782890%7Ctwgr% 5E0f3b93f38368be4e64f5e84fc01b42fd65f90b48%7Ctwcon %5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dailymail.co.uk%2Fnews%2 Farticle-12831499%2FElon-Musk-takes-swipe-underfire-Harvard-president-Claudine-Gay-offers-help-stance-campus-antisemitism-Calling-genocide-death-obviously-constitutes-harassment.html

BTW, it's interesting we now have so many women leaders in Ivy league schools. Didn't realize that before. Also, if free speech is the reason behind their odd testimonies, I really don't understand why they don't just spell it out and say that. Ask the republican congresswoman... do you want to take away student's right to free speech? Yes or no? Should we censor student's opinion?

Anyway, this kind of political play is stupid.

December 8th, 2023, 10:19 AM
And they keep attacking each other, instead of him... which seems dumb from my point of view. They're just going to hurt each other instead of the one person they need to worry about.

<looks at current GOP> "Let them burn."

December 8th, 2023, 09:44 PM
So, because elno Tesla "refuses to negotiate with unions" a huge Danish pension fund has decided to put Tesla stock on it's exclusion list.

Let it burn too.

Tom Servo
December 8th, 2023, 10:17 PM
Norway joined in with the Swedish blockade of Tesla products. I have to assume that Sweden probably has a similar car buying profile as Norway does, and Teslas were, at least for a while, super popular there. It's likely a blip on the earnings report, but it's not nothing.

December 9th, 2023, 10:32 AM
I don't think this image will age well.


December 9th, 2023, 12:17 PM
US vetoing Gaza cease fire…

The spirit of Kissinger is alive and well.

December 10th, 2023, 08:27 AM
Norway joined in with the Swedish blockade of Tesla products. I have to assume that Sweden probably has a similar car buying profile as Norway does, and Teslas were, at least for a while, super popular there. It's likely a blip on the earnings report, but it's not nothing.

Literally the one market where American cars were succeeding in Europe. Tesla in particular.

Congratulations on ceding the European market forever elno. He's a spectacular dumbass.

December 11th, 2023, 08:26 AM
I don't think this image will age well.


A bit like holding up detergent while claiming it is evidence of Iraqi WMD?

December 11th, 2023, 08:38 AM
If you treat your employees well, there'd be no need for unions. If you believe it's inevitable that the filthy rich management will end up taking advantage of the workers... well...

Once unionized, there are no guarantees that union leaders won't become corrupted as well and end up becoming too cozy with the management. It has happened many times before. Then what? Start another union?

Anyway, Chinese Communists won't allow their factories to be unionized too. That's probably because CCP is their "Union". No need for such redundancy and add cost. Scandinavians are socialists as well. I wonder how many layers of socialism do they think they need to protect their workers.

I'm not totally against unions. Naturally unions do help workers fight for better wages and conditions when we do have lousy management. In a crazy capitalistic society like US, it kinda make sense because exploitation of workers has definitely happened in the past. However, does it make sense in China? If China also needs unions, then that'd mean the Communist party has failed to do its job. Also, for a democratic socialistic society like Norway and Sweden... their governments are unable to protect their own citizens that they still need unions? How many layers of bureaucracy do we really need to create?

Elon is quite right that by saying: “If Tesla gets unionized it will be because we deserved it, and because we failed in some way.”

If China or any other socialistic nations end up unionizing, then the government probably has failed in some way by allowing such predatory company to plant factories on their soil.

December 11th, 2023, 09:49 AM
I don't think this image will age well.


The more I look at that pic, the more that dude looks like Dave Chappelle!

USA must be joking, right?

I wonder who is the Henry Kissinger of today... all I know is that he must be part of the 'Establishment'?

While we Americans fight amongst ourselves at home and get on Elno's cases, our government continue to fuck up the rest of the world... it doesn't really matter who we elect.

Well, I still think Trump might have been better for the rest of the world. I think wars in Ukraine/Israel will likely be delayed at least if we had Trump... However, I really can't stand him at home though.

Speaking of which, I think Vivek has became the new mini-Trump... Even if Trump goes to jail or die of old age, we will have him to deal with for a long long time... :(

Christie really spoke the truth trying to wake up the conservative voters, but after bridgegate, no way I'd ever vote for him though. Clearly he's somebody who can talk the talk, but not sure if he could walk the walk. I think Christie probably also knows that he's not going to be nominated in the end, that's why he was able to tell it like it is unlike the other 2 candidates...

Speaking of which, DeSantis and Nikki had been thoroughly destroyed by Mini-Trump. I wonder who the GOP establishment's gonna support now. Dem establishment has done a better job and containing the anti-establishment people from going out of control! ;)

Anyway, I honestly don't know who to pick as next president. I'm definitely anti-establishment, but I prefer somebody like Bernie than Vivek though...

I think the only way we can save the rest of the world from wars is by voting anti-establishment.
The only way we can protect minority rights better is to vote for leftist anti-establishment candidates. But of course I don't want a communist dictator. Democratic socialism sounds good to me.

December 11th, 2023, 07:43 PM
A bit like holding up detergent while claiming it is evidence of Iraqi WMD?

Eichmann in Jerusalem, more like. (https://twitter.com/LailaAlarian/status/1733237412556378563)

December 11th, 2023, 07:51 PM
I think the only way we can save the rest of the world from wars is by voting anti-establishment.

I don't think the empire can save itself.

December 11th, 2023, 08:50 PM
I cannot even save myself; however, I believe in a Savior.

December 12th, 2023, 02:17 AM
Individuals might need a savior, "the rest of the world", emphatically, does not (https://bpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/sites.dartmouth.edu/dist/e/397/files/2014/11/Cole-2012-White-Savior-Industrial-Complex.pdf).

December 12th, 2023, 06:12 AM
Well, Jesus ain’t white!

December 12th, 2023, 10:40 AM
Christianity was founded in the poorer areas of the Roman empire. Rome and its successors, the Carolingian and Byzantine empires, are the most important mother cultures of the European, aka White, world.

You seem to confuse the person with the figure. There's wide agreement about the person being Judean, whilst the figure is unanimously a European creation.

December 12th, 2023, 11:54 AM
Rome and its successors, the Carolingian and Byzantine empires, are the most important mother cultures of the European, aka White, world.

Dan Carlin's latest podcast mentions the Byzantine empire and how, several hundred years after the fall of the Western Roman empire, the Byzantines wouldn't have called themselves that, but instead Romans.

I learned about Greek Fire for the first time, too. Man, there's so much to learn and so little time.

It's free, for now: https://www.dancarlin.com/product/hardcore-history-70-twilight-of-the-aesir-ii/

December 12th, 2023, 12:06 PM
Christianity was founded in the poorer areas of the Roman empire. Rome and its successors, the Carolingian and Byzantine empires, are the most important mother cultures of the European, aka White, world.

You seem to confuse the person with the figure. There's wide agreement about the person being Judean, whilst the figure is unanimously a European creation.

I don't believe in the 'figure'. I believe in that Person.

Jesus is not a creation of white men. Gospel only spread Westward because the Jews chose to reject him. White men are rejecting Jesus now more and more... so chances are Gospel will continue to shift to else where in the world where He'll be more appreciated.

Anyway, I do agree it's not the job nor duty of white men to save the world nor are they entitled to mess it up though. Also, what I meant earlier was not really about using my vote to 'save' the world, but to at least save the world from harm by US government's selfish interests.

December 12th, 2023, 12:42 PM
Jesus is not a creation of white men.

Christian organizations sure are.

Gospel only spread Westward because the Jews chose to reject him.


If you look at the map, there isn't really a lot of space East of Capernaum, on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, where Roman subjects could go to where people shared their language and customs, and where their safety could be somewhat protected.

December 12th, 2023, 01:24 PM
Anyway, whether white people influenced christianity or christianity influeced white europe, point is that not everything needs to be about white europeans. IMHO, they are nothing without Jesus. As europeans become more secularized, are they really doing better than ever?

I was converted in a church planted in LA by a pastor from Hong Kong. Of course, I'm sure some missionary from the Western world probably spread the gospel in HK 1st, but whatever.

Point is Jesus is not white. Regardless of color of our skin, we are not saviors. However, we can still do what we can to try to save others. At the very minimum, not harm others.

December 13th, 2023, 07:51 AM
Anyway, whether white people influenced christianity or christianity influeced white europe, point is that not everything needs to be about white europeans. IMHO, they are nothing without Jesus. As europeans become more secularized, are they really doing better than ever?

I was converted in a church planted in LA by a pastor from Hong Kong. Of course, I'm sure some missionary from the Western world probably spread the gospel in HK 1st, but whatever.

Point is Jesus is not white. Regardless of color of our skin, we are not saviors. However, we can still do what we can to try to save others. At the very minimum, not harm others.

Hmmmm. Harm mitigation. And yet you consistently talk about supporting actors/ characters who would debilitate the one party trying to minimise harm to the least advantaged.

You never stop talking out of both sides of your mouth, do you? Rhetorical question. Don't answer.

December 13th, 2023, 08:33 AM
Resistance is futile! You know I've gotta answer, right? :p

Are you referring to Elno? Given that I work at a company who's a competitor of SpaceX and I have almost, but not quite bought or leased any Tesla vehicles, exactly how am I a 'supporter'?

Admirer, sure, but not sure if I'm a supporter. I do have some Tesla stocks though, but as an buy and hold investor, I'm just betting on company's performance, not really basing it all on personal admiration of the guy.

Anyway, I just think you guys are over reacting about Elno. People on both sides can easily make such over-reaction. As you've seen what happened to the Harvard president. The right was trying to paint a black woman as a white supremacist nazi. There are definitely Nazis, but we're now on a witchhunt for them I think... just as we once were hunting for communists in America. IMHO, it's all fucking BS!

American people are just too focused on BS at home and missing out on the bigger picture abroad.

I only learned about US being the only nation vetoing Gaza cease fire from a Lebanese Jeep dealer. If she and I never had the conversation, I'd never know what Mario's picture was about. At least such news never popped up on my newsfeed until I searched for it.

We can now retrospectively say yeah Kissinger sucks, blah, blah, blah, but did the American people do anything about it at the time? Well, American people probably didn't know much of what's going on at the time... or perhaps American people did do something and voted the other party, but then kissinger was smart enough to swtich sides too?

So anyways, my stance of both parties suck remains.

Further, I'm sure there are way more evil and powerful person(s) than Elno in America. Right now he's just a nice convenient target and his own loudmouth isn't helping himself...

December 13th, 2023, 08:34 AM
Mo, You should know by now that any time you talk to him he's going to respond. Even if you tell him not to.

edit: LOL I'm too late, I presume. I'm assuming he responded to you. I'm not going to click and read his post.

December 13th, 2023, 10:30 AM
You're fast Kid, but Billi the Kid is fasta!

December 13th, 2023, 03:49 PM
Shhhhh, don't say it too loud ...


December 13th, 2023, 03:52 PM
Mo, You should know by now that any time you talk to him he's going to respond. Even if you tell him not to.

edit: LOL I'm too late, I presume. I'm assuming he responded to you. I'm not going to click and read his post.

He speaks out of both sides of his mouth so much that when he did "answer" it was the wrong answer; he answered a question I didn't even think/ care about.

December 13th, 2023, 08:05 PM
LOL. That checks out

Rare White Ape
December 13th, 2023, 09:26 PM
He’s the reply guy!

December 14th, 2023, 09:02 AM
I think I'm just the annoying guy! :p

Anyway, back to topic... https://www.yahoo.com/news/few-us-adults-satisfied-possible-050344910.html

Looks like both sides have something in common!

Most Americans don't want Biden vs Trump, but it's not like we'll have any other choices... :(

Personally, I'm a little afraid of that Vivek. The dude copies the style of Obama(But can talk way faster) and tactics of Trump...

If only Bernie Sander is at the same age. If Vivek catches on, I'm afraid the left won't have any answer against him... Well, at least he can't possibly be a white supremacist Nazi.

December 14th, 2023, 01:43 PM
I learned about Greek Fire for the first time, too. Man, there's so much to learn and so little time.

GoT wild fire!

December 19th, 2023, 11:48 AM
I've been watching more and more of those Vivek interviews. I have to say that I agree a lot of what he said. He is also amazingly good at talking over somebody whenever others, whether other debaters or reporters, are trying to talk over him.

He really reminded me of another candidate with a weird name... Barack Obama.

However, Obama really did not keep many of his promises. Most notably, he ran as an anti-established candidate, but ended his 8 years supporting the very established candidate that he ran hard against.

Barack had some political experience and was a community organizer... whereas Vivek had zero political experience and is a billionaire. Sure, maybe he won't need the money from the 'establishment', but how can I really tell if he will keep his promises and not go nuts like Trump or Elno?

Even Andrew Yang let me down as he got more famous...

Bernie Sanders is really the only 'Frodo' type character who doesn't change over the years.

If Vivek has the integrity of Bernie, our future should be bright! However, I get the feeling he just might be Trump II. At least Vivek sounds a lot smarter than Trump.

MR2 Fan
December 19th, 2023, 03:26 PM
Trump is almost disqualified from the ballot in Colorado pending a pretty obvious challenge to the U.S. supreme court coming. Officially they have til January 4th to rule it sounds like, or for Trump to challenge it.

....there's 16 other states also with lawsuits regarding Trump being disqualified because of the 14th amendment

Tom Servo
December 19th, 2023, 03:42 PM
Also, and it bugs me that reporters I'm seeing so far seem to gloss over this, but it only applies to the primary election, not the general. That said, it didn't make a ruling about the general and presumably that'd follow precedent, but still.

MR2 Fan
December 19th, 2023, 03:49 PM
Also, and it bugs me that reporters I'm seeing so far seem to gloss over this, but it only applies to the primary election, not the general. That said, it didn't make a ruling about the general and presumably that'd follow precedent, but still.

Ah, yeah I didn't notice that but if he can't win the primary he couldn't be on the general ballot, unless he ran as independent...and I think that has to be the same in every state (??) Like he can't call himself independent and show up on the ballot in Colorado and stay as a Republican in other states....or not that we've ever had that scenario before I don't believe

Tom Servo
December 19th, 2023, 05:08 PM
Yeah, I am unaware of any rule that would prevent that, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I'm definitely not an election expert.

As is, his chances of taking Colorado are pretty slim anyway (it's the only state I know of that's overall blue but loves guns). The annoying part is that means that this really only just gives him another chance to tell his base that the deep state are out to get him.

December 19th, 2023, 08:03 PM
Will the US Supreme Court with so many of his appointees rule against him?

Anyway, a lot of respect for Colorado!

Tom Servo
December 20th, 2023, 06:56 AM
Tuberville has finally relented. A good 8-9 months of holding up military appointments with nothing to show for it at the end. So glad he's there being effective.

December 20th, 2023, 08:41 AM
Does Trump still own the Supreme Court? If so I don't see this Colorado ruling holding up.

Sadly he's destined to become your President once more. :|

Tom Servo
December 20th, 2023, 08:52 AM
Yeah, the court makeup hasn't changed. They have ruled in ways he wouldn't like surprisingly often, but I don't see them ruling that he cannot be president.

I mean, by all rights he shouldn't be. The dude literally directed his followers to overrun congress to try to force his way back into the presidency. He's everything the founding fathers tried to warn against, and put guardrails up around. His two actual talents are figuring out how to wiggle his way through that and convincing a large swath of America that he's not just a narcissistic fuck who only cares about his own power, but I don't see SCOTUS being willing to actually say that.

December 20th, 2023, 10:42 AM
I can understand it's difficult to impeach the guy, but if after 3 years we still cannot nail him beyond any reasonable doubt, then maybe the case just isn't that clear cut? Is justice really that political?

Kinda like if you can't convict OJ Simpson, okay. Whatever. Maybe he is innocent. The next step is if voter wish to vote for him, should there be laws against that?

I wish our political parties can just come up with a clearly better candidate, rather than obstructing the candidate of the other side. Yeah, both sides are equally lame this way. Trump was trying to get Hunter Biden... and now we're continuing trying to find ways to obstruct Trump.

Whether it's Hillary or Trump, it's like we just can't lock them up no matter what. I'd rather see candidates locked up rather than having ballot exclusions. However the supreme court rules, half of the folks will be pissed.

If we can't put them away and if they want to run, just let them. America deserves it's winner. It's a democracy, right?

It's interesting the conservative party in Taiwan was also not sure who their presidential candidate's going to be right up until a month before election. I wonder if US will go thru similar thing... ;) To be fair though, Taiwan does not have a clear favorite candidate like Trump. All they know is that the sitting president sucks, but they couldn't come up with an answer against her though... so at the very last minute they nominated some guy just to have somebody on the ballot in January election. Taiwan situation is a bit weird... because usually the conservatives are more nationalistic. However, in Taiwan, the conservatives are pro-reunification or pro-china. So it kinda as if running as US president but chanting Make Great Britain Great Again! ;)

December 20th, 2023, 12:40 PM
Yeah, the court makeup hasn't changed. They have ruled in ways he wouldn't like surprisingly often, but I don't see them ruling that he cannot be president. Just imagine for a second that they did. 9-0 vote. It would finally break the back of the MAGA movement once and for all and renew normal people’s faith in humanity.

What a nice, wet, dream.

December 20th, 2023, 01:01 PM

Like Swervo said, Trump's appointed justices have voted the other way at times... so it's not a sure thing that they will support Trump. 9-0 against him is probably too unlikely, but even if that were to happen, I kinda doubt it will break the back of the MAGA movement. Even if Trump is dead, there's now Vivek.

One thing I like about Vivek is that he said he won't be as divisive. If that's really true, I'd be for him. It's really difficult to believe somebody in politics not be divisive nowadays... :p

Tom Servo
December 20th, 2023, 01:47 PM
My brain is broken enough that a 9-0 rule just makes me think we'd see another insurrection. Objective reality means nothing to a large number of these people. It's a minority of the population, but it's a staggeringly large minority.

Rare White Ape
December 20th, 2023, 02:31 PM
You know it’s gonna happen

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1072836733399478272/1187033667973947473/836c8a56-4546-45d5-890d-88a6fa7ab173.jpg?ex=65956a40&is=6582f540&hm=6fdceb977028efe9fead8567891afc454f7cee85d0c3e49 4d80885f1f0a2d91a&

December 20th, 2023, 03:35 PM
I just watched the trailer for Civil War. Too real.

Tom Servo
December 20th, 2023, 04:21 PM
Please clap.

MR2 Fan
December 20th, 2023, 04:55 PM
I just watched the trailer for Civil War. Too real.

Yeah it's unnecessary IMO

December 21st, 2023, 05:46 AM
Totally LOL-ing

December 21st, 2023, 09:11 AM
Texas and California are allies against the federal government? How are those 2 states connected in any way?

Oh, thru Elno! :lol:

December 21st, 2023, 10:29 AM
Just imagine for a second that they did. 9-0 vote. It would finally break the back of the MAGA movement once and for all and renew normal people’s faith in humanity.

What a nice, wet, dream.

The deluded would not take the Colorado ruling and a definitive 9-0 SC ruling as anything but deep state fake news.

To have come this far with Trump demonstrates a far beyond reality unhinged mindset that'll only believe what it chooses to believe; facts be damned.

December 24th, 2023, 03:14 AM
Preparing to troll German friend on Christmas day. Hehe hehe

December 27th, 2023, 06:33 PM


December 28th, 2023, 02:59 AM
Who she? Roofer's fap material?

Rare White Ape
December 28th, 2023, 05:31 AM
She's the one who played with that dude's junk in at theatre a few months back.

Proving that US politics is classy as always.

Tom Servo
December 28th, 2023, 07:58 AM
She's also part of that MAGA crowd with Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene, though I her and MTG have been beefing for a while now. Owned a restaurant in Rifle, Colorado and loves talking about her guns. Her husband allegedly exposed himself to some teen girls at a bowling alley once.

Tom Servo
December 28th, 2023, 10:35 AM
There's a Godwin's law corollary now:

https://cdn.bsky.app/img/feed_fullsize/plain/did:plc:eak2q2abwc6iab4tt4s72rtr/bafkreib3d6gx5wu3b7g4iskekpa4f3vo7ujuyeg3l6y7fuva2 uy7dt4ora@jpeg

Rare White Ape
December 28th, 2023, 09:53 PM
He ain’t wrong.

But don’t let him talk about it too much or he’ll compare them to nazis.

December 29th, 2023, 07:07 AM
Obama is perhaps the 1% who doesn’t like Wokism?

Anyway, to me Woker and Karen are just the same kinda folks except Wokers stand on the left and Karens stand on the right side of the fence.

They are not completely wrong because we need to count on these type of folks to avoid the ‘bystanders effect’. When something bad is going down, most do tend to be sleepy bystanders. We do need the likes of Karens or wokers to call things out!

It’s only when they over do it, then they can become quite annoying. Add politics into it, they can be super annoying. And now, if you find them annoying and bad mouth them, then you’re a fuckhead! Well at least Obama could be excused as the 1%! :p

December 30th, 2023, 10:02 PM
Although this is Aussie satire, but I think it’s pretty applicable to US and UK as well?

MR2 Fan
January 4th, 2024, 07:51 PM
Regarding running as an independent in some states as and a republican in other states, I asked ChatGPT and it said it is allowed (of course ChatGPT isn't perfect)

January 6th, 2024, 02:39 PM
She's also part of that MAGA crowd with Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene, though I her and MTG have been beefing for a while now. Owned a restaurant in Rifle, Colorado and loves talking about her guns. Her husband allegedly exposed himself to some teen girls at a bowling alley once.

Even better when their lease came up for renewal the landlord said "Nah, have fun somewhere else!"

Rare White Ape
January 6th, 2024, 02:59 PM
Happy traitorversary, Americans :)

January 6th, 2024, 04:02 PM
Happy traitorversary, Americans :)

Saw a bunch of tweets on that bird site that basically said "get over it. It's been almost four years already" and a metric fuckton of responses saying, "we never fucking will." :rawk:

Conservatives (ok, not all of them, but too fucking many of them) really think we should just "get over" an attempted insurrection, when they get their panties in a wad about M&Ms, Mr Potatohead, Dr Suess, etc. :smh:

Yeah no. We will NEVER FORGET! And we will vote accordingly.

Rare White Ape
January 6th, 2024, 05:27 PM
Kneeling for the anthem is not fine, but apparently storming Congress and wrecking shit and causing people to die is.

Tom Servo
January 6th, 2024, 06:47 PM
Washington Post put up a (new to me) video of Ashli Babbit's final moments. Watching that reminds you of the gaslighting that so many conservatives have tried to pull, claiming it was just a bunch of tourists.

January 6th, 2024, 07:55 PM
I searched for that video and I had to sit thru a couple of minutes of video from "J6 Truthtellers".

Fuck them. Fuck them, fuck them, fuck them.

January 6th, 2024, 07:57 PM
And fuck msn.com for playing dumb (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knowledge_of_the_Holocaust_in_Nazi_Germany_and_Ger man-occupied_Europe) and giving voice to those fascists.

January 6th, 2024, 08:56 PM
We should never forget but without forgiveness, it’ll only end up hurting/poisoning yourself.

Think about it. For a group of gun lovers, it should’ve been super easy for them to kill all the defenseless Capitol police if they really wanted to. I really was expecting a much worse outcome.

Of course it’d be better if Jan 6 never happened at all, but just considering what actually happened, I really don’t believe they were that ‘serious’ about ‘insurrecting’.

What I meant by ‘serious’ is that if shit went down like Ukraine and Palestine… I’m really glad we did not end up like them. Now, if we can’t forgive one another, becoming like them is just matter of time.

At the moment, I’m more concerned with Biden getting impeached and Trump locked behind bars right before Nov election. In the Netflix movie Leave the world behind, I suppose it could be super easy to mess with America that way to make Americans kill each other without using a single bullet.

MR2 Fan
January 6th, 2024, 09:56 PM
Kneeling for the anthem is not fine, but apparently storming Congress and wrecking shit and causing people to die is.

it's ok, they were all ANTIFA and the FBI according to Trump and MAGATs, BUT they were also patriots fighting for their country and should be released, depending who you ask, when you ask them and who their intended audience is.

One person asked why Antifa and the FBI or left-wingers etc. would be protesting when they won the election? (under the assumption they'd support Biden because of course they would....since Trump is a fascist).

The sheer amount of pretzel-mindedness to excuse everything is truly something.

Tom Servo
January 9th, 2024, 07:39 AM
Looks like Elon "free-speech absolutist" Musk went on a spree of banning journalists this morning.

January 9th, 2024, 09:24 AM
What? A military contractor is limiting the flow of information about a genocidal attack by his business partners?


January 9th, 2024, 11:30 AM
Elon Musk is now a military contractor?

Tom Servo
January 9th, 2024, 11:41 AM
He appears to have re-instated most if not all the accounts now and claims to be "investigating." I cannot imagine someone would do this without his personal consent, so I figure he was just super high last night and forgot he did it by this morning.

Rare White Ape
January 9th, 2024, 02:10 PM
He appears to have re-instated most if not all the accounts now and claims to be "investigating." I cannot imagine someone would do this without his personal consent, so I figure he was just super high last night and forgot he did it by this morning.

Nice application of Hanlon's Razor. I have trouble with it because Musk trying to flex against those journalists can equally be explained by both sides of the adage.

January 9th, 2024, 02:35 PM
Was he high or stupid? Maybe both yeah…

No wonder Tesla cars suck and SpaceX rockets blow up! Hahahaha…

Oh wait, the company employees are good, just the boss is high and stupid. Thank goodness for all the good employees working so well making their stupidly high boss so rich?

January 9th, 2024, 02:45 PM
Kneeling for the anthem is not fine, but apparently storming Congress and wrecking shit and causing people to die is.

Preach it!!!! :lol:

January 9th, 2024, 02:52 PM
Washington Post put up a (new to me) video of Ashli Babbit's final moments. Watching that reminds you of the gaslighting that so many conservatives have tried to pull, claiming it was just a bunch of tourists.

They think we're (as) stupid (as they are!)

I searched for that video and I had to sit thru a couple of minutes of video from "J6 Truthtellers".

Fuck them. Fuck them, fuck them, fuck them.

And when they are done getting fucked, they can fuck right off. AND FUCK OFF SOME MORE. And when they think they've fucked off enough, they can fuck off even more!!!!

And fuck msn.com for playing dumb (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knowledge_of_the_Holocaust_in_Nazi_Germany_and_Ger man-occupied_Europe) and giving voice to those fascists.

All media acting like billi. I hate blanket scapegoating, but it calls for it. Fuck em all too if they can't speak truth to power.

it's ok, they were all ANTIFA and the FBI according to Trump and MAGATs, BUT they were also patriots fighting for their country and should be released, depending who you ask, when you ask them and who their intended audience is.

One person asked why Antifa and the FBI or left-wingers etc. would be protesting when they won the election? (under the assumption they'd support Biden because of course they would....since Trump is a fascist).

The sheer amount of pretzel-mindedness to excuse everything is truly something.

I, literally, just assume all Trumpers are idiots. I'm not saying liberals are angels, by any means, but the mental gymnastics required to believe, follow, and advocate for that fucktard!!! :angry:

January 10th, 2024, 04:59 AM
And he's got a chance at winning again... :(

MR2 Fan
January 10th, 2024, 06:24 AM
The threat of Trump will hopefully drive plenty of people to vote for Biden at least and not just assume that Trump being out of the picture means whoever the other GOP candidate is won't be worth worrying about. No, I don't believe Trump has a chance if he's still running. What I am worried about is another attempt at a hostile takeover again as they'll just cry fraud no matter what happens.

If Trump isn't there, I'm afraid the dem voters won't be worried enough about whoever else the GOP candidate is as they're all terrible.

Nikki Haley probably the least terrible of the bunch. I mean Chris Christie but he's never going to get the nomination being anti-Trump.

January 10th, 2024, 06:39 AM
Trump is currently leading the national polls.


MR2 Fan
January 10th, 2024, 06:42 AM
If polls go by whoever answers their phone then polls are useless as they'll only skew toward older people typically who always answer their phones

January 10th, 2024, 07:20 AM
It’s kinda interesting that some of you are beginning to think all media are fake news.

Anyway, obviously events on Jan6 was not just bunch of tourists doing touristy things. Tourists would not climb all over building or get into personal offices uninvited. However, for real insurrectionists, surely one would expect them to do more than just climb like Spider-Man and get into offices?

Was Ashli really violently uprising against the government? Sure. She broke a window and tried to squeeze in someplace where she shouldn’t be. So did another insurrectionist keep going until they run out of bullets? Or were there insurrectionists shooting back?

AFAIK, nope.

Events were somewhere in between touristy and insurrectiony.

Each side believes the other side can fuck off. Fuck is probably not enough. You probably need to pickup arms to just kill them all! Are you willing to do that? To actually kill them all?

All I know is the right wing gun lovers did not pick up their guns to try to kill people they want to fuck on Jan 6. I honestly thought they were going to, but they didn’t.

January 10th, 2024, 07:35 AM
Another thing I think would be super funny to see is that as November election draws closer, we end up seeing Trump jailed and Biden impeached…, but of course the election shall go on.

I suppose it’s okay to have our government insurrecting against half of itself. Wonder which side will win or will we just collapse and implode.

Putin and Xi probably would love to see that happen. That will probably also convince them that democracy ought to be avoided at all cost.

Tom Servo
January 10th, 2024, 09:03 AM
In Trump's immunity appeal, his lawyers argued that were he to have seal team 6 murder a political rival, he should only be able to be prosecuted if he was impeached and convicted. They also have argued that because he was already impeached over January 6th, that trying to prosecute him in federal court is double jeopardy. So you can only prosecute him under something you can't prosecute him for because it's double jeopardy.

At any rate, he's arguing that Joe Biden can take him out as long as 34 senators are on board, so...

MR2 Fan
January 10th, 2024, 09:28 AM
it's wild....of course everything in the GOP "party" which isn't even a functioning party anymore as much as it is a large group of random a-holes. They're looking out for their own self interest without much of any organization ability beyond that they need to keep kissing up to Trump supporters because they've done nothing useful to pivot away, and without them they have no voters.

Assuming 2024 goes smoothly and Biden is re-elected (praying he stays healthy til November), I really wonder what the GOP will do next. Trump will be getting VERY old to try again for 2028 and the dems will need to find their next candidate.

What would REALLY be something is if Trump's health issues finally catch up to him, what would the GOP be like then? Would coke-head Don Jr. try to run? lol

January 10th, 2024, 09:45 AM
Vivek is the obvious mini-trump. He's young. He's also kinda black like Obama and also with a funny name, but he can talk way faster. He also has solid grassroot support like Bernie Sanders and the media is trying to shut him down, but of course he has his own money unlike Bernie.

I really do like his talks, but I'm just not sure if he really has the integrity to walk the walk though. If even Obama could sell out to his campaign promises, not sure if I can trust another billionaire. Even if Elon Musk can qualify to run for president, I'm not sure if I'd want to vote for him.

Anyway, just looking at the debates, you can see that DeSantis, Nikki were obviously no match to Vivek. I wouldn't be surprise to see Trump/Vivek ticket.

Dems, OTOH, I don't know who'll be popular enough to win the next election after Biden. Biden really lucked out because during the pandemic, people yearned for 'normalcy'. He was truly the perfect guy to project that image. If there's no pandemic, I really don't think Biden had a chance against Trump. Come 2024, Trump just might win the rematch. Even if he doesn't, I really do believe Vivek is the obvious next in line.

On a more personal level, I used to like Nikki, but somehow Vivek has convinced me that she's the Hillary of the GOP. So I dunno. Don't really have any real enthusiasm for any of the candidates. I think I'm not going to vote come 2024. I'll just focus on praying. I pray that Holy Spirit will move you guys to make the best decisions. Of course if God reveals to me who He wants me to vote for, then I'll do it. For now... meh. Just like how you're disappointed with the media, I'm disappointed with pretty much all the candidates.

Unless the GOP is truly a bunch of Nazis and doesn't want a dark skin guy as their next president. Then the conservative votes will be split... and the liberals will have a better shot at reclaiming power... (However, they are throwing their support at Nikki so dark skin is likely not the main issue...)

I'd throw my support for Vivek if he is trustworthy enough after his 1st term. I really do like what I hear from him. However, I just don't trust him though...

January 10th, 2024, 11:14 AM
Vivek Ramaswamy called climate change a hoax. I saw him say it on live TV in a debate a few months ago. I wasn't even watching the debate; my wife had it on as I walked through the room, but it stopped me in my tracks.

Nothing he can do or say will change my opinion of him now.

But, then again, I'm the guy who thought Texas Republicans would run Ted Cruz out of town on a rail after his sniveling sucking up to Boss Trump after briefly showing some backbone at the 2016 GOP convention.

I continually underestimate how little value modern Republican voters place on their candidates' character. It wasn't always this way, or it at least wasn't this blatant.

MR2 Fan
January 10th, 2024, 11:24 AM
funny side note. NFL head coach Pete Carroll has been "let go" of the head coaching role and will work a different role in the organization. I just see people on twitter talking about "Well he's 72 years old"....funny when we have the two leading presidential candidates who are way older.

But yeah, Vivek is a joke, another person who will say the dumbest right-wing shit to stand out for those voters because they have no chance at reaching whatever "centrist" GOP side voters left, like all 5 of them

Rare White Ape
January 10th, 2024, 12:45 PM
Are you referring to centrist GOP voters who now vote for the Dems because the Republicans are now too bonkers for them to stomach?

Man I wish the Democrats were further to the left. Then you’d have a big gulf in ideology between the two and it would suck the republicans back into the normal-ish zone, and left wing supporters would have someone they care about voting for.

MR2 Fan
January 10th, 2024, 01:10 PM

Also, very minor news, Chris Christie has dropped out. So I guess that leaves 4 candidates?

Nikki "can't say slavery" Haley, Ron DeSatan, Vivek "Climate change is a hoax" Ramaswamy, and the Mango Mussolini

January 10th, 2024, 01:11 PM
Who's Mango Mussolini?

Anyway, climate change a hoax or not can be somewhat debatable. Now, I'm not saying scientists are deliberately trying to deceive us about climate change, but clearly politicians could be deceiving us with climate issues.

Let's just use the popular Elon as example. He is making a lot of money thru climate initiatives right now. Lots of Tesla's profits were due to cap and trade rather than actual profits made by selling Tesla vehicles. Teslas are not the only company making huge profits like that. Lots of solar companies as well. Not to mention lots of funds making absolutely nothing are making money off of climate change. At least Elon actually produced something tangible.

There are also stuffs on the policy side. Mandate of getting rid of gasoline cars by a certain year... let's forget about whether if that's doable or not... such policy again will give Elon opportunity to make lots of money.

Point is, Greta may be right, but the rest of us simply cannot afford to travel by sailboats. I do love sailboats, but not sure if I can really afford to travel that way! :p

The problem with today's politics is that the liberals fucked things up too badly. Take globalism for example... or just EU for example. It's a good idea. However, the reason why Brexit happened was not because the conservative Brits are stupid, but because they didn't implement things fairly for all. So some people are upset. Likewise with the climate stuffs... it'll inevitably make some really rich and then others will be left behind.

Regardless who's in charge, there will always be widening of the gap between rich and poor as government pour money onto certain issues. Climate change should be a global initiative. However, at the moment, each nation is looking out for itself now. We can probably kiss fixing the climate collectively good-bye.

Lastly, think about how much carbon the Ukraine and Palestine wars are producing? Oh mine. So horrible. So many carbons produced by those people.

The world is falling apart. I personally don't see climate change as a priority right now.

If reelecting Trump meant we could avoid war in Ukraine and Israel, I'd definitely vote for Trump. Trump did have a good record of world peace during his time in the WH. Seriously, I'd rather have that pussygrabber if those 2 wars could be avoided. Of course I understand there's no such guarantee that Trump is a peacemaker, but US needs to pull back our troops/arms/money 1st... then maybe we can think about pulling back carbons.

So far, climate debate is all BS. It sounds all politically correct alright, but do those politicians really do want to change the climate? They don't even want to take a vote to stop themselves from gaming the stock market doing some insiders trading... do you really believe those people care how much carbon is in the air?

I'll do my part to save the earth... minimize my fossil fuel use with solar and EVs... and recycle as much as I can. BTW, Lomi the composter is awesome. We're producing our own soil for gardening! Anyway, I just don't believe the dems are really all that serious about saving planet earth. Of course, we can always just blame the dumb republicans for unable to do anything.

Climate change or even Covid 19 are obviously not fake, while some might believe they're fake, but I think the main issue is how government reacts to them. I don't want to be like China nor do I really want the Trump America... There's probably a good balance somewhere in between when dealing with such crisis.

When globally, nations are beginning to want to wage wars against one another, should we really continue to dream about fixing out climate? Let's fix our political climate 1st please.

Most here probably won't ever vote GOP anyway. I have also never voted Republican so far. However, I'm serious about liking Vivek's messages. I'm just skeptical of him as a person. If he became a billionaire because he pumped and dumped stocks of his companies, then obviously we can't have such person as our leader. However, I don't know if I trust media's stories about him too. Just as media is bad mouthing Elon as well... as if he's the most scummy person on earth. At least I know Elon well enough that I know some of the stories are totally biased. Anyway, for Vivek, he's still on my probation list. I'm watching him closely. If he's for real... not only talk the talk, but also can walk the walk, I will definitely give GOP my 1st vote.

January 11th, 2024, 10:39 AM
After some thinking, I think I kinda figured out the main issue with the left.

Fundamentally there's nothing wrong with "Wokism". Starting with political correctness, there's nothing wrong with sounding less offensive. No need to unnecessarily provoke other people's negative emotions. However, it can be problematic when it becomes too extreme that people end up no longer authentic. Political correctness or politeness also need to accompany with some level of truth or authenticity, otherwise it's just fake.

When Wokism is fused with the concept that 'we refuse to tolerate those who are intolerant', that's when problems arise. Then it's no longer about waking up to injustices, but about eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. You oppressed my ancestors before? So now I'm going to oppress you back!

You say shit I don't agree with? You can then fuck off!

The left just want diversity of physical appearances, but can't handle diversity of ideas. There is only one and only way to contain Covid. There's only one and only way to fix the climate. There's only one way to fix racism. If you don't follow my one and only official way, then you can go to hell!

Of course, people on the right have their issues too. They can deny more than just climate change. They can believe in a ridiculous invisible Man who lives in heaven..., but naturally they have their 'reasons' for such beliefs. They also have their one and only way to do certain things... and most of them really do believe in hell!

Anyway, I just wish the 2 sides can be more understanding of each other, but I understand that's just my own wishful thinking. ;) Yeah, I still believe in Jesus. He is the One and only Way; however, as far as I know, he has NEVER told anyone to go to hell. Just asking folks to follow him. If conservative Christians have done a better job to be more Christ-like, maybe we wouldn't have so many problems...

January 11th, 2024, 09:09 PM

Do pause and think before you type that wall of text. Your logic doesn't logic. And, as always, your sense ... doesn't make cents.

January 11th, 2024, 09:43 PM
Better to just sit back and LOL, man

January 11th, 2024, 10:07 PM
Thinking is forethought! Writing is afterthought! ;)

I’m also neither a Vulcan nor a computer. :p If I’m causing you syntax errors, I’d be happy to explain it to you in another way, but I get the feeling that you have no desire to understand me because you already know me as a crazy Nazi, right?

January 12th, 2024, 10:32 AM
I think they fucked with the wrong Arabs.

January 12th, 2024, 11:00 AM
It's always wrong to just fuck somebody, but what are your thoughts about those particular Arabs?

January 12th, 2024, 03:12 PM
Resisting their richer Arab neighbors has made them particularly tough.

January 12th, 2024, 03:56 PM
The problem with wokism is with the right changing its definition.

Same thing with racism.

Once upon a time a racist remark or action would be universally recognized and condemned as such. Now you’re the racist for calling someone a racist, even though they’ve said/done something racist.

Tom Servo
January 12th, 2024, 04:47 PM
Huh, I've called plenty of people racists and have not been called a racist. Honestly seems pretty easy to avoid being called one, but maybe that's me.

January 12th, 2024, 05:18 PM
HAY GUYS does anyone know why the BBC and Sky News broadcast Israel's oral submissions in the ICJ but didn't broadcast those made by South Africa?


January 12th, 2024, 07:40 PM
The case South Africa made was pretty solid. I wish they would have demanded a rebuttal.

January 12th, 2024, 09:29 PM

I thought BBC presented both cases pretty fairly. It’s a mess over there. I would not want to be the judge deciding between Jews and Palestinians. Hamas asked for it and Israel defended way too harshly… but when in a war, what do you expect?

Anyway, I think the latest wars were probably orchestrated by somebody to weaken the US and our allies. Sad to see so many innocent people end up dying though.

I wonder if we are already in the beginning of WW3?

January 12th, 2024, 10:00 PM
The problem with wokism is with the right changing its definition.

Same thing with racism.

Once upon a time a racist remark or action would be universally recognized and condemned as such. Now you’re the racist for calling someone a racist, even though they’ve said/done something racist.

Even Obama had been cautioning kids about being too woke. Not sure if we can just blame it all on right wing folks. Any sort of -ism can be too extreme.

Karen’s tend to be racist against minorities. Social justice warriors tend to pick on rich white males. That’s a form of discrimination too. Likewise affirmative action or DEI are also a form of reverse discrimination. So the only way to fight discrimination is by using discrimination? Only way to fight hate is to hate them back?

January 13th, 2024, 06:05 AM
Even Obama had been cautioning kids about being too woke.
Oh no. A center-right politician disagrees with me, whatever shall I do?

January 13th, 2024, 06:44 AM
Even Bernie Sander won’t be left enough for the Wokies I don’t think! When we disagree, solution is to just push those crazy bastards to the right and problem solved?


January 13th, 2024, 07:13 AM
The case South Africa made was pretty solid. I wish they would have demanded a rebuttal.

Yup, too bad the judges will act on political considerations and not on the merits of the facts presented by the South African delegation.

January 13th, 2024, 07:30 AM
but when in a war, what do you expect?

Too bad it is a genocide, not a war.

January 13th, 2024, 09:56 AM
Huh, I've called plenty of people racists and have not been called a racist. Honestly seems pretty easy to avoid being called one, but maybe that's me. I'm just going by what I've read in online comments, (FB, YT, etc).

One thing that sticks out was I saw a video a few years ago of a white Karen around here at a doctor's office berating the staff because she wanted to see a white doctor for her kid. The only doctors at that clinic were Indians, and she went on a tirade about how she didn't want to see a "paki" doctor with brown teeth. In the comments people were calling her racist, which she clearly was, but others defended her by declaring she wasn't a racist and that "you're the racist for calling her a racist". I've seen other similar comments in recent years.

Tom Servo
January 13th, 2024, 11:11 AM
Those people are very, very stupid and you should never read the comments, *especially* on Youtube. That's a cesspool full of trolls and assholes.

January 13th, 2024, 11:33 AM
Can't disagree with you there. :)

January 13th, 2024, 01:40 PM
I'm just going by what I've read in online comments, (FB, YT, etc).

One thing that sticks out was I saw a video a few years ago of a white Karen around here at a doctor's office berating the staff because she wanted to see a white doctor for her kid. The only doctors at that clinic were Indians, and she went on a tirade about how she didn't want to see a "paki" doctor with brown teeth. In the comments people were calling her racist, which she clearly was, but others defended her by declaring she wasn't a racist and that "you're the racist for calling her a racist". I've seen other similar comments in recent years.

That particularly Karen was clearly racist.

However, in today’s culture, it’s now open season for pretty much all rich white males… that’s racist too. Clearly not all white people are Nazis. However, there are definitely real Nazis out there. Point is, white people are not responsible for all the wrongs of their ancestors. Just because someone is rich, white and male, doesn’t mean he is automatically guilty. Having such attitude would be racist.

I think a social justice warrior would never say anything bad about a black women Harvard president, but a Karen just might want to make her into an antisemite for protecting free speech and if that didn’t work, the Karen would try to dig up some dirt of plagiarism to force her to resign…

Ideally if Harvard just hire the most suitable person for the job, a lot of that BS could be avoided!

January 13th, 2024, 01:42 PM
Too bad it is a genocide, not a war.

At least Israel did not commit ‘genocide’ unprovoked. They just want to rescue their hostages too.

This is the kind of thing I was talking about, using hatred to fight hatred. We will all degenerate down this same path if we don’t truly ‘wake up’ that this won’t work…

Rare White Ape
January 13th, 2024, 03:51 PM
I don’t know why we’re talking about wokeness all of a sudden, but I will fight anyone who criticises me for possessing “woke” opinions about the world.

January 13th, 2024, 05:49 PM
The problem with wokism is with the right changing its definition.

Same thing with racism.

Once upon a time a racist remark or action would be universally recognized and condemned as such. Now you’re the racist for calling someone a racist, even though they’ve said/done something racist.

Only one side is changing the definitions and believes in alternative facts.

January 13th, 2024, 05:53 PM
Too bad it is a genocide, not a war.

And it was a genocide before the Hamas attacks, but billi doesn't let facts get in the way of his bullshit.

January 13th, 2024, 06:00 PM
billi. Stop using the word racist. You don't know what it means. You're using it incorrectly. You're using the wrong word, in fact. The word you want is bigot/ bigoted. Racists, are bigots, but bigots could be bigots without being racist. A racist, is a specific kind of bigot.

Pick up a fucking book and learn.

January 13th, 2024, 07:48 PM
And it was a genocide before the Hamas attacks, but billi doesn't let facts get in the way of his bullshit.

I think Israelis are practicing the same mantra of not tolerating those who are not tolerant of them! It is quite unfortunate that considering what they had gone thru, you think they’d be more considerate about it…

Same with hypocritical Christians, considering Christ has forgiven their sin, you’d think we should be more forgiving with other sinners…

Anyway, humanity can love one another to life or hate each other to death. God is definitely prolife but also prochoice. Choice is ours.

Tom Servo
January 14th, 2024, 07:57 AM
Good news everyone, 1930s Germany is back, baby!

https://cdn.bsky.app/img/feed_fullsize/plain/did:plc:l3zb5xqyd7oycsq677dilqno/bafkreigkc3ytwnmzyoobiya3rdnftqkrpth5dctbhypfzcjps ifbefsg4e@jpeg

January 14th, 2024, 12:23 PM
Taiwan presidential elections usually tend to be a good predictor for US… when team blue wins, usually blue wins in US as well. When blue president Ma presided for 8 years, Obama was also in the WH for 8 years. When the green DPP won, usually the GOP would win the WH. That ‘correlation’ only failed once in 2020. I was predicting Trump reelection, but that didn’t happen… maybe my vote helped! ;)

Anyway, in Taiwan, green won again over the weekend. So I think it’s likely Trump might win…

Biden is really stuck in between a rock and a hard place. His support for Israel is really hurting him now since most liberals think Israel is committing genocide…

Anyways, like I said before, I can’t really in good conscience vote for anyone come 2024. So good luck with your picks.

January 14th, 2024, 05:47 PM
Good news everyone, 1930s Germany is back, baby!

https://cdn.bsky.app/img/feed_fullsize/plain/did:plc:l3zb5xqyd7oycsq677dilqno/bafkreigkc3ytwnmzyoobiya3rdnftqkrpth5dctbhypfzcjps ifbefsg4e@jpeg

Just another reason why I can't fuck with Trumpers.

If 81% of Republican voters, ostensibly 25% of the USAs population (81% OF 33%, i'm just guesstimating,) thinks immigrants are poisoning the blood of the country, I would like a poll on THEIR ancestry, so we can see where the poison came from. And ban immigration from there!!!!

January 14th, 2024, 10:02 PM
That’s kind of a loaded question.

Poor hungry shoppers illegally shoplift food from supermarkets “poisoning the blood” of the country?

If you hate Nazis, naturally you’re gonna say no.

If you’re Nazi, you’ll definitely say yes!

However you might also say yes because you don’t like illegal shit going on. Typically conservatives are more strict that way while liberals might be more lenient.

Best way to solve that problem is to make them refugees and welcome them into your neighborhoods as they come in by the bus load. If your city cannot take them in, then maybe we need to be a bit more understanding to some of those 81% of people.

Tom Servo
January 14th, 2024, 10:19 PM
JI would like a poll on THEIR ancestry, so we can see where the poison came from. And ban immigration from there!!!!

You'd think this was a solid argument. You'd also think that if people thought Mike Pence could decide the presidential vote, they'd wonder why Al Gore didn't do that when he was literally running to be the president.

Like, I try to be empathetic and understanding of these people, but my god, just the brain worms are overwhelming.

January 15th, 2024, 02:32 AM
It would be amusing, although for some reason I doubt these dudes are going to pay for Circle DNA/23AndMe tests.

Rare White Ape
January 15th, 2024, 04:28 AM
It would be amusing, although for some reason I doubt these dudes are going to pay for Circle DNA/23AndMe tests.

Just tell them the government will pay for them if they need it.

January 15th, 2024, 01:41 PM

After reading this article, I think I now understand why I have high IL for Vivek. The guy reminded me of that fictional character "Thomas Crown". I think he's just running for president just for fun, just like he went and got a Yale law degree just for fun.

Interesting and charming guy, but yeah, probably not a good idea to vote for him! ;)

January 15th, 2024, 05:33 PM
So, Trump won in Iowa proving any of the following

- Republicans in Iowa are fuckwits.
- Neither Nikki or DeSatan are attractive to election goers.
- All Republicans, in today's fucking climate, are fuckwits.

You can guess my bias.

MR2 Fan
January 15th, 2024, 07:38 PM
and Billi's favorite candidate drops out

January 15th, 2024, 08:19 PM
My track record speaks for itself. After Obama, I haven’t been able to pick a winner since! :p

I still hope Vivek can continue on building a true political career though. I personally need to see his true colors before giving him my vote. Anyway, as for all other candidates, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to vote for any of them…

I’m sure neither Bide nor Trump would want my endorsement anyways given my track record! ;)

January 15th, 2024, 11:40 PM
I sitting here going LOL

January 16th, 2024, 06:32 AM
and Billi's favorite candidate drops out He'll be Trump's running mate.

January 16th, 2024, 06:52 AM
Me LOLing harder

January 16th, 2024, 06:56 AM
I think Vivek might have burned his bridge there. Trump liked him initially as a mini-me spokes person at debates, but later stages he actually encouraged voters to forget about Trump and just go for the mini-me! So Trump probably stopped liking him... I thought Vivek might have sparked some movements against Trump, but obviously not. It appears Trump supporters are fiercely loyal. Not to mention that back in 2016, Trump only finished 2nd behind Ted Cruz in Iowa, which was kind of a swing state. Now Iowa is solid red and Trump has majority of Iowans' votes!

I still can't in good conscience endorse him, but maybe I should so that he'll lose?

January 16th, 2024, 07:09 AM
Franz Von Ramaswamy?

January 16th, 2024, 07:26 AM
You think Vivek is a Nazi or a Tesla car designer?

I really kinda doubt he's either. Can an Indian be a Nazi?

Well, I suppose if a Chinese guy like me can be a Nazi, maybe he could too? :?

If it's actually fascism you guys are worrying about, doesn't that require authoritarianism? I don't want a dictator. So I don't think I'd qualify as a fascist.

Trump supporters OTOH are for sure inching toward fascism considering what Trump was trying to do...

MR2 Fan
January 16th, 2024, 07:26 AM
At least Chris Christie ran properly against Trump and not as some "well um, I'm not Trump and he's bad, except when he's not, and maybe I'll be nice to him if makes me VP and I don't want to piss off Trump voters" kind of insane mind games the other candidates do to themselves.

January 16th, 2024, 07:41 AM
Me LOLing harder If he makes the switch to the Democrats' side will you LOL even harder?

MR2 Fan
January 16th, 2024, 07:46 AM
Vivek needed to make his name more "white" like Nimarata (Nikki) did to appeal to the GOP voters

January 16th, 2024, 07:51 AM
I would definitely support Christie because he sounds good too! However, after learning about bridgegate... no way I'd support him. That kind of thing can be a good test, when given the power, will this person abuse it? Christie has proven that he will. So although he can talk the talk, I really don't believe he can walk the walk.

Anyway, given Christie's message during this election season and he dropped out way earlier... and then seeing Trump's huge win in Iowa, it's clear where the GOP base is... So I think it's game over even for DeSantis and Nikki.

January 16th, 2024, 07:52 AM
Only very few percent voted, where's quinta columna.

January 16th, 2024, 08:02 AM
Vivek needed to make his name more "white" like Nimarata (Nikki) did to appeal to the GOP voters

One reason why I respect Vivek was that he not only kept his name, but he also kept his Hindu faith. He didn't all of a sudden become born again Christian like Trump did. So that's actually a + from my perspective for having integrity points. However, in lots of other areas, he also might just be a very good car salesman... just not enough track record for me to make an accurate assessment. You know, unlike Bernie Sanders. He's been pushing for the same thing all his life. There's no question what he'd do when in higher office. Vivek is charismatic and interesting... I suppose he's probably not as bad as 'Thomas Crown' since he has settled down with a family? Anyway, for sure he's out of the race this time... I'll be watching him 2028.

Come 2028 if it's Bernie vs Vivek, for sure I'll still pick Bernie. However, if it's XXX vs Vivek, I will likely vote republican for the 1st time in my life. Of course, that's just my wishful thinking. Most candidates that excited me rarely made it on the final ballot! :p (Obama was the only one I think, but he really disappointed me though...)

Tom Servo
January 16th, 2024, 09:27 AM
Iowa voter on Ramaswamy: "I’m not being prejudiced, guys, but I don’t like his name. I don’t like where he came from. After 9/11, I still harbor a lot of hard feelings."


MR2 Fan
January 16th, 2024, 11:49 AM
That's the issue, oh it's a brown person with a weird name, CLEARLY they were involved in 9/11...can't roll my eyes hard enough at these morons.

It reminds me of the Sikh candidate in some election in Canada and one of the canadian right-wing ladies started yelling at him about being muslim. Instead of correcting her he just said that he's all about love and not hate............which is better than I would have done, saying something like "I'm not muslim you stupid hoe, but even if I was that's not disqualifying"

January 16th, 2024, 12:21 PM
In that way, I kinda want to see Trump sidelined... so I wonder how will that 51% support be redistributed.

The MAGA folks should mostly goto Vivek.

The hardline Christians/Nazis racists will then have to go with the white looking DeSantis.

My gut feeling tells me Vivek should win in that case. It's obvious that Karens and racists exist, but even amongst conservatives, I don't think majority of them are unable to overlook color of candidate's skin. I do believe both sides are giving the other side too little credit. GOP really need to come up with a smart, qualified dark skin candidate in order to show that they're not a party of Nazis. Vivek is smart enough... I just wish he's more qualified. Nikki is the 2nd best hope... but seeing her debate with Vivek... she doesn't look good to me anymore! :p If in the future, GOP continue to come up with white men candidates, then they'll never ever be able to ease that nazi-phobia on the left.

January 16th, 2024, 12:24 PM
You think Vivek is a Nazi or a Tesla car designer?


I really kinda doubt he's either. Can an Indian be a Nazi?

Do you know how racist that sounds?

January 16th, 2024, 12:40 PM
I don't believe Vivek can design cars nor can he be a Nazi.

I don't believe Indians can be Nazis is racist?

January 16th, 2024, 11:00 PM
If he makes the switch to the Democrats' side will you LOL even harder?

Almost anything that happens in that context is likely to cause me to LOL to some degree.

January 17th, 2024, 09:00 AM
At least Chris Christie ran properly against Trump and not as some "well um, I'm not Trump and he's bad, except when he's not, and maybe I'll be nice to him if makes me VP and I don't want to piss off Trump voters" kind of insane mind games the other candidates do to themselves.

Christie was at least honest and believable. He was the only Republican I would have been okay with as president. At least I could have respected his stance on policies, even if I didn't agree with him. And his drop-out speech was actually pretty good.

It’s clear to me tonight that there isn’t a path for me to win the nomination. Which is why I’m suspending my campaign for president of the United States.

I want to promise you this, I’m going to make sure that in no way do I enable Donald Trump to ever be president of the United States again. And that’s more important than my own personal ambition.

I made a political decision eight years ago when I dropped out of the race in 2016. I looked at the polls and I decided that Donald Trump was going to be the nominee and that since I’d known him for 15 years, that I could make him a better candidate and if he won, maybe a better president. I knew his flaws, but I also knew he was going to win the nomination so I decided that I would get behind him and support him. I let the ambition get ahead and in control of the decision-making. After I figured that out, I promised myself and I promised my wife that I would never, ever do that again, and I’m not going to.

I ran this time because I looked at the field and I said none of these people are going to take him on. No one’s going to tell the truth about him. And I’ve known him for 22 years. I have an obligation to go out there and tell the truth about him. And that’s the thing that motivated me and got me over the finish line to run.

We want to change this party, and if we want to change this country, it’s hard work. It’s not easy. From the moment I got into the race, the decision that I made was really simple. I would rather lose by telling the truth than lie in order to win. I feel no differently today because this is a fight for the soul of our party and the soul of our country. Why have we resisted the calls to drop out of this race? Because unlike some of the other candidates, we’re fighting for something bigger than ourselves. We’re fighting for something bigger than self-interest. We’re fighting for something bigger than the next title. I’ve got plenty of titles, enough titles to last me the rest of my life. US Attorney, governor, husband, father, son, brother. I have enough titles to last me for the rest of my life. We are fighting for something bigger.I doubt he's going to... but, if he really believes that, he should come out and support Biden. There's no other option. Voting for a 3rd party, or just staying silent, will not help defeat trump.

January 17th, 2024, 09:29 AM
I'm just glad to see that I was able to fill YW's heart with Lots Of Love! :assclown:

Anyway, I think I only have issues with dictators. Other than that, I really think I'm politically bi... I have nothing against communism and I have nothing against capitalism. I think China has demonstrated how both could work well together. However, history has shown us that dictators always end up screwing things up though.

Regarding Christie, I believe bridge-gate has already proven that too much power could corrupt him to abuse his powers. As nice sounding as he can be, I'd never vote for him after that. Also, desire to defeat Trump doesn't mean you need to agree with somebody who you disagree with. I think he has done all that he could've done to stop the Trump train and I truly respect that. However, it appears there's no stopping Trump now after Iowa. Iowa didn't even pick Trump back in 2016. In 2024, he really won by a landslide!

Without the pandemic, Biden will be no match against Trump. Maybe now is a good time to start a war? I hope Biden won't resort to that just for the sake of defeating Trump. I personally don't believe Biden is a bad guy; however, the 'establishment' may want to manufacture a war for Biden. I really think the risk of a WW3 is much higher with Biden in office.

The Ukraine war was really pointless. HAMAS attack was also pretty pointless. I think both wars were started to suck and drain USA into something... or perhaps just help our military industrial complex to make more profits. Biden is a 'normal' and predictable president. So it's much easier for the 'enemy' or 'profiteers' to manipulate him and draw him into a trap.

Not really sure if Trump could really bring peace in Middle East with Abraham Accord, but for sure Russia probably won't attack Ukraine had Trump been in charge. Of course some might be angry when NATO is dissolved by Trump..., but I'd be happy to see NATO gone than seeing Ukrainians die needlessly. US, particularly Hunter Biden, should've stayed the hell away from Ukraine.

January 17th, 2024, 11:17 AM
Trump can't change his own diaper billi. And here you are thinking he could end war and bring peace to the middle east?!?!?! Better men have failed to do that. All he did during his presidency was run up the national debt by increasing the deficit by decreasing taxes on corporations and the wealthy. And he released the warlords in Afghanistan that are in control there, again, after we evacuated.

I posted, earlier here somewhere, that I think Putin and his cronies are/ were behind the Hamas attacks on Israel. I'm even more convinced of it now. I have no proof, but the only way Putin wins his war against Ukraine is if the USA stops supporting Ukraine. And Biden won't do that, but Putin's Republican puppets would. Real fucking patriots they are. :rolleyes: I don't trust a single Republican.

By initiating the attack on Israel, Putin has compromised Biden's support among Muslims, possible compromising his ability to win in the general. I think the Iranian missile launches against Pakistan, Iran and Syria are part of his greater plan to foment war across the globe and stretch the US military thin, and further reduce Biden's support base. I wouldn't be surprised if there is some shady shit going down in South America somewhere, right now, that has Russian hands all over it. More war and strife, a renewed border crisis, more republican discontent at "Biden's inability to secure the border" and that being repeated ad nauseum by the chucklefucks at Faux News, and the sheep all falling for it.

Our military industrial complex wont give a fuck because any war, anywhere on the globe, means more money for them. And $ is all they care about.

I searched and searched for that post but I couldn't find it. Maybe I failed to post it.

January 17th, 2024, 11:47 AM
Personally, I think it's the US's shady hands all over the world which is creating bunch of these crisis. We have our hands every fucking where! We've installed so many dictators that we probably have lost count. The big name terrorists that we created were Saddam Hussein and Bin Laden.

Look, why is the son of our VP sitting on the board of Ukrainian energy company? Why do we need that? Why can't we leave other nations alone to do their own things? Why do we need to meddle all over the world for our own interests? US government was doing that before Trump... regardless of which party's in charge.

At least Trump has the record of starting no wars and actually able to pull out troops. That's about the only thing I like about Trump. NATO is no longer needed. Russia can't even overtake Ukraine let alone Europe. Disband NATO or allow even Russia to join! Anyway, US's way is not the way to go. A lot of messes around the world is caused by our own out of control government, both Republican AND Democrats. Both parties are definitely the 'same' on a global scale. We are slowly become the world's evil empire... and we're at home bickering about how many unisex bathrooms we need or whether we need to wear masks or not... Even for issues such as climate change or prolife or prochoice... it's like who the fuck cares if we end up with WW3?

I can't blame the current wars on Biden, but Trump's time was for sure more peaceful.

I do prefer Biden at home and Trump sucked big time domestically...

However, I'm losing confidence in Biden when it comes to foreign affairs.

Look, even if CCP attacks Taiwan, I would not want US's continual support to keep Taiwan a battleground indefinitely. If you cannot decisive win a war, maybe you should stop fighting it. We should not indefinitely pour money into Ukraine. Either help to defeat Russia... or just let it end naturally. It's pointless to maintain a war without the possibility of winning in sight. Only military industrial complexes want that... to maintain a stalemate conflict. You have to admit a lot of our wars are fought that way. Wasting unbelievably amount of taxpayer money. Not to mention unnecessary lives lost.

Tom Servo
January 17th, 2024, 11:55 AM
At least Chris Christie ran properly against Trump and not as some "well um, I'm not Trump and he's bad, except when he's not, and maybe I'll be nice to him if makes me VP and I don't want to piss off Trump voters" kind of insane mind games the other candidates do to themselves.

Maybe recently, but he's got a long history of being pro Trump when he's not against him. I doubt that helped him on that front.

January 17th, 2024, 02:50 PM
That's the issue, oh it's a brown person with a weird name, CLEARLY they were involved in 9/11...can't roll my eyes hard enough at these morons.

It reminds me of the Sikh candidate in some election in Canada and one of the canadian right-wing ladies started yelling at him about being muslim. Instead of correcting her he just said that he's all about love and not hate............which is better than I would have done, saying something like "I'm not muslim you stupid hoe, but even if I was that's not disqualifying" Yeah that was Jagmeet Singh, who is the leader of the NDP and the guy currently propping up Justin Trudeau. I remember that moment when the woman accused him of being Muslim, and the flak he got for his response. I did agree with his response because if he said "I'm not Muslim, I'm Sikh", it would implicitly condone continued hatred toward Muslims. It was a good response to an idiotic woman.

There are a lot of people who just look at skin color and think everyone's the same. That's like saying Jews and Nazis are the same because they're both white. Although parallels are being drawn now with current events in Gaza.

MR2 Fan
January 17th, 2024, 08:24 PM
There are a lot of people who just look at skin color and think everyone's the same. That's like saying Jews and Nazis are the same because they're both white. Although parallels are being drawn now with current events in Gaza.

I'm not touching the Gaza situation to anyone (besides here) with a 10 foot pole. Even more than recent U.S. politics, it seems even the first hint of a stance one side or another gets venomous hatred from the other side. Sadly I feel the U.S. is way too supportive of Israel and there's a lot of complicit people here in the U.S. who support Israel no matter what happens. The dehumanizing aspect going back to whatever religion you are is the worst. Innocent people including children are dying? shouldn't have been _______. complete bullshit all around and again, was hoping we'd have gone past that in most countries.

January 17th, 2024, 08:43 PM
I'm not touching the Gaza situation to anyone (besides here) with a 10 foot pole. Even more than recent U.S. politics, it seems even the first hint of a stance one side or another gets venomous hatred from the other side. Sadly I feel the U.S. is way too supportive of Israel and there's a lot of complicit people here in the U.S. who support Israel no matter what happens. The dehumanizing aspect going back to whatever religion you are is the worst. Innocent people including children are dying? shouldn't have been _______. complete bullshit all around and again, was hoping we'd have gone past that in most countries.

I think we should challenge peoples dogmas, but sometimes that can be the wrong action. I like to go with "there are no innocent parties in the Israel/ Hamas conflict" and i'm careful to say Hamas not Palestinians, because most Palestinians are not in Hamas, and they are the innocent ones.

January 17th, 2024, 08:44 PM
Maybe recently, but he's got a long history of being pro Trump when he's not against him. I doubt that helped him on that front.


Reminds me of a joke I read; whats the difference between a flying pig and a Republican? The F.

January 18th, 2024, 08:53 AM
Bridgegate... and that flip-floppiness. Chris Christie is a typical politician who can often sound good, but with questionable integrity. Integrity is the #1 thing I look for in a politician. Unfortunately, it's not always something that's easy to see. Vivek is also somebody too unknown to be sure. I gave up on Andrew Yang when he began to mindlessly pander to Jewish votes in NY. Bernie Sanders is really THE politician with impeccable integrity. I feel like I can trust him with anything.

I think we should challenge peoples dogmas, but sometimes that can be the wrong action. I like to go with "there are no innocent parties in the Israel/ Hamas conflict" and i'm careful to say Hamas not Palestinians, because most Palestinians are not in Hamas, and they are the innocent ones.
I think it's fine to challenge people's dogmas, but it's also important to present people with good alternatives though. It's also better to not assume that they're all flying pigs and we should just see them as having a different point of view. If people can have different sexual orientation, why can't people have different political orientation? Must you convert them to be on your side otherwise they should just goto hell? Seriously, how can you be certain that your very own 'dogma' is the absolute truth? I believe Jesus is the absolute truth, but I can't ever be sure if my belief is the absolute truth with 100% certainty. It wouldn't be called 'faith' otherwise. The challenge really ought to go both ways. A lot of our political conflicts are precisely like the Israel/Hamas conflict. Nobody's 100% right, but each side insists that they're right and they're going to fucking kill those pigs... if only people can learn to see others as real people and be willing to learn from each other, we can probably minimize these conflicts. Sure, we can pretend to blame religion, but seriously, even if all religious folks went to hell and disappeared, atheists surely will be able to find other ways to label other people as pigs. This is a fundamental flaw of humanity I think.

As for the actual conflict itself... I really still don't understand the real motive for Hamas to pull such a stunt. They know they can't win... and they know innocent Palestinians will die. So it's just unbelievable.

At least with Putin, he may over estimated his army's strength and thought perhaps he could quickly overtake Ukraine? Hamas clearly has a death wish... unless their main objective is just to make the rest of the world to turn against Israel... and USA. If that's their main objective, then US really should pull away. Unfortunately, US is now getting more involved.

I honestly believe Biden is falling into a trap. Trump's crazy unpredictability has its advantages. Biden's foreign policy moves can be so easily predicted and manipulated...

Russia conflict... Middle East conflict... and maybe something might happen in Asia...

As we are being drawn into WW3, what are we fighting for really? Who's the Nazi that we're fighting against this time?

It sure looks more like the Rogue Rebel Alliance is working together to fight and destabilize the evil empire... Yeah, we're the evil empire. Bickering inside of our death star trying to figure out who should we vote for? The Emperor or Darth Vader? Hmm.....

I'm hoping our Luke Skywalker won't be an Arab or a Russian/Chinese guy, but an American... I sincerely hope to see somebody from within who can Make America Good Again! All the Henry Kissinger types can hopefully give up on their 'dogmas' and focus on doing more good rather than just focus on US's 'interests'.

I think I can see YW LOLing again... ;)

January 18th, 2024, 11:53 AM
I did agree with his response because if he said "I'm not Muslim, I'm Sikh", it would implicitly condone continued hatred toward Muslims.

I'm reminded of John McCain's defense of Barack Obama at a televised debate in a town hall meeting format. A woman in the audience said of Obama, "He's an Arab!" McCain replied with something like, "No, he's not. He's a good man!"

MR2 Fan
January 21st, 2024, 02:04 PM
DeSantis drops out...woohoo! Hopefully he will fade into obscurity...oh wait he's still governor here, shit

Tom Servo
January 21st, 2024, 09:14 PM
If the people I follow are anything to judge by, the general consensus is that he's burned a ton of bridges in Florida thinking that he was bound to be president. One quote I saw was that "he ODed on his own supply."

Admittedly, I've got my own echo chamber, but their take is that he's basically ended his political career. He could have moved from governor to senator and worked his way up but he tried to be Icarus and got a little too close to the sun.

January 21st, 2024, 10:04 PM
Looks like they don’t want MALF(Make America Like Florida)!

Wonder if DeSantis votes can help Nikki get closer to Trump?

MR2 Fan
January 22nd, 2024, 05:46 AM
If the people I follow are anything to judge by, the general consensus is that he's burned a ton of bridges in Florida thinking that he was bound to be president. One quote I saw was that "he ODed on his own supply."

Admittedly, I've got my own echo chamber, but their take is that he's basically ended his political career. He could have moved from governor to senator and worked his way up but he tried to be Icarus and got a little too close to the sun.

It's hilarious how many people said they were supporting him....until they met him. He was only successful in Florida because he was propped up by ads/media and only won by like half a percentage point in the first governor's race, then we ran the former Republican Charlie Crist who nobody trusted because he kept switching sides (Republican, then Independent, then Democrat).

Still it's annoying how much of a stranglehold the GOP has had in Florida, HOWEVER a few recent smaller races the GOP thought were safe were actually won by Democrats, so I think the tide is slowly changing, also Desantis can't run again as Governor...he'll probably go do some Fox News thing or something in 2026

Edited to add: Nikki better stay in the race as long as possible. If she drops out anytime soon, then something is very fishy IMO

MR2 Fan
January 22nd, 2024, 08:13 AM
ooh, I had an idea. Make Election Day a federal holiday, but give it a name like "FREEDOM DAY", that way republicans will feel like they have to support it, because if not, they HATE FREEDOM

January 22nd, 2024, 08:20 AM
If DeSantis supporters end up supporting Trump, then clearly it's game over for Nikki. I don't see anything fishy there.

Compared to DNC primary last time, Nikki is the party backed Biden. Trump is the more popular Sanders. Vevik was kinda like Andrew Yang, somebody different and kinda interesting by nobody's treating them seriously. ;)

DeSantis was basically the rest of the 'candidates' trying... if anything 'fishy' is going on, that would be DeSantis and Nikki hoping to consolidate anti-trump votes from within the GOP. It makes no sense for these Nikki and DeSantis to continue to debate and fight each other considering Trump's already getting more than 50% of the GOP votes. So I think DeSantis has done the right thing by dropping out. If Nikki wins the WH and then DeSantis became VP or got some other appointed jobs, then it'd be clear that those 2 had decided to work together!

Anyway, quite frankly, I don't give a damn about Ron. I'm still more interested in Vivek. I really do think he'd make a great president..., if he's not a con-artist. At least we can be sure that he's not a white supremacist! :p

January 22nd, 2024, 11:59 AM
ooh, I had an idea. Make Election Day a federal holiday

What? It isn't??

I'm being an :assclown:

I know why the founding dudes didn't make it compulsory or a "holiday" and why it's held on a Tuesday.

January 22nd, 2024, 12:28 PM
ooh, I had an idea. Make Election Day a federal holiday, but give it a name like "FREEDOM DAY"...

I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a Liberty Sandwich today!

January 23rd, 2024, 09:46 AM
I've seen clips of Nikki Haley saying that racism doesn't exist in America today. If that's the case then why isn't she using her real name? I wonder what percentage of her base is aware of her actual ethnicity, and how many think she's a Caucasian woman.

If she used her real name then I suspect she would've likely been forced to bow out of the race long before Vivek did.

January 23rd, 2024, 09:51 AM
The L.A. times has laid off tens of junior staffers from desk jobs.

Apparently, they're preparing for four rough years.

January 23rd, 2024, 10:08 AM
I've seen clips of Nikki Haley saying that racism doesn't exist in America today. If that's the case then why isn't she using her real name? I wonder what percentage of her base is aware of her actual ethnicity, and how many think she's a Caucasian woman.

If she used her real name then I suspect she would've likely been forced to bow out of the race long before Vivek did.

For sure there are racists in GOP, but is that majority of them or not, that's difficult to say. If Vivek or some dark skin non-Christian could win the WH, then it's clearly GOP base is mostly about actual conservatism, not race nor Christianity. Hopefully when that day comes, liberals can stop worrying about white supremacy.

As for Nikki, the more I hear her talk, the more she sounds like the conservative version of Elizabeth Warren/Hillary Clinton. Warren's pretending to be native American, where as Nikki's pretending to be white. Also, Hillary was the party backed candidate just like Nikki. When you see her debate with Vivek, it's clear that she's more like a puppet than somebody with a brain of her own. She used to be my favorite amongst the GOP candidates, but the more I know her, the less I like her. I'd prefer Trump over Nikki at this point. I'd be amazed if Nikki could beat Trump.

If it's between Biden and Nikki, I think I'd have more motivation to vote Biden than Nikki at this point. I don't want somebody who doesn't believe racism exists.

If it's between Biden and Trump, I'm seriously just gonna give up my voting rights and just let other Americans figure out what they want. Trump had 4 years, Biden had 4 years... US was at a huge mess thanks to Trump. Now the World is a mess thanks to Biden. I really don't know which of the 2 to pick... sigh...

January 23rd, 2024, 10:23 AM
I've seen clips of Nikki Haley saying that racism doesn't exist in America today. If that's the case then why isn't she using her real name? I wonder what percentage of her base is aware of her actual ethnicity, and how many think she's a Caucasian woman.

If she used her real name then I suspect she would've likely been forced to bow out of the race long before Vivek did.

She uses "Nikki", her middle name, as her preferred name since she was a child. A very common practice. And Haley is her married name.


January 23rd, 2024, 11:18 AM
That's fair. When I was naturalized, I even used Billy as my 1st name and my chinese name as middle name. Not trying to be white, but just being considerate for other Americans to be able to remember my name that's all.

I don't have a problem with her name. I also don't think GOP voters are really that dumb to the point that majority of her supporters still think that she's white. However, she does try a little bit too hard to ignore slavery and racism for some reason. It could just be her personal upbringing, or perhaps party establishment or political consultant is instructing her to say or not say certain things, whatever the reason behind her words, it's just not good and doesn't sound very authentic.

January 23rd, 2024, 01:40 PM
She uses "Nikki", her middle name, as her preferred name since she was a child. A very common practice. And Haley is her married name.

Yikes. Smart tactic.

January 23rd, 2024, 01:41 PM
For sure there are racists in GOP, but is that majority of them or not, that's difficult to say. If Vivek or some dark skin non-Christian could win the WH, then it's clearly GOP base is mostly about actual conservatism, not race nor Christianity. Hopefully when that day comes, liberals can stop worrying about white supremacy.

As for Nikki, the more I hear her talk, the more she sounds like the conservative version of Elizabeth Warren/Hillary Clinton. Warren's pretending to be native American, where as Nikki's pretending to be white. Also, Hillary was the party backed candidate just like Nikki. When you see her debate with Vivek, it's clear that she's more like a puppet than somebody with a brain of her own. She used to be my favorite amongst the GOP candidates, but the more I know her, the less I like her. I'd prefer Trump over Nikki at this point. I'd be amazed if Nikki could beat Trump.

If it's between Biden and Nikki, I think I'd have more motivation to vote Biden than Nikki at this point. I don't want somebody who doesn't believe racism exists.

If it's between Biden and Trump, I'm seriously just gonna give up my voting rights and just let other Americans figure out what they want. Trump had 4 years, Biden had 4 years... US was at a huge mess thanks to Trump. Now the World is a mess thanks to Biden. I really don't know which of the 2 to pick... sigh...

I'll stop believing Republicans are not racist when they stop cozying up to racists. Embracing racists. Cheering the dog whistles. Etc etc etc. You keep giving them credit. Like, a racist ... would.

If quacks like a racist, i'm calling it a racist.

January 23rd, 2024, 03:17 PM
You’re the opposite of Nikki, quick to assume people are racists and maybe everything is about slavery?

I thought I’m supposed to be the everything is black or white guy? Either Nikki is right that nobody’s racist or you’re right that everyone, including asians who can also be white supremacist? There can’t possibly be a middle ground?

Anyway, we do live in a free country so people are free to think and say whatever they want. :)

MR2 Fan
January 23rd, 2024, 03:44 PM
Still depressing that an insurrection wasn't a bridge too far for a lot of people...guess the propaganda machine has worked wonders.

January 23rd, 2024, 04:50 PM
It's OK, at least the nickname Genocide Joe will legitimately stick around for a long time to come.

January 23rd, 2024, 07:18 PM
Still depressing that an insurrection wasn't a bridge too far for a lot of people...guess the propaganda machine has worked wonders.

From the "we're the patriots/ we love our country" side no less. The "law and order" side. The "you don't like it, you can leave" side. :smh:

"If Democrats would ..." nah fam. You don't get to say shit about Democrats until and unless you can unequivocally condemn Jan 6. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

<edit> "Kneeling for the flag is disrespectful, but trying to overthrow a democratically elected government is ... just a misunderstanding!!!"

They can fuck all the way off!!!

January 23rd, 2024, 07:20 PM
You’re the opposite of Nikki, quick to assume people are racists and maybe everything is about slavery?

I thought I’m supposed to be the everything is black or white guy? Either Nikki is right that nobody’s racist or you’re right that everyone, including asians who can also be white supremacist? There can’t possibly be a middle ground?

Anyway, we do live in a free country so people are free to think and say whatever they want. :)

I'm quick to assume people are racist, when they say racist things or associate with racists. Or excuse racists. Like you.

January 23rd, 2024, 08:59 PM
Whether one’s quick to assume one way or another, I just don’t think it’s beneficial. However, you’re definitely free to assume however you want. Once again, this is a free country!

As for Jan 6 insurrection and BLM riots, I tend to think both are equally wrong. There are better ways than causing such destructions. However, I can sympathize and understand their need to vent what they perceived as being handed a short end of a stick.

As these types of violence amplifies further in the future from either extremes, our nation will surely be destroyed. For now, what didn’t destroy us hopefully made us stronger…Hope the left won’t ever consider bigger riots and the right won’t consider bigger insurrections…

And get this… what was blm rioting about? What were the insurrectionists insurrecting against? Each other?

Or perhaps a common enemy?

January 23rd, 2024, 10:28 PM
Whether one’s quick to assume one way or another, I just don’t think it’s beneficial. However, you’re definitely free to assume however you want. Once again, this is a free country!

As for Jan 6 insurrection and BLM riots, I tend to think both are equally wrong. There are better ways than causing such destructions. However, I can sympathize and understand their need to vent what they perceived as being handed a short end of a stick.

As these types of violence amplifies further in the future from either extremes, our nation will surely be destroyed. For now, what didn’t destroy us hopefully made us stronger…Hope the left won’t ever consider bigger riots and the right won’t consider bigger insurrections…

And get this… what was blm rioting about? What were the insurrectionists insurrecting against? Each other?

Or perhaps a common enemy?

Let me get this straight; you are <rereads quote> ... both sidesing BLM, a movement basically asking for constitutionally granted rights to be honored and kept, with Jan 6, a violent insurrection trying to overthrow a democratically elected government.

You, as always, are a racist fuckwit.

January 24th, 2024, 06:29 AM
Just curious how this primary stuff works...so far they've done Iowa and New Hampshire. Are they actually going to go through every single state? Won't that take...forever?

January 24th, 2024, 07:11 AM
They are simply like "filters" that eventually filter out the weaker candidates. Historically started with smaller states because it'd be much easier to try to knock on every doors of those states rather than bigger states. So these 'filters' tend to be more 'conservative' that way. Iowa doesn't have as good of a record as New Hampshire though. Still, back in 2020, DNC New Hampshire primary picked Bernie as winner and Biden finished 5th, so these primary results won't be always right.

Let me get this straight; you are <rereads quote> ... both sidesing BLM, a movement basically asking for constitutionally granted rights to be honored and kept, with Jan 6, a violent insurrection trying to overthrow a democratically elected government.

You, as always, are a racist fuckwit.
All I'm saying is that by wearing a liberal colored lens, you can see BLM rioters do absolutely no wrong. You probably can't even see the wrongs done by Hamas with such lens because such tint will only show you that everything is Israel's fault?

Just as those wearing MAGA lenses, Trump can violently shoot somebody and see no wrong. Not to mention Trump didn't shoot anybody. As far as I know, none of the deaths are directly related to being shot by right wing gun loving insurrectionists. What kind of lousy insurrection was that? I'd think a real insurrection would involved lots of bullets fired from insurrectionists, especially if they love guns so much. Considering that they own a lot of guns and bullets, yet a grand total of 0 bullets were fired. What they did on Jan6 was not good, but that was probably not a 'real' insurrection. Just a peaceful protest gone wrong, similar to BLM peaceful protests gone wrong with riots and looting.

I think the poorest of all groups are probably the so called 'blue lives'. They got sandwiched in all directions whenever these violent incidents happened. If I were really a 'good cop', I'd be so demoralized by all this thankless BS and quit.

Tom Servo
January 24th, 2024, 07:40 AM
It takes a while. They're also ostensibly not part of the actual election process, it's just part of the party's way of choosing its candidate. A lot of the primaries I think happen around the same time too, it's just Iowa and New Hampshire are, for some reason, usually earlier than the others. I think ours in California is sometime in March and we probably will not have one as the Democratic party has already decided to go with Biden.

MR2 Fan
January 24th, 2024, 08:10 AM
yeah more "interesting" if there's no incumbent. I remember "Super Tuesday" is usually when a lot of states choose their primary candidate and I think that's usually around August-September...so super close to the actual election

January 24th, 2024, 12:43 PM
All I'm saying is that by wearing a liberal colored lens, you can see BLM rioters do absolutely no wrong. You probably can't even see the wrongs done by Hamas with such lens because such tint will only show you that everything is Israel's fault?

Just as those wearing MAGA lenses, Trump can violently shoot somebody and see no wrong. Not to mention Trump didn't shoot anybody. As far as I know, none of the deaths are directly related to being shot by right wing gun loving insurrectionists. What kind of lousy insurrection was that? I'd think a real insurrection would involved lots of bullets fired from insurrectionists, especially if they love guns so much. Considering that they own a lot of guns and bullets, yet a grand total of 0 bullets were fired. What they did on Jan6 was not good, but that was probably not a 'real' insurrection. Just a peaceful protest gone wrong, similar to BLM peaceful protests gone wrong with riots and looting.

I think the poorest of all groups are probably the so called 'blue lives'. They got sandwiched in all directions whenever these violent incidents happened. If I were really a 'good cop', I'd be so demoralized by all this thankless BS and quit.

People fighting for basic rights and freedoms, in my esteemed humble opinion, HAVE THE RIGHT TO FIGHT FOR THOSE FREEDOMS. So yes, I don't condone Hamas, but yeah, send those fucking bombs. And for BLM, BREAK SHIT, disturb the peace, be loud. Fuck up the normalcy of Israel and the United States until you are given your basic rights.

So, you're completely wrong about me thinking they are doing no wrong. I am VERY aware that they are doing something that society would rather they not do, but fuck. society's. peace. if there is inequity harassment and disparagement simply because you exist.

You're still a dumb fuck!!! you are one of the worst things about free speech. You think your inane thoughts merit being aired and respected. you're entitled to free speech, it's constitutional. you're also entitled to shut the entire fuck up. Society would love you (eww) for it.

January 24th, 2024, 12:45 PM
yeah more "interesting" if there's no incumbent. I remember "Super Tuesday" is usually when a lot of states choose their primary candidate and I think that's usually around August-September...so super close to the actual election

Election day needs to be a holiday. Can states declare their own holidays?

January 24th, 2024, 06:12 PM
People fighting for basic rights and freedoms, in my esteemed humble opinion, HAVE THE RIGHT TO FIGHT FOR THOSE FREEDOMS. So yes, I don't condone Hamas, but yeah, send those fucking bombs. And for BLM, BREAK SHIT, disturb the peace, be loud. Fuck up the normalcy of Israel and the United States until you are given your basic rights.

So, you're completely wrong about me thinking they are doing no wrong. I am VERY aware that they are doing something that society would rather they not do, but fuck. society's. peace. if there is inequity harassment and disparagement simply because you exist.

You're still a dumb fuck!!! you are one of the worst things about free speech. You think your inane thoughts merit being aired and respected. you're entitled to free speech, it's constitutional. you're also entitled to shut the entire fuck up. Society would love you (eww) for it.

That’s good that you’re not as extreme as I initially thought.

You think it’s okay to cause a bit of disturbance to fight for your rights. Well, folks on the right were fighting for their voting rights! Look, Bernie Sanders supporters like myself felt like we were ripped off too. We didn’t fight about that in 2016. We didn’t make too much fuss again in 2020. So maybe you’re right, maybe we should’ve fought harder and start some riots! By being peaceful, now Bernie will probably never be president.

Anyway, I just don’t prefer violent fights or wars unless it’s absolutely necessary.

Ukraineian and Israeli wars are not necessary wars. Will a US civil war be necessary you think? In the end, the rich established people have all prepared their bunkers for that. They’ll be perfectly fine…

Once again, cops will be fucked not knowing which side to protect and serve…

MR2 Fan
January 24th, 2024, 06:18 PM
Election day needs to be a holiday. Can states declare their own holidays?

I don't believe so, or not that companies/government offices are expected to follow?

January 25th, 2024, 01:23 PM
That’s good that you’re not as extreme as I initially thought.

You think it’s okay to cause a bit of disturbance to fight for your rights. Well, folks on the right were fighting for their voting rights! Look, Bernie Sanders supporters like myself felt like we were ripped off too. We didn’t fight about that in 2016. We didn’t make too much fuss again in 2020. So maybe you’re right, maybe we should’ve fought harder and start some riots! By being peaceful, now Bernie will probably never be president.

Anyway, I just don’t prefer violent fights or wars unless it’s absolutely necessary.

Ukraineian and Israeli wars are not necessary wars. Will a US civil war be necessary you think? In the end, the rich established people have all prepared their bunkers for that. They’ll be perfectly fine…

Once again, cops will be fucked not knowing which side to protect and serve…

Nobody took away your right to vote you. fucking. idiot. Nobody denied you your vote or obstructed your ability to vote. YOU, and your ilk, WERE OUTVOTED- by people a great many people with more common sense than you have.

And for damn sure, nobody took away the right of *anybody* on the right to vote.

You are not an oppressed minority. Your experiences voting do not measure up to the level of being denied access to voting. You are the loser in the voter suppression special olympics.

"Ukrainian and Israeli (Palestinian you fuckwit!!!!) wars are "not necessary wars" i defy you to go tell that to someone who's home has been bombed by the Russians simply for being in Ukraine- which is not in Russia. Go tell that to the Palestinians who have lived under the genocidal Israeli apartheid regime.

You are a waste of breath. You are the literal, living embodiment of "your mother should have swallowed."

I tried to engage with you earnestly but you're back to being ignored.

January 25th, 2024, 01:36 PM
Okay, I guess it's not my voting right that was taken away, you're right on that, but the entire election process just didn't seem fair. Bernie was suppressed by the media back in 2016. In 2020, if the primary process could play out 'naturally', I'm sure Bernie would've won the nomination. If you wish to believe Biden won fair and square without some asshole behind the scene plotting away, that's your choice. However, to me, it's pretty clear Bernie's nomination was 'stolen'.

Now, at least I didn't go protest anywhere... not even peacefully. Probably just protested here. If others think that I'm crazy... so be it.

Fact is that Biden finished 5th in the New Hampshire primary. FIFTH!

Somebody was very clever, probably Obama, at orchestrating a come back for Biden. Which was to make the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th place finishes to drop out and promising them some other things in return so that Biden could have a realistic chance.

Now, it's likely back to Biden vs Trump again. Without the pandemic, it'll be tough for Biden to win reelection I think.

Would Bernie be better? I guess we'll never know for sure, but at least he should be able to ease anti-establishment sentiments.

As for those wars, it seriously wasn't necessary for russian kids to lose their lives. Similarly for Ukranian kids to lose their lives. Likewise for Palestinian and Jewish kids...

What the fuck were they fighting for really?

Anyway, point is violence is stupid. It'll only make problems worse.

If diversity of opinions is too much for you, yes, please utilize the ignore feature. If the forum has a nuke that member button, you'd probably use that against me? ;) I really think in order for diversity to really work, people also need to learn to handle diversity of ideas.

Racists ignore people of other races.
Homophobes probably ignores gays?
Nothing’s really wrong with billiphobes, but seriously, why be that worry and afraid of other people’s wrong ‘ideas’? It’ll only end up hurting them more usually. However often times in life, it’s hard to know who really has the right ideas until you let things play out…

Tom Servo
January 26th, 2024, 11:49 AM
Ted Cruz won the Iowa Primary in 2016. The fact that the nominee was not someone that won a specific state's primary is not evidence of a conspiracy.

January 26th, 2024, 01:07 PM
Iowa primary has not been more historically accurate at predicting the ultimate winners compared to New Hampshire primary. Ted won Iowa, but Trump won New Hampshire back in 2016.

Bernie Sanders won a string of primaries in the beginning in 2020.

Not everything has to be a 'conspiracy theory'. The democratic establishment is just smart like Donald Trump... knows how to game the system to their advantage. They convinced all those other candidates ahead of Biden to drop out and promised them something instead... so that Biden has a fighting chance.

In the end, I can agree Biden won fair and square over Sanders.

However, there's no denying that Biden was never the voters' 1st choice. Not even 2nd or 3rd or 4th choice. It's only when they're all fucking eliminated, Biden the puppet was able to get ahead.

This is the problem with our election. We have lousy candidates. Only puppets will be 'sponsored' to be on the ballot.

Trump at least is the only candidate that's actually conservative people's choice.

Liberal people will have to settle with a puppet for now.

Yeah, can't stand fucking Trump, but I guess I'll settle for Biden... What other choice do I have?

China at least has a clear dictator in charge.

America has a hidden OZ hiding behind the curtain... and then pretending to give American people a 'choice' of various puppets. When somebody like Trump comes along, they'll do everything they can to bring him down. Bernie is a man of integrity and he doesn't know how to game the system. In a way, I'm kinda glad Trump knows exactly how the game the same system to continue to play with them.

Again, back to Jan 6, no question that's NOT good, but do you guys seriously think that's the best conservative gun loving insurrectionists could do? Those who love the 2nd amendment... who love their arms... actually fired 0 shots?

I was really afraid there'd be a real insurrection, with actual bullets fired.

I think it'd be best both sides try to patch things up rather than continue to push each other to further extremes...

I seriously believe the insurrectionists and the BLM rioters were not upset at each other, but upset against the same entity who's been fucking up this nation.

This 'entity' is the so called establishment or globalist or those fucking rich elites who think they know best and the rest of us should just shut up and let them lead...

Have you guys heard what was discussed in WEF? They think the #1 threat to 'their' world is not really climate change or wars, but actually disinformation! Yeah, they lost control of their BS narrative thru owning mainsteam media... so they're worried.

Oh, BTW, one of the reasons why I don't hate Elon Musk as much is because that rich fucker doesn't care much about WEF. He just wants to build his things, not to rule the world. I really think those assholes in WEF are scarier than Dictator Xi.

Tom Servo
January 26th, 2024, 02:24 PM
"not everything has to be a conspiracy theory"

Immediately spouts a conspiracy theory.

January 26th, 2024, 08:10 PM
To me conspiracy theories are just like any other theories, except that often times it can be difficult to prove conspiracy theories because the evidences could be exiled or killed in prison or suppressed or shredded or redacted because it’s top secret…

Why must things have only a single narrative and everything else must be conspiracy theories?

Just like Covid origin, although no solid evidence either way, we must take the natural origin theory and make the other one a conspiracy theory. Why? Because otherwise US will be on the hook for causing this global pandemic!

You want to minimize conspiracy theories? Be more transparent.

US government is just not very transparent. Lots of government agencies are acting irresponsibly… DOD could lose Billions and nobody’s on the hook for anything.

This lack of trust is the reason why centralized powers like EU and the globalists couldn’t succeed. Those elites are only in it to enrich themselves. Even while fighting things like climate change, they’re thinking about how they can make more money.

Rare White Ape
January 27th, 2024, 12:29 AM
"not everything has to be a conspiracy theory"

Immediately spouts a conspiracy theory.

Heh. You certainly have a way of making Billi type great big walls of text.

Tom Servo
January 27th, 2024, 08:44 AM
We all have our talents.

January 27th, 2024, 12:33 PM
Goodness gracious Great Wall of texts!!!

Sorry, force of habit for us Chinese people… YW will drop by later for a Great Wall of LOLs! :p

January 27th, 2024, 01:16 PM
Looks like Trump has to pay $83M to a woman he sexually abused. No problem for him as his MAGA minions will pony up on his behalf with his next fundraiser.

At the same time Vince McMahon is in really deep shit with his sexual abuse stuff, so much so that he just resigned from TKO (but I think he's still majority shareholder). It's funny how Trump and McMahon's troubles seem to parallel one another. Not really surprising seeing as how they're best buddies and all.

January 27th, 2024, 07:00 PM
If he'd just shut the fuck up, it would've only been the initial $5mil that she won (IIRC) but no, he had to go to the media and deny the whole thing. The very next day.

He literally started by saying I don't know her, to I met her (huh?) when we were both walking into Bergdoffs and we were making out fucking in a change room within 5 mins, or something like that.

Tom Servo
January 27th, 2024, 08:49 PM
His Truth Social account was defaming her again as they were doing closing arguments.

My understanding now is that if he wants to appeal, which he has said he does, under NY law he has to deposit 110% of the judgement into a state-held account that will either be returned him on a successful appear or used to pay out the plaintiff if the appeal gets denied. So either way, he's gotta drop off 90-something million.

And somehow, he is just unable to shut his stupid big mouth.

January 28th, 2024, 03:16 PM
Yet he is currently the only serious contender other than Genocide Joe. Lollolll

EDITed to insert Genocide Joe's real name.

January 29th, 2024, 09:39 AM
I wish both Biden and Trump could disappear...

However, I'm sure the establishment will probably not run out of supplies of puppets...

I think a dream match up for me would be Bernie vs Vivek. Of course I'd still prefer Bernie. I'd only pick Vivek if DNC ends up giving us another puppet. Also, Vivek seems to have a more 'normal' family... doesn't look like he's the type who'd grab women by their kitty cats... but then again, who knows for sure.

January 29th, 2024, 01:04 PM
So 3 of our soldiers were killed in Jordan. I don't understand why do we have troops there in Jordan, but whatever. They were there.

Regardless of which party's in control, guess what will our military industrial complex do? Start another forever war of course.

Also, just hypothetically speaking... imagine if some terrorists learned from Hamas and started to attack the US from Mexico.

Then I suppose US just might invade Mexico just like what Israel is doing to Palestine? Then we'll have a lot of innocent dead Mexicans and then the US will for sure look like a bad guy!

No nation dare to confront US military head on, so these terrorist/proxy wars utilizing cheap drones are probably the best way to bring US to its knees.

These type of concerns is why I'd prefer Trump/Vivek kind of bringing the troops home and beef up our borders approach. US cannot afford to be the world's police anymore... plus, we're screwing things up more than actually helping anyways.

But we gotta sell our weapons though... that's why we can't get rid of mass shootings nor will we be able to stop wars...

Do you guys really believe voting democrats will help? Do you guys really believe Biden is doing a good job handling all the wars so far?

(Now, of course I'm not saying Republicans will do better... just saying our solution shouldn't be limited to just blue or red.)

January 30th, 2024, 04:31 AM
If the Jenin Ibn Sina Hospital execution is proven to have been carried out by the IDF's Cosplay Unit, then well... I don't know what to say.
