Has anyone got knowledge of a really good autocorrect app that can be used on PC?

Especially for typing on website text fields in Chrome (i.e. an extension that can cover this), but also for all the other things you do in PC, which could be helpful to non-Chrome users.

I know that Windows 10 has a built-in autocorrect feature but as far as I can tell, my testing seems to suggest that it is only useful if you use a tablet with an on-screen keyboard.

I use i-devices a lot now and I'm used to having autocorrect, so my typing really sucks and I'm struggling to mash the words into a normal keyboard with any finesse. For example, I typed this into notepad while trying out the built-in autocorrect feature: "notepad is grat I must imporove my typoing"

As you can imagine, it's very frustrating to have to go back to every sentence and correct my mistakes, including with this very post. It ruins the flow if I'm on a roll with my geysering verbosity.

I could just git gud and type better, but fuck that; I'm a Gen-Y and I am entitled to something where I don't have to put in the effort.

Plz halp