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Thread: Politics

  1. #25031
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    All this ageist nonsense about Biden, DONALD TRUMP IS JUST 3 1/2 YEARS YOUNGER!!!!

    And he doesn't sound nearly as batshit as Trump.

    To me Trump has moments of lucidity and Biden has moments of old age.

  2. #25032
    Relaxing and enjoying life MR2 Fan's Avatar
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    Look, Trump only talked about admiring Hannibal Lecter 3 times in his rallies....I think.

    Anyway, I don't think the debate will have long-term impact, there's plenty of time for Trump to get worse in his speeches and Biden seems like he can recover and possibly getting over a cold really was all it was (horrendous timing)

  3. #25033
    Relaxing and enjoying life MR2 Fan's Avatar
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    So the Supreme Court ruled Trump has *some* immunity but only in official capacity whatever that gets interpreted as. While this was BAD, it could have been WORSE.

  4. #25034
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    I do agree presidential candidates and sitting presidents ought to have some immunity so that political opponents can't weaponize the court to try to sideline political opponents. Similarly, if we are to impeach future presidents, unless we have an independent partyless president, we ought to just count of votes of senators who are in the same party as the president. It's kinda stupid to let your political opponents impeach you. If people of the same party's unwilling to impeach you, then maybe what you have done wasn't so bad? The normal partisan fights in office are already bad enough, do we really want to tie them all down in courts?

    If something is seriously bad enough, then we prosecute to the fullest extent and jail the sucker at the end of his term.

    Most of the time when at the end of their political careers, such 'political justice' really won't matter anymore...

    Bottomline is that we shouldn't allow our courts to get too 'political'. They should just fight for justice, not for any political sides. Any public political offices with term limits ought to have some sort of immunity while they're in office. We can deal with them when their term ends.
    Last edited by Crazed_Insanity; Yesterday at 07:23 AM.

  5. #25035
    Relaxing and enjoying life MR2 Fan's Avatar
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    I'm completely ignoring whatever Billi is saying above....

    The only good thing that might come out of this is that people may be less inclined to sit on the sidelines...the bigger threat from Trump, the more people who sat out in other elections who are left leaning (or, you know, sensible) would vote for Biden. The reason Trump won in 2016 is a lot of people thought it would be a Hillary landslide, so they stayed home or voted third party.

  6. #25036
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    The great thing about America is that nobody is above the law. Hang on, I'm getting a message in my earpiece here.....The great thing about America is that dictators fucking rule and should be able to do whatever they want.

  7. #25037
    Relaxing and enjoying life MR2 Fan's Avatar
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    and people wonder why I want to move out of the country

  8. #25038
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    A little backstory: CA passed a law banning extra fees. They had to be rolled into the price, and it was set to go into effect today. Hotel resort fees, airline ticket fees, concert ticket fees, all of that had to just be rolled into the price so when you see something saying it costs $150, it costs $150 (sales tax excepted, because of course it is).

    Restaurants out here have gotten out of control with this. Lots of places tack on a 5% service fee for "fair wages" or whatever. Some charge another 20% for "security". Lately, a brunch spot has started a 20% mandatory tip for takeout orders. They were also going to have to just roll this into menu prices.

    An "emergency" bill got written up and passed in the past couple of weeks exempting restaurants from this. It was co-written by one of my (formerly) favorite state senators.

    It's snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. This was a bill that was *wildly* popular. It was pro-consumer and just said "tell us what things cost."

    Even the pols I like are trying to radicalize me.

    I've sorta half joked with Michele about "should we just move to Barcelona?" and now I am 100% serious about the idea. This place is fucked.

    (I am keeping in mind that I'm in the anger stage of grief and won't be making any rash decisions just yet)

  9. #25039
    Relaxing and enjoying life MR2 Fan's Avatar
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    Yes, the land of the free...

    Where wackos can shoot you while shopping, or watching a movie, or attending a concert with now legal bump stocks to make their guns shoot fully automatic to hit as many people as possible.
    Where one illness can bankrupt you for life.
    Where housing is 40% higher cost than just a couple of years ago due to massive corporations buying up all of the housing and setting prices.
    Where insurance companies can also charge extreme rates, then fight against actually covering you in the event you need them.
    Where there are several places where there is a monopoly for cable/internet services or electricity.
    Where one political party sits back and lets the other do whatever they want to subvert democracy and never holds anyone accountable.
    Where the banking sector can bankrupt millions of people and also doesn't hold any bankers accountable, but gets propped up by our tax dollars to stay in business.
    Where the police get to buy and use military-grade hardware while our schoolteachers struggle to buy basic necessities for their students out of their own pockets.

    Yeah...great country we have here.

  10. #25040
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    It's not great, that's why we need to make it great again!

    In case you did not realize that I'm joking, just want to clarify that I'm joking! Clearly Trump didn't make our country great again even if we ignore the pandemic dampening everything down. Like I've said before, I do like Trump making America way less 'invasive' than before.

    Unfortunately Biden is making forever wars more forever again.

    Speaking of that, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden felt to me like Boeing Whistleblowers... And US government feels like Boeing wish those whistleblowers could just shut up and die so they can go about their business making money.

    I wonder if Trump would treat these whistleblowers fairly hoping to damage his political opponents? That'd be cool.

    So maybe Trump could draining the swamp and hopefully not be a dictator and then hopefully somebody like Bernie Sanders can take over and truly build America and the world back better again? I'll gladly tolerate Trump for another 4 years if I could have that. A win for Biden will likely means we maintain status quo for longer?

    Even France is moving right and nationalistic politically... is it really because the conservative right folks are too dumb and too out of control? Or perhaps they're just reacting to some of the bad liberal globalist policies?

    I think globalists' greed and proudness are beginning to fall like the Tower of Babel... and global cooperation is ending and each nation has decided to exit out of globalism and looking after themselves...
    Last edited by Crazed_Insanity; Yesterday at 12:58 PM.

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