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July 23rd, 2017, 02:23 AM
watched the new Star Trek Discovery trailer....it looks nothing like Star Trek...even the Klingons look like crap...I predict epic fail unless they somehow convince people who arent familiar with star trek to watch it

I just watched the trailer and I've figured out why i kept thinking the new McFarlane show was the new Star Trek.

Its like they tried to combine Stargate, Star Trek and Starship troopers.

July 23rd, 2017, 04:27 AM
Funny enough I watched the same trailer and I thought "Finally a ST series that doesn't look like a ridicolous cheap cardboard and ugly lightning one! Almost like a real movie with decent action and overall cinematography"
But I'm all for the new movies and for me Star Trek is only TOS with James Tiberius Kirk... fuck Picard and all the others.

I watched Ghost In The Shell few days ago. It sucked, majorly.
And it wasn't a matter of fidelity to the original (there would be a long discourse to do about it) or Scarlett Johansson's performance (I did find her ok in the role) but the whole movie was a borefest, story was annoying, and there was no dynamic to it.
Juliette Binoche was miscast and, for once I must say, fuck Takeshi Kitano (which I do like a lot).
Also Batou sucked major arse.

July 23rd, 2017, 12:46 PM
Been watching The Man in the High Castle the last few days. Half way through season 2, pretty good stuff :up:
Just finished the second season, I liked it quite a bit better than the first season.

July 23rd, 2017, 08:32 PM

July 24th, 2017, 06:57 AM
I just watched the trailer and I've figured out why i kept thinking the new McFarlane show was the new Star Trek.

Its like they tried to combine Stargate, Star Trek and Starship troopers.

I just can't comprehend how the show-runners think "let's completely redesign how the Klingons look, even though this is a prequel set in the regular good ol' fashioned Star Trek timeline."

MR2 Fan
July 24th, 2017, 06:59 AM
I just can't comprehend how the show-runners think "let's completely redesign how the Klingons look, even though this is a prequel set in the regular good ol' fashioned Star Trek timeline."

It's funny because people are really confused...they should have just said that this isn't in either the prime or kelvin timeline, would make more sense than them trying to shoehorn these things in, like Sarek having a long lost adopted daughter or whatever that no one ever heard of before.

July 24th, 2017, 09:25 AM
Still like what I see from the trailers for Discovery, though I do worry it won't have the good ST type philosophical moments, in favor of movie style action. Otherwise, visually it looks stunning, and I like the actors involved.

As far as timelines, mentally, I'm still putting it in nuTrek, or it's own thing, and not really worrying about it being connected to OG/TNG era stuff.

July 24th, 2017, 10:04 AM
As far as timelines, mentally, I'm still putting it in nuTrek, or it's own thing, and not really worrying about it being connected to OG/TNG era stuff.

My super-nerd mind has a really hard time doing that. Same reason I'm STILL angry they flushed the Star Wars Expanded Universe down the shitter, even though Force Awakens was a solid movie. :(

July 24th, 2017, 10:24 AM
I used to be like that, but at some point I decided to relax a bit, and just try to enjoy things for what they are. So even though this apparently has some sketchy stardates related to both TOS and nuTrek, I don't really care. In my head it's vaguely 'sometime before USS Enterprise did it's thing', and if they don't make any mention of George Kirk post dying, then it should work with nuTrek, vs ToS generally enough.

The fact that we got new Trek movies and now a show, after how TNG ended it's movie series, is kind of a miracle. I still would have liked them to push Star Trek post Voyager, since there's still parts of this galaxy, and millions of other galaxies to explore, but it was clearly safer for the studios to use familiar characters and settings.

As far as Star Wars, you still have that extended universe, Disney launching it's new universe from the core movies doesn't erase what's been put out there, so you can still enjoy it. It's just an alternate timeline. Which is pretty normal in the sci fi and comic genres.

Anyways, back to Discovery, a comment kinda eased one of my concerns, in that the trailers for Star Trek Beyond looked kinda over the top in action, and the actual movie ended up being one of the most Trek like (imho). So I'm hopeful that Discovery is showing the action set pieces to pull in casual viewers, but the actual show will still have good character development, dialog, etc.

July 24th, 2017, 10:28 AM
I just can't comprehend how the show-runners think "let's completely redesign how the Klingons look, even though this is a prequel set in the regular good ol' fashioned Star Trek timeline."

And, "let's completely redesign the uniforms...AGAIN".

Consider that (per the Star Trek timeline and their recounting of history on the show) seventeen years before first season of the original series, uniforms looked like this:


And early in the first season of the original series, uniforms still looked pretty much the same:


But somewhere IN BETWEEN those years, uniforms looked like this?


MR2 Fan
July 24th, 2017, 12:00 PM
Ironically it looks like a combination of Enterprise with the Kelvin timeline stuff.

I was watching some reaction videos from the major youtube channels and they claimed that the STD (hehe) team brought on mega-fans to ensure that it all meets canon, which makes me wonder when they fired them or why they're not listening to them.

July 25th, 2017, 05:20 AM
Halfway through season 6 of Homeland and loving it. It's different, with characters taking on different type roles, but overall top notch. An old favourite returns for this season, which is a pleasant surprise.

(Somehow I think only me and Speedpimp are watching this show).

Freude am Fahren
July 25th, 2017, 06:24 AM
I watched season 6 right around the time it ended (gotta time that binging to be up to date as possible, while not have to wait for any episodes :D)

Excellent season. Maybe the best.

July 25th, 2017, 08:21 AM
And, "let's completely redesign the uniforms...AGAIN".

But somewhere IN BETWEEN those years, uniforms looked like this?


That too, but I can sort of let that slide, much like I can let the "newer" looking ships slide. The NX-01 looks way more technologically advanced than NCC-1701, but I could just chalk it up to "modern design tastes." But to COMPLETELY change how Klingons look, especially after DS9 and the books tried SO HARD to explain why Klingons from the 60s had no forehead ridges, just completely throws me out of the continuity.

July 25th, 2017, 11:49 AM
That looks really good.

Burned through Friends From College yesterday. I decided to ignore the meh reviews calling it a flop. Really good show.
I like it so far as well. About 5 shows in.

July 25th, 2017, 11:51 AM
I find myself seeing very few movies in theaters these days, and feeling a bit guilty about it. I basically only check out Star Wars/Trek and Superhero flicks in theater, and everything else I buy the blu ray for. But I know studios don't often create sequels on BD sales, and well... theaters probably can't stay open with BD sales either. :| People buy movies? :twitch: I have a bunch of kids movies, from back in the day. But, I haven't bought any in a long time. They hardly watch the dics... and mainly watch whatever is on Netflix. I don't usually watch movies more than once or twice, so it's difficult to justify paying that much.

MR2 Fan
July 25th, 2017, 11:57 AM
the only reason I buy movies is if I want to see the bonus content/director commentary, etc.

July 25th, 2017, 12:16 PM
[Uniforms] too, but I can sort of let that slide, much like I can let the "newer" looking ships slide...

Oh, yeah, I can too, but it's fun to gripe on the internet about this sort of thing. :D

And there's always a plausible explanation in the ST world, such as this:

Starfleet vessels are often away for several years at a time. So, you have some crews wearing years-old uniforms, while other crews are just now leaving Earth or Starbases with newer versions. And, maybe they give new and experimental uniforms to crews going out on shorter missions to test them. It's possible that some of the new duds don't measure up for any number of reasons, so maybe later launches revert to the older, tried-and-true styles until Edna Mode and her tailoring team come up with something else.

But to COMPLETELY change how Klingons look, especially after DS9 and the books tried SO HARD to explain why Klingons from the 60s had no forehead ridges, just completely throws me out of the continuity.

Speaking of plausible explanations, this is news to me. I'll have to check out Memory Alpha for the scoop on this. I'm not familiar with DS9.

But old-school Trek fans like me can rejoice: Star Trek Continues is releasing Episode 9, "What Ships Are For" this Saturday, July 30 at 12 noon Pacific Daylight Time. Would that be GMT -8? If not, just call it California Time. Linque: http://startrekcontinues.com/episodes.html

Apparently John de Lancie, who played "Q" on Star Trek: The Next Generation, appears in Episode 9.

July 27th, 2017, 11:44 AM
Wonder Woman is sitting at $781,208,373 worldwide as of yesterday. She's loping along at just under $1 mil/day just fine through Week 8 -- other DCEU flicks have run for at least 12 weeks and most have run for 14 weeks so $400 mil domestic / $800 mil worldwide seems quite inevitable.

In a month WW will open in Japan. (https://www.forbes.com/sites/scottmendelson/2017/07/25/box-office-can-wonder-woman-be-japans-next-frozen/#2430b1e22f3a) Thoughts? Predictions?

Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad both made $16 million-$17 million... but another Disney princess pulled $249 million out of Japan alone (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/why-frozen-was-huge-japan-720193). :assclown:

July 27th, 2017, 12:19 PM
Great question!

Other than Wonder Woman being DC, not Marvel, and therefore not another Disney princess ( :P ), it will be interesting how that translates. Looks like, according to the article, they think these were the main causes for Frozen's success (and how that translates to Wonder Woman).

1) Japanese moviegoers love animation (not relevant)

2) They also love Disney stuff, they get huge attendance at Tokyo Disney (not relevant)

3) The Japanese voice cast included very popular singers/actresses in the area (it's unclear who is doing Wonder Woman's voice in the Japanese dub, but likely less relevant)

4) Great girl power movie, and advertised as such, then grew outwards from there (presumably DC can/will do similar)
-- While looking up info on the Japanese release (below), I found this article (http://en.rocketnews24.com/2017/05/16/wonder-woman-gets-the-girly-heroine-treatment-in-japan-and-fans-are-not-happy/) on the Japanese marketing, which plays up the young girl power angle but, upon translation to English, sounded demeaning to some fans; hard to tell what the JPN box office reaction might be.
-- Something Doug said recently, and other articles I've read, made it seem that translating words from Japanese to English loses some of the subtlety/context, so it may not be demeaning at all to native speakers.

5) Came out during "Golden Week" holiday, which meant "audiences no longer had to choose between the 3D subtitled or dubbed 2D versions" (not relevant)
-- *Googles* it looks like it's a week where a lot of holidays coincide, so the Japanese are out of work and have time to find the particular showing they want to see
-- There isn't a Japanese holiday near the August 25th release date

So while WW definitely has potential to hit a similar cultural vein if marketed correctly, the lack of local star power and a big holiday coinciding with the release will likely mean it won't hit the same lofty heights as Frozen.

July 27th, 2017, 12:28 PM
Oh right -- not a Disney princess. Earned that wallop. :lol:

Not going to earn Frozen money? Gee, that's quite possibly the safest prediction short of Trump's re-election -- c'mon Keith what's your number??

Freude am Fahren
July 27th, 2017, 01:08 PM
Split - M. Night's attempt to create a franchise, basically. It was meh.

Fast & Furious 8 - Notsomuch

July 27th, 2017, 04:09 PM
Random ass guess: half of what Frozen did.

July 27th, 2017, 05:35 PM
Wow! I'd be ecstatic if WW pulled in $125 mil outta Japan! :up: :up:

I'll say... $60 mil. #fingerscrossed

July 27th, 2017, 07:48 PM
LOL make me pick a number based on my admitted lack of knowledge, are surprised when it's vastly different from your prediction. I should have looked at the curve, I guess, I figured that half of the third highest film ever would be in the scrum where most movies are.

July 27th, 2017, 08:48 PM
Hey I'm guessing based off of the same clickbait articles I've posted here, I don't have any special info. It's just a guess for fun.

July 28th, 2017, 04:57 AM

July 28th, 2017, 06:25 AM
Box office speculation ain't your jam?

I'm waiting for Ross' laser-accurate financial breakdown of the WW situation.

July 28th, 2017, 08:07 AM
Oh man, called it! :rawk:

‘Wonder Woman’: Warner Bros. Plans Groundbreaking Oscar Campaign for Director, Best Picture (EXCLUSIVE) (http://variety.com/2017/film/news/wonder-woman-oscars-patty-jenkins-gal-gadot-comic-book-1202509132/)

With $781 million in global box office receipts, “Wonder Woman” has already broken records as the highest-grossing movie directed by a woman ever.

Now Warner Bros., the studio behind the film, wants the action movie to break another glass ceiling. Although executives haven’t commented publicly on their plans, they have internally discussed launching a formidable awards-season campaign for the movie, in the hopes of making it the first comic-book film nominated for best picture, Variety has learned.

The studio will also stump Patty Jenkins for best director, which would also be groundbreaking. No director of a comic-book film — not even Christopher Nolan — has ever been nominated, and only men have ruled the category since (and before) Kathryn Bigelow won the Oscar for “The Hurt Locker” in 2010.


The studio’s efforts will include reintroducing the film this fall, to scarce few who may not have seen it.
More than a 14 week run?? I haven't heard anyone talk about $900+ mil worldwide yet... :D :up:

July 28th, 2017, 08:26 AM
For years I told my friend that Shadowrun was a complete ripoff, but he was convinced it could have stolen as much as I said it did. Eventually I forced him to read Neuromancer and he came back to me and said "Jesus, they even stole NuYen as the name for the money."
Heh I was just combing back over this thread and saw that I missed this comment -- yeah, the lack of an '80s version of Neuromancer is a crime against humanity. :smh:

Double-funny since it's basically just a heist movie. Between Thief and Heat, Michael Mann elevated the genre into an art form, FFS! :angry:

July 28th, 2017, 08:28 AM
WW will be quite a bit more profitable than Suicide Squad on the strength of costing an estimated $25 million less to produce/market and having already made $66 million more domestically.

Since film production companies keep a good bit more of the domestic gross than international (we're talking anywhere from 55-90% depending on the film, studio, theater chain, week of release, etc vs 15%), domestic gross is much more important dollar for dollar.

Merchandising and licensing-wise, I can also picture Wonder Woman coming out ahead. Sure, Hot Topic was loaded with Suicide Squad tchotchkes, but WW is a more established character with more mainstream appeal.

July 28th, 2017, 10:05 AM
Yup, I haven't looked into it but since Hot Topic and friends carry all sorts of WW gear, that's probably a given. #girlpower


Juuuust to put this run into perspective, apparently media corporations like money :lol:

Week 7 of BvS: (http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=weekly&id=superman2015.htm) $1,474,110

Week 7 of Suicide Squad: (http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=weekly&id=dc2016.htm) $5,951,011

Week 7 of Wonder Woman: (http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=weekly&id=wonderwoman.htm) $10,602,201

It should come as absolutely no surprise that WW has utterly crushed anything Mad Max: Fury Road accomplished financially -- time will tell if the accolades will follow.

July 28th, 2017, 11:03 AM
You hang out at Hot Topic?

July 28th, 2017, 11:04 AM
You've seen my wardrobe, Hot Topic would be a step-up. :lol:

Freude am Fahren
July 28th, 2017, 08:52 PM
Dunkirk was great.

July 29th, 2017, 08:46 AM
I finished watching season 6 of Homeland and not sure how I feel about it. The paradigm has shifted, and it's a little sickening actually.

Last night I tried to watch Mockingjay - Part 2, as it'd been on my list for a long ass time. Fell asleep 20 minutes into it.

July 29th, 2017, 06:47 PM
Heh I was just combing back over this thread and saw that I missed this comment -- yeah, the lack of an '80s version of Neuromancer is a crime against humanity. :smh:

Double-funny since it's basically just a heist movie. Between Thief and Heat, Michael Mann elevated the genre into an art form, FFS! :angry:

Back in the late 90's Mann was attached to direct a Neuromancer adaptation with, at various times Leo, Keanu, and for a minute, Will Smith attached to star. I looked forward to it for a long time, and then it descended into development hell never to return. More recently, Vincenzo Natali(?) had a script and got deep into preproduction with Gibson's approval, but it fell apart just before filming.

July 31st, 2017, 04:27 PM
Ozark on Netflix. Jason Bateman launders money for a cartel.

August 1st, 2017, 07:09 AM
Watched the trailer for Ozark, looks good. Added it to my list. I should get around to watching it in 2019 or so. :lol:

As it is I think this is most of the stuff we're watching:

Behind on:
Turn (22 eps)
Mr. Robot (11 eps)
Sleepy Hollow (20+ eps)
Boston Legal (1 season)
Dexter (3 seasons)
The Blacklist (20+ eps)
Deadwood (2+ seasons)
House of Cards (2+ seasons)
Fargo (1 season)
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (7 seasons)
Archer (1 season)

Halt and Catch Fire
The Ranch
Master of None
Silicon Valley

In the queue:
American Gods
Stranger Things

August 1st, 2017, 08:31 AM
TURN gets a big :up: from me.

August 1st, 2017, 08:37 AM
Turn is interesting for me. I really liked it, and then when Ash and I were living in different states I put it on hold because we watch together. In that time I read the book it was based on, and the book is actually fairly boring. It kind of killed my enthusiasm for the show and we just haven't picked it back up.

The actor that plays George Washington is a regular on a podcast I listen to and he's really a cool guy. I do want to finish it up as I think there is only two episodes left in the series.

August 1st, 2017, 08:50 AM
If you have watched 22 episodes of TURN then you have eight more to go in season 3 and they just finished up another ten in Season 4.

I don't have cable so I'm always a season behind, aka just finished Season 3 and I did not find it boring at all. I haven't read the book and I knew of Benedict Arnold and seeing his fall from grace from the Continental Army side and the British side was quite intriguing.

August 1st, 2017, 09:07 AM
Those numbers are the number of episodes I'm behind (what's collected on the DVR). Soon I'll be able to delete them and just watch them on Netflix. I keep them on the DVR so I remember where I left off. ;)

August 1st, 2017, 11:03 AM
Final chapters of Orphan Black.

August 1st, 2017, 11:40 AM
Orphan Black is top shelf. :up: :up:

We did watch all of Ozark. One of the final scenes in the episode absolutely made my skin crawl.

Re-watching Penny Dreadful because so damn good. Kinda getting sucked into The 100 because I'm a teen girl.

MR2 Fan
August 2nd, 2017, 06:35 AM
Coming to Netflix in August.....Schizophrenia: The Movie! oops, I meant "Cloud Atlas"

I'll be interested to watch it again, as the first time I saw it, I was basically asking myself "WTF IS GOING ON?" the entire movie

August 2nd, 2017, 06:48 AM
I thoroughly enjoyed that movie :up:

August 2nd, 2017, 06:53 AM
I thought you meant Atlas Shrugged for a moment. :lol:

MR2 Fan
August 2nd, 2017, 07:15 AM
I thoroughly enjoyed that movie :up:

I didn't dislike it....that honor goes to the movie that Cloud Atlas is most frequently compared to...."The Fountain"....that movie I hated

Freude am Fahren
August 2nd, 2017, 06:36 PM
The Circle - Silicon valley 'thriller' starring Emma Watson, Tom Hanks, Patton Oswalt, John Boyega. Abosolutely aweful. Just bad. I get what they were trying to do, and it could have been good, but they just failed. Tom Hanks is as good as ever in his limited role, but it's just so hard to believe him as a bad guy.

Interestingly it was Bill Paxton's and Glenne Headly's last movie before their deaths, and they played Watson's character's parents.

Alan P
August 2nd, 2017, 07:51 PM
Season 2 of Shooter just started and while it requires a slightly higher level of disbelief than season one it's a solid start.

August 3rd, 2017, 09:44 AM
Just keeping watching GoT which seems written by casual powerplayers of D&D 3.x... it's like they don't even try to hide any internal incoherence anymore.
Also Preacher... good that is going a bit its own way compared to the comics, albeit I'm afraid it could start to open too many subplots, but so far it has not happened.
Watched the first episode of Netflix's Castlevania: what a boring tripe. Warren Ellis, go home, you are drunk.

August 4th, 2017, 02:00 PM
So every afternoon I tape and watch enough of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman to get the gist of the episode without the temptation to archive it.

The other day I skimmed through the episode about a woman with Leprosy aired. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0565354/

I asked my wife if she thought the primary guest star could be the actress who played Jadzia Dax. (who searches now remind me was Terry Farrell).

But it turns out she was in fact Denise Crosby, who played Tasha Yar in ST:TNG. (And also starred in the series Key West--I actually remember that).

Strange that I was so close but so wrong.

I was going to post this in the Star Trek: Omnibus thread (after first searching it for similar mentions). But there isn't one.

August 4th, 2017, 07:06 PM
Baby Driver. Wow, I loved it, despite the star's questionable acting. Very stylish film.

Mr Wonder
August 6th, 2017, 03:14 AM
Stuff I've seen lately;

Wonder Woman - Really, really liked it. There were one or two things that didn't gel with me, but overall it was a solid film and gives me hope for the rest of DC's upcoming output.
Baby driver - excellent. Fun and really stylized. Basically an enormous music video. I share Cam's view of the main actor though.
Spider-man Homecoming - Good solid Marvel fun. Managed to have a few plot surprises despite me watching a million trailers and it being a 'comic book film'.
War for the planet of the apes. This was outstanding. Genuinely one of the best films I've seen in a long time. Afterwards our group just sat in silence for three or four minutes digesting what we had witnessed. Andy Serkis requires an Oscar for this. As do the animators.

Walking dead. - I consumed the comics (well, up to issue 147) over three weeks and thoroughly enjoyed them. Also enough people have been practically begging me to watch the show that I thought I'd give it a go. So far I've finished the first three seasons. I like it. It's got it's own feel, and is sufficiently different from the comic to be surprising at times yet keeps the 'no one has plot armor' thing which keeps the tension up. Also it seems like they're having fun with it. I'll keep going.

On the list next:

Iron Fist - I hear it's not that great but I'm guessing it'll make defenders make more sense.
Finishing House of Cards Season 4 then watching 5. (I stopped watching 4 when Cheeto Benito got elected - it was just too depressing)
Season 5 of Orange is the new black.

August 7th, 2017, 07:40 AM
I watched Arrival last night. It was a pure mindfuck.

MR2 Fan
August 7th, 2017, 08:40 AM
I watched Monsters last night (the alien invasion in Mexico movie made by Gareth Edwards in case there's any confusion with the other tons of Monster movies).

It was much better than Arrival :p

August 7th, 2017, 12:11 PM
I'll watch Monsters tonight.

August 8th, 2017, 05:54 AM
Today is the day that Wonder Woman should hit $400 million domestic -- my guess: $400,157,814 reported tomorrow. :hard:

17 days until Wonder Woman: Hello Kitty edition. (http://variety.com/2017/film/asia/wonder-woman-hello-kitty-japan-1202475586/) :lol:

August 8th, 2017, 06:11 AM
I think this is the link you meant: http://variety.com/2017/film/asia/wonder-woman-hello-kitty-japan-1202475586/

Hopefully there will be a video of Gal Gadot and a Hello Kitty mascot dancing.

August 8th, 2017, 06:12 AM
Yep my bad -- didn't check my copypasta. ;) :up:

August 8th, 2017, 11:16 AM
Wait, what?? This article was published @ 8 AM today?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Box-Office Milestone: 'Wonder Woman' Crosses $400M in North America (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com//heat-vision/wonder-woman-box-office-film-crosses-400m-north-america-1025977)

Wonder Woman muscled past the $400 million mark Tuesday at the domestic box office — an increasingly difficult feat for any film to achieve in North America.
I kinda doubt WW has cranked out $330K USD by breakfast. :down:

August 8th, 2017, 11:23 AM
Finally watched Borat for the first time last night. Hilarious of course.

August 8th, 2017, 12:42 PM
Wait, what?? This article was published @ 8 AM today?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Box-Office Milestone: 'Wonder Woman' Crosses $400M in North America (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com//heat-vision/wonder-woman-box-office-film-crosses-400m-north-america-1025977)

I kinda doubt WW has cranked out $330K USD by breakfast. :down:

Hollywood Reporter posts in Pacific Time. Maybe east coast matinees were enough. Or the receipts from last night were just reported.

August 8th, 2017, 02:42 PM
More than a few peeps wrote articles today -- they're just basing it off of the estimate since it's so close.

August 8th, 2017, 05:48 PM
Almost like it's inconsequentially not real news. ;)

August 9th, 2017, 04:17 AM

Grosses still haven't been reported. (http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=daily&id=wonderwoman.htm) But they're short by <$150K USD so obviously WW made it to $400 mil domestic. Just sayin'. :D

August 9th, 2017, 04:58 AM
This is a weird fetish, even for you.

August 9th, 2017, 05:02 AM
Yeah but I'm not alone in this one. #putsthelotioninthebasket

August 9th, 2017, 03:34 PM
Sweet Jeebus please let this one stick:

'Deadpool' Director Tim Miller to Adapt 'Neuromancer' for Fox (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/amp/heat-vision/deadpool-director-tim-miller-adapt-neuromancer-fox-1028185)

August 9th, 2017, 03:51 PM

Billy Idol had a good song called Nueromancer...

August 10th, 2017, 05:04 AM

My fave from the Cyberpunk album:


August 10th, 2017, 05:16 AM
Honestly the whole album was way ahead of its time. If it released today it would be huge. So many great songs on there...probably one of my most listened to albums oddly enough.

August 10th, 2017, 05:19 AM
Billy had a dream of electric sheep, that's for sure.

That album is 24 years old now, damn...

August 10th, 2017, 09:32 AM
I'll be watching this when it releases in October.


August 10th, 2017, 02:37 PM
Snowfall. It keeps getting better and better.

August 11th, 2017, 07:21 AM
How on Earth did I miss this?? :smh:

Unforgiven (2013 film) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unforgiven_(2013_film))

Unforgiven (許されざる者 Yurusarezaru Mono) is a 2013 Japanese jidaigeki western film directed by Lee Sang-il. It is a remake of Clint Eastwood's 1992 western Unforgiven.

Freude am Fahren
August 11th, 2017, 04:02 PM
Whoa. I need to check that out.

August 12th, 2017, 03:40 PM
Finished up Comrade Detective on Amazon Prime in a little over a day, Great show from Romania.

August 12th, 2017, 08:28 PM
Been watching for several months, but am thoroughly hooked on Live PD.

G'day Mate
August 15th, 2017, 05:38 AM
New Rick and Morty episode was awesome, again

August 17th, 2017, 03:04 PM

August 17th, 2017, 03:33 PM
The final sequence in the series finale of Orphan Black was excellent.

August 17th, 2017, 05:06 PM
Yeah, made me feel pretty good about the series.
"Where does this sand come from? I don’t know, so I let them eat it."

August 18th, 2017, 04:19 AM
Marvel's Defenders dropped last night (1 AM CST so I didn't watch any of it).

Sure hope it's better than Iron Fist... which upon further review isn't terrible. My opinion of that show has softened over time and multiple viewings. :up:

August 18th, 2017, 06:18 AM
I might power through all of Defenders on Sunday, maybe with a kick-off Saturday morning :up:

August 18th, 2017, 04:29 PM
White Gold.

August 19th, 2017, 05:04 AM
So far Defenders hasn't been terrible (#fanboy)... but at the same time it has NOT been brilliant or anything approaching great. Better than Iron Fist.

Surprisingly enough Sigourney Weaver's performance is not standout IMO. Not saying she needs to be pissed all the time but this level of "cold superiority" could've had any no-name mail in this performance.

August 19th, 2017, 06:45 AM
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: LOVED IT. Instead of the usual bore of superheroes conventions this is a bit like... Dungeons&Dragons in space, with adventures, a party, enemies, discoveries, comedic value, epic moments and heroism.
Best Marvel movie ever, along with the first one.

August 19th, 2017, 09:27 PM
Get Out (2017 film by Jordan Peele)
Good movie with the most satisfying ending I've ever seen.

August 20th, 2017, 02:33 PM
So far Defenders hasn't been terrible (#fanboy)... but at the same time it has NOT been brilliant or anything approaching great.

Agreed. It doesn't feel like the same universe in some ways. Too many old comic/action tropes.

Edit: *watches next scene* was not expecting this.

August 21st, 2017, 04:57 AM
Wonder Woman officially clocks in $800 million worldwide today. (http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?page=main&id=wonderwoman.htm) Officially the #1 domestic Superhero Origin Movie as well. (http://www.boxofficemojo.com/genres/chart/?id=superheroorigin.htm) :hard:

4 days until it opens in Japan...

EDIT: She's holding the line but it's getting weak: $1.4 mil the previous weekend, $1.1 mil this past weekend. We're on Week 12 so two more weeks to go before the Week 14 minimum. Will be interesting (to me) to see if she can go to Week 16 in the theaters.

FYI, if Japan can bring ~$20 mil, Wonder Woman should pass Spider-Man (http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=spiderman.htm) as the #1 Superhero Origin Movie All-Time ($821 mil). That's why I'm counting down the days to Japan.

August 21st, 2017, 07:29 AM
That's a lot of modifiers in there.

August 21st, 2017, 07:45 AM

August 21st, 2017, 02:33 PM
Finished The Defenders and really wasn't feeling it.
White Gold OTOH is a home run.

August 23rd, 2017, 04:30 AM
Preacher is still as good as ever.

August 23rd, 2017, 06:33 AM
Defenders. Meh. I was expecting better.

August 23rd, 2017, 08:16 AM
Preacher is still as good as ever.


August 23rd, 2017, 09:59 AM
So subsequent Dr. Quinn episodes had My Favourite Martian as someone with Alzheimer's, and Willie Nelson as some sort of pacifist bounty hunter or something. (hmm. Actually a "legendary marshal")

In the middle of the night, sometimes I see Buzzr promotions of the 1978 version of Match Game. In one recent episode, Gene Rayburn had just returned from a trip to China and was wearing a dark blue version of the traditional Maoist uniform. (Sans insignia). Quite strange. He apparently actually bought it at "The Friendship Store" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friendship_store). I was surprised he actually persisted with it for the whole show; when he first appeared I assumed he'd change back to a normal suit during the first commercial break. At one point Richard Dawson mentioned that it looked like a chauffeur's uniform.

I guess this was when the US government was first trying to normalize (open up) relations with China.

The episode opening is on Youtube, in a non-infringing angle shot of a shot, or something


August 23rd, 2017, 10:12 AM
Match Game with Gene Rayburn? Wow, what a blast from the past. I remember watching that as a kid after school. They'd change the name of the show every year, like Match Game '77 and then Match Game '78 if I recall correctly.

And I think I might be the only person who, upon hearing someone say, "It was so hot..." or "It was so late..." or "It was so funny...", I want to join the audience and shout, "HOW FUNNY WAS IT?!"

They used that gag often, or at least that's how I remember it.

Next, how about some Hollywood Squares videos with Paul Lynde in the center square? :D

MR2 Fan
August 24th, 2017, 01:55 PM
Youtube channels: Hip Hop DX and The Company Man

Both hosted by Justin Hunte, a seriously cool guy who does things like break down things about hip hop, the good, the bad, the ugly in a nice, fun way.

It's refreshing because you can tell he is very smart and knows his stuff. He appreciates hip hop and rap and also understands how silly it can be as well.

He also ends a lot of his shows with some questions about the topic and saying "I don't have the answers to these questions". I really wish more commentators did that!

August 24th, 2017, 03:19 PM
Movies ....

Snatched : Very average, laughed maybe three times. There was one random boob, which was surprising.

Colossal : Terribad, though I was liking Anne Hathaway looking more like a woman, and less like a stick figure. Then I read in the trivia about the movie that it was because she was second trimester preggers, so assume she went back to stick again. Terrible movie, on a vaguely interesting premise. Poorly executed.

Going out in style : Pensioner bank heist. Great cast, all very likable. Plot was a little bit by the numbers, but the cast made up for that.

August 25th, 2017, 05:36 AM
I was watching a documentary series called Built For The Kill, showing different apex predators, (lions, wolves, crocodiles, hyenas, etc), in the animal kingdom. The first episode about lions is by and far the best episode, so save that for last if you plan on watching this. Lions are just plain awesome. Noble and majestic creatures, yet so ferocious and terrifying at the same time. Every now and then I'll watch YouTube videos of lions hunting their prey, and then tearing their flesh apart. I get a weird sense of satisfaction from it. In fact, I start to get hungry.

August 25th, 2017, 07:24 AM
Just finished s10 of Doctor Who, and jesus did they just spend the whole year knocking it out of the park. Now I'm crushed to see Capaldi go, but that was a hell of a finale. Cautiously optimistic about Whitaker.

MR2 Fan
August 25th, 2017, 07:24 AM
Million Yen Women - Netflix

Japanese TV show where 5 women are invited (by someone mysterious) to live with a starving novelist. It's intriguing...gets a bit dark and also has the weird japanese chick from the Wolverine Movie (the Japan one, duh), and in this show she hates wearing clothes.

August 25th, 2017, 09:51 AM
I liked Colossal.

August 25th, 2017, 12:07 PM
I liked Colossal.

I don't do well when I watch something where I dislike all of the characters (unless it's a horror where all the characters get killed off one by one).

August 28th, 2017, 09:12 AM
I'm not an anime-head or anything but I'll catch the occasional flyer or Studio Ghibli production.

Lately I've been catching up on Knights of Sidonia on the Netflix. It nobly starts out as a minimalist-drawn hard-science mecha/monster clash with a strong Ender's Game vibe... before the inevitable descent into JDM body-horror and vague tentacle-p0rn because Japanese. :lol:

But I'm diggin' it so far. :up: :up: Also Season 1 theme music was far superior to the opening crap of Season 2, so here's hoping it makes a return.

August 28th, 2017, 01:04 PM
I happened to catch in bits, while preparing to go shopping, etc https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captains_of_the_Clouds

A technicolor wartime propaganda film starring James Cagney. At the start it appeared to be about bush pilots, but turned out to be about the RCAF. Complete with scenes of a real RCAF assembly overseen by Air Marshal William Avery "Billy" Bishop.

Glad I thought the alleged Messerschmidt near the end looked like a Hurricane, because it was; I think they'd done something to square the ends of the wings, though (looks like it may have just been camouflage of sorts). http://www.internetmodeler.com/2008/july/aviation/reelplane.php

At the end the Cagney character sacrifices himself to take out the Messerschmidt which could have downed many of the (completely unarmed) bombers near the end of their transatlantic delivery flight. Fade to medley of O Canada, There'll Always Be an England, etc, lines from Winston Churchill's famous speech voiced over broad shots of the goose-like convoy reaching its destination, and credits.

August 29th, 2017, 11:10 AM
Misty Knight's new hardware in Luke Cage season 2:


August 29th, 2017, 07:44 PM
Just watched XX, a four-part collection of short horror stories. All four were utter garbage.

August 30th, 2017, 12:28 PM
Watching "Norsemen" on Netflix. Pretty funny take on modern values in old Viking times.

Also watching "White Gold" on Netflix. Has a couple of the actors from "Inbetweeners" and it's pretty funny as well. '80s look at window salesmen.

August 30th, 2017, 05:43 PM
I like what they did with Misty, realistic :up:

August 31st, 2017, 04:14 PM
New season of Bojack next Friday.

September 5th, 2017, 04:44 AM
New Wonder Woman (https://twitter.com/BORReport/status/904712286887075840) milestone:

#WonderWoman has passed Iron Man 3 to move into 20th place all-time domestically.
Sweeet... at least until Star Wars: The Last Jedi opens. :D :up:

Japan hasn't come out in big numbers for Diana yet so she's still lagging behind Sam Raimi's Spider-Man (2002) for the #1 Worldwide Origin Movie spot (http://www.boxofficemojo.com/alltime/world/). Week 14 is in the books tho' (which is the longest any DCEU movie has been allowed to run) and she's still showing in over 1,800 theaters down from an opening of 4,165.

Can she eke out the final $7 mil?! :lol:

September 5th, 2017, 05:40 AM
It helps that there is no other competition at all. Was reading a news story about how people are just flatly ignoring movies this summer because people are tired of reboots, bad sequels, and no thought comic book movies. WW has been the diamond in the rough for summer movies.

Dark Tower did so poorly I didn't even notice it was released and I was actually following its development.

September 5th, 2017, 05:54 AM
Agreed, WW has definitely benefitted from lower competition but it also has lower expectations as well. WB pulled the marketing budget before release AND didn't push for a Thursday night open -- and that's reflected in the low opening weekend total.

But nobody predicted just how stellar her legs were going to be. :D #knockout

WW2 will probably have a huge opening weekend and lower total gross.

September 7th, 2017, 12:29 PM
Comrade Detective, with Channing Tatum. Very unexpected!

New season of "You're the Worst" has just started too. Love that show. It is gloriously messed up.

September 7th, 2017, 03:42 PM
The other day I think I watched parts of Harry Potter and the Temple of Doom. Wait, no. I must have one of those strange televisions they made up in the questions they posed on Match Game '78.

I can't find a link which will explain that.

September 8th, 2017, 03:25 AM

September 8th, 2017, 06:07 AM
Still pretty entused by Preacher, week after week... love Herr Starr. And I've gained an insane wish of a Ruth Negga in my bed.

Out of recommendation from the girl I'm looking forward to date I'm watching Penny Dreadful, which at the times I only checked the first episode: I'm actually liking it a lot. Pace is moderate and solid, not too flashy, but the ensemble is interesting enough and acting is intriguing. Then obviously... Eva Green, dear lord, what a lady and what a competent actress. Also Rory Kinnear is amazing.
Finished already the whole first season (what a sad and somber finale), looking forward to check the other twos.

Oh, can I add... how refreshing it is to have a series that last only 3 seasons? I can't get bothered to seriously start Breaking Bad or The Wire which spawned their stories for 5 seasons or such and for many episodes too, or to start the new Twin Peaks which is made of bloody 18 episodes of 1 hour each.

September 8th, 2017, 06:16 AM
Starting re-watching Crashing. Almost everything wife and I are watching now is intense, needed something comedic I could drop in from time to time to liven things up. She hasn't seen it, I watched the first season last fall.

September 10th, 2017, 07:49 PM
The Orville

Follows the crew of the not-so-functional exploratory ship in the Earth's interstellar fleet, 400 years in the future.
Creator: Seth MacFarlane
Stars: Seth MacFarlane, Adrianne Palicki, Penny Johnson Jerald

I will watch with interest to see how fast that the IMDB rating of 7.3 utterly tanks now that the first episode is out. It aint good folks.

September 11th, 2017, 05:02 AM
Yep The Orville was *bad*. :down: :down:

Not nearly enough humor and what there was were 40-year-old divorce humor jokes. :smh:

September 11th, 2017, 02:42 PM
Today is the day that Wonder Woman should hit $400 million domestic -- my guess: $400,157,814 reported tomorrow. :hard:

17 days until Wonder Woman: Hello Kitty edition. (http://variety.com/2017/film/asia/wonder-woman-hello-kitty-japan-1202475586/) :lol:
I'm surprised you didn't make it's own thread for WW. ;)

Patty Jenkins to Direct 'Wonder Woman' Sequel :up:

September 13th, 2017, 12:07 PM
The Orville: Awkward, but I think it has promise. I may tune in again.

September 13th, 2017, 02:36 PM
Agreed. I think everyone will be a little stiff until they work together a bit more. Seinfeld was like that as well as Parks and Rec...if there will be chemistry then it will take some time.

MR2 Fan
September 13th, 2017, 07:14 PM
I enjoyed it so far...it's funny, but not trying to just be a complete spoof on its own. I also like the set designs, already looks a lot better than ST:D

September 14th, 2017, 04:30 AM
Yeah they definitely had some money to spend.

September 14th, 2017, 05:36 AM
McFarlane seems to have golden hands, so it is no surprise Fox threw money at him to make another show.

MR2 Fan
September 14th, 2017, 08:41 AM
I like the idea of having a futuristic show but where the crew have the same problems we have today (I've heard The Expanse is similar but I haven't watched it). I just wonder if they'll be successfully able to balance between humor and actual engaging storylines.

September 14th, 2017, 08:59 AM
I watched Rocco. Documentary about porn superstar Rocco Siffredi. He's charming, stylish, and flamboyant...yet at the same time super hardcore, violent, and a ferocious performer on screen. I think he's done over 700 films, and has probably banged at least 3000 women in his time.

Anyway, this documentary takes a not-so-in-depth look at his history and personal life, and chronicles his final year as a performer. Though I've read he hasn't fully retired, even though he has a wife (ex-pornstar herself) and two adult sons. It also give us a bit of an inside look at the porn industry itself, which in my opinion is a very ugly business. But to each their own. :|

September 14th, 2017, 03:14 PM
I would love to see a doc about Traci Lords just to see how fucked up of a childhood she had that led her into porn at 15.

Alan P
September 14th, 2017, 06:44 PM
(I've heard The Expanse is similar but I haven't watched it)

You simply MUST! best Hard Sci-Fi since, erm, the Battlestar Galactica reboot? it's very, VERY good. Takes a couple of Episodes to build up steam, but by around episode 3 I was hooked.

September 14th, 2017, 08:01 PM
Also, if you can, read the Expanse books :)

September 14th, 2017, 08:53 PM
Oh, yes, the books are great.

September 15th, 2017, 07:34 AM
Finally finished second season of Preacher. Honestly? It was an hit and miss season, very boring in some parts, although some others, like Herr Starr were hilarious. Too much time spent in a single place New Orleans, specifically Denis' houseall the time, too much time spent in Hell, too.
Let's hope it picks again steam in the third season what with Hitler now unleashed again in the world (I swear I knew it!) and new locations... but ratings have been dwindling bad, lately, so there's always the risk of the series being axed.

Well, that said, I can know concentrate on the second and third (final) season of Penny Dreadful!
I will still think about The Expanse... I've still to watch Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage (fuck Ironfist) but everytime I could start... I ask myself why I should? I mean, more superheroish fare? I dunno, but I'm starting to get really bored by superheroes stories.

September 15th, 2017, 07:41 AM
Maybe start with Jessica Jones?

September 15th, 2017, 07:59 AM
I think Luke Cage was great. Of all of the Marvel hero shows, I think it is worth a look. I also enjoyed DD. Iron Fist was weak, as was The Defenders. JJ just annoyed me.

I suggest Dark Matter if you like sci-fi. It's kind of like a more-serious Firefly.

September 15th, 2017, 08:21 AM
I would love to see a doc about Traci Lords just to see how fucked up of a childhood she had that led her into porn at 15.

There was a documentary on, I think it was the Biography channel, Tracy Lords about 10-15 years ago and it was pretty good. Like with pretty much every porn star there is either sexual abuse or physical abuse or both in their childhood. She is from right near where I live, Stuebenville, Ohio.

There is a pretty good documentary on Netflix as well called After Porn or After the Porn Stops, something like that. There is a second one as well but I haven't watched it yet. Does a pretty good job of giving perspective on the actors and what their life is like after getting out of the business.

September 15th, 2017, 09:23 AM
JJ just annoyed me.
Didn't like Wonder Woman, doesn't like Jessica Jones -- Cam, are you trying to tell us something? :lol:

September 15th, 2017, 04:28 PM
There is a pretty good documentary on Netflix as well called After Porn or After the Porn Stops, something like that. There is a second one as well but I haven't watched it yet. Does a pretty good job of giving perspective on the actors and what their life is like after getting out of the business.

Added Rocco and both After Porn Ends entries.

September 17th, 2017, 07:20 PM
Saw Feel Rich. Very inspiring, especially Fat Joe. They all speak the truth.

September 17th, 2017, 07:49 PM
Like with pretty much every porn star there is either sexual abuse or physical abuse or both in their childhood.
Not really, that's an assumption with enough examples for people to continue believing it, but that's a different discussion. Source: friend that is a porn star and did studies on the topic as her Master's thesis.

G'day Mate
September 18th, 2017, 04:46 AM
Icarus - very interesting and intense docco around Russian doping during the Olympic Games. It actually starts as something completely different but kind of collapses into the main story as the people involved also become embroiled in the scandal.

September 18th, 2017, 05:44 AM
Not really, that's an assumption with enough examples for people to continue believing it, but that's a different discussion. Source: friend that is a porn star and did studies on the topic as her Master's thesis.

Yeah well, I'd say ugly business 90% of the time. Sure, there's Erica Lust and other artists trying to take the medium into an art form, but they're in the minority. And even then, people like Amarna Miller, supposedly a progressive performer, has had her motivations called into question.

September 18th, 2017, 07:15 AM
Finished up season 2 of Narcos. :up: :up:

The beginning of season 3 (which I just peeked at) feels totally different now. Fresh money and support is exciting but also kinda sad.

September 18th, 2017, 07:39 AM
I haven't started season 3 of Narcos yet. Don't know what I'm waiting for.

In other Narcos news, I read that one of their producers (or something) was killed in Mexico while scouting future shooting locations for the show. Apparently he scoped out the wrong area, and paid for it with his life. :(

Clearly Mexico is in the show's future. Once they're done with Cali, then it's El Chapo?

September 18th, 2017, 08:14 AM
Yep, Mexico is the future and the showrunner will do the show for as many seasons as Netflix buys.

September 18th, 2017, 03:44 PM
Watched episode 2 of Orville. It's still pretty stupid, and didn't make me laugh.

"Episodes" (with Matt LeBlanc) is back, and highly entertaining.

September 20th, 2017, 10:13 AM
Yeah, I started to watch episode 2 of The Orville. It was painful, so I shut it off 15 minutes in.

September 20th, 2017, 04:09 PM
The Deuce. New David Chase series about 42nd St in NYC in the early 70s. James Franco, Maggie Gyllenhaal, pimps, pushers, whooahs, and mobsters. First episode was really good.

September 21st, 2017, 11:19 AM
/me patiently waits for season 3 of Dark Matter to arrive on Netflix, despite the fact it was cancelled.

September 22nd, 2017, 12:31 AM
The Orville Episode 3, still not funny.

Why is it called a comedy?

The only amusing thing in this episode, is that the surprise tribunal witness suddenly drops into a thick Kiwi accent during random moments of her lines.

September 22nd, 2017, 06:55 AM
Finally got around to watching The Defenders. Definitely not as good as DD, JJ or LC on their own. But, about on par with IF, if that says anything.

September 22nd, 2017, 07:40 AM
Finally started season 3 of Narcos. Four episodes in so far. While not as great as the previous seasons, it’s still top notch. The girl who plays Maria Salazar makes me salivate. :D

September 23rd, 2017, 07:07 PM
Saw the new Kingsman movie. It was pretty silly, but I was very entertained. :up:

MR2 Fan
September 24th, 2017, 05:56 PM
who watched Star Trek: Discovery so I don't have to?

September 24th, 2017, 07:20 PM
Just watched that demo reel called Suicide Squad.

September 24th, 2017, 07:52 PM
who watched Star Trek: Discovery so I don't have to?

I watched the episode on television, haven't yet watched the 2nd episode online (spoiler alert, it's effectively a two-part episode)

September 25th, 2017, 02:22 AM
I watched the remake of Stephen King’s It over the weekend and it was decent. Pretty faithful to the original with some twists. Was it scary? Well, depends on your individual tolerance. Nothing truly dreadful, mostly jump scares, (which did lose their effectiveness after the fourth or fifth time). The cursing was hilarious, especially by the Stranger Things kid. He was the best.

September 25th, 2017, 05:50 AM
I'm munching through the second series of Netflix's Expanse. Still quite enjoyable :)

September 25th, 2017, 06:04 AM
Nearly finished first episode of Discovery. I can watch it on Netflix. FINALLY REVENGE ON YOU UNITED STATES PEOPLE LLLOLPLLLLOLLOLOL

September 25th, 2017, 02:44 PM
"Episodes" with Matt Le Blanc playing a warped version of Matt Le Blanc.

Gloriously amusing series :)

MR2 Fan
September 30th, 2017, 11:47 PM
Orville Episode 4 was much more like a classic Star Trek episode...definitely an improvement.

October 1st, 2017, 06:56 PM
The Orville Episode 3, still not funny.

Why is it called a comedy?

The only amusing thing in this episode, is that the surprise tribunal witness suddenly drops into a thick Kiwi accent during random moments of her lines.

It’s being advertised wrong. McFarlane wanted to do a pretty straight Star Trek homage, and Fox only agreed to do it if it was cast as a comedy.

October 1st, 2017, 06:57 PM
I know there are 1,900 posts in this thread, so I probably missed it, but I’m surprised not to see Rick and Morty love here. Best show on TV as far as I’m concerned.

October 1st, 2017, 07:51 PM
It’s being advertised wrong. McFarlane wanted to do a pretty straight Star Trek homage, and Fox only agreed to do it if it was cast as a comedy.

That explains the horribly unfunny nature of the series.

October 1st, 2017, 08:31 PM
I know there are 1,900 posts in this thread, so I probably missed it, but I’m surprised not to see Rick and Morty love here. Best show on TV as far as I’m concerned.

I'm just now discovering it. Need to find somewhere that streams it on demand, other than AS/CN themselves. I find myself not watching episodes because I want to watch them in series.

Though I just ordered a Chromecast so maybe I'll just do it through that.

October 2nd, 2017, 05:46 PM
So The Gifted was friggen awesome.

October 3rd, 2017, 11:03 AM
I'm just now discovering it. Need to find somewhere that streams it on demand, other than AS/CN themselves. I find myself not watching episodes because I want to watch them in series.

Though I just ordered a Chromecast so maybe I'll just do it through that.

Yeah, that’s the only reliable way to do it. Most of the episodes are available through On Demand on our cable network, but not all of them.

Hulu has all of the first two seasons, at least.

Not sure how far you’ve gotten into it, but if you’ve just caught a few random episodes, it’s worth watching in order, with the only inessential episode (IMO) being the pilot. Even the second episode has repercussions (a friend I introduced to the show starting with later episodes immediately asked why the family had pictures of a dog but the show had no dogs!) and that’s where the tone of the show’s humor kicks in.

October 3rd, 2017, 11:23 AM
Yeah, I don't want to keep watching random stuff at night on regular TV. Kind of want to savor this as it was intended.

October 3rd, 2017, 11:55 AM
The Good Doctor, severely Asperger young surgeon. Potentially okay, but is trying to tug on the heart strings too much.

Young Sheldon. Unwatchable dreck.

Porters. English series, potentially amusing, definitely had some good moments in the pilot episode. My brain is exploding slightly at Rutger Hauer (sorry spelling?) as a slightly deranged hospital porter. Needs the anarchic streak of Green Wing though (still one of the funniest things ever made).

Family Guy, first episode of the new series stumbled heavily in my opinion. Just wasn't laugh out loud funny.

Z Nation, back again, still glowingly b-grade, still entertaining. Putting the very stacked lead female in tiny white shorts and a tank top in the first episode back was a great idea. Although why she was in a coma wearing high heels is anyone's guess - oh wait, because b-grade.

October 3rd, 2017, 01:32 PM
Tinstar. Finished it up in two days. It's on Amazon. Tim Roth is a police chief in a small Alberta town dealing with an oil company and other weird shit. Comes off a bit Sons Of Anarchy-ish in places. Not a bad watch though.

October 3rd, 2017, 01:53 PM
Finished up season 3 of Narcos, now I’m re-watching the entire thing from scratch (from season 1) with particular interest in scenes involving the Gentlemen of Cali.

October 3rd, 2017, 10:37 PM
I don't get the hate for The Orville. I'm enjoying it. Had no preconceived notions going in. It's like a TNG reboot with modern day comedy styling sprinkled in every so often. Different, but I don't hate it for that.

October 4th, 2017, 01:12 AM
I don't hate it .... it's just yawn inducing.

October 4th, 2017, 11:33 AM
As I mentioned in the Star Trek thread, I'm enjoying it as well, and from what I hear it gets significantly better in the later episodes. I DO hope that the tired "divorced husband keeps bitching about ex-wife" thing slowly goes away as they learn to work together though, because those jokes are tiring.

Finally watched episode 1 of American Gods last night. Gorgeous, gorgeous cinematography, and who doesn't love Ian McShane? But jesus is it dark. Not sure I can stick with it.

MR2 Fan
October 4th, 2017, 12:19 PM
so are we discussing the Orville in the Star Trek thread or this thread then? :p

October 4th, 2017, 12:28 PM
I'll just copypasta across! :lol:

October 4th, 2017, 04:51 PM
I mean it's not Star Trek but it is.

I'll have a look in the actual Trek thread.

MR2 Fan
October 4th, 2017, 06:36 PM
right, so that's the question.

We have an OG style Star Trek type series with some childish humor, or a non-traditional CG-fest Star Trek (which admittedly I haven't watched yet)

October 8th, 2017, 07:58 PM
Blade Runner 2049

Not quite sure how I feel about it...

October 9th, 2017, 09:36 AM
Started watching The Exorcist TV series on Netflix. Two episodes in so far and it’s okay. Not really scary. They played the classic Exorcist theme music at the end of the first episode, which was neat. Not sure if I’m going to continue with it, gonna give it one more episode.

Planning to re-watch Stranger Things in the next week or so, to refresh myself before the next season is released. Getting really excited about that.

October 9th, 2017, 07:06 PM
Blade Runner 2049: A bit slow paced, but I was enthralled. If you liked the original, I think you will dig this one.

October 9th, 2017, 09:51 PM
Sense 8

Season 2

October 10th, 2017, 12:00 AM
Re-watching original Blade Runner, as a warm up to watching the sequel before too long.

Soooooo gooooood.

MR2 Fan
October 10th, 2017, 09:18 AM
which one did you watch? there's like 5

October 10th, 2017, 10:19 AM
The one with Han Solo, which are the other 4?

October 10th, 2017, 10:25 AM
which one did you watch? there's like 5

Final Cut? Does that sound right? I just went for most popular to rrent.

MR2 Fan
October 10th, 2017, 10:31 AM
The one with Han Solo, which are the other 4?

from wikipedia:

Seven different versions of Ridley Scott's 1982 American science fiction film Blade Runner have been shown, either to test audiences or theatrically. The best known are the Workprint, the U.S. Theatrical Cut, the International Cut, the Director's Cut[6] and the Final Cut. These five versions are included in both the 2007 five-disc Ultimate Collectors Edition and 2012 30th-Anniversary Collector's Edition releases.

October 10th, 2017, 10:50 AM
I've heard that the Final Cut is the best. I've yet to watch it.

October 10th, 2017, 10:55 AM
The Final Cut is definitely the best -- the reshot/digitally edited scenes with Joanna Cassidy's character Zhora's death being a foremost reason. :up: :up:

I will say that the shot of two Asian (?) pole-dancers in hockey masks that could have stayed on the cutting room floor but that's just me. :lol:

October 10th, 2017, 03:58 PM
The only downside to the Final Cut is that Scott recolor some of the scenes so they look more blue/green-ish

Freude am Fahren
October 10th, 2017, 04:14 PM
Wasn't the director's cut not really Scott's favorite? (Or was that Alien?) And is that the one that took out the narration?

MR2 Fan
October 10th, 2017, 07:08 PM
Just watched Pirates of the Caribbean 5. I really enjoyed it....yes it still goes WAY into fantasy territory, but I think it was better than 3 and 4...sorta went back into the original in some ways, a lot of call backs to that movie, but not hitting over the head with it.

October 11th, 2017, 04:27 AM
Wasn't the director's cut not really Scott's favorite? (Or was that Alien?) And is that the one that took out the narration?
The Director's Cut was made by the studio without Ridley Scott. He made the Final Cut.

Neither Cuts have Ford's voice-over.

October 11th, 2017, 12:28 PM
Finished up season two of One Mississippi on Amazon. Not as good as the first season but I gained a new appreciation for the stepfather.

October 11th, 2017, 03:28 PM
Neither Cuts have Ford's voice-over.

Which is a shame and puts a veil of fail on both. Sigh.

October 12th, 2017, 05:41 AM
Well the original theatrical release is also available on Blu-Ray (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008M4MB8K?_encoding=UTF8&isInIframe=0&n=2625373011&ref_=dp_proddesc_0&s=movies-tv&showDetailProductDesc=1#product-description_feature_div) -- downside is it has the original horrible Zhora stunt double. :lol:

October 18th, 2017, 10:43 AM
Sweet merciful Fates! Blade Runner 2049 is absolutely b0mbing out. (http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=bladerunnersequel.htm) :lol:

While I am a devout fan of the original, I have yet to see this one. Maybe in two weeks at the cheapies...

October 19th, 2017, 11:40 AM

October 19th, 2017, 12:22 PM
Love it, looks great -- and fantastic continued use of "One" by Metallica. :hard:

Unfortunately do not expect this to be the show's theme music. I was really disappointed when Nirvana's "Come As You Are" wasn't the theme music for Marvel's The Defenders and only used in the trailers. :(

MR2 Fan
October 29th, 2017, 10:20 PM
I binge watched Season 2 of Stranger Things....felt like a great second season and didn't really have any fall off from the first season and I hope we don't have to wait another year for the third season (Duffer Bros. said there will be a total of 4 seasons which seems like a good amount).

Not really a spoiler, but one episode really seemed to be a throw away...

ep 7 when eleven goes to Chicago...they could have removed it completely and still had practically no plot holes. I suppose it just feels out of place in a show with only 9 episodes. If this was a regular 12 or more episode season, we'd come to expect some throw-away eps.the other girl, #8 whatever her name was, never even left her gang to help eleven as I thought she might.......but maybe she'll be back in another season. Also, for anyone who ever watched this other show, it felt a bit like "Dark Angel"

October 30th, 2017, 04:22 AM
I think the primary utility of that plot thread lies in the structure of the show...
The show runners needed to keep 11 separate from the rest of the characters so that her reappearance in the next-to-last episode would have have greater impact. It would have been dumb to have her just sitting in the cabin in the woods for nearly the whole show, so she needed something to do - because if you've got a character sitting around and doing nothing, the audience is sitting there thinking "Why isn't 11 here? Is she just watching tv?" But, if you've established that she's gone out of town to hang out with a gang from the Warriors, she is narratively very firmly divided from the other characters and "can't" just show up and give all the demodogs aneurysms. Then, when she shows up its a bigger moment.

Further, there's some Joseph Campbell hero's journey reasoning that says she can't get more powerful hanging out watching soap operas and eating tv dinners.

Plus, There's the episode-to-episode dramatic arc - Ep 6 ends with the demodogs climbing up the well shaft so you've got ***BIG DRAMATIC EXCITEMENT POTENTIAL*** The best way to heighten this is to make the audience wait and show them something that they are *ideally* just as interested in and that they've been waiting for - "Where's 11 during all this?" It sort of allows you to kill two birds with one stone.

Finally, I think we can probably assume they've got something lined up for 8 the future seasons, even if it's only dying dramatically to show that there's a big threat out there somewhere.
Anyway, best part was Steve/Dustin team-up and hair care tips.

MR2 Fan
October 30th, 2017, 05:08 AM
I think the primary utility of that plot thread lies in the structure of the show...
The show runners needed to keep 11 separate from the rest of the characters so that her reappearance in the next-to-last episode would have have greater impact. It would have been dumb to have her just sitting in the cabin in the woods for nearly the whole show, so she needed something to do - because if you've got a character sitting around and doing nothing, the audience is sitting there thinking "Why isn't 11 here? Is she just watching tv?" But, if you've established that she's gone out of town to hang out with a gang from the Warriors, she is narratively very firmly divided from the other characters and "can't" just show up and give all the demodogs aneurysms. Then, when she shows up its a bigger moment.

Further, there's some Joseph Campbell hero's journey reasoning that says she can't get more powerful hanging out watching soap operas and eating tv dinners.

Plus, There's the episode-to-episode dramatic arc - Ep 6 ends with the demodogs climbing up the well shaft so you've got ***BIG DRAMATIC EXCITEMENT POTENTIAL*** The best way to heighten this is to make the audience wait and show them something that they are *ideally* just as interested in and that they've been waiting for - "Where's 11 during all this?" It sort of allows you to kill two birds with one stone.

Finally, I think we can probably assume they've got something lined up for 8 the future seasons, even if it's only dying dramatically to show that there's a big threat out there somewhere.
Anyway, best part was Steve/Dustin team-up and hair care tips.

Point taken :)

October 30th, 2017, 07:05 AM
I haven't started season two of Stranger Things yet. :mad:

Still re-watching the first season to review. Got sidetracked halfway thru. Hope to finish it tonight, then check out the new season.

October 30th, 2017, 11:11 AM
Watched Thor movie.

Fricken hilarious. Though it is made by a Kiwi, so has very Kiwi sense of humour about it. Will be interesting to see how well it goes down on the global market.

Packed full of NZ actors too.

October 30th, 2017, 12:48 PM
Yeah, Thor Ragnarok was pretty awesome, I thought.

October 30th, 2017, 01:53 PM
Hmm, that Punisher show looks like it might be a little violent at times...

October 30th, 2017, 03:30 PM
Hmm, that Punisher show looks like it might be a little violent at times...

Not at all. Perfect viewing for the entire family.

Freude am Fahren
October 30th, 2017, 04:49 PM
Watched the new Spiderman (well, kinda new, I guess). Not bad. I'm not sure I haven't at least enjoyed every one of the MCU films.

October 30th, 2017, 11:42 PM
Watched the new Spiderman (well, kinda new, I guess). Not bad. I'm not sure I haven't at least enjoyed every one of the MCU films.

It was a fun one. I like Spider-Man being a bit younger as the last two were older. My favorite MCU gag is hot Aunt May :D

Freude am Fahren
October 31st, 2017, 10:22 AM
I was a bit confused if I missed something in an earlier movie because there was no origin story. But it just wasn't there, and I think that was a good thing. Everyone knows what happened, just get on with it :up:

I was thinking a montage to start to movie, but I loved the diary thing showing his point of view of the Civil War stuff.

October 31st, 2017, 12:59 PM
I binge watched Season 2 of Stranger Things....felt like a great second season and didn't really have any fall off from the first season and I hope we don't have to wait another year for the third season (Duffer Bros. said there will be a total of 4 seasons which seems like a good amount).

Not really a spoiler, but one episode really seemed to be a throw away...

ep 7 when eleven goes to Chicago...they could have removed it completely and still had practically no plot holes. I suppose it just feels out of place in a show with only 9 episodes. If this was a regular 12 or more episode season, we'd come to expect some throw-away eps.the other girl, #8 whatever her name was, never even left her gang to help eleven as I thought she might.......but maybe she'll be back in another season. Also, for anyone who ever watched this other show, it felt a bit like "Dark Angel"I think the primary utility of that plot thread lies in the structure of the show...
The show runners needed to keep 11 separate from the rest of the characters so that her reappearance in the next-to-last episode would have have greater impact. It would have been dumb to have her just sitting in the cabin in the woods for nearly the whole show, so she needed something to do - because if you've got a character sitting around and doing nothing, the audience is sitting there thinking "Why isn't 11 here? Is she just watching tv?" But, if you've established that she's gone out of town to hang out with a gang from the Warriors, she is narratively very firmly divided from the other characters and "can't" just show up and give all the demodogs aneurysms. Then, when she shows up its a bigger moment.

Further, there's some Joseph Campbell hero's journey reasoning that says she can't get more powerful hanging out watching soap operas and eating tv dinners.

Plus, There's the episode-to-episode dramatic arc - Ep 6 ends with the demodogs climbing up the well shaft so you've got ***BIG DRAMATIC EXCITEMENT POTENTIAL*** The best way to heighten this is to make the audience wait and show them something that they are *ideally* just as interested in and that they've been waiting for - "Where's 11 during all this?" It sort of allows you to kill two birds with one stone.

Finally, I think we can probably assume they've got something lined up for 8 the future seasons, even if it's only dying dramatically to show that there's a big threat out there somewhere.
Anyway, best part was Steve/Dustin team-up and hair care tips.Also... They had to explain where her increased power came from. I thought it was fitting.
I love their use of music in the show. How, all the lyrics relate to what's going on. :lol:

November 1st, 2017, 12:15 PM
I binge watched the second season of Stranger Things yesterday. Episodes 1-7. Now the last two are left, but I can't watch them on TV tonight cause Game 7 of the World Series will be on. So I've downloaded the last two episodes from Netflix onto my phone, (great feature), and I'll watch them in the car this evening, while sipping some coffee, without using data. I'm running really low on data, with four days left until it resets.

Can't wait to see the finale of this fantastic season!

MR2 Fan
November 1st, 2017, 12:47 PM
I think the only MCU movies I haven't seen are the Hulk movie and Thor 2, though I'm planning to go see Ragnarok on Sunday. Should I watch Thor 2 first, for those who have seen Ragnarok?

Freude am Fahren
November 1st, 2017, 02:47 PM
I love the download feature of Netflix (and YouTube). Great for travel instead of having to rent movies from somewhere. I wonder if Amazon prime has the same feature.

Alan P
November 1st, 2017, 06:28 PM
I think the only MCU movies I haven't seen are the Hulk movie and Thor 2, though I'm planning to go see Ragnarok on Sunday. Should I watch Thor 2 first, for those who have seen Ragnarok?
I honestly can't say there's a huge amount in Thor 2 that makes it a must see.

November 2nd, 2017, 01:10 PM
But I liked Thor 2 better than the first Thor. You should watch it simply because it's good ;)

November 2nd, 2017, 04:24 PM
Community - I never realized this existed. Fun, mindless humor for the most part.

Alan P
November 2nd, 2017, 06:28 PM
Still watching Designated survivor. Dear God Italia Ricci is HOT.

November 3rd, 2017, 05:25 AM
Community - I never realized this existed. Fun, mindless humor for the most part.
SERIOUSLY?! :smh: #banhammer

November 3rd, 2017, 10:05 AM
Which part? That I like it... or that I never saw it before?

November 3rd, 2017, 10:07 AM
Just surprised that you hadn't seen it before.

You're like the Jeff Winger of our group after all. :cool:

November 3rd, 2017, 02:14 PM
Thanks Professor Ian Duncan

I haven't had cable in years... if it doesn't come across my Netflix/Hulu feed, I don't see it.

November 3rd, 2017, 02:58 PM
Total Starburns. Just don't end up a Chevy Chase.

November 3rd, 2017, 03:32 PM
Watched The Gift. Really good. Joel Edgerton’s directorial debut, for which he received critical acclaim. Plus his character was creepy as hell. Story was twisted. In a good way.

November 5th, 2017, 07:45 AM
I enjoyed Thor: Ragnarok, but this breakdown makes me appreciate it far more: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueFilm/comments/7a9dmv/hear_me_out_thor_ragnarok_is_subversive/

November 5th, 2017, 08:53 AM
Making the Ragnarok: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QI-s_hRYfbY


November 5th, 2017, 09:02 AM
Still watching Designated survivor. Dear God Italia Ricci is HOT.


She sends pretty cool too....

Watching Weeds. Fucking hilarious.

November 6th, 2017, 05:10 AM
I enjoyed Thor: Ragnarok, but this breakdown makes me appreciate it far more: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueFilm/comments/7a9dmv/hear_me_out_thor_ragnarok_is_subversive/

Well the themes of the rebirth of Capitalism/Imperialism aside, Thor: Ragnarok is a funny film, strongly modeled after Guardians of the Galaxy.

If that's how you want your Thor to be then this film is for you. If you want your Thor to be more like Beowulf in tone, then skip this one. ;)

November 6th, 2017, 01:05 PM
While playing a silly Android game, I stayed up way too late and watched most of Rocco and His Brothers (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocco_and_His_Brothers). Like the article says, the scenery and cars were very interesting. Well, actually, the article doesn't mention the Italian cars from 1960. As you can gather, the film itself is worse than dismal and pessimistic. Just seemed like something one should be watching. It had subtitles, after all.

November 7th, 2017, 05:43 AM
Arrival: Thought it was ok.

Wheelman: Thought it was awesome. Every car guy/gal should watch it. Even as a straight film I think it is really good. The dialoguea nd the acting were very good and the clean and concise way of filming are a breath of fresh air.

November 7th, 2017, 05:46 AM
Yeah I caught Wheelman the other night. Decent flick on its own, definitely trying to get that Drive vibe going. :cool:

Watching Luke Cage again -- love it, my fave of the Marvel Defenders series. :up: :up:

November 9th, 2017, 11:55 AM
Thor: Ragnarok already over $500 million worldwide. (http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=marvel2017.htm) :up: :up:

How big a bite is Justice League gonna take? :D

November 9th, 2017, 12:33 PM
I watch the trailer for Justice League and it just seems so....meh.

IMO, it is going to bomb. It may do decent the first couple weeks but then it will Star Wars!..Star Wars!...Star Wars! and it go dead.

November 9th, 2017, 01:03 PM
As much as I want it to be good, I agree with Phil. If anything half of the people will go see it in hopes of more Wonder Woman. And I have a feeling they're going to be pretty disappointed.

November 9th, 2017, 01:16 PM
As one of 2.7 people that liked MoS and BvS, I'm actually nervous about JL being too much of a reaction to negative criticism. I'm half way expecting sweet Snyder visuals, but with no depth or emotion, instead replaced with jokes jokes jokes.

Keeping my expectations low, but definitely seeing it opening weekend.

November 13th, 2017, 07:19 AM
Netflix's Marvel's The Punisher first six-episodes reviews have been posted. (https://www.reddit.com/r/thepunisher/comments/7cjggc/netflix_punisher_s1_review_thread/)

A little bit of a drag in the middle? Attempts to not offend anyone and fails?

It's a story of "A Good Guy with a Gun" which is a super-incendiary statement -- and honestly The Gun shouldn't be the focus (which, let's face it, is an impossibility right now). Castle should tell someone that the only reason he uses a gun is because he can't find an Iron Man suit lying around or something. :lol: Puts the focus off of the tool and onto the brain wired to the trigger-finger.

Still, looking forward to it. Drops on Netflix this Friday. :up: :up:

November 13th, 2017, 07:20 AM
Stern had the lead actor on the other day and was fellating him pretty good. Stern is a comic book guy though so maybe it's genuine.

November 13th, 2017, 08:57 AM
Apparently Jon Bernthal is continuing to do a fine job as Frank Castle so it can't all be comic book love. :up:

November 13th, 2017, 09:26 AM
Marvel’s ‘The Punisher’ is dull and politically flawed (https://www.dailydot.com/parsec/netflix-punisher-review/).

Netflix released all 13 episodes to critics, and despite strong performances from Bernthal, Walcott and Moss-Bachrach (Micro), it was a slog to reach the end.

I found myself thinking back to Person of Interest, which did a better job with similar material. Its main characters were an ex-CIA vigilante and his hacker partner, battling shadowy enemies in the military-industrial complex. Even in the framework of a formulaic CBS crime show, it was more satisfying than Marvel’s attempt at serious long-form drama.
Damn, I guess I'd better start watching Person of Interest! :lol: :up:

November 13th, 2017, 09:30 AM
Amazon bought the Lord of the Rings IP so enjoy that, nerd.

They're doing prequel stuff, not a reboot of the movies.

I heard it was a book, too, but who knows.

November 13th, 2017, 10:11 AM
I will! :D :up:

Tho' I would love for them to get the band back together and fill in the gaps after the events of the War of the Ring as King Elessar of Minas Tirith and King Éomer of Rohan (and their attendant armies which would thus summon Peregrin Took & Meriodoc Brandybuck to return respectively) join forces to battle the Black Númenórean of Umbar as was briefly mentioned in the Index of the Return of the King.

'Cause if the Kings & Hobbits are there, you know that Legolas & Gimli ain't gonna miss that party! :rawk: #nerd

EDIT: $250 mil for the rights alone?? Sweet hell, even the Tolkien Estate has gotta be happy... still, considering what Disney has paid for past IPs, this might turn out to be a very reasonable deal. The NYT has said that Game of Thrones is good for around $1 bil annually for HBO (https://www.quora.com/How-much-money-has-Game-of-Thrones-made-for-its-producers).

After some further reading, it sounds like this is just for the literal TV rights to The Hobbit through to the Lord of the Rings. :lol: So The Silmarillion is still yet to be sold by the Tolkien Estate...

November 13th, 2017, 02:51 PM
Damn, I guess I'd better start watching Person of Interest! :lol: :up:
It was actually a really good show, which managed to achieve some greatness by the end - Really surprising for a network show. IIRC, the first half-season is a little rough until they figured it all out, and developed the characters some.

My wife and I still call James Caviezel "Kung-Fu Murder Robot, James Caviezel."

Alan P
November 13th, 2017, 02:56 PM
It was actually a really good show, which managed to achieve some greatness by the end - Really surprising for a network show. IIRC, the first half-season is a little rough until they figured it all out, and developed the characters some.

My wife and I still call James Caviezel "Kung-Fu Murder Robot, James Caviezel."

PoI was a bit slow for the first half of season one, like many shows they never seem to hit their stride until after their winter break and they get confirmed. From season 2 onwards it was one of my favourite shows.

November 13th, 2017, 08:35 PM
Finally watched Thor: Ragnarok. I liked it better than Dark World, but not as much as the first movie. The first one had too much heart.

Can’t wait for Infinity War.

What I loved:

1. The story was decent and the action was over the top, especially the Hulk.

2. Great soundtrack.

3. The girl who played the Valkyrie made my mouth water. She was lovely.

4. Hela knocking over the ‘Infinity Gauntlet’ in Odin’s vault was great. They finally filled that longstanding, (and annoying), plot hole from the first film.

5. The appearance of Sanctuary II - (Thanos’ ship in the mid-credits for you non-comicbook-nerds).

What I didn’t love:

1. Too much humour, especially considering the subject matter, (end of the world and stuff). They borrowed a little too much from the GOTG formula. Too much for my taste, anyway.

2. We never got a chance to see the extent of Odin’s power in these three films, which is a shame. I was anticipating seeing his ‘skyfather’ level power exhibited on the big screen in an epic battle against Surtur, but alas he was killed off in the first 15 minutes.

3. While I liked the the whole Planet Hulk/Sakaar tie-in, it made me miss the Silver Surfer, which made me sad.

4. Not enough Doctor Strange in this film.

5. The slaughter of the Warriors Three was kind of unnecessary, in my opinion.

6. No appearance by, or mention of, Lady Sif.

November 15th, 2017, 05:06 AM
EDIT: $250 mil for the rights alone?? Sweet hell, even the Tolkien Estate has gotta be happy... still, considering what Disney has paid for past IPs, this might turn out to be a very reasonable deal. The NYT has said that Game of Thrones is good for around $1 bil annually for HBO (https://www.quora.com/How-much-money-has-Game-of-Thrones-made-for-its-producers).

After some further reading, it sounds like this is just for the literal TV rights to The Hobbit through to the Lord of the Rings. :lol: So The Silmarillion is still yet to be sold by the Tolkien Estate...
Christopher Tolkien resigns as Tolkien Estate director (https://www.tolkiensociety.org/2017/11/christopher-tolkien-resigns-as-tolkien-estate-director/).

Christopher Tolkien has resigned as a director of the Tolkien Estate.

According to Companies House, Christopher Reuel Tolkien stood down as a director of both The Tolkien Estate Limited and The Tolkien Trust on 31 August 2017.

Christopher, who turns 93 this month, is J.R.R. Tolkien’s third son and was appointed literary executor upon his father’s death.
Welp, that explains everything.

November 15th, 2017, 05:14 AM
Justice League Rotten Tomato score is 48% -- it is unhidden on the Flixster app (https://i.imgur.com/Je4n8Xq.png)

Justice League reviews rundown: Critics slam 'embarrassing' sequel (http://ew.com/movies/2017/11/15/justice-league-reviews/)

Also welp. :|