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January 30th, 2024, 09:35 AM
If the Jenin Ibn Sina Hospital execution is proven to have been carried out by the IDF's Cosplay Unit, then well... I don't know what to say.


Israel controls the narrative, so I take everything they say with a planets worth of salt. They are only talking about that because social media has democratised some of the elements of breaking news. Otherwise they would have probably released a statement about a gas explosion or something, that killed some innocent people.

January 30th, 2024, 03:07 PM
They probably control much of the narrative in the North's English-language MSM. Whether people in the South believe it is another matter entirely.

Imagine what the western msm headlines would be like if Hamas infiltrated a Tel Aviv hospital dressed as medical staff and civilians and assassinated 3 Israeli military officers receiving treatment.

Tom Servo
January 30th, 2024, 09:12 PM
Uhh...so apparently a guy in Pennsylvania beheaded his father for being a 20+ year federal employee, saying he was a traitor to the country, then railed on Joe Biden and immigration and all that shit. Posted a video on YouTube including him showing off the head of his decapitated father.

Things are goin' great.


January 30th, 2024, 10:31 PM
this seems totally normal, and not at all in an alternative freakshow timeline.

January 30th, 2024, 11:17 PM
Yeah that’s not deranged at all. :|

MR2 Fan
January 31st, 2024, 06:05 AM
I'm sure the non-stop right wing media insanity had nothing to do with it. :|

January 31st, 2024, 06:13 AM
Fuck you billi, for insinuating that President Biden is some kind of monster when President Biden is probably the most effective, kindest, and most empathetic president this country has *ever* had.

Fornicate you and the equine you arrived upon.


January 31st, 2024, 06:23 AM
Uhh...so apparently a guy in Pennsylvania beheaded his father for being a 20+ year federal employee, saying he was a traitor to the country, then railed on Joe Biden and immigration and all that shit. Posted a video on YouTube including him showing off the head of his decapitated father.

Things are goin' great.


I'm saddened that I'm not shocked, or even surprised, by this. This is what a four year Trump presidency had wrought. 4 years of horror, upon shame, upon debacle, and our combined reaction is "seems about right." Which to be fair, considering the manic screeching of the far right, does seem about right.

I'm not going to say we are callous and desensitized to this but we're in a state where this isn't shocking anymore, which really does say we're callously desensitized to it.

January 31st, 2024, 06:39 AM
Never insinuated that Biden is some sort of monster, just a puppet. For sure even l’d rather receive a call like that from Biden than Trump. However, I honest believe those kids might still be alive if Trump were reelected. I do believe there might be a lot less deaths in Gaza and Ukraine too.

Of course I’m not saying Biden started all of that, but the result of those wars were slowly being prepped for decades thanks to the ‘establishment’ with Kissinger type thinking… Trump only slowed that momentum for 4 years. Once Biden was elected, it’s back to ‘business’ as usual.

Tom Servo
January 31st, 2024, 07:04 AM
Yeah, we have had like 8+ years of rhetoric now, mostly from one specific side, that it's not differing thoughts on how to govern but that the other side is actively sabotaging the country in an attempt to destroy it and hand it over to their (((masters))), and that they're probably also all pedophiles and on and on and on.

It's almost like there's a precedent for this kind of rhetoric and what it can cause that's like 90-ish years old, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

January 31st, 2024, 07:58 AM
We don’t even have to involve pedophilia into this to see how quickly NATO expanded after the fall of Soviet Union when we’ve already won the Cold War. It’s also not hard to see the kind of support we give to Israel.

Why do you do those things? Out of the goodness of our hearts to help those European nations protect themselves from the Russians? And Israel protection from their Arab brothers?

Maybe. However, I tend to think it’s just a way to sell them US made weapons.

It doesn’t matter which party was in charge, our foreign policy remained pretty much the same until Trump messed it up a bit. Trump for sure is no saint but I think it’s clear he’s not one of their puppets.

Could Trump become a monster if elected? Quite possibly.

However, as dumb as MAGA base may be, I kinda doubt they'd eventually want a dictator. They're holding on to their guns not to embrace a dictator I don't think... They didn't fire a shot on Jan 6, but if we do end up with a dictator, I'm pretty sure a lot of shots will be fired at the dictator. Trump's job is supposed to drain the swamp, not be become a bigger swamp monster. I most certainly saw that potential, that's why I won't vote for him. The only thing I saw which I like about Trump was his military pullbacks abroad... and plans to dismantle NATO. I think those are good things for the world. Way better than fighting climate change. If we don't diffuse these military conflicts, we won't have much of a climate to save.

On a more personal level, I would not want Taiwan to end up like a battleground like Ukraine. Taiwan shouldn't make it too easy for China of course, but I'd not want to risk additional US soldier's lives to fight China... nor do I want to see Taiwan flattened as a battleground for another forever war. Whether Taiwan becomes independent or reabsorbed back to China, I do hope US would not meddle around in it.

US should focus more on fixing herself 1st.

In a way, I think that's what MAGA base want. If we can't even fix problems at home, what makes us think we can solve problems abroad?

Of course it can also be convenient to just blame the MAGA folks for our problems, but then again, those MAGA folks are not in control of those big liberal states. Blue states have their own blue troubles... and sure red states also have their red state troubles. Blaming people of other states on your own states' troubles is useless. It's more useful to actually solve problems rather than just find somebody to blame. Point is we have plenty of problems within, I don't believe US is in any position to help solve other global problems. Often times we only exacerbate problems when we meddle.

Conspiracy or not, I really do think our 'establishment' is crooked like a pedophile offering the rest of the world to help baby sit their kids. If you've seen how US raises her own kids at home, you'd be wise to refuse such offer.

January 31st, 2024, 11:52 AM
I'm saddened that I'm not shocked, or even surprised, by this. This is what a four year Trump presidency had wrought. 4 years of horror, upon shame, upon debacle, and our combined reaction is "seems about right." Which to be fair, considering the manic screeching of the far right, does seem about right.

I'm not going to say we are callous and desensitized to this but we're in a state where this isn't shocking anymore, which really does say we're callously desensitized to it.

Again, it's always very easy to blame things on your political opponents. However, crazy killers existed long before Trump. Even the conspiracies existed before Trump. Blaming it on Trump solves what?

Also, regarding conspiracies, it'd be better if government can be more transparent.

Here's an opinion piece from CNN, not Fox:

Both Chinese and US government have tendencies to cover things up.

Covid origin is still a 'mystery', so we can only safely conclude that it was due to natural origin because nobody wants to be a racist. If you believe in anything else, you're a crazy conspiracy theorist... and you'd be right to place all those racist people on ignore.

Blame everything on Trump and the Republicans won't solve any of our problems.

Either you reach out and work with them... or truly find the evidences to put them away for good...

Blaming them does absolutely nothing. We can keep on trying to impeach him or put him on trials and make him pay... if we just can't put him away... then either he's truly innocent or perhaps our justice system is fucked up and needs reform. Like our convoluted tax codes. Trump avoided paying tax is the smart thing to do. If you want him to pay more taxes, change the tax code! Will they really want to change the code and mess themselves up? Nope. Trump is just gaming the system to the max I think. We have a screwed up system that's for sure.

We need more accountability and actual solutions to prevent problems from happening again.

In today's world, we have minimal accountability and we have either no solutions or bogus solutions.

On rare occasions, we have people like Elon Musk who actually have real solutions to combat climate change, but too bad he's a racist so whatever he did doesn't matter.

Tom Servo
January 31st, 2024, 01:09 PM
In non-beheading news, the choice of so much of the right-wing to focus on Taylor Swift and claim the whole thing is orchestrated by the CIA is maybe the funniest thing they could have come up with right now.

MR2 Fan
January 31st, 2024, 01:29 PM
not that it matters but Quinnipac poll which leans right typically has Biden 6 points ahead of Trump. That's most likely poll numbers from those people who actually answer their phones when it's an unknown number (aka old people)

January 31st, 2024, 04:41 PM
Are QAnutjobs still camping on the grassy knoll in Dallas waiting for JFK’s return? Asking for a friend.

Tom Servo
January 31st, 2024, 05:00 PM
I'm definitely questioning poll numbers these days. Pretty sure I remember Hillary was predicted to win and then Trump was predicted to beat Biden in 2020.

And that's a good question about the Negative 48 group down in Dallas. I am assuming not since Michael Protzman got himself killed at a motocross park, he was ostensibly their leader, but at the same time their accommodations were pretty much financed by that QAnon rapper Pryme Minister, so he might still be around and keeping them housed. I'm gonna look into that.

February 1st, 2024, 03:27 AM
And that's a good question about the Negative 48 group down in Dallas. I am assuming not since Michael Protzman got himself killed at a motocross park, he was ostensibly their leader, but at the same time their accommodations were pretty much financed by that QAnon rapper Pryme Minister, so he might still be around and keeping them housed. I'm gonna look into that.

Thoughts and prayers for your browser history, Tom.

Rare White Ape
February 1st, 2024, 04:36 AM
In non-beheading news, the choice of so much of the right-wing to focus on Taylor Swift and claim the whole thing is orchestrated by the CIA is maybe the funniest thing they could have come up with right now.

I have something that rivals it: an elite Sydney boy's school has made the decision to transition to a mixed education school and enroll girls from next year.

Some of the parentsd are PISSED. One even called it woke!


Boomers using the 'woke' word is my current source of mirth.

Tom Servo
February 1st, 2024, 06:50 AM
Thoughts and prayers for your browser history, Tom.

Oh, at least when it comes to QAnon type stuff, that ship sailed a long time ago.

Tom Servo
February 1st, 2024, 06:51 AM
I have something that rivals it: an elite Sydney boy's school has made the decision to transition to a mixed education school and enroll girls from next year.

Some of the parentsd are PISSED. One even called it woke!


Boomers using the 'woke' word is my current source of mirth.


February 1st, 2024, 07:12 AM
Opposite of woke is sleepy or Nazi... Personally, I'm kinda half asleep or half woke... depends on the tint of your glasses.

Howard Stern said he thinks being called woke is a compliment because he's not for stupidity! ;)

Anyway, I think we all already know the dangers of extreme sleepiness or Naziness.

However, wokism won't ever go too far?

Insomnia can be bad too...

February 1st, 2024, 07:17 AM
There's plenty of non-beheading, non-woke news today. For example,


There was "a fear" that a candidate who had been the subject of a con by foreign agency, could "shut down" said agency's operations in his country, in case he won the election? No shit, Sherlock! Did your reach that conclusion all by yourself, Mr. Three-Letter agent?

February 1st, 2024, 07:42 AM
American people generally don't care what their government does outside of the borders.

Nothing woke about that... and no Nazi beheadings or invasions so it makes for boring news.

We have lots of other more interesting news stories to fight about.

Plus, with all those covert operations, if anything goes bad, we can just deny it. If you insist on blaming us, then we'll just call you racist conspiracy theorists! Then maybe it'll become more worthy news..., but still won't change anything though.

MR2 Fan
February 1st, 2024, 09:31 AM
Florida Governor DeSantis, fresh off his pummeling as a presidential candidate decides to keep going with his fascist ambitions:

"@GovRonDeSantis announces State Guard deployment to Mexican border, expanding the scope of the military force he created and commands"

Something seems illegal about that

Tom Servo
February 1st, 2024, 09:55 AM
They're definitely taking some liberties with "created". According to Wikipedia, it was created in 1941 when the Florida National Guard was deployed abroad during WWII. Their main thing is emergency response. It was disbanded in 1947 but DeSantis reactivated it under some Emergency Act. Apparently 23 states (including CA) and Puerto Rico have state guards. I think the notable thing about the FL one is that he appears to have reactivated it without an active emergency and is trying to argue that they can be deployed to other states.

February 1st, 2024, 12:02 PM
In non-beheading news, the choice of so much of the right-wing to focus on Taylor Swift and claim the whole thing is orchestrated by the CIA is maybe the funniest thing they could have come up with right now.

Let them keep talking and Taylor will put out another "please make sure you go and vote" and we know the majority of people who follow her are young women, who, I hope, want nothing to do with Republican men.
How fucking dumb do you have to be to antagonise the one person who has the ear of millions of young women, most of whom don't want to vote for your party. How else can you best mobilize a bunch of young female non voters.

February 1st, 2024, 12:05 PM
There's plenty of non-beheading, non-woke news today. For example,


There was "a fear" that a candidate who had been the subject of a con by foreign agency, could "shut down" said agency's operations in his country, in case he won the election? No shit, Sherlock! Did your reach that conclusion all by yourself, Mr. Three-Letter agent?

I keep trying to explain to billi that probably most of the political issues and a great many economic ones in central and south america are due to dubious influence by the CIA and other US agents, but ... billi is a fuckwit.

February 1st, 2024, 12:25 PM

Which part of your explanation do I not get?

Do you understand Obama/Biden are also involved in this dubious influences down south? Who do you think was in the WH back in 2011? Trump? Bush?

Also, our 'agents' will only influence other nations... our agents would never be involved in that Jan 6 incident? Only Trump and Republicans will do such dubious things, right?

Woke people need to be more aware... Yes, even dems are capable of doing dubious things. This is not to say that Obama and Biden are monsters. The real monsters are the 'establishment' propping them up. Spirit of Kissinger continues... this is why I don't feel like voting for those puppets anymore. I gave Biden a chance. I'm happy with him domestically, but seeing wars breaking out one after another... I'm discouraged.

I don't want Trump too...

So if it's really down to biden and trump again, then I'm just gonna pray. You guys are free to pick whatever poison you guys want. Don't want to play that game no more.

Actually, maybe I should pray hard that come November, we won't see either Biden nor Trump on the ballot... ;)

February 1st, 2024, 02:44 PM
Indeed, one could argue that many issues worldwide are due to dubious influence by the CIA and other US or US-sponsored agents/entities.

February 1st, 2024, 09:18 PM
HK was chosen over SG to host the Fencing World Cup.

Mysteriously there is no article from SG based Bloomberg columnists asking if this is a symtpm of SG being a failed state. ONE WONDERS WHY

Tom Servo
February 1st, 2024, 09:30 PM
I hope you continue to just post some of the weirdest stuff on here. It's so hyper-specific and your hatred of Bloomberg is so entertaining.

February 1st, 2024, 10:46 PM
Oh, it's not just Bloomberg. Pornogandists will be pornogandists, especially the "BUT AT WHAT COST" brigade.

February 2nd, 2024, 04:28 AM
Mysteriously there is no article from SG based Bloomberg columnists asking if this is a symtpm of SG being a failed state. ONE WONDERS WHY

WHY?? Because you orientals are all the same, you are subject to no law! You have no morals, you only have obligations to your communist masters!!!

That was shameful, but hey, they're putting up a show for the brainwashed voters in the District of NewsCorp.

February 2nd, 2024, 05:52 AM
Yup, this is just another example of the disgusting pornoganda that he puts out for his cause. He's probably even worse than Ted Cruz, which is saying a lot.

Tom Servo
February 2nd, 2024, 06:46 AM
To be fair, I feel like Bloomberg is by far your most common target, at least when you single one out.

February 2nd, 2024, 08:20 AM
WHY?? Because you orientals are all the same, you are subject to no law! You have no morals, you only have obligations to your communist masters!!!

That was shameful, but hey, they're putting up a show for the brainwashed voters in the District of NewsCorp.

Impressive line of questioning by those Republicans... :lol:

However, Tiktok is kind of a shady company though. Parent company is based on Beijing and incorporated in Caymen Island and is now based in both SG and LA.

Anyway, I wish government can just have a single set of rules in place to protect US consumers from all social media platforms. As long as they follow the rules, allow them to be used in the US. Unfortunately, that's not how our laws work. We have screwed up tax codes for example and nobody would complain until Trump got 'smart' about it. They'd claim Trump is bad, but they'd never really change the tax laws to make things fair for all though. Our rules and regulation should just be fair for all, then we'll have nothing to worry about.

I think Zoom has similar issues as Tiktok, but surprisingly, I've had my background investigation interview for my secret clearance done via Zoom app. I was really surprised that US government would actually use Zoom out of all available teleconference options...

Anyway, maybe that's why I constantly get gorgeous looking chinese girls looking to connect with me on Linkedin. Or maybe I'm just a hot looking chinese guy so those chinese girls just can't help themselves by have super high IL in me? ;)

Whether it's tiktok or FTX, if it started in Caymen or any one of those islands, they're probably up to no good. However, there's nothing we can do about that because most rich/powerful/influential people love those place to shelter their dirty money.

If only we can tax those companies sheltering their money else where, we can maybe help pay for the deficit a bit more? However, will we ever fix these loopholes? Of course not. As the rich get richer, we can just get mad at them and blame the republicans because democrats will never be powerful enough to do anything about such injustices.

Rare White Ape
February 2nd, 2024, 02:21 PM
A thrash metal drummer cost Elon Musk $56 billion this week:




Rare White Ape
February 2nd, 2024, 02:22 PM
If Musk is so good, he would’ve been able to invent a way to prevent this. But he hasn’t invented anything in his life.

February 2nd, 2024, 02:43 PM
To be fair, I feel like Bloomberg is by far your most common target, at least when you single one out.

It's just the best example given that at the start of the pandemic some Bloomberg moron based in SG put out an article suggesting HK was exhibiting symptoms of a "failed state" because of runs on toilet paper.

Not only was such a suggestion laughable in the extreme in any case, but there was stark silence from the same moron when SG and the rest of the world did the same shortly thereafter.

Tom Servo
February 2nd, 2024, 02:48 PM
Oh, don't get me wrong, I also think Bloomberg sucks. But I think we've already had this conversation.

Tom Servo
February 2nd, 2024, 02:51 PM
A thrash metal drummer cost Elon Musk $56 billion this week:




I also like that Musk blamed it on incorporating in Delaware.

Tesla was mostly centered in California. It's since moved significant operations to Texas, where Musk lives now. It has never, ever operated in Delaware. It is incorporated in Delaware because Delaware has infamously pro-corporation regulations. I think every company I've ever worked for is incorporated in Delaware.

He managed to be such a fuckup that he screwed himself out of $56 billion in the most corporation-friendly state in the union and blamed it on the state.

Tom Servo
February 2nd, 2024, 03:22 PM
I can only guess what was there, and I know you've alluded to the greater western journalism system as being biased, and I get that.

I just also get a certain joy out of the hyper-specific Bloomberg and fencing world championship thing, and encourage it.

Point taken, but also just...fencing?

Rare White Ape
February 2nd, 2024, 04:50 PM
I also like that Musk blamed it on incorporating in Delaware.

What struck me was the supremely mundane tweet he put out. It’s basically him saying “Well fuck my ass I lost out on $56b,” and not him raging out and needing to assassinate a foreign diplomat kind of response.

Which tells me that he doesn’t need the fuckin money in the first place!

Billionaires are so weird.

MR2 Fan
February 2nd, 2024, 05:51 PM
It seems like being a billionaire just messes with your head....that kind of power. I mean I'm not sure....I would need to find out for myself...lol

Tom Servo
February 2nd, 2024, 06:19 PM
Yeah, it's weird, right? Like, assuming his ~$200 billion valuation included that nearly $60 billion bonus, that's at the minimum 1/4 of his fortune, which is no small amount. However, on the other hand, you've still got ~$150 billion, which is more than anyone would ever possibly need, or maybe even figure out a way to spend.

February 2nd, 2024, 06:33 PM
I never realized most of Fortune 500 companies are incorporated in Delaware!

Because Delaware is pro business? Really? Such a verdict is called pro business?

Of course I’m sure Elon doesn’t need that money, but if a company’s board decided to give Elon a gazillion for compensation… is that really against any laws?

Anyway, I get the feeling Delaware probably didn’t all of a sudden became anti business, just anti-musk just like Biden.

Makes the conspiracy theorist in me to think that perhaps the so called ‘establishment’ is also located in Delaware somewhere…

The left really need to wake up to the danger of this… at the moment, we’re just screwing Elon and Jordan Peterson because they’re too rich and too famous for their own good… but during the cultural revolution in China, for the sake of equity, they sent doctors and lawyers to labor camps just to equalize shit so that everyone is equally poor.

You guys have to admit China is this rich now not because of communism but capitalism. Equality can only be about opportunity, we should not try to equalize everyone.

Just because you own 9 shares of Tesla, doesn’t mean you have to force Elon to only have 9 shares too.

Anyway, Elon is probably right to stay away from Delaware. Sure, a verdict that’d make leftist happy, but clearly, Delaware is probably not pro business anymore… or like I said, perhaps just antiMusk. They’re more into screwing with Elon but I hope they’re not overlooking other corporations screwing over the little guys… same with SEC, hound Elon, but saw no evil with FTX until shit hits the fan.

At least Tesla is an actual company with actual products that’s supposed to help save the climate. But since the founder is Nazi, we don’t care about EVs no more…

February 2nd, 2024, 07:04 PM
I can only guess what was there, and I know you've alluded to the greater western journalism system as being biased, and I get that.

I just also get a certain joy out of the hyper-specific Bloomberg and fencing world championship thing, and encourage it.

Point taken, but also just...fencing?

Oh, I'd just typed that we'd had thst discussion before.

The Fencing is because HK, punching well above its weight, has two Olympic gold medals. One for Windsurfing and one for fencing. Fencing, swimming, cycling, and to some extent badminton are also heavily covered here as we do pretty well in those sports.

Tom Servo
February 2nd, 2024, 07:48 PM
I can understand that, and congrats! I had a friend who was really into fencing, it is an impressively difficult sport, but not one that gets much attention here.

Also, I'm hoping Norway can take y'all down in windsurfing.

February 2nd, 2024, 08:09 PM
Elno is paper rich because X/ twitter is essentially worthless now. And i'm pretty sure he bought it with stock that has depreciated since then.

Don't get me wrong, he's still rich, but he's not as rich as he, or people, think he is.

And fuck Elno.

February 2nd, 2024, 08:12 PM
Man, that 2016 election keeps having consequences. if only someone had said something...

Oh wait, we did.


February 2nd, 2024, 08:58 PM
Elno is paper rich because X/ twitter is essentially worthless now. And i'm pretty sure he bought it with stock that has depreciated since then.

Don't get me wrong, he's still rich, but he's not as rich as he, or people, think he is.

And fuck Elno. I just checked and he bought it at around $54, and after taking a detour south the stock price has recovered and is now at $53, so he’s pretty much almost at break-even.

Tesla stock has fallen quite a bit, however.

Tom Servo
February 2nd, 2024, 09:24 PM
Oh, Sandy, so I can't find any info on whether -48/Michael Protzman's group is still kicking around Dallas, which makes me think they are no longer there. The best I can find are articles a month or so beyond Protzman's death that pose the question as to whether or not they'll remain, as a number of them thought this was a planned fake death to further their plans. I don't think anybody in the group outside of Protzman was capable of sustaining that level of thrall, so I'd assume in the absence of any other news that they have disbanded/joined up with other Q folk.

February 2nd, 2024, 10:26 PM
I can understand that, and congrats! I had a friend who was really into fencing, it is an impressively difficult sport, but not one that gets much attention here.

Also, I'm hoping Norway can take y'all down in windsurfing.

Thanks me bruv, apart from the Norway part of course.

February 3rd, 2024, 03:23 AM
Thanks me bruv, apart from the Norway part of course.

Oh the rabbit holes I follow inspired by this Politics thread. In the interest of discourse, but also calling myself out and to educate myself, I'll make a few points:

- [my ignorance] I'm not sure what region is being talked about when you mention "SG".

- [my privilege] I'm actually a fan of Bloomberg (cable TV channel). I like it for the "always on" nature, and it's world studios, and it's take at viewing any current world issue from an Economics perspective. (At least that's how I view what their slant is on their platform.) Oh there are one or two hosts that trigger me, and the way they shill for crypto at times makes my teeth clench--but maybe I'm I should be aware of this topic as it impacts more of the world these days--even if I don't want that to ever happen. As far as world news consumption, I can watch it and NEVER I have seen a political campaign commercial. I really do hate political ads. They've been getting worse and worse over the past decade(s). Bloomberg's commercials are junk, true... just not political junk.

- [my mistaken assumption] I thought the mention of fencing was some reference to Overpowered. I allow myself to be saddened by my own mistaken inferences. A good lesson there.

- [my view] It's alright to declare your mistakes if you're willing to learn from then. Hence my post.

- [my attempt to conclude with humor] Epee is where it's truly at.

February 3rd, 2024, 05:36 AM
SG = Singapore

Humour is important. A fun game to play is to just satirise the bias by pairing a news article on something having gone bad somewhere in the world with the words “FAILED STATE??!?!?!” Another variant is to follow-up an article on broadly positive Asian (especially PRC) developments with the phrase “BUT AT WHAT COST??T?@“??!”

February 3rd, 2024, 08:25 AM
:):up: Thanks!

February 3rd, 2024, 11:07 AM
Military conflict is spreading…

I decided to lease an EV in anticipation to sky high gas prices, but I guess I was totally wrong. It seems every time I lease an EV, gas prices drop! Probably one of the reasons why most Americans probably don’t care about wars happening in remote places… even if USA might be directly/indirectly causing them…

February 3rd, 2024, 03:59 PM
I also like that Musk blamed it on incorporating in Delaware.

Tesla was mostly centered in California. It's since moved significant operations to Texas, where Musk lives now. It has never, ever operated in Delaware. It is incorporated in Delaware because Delaware has infamously pro-corporation regulations. I think every company I've ever worked for is incorporated in Delaware.

He managed to be such a fuckup that he screwed himself out of $56 billion in the most corporation-friendly state in the union and blamed it on the state.

Tesla incorporated BEFORE Elon came on board. I can't seem to find WHERE it was incorporated, just that it was started in California.
Its possible it was originally Cali and Elon moved the incorporation to Delaware at some point.
The company was 4 years old before he become CEO.

February 3rd, 2024, 06:50 PM
Oh, Sandy, so I can't find any info on whether -48/Michael Protzman's group is still kicking around Dallas, which makes me think they are no longer there. The best I can find are articles a month or so beyond Protzman's death that pose the question as to whether or not they'll remain, as a number of them thought this was a planned fake death to further their plans. I don't think anybody in the group outside of Protzman was capable of sustaining that level of thrall, so I'd assume in the absence of any other news that they have disbanded/joined up with other Q folk. :lol:

February 3rd, 2024, 08:29 PM

Or Chile.

Or Grenada.

February 3rd, 2024, 10:33 PM
Spirit of Henry Kissinger is alive and well… we’re about to screw the Eastern Europe, the Middle East and the East up… we’ll probably screw ourselves over in the end too since we are paying more on our interests than whatever we’re spending on defense! That’s not right, we ought to increase our defense spending more!!!

Anyway, I dug a bit further with Elon’s outrageous pay… He’s a CEO with no regular salary, so his pay is all performance based and this package was not just approved by the board but majority of shareholders also.

So can you imagine if you meet all of your performance targets at your job and than a drummer and a judge decided that… nope! You can’t get paid by that agreed amount. That’s just way too much money! That’s just not fair! We should all cheer because a guy performed and excelled at his job and then end up not getting paid! Yeah!!!! That’s really fair, right?


Tom Servo
February 4th, 2024, 10:50 AM
Wall Street Journal currently has an op-ed up entitled "Welcome to Dearborn, America's Jihad Capital".

Despite that being some Islamophobic insanity, now Dearborn has their police on alert because of an increase in threats of violence against residents of the city.

I liked a post I saw on Bluesky from a former WSJ employee who is Muslim. It said something along the lines of the WSJ is just as bigoted and racist as the NY Post, it just wears a tuxedo.

February 4th, 2024, 02:48 PM
Don't forget the NYT op-ed claiming that the US is a lion and Israel a lemur while the others who live in the area are insects and parasites.

Tom Servo
February 4th, 2024, 03:49 PM
Psuedo-delete, realizing I was referencing the same article.

To further that, that is one of the many reasons why I cancelled my NYT sub.

February 4th, 2024, 04:17 PM
Also a great reason to follow the NY Times Pitchbot account on X

Tom Servo
February 4th, 2024, 04:35 PM
Way ahead of you, that's a great account.

MR2 Fan
February 4th, 2024, 05:20 PM
I liked a post I saw on Bluesky from a former WSJ employee who is Muslim. It said something along the lines of the WSJ is just as bigoted and racist as the NY Post, it just wears a tuxedo.

IIRC they're both owned by the Murdochs so no surprise

February 5th, 2024, 07:29 AM
Way ahead of you, that's a great account.

Fo sho

February 5th, 2024, 08:13 PM
Wall Street Journal currently has an op-ed up entitled "Welcome to Dearborn, America's Jihad Capital".

Despite that being some Islamophobic insanity, now Dearborn has their police on alert because of an increase in threats of violence against residents of the city.

I liked a post I saw on Bluesky from a former WSJ employee who is Muslim. It said something along the lines of the WSJ is just as bigoted and racist as the NY Post, it just wears a tuxedo.

We fought multiple wars in that region and they flew planes into WTC.

Somehow Islamophobia is now considered as irrational? I honestly think it’s more insane for us to not have Islamophobia!

We can shoot them and bomb them but we can’t say bad things about them?

How about we stop shooting and bombing them 1st? Can we do that? No our government can’t do that. However, we American citizens need to be more civilized. Cops should also back off, whether it’s terrorists or insurrectionists, just let them waltz around wherever they want?

I dunno man, you guys don’t think It’s kinda ridiculous? People in the top level fuck things up for all of us with their bombs… and then they expect us to just be happy with the consequences that THEY created?

Fuck them*!

*the establishment

February 5th, 2024, 09:51 PM
Wow, why did I click View Post to read a right-wing rant???

February 5th, 2024, 10:59 PM
Wow, why did I click View Post to read a right-wing rant???

I think the ‘establishment’ is a pretty bipartisan thing. Just like Kissinger could easily switch from right to left or vice versa. They’re apolitical I guess.

However, yes, I was ranting, but I don’t know why anyone would ignore someone and then continue to view post. Humanity can be irrational like that sometimes. ;)

February 6th, 2024, 07:14 AM
Wow, why did I click View Post to read a right-wing rant???

You were looking for common sense.

He's a "progressive" :rolleyes: although he espouses racist and right wing shit all the time. We need smile that rolls its eyes so hard that the entire head ends up rolling over just for billis comments.

February 6th, 2024, 07:42 AM
I think I'm speaking some truths and that's what's causing YW to unable to resist clicking on the button! ;)

Seriously, people are human beings so we inevitably will end up with certain phobias. Even in perfect conditions, some people might still have certain unexplained phobias... however, in our world, it's not even that perfect.

We could continue to shame people with Islamophobia just like those Islamaphobes shame the Muslims/Arabs. I'm sure that will eventually work and make our world a better place? Just like if we hate those who are hateful, then the world will be a better place! :rolleyes:

A little more understanding would be a better approach.

1st step to stop Islamophobia is to stop bombing the Middle East.

Just as 1st step to racial equality is to stop slavery. Even after we've stopped slavery, there's still a lot of work left to do.

I just think it's crazy that the left thinks we can stop Islamophobia when our government continuously bombs the middle east. It's not just the right wing neocons, clearly Obama and Biden are fine with bombing the Middle East too.

If US eventually gets into a war with China, do you guys think there wouldn't be a increase of Americans who's afraid of Chinese or all faces that look asian? Even Covid was enough to get some Chinese Americans beaten up on the streets! Most of those 'beaters' were not white folks living in red states...

Some of you may be more intellectually superior and able to suppress your phobias, but we need to be more understanding of those who might not be as intellectually superior. Bombs will inevitably cause phobias. If the government is afraid of them 'terrorists', how do you expect its citizen to feel?

Tom Servo
February 6th, 2024, 08:11 AM
Wow, YW, you got me to click view post.

That...uhh...was something. That wasn't just right-wing shit, that was "we should put the Japanese in interment camps" level of pants-on-head dipshittery.

These are American citizens. Having a different religion doesn't make you a Jihadist. Some terrorists (and I say some because we've had plenty of non-Muslim terrorists over the years, especially recently) belonging to the single largest religion in the world does not make everyone in that religion a terrorist.

I mean, what the fuck, man?

February 6th, 2024, 08:27 AM
Wow, YW, you got me to click view post.

That...uhh...was something. That wasn't just right-wing shit, that was "we should put the Japanese in interment camps" level of pants-on-head dipshittery.

These are American citizens. Having a different religion doesn't make you a Jihadist. Some terrorists (and I say some because we've had plenty of non-Muslim terrorists over the years, especially recently) belonging to the single largest religion in the world does not make everyone in that religion a terrorist.

I mean, what the fuck, man? I think Billi knows this...he's trying to elicit this very response in order to further another "point".

Just wait for it.

February 6th, 2024, 09:43 AM
I don't think I've fully explore this particular point to think of another point yet... :p

Anyway, when did I say we need to have concentration camps Swervo? The glasses you wear are so politicized that you can see things that I didn't write.

All I was saying is that such phobias should be kinda expected given the circumstances. Best way to stop it is to stop bombing the middle east.

You also need to try to look at your fellow conservative christian american brothers as non-assholes as well. Just because they're republican and christian, it doesn't make them all insurrectionists.

Also, white people don't own exclusive rights to racism and oppression. Latinos can be racists against black, just look at LA city government. Likewise, during covid, most of the chinese people were beaten up by black people. Those all suck and we all need to work to improve such relations...

However, I'm aiming the blame at those near the top, the establishment is the true oppressor. You guys claim that you hate Kissinger, but as our government continues Kissinger's policies, it's like there's nothing we can do. Forget Trump for a moment...

When it was between Biden and Sanders, majority of the dems still picked Biden.

Yeah, we beat Trump in 2020, but now America is facing possible WW3 thanks for voting that puppet into the WH.

I'm pretty sure Bernie Sanders would do a better job than Biden with regard to foreign policy.

When our nation is not at war or not supplying weapons to wars or weapons to mass shooters, we'd also end up with less phobias. That's all I'm saying.

If someday we go to war with China, I wouldn't be surprised if my family would end up in a camp somewhere. When that day comes, I hope you'll try hard to help free us Chinese Americans... instead of only worrying about which mainstream publication is racist or not.

February 6th, 2024, 11:07 AM
I don't think I've fully explore this particular point to think of another point yet... :p

Anyway, when did I say we need to have concentration camps Swervo? The glasses you wear are so politicized that you can see things that I didn't write.

All I was saying is that such phobias should be kinda expected given the circumstances. Best way to stop it is to stop bombing the middle east.

You also need to try to look at your fellow conservative christian american brothers as non-assholes as well. Just because they're republican and christian, it doesn't make them all insurrectionists.

Also, white people don't own exclusive rights to racism and oppression. Latinos can be racists against black, just look at LA city government. Likewise, during covid, most of the chinese people were beaten up by black people. Those all suck and we all need to work to improve such relations...

However, I'm aiming the blame at those near to top, establishment is the true oppressor. You guys claim that you hate Kissinger, but as our government continues Kissinger's policies, it's like there's nothing we can do. Forget Trump for a moment...

When it was between Biden and Sanders, majority of the dems still picked Biden.

Yeah, it wasn't Trump, but now America is facing possible WW3 thanks for voting that puppet into the WH.

I'm pretty sure Bernie Sanders would do a better job than Biden with regard to foreign policy.

When our nation is not at war or not supplying weapons to wars, we'd also end up with less phobias. That's all I'm saying.

If someday we go to war with China, I wouldn't be surprised if my family would end up in a camp somewhere. When that day comes, I hope you'll try hard to help free us Chinese Americans... instead of only worrying about which mainstream publication is racist or not. Yes that was the whole "point" you were building to, I saw it coming a mile away.

While I do agree with it, I'll say there's an easier way to argue that point instead of sounding like a totally unhinged asshole. As per your previous right-wing rant.

Tom Servo
February 6th, 2024, 11:26 AM
A) I didn't say concentration camps. I said interment camps. Like we did to the Japanese in WWII because we weren't able to get that being part of one ethnicity or religion doesn't mean that you're all in lock step.

B) Nobody here thinks all republicans or Christians are insurrectionists. I think the reason I didn't realize that was your point is because, in that case, you don't actually have a point.

It's a little thrill seeing you argue for nuance.

And back to ignoring. You called it sandy, I guess I should be happy he's not sympathizing with Nazis this time.

February 6th, 2024, 11:38 AM
I don't see myself as right wing at all; therefore, my rant should just be rant.

You guys see it as right wing rant.

I honestly do not recall when have I sympathized with Nazis. But anyways...

BTW, so sorry to get confused about concentration camps and interment camps, but at least I got that you said camps, but my original post mention no camps at all.

My rant is basically just about you guys misdirecting your rants. Rolling your eyes at the Islamophobes and certain news publications as racist... yes, they are problematic, but they are not the source of our problem.

American people have lost control of their country. We have a dysfunctional democracy.

Biden will only further enable such dysfunction and Trump will probably royally fuck it up for good if elected.

Yes that was the whole "point" you were building to, I saw it coming a mile away.

While I do agree with it, I'll say there's an easier way to argue that point instead of sounding like a totally unhinged asshole. As per your previous right-wing rant.

The most islamophobic folks are probably those 'insurrectionists'... so I really don't think what you bolded was really my whole point. My 'whole point' is more about our government screwing around and it seems like we're either unable to or unwilling to do anything about it to fix it. It's really the top level screw ups which caused all hell to break lose. Our actions created a bunch of Arab refugees in Europe and Latino refugees in South America... a lot of problems could be avoided if our government didn't create such a mess.

February 6th, 2024, 01:47 PM
I can't believe you guys are still trying to reason with that asshat.

Tom Servo
February 6th, 2024, 02:33 PM
I think at this point it's less trying to stop the multi-car pileup and just occasionally opening eyes just enough to see how much worse it's gotten. I don't think the move to WA has done him any favors, he seems to be slowly marching even farther into lunacy.

Rare White Ape
February 6th, 2024, 02:50 PM
May the vomit floweth freely


February 6th, 2024, 08:12 PM
I think at this point it's less trying to stop the multi-car pileup and just occasionally opening eyes just enough to see how much worse it's gotten. I don't think the move to WA has done him any favors, he seems to be slowly marching even farther into lunacy.

Hey, no need to blame WA for what Billi has become just as I’ve been here for decades and I will become what I will become. No need to blame yourselves! :p

I do heed gtxfer’s advices sometimes when I agree they’re good, but not all the time of course.

Anyway, I really don’t quite understand how my rant against the establishment can only be seen as a racist rant for justifying internment camps.

I also don’t understand why Disney has to fire an actress when she said things they disagree with.

I understand that I may appear crazy to you guys but I also do not understand how the left has gotten to where it is now.

February 6th, 2024, 08:18 PM
He literally want sympathy for the devil.

No. Eff off.

Tom Servo
February 6th, 2024, 08:42 PM
Absolutely crying.


February 7th, 2024, 08:23 AM
Again, not sure how was I trying to get sympathy from anyone with my previous post. Maybe my writing skillz is really horrible that you guys can only see something other than the point I was trying to make? Oh well...

Seriously, it is kinda sad to see fellow Americans fight so hard against one another for a senile nursing home bound Biden and a senile prison bound Trump. Most seem to just be fighting against what they fear and no longer sure what they are truly fighting for.

That Tucker Carlson/Putin interview is coming up I think. NSA was even on Tucker's case about it. Maybe it'll be good for Tucker to end up like Snowden? ;) Not really a fan of Tucker, but I'm definitely interested in hearing what Putin has to say. Brand me as a Putin sympathizer if you want Neaderthal, but I do want to try to understand what the fuck was he thinking. I'm assuming you guys will censor that interview automatically especially since Elon Musk is also involved? ;)

Hopefully I can talk about that interview with some of us here who are brave enough to watch it. :p

Seriously, I'm really concerned for the West. China at least has a clear dictator. The West seems to now have an invisible dictator. The invisible guy used to be Jesus, but clearly Jesus has been dethroned and replace by the 'establishment'.

Remember the Church used to excommunicate people who have unauthorized thoughts? Tell heretics to goto hell?

Today with updated doctrine, the crazy racist heretics who refuse to believe the official narrative are the conspiracy theorists and they all need to be censored... diversity of thoughts is just too dangerous I guess.

February 7th, 2024, 01:49 PM
We fought multiple wars in that region and they flew planes into WTC.

Somehow Islamophobia is now considered as irrational? I honestly think it’s more insane for us to not have Islamophobia!

We can shoot them and bomb them but we can’t say bad things about them?

How about we stop shooting and bombing them 1st? Can we do that? No our government can’t do that. However, we American citizens need to be more civilized. Cops should also back off, whether it’s terrorists or insurrectionists, just let them waltz around wherever they want?

I dunno man, you guys don’t think It’s kinda ridiculous? People in the top level fuck things up for all of us with their bombs… and then they expect us to just be happy with the consequences that THEY created?

Fuck them*!

*the establishment

I’m sorry, if it’s not too much trouble, can you quote the part where I was cheering for Islamophobia? If it’s in another post, please feel free to quote those passages.

I was simply saying given what had happened over the decades, is it really that unreasonable for people to be afraid? There’s no cheering and no camps even implied in my posts.

February 7th, 2024, 03:09 PM
Whoops, my previous post got deleted while I tried to edit it in mobile mode. That’s happening a lot.

But yeah, you’re endorsing Islamophobia in that post by suggesting it’s insane to not have Islamophobia.

February 7th, 2024, 06:06 PM
I have to disagree.

Think of it this way. Let’s say someone experienced 1st hand the 737 Max plug/door blow out in mid flight.

Is it reasonable for that person to develop flying phobia? If I were to say it’d be more insane for the person to be able to rationally deduced that fear for flying is stupid because he knows statistically speaking, commercial flights are super safe, plus, he even survived that blow out. So he never developed fear of flying at all. If I were to call that ‘insane’, I’d be endorsing flying phobia? And Boeing should shut me up?

Lastly, phobia is phobia. It’s a fear or something. I think it develops naturally. It’ll exist whether if I endorse it or not. It also will not go away simply by un-endorsing it. It’ll take time to slowly rehabilitate ourselves to overcome it.

During this rehabilitation process, would you agree if 737 Max’s continue to blowout doors, it wouldn’t be helpful, right?

Similarly, our continual dropping of bombs at Middle East will help us?

The elites are out of control with their military conflicts and yet they want to control the mass to be good little boys. Well, my rant was really about giving them the finger rather than about endorsing Islamophobia.

February 8th, 2024, 09:46 AM
Fearing an entire fleet of airplanes that come off the same assembly line is somewhat rational if one or more scary incidents occur. Until the problem is fixed of course.

Fearing an entire people of another religion because the extremists of that religion are fucked up is not rational, because every race/religion has its extremist and they are always in the minority, and are universally despised.

"Don't paint everybody with the same brush" is sound logic that even a toddler could understand.

For some reason something basic as this is foreign for good ole Billi.

February 8th, 2024, 10:21 AM
Dude, thanks to a few terrorists, today, ALL flyers are now subjected to searches and checks prior to boarding any flights. Is such generalization rational? Is TSA over reacting?

Fear is an emotion. Often times cannot be 'rationally' suppressed. Even if you pretend to be able to rationally suppress it, it will eventually push back and make people go nuts.

Even if I am a racist who's endorsing Islamophobia, do you get the actual point of my post?

The biggest racist, Islamophobe is US government who'd bomb the shit out of the region rightly or wrongly, directly or indirectly.

Do liberal Americans do anything about that? No. Their hands are tied. Because they fear Trump, they're forced into voting for Obama/Biden. Even if they act the same way as right wing neocons such as W.

We had a small chance to try somebody different like putting Bernie in charge, but nope. Biden is the better choice our best chance to defeat Trump. Yeah... He beat Trump once, he should have no problem to beat him again, right?

Anyway, I think we can just agree to disagree... just like believers and unbelievers can read the same bible and come to different conclusions. Like liberal and conservative judges can read the same laws and have different interpretation.

Often times it's difficult to say who's right who's wrong from a 3rd person's perspective. Once you pick a side, it can often become easy to see the other side as wrong, evil, or stupid. However, it's important to remember we're all human beings. If we can embrace people with different sexual orientations, we should also be able to embrace people with different political orientations. Now, embracing them doesn't mean you need to totally agree with them, but humanity needs to learn to embrace each other's differences.

Anyway, the final take away should just be that Billi is a stupid Christian MAGA racist. He just doesn't get it. Nothing to see here. Keep putting him on ignore! :p

MR2 Fan
February 8th, 2024, 04:59 PM
Questions about Biden and Trump's mental health....watching supporters of both tossing jabs at each other. I'm voting for Biden because I have no choice and mostly policy wise him and his administration have done good things.....BUT I'd definitely prefer someone younger with the same policies.

We really need age limits for running for office and an upper age limit for Supreme Court Justices while we're at it.

February 8th, 2024, 05:31 PM
We really need age limits for running for office and an upper age limit for Supreme Court Justices while we're at it.

But that'd be ableist, wouldn't it?

I think what you want is to limit the amount of time a person can serve.

Clarence Thomas' multiple conflicts of interests shows that a dude does become insensitive to the needs of "The People" and, in his particular case, he has overstayed his welcome.

For like a decade.

MR2 Fan
February 8th, 2024, 07:08 PM
Clarence Thomas was always trash though, should have never been approved

Tom Servo
February 8th, 2024, 07:12 PM
Yeah, I'd say all things being equal on the mental fitness thing, I think one of them is far less likely to do something insane because he got taunted on Twitter.

Tom Servo
February 8th, 2024, 07:18 PM
Pretty good article on how the internet supercharges conspiratorial thinking. Gift link, expires on February 21st, so read it before then if you're gonna read it.


February 8th, 2024, 08:19 PM
Thanks for the gift article. I can appreciate that author’s ‘theory’: “ An environment governed by the laws of evidence maximalism is a cold, nihilistic one. When everything is evidence, nothing is.”

I tend to see things from the other way around… when those at the top cover things up and refuse to give us solid evidences, naturally people end up trying to find their own evidences…

Take Biden for example. The guys is fit as an ox physically, but the doctor would answer no questions about mental health.

Anyway, like I’ve said in the F1 thread, I think we all need to not take these things so seriously. Conspiracy theories are like gossips. They’re definitely not good, but very difficult to stop. Best way to fight to gossip fire is with the truth. That’s my theory anyways.

Rare White Ape
February 8th, 2024, 08:47 PM
Pretty good article on how the internet supercharges conspiratorial thinking. Gift link, expires on February 21st, so read it before then if you're gonna read it.


I’m not going to read it because conspiracies give me a headache (thanks Obama).

I don’t know if you’re posting bait but congrats if you catch a small fish.

(^thats a conspiracy BTW)

February 8th, 2024, 10:02 PM
Pretty good article on how the internet supercharges conspiratorial thinking. Gift link, expires on February 21st, so read it before then if you're gonna read it.


Isn't this just "Biased People Will Use Whatever They Want, However They Want, as Evidence to Support Their Worldview"?

Tom Servo
February 9th, 2024, 07:12 AM
It is, but the thing is that the biased people population is expanding and a lot of people don't realize they're in that category. The internet's really accelerated the whole thing, especially platforms like Twitter and TikTok.

February 9th, 2024, 08:40 AM
Well, my theory is that 'everyone' can be and probably is biased somewhat. We're just unaware of our own bias... we think we're right and everyone else who sees differently is wrong.

Now while I do often times think that I'm right and others are wrong, but at least I don't ignore others and shut myself inside a bubble. I do appreciate others who challenge me and keeping me in check. I think that's why I think diversity of ideas is super important. While I can choose to believe whatever I want to believe, it's important for me to also sample all other ideas and see of other ideas make more sense rather than living inside an echo chamber. Yes, there can only be one truth, however, should there only be 1 narrative? All other narratives ought to be silenced or ignored? Why? So if there an idiot who believes in flat earth... so what? Sure, you might want to ignore or avoid the guy, but there's no need to get super upset at that idiot, right?

Of course for those use ignore feature to save their own sanity because Billi is just too annoying, that's certainly cool. I am a contrarian and I like to talk about controversial stuffs, but I do not want to cause others to go insane of course. :p

BTW, watched most of the Putin interview, didn't really learn anything new. One question that sort of woke me up was when Tucker asked if Putin is really a Christian and why would a Christian be this violent? Clearly Putin is only just a Orthodox Christian by heritage. He doesn't really see God's hand at work during various stages of human development. He's using self defense as justification for violence..., but it's kind of a bull crap.

While I do believe US/NATO antagonized Russia... Maybe Hunter Biden was in cahoots with the Ukrainian Nazis, but fact of the matter is that you invaded 1st. That is not self defense!

My feelings for Putin/Xi/Trump the dictator types remain the same. While they do have their good qualities, but history has shown us time and time again dictators cannot be trusted because absolute power doesn't mix well with human beings.

My feelings for USA/DNC establishment also remain the same. I still favor them a bit more, but they're also full of shit hypocrites. In the name of spreading freedom and democracy, they'd covertly setup dictators around the world and use violence whenever it suits them. One thing that really bugged me was Bill Clinton initially thought it'd be great for Russia to join NATO, but then after a 'meeting', Clinton said, 'sorry, no way Putin.' It was just like when I 1st voted for Obama thinking that I was voting for a younger and more energetic Bernie Sanders at 1st..., but after a 'meeting' with the real bosses, oops, sorry. Nevermind. Our elected officials are not really the ones in charge of anything.

Anyway, it was a really long interview, but I really didn't learn anything new other than a long ass Russian history lessons.

February 9th, 2024, 09:23 AM
Anyone catch the Tucker Carlson interview of Vladimir Putin?

I'm avoiding it for fear of getting "red-pilled". :lol:

Tom Servo
February 9th, 2024, 10:01 AM
I haven't seen it, but everything I'm reading is that it's two hours of him ranting while Carlson looks on with his normal befuddled gaze. Carlson didn't ask about accusations of war crimes or attacks on civilians in Ukraine, barely asked about the WSJ reporter who's been imprisoned for nearly a year there, or really much of anything else, he just let Putin go on a two hour long rambling speech. From what I gather the first 30 minutes were just Putin giving a revisionist history of Russia. As I hear it, even Carlson was getting tired of it and wrapped up the interview after two hours when Putin was more than happy to keep on going.

February 9th, 2024, 07:05 PM
It is, but the thing is that the biased people population is expanding and a lot of people don't realize they're in that category. The internet's really accelerated the whole thing, especially platforms like Twitter and TikTok.

True dat.

February 10th, 2024, 11:55 AM
Poland started WWII.
(interview, short version)

extended for clarity.

February 10th, 2024, 08:40 PM
But that'd be ableist, wouldn't it?

I think what you want is to limit the amount of time a person can serve.

Clarence Thomas' multiple conflicts of interests shows that a dude does become insensitive to the needs of "The People" and, in his particular case, he has overstayed his welcome.

For like a decade.
I believe it's ageist. I'm pretty sure Ableist is for disabilities.

Also, yes. Thomas is clearly on the take.

February 10th, 2024, 09:10 PM

February 11th, 2024, 05:52 PM
Waymo car set on fire in San Francisco: https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/waymo-robotaxi-set-on-fire-in-san-franciscos-chinatown/#:~:text=A%20Waymo%20autonomous%20vehicle%20was%20 set%20on%20fire,10%20to%2015%20people%2C%20Lt.%20M ariano%20Elias%20said.

Waiting in vain for Bloomberg "IS CALIFORNIA/AMERICA A FAILED STATE/1?!//!1/!!" articles.

February 12th, 2024, 10:02 AM
Not sure why the obsession over Bloomberg?

There are plenty of western MSMs bad mouthing SF as a failed city. The further right you go, the bigger the failure of SF!

So there's really no consensus in Western MSM. Reality is probably somewhere in between. This is why I don't ignore any new outlets nor do I praise any particular one. Different perspectives are always good.

Besides SF, this is the case with presidential elections, who to blame for the wars, Tucker is a real journalist or propaganda-ist? Probably not a good idea to rely only on one source. It is also unfortunate that we can only get Putin from that one source while Putin locks up or deny access of other journalists...

I think the only consensus western MSM could reach is that dictators like Putin and Xi cannot be trusted. :p

Actually, even the western MSMs cannot be fully trusted... perhaps this is why we have so much salt in the world... ;)

February 12th, 2024, 10:31 AM
One always suspected that Israel profited greatly (https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20151005-israels-role-in-the-guatemalan-genocide/) from their terror exports (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GGKOlRsWEAArD1p.png). But man, after the attack on Rafah it breaks my heart to know how deeply genocidal their government is.

Mod: Added a spoiler tag, the image included is a pretty gruesome one of a person's corpse. Don't click unless you want your eyeballs seared.


Tom Servo
February 12th, 2024, 10:48 AM
I edited your post to put a spoiler tag on it. I get the outrage, but maybe don't post pictures of actual dead people on the forum? I'm super thrilled that I can't unsee that.

February 12th, 2024, 01:10 PM
One always suspected that Israel profited greatly (https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20151005-israels-role-in-the-guatemalan-genocide/) from their terror exports (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GGKOlRsWEAArD1p.png). But man, after the attack on Rafah it breaks my heart to know how deeply genocidal their government is.


Middle East Monitor naturally would like to paint Israelis as the worlds most genocidal and evil race EVER, right?

Per your article: "By the late 1970s, reports of human rights abuses by US-trained and armed Guatemalan soldiers were causing headaches for the Carter administration in Washington; the US congress subsequently suspended military aid in 1977. Within months, Israel had stepped in to fill the void..."

So the spot light really should be shined on the US. It's was Carter Admin who pulled out under pressure... which allowed the Israelis to move in to possibly do the work that US couldn't do.

So I think the main cultprit isn't the Jews, but the 'establishment' again. (Unless we have proof that the establishment is made up of only rich Jews? I kinda doubt that, but I suppose it's not impossible since we all know Henry Kissinger himself was a Jewish refugee fleeing from Nazi persecution... so many the establishment club requires Jewish membership? Maybe because they were persecuted by Hitler so they've all gone nuts?)

Anyway, I really think it's dangerous to play the 'ethnic' card like this. Why would you target Israel or any specific race as the bad guy?

I'd target US 'establishment' as the bad guy. I'd target dictator Xi as the bad guy, but I'd never target USA(All Americans) or China(All Chinese) as bad guys. That'd be racist or nationalist, right?

Also, I think it's so weird that people are so focusing on 'genocide' lately. As if regular killing of human beings are more acceptable, but once we find out a specific group of people are killing another specific group of people... oh no! That's like super evil?!?!?!? We need to involve UN courts!!! And we need to get the world police to bring those evildoers to justice...

Unfortunately I do believe the 'world police' is often the ones directly or indirectly starting those freaking wars in the 1st place... okay, maybe not firing the 1st shots, but for sure antagonized the opposition into doing crazy things. For sure Russia and Hamas started it, but it's not like they started shit for absolutely no reason at all...

February 12th, 2024, 01:59 PM
I edited your post to put a spoiler tag on it. I get the outrage, but maybe don't post pictures of actual dead people on the forum? I'm super thrilled that I can't unsee that.

I'm sorry.

February 12th, 2024, 02:28 PM
Some crazy shit

Where the fuck did I mention "the Jews"?

Israel deals in death (https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2013/7/7/death-by-security-israels-services-in-latin-america) and its government agencies (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NSO_Group) and mercenaries make millions (https://en.globes.co.il/en/article-nso-founders-buy-high-after-selling-low-1001273510) abusing human rights (https://citizenlab.ca/2016/08/million-dollar-dissident-iphone-zero-day-nso-group-uae/).

I'm sorry if linking to the Qatari Al-Jazeera news services raises your red flags, I included a .il domain to even things out.

Rare White Ape
February 12th, 2024, 04:36 PM
I edited your post to put a spoiler tag on it. I get the outrage, but maybe don't post pictures of actual dead people on the forum? I'm super thrilled that I can't unsee that.

Can you please also put a *warning gruesome pic click at own risk* label on it too?

I'm not impressed, even with the spoiler tags, given the usual propensity to post a harmless punchline under them.

Tom Servo
February 12th, 2024, 04:47 PM
I actually couldn't figure out how to add a title to the spoiler, so I just added some text above the spoiler tag. I am bad at computers.

February 12th, 2024, 06:19 PM
Where the fuck did I mention "the Jews"?

Israel deals in death (https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2013/7/7/death-by-security-israels-services-in-latin-america) and its government agencies (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NSO_Group) and mercenaries make millions (https://en.globes.co.il/en/article-nso-founders-buy-high-after-selling-low-1001273510) abusing human rights (https://citizenlab.ca/2016/08/million-dollar-dissident-iphone-zero-day-nso-group-uae/).

I'm sorry if linking to the Qatari Al-Jazeera news services raises your red flags, I included a .il domain to even things out.

Sorry man, my problem wasn’t really with the source, but with the accusation. It just didn’t sound believable. Of all governments, why would the Israeli government be genocidal? Unless they have truly became psychotic and unable to empathize?

It’d be more believable if they committed evil half way around the world for profit. That’d be a more reasonable motive, at least for me. Maybe it’s the same difference? But for me it just doesn’t make sense for Israel to want to go out of their way to commit genocide.

However the main culprit is probably still the ‘establishment’ of the US. Yeah, I think their main motive is to staying wealthy and powerful at all cost. When US govt for whatever reason couldn’t do it, perhaps Israel govt would help them out?

February 12th, 2024, 07:04 PM
JFC!!! :smh:

Rare White Ape
February 15th, 2024, 01:35 PM
They solved it. Everybody go home.

https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1072836733399478272/1207697882560467065/received_701275528861296.jpg?ex=65e0974d&is=65ce224d&hm=e3a35b6a11f96c2d7da9fb8779c255c44f4be5f480ce84c c889b2dbaf0babac0&

Tom Servo
February 15th, 2024, 01:39 PM
Oof, posting jokes from someone who writes for noted nutjob Scott Adams is rough.

A little surprised they haven't taken that down yet.

EDIT: Ahh, I misread the sequence of events there. The only posting I could find was from someone who writes shit for Scott Adams, but now I get that he was posting about thehill.com having an article on it. Why he didn't...I dunno...just link to the article rather than post the text is beyond me. Probably because he's fucking stupid.

February 18th, 2024, 09:45 PM

Joe Biden of 2020 was so right, wonder what changed in 2024…

Tom Servo
February 24th, 2024, 05:10 PM
Was looking at a WaPo article about Chaya Raichik. Someone in the comments said that we're ignoring the "social contagion" aspect of transgenderism.

I've always liked this because it's such an insane case of putting the cart before the horse. I could hang out with only trans people and I would never be trans. Same as I could hang out with only gay people and I won't be gay. If you do find yourself lured in, it might be because you're already trans, now you just have a chance at acceptance. These things are not contagious. That there are people who still believe this is just astonishing to me.

February 24th, 2024, 06:54 PM
I can't turn you gay? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED.

Tom Servo
February 24th, 2024, 07:10 PM
Hey, we at least need to be fair with the challenges, who could resist this?

February 24th, 2024, 11:12 PM
Politics is now so black and white, the Chaya types go a step beyond by believing that they should stop the other side because they’re wrong and liars.

Quite frankly, who really knows the real right answer or truth?

If people can copycat setting wild fires or mass shootings/suicides… I personally don’t think it could be that astonishing for somebody to do similar copycat things with gender issues. We’re social beings. 80% of the population claims to be heterosexual, but who knows if they are really telling the truth? Maybe significant number of them lied? Maybe majority of the population is bi? If a preacher could preach hard against homosexuality and then be caught with male prostitutes…

Anyway, it’s important for us to figure out who we really are and not lie to ourselves… especially don’t do stupid copycat craps. As for how others wish to live their lives? Hey, I thought we are still living in a free country.

Tom Servo
February 25th, 2024, 09:00 AM
Starting to think that Billi is an AI text generator, writing posts for the sake of writing posts.

Tom Servo
February 25th, 2024, 09:12 AM
Argh, sorry folks, I clicked "view post" and now feel compelled to respond.

Billi, I think you accidentally hit on the crux of the issue here. We have a society where people will lie to themselves and others to be "normal," because they are shamed into thinking that their true nature is bad. It's not. Human sexuality is an incredibly complex thing and everyone experiences it in their own unique way, but we as a society will absolutely shame people for their own quirks and kinks.

You are *so close* to actually understanding this. It's not "copycat", it's someone more brave than someone else saying "it's okay to feel this way." And it is extremely not copying mass shooters, and this one of those times where I would say that shame should be warranted. You should absolutely feel ashamed for comparing someone exploring their sexuality to someone killing people.

February 25th, 2024, 10:19 AM
Billi almost made sence??? I had to click on his post and read it for once.

February 25th, 2024, 01:56 PM
People ought to feel shame when they feel shameful for themselves. If they really believe they’ve done something wrong, hopefully the shame will help them to correct themselves.

There really shouldn’t be anybody telling anyone to feel shameful. Jesus didn’t say to the adulteress, “shame on you, you should be stoned to death!” He just said, “I forgive you and now go and sin no more!”

I’m pretty sure Chaya on the right is wrong with her views on gender. I’m also not quite sure if you are right Swervo. However, since I also do not know what is the absolute truth in this topic, I’m only asking folks to stay true to themselves and don’t be a copy cat. I feel absolutely no shame in saying that.

People on both right and left can shut the fuck up about this topic already. I do believe the world has much bigger problems then fight about what to do with our genitals.

Lastly, Jesus had been super clear to believers that we ought to love one another. Do Christians listen and obey? Do you guys really believe if we have secular laws protecting all minorities then discrimination will cease to exist?

I think it’s more important to love and support our kids 1st and then teach them explore and know themselves also to be able to stay strong even with other mean folks around them.

Take Billi for example, he’s politically bi, and people on both sides hate him. However, thank God for the support systems I have from family and friends, I’m still trying to stay true to who I am and what I believe. Or even if entire world has place me on ignore, as long as Jesus won’t ignore me, then I’m good with that! :)

I think nowadays, we have way too many unnecessary suicides. We need to help kids deal with all of those pressures from the outside. Best way to deal with that is to provide a loving home. Anyway, hopefully I’ll be able to raise my daughter right…

February 25th, 2024, 07:09 PM
No need to forgive if they have done nothing wrong.
Its extreme religious types that want to guilt people.

February 26th, 2024, 07:33 AM
No need to forgive if they have done nothing wrong.
Its extreme religious types that want to guilt people.

I'm the extreme religious type, but I do not propose we guilt and shame people.

Swervo is definitely not the extreme religious type, but even secularists like him can be for shaming people. He thinks I should absolutely be ashamed of myself. Of course I disagree. I wasn't trying to compare LGBTQ folks to mass murderers or arsonists. Just saying that if such stupid things, including suicides, could become 'contagious' across country, what made him so sure that these gender issues won't be? Especially for those young impressionable minds who are just beginning to understand human sexuality.

Some wants to ban LGBTQ books as porn... Some wants to ban the Bible for it's hateful and bogus stories...

Good thing we currently still have a free country.

Bad thing about politics is that I often seen the conservatives scream about freedom of speech until it's about speech that they don't like. Similarly the liberals chants pro-choice, but have no problems with other life saving government mandates such as masks and vaccines and climate change... ;)

BTW, I wish to clarify my following comment:

I think nowadays, we have way too many unnecessary suicides. We need to help kids deal with all of those pressures from the outside. Best way to deal with that is to provide a loving home. Anyway, hopefully I’ll be able to raise my daughter right…

If my daughter were to become a member of the LGBTQ community, I still wouldn't think that I raised her wrong in any way. As long as she's a loving person, I'd consider that as success!

My understanding of the bible is that although homosexuality is a sin, but love can cover multitude of sins. Without love, even heterosexual acts can be sinful.

February 27th, 2024, 06:29 PM
In the pantheon of dimwitted dumb fucks, we all know who would be king.

I'm going to celebrate not engaging.

February 28th, 2024, 07:42 AM
Resistance is futile.

Celebration is irrelevant.

You have already engaged the Borgi King.

March 2nd, 2024, 07:43 PM
How Trolls Poison Political Discussions for Everyone Else (https://insight.kellogg.northwestern.edu/article/trolls-poison-political-discussions-for-everyone-else)

Tom Servo
March 2nd, 2024, 08:41 PM
The Intellectual Dark Web, everyone.


Rare White Ape
March 2nd, 2024, 10:39 PM


Tom Servo
March 3rd, 2024, 06:10 AM
I think he might be off his meds again.

March 3rd, 2024, 06:54 AM
I can’t read comments in X and couldn’t find any explanations from Peterson himself.

My guess is that Peterson indeed failed to take his meds or he simply failed the read the actual article and just reached a conclusion by reading just the title of that article?

Even if NJ seriously banned street parking altogether in the name of traffic safety, there’s really no need to wish woke death upon them though. So I’m inclined to agree maybe the meds or perhaps something else is causing this weird mood. As a Peterson fan, I would not characterize that post as ‘normal’. Maybe to you guys, this kind of post confirms your bias that Billi and Jordan and Elon are crazy?:assclown:

Anyway, I kinda like the conclusions of Mario’s posted article:
“It’s normal to find it gratifying when people on our side are toxic toward people on the other side,” says Finkel. “But when both sides amplify such content, the informational ecosystem turns dark, leaving us with the false impression that opposing partisans are demons. In a climate like that, we’re at risk for prioritizing partisan victory over democratic fair-play.”
“The point is not to avoid conflict altogether; we can argue, we can disagree,” says Mamakos. “This is all part of democratic discourse. The point is to approach discussions with the other side with an open mind and empathy.”

People on both sides are lacking open mind and empathy, and that’s why things are polarizing…

March 4th, 2024, 10:21 AM
I think I found the possible reason why Peterson had such an over-reactive response?


I did not realize he seems to think that there's a war on cars!

I have to somewhat agree with him because I've seen cities in LA making such changes to their roads... not only adding more bike lanes, but also adding more trees and lamp posts and flowers along side or in the middle of roads. Yeah, it makes the neighborhood looks nice, but they certainly made traffic worse though. Yeah, in some cases, it made parking on such streets difficult too.

I do like how they beautified the roads, but I most certainly don't appreciate the traffic getting worse. Not really sure how I feel about that overall, but maybe the tax dollars could be better spent?

Anyway, I still believe Peterson over-reacted to that article. I still don't understand why he'd wish death on them. When the lefties went after his license, I guess that probably caused a lot of hatred?

Lastly, Peterson seems to hate bicyclists for some reason, no wonder Swervo hates him back! ;) Anyway, I am a big fan of Peterson, Elon, Bernie..., but I don't agree with any of them 100%. I really think Peterson was probably under some sort of pressure. That X post was really unnecessarily harsh.

March 4th, 2024, 11:22 AM
Well it looks like the US Supreme Court has Trump's back, as expected. The 9-0 was not expected, at least I didn't expect it. Thought it would be 5-4 or 6-3.

March 4th, 2024, 12:18 PM
I don't think the liberal justices have Trump's back, just that they agree this insurrection matter should only be up to US congress to decide, not up to each state.

Now, it'd be funny if Colorado ends up going to Trump. Which ever way it goes, it'll likely be a tight race.

I have to hand it to Trump that after multiple impeachments and also this additional insurrection charge, we still cannot come up with a conviction. I guess our only viable option is civil courts to make him pay money?

People on top are just very difficult to lock up. I guess that's our justice system. Rich lives matter way more than ordinary lives. Trump is playing the system to its fullest.

March 4th, 2024, 12:42 PM
LOLing hard at Lying Failed Businessman v Genocide Joe.

March 4th, 2024, 01:00 PM
That's not very funny dude.

How would you feel if I go LOLing hard at your cute Winnie the Pooh looking capitalist loving communist dictator? People's Republic of China really also should be renamed to Xi's Republic of China.

Anyway, not really a fan of neither governments. I'm just surprised that you only laugh at other's.

March 4th, 2024, 01:29 PM
I don't think the liberal justices have Trump's back, just that they agree this insurrection matter should only be up to US congress to decide, not up to each state.

Now, it'd be funny if Colorado ends up going to Trump. Which ever way it goes, it'll likely be a tight race.

I have to hand it to Trump that after multiple impeachments and also this additional insurrection charge, we still cannot come up with a conviction. I guess our only viable option is civil courts to make him pay money?

People on top are just very difficult to lock up. I guess that's our justice system. Rich lives matter way more than ordinary lives. Trump is playing the system to its fullest. Yeah he's showing how truly resilient cockroaches can be. What an awful time to be an American, I feel for you guys. Your only choices for President are either an incompetent madman or a senile old man. One is marginally better than the other I suppose.

March 4th, 2024, 02:44 PM
I think Chappelle had great insights about Trump! ;) I’m also not sure if Trump is really that incompetent. Can’t say he’s brilliant, but for sure he is very competent at playing with the system. He’s definitely a very competent cockroach in a world that’s been hit by an asteroid or nuclear missiles…


Anyway, I’ll continue to lobby or pray to God to get both of them off of our ballots and raise some other choices more suitable for our nation…

Tom Servo
March 4th, 2024, 06:34 PM
It terrifies me that someone thinks that Biden is only "marginally" better than Trump. I'm not a huge Biden fan, but like, Trump's an exceptionally horrible person and I do believe presents an actual threat to American democracy.

March 4th, 2024, 06:53 PM
Biden is a somewhat terrible person and Trump is a multi-platinum certified douchebag.

But as leaders of their waning empire, they're really not that different. The former is destroying it by being a pushover to the financial elites working against the interests of the working classes; while the latter is destroying it by catering to the financial elites he thinks he is a part of, and effectively working against the interests of the working classes, even though he hypocritically pretends to be on the side of the ethnically white working class.

Rare White Ape
March 4th, 2024, 07:22 PM
It terrifies me that someone thinks that Biden is only "marginally" better than Trump.

If I was to better define it, I would say that Biden's administration is not as left-leaning as many if us were hoping it would be. The democrats are basically the Republican Lite party.

I read a post last week that said the Democrats will still treat you like shit, but they will make sure your feelings aren't hurt while they do it.

March 4th, 2024, 08:09 PM
Democrats should just stop trying to be politically correct, instead, just aim to be correct! Doing the right thing may not feel good at the moment, like exercising, but it should still feel good in the long run.

Anyway, both parties are a threat to our democracy. When our elected officials only have the interests of their donors in mind, are we still a democracy?

Trump is an egomaniac and Biden is a puppet of a group of egomaniacs. Losing his cognitive abilities can only make him a better puppet…

With that said, I am still grateful that we don’t have a dictator! :p

Tom Servo
March 4th, 2024, 08:54 PM
Oh, yeah, I mean, it's centrist at best. No matter how many times Trump likes to claim it's the "radical left."

I don't know that any of us are super thrilled with Biden. However, he's already beaten Trump once and this is literally just playing defense at this point.

That said, I also don't think the "both sides are the same" thing is true. The assault on abortion rights is a prime example, though it's also a great example that Biden's been shit at trying to protect those rights. People in the LGBTQ community are also likely not to think the two sides are the same.

Or, maybe more succinctly, the Democrats might treat you like shit but try not to hurt your feelings, while the Republicans will actively advocate that you be jailed or executed.

March 5th, 2024, 06:22 AM
It terrifies me that someone thinks that Biden is only "marginally" better than Trump. I'm not a huge Biden fan, but like, Trump's an exceptionally horrible person and I do believe presents an actual threat to American democracy. I'm just going by what the approval ratings tell me.

March 5th, 2024, 06:27 AM
Each side finds the other side terrifying. So they’re both equally terrifying, just terrified by different group of folks!

For sure both parties are the same foreign policy-wise whether it’s meddling with foreign economies, setting up or toppling dictatorships or out right invasions, both parties are almost always in agreement.

The outlier of modern presidents is Trump.

As for domestic affairs, clearly both parties are for polar opposite issues, but they are the same when it comes to screwing with American people. Yes, Dems to help ease the pain better but I wish politicians can treat average Americans as well as they treat their donors.

March 5th, 2024, 08:55 AM
It baffles me that people think Biden & Trump are anywhere close to the same. It's like comparing a baby kitten to a starving lion. Sure the baby kitten has claws. But given the chance, the lion will fucking eat you!
I was honestly expecting Biden to be more centrist than he has been. And he's pleasantly surprised me. IRA & CHIPS have been a huge win for both environmental concerns and manufacturing(blue-collar) jobs. And it was bi-partisan!!! Biden has said he would cotify abortion access and support LGBTQ rights even though he's a lifelong catholic.

Biden may not be perfect. But the alternative is not far off from Nazi rule. They've been working on an Authoritarian playbook for it since 2022. This isn't hyperbole either. They literally have a website (https://www.project2025.org/).

Project 2025 is a plan to reshape the executive branch of the U.S. federal government in the event of a Republican victory in the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Established in 2022, the project seeks to recruit tens of thousands of conservatives to Washington, D.C., to replace existing federal civil service workers it characterizes as the "deep state", to further the objectives of the next Republican president.
Project 2025 envisions widespread changes across the entire government, particularly with regard to economic and social policy and the role of the federal government and federal agencies. The plan proposes slashing U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) funding, dismantling the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, gutting environmental and climate change regulations to favor fossil fuel production, and eliminating the cabinet Departments of Education and Commerce. Citing an anonymous source, The Washington Post reported Project 2025 includes immediately invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807 to deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and directing the DOJ to pursue Trump adversaries. Project Director Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official, said in September 2023 that Project 2025 is "systematically preparing to march into office and bring a new army, aligned, trained, and essentially weaponized conservatives ready to do battle against the deep state."

We all know how bad Trump's 1st run was... and he's promising to be even worse the 2nd time. He said he would be a dictator on day 1, and we all know he wouldn't ever give it up.
- He will gut the federal government and take unprecedented control of what’s left
“We will clean out all of the corrupt actors in our National Security and Intelligence apparatus, and there are plenty of them,” he said last March. “The departments and agencies that have been weaponized will be completely overhauled so that faceless bureaucrats will never again be able to target and persecute conservatives, Christians, or the left’s political enemies.”
- He’s said he would move to enact a federal law stating that there are only two genders, push Congress to ban gender-affirming care for minors, and punish doctors and hospitals who treat transgender youth. He has also vowed to restore his first administration’s ban on trans Americans serving in the military, and work to prevent trans women from competing in women’s sports.
- He will torch the First Amendment by going after non-MAGA media.
- He will reevaluate America’s participation in NATO
- He will try to overhaul the education system in the MAGA image
- He will bring back the death penalty in a big way
- He will roll back all of Biden’s climate progress and reinvest in fossil fuels
- He will make stuff more expensive by taxing all imported goods by implementing a 10% tariff across the board.
- He'd implement a national abortion ban at 16 weeks.
- He wants to invade Mexico and will send the military to the border
- He will round up, intern, and deport undocumented immigrants
- He will indict Biden and his other political enemies
- He will round up the homeless and send the National Guard into cities to fight crime
- He will pardon the Jan. 6 rioters

These aren't hypothetical either, he's literally said these things (https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/trump-second-term-plans-wildest-proposals-1234947327/). And if you don't think he would... I don't think you are being serious. A few safeguards were preventing a lot of bad things from happening in his first term. (Remember that he wanted to bomb Mexico? He seriously asked if he could.) There will be no safeguards in a 2nd Trump term. It's MAGA or bust. He'll be a dictator, and if you don't agree with their racist, sexist, xenophobic, christian nationalism agenda... you will be in big trouble.

March 5th, 2024, 09:30 AM
Do you honestly believe the gun and freedom loving conservatives will actually embrace a 'dictator' to rule over them? And assuming that we do end up with a dictator, do you think those lovers of 2A will all over a sudden turn over their guns and blindly obey dictator Trump?

You guys might be afraid of conservatives ruling over you, but I don't believe the conservatives will be okay with a dictator.

If Trump was really as 'competent' as Xi, he would've been a dictator on Jan 6. There could be multiple reasons why that didn't happen. Trump was just not competent enough or maybe it was really just a 'protest' being blown out of proportion to become an insurrection? Similarly the right thinks BLM protestors are are bunch of AntiFa terrorists... OMG! So scary!!! Each side is just so terrified of the other side! It's always about demonizing the other side and never about self examination of what your own side might have contributed to the problem.

Anyway, personally, I think if we could have a president Trump handling foreign affairs and Biden handling domestic affairs, that'd be my ideal president. As it is, I really couldn't care less who wins the WH in 2024. I do believe Bernie could be my most ideal president, but too bad he's also too old now.

Neither one can do a good job after 4 years. End of Biden's term we're entering WW3. End of Trump's term, we're in a huge pandemic mess... I really want some new and younger blood in the WH please.

March 6th, 2024, 03:02 AM
Well it looks like the US Supreme Court has Trump's back, as expected. The 9-0 was not expected, at least I didn't expect it. Thought it would be 5-4 or 6-3.

The law says nothing about being a candidate.

Tom Servo
March 6th, 2024, 06:54 AM
Well, Haley's out, so that pretty much settles that.

March 6th, 2024, 07:04 AM
Lol, well done Billi!!!

March 6th, 2024, 07:18 AM
I don’t understand why Haley was hanging on for this long.

Knowing more about her now, I don’t think I’d prefer her over Biden. Her age is like the only plus, but I don’t think I’d want to replace Biden with a conservative establishment puppet.

In the event Biden passes away of old age and Trump got locked up or stuck in legal trouble before November election, I wonder what will happen?

Will the respective parties just nominate some body else or perhaps the VP on the ticket end up on the ballot?

Anyway, whatever happens, still praying and hoping that both Biden and Trump will somehow be forced to drop out before November..., but if there are really no suitable replacements, then whatever. Yeah, they're not exactly the same, but I'll treat them the same... with no vote coming from me.

MR2 Fan
March 6th, 2024, 06:33 PM
FWIW, and this may change as we get closer to November....I live in a redneck-istan area of Florida and during 2016 and 2020, there were waaaay more Trump bumperstickers and flags on vehicles than I see now. Again, it may change now that he has the nomination but I feel like even those who support him either don't want a discussion about it, or are not as big of fans as they were before.

March 6th, 2024, 09:21 PM
New York will send National Guard to subways after a string of violent crimes


Strangely enough, no space in Bloomberg, Reuters, Fox News, ABC, CNN, CNBC for a pundit to warble through a few thousand words about how this also makes it a Failed State.

Tom Servo
March 6th, 2024, 09:37 PM
Oh man, I can almost guarantee without even looking that Fox News is talking about it. The National Guard being sent in to stop "out-of-control" crime in a liberal hellscape? You *know* they're on it.

March 7th, 2024, 04:43 AM
I don't know about on TV, but when I search NYC fox News national guard, the headlines I see are surprisingly factual.

March 7th, 2024, 11:10 AM
I think the reality is that whether in China or in the US, our 'states' are in a process of failing. Maybe not ready to completely collapse yet, but clearly things are not operating in a healthy way. Rise of dictators historically meant more troubles ahead. I'm not aware of any historical dictators who grabbed power and end up bringing peace and prosperity to all. Also, on the western front, the fact that we only have Biden and Trump as options for leadership probably is very indicative of the state of our union being very sick.

East and West could continue to laugh at one another, but not sure how that'd help.

March 7th, 2024, 01:39 PM

MR2 Fan
March 7th, 2024, 01:53 PM

MR2 Fan
March 7th, 2024, 06:02 PM
criticize Joe Biden's age all you want but the way he can simultaneously host a State of the Union address AND tweet all of the key points at the same time is pretty amazing.

March 7th, 2024, 09:08 PM
Now he's back to the nursing home where he can throw even more money and weapons at Genocidal Zionists clap clap.

Rare White Ape
March 7th, 2024, 10:31 PM
Now he's back to the nursing home where he can throw even more money and weapons at Genocidal Zionists clap clap.

You don't hear much about the Israeli government being genocidal maniacs in the typical mainstream press outlets of BBS, CNC, TMBC, Fox Kids and Nickelodeon now do you? Hmmmm?

One wonders...

March 8th, 2024, 08:01 AM
I think the State of Union address has eased my concerns about GI Joe’s cognitive abilities. At least he could read the teleprompter way better than me! :p

One thing that stood out the most to me is that Speaker of the House looks so much like the late Phil Hartman, especially with that constant smirk on his face… ;)

Anyway, seriously, it’s still sad that state of our Union isn’t all that strong though. Both sides couldn’t even agree on a border wall. If dems decided that they want to be prolife, surely GOP would quickly switch to prochoice, just as the masks and vaccines.

After experiencing 4 years by both GI Joe and Trumpitty Dumpty… still don’t want to vote for either one of them…

March 10th, 2024, 09:58 AM
Now he's back to the nursing home where he can throw even more money and weapons at Genocidal Zionists clap clap.I'm not 100% thrilled with Biden either... but he's done better than expected already.

And what is our alternative? A wannabe dictator who is friends with all the worst leaders in the world.

I feel like we can pressure Biden enough to change his (our country, really) stance. He's already changed a lot of the rhetoric.
Would I rather have someone younger and more progressive? Sure. But that's not in the cards. We have to choose between Trump and Biden.

Tom Servo
March 10th, 2024, 11:06 AM
Also, Trump's only a couple of years younger than Biden. What is truly impressive about the GOP apparatus is that Trump is constantly forgetting who's president, who he's running against, what country he's in, but somehow everyone keeps harping on Biden being old and having cognitive issues. Trump literally just said the other day that Obama is currently president and yet somehow nobody seems to be able to make that shit stick to him.

March 10th, 2024, 12:57 PM
And what is our alternative? A wannabe dictator who is friends with all the worst leaders in the world.

Biden and Trump are their alternatives.

If we begin to internalize the struggles for power of others, we start down a road that leads to the opposite of well-being.

March 10th, 2024, 07:32 PM
I'm not 100% thrilled with Biden either... but he's done better than expected already.

And what is our alternative? A wannabe dictator who is friends with all the worst leaders in the world.

I feel like we can pressure Biden enough to change his (our country, really) stance. He's already changed a lot of the rhetoric.
Would I rather have someone younger and more progressive? Sure. But that's not in the cards. We have to choose between Trump and Biden.

An incredible result for Billi's favourite government and county in the whole wide world!!!!! Jedi Council only hope new republic defence against Sith and Order 66 get your coco puffs now kids!!!

On a more serious note, is it even remotely likely that the US will ever put susbstantial pressure on, let alone take decisive action to stop, the policies of the Netanyahu administration? And if not, why?

We all know the answers to those questions.

March 10th, 2024, 07:55 PM
No, because espionage.

March 10th, 2024, 08:54 PM
Whether it’s wars or elections, most people inevitably pick a side and think the other side is just so evil.

The left thinks Trump is an evil Nazi dictator and the right thinks Biden is an evil communist dictator…

But realistically, climate was never changed much under either admin nor is the world much safer with either of them. Trump seemed like a puppet of Putin and a threat to NATO, although a seemingly mentally unstable loudmouth, but fact is that world was just not at war while he was in charge though. OTOH, Biden is the normal more reasonable prez, yet, we’re now heavily financially involved in 2 major possibly forever wars.

Which is the lesser evil?

Unless Bernie Sanders is on the ballot, I really have zero motivation for neither old geezers.

As for crying about genocide or whatever other inhumane shit during a war… what’s the point? Best way is to never start one, or to kill so many of your enemies to end it.

Forever proxy wars are just lame.

US should either step in and help a ‘friend’ to quickly win the war, or to stop supplying them with sufficient resources to help giving them false hope for years…

As for Israel, it’s probably time to let go and let God. US government needs to stop trying to play God.

Rather than cutting taxes for the rich, we ought to cut these ‘foreign aids’ and to really help build ourselves back better.

As for now, we’re neither great nor are we better. It’s all BS campaign slogans.

March 10th, 2024, 08:57 PM
Amongst other things.
Meanwhile Billi's Brainwashed Bros still loving all of that stuff! Cue Winston Churchill fly the flag 1776 Military Bases "Right side of history" incoming.

Rare White Ape
March 10th, 2024, 09:00 PM
No, because espionage.

And religion and resources and geopolitics and MONEY

Rare White Ape
March 11th, 2024, 06:22 AM
Politics adjacent:

https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1058625858232930325/1216683194028523590/if-anyone-had-the-ability-to-stop-this-it-was-her-v0-22a7zxqmalnc1.webp?ex=66014786&is=65eed286&hm=65458cb262fab5690b430744302d3f799c6f957b8e77717 551941385c21df61c&format=webp&width=558&height=909&

Tom Servo
March 11th, 2024, 06:38 AM
Yeah, if I remember correctly there's a way to mechanically open the doors of a Tesla when the electrical system gives up, but I think a) most owners probably don't know that and b) even if they did haven't committed it to memory to the point where they'd remember how to do that in an emergency.

Sometimes, having glass that can break is a good thing.

MR2 Fan
March 11th, 2024, 08:02 AM
I know the Cybertruck has a lot of issues but hearing more and more about older Teslas with worrying stuff...maybe they needed more scrutiny early on.

If I was in the market for an EV, it would probably be from an established brand, not a new one (meaning as new as Tesla)

March 11th, 2024, 08:04 AM
Established brand like GM and Toyota?

Friends of ours were stuck in their new PHEV Lexus when they ran out of charge. They couldn't figure out how to get out of the car and AAA refused to tow them to the dealership with them inside! :D Anyway, yeah, they eventually figured out a way to mechanically open their doors, but during an emergency, it can definitely spook you. Plus, if submerge in water, it'll probably be very difficult to open doors in any cars...

What a freak accident. I suppose that Angela Chao is 'lucky' she didn't also get burned to death? I've seen videos of Model X burning up underwater. I believe one of the rescue workers was also afraid of fire as well.

Anyway, I guess we can just blame Elon Musk for all this.

Tom Servo
March 11th, 2024, 08:08 AM
My dad's long been a devotee of Consumer Reports and the one notable thing there is when Tesla first came along, CR rated it incredibly well. A couple of years later and they revised all their ratings saying the reliability of Teslas was far worse than anticipated.

March 11th, 2024, 08:47 AM
Yeah, ever since Elon turned to the right, naturally reliability of Tesla and SpaceX rockets have suffered. Conservatives are just worthless. :p

If only Elon remained more liberal, maybe Angela Chao wouldn't have driven herself into a pond and could still be alive...

Tom Servo
March 11th, 2024, 10:29 AM
Ya know, you don't actually *have* to reply to every post. If you're stretching that far to be a weirdo, maybe just go touch grass somewhere?

March 11th, 2024, 11:31 AM
Yeah, I am looking forward to upcoming camping season, but things are still a bit too cold and too wet at Seattle still... :p

Anyway, sorry for being weird and replied again. :p

Rare White Ape
March 11th, 2024, 12:32 PM
Yeah, if I remember correctly there's a way to mechanically open the doors of a Tesla when the electrical system gives up, but I think a) most owners probably don't know that and b) even if they did haven't committed it to memory to the point where they'd remember how to do that in an emergency.

Sometimes, having glass that can break is a good thing.

It’s impossible to open the doors of a submerged car because of water pressure. It’s easier to wind a window down and let water in first, but even then it’s difficult. Visibility, panic, etc all contribute to limited survival odds.

March 11th, 2024, 02:48 PM
Ya know, maybe just go smoke grass somewhere?


Tom Servo
March 11th, 2024, 03:13 PM
Word, would also likely be beneficial.

Tom Servo
March 11th, 2024, 03:59 PM
I've seen SCMP cited by members who would be subject to this law as a worthy news outlet, and this seems really fucking bad: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/politics/article/3254734/stiffer-penalties-sedition-under-hong-kongs-new-article-23-bill-and-no-need-prove-incitement

Tom Servo
March 11th, 2024, 04:13 PM
I don't know about on TV, but when I search NYC fox News national guard, the headlines I see are surprisingly factual.

Here ya go: https://twitter.com/abughazalehkat/status/1767304375397949612

March 12th, 2024, 12:20 AM
I've seen SCMP cited by members who would be subject to this law as a worthy news outlet, and this seems really fucking bad: https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/politics/article/3254734/stiffer-penalties-sedition-under-hong-kongs-new-article-23-bill-and-no-need-prove-incitement

The law is currently being debated, and I also don't think there are likely to be major issues, bearing in mind there are similar national security laws in other jurisdictions.

Tom Servo
March 12th, 2024, 06:54 AM
I dunno, I kinda feel like a radio DJ being sentenced to 40 months for saying something feels like a "major issue."

March 12th, 2024, 10:09 AM
Since we don’t have a thread about mixing loving AND shoving of jobs, I’m posting this here.

I think my feelings for both this nation and my employer is about the same kind of mix… :|

John Oliver’s recent mockumentary is not only funny but actually pretty true.


However, just like our nation, I think people near the top have lost their ways.

On a personal level, I feel a bit demoralized too. Often times I felt like my hard worked just ended up going nowhere. I was involved in a 737 replacement study team. Basically a small version of 787 composite plane which could’ve helped us avoid the Max issue. But of course the 787 itself got into trouble with lots of delays, everyone ended up being pulled to help 787…

My personal proudest achievement, the new crew capsule, is still kinda stuck on the ground whereas SpaceX has flown countless missions…

Anyway, latest news of Boeing whistleblower witness found dead was just shocking. Reminds me of Jeff Epstein…

Feeling kinda dejected not know what I can do to help my company and my country.

Vote Biden?

Yeah sure. Boeing fired our previous CEO because of the Max problems, did that work? ;)

Between the crazy loudmouth dictator wannabe vs a more sensible normal guy but actually ended up with 2 forever wars on his watch, I’m not sure which is really better.

Anyway, one thing I must say is that I’m not afraid to fly Boeing planes. Commercial aviation is still darn safe. That door stayed in place for months without bolts, testimony of the various failsafe designs in place... Yes, that door panel should’ve been bolted down properly and those 2 Max crashes really shouldn’t have happened. Just that considering the odds, I’m really not afraid of flying, of course I do keep my safety belt and mask on at all times. I can only hope a panel won't blow out or hit strong turbulence while I'm using the bathroom! ;)

Seriously, I'm just more afraid of our overall future trajectory…

March 12th, 2024, 07:23 PM
It depends entirely on what he said and with what intent. Context matters. Also, isn't it an offence to threaten the lives of the President (and all former Presidents) and US government officials? And wasn't seditious conspiracy what those Proud Boy Oath Keepers etc. were charged with?

If you all consider early 2021 to have been an Insurrection, then so were the events of 2019 HK, which were what this guy supported.

Hence the LOLing etc.

Tom Servo
March 12th, 2024, 08:46 PM
I don't actually think it does. And no, it's not an offense to threaten the lives of the president or former presidents. It'd have to be a very specific threat, and even then, you'd have to argue that it was with the actual intent. If that were the law here, about half of Fox News "journalists" would be in jail.

The seditious conspiracy that a bunch of the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys got charged with wasn't due to speech, it was actual actions.

And I would absolutely not equate what happened in 2019 in HK to anything like what happened here in 2021. That was literally storming government buildings and threatening the lives of officials. I admit, I haven't kept up with the HK protests, but nothing about what I've read about comes even close to the actions that happened here.

If it makes you feel any better, I'd describe what happened here to be way closer to a failed state than what happened in HK.

MR2 Fan
March 13th, 2024, 05:32 AM
Boeing whistleblower recently found dead after being in the middle of providing testimony. It seems there's a LOT of problems that are coming to the surface and some employees saying they wouldn't fly on Boeing.

This is a difficult spot as they pretty much own the market in the U.S., the only alternative is Airbus. For myself if I fly in the near future I'm going to check who is flying Airbus and only use those carriers.

But meanwhile it isn't like the U.S. can just ground all Boeing aircraft for inspection. I'm also reminded of the government shutdown during Trump's term that included....flight safety inspectors IIRC.

Rare White Ape
March 13th, 2024, 06:18 AM
But meanwhile it isn't like the U.S. can just ground all Boeing aircraft for inspection.

It might be a political football on home turf, but if it gets bad enough just watch other countries' authorities do it without batting an eyelid. I am sure CASA in Australia wouldn't hesitate.

Heck, airline companies themselves would probably do it voluntarily.

March 13th, 2024, 06:56 AM
Foreign regulators have grounded Max planes way ahead of FAA before. So, this is not just a political thing at US. If more than half of commercial planes are grounded; therefore airfares skyrocket, watch people around the world complain… just as they complain about masks and various life saving ‘mandates’…

I personally think Boeing whistleblower, BLM protesters, Jan 6 protesters and HK protesters all have quite a lot in common, which is erosion of trust.

When people lose trust in you, naturally they get upset and do stupid things. Of course I don’t mean whistleblowing is stupid, but factory workers can definitely become stupid…

The term ‘failed state’ is probably an over exaggeration by media with opposing view, obviously Boeing, US government and the Chinese government are all still operational; however, it’s clear small failures or cracks or maybe big ones are appearing…

March 13th, 2024, 08:41 AM
Also, isn't it an offence to threaten the lives of the President (and all former Presidents)

I'm not certain, but I assume that's correct. It's one of those things you can't say so loud that it becomes news in the USA, despite "freedom of speech." I think it falls under the same category as yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theatre.

It is why I've been careful not to say what I really think of #45 online back when he was in the news more often than he is these days. Of course, I continue to wish him well. :smh:


With regard to freedom of speech, see also Eugene V. Debs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_V._Debs), whom I never thought I'd espouse before I became a left-leaning oddball who doubts a lot of what he thought he knew as a younger man.

Cutting to the chase: "Debs was noted for his oratorical skills, and his speech denouncing American participation in World War I led to his second arrest in 1918. He was convicted under the Sedition Act of 1918 and sentenced to a 10-year term."

March 13th, 2024, 10:15 AM
Speaking of...


US Lawmaker Cited NYC Protests in a Defense of Warrantless Spying (https://www.wired.com/story/hpsci-us-protests-section-702-presentation/)
A closed-door presentation for House lawmakers late last year portrayed American anti-war protesters as having possible ties to Hamas in an effort to kill privacy reforms to a major US spy program.

March 13th, 2024, 11:54 PM

chicago-woman-charged-with-threatening-to-kill-donald-trump-and-his-youngest-son-barron: ??!!

Speech can reflect and result in actual actions - you know, inciting people to do things?ssss

Anyway, if you had a more holistic and informed background of the meaning of the phrases, which you don't as you weren't here through 2019 and I doubt you have actually followed what happened, then you might take a different view.

And I would absolutely not equate what happened in 2019 in HK to anything like what happened here in 2021. That was literally storming government buildings and threatening the lives of officials. I admit, I haven't kept up with the HK protests, but nothing about what I've read about comes even close to the actions that happened here.

Of course you wouldn't. The overseas reporting that you read, much of which was extremely anti-government or pro-protester (partly because it definitely suits the news cycle and the interest of western MSM), would sadly have affected your understanding of the situation.

But assuming that we have both read roughly the same media on early 2021 (perhaps more for me since, then I have the advantage of actually having lived here and through 2019 and having read, watched, and understood more about it via lenses and media and sources other than English western MSM. I was here for almost all of the period, and walked and drove around the place and saw things with my own eyes for months on end.

While you can't expect equivalence given how different each society is, insurrections come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and I'm pretty sure that yours was not dissimilar to the one that took place here.There is way too much to even outline here and it pains me too much to do so. With that said, I assure you that:

- There was ALSO a mob that stormed and defaced the Entrance, Chamber, Library, and offices of our Legislative Council (equivalent of your Congress/Senate) building. I even watched it being broadcast live on TV for several hours!

- A legislator was actually stabbed for his anti-protester views. So, not just threats but also actual bodily harm!!!!

- People were also beaten up (in some cases severely) and one guy was killed by protesters simply because they either dared to express disagreement with BBBs, whether verbally or simply by silently clearing fucking roadblocks, or in one case simply for speaking Mandarin in CENTRAL, the FUCKING CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT where there were also usually protests descending into violence every week.

It pains me too much to type out all of the other stupid crap, violence, propaganda that happened and that we saw from the protesters and BBBs, including assholes like Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Tom Cotton trying to stir shit and calls on local forums saying that it was a revolution, calling for sanctions, for Hong Kong independence, and for Trump ([B]YES TRUMP. THE GUY YOU GUYS THINK IS THE MAJOR THREAT TO DEMOCRACY IN YOUR COUNTRY ETC.[B/])to invade to "save" the place. The western media were all-in on the story as well, happily portraying BBBs as "freedom fighters" and "peaceful protesters" etc.

March 14th, 2024, 08:09 AM
Chicago woman sent an email threat directly to the person she's threatening. I'm not a lawyer, but I seriously doubt free speech is that free?

Let's remove us brainwashed Americans regarding what happened at HK for a moment. Yeah, we don't really know what went on and Western MSM were likely feeding us fake news.

Let's just stick to what happened in America... events that we're all familiar with.

2 notable mass protests. One was BLM related and the other one happened on Jan 6. I do believe most protesters in both incidences are relatively peaceful and certainly a 'minority' of them got out of hand. If majority of the protesters got out of hand, I'm sure things would've changed more drastically. Police would all be defunded... or Trump would still be president.

Personally, I really do just see them both as just protests. I don't agree with neither causes, but I can understand their respective frustrations. I still think if a bunch of 2A gun lovers really wanted to start a violent insurrection, they probably would've used their guns more to achieve their objective? So I think they were really there to just protest, not to overthrow anything... As for BLM protestors who caused damages and started looting..., that's definitely the wrong way to go, but I can certainly understand. I personally wanted to kick somebody's ass after seeing how they treated George Floyd.

Anyway, depending on a person's political ideology, Americans can totally see those protesters as serious threats and want to lock them all up! Who's wrong who's right?

Between Biden and Trump, we can only know who's left and who's right, but it'll also be difficult to know who's wrong or who's right.

If you're happy under Xi's rule, more power to you. US, particularly CIA, definitely needs to stop meddling around the world and screw other nations up.

Personally, I'd rather China has an elected leader, rather than a dictator. If China has way too many people to have a real democracy, at least the nation's leader need to be elected by the communist party or something. Point is dictatorship never ends well. Probably would be better if you declare yourself as emperor, as the son of God! Xi Dynasty or Xi's China would sound better than People's Republic of China.

Rare White Ape
March 17th, 2024, 02:43 PM
Everyone’s favourite billionaire genius


March 18th, 2024, 07:34 PM
Trump can't pay the bond for the judgement against him.

Told y'all he's a broke ass fake ass billionaire. Has been for decades.

Tom Servo
March 19th, 2024, 06:06 AM
What's so great is that he basically needs to have his bond underwritten because so little of his assets are liquid. Most of it is tied up in real estate. The real estate he lied about the value of that led to the judgment that he's now trying to post bond for.

If you were going to lend him money for bond, would you base his collateral on the value he reported to the bank or the value he reported to the IRS? I'm guessing the latter.

Also, Peter Navarro's contempt charges stand, he's reporting to prison today. Four month sentence, I'm assuming he'll get out long before that.

March 19th, 2024, 07:23 AM
The guy from the audiobooks??, how did he get into criminal activity?

He must be hanging out with weirdo guys!

Tom Servo
March 19th, 2024, 07:54 AM
Hah, yes, the guy from the audiobooks.

March 19th, 2024, 09:12 AM
Hey don't blame me, I didn't even get a chance to hang out with that guy! :p

On a more serious topic, regarding Jan 6, there continues to be 2 completely different narratives of what went down that day. https://apnews.com/article/jan-6-trump-cassidy-hutchinson-capitol-188ee6406b93f42eb946d28f5213de3d

House GOP continues to try to deflect the blame away from Trump...

So basically the same House could come up with 2 completely different reports and findings. Looks like we'll be living in a dual alternative facts reality for a while.

I personally don't 100% trust either reports. If House were to form a truly bipartisan committee, I'd guess that a report like that will never ever get done?

Just based on my personal observation, since the gun and 2A loving crowd didn't even fire a single bullet, I'd think it shouldn't be called an insurrection. It's just political polarization gone really really bad.

Anyway, not supporting nor defending anybody. If I were Russian, I would not vote for Putin. Similarly as an American I'd not vote for Biden nor Trump. It's nice that we have options I guess, but I'd rather waste my time on this forum than voting for one of them... :p

If it's between Bernie and Vivek, it'd be super tough for me, but that'll definitely spike up my interests in the upcoming election!

I'd probably give Bernie the edge because I trust him more. However, I do like Vivek's ideas. Sorry for being weird. :p

March 19th, 2024, 12:00 PM
Hah, yes, the guy from the audiobooks.

I think Navarro's media prominence was a big reason why he was not only appointed but also trusted to the point of reverence by President Donald Camacho.

Even if his policy recommendations were out of step with reality.

March 19th, 2024, 12:34 PM
What's so great is that he basically needs to have his bond underwritten because so little of his assets are liquid. Most of it is tied up in real estate. The real estate he lied about the value of that led to the judgment that he's now trying to post bond for.

If you were going to lend him money for bond, would you base his collateral on the value he reported to the bank or the value he reported to the IRS? I'm guessing the latter.

Also, Peter Navarro's contempt charges stand, he's reporting to prison today. Four month sentence, I'm assuming he'll get out long before that. But the real question is why hasn't he raised money yet from his sheep followers?

Rare White Ape
March 19th, 2024, 01:14 PM
Peter Navarro…

Imagine being asked to spin bullshit in order to prop up the views of a charlatan (seriously, his advice on trade led to tariff wars with other countries and actually harmed the US economy) and receiving nothing substantial for it, then winding up in prison while trying to corrupt the process of democracy.

Is this guy a simp or what?

Tom Servo
March 19th, 2024, 01:57 PM
But the real question is why hasn't he raised money yet from his sheep followers?

Was just reading earlier that his small-money donations are *way* down compared to 2016. It was just a reporting as fact though, no speculation/analysis as to why. My guess is that there are very few people who are becoming Trump fans given the past 8 years but there are a few that are no longer fans. I know my uncle voted for him in 2016 and deeply regrets the decision.

There's also just the chance that a lot of those people donated a lot of money in 2020 and felt like it got wasted, or just don't have the same money to donate these days.

MR2 Fan
March 19th, 2024, 08:46 PM
But the real question is why hasn't he raised money yet from his sheep followers?

You didn't see the gold Trump shoes for sale?

March 21st, 2024, 12:55 AM

Man jailed for inciting violence against PM Lee on Facebook post about Shinzo Abe's shooting

SINGAPORE: Disgruntled with the government and the Prime Minister, a man made a comment on a Facebook post about the shooting of former Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe, saying someone should do the same to Singapore's Prime Minister.

Kong Chee Kian, a 46-year-old Singaporean man, was sentenced to four months' jail on Wednesday (Mar 20) for one count of inciting violence electronically.
For incitement to violence, Kong could have been jailed for up to five years, fined, or both.

HEY GAIS does anyone know why NYT, WaPo, BBC, TheGuardian, The Times, Bloomberg, Reuters, and other Western MSM outlets didn't splash this news all over their front pages as an example of violation of the right to freedom of speech, oppression, etc. etc.???!!!?!?

Could it possibly have something to do with how Singapore is a close ally of The World's Most Powerful "Liberal Democracy" and the government of that place in the middle east which is supported by The World's Most Powerful "Liberal Democracy"?????!?!?!?! And/or Rules-Based International Order something something?!?1//!


G'day Mate
March 21st, 2024, 01:50 AM
The bit I like about the bond money is that even if Trump could sell one property that happened to be worth exactly $464M … it wouldn’t be enough because he’d have to pay tax on any capital gains plus pay off any outstanding debt on the property first.

March 21st, 2024, 03:45 AM
Monday the 25th will be interesting. Let's see if Russia or MBS bails him out.

March 21st, 2024, 07:46 AM
YW, you're probably right. The same way (most of) our politicians aren't condemning Israel's attacks.

The sad thing about the bond/liquid asset problem is that any government agent that would need security clearance in that situation would be denied clearance. But, because he's running for president, they're going to give it to him anyway.

We never thought we'd have to worry about a President or candidate selling out the country... But maybe we should make a rule about that?

March 21st, 2024, 09:07 AM

HEY GAIS does anyone know why NYT, WaPo, BBC, TheGuardian, The Times, Bloomberg, Reuters, and other Western MSM outlets didn't splash this news all over their front pages as an example of violation of the right to freedom of speech, oppression, etc. etc.???!!!?!?

Could it possibly have something to do with how Singapore is a close ally of The World's Most Powerful "Liberal Democracy" and the government of that place in the middle east which is supported by The World's Most Powerful "Liberal Democracy"?????!?!?!?! And/or Rules-Based International Order something something?!?1//!


It'd help tremendously if the disgruntle guy posted his threat on X/Twitter. People only care if Elon Musk abuses his power when it comes to denying free speeches! ;)

Seriously, we have plenty of juicy news to report at home during our election cycle, why do you think average americans would care about that disgruntled guy's threat on FB about Singapore's PM? On a slow news day perhaps, but right now, people care mostly about Trump, whether he'll be prez again or will he be locked up or at least be broke!

March 21st, 2024, 10:58 AM
The bit I like about the bond money is that even if Trump could sell one property that happened to be worth exactly $464M … it wouldn’t be enough because he’d have to pay tax on any capital gains plus pay off any outstanding debt on the property first.

You're diabolical mate. <shouts> Someone suggest this to Trump!!! He's that fucking stupid. As are his sheep

Rare White Ape
March 22nd, 2024, 12:54 AM
But maybe we should make a rule about that?

Rules-based International Order... but not that rule.

(YW: NYT, WaPo, BBC, TheGuardian, The Times, Bloomberg, Reuters, and other Western MSM outlets probably didn't splash the news as an example of violation of the right to freedom of speech, oppression, etc. etc. because many western countries have very similar laws against this sort of thing)

March 22nd, 2024, 03:35 AM
Rules-based International Order... but not that rule.

You mean the "One rule for thee, another rule for me!!" "international order"!

(YW: NYT, WaPo, BBC, TheGuardian, The Times, Bloomberg, Reuters, and other Western MSM outlets probably didn't splash the news as an example of violation of the right to freedom of speech, oppression, etc. etc. because many western countries have very similar laws against this sort of thing)

Yet there are a shitload of articles complaining about other jurisdictions enacting similar laws. HMMM ONE WONDERS

MR2 Fan
March 22nd, 2024, 05:51 PM
It's amazing that U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson is an extreme right-winger YET he's actually passing budgets to keep the government running each time.

Oh, meanwhile another House Republican is leaving in a few weeks, Mike Gallagher...this means the GOP majority will be down to 2 people and possibly one more person is going to leave soon (according to rumors).

Seems like a lot of house GOP WANT to be in the minority because they can't complain/fundraise as much or get as much support when they're in the majority and can't do anything, except pass funding bills apparently.

March 24th, 2024, 09:17 PM
MTGs motion to vacate the speakership is not an actual motion that gets voted on. Which is weird.

But, if he's voted out they're gonna have a hell of a time cobbling together a coalition to win the speakership.

Fuck the GOP.

March 25th, 2024, 08:57 AM
I think MR2 is right. They just want to complain as a show for their constituents.

However, I don't think it's just the GOP who's playing that game.

In other breaking news, Boeing senior management team is stepping down, which is good. However, will they be replaced by another bunch of the same kind of bean counters? Probably. Just blame those people and get rid of them... and then a new bunch of puppets get installed to continue the same kind of work will be the most likely outcome.

However, I do hope someday we'll be able to stop playing the blame game and actually start doing some good instead.

With our current trajectory, US government and Boeing will likely go down in flames sooner or later... Nothing is too big to fail. YW will then finally be happy and cease to WONDER I guess. ;)

The other thing that's really bugging me is with all the global conflicts around the world which made no sense to me. Islamic terrorists claimed responsibility, but Putin insists it's the Ukrainians. It's also very odd that US intelligence know about the attack in advance and as a courtesy, notified Russia. Yet, tragedy still happened.

Those Islamic terrorists are really something. They're not afraid to attack anyone. With our loosely built border wall, I think it's only a matter of time before they make it within our borders and cause some damages. Then maybe we'll attack Mexico?

I'm still praying both Trump and Biden will not be on our November ballot. We've tried them already. They both have their good and bad qualities, but I really want to try somebody new.

Don't get me wrong Neanderthal, I don't really have too much beef against Biden at home, but I really think US failed as a global leader while he's in office. Had Trump been in the white house, more Ukrainians and Gazans might still be alive. But of course, things would've been a lot more messed up at home though. Can't have'em all... :(

March 27th, 2024, 09:47 AM
Dumb Dumb Dipshit Shit for Brains is now selling a bible for $59.95 emblazoned with an American flag and the words God Bless The USA on the cover. Amazingly the cover isn't gold lamé.

Tom Servo
March 27th, 2024, 10:35 AM
That whole story is pretty entertaining, Lee Greenwood's been trying to get this thing going for a while. https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/religion/2024/03/27/trump-bible-behind-lee-greenwoods-god-bless-the-usa-bible/73108453007/

March 27th, 2024, 10:45 AM
Oh wow. Didn't know about that background story. I originally thought it's all Trump's effort to try to raise some cash. Maybe I have too negative of a view of Trump. :p

March 27th, 2024, 12:32 PM
what kind of christian thinks that Dumb Dumb Dipshit Shit for Brains is a model of christianity?

it's like that aphorism about Elon musk and rockets and computer code that you shared the other day, Tom.

Rare White Ape
March 28th, 2024, 06:51 AM
> Buys platform
> Promises to stop spam bots
> Fires most of the staff that manually handled spam bots
> Hilarity ensues then bots become meme
> Billionnaire genius


March 28th, 2024, 09:02 AM
He did promise that he will die trying... so just let him try! :p

Anyway, feeling a bit hopeful today knowing that Boeing's leadership was fired by its own customers:

Hopefully Boeing can truly get rid of bean counters as leaders. Now, ain't nothing wrong with bean counting, but it'd be nice to also have leadership that care about other stuffs besides those 'beans'! After the 'Jan 5th Ejection' of the door plug, I suppose the customers, airline CEOs, have had enough. Hopefully we'll really end up with leadership that cares more about airplanes than beans.

Similarly, US leadership needs to be changed... and WE are its customers. The change shouldn't be limited to just getting rid of Trump or GOP, but to get rid of the politicians who only care about the 'beans' in their own pockets. Anyway, I really think Boeing and USA are pretty much heading down the same path. Hopefully we can reverse that trend.

Tom Servo
March 28th, 2024, 04:18 PM
That was a fascinating article. Never knew how all that ended up working.

Like they said, spam and bots continuing to be a problem isn't unexpected, only a moron would think he could solve the bot problem so quickly. What's notable is that it's the same vector for so long.

March 28th, 2024, 04:45 PM
Dumb Dumb Dipshit Shit for Brains is now selling a bible for $59.95 emblazoned with an American flag and the words God Bless The USA on the cover. Amazingly the cover isn't gold lamé. We talking about Trump or Elon Musk here, me bruv?

Hard to tell in this thread. :p

Rare White Ape
March 28th, 2024, 06:58 PM
We talking about Trump or Elon Musk here, me bruv?

Hard to tell in this thread. :p

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fb/President_Trump_Visits_St._John%27s_Episcopal_Chur ch_%2849963649028%29.jpg/1920px-President_Trump_Visits_St._John%27s_Episcopal_Chur ch_%2849963649028%29.jpg

March 30th, 2024, 12:20 PM
We talking about Trump or Elon Musk here, me bruv?

Hard to tell in this thread. :p

Trump. innit, me bruv.

I mentioned the Trump Bible to a coworker(who is the daughter of a Pentecostal preacher) and it was the first she had heard of it and she was pretty much taken aback. Quoting scripture about Jezebels. She wasn't too happy. I showed her the Trump sneakers and she buried her head in her hands and then said that she felt Dumb Dumb Dipshit could do a better job than Biden.
Even the most Trumptastic of my coworkers hadn't heard about the Trump Bible(or the sneakers). Since she goes to "Estate Sales" I bet she had both a Bible and a pair of sneaks before years end.

March 30th, 2024, 01:36 PM
I think it should be pretty clear now that both sides are not that happy about their guy, but each side believes the guy on the other side is totally evil. Both sides also obviously read their news from different sources.

If Trump wins, I wonder if Biden will try again? Or vice versa, if Biden wins, we will likely see Trump in the ballot again in 4 years assuming that he’s not in jail and still healthy enough?

Man. As if that’s the best America could do… sigh…

MR2 Fan
April 12th, 2024, 12:07 PM
Sigh....Israel, Gaza, Lebanon, Iran

The enemy of my enemy is my frenemy?

April 12th, 2024, 12:18 PM
had it started yet?

MR2 Fan
April 12th, 2024, 12:48 PM
lots of missiles from lebanon being intercepted by israel apparently...anticipating an iran attack of some kind next.

April 12th, 2024, 07:17 PM
something something attack on an embassy something.

ALSO happened in South America. I think the Ecuadorean embassy in Mexico was raided my Mexican armed forces.

Rare White Ape
April 12th, 2024, 07:47 PM
Grandpa Joe needs to fucking tell Israel to pull its head in.

April 12th, 2024, 08:34 PM
Grandpa Joe needs to fucking tell Israel to pull its head in.

Instead he's saying the US stands with Israel ... :smh:

April 12th, 2024, 08:36 PM
Republicans are the dog that caught the car with this abortion issue.

Hardline single issue voters are going to be upset that they didn't immediately effect a ban or stricter controls. And moderates are going to be pissed that they called for it in the first place.

April 12th, 2024, 10:33 PM
Instead he's saying the US stands with Israel ... :smh:

No US President, or leader of the Congress, Senate etc. will ever say otherwise. Man, they'd probably stick to the same line - defend it, even - if Israel were the first to use nukes in a conflict.

This is what your tax dollars pay for guyz!!!

Rare White Ape
April 13th, 2024, 03:04 AM
This is what your tax dollars pay for guyz!!!

We carry that guilt in Australia too.

April 13th, 2024, 08:12 AM

money, you mean.

April 13th, 2024, 12:45 PM
They voted Hamas, then Hamas attacked.
("look mother, your son is a hero, I killed 10")
Now they suffer, and Hamas has more martyrs.

April 13th, 2024, 01:25 PM
Instead he's saying the US stands with Israel ... :smh:

Hard to believe you shook your head at Biden?!?!?! ;)

Anyway, I wonder if this will be the official start of WW3 or maybe it has already started years ago?

Biden is a decent guy, but he clearly is not in control or perhaps just not interested in peacekeeping… for sure Trump has done a better job in that area.

MR2 Fan
April 13th, 2024, 03:20 PM

Tom Servo
April 13th, 2024, 03:51 PM
In fairness, nobody under the age of 35 voted for Hamas. They haven't had an election since 2006.

Rare White Ape
April 13th, 2024, 07:07 PM
To be fair, none of the children that Israeli armed forces killed voted for Hamas. And none of the children that Israeli armed forces used as human shields voted for Hamas.