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Thread: Religion

  1. #1771
    Senior Member
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    Take care, man.

  2. #1772
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    Man, I guess this is why I love this place... people do have good hearts here. Although we can have our differences of opinions and can also be mean sometimes, but when push comes to shove... people's goodness shines thru. Thanks for not kicking a crazy religious man while he is down...

  3. #1773
    Senior Member G'day Mate's Avatar
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    ... I think I heard this mentioned somewhere ... was he a Trump advisor?

  4. #1774
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    Yep, had no idea that he’s a Trump supporter/adviser, at least I don’t hear about that during sermons.

    Once the scandal breaks, it’s all about this sinful Trump spiritual advisor….

    Considering how close we are to election… and there had been multiple mega church pastors forced to resign due to past sins… and apparently all Trump supporters, this really appears to be politically motivated.

    Anyway, pastors really shouldn’t mix themselves up in politics. Also, we probably should not have megachurches. It’s be much better to have a community based church where everyone knows their name. Instead of drink in a bar, people should just drink up the Holy Spirit and get drunk that way!

  5. #1775
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    Over the weekend, we attended a more local and small church where wife sometimes help out by playing the piano there. It's not really our home church, she's just playing there as a paid musician so we attend whenever wife's scheduled to play. Maybe we should consider making it our home church? The pastor there was saying nowdays, Christians seems to gravitate towards either those giant megachurches or these tiny community churches with very few in between. Maybe it's time we join this church? I began my faith in a small chinese church too... so maybe this is a way?

    During the service, we sang America the Beautiful. Honestly, I didn't realize that song is actually a hymn and there are way more lyrics then the usual one we hear? I actually cried a bit as we sang this song...

    O beautiful for spacious skies,
    For amber waves of grain,
    For purple mountain majesties
    Above the fruited plain!
    America! America!
    God shed His grace on thee,
    And crown thy good with brotherhood
    From sea to shining sea!

    O beautiful for pilgrim feet
    Whose stern impassioned stress,
    A thoroughfare for freedom beat
    Across the wilderness!
    America! America!
    God mend thine every flaw, (oh how flawed we are...)
    Confirm thy soul in self-control,
    Thy liberty in law!

    O beautiful for heroes proved
    In liberating strife,
    Who more than self their country love
    And mercy more than life! (Christians really need to stop being so 'pro-life' and forget about mercy)
    America! America!
    May God thy gold refine
    Till all success be nobleness,
    And every gain divine!

    O beautiful for patriot dream
    That sees beyond the years,
    Thine alabaster cities gleam
    Undimmed by human tears!
    America! America!
    God shed His grace on thee,
    And crown thy good with brotherhood
    From sea to shining sea!

    Oh beautiful for halcyon skies
    For amber waves of grain
    For purple mountain majesties
    Above the enameled plain!
    America! America!
    God shed His grace on thee,
    Till souls wax fair as earth and air
    And music-hearted sea!

    O beautiful for pilgrim feet
    Whose stern impassioned stress,
    A thoroughfare for freedom beat
    Across the wilderness!
    America! America!
    God shed His grace on thee,
    Till paths be wrought through wilds of thought
    By pilgrims foot and knee!

    Oh beautiful for glory-tale
    Of liberating strife,
    When once and twice for man’s avail
    Men lavished precious life!
    America! America!
    God shed His grace on thee,
    Till selfish gain no longer strain
    The banner of the free!

    O beautiful for patriot dream
    That sees beyond the years,
    Thine alabaster cities gleam
    Undimmed by human tears!
    America! America!
    God shed His grace on thee,
    Till nobler men keep once again
    Thy whiter jubilee!

    Okay, I'm pretty sure it's not talking about God being Caucasian, but about God's glorious white light.

    To be honest, I've been kinda in a funk as well. Kinda discouraged with our political leaders, likewise with my professional leaders(Boeing CEO), now spiritual leader(Robert Morris)... Anyway, they're all human I suppose. Hopefully my family won't ever feel discouraged by me as the leader of our family? I think it is at times like these I need God more and more. All the debates about God's existence or morality is all kinda pointless now... If I'm wrong about my faith, then I suppose everything is just meaningless and pointless and we're all doomed?

    Now I don't need to be right, I just hope Jesus is really really real and he is in control. If not Jesus, then some other benign Creator who's still in charge...

    Religions aside... humanity has overcame the evils and messed-up-ness of WW2... there's no reason why we can't overcome again and make things better again...
    Last edited by Crazed_Insanity; July 1st, 2024 at 09:21 AM.

  6. #1776
    Senior Member G'day Mate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crazed_Insanity View Post
    Now I don't need to be right, I just hope Jesus is really really real and he is in control. If not Jesus, then some other benign Creator who's still in charge...
    In charge of what? All the animal suffering?

  7. #1777
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    Entire world supposedly fell due to the actions of Adam and Eve. God is supposedly still in control though. There is supposedly a salvation plan in place to fix the situation.

    Even if God doesn’t exist, there’s still some sort of laws at work throughout the universe. Causing everything to function… there are definitely suffering and destruction, but there are also beauty and rebirths… which is happening more? The good or the bad? I still think our universe is amazingly good looking! And our planet is an awesome place to be!

    But then again, what is good what is bad? Who determines that? If there’s no way to define good or bad, then what’s the big deal about animal suffering? It is what it is… why are you feeling bad about the animals?

    I recently heard something interesting from Jordan Peterson. He said that essentially, God vs devil is the same as good vs evil. If you want to pick a side, which side would you pick? Naturally at our current state, we have the entire spectrum from black thru all the gray scales and then to white. This does make our world interesting. Even if we look within, I know I'm not entirely good and I'm also not entirely evil. We do swing back and forth quite a bit. We all certainly have the potential to do a lot of good or a lot of evils. So when push comes to shove, what would I do? What do I believe?

    For those priests and pastors who'd molest little children, do they really 'believe' in God or do they really believe in good? Or are they doing the will of the devil?

    What do you believe? Will you make good choices that'll help make our world a paradise for our children and future generations? Or will you make it hell for them? Adam and Eve made the wrong choice and we all suffered. Should we continue their mistakes and make it worse for our kids and future generations? Or we can try to do better? Help shift the world toward paradise just a bit more?
    Last edited by Crazed_Insanity; July 9th, 2024 at 12:10 PM.

  8. #1778
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    This is probably one of the most amazing conspiracy theories ever told in advance!

    If this is truly from God, let's get prepared for a great depression... Hopefully he's a false prophet who just got lucky. If Trump didn't bust his ear drum, then maybe he's indeed just a false prophet. I do like the part that Trump becomes truly literally 'born again' after a near death experience. However, just not looking forward to another great depression... however, if this is how the swamp will be drained... so be it.

    If it's just the people suffering and the establishment continue to hold on to their wealth and power... then may it not be it!
    Last edited by Crazed_Insanity; July 15th, 2024 at 09:58 AM.

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