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Thread: Politics

  1. #25721
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Servo View Post
    I can't believe I have to say this, but correlation does not equal causation.
    I understand that, that's why I can't really bring myself to vote for him.

    However, I do really like the correlation.

  2. #25722
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yw-slayer View Post
    Lol at the guy on this forum thinking "If it were trump he would have sent seal team six in after those 1200 people."
    It's bizarre, right? He both thinks Trump is the peaceful one but is also like "we have an elite commando force just like in the movies and Trump would totally use it."

  3. #25723
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crazed_Insanity View Post
    I understand that, that's why I can't really bring myself to vote for him.

    However, I do really like the correlation.

    I'm so tired. We keep going in circles on this. We've done yet another lap around "but immigrants are disrupting towns" "except the towns say they aren't" "but forever wars" "the ones we're involved in we stayed involved in during Trump's presidency" "well what about other wars that we're not involved in" "there's no causation there" "I know that, that's why I brought it up."

    We've been through this over and over and every single time you just change the subject when you can't justify the last thing you said. I do not know why you continue to do it and I do not know why I continue to respond.

    If you'd like to know my response to whatever you will write back to this, just look back a month or two and I'm sure you'll find an applicable one.

  4. #25724
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    It kinda like the Cold War. It's so intimidating and scary that people don't want to make any moves to cause mutual destruction... and the consequence of that is peace. Of course if somebody is crazy and stupid enough to start something, then it'd be end of the world!!!

    Trump is just crazier and more unpredictable than other establishment types. This dictator wannabe also knows how other dictators think and he has no problems flexing his muscles and screwing with them...

    I really think terrorists and dictators are more afraid of Trump than any other US presidents.

    Just take the congratulatory call he made directly to the Taiwanese president for her winning another term post election. No other US president would dare to that to mess with official US's position of strategic ambiguity with China. Seriously, what kind of BS was that? Have your cake with China and eat it too?

    Besides the Taiwan issue, there are bunch of seemingly 'crazy' things trump did later on adopted by Biden later on too. See the border issue... is it really a non-issue or problems have really escalated that even Kamala now needs to pay the border a visit?

    To be fair, it wasn't trump who started messing with Roe vs Wade. That was really a dumb move by the newly appointed Justices. There are also bunch of stupid crazy things Trump said that made no sense, but at least he talks like a normal rambling person rather than a politically correct rambling person. Look, I have no problems with political correctness with words, it's certainly good to not speak in ways that offend people, but I just wish dems can be daring enough to state the truth. Why call that "inflation reduction act"? Be bold and just call it for what it really is! Identifying it as inflation reducing doesn't make it inflation reducing.

    Anyway, all I'm saying is that looking back at all past modern presidents, I am the most happy with Trump's handling of foreign affairs and foreign interventions. If Trump really did not directly cause a more peaceful world, I still do like the correlation of those 4 years!

    My main problem with him is that I don't really trust him... especially seeing those working close to him all turned against him... that's why I don't really want to vote for him.

    Likewise I don't trust Kamala too.

    So you guys can pick whoever you want. I'm sitting this one out.

    Vote Kamala if you want to steady as she goes slowly into an iceberg...

    Vote Trump if you want a course change... he might be able to make this ship great again or he just might steer it directly into another iceberg!

    I will leave it up to your capable hands.

    I just hope next time around, we'll have better candidates.

  5. #25725
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Servo View Post

    I'm so tired. We keep going in circles on this. We've done yet another lap around "but immigrants are disrupting towns" "except the towns say they aren't" "but forever wars" "the ones we're involved in we stayed involved in during Trump's presidency" "well what about other wars that we're not involved in" "there's no causation there" "I know that, that's why I brought it up."

    We've been through this over and over and every single time you just change the subject when you can't justify the last thing you said. I do not know why you continue to do it and I do not know why I continue to respond.

    If you'd like to know my response to whatever you will write back to this, just look back a month or two and I'm sure you'll find an applicable one.
    Look, we just cannot agree on somethings so lets just agree to disagree.

    Take Jordan Peterson for example. You think he's a bad guy and I think he's a good guy. It's possible that we're both correct... that you saw only bad qualities and I saw only good qualities? Any normal human being will have both good and bad qualities. We also all like and dislike the same things due to our own reasons. We can't really justify something for other people. I really think political orientation is just like sexual orientation. If we see things differently, then that's that. No way we can convince each other to see things the other way.

    Now the point is, can American conservatives and liberals agree to disagree and still work together for the greater good? Or should we continue to dwell and bicker about how few cookies we have all the while the cookie jar of the 'establishment' continued to be filled with endless # of cookies? And they continue to feed us various different kinds of BS cookie monsters for us to vote on? For sure our democracy cannot work forever this way...

    Like I said in previous post, I will not 'interfere' with the 2024 election. So I will leave it to your capable hands. (No republican can convince me to vote Trump and no dem can convince me to vote Kamala.)

    The fact that the polls are so close at this stage shows we don't really have a perfect candidate. I pray God's coin toss will help America move forward and be better in the future. Whoever ends up in the WH, I pray that he or she will do the best she or he can do for our country and maybe the world too.

    I'm sure we're all tired about this. Rest assured that Trump won't have my vote, okay? Let's just move on... if you have any good things about Kamala you wish to tell me, you let me know. We don't have to talk about Trump if you don't want to. I'm seriously not 'defending' or supporting Trump. I was merely trying to show you the good parts of Trump that I saw. If you disagree..., then just forget about it. I don't need you to vote Trump because I won't even vote trump!

    We're both not voting for Trump, so that's that. We don't need to see exactly eye to eye about Trump.

    If you need me to vote Kamala, then you need to convince me why she's so good. I'm not going to vote for her because of Trump. I'm really tired of the lesser evil game.
    Last edited by Crazed_Insanity; Yesterday at 11:42 AM.

  6. #25726
    High Plains Luddite George's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MR2 Fan View Post
    FEMA having difficulty providing aid to North Carolina due to armed militias threatening them...Jesus Christ.
    North Carolina, where I lived for twenty-six and a half years (well, that includes four years in South Carolina, but same thing, pretty much), can be a backwards shithole at times. There are some cool places and people for sure, as in a lot of the American south, but damn, the stories I hear from there on a very regular basis make me wonder why they can't figure things out.

    Just this morning, my wife shared a Facebook post with me from one of her friends in North Carolina who was at the NC DMV that's just like I remember. It hasn't changed a bit. Hell, he's probably still there four hours later as I post this.

    I used to take a half-day off work (it was what you did when it was DMV time) to go stand in hot summer lines standing on a hard floor with no chairs and in a tight, back-and-forth line divided by stanchions and velvet ropes where we couldn't even spread out from each other. And I mean for HOURS, just standing there, and this was before smart-phones, so everyone was just standing there with nothing to do except glare at the too few employees who moved like sloths. You might find a discarded newspaper to read or bring a paperback book, but if not, you just looked at the stains on the ceiling tiles and smelled the cigarette smoke and watched traffic whiz by outside.

    I see they have chairs now in the picture above, but I am telling you that the DMV office on Independence Boulevard near East Mecklenburg High School did not have them in the 1980s and '90s. You had to stand up in a line for hours.

    And I remember seeing a bunch of the old-style multiple line telephones - with those big clear plastic buttons you'd push down to pick up another call - on a counter behind the workers with every line flashing, indicating someone was calling, but none of the Pattys and Selmas working there would (or could) answer any of the phones due to the never-ending crush of angry customers standing there sweating in the humidity.

    And this isn't related to the current election, but still very much a political topic: what is up with the $7.25 minimum wage in Republican states? Do they just not want to see their hardest working citizens have even a slight chance at getting ahead in life?

    Again, just this morning, my wife (who just returned from a trip to North Carolina yesterday) told me her friend's daughter makes just $15 per hour as a Certified Nurse Assistant. Our sixteen-year-old daughter makes $16 plus tips as a pizza cook! Minimum wage here is $14.42. Our kids and their friends all have money because they work. What the hell is wrong in the south where even adults working full time can't make what part-time high school kids make out here?

    I feel like (most of) the western states are to the east as western Europe is to the USA. I mean, this map, with a few exceptions, looks like a map of the American Civil War!

    Stuff like this is why I just can't watch much news, other than local news for traffic and weather, anymore. Seeing what goes on in our country and the world most of the time just makes me angry and sad.

    I never thought I'd become a "damn liberal," but here I am.
    Last edited by George; Yesterday at 11:44 AM.

  7. #25727
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    I'm kinda conflicted with the min wage thing.

    1st off, it's a 'federal min wage' set by the Federal government. So the anger really shouldn't be directed only at those red states, right? Plus, there are some red states that have slightly higher min wages than set by the federal government?

    So the anger shouldn't be that partisan, but should be directed at our political leaders at both parties.

    Also, take the recent strike going on at Boeing for example. Workers wanted pension back and 40% raise for the next 4 years. Boeing management refused.

    Is it really because the Boeing management is making a crapload of money right now?

    There's no discussion about how to improve quality and safety. Why should workers feel entitled to raises when you assemble planes with doors that can blow out and tools forgotten inside the planes? Everyone is so money focused and they've lost sight of what's truly important. Boeing is in such financial distress now, new CEO is ready to cut 10% of workers company wide. Hope I won't end up on the chopping block...

    Anyway, at least so far, WA DMV services had been super quick, at least compared to CA DMV! Glad I never had to experience NC DMV...

  8. #25728
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    George, I shared that exact map of the civil war states in the COVID-19 thread way back in the day, as it was a near perfect match of early infection rates per county.

    A whole lotta infections in the south!

  9. #25729
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    I get a little worried this thread goes dead when we don't bat around Billi like my cat bats around a toy. Part of it is that an overall feeling that the vast majority of people are non-lunatics and we're in the worst possible timeline for political discussions, but believe it or not I am trying to drag things into mainstream discourse.

  10. #25730
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    Liberals are too ... soft isn't the word.

    I think we need to go hard after the liars in congress, the supreme court, (and in general,) the Jan 6 idiots, the media, the ban books mafia, the trans bathroom militia, the anti abortion but also anti school lunch, anti expanded healthcare, anti WIC, anti national child care idiots, etc.

    But, I believe women who were born as men have no right to play competitive sports against women born as women.

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