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Thread: Politics

  1. #25081
    Relaxing and enjoying life MR2 Fan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rare White Ape View Post
    Well one thing is the Republicans have slid further right in the last decade and the Democrats have followed them across the fence into that vacuum to hoover up the lost voters. Now the Democrat party is right-lite and has very similar policies.

    The answer I think is to let them both continue even further right and let a new left wing party to rise up and fill the void that is opening up on the other side. Sadly it could be a 10 year process unless the Democrats realise what's happening and shift themselves back to the centre-left again.
    The people in charge of the Democratic party are always scared to push left thinking it will alienate their major voting base...aka older voters I think. Time and time again, left leaning policies are shown to be popular, but they're very reluctant to nationalize those platforms. Roe v Wade being overturned possibly made them change their mind a bit on how far left they can go.

    So what will probably happen, let's say we continue to have a democrat as president and let's say we pick up 10% more seats overall in congress...the lesson they'll take from that is...."keep doing what we're doing, no need to change". If they don't win much "oh we need to move further right".

    The news media keeps shifting further right and that doesn't help.

  2. #25082
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    The problem with democratic establishment is that they have no back bone or no core message. Historically, the main thing they have running on is that they are the 'lesser of the 2 evils'!

    A country doesn't need a lesser of 2 evils. Just give us a good leader please.

    Obama, regardless of his skin color, looked real good! That's how he was able to break out and rise so quickly to the top! Remember he also ran as an early anti-establishment candidate against the more 'established' Hillary. It was so exciting voting for him. He's like the best Bernie Sanders we can have... until in the end, he seems pretty much the same as W foreign policy-wise. Also was not very transparent administration. The fact that he endorsed Hillary in the end and plotted against Bernie Sanders proves that he's not really anti-establishment. He just wanted power and would say and do anything to get there. I voted for you because I believe you are better than Hillary in the primary, but after 8 years, you're telling me we need to go back to Hillary? Why should we go backwards? Just because we should give woman a chance? Then why did you run against her? Had Obama appear after 8 years of Hillary, I'm sure Obama could easily defeated Trump.

    Anyway, that's the problem with Dems. They just want to win... but after they win, will they really take care of the American people? Hey, they're only less evil, they never promised they'll be good.

    Think of Boeing CEOs and board of directors. Majority of Dems are just like them. They don't care about making anything great. At least Donald Trump is selling that he'll make America great again. Boeing senior management moved from Seattle, away from the engineers and workers, and moved closer and closer to DC, with the politicians... the center of power and money and corruption...

    Until we get a leader who truly cares about making airplanes... or about the lives of average Americans... things will probably only going to get worse before it gets better.

    Personal conspiracy here... I still believe deep down Obama is a good person, but perhaps 'somebody' twisted his arms to do things similar to W admin. Maybe he couldn't do what he really wanted in order to protect himself and his family? Didn't want to end up like Kennedy? If this is true, then of course no way will Michelle ever run for that office. Now, if what happened was all because of character flaws of Barack himself..., then perhaps if Mrs. Obama were pushed to the spotlight, maybe she'll be able to fix things her husband screwed up? At least I don't believe Michelle is the kind of wife who'd always do what her husband said! Anyway, point is, if she runs, I'd vote for her. Unless Bernie is running, then of course I'll go for him.
    Last edited by Crazed_Insanity; July 8th, 2024 at 07:33 AM.

  3. #25083
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR2 Fan View Post
    The people in charge of the Democratic party are always scared to push left thinking it will alienate their major voting base...aka older voters I think. Time and time again, left leaning policies are shown to be popular, but they're very reluctant to nationalize those platforms. Roe v Wade being overturned possibly made them change their mind a bit on how far left they can go.
    On a local level, our left-leaning city council who like to talk about environmentalism are all afraid of doing anything that might anger drivers, so we never get any infrastructure for public transit or biking, despite the fact that a recent bill attempting to force them to do the things they said they'd do ten years ago won by a nearly 2-1 margin. Like...I dunno what other kinda mandate you need to know that it's wildly popular, so stop listening to the loud minority that keep yelling about things.

  4. #25084
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    Are you sure it’s just the loud minority and not the rich ‘donority’?

    It’s always easier to blame the political opposition… both parties play the same damn trick.

    When it’s wildly popular with their base and yet they don’t do it, then clearly there are other forces at work. I dunno, maybe it’s just a conspiracy. Maybe they’re just afraid of loud minorities because of their sensitive ear drums?

  5. #25085
    Member Member 21Kid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Servo View Post
    Sadly, when I think about it, maybe it's just that we don't have a lot of great candidates to put up there so people are like "well, what about the other Obama?"

    We're in a weird spot. Left leaning policies are popular. Pro-choice policies are wildly popular, to the point where states like Kansas are voting in favor of it. Yet somehow we don't seem to be able to find a progressive firebrand.

    Agreed. I've been seeing a lot of Pete Buttigieg killing it lately. He's very good a responding aggressively without sounding upset. He's always prepared with a response to the crazy Republican questions like "EVs catch fire and explode!" or "but the government is buying all the EVs, inflating their numbers!"

  6. #25086
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    I've been a big fan of Buttigieg, but for whatever reason he doesn't seem to be coming up a lot in the conversation, which is a bummer.

  7. #25087
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    I also loved Mayor Pete at 1st and thought he might be the next Bernie Sander and be our 1st gay president.

    However, later on I learned that he’s nothing like Bernie. I was fooled by his supposed grassroot support, kid Pete also wrote an essay about his idol, Bernie Sanders! However, turned out he had a lot of ‘established’ support and clearly forgotten about his childhood idol. Decided to gang up with Biden to put away Bernie during the primaries…

    I still think he’s a decent person, but if a guy could flip and abandon his childhood ideal and his own personal ambition for a position of transportation secretary, what else will he compromise?

    Kamala at least dropped out herself early enough, for those near the end who ganged up with Biden against Bernie last time, I’d never vote for them. Bunch of loser weasels.

    I think he was 2nd right behind Bernie. He should've either continue to sell himself as the younger better version of Bernie all the way to the end... or drop out to endorse Bernie... I would've respected him more that way and surely I will vote for him next time. However, as it is, once you've already seen a person's character, why bother wasting your vote on such a person?

    Anyway, for those of you who still think Hillary would be lovely to have as president... or the Obama years were just so perfect for us and for the world... then I suppose Pete may be the perfect guy for you. You will surely get the same or very similar things.

    Just be prepared for more wars and more Assanges and Snowdens and more unsolved unknowable conspiracies... and then there'll be someone even crazier than Trump coming along to try to balance things out...

    It's kinda sad that I still haven't found the next Bernie Sanders... and the dude is already old and probably will be dead in a few years...

    On the right, I kinda find Vivek interesting. Still observing him like I was observing Andrew Yang... Andrew Yang turned out disappointing. Vivek might end up the same... Don't really have too high of expectations for him... we'll see.
    Last edited by Crazed_Insanity; July 9th, 2024 at 08:16 AM.

  8. #25088
    Member Member 21Kid's Avatar
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  9. #25089
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    Back to Elno related news, lawyers who sued Elon for his $56 billion pay package, demanded their fairshare of $7 billion legal fees. That's about $370,000/hr rate for each of the 37 lawyers working around the clock to help fight justice. There were a total of 3 law firms, which spent like 6 hours fighting over how much each of them represented the guy who owns like 9 shares of Tesla stock. Yep, he was unhappy with Elno turning his 9 shares over 10X their original value back when he bought in 2018. (I bought mine at around the same time as well... and even with the current slump, Elno has 10x my money.)

    I'd expect this is from somebody who bought Tesla at the peak and then lost money, but nope. This guy obviously made a lot of money out of his 9 shares. It's also funny that these lawyers are suing Elno on the basis of him making too much money selling EVs. Yet, billing $370,000/hr for a pro BS case seems totally reasonable to them. What a fucking joke!

    I'm a little lost as to why these blue states are going all out to chasing Elno away. Elno voted for Biden last time too. But CA and Delaware don't want Elno's money I guess. Pushing Elno to the red part of country is a good idea? Why? You'd think politicians would love money? Guess not.

    This is why I think it's likely because Elno is perceived as a threat to the Central bank somehow... the old money folks do not like this new money Elno guy for some reason. We'll see how things play out...
    Last edited by Crazed_Insanity; July 9th, 2024 at 10:42 AM.

  10. #25090
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    Jon Stewart for President!

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