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MR2 Fan
April 18th, 2018, 06:34 AM
Lost in Space on Netflix review after 3 episodes...

first episode had no 3D printing content. 2nd episode had a couple of cool shots of using a 3D printer and also denying a certain kind of print (no spoilers)...3rd episode didn't have any 3D printing content from what I remember :p

April 18th, 2018, 07:52 AM
You can't please all of the people all of the time. :lol:

MR2 Fan
April 18th, 2018, 08:29 PM
but seriously the show is....uh...too melodramatic. Visually it's as good as the best space blockbusters, nothing looks cheap here!

The father character is always too stand-off-ish and very flat as a character. The show has twists and turns a bit, but isn't really capturing my need to watch more
....except for the 3D printing part, which I must say I messed up and had only watched ep 1 and 2.

Episode 3 gives it more purpose actually, and it's really cool/surprising how much it's being used as there's VERY few examples I've seen before in movies or TV (I can only recall Big Hero 6 and one of the crime drama shows using one before).

There is a 3D printed gun that's part of the plot, some question on who used the printer to print a "Secret file", finding extra filament in a storage container, also a torque wrench that gets finished JUST as it's a life or death struggle

April 19th, 2018, 08:20 AM
Apart from the 3D printing part, the show sounds exactly like what one would expect a remake of Lost in Space to be. Well no, actually, cheap special effects could be expected.

MR2 Fan
April 19th, 2018, 08:22 AM
I'm still waiting for the killer vegetables to show up

April 19th, 2018, 08:25 AM

MR2 Fan
April 19th, 2018, 08:39 AM
Also, "Doctor Smith" is creepy AF in this series

April 19th, 2018, 10:28 AM
There's a new Deadpool 2 Trailer... you all should watch it.


April 19th, 2018, 11:57 AM
first two episodes of The Expanse season 3 are out.


Freude am Fahren
April 19th, 2018, 04:44 PM
"Pump the hate-brakes, Thanos"

"So dark. You sure you're not from the DC universe?"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

April 21st, 2018, 01:47 PM
Got our tickets for Avengers: Infinity War! So excited!!

Next Saturday.

April 21st, 2018, 03:27 PM
Wind River: Really really really good movie with Jeremy Renner being a reluctant badass.

Finally got around to watching it. Renner's best performance since American Hustle. Jon Bernthal killed it in his role. I also want to see Sweet Virginia, another Bernthal movie that went under the radar last year.

April 25th, 2018, 05:56 AM
Started rewatching MCU movies this week, in preparation for Infinity War. Finished Phase One, onto Phase Two tonight. Skipped Incredible Hulk. I'll probably skip Ant-Man, Spider-Man and the second Thor movie as well.

April 25th, 2018, 06:22 AM
Isle of Dogs was wonderfully wacky.

April 25th, 2018, 06:50 AM
Ash liked it.

Saw a critic panned it as 'a movie by Wes Anderson that only Wes Anderson would like' but every real person I've heard that has seen it really liked it.

MR2 Fan
April 25th, 2018, 07:15 AM
is it stop-motion animation?

April 25th, 2018, 07:16 AM
Started rewatching MCU movies this week, in preparation for Infinity War. Finished Phase One, onto Phase Two tonight. Skipped Incredible Hulk. I'll probably skip Ant-Man, Spider-Man and the second Thor movie as well.
Want to hold off on Infinity War for another year so I can watch them back-to-back to avoid forgetting everything but the major plot points, then I'll plan to catch up on Civil War, Fraggle Rock, Black Panther ...
Although I'm hearing a few characters may be killed off (guessing it could be anyone but Spidey and Black Panther), so a year of avoiding spoilers is not going to happen

April 25th, 2018, 07:29 AM
is it stop-motion animation?


MR2 Fan
April 25th, 2018, 07:34 AM
Ugh. I've decided over the years that I really can't watch stop-motion animation, it just isn't appealing at all to me.

It's not CGI but it gives me a very uncanny valley feel I guess.

April 25th, 2018, 07:48 AM
Saw Rampage with my daughter on Sunday. It was a pretty cool action movie, I guess. She liked it and I was entertained. There were a lot of kids in the theatre, and that brings me to this:

I realize this is old-man griping at it's finest, but back in my day (*shakes cane at audience*), "popular" films didn't have so much profanity - or any profanity. Ready Player One had some cursing, and Rampage had lots of it, but I don't see why any of it was necessary. They could have made the same movies with the same dialogue, minus all the cursing, and the movies would have been just as good as they were. Better, even, since I wouldn't have cringed and felt like a bad parent every time someone peppered their speech with profanity that really wasn't needed. Come on, it's a silly monster movie.

Okay, I'm done now. Now where did I put my spats?

https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fi1.kym-cdn.com%2Fentries%2Ficons%2Foriginal%2F000%2F019%2 F304%2Fold.jpg&f=1

April 25th, 2018, 08:42 AM
Want to hold off on Infinity War for another year so I can watch them back-to-back to avoid forgetting everything but the major plot points, then I'll plan to catch up on Civil War, Fraggle Rock, Black Panther ...
Although I'm hearing a few characters may be killed off (guessing it could be anyone but Spidey and Black Panther), so a year of avoiding spoilers is not going to happen :eek:

I don't think I could do that.

April 25th, 2018, 11:41 AM
I'm re-watching Green Wing.

Nobody does comedy like the Brits. This series was just utter brilliance, and weirdness from start to finish.

April 25th, 2018, 05:22 PM
Love Green Wing, that show is the best.
It's now on netflix US, if anybody wants a completely absurdist UK hospital sitcom.

MR2 Fan
April 26th, 2018, 10:38 PM
I just watched INFINITY WAR...first, all spoilers going in the spoiler tag obviously.

Second, HOLY SHIT!! That's all I'll say. It's a very good movie.

Now, thoughts on what happened/what will happen:

I think Dr. Strange is the key to all of this, and also I don't think Vision is dead. Dr. Strange SAW the future, then he turned over the time stone to Thanos anyway....that means Thanos HAS to use it for whatever good outcome there is to happen.

Also, does Thanos just retire now that he's done with his devious plan? or is he going to do something else? Are the avengers just going for revenge (Revengers?) at that point if he is retired?

I'm thinking there's another dimension that half the people went into and we'll see it play out in a multi-verse or something.

April 27th, 2018, 05:20 AM
Excited to see Brockmire S2E1 hit my DVR. Probably going to catch up on some other things and let a few episodes queue up before diving in.

April 27th, 2018, 09:17 AM
Trying really hard to avoid Infinity War spoilers. Going to a baseball game tonight, hopefully I don't accidentally overhear people talking about it.

Freude am Fahren
April 27th, 2018, 10:05 AM
They need to not release new movies before the previous one is out on home video. I can't really go see Infinity War without seeing Black Panther, right? I only just saw Thor: Ragnorok a couple weeks ago.

April 27th, 2018, 10:18 AM
and Deadpool 2 is out in three weeks.
Josh Brolin is the 'bad guy' in that movie, too.

MR2 Fan
April 27th, 2018, 11:06 AM
They need to not release new movies before the previous one is out on home video. I can't really go see Infinity War without seeing Black Panther, right? I only just saw Thor: Ragnorok a couple weeks ago.

Honestly, I went with a friend last night who hadn't seen Black Panther and I don't think it would have detracted from it, if you know the general idea of Wakanda.

April 27th, 2018, 12:04 PM
Did I mention The Terror yet? Watch The Terror. WATCH IT.


MR2 Fan
April 27th, 2018, 09:21 PM
Interesting, but there's a scene in one of the Infinity War trailers that wasn't in the movie:

The one with Cap running with the Wakandans and Hulk is behind them, but we know Hulk never comes out during that timeframe, so I wonder if that was a last minute change, or if we're somehow seeing a scene from the next movie? (Seriously doubt it)

Alan P
April 28th, 2018, 04:29 PM
Interesting, but there's a scene in one of the Infinity War trailers that wasn't in the movie:

The one with Cap running with the Wakandans and Hulk is behind them, but we know Hulk never comes out during that timeframe, so I wonder if that was a last minute change, or if we're somehow seeing a scene from the next movie? (Seriously doubt it)

it can't be because Several characters in shot have 'died' (it's believed they're in the Soul Stone rather than being completely dead). I think it was just subterfuge by Marvel.

April 28th, 2018, 10:19 PM
Saw Avengers: Infinity War and was completely blown away. Wow, just wow. Easily the best super hero movie of all time.

I’ll get into my pros and cons down below, but one con that doesn’t need a spoiler tag is my disdain for some of these so-called movie critics, and their fucked up reviews of the film. Some of them are so pompous and arrogant, and so petty. I swear I want to punch them in their collective faces...but everyone has a right to their opinion, so whatever.

Doesn’t change my opinion on the film one iota.


- Loki’s death. It was so moving, I actually felt a wave of sadness come over me. It felt like the end of an era, as his presence was always felt in a lot of the Marvel movies, starting with the first Thor. He was a common thread, as either the main villain or via his scepter. There was always a bit of Loki in everything. His death had a sense of finality to it, and he will be missed.
- Gamora’s death was a little less moving, but it still kind of hurt.
- Vision’s death after Thanos ripped the Mind Stone out of his forehead was priceless. I especially loved how he just tossed him to the side, like he was a piece of garbage.
- Red Skull was a “holy shit” moment, for sure. I read afterwards that it was a different actor that played him, as Hugo Weaving wasn’t interested in reprising the role. Made no difference to me, (I didn’t even notice), as the new guy filled in quite nicely.
- The mystery of the Soul Stone was done really well, even though it throws a monkey wrench into the fan theory of it being associated with the letter “H”. I guess the internet is not too happy about that.
- Hulk vs Thanos fight at the beginning was intense. Showed Thanos as the badass he truly is. I know he had the Power Stone at the time, so that helped him a lot, but even without it I’d wager he’d be even money against the Hulkster.
- Black Order lived up to expectations, especially Ebony Maw. I wish they hadn’t killed him off so easily.
- T’Challa’s death via disintegration was great. It opens the door to Shuri becoming the next Black Panther, at least for Avengers 4. I suspect T’Challa will be back in time for the next BP movie.
- After credits scene with Nick Fury uttering “motherfu-“ was pure gold!
- Finally, the characterization of Thanos himself was what really made this movie truly enjoyable for me. I was always worried that they’d make him a simple overpowered brute, who just wanted to kill for the sake of killing. I’m really glad they portrayed him to be a multifaceted and multidimensional villain, who had a plausible motivation for doing what he was doing, even though he was probably truly mad, hence the Mad Titan. It all fit together nicely.

- No reconciliation between Captain America and Iron Man. They don’t even share a single scene. I was so sure that Cap would die, and probably in Tony’s arms, but I guess they'll save that for the next movie. I suspect he and Stark will finally reconcile, and he’ll finally yell the words “Avengers Assemble!”
- Minor complaint, and this is a fanboy thing, but the lack of energy blasts from Thanos kind of irked me. Too much punching, not enough blasting. In the comics, Thanos has the ability to synthesize enormous amounts of cosmic energy and shoots energy beams from his hands and eyes, similar to the Silver Surfer. Whatever energy attacks he used in this movie were exclusively from the Gauntlet, the rest of his attacks were hand-to-hand. Oh well, can’t have everything you want.
- Uhh...can’t think of any other complaints. Honestly.
This movie was so epic on so many levels. Can’t recommend it enough!

April 29th, 2018, 11:23 PM
Infinity War and sequel speculation:

In the comics Thanos was infatuated with Death romatically which causes him to do all this stuff. I'm glad they didn't go this route because it wouldn't make a lot of sense on the big screen.

However, I got some very 'Death' vibes from Gamora in the last scene of the movie. Some people online pointed out that the sky was yellow/orange in that last scene where Thanos was sitting on the stairs. The rumor is that he is inside the Soul Stone which makes sense that Gamora is there too because she died for it. My guess is Gamora becomes Death and Thanos spends the next movie trying to impress her as a father trying to get his daughter back.

MR2 Fan
April 30th, 2018, 07:08 AM
so you're saying that maybe Thanos will decide to try to kill the rest of everyone next, because he'll fall in love with Death, (apparently the way the comics have it written from what I've heard)?

April 30th, 2018, 07:52 AM
Saw Infinity War. Fantastic movie! It's got me thinking about all of the previous movies before it and what might come next... Just remember that in every scene that we have seen Nick Fury appear in the past 10 years of film... he's always had that pager in his pocket and has never pushed the button until now. Talk about restraint... but also maybe he saw this outcome coming... and was always preparing for it!


April 30th, 2018, 08:35 AM
Infinity War and sequel speculation:

In the comics Thanos was infatuated with Death romatically which causes him to do all this stuff. I'm glad they didn't go this route because it wouldn't make a lot of sense on the big screen.

However, I got some very 'Death' vibes from Gamora in the last scene of the movie. Some people online pointed out that the sky was yellow/orange in that last scene where Thanos was sitting on the stairs. The rumor is that he is inside the Soul Stone which makes sense that Gamora is there too because she died for it. My guess is Gamora becomes Death and Thanos spends the next movie trying to impress her as a father trying to get his daughter back. Interesting theory. I too got a sense of Death from the little girl Gamora. In the comics Death appears in the form of a woman, but sometimes as a little girl too.

I think it'll all play into Thanos feeling unworthy of having godlike power, and subconsciously allowing himself to be beaten. That's how it sort of ended in the Infinity Gauntlet comic. Thanos is one of those rare villains who always seems to win, yet always finds a way to lose, most often by giving up the power. It's a bit of a cop out, but bad guys have to lose in the end. :|

May 1st, 2018, 07:53 PM
I was completely underwhelmed, and had relegated it to the mindless drivel of "explosions, fights and racing" that makes typical blockbusters, but I don't follow the stories and haven't seen any of the "prequels" to this outside of Black Panther.
Your post changes my view of it somewhat, as obviously there is so much more of the backstory that i'm completely ignorant about. It atually makes me want to see the other movies but that's a lot of investment (timewise,) even with a MoviePass, Netflix and Amazon Prime.

Saw Avengers: Infinity War and was completely blown away. Wow, just wow. Easily the best super hero movie of all time.

I’ll get into my pros and cons down below, but one con that doesn’t need a spoiler tag is my disdain for some of these so-called movie critics, and their fucked up reviews of the film. Some of them are so pompous and arrogant, and so petty. I swear I want to punch them in their collective faces...but everyone has a right to their opinion, so whatever.

Doesn’t change my opinion on the film one iota.


- Loki’s death. It was so moving, I actually felt a wave of sadness come over me. It felt like the end of an era, as his presence was always felt in a lot of the Marvel movies, starting with the first Thor. He was a common thread, as either the main villain or via his scepter. There was always a bit of Loki in everything. His death had a sense of finality to it, and he will be missed.
- Gamora’s death was a little less moving, but it still kind of hurt.
- Vision’s death after Thanos ripped the Mind Stone out of his forehead was priceless. I especially loved how he just tossed him to the side, like he was a piece of garbage.
- Red Skull was a “holy shit” moment, for sure. I read afterwards that it was a different actor that played him, as Hugo Weaving wasn’t interested in reprising the role. Made no difference to me, (I didn’t even notice), as the new guy filled in quite nicely.
- The mystery of the Soul Stone was done really well, even though it throws a monkey wrench into the fan theory of it being associated with the letter “H”. I guess the internet is not too happy about that.
- Hulk vs Thanos fight at the beginning was intense. Showed Thanos as the badass he truly is. I know he had the Power Stone at the time, so that helped him a lot, but even without it I’d wager he’d be even money against the Hulkster.
- Black Order lived up to expectations, especially Ebony Maw. I wish they hadn’t killed him off so easily.
- T’Challa’s death via disintegration was great. It opens the door to Shuri becoming the next Black Panther, at least for Avengers 4. I suspect T’Challa will be back in time for the next BP movie.
- After credits scene with Nick Fury uttering “motherfu-“ was pure gold!
- Finally, the characterization of Thanos himself was what really made this movie truly enjoyable for me. I was always worried that they’d make him a simple overpowered brute, who just wanted to kill for the sake of killing. I’m really glad they portrayed him to be a multifaceted and multidimensional villain, who had a plausible motivation for doing what he was doing, even though he was probably truly mad, hence the Mad Titan. It all fit together nicely.

- No reconciliation between Captain America and Iron Man. They don’t even share a single scene. I was so sure that Cap would die, and probably in Tony’s arms, but I guess they'll save that for the next movie. I suspect he and Stark will finally reconcile, and he’ll finally yell the words “Avengers Assemble!”
- Minor complaint, and this is a fanboy thing, but the lack of energy blasts from Thanos kind of irked me. Too much punching, not enough blasting. In the comics, Thanos has the ability to synthesize enormous amounts of cosmic energy and shoots energy beams from his hands and eyes, similar to the Silver Surfer. Whatever energy attacks he used in this movie were exclusively from the Gauntlet, the rest of his attacks were hand-to-hand. Oh well, can’t have everything you want.
- Uhh...can’t think of any other complaints. Honestly.
This movie was so epic on so many levels. Can’t recommend it enough!

May 2nd, 2018, 03:10 AM
The movie makes a lot more sense, and has a lot more emotional connection if you've been following along with the MCU at least somewhat over the years. As a standalone movie, without any other MCU knowledge, Black Panther is better. So it really just depends on the viewer.

May 2nd, 2018, 05:36 AM
I was completely underwhelmed, and had relegated it to the mindless drivel of "explosions, fights and racing" that makes typical blockbusters, but I don't follow the stories and haven't seen any of the "prequels" to this outside of Black Panther.
Your post changes my view of it somewhat, as obviously there is so much more of the backstory that i'm completely ignorant about. It atually makes me want to see the other movies but that's a lot of investment (timewise,) even with a MoviePass, Netflix and Amazon Prime. I’d have to strongly recommend making the investment. You could get through them all in two weeks if you watched one per day, and a little more on the weekends.

It’s a great universe. Easy to get hooked.

MR2 Fan
May 2nd, 2018, 06:17 AM
I was completely underwhelmed, and had relegated it to the mindless drivel of "explosions, fights and racing" that makes typical blockbusters, but I don't follow the stories and haven't seen any of the "prequels" to this outside of Black Panther.
Your post changes my view of it somewhat, as obviously there is so much more of the backstory that i'm completely ignorant about. It atually makes me want to see the other movies but that's a lot of investment (timewise,) even with a MoviePass, Netflix and Amazon Prime.

Do you only watch season finales of Game of Thrones also?

MR2 Fan
May 2nd, 2018, 12:24 PM
More Infinity War stuff....about how it kinda relates to religion (NOT paging Billi for comment)

Someone mentioned that Thanos was getting 6 infinity stones in a matter of a few days, and then resting on the "7th" day.

Loki tells Thanos that he will never be a god.

Starlord said "Jesus" when Dr. Strange asked which master he served.

And of course, losing people to dust was VERY much like the biblical rapture. It does feel a bit like that.

I'm sure there's other references I'm forgetting also. I'm not saying that they specifically went for that, but the argument could be made that they were hinting at it.

May 2nd, 2018, 01:03 PM
No idea if this will work, but Mo, here's a flow chart for you:

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/31773024_10156247467104318_28611594657202176_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=2d2cfdcac3e65f99df65174ced020af8&oe=5B52008C

May 2nd, 2018, 03:11 PM
I'm a big Marvel fan but I recommend spreading them out. If you watch too many in a short period of time you may get burnt out.

I pick and choose which ones to show my wife. I find that in a lot of them, they have a genre or style of movie and I match that with what my wife would enjoy.

Captain America 1 felt like a war movie. Captain America 2 felt spy-espionage. Thor 1 was 'Shakespearian'. Guardians of the Galaxy 1/2 were space operas. Iron Man were action flicks and Ant-Man was a heist movie. Thor 3 was comedy/action.

The crossover movies are more about watching established characters interact. It's a lot of fun.

May 2nd, 2018, 03:34 PM
That’s a valid point, DSM. I guess it depends on the person and how attached they are or were to the MCU, and comics in general.

It was very easy for me to get hooked on the MCU, as I used to eat/sleep/breathe comics for over a decade. Even spent countless hours and thousands of words analyzing them on comics forums with other like-minded people, including participation in mindless “versus” forums. In short: I was hooked, until about 2011. It’s been a seamless transition over to the MCU, almost obligatory.

For a total newbie I’d agree that taking it slow would probably be a better idea.

May 2nd, 2018, 03:42 PM
Watched it yesterday and was smiling from beginning to end. Great movie. Only a few more weeks until DP2.

Alan P
May 2nd, 2018, 04:37 PM
No idea if this will work, but Mo, here's a flow chart for you:

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/31773024_10156247467104318_28611594657202176_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=2d2cfdcac3e65f99df65174ced020af8&oe=5B52008C

If you really wanted to condense it down and only watch the really important ones:

Ironman 1, Captain America The First Avenger (Infinity Stone content) & Thor. Possibly IM2 as it introduces Black Widow.
Thor the Dark World (Infinity Stone content), Cap 2 TWS, GOTG (Infinity Stone content)
Avengers AoU, Doctor Strange (Infinity Stone content)
Captain America Civil War (possibly Ant-Man for relevance as he appears in this) Thor Ragnarok
Spider-Man Homecoming for some Spider-Man Context, although Civil War is pretty good in this respect, Black Panther could easily be missed out too.
Then Avengers Infinity War.

May 2nd, 2018, 10:33 PM
The movie makes a lot more sense, and has a lot more emotional connection if you've been following along with the MCU at least somewhat over the years. As a standalone movie, without any other MCU knowledge, Black Panther is better. So it really just depends on the viewer.


May 2nd, 2018, 10:36 PM
I’d have to strongly recommend making the investment. You could get through them all in two weeks if you watched one per day, and a little more on the weekends.

It’s a great universe. Easy to get hooked.

Do you only watch season finales of Game of Thrones also?

I didn't grow up in this country so I wan't vested in watching the movies of comics from a past I didn't have. I only watched it because my date wanted to watch it.

May 2nd, 2018, 10:37 PM
No idea if this will work, but Mo, here's a flow chart for you:

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/31773024_10156247467104318_28611594657202176_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=2d2cfdcac3e65f99df65174ced020af8&oe=5B52008C

You're a good dude Jason. Thank you.

May 2nd, 2018, 10:52 PM
Just finished season 4 of Bosch on Amazon. Such a great series.

May 3rd, 2018, 03:10 AM

Still so so good.

May 3rd, 2018, 03:30 AM
No idea if this will work, but Mo, here's a flow chart for you:

https://scontent-iad3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/fr/cp0/e15/q65/31773024_10156247467104318_28611594657202176_n.jpg ?_nc_cat=0&efg=eyJpIjoidCJ9&oh=2d2cfdcac3e65f99df65174ced020af8&oe=5B52008C

I like this chart, but my pedantic side is twitching...

The events of Dr. Strange occurred AFTER Civil War. Remember before Strange's car accident he was on the phone and refusing to work on "an Air Force colonel with a spinal injury" because it wasn't exciting enough...

May 3rd, 2018, 04:38 AM
The events of Dr. Strange occurred AFTER Civil War. Remember before Strange's car accident he was on the phone and refusing to work on "an Air Force colonel with a spinal injury" because it wasn't exciting enough...

Actually to me you are not pedantic, it is a big error. It's nothing serious, but continuity wise Dr. Strange comes after Civil War and there are no doubts about it.
I miss still Thor: Ragnarok, Spider-Man: Homecoming and Black Panther.
I'll watch Thor 3 just out of completeness since I've found the first two movies horrid, I'll skip Spider-Man because it will be the usual yadda yadda and I always loathed Peter Parker... Black Panther not anymore in cinemas here, not yet in Blu-ray. SIGH.

Freude am Fahren
May 3rd, 2018, 04:54 AM
By a show of hands, who here has seen all the Marvel movies (well except the latest 2, but will ASAP), and loves the whole universe, but has never read a comic book?

Just me?


May 3rd, 2018, 06:02 AM
I was surprised to see that, on that chart, I've watched 4.5 of those movies. That's 1.5 more than I would have guessed. Iron Man 1-3, Thor (was staying at someone's house, they picked), and half of CA:FA (what a bore).

MR2 Fan
May 3rd, 2018, 06:02 AM
By a show of hands, who here has seen all the Marvel movies (well except the latest 2, but will ASAP), and loves the whole universe, but has never read a comic book?

Just me?


I've seen all of the MCU movies except Thor 2....never read a comic book in my life, but I LOVE the MCU movies. They started out with relative realism in Iron Man and IMO once you've "bought in" to it, the rest comes easier.

MR2 Fan
May 3rd, 2018, 06:03 AM
I was surprised to see that, on that chart, I've watched 4.5 of those movies. That's 1.5 more than I would have guessed. Iron Man 1-3, Thor (was staying at someone's house, they picked), and half of CA:FA (what a bore).

CA:WS is a HUGE improvement and still one of the best in the series...probably still #2 or #3 on my list

May 3rd, 2018, 06:06 AM
Yeah, I've heard that about WS. :up:

G'day Mate
May 3rd, 2018, 06:27 AM
Altered Carbon

May 3rd, 2018, 06:28 AM
Let's change gears to another Marvel franchise...

Deadpool is back at it promoting his upcoming movie, but this time with a music video. You should watch it.


May 3rd, 2018, 02:34 PM
I like this chart, but my pedantic side is twitching...

The events of Dr. Strange occurred AFTER Civil War. Remember before Strange's car accident he was on the phone and refusing to work on "an Air Force colonel with a spinal injury" because it wasn't exciting enough...

It's not in time order, but rather it's a storyline based flowchart. Otherwise GOTG 2 would be right after GOTG, for example.

May 3rd, 2018, 02:36 PM
I have a spreadsheet of all MCU properties in rough time order, but that's over the top for my intention with that chart :)

May 6th, 2018, 06:11 PM
Avengers: Infinity War
Awesome, thought it was better than even the first Avengers, Captain America: Civil War and Thor: Ragnarok, until ...
... they 'killed' Spidey, which makes me think there's going to be some cop-out outcome in the sequel where just about everyone is brought back.
Totally agree with the Dr Strange comment; he saw something or put some other spell on the time gem.
Plus, Gamora gave up the Soul gems location too easily and no one was really willing to sacrifice Vision.
Still the best of the MCU, and that's saying a lot
I can definitely see how this would be a wtf-this-is-over-the-top-and-confusing movie if you didn't see at least 10 of the previous MCU films

Alan P
May 7th, 2018, 05:05 PM
Avengers: Infinity War
Awesome, thought it was better than even the first Avengers, Captain America: Civil War and Thor: Ragnarok, until ...
... they 'killed' Spidey, which makes me think there's going to be some cop-out outcome in the sequel where just about everyone is brought back.
Totally agree with the Dr Strange comment; he saw something or put some other spell on the time gem.
Plus, Gamora gave up the Soul gems location too easily and no one was really willing to sacrifice Vision.
Still the best of the MCU, and that's saying a lot
I can definitely see how this would be a wtf-this-is-over-the-top-and-confusing movie if you didn't see at least 10 of the previous MCU films

The current thought is that Everyone that turned to dust is inside the Soul Stone and in Avengers 4 they'll work out some way to reverse the change and everyone will come back. But possibly at the cost of some or all of those that survived. I mean they've already announced another Spider-Man and Black Panther film so they'll be back.

Freude am Fahren
May 10th, 2018, 04:08 PM
Fox just canceled Brooklyn 99 and Last Man on Earth.


This a day after announcing the purchase of a bunch of Sinclair/Tribune stations for nearly a Billion.

Alan P
May 10th, 2018, 06:48 PM
Man the Expanse is getting crazy good!

Freude am Fahren
May 11th, 2018, 07:38 AM
Man the Expanse is getting crazy good!

Aaaaand, now that's canceled too.


Hopefully Netflix picks it up.

May 11th, 2018, 12:42 PM
Fox just canceled Brooklyn 99 and Last Man on Earth.

Boo ineed
Captain Ray Holt (played by Andre Braugher) is probably the funniest character on currently TV

May 11th, 2018, 04:19 PM
Fox just canceled Brooklyn 99 and Last Man on Earth.

They also cancelled The Mick. Only thing that can come from that is new seasons of It's Always Sunny...

Freude am Fahren
May 11th, 2018, 04:58 PM
And Fox has announced that it picked up Tim Allen's Last Man Standing, which had been canceled by ABC.

According to Dan Goor, B99 creator, Fox basically said we don't give a damn how well it performs on streaming and +7, only live ratings.

I don't think it's a coincidence that Fox canceled two shows with bi-sexual couples, and picked up a conservative comic's "blue collar" sitcom.

Freude am Fahren
May 11th, 2018, 08:42 PM
And NBC has already saved Brooklyn 99!


May 20th, 2018, 01:21 PM
Saw Deadpool 2 this morning. Worth every minute of it. Laughed my ass off.

May 20th, 2018, 01:31 PM
Marvel Agents of SHIELD finally ended this season. Meh. They could have written way better scenes and dialogues around a passable plot which felt worse than it could have been.

Rare White Ape
May 20th, 2018, 07:39 PM
I watched Altered Carbon. It was meh as fuck, but had plenty of boobs and whatnot to balance out it’s mediocrity.

May 21st, 2018, 03:05 PM
I quit Altered Carbon right in the middle, it just lost my interest.

Been thinking of watching the Harry Potter movies. Haven’t seen a single one. I need to open my mind and see what it’s all about.

Freude am Fahren
May 21st, 2018, 03:58 PM
Seems like actual fans of shows have a much bigger say these days of streaming content. Kinda makes sense. SyFy getting a few thousand extra views in broadcast ratings isn't as good for them as a subscription based platform getting the same number of subscribers. Kinda like why we saw all the good, high quality, expensive stuff on HBO and Showtime for so long. Though Amazon is kinda different, with the whole prime thing, but anyway... I thought Netflix would surely pick it up with their big sci-fi push lately.

Amazon in talks to pick up The Expanse (http://www.comingsoon.net/tv/news/947389-amazon-in-talks-for-the-expanse-season-4)

Alan P
May 21st, 2018, 04:50 PM
Seems like actual fans of shows have a much bigger say these days of streaming content. Kinda makes sense. SyFy getting a few thousand extra views in broadcast ratings isn't as good for them as a subscription based platform getting the same number of subscribers. Kinda like why we saw all the good, high quality, expensive stuff on HBO and Showtime for so long. Though Amazon is kinda different, with the whole prime thing, but anyway... I thought Netflix would surely pick it up with their big sci-fi push lately.

Amazon in talks to pick up The Expanse (http://www.comingsoon.net/tv/news/947389-amazon-in-talks-for-the-expanse-season-4)

Great news! Apparently Netflix passed on it relatively quickly which is strange. They market it as a Netflix original in most foreign countries when it's anything but.

Freude am Fahren
May 21st, 2018, 05:16 PM
Yeah, basically I guess Netflix just slaps that "Original" tag on anything they own the rights to at the time and place.

When they picked up Arrested Development for a 4th season (way before it was released, btw), they slapped that Netflix Original intro on season 1-3.

Oh, and speaking of A.D., season 5 trailer was released, and the season will be released next week. They also recently replaced Season 4 with a remixed version of chronological episodes, rather than the character focused ones as it was originally released. The original ones can still be watched though.

Rare White Ape
May 21st, 2018, 06:38 PM
Been thinking of watching the Harry Potter movies. Haven’t seen a single one. I need to open my mind and see what it’s all about.

Are you familiar with the books? Just beware that the first few movies are a bit shaky (its a kids film with kid actors in it) but it really picks up its stride at around the 4th film and gets better and better from there.

May 21st, 2018, 08:03 PM
Are you familiar with the books? Just beware that the first few movies are a bit shaky (its a kids film with kid actors in it) but it really picks up its stride at around the 4th film and gets better and better from there. Never read any of the books, but I still want to give the movies a chance.

May 22nd, 2018, 01:52 AM
I never read the books.

Found the movies utterly boring though. Way too "childish", so I really didn't engage with them at all. I didn't care about any of the protagonists, so was unphased by the imagined perils they found themselves in.

May 22nd, 2018, 07:14 AM
Haven't read them, either, and I have this weird aversion to British children. I LOVE British tv/movies/books, and adult British accents are great (especially women)... But for some reason I'll spend an entire movie of British kids talking with a permanent cringe on my face. I have no idea why.

So yeah, I was forced to try watching some of the earlier Potter movies and couldn't stand them. But the last three, where the kids are now basically adults, and shit gets serious and gritty and dramatic, I thought were quite well done.

May 25th, 2018, 01:52 PM
Re-watching the first season of 13 Reasons Why before I start on the second season.

Rare White Ape
May 25th, 2018, 02:07 PM
If you guys wanted to get really engaged with the Hogwarts universe, then avoid watching the first four Harry Potter movies until you’ve read the books. The printed version of the story became popular for a very good reason, and that’s because the books are literally a joy to read. They’ll suck you in.

The early films are like something you have to endure before you get to the good bits. But if you’re a fan of the franchise they’re an easy watch and you’ll find yourself marathoning right through the whole series.

May 27th, 2018, 03:28 PM
Saw Solo this morning. Oof. Pretty underwhelming. Best thing I can say about it is that it makes me curious as to how the original directors movie would've turned out.

May 28th, 2018, 05:32 AM
Re-watching the first season of 13 Reasons Why before I start on the second season.

I'm glad I'm not the only one watching this series. :)

May 28th, 2018, 12:33 PM
Yeah it's a great series. Almost done the re-watching the first season, then onto the second.

May 30th, 2018, 08:26 AM
I just finished season 2 last night.

May 30th, 2018, 09:25 AM
Oh, darn.

May 30th, 2018, 06:57 PM
Oh, darn.

I know you are terribly disappointed.

May 31st, 2018, 04:45 AM
The Top Gun reboot/sequel has started principle photography:


May 31st, 2018, 08:24 AM
Saw Deadpool 2. I was entertained, but they lowered the bar on how they get laughs. Domino stole the show, in my opinion.

Speaking of that, there was a trailer in front of it for a puppet movie with Melissa McCarthy. It looks horrific.

May 31st, 2018, 08:36 AM
I liked DP2 but thought the fourth wall breaking was a little too much. I know that's his 'thing' but it seemed like every time you'd start getting into it he'd make some quip about Patrick Stewart or something.

Domino stole the show? Please, it was all Peter...

May 31st, 2018, 10:05 AM
I've decided to skip Deadpool 2 and Solo.

I recently watched Black Butterfly, which was pretty damn good.

Still watching season two of 13 Reasons. Only three episodes in.

Freude am Fahren
May 31st, 2018, 04:33 PM
Saw Red Sparrow last night. Really liked it.

Saw Black Panther last week, finally. Really good. I think what sets this one apart from most Marvel films is that it's more of a character story than destruction porn.

May 31st, 2018, 11:00 PM
I thought Deadpool 2 was still pretty funny :) I like my superhero movies silly and light though.

Interestingly, I saw Red Sparrow, and even with nudity, I found the movie painful.

June 2nd, 2018, 03:14 PM
Maybe try watching it with clothes on next time?

June 2nd, 2018, 06:49 PM
Watched DP2 as well, felt it wasn't anywhere near as memorable as DP1.

June 2nd, 2018, 10:37 PM
Maybe try watching it with clothes on next time?

What the hell sort of insane suggestion is that?!?


June 3rd, 2018, 01:10 PM
Finished the second season of 13 Reasons Why.

Shitty ending. I was rooting for Tyler.

June 3rd, 2018, 02:09 PM
Saw Action Point this morning. Went in with zero expectations and loved the hell out of it. Then again I really like Johnny Knoxville. I even liked The Ringer.

June 3rd, 2018, 03:52 PM
I didn't think 13 Reasons Why had a terrible ending.

MR2 Fan
June 3rd, 2018, 06:31 PM
I saw Solo....

I feel my life is no better or worse for seeing it. It's just extremely average

June 3rd, 2018, 07:11 PM
I didn't think 13 Reasons Why had a terrible ending. To me it felt like Rian Johnson directed the second season.

June 4th, 2018, 01:04 PM
To me it felt like Rian Johnson directed the second season.

So an entire season of "The Fly"?

June 4th, 2018, 05:41 PM
I really liked DP2 and was impressed about how they actually had a touching story to pull it forward. Pun not necessarily intended.

June 4th, 2018, 09:33 PM
So an entire season of "The Fly"? Last Jedi, me bruv.

June 5th, 2018, 07:03 AM
Last Jedi, me bruv.

The Breaking Bad episode that seems to be universally reviled, bruv.

Freude am Fahren
June 5th, 2018, 09:13 AM
Actually it's pretty well liked by critics.

(And me).

June 5th, 2018, 11:49 AM
I liked it as well because it showed just how obsessed Walter could be.

June 5th, 2018, 02:08 PM
Nathan and I watched Game Night the other day. Not bad and was a fun kind of stupid movie.

MR2 Fan
June 5th, 2018, 08:40 PM
One more thought about Solo, I know this topic has been beaten to death elsewhere, but hear me out.

I still think it suffers from an actor who doesn't look or sound like Harrison Ford's portrayal. Honestly it would be nice if they gave Alden whatshisface a test session where he says the lines Harrison Ford does when we meet Han Solo in A New Hope.

Also, there is something to be said about going to see a movie to see how close a person's portrayal can get. That's how we can often get great and interesting choices for Biopics. I also was more interested in watching MIB 3 after seeing the trailers of Josh Brolin's performance of a young Agent K....he completely nailed a younger Tommy Lee Jones.

June 6th, 2018, 06:59 AM
I liked Game Night. I forget what it's called but they used that photography that makes wide shot cityscapes look like a model, or in this case, game pieces. I've seen it before with still photography but never with motion picture. Was fun to watch.

Freude am Fahren
June 6th, 2018, 12:51 PM
Tilt-shift. Always wanted to try that out.

Game Night is on my list. I generally enjoy those types of movies.

June 6th, 2018, 02:37 PM
Saw Game Night in the theater when it came out. Really liked it. Out of all the movies(Game Night, A Quiet Place, Deadpool 2, Avengers, Solo, Action Point) I've seen in the fast few months the only real letdown was Solo.

Freude am Fahren
June 6th, 2018, 04:39 PM
SO Deadpool was has been playing on FX.

As far as I can tell, it's completely unedited. At 6 p.m. eastern, no less :lol:

MR2 Fan
June 9th, 2018, 01:15 PM
oops, posted in the wrong thread

June 10th, 2018, 09:37 AM
Saw Hereditary this morning. I really liked it.

June 10th, 2018, 10:52 AM
Watched the last few episode of Agents of SHIELD. Ruby's acting was atrocious. The season as a whole was kind of disappointing, in my opinion, compared to other seasons. I skipped a couple of episodes in my binge this morning. The final was a real tear-jerker for me though. (I'm a sensitive guy and I like the characters. That's why I stuck with the show even though I was not really enjoying it.) I am kind of glad things might be back-to-Earth next season.

June 10th, 2018, 01:30 PM
Totally Cam, it felt like they pushed the story too much out of its boundaries.
Although the final villain was a change of pace, it was underplayed... but at that point I only wanted the season to end, it had already dragged itself too much.
And yeah, about those leaving... damn, it got me all emotional. Although I agree with the new leader's choice.
Let's hope for the next season, and enough of sci-fy crap.

Alan P
June 11th, 2018, 06:05 PM
Two episodes of Reverie. It's not brilliant, but does have Sarah Shahi in it so still worth watching! :P

G'day Mate
June 12th, 2018, 05:42 AM
Watching "Happy". Excellent show! Thoroughly enjoying it. One episode to go ...

It's like ... Quentin Tarantino re-did Kimmy Schmidt


June 12th, 2018, 12:02 PM
Watched Hotel Artemis today. It is many things but it is not boring.

June 12th, 2018, 12:09 PM
Re: Happy! I mean, the guys behind Crank did this with the graphic novel by Grant Morrison? FFS, I'm in!

June 14th, 2018, 08:12 AM
Started watching The Staircase. Pretty addictive. Binged watched four episodes last night.

I actually Googled the Mike Peterson case and already know what's going to happen, but I'll still finish watching the series. Kinda sickening. Everyone always hates defense lawyers, but at least they defend the people's rights. Federal/State/Crown prosecutors are just as scummy. Hell, even worse. Much worse.

MR2 Fan
June 14th, 2018, 08:48 AM
I liked the defense lawyers on "The Practice"....obviously not real, but still they had some incredible episodes where you understood their role.

June 14th, 2018, 08:58 AM
As an offshoot of The Practice, I also liked Boston Legal very much. Have them on DVD.

June 16th, 2018, 09:48 AM
I watched Tyler Perry’s Acrimony last night. Such a twisted movie with good comedic elements. I’m surprised it’s rated so low, it wasn’t actually bad.

June 16th, 2018, 03:05 PM
Watched the finale to Sense8. I enjoyed it, but there were many eyeroll moments. Wait, what? Why are there not cops all over them? Wait, what how can they get away with that in broad daylight? WTF? :lol:

June 21st, 2018, 08:34 AM
As usual, I'm probably the last person to learn this, but they're making a new Terminator movie.

"Linda Hamilton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and James Cameron are back."


Arnold could be 107 years old an in an iron lung and I'd still go see Terminator movies.

June 21st, 2018, 09:14 AM
I think you're the second last.

June 21st, 2018, 01:10 PM
Den Of Thieves. As close as we'll get to a GTA V movie.

MR2 Fan
July 4th, 2018, 12:17 PM
Watched all of Glow Season 2....maybe because I watched it all in about 2 days but it seemed like the season ended when it was just picking up steam...10 episodes of ~30 mins each is too short IMO.

I still don't love the show, it's decent, but it's different enough from what I normally watch that it's something different and not too serious.

July 4th, 2018, 01:53 PM
Saw Sicario: Day Of The Soldado on Sunday. Loved it.

July 4th, 2018, 06:07 PM
Also binged Glow season 2.

It just keeps getting better.

Also, Betty Gilpin all kinds of naked. Yowsa.

July 5th, 2018, 10:07 AM
Luke Cage season 2 is even better than the first, I think we're a little over halfway through. Music is excellent as always and I love the cameos from the other MCU Netflix characters.

July 5th, 2018, 12:11 PM
Finishing up GLOW season 2 and the latest season of Kimmy Schmidt after GLOW.

Freude am Fahren
July 10th, 2018, 07:07 PM
A Quiet Place was phenomenal.

Better get some award recognition.

G'day Mate
July 11th, 2018, 03:09 AM
Saw Sicario: Day Of The Soldado on Sunday. Loved it.

Is that the FBI lady in Mexico one? Watched that the other night too and really enjoyed it.

Edit: Scratch that, I saw the 2015 film. First in a series apparently? Still really good

MR2 Fan
July 13th, 2018, 05:44 PM
Got through Ep. 5 of Altered Carbon....lots of it is non-sensical and confusing...not sure if I'm going to keep watching as it isn't holding my interest except the gratuitous nudity.

July 13th, 2018, 09:06 PM
Narcos Season 3. S2 was disappointing in the sense that it was perpetuating the "world police" (and cowboys) myth.

Oh, and pre-code movies. America's finest hour. Defo.

Alan P
July 14th, 2018, 12:20 PM
Got through Ep. 5 of Altered Carbon....lots of it is non-sensical and confusing...not sure if I'm going to keep watching as it isn't holding my interest except the gratuitous nudity.

There was a plot? :)

July 15th, 2018, 02:44 AM
People who really liked the NZ film, What We Do In The Shadows, who are determined to get something related, they've just started (1 episode in) a pretend "Cops" style mockumentary show called "Wellington Paranormal" (Wellington being the city where I live, and where the movie is set).

July 16th, 2018, 01:45 PM
Saw The Incredibles 2 in the theatre with the family last weekend.

Lots of fun, as expected.

G'day Mate
July 16th, 2018, 10:09 PM
People who really liked the NZ film, What We Do In The Shadows, who are determined to get something related, they've just started (1 episode in) a pretend "Cops" style mockumentary show called "Wellington Paranormal" (Wellington being the city where I live, and where the movie is set).

Ooh, how is it available?

July 16th, 2018, 10:13 PM
A bay with pirates in it is likely an option.

Unsure if it will be released in any way in Aussie.

G'day Mate
July 16th, 2018, 10:20 PM
Ah actually, it looks like it will be on SBS :) "What We Do in the Shadows" was on Netflix here

July 16th, 2018, 11:35 PM
It's awesome, and typically Kiwi. :D

I read that they are going to try get more overseas screenings/rights too, as well as Aussie.

Apologies if already posted elsewhere, but an Uncharted 'fan' video has been made with PERFECT casting, and more similarities etc to the games than i suspect the official Hollywood version will have.
As per my comment on that vid, i strongly suspect this will be better by far than the actual movie, especially casting wise.


July 17th, 2018, 12:46 AM
I watched Mother! the other day. Really really stupid. Would not recommend at all.

MR2 Fan
July 21st, 2018, 09:40 PM
this is a bit politics, but about the James Gunn situation.......it sucks either way, and it's sad.

I'm thinking though, using the same kind of logic, Seth MacFarlane should have been gone from Fox a looooong time ago (so if Disney takes over Fox, do they fire him next?), and anything Sarah Silverman or Bob Saget said in "The Aristocrats" should bar them from any family friendly work also.

July 21st, 2018, 09:53 PM
Are there any new comedies that have aired in the last six months or so, that people can suggest for me?

I'm always struggling to find comedy sitcoms to kill 22 minutes of time in a light hearted way.

July 22nd, 2018, 03:35 AM
The Good Place for your Ted Danson and Kristin Bell fix. Bobcat Goldthwait's Misfits & Monsters for your twisted anthology fix.

July 22nd, 2018, 03:49 AM
I've seen Good Place, really like it, but feel they've written themselves into a corner big time this season!

Might have to look up Bobcat etc

July 22nd, 2018, 04:39 AM
Misfits and Monsters trailer.


Freude am Fahren
July 22nd, 2018, 07:51 AM
For some reason, I watched the latest Transformers movie. Somehow they managed to outdo themselves and make an even worse movie than any of the previous ones. Seriously, maybe the worst movie I've ever seen.

July 22nd, 2018, 12:31 PM
That is impressive. I watched the first Transformers movie, and concluded yeah nah. Never again.

MR2 Fan
July 22nd, 2018, 01:01 PM
mind blown - Infinity War related:


July 22nd, 2018, 01:39 PM
Saw Equalizer 2 today. I've watched a lot of movies this summer and haven't seen a terrible one yet. This one is good, then again it's got Denzel.

Alan P
July 22nd, 2018, 05:55 PM


Godzilla King of the Monsters




July 22nd, 2018, 06:25 PM
Are there any new comedies that have aired in the last six months or so, that people can suggest for me?

I'm always struggling to find comedy sitcoms to kill 22 minutes of time in a light hearted way.

Not new - but have you watched Brooklyn 99?

Ive just watched Get Shorty, but thats hour eps and not sitcom. More crime comedy.

July 22nd, 2018, 06:56 PM
Yup, love Brooklyn 99 :). Get Shorty is pretty good, enjoyed that series.

Freude am Fahren
July 22nd, 2018, 09:08 PM
Finished Lost in Space. Got better as it went on I think.

Quite a bit of the typical, let's have characters make completely stupid choices in order to get the plot going at the beginning.

July 23rd, 2018, 12:38 AM
Yup, love Brooklyn 99 :). Get Shorty is pretty good, enjoyed that series.

Ok so good suggestions - just too late!
Have you heard of Game of Thrones!!!
(thanks capt obvious!)

July 23rd, 2018, 02:14 AM
It suggests we have similar taste in comedy :)

Watched Misfits & Monsters two episodes, good fun too.

G'day Mate
July 23rd, 2018, 02:35 AM
Brooklyn 99 has good re-watchability actually if you're really stuck.

Another not-new suggestion: Rick and Morty?

July 23rd, 2018, 04:29 AM
agreed on Brooklyn 99, just felt there was a huge drop-off in the middle of season 1, most of the remaining 112 episodes (guessing 100?) are solid.

July 23rd, 2018, 07:44 PM
Season 3 of Better Call Saul was just released to Netflix (Canada) today. I started watching the first episode and then realized that I totally forgot what happened in season 2. Now I have to rewatch season 2. :|

July 24th, 2018, 02:16 AM
Another not-new suggestion: Rick and Morty?

Watched a couple of episodes, but it didn't hook me in.

G'day Mate
July 24th, 2018, 04:38 AM
By the way, does "The Tour de France" count as an answer to this question this time of year?

July 24th, 2018, 05:51 AM
I want to watch Rick and Morty but I want to start from the beginning. However, it doesn't stream on any of my platforms so I've only seen bits and pieces of it.

July 24th, 2018, 06:06 AM
By the way, does "The Tour de France" count as an answer to this question this time of year?


Freude am Fahren
July 24th, 2018, 04:23 PM
To "What are you watching?" or to the sitcom question?

MR2 Fan
July 24th, 2018, 09:31 PM
SDCC trailer opinions:

Aquaman = Thor underwater
Godzilla - King of the Monsters = weird plot device
Alita Battle Angel = STILL freaky eyes, I can't watch it

July 25th, 2018, 12:01 AM
By the way, does "The Tour de France" count as an answer to this question this time of year?

My sister, the non-sports-watcher, has learned to embrace TdF. The last 2 years she has become a compulsive watcher, recording it if she cant stay up.
I do like it, it is an interesting sport with tactics and amazing efforts. I also like looking at places and going "oh Ive ridden that road", even if my efforts where with a motor!

July 25th, 2018, 12:02 AM
Another very old suggestion - (re)watch Blackadder - it is still very good.

July 25th, 2018, 11:31 AM
Another very old suggestion - (re)watch Blackadder - it is still very good.

Yeah, that's definitely on the cards. I've gone back through IT Crowd, Young Ones, Black Books, Green Wing. Going through Father Ted now. So Blackadder is just a matter of time.

Also introduced the girlfriend (recent addition) to geekdom... Firefly, Serenity, then Con Man (which if you love Firefly, oh jeepers cripes do you need to watch Con Man) [Con for convention, not as in confidence].

July 27th, 2018, 01:57 AM
Yesterday I watched Alien, Prometheus and Alien Covenant.

Today I will watch Aliens and Alien 3. Maybe Alien Resurrection if I have time. I like to watch the original movies every five years or so.

G'day Mate
July 27th, 2018, 04:35 AM
Just started watching Final Space which is new to Netflix I think. It's ... something?

August 4th, 2018, 04:26 PM
I finished watching season 7 of Homeland. Just when I thought it wouldn't get good again, I was proven wrong. It was quite intense, and enjoyable.

I then rewatched Terminator 3: Rise of The Machines this afternoon, because of Claire Danes. Did some research on her after and she has quite the impressive resume.

Then I made the mistake of rewatching Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, after probably a decade. This movie has not aged well. The special effects look like shit, and Jar Jar Binks is still irritating as fuck. Unnecessary cheap annoying comedy in virtually every scene involving him. It was overkill. Don't even get me started on that stupid kid. Cringeworthy shit all around. I'll probably never watch this again. I hope I don't.

August 5th, 2018, 05:47 AM
Dark Tourist on Netflix.

August 5th, 2018, 06:17 AM
Me too.

August 9th, 2018, 07:11 PM
Watched The Mist. What a let down. Watched all ten episodes during the week, waiting and waiting for some form of payoff, and received nothing at the end. Instead it just got more and more bizarre as it went on.

There won’t even be a second season. Stay away from this series. It’s a complete waste of time.

August 9th, 2018, 08:12 PM
Watched The Mist. What a let down. Watched all ten episodes during the week, waiting and waiting for some form of payoff, and received nothing at the end. Instead it just got more and more bizarre as it went on.

There won’t even be a second season. Stay away from this series. It’s a complete waste of time.

I agree. Though you got so much further than I did. I was throwing things at the screen during the first episode, and then told people I know "stay away".

August 9th, 2018, 09:31 PM
My wife and I watched it. I recall it devolving into hate watching the stupidity like with Under the Dome.

August 10th, 2018, 05:35 AM
My wife and I watched it. I recall it devolving into hate watching the stupidity like with Under the Dome.

Came to post this. UTD even had the audacity to end itself on a cliff hanger to try to drum up fan support for a renewal. GTFO.

MR2 Fan
August 10th, 2018, 06:13 AM
I finished watching season 7 of Homeland. Just when I thought it wouldn't get good again, I was proven wrong. It was quite intense, and enjoyable.

I then rewatched Terminator 3: Rise of The Machines this afternoon, because of Claire Danes. Did some research on her after and she has quite the impressive resume.

Then I made the mistake of rewatching Star Wars: The Phantom Menace, after probably a decade. This movie has not aged well. The special effects look like shit, and Jar Jar Binks is still irritating as fuck. Unnecessary cheap annoying comedy in virtually every scene involving him. It was overkill. Don't even get me started on that stupid kid. Cringeworthy shit all around. I'll probably never watch this again. I hope I don't.

If only Jar Jar was actually a sith lord as the rumors suggest.

Anyway, after a few co-workers recommended it, I watched Extinction on Netflix. No spoilers, but it clearly is trying to set up for a sequel as it feels like the pacing is just not right for a single movie. Reminded me a bit of the Tom Cruise War of the Worlds at first, but then you find out what's really happening....sort of.

August 13th, 2018, 07:07 AM
A Quite Place :up:
man did it have some tense scenes
three straight years of great thrillers/horror (Don't Breathe from 2016 and Get Out from 2017)

August 13th, 2018, 08:16 AM
Are there any new comedies that have aired in the last six months or so, that people can suggest for me?

Not that recent, but how about Raising Hope?, by the same people who botched My Name Is Earl.

August 13th, 2018, 12:16 PM
Loved it :)

August 13th, 2018, 12:39 PM
Blockers was pretty good (John Cena is always funny)

Freude am Fahren
August 13th, 2018, 07:24 PM
A Quite Place :up:
man did it have some tense scenes
three straight years of great thrillers/horror (Don't Breathe from 2016 and Get Out from 2017)

Yes. It was so good. John Krasinski. I am so jealous of that man. Awesome on The Office, as an 'everyguy'. Appears to basically be super likable Jim in real life (side note, Jim kinda sucked the second half of the Office). Get's fit and everyone loves him. Marries Emily Blunt (umf, just watched Edge of Tomorrow again the other day). Terrific debut writer/director. Is there anything he can't do.

BTW, been meaning to watch Don't Breathe.

August 14th, 2018, 07:39 AM
Yeah, just watched A Quiet Place last week, too. Best thriller/horror in a long time.

Freude am Fahren
August 14th, 2018, 09:12 AM
So I THOUGHT I was about to watch Infinity War, but it turns out Best Buy decided to put some original Avengers copies in the display up front as well.

It took about two minutes before I realized it wasn't some kind of flashback/recap.

August 14th, 2018, 03:17 PM
What do you mean by original Avengers ?

Diana Rigg and Patrick Macnee as John Steed and Mrs. Emma Peel?

August 15th, 2018, 03:20 AM
I've kind of lost interest in TV. I can't even be bothered to watch a show I want to watch. I really liked Luke Cage, watched the first episode of season two and enjoyed it. Now, I would rather play a video game instead. *shrug*

Incredibles 2 was really great.

August 15th, 2018, 12:30 PM
Yeah, just watched A Quiet Place last week, too. Best thriller/horror in a long time.

Watched it last night. It was well done, but had plot device holes that irked me a lot.

Monster operates on noise. Nobody every tried to use high pitched noises against it?

Yeah nah

August 15th, 2018, 04:11 PM
The biggest gripe/whine/complaint about A Quiet Place is...
the nail on the steps.

Hereditary is another great horror from this summer.

Krasinski is also starring as Jack Ryan for Amazon and in the Captain Steubing role in a reboot of The Love Boat.

August 16th, 2018, 09:49 AM
Watched it last night. It was well done, but had plot device holes that irked me a lot.

Monster operates on noise. Nobody every tried to use high pitched noises against it?

Yeah nah

I thought about this the moment the "fix" was teased as well. But I chalked it up to them overwhelming society so quickly that no one had time to?

August 16th, 2018, 10:45 AM
A Quiet Place
Why not just live by the waterfall?
Plus, how do they harvest all that corn without making noise?

Freude am Fahren
August 16th, 2018, 11:07 AM
Meh, any film can be picked apart like that.

I usually try to ignore "holes" that happen outside the action of the movie in order to setup the movie's premise. It can be hard some times though. I usually put 1)Direction/artistry/technical aspects, and 2)acting performances above plot/scripts.

But just to play devil's advocate on the aforementioned ones:

Re: the fix: I agree about the pandemonium as it all happened could prevent it. Also it could have been found before, but remember it really only disorients them, doesn't kill them. So maybe people have found it, but it was too late for it to really be a "fix." Also, if you find out they track you by sound really early, do you really want to start making a bunch of different sounds to see if one will hurt them?

And living by a waterfall make sense, but waterfalls generally aren't on the most habitable land. I would probably try to make my way to Niagra, though.

August 21st, 2018, 04:34 AM
Been watching Infinity War daily since picking up the Blu-ray last week.

Love it from start to finish. Seriously can’t find any slow or boring parts in it. Gonna watch it again this afternoon when I get home from work.

It makes me smile that Thanos is now (almost) a household name, and given an enormous amount of respect. Here’s a character that I’ve loved for 15 years. Been on many comic-related websites and debated on forums (versus forums etc) over the years and was always treated like an outcast for loving a cosmic villain. Now everyone sees in him what I do. It’s a satisfying feeling.

August 21st, 2018, 11:57 AM
Indeed. One of my favourite characters as well.

And I love the balls they had to finish off a movie with that kind of cliffhanger. It just doesn't happen in big Hollywood stuff.

MR2 Fan
August 21st, 2018, 11:59 AM
Agreed, and it wasn't just that it happened, but how they did it...I wasn't even sure what was going on at first, then finally realized it and thinking "how are they going to get out of this one?"....credits roll.

oh snap!

Freude am Fahren
August 21st, 2018, 04:12 PM
Heh, oh snap.

I totally was on Thanos' side.

August 21st, 2018, 04:49 PM
Now watch Deadpool 2 and compare Thanos to Cable. Add in Sicarios 2 and this is the year of Josh Brolin.

Freude am Fahren
August 21st, 2018, 05:08 PM
Looking forward to both.

August 22nd, 2018, 03:05 PM
Looks like he is scheduled to play George Jones opposite Jessica Chastain's Tammy Wynette in George and Tammy and to play Cable in X-Force.

August 23rd, 2018, 01:38 AM
"Hang Ups", which is a Brit Com about a therapist, features most of the good English actors :)

August 29th, 2018, 04:12 AM
Did anyone watch the HBO series Sharp Objects?

August 29th, 2018, 12:37 PM
Did anyone watch the HBO series Sharp Objects?

I came here literally to post that same question!

Slow burner series, to the point where I felt they desperately needed to edit it down from 8 to 6 episodes. Because, oh wait, the Amy Adams character drinks too much, we hadn't already got that vibe :P

But man, the payoff was so good.

Watch all the way to the end of the final credits. Trust me :)

August 29th, 2018, 06:05 PM
Loved it from start to finish. Great use of Zeppelin throughout the series.

MR2 Fan
August 30th, 2018, 09:21 AM
this looks really intriguing


August 30th, 2018, 03:09 PM
This season of Preacher has been excellent.

August 31st, 2018, 08:01 PM
Best of enemies. The documentary on the William F. Buckley / Gore Vidal debates during the 68 presidential campaign.

September 1st, 2018, 05:43 PM
Holy crap, Hardcore Henry! What a zany movie, unlike any other movie you will ever see. It was like watching someone play a first-person shooter. I would play that game! :hard: I enjoyed it.

September 1st, 2018, 07:59 PM
It was so deliciously good that I need to read the book now.

September 1st, 2018, 10:01 PM
Yep, we loved Hardcore Henry too. :D

Hope they make a sequel.

September 3rd, 2018, 01:35 PM
On episode three of Jack Ryan. So far it's really good.

September 4th, 2018, 01:27 AM
Final Space: had fun watching this, more substance than the usual one episode animated tripe.
Disenchantment: Abysmal. I almost never laughed for the whole season. Ok, even if there was no laugh maybe it was engaging? Refreshing? Intriguing? None of that. Boring with no likeable characters - the main one is totally unappealing - and with one you want to see die an horrible and slow death since episode 1: Elfo. Really dreadful show. How the mighty have fallen, Mr. Groening. Even the intro theme was awful.
Also, I'm a sucker for fantasy tropes, but this was like a middleage fair with Simpson's. And less laugh. And less interesting characters. Oh, background drawings were beautiful.

September 4th, 2018, 05:01 AM
This is REALLY good!


Every week for the next 6 years, this youtube channel will cover the events of the second world war in real time.

This first episode: September 1, 1939

MR2 Fan
September 4th, 2018, 10:49 AM

Alan P
September 4th, 2018, 11:56 AM
Jack Ryan on Amazon prime. Not bad, some coincidences that are just too likely. Decent overall though!

MR2 Fan
September 4th, 2018, 01:20 PM
Black Panther is on Netflix - just got an email about it

September 4th, 2018, 03:37 PM
It would have seemed better to do the real time World War II coverage on a set of years whose days-of-the-week aligned with 1939-1945.

September 4th, 2018, 04:23 PM
Interestingly enough. 2017 would have been that year.

September 5th, 2018, 08:02 AM
For 1939, but 1940 was a leap year, and 2018 is not.

leap years with days matching 1940
(as evidenced by February)


Therefore, potential "WWII matches" are...

I haven't actually verified all six years of those sets yet.

So they could start overlapping reruns in 2023?

September 5th, 2018, 12:47 PM
Black Panther is on Netflix - just got an email about it

Well, shit. The wife and I never got around to ordering those dashikis for the viewing.

September 5th, 2018, 12:50 PM
The Heinz History Center in Pittsburgh is having a 'black costume in film exhibit' and the centerpiece is afrofuturistic garb from Black Panther.

September 5th, 2018, 07:33 PM
Saw Black Panther again, on Netflix. Such a good movie. So much heart.

September 5th, 2018, 08:26 PM
Jack Ryan became too predictable and he ended up being in the right place at the right time too many times. I had high hopes. It was passable, but to by the numbers.

September 6th, 2018, 10:26 AM

Freude am Fahren
September 6th, 2018, 01:26 PM
Watched Don't Breathe.

Well, I tried to. The disc was damaged, and stopped playing about 20-30 minutes from the end.

It had stopped early in the film as well (right when the guy finds them), but I found the missing scene online basically, and was able to continue about 5 more minutes into it. No go for the end. Sent it back, and maybe will Red Box it, or wait for streaming availability.

September 6th, 2018, 07:23 PM
1 month til the new season of The Man in the High Castle.

September 7th, 2018, 08:29 AM
Finally caught up and finished the latest season of Preacher. I love it. I don't love it as much as the comic book, but damn they're making magic with what they're given. I really hope S4 gets picked up.

September 7th, 2018, 10:58 AM
Preacher was glorious this past season. Having known nothing about the comic before watching it I had no expectations and have been pleasantly surprised time after time. It and Better Call Saul are my favorite shows on AMC. I gave up on Walking Dead the season before last.

I went and saw The Nun this morning. Not as strong as the Conjuring movies but still enjoyable.

September 15th, 2018, 08:47 AM
Just finished the second season of Luke Cage. I quite enjoyed it.

September 15th, 2018, 08:50 AM
Preacher 3rd season: Spectacular! And I think Ruth Negga is a better Tulip than the original one in the comic!!!

September 15th, 2018, 02:50 PM
Iron Fist season two. First two episodes are way better than the entire first season.

September 15th, 2018, 06:20 PM
I did not even know season two was out. I really wanted to like season one, but it was a let-down.

In other news, I just watched Coco. That was a cute movie. Animation was stunning, of course.

September 15th, 2018, 06:23 PM
Started to watch AHS, not to thrilled with this new season. Hopefully, it picks up because it's a slow start.

September 15th, 2018, 08:21 PM
Just downloading "The First"

"Fictional series to chronicle the effort to send the first crewed mission to Mars."

Because geek.

G'day Mate
September 16th, 2018, 12:36 AM
New Bojack!

September 16th, 2018, 04:40 AM
I did not even know season two was out. I really wanted to like season one, but it was a let-down.

In other news, I just watched Coco. That was a cute movie. Animation was stunning, of course.

Have you watched any episodes of Paradise PD? I know that you worked on their previous series(Brickleberry). Hearing Roger Black and Waco O'Guin interviewed I realized that Black is better known as Yucko The Clown. The episodes can be really funny in places but sometimes that half hour run time feels more like forty-five.

September 16th, 2018, 04:58 AM
Yes, I worked on Brickleberry, but I think the show is awful. Paradise PD looked similar, so I am not going near it. I do not normally watch a lot of shows. I actually wanted to watch Luke Cage, but it took me months. :lol:

September 16th, 2018, 05:18 AM
Yeah I've been putting new seasons of shows off because I find something newier and shinier than catches my attention.

Freude am Fahren
September 16th, 2018, 05:56 AM
Watched Solo on my flight home. I liked it. I was expecting a stinker, but it wasn't that bad. The kid that played Han wasn't bad either. In fact, I thought all the performances was pretty good. Some things did feel forced though. The train sequence was really good.

September 16th, 2018, 12:27 PM
yup, I thought it was a fairly good "Heist" plot movie, with perhaps slightly too many nods to the fans, but it is probably mandatory in this particular franchise.

September 16th, 2018, 03:25 PM
Deadpool 2: hilarious!

September 16th, 2018, 04:30 PM
Iron Fist season two. First two episodes are way better than the entire first season.

Dude, it is looking so good right now! I am three episodes in. I am enjoying it way more than season one so far. :up: