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Thread: The thrust of curiosity that leads men to try to go where no one has gone before. (The Space thread)

  1. #841
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    Boeing’s Starliner’s launch got scrubbed 4minutes before scheduled lift off… how disappointing.

    I guess if it’s Boeing, it just ain’t going?

    China on the other hand has landed on the far side of the moon!

    I wish the 2 nations could enter into more of a cooperation rather than enter into another Cold War…
    Last edited by Crazed_Insanity; June 2nd, 2024 at 06:10 AM.

  2. #842
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    Yeah! The Constantly Scrubbing Transport-100 has finally lifted off with crew and on its way to space station!!!

  3. #843
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    Yes! Successfully docked with the ISS! Couldn't do that during previous unmanned test due to the wrong clock setting which caused wrong firings of the capsule... by the time we figured out it's doing the wrong maneuvers at the wrong time, it had already wasted too much fuel. Not having enough fuel, it basically just have to come back down and then get grounded for years...

    Anyway, although SpaceX's Model 3 was cheaper and way ahead of schedule, relative to Boeing, at least Boeing's more expensive and extremely late Corolla finally did do its thing! Well, mission isn't over yet... so knock on wood that it won't pull a Max or blow out a door...

    I think the only advantage Boeing's Starliner has over SpaceX's is that it can help change ISS's orbit with its engines... and it's also more reuseable because it can land on land. SpaceX's capsule was suppose to be able to land on land too just like their rockets, but regulations and technical challenges made it impractical... but anyways, I still kinda doubt NASA will buy anymore Corollas that's more expensive than a Model3... Unless due to political reasons, maybe Biden can now finally proclaim that Boeing has ushered in the era of commercial space travel?

    Anyway, so nice to be able to shift my attention to something up in the heaven so that I can get a momentary break about all the crappy stuffs on the ground... Whatever the future holds, go space travel!!!

  4. #844
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    Sydney, Australia
    Yes good to see Boeing get there. Good to have 2 groups able to do ISS/LEO missions.

    And SpaceX was successful with their 4th test flight, seem both booster and Starship survived re entry and ended with landing burns that got down to low speeds.

    Big week

  5. #845
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    Man, I totally missed that historic launch from SpaceX! That is one amazing accomplishment! Giant week for space!

  6. #846
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    Boeing's CST-100 Starliner Capsule has delayed it's return multiple times and is still currently docked to the ISS. There are numerous reports saying Boeing is screwed and caused the astronauts to be stranded at the ISS! Recently I was able to dial in to an all hands meeting to hear from the program manager... At least program management is saying there's nothing majorly wrong, NASA still cleared the capsule to be able to return in an emergency condition. It's just that NASA wants to take the opportunity to study all the buggy issues. The helium leaks and thruster issues are all in what's called the Service Module, the cylindrical thing that attaches to the bottom of the capsule. During re-entry, it'd be jettisoned and never be seen again. So this is the only time they can take a look and check things out.

    The capsule is rated to be able to be in space for 45 days. So if after a month and a half the capsule is still up there... then we'll know Boeing management was lying and we'll need SpaceX's help to get our astronauts back!

    So sad that in this day and age, we don't really know who to believe. Of course if Boeing had maintained it's reputation by doing a good job in the 1st place, none of this would happen...

    Whoever's telling the truth, I just hope astronauts will be safe. Hopefully they sort out their various issues too.

    Anyway, I think this is one of the reasons why I'm a huge admirer of Elon Musk! Imagine if there's no SpaceX... I don't think commercial space travel will ever be possible within our life time... Space travel is hard. Even if Elon Musk got to where he is due to his dad's emerald mine and did absolutely nothing, at least he assembled a great team of folks and they accomplished some amazing things!

  7. #847
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crazed_Insanity View Post
    Boeing's CST-100 Starliner Capsule has delayed it's return multiple times and is still currently docked to the ISS. There are numerous reports saying Boeing is screwed and caused the astronauts to be stranded at the ISS! Recently I was able to dial in to an all hands meeting to hear from the program manager... At least program management is saying there's nothing majorly wrong, NASA still cleared the capsule to be able to return in an emergency condition. It's just that NASA wants to take the opportunity to study all the buggy issues. The helium leaks and thruster issues are all in what's called the Service Module, the cylindrical thing that attaches to the bottom of the capsule. During re-entry, it'd be jettisoned and never be seen again. So this is the only time they can take a look and check things out.
    Good level-headed info on the vehicle for once. Better than any news source can conjure up for clicks.

    The rest of your post though... ehhh.

  8. #848
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    Interestingly enough, if Elon wasn't making these, we would be using either soyuz, or other options.

    Space travel is hard, and I really appreciate your insight.

  9. #849
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    Given the collapse of the global cooperation-ism and war in Ukraine, ISS would probably be empty or taken over by the Russians by now without SpaceX?

    Minus SpaceX and Boeing, I'm unaware of any other options besides having Russians ferrying the astronauts to space. It is kinda odd that China has done their own space programs all by themselves. There was never any wars... we worked together on virus research... why never in space? That I'm not sure. There may be trust issues?

    Anyway, I'm not a journalist, so naturally I often times include my opinions in my posts. Just as I don't fully trusts media and not even Boeing management, you guys naturally don't have to fully trust me!

    Time will tell who's telling the truth and who's lying. I'm only interested to know what I didn't know before...

    I do hope Boeing will be able get its act together and be able to safely and reliably transport people both in air and space in the future though.

  10. #850
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    Quote Originally Posted by Godson View Post
    Interestingly enough, if Elon wasn't making these, we would be using either soyuz, or other options.
    After the Shuttle program was retired NASA sought the assistance of Roscosmos and sent astronauts on Soyuz flights for about 10 years.

    Somehow, the two agencies are able to cooperate. It might be something to do with not focussing on political one-upmanship like many other areas of international affairs.

    *scratches chin...*

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