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Thread: Politics

  1. #25041
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Servo View Post
    A little backstory: CA passed a law banning extra fees. They had to be rolled into the price, and it was set to go into effect today. Hotel resort fees, airline ticket fees, concert ticket fees, all of that had to just be rolled into the price so when you see something saying it costs $150, it costs $150 (sales tax excepted, because of course it is).

    Restaurants out here have gotten out of control with this. Lots of places tack on a 5% service fee for "fair wages" or whatever. Some charge another 20% for "security". Lately, a brunch spot has started a 20% mandatory tip for takeout orders. They were also going to have to just roll this into menu prices.

    An "emergency" bill got written up and passed in the past couple of weeks exempting restaurants from this. It was co-written by one of my (formerly) favorite state senators.

    It's snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. This was a bill that was *wildly* popular. It was pro-consumer and just said "tell us what things cost."

    Even the pols I like are trying to radicalize me.

    I've sorta half joked with Michele about "should we just move to Barcelona?" and now I am 100% serious about the idea. This place is fucked.

    (I am keeping in mind that I'm in the anger stage of grief and won't be making any rash decisions just yet)
    A friend of mine is getting married in February, in South Africa. I DON'T DO DESTINATION WEDDINGS. You better believe i'm going.

    Backstory. I was asking for stock tips from my cousin and he straight up said "Mo I don't even know why you're still working. If you cashed our your 401K, took the penalty and moved to South Africa you could retire comfortably with the money you have right now." He don't even know my shit trippled since 2018.
    So yeah, i'm going to scout Mzansi in in February because fuck this shit.

    Mum coming in a couple of weeks, I gotta have her bring her birth certificate, which i'll need to take to the embassy in Los Angeles to claim my citizenship. I'm done with this. The bullshit, the lack of accountability, the deterioration of standards and civics, the blatant lying from politicos, the overt schilling of the media, the wanton overt corruption in the Supreme Court, etc etc etc

    All I need is electricity, clean water, and internet and im happy as a clam. I'm done!

  2. #25042
    Join Date
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    Feel free to hit me up when you're here in LA.

  3. #25043
    Senior Member sandydandy's Avatar
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    So Trump has presidential immunity...doesn't that mean Biden has it too now? Why doesn't Biden commit an outrageous 'crime' against the Republicans to cut Trump's legs out from under him, since he'll now be protected? Sign a bunch of executive orders or something to encumber Trump's ability to run, I don't know.

  4. #25044
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    Wait a minute Neanderthal... what do you mean 'claim your citizenship'? You mean you don't have citizenship? So you didn't vote Hillary?!?!? Then how could you blame me?!?!?

    Anyway, cashing out on your 401k and move to South Africa doesn't sound like a bad idea..., but then again I never been there. It's good to check it out and see if you could really retire early and comfortably there. Good luck!
    Last edited by Crazed_Insanity; Yesterday at 09:13 AM.

  5. #25045
    Relaxing and enjoying life MR2 Fan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sandydandy View Post
    So Trump has presidential immunity...doesn't that mean Biden has it too now? Why doesn't Biden commit an outrageous 'crime' against the Republicans to cut Trump's legs out from under him, since he'll now be protected? Sign a bunch of executive orders or something to encumber Trump's ability to run, I don't know.

    If I was Biden and if it was actually possible to do this...throw out the tainted supreme court justices with obvious ethical issues, replace the supreme court justices, then move a case up the court so they could overturn the immunity thing, abolish the electoral college,...oh and pass a requirement that people running for president cannot be convicted felons.

  6. #25046
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    Quote Originally Posted by sandydandy View Post
    So Trump has presidential immunity...doesn't that mean Biden has it too now? Why doesn't Biden commit an outrageous 'crime' against the Republicans to cut Trump's legs out from under him, since he'll now be protected? Sign a bunch of executive orders or something to encumber Trump's ability to run, I don't know.
    To quote a great philosopher over on Twitter:

    "The last decade has been the Democrats clinging onto the rulebook going "but a dog can't play basketball!" while a dog fucking dunks on us over and over"

  7. #25047
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    I think that great philosopher summed it up well... we should allow dogs to play basket ball!!! Don't be such a K9-ist!

  8. #25048
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Servo View Post
    Oh man, Central Bank talk? Are we about to get Rothschilds discourse here?
    Moving this from space to here…

    This has nothing to do with Roth’s or Ruth’s child…

    Too much centralization is just asking for trouble. Just like dictatorship, more power will usually result in more corruption. Even if it’s not about corruption, too big to fail is just not a good way to go. 2008 has demonstrated that. We don’t need huge banks, let alone a central bank that can print money. In the aerospace business, # of rocket companies dwindled down to one, ULA is a merged version of Lockheed and Boeing. We had a lot more companies in the mix during Apollo days… and I think it’s safe to say that one giant company is not the best way to go there…

    I think clearly Catholic Church and MegaChurches have also demonstrated that too big to fail is a bad idea.

    Of course I don’t want Elon Musk to start a rival central to Elon bank. Hopefully he’ll create a more decentralized bank and monetary system. US government is for sure way too powerful for its own good. Politicians and agencies no longer have to be accountable to voters/taxpayers anymore. DOD can be in a forever war and they don’t really care about the missing billions here and there.

    This trend is just not good for my child.

  9. #25049
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Servo View Post
    Feel free to hit me up when you're here in LA.

  10. #25050
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    I will regret this.

    Billi - can you point me at a Central Bank? Like, one that's real and exists and does something? A global one that centralizes money?

    I am worried about you. This is Alex Jones/Q nonsense. Every once in a while you say something and it's textbook conspiracy theory insanity. It's not good, man.

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